CrossFade(stateName: string, transitionDuration: float, layer: int = -1, normalizedTime: float = float.NegativeInfinity): void;
void CrossFade(string stateName, float transitionDuration, int layer = -1, float normalizedTime = float.NegativeInfinity);
def CrossFade(stateName as string, transitionDuration as float, layer as int = -1, normalizedTime as float = float.NegativeInfinity) as void
CrossFade(stateNameHash: int, transitionDuration: float, layer: int = -1, normalizedTime: float = float.NegativeInfinity): void;
void CrossFade(int stateNameHash, float transitionDuration, int layer = -1, float normalizedTime = float.NegativeInfinity);
def CrossFade(stateNameHash as int, transitionDuration as float, layer as int = -1, normalizedTime as float = float.NegativeInfinity) as void

stateName The name of the destination state.
transitionDuration The duration of the transition. Value is in source state normalized time.
normalizedTime Start time of the current destination state. Value is in source state normalized time, should be between 0 and 1.
layer Layer index containing the destination state.
stateNameHash State hash of the destination state.

Create a dynamic transition between the current state and the destination state.

Both state as to be on the same layer.

You cannot change the current state on a synchronized layer, you need to change it on the referenced layer.