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 Diagnose your compute node

You can obtain extra informations about the instance you just spawned : its CPU usage, the memory, the disk io or network io, per instance, by running the nova diagnostics command:

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name | Status | Networks               |
| 50191b9c-b26d-4b61-8404-f149c29acd5a | test | ACTIVE | local-net= |

$ nova diagnostics 50191b9c-b26d-4b61-8404-f149c29acd5a 
| Property         | Value      |
| cpu0_time        | 9160000000 |
| memory           | 524288     |
| memory-actual    | 524288     |
| memory-rss       | 178040     |
| vda_errors       | -1         |
| vda_read         | 3146752    |
| vda_read_req     | 202        |
| vda_write        | 1024       |
| vda_write_req    | 1          |
| vnet0_rx         | 610        |
| vnet0_rx_drop    | 0          |
| vnet0_rx_errors  | 0          |
| vnet0_rx_packets | 7          |
| vnet0_tx         | 0          |
| vnet0_tx_drop    | 0          |
| vnet0_tx_errors  | 0          |
| vnet0_tx_packets | 0          |

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