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 Replicating images across multiple data centers

The image service comes with a tool called glance-replicator that can be used to populate a new glance server using the images stored in an existing glance server. The images in the replicated glance server preserve the uuids, metadata, and image data from the original. Running the tool will output a set of commands that it supports:

$ glance-replicator
Usage: glance-replicator <command> [options] [args]


    help <command>  Output help for one of the commands below

    compare         What is missing from the slave glance?
    dump            Dump the contents of a glance instance to local disk.
    livecopy        Load the contents of one glance instance into another.
    load            Load the contents of a local directory into glance.
    size            Determine the size of a glance instance if dumped to disk.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CHUNKSIZE, --chunksize=CHUNKSIZE
                        Amount of data to transfer per HTTP write
  -d, --debug           Print debugging information
                        List of fields to not replicate
  -m, --metaonly        Only replicate metadata, not images
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile=LOGFILE
                        Path of file to log to
  -s, --syslog          Log to syslog instead of a file
  -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN
                        Pass in your authentication token if you have one. If
                        you use this option the same token is used for both
                        the master and the slave.
                        Pass in your authentication token if you have one.
                        This is the token used for the master.
                        Pass in your authentication token if you have one.
                        This is the token used for the slave.
  -v, --verbose         Print more verbose output

The replicator supports the following commands:

 livecopy: Load the contents of one glance instance into another

glance-replicator livecopy fromserver:port toserver:port

  • fromserver:port: the location of the master glance instance

  • toserver:port: the location of the slave glance instance.

Take a copy of the fromserver, and dump it onto the toserver. Only images visible to the user running the replicator will be copied if glance is configured to use the Identity service (keystone) for authentication. Only images active on fromserver are copied across. The copy is done "on-the-wire" so there are no large temporary files on the machine running the replicator to clean up.

 dump: Dump the contents of a glance instance to local disk

glance-replicator dump server:port path

  • server:port: the location of the glance instance.

  • path: a directory on disk to contain the data.

Do the same thing as livecopy, but dump the contents of the glance server to a directory on disk. This includes metadata and image data. Depending on the size of the local glance repository, the resulting dump may consume a large amount of local storage. Therefore, we recommend you use the size comamnd first to determine the size of the resulting dump.

 load: Load a directory created by the dump command into a glance server

glance-replicator load server:port path

  • server:port: the location of the glance instance.

  • path: a directory on disk containing the data.

Load the contents of a local directory into glance.

The dump and load are useful when replicating across two glance servers where a direct connection across the two glance hosts is impossible or too slow.

 compare: Compare the contents of two glance servers

glance-replicator compare fromserver:port toserver:port
  • fromserver:port: the location of the master glance instance.

  • toserver:port: the location of the slave glance instance.

The compare command will show you the differences between the two servers, which is effectively a dry run of the livecopy command.

 size: Determine the size of a glance instance if dumped to disk

glance-replicator size
  • server:port: the location of the glance instance.

The size command will tell you how much disk is going to be used by image data in either a dump or a livecopy. Note that this will provide raw number of bytes that would be written to the destination, it has no information about the redundancy costs associated with glance-registry back-ends that use replication for redundancy, such as Swift or Ceph.

 Example using livecopy

Assuming you have a primary glance service running on a node called with glance-api service running on port 9292 (the default port) and you want to replicate its contents to a secondary glance service running on a node called, also on port 9292, you will first need to get authentication tokens from keystone for the primary and secondary glance server and then you can use the glance-replicator livecopy command.

The following example assumes that you have a credentials file for your primary cloud called primary.openrc and one for your secondary cloud called secondary.openrc.

$ source primary.openrc
$ keystone token-get
|  Property |              Value               |
| expires   | 2012-11-16T03:13:08Z             |
| id        | 8a5d3afb5095430891f33f69a2791463 |
| tenant_id | dba21b41af584daeac5782ca15a77a25 |
| user_id   | add2ece6b1f94866994d3a3e3beb3d47 |
$ PRIMARY_AUTH_TOKEN=8e97fa8bcf4443cfbd3beb9079c7142f 
$ source secondary.openrc
$ keystone token-get
|  Property |              Value               |
| expires   | 2012-11-16T03:13:08Z             |
| id        | 29f777ac2c9b41a6b4ee9c3e6b85f98a |
| tenant_id | fbde89d638d947a19545b0f387ffea4d |
| user_id   | 4a7a48e7d62e4b428c78d02c1968ca7b |
$ SECONDARY_AUTH_TOKEN=29f777ac2c9b41a6b4ee9c3e6b85f98a
$ glance-replicator livecopy -M ${PRIMARY_AUTH_TOKEN} -S ${SECONDARY_AUTH_TOKEN} 
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