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 File format for nova.conf


The Compute service supports a large number of configuration options. These options are specified in a configuration file whose default location in /etc/nova/nova.conf.

The configuration file is in INI file format, with options specified as key=value pairs, grouped into sections. Almost all of the configuration options are in the DEFAULT section. Here's a brief example:



 Types of configuration options

Each configuration option has an associated type that indicates what values can be set. The supported option types are as follows:


Boolean option. Value must be either true or false . Example:


String option. Value is an arbitrary string. Example:


Integer option. Value must be an integer. Example:


String option. Same as StrOpt, except that it can be declared multiple times to indicate multiple values. Example:

List option. Value is a list of arbitrary strings separated by commas. Example:


Floating-point option. Value must be a floating-point number. Example:



Nova options should not be quoted.


Configuration options are grouped by section. The Compute config file supports the following sections.


Almost all of the configuration options are organized into this section. If the documentation for a configuration option does not specify its section, assume that it should be placed in this one.


The cells section is used for options for configuring cells functionality. See the Cells section of the OpenStack Compute Admin Manual for more details.


This section is used for options that relate to the baremetal hypervisor driver.


The conductor section is used for options for configuring the nova-conductor service.


The trusted_computing section is used for options that relate to the trusted computing pools functionality. Options in this section describe how to connect to a remote attestation service.

 Variable substitution

The configuration file supports variable substitution. Once a configuration option is set, it can be referenced in later configuration values when preceded by $. Consider the following example where my_ip is defined and then $my_ip is used as a variable.


If you need a value to contain the $ symbol, escape it by doing $$. For example, if your LDAP DNS password was $xkj432, you would do:


The Compute code uses Python's string.Template.safe_substitute() method to implement variable substitution. For more details on how variable substitution is resolved, see Python documentation on template strings and PEP 292.


To include whitespace in a configuration value, use a quoted string. For example:

ldap_dns_passsword='a password with spaces'

 Specifying an alternate location for nova.conf

The configuration file is loaded by all of the nova-* services, as well as the nova-manage command-line tool. To specify an alternate location for the configuration file, pass the --config-file /path/to/nova.conf argument when starting a nova-* service or calling nova-manage.

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