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Theorem List for Metamath Proof Explorer - 5501-5600   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremimass2 5501 Subset theorem for image. Exercise 22(a) of [Enderton] p. 53. (Contributed by NM, 22-Mar-1998.)
 |-  ( A  C_  B  ->  ( C " A )  C_  ( C " B ) )
Theoremndmima 5502 The image of a singleton outside the domain is empty. (Contributed by NM, 22-May-1998.) (Proof shortened by OpenAI, 3-Jul-2020.)
 |-  ( -.  A  e.  dom 
 B  ->  ( B " { A } )  =  (/) )
Theoremrelcnv 5503 A converse is a relation. Theorem 12 of [Suppes] p. 62. (Contributed by NM, 29-Oct-1996.)
 Rel  `' A
Theoremrelbrcnvg 5504 When  R is a relation, the sethood assumptions on brcnv 5305 can be omitted. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 28-Apr-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  R  ->  ( A `' R B  <->  B R A ) )
Theoremeliniseg2 5505 Eliminate the class existence constraint in eliniseg 5494. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 5-Dec-2014.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 17-Nov-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( C  e.  ( `' A " { B } )  <->  C A B ) )
Theoremrelbrcnv 5506 When  R is a relation, the sethood assumptions on brcnv 5305 can be omitted. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 28-Apr-2015.)
 Rel  R   =>    |-  ( A `' R B 
 <->  B R A )
Theoremcotrg 5507* Two ways of saying that the composition of two relations is included in a third relation. See its special instance cotr 5508 for the main application. (Contributed by NM, 27-Dec-1996.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.) Generalized from its special instance cotr 5508. (Revised by Richard Penner, 24-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  o.  B )  C_  C  <->  A. x A. y A. z ( ( x B y  /\  y A z )  ->  x C z ) )
Theoremcotr 5508* Two ways of saying a relation is transitive. Definition of transitivity in [Schechter] p. 51. Special instance of cotrg 5507. (Contributed by NM, 27-Dec-1996.)
 |-  ( ( R  o.  R )  C_  R  <->  A. x A. y A. z ( ( x R y  /\  y R z )  ->  x R z ) )
Theoremissref 5509* Two ways to state a relation is reflexive. Adapted from Tarski. (Contributed by FL, 15-Jan-2012.) (Revised by NM, 30-Mar-2016.)
 |-  ( (  _I  |`  A ) 
 C_  R  <->  A. x  e.  A  x R x )
Theoremcnvsym 5510* Two ways of saying a relation is symmetric. Similar to definition of symmetry in [Schechter] p. 51. (Contributed by NM, 28-Dec-1996.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( `' R  C_  R 
 A. x A. y
 ( x R y 
 ->  y R x ) )
Theoremintasym 5511* Two ways of saying a relation is antisymmetric. Definition of antisymmetry in [Schechter] p. 51. (Contributed by NM, 9-Sep-2004.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( ( R  i^i  `' R )  C_  _I  <->  A. x A. y
 ( ( x R y  /\  y R x )  ->  x  =  y ) )
Theoremasymref 5512* Two ways of saying a relation is antisymmetric and reflexive.  U. U. R is the field of a relation by relfld 5661. (Contributed by NM, 6-May-2008.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( ( R  i^i  `' R )  =  (  _I  |`  U. U. R ) 
 A. x  e.  U. U. R A. y ( ( x R y 
 /\  y R x )  <->  x  =  y
 ) )
Theoremasymref2 5513* Two ways of saying a relation is antisymmetric and reflexive. (Contributed by NM, 6-May-2008.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 4-Dec-2016.)
 |-  ( ( R  i^i  `' R )  =  (  _I  |`  U. U. R ) 
 <->  ( A. x  e. 
 U. U. R x R x  /\  A. x A. y ( ( x R y  /\  y R x )  ->  x  =  y ) ) )
Theoremintirr 5514* Two ways of saying a relation is irreflexive. Definition of irreflexivity in [Schechter] p. 51. (Contributed by NM, 9-Sep-2004.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( ( R  i^i  _I  )  =  (/)  <->  A. x  -.  x R x )
Theorembrcodir 5515* Two ways of saying that two elements have an upper bound. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 3-Nov-2015.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  B  e.  W )  ->  ( A ( `' R  o.  R ) B  <->  E. z ( A R z  /\  B R z ) ) )
Theoremcodir 5516* Two ways of saying a relation is directed. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 22-Nov-2013.)
 |-  ( ( A  X.  B )  C_  ( `' R  o.  R )  <->  A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  E. z ( x R z  /\  y R z ) )
Theoremqfto 5517* A quantifier-free way of expressing the total order predicate. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 22-Nov-2013.)
 |-  ( ( A  X.  B )  C_  ( R  u.  `' R )  <->  A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  ( x R y  \/  y R x ) )
Theoremxpidtr 5518 A square Cartesian product  ( A  X.  A
) is a transitive relation. (Contributed by FL, 31-Jul-2009.)
 |-  ( ( A  X.  A )  o.  ( A  X.  A ) ) 
 C_  ( A  X.  A )
Theoremtrin2 5519 The intersection of two transitive classes is transitive. (Contributed by FL, 31-Jul-2009.)
 |-  ( ( ( R  o.  R )  C_  R  /\  ( S  o.  S )  C_  S ) 
 ->  ( ( R  i^i  S )  o.  ( R  i^i  S ) ) 
 C_  ( R  i^i  S ) )
Theorempoirr2 5520 A partial order relation is irreflexive. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 2-Nov-2015.)
 |-  ( R  Po  A  ->  ( R  i^i  (  _I  |`  A ) )  =  (/) )
Theoremtrinxp 5521 The relation induced by a transitive relation on a part of its field is transitive. (Taking the intersection of a relation with a square Cartesian product is a way to restrict it to a subset of its field.) (Contributed by FL, 31-Jul-2009.)
 |-  ( ( R  o.  R )  C_  R  ->  ( ( R  i^i  ( A  X.  A ) )  o.  ( R  i^i  ( A  X.  A ) ) )  C_  ( R  i^i  ( A  X.  A ) ) )
Theoremsoirri 5522 A strict order relation is irreflexive. (Contributed by NM, 10-Feb-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  R  Or  S   &    |-  R  C_  ( S  X.  S )   =>    |- 
 -.  A R A
Theoremsotri 5523 A strict order relation is a transitive relation. (Contributed by NM, 10-Feb-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  R  Or  S   &    |-  R  C_  ( S  X.  S )   =>    |-  ( ( A R B  /\  B R C )  ->  A R C )
Theoremson2lpi 5524 A strict order relation has no 2-cycle loops. (Contributed by NM, 10-Feb-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  R  Or  S   &    |-  R  C_  ( S  X.  S )   =>    |- 
 -.  ( A R B  /\  B R A )
Theoremsotri2 5525 A transitivity relation. (Read  A  <_  B and  B  < 
C implies  A  <  C.) (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  R  Or  S   &    |-  R  C_  ( S  X.  S )   =>    |-  ( ( A  e.  S  /\  -.  B R A  /\  B R C )  ->  A R C )
Theoremsotri3 5526 A transitivity relation. (Read  A  <  B and  B  <_  C implies  A  <  C.) (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  R  Or  S   &    |-  R  C_  ( S  X.  S )   =>    |-  ( ( C  e.  S  /\  A R B  /\  -.  C R B )  ->  A R C )
Theorempoleloe 5527 Express "less than or equals" for general strict orders. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 17-Jan-2015.)
 |-  ( B  e.  V  ->  ( A ( R  u.  _I  ) B  <-> 
 ( A R B  \/  A  =  B ) ) )
Theorempoltletr 5528 Transitive law for general strict orders. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 17-Jan-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Po  X  /\  ( A  e.  X  /\  B  e.  X  /\  C  e.  X ) )  ->  ( ( A R B  /\  B ( R  u.  _I  ) C )  ->  A R C ) )
Theoremsomin1 5529 Property of a minimum in a strict order. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 17-Jan-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Or  X  /\  ( A  e.  X  /\  B  e.  X ) )  ->  if ( A R B ,  A ,  B ) ( R  u.  _I  ) A )
Theoremsomincom 5530 Commutativity of minimum in a total order. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 17-Jan-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Or  X  /\  ( A  e.  X  /\  B  e.  X ) )  ->  if ( A R B ,  A ,  B )  =  if ( B R A ,  B ,  A )
Theoremsomin2 5531 Property of a minimum in a strict order. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 17-Jan-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Or  X  /\  ( A  e.  X  /\  B  e.  X ) )  ->  if ( A R B ,  A ,  B ) ( R  u.  _I  ) B )
Theoremsoltmin 5532 Being less than a minimum, for a general total order. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 17-Jan-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Or  X  /\  ( A  e.  X  /\  B  e.  X  /\  C  e.  X ) )  ->  ( A R if ( B R C ,  B ,  C )  <->  ( A R B  /\  A R C ) ) )
Theoremcnvopab 5533* The converse of a class abstraction of ordered pairs. (Contributed by NM, 11-Dec-2003.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  `' { <. x ,  y >.  |  ph }  =  { <. y ,  x >.  |  ph }
Theoremmptcnv 5534* The converse of a mapping function. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 16-Jan-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( x  e.  A  /\  y  =  B ) 
 <->  ( y  e.  C  /\  x  =  D ) ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  `' ( x  e.  A  |->  B )  =  (
 y  e.  C  |->  D ) )
Theoremcnv0 5535 The converse of the empty set. (Contributed by NM, 6-Apr-1998.) Remove dependency on ax-sep 4781, ax-nul 4789, ax-pr 4906. (Revised by KP, 25-Oct-2021.)
 |-  `' (/)  =  (/)
Theoremcnv0OLD 5536 Obsolete version of cnv0 5535 as of 25-Oct-2021. (Contributed by NM, 6-Apr-1998.) (Proof modification is discouraged.) (New usage is discouraged.)
 |-  `' (/)  =  (/)
Theoremcnvi 5537 The converse of the identity relation. Theorem 3.7(ii) of [Monk1] p. 36. (Contributed by NM, 26-Apr-1998.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  `'  _I  =  _I
Theoremcnvun 5538 The converse of a union is the union of converses. Theorem 16 of [Suppes] p. 62. (Contributed by NM, 25-Mar-1998.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  `' ( A  u.  B )  =  ( `' A  u.  `' B )
Theoremcnvdif 5539 Distributive law for converse over class difference. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 26-Jun-2014.)
 |-  `' ( A  \  B )  =  ( `' A  \  `' B )
Theoremcnvin 5540 Distributive law for converse over intersection. Theorem 15 of [Suppes] p. 62. (Contributed by NM, 25-Mar-1998.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 26-Jun-2014.)
 |-  `' ( A  i^i  B )  =  ( `' A  i^i  `' B )
Theoremrnun 5541 Distributive law for range over union. Theorem 8 of [Suppes] p. 60. (Contributed by NM, 24-Mar-1998.)
 ran  ( A  u.  B )  =  ( ran  A  u.  ran  B )
Theoremrnin 5542 The range of an intersection belongs the intersection of ranges. Theorem 9 of [Suppes] p. 60. (Contributed by NM, 15-Sep-2004.)
 ran  ( A  i^i  B )  C_  ( ran  A  i^i  ran  B )
Theoremrniun 5543 The range of an indexed union. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 29-May-2015.)
 ran  U_ x  e.  A  B  =  U_ x  e.  A  ran  B
Theoremrnuni 5544* The range of a union. Part of Exercise 8 of [Enderton] p. 41. (Contributed by NM, 17-Mar-2004.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 29-May-2015.)
 ran  U. A  =  U_ x  e.  A  ran  x
Theoremimaundi 5545 Distributive law for image over union. Theorem 35 of [Suppes] p. 65. (Contributed by NM, 30-Sep-2002.)
 |-  ( A " ( B  u.  C ) )  =  ( ( A
 " B )  u.  ( A " C ) )
Theoremimaundir 5546 The image of a union. (Contributed by Jeff Hoffman, 17-Feb-2008.)
 |-  ( ( A  u.  B ) " C )  =  ( ( A " C )  u.  ( B " C ) )
Theoremdminss 5547 An upper bound for intersection with a domain. Theorem 40 of [Suppes] p. 66, who calls it "somewhat surprising." (Contributed by NM, 11-Aug-2004.)
 |-  ( dom  R  i^i  A )  C_  ( `' R " ( R " A ) )
Theoremimainss 5548 An upper bound for intersection with an image. Theorem 41 of [Suppes] p. 66. (Contributed by NM, 11-Aug-2004.)
 |-  ( ( R " A )  i^i  B ) 
 C_  ( R "
 ( A  i^i  ( `' R " B ) ) )
Theoreminimass 5549 The image of an intersection. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 16-Dec-2017.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  B ) " C ) 
 C_  ( ( A
 " C )  i^i  ( B " C ) )
Theoreminimasn 5550 The intersection of the image of singleton. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 16-Dec-2017.)
 |-  ( C  e.  V  ->  ( ( A  i^i  B ) " { C } )  =  (
 ( A " { C } )  i^i  ( B " { C }
 ) ) )
Theoremcnvxp 5551 The converse of a Cartesian product. Exercise 11 of [Suppes] p. 67. (Contributed by NM, 14-Aug-1999.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  `' ( A  X.  B )  =  ( B  X.  A )
Theoremxp0 5552 The Cartesian product with the empty set is empty. Part of Theorem 3.13(ii) of [Monk1] p. 37. (Contributed by NM, 12-Apr-2004.)
 |-  ( A  X.  (/) )  =  (/)
Theoremxpnz 5553 The Cartesian product of nonempty classes is nonempty. (Variation of a theorem contributed by Raph Levien, 30-Jun-2006.) (Contributed by NM, 30-Jun-2006.)
 |-  ( ( A  =/=  (/)  /\  B  =/=  (/) )  <->  ( A  X.  B )  =/=  (/) )
Theoremxpeq0 5554 At least one member of an empty Cartesian product is empty. (Contributed by NM, 27-Aug-2006.)
 |-  ( ( A  X.  B )  =  (/)  <->  ( A  =  (/) 
 \/  B  =  (/) ) )
Theoremxpdisj1 5555 Cartesian products with disjoint sets are disjoint. (Contributed by NM, 13-Sep-2004.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  B )  =  (/)  ->  (
 ( A  X.  C )  i^i  ( B  X.  D ) )  =  (/) )
Theoremxpdisj2 5556 Cartesian products with disjoint sets are disjoint. (Contributed by NM, 13-Sep-2004.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  B )  =  (/)  ->  (
 ( C  X.  A )  i^i  ( D  X.  B ) )  =  (/) )
Theoremxpsndisj 5557 Cartesian products with two different singletons are disjoint. (Contributed by NM, 28-Jul-2004.)
 |-  ( B  =/=  D  ->  ( ( A  X.  { B } )  i^i  ( C  X.  { D } ) )  =  (/) )
Theoremdifxp 5558 Difference of Cartesian products, expressed in terms of a union of Cartesian products of differences. (Contributed by Jeff Madsen, 2-Sep-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 26-Jun-2014.)
 |-  ( ( C  X.  D )  \  ( A  X.  B ) )  =  ( ( ( C  \  A )  X.  D )  u.  ( C  X.  ( D  \  B ) ) )
Theoremdifxp1 5559 Difference law for Cartesian product. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 18-Feb-2013.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 26-Jun-2014.)
 |-  ( ( A  \  B )  X.  C )  =  ( ( A  X.  C )  \  ( B  X.  C ) )
Theoremdifxp2 5560 Difference law for Cartesian product. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 18-Feb-2013.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 26-Jun-2014.)
 |-  ( A  X.  ( B  \  C ) )  =  ( ( A  X.  B )  \  ( A  X.  C ) )
Theoremdjudisj 5561* Disjoint unions with disjoint index sets are disjoint. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 21-Nov-2014.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  B )  =  (/)  ->  ( U_ x  e.  A  ( { x }  X.  C )  i^i  U_ y  e.  B  ( { y }  X.  D ) )  =  (/) )
Theoremxpdifid 5562* The set of distinct couples in a Cartesian product. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 25-May-2019.)
 |-  U_ x  e.  A  ( { x }  X.  ( B  \  { x } ) )  =  ( ( A  X.  B )  \  _I  )
Theoremresdisj 5563 A double restriction to disjoint classes is the empty set. (Contributed by NM, 7-Oct-2004.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  B )  =  (/)  ->  (
 ( C  |`  A )  |`  B )  =  (/) )
Theoremrnxp 5564 The range of a Cartesian product. Part of Theorem 3.13(x) of [Monk1] p. 37. (Contributed by NM, 12-Apr-2004.)
 |-  ( A  =/=  (/)  ->  ran  ( A  X.  B )  =  B )
Theoremdmxpss 5565 The domain of a Cartesian product is a subclass of the first factor. (Contributed by NM, 19-Mar-2007.)
 dom  ( A  X.  B )  C_  A
Theoremrnxpss 5566 The range of a Cartesian product is a subclass of the second factor. (Contributed by NM, 16-Jan-2006.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 ran  ( A  X.  B )  C_  B
Theoremrnxpid 5567 The range of a square Cartesian product. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.)
 ran  ( A  X.  A )  =  A
Theoremssxpb 5568 A Cartesian product subclass relationship is equivalent to the relationship for it components. (Contributed by NM, 17-Dec-2008.)
 |-  ( ( A  X.  B )  =/=  (/)  ->  (
 ( A  X.  B )  C_  ( C  X.  D )  <->  ( A  C_  C  /\  B  C_  D ) ) )
Theoremxp11 5569 The Cartesian product of nonempty classes is one-to-one. (Contributed by NM, 31-May-2008.)
 |-  ( ( A  =/=  (/)  /\  B  =/=  (/) )  ->  ( ( A  X.  B )  =  ( C  X.  D )  <->  ( A  =  C  /\  B  =  D ) ) )
Theoremxpcan 5570 Cancellation law for Cartesian product. (Contributed by NM, 30-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( C  =/=  (/)  ->  (
 ( C  X.  A )  =  ( C  X.  B )  <->  A  =  B ) )
Theoremxpcan2 5571 Cancellation law for Cartesian product. (Contributed by NM, 30-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( C  =/=  (/)  ->  (
 ( A  X.  C )  =  ( B  X.  C )  <->  A  =  B ) )
Theoremssrnres 5572 Subset of the range of a restriction. (Contributed by NM, 16-Jan-2006.)
 |-  ( B  C_  ran  ( C  |`  A )  <->  ran  ( C  i^i  ( A  X.  B ) )  =  B )
Theoremrninxp 5573* Range of the intersection with a Cartesian product. (Contributed by NM, 17-Jan-2006.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( ran  ( C  i^i  ( A  X.  B ) )  =  B  <->  A. y  e.  B  E. x  e.  A  x C y )
Theoremdminxp 5574* Domain of the intersection with a Cartesian product. (Contributed by NM, 17-Jan-2006.)
 |-  ( dom  ( C  i^i  ( A  X.  B ) )  =  A  <->  A. x  e.  A  E. y  e.  B  x C y )
Theoremimainrect 5575 Image of a relation restricted to a rectangular region. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 19-Feb-2015.)
 |-  ( ( G  i^i  ( A  X.  B ) ) " Y )  =  ( ( G
 " ( Y  i^i  A ) )  i^i  B )
Theoremxpima 5576 The image by a constant function (or other Cartesian product). (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 4-Feb-2017.)
 |-  ( ( A  X.  B ) " C )  =  if (
 ( A  i^i  C )  =  (/) ,  (/) ,  B )
Theoremxpima1 5577 The image by a Cartesian product. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 16-Dec-2017.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  C )  =  (/)  ->  (
 ( A  X.  B ) " C )  =  (/) )
Theoremxpima2 5578 The image by a Cartesian product. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 16-Dec-2017.)
 |-  ( ( A  i^i  C )  =/=  (/)  ->  (
 ( A  X.  B ) " C )  =  B )
Theoremxpimasn 5579 The image of a singleton by a Cartesian product. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 14-Jan-2018.) (Proof shortened by BJ, 6-Apr-2019.)
 |-  ( X  e.  A  ->  ( ( A  X.  B ) " { X } )  =  B )
Theoremsossfld 5580 The base set of a strict order is contained in the field of the relation, except possibly for one element (note that  (/)  Or  { B }). (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 27-Apr-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Or  A  /\  B  e.  A )  ->  ( A  \  { B } )  C_  ( dom  R  u.  ran  R ) )
Theoremsofld 5581 The base set of a nonempty strict order is the same as the field of the relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 15-May-2015.)
 |-  ( ( R  Or  A  /\  R  C_  ( A  X.  A )  /\  R  =/=  (/) )  ->  A  =  ( dom  R  u.  ran 
 R ) )
Theoremcnvcnv3 5582* The set of all ordered pairs in a class is the same as the double converse. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 16-Aug-2015.)
 |-  `' `' R  =  { <. x ,  y >.  |  x R y }
Theoremdfrel2 5583 Alternate definition of relation. Exercise 2 of [TakeutiZaring] p. 25. (Contributed by NM, 29-Dec-1996.)
 |-  ( Rel  R  <->  `' `' R  =  R )
Theoremdfrel4v 5584* A relation can be expressed as the set of ordered pairs in it. An analogue of dffn5 6241 for relations. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 16-Aug-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  R  <->  R  =  { <. x ,  y >.  |  x R y }
Theoremdfrel4 5585* A relation can be expressed as the set of ordered pairs in it. An analogue of dffn5 6241 for relations. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 16-Aug-2015.) (Revised by Thierry Arnoux, 11-May-2017.)
 |-  F/_ x R   &    |-  F/_ y R   =>    |-  ( Rel  R  <->  R  =  { <. x ,  y >.  |  x R y } )
Theoremcnvcnv 5586 The double converse of a class strips out all elements that are not ordered pairs. (Contributed by NM, 8-Dec-2003.) (Proof shortened by BJ, 26-Nov-2021.)
 |-  `' `' A  =  ( A  i^i  ( _V  X.  _V ) )
TheoremcnvcnvOLD 5587 Obsolete proof of cnvcnv 5586 as of 26-Nov-2021. (Contributed by NM, 8-Dec-2003.) (Proof modification is discouraged.) (New usage is discouraged.)
 |-  `' `' A  =  ( A  i^i  ( _V  X.  _V ) )
Theoremcnvcnv2 5588 The double converse of a class equals its restriction to the universe. (Contributed by NM, 8-Oct-2007.)
 |-  `' `' A  =  ( A  |`  _V )
Theoremcnvcnvss 5589 The double converse of a class is a subclass. Exercise 2 of [TakeutiZaring] p. 25. (Contributed by NM, 23-Jul-2004.)
 |-  `' `' A  C_  A
Theoremcnveqb 5590 Equality theorem for converse. (Contributed by FL, 19-Sep-2011.)
 |-  ( ( Rel  A  /\  Rel  B )  ->  ( A  =  B  <->  `' A  =  `' B ) )
Theoremcnveq0 5591 A relation empty iff its converse is empty. (Contributed by FL, 19-Sep-2011.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( A  =  (/)  <->  `' A  =  (/) ) )
Theoremdfrel3 5592 Alternate definition of relation. (Contributed by NM, 14-May-2008.)
 |-  ( Rel  R  <->  ( R  |`  _V )  =  R )
Theoremdmresv 5593 The domain of a universal restriction. (Contributed by NM, 14-May-2008.)
 dom  ( A  |`  _V )  =  dom  A
Theoremrnresv 5594 The range of a universal restriction. (Contributed by NM, 14-May-2008.)
 ran  ( A  |`  _V )  =  ran  A
Theoremdfrn4 5595 Range defined in terms of image. (Contributed by NM, 14-May-2008.)
 ran  A  =  ( A " _V )
Theoremcsbrn 5596 Distribute proper substitution through the range of a class. (Contributed by Alan Sare, 10-Nov-2012.)
 |-  [_ A  /  x ]_
 ran  B  =  ran  [_ A  /  x ]_ B
Theoremrescnvcnv 5597 The restriction of the double converse of a class. (Contributed by NM, 8-Apr-2007.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( `' `' A  |`  B )  =  ( A  |`  B )
Theoremcnvcnvres 5598 The double converse of the restriction of a class. (Contributed by NM, 3-Jun-2007.)
 |-  `' `' ( A  |`  B )  =  ( `' `' A  |`  B )
Theoremimacnvcnv 5599 The image of the double converse of a class. (Contributed by NM, 8-Apr-2007.)
 |-  ( `' `' A " B )  =  ( A " B )
Theoremdmsnn0 5600 The domain of a singleton is nonzero iff the singleton argument is an ordered pair. (Contributed by NM, 14-Dec-2008.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 27-Aug-2011.)
 |-  ( A  e.  ( _V  X.  _V )  <->  dom  { A }  =/= 
 (/) )
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