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Theorem List for Metamath Proof Explorer - 33101-33200   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theorembj-elccinfty 33101 A lemma for infinite extended complex numbers. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  ( -u pi (,] pi )  ->  (inftyexpi  `  A )  e. CCinfty )
Syntaxcccbar 33102 Syntax for the set of extended complex numbers CCbar.
 class CCbar
Definitiondf-bj-ccbar 33103 Definition of the set of extended complex numbers CCbar. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- CCbar  =  ( CC  u. CCinfty )
Theorembj-ccssccbar 33104 Complex numbers are extended complex numbers. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |-  CC  C_ CCbar
Theorembj-ccinftyssccbar 33105 Infinite extended complex numbers are extended complex numbers. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- CCinfty  C_ CCbar
Syntaxcpinfty 33106 Syntax for pinfty.
 class pinfty
Definitiondf-bj-pinfty 33107 Definition of pinfty. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- pinfty  =  (inftyexpi  `  0 )
Theorembj-pinftyccb 33108 The class pinfty is an extended complex number. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- pinfty  e. CCbar
Theorembj-pinftynrr 33109 The extended complex number pinfty is not a complex number. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |-  -. pinfty  e. 
Syntaxcminfty 33110 Syntax for minfty.
 class minfty
Definitiondf-bj-minfty 33111 Definition of minfty. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- minfty  =  (inftyexpi  `  pi )
Theorembj-minftyccb 33112 The class minfty is an extended complex number. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- minfty  e. CCbar
Theorembj-minftynrr 33113 The extended complex number minfty is not a complex number. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |-  -. minfty  e. 
Theorembj-pinftynminfty 33114 The extended complex numbers pinfty and minfty are different. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- pinfty  =/= minfty
Syntaxcrrbar 33115 Syntax for the set of extended real numbers RRbar.
 class RRbar
Definitiondf-bj-rrbar 33116 Definition of the set of extended real numbers RRbar. See df-xr 10078. (Contributed by BJ, 29-Jun-2019.)
 |- RRbar  =  ( RR  u.  {minfty , pinfty } )
Syntaxcinfty 33117 Syntax for infty.
 class infty
Definitiondf-bj-infty 33118 Definition of infty, the point at infinity of the real or complex projective line. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.) The precise definition is irrelevant and should generally not be used. (New usage is discouraged.)
 |- infty  =  ~P U. CC
Syntaxccchat 33119 Syntax for CChat.
 class CChat
Definitiondf-bj-cchat 33120 Define the complex projective line, or Riemann sphere. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- CChat  =  ( CC  u.  {infty } )
Syntaxcrrhat 33121 Syntax for RRhat.
 class RRhat
Definitiondf-bj-rrhat 33122 Define the real projective line. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- RRhat  =  ( RR  u.  {infty } )
Theorembj-rrhatsscchat 33123 The real projective line is included in the complex projective line. (Contributed by BJ, 27-Jun-2019.)
 |- RRhat  C_ CChat  Addition and opposite

We define the operations on the extended real and complex numbers and on the real and complex projective lines simultaneously, thus "overloading" the operations.

Syntaxcaddcc 33124 Syntax for the addition of extended complex numbers.
 class +cc
Definitiondf-bj-addc 33125 Define the additions on the extended complex numbers (on the subset of  (CCbar  X. CCbar ) where it makes sense) and on the complex projective line (Riemann sphere). (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- +cc  =  ( x  e.  ( ( ( CC  X. CCbar )  u.  (CCbar  X.  CC )
 )  u.  ( (CChat  X. CChat )  u.  (Diag ` CCinfty ) ) )  |->  if (
 ( ( 1st `  x )  = infty  \/  ( 2nd `  x )  = infty ) , infty ,  if ( ( 1st `  x )  e.  CC ,  if (
 ( 2nd `  x )  e.  CC ,  ( ( 1st `  x )  +  ( 2nd `  x ) ) ,  ( 2nd `  x ) ) ,  ( 1st `  x ) ) ) )
Syntaxcoppcc 33126 Syntax for the opposite of extended complex numbers.
 class -cc
Definitiondf-bj-oppc 33127 Define the negation (operation givin the opposite) the set of extended complex numbers and the complex projective line (Riemann sphere). One could use the prcpal function in the infinite case, but we want to use only basic functions at this point. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- -cc  =  ( x  e.  (CCbar  u. CChat ) 
 |->  if ( x  = infty , infty ,  if ( x  e.  CC ,  -u x ,  (inftyexpi  `  if ( 0  <  ( 1st `  x ) ,  ( ( 1st `  x )  -  pi ) ,  ( ( 1st `  x )  +  pi ) ) ) ) ) )  Argument, multiplication and inverse

Since one needs arguments in order to define multiplication in CCbar, it seems harder to put this at the very beginning of the introduction of complex numbers.

Syntaxcprcpal 33128 Syntax for the function prcpal.
 class prcpal
Definitiondf-bj-prcpal 33129 Define the function prcpal. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- prcpal  =  ( x  e.  RR  |->  ( ( x  mod  (
 2  x.  pi ) )  -  if (
 ( x  mod  (
 2  x.  pi ) )  <_  pi , 
 0 ,  ( 2  x.  pi ) ) ) )
Syntaxcarg 33130 Syntax for the argument of a nonzero extended complex number.
 class Arg
Definitiondf-bj-arg 33131 Define the argument of a nonzero extended complex number. By convention, it has values in  ( -u pi ,  pi ]. Another convention chooses  [ 0 ,  2 pi ) but the present one simplifies formulas giving the argument as an arctangent. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- Arg  =  ( x  e.  (CCbar  \  {
 0 } )  |->  if ( x  e.  CC ,  ( Im `  ( log `  x ) ) ,  ( 1st `  x ) ) )
Syntaxcmulc 33132 Syntax for the multiplication of extended complex numbers.
 class .cc
Definitiondf-bj-mulc 33133 Define the multiplication of extended complex numbers and of the complex projective line (Riemann sphere). In our convention, a product with 0 is 0, even when the other factor is infinite. An alternate convention leaves products of 0 with an infinite number undefined since the multiplication is not continuous at these points. Note that our convention entails  ( 0  /  0 )  =  0. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- .cc  =  ( x  e.  ( (CCbar  X. CCbar )  u.  (CChat  X. CChat ) )  |->  if ( ( ( 1st `  x )  =  0  \/  ( 2nd `  x )  =  0 ) ,  0 ,  if ( ( ( 1st `  x )  = infty  \/  ( 2nd `  x )  = infty ) , infty ,  if ( x  e.  ( CC  X.  CC ) ,  ( ( 1st `  x )  x.  ( 2nd `  x ) ) ,  (inftyexpi  `  (prcpal `  ( (Arg `  ( 1st `  x ) )  +  (Arg `  ( 2nd `  x ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
Syntaxcinvc 33134 Syntax for the inverse of nonzero extended complex numbers.
 class invc
Definitiondf-bj-invc 33135 Define inversion, which maps a nonzero extended complex number or element of the complex projective line (Riemann sphere) to its inverse. Beware of the overloading: the equality  (invc `  0 )  = infty is to be understood in the complex projective line, but 0 as an extended complex number does not have an inverse, which we can state as  (invc `  0
)  e/ CCbar. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Jun-2019.)
 |- invc  =  ( x  e.  (CCbar  u. CChat ) 
 |->  if ( x  =  0 , infty ,  if ( x  e.  CC ,  ( 1  /  x ) ,  0 )
 ) )
20.14.7  Monoids

See ccmn 18193 and subsequents. The first few statements of this subsection can be put very early after ccmn 18193. Proposal: in the main part, make separate subsections of commutative monoids and abelian groups.

Relabel cabl 18194 to "cabl" or, preferably, other labels containing "abl" to "abel", for consistency.

Theorembj-cmnssmnd 33136 Commutative monoids are monoids. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |- CMnd  C_  Mnd
Theorembj-cmnssmndel 33137 Commutative monoids are monoids (elemental version). This is a more direct proof of cmnmnd 18208, which relies on iscmn 18200. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A  e. CMnd  ->  A  e.  Mnd )
Theorembj-ablssgrp 33138 Abelian groups are groups. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  Abel  C_ 
Theorembj-ablssgrpel 33139 Abelian groups are groups (elemental version). This is a shorter proof of ablgrp 18198. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Abel  ->  A  e.  Grp )
Theorembj-ablsscmn 33140 Abelian groups are commutative monoids. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  Abel  C_ CMnd
Theorembj-ablsscmnel 33141 Abelian groups are commutative monoids (elemental version). This is a shorter proof of ablcmn 18199. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Abel  ->  A  e. CMnd )
Theorembj-modssabl 33142 (The additive groups of) modules are abelian groups. (The elemental version is lmodabl 18910; see also lmodgrp 18870 and lmodcmn 18911.) (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |-  LMod  C_ 
Theorembj-vecssmod 33143 Vector spaces are modules. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  LVec  C_ 
Theorembj-vecssmodel 33144 Vector spaces are modules (elemental version). This is a shorter proof of lveclmod 19106. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A  e.  LVec  ->  A  e.  LMod )  Finite sums in monoids

UPDATE: a similar summation is already defined as df-gsum 16103 (although it mixes finite and infinite sums, which makes it harder to understand).

Syntaxcfinsum 33145 Syntax for the class "finite summation in monoids".
 class FinSum
Definitiondf-bj-finsum 33146* Finite summation in commutative monoids. This finite summation function can be extended to pairs 
<. y ,  z >. where  y is a left-unital magma and  z is defined on a totally ordered set (choosing left-associative composition), or dropping unitality and requiring nonempty families, or on any monoids for families of permutable elements, etc. We use the term "summation", even though the definition stands for any unital, commutative and associative composition law. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |- FinSum  =  ( x  e.  { <. y ,  z >.  |  ( y  e. CMnd  /\  E. t  e.  Fin  z : t --> ( Base `  y )
 ) }  |->  ( iota
 s E. m  e. 
 NN0  E. f ( f : ( 1 ... m ) -1-1-onto-> dom  ( 2nd `  x )  /\  s  =  ( 
 seq 1 ( (
 +g  `  ( 1st `  x ) ) ,  ( n  e.  NN  |->  ( ( 2nd `  x ) `  ( f `  n ) ) ) ) `  m ) ) ) )
Theorembj-finsumval0 33147* Value of a finite sum. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.) (Proof shortened by AV, 5-May-2021.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e. CMnd )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  I  e.  Fin )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B : I --> ( Base `  A ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A FinSum  B )  =  (
 iota s E. m  e.  NN0  E. f ( f : ( 1
 ... m ) -1-1-onto-> I  /\  s  =  (  seq 1 ( ( +g  `  A ) ,  ( n  e.  NN  |->  ( B `
  ( f `  n ) ) ) ) `  ( # `  I ) ) ) ) )
20.14.8  Affine, Euclidean, and Cartesian geometry

A few basic theorems to start affine, Euclidean, and Cartesian geometry.  Convex hull in real vector spaces

A few basic definitions and theorems about convex hulls in real vector spaces. TODO: prove inclusion in the class of subcomplex vector spaces.

Syntaxcrrvec 33148 Syntax for the class of real vector spaces.
 class RR-Vec
Definitiondf-bj-rrvec 33149 Definition of the class of real vector spaces. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |- RR-Vec  =  { x  e.  LVec  |  (Scalar `  x )  = RRfld }
Theorembj-rrvecssvec 33150 Real vector spaces are vector spaces. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |- RR-Vec  C_  LVec
Theorembj-rrvecssvecel 33151 Real vector spaces are vector spaces (elemental version). (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e. RR-Vec  ->  A  e.  LVec
Theorembj-rrvecsscmn 33152 (The additive groups of) real vector spaces are commutative monoids. (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |- RR-Vec  C_ CMnd
Theorembj-rrvecsscmnel 33153 (The additive groups of) real vector spaces are commutative monoids (elemental version). (Contributed by BJ, 9-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e. RR-Vec  ->  A  e. CMnd )  Complex numbers (supplements)

Some lemmas to ease algebraic manipulations.

Theorembj-subcom 33154 A consequence of commutativity of multiplication. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( A  x.  B )  -  ( B  x.  A ) )  =  0 )
Theorembj-ldiv 33155 Left-division. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =/=  0
 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( A  x.  B )  =  C  <->  A  =  ( C  /  B ) ) )
Theorembj-rdiv 33156 Right-division. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  0
 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( A  x.  B )  =  C  <->  B  =  ( C  /  A ) ) )
Theorembj-mdiv 33157 A division law. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  0
 )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =/=  0 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A  =  ( C  /  B )  <->  B  =  ( C  /  A ) ) )
Theorembj-lineq 33158 Solution of a (scalar) linear equation. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  X  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Y  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  0 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( ( A  x.  X )  +  B )  =  Y  <->  X  =  (
 ( Y  -  B )  /  A ) ) )
Theorembj-lineqi 33159 Solution of a (scalar) linear equation. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  X  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Y  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  0 )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ( A  x.  X )  +  B )  =  Y )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  X  =  ( ( Y  -  B )  /  A ) )  Barycentric coordinates

Lemmas about barycentric coordinates. For the moment, this is limited to the one-dimensional case (complex line), where existence and uniqueness of barycentric coordinates are proved by bj-bary1 33162 (which computes them). It would be nice to prove the two-dimensional case (is it easier to use ad hoc computations, or Cramer formulas?), in order to do some planar geometry.

Theorembj-bary1lem 33160 A lemma for barycentric coordinates in one dimension. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  X  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  X  =  ( ( ( ( B  -  X ) 
 /  ( B  -  A ) )  x.  A )  +  (
 ( ( X  -  A )  /  ( B  -  A ) )  x.  B ) ) )
Theorembj-bary1lem1 33161 Existence and uniqueness (and actual computation) of barycentric coordinates in dimension 1 (complex line). (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  X  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  S  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  T  e.  CC )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ( X  =  ( ( S  x.  A )  +  ( T  x.  B ) )  /\  ( S  +  T )  =  1 )  ->  T  =  ( ( X  -  A ) 
 /  ( B  -  A ) ) ) )
Theorembj-bary1 33162 Barycentric coordinates in one dimension. (Contributed by BJ, 6-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  X  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =/=  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  S  e.  CC )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  T  e.  CC )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ( X  =  ( ( S  x.  A )  +  ( T  x.  B ) )  /\  ( S  +  T )  =  1 )  <->  ( S  =  ( ( B  -  X ) 
 /  ( B  -  A ) )  /\  T  =  ( ( X  -  A )  /  ( B  -  A ) ) ) ) )
20.15  Mathbox for Jim Kingdon  Circle constant
Syntaxctau 33163 Extend class notation to include tau = 6.283185....
 class  tau
Definitiondf-tau 33164 Define tau = 6.283185..., which is the smallest positive real number whose cosine is one. Various notations have been used or proposed for this number including  tau, a three-legged variant of  pi, or  2 pi. Note the difference between this constant  tau and the variable  ta which is a variable representing a propositional logic formula. Only the latter is italic, and the colors are different. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Apr-2018.) (Revised by AV, 1-Oct-2020.)
 |-  tau  = inf ( ( RR+  i^i  ( `' cos " { 1 } ) ) ,  RR ,  <  )
Theoremtaupilem3 33165 Lemma for tau-related theorems . (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 16-Feb-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  ( RR+  i^i  ( `' cos " {
 1 } ) )  <-> 
 ( A  e.  RR+  /\  ( cos `  A )  =  1 )
Theoremtaupilemrplb 33166* A set of positive reals has (in the reals) a lower bound. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Feb-2019.)
 |-  E. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  ( RR+  i^i  A ) x  <_  y
Theoremtaupilem1 33167 Lemma for taupi 33169. A positive real whose cosine is one is at least  2  x.  pi. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Feb-2019.)
 |-  (
 ( A  e.  RR+  /\  ( cos `  A )  =  1 )  ->  ( 2  x.  pi )  <_  A )
Theoremtaupilem2 33168 Lemma for taupi 33169. The smallest positive real whose cosine is one is at most  2  x.  pi. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Feb-2019.) (Revised by AV, 1-Oct-2020.)
 |-  tau  <_  ( 2  x.  pi )
Theoremtaupi 33169 Relationship between  tau and  pi. This can be seen as connecting the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius and the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Feb-2019.) (Revised by AV, 1-Oct-2020.)
 |-  tau  =  ( 2  x.  pi )  Number theory
Theoremdfgcd3 33170* Alternate definition of the  gcd operator. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 31-Dec-2021.)
 |-  (
 ( M  e.  ZZ  /\  N  e.  ZZ )  ->  ( M  gcd  N )  =  ( iota_ d  e. 
 NN0  A. z  e.  ZZ  ( z  ||  d  <->  ( z  ||  M  /\  z  ||  N ) ) ) )
20.16  Mathbox for ML
Theoremcsbdif 33171 Distribution of class substitution over difference of two classes. (Contributed by ML, 14-Jul-2020.)
 |-  [_ A  /  x ]_ ( B 
 \  C )  =  ( [_ A  /  x ]_ B  \  [_ A  /  x ]_ C )
Theoremcsbpredg 33172 Move class substitution in and out of the predecessor class of a relationship. (Contributed by ML, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  [_ A  /  x ]_ Pred ( R ,  D ,  X )  =  Pred (
 [_ A  /  x ]_ R ,  [_ A  /  x ]_ D ,  [_ A  /  x ]_ X ) )
Theoremcsbwrecsg 33173 Move class substitution in and out of the well-founded recursive function generator . (Contributed by ML, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  [_ A  /  x ]_wrecs ( R ,  D ,  F )  = wrecs ( [_ A  /  x ]_ R ,  [_ A  /  x ]_ D ,  [_ A  /  x ]_ F ) )
Theoremcsbrecsg 33174 Move class substitution in and out of recs. (Contributed by ML, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  [_ A  /  x ]_recs ( F )  = recs ( [_ A  /  x ]_ F ) )
Theoremcsbrdgg 33175 Move class substitution in and out of the recursive function generator. (Contributed by ML, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  [_ A  /  x ]_ rec ( F ,  I
 )  =  rec ( [_ A  /  x ]_ F ,  [_ A  /  x ]_ I ) )
Theoremcsboprabg 33176* Move class substitution in and out of class abstractions of nested ordered pairs. (Contributed by ML, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  [_ A  /  x ]_ { <. <. y ,  z >. ,  d >.  |  ph }  =  { <. <. y ,  z >. ,  d >.  | 
 [. A  /  x ].
 ph } )
Theoremcsbmpt22g 33177* Move class substitution in and out of maps-to notation for operations. (Contributed by ML, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  [_ A  /  x ]_ ( y  e.  Y ,  z  e.  Z  |->  D )  =  (
 y  e.  [_ A  /  x ]_ Y ,  z  e.  [_ A  /  x ]_ Z  |->  [_ A  /  x ]_ D ) )
Theoremmpnanrd 33178 Eliminate the right side of a negated conjunction in an implication. (Contributed by ML, 17-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  ps )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  ( ps  /\  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  ch )
Theoremcon1bii2 33179 A contraposition inference. (Contributed by ML, 18-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( -.  ph  <->  ps )   =>    |-  ( ph  <->  -.  ps )
Theoremcon2bii2 33180 A contraposition inference. (Contributed by ML, 18-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( ph 
 <->  -.  ps )   =>    |-  ( -.  ph  <->  ps )
Theoremvtoclefex 33181* Implicit substitution of a class for a setvar variable. (Contributed by ML, 17-Oct-2020.)
 |-  F/ x ph   &    |-  ( x  =  A  ->  ph )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ph )
Theoremrnmptsn 33182* The range of a function mapping to singletons. (Contributed by ML, 15-Jul-2020.)
 |-  ran  ( x  e.  A  |->  { x } )  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }
Theoremf1omptsnlem 33183* This is the core of the proof of f1omptsn 33184, but to avoid the distinct variables on the definitions, we split this proof into two. (Contributed by ML, 15-Jul-2020.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A  |->  { x } )   &    |-  R  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }   =>    |-  F : A -1-1-onto-> R
Theoremf1omptsn 33184* A function mapping to singletons is bijective onto a set of singletons. (Contributed by ML, 16-Jul-2020.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A  |->  { x } )   &    |-  R  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }   =>    |-  F : A -1-1-onto-> R
Theoremmptsnunlem 33185* This is the core of the proof of mptsnun 33186, but to avoid the distinct variables on the definitions, we split this proof into two. (Contributed by ML, 16-Jul-2020.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A  |->  { x } )   &    |-  R  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }   =>    |-  ( B  C_  A  ->  B  =  U. ( F " B ) )
Theoremmptsnun 33186* A class  B is equal to the union of the class of all singletons of elements of  B. (Contributed by ML, 16-Jul-2020.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A  |->  { x } )   &    |-  R  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }   =>    |-  ( B  C_  A  ->  B  =  U. ( F " B ) )
Theoremdissneqlem 33187* This is the core of the proof of dissneq 33188, but to avoid the distinct variables on the definitions, we split this proof into two. (Contributed by ML, 16-Jul-2020.)
 |-  C  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }   =>    |-  (
 ( C  C_  B  /\  B  e.  (TopOn `  A ) )  ->  B  =  ~P A )
Theoremdissneq 33188* Any topology that contains every single-point set is the discrete topology. (Contributed by ML, 16-Jul-2020.)
 |-  C  =  { u  |  E. x  e.  A  u  =  { x } }   =>    |-  (
 ( C  C_  B  /\  B  e.  (TopOn `  A ) )  ->  B  =  ~P A )
Theoremexlimim 33189* Closed form of exlimimd 33190. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  (
 ( E. x ph  /\ 
 A. x ( ph  ->  ps ) )  ->  ps )
Theoremexlimimd 33190* Existential elimination rule of natural deduction. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  E. x ps )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ps  ->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ch )
Theoremexlimimdd 33191 Existential elimination rule of natural deduction. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  F/ x ph   &    |-  F/ x ch   &    |-  ( ph  ->  E. x ps )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ps  ->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ch )
Theoremexellim 33192* Closed form of exellimddv 33193. See also exlimim 33189 for a more general theorem. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  (
 ( E. x  x  e.  A  /\  A. x ( x  e.  A  ->  ph ) ) 
 ->  ph )
Theoremexellimddv 33193* Eliminate an antecedent when the antecedent is elementhood, deduction version. See exellim 33192 for the closed form, which requires the use of a universal quantifier. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  E. x  x  e.  A )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( x  e.  A  ->  ps ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ps )
Theoremtopdifinfindis 33194* Part of Exercise 3 of [Munkres] p. 83. The topology of all subsets  x of  A such that the complement of  x in  A is infinite, or  x is the empty set, or  x is all of  A, is the trivial topology when  A is finite. (Contributed by ML, 14-Jul-2020.)
 |-  T  =  { x  e.  ~P A  |  ( -.  ( A  \  x )  e.  Fin  \/  ( x  =  (/)  \/  x  =  A ) ) }   =>    |-  ( A  e.  Fin  ->  T  =  { (/) ,  A }
Theoremtopdifinffinlem 33195* This is the core of the proof of topdifinffin 33196, but to avoid the distinct variables on the definition, we need to split this proof into two. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  T  =  { x  e.  ~P A  |  ( -.  ( A  \  x )  e.  Fin  \/  ( x  =  (/)  \/  x  =  A ) ) }   =>    |-  ( T  e.  (TopOn `  A )  ->  A  e.  Fin )
Theoremtopdifinffin 33196* Part of Exercise 3 of [Munkres] p. 83. The topology of all subsets  x of  A such that the complement of  x in  A is infinite, or  x is the empty set, or  x is all of  A, is a topology only if  A is finite. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  T  =  { x  e.  ~P A  |  ( -.  ( A  \  x )  e.  Fin  \/  ( x  =  (/)  \/  x  =  A ) ) }   =>    |-  ( T  e.  (TopOn `  A )  ->  A  e.  Fin )
Theoremtopdifinf 33197* Part of Exercise 3 of [Munkres] p. 83. The topology of all subsets  x of  A such that the complement of  x in  A is infinite, or  x is the empty set, or  x is all of  A, is a topology if and only if  A is finite, in which case it is the trivial topology. (Contributed by ML, 17-Jul-2020.)
 |-  T  =  { x  e.  ~P A  |  ( -.  ( A  \  x )  e.  Fin  \/  ( x  =  (/)  \/  x  =  A ) ) }   =>    |-  (
 ( T  e.  (TopOn `  A )  <->  A  e.  Fin )  /\  ( T  e.  (TopOn `  A )  ->  T  =  { (/) ,  A } ) )
Theoremtopdifinfeq 33198* Two different ways of defining the collection from Exercise 3 of [Munkres] p. 83. (Contributed by ML, 18-Jul-2020.)
 |-  { x  e.  ~P A  |  ( -.  ( A  \  x )  e.  Fin  \/  ( ( A  \  x )  =  (/)  \/  ( A  \  x )  =  A ) ) }  =  { x  e.  ~P A  |  ( -.  ( A  \  x )  e.  Fin  \/  ( x  =  (/)  \/  x  =  A ) ) }
Theoremicorempt2 33199* Closed-below, open-above intervals of reals. (Contributed by ML, 26-Jul-2020.)
 |-  F  =  ( [,)  |`  ( RR 
 X.  RR ) )   =>    |-  F  =  ( x  e.  RR ,  y  e.  RR  |->  { z  e.  RR  |  ( x 
 <_  z  /\  z  < 
 y ) } )
Theoremicoreresf 33200 Closed-below, open-above intervals of reals map to subsets of reals. (Contributed by ML, 25-Jul-2020.)
 |-  ( [,)  |`  ( RR  X.  RR ) ) : ( RR  X.  RR ) --> ~P RR
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392 39101-39200 393 39201-39300 394 39301-39400 395 39401-39500 396 39501-39600 397 39601-39700 398 39701-39800 399 39801-39900 400 39901-40000 401 40001-40100 402 40101-40200 403 40201-40300 404 40301-40400 405 40401-40500 406 40501-40600 407 40601-40700 408 40701-40800 409 40801-40900 410 40901-41000 411 41001-41100 412 41101-41200 413 41201-41300 414 41301-41400 415 41401-41500 416 41501-41600 417 41601-41700 418 41701-41800 419 41801-41900 420 41901-42000 421 42001-42100 422 42101-42200 423 42201-42300 424 42301-42400 425 42401-42500 426 42501-42551
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