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 Configuring Keystone SSL support

Keystone may be configured to support 2-way SSL out-of-the-box. The x509 certificates used by Keystone must be obtained externally and configured for use with Keystone as described in this section. However, a set of sample certificates is provided in the examples/ssl directory with the Keystone distribution for testing. Here is the description of each of them and their purpose:

  • ca.pem - Certificate Authority chain to validate against.

  • keystone.pem - Public certificate for Keystone server.

  • middleware.pem - Public and private certificate for Keystone middleware/client.

  • cakey.pem - Private key for the CA.

  • keystonekey.pem - Private key for the Keystone server.

Note that you may choose whatever names you want for these certificates, or combine the public/private keys in the same file if you wish. These certificates are just provided as an example.

To enable SSL with client authentication, modify the etc/keystone.conf file accordingly under the [ssl] section. SSL configuration example using the included sample certificates:

enable = True
certfile = <path to keystone.pem>
keyfile = <path to keystonekey.pem>
ca_certs = <path to ca.pem>
cert_required = True


enable = True
certfile = /home/agentl/openstack/tests/certs/signing_cert.pem  
keyfile = /home/agentl/openstack/tests/certs/private_key.pem  
ca_certs = /home/agentl/openstack/tests/certs/cacert.pem  
cert_required = True 

  • enable: True enables SSL. Defaults to False.

  • certfile: Path to Keystone public certificate file.

  • keyfile: Path to Keystone private certificate file. If the private key is included in the certfile, the keyfile may be omitted.

  • ca_certs: Path to CA trust chain.

  • cert_required: Requires client certificate. Defaults to False.

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