Play(stateName: string, layer: int = -1, normalizedTime: float = float.NegativeInfinity): void;
void Play(string stateName, int layer = -1, float normalizedTime = float.NegativeInfinity);
def Play(stateName as string, layer as int = -1, normalizedTime as float = float.NegativeInfinity) as void
Play(stateNameHash: int, layer: int = -1, normalizedTime: float = float.NegativeInfinity): void;
void Play(int stateNameHash, int layer = -1, float normalizedTime = float.NegativeInfinity);
def Play(stateNameHash as int, layer as int = -1, normalizedTime as float = float.NegativeInfinity) as void

stateName The name of the state the will be played.
layer The layer where the state is.
normalizedTime The normalized time at which the state will play.
stateNameHash The hash of the state.

Plays a state.

This could be used to synchronize your animation with audio or synchronize an Animator over the network.