static var inputString: string;
static string inputString;
static inputString as string

Returns the keyboard input entered this frame. (Read Only)

Only ASCII characters are contained in the inputString.

The string can contain two special characters which should be handled: Character "\b" represents backspace.
Character "\n" represents return or enter.
	// Shows how to read typing input from the keyboard
	// (eg. the user entering his name).
	// You need to attach this script to a GUIText object.

function Update () { for (var c : char in Input.inputString) { // Backspace - Remove the last character if (c == "\b"[0]) { if (guiText.text.Length != 0) guiText.text = guiText.text.Substring(0, guiText.text.Length - 1); } // End of entry else if (c == "\n"[0] || c == "\r"[0]) {// "\n" for Mac, "\r" for windows. print ("User entered his name: " + guiText.text); } // Normal text input - just append to the end else { guiText.text += c; } } }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    void Update() {
        foreach (char c in Input.inputString) {
            if (c == "\b"[0])
                if (guiText.text.Length != 0)
                    guiText.text = guiText.text.Substring(0, guiText.text.Length - 1);
                if (c == "\n"[0] || c == "\r"[0])
                    print("User entered his name: " + guiText.text);
                    guiText.text += c;
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class Example(MonoBehaviour):

	def Update() as void:
		for c as char in Input.inputString:
			if c == '\b'[0]:
				if guiText.text.Length != 0:
					guiText.text = guiText.text.Substring(0, (guiText.text.Length - 1))
			elif (c == '\n'[0]) or (c == '\r'[0]):
				print(('User entered his name: ' + guiText.text))
				guiText.text += c