static var isCompiling: bool;
static bool isCompiling;
static isCompiling as bool

Is editor currently compiling scripts? (Read Only)

Editor Window that tells you if Unity is compiling scripts.
	// Dont let the user enter in play mode if the editor is compiling the assemblies
	class FinishCompiling extends EditorWindow {
		@MenuItem("Example/Dont Let Play until finish compiling")
		static function Init() {
			var window : FinishCompiling = 
				EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(FinishCompiling, Rect(0,0,165,40));
		function OnGUI () {
			EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Compiling:", EditorApplication.isCompiling?"YES" : "No");
		function Update() {
			if(EditorApplication.isCompiling) {
				EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;