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 Existing High Availability Options for Networking

Based off a blog post by Vish Ishaya

As illustrated in the Flat DHCP diagram in Section Configuring Flat DHCP Networking titled Flat DHCP network, multiple interfaces, multiple servers, traffic from the VM to the public internet has to go through the host running nova network. DHCP is handled by nova-network as well, listening on the gateway address of the fixed_range network. The compute hosts can optionally have their own public IPs, or they can use the network host as their gateway. This mode is pretty simple and it works in the majority of situations, but it has one major drawback: the network host is a single point of failure! If the network host goes down for any reason, it is impossible to communicate with the VMs. Here are some options for avoiding the single point of failure.

 HA Option 1: Multi-host

To eliminate the network host as a single point of failure, Compute can be configured to allow each compute host to do all of the networking jobs for its own VMs. Each compute host does NAT, DHCP, and acts as a gateway for all of its own VMs. While there is still a single point of failure in this scenario, it is the same point of failure that applies to all virtualized systems.

This setup requires adding an IP on the VM network to each host in the system, and it implies a little more overhead on the compute hosts. It is also possible to combine this with option 4 (HW Gateway) to remove the need for your compute hosts to gateway. In that hybrid version they would no longer gateway for the VMs and their responsibilities would only be DHCP and NAT.

The resulting layout for the new HA networking option looks the following diagram:


Figure 10.13. High Availability Networking Option

In contrast with the earlier diagram, all the hosts in the system are running the nova-compute, nova-network and nova-api services. Each host does DHCP and does NAT for public traffic for the VMs running on that particular host. In this model every compute host requires a connection to the public internet and each host is also assigned an address from the VM network where it listens for DHCP traffic. The nova-api service is needed so that it can act as a metadata server for the instances.

To run in HA mode, each compute host must run the following services:

  • nova-compute

  • nova-network

  • nova-api-metadata or nova-api

If the compute host is not an API endpoint, use the nova-api-metadata service. The nova.conf file should contain:


The send_arp_for_ha option facilitates sending of gratuitous arp messages to ensure the arp caches on compute hosts are up to date.

If a compute host is also an API endpoint, use the nova-api service. Your enabled_apis option will need to contain metadata, as well as additional options depending on the API services. For example, if it supports compute requests, volume requests, and EC2 compatibility, the nova.conf file should contain:


The multi_host option must be in place when you create the network and nova-network must be run on every compute host. These created multi hosts networks will send all network related commands to the host that the specific VM is on. You need to edit the configuration option enabled_apis such that it includes metadata in the list of enabled APIs. Other options become available when you configure multi_host nova networking please refer to Configuration: nova.conf.


You must specify the multi_host option on the command line when creating fixed networks. For example:

#  nova network-create test --fixed-range-v4= --multi-host=T

 HA Option 2: Failover

The folks at NTT labs came up with a ha-linux configuration that allows for a 4 second failover to a hot backup of the network host. Details on their approach can be found in the following post to the openstack mailing list:

This solution is definitely an option, although it requires a second host that essentially does nothing unless there is a failure. Also four seconds can be too long for some real-time applications.

To enable this HA option, your nova.conf file must contain the following option:


See for details on why this option is required when configuring for failover.

 HA Option 3: Multi-nic

Recently, nova gained support for multi-nic. This allows us to bridge a given VM into multiple networks. This gives us some more options for high availability. It is possible to set up two networks on separate vlans (or even separate ethernet devices on the host) and give the VMs a NIC and an IP on each network. Each of these networks could have its own network host acting as the gateway.

In this case, the VM has two possible routes out. If one of them fails, it has the option of using the other one. The disadvantage of this approach is it offloads management of failure scenarios to the guest. The guest needs to be aware of multiple networks and have a strategy for switching between them. It also doesn't help with floating IPs. One would have to set up a floating IP associated with each of the IPs on private the private networks to achieve some type of redundancy.

 HA Option 4: Hardware gateway

The dnsmasq service can be configured to use an external gateway instead of acting as the gateway for the VMs. This offloads HA to standard switching hardware and it has some strong benefits. Unfortunately, the nova-network service is still responsible for floating IP natting and DHCP, so some failover strategy needs to be employed for those options. To configure for hardware gateway:

  1. Create a dnsmasq configuration file (e.g., /etc/dnsmasq-nova.conf) that contains the IP address of the external gateway. If running in FlatDHCP mode, assuming the IP address of the hardware gateway was, the file would contain the line:


    If running in VLAN mode, a separate router must be specified for each network. The networks are identified by the first argument when calling nova network-create to create the networks as documented in the Configuring VLAN Networking subsection. Assuming you have three VLANs, that are labeled red, green, and blue, with corresponding hardware routers at, and, the dnsmasqconfiguration file (e.g., /etc/dnsmasq-nova.conf) would contain the following:

  2. Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf to specify the location of the dnsmasq configuration file:

  3. Configure the hardware gateway to forward metadata requests to a host that's running the nova-api service with the metadata API enabled.

    The virtual machine instances access the metadata service at port 80. The hardware gateway should forward these requests to a host running the nova-api service on the port specified as the metadata_host config option in /etc/nova/nova.conf, which defaults to 8775.

    Make sure that the list in the enabled_apis configuration option /etc/nova/nova.conf contains metadata in addition to the other APIs. An example that contains the EC2 API, the OpenStack compute API, the OpenStack volume API, and the metadata service would look like:

  4. Ensure you have set up routes properly so that the subnet that you use for virtual machines is routable.

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