static function GetInt(key: string, defaultValue: int = 0): int;
static int GetInt(string key, int defaultValue = 0);
static def GetInt(key as string, defaultValue as int = 0) as int

Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.

If it doesn't exist, it will return defaultValue.

Add one or more script to the selected GameObjects.
	// Simple Editor Script that adds one or more scripts
	// to the selected GameObjects

class ScriptAdder extends EditorWindow { var numComponents = 1; var componentsToAdd : MonoScript[]; @MenuItem("Examples/Script Adder") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(ScriptAdder); window.Show(); } function Awake() { numComponents = EditorPrefs.GetInt("NumberOfComponents", 1); componentsToAdd = new MonoScript[numComponents]; } function OnDestroy() { EditorPrefs.SetInt("NumberOfComponents", numComponents); } function OnGUI() { if(GUILayout.Button("Clear all components")) for(var c : MonoScript in componentsToAdd) c = null; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if(GUILayout.Button("-")) IncreaseDecreaseComponents(-1); if(GUILayout.Button("+")) IncreaseDecreaseComponents(1); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();

for(var i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) componentsToAdd[i] = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Component", componentsToAdd[i], MonoScript);

if(GUILayout.Button("Add to selection")) if(Selection.activeGameObject) for(var go : GameObject in Selection.gameObjects) for(var c : MonoScript in componentsToAdd) go.AddComponent(c.GetClass()); } function IncreaseDecreaseComponents(num : int) { if(numComponents + num == 0) { numComponents = 1; return; } numComponents += num ; var newArray : MonoScript[] = new MonoScript[numComponents]; var count = 0; if(num > 0) for(count = 0; count < componentsToAdd.Length; count++) newArray[count] = componentsToAdd[count]; else for(count = 0; count < newArray.Length; count++) newArray[count] = componentsToAdd[count]; componentsToAdd = newArray; } }