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 Cloudpipe Troubleshooting and Automation

  • Troubleshoot your cloudpipe instance

    A periodic task disassociates the fixed ip address for the cloudpipe instance. Into /var/log/nova/nova-network.log, the following line should appear :

    Running periodic task VlanManager._disassociate_stale_fixed_ips from (pid=21578) periodic_tasks /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/   

    Once the job has been run, $ nova cloudpipe-listshould not return anything ; but if the cloudpipe instance is respawned too quickly; the following error could be encountered :

    ERROR nova.rpc.amqp Returning exception Fixed IP address is already in use.

    In order to resolve that issue, log into the mysql server and update the ip address status :

    (mysql) use nova;
    (mysql) SELECT * FROM fixed_ips WHERE address='';
    | created_at          | updated_at          | deleted_at | deleted | id  | address       | network_id | instance_id | allocated | leased | reserved | virtual_interface_id | host |
    | 2012-05-21 12:06:18 | 2012-06-18 09:26:25 | NULL       |       0 | 484 | |         13 |         630 |         0 |      0 |        1 |                 NULL | NULL |
    (mysql) UPDATE fixed_ips SET allocated=0, leased=0, instance_id=NULL WHERE address='';
    (mysql) SELECT * FROM fixed_ips WHERE address='';
    | created_at          | updated_at          | deleted_at | deleted | id  | address       | network_id | instance_id | allocated | leased | reserved | virtual_interface_id |      |                 +---------------------+---------------------+------------+---------+-----+---------------+------------+-------------+-----------+--------+----------+----------------------+------+
    | 2012-05-21 12:06:18 | 2012-06-18 09:26:25 | NULL       |       0 | 484 | |         13 |        NULL |         0 |      0 |        1 |                 NULL | NULL |

  • Cloudpipe-related configuration option reference

    Table 10.2. Description of configuration options for vpn
    Configuration option=Default value (Type) Description
    boot_script_template=$pybasedir/nova/cloudpipe/bootscript.template (StrOpt)Template for cloudpipe instance boot script
    dmz_cidr=[] (ListOpt)A list of dmz range that should be accepted
    dmz_mask= (StrOpt)Netmask to push into openvpn config
    dmz_net= (StrOpt)Network to push into openvpn config
    vpn_image_id=0 (StrOpt)image id used when starting up a cloudpipe vpn server
    vpn_instance_type=m1.tiny (StrOpt)Instance type for vpn instances
    vpn_ip=$my_ip (StrOpt)Public IP for the cloudpipe VPN servers
    vpn_key_suffix=-vpn (StrOpt)Suffix to add to project name for vpn key and secgroups
    vpn_start=1000 (IntOpt)First Vpn port for private networks

  • Cloudpipe-related files

    Nova stores cloudpipe keys into /var/lib/nova/keys.

    Certificates are stored into /var/lib/nova/CA.

    Credentials are stored into /var/lib/nova/CA/projects/

  • Automate the cloudpipe image installation

    You can automate the image creation by download that script and running it from inside the instance : Get the script from Github

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