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 Configuring Quotas

For tenants, quota controls are available to limit the (flag and default shown in parenthesis):

  • Number of volumes which may be created (volumes=10)

  • Total size of all volumes within a project as measured in GB (gigabytes=1000)

  • Number of instances which may be launched (instances=10)

  • Number of processor cores which may be allocated (cores=20)

  • Publicly accessible IP addresses for persistence in DNS assignment (floating_ips=10)

  • Privately (or publicly) accessible IP addresses for management purposes (fixed_ips=-1 unlimited)

  • Amount of RAM that can be allocated in MB (ram=512000)

  • Number of files that can be injected (injected_files=5)

  • Maximal size of injected files in B (injected_file_content_bytes=10240)

  • Number of security groups that may be created (security_groups=10)

  • Number of rules per security group (security_group_rules=20)

The defaults may be modified by setting the variable in nova.conf, then restarting the nova-api service.

To modify a value for a specific project, the nova-manage command should be used. For example:

$ nova-manage project quota --project=1113f5f266f3477ac03da4e4f82d0568 --key=cores --value=40

Alternately, quota settings are available through the OpenStack Dashboard in the "Edit Project" page.

Table 4.19. Description of configuration options for quota
Configuration option=Default value (Type) Description
bandwidth_poll_interval=600 (IntOpt)interval to pull bandwidth usage info
enable_network_quota=False (BoolOpt)Enables or disables quotaing of tenant networks
quota_cores=20 (IntOpt)number of instance cores allowed per project
quota_driver=nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver (StrOpt)default driver to use for quota checks
quota_fixed_ips=-1 (IntOpt)number of fixed ips allowed per project (this should be at least the number of instances allowed)
quota_floating_ips=10 (IntOpt)number of floating ips allowed per project
quota_injected_file_content_bytes=10240 (IntOpt)number of bytes allowed per injected file
quota_injected_file_path_bytes=255 (IntOpt)number of bytes allowed per injected file path
quota_injected_files=5 (IntOpt)number of injected files allowed
quota_instances=10 (IntOpt)number of instances allowed per project
quota_key_pairs=100 (IntOpt)number of key pairs per user
quota_metadata_items=128 (IntOpt)number of metadata items allowed per instance
quota_ram=51200 (IntOpt)megabytes of instance ram allowed per project
quota_security_group_rules=20 (IntOpt)number of security rules per security group
quota_security_groups=10 (IntOpt)number of security groups per project

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