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 Upload your instance to Glance

We will make use of the nova snapshot feature in order to create an image from our running instance. We start by retrieving the instance ID :

$ nova list

|                  ID                  |  Name      | Status |       Networks      |
| 739079ab-0f8e-404a-ae6e-a91f4fe99c94 | cloud-pipe | ACTIVE | vlan1= |

We create an image with, using the instance ID :

$ nova image-create 739079a-b-0f8e-404a-ae6e-a91f4fe99c94

Make sure the instance has been upload to the Glance repository :

$ nova image-list
|                  ID                  |      Name     | Status |                Server                |
| 0bfc8fd3-1590-463b-b178-bce30be5ef7b | cloud-pipance | ACTIVE | fb93eda8-4eb8-42f7-b53c-91c6d83cface |

Make that image public (snapshot-based images are private by default):

$ glance image-update 0bfc8fd3-1590-463b-b178-bce30be5ef7b is_public=true

You can ensure the image is now public, running

$ glance show 0bfc8fd3-1590-463b-b178-bce30be5ef7b | grep Public

Public : Yes

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