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 Part I: Setting Up as a TryStack User

In this part, we'll get a TryStack account using our Facebook login. Onward, brave cloud pioneers!

Go to the TryStack Facebook account at and request to join the group.

Once you've joined the group, go to the TryStack dashboard and click Login using Facebook.

Enter your Facebook login information to receive your username and password that you can use with the Compute API.

Next, install the python-novaclient and set up your environment variables so you can use the client with your username and password already entered. Here's what works well on Mac OS X.

$ pip install -e git+

Next, create a file named openrc to contain your TryStack credentials, such as:

export OS_USERNAME=joecool
export OS_PASSWORD=coolword
export OS_TENANT_NAME=coolu
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export NOVA_VERSION=1.1

Lastly, run this file to source your credentials.

$ source openrc

You can always retrieve your username and password from after logging in with Facebook.

Okay, you've created the basic scaffolding for your cloud user so that you can get some images and run instances on TryStack with your starter set of StackDollars. You're rich, man! Now to Part II!

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