Editor only function to access and modify probe positions.
// Create four probe positions which will form a tetrahedron. class LightProbePositions extends EditorWindow { var lightProbes : LightProbeGroup = null; @MenuItem ("Examples/Set Probe Positions") static function Init () { var window = GetWindow (LightProbePositions); window.Show (); } function OnGUI () { lightProbes = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ( "Find Dependency", lightProbes, LightProbeGroup, true); if (lightProbes) { if (GUILayout.Button ("Set Probe Positions")) { lightProbes.probePositions = [ Vector3 (0,0,0), Vector3 (1,0,0), Vector3 (0,1,0), Vector3 (1,1,1) ]; } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Missing:", "Please select an object first!"); } } }