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 Configuring Keystone for an LDAP backend

As an alternative to the SQL Database backing store, Keystone can use a directory server to provide the Identity service. An example Schema for OpenStack would look like this:

dn: cn=openstack,cn=org
dc: openstack
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: openstack

dn: ou=Groups,cn=openstack,cn=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: groups

dn: ou=Users,cn=openstack,cn=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: users

dn: ou=Roles,cn=openstack,cn=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: roles

The corresponding entries in the Keystone configuration file are:

url = ldap://localhost
user = dc=Manager,dc=openstack,dc=org
password = badpassword
suffix = dc=openstack,dc=org
use_dumb_member = False
allow_subtree_delete = False

user_tree_dn = ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=com
user_objectclass = inetOrgPerson

tenant_tree_dn = ou=Groups,dc=openstack,dc=com
tenant_objectclass = groupOfNames

role_tree_dn = ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com
role_objectclass = organizationalRole

The default object classes and attributes are intentionally simplistic. They reflect the common standard objects according to the LDAP RFCs. However, in a live deployment, the correct attributes can be overridden to support a preexisting, more complex schema. For example, in the user object, the objectClass posixAccount from RFC2307 is very common. If this is the underlying objectclass, then the uid field should probably be uidNumber and username field either uid or cn. To change these two fields, the corresponding entries in the Keystone configuration file are:

user_id_attribute = uidNumber
user_name_attribute = cn

There is a set of allowed actions per object type that you can modify depending on your specific deployment. For example, the users are managed by another tool and you have only read access, in such case the configuration is:

user_allow_create = False
user_allow_update = False
user_allow_delete = False

tenant_allow_create = True
tenant_allow_update = True
tenant_allow_delete = True

role_allow_create = True
role_allow_update = True
role_allow_delete = True

There are some configuration options for filtering users, tenants and roles, if the backend is providing too much output, in such case the configuration will look like:

user_filter = (memberof=CN=openstack-users,OU=workgroups,DC=openstack,DC=com)
tenant_filter =
role_filter =

In case that the directory server does not have an attribute enabled of type boolean for the user, there are several configuration parameters that can be used to extract the value from an integer attribute like in Active Directory:

user_enabled_attribute = userAccountControl
user_enabled_mask      = 2
user_enabled_default   = 512

In this case the attribute is an integer and the enabled attribute is listed in bit 1, so the if the mask configured user_enabled_mask is different from 0, it gets the value from the field user_enabled_attribute and it makes an ADD operation with the value indicated on user_enabled_mask and if the value matches the mask then the account is disabled.

It also saves the value without mask to the user identity in the attribute enabled_nomask. This is needed in order to set it back in case that we need to change it to enable/disable a user because it contains more information than the status like password expiration. Last setting user_enabled_mask is needed in order to create a default value on the integer attribute (512 = NORMAL ACCOUNT on AD)

In case of Active Directory the classes and attributes could not match the specified classes in the LDAP module so you can configure them like so:

user_objectclass         = person
user_id_attribute        = cn
user_name_attribute      = cn
user_mail_attribute      = mail
user_enabled_attribute   = userAccountControl
user_enabled_mask        = 2
user_enabled_default     = 512
user_attribute_ignore    = tenant_id,tenants
tenant_objectclass       = groupOfNames
tenant_id_attribute      = cn
tenant_member_attribute  = member
tenant_name_attribute    = ou
tenant_desc_attribute    = description
tenant_enabled_attribute = extensionName
tenant_attribute_ignore  =
role_objectclass         = organizationalRole
role_id_attribute        = cn
role_name_attribute      = ou
role_member_attribute    = roleOccupant
role_attribute_ignore    =
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