static function GetMuscleDefaultMax(i: int): float;
static float GetMuscleDefaultMax(int i);
static def GetMuscleDefaultMax(i as int) as float

i Muscle index.

Get the default maximum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees.

The default maximum applies to all three axes of rotation for the muscle. The indexing order for the muscles is the same as that of the MuscleName array.
function Start() {
	var muscleName: String[] = HumanTrait.MuscleName;
	for (var i = 0; i < HumanTrait.MuscleCount; i++) {
		Debug.Log(muscleName[i] + " min: " + HumanTrait.GetMuscleDefaultMin(i) + " max: " + HumanTrait.GetMuscleDefaultMax(i));
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        string[] muscleName = HumanTrait.MuscleName;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < HumanTrait.MuscleCount) {
            Debug.Log(muscleName[i] + " min: " + HumanTrait.GetMuscleDefaultMin(i) + " max: " + HumanTrait.GetMuscleDefaultMax(i));
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class Example(MonoBehaviour):

	def Start() as void:
		muscleName as (string) = HumanTrait.MuscleName
		i as int = 0
		while i < HumanTrait.MuscleCount:
			Debug.Log(((((muscleName[i] + ' min: ') + HumanTrait.GetMuscleDefaultMin(i)) + ' max: ') + HumanTrait.GetMuscleDefaultMax(i)))

See Also: HumanLimit.max, GetMuscleDefaultMin.