Style | An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used. |
id | ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique). |
clientRect | Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size. |
func | Script function to display the window's contents. |
text | Text to render inside the window. |
image | Image to render inside the window. |
content | GUIContent to render inside the window. |
style | Style information for the window. |
title | Text displayed in the window's title bar. |
Make a popup window.
var windowRect : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50); function OnGUI () { // Register the window. Notice the 3rd parameter windowRect = GUI.Window (0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, "My Window"); } // Make the contents of the window function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) { if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,20,100,20), "Hello World")) print ("Got a click"); }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { public Rect windowRect = new Rect(20, 20, 120, 50); void OnGUI() { windowRect = GUI.Window(0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, "My Window"); } void DoMyWindow(int windowID) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 20, 100, 20), "Hello World")) print("Got a click"); } }
import UnityEngine import System.Collections public class Example(MonoBehaviour): public windowRect as Rect = Rect(20, 20, 120, 50) def OnGUI() as void: windowRect = GUI.Window(0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, 'My Window') def DoMyWindow(windowID as int) as void: if GUI.Button(Rect(10, 20, 100, 20), 'Hello World'): print('Got a click')
var windowRect0 : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50); var windowRect1 : Rect = Rect (20, 100, 120, 50); function OnGUI () { // Register the window. We create two windows that use the same function // Notice that their IDs differ windowRect0 = GUI.Window (0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, "My Window"); windowRect1 = GUI.Window (1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, "My Window"); } // Make the contents of the window function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) { if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,20,100,20), "Hello World")) print ("Got a click in window " + windowID); // Make the windows be draggable. GUI.DragWindow (Rect (0,0,10000,10000)); }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { public Rect windowRect0 = new Rect(20, 20, 120, 50); public Rect windowRect1 = new Rect(20, 100, 120, 50); void OnGUI() { windowRect0 = GUI.Window(0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, "My Window"); windowRect1 = GUI.Window(1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, "My Window"); } void DoMyWindow(int windowID) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 20, 100, 20), "Hello World")) print("Got a click in window " + windowID); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); } }
import UnityEngine import System.Collections public class Example(MonoBehaviour): public windowRect0 as Rect = Rect(20, 20, 120, 50) public windowRect1 as Rect = Rect(20, 100, 120, 50) def OnGUI() as void: windowRect0 = GUI.Window(0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, 'My Window') windowRect1 = GUI.Window(1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, 'My Window') def DoMyWindow(windowID as int) as void: if GUI.Button(Rect(10, 20, 100, 20), 'Hello World'): print(('Got a click in window ' + windowID)) GUI.DragWindow(Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000))
// boolean variable to decide whether to show the window or not. // Change this from the in-game GUI, scripting, the inspector or anywhere else to // decide whether the window is visible var doWindow0 : boolean = true; // Make the contents of the window. function DoWindow0 (windowID : int) { GUI.Button (Rect (10,30, 80,20), "Click Me!"); } function OnGUI () { // Make a toggle button for hiding and showing the window doWindow0 = GUI.Toggle (Rect (10,10,100,20), doWindow0, "Window 0"); // Make sure we only call GUI.Window if doWindow0 is true. if (doWindow0) GUI.Window (0, Rect (110,10,200,60), DoWindow0, "Basic Window"); }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { public bool doWindow0 = true; void DoWindow0(int windowID) { GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 30, 80, 20), "Click Me!"); } void OnGUI() { doWindow0 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 20), doWindow0, "Window 0"); if (doWindow0) GUI.Window(0, new Rect(110, 10, 200, 60), DoWindow0, "Basic Window"); } }
import UnityEngine import System.Collections public class Example(MonoBehaviour): public doWindow0 as bool = true def DoWindow0(windowID as int) as void: GUI.Button(Rect(10, 30, 80, 20), 'Click Me!') def OnGUI() as void: doWindow0 = GUI.Toggle(Rect(10, 10, 100, 20), doWindow0, 'Window 0') if doWindow0: GUI.Window(0, Rect(110, 10, 200, 60), DoWindow0, 'Basic Window')
var windowRect0 : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50); var windowRect1 : Rect = Rect (20, 100, 120, 50); function OnGUI () { // Here we make 2 windows. We set the GUI.color value to something before each. GUI.color =; windowRect0 = GUI.Window (0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, "Red Window"); GUI.color =; windowRect1 = GUI.Window (1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, "Green Window"); } // Make the contents of the window. // The value of GUI.color is set to what it was when the window // was created in the code above. function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) { if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,20,100,20), "Hello World")) print ("Got a click in window with color " + GUI.color); // Make the windows be draggable. GUI.DragWindow (Rect (0,0,10000,10000)); }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { public Rect windowRect0 = new Rect(20, 20, 120, 50); public Rect windowRect1 = new Rect(20, 100, 120, 50); void OnGUI() { GUI.color =; windowRect0 = GUI.Window(0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, "Red Window"); GUI.color =; windowRect1 = GUI.Window(1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, "Green Window"); } void DoMyWindow(int windowID) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 20, 100, 20), "Hello World")) print("Got a click in window with color " + GUI.color); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); } }
import UnityEngine import System.Collections public class Example(MonoBehaviour): public windowRect0 as Rect = Rect(20, 20, 120, 50) public windowRect1 as Rect = Rect(20, 100, 120, 50) def OnGUI() as void: GUI.color = windowRect0 = GUI.Window(0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, 'Red Window') GUI.color = windowRect1 = GUI.Window(1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, 'Green Window') def DoMyWindow(windowID as int) as void: if GUI.Button(Rect(10, 20, 100, 20), 'Hello World'): print(('Got a click in window with color ' + GUI.color)) GUI.DragWindow(Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000))