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 Configuring Networking on the Compute Node

To configure the Compute node's networking for the VM images, the overall steps are:

  1. Set the network_manager option in nova.conf.

  2. Use the nova network-create label --fixed-range-v4 CIDR [--vlan vlan_id] command to create the subnet that the VMs reside on, specifying a VLAN if running in VLAN Network Mode.

  3. Integrate the bridge with your network.

By default, Compute uses the VLAN Network Mode. You choose the networking mode for your virtual instances in the nova.conf file. Here are the three possible options:


    Simple, non-VLAN networking


    Flat networking with DHCP, you must set a bridge using the flat_network_bridge option


    VLAN networking with DHCP. This is the Default if no network manager is defined in nova.conf.

Use the following command to create a subnet (named private in this example) that your VMs will run on :

nova network-create private --fixed-range-v4

When using the XenAPI compute driver, the OpenStack services run in a virtual machine. This means networking is significantly different when compared to the networking with the libvirt compute driver. Before reading how to configure networking using the XenAPI compute driver, you may find it useful to read the Citrix article on Understanding XenServer Networking and the section of this document that describes XenAPI and OpenStack.

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