
Called every frame when the wizard is visible.

Use this to draw wizard Gizmos in the scene view while creating your wizard.

See Also: Gizmos class.

Draws a sphere to visualize how it will be before creating the actual "Sphere" game object.
	// C#
	// Creates a sphere where the gizmo is painted in the scene view. 
	using UnityEngine;
	using UnityEditor;
	public class ScriptableWizardOnDrawGizmos : ScriptableWizard {
		public Vector3 spherePosition =;
		public float sphereRadius = 1;
		[MenuItem ("Example/OnDrawGizmos example")]
		static void CreateWindow() {
				"Create a Sphere", 
		void OnWizardUpdate() {
			helpString = 
				"Set the sphere position and the sphere radius to draw the gizmo in the scene view";
			if(sphereRadius > 0) {
				errorString = "";
				isValid = true;
			} else {
				errorString = "Radius has to be greater than 0";
				isValid = false;
		void OnDrawGizmos () {
	    	Gizmos.color =;
		    Gizmos.DrawSphere (spherePosition, sphereRadius);
		void OnWizardCreate() {
			GameObject createdSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
			createdSphere.transform.position = spherePosition;
			createdSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sphereRadius, sphereRadius, sphereRadius);