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 Installing MooseFS as shared storage for the instances directory

In the previous section we presented a convenient way to deploy a shared storage using NFS. For better transactions performance, you could deploy MooseFS instead.

MooseFS (Moose File System) is a shared file system ; it implements the same rough concepts of shared storage solutions - such as Ceph, Lustre or even GlusterFS.

Main concepts

  • A metadata server (MDS), also called master server, which manages the file repartition, their access and the namespace.

  • A metalogger server (MLS) which backs up the MDS logs, including, objects, chunks, sessions and object metadata

  • A chunk server (CSS) which store the data as chunks and replicate them across the chunkservers

  • A client, which talks with the MDS and interact with the CSS. MooseFS clients manage MooseFS filesystem using FUSE

For more informations, please see the Official project website

Our setup will be made the following way :

  • Two compute nodes running both MooseFS chunkserver and client services.

  • One MooseFS master server, running the metadata service.

  • One MooseFS slave server, running the metalogger service.

For that particular walkthrough, we will use the following network schema :

  • for the MooseFS metadata server admin IP

  • for the MooseFS metadata server main IP

  • for the MooseFS metalogger server admin IP

  • for the MooseFS metalogger server main IP

  • for the MooseFS first chunkserver IP

  • for the MooseFS second chunkserver IP


Figure 4.3. MooseFS deployment for OpenStack

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