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 Installing the MooseFS chunk and client services

In the first part, we will install the last version of FUSE, and proceed to the installation of the MooseFS chunk and client in the second part.

Installing FUSE

  1. Required package

    $ apt-get install util-linux 

    $ yum install util-linux
  2. Download the sources and configure them

    For that setup we will retrieve the last version of fuse to make sure every function will be available :

    $ wget && tar -zxvf fuse-2.9.1.tar.gz && cd fuse-2.9.1
    $ ./configure && make && make install

Installing the MooseFS chunk and client services

For installing both services, you can follow the same steps that were presented before (Steps 1 to 4) :

  1. Hosts entry configuration

  2. Required packages

  3. User and group creation

  4. Download the sources

  5. Extract and configure the sources

    Extract the package and compile it :

    $ tar -zxvf mfs-1.6.25.tar.gz && cd mfs-1.6.25 

    For the MooseFS chunk server installation, we only disable from the compilation the mfsmaster component :

    $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/moosefs --localstatedir=/var/lib --with-default-user=mfs --with-default-group=mfs --disable-mfsmaster
    $ make && make install

  6. Create configuration files

    The chunk servers configuration is relatively easy to setup. You only need to create on every server directories that will be used for storing the datas of your cluster.

    $ cd /etc/moosefs

    $ cp  mfschunkserver.cfg.dist mfschunkserver.cfg

    $ cp  mfshdd.cfg.dist mfshdd.cfg

    $ mkdir /mnt/mfschunks{1,2} && chown -R mfs:mfs /mnt/mfschunks{1,2}

    Edit /etc/moosefs/mfhdd.cfg and add the directories you created to make them part of the cluster :

    # mount points of HDD drives
  7. Power up the MooseFS mfschunkserver service

    $ /usr/sbin/mfschunkserver start

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