Physics2DNamespace: UnityEngine

Global settings and helpers for 2D physics.

Static Variables
AllLayers Layer mask constant that includes all layers.
DefaultRaycastLayers Layer mask constant that includes all layers participating in raycasts by default.
gravity Acceleration due to gravity.
IgnoreRaycastLayer Layer mask constant for the default layer that ignores raycasts.
positionIterations The number of iterations of the physics solver when considering objects' positions.
raycastsHitTriggers Do raycasts detect Colliders configured as triggers?
velocityIterations The number of iterations of the physics solver when considering objects' velocities.
Static Functions
GetIgnoreLayerCollision Should collisions between the specified layers be ignored?
GetRayIntersection Cast a 3D ray against the colliders in the scene returning the first collider along the ray.
GetRayIntersectionAll Cast a 3D ray against the colliders in the scene returning all the colliders along the ray.
GetRayIntersectionNonAlloc Cast a 3D ray against the colliders in the scene returning the colliders along the ray.
IgnoreLayerCollision Choose whether to detect or ignore collisions between a specified pair of layers.
Linecast Casts a line against colliders in the scene.
LinecastAll Casts a line against colliders in the scene.
LinecastNonAlloc Casts a line against colliders in the scene.
OverlapArea Check if a collider falls within a rectangular area.
OverlapAreaAll Get a list of all colliders that fall within a rectangular area.
OverlapAreaNonAlloc Get a list of all colliders that fall within a specified area.
OverlapCircle Check if a collider falls within a circular area.
OverlapCircleAll Get a list of all colliders that fall within a circular area.
OverlapCircleNonAlloc Get a list of all colliders that fall within a circular area.
OverlapPoint Check if a collider overlaps a point in space.
OverlapPointAll Get a list of all colliders that overlap a point in space.
OverlapPointNonAlloc Get a list of all colliders that overlap a point in space.
Raycast Casts a ray against colliders in the scene.
RaycastAll Casts a ray against colliders in the scene, returning all colliders that contact with it.
RaycastNonAlloc Casts a ray into the scene.