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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Chelp::about_text_formatterClass to be used as a function object when generating the about text
 Cabstract_validatorUsed in parsing config file
 Caddon_tracking_infoStores additional status information about add-ons
 Cpreferences::admin_authentication_resetUsed to reset is_authenticated flag after disconnecting
 Cadvance_unit_paramsAdvances the unit at loc if it has enough experience, maximum 20 times
 Canimated< T, T_void_value >
 Canimated< image::locator >
 Canimated< unit_frame >
 Cdetail::apply< Ret, T >
 Cai::aspect_type< T >
 Cai::aspect_type< ai::unit_advancements_aspect >
 Cai::aspect_type< attacks_vector >
 Cai::aspect_type< bool >
 Cai::aspect_type< config >
 Cai::aspect_type< double >
 Cai::aspect_type< int >
 Cai::aspect_type< std::string >
 Cai::aspect_type< std::vector< std::string > >
 Cai::aspect_type< terrain_filter >
 Cai::default_recruitment::attack_simulationFor Combat Analysis
 Cconfig::attribute_valueVariant for storing WML attributes
 Cauto_resetter< T >
 Cwesnothd::banned_compareWe want to move the lowest value to the top
 Cbattle_contextComputes the statistics of a battle between an attacker and a defender unit
 Cbattle_context_unit_statsStructure describing the statistics of a unit involved in the battle
 Cfilesystem::binary_paths_managerThe paths manager is responsible for recording the various paths that binary files may be located at
 Ceditor::brushSingle brush – a set of relative locations around a "hotspot", and related info such as the icon image
 Cbuffered_istreamHelper class for buffering a std::istream
 Cterrain_builder::building_ruleThe in-memory representation of a [terrain_graphics] WML rule
 Cwb::side_actions_container::by_hexTag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index
 Cwb::side_actions_container::by_unitTag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index
 Ccache_item< T >
 Cimage::cache_type< T >
 Cgui2::tgenerator< minimum_selection, maximum_selection, placement, select_action >::calculate_order_helper
 Cmp::chatThis class memorizes a chat session
 Cchat_logThis class memorizes a chat session
 Cchat_messageThis class represents a single stored chat message
 CcheckupA class to check whether the results that were calculated in the replay match the results calculated during the original game
 Cwb::side_actions_container::chronologicalTag for action_set's random_access index
 CCKeyClass that keeps track of all the keys on the keyboard
 Cschema_validation::class_error_containerContainer of errors, which are generated while schema generator tool is parsing source files
 Cschema_validation::class_keyClass_key is used to save the information about one key
 Cschema_validation::class_tagStores information about tag
 Cactions::clearer_infoClass that stores the part of a unit's data that is needed for fog clearing
 Cutil::close_FILEThis class specializes the scoped_resource to implement scoped FILEs
 Ccolor_rangeA color range definition is made of four reference RGB colors, used for calculating conversions from a source/key palette
 Ccombatant::combat_sliceA struct to describe one possible combat scenario
 CcombatantAll combat-related info
 Cevents::map_command_handler< Worker >::command
 Cai::command_history_itemAI Command History Item
 CconfigA config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes
 Cai::config_value_translator< T >
 Cai::config_value_translator< bool >
 Cai::config_value_translator< config >
 Cai::config_value_translator< std::vector< std::string > >
 Cai::config_value_translator< terrain_filter >
 Cai::config_value_translator< unit_advancements_aspect >
 Cconfig_writerClass for writing a config out to a file in pieces
 Cnetwork_asio::connectionA class that represents a TCP/IP connection
 Cutil::const_iterator_extend< Value, Container, Deref, Key >This is a const_iterator class that extends an existing const_iterator by overriding dereference
 Cutil::detail::contains_impl< Container, Value >A struct that exists to implement a generic wrapper for std::find
 Cutil::detail::contains_impl< Container, typename Container::key_type >A struct that exists to implement a generic wrapper for the find() member of associative containers
 Ccampaignd::control_lineRepresents a server control line written to a communication socket
 Cgui2::tlua_interpreter::controllerThe controller is responsible to hold all the input widgets, and a pointer to the model and view
 Cgui2::tmp_change_control::controllerThe controller acts upon the model
 Cucs4_convert_impl::convert_impl< T_CHAR >
 Cucs4_convert_impl::convert_impl< ucs4::char_t >
 Cucs4_convert_impl::convert_impl< utf16::char_t >
 Cucs4_convert_impl::convert_impl< utf8::char_t >
 Ct_translation::coordinateContains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps
 Cwesnothd::handle_doc< Handler, ErrorHandler >::DataSize
 Cutil::delete_arrayA helper policy for scoped_array
 Cutil::delete_itemA helper policy for scoped_ptr
 Cai::descriptionAI parameters
 Cdisplay::drawing_buffer_keyIn order to render a hex properly it needs to be rendered per row
 Ceditor::editor_actionBase class for all editor actions
 Cvariable_info_detail::enable_if_non_const< vit >
 Cvariable_info_detail::enable_if_non_const< vit_const >
 Cucs4_convert_impl::enableif< Tret, Tcheck >
 Cend_level_dataAdditional information on the game outcome which can be provided by WML
 Cschema_validation::class_error_container::error_cache_elementContainer to cache type errors
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cfake_unit_managerManages a list of fake units for the display object
 Cfake_unit_ptrHolds a temporary unit that can be drawn on the map without being placed in the unit_map
 Cgui2::event::implementation::find< done >Specialized class when itor == end
 Cgui2::event::implementation::find< false >Specialized class when itor != end
 Cng::flg_managerFLG stands for faction, leader and gender
 Cstoryscreen::floating_imageRepresents and contains information about image labels used in story screen parts
 Cfont::floating_label_contextStructure which will hide all current floating labels, and cause floating labels instantiated after it is created to be displayed
 CformatterStd::ostringstream wrapper
 Canimated< T, T_void_value >::frame
 Cframe_parametersAll parameters from a frame at a given instant
 Cframe_parsed_parametersKeep most parameters in a separate class to simplify handling of large number of parameters handling is common for frame level and animation level
 Cpathfind::full_cost_mapStructure which uses find_routes() to build a cost map This maps each hex to a the movements a unit will need to reach this hex
 Cdetail::function_base< F >
 Cdetail::function_base< Ret(*)(P...)>
 Cdetail::function_base< Ret(Class::*)(P...) const >
 Cdetail::function_base< Ret(Class::*)(P...) const volatile >
 Cdetail::function_base< Ret(Class::*)(P...) volatile >
 Cdetail::function_base< Ret(Class::*)(P...)>
 Cdetail::function_base< Ret(P...)>
 Cdetail::function_base< std::function< Ret(P...)> >
 Cwb::future_mapApplies the planned unit map for the duration of the struct's life
 Cwb::future_map_if_activeONLY IF whiteboard is currently active, applies the planned unit map for the duration of the struct's life
 Cgame_infoThis class represents the info a client has about a game on the server
 CgamemapEncapsulates the map of the game
 Cgreater< T >
 Cwesnothd::handle_doc< Handler, ErrorHandler >
 Cgame_events::handler_listThis is a wrapper for a list of weak pointers to handlers
 Chelp::has_idTo be used as a function object to locate sections and topics with a specified ID
 Cwb::highlighterClass that handles highlighting planned actions as you hover over them and determine the right target for contextual execution
 Cai::holderBase class that holds the AI and current AI parameters
 Chotkey::hotkey_baseThis is the base class for hotkey event matching
 Chotkey::hotkey_commandStores all information related to functions that can be bound to hotkeys
 Chotkey::hotkey_command_tempDo not use this outside hotkeys.cpp
 Cgui2::tlua_interpreter::input_modelThe input_model keeps track of what commands were executed before, and figures out what should be displayed when the user presses up / down arrows in the input
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< T >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< const tbuilder_grid >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< const unit >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< map_formula_callable >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< tbuilder_grid >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< tbuilder_widget >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< tresolution_definition_ >
 Cboost::intrusive_ptr< unit >
 Cinvalid_pbl_exceptionException thrown when the WML parser fails to read a .pbl file
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Chelp::help_text_area::itemAn item that is displayed in the text area
 Chelp::help_text_area::item_atFunction object to find an item at the specified coordinates
 Ceditor::item_groupStores the info about the groups in a nice format
 Cgame_events::manager::iterationThis class is similar to an input iterator through event handlers, except each instance knows its own end (determined when constructed)
 Cgui2::tgrid::iteratorIterator for the tchild items
 Cgame_events::handler_list::iteratorHandler list iterators are rather limited
 Cdisplay::rect_of_hexes::iteratorVery simple iterator to walk into the rect_of_hexes
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >::iterator_base< Value, Reversed >The base for the list's iterator classes
 Cucs4::iterator_base< string_type, update_implementation >
 Cunit_map::iterator_base< iter_types >
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >::iterator_base< const Data, false >
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >::iterator_base< const Data, true >
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >::iterator_base< Data, false >
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >::iterator_base< Data, true >
 Cutil::iterator_extend< Value, Container, Deref, Key >This is an iterator class that extends an existing iterator by overriding dereference
 Cucs4_convert_impl::iteratorwriter< oitor_t >Transforms an output iterator to a writer for ucs4_convert_impl functions
 Cgame_events::wmi_container::keyThe key for interaction with our iterators
 Cai::known_aspect_type< T >
 Csavegame::loadgameThe class for loading a savefile
 Clobby_infoThis class represents the collective information the client has about the players and games on the server
 Cai::lua_ai_action_handlerProxy class for calling AI action handlers defined in Lua
 Cai::lua_ai_contextProxy table for the AI context
 Cgui2::tlua_interpreter::lua_modelThe lua model is responsible to interact with the lua kernel base and keep track of what should be displayed in the console
 Clua_unitStorage for a unit, either owned by the Lua code (ptr != 0), a local variable unit (c_ptr != 0), on a recall list (side != 0), or on the map
 Chotkey::managerThis class is initialized once at game start put all initialization and wipe code in the methods here
 Cimage::managerImage manager is responsible for setting up images, and destroying all images when the program exits
 Cai::managerClass that manages AIs for all sides and manages AI redeployment
 Cevents::map_command_handler< Worker >
 Cevents::map_command_handler< chat_command_handler >
 Cevents::map_command_handler< console_handler >
 Ceditor::map_context_refresherUtility class to properly refresh the display when the map context object is replaced without duplicating code
 Ceditor::map_fragmentA map fragment – a collection of locations and information abut them
 Cmap_locationEncapsulates the map of the game
 Cwb::mapbuilderClass that collects and applies unit_map modifications from the actions it visits and reverts all changes on destruction
 Cpathfind::marked_routeStructure which holds a single route and marks for special events
 Cvariable_info_detail::maybe_const< vit, T >
 Cvariable_info_detail::maybe_const< vit_const, config::child_itors >
 Cvariable_info_detail::maybe_const< vit_const, T >
 Cschema_validation::schema_validator::message_infoMessages are cached
 Cgui2::tmp_change_control::modelThe model is an interface defining the data to be displayed or otherwise acted upon in the user interface
 Cimage::modificationBase abstract class for an image-path modification
 Cimage::modification_queueA modified priority queue used to order image modifications
 Ceditor::mouse_actionA mouse action receives events from the controller, and responds to them by creating an appropriate editor_action object
 CmovetypeThe basic "size" of the unit - flying, small land, large land, etc
 Csound::music_trackInternal representation of music tracks
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >::node_tNodes in the smart list
 Cmovetype::terrain_info::parametersThe parameters used when calculating a terrain-based value
 Cstoryscreen::partRepresents and contains information about a single storyscreen part
 Cai::path_element_matches< T >
 Cpathfind::pathsObject which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to, with associated best routes to those locations
 Cpathfind::plain_routeStructure which holds a single route between one location and another
 CpreprocessorBase class for preprocessing an input
 Cprogressive_< T >
 Cprogressive_< double >
 Cprogressive_< int >
 Cquit_confirmationImplements a quit confirmation dialog
 Cwb::real_mapEnsures that the real unit map is active for the duration of the struct's life
 Cdisplay::rect_of_hexesRectangular area of hexes, allowing to decide how the top and bottom edges handles the vertical shift for each parity of the x coordinate
 Clua_check_impl::remove_constref< T >
 Ccampaignd::server::requestClient request information object
 Cmovetype::resistancesStores a set of resistances
 Crandom_new::rngThis class does not give synced random results derived classes might do
 Cwesnothd::roomA room is a group of players that can communicate via messages
 Croom_infoThis class represents the information a client has about a room
 Cterrain_builder::rule_imageEach terrain_graphics rule is associated a set of images, which are applied on the terrain if the rule matches
 Cterrain_builder::tile::rule_image_randRepresent a rule_image applied with a random seed
 Cterrain_builder::rule_image_variantAn image variant
 Csave_blockerWhile any instance of this class exists, attempts to save the game via any call to play_controller will be temporarily postponed: the call will return immediately without performing the save, but the save method will then be reinvoked from this class's destructor
 Csavegame::save_infoFilename and modification date for a file list
 Csavegame::save_info_less_timeA structure for comparing to save_info objects based on their modified time
 Csave_blocker::save_unblockerAn exception-safe means of making sure that unblock() gets called after try_block()
 Csavegame::savegameThe base class for all savegame stuff
 Cutil::scoped_resource< T, ReleasePolicy >A class template, scoped_resource, designed to implement the Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) approach to resource management
 Cutil::scoped_resource< gui::gui::button *, delete_item >
 Cutil::scoped_resource< gui::gui::textbox *, delete_item >
 Cutil::scoped_resource< SDL_Surface *, free_sdl_surface >
 Cutil::scoped_resource< surface_restorer *, delete_item >
 Cutil::scoped_resource< T *, delete_array >
 Cutil::scoped_resource< T *, delete_item >
 Chelp::sectionA section contains topics and sections along with title and ID
 Chelp::section_lessTo be used as a function object when sorting section lists on the title
 Cnetwork::server_managerA server manager causes listening on a given port to occur for the duration of its lifetime
 Crandom_new::set_random_determinsticRAII class to use rng_deterministic in the current scope
 Cset_scontext_unsyncedObject to leave the synced context during draw or unsynced wml items when we don’t know whether we are in a synced context or not
 Cshared_node< T >
 Cshared_object< T, node >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< T >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::default_recruitment::recruit_job >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::default_recruitment::recruit_limit >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::formula_ai >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::lua_ai_action_handler >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::lua_ai_context >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::lua_object< ai::aspect_attacks_lua_filter > >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::lua_object< attacks_vector > >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::lua_object< config > >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::lua_object< T > >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai::typesafe_aspect< T > >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< ai_composite >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< arrow >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< attacks_vector >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< bandwidth_stats >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< base_breakpoint >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< bool >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< combo_drag >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< config >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< const config >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< const formula >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< const std::vector< boost::intrusive_ptr > >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< const t_string_base >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< drop_group_manager >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< formula_expression >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< game_logic::base_candidate_action >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< game_logic::formula >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< gui2::tchat_log::view >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< gui2::tgamestate_inspector::view >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< gui2::tmp_change_control::view >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< halo::halo_impl >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< halo_record >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< move_result >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< movetype::terrain_info::data >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< name_generator >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< pathfind::plain_route >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< random_new::rng >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< reports::generator >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< side_actions >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< side_controller >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< side_engine >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< simple_wml::document >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< single_mode_controller >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< terrain_filter >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< terrain_type_data >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< unit_filter >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< unit_filter_abstract_impl >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< variant >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< wb::highlighter >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< wb::manager >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< wb::side_actions >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< wesnothd::game >
 Cboost::shared_ptr< wesnothd::handle_doc::DataSize >
 Cactions::shroud_clearing_actionBase class for classes that clear srhoud (move/recruit/recall)
 Cwb::side_actions_containerDatastructure holding the actions of a side on multiple turns
 Cactions::shroud_clearer::sight_dataA record of a sighting event
 Cutils::smart_list< Data >This is a variant on a list that never invalidates iterators (unless, of course, the list ceases to exist)
 Cutils::smart_list< internal_ptr >
 Csoundsource::sourcespecSound source info class
 Cgame_events::context::stateState when processing a particular flight of events or commands
 Csurface_lockHelper class for pinning SDL surfaces into memory
 Ct_translation::t_matchThis structure can be used for matching terrain strings
 Cn_ref_counter::t_ref_counter< T_integral >T_ref_counter is a reference counter
 Cn_ref_counter::t_ref_counter< signed int >
 Ct_translation::t_terrainA terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separated by a caret and each group consists of 2 to 4 characters if no second layer is defined it is stored as 0xFFFFFFFF, if the second layer is empty (needed for matching) the layer has the value 0
 Cdisplay::tblitHelper structure for rendering the terrains
 Cgui2::tcanvasA simple canvas which can be drawn upon
 Cgui2::tgrid::tchildChild item of the grid
 Cgui2::tclickable_Small concept class
 Cutils::tconst_clone< D, S, E >Helper struct to clone the constness of one type to another
 Cutils::tconst_clone< D, S, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_const< typename boost::remove_pointer< typename boost::remove_reference< S >::type >::type > >::type >The specialised version of tconst_clone
 Cgui2::tdialogAbstract base class for all dialogs
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcherBase class for event handling
 CteamThis class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature)
 Ctemporary_unit_moverThis object is used to temporary move a unit in the unit map, swapping out any unit that is already there
 Ctemporary_unit_placerThis object is used to temporary place a unit in the unit map, swapping out any unit that is already there
 Ctemporary_unit_removerThis object is used to temporary remove a unit from the unit map
 Cterrain_builderThe class terrain_builder is constructed from a config object, and a gamemap object
 Cterrain_builder::terrain_constraintThe in-memory representation of a [tile] WML rule inside of a [terrain_graphics] WML rule
 Cmovetype::terrain_defenseStores a set of defense levels
 Cmovetype::terrain_infoStores a set of data based on terrain
 Cterrain_labelTo store label data Class implements logic for rendering
 Cgui2::tevent_executorEvent execution calls
 Cgui2::event::tevent_in_setHelper class to do a runtime test whether an event is in a set
 Cgui2::texecutorHelper to make removing a timer in a callback safe
 CtexitThis exception when throw should terminate the application
 Cgui2::tfield_Abstract base class for the fields
 CtfilterContains the definition of a filter
 Ctfilter_descriptionHelper structure to describe what a filter does
 Cfloating_point_emulation::tfloat< T, S >Template class for the emulation
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tfloor< T, S >
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tfloor< double, S >
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tfloor< Sint32, S >
 Cgui2::tformula< T >Template class can hold a value or a formula to calculate the value
 Cgui2::tformula< bool >
 Cgui2::tformula< unsigned >
 Cgui2::tgrid_implementationHelper to implement private functions without modifying the header
 Cgui2::tgroup< T >
 Cgui2::tgroup< ADDON_SORT >
 Cgui2::tgroup< ADDON_SORT_DIRECTION >
 Cgui2::tgroup< preferences::LOBBY_JOINS >
 Cgui2::tgroup< SCALING_ALGORITHM >
 Cgui2::tgroup< std::string >
 Cgui2::tgroup< team::CONTROLLER >
 Cgui2::tgroup< team::SHARE_VISION >
 Cgui2::tgroup< unit_race::GENDER >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher_implementation::thas_handlerA helper class to find out whether dispatcher has an handler for a certain event
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tidiv< T, S >
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tidiv< T, 8 >
 Cterrain_builder::tileRepresents a tile of the game map, with all associated builder-specific parameters: flags, images attached to this tile, etc
 Ceditor::tile_infoThis represents a tile along with information about it, namely the terrain, possibly other information
 Cterrain_builder::tilemapThe map of "tile" structures corresponding to the level map
 Ctime_of_dayObject which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc
 Cgui2::tinteger_selector_Small abstract helper class
 Cgui2::twindow::tinvalidate_layout_blockerHelper class to block invalidate_layout
 Cgui2::tgenerator< minimum_selection, maximum_selection, placement, select_action >::titemDefinition of an item
 Chelp::title_lessTo be used as a function object when sorting topic lists on the title
 Cgui2::tkeyKey type for the cache
 Cgui2::tlayout_exception_resize_failedBasic exception when the layout doesn't fit
 Cgui2::tlayout_exception_width_modifiedException thrown when the width has been modified during resizing
 Cgui2::tlegacy_menu_itemImplements simple parsing of legacy GUI1 item markup
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< To, From, ToEnable, FromEnable >Base class for the conversion
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< To, From, ToEnable, FromEnable >Base class for the conversion
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< long long, From, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< long long, From, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< long long, std::string >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< long long, std::string >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< std::string, From, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< typename boost::remove_pointer< From >::type > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< std::string, From, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< typename boost::remove_pointer< From >::type > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< To, From, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_signed< To > >::type, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< To, From, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_signed< To > >::type, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< To, From, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_unsigned< To > >::type, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< To, From, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_unsigned< To > >::type, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< To, std::string, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_signed< To > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< To, std::string, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_signed< To > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< To, std::string, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_unsigned< To > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< To, std::string, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_unsigned< To > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< unsigned long long, From, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< unsigned long long, From, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::has_key< boost::mpl::set< char *, const char * >, From > >::type >Specialized conversion class
 Cimplementation::tlexical_cast< unsigned long long, std::string >Specialized conversion class
 Ctest_throw::implementation::tlexical_cast< unsigned long long, std::string >Specialized conversion class
 Cgui2::twindow::tlinked_sizeHelper struct to force widgets the have the same size
 Cgui2::event::tlockSDL_AddTimer() callback for the hover event
 Ctlua_jailbreak_exceptionBase class for exceptions that want to be thrown 'through' lua
 Ctmatrix< T, S, D >Emulates a matrix
 Cgui2::event::tmessageThe message callbacks hold a reference to a message
 Cgui2::tmessage_implementationHelper to implement private functions without modifying the header
 Cgui2::tnotifiee< FUNCTOR >Helper class to implement callbacks with lifetime management
 Cgui2::tnotifiee< tfunctor >
 Cgui2::tnotifier< FUNCTOR >Helper class to implement callbacks with lifetime management
 Cgui2::tnotifier< tfunctor >
 Ctod_colorSmall struct to store and manipulate ToD colors
 Cpreprocessor_data::token_descDescription of a preprocessing chunk
 CtokenizerAbstract baseclass for the tokenizer
 Chelp::topicA topic contains a title, an id and some text
 Chelp::topic_generatorGenerate a topic text on the fly
 Chelp::topic_textThe text displayed in a topic
 Cgui2::tpane_implementationHelper to implement private functions without modifying the header
 Ctfilter_description::tparameterDescribes a filter parameter
 Cgui2::tplacer_Base class for the placement helper
 Cgui2::tpointHolds a 2D point
 Cgui2::tpopupThe popup class shows windows that are shown non-modal
 Ctransient_end_levelThe non-persistent part of end_level_data
 Clg::tredirect_output_setterHelper class to redirect the output of the logger in a certain scope
 Ctregister_filterHelper structure to register a filter to the filters
 Cconfig::attribute_value::true_falseA wrapper for bool to get the correct streaming ("true"/"false")
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tscale< T, S, E >
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tscale< double, S, typename boost::enable_if_c< S!=0 >::type >
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tscale< Sint32, S, typename boost::enable_if_c< S!=0 >::type >
 Cfloating_point_emulation::detail::tscale< T, 0 >
 Cgui2::tscrollbar_container_implementationHelper to implement private functions without modifying the header
 Cgui2::tselectable_Small abstract helper class
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal< T >Helper struct to generate the various signal types
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal< tsignal_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal< tsignal_keyboard_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal< tsignal_message_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal< tsignal_mouse_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal< tsignal_notification_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal_queue< T >Helper struct to generate the various event queues
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal_queue< tsignal_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal_queue< tsignal_keyboard_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal_queue< tsignal_message_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal_queue< tsignal_mouse_function >
 Cgui2::event::tdispatcher::tsignal_queue< tsignal_notification_function >
 Cgui2::iterator::policy::visit::tskipThis policy skips the current level
 Cgui2::tstate_definitionContains the state info for a resolution
 Cgui2::ttext_historyClass for text input history
 Cgui2::tdebug_clock::ttimeHelper struct to keep track of the time
 Cgui2::twindow_builder::tresolution::ttipHelper struct to store information about the tips
 Cgui2::event::ttriggerHelper struct to wrap the functor call
 Cgui2::event::ttrigger_keyboardHelper struct to wrap the functor call
 Cgui2::event::ttrigger_messageHelper struct to wrap the functor call
 Cgui2::event::ttrigger_mouseHelper struct to wrap the functor call
 Cgui2::event::ttrigger_notificationHelper struct to wrap the functor call
 Cgui2::tunit_test_access_onlySpecial helper class to get the list of registered windows
 Cturn_infoTODO: rename this class since it isn't that much related to turns
 Cgui2::tvalueValue type for the cache
 Ctvector< T, S >Emulates a vector
 Cgui2::tviewport_implementationHelper to implement private functions without modifying the header
 Cgui2::iterator::policy::tvisit< bool, level >Helper class to select to visit or skip a level
 Cgui2::iterator::policy::visit::tvisit< level >This policy tries to visit the current level
 Cgui2::iterator::policy::tvisit< visit_child, twalker_::child >
 Cgui2::iterator::policy::tvisit< visit_grid, twalker_::grid >
 Cgui2::iterator::policy::tvisit< visit_widget, twalker_::widget >
 Cgui2::iterator::twalker_The walker abstract base class
 Cgui2::twindow_builder_invalid_idHelper struct to signal that get_window_builder failed
 Cgui2::twindow_implementationHelper to implement private functions without modifying the header
 Cgui2::twml_message_optionHelper class for message options
 Cutil::unique_ptr< T >
 Cunit_frameDescribe a unit's animation sequence
 Cunit_mapContainer associating units to locations
 Cunit_map::unit_podThe pointer to the unit and a reference counter to record the number of extant iterators pointing to this unit
 Cmp_sync::user_choiceInterface for querying local choices
 Cuser_handlerAn interface class to handle nick registration To activate it put a [user_handler] section into the server configuration file
 Cuser_infoThis class represents the information a client has about another player
 Cwb::variable_finalizer< T >Finalizer class to help with exception safety sets variable to value on destruction
 Cvariable_info< vit >
 Cvariable_info_detail::variable_info_state< vit >
 Cvariant_iteratorIterator class for the variant
 Cai::variant_value_translator< T >
 Cai::variant_value_translator< attacks_vector >
 Cai::variant_value_translator< bool >
 Cai::variant_value_translator< int >
 Cai::variant_value_translator< std::string >
 Cai::variant_value_translator< terrain_filter >
 CvconfigA variable-expanding proxy for the config class
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cversion_infoRepresents version numbers
 Cgui2::tmp_change_control::viewThe view is an interface that displays data (the model) and routes user commands to the controller to act upon that data
 Chelp::help_menu::visible_itemInformation about an item that is visible in the menu
 Cwb::visitorAbstract base class for all the visitors (cf GoF Visitor Design Pattern) the whiteboard uses
 Cvoid_value< T >
 Cgame_events::wmi_containerA container of wml_menu_item
 Cconfig::attribute_value::yes_noA wrapper for bool to get the correct streaming ("yes"/"no")