SetMatrix(propertyName: string, matrix: Matrix4x4): void;
void SetMatrix(string propertyName, Matrix4x4 matrix);
def SetMatrix(propertyName as string, matrix as Matrix4x4) as void
SetMatrix(nameID: int, matrix: Matrix4x4): void;
void SetMatrix(int nameID, Matrix4x4 matrix);
def SetMatrix(nameID as int, matrix as Matrix4x4) as void

Set a named matrix for the shader.

This is mostly used with custom shaders that need extra matrix parameters. Matrix parameters are not exposed in the material inspector, but can be set and queried with SetMatrix and GetMatrix from scripts.

See Also: GetMatrix, Materials, ShaderLab documentation, Shader.PropertyToID.
	var rotateSpeed = 30;
	var texture : Texture;

function Start() { // Create a new material with a shader // that rotates the texture. Texture rotation // is performed with a _Rotation matrix. var m : Material = new Material ( "Shader \"Rotating Texture\" {" + "Properties { _MainTex (\"Base\", 2D) = \"white\" {} }" + "SubShader {" + " Pass {" + " Material { Diffuse (1,1,1,0) Ambient (1,1,1,0) }" + " Lighting On" + " SetTexture [_MainTex] {" + " matrix [_Rotation]" + " combine texture * primary double, texture" + " }" + " }" + "}" + "}" ); m.mainTexture = texture; renderer.material = m; }

function Update() { // Construct a rotation matrix and set it for the shader var rot = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, Time.time * rotateSpeed); var m = Matrix4x4.TRS (, rot, Vector3(1,1,1) ); renderer.material.SetMatrix ("_Rotation", m); }