static function ModalWindow(id: int, clientRect: Rect, func: WindowFunction, text: string): Rect;
static Rect ModalWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, string text);
static def ModalWindow(id as int, clientRect as Rect, func as WindowFunction, text as string) as Rect
static function ModalWindow(id: int, clientRect: Rect, func: WindowFunction, image: Texture): Rect;
static Rect ModalWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, Texture image);
static def ModalWindow(id as int, clientRect as Rect, func as WindowFunction, image as Texture) as Rect
static function ModalWindow(id: int, clientRect: Rect, func: WindowFunction, content: GUIContent): Rect;
static Rect ModalWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, GUIContent content);
static def ModalWindow(id as int, clientRect as Rect, func as WindowFunction, content as GUIContent) as Rect
static function ModalWindow(id: int, clientRect: Rect, func: WindowFunction, text: string, style: GUIStyle): Rect;
static Rect ModalWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, string text, GUIStyle style);
static def ModalWindow(id as int, clientRect as Rect, func as WindowFunction, text as string, style as GUIStyle) as Rect
static function ModalWindow(id: int, clientRect: Rect, func: WindowFunction, image: Texture, style: GUIStyle): Rect;
static Rect ModalWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, Texture image, GUIStyle style);
static def ModalWindow(id as int, clientRect as Rect, func as WindowFunction, image as Texture, style as GUIStyle) as Rect
static function ModalWindow(id: int, clientRect: Rect, func: WindowFunction, content: GUIContent, style: GUIStyle): Rect;
static Rect ModalWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style);
static def ModalWindow(id as int, clientRect as Rect, func as WindowFunction, content as GUIContent, style as GUIStyle) as Rect

id A unique id number.
clientRect Position and size of the window.
func A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.
text Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.
image An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.
content GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.
style Style to apply to the window.

Show a Modal Window.

Similar to GUI.Window, however the window will always be on top of all other GUI, and while displayed, is guaranteed to be sole recipient of all GUI input and events. While a ModalWindow is being displayed, other controls will not be processing input. Note that only one ModalWindow can be displayed at a time.