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 nova-novncproxy (novnc)

You will need the novnc package installed, which contains the nova-novncproxy service. As root:

# apt-get install novnc

The service should start automatically on install. To restart it:

# service novnc restart

The configuration option parameter should point to your nova.conf configuration file that includes the message queue server address and credentials.

By default, nova-novncproxy binds on

In order to connect the service to your nova deployment, add the two following configuration options into your nova.conf file :

  • vncserver_listen=

    This configuration option allow you to specify the address for the vnc service to bind on, make sure it is assigned one of the compute node interfaces. This address will be the one used by your domain file.

    <graphics type="vnc" autoport="yes" keymap="en-us" listen=""/>


    In order to have the live migration working, make sure to use the

  • vncserver_ proxyclient_ address =

    This is the address of the compute host that nova will instruct proxies to use when connecting to instance vncservers.

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