static function Status(assets: AssetList): Task;
static Task Status(AssetList assets);
static def Status(assets as AssetList) as Task
static function Status(asset: Asset): Task;
static Task Status(Asset asset);
static def Status(asset as Asset) as Task
static function Status(assets: AssetList, recursively: bool): Task;
static Task Status(AssetList assets, bool recursively);
static def Status(assets as AssetList, recursively as bool) as Task
static function Status(asset: Asset, recursively: bool): Task;
static Task Status(Asset asset, bool recursively);
static def Status(asset as Asset, recursively as bool) as Task
static function Status(assets: string[]): Task;
static Task Status(string[] assets);
static def Status(assets as string[]) as Task
static function Status(assets: string[], recursively: bool): Task;
static Task Status(string[] assets, bool recursively);
static def Status(assets as string[], recursively as bool) as Task
static function Status(asset: string): Task;
static Task Status(string asset);
static def Status(asset as string) as Task
static function Status(asset: string, recursively: bool): Task;
static Task Status(string asset, bool recursively);
static def Status(asset as string, recursively as bool) as Task

assets The assets fetch new state for.
asset The asset path to fetch new state for.
recursively If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.

Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.

The updated assets can be access through the task once it has completed.