Symbian OS Library


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C++ Member Function Index

for any element that matches , using binary search.
  • calloc().
  • ceil().
  • chmod() - Sets the access permissions for the file whose name is given by pathname to the bit pattern contained in mode.
  • clearerr().
  • clock() - Return number of clock ticks since process start.
  • closedir() - closes the directory stream that dirp refers to.
  • connect() - Used by a client program to establish communication with a remote entity.
  • copysign() - Non ANSI functions provided by EPOC32.
  • cos() - Calculate cosine.
  • cosh().
  • ctime().
  • ctime_r() - A reentrant version of ctime().
  • difftime().
  • div().
  • exit().
  • exp() - Calculate exponential.
  • expm1().
  • fabs().
  • fclose().
  • fdopen().
  • feof().
  • ferror().
  • fflush().
  • fgetc().
  • fgetpos().
  • fgets().
  • fileno() - Routines in POSIX 1003.1.
  • finite() - Test for finity.
  • floor().
  • fmod() - Return remainder of floating point division.
  • fopen().
  • fprintf().
  • fputc().
  • fputs().
  • fread().
  • free().
  • freopen().
  • frexp().
  • fscanf().
  • fseek().
  • fsetpos().
  • fstat() - Gets information about the named file and writes it to the area that buf points to.
  • ftell().
  • fwrite().
  • getc().
  • getchar().
  • getenv() - Get string from environment.
  • gethostbyaddr() - Get the internet name of the host by address.
  • gethostbyname() - Get the internet name of the host by name.
  • getpeername() - Returns the peer address of the specified socket.
  • getpid() - NB.
  • gets().
  • getsockname() - Returns the current name for the specified socket.
  • getsockopt() - Manipulates options associated with a socket.
  • gettimeofday() - Intended Usage: The gettimeofday function obtains the current UTC time, which is expressed as seconds and microseconds since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), January 1, 1970, and stores it in a timeval structure.
  • gmtime().
  • gmtime_r() - A reentrant version of gmtime().
  • htonl().
  • index().
  • inet_addr().
  • inet_aton().
  • inet_lnaof().
  • inet_makeaddr().
  • inet_netof().
  • inet_ntoa().
  • ioctl() - Performs a variety of device-specific control functions on device special files.
  • isalnum() - Tests whether the character is alphabetic or a decimal digit.
  • isalpha() - Test for an alphabetic character.
  • iscntrl() - Tests whether the character is a control character.
  • isdigit() - Tests whether the character is a standard decimal digit.
  • isgraph() - Tests whether the character is a graphic character.
  • isinf() - test for infinity or not-a-number.
  • islower() - Tests if character is a lowercase letter.
  • isnan() - tests whether d is NaN.
  • isprint() - Tests whether the character is a printable character.
  • ispunct() - Tests whether the character is a punctuation character.
  • isspace() - Tests whether the character is a white space character.
  • isupper() - Tests whether the character is uppercase.
  • isxdigit() - Tests whether the character is a hexadecimal digit (0-9, a-f, A-F).
  • ldexp().
  • listen() - Marks a connection-mode socket, specified by the socket argument fd, as accepting connections, and limits the number of outstanding connections in the socket's listen queue to the value specified by the n argument.
  • localeconv().
  • localtime().
  • localtime_r() - A reentrant version of localtime().
  • log10() - Calculate logarithm base 10.
  • log() - Calculate natural logarithm.
  • longjmp().
  • malloc().
  • mblen() - If string is not a null pointer, the function returns the number of bytes in the multibyte string that constitute the next multibyte character, or it returns -1 if the next n (or the remaining) bytes do not constitute a valid multibyte character.
  • mbstowcs().
  • mbtowc() - Converts the multibyte character addressed by s into the corresponding UNICODE character pwc.
  • memchr().
  • memcmp().
  • memcpy().
  • memmove().
  • memset().
  • mkdir() - Creates a new directory with the specified path name.
  • mktime() - Convert tm structure to time_t value.
  • modf().
  • open() - Opens the file which name is stored in the file string.
  • opendir() - Opens a directory.
  • perror().
  • popen3() - Gives access to the client's stdin.
  • pow() - Calculate numeric power.
  • printf().
  • putc().
  • putchar().
  • puts().
  • qsort() - Sort an array.
  • rand() - Returns a different integer each time it is called; each integer is chosen by an algorithm designed to be unpredictable, so that you can use <_ when="when" you="you" require="require" a="a" random="random" number.="number." li="li">
  • readdir() - Returns a pointer to a dirent structure representing the next directory entry in the directory stream pointed to be dir.
  • realloc().
  • realpath() - Takes a specified path name, pathname and resolves all symbolic links, extra slashes (/), and references to /./ and /../.
  • recv() - Receives a message from a socket.
  • recvfrom().
  • rewind().
  • rewinddir() - Sets the position (associated with the directory stream that dirp points to) to the beginning of the directory.
  • rindex().
  • rint() - round to integral value in floating-point format.
  • scalbn().
  • scanf().
  • seekdir() - sets the position of the next readdir() operation on the directory stream specified by dp to the position specified by index.
  • send() - Initiates transmission of a message from the specified socket to its peer.
  • sendto().
  • setbuf().
  • setenv() - Adds or changes an environment variable.
  • setjmp().
  • setlocale().
  • setsockopt() - Manipulates options associated with a socket.
  • setvbuf().
  • shutdown() - Shuts down all or part of a full-duplex connection on the socket associated with fd.
  • sin() - Calculate sine.
  • sinh().
  • sleep().
  • socket().
  • sprintf().
  • sqrt() - Calculate square root.
  • srand().
  • sscanf().
  • stat() - Gets the size of a file.
  • strcasecmp() - Compares the null-terminated strings left and right and returns an integer greater than,equal to, or less than zero (0), accordingly as left is lexicographically greater than,equal to, or less than right after translation of each corresponding character to lowercase.
  • strcat().
  • strchr().
  • strcmp().
  • strcoll().
  • strcpy().
  • strcspn().
  • strdup().
  • strerror().
  • strftime().
  • strlen().
  • strncasecmp().
  • strncat().
  • strncmp().
  • strncpy().
  • strpbrk().
  • strrchr().
  • strspn().
  • strstr().
  • strtod() - Convert string to double-precision floating-point value.
  • strtok().
  • strtok_r().
  • strtol().
  • strtoul().
  • strxfrm().
  • system() - Execute command.
  • tan() - Calculate tangent.
  • tanh().
  • telldir() - Returns the current location associated with the directory stream dir.
  • time() - Intended Usage: Get current UTC time.
  • tmpfile() - Functions defined in ANSI C standard.
  • tmpnam().
  • tolower() - Tests whether the character is lowercase.
  • toupper() - Returns the character value after conversion to uppercase or the character's own value, if no uppercase form exists.
  • ungetc().
  • unsetenv() - Removes an environment variable.
  • vfprintf().
  • vprintf().
  • vsprintf().
  • wait() - Calls reentrant version of waitpid().
  • waitpid().
  • wchmod() - A wide-character version of chmod().
  • wclosedir() - Closes the directory.
  • wcscat().
  • wcscmp().
  • wcscpy().
  • wcsdup().
  • wcslen().
  • wcstombs() - The wcstombs function converts a wide string to a string of multibyte characters.
  • wctomb() - Converts a wide character to a multibyte character.
  • wfdopen().
  • wfopen().
  • wfreopen().
  • wgetenv().
  • wmkdir() - A wide-character version of mkdir().
  • wopen() - A wide_character version of a open().
  • wopendir() - A wide-character version of opendir().
  • wpopen3() - A wide-character version of popen3().
  • wreaddir().
  • wrealpath() - A wide-character version of realpath().
  • wrewinddir() - Resets the position to the beginning of the directory.
  • wseekdir() - Sets the index position of the directory stream specified by dp to the position specified by index.
  • wsetenv() - A wide-character version of a setenv().
  • wstat() - A wide_character version of a stat().
  • wsystem() - A wide-character version of a system().
  • wtelldir().
  • wtmpnam().
  • wunsetenv() - A wide-character version of a unsetenv().
  • StartSysAgt2() - The function starts SysAgt2 server.
  • Panic().

  • ASCliDefinitions - This is a utility class that retrieves the name and version number of the alarm server.
  • ASCliDefinitions::ServerAndThreadName() - Returns the alarm server's unique name.

  • AlarmClientUtils.
  • AlarmClientUtils::StartAlarmServer() - Starts the alarm server.

  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo - Class used to cache F32 drive information.
  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::IsFlagSetOnDriveL() - This method allows the caller to test the attributes of a drive to see if they are set.
  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::IsReadOnlyInternalL()  Checks if the drive associated with aFullName is both read-only and internal by checking that the KMediaAttWriteProtected and KDriveAttInternal flags are both set.
  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::IsReadOnlyInternalL()  Checks if the specified drive is both read-only and internal by checking that the KMediaAttWriteProtected and KDriveAttInternal flags are both set.
  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::NewL() - Constructs CCachedDriveInfo object by retrieving the drive status using aFs.
  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::NewLC() - Constructs CCachedDriveInfo object by retrieving the drive status using aFs.
  • BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::~CCachedDriveInfo() - Frees all allocated resources.

  • BTDeviceArrayCleanupStack - Cleanup utility for CBTDeviceArrays.
  • BTDeviceArrayCleanupStack::PushL() - Push an object onto the cleanupstack.

  • BTDeviceNameConverter - Utility class to convert between a wide TBTDeviceName and a narrow TBTDeviceName8.
  • BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUnicodeL() - Convert a narrow TBTDeviceName8 to a wide TBTDeviceName.
  • BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUTF8L() - Convert a wide TBTDeviceName to a narrow TBTDeviceName8.

  • BaSystemSound - API class to retrieve and modify the system sounds settings.
  • BaSystemSound::GetSound() - Gets sound information from storage.
  • BaSystemSound::SetSoundL() - Adds the specified sound to the system sound table if it does not already exist in the table.
  • BaSystemSound::SystemSoundFile() - Returns the system sound filename.

  • BaflUtils - Provides simple-to-use file system utilities.
  • BaflUtils::AbbreviateFileName() - Abbreviates a file name.
  • BaflUtils::CheckFolder() - Checks that the specified folder can be opened.
  • BaflUtils::CheckWhetherFullNameRefersToFolder() - Checks if a string is a valid folder name.
  • BaflUtils::CopyFile() - Copies one or more files.
  • BaflUtils::CopyWithTruncation() - Copies a descriptor, abbreviating it to fit the destination descriptor.
  • BaflUtils::DeleteFile() - Deletes one or more files.
  • BaflUtils::DiskIsReadOnly() - Checks if the specified drive is read-only.
  • BaflUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName() - Gets the drive letter and path from a file name.
  • BaflUtils::DriveIsReadOnlyInternal() - Checks if the specified drive is read-only and is an internal drive i.e.
  • BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL() - Makes one or more directories, if they do not already exist.
  • BaflUtils::ExtractAppNameFromFullName() - Gets the application name from a full thread name.
  • BaflUtils::FileExists() - Checks if the specified file exists.
  • BaflUtils::FolderExists() - Tests whether a folder exists.
  • BaflUtils::FolderNameFromFullName() - Gets the folder name from a path.
  • BaflUtils::GetDiskListL() - Retrieves a list of all drives on the system.
  • BaflUtils::GetDowngradePathL() - Gets the full language downgrade path for a particular locale.
  • BaflUtils::GetSystemDrive() - Get the value of the system drive.
  • BaflUtils::InitialiseHAL() - Initialise the HAL settings from.
  • BaflUtils::InitialiseLocale().
  • BaflUtils::InitialiseScreenCalibration().
  • BaflUtils::IsFirstDriveForSocket() - Tests whether the specified drive corresponds to the primary partition in a removable media slot.
  • BaflUtils::IsFolder() - Checks if the specified item is a folder.
  • BaflUtils::MostSignificantPartOfFullName() - Gets the folder name if the specified item is a valid folder name, otherwise gets the file name.
  • BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile()  Searches for the file with the correct language extension for the language of the current locale, or failing this, the best matching file.
  • BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile()  Set most appropriate extension language code for filename and set corresponding language.
  • BaflUtils::Parse() - Checks if a specified file name can be parsed.
  • BaflUtils::PathExists() - Tests whether a path exists.
  • BaflUtils::PersistHAL() - Saves the HAL settings to file.
  • BaflUtils::PersistLocale() - Saves the locale settings in TLocale and the currency symbol to file.
  • BaflUtils::PersistScreenCalibration().
  • BaflUtils::RemoveSystemDirectory() - Removes "System" from a list of directory entries.
  • BaflUtils::RenameFile() - Renames or moves one or more files or directories.
  • BaflUtils::RootFolderPath() - Gets the root folder for the specified drive.
  • BaflUtils::SortByTable() - Sorts files by UID.
  • BaflUtils::UidTypeMatches() - Tests whether two UID types match.
  • BaflUtils::UpdateDiskListL() - Retrieves a list of all drives present on the system.
  • BaflUtils::ValidateFolderNameTypedByUserL() - Checks if a folder name (without drive or path) is valid and returns the full name of the folder.

  • BigEndian - Inserts and extracts integers in big-endian format.
  • BigEndian::Get16() - Gets a 16-bit value integer which is in big-endian format from a byte stream.
  • BigEndian::Get32() - Gets a 32-bit integer value which is in big-endian format from a byte stream.
  • BigEndian::Put16() - Inserts a 16-bit value into a byte stream in big-endian format.
  • BigEndian::Put32() - Inserts a 32-bit value into a byte stream in big-endian format.

  • ByteOrder - Reverses the byte order in 16 and 32-bit values.
  • ByteOrder::Swap16()  Reverses the order of the bytes in a 16-bit value.
  • ByteOrder::Swap16()  Reverses the order of the bytes in a 16-bit value.
  • ByteOrder::Swap32() - Reverses the order of the bytes in a 32-bit value.

  • CASN1EncBase - Base class for all ASN.1 types that we can encode.
  • CASN1EncBase::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncBase::CASN1EncBase() - Protected constructor.
  • CASN1EncBase::ConstructL() - Must call this version from derived classes in their ConstructL, but only once they're ready to have CalculateContentsLengthDER called on them.
  • CASN1EncBase::IsConstructed().
  • CASN1EncBase::LengthDER() - Gives total number of octets in the DER encoding of this object.
  • CASN1EncBase::SetTag() - Sets tag type/class of the encoding object.
  • CASN1EncBase::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.
  • CASN1EncBase::WriteDERL() - Writes entire DER encoding of this object into the given buffer.
  • CASN1EncBase::WriteLengthDER() - Writes DER length encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.
  • CASN1EncBase::~CASN1EncBase().

  • CASN1EncBigInt - Class for encoding Big Integer objects only - use CASN1EncInt for TInts.
  • CASN1EncBigInt::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncBigInt::NewL().
  • CASN1EncBigInt::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncBigInt::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.
  • CASN1EncBigInt::~CASN1EncBigInt().

  • CASN1EncBitString - Class for encoding bit strings (keys, for example).
  • CASN1EncBitString::NewL()  Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that does not have unused bits at the end, i.e.
  • CASN1EncBitString::NewL()  Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that is not octet-aligned, which means it has unused bits in its last octet.
  • CASN1EncBitString::NewL()  Wraps the passed encoding object into a bit string.
  • CASN1EncBitString::NewLC()  Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that does not have unused bits at the end, i.e.
  • CASN1EncBitString::NewLC()  Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that is not octet-aligned, which means it has unused bits in its last octet.
  • CASN1EncBitString::NewLC()  Wraps the passed encoding object into a bit string.
  • CASN1EncBitString::~CASN1EncBitString().

  • CASN1EncBoolean - Class for encoding Boolean values.
  • CASN1EncBoolean::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncBoolean::NewL().
  • CASN1EncBoolean::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncBoolean::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.

  • CASN1EncConstructed - Base class for all ASN1 constructed-type objects.
  • CASN1EncConstructed::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncConstructed::Child().
  • CASN1EncConstructed::IsConstructed().
  • CASN1EncConstructed::NumChildren().
  • CASN1EncConstructed::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.

  • CASN1EncContainer - Base class for all ASN1 container types - sequences, sets, etc.
  • CASN1EncContainer::AddAndPopChildL() - Call this to add a child object to the container.
  • CASN1EncContainer::AddChildIntL() - Internal method, derived classes implement to add a child.
  • CASN1EncContainer::AddChildL() - Call this to add a child object to the container.

  • CASN1EncEncoding - Class for encapsulation of already encoded data.
  • CASN1EncEncoding::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncEncoding::CASN1EncEncoding() - Protected constructor.
  • CASN1EncEncoding::IsConstructed().
  • CASN1EncEncoding::NewL() - Creates a new object from reaw DER encoding.
  • CASN1EncEncoding::NewLC()  Creates a new object from raw DER encoding and places it on the cleanup stack.
  • CASN1EncEncoding::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncEncoding::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.
  • CASN1EncEncoding::~CASN1EncEncoding().

  • CASN1EncExplicitTag - Class used to wrap other encoding objects in order to give them an explicit tag.
  • CASN1EncExplicitTag::Child().
  • CASN1EncExplicitTag::NewL() - Takes ownership of the encoder, *including* the case when this method leaves.
  • CASN1EncExplicitTag::NewLC() - Takes ownership of the encoder, *including* the case when this method leaves.
  • CASN1EncExplicitTag::NumChildren().
  • CASN1EncExplicitTag::~CASN1EncExplicitTag().

  • CASN1EncGeneralizedTime - Class for encoding GeneralisedTime objects.
  • CASN1EncGeneralizedTime::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncGeneralizedTime::NewL().
  • CASN1EncGeneralizedTime::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncGeneralizedTime::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.

  • CASN1EncInt - Class for encoding TInts only.
  • CASN1EncInt::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncInt::NewL().
  • CASN1EncInt::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncInt::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.

  • CASN1EncNull - Class for encoding NULLs.
  • CASN1EncNull::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncNull::NewL().
  • CASN1EncNull::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncNull::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.

  • CASN1EncObjectIdentifier - Class for encoding object identifiers.
  • CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::NewL() - Takes ints in a string, delimited by '.' characters in between (not at ends).
  • CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::NewLC() - Takes ints in a string, delimited by '.' characters in between (not at ends).
  • CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.
  • CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::~CASN1EncObjectIdentifier() - Destructor.

  • CASN1EncOctetString - Class for encoding octet strings.
  • CASN1EncOctetString::CalculateContentsLengthDER() - Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding.
  • CASN1EncOctetString::NewL().
  • CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncOctetString::WriteContentsDERL() - Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is already verified to be big enough.
  • CASN1EncOctetString::~CASN1EncOctetString().

  • CASN1EncPrimitive - All ASN1 primitive type encoding classes derive from here.
  • CASN1EncPrimitive::CASN1EncPrimitive().
  • CASN1EncPrimitive::IsConstructed() - Inherited from CASN1EncBase.

  • CASN1EncSequence - Class for encoding SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE-OF data types.
  • CASN1EncSequence::AddChildIntL() - Internal method, derived classes implement to add a child.
  • CASN1EncSequence::Child().
  • CASN1EncSequence::NewL().
  • CASN1EncSequence::NewLC().
  • CASN1EncSequence::NumChildren().
  • CASN1EncSequence::~CASN1EncSequence().

  • CASN1EncSet - Class for encoding SET and SET-OF data types.
  • CASN1EncSet::AddChildIntL() - Internal method, derived classes implement to add a child.
  • CASN1EncSet::Child().
  • CASN1EncSet::NewL() - Creates an ASN.1 Set encoder.
  • CASN1EncSet::NewLC() - Creates an ASN.1 Set encoder, and puts it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CASN1EncSet::NumChildren().
  • CASN1EncSet::~CASN1EncSet() - Destructor.

  • CActive - The core class of the active object abstraction.
  • CActive::CActive() - Constructs the active object with the specified priority.
  • CActive::Cancel() - Cancels the wait for completion of an outstanding request.
  • CActive::Deque() - Removes the active object from the active scheduler's list of active objects.
  • CActive::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CActive::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CActive::IsActive() - Determines whether the active object has a request outstanding.
  • CActive::IsAdded() - Determines whether the active object has been added to the active scheduler's list of active objects.
  • CActive::Priority() - Gets the priority of the active object.
  • CActive::RunError() - Handles a leave occurring in the request completion event handler RunL().
  • CActive::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CActive::SetActive() - Indicates that the active object has issued a request and that it is now outstanding.
  • CActive::SetPriority() - Sets the priority of the active object.
  • CActive::~CActive() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt - Comms Mobility API extension for client running an Active Scheduler.. Whenever an Active Scheduler is present, this API is recommended over RCommsMobilityApiExt because of its simplicity.
  • CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt::RunError().
  • CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.

  • CActiveScheduler - Controls the handling of asynchronous requests as represented by active objects.
  • CActiveScheduler::Add() - Adds the specified active object to the current active scheduler.
  • CActiveScheduler::CActiveScheduler() - Constructs an active scheduler.
  • CActiveScheduler::Current() - Gets a pointer to the currently installed active scheduler.
  • CActiveScheduler::Error() - Handles the result of a leave occurring in an active object’s RunL() function.
  • CActiveScheduler::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CActiveScheduler::Halt() - Unilaterally terminates the current scheduler loop.
  • CActiveScheduler::Install() - Installs the specified active scheduler as the current active scheduler.
  • CActiveScheduler::Level() - Gets the scheduler's level of nestedness.
  • CActiveScheduler::OnStarting() - Dummy EXPORT for Binary Compatibility reasons.
  • CActiveScheduler::OnStopping() - Dummy EXPORT for Binary Compatibility reasons.
  • CActiveScheduler::Replace() - Allows the current active scheduler to be replaced, while retaining its active objects.
  • CActiveScheduler::RunIfReady() - Causes the RunL() function of at most one pending active object of priority aMinimumPriority or greater to be run.
  • CActiveScheduler::StackDepth() - Gets the current number of nested wait loops.
  • CActiveScheduler::Start() - Starts a new wait loop under the control of the current active scheduler.
  • CActiveScheduler::Stop() - Stops the wait loop started by the most recent call to Start().
  • CActiveScheduler::WaitForAnyRequest() - Wait for an asynchronous request to complete.
  • CActiveScheduler::~CActiveScheduler() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CActiveSchedulerWait - Controls a single scheduling loop in the current active scheduler.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::AsyncStop()  Stops the scheduling loop owned by this object.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::AsyncStop()  Stops the scheduling loop owned by this object, specifying a callback.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::CActiveSchedulerWait() - Defaulst constructor.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::CanStopNow() - Reports whether stopping will have immediate effect.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::IsStarted() - Reports whether this CActiveSchedulerWait object is currently started.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::Start() - Starts a new wait loop under the control of the current active scheduler.
  • CActiveSchedulerWait::~CActiveSchedulerWait() - Ensures that the attached scheduler loop, and all nested loops, are stopped prior to destruction.

  • CAlgorithmIdentifier - Contains an algorithm ID and any encoded parameters required by that algorithm.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::Algorithm() - Gets the algorithm identifier.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::CAlgorithmIdentifier()  Default constructor.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::CAlgorithmIdentifier()  Constructor taking the specified parameters.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor taking an existing algorithm identifier object.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor taking encoded parameters.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::EncodedParams() - Gets the encoded parameters for the algorithm identifier.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new algorithm ID object copied from an existing object.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new algorithm ID object.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new algorithm ID object copied from an existing object, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new algorithm ID object, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::operator==() - Tests whether this algorithm identifier object is equal to the specified algorithm identifier object.
  • CAlgorithmIdentifier::~CAlgorithmIdentifier() - Destructor.

  • CAnim - Server side animated object base interface.
  • CAnim::Animate() - Main animation function, called by the window server.
  • CAnim::Command() - Implements client-side initiated commands.
  • CAnim::CommandReplyL() - Implements client-side initiated commands, returning a value.
  • CAnim::HandleNotification().
  • CAnim::Reserved1().
  • CAnim::Reserved2().
  • CAnim::Reserved3().

  • CAnimDll - Animation DLL factory interface.
  • CAnimDll::CreateInstanceL() - Factory function for animation DLLs.

  • CAnimGc - Animation graphics context.
  • CAnimGc::CancelClippingRegion() - Cancels the clipping region.
  • CAnimGc::SetClippingRegion() - Sets the clipping region.

  • CAnimation - Pure virtual base class for animations.
  • CAnimation::Freeze() - Causes whatever ticker this animation provides to its animator to be frozen untill a corresponding call to unfreeze.
  • CAnimation::Hold() - Puts an animation on hold, which is similar to pause, but keeps track of the time steps passing and catches up when resumed.
  • CAnimation::Pause() - Causes the animation to stop, but without rewinding.
  • CAnimation::Resume() - Causes a paused animation to continue from where it left off.
  • CAnimation::SetPosition() - Sets the coordinates of the animation.
  • CAnimation::Start() - Causes the animation to start, at the first time step or logical equivalent.
  • CAnimation::Stop() - Causes the animation to stop, and rewinds to the first frame.
  • CAnimation::Unfreeze() - Causes whatever ticker this animation provides to its animator to be unfrozen.
  • CAnimation::Unhold() - Resumes a held animation.

  • CAnimationDataProvider - Pure virtual base class for data providers.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::CAnimationDataProvider() - Constructor.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::CAnimationDataProvider_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::CAnimationDataProvider_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::DataType() - Called from the animation to obtain the type of data to expect.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::SendEventL()  Sends an event with no associated data to the observer.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::SendEventL()  Sends an event with a single integer data item to the observer.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::SendEventL()  Sends an event with an arbitrary size data item to the observer.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::SetObserver() - Sets the destination for data from this data provider.
  • CAnimationDataProvider::StartL() - Called from the animation when it is ready to begin receiving data.

  • CAnimationFrame - Data format for individual bitmap format animation frames.
  • CAnimationFrame::Bitmap()  Returns the bitmap image for the changed area for this frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::Bitmap()  Returns the bitmap image for the changed area for this frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::CAnimationFrame_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationFrame::CAnimationFrame_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationFrame::CreateL() - Initialises the internal bitmaps to the correct sizes for the frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::FrameInfo()  Returns information about the frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::FrameInfo()  Returns information about the frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::GetHandles() - Obtains an alternative representation of the frame suitable for transferring over most interfaces (a THandle uses handles instead of pointers).
  • CAnimationFrame::Mask()  Returns the bitmap mask for the changed area for this frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::Mask()  Returns the bitmap mask for the changed area for this frame.
  • CAnimationFrame::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CAnimationFrame::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CAnimationFrame::SetHandlesL() - Sets the contents of the internal bitmaps to those represented by the handles.
  • CAnimationFrame::~CAnimationFrame() - Destructor.

  • CAnimationGroup - Handles groups of other animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Animations()  Returns a reference to the array of animations being grouped.
  • CAnimationGroup::Animations()  Returns a reference to the array of animations being grouped.
  • CAnimationGroup::CAnimationGroup_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationGroup::CAnimationGroup_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationGroup::Freeze() - Freeze all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Hold() - Hold all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Pause() - Pauses all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Resume() - Resumes all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::SetPosition() - Set the position of all the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Start() - Starts all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Stop() - Stops all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Unfreeze() - Unfreeze all of the animations.
  • CAnimationGroup::Unhold() - Unhold all of the animations.

  • CAnimationTicker - This provides timing information for animators.
  • CAnimationTicker::Add() - Adds a new tickee to the internal list.
  • CAnimationTicker::CAnimationTicker_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationTicker::CAnimationTicker_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationTicker::Freeze() - Freezes this ticker.
  • CAnimationTicker::NewL() - Two stage constructor.
  • CAnimationTicker::Remove() - Removes a tickee from the internal list.
  • CAnimationTicker::TickLength() - This provides the resolution of the timer.
  • CAnimationTicker::Unfreeze() - Under some circumstances it may be necessary to handle unfreezing directly, instead of through the item on the cleanupstack.
  • CAnimationTicker::~CAnimationTicker() - Destructor.

  • CAnimationTls - This is a wrapper around the thread local storage, which simplifies its use for obtaining a CAnimationTicker object that can be shared between animations.
  • CAnimationTls::CAnimationTls_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationTls::CAnimationTls_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CAnimationTls::Close() - Decrements the reference counter for this object, and destroys it if the reference count reaches 0.
  • CAnimationTls::NewL() - Two-stage constructor.
  • CAnimationTls::Ticker() - Returns the CAnimationTicker object for this thread.

  • CAnimator - Pure virtual base class for animators.
  • CAnimator::DataEventL() - Receives data from a data provider.
  • CAnimator::Draw() - Called from the renderer and draws the animation.
  • CAnimator::DrawMask() - Called from the renderer and draws the mask for the animation.
  • CAnimator::Hold() - Puts an animation on hold.
  • CAnimator::NewL() - Locates and constructs an animator.
  • CAnimator::Pause() - Pauses the animation.
  • CAnimator::Resume() - Resumes a paused animation.
  • CAnimator::Start() - Starts the animation running.
  • CAnimator::Stop() - Stops the animation and rewinds it.
  • CAnimator::Unhold() - Restores a held animation and brings it back into synch.
  • CAnimator::~CAnimator() - Destructor.

  • CApaApplication - Defines the basic behaviour for applications.
  • CApaApplication::AppDllUid() - Gets the application specific UID.
  • CApaApplication::AppFullName() - Returns the full name and path of the application.
  • CApaApplication::CApaApplication() - Constructor for CApaApplication.
  • CApaApplication::CApaApplication_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaApplication::CApaApplication_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaApplication::Capability() - Returns the capabilities of the application.
  • CApaApplication::CreateDocumentL() - Creates a document object.
  • CApaApplication::DllName() - Returns the full name and path of the loaded application DLL.
  • CApaApplication::GenerateFileName() - Generates a unique filename based on the file name contained within the specified full path name.
  • CApaApplication::NewAppServerL() - Virtual function called by the framework when the application has been launched as a server application.
  • CApaApplication::OpenIniFileL() - Opens the .ini file associated with the application, constructs the dictionary store object and returns a pointer to it.
  • CApaApplication::OpenIniFileLC() - Opens the .ini file associated with the application, constructs the dictionary store object, returns a pointer to it and puts the pointer onto the cleanupstack.
  • CApaApplication::PreDocConstructL() - Completes construction of this application object.
  • CApaApplication::~CApaApplication().

  • CApaCommandLine - Information for launching an application.
  • CApaCommandLine::Command() - Gets the command code from the launch information.
  • CApaCommandLine::DefaultScreen() - Extracts and returns the default (startup) screen that was specified in the command line.
  • CApaCommandLine::DocumentName() - Gets the document name from the launch information.
  • CApaCommandLine::EnvironmentSlotForPublicUse() - Returns the index of a process environment-slot for public use (in other words, one that is not used internally by CApaCommandLine).
  • CApaCommandLine::ExecutableName() - Gets the executable name from the launch information.
  • CApaCommandLine::NewL() - Creates an empty command line object.
  • CApaCommandLine::NewLC() - Creates an empty command line object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CApaCommandLine::OpaqueData() - Gets the opaque-data from the launch information.
  • CApaCommandLine::ParentProcessId() - Gets the Parent Process ID of the Child Process launched with this command line.
  • CApaCommandLine::ParentWindowGroupID() - Returns the ID of the parent window-group - the application should create its own window-group as a child of this parent.
  • CApaCommandLine::ServerRequired() - Gets the server differentiator.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetCommandL() - Sets the command code.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetDefaultScreenL() - Provides support for devices with more than one screen.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetDocumentNameL() - Sets the document name from the specified descriptor.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetExecutableNameL() - Sets the executable name from the specified descriptor.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetOpaqueDataL() - Sets the opaque-data from the specified 8-bit descriptor.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetParentProcessId() - Sets the Parent Process ID for the Child Process launched with this command line.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetParentWindowGroupID() - Sets the ID of the parent window-group - the application should create its own window-group as a child off this parent.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetProcessEnvironmentL() - Assigns a command line to a process (EKA2 only).
  • CApaCommandLine::SetServerNotRequiredL() - Sets that no server is required.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetServerRequiredL() - Sets the required server.
  • CApaCommandLine::SetTailEndL() - Sets the trailing data.
  • CApaCommandLine::TailEnd() - Gets the trailing data from the launch information.
  • CApaCommandLine::~CApaCommandLine() - Destructor.

  • CApaDataRecognizerType - Abstract base class for a recognizer.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::CApaDataRecognizerType() - Constructs the recognizer with a UID and a priority.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::Confidence() - Gets the recognizer's confidence rating for the most recently recognized data.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::CreateDataRecognizerL().
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::DoRecognizeL() - Implements the attempt to recognize data.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::FilePassedByHandleL() - Returns the RFile (if any) of file to be recognized.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::Lock() - Adds a lock to the recognizer.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::Locked() - Tests whether the recognizer is locked.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::MimeType() - Gets the data (MIME) type of the most recently recognized data.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::MimeTypesCount() - Gets the number of data (MIME) types supported by this recognizer.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::PreferredBufSize() - Gets the size of buffer preferred for the purpose of recognizing the data type.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::Priority() - Gets the recognizer's priority.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::RecognizeL() - Attempts to recognize data.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::Reserved_1().
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::SupportedDataTypeL() - Gets one of the data (MIME) types that the recognizer can recognize.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::TypeUid() - Gets the UID that identifies the recognizer.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::Unlock() - Removes a lock from the recognizer.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::UpdateDataTypesL() - Refreshes the list of data (MIME) types supported by this recognizer.
  • CApaDataRecognizerType::~CApaDataRecognizerType().

  • CApaDocument - Defines basic behaviour for documents.
  • CApaDocument::Application() - Returns a pointer to the application that created the document.
  • CApaDocument::Capability() - Gets the document's capabilities.
  • CApaDocument::CApaDocument()  Constructor for CApaDocument.
  • CApaDocument::CApaDocument()  Constructs the document object with the specified application and process.
  • CApaDocument::CreateFileStoreLC() - Creates and fully initialises a new filestore and stores the document into it, replacing any existing file of the same name.
  • CApaDocument::DetachFromStoreL() - Restores the document to the extent that it does not need the store further.
  • CApaDocument::EditL() - Starts an editing session on an embedded document.
  • CApaDocument::ExternalizeL().
  • CApaDocument::GlassPictureL() - Gets an object that can draw a representation of the document's content.
  • CApaDocument::HasChanged() - Tests whether the document has changed since it was last persisted.
  • CApaDocument::IsEmpty() - Tests whether the document is empty.
  • CApaDocument::NewDocumentL() - Initialises a new, empty, document with a default setup.
  • CApaDocument::OpenFileL().
  • CApaDocument::PrintL() - Prints the document without a need for it to be open for editing.
  • CApaDocument::Process() - Returns a pointer to the application process associated with this document.
  • CApaDocument::Reserved_2().
  • CApaDocument::RestoreL() - Restores the document's content and state from data persisted in the specified store.
  • CApaDocument::SaveL() - Stores the document to the current file, commits the changes, and marks the document status as unchanged.
  • CApaDocument::StoreL() - Stores the document's content and state to the specified store, recording the identity of any headstreams created in the specified stream dictionary.
  • CApaDocument::ValidatePasswordL() - Checks the document password.
  • CApaDocument::~CApaDocument() - Destructor.

  • CApaDocument::TCapability - CApaDocument capabilities.
  • CApaDocument::TCapability::CanDrawGlass() - Tests whether the document supports being embedded as a glass door.
  • CApaDocument::TCapability::CanPrint() - Tests whether the document supports being printed without using the full application UI.
  • CApaDocument::TCapability::SetCanDrawGlass() - Sets the document as being capable of being embedded as a glass door.
  • CApaDocument::TCapability::SetCanPrint() - Sets the document as being capable of being printed without using the full application UI.
  • CApaDocument::TCapability::TCapability() - Constructs a default capability object.

  • CApaDoor - A wrapper for an embedded document that can be displayed in a user interface as an icon or a glass door.
  • CApaDoor::AppUidL() - Gets the application specific UID associated with the embedded document.
  • CApaDoor::Capability() - Gets the picture's capabilities.
  • CApaDoor::Caption() - Gets the name of the application with which the embedded document is associated.
  • CApaDoor::DetachFromStoreL() - Detaches the door from its store, restoring any unrestored elements of the picture, if necessary.
  • CApaDoor::DocumentL() - Returns a pointer to the embedded document represented by this wrapper.
  • CApaDoor::Draw() - Draws the door either as glass or as an icon depending on the format.
  • CApaDoor::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the picture to a stream.
  • CApaDoor::GetCropInTwips() - Gets the cropping margins of the door in twips.
  • CApaDoor::GetOriginalSizeInTwips() - Get the door's original size, in twips.
  • CApaDoor::GlassDoorSize() - Returns the size of the glass door, in twips.
  • CApaDoor::NewL()  Creates a new wrapper for the specified embedded document.
  • CApaDoor::NewL().
  • CApaDoor::NewLC() - Creates a new wrapper for the specified embedded document and places a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CApaDoor::RestoreL() - Restores the embedded document from the specified store.
  • CApaDoor::ScaleFactorHeight() - Gets the door's height scale factor.
  • CApaDoor::ScaleFactorWidth() - Gets the door's width scale factor.
  • CApaDoor::SetCropInTwips() - Sets the cropping margins of a picture in twips.
  • CApaDoor::SetFormatToGlassL() - Sets the format of the door to glass.
  • CApaDoor::SetFormatToIconL() - Sets the format of the door to iconic.
  • CApaDoor::SetFormatToTemporaryIconL() - Switches the format of the door between temporarily iconic and glass.
  • CApaDoor::SetScaleFactor() - Sets the door's scale factors.
  • CApaDoor::StoreL() - Stores the embedded document in the specified store as an embedded store.
  • CApaDoor::~CApaDoor() - Destructor.

  • CApaDoorBase - The base class for the graphic representation of an embedded document.
  • CApaDoorBase::Capability() - Gets the Embedded Document's capabilities.
  • CApaDoorBase::CApaDoorBase().
  • CApaDoorBase::CApaDoorBase_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaDoorBase::CApaDoorBase_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaDoorBase::ExternalizeBaseStreamL() - Externalises the information contained in this base class to a stream in the specified store.
  • CApaDoorBase::Format() - Gets the current format of the representation of the embedded document.
  • CApaDoorBase::GetCropInTwips() - Gets the cropping margins of a Embedded Document in twips.
  • CApaDoorBase::GlassDoorSize() - Returns the size of the glass door, in twips.
  • CApaDoorBase::InternalizeBaseStreamL() - Internalises the information for this base class from a stream in the specified store, and returns the size of the icon or glass door.
  • CApaDoorBase::LineBreakPossible() - States whether a line break is possible, either before or after an Embedded Document.
  • CApaDoorBase::NativePixelSize() - Returns the native pixel size of the bitmap.
  • CApaDoorBase::ScaleFactorHeight() - Gets the Embedded Document height scale factor.
  • CApaDoorBase::ScaleFactorWidth() - Gets the Embedded Document's width scale factor.
  • CApaDoorBase::SetCropInTwips() - Sets the cropping margins of a Embedded Document in twips.
  • CApaDoorBase::SetScaleFactor() - Sets the Embedded Document's scale factors.
  • CApaDoorBase::SetSource() - Sets the UID that identifies this door when the source originates on a non-Symbian OS device.
  • CApaDoorBase::Source() - Gets the UID that identifies this door when the source originates on a non-Symbian OS device.
  • CApaDoorBase::StoreL() - Stores the Embedded Document to the specified store.

  • CApaMaskedBitmap - An application icon.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the application icon to the specified stream.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::InternalizeL() - Internalizes the application icon from the read stream.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::Mask() - Gets the icon's mask.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::NewL() - Creates a new application icon object, making a duplicate copy of an existing application icon.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::NewLC() - Creates a default application icon object.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::SetMaskBitmap() - Sets the icon's mask.
  • CApaMaskedBitmap::~CApaMaskedBitmap() - Destructor.

  • CApaModelDoor - A persistent representation of a door that also acts as a wrapper around an application's model.
  • CApaModelDoor::DetachFromStoreL() - Restores the model to the specified degree.
  • CApaModelDoor::Draw() - Not supported; if called, raises an APPARC 17 panic.
  • CApaModelDoor::ExternalizeL() - Not supported; if called, raises an APPARC 17 panic.
  • CApaModelDoor::GetOriginalSizeInTwips() - Gets the door's original size, in twips.
  • CApaModelDoor::GlassDoorSize() - Returns the size of the glass door, in twips.
  • CApaModelDoor::ModelHeader() - Gets the application model wrapper object.
  • CApaModelDoor::NewL()  Creates a model door object.
  • CApaModelDoor::NewL()  Creates a model door object and restores it from an embedded store within the specified store.
  • CApaModelDoor::NewLC() - Creates a model door object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CApaModelDoor::RestoreL() - Restores the embedded model data from the specified store.
  • CApaModelDoor::ScaleFactorHeight() - Gets the door's height scale factor.
  • CApaModelDoor::ScaleFactorWidth() - Gets the door's width scale factor.
  • CApaModelDoor::SetFormat() - Sets the format of the door.
  • CApaModelDoor::SetScaleFactor() - Sets the door's scale factors.
  • CApaModelDoor::StoreL() - Stores the model data in the specified store as an embedded store.
  • CApaModelDoor::~CApaModelDoor() - Destructor.

  • CApaModelHeader - An interface class that acts as a wrapper for an application model.
  • CApaModelHeader::AppId() - Gets the identity of the application associated with the application model.
  • CApaModelHeader::CApaModelHeader() - Constructor for CApaModelHeader.
  • CApaModelHeader::DetachFromStoreL() - Restores the model to the specified degree.
  • CApaModelHeader::Reserved_1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaModelHeader::Reserved_2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaModelHeader::StoreL() - Stores the model and its components in the specified store.

  • CApaProcess - Maintains a list of documents and all of the potentially shared resources used by documents.
  • CApaProcess::AddNewDocumentL() - Creates and adds a new document using the specified application factory.
  • CApaProcess::CApaProcess()  Constructor for CApaProcess.
  • CApaProcess::CApaProcess()  Constructs the application process object with the specified file session handle.
  • CApaProcess::CApaProcess_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaProcess::CApaProcess_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CApaProcess::ConstructL()  Completes construction of the application process object.
  • CApaProcess::ConstructL()  Completes construction of the application process object, passing in a Parent Process Identifier.
  • CApaProcess::DestroyDocument() - Destroys the specified document.
  • CApaProcess::FsSession() - Returns a handle to the file server session used by this application process.
  • CApaProcess::MainDocFileName() - Returns the filename of the main document.
  • CApaProcess::MainDocument() - Returns a pointer to the main document.
  • CApaProcess::NewL() - Creates and returns a pointer to a new application process.
  • CApaProcess::OpenNewDocumentL() - Opens the specified file and restores the content as a document.
  • CApaProcess::ReadAppIdentifierL() - Reads the application identifier from its stream in the specified store and returns it.
  • CApaProcess::ReadRootStreamLC() - Reads the stream dictionary contained as the root stream in the specified document file.
  • CApaProcess::ResetL() - Resets the the application process to its initial state.
  • CApaProcess::SetMainDocFileName() - Sets the filename of the main document.
  • CApaProcess::SetMainDocFileNameL() - Sets the filename of the main document.
  • CApaProcess::SetMainDocument() - Sets the main document.
  • CApaProcess::WriteAppIdentifierL() - Writes the application identifier to a new stream in the specified store and records the location of this stream in the specified stream dictionary.
  • CApaProcess::WriteRootStreamL()  Writes the application identifier (derived from the application object CApaApplication) followed by the stream dictionary to the store and makes the stream dictionary the root stream of the store.
  • CApaProcess::WriteRootStreamL()  Writes the application identifier followed by the stream dictionary to the store and makes the stream dictionary the root stream of the store.
  • CApaProcess::~CApaProcess() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CApaSystemControl - Wrapper for a plug-in extension to the control panel.
  • CApaSystemControl::Caption() - Gets the control's caption.
  • CApaSystemControl::CreateL().
  • CApaSystemControl::FileName() - Gets the full path name of the control.
  • CApaSystemControl::Icon() - Gets the control's icon.
  • CApaSystemControl::ShortCaption() - Gets the control's short caption.
  • CApaSystemControl::Type() - Gets the UID that uniquely identifies the control.

  • CApaWindowGroupName - Gives access to the name of a window group and the information encoded by that name.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::AppUid() - Gets the UID of the task's application.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::Caption() - Gets the task's caption.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::ConstructFromWgIdL() - Assigns to this object the name taken from the specified window group.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::DocName() - Gets the name of the document that the task is handling.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::DocNameIsAFile() - Tests whether the document name is a file.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid() - Searches for the next window group by application UID.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::FindByCaption() - Searches for the next window group by caption.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::FindByDocName() - Searches for the next window group by document name.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::Hidden() - Tests whether the task is marked as hidden.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::IsAppReady() - Tests whether the task is marked as ready.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::IsBusy() - Tests whether the task is marked as busy.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::IsSystem() - Tests whether the task is marked as a system task.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::New() - Creates a window group name object and takes ownership of the heap descriptor containing a name.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::NewL()  Creates a window group name object and assigns a default name to it.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::NewL()  Creates a window group name object and assigns to it the name taken from the specified window group.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::NewL()  Creates a window group name object and assigns to it the specified name.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC()  Creates a window group name object, assigns a default name to it, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC()  Creates a window group name object, assigns to it the name taken from the specified window group, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC()  Creates a window group name object, assigns to it the specified name, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::RespondsToShutdownEvent() - Tests whether the task can deal with a request to shutdown.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() - Tests whether the task can deal with a request to switch files.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetAppReady() - Sets the task as ready.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetAppUid() - Sets the specified UID into the window group name in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetBusy() - Sets the task's busy status in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetCaptionL() - Sets the specified caption into the window group name in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetDocNameIsAFile() - Sets the document name status in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetDocNameL() - Sets the specified document name into the window group name in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetHidden() - Marks the task as hidden.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetRespondsToShutdownEvent() - Sets the task's shutdown handling status in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() - Sets the task's switch file handling status in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetSystem() - Sets the task's system status in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetWindowGroupName()  Sets the full window group name in this object, taking ownership of the specified heap descriptor.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetWindowGroupName()  Sets the window group name contained by this object into the specified window group.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::SetWindowGroupNameL() - Sets the full window group name in this object.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::WindowGroupName() - Gets the full window group name.
  • CApaWindowGroupName::~CApaWindowGroupName() - Destructor.

  • CArrayFix - A thin templated base class for arrays of fixed length objects.
  • CArrayFix::AppendL()  Appends a single element onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayFix::AppendL()  Appends one or more elements onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayFix::AppendL()  Appends replicated copies of an element onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayFix::Array() - Constructs and returns a TArray object.
  • CArrayFix::At()  Gets a const reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix::At()  Gets a non-const reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix::Back()  Gets a pointer to the (const) beginning of a contiguous region.
  • CArrayFix::Back()  Gets a pointer to the beginning of a contiguous region.
  • CArrayFix::End()  Gets a pointer to the (const) first byte following the end of the contiguous region containing the element at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix::End()  Gets a pointer to the first byte following the end of the contiguous region containing the element at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix::ExpandL() - Expands the array by one element at the specified position.
  • CArrayFix::ExtendL() - Expands the array by one element at the end of the array.
  • CArrayFix::Find() - Finds the position of an element within the array, based on the matching of keys, using a sequential search.
  • CArrayFix::FindIsq() - Finds the position of an element within the array, based on the matching of keys, using a binary search technique.
  • CArrayFix::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL() - Inserts a single element into the array at a position determined by a key, allowing duplicates.
  • CArrayFix::InsertIsqL() - Inserts a single element into the array at a position determined by a key.
  • CArrayFix::InsertL()  Inserts an element into the array at the specified position.
  • CArrayFix::InsertL()  Inserts one or more elements into the array at the specified position.
  • CArrayFix::InsertL()  Inserts replicated copies of an element into the array at the specified position.
  • CArrayFix::operator[]()  Gets a const reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix::operator[]()  Gets a non-const reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix::ResizeL()  Changes the size of the array so that it contains the specified number of elements.
  • CArrayFix::ResizeL()  Changes the size of the array so that it contains the specified number of elements.

  • CArrayFix< TAny > - A template specialisation base class for arrays of fixed length untyped objects.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::AppendL()  Appends the specified untyped element onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::AppendL()  Appends one or more untyped elements onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::At()  Gets a pointer to the untyped element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::At()  Gets a pointer to the untyped element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::Back()  Gets a pointer to the beginning of a contiguous region.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::Back()  Gets a pointer to the beginning of a contiguous region.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::End()  Gets a pointer to the first byte following the end of the contiguous region containing the element at the specfied position within the array.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::End()  Gets a pointer to the first byte following the end of the contiguous region containing the element at the specfied position within the array.
  • CArrayFix< TAny >::ExtendL() - Expands the array by the length of one element at the end of the array and returns a pointer to this new location.

  • CArrayFixBase - Base class for arrays of fixed length objects.
  • CArrayFixBase::Compress() - Compresses the array.
  • CArrayFixBase::Count() - Gets the number of elements held in the array.
  • CArrayFixBase::Delete()  Deletes a single element from the array at a specified position.
  • CArrayFixBase::Delete()  Deletes one or more contiguous elements from the array, starting at a specific position.
  • CArrayFixBase::Length() - Gets the length of an element.
  • CArrayFixBase::Reset() - Deletes all elements from the array and frees the memory allocated to the array buffer.
  • CArrayFixBase::Sort() - Sorts the elements of the array into key sequence.
  • CArrayFixBase::~CArrayFixBase() - Destructor.

  • CArrayFixFlat - Array of fixed length objects contained within a flat dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayFixFlat::CArrayFixFlat() - Constructs a flat array of fixed length objects with the specified granularity.
  • CArrayFixFlat::SetReserveL() - Reserves space in the array buffer.

  • CArrayFixFlat< TAny > - An array of fixed length untyped objects using a flat dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TAny >::CArrayFixFlat() - Constructs a flat array of fixed length objects with the specified granularity to contain elements of the specified length.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TAny >::SetReserveL() - Reserves space in the array buffer.

  • CArrayFixFlat< TInt > - Template specialisation base class for arrays of TInt types implemented in a flat dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TInt >::CArrayFixFlat() - Constructs the array, with the specified granularity, to contain elements of TInt type.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TInt >::SetReserveL() - Reserves space in the array buffer.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TInt >::~CArrayFixFlat() - Destructor.

  • CArrayFixFlat< TUid > - Template specialisation base class for arrays of TUid types implemented in a flat dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TUid >::CArrayFixFlat() - Constructs the array, with the specified granularity, to contain elements of TUid type.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TUid >::SetReserveL() - Reserves space in the array buffer.
  • CArrayFixFlat< TUid >::~CArrayFixFlat() - Destructor.

  • CArrayFixSeg - Array of fixed length objects contained within a segmented buffer.
  • CArrayFixSeg::CArrayFixSeg() - Constructs a segmented array of fixed length objects with the specified granularity.

  • CArrayFixSeg< TAny > - An array of fixed length untyped objects using a segmented dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayFixSeg< TAny >::CArrayFixSeg() - Constructs a segmented array of fixed length objects with the specified granularity to contain elements of the specified length.

  • CArrayPak - A thin templated base class for variable length, packed, arrays.
  • CArrayPak::AppendL() - Appends an element of a specified length onto the array.
  • CArrayPak::Array() - Constructs and returns a TArray object.
  • CArrayPak::At()  Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayPak::At()  Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayPak::ExpandL() - Expands the array by one element of specified length at the specified position.
  • CArrayPak::ExtendL() - Expands the array by one element of specified length at the end of the array.
  • CArrayPak::Find() - Finds the position of an element within the array, based on the matching of keys, using a sequential search.
  • CArrayPak::FindIsq() - Finds the position of an element within the array, based on the matching of keys, using a binary search technique.
  • CArrayPak::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL() - Inserts a single element of a specified length into the array at a position determined by a key, allowing duplicates.
  • CArrayPak::InsertIsqL() - Inserts a single element of a specified length into the array at a position determined by a key.
  • CArrayPak::InsertL() - Inserts an element of a specified length into the array at the specified position.
  • CArrayPak::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayPak::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.

  • CArrayPak< TAny > - A template specialisation base class for variable length, packed, arrays.
  • CArrayPak< TAny >::AppendL() - Appends the untyped element of the specified length onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayPak< TAny >::At()  Gets a pointer to the untyped element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayPak< TAny >::At()  Gets a pointer to the untyped element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayPak< TAny >::CArrayPak() - Constructs a variable array with the specified granularity and buffer organisation.
  • CArrayPak< TAny >::ExtendL() - Expands the array by one element of the specified length at the end of the array, and returns a pointer to this new location.

  • CArrayPakBase - An implementation base class for all variable length, packed arrays.
  • CArrayPakBase::Compress() - Removes excess space from the array buffer.
  • CArrayPakBase::Count() - Gets the number of elements held in the array.
  • CArrayPakBase::Delete()  Removes a single element from the array.
  • CArrayPakBase::Delete()  Removes one or more contiguous elements from the array, starting at a specific position.
  • CArrayPakBase::Length() - Gets the length of the specified element.
  • CArrayPakBase::Reset() - Deletes all elements from the array and frees the memory allocated to the array buffer.
  • CArrayPakBase::SortL() - Sorts the elements of the array into key sequence.
  • CArrayPakBase::~CArrayPakBase() - Destructor.

  • CArrayPakFlat - Array of variable length objects packed into a flat buffer.
  • CArrayPakFlat::CArrayPakFlat() - Constructs a packed flat array with specified granularity.

  • CArrayPtr - A thin templated base class for arrays of pointers to objects.
  • CArrayPtr::ResetAndDestroy() - Destroys all objects whose pointers form the elements of the array, before resetting the array.

  • CArrayPtrFlat - Array of pointers to objects implemented using a flat dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayPtrFlat::CArrayPtrFlat() - Constructs a flat array of pointers with specified granularity.
  • CArrayPtrFlat::SetReserveL() - Reserves space in the array buffer.

  • CArrayPtrSeg - Array of pointers to objects implemented using a segmented dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayPtrSeg::CArrayPtrSeg() - Constructs a segmented array of pointers with specified granularity.

  • CArrayVar - A thin templated base class for variable length arrays.
  • CArrayVar::AppendL() - Appends an element of a specified length onto the array.
  • CArrayVar::Array() - Constructs and returns a TArray object.
  • CArrayVar::At()  Gets a reference to the const element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayVar::At()  Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayVar::ExpandL() - Expands the array by one element of specified length at the specified position.
  • CArrayVar::ExtendL() - Expands the array by one element of specified length at the end of the array.
  • CArrayVar::Find() - Finds the position of an element within the array, based on the matching of keys, using a sequential search.
  • CArrayVar::FindIsq() - Finds the position of an element within the array, based on the matching of keys, using a binary search technique.
  • CArrayVar::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL() - Inserts a single element of a specified length into the array at a position determined by a key, allowing duplicates.
  • CArrayVar::InsertIsqL() - Inserts a single element of a specified length into the array at a position determined by a key.
  • CArrayVar::InsertL() - Inserts an element of a specified length into the array at the specified position.
  • CArrayVar::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the const element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayVar::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position within the array.

  • CArrayVar< TAny > - A template specialisation base class for variable length arrays.
  • CArrayVar< TAny >::AppendL() - Appends an untyped element of specified length onto the end of the array.
  • CArrayVar< TAny >::At()  Returns a pointer to the untyped element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayVar< TAny >::At()  Returns a pointer to the untyped element located at the specified position within the array.
  • CArrayVar< TAny >::CArrayVar() - Constructs a variable array with the specified granularity and buffer organization.
  • CArrayVar< TAny >::ExtendL() - Extends the array by one element of specified length at the end of the array, i.e.

  • CArrayVarBase - An implementation base class for variable length arrays.
  • CArrayVarBase::Compress() - Removes excess space from the array buffer.
  • CArrayVarBase::Count() - Gets the number of elements held in the array.
  • CArrayVarBase::Delete()  Removes one element from the array.
  • CArrayVarBase::Delete()  Removes one or more contiguous elements from the array, starting at the specified position.
  • CArrayVarBase::Length() - Gets the length of a specific element.
  • CArrayVarBase::Reset() - Deletes all elements from the array and frees the memory allocated to the array buffer.
  • CArrayVarBase::Sort() - Sorts the elements of the array into key sequence.
  • CArrayVarBase::~CArrayVarBase() - Destructor.

  • CArrayVarFlat - Array of variable length objects implemented using a flat dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayVarFlat::CArrayVarFlat() - Constructs a variable flat array with specified granularity.

  • CArrayVarSeg - Array of variable length objects implemented using a segmented dynamic buffer.
  • CArrayVarSeg::CArrayVarSeg() - Constructs a variable segmented array with specified granularity.

  • CAsyncCallBack - An active object that performs its processing through an associated call back function, and which is only performed once.
  • CAsyncCallBack::CallBack() - Queues this active object to be run, if it is not already queued.
  • CAsyncCallBack::CAsyncCallBack()  Constructor taking a priority value.
  • CAsyncCallBack::CAsyncCallBack()  Constructor taking a priority value and a callback.
  • CAsyncCallBack::RunL() - Calls the callback function.
  • CAsyncCallBack::Set() - Sets the call back.
  • CAsyncCallBack::~CAsyncCallBack() - Destructor.

  • CAsyncOneShot - An active object that performs processing that is only performed once.
  • CAsyncOneShot::Call() - Queues this active object to be run once.
  • CAsyncOneShot::CAsyncOneShot() - Constructor taking a priority value.
  • CAsyncOneShot::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CAsyncOneShot::Thread() - Gets a handle to the current thread.
  • CAsyncOneShot::~CAsyncOneShot() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CAttributeLookupTable - Provides an attribute lookup table, which maintains a global set of unique IDs to be defined for document node attributes and language tags.
  • CAttributeLookupTable::Debug().
  • CAttributeLookupTable::Des2IDL() - Gets a unique ID for a specified descriptor.
  • CAttributeLookupTable::KeyExists() - Tests if an ID has been allocated for a specified descriptor.
  • CAttributeLookupTable::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new attribute lookup table.
  • CAttributeLookupTable::Reset() - Clears all allocated IDs.
  • CAttributeLookupTable::~CAttributeLookupTable() - Destructor.

  • CAuthenticationFilterInterface - The ECOM interface definition for an HTTP authentication filter.
  • CAuthenticationFilterInterface::InstallFilterL() - Intended Usage: This method is used to install the authentication filter to the filter queue.
  • CAuthenticationFilterInterface::~CAuthenticationFilterInterface() - Intended Usage: Virtual destructor.

  • CAuthority16 - Dependencies : CBase, TAuthorityC16.
  • CAuthority16::Authority() - Provides a reference to the parsed authority.
  • CAuthority16::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority16::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority16::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority16::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority16::RemoveComponentL() - Removes the specified component from the authority.
  • CAuthority16::SetAndEscapeComponentL() - Escape encodes the component then sets the specified component in the authority.
  • CAuthority16::SetComponentL() - Sets the specified component in the authority.
  • CAuthority16::~CAuthority16() - Destructor.

  • CAuthority8 - Dependencies : CBase, TAuthorityC8.
  • CAuthority8::Authority() - Provides a reference to the parsed authority.
  • CAuthority8::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority8::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority8::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority8::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CAuthority8::RemoveComponentL() - Removes the specified component from the authority.
  • CAuthority8::SetAndEscapeComponentL() - Escape encodes the component then sets the specified component in the authority.
  • CAuthority8::SetComponentL() - Sets the specified component in the authority.
  • CAuthority8::~CAuthority8() - Destructor.

  • CBIODatabase - BIO information file (BIF) database.
  • CBIODatabase::AddAllBifsL() - Initialises the object from all the BIF files in the system\bif or resource\messaging\bif directory.
  • CBIODatabase::AddBifL() - Adds a specified BIF.
  • CBIODatabase::BifReader() - Gets a BIF reader for a BIF at a specified index.
  • CBIODatabase::BIOCount() - Gets the number of BIF files.
  • CBIODatabase::BioEntryByTypeLC() - Gets the ID array of a BIF of a specified bearer source type.
  • CBIODatabase::BIOEntryLC() - Gets the ID array of a BIF at a specified index.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioControlID() - Depreacated method.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioControlIDL() - Depreacated method.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioControlName() - Gets the BIO control name for a specified index.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioControlNameL() - Gets the BIO control name for a specified BIO message type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL() - Gets the index of a BIF of a specified BIO message type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioMsgID() - Gets the BIO message type for a specified index.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioParserName() - Gets the BIO parser name for a specified index.
  • CBIODatabase::GetBioParserNameL() - Gets the BIO parser name for a specified BIO message type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetDefaultSendBearerByTypeL() - Gets the default BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type and bearer type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetDefaultSendBearerL() - Gets the default BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetDefaultSendBearerTypeL() - Gets the bearer type for the default BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetFileExtL() - Gets the BIO file extension for a specified BIO message type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetIdentifierTextL() - Gets the identifier text for the BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type and bearer type.
  • CBIODatabase::GetPortNumberL() - Gets the port number for the BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type and bearer type.
  • CBIODatabase::IsBioMessageL()  Tests if there is a BIO parser for the specificed BIF ID settings.
  • CBIODatabase::IsBioMessageL()  Tests if there is a BIO parser for a specified BIF ID.
  • CBIODatabase::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new BIO database object.
  • CBIODatabase::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new BIO database object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CBIODatabase::RemoveBifL()  Removes a BIF specified by UID.
  • CBIODatabase::RemoveBifL()  Removes a BIF specified by index.
  • CBIODatabase::~CBIODatabase() - Destructor.

  • CBNFNode - Backus-Naur Form (BNF) node that forms part of a BNF tree (CBNFParser).
  • CBNFNode::CBNFNode().
  • CBNFNode::KNMoreCount() - Gets the match n or more times attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KNMoreMaximum() - Gets the match n or more maximum times attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KNMoreMinimum() - Gets the match n or more minimum times attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KPostRuleCallback() - Gets the post-rule callback attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KPreRuleCallback() - Gets the pre-rule callback attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KRangeEnd() - Gets the range end attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KRangeStart() - Gets the range start attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::KReference() - Gets the reference attribute type.
  • CBNFNode::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new parentless node.
  • CBNFNode::~CBNFNode() - Destructor.

  • CBNFParser - Base class for parsers that use a BNF tree to parse an input stream.
  • CBNFParser::AddComponentAttributeL() - Adds an additional attribute to an existing rule node.
  • CBNFParser::AddRuleCallbackL() - Adds a callback to a rule.
  • CBNFParser::AndL() - Processes an EAnd rule node.
  • CBNFParser::AttributeLUT() - Gets the attribute look-up table used by this parser.
  • CBNFParser::CBNFParser() - Constructor.
  • CBNFParser::CommitL() - Notifies the parser that all the data has been passed in.
  • CBNFParser::CurrentRule() - Gets a pointer to the rule node currently being processed.
  • CBNFParser::DeleteMark() - Removes the latest mark.
  • CBNFParser::EndConditional().
  • CBNFParser::ExactL() - Processes an EExact rule node.
  • CBNFParser::ExecutePostRuleCallbackL() - Executes a post-rule callback function.
  • CBNFParser::ExecutePreRuleCallbackL() - Executes a pre-rule callback function.
  • CBNFParser::Mark() - Set a mark to the current position of the input stream.
  • CBNFParser::MarkCallback() - Inserts a mark to the current position of the stream being processed.
  • CBNFParser::MarkedL() - Get string between the "cursor position" and the latest mark on the stream.
  • CBNFParser::MarkedWithInitialTextL() - Gets the marked string with a string added before the mached string.
  • CBNFParser::MDataProviderObserverReserved1() - Intended Usage : Reserved for future expansion.
  • CBNFParser::MDataProviderObserverReserved2() - Intended Usage : Reserved for future expansion.
  • CBNFParser::NewBNFL() - Creates a new rule tree root node.
  • CBNFParser::NewComponentL()  Creates a new rule node, but does not add it to the tree.
  • CBNFParser::NewComponentL()  Creates a new rule node, but does not add it to the tree.
  • CBNFParser::NewComponentL()  Creates a new reference rule node.
  • CBNFParser::NewComponentL()  Creates a new sub-rule, and makes it a child of a specified parent rule.
  • CBNFParser::NewComponentL()  Creates a new sub-rule, and makes it a child of a specified parent rule.
  • CBNFParser::NewComponentL()  Creates a new reference rule node, and adds it as a child of the specified parent.
  • CBNFParser::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new BNF parser.
  • CBNFParser::NewRuleL()  Creates a new rule node and adds it to the root of the rule tree.
  • CBNFParser::NewRuleL()  Creates a new rule node and adds it to the root of the rule tree.
  • CBNFParser::NMoreL() - Processes an ENMore rule node.
  • CBNFParser::OptionalL().
  • CBNFParser::OptionalMatched() - Tests if an Optional node sub-rule matched.
  • CBNFParser::OrL() - Processes an EOr rule node.
  • CBNFParser::ParseL().
  • CBNFParser::PerformRuleL() - Handles a node in the rule tree.
  • CBNFParser::ProcessDataL() - Called by the data provider to add data for the parser to process.
  • CBNFParser::RangeL() - Processes an ERange rule node.
  • CBNFParser::ReferenceL() - Processes a reference rule node.
  • CBNFParser::ResetL() - Reset the parser to a state where it can accept and parse new input.
  • CBNFParser::RuleMatched() - Tests if the used rule matched.
  • CBNFParser::SelectL() - Processes an ESelect rule node.
  • CBNFParser::SetBaseUriL() - Intended Usage : Set the URI that the DataProvider considers the base URI for the current data.
  • CBNFParser::SetDataExpected() - Intended Usage : The report of how many bytes of data is expected to be passed to ProcessDataL, enabling age reporting capabilities.
  • CBNFParser::SetDocumentTypeL()  Intended Usage : The request to construct a CDataHandler to process data of aDataType, where aDataType is a string to match against some plugins declared data handling ability.
  • CBNFParser::SetDocumentTypeL()  Intended Usage : The request to construct a CDataHandler for aDataType with non default document encoding where aDataType is a string to match against some plugins declared data handling ability.
  • CBNFParser::SetState() - Sets the parser state.
  • CBNFParser::SetStatus() - Called by the data provider to report its status to its observer.
  • CBNFParser::StartConditional().
  • CBNFParser::State() - Get the current state of the parser.
  • CBNFParser::StringL() - Concatenates the rest of the input stream (which hasn't yet been processed) into a single string.
  • CBNFParser::TreeL().
  • CBNFParser::Valid() - Checks if the input stream was completely processed.
  • CBNFParser::WithoutL() - Processes an EWithout rule node.
  • CBNFParser::~CBNFParser() - Destructor.

  • CBTDevice - Encapsulates all information that must be known about a device.
  • CBTDevice::AsNamelessDevice()  Get the TBTNamelessDevice portion of this.
  • CBTDevice::AsNamelessDevice()  Get the TBTNamelessDevice portion of this.
  • CBTDevice::AssignL() - Effectively operator=, but can leave.
  • CBTDevice::BDAddr() - Get the device address.
  • CBTDevice::CompareTo() - Compares two devices.
  • CBTDevice::CopyL() - Copies the contents of this into a new CBTDevice object.
  • CBTDevice::DeleteLinkKey() - Ensure that the previously known linkkey is discarded.
  • CBTDevice::DeviceClass() - Get the device class.
  • CBTDevice::DeviceName() - Returns the name of the device.
  • CBTDevice::ExternalizeL() - Externalise this object to aStream.
  • CBTDevice::FriendlyName() - Returns the friendly name of the device.
  • CBTDevice::GlobalSecurity() - Get the global security settings.
  • CBTDevice::InternalizeL() - Internalize this object from aStream.
  • CBTDevice::IsPaired() - Check whether the device is paired.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidBDAddr() - Denotes whether the device address has been set.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidDeviceClass() - Denotes whether the device class has been set.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidDeviceName() - Has the name of the device been set?.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidFriendlyName() - Has the friendly name of the device been set?.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidGlobalSecurity() - Denotes whether the global security settings have been set.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidLinkKey() - Denotes whether the link key has been set, and hence whether this is a paired device.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidPaired() - Denotes whether the device is paired has been set.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidPassKey() - Denotes whether in code has been set.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidSeen() - Denotes whether the time last seen has been set.
  • CBTDevice::IsValidUsed() - Denotes whether the time last used has been set.
  • CBTDevice::LinkKey() - Get the link key.
  • CBTDevice::NewL()  Two-phase constructor Create a device and set its address.
  • CBTDevice::NewL()  Two-phase copy constructor Create a device based on the smaller nameless device.
  • CBTDevice::NewL()  Two-phase default constructor Create an empty device.
  • CBTDevice::NewLC()  Two-phase constructor.
  • CBTDevice::NewLC()  Two-phase copy constructor Create a device based on the smaller nameless device.
  • CBTDevice::NewLC()  Two-phase default constructor Create an empty device.
  • CBTDevice::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • CBTDevice::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • CBTDevice::PassKey() - Get the pin code.
  • CBTDevice::PassKeyLength() - Get the pin code length.
  • CBTDevice::Seen() - Get the time when the device was last seen.
  • CBTDevice::SetDeviceAddress() - Set the device address.
  • CBTDevice::SetDeviceClass() - Set the device class.
  • CBTDevice::SetFriendlyNameL() - Set the friendly name.
  • CBTDevice::SetGlobalSecurity() - Set the global security settings.
  • CBTDevice::SetPaired() - Set whether the device is paired;.
  • CBTDevice::SetSeen() - Set the time when the device was last seen.
  • CBTDevice::SetUsed() - Set the time when the device was last used.
  • CBTDevice::UpdateL() - Copies the contents of aDevice into *this.
  • CBTDevice::Used() - Get the time when the device was last connected to.
  • CBTDevice::~CBTDevice() - Destructor.

  • CBTRegistryResponse - Retrieves a set of results from the Registry.
  • CBTRegistryResponse::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CBTRegistryResponse::NewL().
  • CBTRegistryResponse::Results().
  • CBTRegistryResponse::RunError().
  • CBTRegistryResponse::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CBTRegistryResponse::Start().
  • CBTRegistryResponse::~CBTRegistryResponse() - Destructor.

  • CBaActiveScheduler.
  • CBaActiveScheduler::LeaveNoAlert().

  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper - CBaBackupSessionWrapper provides the APIs necessary to enable a backup or restore/install by allowing broadcast requests for some or all files to either remain untouched or have their locks released for an arbitrary period.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::CloseAll() - Close all non-system apps and signal all registered files to have their locks altered according to aFlags.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::CloseFileL() - Close or reduce use of aFileName depending on the state of aFlags.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::DeRegisterBackupOperationObserver() - De-registers the observer aBackupOperationObserver for getting notifications whether a backup or restore operation starts or ends.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::DeregisterFile() - Stop sending this client requests to alter the lock state of aFileName.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::IsBackupOperationRunning() - Returns ETrue when either a backup or restore operation is running, otherwise it retunrs EFalse.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::NewL() - Returns a newly created CBaBackupSessionWrapper, passing ownership immediately.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::NotifyBackupOperationL() - Notifies the server that a backup operation is going to happen.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::RegisterBackupOperationObserverL() - Registers the observer aBackupOperationObserver for getting notifications whether a backup or restore operation starts or ends.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::RegisterFileL() - aObserver will be called back when the lock state of aFileName should be modified.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::RestartAll() - Opposite of CloseAll.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::RestartFile() - Opposite of CloseFileL.
  • CBaBackupSessionWrapper::~CBaBackupSessionWrapper() - D'tor.

  • CBaNamedPlugins - A localised list of the names of the plug-ins available on the phone for a particular plug-in framework.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::IdentifierAtIndex() - Gets the identifier of the plug-in at the specified index into the MDesCArray.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::IndexOfIdentifier() - Gets the index into the sorted list (i.e.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::IndexOfUid() - Gets the index into the sorted list (i.e.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::MdcaCount() - Gets the number of plug-ins in the list.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::MdcaPoint() - Returns a TPtrC for the name of the plug-in at the given index.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new list of plug-in names.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new list of plug-in names.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::UidAtIndex() - Gets the UID of the plug-in at the specified index into the MDesCArray.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::~CBaNamedPlugins() - Destructor.

  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters - The parameters for a localised list of plug-in names.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new parameters object.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new parameters object.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::SetCompareNames() - Sets a function that compares two plug-in names for sorting.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::SetFallBackName() - Sets a function that generates a fallback name for plug-ins for which no resource file could be found.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::SetTextForNone() - Sets a text string, representing the choice of no plug-in and the array position at which to insert it.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::SetTextForNoneL() - Sets a text string, representing the choice of no plug-in and the array position at which to insert it.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::CParameters::~CParameters() - Destructor.

  • CBaNamedPlugins::MFallBackName - Interface class with a single pure virtual function that generates a fallback name for plug-ins.
  • CBaNamedPlugins::MFallBackName::FallBackNameL() - Generates and returns a fallback name for plug-ins for which no resource is available.

  • CBaNamedPlugins::TResourceFile - Information about a resource file containing the names of one or more named plug-ins.

  • CBaSystemSoundArray - An array to contain the set of system sounds for a TBaSystemSoundUid.
  • CBaSystemSoundArray::At().
  • CBaSystemSoundArray::Count().
  • CBaSystemSoundArray::NewL().
  • CBaSystemSoundArray::NewLC().
  • CBaSystemSoundArray::RestoreL() - Retrieves all instances of a sound category.

  • CBaflFileSortTable - Bafl File Sort Table containing an array of UIDs.
  • CBaflFileSortTable::CBaflFileSortTable().
  • CBaflFileSortTable::ConstructFromResourceL() - Loads the CBaflFileSortTable using the UIDs read from the TResourceReader supplied in aReader.

  • CBandedDevice.
  • CBandedDevice::BandBitmap().
  • CBandedDevice::BandingDirection().
  • CBandedDevice::BandRect().
  • CBandedDevice::CreateContext() - Creates a graphics context for the device.
  • CBandedDevice::DisplayMode() - Gets the display mode of the device.
  • CBandedDevice::FontHeightInTwips() - Get the height of a font in twips.
  • CBandedDevice::FullOriginToBandOrigin().
  • CBandedDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Creates a font from those available in the printer device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CBandedDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Creates a font from those available in the printer device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CBandedDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - This call is defined because it had to be - it appeared as an abstract virtual in the base class.
  • CBandedDevice::GetPalette() - Gets the device's current palette.
  • CBandedDevice::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension from pixels to twips.
  • CBandedDevice::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension from twips to pixels.
  • CBandedDevice::NewL().
  • CBandedDevice::NextBand().
  • CBandedDevice::NumBands().
  • CBandedDevice::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the graphics device.
  • CBandedDevice::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the palette attributes of the device.
  • CBandedDevice::ReleaseFont() - Releases the specified font.
  • CBandedDevice::Reset().
  • CBandedDevice::SetPalette() - Sets the device's palette.
  • CBandedDevice::SizeInPixels() - Gets the size of the device area in pixels.
  • CBandedDevice::SizeInTwips() - Gets the size of the device area in twips.
  • CBandedDevice::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a specified typeface.
  • CBandedDevice::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension from pixels to twips.
  • CBandedDevice::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension from twips to pixels.
  • CBandedDevice::~CBandedDevice().

  • CBase - Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap.
  • CBase::CBase() - Default constructor.
  • CBase::Delete() - Deletes the specified object.
  • CBase::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CBase::operator new()  Initialises the object to binary zeroes.
  • CBase::operator new()  Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary zeroes.
  • CBase::operator new()  Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary zeroes.
  • CBase::operator new()  Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary zeroes.
  • CBase::operator new()  Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary zeroes.
  • CBase::~CBase() - Virtual destructor.

  • CBaseMtm - Provides a high-level interface for accessing and manipulating a Message Server entry.
  • CBaseMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee for the current context.
  • CBaseMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee for the current context, and enables the client to specify an alias, which may be useful for some protocols.
  • CBaseMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds addressee to list.
  • CBaseMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds addressee to list.
  • CBaseMtm::AddAttachmentL()  Adds a file attachment to the current message entry.
  • CBaseMtm::AddAttachmentL()  Adds a file attachment to the current message entry.
  • CBaseMtm::AddEntryAsAttachmentL() - Adds a message entry as an attachment to the current message entry.
  • CBaseMtm::AddLinkedAttachmentL() - Adds a file attachment to the current message entry as a linked file.
  • CBaseMtm::AddresseeList() - Gets the list of intended recipients for the current context, which must be a message.
  • CBaseMtm::BioTypeChangedL() - Informs client-side MTM that the context's BIO field is being changed as a result of a call to CSendAs::SetBioTypeL().
  • CBaseMtm::Body()  Gets the body text of the context, that must be a message.
  • CBaseMtm::Body()  Gets the read-only body text of the context, that must be a message.
  • CBaseMtm::CancelAttachmentOperation() - Cancels the current attachment operation.
  • CBaseMtm::CBaseMtm() - Creates a CBaseMtm with member variables initialised from the passed arguments.
  • CBaseMtm::ChangeDefaultServiceL() - Sets the default MTM service.
  • CBaseMtm::ContextEntrySwitched() - Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.
  • CBaseMtm::CreateAttachmentL() - Creates a new empty file attachment to the current message entry.
  • CBaseMtm::CreateMessageL() - Creates a new message entry as a child of the current context.
  • CBaseMtm::DefaultServiceL() - Gets the default MTM service.
  • CBaseMtm::Entry() - Gets a CMsvEntry for the current context.
  • CBaseMtm::Filler1().
  • CBaseMtm::Filler2().
  • CBaseMtm::Find() - Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.
  • CBaseMtm::ForwardL() - Creates a forwarded message from the current message context.
  • CBaseMtm::GetInterface() - Returns a pointer to the interface with the specified Uid.
  • CBaseMtm::HandleEntryEventL() - Indicates that an event has occurred.
  • CBaseMtm::HasContext() - Tests if an MTM context has been set.
  • CBaseMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() - Invokes asynchronous protocol-specific operations.
  • CBaseMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL() - Invokes synchronous protocol-specific operations.
  • CBaseMtm::LoadMessageL() - Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.
  • CBaseMtm::QueryCapability() - Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
  • CBaseMtm::RemoveAddressee() - Removes an address from the current address list.
  • CBaseMtm::RemoveDefaultServiceL() - Removes the default service setting.
  • CBaseMtm::ReplyL() - Creates a reply message to the current message context.
  • CBaseMtm::RestoreBodyL() - Gets the current cached CRichText from the appropriate stream in the specified message store.
  • CBaseMtm::SaveMessageL() - Commits cached changes to the storage controlled by the Message Server.
  • CBaseMtm::Session() - Gets a reference to the session object passed by the creator of the Client-side MTM.
  • CBaseMtm::SetCurrentEntryL() - Sets the entry on which later actions are performed to the specified CMsvEntry.
  • CBaseMtm::SetSubjectL() - Sets the subject text of the context, which must be a message.
  • CBaseMtm::StoreBodyL() - Stores and commits the current cached CRichText body text to the appropriate stream in the specified message store.
  • CBaseMtm::SubjectL() - Gets the subject text of the context, which must be a message.
  • CBaseMtm::SwitchCurrentEntryL() - Changes the entry on which later actions are performed to the entry with the specified TMsvId.
  • CBaseMtm::Type() - Gets the Type UID of the message type associated with the Client-side MTM.
  • CBaseMtm::ValidateMessage() - Validates the current message context.
  • CBaseMtm::~CBaseMtm() - Cleans up the base class.

  • CBaseMtmUi - Provides MTM-specific user interaction, such as editing, viewing, deleting, and copying of message entries.
  • CBaseMtmUi::BaseMtm() - Gets a reference to the Client-side MTM that requested this object.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CancelL() - Cancels the sending of specified messages.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CBaseMtmUi() - Constructor, which initialises member variables from the passed arguments.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CloseL()  Closes an entry.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CloseL()  Closes a selection of entries.
  • CBaseMtmUi::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CopyFromL() - Copies an entry selection from a remote service.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CopyToL() - Copies an entry selection to a remote service.
  • CBaseMtmUi::CreateL() - Creates a new entry as a child.
  • CBaseMtmUi::DeleteFromL() - Deletes a selection of entries owned by the current context.
  • CBaseMtmUi::DeleteServiceL() - Deletes a specified service entry.
  • CBaseMtmUi::DisplayProgressSummary() - Displays a message describing the progress of an operation.
  • CBaseMtmUi::EditL()  Edits an entry.
  • CBaseMtmUi::EditL()  Edits a selection of entries.
  • CBaseMtmUi::ForwardL() - Creates a forwarded message from the current message context, and allows the user to edit it through a message-type specific editor.
  • CBaseMtmUi::GetInterface() - Returns a pointer to the interface with the specified Uid.
  • CBaseMtmUi::GetProgress() - Obtains progress information description and statistics.
  • CBaseMtmUi::GetResourceFileName() - Sets the full path and name of the resource file associated with the User Interface MTM.
  • CBaseMtmUi::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() - Invokes asynchronous protocol-specific operations.
  • CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL() - Invokes synchronous protocol-specific operations.
  • CBaseMtmUi::MoveFromL() - Moves an entry selection from a remote service.
  • CBaseMtmUi::MoveToL() - Moves an entry selection to a remote service.
  • CBaseMtmUi::OpenL()  Opens an entry.
  • CBaseMtmUi::OpenL()  Opens a selection of entries.
  • CBaseMtmUi::Preferences() - Gets flags that communicate the MTM's preferences to the application UI.
  • CBaseMtmUi::QueryCapability() - Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
  • CBaseMtmUi::ReplyL() - Creates a reply message to the current message context, and allows the user to edit it through a message-type specific editor.
  • CBaseMtmUi::Session() - Gets a reference to the session object used by the Client-side MTM that requested the User Interface MTM.
  • CBaseMtmUi::SetPreferences() - Sets flags that communicate the MTM's preferences to the application UI.
  • CBaseMtmUi::Type() - Gets the Type UID of the message type associated with the User Interface MTM.
  • CBaseMtmUi::UnDeleteFromL() - Undeletes the specified selection.
  • CBaseMtmUi::ViewL()  Views an entry.
  • CBaseMtmUi::ViewL()  Views a selection of entries.
  • CBaseMtmUi::~CBaseMtmUi() - Destructor.

  • CBaseMtmUiData - Base class for UI Data MTM components.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanCancelL() - Tests if the current operation on the entry can be cancelled.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanCloseEntryL() - Tests if a close operation is supported.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveFromEntryL() - Tests whether a copy from or move from operation is supported.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveToEntryL() - Tests if a copy from or move to operation is supported.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanCreateEntryL() - Tests if an entry can be created as a child.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanDeleteFromEntryL() - Tests if a delete operation is supported.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanDeleteServiceL() - Tests if the service entry can be deleted.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanEditEntryL() - Tests if the entry can be edited.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanForwardEntryL() - Tests if an entry can be forwarded.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanOpenEntryL() - Tests if an entry can be opened.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanReplyToEntryL() - Tests if an entry can be replied to.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanUnDeleteFromEntryL() - Tests if the entry can be undeleted.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CanViewEntryL() - Tests if an entry can be viewed.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CBaseMtmUiData() - Constructor.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::ContextIcon() - Gets an array of bitmaps relevant to the passed context entry.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::CreateBitmapsL() - Fills the iIconArrays array with icon bitmaps from an mbm file.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::FunctionRecognised() - Tests if an operation with the specified ID is recognised by the UI Data MTM.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::GetInterface() - Returns a pointer to the interface with the specified Uid.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::GetResourceFileName() - Gets the resource file name.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::MtmSpecificFunctions() - Gets an array of MTM-specific operations that can be carried out through the associated User Interface MTM's CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL()/InvokeAsyncFunctionL() functions.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL() - Tests if an MTM-specific operation is appropriate to the specified entry.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL() - Initialises bitmaps and function information.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::QueryCapability() - Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::ReadFunctionsFromResourceFileL() - Fills the iMtmSpecificFunctions array with MTM-specific operation definitions from the UI Data MTM's resource file.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::StatusTextL() - Provides status text for the sending state of the entry.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::Type() - Gets the Type UID of the message type associated with the UI Data MTM.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::~CBaseMtmUiData() - Destructor.

  • CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction - Provides the interface for clients to access MTM-specific functions, and present these functions to the user.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction::TMtmUiFunction()  Creates a TMtmUiFunction with its values read from the resource file location specified by TResourceReader.
  • CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction::TMtmUiFunction()  Copy constructor.

  • CBaseScriptParser2 - Base class for BIO message parsers V2.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::CBaseScriptParser2() - Constructor.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::ParseL() - Called by the BIO server MTM to asynchronously parse message body data.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::ParserUid() - Gets the UID of the BIO message type handled by the parser.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::ProcessL() - Called by the BIO server MTM to asynchronously process the parsed data.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::ResetL() - Deletes the iParsedFieldArray parsed fields array and sets it to NULL.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::RestoreL()  Restores the parsed fields array.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::RestoreL()  Restores the message data from a specified file.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::StoreL()  Stores the parsed fields array.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::StoreL()  Stores the message data in a specified file.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::UnfoldMessageL() - Utility function for unfolding Smart Messages.
  • CBaseScriptParser2::~CBaseScriptParser2() - Destructor.

  • CBaseServerMtm - Base class for Server-side MTM components.
  • CBaseServerMtm::CBaseServerMtm() - Constructor.
  • CBaseServerMtm::ChangeL() - Updates a remote entry with relevant data when called by the Message Server.
  • CBaseServerMtm::CommandExpected() - Tests if the Server-side MTM object should be deleted when called by the Message Server.
  • CBaseServerMtm::CopyFromLocalL() - Copies a selection of entries from a local location to a remote location.
  • CBaseServerMtm::CopyToLocalL() - Copies a selection of entries from a remote location to a local location.
  • CBaseServerMtm::CopyWithinServiceL() - Copies a selection of entries within a remote location.
  • CBaseServerMtm::CreateL() - Creates a new remote entry with relevant data when called by the Message Server.
  • CBaseServerMtm::DeleteAllL() - Deletes each entry in the supplied selection when called by the message Server.
  • CBaseServerMtm::DoComplete() - Called by the base class RunL() if DoRunL() leaves.
  • CBaseServerMtm::DoRunL() - Handles the completion of any asynchronous requests that it makes.
  • CBaseServerMtm::Extension_() - The extension method provides a polymorphic behaviour to call the correct SystemProgress function.
  • CBaseServerMtm::GetInterface() - Returns a pointer to the interface with the specified Uid.
  • CBaseServerMtm::MoveFromLocalL() - Moves a selection of entries from a local location to a remote location.
  • CBaseServerMtm::MoveToLocalL() - Moves a selection of entries from a remote location to a local location.
  • CBaseServerMtm::MoveWithinServiceL() - Moves a selection of entries within a remote location.
  • CBaseServerMtm::Progress() - This function is called by the Message Server to get progress information for the current asynchronous operation.
  • CBaseServerMtm::RunError() - Handles the cases where RunL is leaving.
  • CBaseServerMtm::RunL() - Provides a simple implementation of CActive::RunL() that calls the derived class's DoRunL() function.
  • CBaseServerMtm::StartCommandL() - Executes an MTM-specific operation on a selection of entries when called by the Message Server.
  • CBaseServerMtm::SystemProgress() - This call leads to calling one of the server Mtms to populate the TMsvSystemProgress structure.
  • CBaseServerMtm::~CBaseServerMtm() - Destructor.

  • CBasicAnimation - Implementation of CAnimation for purely client side animations.
  • CBasicAnimation::AnimatorDataType() - Called by the animator plugin loading routine to determine the type of data for which an animator is required.
  • CBasicAnimation::AnimatorDraw() - Called by the animator when it needs to draw a new frame.
  • CBasicAnimation::AnimatorInitialisedL() - Called by the animator when it is ready to begin running.
  • CBasicAnimation::AnimatorResetL() - Called by the animator when it is no longer ready, usually in response to TAnimationEvent::EAnimationDataChanged.
  • CBasicAnimation::AnimatorTicker() - Called by the animator to obtain an AnimatorTicker, to which it will add itself whenever it is running.
  • CBasicAnimation::CBasicAnimation_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CBasicAnimation::CBasicAnimation_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CBasicAnimation::DataProvider() - Provides an CAnimationDataProvider interface to the client application.
  • CBasicAnimation::DataProviderEventL() - Receives an event from a data provider.
  • CBasicAnimation::Draw() - This function should be called with a valid graphics context whenever a redraw event is received for the window this animation resides in.
  • CBasicAnimation::Freeze() - Implements CAnimation::Freeze.
  • CBasicAnimation::Hold() - Implements CAnimation::Hold.
  • CBasicAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CBasicAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CBasicAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CBasicAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CBasicAnimation::Pause() - Implements CAnimation::Pause.
  • CBasicAnimation::Position() - Returns the current drawing position.
  • CBasicAnimation::Resume() - Implements CAnimation::Resume.
  • CBasicAnimation::SetHostL() - This function lets you set the host at a later stage if you haven't got access to it during construction, or if you for some reason need to change it in run time.
  • CBasicAnimation::SetPosition() - Implements CAnimation::SetPosition.
  • CBasicAnimation::Size() - Gets the size of the smallest bounding rectangle that will be required to render the animation.
  • CBasicAnimation::Start() - Implements CAnimation::Start.
  • CBasicAnimation::Stop() - Implements CAnimation::Stop.
  • CBasicAnimation::Unfreeze() - Implements CAnimation::Unfreeze.
  • CBasicAnimation::Unhold() - Implements CAnimation::Unhold.
  • CBasicAnimation::~CBasicAnimation() - Destructor.

  • CBioAsyncWaiter - Utility class for waiting for asychronous requests.
  • CBioAsyncWaiter::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CBioAsyncWaiter::NewLC() - Standard 2-phase contruction.
  • CBioAsyncWaiter::Result() - Obtains the result of the asynchronous request.
  • CBioAsyncWaiter::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CBioAsyncWaiter::StartAndWait() - Starts the asynchronous request.
  • CBioAsyncWaiter::~CBioAsyncWaiter() - Destructor.

  • CBioInfoFileReader - BIO information file (BIF) reader.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::Description() - Gets the BIF's description setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::FileExtension() - Gets the BIF's file extension setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::GeneralData1() - Gets the BIF's general data 1 setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::GeneralData2() - Gets the BIF's general data 2 setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::GeneralData3() - Gets the BIF's general data 3 setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::IconsFilename() - Gets the BIF's icons filename setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::IdsLC() - Gets the BIF's ID array.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::MessageAppCtrlName() - Gets the BIF's control name.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::MessageAppCtrlUid() - Deprecated method.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::MessageAppUid() - Gets the BIF's application UID setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::MessageParserName() - Gets the BIF's message parser name.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::MessageTypeUid() - Gets the BIF's message type UID setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new BIF reader object.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new BIF reader object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::ZoomLevelsCount() - Gets the BIF's number of icon zoom levels.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::ZoomLevelsLC() - Gets the BIF's icon zoom levels setting.
  • CBioInfoFileReader::~CBioInfoFileReader() - Destructor.

  • CBitmapAnimClientData - Encapsulates one or more animation frames into an entire animation.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::AppendFrameL() - Appends a new frame to the array of frames.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::BackgroundFrame() - Gets the background frame bitmap.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::DurationInMilliSeconds() - Gets the time required to display the entire sequence of frames that comprise the animation.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::Flash() - Gets the animation's flash setting.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::FrameArray() - Gets the animation frame array.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::FrameIntervalInMilliSeconds() - Gets the default animation frame interval in milliseconds.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CBitmapAnimClientData object.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::PlayMode() - Gets the animation's play mode.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::ResetFrameArray() - Resets and destroys the frame array's contents.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::SetBackgroundFrame() - Sets the background frame and takes ownership of it.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::SetFlash() - Sets or unsets the animation's flash state.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::SetFrameInterval() - Specifies for how many milliseconds each frame in the animation is displayed.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::SetPlayMode() - Sets the play mode so that the animation plays once or continuously.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::Size() - Gets the display size required to show the entire animation.
  • CBitmapAnimClientData::~CBitmapAnimClientData() - Destructor.

  • CBitmapContext - An abstract, device-independent, interface to bitmapped graphics contexts.
  • CBitmapContext::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  Performs an alpha blending of the source data, aSrcBmp, with the CBitmapContext, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CBitmapContext::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  The method performs an alpha blending of the source data, aSrcBmp, with the CBitmapContext, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CBitmapContext::BitBlt()  Performs a bitmap block transfer.
  • CBitmapContext::BitBlt()  Performs a bitmap block transfer of a rectangular piece of a bitmap.
  • CBitmapContext::BitBltMasked() - Performs a masked bitmap block transfer.
  • CBitmapContext::Clear()  Clears the whole bitmap.
  • CBitmapContext::Clear()  Clears a rectangular area of a bitmap.
  • CBitmapContext::CopyRect() - Copies a rectangle.
  • CBitmapContext::Reserved_CBitmapContext_1().
  • CBitmapContext::Reserved_CBitmapContext_2().
  • CBitmapContext::Reserved_CBitmapContext_3().
  • CBitmapContext::Reserved_CGraphicsContext_2() - A reserved virtual function for future use.
  • CBitmapContext::SetFaded() - Sets whether the graphics context is faded.
  • CBitmapContext::SetFadingParameters() - Sets the fading parameters.

  • CBitmapDevice - Defines an abstract interface for the capabilities and attributes of a bitmapped graphics device.
  • CBitmapDevice::AddFile() - Adds a font file to the device's typeface store.
  • CBitmapDevice::CreateBitmapContext() - Creates a bitmap context for this bitmap device.
  • CBitmapDevice::FontHeightInPixels() - Gets the height, in pixels, of the specified typeface at one of its defined heights.
  • CBitmapDevice::GetNearestFontInPixels() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CBitmapDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CBitmapDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CBitmapDevice::GetPixel() - Gets the RGB colour of an individual pixel on a bitmapped graphics device.
  • CBitmapDevice::GetScanLine() - Copies a scanline into a buffer.
  • CBitmapDevice::RemoveFile() - Removes a font file from the font store.

  • CBitmapFont - Bitmap font class.
  • CBitmapFont::BitmapEncoding() - Gets encoding if a bitmap font (a CFontBitmap) is used.
  • CBitmapFont::CharacterMetrics() - Gets a pointer to a bitmap and the metrics for a specified character, but only if a CFontBitmap is being used by the bitmap font object.
  • CBitmapFont::CharacterNeedsToBeRasterized() - Gets whether the specified character needs to be rasterised.
  • CBitmapFont::DoAscentInPixels() - Returns the font ascent in pixels.
  • CBitmapFont::DoBaselineOffsetInPixels() - Returns the baseline offset in pixels, as stored in iAlgStyle.
  • CBitmapFont::DoCharWidthInPixels() - Returns the width, in pixels, of the given character.
  • CBitmapFont::DoFontSpecInTwips() - Returns the device-independent font specification for the font.
  • CBitmapFont::DoHeightInPixels() - Returns the font height in pixels.
  • CBitmapFont::DoMaxCharWidthInPixels() - Returns the font's maximum character width in pixels.
  • CBitmapFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() - Returns the font's normal maximum character width in pixels.
  • CBitmapFont::DoTextCount()  Returns the number of whole characters of aText, starting from the beginning, that fit into the given pixel width.
  • CBitmapFont::DoTextCount()  Returns the number of whole characters of aText, starting from the beginning, that fit into the given pixel width, and gets the excess width.
  • CBitmapFont::DoTextWidthInPixels() - Returns the width, in pixels, of the given text.
  • CBitmapFont::DoTypeUid() - Returns the font type identifier:KCBitmapFontUidVal.
  • CBitmapFont::FontWithCharacter().
  • CBitmapFont::GetCharacterData() - Gets a pointer to a bitmap and the metrics for a specified character.
  • CBitmapFont::GetFaceAttrib() - Gets the open font typeface attributes if possible.
  • CBitmapFont::GetFontMetrics() - Gets the open font metrics.
  • CBitmapFont::GlyphBitmapType() - Gets the anti-aliasing setting for the font, see TGlyphBitmapType for the range of values.
  • CBitmapFont::HasCharacterL() - Gets whether the open or bitmap font has the specified character.
  • CBitmapFont::IsOpenFont() - Returns whether the bitmap font object is an open font (a COpenFont) rather than a bitmap font (a CFontBitmap).
  • CBitmapFont::OpenFont() - Returns a pointer to the open font being used by the bitmap font object.
  • CBitmapFont::operator delete().
  • CBitmapFont::Rasterize() - Attempts to rasterize a character (aCode) into a data area (aGlyphData) in shared memory.

  • CBitmapFrameData - Encapsulates the information required for one frame of an animation.
  • CBitmapFrameData::Bitmap() - Gets the frame's bitmap.
  • CBitmapFrameData::BitmapsOwnedExternally() - Tests whether the frame owns the bitmap and mask.
  • CBitmapFrameData::IntervalInMilliSeconds() - Gets the frame's duration in milliseconds.
  • CBitmapFrameData::Mask() - Gets the frame's mask.
  • CBitmapFrameData::NewL()  Creates a new empty frame object.
  • CBitmapFrameData::NewL()  Creates a new frame object with a specified bitmap and (optionally) a mask.
  • CBitmapFrameData::NewL()  Creates a new frame object.
  • CBitmapFrameData::Position() - Gets the frame's position, relative to the animation window.
  • CBitmapFrameData::SetBitmap() - Sets the frame bitmap.
  • CBitmapFrameData::SetBitmapsOwnedExternally() - Sets whether the bitmap and mask are owned by the frame.
  • CBitmapFrameData::SetInterval() - Sets the frame's duration in milliseconds.
  • CBitmapFrameData::SetMask() - Sets the frame mask.
  • CBitmapFrameData::SetPosition() - Sets the frame's position relative to the animation window.
  • CBitmapFrameData::~CBitmapFrameData() - Destructor.

  • CBitmapRotator - The public API for clients to call the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap rotation.
  • CBitmapRotator::Cancel() - Cancels any outstanding action.
  • CBitmapRotator::CustomCommand() - Provides custom command capabilties on CBitmapRotator.
  • CBitmapRotator::NewL() - Constructs a CBitmapRotator object.
  • CBitmapRotator::Rotate()  Schedules a rotate/mirror operation on a bitmap supplied in the aSrcBitmap paramter and produces the output pointed to by aTgtBitmap.
  • CBitmapRotator::Rotate()  The function Rotate schedules a rotate/mirror operation on a bitmap supplied in the aBitmap whose output overwrites aBitmap.
  • CBitmapRotator::~CBitmapRotator() - Default destructor for this class.

  • CBitmapScaler - The public API for clients to call the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap scaling.
  • CBitmapScaler::Cancel() - Cancel any outstanding activity.
  • CBitmapScaler::CustomCommand() - Provides custom command capabilties on CBitmapScaler.
  • CBitmapScaler::DisablePostProcessing() - SetPostProcessing.
  • CBitmapScaler::NewL() - Constructs a CBitmapScaler object.
  • CBitmapScaler::Scale()  Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
  • CBitmapScaler::Scale()  Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
  • CBitmapScaler::SetQualityAlgorithm() - SetQualityAlgorithm.
  • CBitmapScaler::UseLowMemoryAlgorithm() - UseLowMemory.
  • CBitmapScaler::~CBitmapScaler() - This is the destructor for the CBitmapScaler and is responsible for deallocating all resources alloctaed by the CBitmapScaler.

  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks - This is used to enumerate members of piconet, and attach and remove members thereof.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::Broadcast() - Write (raw) broadcast data.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::CancelCreateConnection() - Cancel bringing in a new member to the piconet.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::CreateConnection() - Bring in a new member to the piconet.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::Disconnect() - Disconnect a single member of piconet.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::DisconnectAll() - Disconnect all members of piconet.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::Enumerate() - Enumerate connected members of the piconet.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::NewL() - Constructor.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::NewLC() - Constructor.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::ReadRaw() - Receive (raw) broadcast data.
  • CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::~CBluetoothPhysicalLinks() - Destructor.

  • CBluetoothSocket - This allows Bluetooth ACL socket-based services to be run.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Accept()  Accepts a connection from a remote Bluetooth socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Accept()  Reserved for future.
  • CBluetoothSocket::ActivateBasebandEventNotifier() - Set up notification of baseband events.
  • CBluetoothSocket::ActivateParkRequester() - Activate park requestor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::ActivateSniffRequester().
  • CBluetoothSocket::AllowLowPowerModes() - Allow low power modes.
  • CBluetoothSocket::AllowRoleSwitch() - Allow the socket to switch roles.
  • CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() - Asynchronous deletion of the CBluetoothSocket object.
  • CBluetoothSocket::AutomaticSniffMode() - Reports the automatic sniff/unsniff requesting status of the socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Bind() - Sets a Bluetooth socket address.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelAccept() - Cancels the Accept() operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelAll() - Cancels all outstanding operations.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelBasebandEventNotifier() - Cancels an active baseband notifier.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelConnect() - Cancel an attempted connection.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelIoctl() - Cancels the Ioctl() asynchronous control operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelLowPowerModeRequester() - Cancels the low power mode request.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelRead() - Cancels an outstanding Read() operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelRecv() - Cancels an outstanding Recv() operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelSend() - Cancels an outstanding Bluetooth Send() operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::CancelWrite() - Cancels an outstanding Write() operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Connect()  Opens a connection to a specific Bluetooth device by its address.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Connect()  Connects to a remote Bluetooth device by address with a defined data-out and data-in descriptor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Connect()  Sets the Service bits in the Class Of Device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::GetDisconnectData().
  • CBluetoothSocket::GetOpt()  Gets a socket option.
  • CBluetoothSocket::GetOpt()  Gets a socket option.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Info() - Gets information about the protocol the socket is opened on.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Ioctl()  Applies an asynchronous control operation on a socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Ioctl().
  • CBluetoothSocket::Listen()  Sets up a socket to listen for incoming connections.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Listen()  Reserved for future.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Listen()  Sets the Service bits in the Class Of Device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::LocalName() - Gets the local address of a socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::LocalPort() - Gets the local port of a socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Name() - Used to get a unique name of a socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewL()  Standard Bluetooth socket NewL constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewL()  Opens a Bluetooth socket on a specified connection.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewL()  Bluetooth socket named protocol NewL() constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewL()  Bluetooth blank socket NewL() constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewL()  Bluetooth socket using an existing RSocket instance constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewLC()  Standard Bluetooth socket NewLC constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewLC()  This constructor opens a Bluetooth socket on a specified connection.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewLC()  Bluetooth socket named protocol NewLC() constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewLC()  Bluetooth blank socket NewLC() constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::NewLC()  Bluetooth socket using an existing RSocket instance constructor.
  • CBluetoothSocket::PhysicalLinkState() - Get the state of the physical link.
  • CBluetoothSocket::PreventLowPowerModes() - Prevents low power modes from being activated.
  • CBluetoothSocket::PreventRoleSwitch() - Role switching is not allowed.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Read() - Receives data from a remote Bluetooth host.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Recv()  Receives data from a remote Bluetooth device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Recv()  Receives data from a remote Bluetooth device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RecvFrom()  Receives aDesc data from the named remote aAddr Bluetooth device using the flags indicated.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RecvFrom()  Receives aDesc data from the named remote aAddr Bluetooth device using the flags indicated.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RecvOneOrMore() - Receives data from a remote Bluetooth device, completing when data is available.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RemoteName() - Gets the remote address of a socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RequestChangeSupportedPacketTypes() - Request to change the supported packet types.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RequestMasterRole() - Request the socket take on the master role.
  • CBluetoothSocket::RequestSlaveRole() - Request the socket take on a slave role.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Send()  Sends data to a remote bluetooth device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Send()  Sends data to a remote bluetooth device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SendTo()  Sends the aDesc data to the aAddr specified and applies the flags indicated to the operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SendTo()  Sends the aDesc data to the aAddr specified and applies the flags indicated to the operation.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetAutomaticSniffMode()  Sets up automatic sniff/unsniff requesting for the socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetAutomaticSniffMode()  Sets up automatic sniff/unsniff requesting for the socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetLocalPort() - Sets the local port of a Bluetooth socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetNotifier() - Changes the owner (receiver of notifications) of the socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetOpt()  Sets a socket option.
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetOpt().
  • CBluetoothSocket::SetOption() - Sets a socket option.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Shutdown()  Shuts down a connected socket.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Shutdown()  Reserved for future.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Transfer() - Transfers a socket from one socket server session to another.
  • CBluetoothSocket::Write() - Writes to a remote Bluetooth device.
  • CBluetoothSocket::~CBluetoothSocket() - Destructor.

  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink - Provides Bluetooth SCO functionality.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::AcceptConnection()  Prepare for a remote device to set up a synchronous link on the local device.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::AcceptConnection()  Prepare for a remote device to set up a synchronous link on the local device.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::Bandwidth() - Return the negotiated bandwidth.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::CancelAccept() - Cancel ability to respond to a remote request to set up a synchronous link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::CancelReceive() - Cancel receiving data.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::CancelSend() - Cancel sending data.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::CancelSetup() - Cancel creating a synchronous link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::Coding() - Return the air coding portion only of the coding specified on the link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::Disconnect() - Disconnect a synchronous link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::Latency() - Return the negotiated latency in miliseconds (rounded up if non-integer on the link).
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::NewL() - Allocate and open a socket sub-session for Bluetooth SCO.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::NewLC() - Allocate and open a socket sub-session for Bluetooth SCO.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::Receive() - Receive data over synchronous link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::RemoteName() - Gets the socket address of the remote Bluetooth device.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::RetransmissionEffort() - Return an estimate of the retransmission policy on the link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::Send() - Send data over synchronous link.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetCoding() - Specify Voice Setting.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetMaxBandwidth() - Specify maximum bandwidths in octets/second.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetMaxLatency() - Specify maximum acceptable latency in milliseconds.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetNotifier() - Set the object to be notified of synchronous link events.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetRetransmissionEffort() - Specify link retransmission policy.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetupConnection()  Create a synchronous link (e.g.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetupConnection()  Create a synchronous link (e.g.
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetupConnection().
  • CBluetoothSynchronousLink::~CBluetoothSynchronousLink() - Destructor.

  • CBufBase - Defines the interface for dynamic buffers.
  • CBufBase::BackPtr() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent data from just before the specified data byte backward to the beginning of the contiguous region containing that byte.
  • CBufBase::Compress() - Compresses the buffer so as to occupy minimal space.
  • CBufBase::Delete() - Deletes data from the buffer.
  • CBufBase::DoInsertL().
  • CBufBase::ExpandL() - Inserts an uninitialised region into the buffer.
  • CBufBase::InsertL()  Inserts data into the buffer.
  • CBufBase::InsertL()  Inserts the specified number of bytes of data from a descriptor into the buffer.
  • CBufBase::InsertL()  Inserts bytes of data from the specified address into the buffer.
  • CBufBase::Ptr() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent the data from the specified position to the end of the contiguous region containing that byte.
  • CBufBase::Read()  Reads data from the buffer into a descriptor.
  • CBufBase::Read()  Reads the specified number of bytes of data from the buffer into a descriptor.
  • CBufBase::Read()  Reads the specified number of bytes of data from the buffer into a specified address.
  • CBufBase::Reset() - Deletes all data in the buffer.
  • CBufBase::ResizeL() - Re-sizes the buffer to the specified size.
  • CBufBase::Size() - Gets the number of data bytes in the buffer.
  • CBufBase::Write()  Writes data from a descriptor to the buffer.
  • CBufBase::Write()  Writes the specified number of bytes of data from a descriptor to the buffer.
  • CBufBase::Write()  Writes the specified number of bytes of data from the specified address to the buffer.
  • CBufBase::~CBufBase() - Destructor.

  • CBufFlat - Provides a flat storage dynamic buffer.
  • CBufFlat::BackPtr() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent the data starting at the beginning of the contiguous region containing that byte through to the byte immediately preceding the specified byte.
  • CBufFlat::Capacity() - Gets the size to which the buffer may expand without re-allocation.
  • CBufFlat::Compress() - Compresses the buffer so as to occupy minimal space.
  • CBufFlat::Delete() - Deletes data from the buffer.
  • CBufFlat::DoInsertL().
  • CBufFlat::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a flat buffer.
  • CBufFlat::Ptr() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent the data starting at the specified data byte through to the end of the contiguous region containing that byte.
  • CBufFlat::SetReserveL() - Specifies a minimum amount of space which the flat buffer should occupy.
  • CBufFlat::~CBufFlat() - Destructor.

  • CBufSeg - Provides a segmented dynamic buffer.
  • CBufSeg::BackPtr() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent the data starting at the beginning of the contiguous region containing that byte through to the byte immediately preceding the specified byte.
  • CBufSeg::CBufSeg().
  • CBufSeg::Compress() - Compresses the buffer so as to occupy minimal space.
  • CBufSeg::Delete() - Deletes data from the buffer.
  • CBufSeg::DoInsertL().
  • CBufSeg::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a segmented buffer.
  • CBufSeg::Ptr() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent the data starting at the specified data byte through to the end of the contiguous region containing that byte.
  • CBufSeg::~CBufSeg() - Destructor.

  • CBufStore - In-memory non-persistent store.
  • CBufStore::CBufStore().
  • CBufStore::DoCreateL() - Creates a new stream in the store.
  • CBufStore::DoDeleteL().
  • CBufStore::DoExtendL() - Generates a new stream within this store, and returns its id.
  • CBufStore::DoReadL() - Opens the requested stream for reading.
  • CBufStore::DoReplaceL().
  • CBufStore::DoWriteL().
  • CBufStore::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new in-memory store and returns a pointer to it.
  • CBufStore::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new in-memory store and returns a pointer to it, putting a pointer to the object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CBufStore::~CBufStore() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CBufferedImageDecoder - Buffered image conversion library.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::AppendDataL() - Adds new image data.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::Cancel() - Requests an asynchronous decode to terminate.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueConvert() - Continues decoding a frame and/or mask after new image data was added to the source file or descriptor and a previous call to Convert() or ContinueConvert() returned KErrUnderflow.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueOpenL() - Call this function to retry to create a decoder after OpenL() returned with KErrUnderFlow and extra data was added to the descriptor using AppendDataL().
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueProcessingHeaderL() - Continues processing image headers after new image data was appended.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::Convert()  Starts decoding an image frame asynchronously.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::Convert()  Starts decoding an image frame and mask asynchronously.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameCommentL() - Returns a particular comment attached to a given frame of the image.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameCount() - Returns the number of frames in the image being decoded.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameData() - Returns the image data for a specific frame.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameInfo() - Returns the frame info for a specified frame of the image.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameInfoStringsL() - Returns the formatted frame information strings for a specific frame.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameInfoStringsLC() - Returns the formatted frame information strings for a specific frame and leave it on the cleanup stack.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::ImageCommentL() - Returns a particular comment attached to the image.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::ImplementationUid() - Returns the implementation UID of the decoder being used to decode the image.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete() - Returns the status of the image.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::NewL() - Creates a buffered decoder.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::NumberOfFrameComments() - Returns the number of comments attached to a given frame of the image as opposed to the whole image.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::NumberOfImageComments() - Returns the number of comments attached to the image (as opposed to a particular frame).
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::OpenL()  Creates a decoder for the image in the source buffer.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::OpenL()  Creates a decoder for the image in the source buffer.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::Reset() - Reset the decoder for reuse.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::ValidDecoder() - Determine if enough data was available to determine which plugin decoder to use.
  • CBufferedImageDecoder::~CBufferedImageDecoder() - Destructor for this class.

  • CCHFContentHandler - Content Handler base class.
  • CCHFContentHandler::BaseConstructL() - Completes the construction of a content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::CCHFContentHandler() - Constructor.
  • CCHFContentHandler::CCHFContentHandler_Reserved_1().
  • CCHFContentHandler::CCHFContentHandler_Reserved_2().
  • CCHFContentHandler::CCHFContentHandler_Reserved_3().
  • CCHFContentHandler::CCHFContentHandler_Reserved_4().
  • CCHFContentHandler::CommandL() - Issue a command to a content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::DataSupplier() - Gets the data supplier of the content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::Draw() - Draw to a graphics context.
  • CCHFContentHandler::GetDataSupplierObserver() - Gets the observer that the content handler wishes to use for its data supplier observer.
  • CCHFContentHandler::HandleAbstractKeyEventL() - Issue a key stroke event to the content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::HandleAbstractPointerEventL() - Issue a pointer event to the content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::Parent() - Gets the parent of the content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::Query() - Query a content handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::Resize() - Resize the Content Handler.
  • CCHFContentHandler::Session() - Gets the CHF session to which to the content handler belongs.
  • CCHFContentHandler::StartL() - Called to start the content handler after construction.
  • CCHFContentHandler::~CCHFContentHandler() - Destructor.

  • CCHFContentLoader - Encapsulates the loading of a content handler.
  • CCHFContentLoader::DSRunError() - Called to report error conditions.
  • CCHFContentLoader::NewL()  Creates a new CCHFContentLoader.
  • CCHFContentLoader::NewL()  Creates a new CCHFContentLoader.
  • CCHFContentLoader::NewL()  Creates a new CCHFContentLoader.
  • CCHFContentLoader::ReceivedCompleteL() - Called to report data supplier status.
  • CCHFContentLoader::~CCHFContentLoader() - Destructor.

  • CCHFDataSupplier - Base class for all Content Handling Framework Data Suppliers.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::BaseConstructL() - Initialises the Data Supplier base class.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::CCHFDataSupplier() - Constructor.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::CCHFDataSupplier_Reserved_3().
  • CCHFDataSupplier::CCHFDataSupplier_Reserved_4().
  • CCHFDataSupplier::ContentType() - Gets the content type of the resource.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::File() - The public calling API for getting the file-handle of the resource, if the content is being supplied by file-handle rather than by URI.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::GetContentAccessIntent()  The public calling API for getting the content-access intent.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::GetContentAccessIntent()  The private virtual function for getting the content-access intent value by non-const pointer, so that it can be read and modified.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::GetFile() - The private virtual function for getting the file-handle of the resource, if the content is being supplied by file-handle rather than by URI.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::NewFromFileHandleL()  Creates a CCHFDataSupplier object given a file-handle (rather than a URI).
  • CCHFDataSupplier::NewFromFileHandleL()  Creates a CCHFDataSupplier object given a file-handle (rather than a URI).
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Observer() - Gets the data supplier's observer.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Read() - Reads the portion of data received.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::RecognizeDataL()  Attempts recognition of the content MIME type.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::RecognizeDataL()  Attempts recognition of the content MIME type.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Reset() - Called by the client to reinitialise the data connection.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::ResourceSize() - Gets the resource's total content size.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Resume() - Resumes the Data Supplier from a suspended state.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::RxReady() - Called by the client to indicate readiness to receive more data.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::SetContentAccessIntent() - The public calling API for setting the content-access intent.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::SetContentTypeL() - Sets the content type to a client-specified value.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::SetObserver() - Replaces the current Data Supplier Observer.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::SetReadPosition()  Sets the range of data to be read.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::SetReadPosition()  Sets the data supplier read position.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Start() - Starts the Data Supplier call to supply an observer interface and to request the Data Supplier to start supplying data.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Suspend() - Suspends activity on the Data Supplier.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::Uri() - Gets the URI of the resource.
  • CCHFDataSupplier::~CCHFDataSupplier() - Destructor.

  • CCHFDiscoveryService - The interface for the CHF discovery service.
  • CCHFDiscoveryService::AddProxySessionObjectL() - Add a proxy session object.
  • CCHFDiscoveryService::ContentHandlerL() - Finds a content handler for a given data supplier.
  • CCHFDiscoveryService::DataSupplierL() - Finds a data supplier for a given URI.
  • CCHFDiscoveryService::ProxySessionObject() - Gets a proxy session object.

  • CCHFEComContentHandler - This class serves as a base class for all content handlers that are provided via ECom plugins.
  • CCHFEComContentHandler::CCHFEComContentHandler() - Constructor.
  • CCHFEComContentHandler::NewL() - Factory for content handler's provided by ECom plug-ins.
  • CCHFEComContentHandler::~CCHFEComContentHandler() - Destructor.

  • CCHFEcomDataSupplier - Base class for all data suppliers that are provided via ECom plugins.
  • CCHFEcomDataSupplier::CCHFEcomDataSupplier() - Constructor.
  • CCHFEcomDataSupplier::NewL() - Factory for data suppliers provided by ECom plug-ins.
  • CCHFEcomDataSupplier::~CCHFEcomDataSupplier() - Destructor.

  • CCHFEcomDataSupplier::TParams - Parameters to pass to the data supplier factory function.
  • CCHFEcomDataSupplier::TParams::TParams() - Constructor.

  • CCHFEventMappingService - Provides functionality to map key or pointer events to abstract events.
  • CCHFEventMappingService::MapKeyEventL() - Maps a single raw key event to CHF abstract event(s).
  • CCHFEventMappingService::MapPointerEventL() - Maps a single raw pointer event to CHF abstract event(s).

  • CCHFProxySessionObject - Used to store a resource object that can be shared by many users.
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::CCHFProxySessionObject() - Protected constructor.
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::CCHFProxySessionObject_Reserved_1().
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::CCHFProxySessionObject_Reserved_2().
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::CCHFProxySessionObject_Reserved_3().
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::CCHFProxySessionObject_Reserved_4().
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::Handle() - Establishs a handle on the object.
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::Identifier() - Get the identifier.
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::Release() - Releases the object.
  • CCHFProxySessionObject::~CCHFProxySessionObject() - Destructor.

  • CCHFSession - CHF framework session.
  • CCHFSession::BaseConstructL() - Second phase constructor to construct the session's services.
  • CCHFSession::CCHFSession() - Default constructor.
  • CCHFSession::CCHFSession_Reserved_1().
  • CCHFSession::CCHFSession_Reserved_2().
  • CCHFSession::CCHFSession_Reserved_3().
  • CCHFSession::CCHFSession_Reserved_4().
  • CCHFSession::DiscoveryService() - Gets the session's discovery service.
  • CCHFSession::EventMappingService() - Gets the session's event mapping service.
  • CCHFSession::~CCHFSession() - Destructor.

  • CCHFTopParent - Base class for the one and only application's CHF Session object.
  • CCHFTopParent::BaseConstructL() - Base class initialiser.
  • CCHFTopParent::CCHFTopParent() - Constructor.
  • CCHFTopParent::CCHFTopParent_Reserved_1().
  • CCHFTopParent::CCHFTopParent_Reserved_2().
  • CCHFTopParent::CCHFTopParent_Reserved_3().
  • CCHFTopParent::CCHFTopParent_Reserved_4().
  • CCHFTopParent::~CCHFTopParent() - Destructor.

  • CCalAlarm - Class representing an alarm.
  • CCalAlarm::AlarmAction() - Returns the action associated with the alarm.
  • CCalAlarm::AlarmSoundNameL() - Gets a descripter of the alarm sound name.
  • CCalAlarm::NewL() - Creates a new calendar alarm with no alarm sound name and an alarm time offset of 0 minutes, and no extended alarm action.
  • CCalAlarm::SetAlarmAction() - Associates an action with the alarm.
  • CCalAlarm::SetAlarmSoundNameL() - Sets the name of the alarm sound.
  • CCalAlarm::SetTimeOffset() - Sets a time offset for an alarm to occur prior to a scheduled event.
  • CCalAlarm::TimeOffset() - Gets the time offset for the alarm to occur prior to an event.
  • CCalAlarm::~CCalAlarm() - A calendar alarm destructor.

  • CCalAttendee - Class representing an attendee of an event.
  • CCalAttendee::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new attendee with the specified email address.
  • CCalAttendee::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new attendee with the specified email address and sender.
  • CCalAttendee::ResponseRequested() - Gets whether or not a response was requested for this attendee.
  • CCalAttendee::RoleL() - Get the role of this attendee.
  • CCalAttendee::SetResponseRequested() - Sets whether or not a response was requested for this attendee.
  • CCalAttendee::SetRoleL() - Set the role of this attendee.
  • CCalAttendee::SetStatusL() - Set the status of this attendee.
  • CCalAttendee::StatusL() - Get the status of this attendee.

  • CCalCategory - Calendar categories can be associated with a calendar entry.
  • CCalCategory::Category() - Gets the category type.
  • CCalCategory::ExtendedCategoryName() - Gets the extended category name.
  • CCalCategory::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a category object of one of the standard types.
  • CCalCategory::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a category object of user-defined type with specified category name.
  • CCalCategory::~CCalCategory() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the category, prior to its destruction.

  • CCalCategoryManager - A category manager used to manipulate the categories held by the Calendar store.
  • CCalCategoryManager::AddCategoryL() - Adds a new user-defined category to the server's category list.
  • CCalCategoryManager::CategoryCountL() - Gets the number of categories used in the calendar file.
  • CCalCategoryManager::CategoryL() - Allocates and returns a new category based on the one stored at the specified index in the server's category list.
  • CCalCategoryManager::DeleteCategoryL() - Deletes a user-defined category from the server's category list and updates all entries that belong to it, asynchronously.
  • CCalCategoryManager::FilterCategoryL() - Gets a list of all entries that belong to the specified category, asynchronously.
  • CCalCategoryManager::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a category manager.
  • CCalCategoryManager::~CCalCategoryManager() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the entry, prior to its destruction.

  • CCalChangeNotificationFilter - Class to encapsulate call back registration parameters.
  • CCalChangeNotificationFilter::NewL() - Construction function for the filter.
  • CCalChangeNotificationFilter::~CCalChangeNotificationFilter() - Destructor for the filter.

  • CCalContent - This class holds in memory 8-bit data of any type, or a link to 8-bit data such as a URI.
  • CCalContent::Content() - Gets the data set by CCalContent::SetContentL().
  • CCalContent::Disposition() - Gets the disposition set by CCalContent::SetContentL().
  • CCalContent::MimeType() - Gets the MIME type set by CCalContent::SetContentL().
  • CCalContent::NewL() - Constructor.
  • CCalContent::SetContentL() - Takes ownership of the data or link to data.
  • CCalContent::~CCalContent() - Destructor.

  • CCalDataExchange - This class provides functionality for importing and exporting vCal entries.
  • CCalDataExchange::ExportAsyncL() - Asynchronously exports data of aDataFormat type from an array of CCalEntries corresponding to this data.
  • CCalDataExchange::ExportL() - Exports data of aDataFormat type from an array of CCalEntries corresponding to this data.
  • CCalDataExchange::ImportAsyncL() - Asynchronously imports data of aDataFormat type and returns an array of CCalEntries corresponding to this data.
  • CCalDataExchange::ImportL()  Imports data of aDataFormat type and returns an array of CCalEntries corresponding to this data.
  • CCalDataExchange::ImportL()  Imports data of aDataFormat type and returns an array of CCalEntries corresponding to this data.
  • CCalDataExchange::ImportL()  Imports data of aDataFormat type and returns an array of a selected number of CCalEntries corresponding to this data.
  • CCalDataExchange::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CCalDataExchange object.
  • CCalDataExchange::~CCalDataExchange() - Destructor.

  • CCalEntry - Class representing a calendar entry.
  • CCalEntry::AddAttendeeL() - Adds an attendee for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::AddCategoryL() - Appends a category to the entry's list of categories.
  • CCalEntry::AlarmL() - Creates an alarm class containing data for this entry's alarm.
  • CCalEntry::AttendeesL() - Gets the attendees for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::CategoryListL() - Gets a list of the entry's categories.
  • CCalEntry::ClearRepeatingPropertiesL() - Clears the repeat details including exceptions and unsets the entry's 'is repeating' property.
  • CCalEntry::CompareL() - Compares another entry for equality with this one.
  • CCalEntry::CompletedTimeL() - Gets a to-do entry's completed date.
  • CCalEntry::CopyFromL()  Copies the contents of another entry to this one.
  • CCalEntry::CopyFromL()  Copies the contents of another entry to this one.
  • CCalEntry::DeleteAttendeeL() - Deletes an attendee from this entry.
  • CCalEntry::DeleteCategoryL() - Deletes a category from the entry's list of categories.
  • CCalEntry::DescriptionL() - Gets the description text for the entry.
  • CCalEntry::DTStampL() - Gets the entry's DTSTAMP.
  • CCalEntry::EndTimeL() - Gets the entry's end date/time.
  • CCalEntry::EntryTypeL() - Gets the type of entry.
  • CCalEntry::GetExceptionDatesL() - Gets a list of all exception dates on this group scheduling entry.
  • CCalEntry::GetRDatesL() - Gets a list of all RDATEs in this group scheduling entry.
  • CCalEntry::GetRRuleL() - Get the entry's repeat rule.
  • CCalEntry::LastModifiedDateL() - Gets the entry's last changed date/time.
  • CCalEntry::LocalUidL() - Gets the calendar local id of this entry.
  • CCalEntry::LocationL() - Gets the contents of the entry's location field.
  • CCalEntry::MethodL() - Returns the entry's method property for group scheduling.
  • CCalEntry::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new entry of the specified type, Global UID and sequence number.
  • CCalEntry::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new entry of the specified type, Global UID, sequence number and recurrence ID.
  • CCalEntry::OrganizerL() - Gets the organizer for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::PhoneOwnerL() - Gets the phone owner for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::PriorityL() - Gets the priority of the entry.
  • CCalEntry::RecurrenceIdL() - Returns the entry's recurrence ID for group scheduling.
  • CCalEntry::RecurrenceRangeL() - Returns the recurrence range for the entry's recurrence ID.
  • CCalEntry::ReplicationStatusL() - Gets the entry replication status.
  • CCalEntry::SequenceNumberL() - Returns the entry's sequence number for group scheduling.
  • CCalEntry::SetAlarmL() - Set the alarm for the entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetCompletedL() - Sets the crossed out date for a to-do entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetDescriptionL() - Sets the description text for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetDTStampL() - Sets the entry's DTSTAMP to the time specified.
  • CCalEntry::SetExceptionDatesL() - Adds the given exception dates to this group scheduling entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetLastModifiedDateL() - Sets the entry's last modified date to the current time.
  • CCalEntry::SetLocalUidL() - Sets the calendar local id for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetLocationL() - Sets the contents of the entry's location field.
  • CCalEntry::SetMethodL() - Sets the entry's method property for group scheduling.
  • CCalEntry::SetOrganizerL() - Sets the organizer for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetPhoneOwnerL() - Sets the phone owner for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetPriorityL() - Sets the priority for the entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetRDatesL() - Replaces this group scheduling entry's list of RDATEs.
  • CCalEntry::SetReplicationStatusL() - Sets the entry replication status.
  • CCalEntry::SetRRuleL() - Sets the entry's repeat definition.
  • CCalEntry::SetSequenceNumberL() - Sets the entry's sequence number for group scheduling.
  • CCalEntry::SetStartAndEndTimeL() - Sets the start and end date/times for an entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetStatusL() - Sets the entry status.
  • CCalEntry::SetSummaryL() - Sets the summary text for this entry.
  • CCalEntry::SetTzRulesL()  Sets the timezone rules for this entry's repeat rule.
  • CCalEntry::SetTzRulesL()  Creates the timezone rules for this entry's repeat rule from the local time zone settings.
  • CCalEntry::StartTimeL() - Gets the start date/time for an entry.
  • CCalEntry::StatusL() - Gets the entry status.
  • CCalEntry::SummaryL() - Gets the summary for the entry.
  • CCalEntry::TzRulesL() - Gets the timezone rules for this entry's repeat rule.
  • CCalEntry::UidL() - Returns the entry's Global UID for group scheduling.
  • CCalEntry::~CCalEntry() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the entry, prior to its destruction.

  • CCalEntryId - Class representing a uniquely identifiable calendar entry in a calendar file.
  • CCalEntryId::IdL() - Fetches the entry's ID.
  • CCalEntryId::InstanceTimeL() - Fetches the instance time of the entry.
  • CCalEntryId::LocalUidL() - Fetches the local ID of the entry.
  • CCalEntryId::NewL() - Allocates and constructs IDs for new entry of the specified type.
  • CCalEntryId::RecurrenceIdL() - Fetches the recurrence ID of the entry.
  • CCalEntryId::StoreFileNameL() - Stores the name of the file.

  • CCalEntryView - View class for accessing calendar entries.
  • CCalEntryView::DeleteL()  Deletes multiple entries from the calendar file.
  • CCalEntryView::DeleteL()  Deletes an entry from the calender file.
  • CCalEntryView::DeleteL()  Deletes a subset of the model's entries.
  • CCalEntryView::DeleteL()  Deletes multiple entries from the calendar file.
  • CCalEntryView::FetchL()  Fetches all CCalEntry objects related to the Uid.
  • CCalEntryView::FetchL()  Fetches a CCalEntry object related to the cal unique id.
  • CCalEntryView::GetIdsModifiedSinceDateL() - Gets all the modified calendar local ids in the file since a specified date.
  • CCalEntryView::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an entry view, with a reference to a state callback object.
  • CCalEntryView::StoreL() - Stores entries in the calendar file.
  • CCalEntryView::UpdateL() - Updates entries in the calendar file.
  • CCalEntryView::~CCalEntryView() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the entry view, prior to its destruction.

  • CCalInstance - Class representing an instance of a calendar entry.
  • CCalInstance::EndTimeL() - Get the end time of this instance.
  • CCalInstance::Entry() - Gets the entry that this instance belongs to.
  • CCalInstance::StartTimeL() - Get the start time of this instance.
  • CCalInstance::Time() - Get the time of this instance.
  • CCalInstance::~CCalInstance() - Destructor for the instance - if this is the last instance of an entry, the entry is deleted too.

  • CCalInstanceView - View class for accessing instances of calendar entries.
  • CCalInstanceView::DeleteL() - Deletes this instance, and other instances of this entry as required.
  • CCalInstanceView::FindInstanceL()  Gets all instances found in the specified date range, filtered as required.
  • CCalInstanceView::FindInstanceL()  Gets all unexcepted instances found in the specified date range, filtered as required, with the specified text.
  • CCalInstanceView::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an instance view.
  • CCalInstanceView::NextInstanceL() - Gets the next day with an instance on it that matches the filter.
  • CCalInstanceView::PreviousInstanceL() - Gets the previous day with an instance on it that matches the filter.
  • CCalInstanceView::~CCalInstanceView() - Destructor for the view.

  • CCalInstanceView::TCalSearchParams - Parameter struct for storing search data.
  • CCalInstanceView::TCalSearchParams::Behaviour() - Get the search behaviour.
  • CCalInstanceView::TCalSearchParams::TCalSearchParams() - Constructor for the search parameter data structure.
  • CCalInstanceView::TCalSearchParams::Text() - Get the search text.

  • CCalIter - An iterator for iterating though all the entries in the calendar store.
  • CCalIter::FirstL() - Sets the iterator to the first entry which is a parent (parent and its children have the same Uid) and retrieves its Uid.
  • CCalIter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an iterator for iterating though all the entries in the file.
  • CCalIter::NextL() - Moves the entry iterator to the next entry which is a parent (parent and its children have the same Uid) and retrieves its Uid.
  • CCalIter::~CCalIter() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the iterator, prior to its destruction.

  • CCalSession - A handle to the calendar file.
  • CCalSession::CreateCalFileL() - Creates a new calendar file.
  • CCalSession::DefaultFileNameL() - Gets the name of the default calendar file held by the server.
  • CCalSession::DeleteCalFileL() - Deletes a calendar file with the supplied filename.
  • CCalSession::DisableChangeBroadcast() - Disable all notifications from changes made within this session.
  • CCalSession::DisablePubSubNotificationsL() - Disable Publish and Subscribe notifications for changes made by this client only.
  • CCalSession::EnableChangeBroadcast() - Re-enable all notifications from changes made within this session.
  • CCalSession::EnablePubSubNotificationsL() - Enable Publish and Subscribe notifications for changes made by this client only.
  • CCalSession::FileIdL() - Gets the file ID of the currently open Calendar file.
  • CCalSession::GetFileNameL() - Retrieve a calendar file name from its hash value.
  • CCalSession::IsFileNameL() - Test if the full file name passed is the one that was changed.
  • CCalSession::IsOpenedFileL() - Test if the publish and subscribe data relates to the currently open calendar file.
  • CCalSession::ListCalFilesL() - Gets a list of all calendar files held by the server.
  • CCalSession::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a session to the Calendar server.
  • CCalSession::OpenL() - Opens an calendar file using the server.
  • CCalSession::StartChangeNotification()  Start notification of any changes to calendar entries.
  • CCalSession::StartChangeNotification()  Start notification of any changes to calendar entries.
  • CCalSession::StopChangeNotification() - Stop all notifications from this session.
  • CCalSession::~CCalSession() - Destructor for the session.

  • CCalUser - Class representing a calendar user.
  • CCalUser::Address() - Gets the email address of the user.
  • CCalUser::CommonName() - Gets the iCalender-defined common name (CN) of the user.
  • CCalUser::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new user with the specified email address.
  • CCalUser::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new user with the specified email address and sender.
  • CCalUser::SentBy() - Gets the sender of the user.
  • CCalUser::SetCommonNameL() - Sets the iCalender-defined common name (CN) of the user.
  • CCalUser::~CCalUser() - Destructor.

  • CCamera - Base class for camera devices.
  • CCamera::Brightness() - Gets the currently set brightness adjustment value.
  • CCamera::BuffersInUse() - Gets the number of buffers currently in use.
  • CCamera::CameraInfo() - Gets information about the camera device.
  • CCamera::CamerasAvailable() - Determines the number of cameras on the device.
  • CCamera::CancelCaptureImage() - Cancels the asynchronous still image capture.
  • CCamera::CaptureImage() - Asynchronously performs still image capture.
  • CCamera::Contrast() - Gets the currently set contrast value.
  • CCamera::CustomInterface() - Gets a custom interface.
  • CCamera::DigitalZoomFactor() - Gets the currently set digital zoom factor.
  • CCamera::EnumerateCaptureSizes() - Enumerates through the available image capture sizes, based on the specified size index and format.
  • CCamera::EnumerateVideoFrameRates() - Enumerates through the available video frame rates, based on the specified rate index, video frame format, size index and exposure mode.
  • CCamera::EnumerateVideoFrameSizes() - Enumerates through the available video frame sizes, based on the specified size index and format.
  • CCamera::Exposure() - Gets the currently set exposure setting value.
  • CCamera::Flash() - Gets the currently set flash mode.
  • CCamera::FrameRate() - Gets the frame rate currently in use.
  • CCamera::FramesPerBuffer() - Gets the number of frames per buffer currently in use.
  • CCamera::GetFrameSize() - Gets the frame size currently in use.
  • CCamera::Handle() - Gets the device-unique handle of this camera object.
  • CCamera::JpegQuality() - Gets the currently set jpeg quality value.
  • CCamera::New2L() - Creates an object representing a camera.
  • CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() - Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
  • CCamera::NewDuplicateL()  Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
  • CCamera::NewDuplicateL()  Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
  • CCamera::NewL()  Creates an object representing a camera.
  • CCamera::NewL()  Creates an object representing a camera.
  • CCamera::PowerOff() - Synchronous function for switching off camera power.
  • CCamera::PowerOn() - Asynchronous method to switch on camera power.
  • CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL()  Performs setup and allocation of memory.
  • CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL()  Performs setup and allocation of memory and clips the image to the specified rectangle.
  • CCamera::PrepareVideoCaptureL()  Prepares for video capture.
  • CCamera::PrepareVideoCaptureL()  Prepares for video capture and clips the frames to the given rectangle.
  • CCamera::Release() - De-initialises the camera, allowing it to be used by other clients.
  • CCamera::Reserve() - Asynchronous function that performs any required initialisation and reserves the camera for exclusive use.
  • CCamera::SetBrightnessL() - Sets the brightness adjustment of the device.
  • CCamera::SetContrastL() - Sets the contrast adjustment of the device.
  • CCamera::SetDigitalZoomFactorL() - Sets the digital zoom factor.
  • CCamera::SetExposureL() - Sets the exposure adjustment of the device.
  • CCamera::SetFlashL() - Sets the flash mode.
  • CCamera::SetJpegQuality() - Sets the quality value to use if jpeg is a supported image for video format.
  • CCamera::SetViewFinderMirrorL() - Sets whether view finder mirroring is on.
  • CCamera::SetWhiteBalanceL() - Sets the white balance adjustment of the device.
  • CCamera::SetZoomFactorL() - Sets the zoom factor.
  • CCamera::StartVideoCapture() - Starts capturing video.
  • CCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL()  Starts transfer of view finder data.
  • CCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL()  Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the bitmap to the specified clip rectangle.
  • CCamera::StartViewFinderDirectL()  Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using direct screen access.
  • CCamera::StartViewFinderDirectL()  Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using direct screen access and also clips to the specified portion of the screen.
  • CCamera::StartViewFinderL()  Starts transfer of view finder data.
  • CCamera::StartViewFinderL()  Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the picture to the specified clip rectangle.
  • CCamera::StopVideoCapture() - Stops video capture.
  • CCamera::StopViewFinder() - Stops transfer of view finder data to the screen.
  • CCamera::VideoCaptureActive() - Tests whether video capture is active.
  • CCamera::ViewFinderActive() - Queries whether the view finder is active.
  • CCamera::ViewFinderMirror() - Gets whether view finder mirroring is active.
  • CCamera::WhiteBalance() - Gets the currently set white balance adjustment value.
  • CCamera::ZoomFactor() - Gets the currently set zoom factor.

  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings - CCamera advanced settings class exposes an API for controlling individually digital camera advanced settings.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::Aperture() - Get current aperture value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ApertureExposureLockOn() - Gets the current state for aperture and exposure lock.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::AutoFocusArea() - Gets current chosen auto focus area on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::AutoFocusLockOn() - Checks whether AutoFocus value is locked or not.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::AutoFocusType() - Gets current auto focus type on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::AutomaticSizeSelectionChangeOn() - Retrieves the state for automatic size selection option.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::BracketMode() - Get current bracket mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::BracketParameter() - Get current bracket parameter.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::BracketStep() - Get current bracket step.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::BurstImages() - Get the number of images captured normally under EDriveModeBurst condition.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::CameraIndex() - Gets current camera index.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::CameraType()  Gets the type of this camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::CameraType()  Get the type of a specific camera denoted by its index.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ContinuousAutoFocusTimeout() - Gets the current value for continuous autofocus timeout.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::DigitalZoom() - Gets the currently set digital zoom value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::DriveMode() - Gets currently active drive mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ExposureCompensation() - Get the current exposure compensation steps.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ExposureCompensationStep() - Get current exposure compensation step.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ExposureLockOn() - Checks whether exposure value is locked or not.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ExposureMode() - Gets the currently set exposure setting value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FlashCompensation() - Get the current flash compensation value as integer steps.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FlashCompensationStep() - Get current flash power compensation step.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FlashMode() - Gets the currently set flash mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FocusDistance() - Get focus distance in millimetres.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FocusMode() - Gets current focus mode on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FocusRange() - Gets current focus range on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetActiveSettingsL() - Gets an array of all the advanced settings parameters currently active on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetAperturesL() - Gets the current discrete aperture steps (F-stops) supported by the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetBracketMerge() - Gets the settings for which frames to merge.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetCurrentFocusModeStepsL() - Get the number of focus steps for current focus mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetDigitalZoomStepsL() - Gets the digital zoom levels.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetDisabledSettingsL() - Gets an array of all the advanced settings parameters currently disabled on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetExposureCompensationRangeInSteps() - Get current exposure compensation range in steps.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetExposureCompensationStepsL() - Get exposure compensation steps as integers multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetFlashCompensationRangeInSteps() - Get current flash power compensation range measured in a already selected compensation step magnitude.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetFlashCompensationStepsL() - Get flash compensation steps as integers multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetManualFlashPowerLevelsL() - Gets the current discrete manual flash power levels supported by the camera in range 0-100 as a percentage of maximum power level.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetMinFocalLength() - Get minimum focus distance in millimetres.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetOpticalZoomStepsL() - Gets the optical zoom levels.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetShutterSpeedsL() - Gets the set of supported shutter speeds.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedContinuousAutoFocusTimeoutsL() - Retrieves the timeout values camera supported by the camera when in continuous auto focus mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedIsoRatesL() - Gets the set of camera supported ISO rates.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedSettingsL() - Gets an array of all the advanced settings parameters supported by the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetTimeLapse() - Get current time lapse value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetTimeLapsePeriodRange() - Get camera supported time lapse period range.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetTimerIntervalsL() - Get camera supported timer values.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetWBRgbValue() - Get white balance value represented as a RGB triplet.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetWBSupportedColorTemperaturesL() - Get the white balance values, as temperature measured in Kelvin, supported on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::IsCameraPresent()  Checks whether the current camera is present.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::IsCameraPresent()  Checks whether the camera, denoted by its index, is currently present.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::IsExternalFlashPresent() - Check whether there is an external flash source.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::IsFlashReady() - Checks whether the flash is ready.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::IsoRate() - Gets current ISO rate.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ManualFlashPowerLevel() - Gets the current manual flash power level on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::MeteringMode() - Get current metering mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::NewL() - Factory function for creating the CCameraAdvancedSettings object.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::OpticalZoom() - Gets the currently set zoom value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::PictureOrientation() - Get current picture orientation.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::PixelAspectRatio() - Get current pixel aspect ratio.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::RedEyeReduceOn() - Gets whether the flash red eye reduction is switched on.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetAperture() - Set a new aperture value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetApertureExposureLockOn() - Sets the current state for aperture and exposure lock.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetAutoFocusArea() - Sets a specific auto focus area on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetAutoFocusLockOn() - Sets autofocus lock state.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetAutoFocusType() - Sets a specific auto focus type on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetAutomaticSizeSelectionChangeOn() - Allow camera to proactively change image size due external factors.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetBracketMerge() - Sets the settings for which frames to merge.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetBracketMode() - Set new bracket mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetBracketParameter() - Set new bracket parameter When set all clients are notified with KUidECamEventCameraSettingBracketParameter.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetBracketStep() - Set new bracket step.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetBurstImages() - Set the number of images captured normally under EDriveModeBurst condition.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetContinuousAutoFocusTimeout() - Sets the current value for continuous autofocus timeout.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetDigitalZoom() - Sets the digital zoom value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetDriveMode() - Set the current metering mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetExposureCompensation() - Set the current exposure compensation value as integer steps.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetExposureCompensationStep() - Set current exposure compensation step as an integer multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetExposureLockOn() - Sets exposure lock state.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetExposureMode() - Sets the exposure mode of the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetFlashCompensation() - Set the current flash compensation value as integer steps.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetFlashCompensationStep() - Set current flash compensation step as an integer multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetFlashMode() - Sets the flash mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetFocusDistance() - Set focus distance in millimetres.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetFocusMode() - Sets a specific focus mode on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetFocusRange() - Sets a specific focus range on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetIsoRate() - Set current ISO rate for the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetManualFlashPowerLevel() - Sets the current manual flash power level on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetMeteringMode() - Set the current metering mode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetOpticalZoom() - Sets the zoom using a specific value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetPictureOrientation() - Set a new picture orientation This triggers a KUidECamEventPictureOrientation event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetPixelAspectRatio() - Set a new pixel aspect ratio.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetRedEyeReduceOn() - Sets the flash red eye reduction on or off.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetShootClickOn() - Sets the button clicking sound on /off.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetShutterSpeed() - Sets the current shutter speed.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetStabilizationComplexity() - Sets a specific stabilization algorithm on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetStabilizationEffect() - Sets a specific stabilization effect on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetStabilizationMode() - Sets a specific stabilization mode on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetTimeLapse() - Set current time lapse value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetTimerInterval() - Set current timer value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetWBColorTemperature() - Set the white balance as a temperature in Kelvin.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetWBRgbValue() - Set white balance value using a RGB triplet.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetWhiteBalanceMode() - Sets the white balance adjustment of the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SetYuvRange() - Set a new YUV range.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ShootClickOn() - Gets the current state for button clicking sound effect.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ShutterSpeed() - Gets the current shutter speed.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::StabilizationComplexity() - Gets current active stabilization algorithm selection on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::StabilizationEffect() - Gets all supported stabilization effects on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::StabilizationMode() - Gets current stabilization mode on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedAutoFocusAreas() - Gets all supported auto focus areas on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedAutoFocusTypes() - Gets all supported auto focus types on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedBracketModes() - Get all supported bracket modes as bitfields.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedBracketParameters() - Get all supported bracket parameters as bitfields.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedBracketSteps() - Get all supported bracket steps as bitfields.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedDriveModes() - Get all supported drive modes as bitfields of TDriveMode type.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedExposureModes() - Get Supported exposure modes - bitfields of CCamera::TExposure.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedFlashModes() - Get camera all supported flash modes CCamera::TFlash.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedFocusModes() - Gets all of the supported focus modes on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedFocusRanges() - Gets all supported focus ranges on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedMeteringModes() - Get all supported metering modes on this camera represented as bitfield of type TMeteringMode.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedPixelAspectRatios() - Get supported pixel aspect ratio.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedStabilizationComplexityValues() - Gets all supported stabilization algorithm values on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedStabilizationEffects() - Gets the current stabilization effect on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedStabilizationModes() - Gets all of the supported stabilization modes on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedWBUnits() - Gets the units in which the white balance is measured on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedWhiteBalanceModes() - Gets camera supported set of white balance adjustments.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedYuvRanges() - Get supported YUV ranges.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TimerInterval() - Get current timer value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::WBColorTemperature() - Get the white balance as a temperature in Kelvin.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::WhiteBalanceMode() - Gets the current white balance value.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::YuvRange() - Get current YUV range.
  • CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::~CCameraAdvancedSettings() - Destructor.

  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing - This class is used to perform image processing operations on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::GetActiveTransformationsL() - Get currently active transformations on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::GetActiveTransformSequenceL() - Get the sequence of all active transforms, ordered in order of execution.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::GetSourceRect() - Get the source rectangle for KUidECamEventImageProcessingTransformScale or KUidECamEventImageProcessingTransformCrop.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::GetSupportedTransformationsL() - Get all transformations supported on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::GetTransformationSupportedValuesL() - Get all values supported by an active transformation.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::NewL() - Factory function for creating the CCameraImageProcessing object.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::SetActiveTransformSequenceL() - Set the order of all active transform in terms of execution.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::SetSourceRect() - Set the source rectangle for KUidECamEventImageProcessingTransformScale or KUidECamEventImageProcessingTransformCrop.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::SetTransformationValue() - Set new value for a transformation.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TransformationValue() - Get the current value of a transformation.
  • CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::~CCameraImageProcessing() - Destructor.

  • CCamera::CCameraPresets - This API is used to simplify user - camera interaction by allowing simultaneous setting of various advanced camera hardware settings using a single parameter.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::GetAffectedSettingsL() - Get all settings affected by the current preset.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::GetAssociatedSettingsL() - Get all settings associated with a specific preset, identified by a UID.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::GetSupportedPresetsL() - Gets the presets supported by the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::NewL() - Factory function for creating the CCameraPresets object.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::Preset() - Gets the current preset set on the camera.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::SetPreset() - Sets a specific preset supported by the device.
  • CCamera::CCameraPresets::~CCameraPresets() - Destructor.

  • CCertificate - A data structure that binds a public key to a given individual.
  • CCertificate::IsSelfSignedL() - Tests whether a certificate is self-signed.
  • CCertificate::IssuerL() - Gets the issuer.
  • CCertificate::KeyIdentifierL() - Gets the key identifier.
  • CCertificate::PublicKey() - Gets the subject public key information.
  • CCertificate::SerialNumber() - Gets the serial number.
  • CCertificate::SubjectL() - Gets the subject.
  • CCertificate::ValidityPeriod() - Gets the validity period.
  • CCertificate::~CCertificate() - Destructor.

  • CCertificateAppInfoManager - This class is used to access a persistent store which contains the available applications on a device.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::AddL() - Adds a new application.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::ApplicationL() - Gets an application by UID.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::Applications() - Gets a list of all applications in the store.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::NewL()  Creates a new instance of the app info manager.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::NewL()  Creates a new instance of the app info manager.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::NewLC()  Creates a new instance of the app info manager and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::NewLC()  Creates a new instance of the app info manager.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::RemoveL() - Removes an existing application.
  • CCertificateAppInfoManager::~CCertificateAppInfoManager() - Virtual destructor.

  • CCharFormatLayer - Character format layer.
  • CCharFormatLayer::CloneL() - Constructs and returns a new CCharFormatLayer with identical formatting to the current layer.
  • CCharFormatLayer::DoCloneL().
  • CCharFormatLayer::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the character format layer but not its based-on link to a write stream.
  • CCharFormatLayer::FillCharFormat() - Fills aCharFormat by dumping the current format layer into it, then follows each 'BasedOn' link in turn if it is not null.
  • CCharFormatLayer::InternalizeL() - Internalises the character format layer but not its based-on link from a read stream.
  • CCharFormatLayer::IsIdentical()  Compares another character format layer with the current layer.
  • CCharFormatLayer::IsIdentical()  Compares a format attribute container with the current layer.
  • CCharFormatLayer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an empty CCharFormatLayer.
  • CCharFormatLayer::NewL()  Returns a handle to a new charFormatLayer, after constructing it and setting it with the specified format and format mask.
  • CCharFormatLayer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CCharFormatLayer, restoring its format attributes from a stream.
  • CCharFormatLayer::Ptr() - Gets a pointer to the start of the buffer containing the layer's format attribute values.
  • CCharFormatLayer::RestoreNewL() - Return a new CCharFormatLayer, having restored it from aStream.
  • CCharFormatLayer::Sense() - Senses the formatting which has been applied to the current layer only.
  • CCharFormatLayer::SenseEffective() - Senses the layer's effective format, searching all based-on links.
  • CCharFormatLayer::SetL() - Sets the layer's format attributes.

  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface - This is the base class defining the methods in the CharConv Character Set Conversion plugin interface.
  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface::ConvertFromUnicode() - A function prototype which must be implemented by a character conversion plug-in DLL to convert from Unicode into a foreign character set.
  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface::ConvertToUnicode() - A function prototype which must be implemented by a character conversion plug-in DLL to convert from a foreign character set into Unicode.
  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface::IsInThisCharacterSetL() - A function which must be implemented by a character conversion plug-in DLL to calculate how probable it is that a sample piece of text is encoded in this character set.
  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface::NewL().
  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface::ReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters() - A function prototype which must be implemented by a character conversion plug-in DLL to return the character (represented by one or more byte values) which is used by default as the replacement for unconvertible Unicode characters.
  • CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface::~CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface() - Destroys the Charconv Plug-in interface implementation specified by iDtor_ID_Key.

  • CChineseCalendarConverter - Converts between TDateTime and TChineseDate formats in both directions using a lookup table.
  • CChineseCalendarConverter::ChineseToDateTimeL() - Creates a TDateTime value from a Chinese date.
  • CChineseCalendarConverter::DateRange()  Returns the range of dates, in standard date format, acceptable to the Chinese calendar converter.
  • CChineseCalendarConverter::DateRange()  Returns the range of dates, in Chinese date format, acceptable to the Chinese calendar converter.
  • CChineseCalendarConverter::DateTimeToChineseL() - Creates a Chinese date from a TDateTime value.
  • CChineseCalendarConverter::JulianDate() - Returns the result of the last calendar conversion as a Julian date.
  • CChineseCalendarConverter::NewL() - Creates a new CChineseCalendarConverter object.

  • CCirBuf - A circular buffer containing objects of a type defined by the template parameter.
  • CCirBuf::Add()  Adds a single object to the circular buffer.
  • CCirBuf::Add()  Adds multiple objects to the circular buffer.
  • CCirBuf::CCirBuf() - Default C++ constructor.
  • CCirBuf::Remove()  Removes a single object from the circular buffer.
  • CCirBuf::Remove()  Removes multiple objects from the circular buffer.

  • CCirBufBase - Base class for circular buffers.
  • CCirBufBase::CCirBufBase() - Constructor taking the size of an object within the buffer.
  • CCirBufBase::Count() - Gets the current number of objects in this circular buffer.
  • CCirBufBase::DoAdd()  Implementation function for CCirBuf::Add(const T*).
  • CCirBufBase::DoAdd()  Implementation function for CCirBuf::Add(const T*,TInt).
  • CCirBufBase::DoRemove()  Implementation function for CCirBuf::Remove(T*).
  • CCirBufBase::DoRemove()  Implementation function for CCirBuf::Remove(T*,TInt).
  • CCirBufBase::Length() - Gets the maximum capacity of this circular buffer.
  • CCirBufBase::Reset() - Empties the buffer.
  • CCirBufBase::SetLengthL() - Sets the maximum capacity of this circular buffer, and resets all of the buffer pointers.
  • CCirBufBase::~CCirBufBase() - Destructor.

  • CCirBuffer - Circular buffer of unsigned integers.
  • CCirBuffer::CCirBuffer() - Default C++ constructor.
  • CCirBuffer::Get() - Removes an unsigned integer value from the circular buffer and returns its value.
  • CCirBuffer::Put() - Adds a signed integer value in the range -128 to +127 to the circular buffer.
  • CCirBuffer::~CCirBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CCleanup - Implements the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanup::CCleanup() - Default constructor.
  • CCleanup::Check() - Checks that the cleanup item at the top of the cleanup stack represents a cleanup operation for the specified object.
  • CCleanup::DoPop() - Provides an implementation for Pop() and PopAndDestroy().
  • CCleanup::DoPopAll() - Provides an implementation for PopAll() and PopAndDestroyAll().
  • CCleanup::New() - Creates a new cleanup stack object.
  • CCleanup::NewL() - Creates a new cleanup stack object, and leaves if there is insufficient memory to create it.
  • CCleanup::NextLevel() - Goes to the next cleanup level.
  • CCleanup::Pop()  Pops a single cleanup item from the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanup::Pop()  Pops the specified number of cleanup items from the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanup::PopAll() - Pops all cleanup items at the current level, and then decrements the level.
  • CCleanup::PopAndDestroy()  Pops a single cleanup item from the cleanup stack, and invokes its cleanup operation.
  • CCleanup::PopAndDestroy()  Pops the specified number of cleanup items from the cleanup stack, and invokes their cleanup operations.
  • CCleanup::PopAndDestroyAll() - Pops all cleanup items at the current level, invokes their cleanup operations and then decrements the level.
  • CCleanup::PreviousLevel() - Goes to the previous cleanup level.
  • CCleanup::PushL()  Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanup::PushL()  Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanup::PushL()  Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanup::~CCleanup() - Destructor.

  • CCleanupStackableFont - Wraps a font (CFbsFont) object that can be pushed onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::Font() - Gets the font stored in this object.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::NewByNameL() - Allocates and constructs a new CCleanupStackableFont.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::NewByNameLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CCleanupStackableFont, leaving it on the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CCleanupStackableFont.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CCleanupStackableFont, leaving it on the cleanup stack.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::TakeOwnershipOfFont() - Gets the font stored in this object.
  • CCleanupStackableFont::~CCleanupStackableFont() - Destructor.

  • CClickMaker - Key or pointer click plug-in provider interface.
  • CClickMaker::CommandReplyL() - This function may be implemented by the key or pointer click plug-in to enable the plug-in to communicate with the window server client.
  • CClickMaker::KeyEvent() - This function is called by the window server whenever there is a key event, to generate the sound.
  • CClickMaker::OtherEvent() - This function is intended for future expansion of the interface, in case it needs to support sounds for other types of event.
  • CClickMaker::PointerEvent() - This function is called by the window server whenever there is a pointer event, to generate the sound.

  • CClientMtmRegistry - Accesses the Client-side MTM registry.
  • CClientMtmRegistry::NewL() - Gets a CClientMtmRegistry object.
  • CClientMtmRegistry::NewMtmL() - Creates a Client-side MTM object for the specified MTM UID.
  • CClientMtmRegistry::~CClientMtmRegistry() - Destructor.

  • CClipboard - Clipboard.
  • CClipboard::Clear() - Empties the clipboard.
  • CClipboard::ClipboardFileDrive() - Returns the clipboad file drive information stored in the TLS.
  • CClipboard::CommitL() - Commits changes to the clipboard's store.
  • CClipboard::CopyToL() - Copies a double-precision floating point value to the clipboard.
  • CClipboard::NewForReadingL() - Constructs a clipboard object and prepares the clipboard's store for reading.
  • CClipboard::NewForReadingLC() - Constructs a clipboard object and prepares the clipboard's store for reading, placing a pointer to the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CClipboard::NewForWritingLC() - Constructs a clipboard object and prepares the clipboard's store for writing.
  • CClipboard::PasteFromL() - Pastes a double-precision floating point value from the clipboard.
  • CClipboard::Store() - Returns a reference to the clipboard's file store.
  • CClipboard::StreamDictionary() - Returns a reference to the clipboard's stream dictionary.
  • CClipboard::~CClipboard() - Destructor.

  • CCnaConvInfoFileReader2 - Encapsulates a collection of converter properties (CCnaConverter) read from a converter information (.rsc) file.
  • CCnaConvInfoFileReader2::AtL() - Constructs and returns a new CCnaConverter object that is a copy of the converter at the specified index.
  • CCnaConvInfoFileReader2::Count() - Gets the number of converters that were restored from the .rsc file.
  • CCnaConvInfoFileReader2::NewL() - Constructs a CCnaConvInfoFileReader2 object for a given .rsc file.
  • CCnaConvInfoFileReader2::NewLC() - Constructs a CCnaConvInfoFileReader2 object for a given .rsc file.
  • CCnaConvInfoFileReader2::RestoreL() - Restores all the converters from the .rsc file that was specified in the NewL() or NewLC().

  • CCnaConverter - Holds the inherent properties of a converter.
  • CCnaConverter::CountFrom() - Gets the number of source data types for the converter.
  • CCnaConverter::CountTo() - Gets the number of target data types for the converter.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeFrom()  Tests if the specified source data type is available.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeFrom()  Gets the n'th source data type of the converter.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeFromText()  Gets the localised name of the specified source data type.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeFromText()  Gets the localised name of the n'th source data type.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeTo()  Tests if the specified target data type is available.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeTo()  Gets the n'th target data type of the converter.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeToText()  Gets the localised name of the specified target data type.
  • CCnaConverter::MimeToText()  Gets the localised name of the n'th target data type.
  • CCnaConverter::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CCnaConverter for a specified converter.
  • CCnaConverter::NewL()  Allocates and copies a new CCnaConverter.
  • CCnaConverter::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a CCnaConverter for a specified converter, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CCnaConverter::NewLC()  Allocates and copies a new CCnaConverter, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CCnaConverter::SetUid() - Sets the converter UID.
  • CCnaConverter::Uid() - Gets the converter UID.
  • CCnaConverter::~CCnaConverter() - Destructor.

  • CCnaConverterList - Provides a list of available converters, allowing clients to search for and obtain converters for specific source and target data types.
  • CCnaConverterList::ConverterL() - Gets the UID of the converter that converts to and from the specified data types.
  • CCnaConverterList::ConvFromL() - Gets the UID of the converter that converts from the specified data type.
  • CCnaConverterList::ConvFromListL() - Gets a list of converters that convert from a specified data type.
  • CCnaConverterList::ConvToL() - Gets the UID of the converter that converts to a specified data type.
  • CCnaConverterList::ConvToListL() - Gets a list of converters that convert to a specified data type.
  • CCnaConverterList::Count() - Deprecated - Use CCnaConverterList::CountL instead.
  • CCnaConverterList::CountL() - Gets the total number of converters.
  • CCnaConverterList::MimeTypeFrom() - Gets converter information for a specified source data type.
  • CCnaConverterList::MimeTypeTo() - Gets converter information for a specified target data type.
  • CCnaConverterList::NewConverterL() - Locates the converter with the specified UID, loads its associated DLL and returns a pointer to it.
  • CCnaConverterList::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CCnaConverterList.
  • CCnaConverterList::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a CCnaConverterList, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CCnaConverterList::Release() - Legacy function, do not use.
  • CCnaConverterList::UpdateL() - Requests a rescan of the disk to refresh the list of converters.
  • CCnaConverterList::~CCnaConverterList() - Destructor.

  • CCntFilter - A contact database filter.
  • CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeALL() - Tests whether all contact item types are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeALL().
  • CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeCard() - Tests whether contact cards are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeCard().
  • CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeGroup() - Tests whether contact card groups are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeGroup().
  • CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeOwnCard() - Tests whether own cards are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeOwnCard().
  • CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeTemplate() - Tests whether contact card templates are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeTemplate().
  • CCntFilter::GetFilterDateTime() - Gets the date and time used by the filter, as set by SetFilterDateTime().
  • CCntFilter::IncludeDeletedContacts() - Tests whether the filter includes only contacts deleted since the filter's date/time.
  • CCntFilter::IncludeModifiedContacts() - Tests whether the filter includes only contacts modified since the filter's date/time.
  • CCntFilter::IncludeNewContacts() - Tests whether the filter includes only contacts created since the filter's date/time.
  • CCntFilter::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a default contact database filter.
  • CCntFilter::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a contact database filter based on another one.
  • CCntFilter::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a default contact database filter.
  • CCntFilter::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a contact database filter based on another one.
  • CCntFilter::Reserved1() - Intended usage: Reserved to preserve future BC.
  • CCntFilter::Reserved2() - Intended usage: Reserved to preserve future BC.
  • CCntFilter::Reset() - Resets the filter.
  • CCntFilter::SetContactFilterTypeALL() - Sets whether all contact item types (contact card groups, contact cards, own cards and contact card templates) should be included in the filter.
  • CCntFilter::SetContactFilterTypeCard() - Sets whether contact cards should be included in or excluded from the filter.
  • CCntFilter::SetContactFilterTypeGroup() - Sets whether contact card groups should be included in or excluded from the filter.
  • CCntFilter::SetContactFilterTypeOwnCard() - Sets whether own cards should be included in or excluded from the filter.
  • CCntFilter::SetContactFilterTypeTemplate() - Sets whether contact card templates should be included in or excluded from the filter.
  • CCntFilter::SetFilterDateTime() - Sets the date and time used by the filter in combination with the TInclude value to test contact items against.
  • CCntFilter::SetIncludeDeletedContacts() - Sets the filter to include only contacts deleted since the filter's date/time.
  • CCntFilter::SetIncludeModifiedContacts() - Sets the filter to include only contacts modified since the filter's date/time.
  • CCntFilter::SetIncludeNewContacts() - Sets the filter to include only contacts created since the filter's date/time.
  • CCntFilter::TestContactFilterType() - Tests whether a contact item type, identified by its UID is included in or excluded from the filter.
  • CCntFilter::~CCntFilter() - Deletes all resources owned by the filter prior to its destruction.

  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter - Converts text between Unicode and other character sets.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AsciiConversionData() - Returns a ready-made SCnvConversionData object for converting between Unicode and ASCII.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL() - Deprecated.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharSetL() - Attempts to determine the character set of the sample text from those supported on the phone.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertCharacterSetIdentifierToMibEnumL() - Converts the UID of a character set to its MIB enum value.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertCharacterSetIdentifierToStandardNameL() - Returns the Internet-standard name of a character set identified in Symbian OS by a UID.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode()  Converts text encoded in the Unicode character set (UCS-2) into other character sets.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode().
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode()  Converts text encoded in the Unicode character set (UCS-2) into other character sets.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode()  Converts Unicode text into another character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertibleToCharacterSetL() - Deprecated.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertibleToCharSetL() - Given a character set UID aCharacterSetIdentifier, ConvertibleToCharacterSetL returns the likelihood that aSample is encoded in that character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertMibEnumOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL() - Converts a MIB enum value to the UID value of the character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertStandardNameOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL() - Gets the UID of a character set identified by its Internet-standard name (the matching is case-insensitive).
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertToUnicode()  Converts text encoded in a non-Unicode character set into the Unicode character set (UCS-2).
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertToUnicode().
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertToUnicode()  Converts text encoded in a non-Unicode character set into the Unicode character set (UCS-2).
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableL() - Creates an array identifying all the character sets for which conversion is available.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC() - Creates an array identifying all the character sets for which conversion is available and pushes a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::DoConvertFromUnicode()  Converts Unicode text into another character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::DoConvertFromUnicode()  Converts Unicode text into another character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::DoConvertToUnicode()  Converts non-Unicode text into Unicode.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::DoConvertToUnicode()  Converts non-Unicode text into Unicode.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::GetDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters().
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CCnvCharacterSetConverter object.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a CCnvCharacterSetConverter object, and leaves the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::PrepareToConvertToOrFromL()  Specifies the character set to convert to or from.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::PrepareToConvertToOrFromL()  Specifies the character set to convert to or from.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SetDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters() - Sets the default endian-ness used by the ConvertFromUnicode() and ConvertToUnicode() functions to convert between Unicode and non-Unicode character sets.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SetDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters() - Sets whether the Unicode 'line separator' and 'paragraph separator' characters (0x2028 and 0x2029 respectively) should be converted into a carriage return / line feed pair, or into a line feed only when converting from Unicode into a foreign character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SetMaxCacheSize() - The method sets the max size of the internal character set converter cache.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SetReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharactersL() - Sets the character used to replace unconvertible characters in the output descriptor, when converting from Unicode into another character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::~CCnvCharacterSetConverter() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet::Identifier() - Gets the character sets UID.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet::Name() - Gets the full path and filename of the DLL which implements conversion for the character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet::NameIsFileName() - Tests whether a filename given by the function SCharacterSet::Name() is a real file name (i.e.

  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices - Holds an ascending array of the indices of the characters in the source Unicode text which could not be converted by CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode() into the foreign character set.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::AppendIndex() - Appends an index to the array of indices.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::NumberOfIndices() - Returns the number of indices in the array.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::operator[]() - Gets the value of the specified index.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::Remove() - Deletes a single index from the array.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::RemoveAll() - Deletes all indices from the array.
  • CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::TArrayOfAscendingIndices() - C++ constructor.

  • CCnvCharacterSetNames - A localised list of the names of non-Unicode character set encodings supported on the phone.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::IdentifierAtIndex() - Gets the character set identifier at the specified index into the list.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::IndexOfIdentifier() - Gets the index into the sorted list of the character set identifier specified.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::MdcaCount() - Requirements.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::MdcaPoint() - Requirements.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a localised list of character set encoding names.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a localised list of character set encoding names.
  • CCnvCharacterSetNames::~CCnvCharacterSetNames() - Deletes the array of named plug-ins owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CCoeAppUi - Application user interface (app UI) base class.
  • CCoeAppUi::ActivateViewL()  Activates an application view.
  • CCoeAppUi::ActivateViewL()  Activates an application view and passes a message to it.
  • CCoeAppUi::AddToStackL()  Inserts a control into the app UI's control stack.
  • CCoeAppUi::AddToStackL()  Inserts a control into the app UI's control stack.
  • CCoeAppUi::AddToViewStackL().
  • CCoeAppUi::AddViewDeactivationObserverL() - Adds an observer to the list of observers to be notified of view deactivations.
  • CCoeAppUi::AppHelpContextL() - Returns a list of help contexts appropriate to the current state of the application.
  • CCoeAppUi::CCoeAppUi() - C++ constructor.
  • CCoeAppUi::CheckSourceOfViewSwitchL() - Checks whether the view-server client that initiated the current view-switch matches the security-policy given in the parameter.
  • CCoeAppUi::ConstructL() - Completes construction of the CCoeAppUi object.
  • CCoeAppUi::DeactivateActiveViewIfOwnerMatchL() - Deactivates the active view if the current view is owned by this application.
  • CCoeAppUi::DeactivateActiveViewL() - Deactivates the active view.
  • CCoeAppUi::DeregisterApplicationView() - Deregisters the application view from the view architecture.
  • CCoeAppUi::DeregisterView() - Deregisters a view.
  • CCoeAppUi::GetActiveViewId() - Gets the ID of the app UI's currently active view.
  • CCoeAppUi::GetDefaultViewId() - Gets this app UI's default view ID.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleApplicationSpecificEventL() - Handles an application-specific event.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL() - Handles changes in keyboard focus when the application is brought to the foreground, or put into the background.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleKeyEventL() - Handles key events.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL().
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleStackChanged() - Handles changes to the control stack.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleStackedControlsResourceChange() - Handles a change to the application's run-time resources for all controls on the app UI's control stack.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleSwitchOnEventL() - Handles the special switch on event.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleSystemEventL() - Handles system events generated by the window server.
  • CCoeAppUi::HandleWsEventL() - Handles events sent to the application by the window server.
  • CCoeAppUi::HelpContextL() - Gets a list of help contexts for the app UI.
  • CCoeAppUi::InputCapabilities() - Returns the input capabilities of the control with focus.
  • CCoeAppUi::IsDisplayingControlBetweenPriorities() - Tests whether the application is displaying a control between the given control stack priorities.
  • CCoeAppUi::IsDisplayingDialog() - Tests whether the application is displaying a dialog.
  • CCoeAppUi::IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog() - Tests whether the application is displaying a menu bar or dialog.
  • CCoeAppUi::IsViewConstructed() - Checks if the view has been constructed or not.
  • CCoeAppUi::NotifyNextDeactivation()  Requests that the next deactivation of the view identified by aViewId be notified to the specified view deactivation observer.
  • CCoeAppUi::NotifyNextDeactivation()  Requests that the next deactivation of any view registered with the view server be notified to the specified view deactivation observer.
  • CCoeAppUi::PrepareToExit() - Performs pre-exit processing on the control environment.
  • CCoeAppUi::RegisterApplicationViewL() - Registers a pseudo-view for the application identified by aAppUid.
  • CCoeAppUi::RegisterViewL() - Registers a view with the view server.
  • CCoeAppUi::RemoveFromStack() - Removes a control from the app UI's control stack.
  • CCoeAppUi::RemoveFromViewStack().
  • CCoeAppUi::RemoveViewDeactivationObserver() - Removes an observer from the list to be notified of view deactivations.
  • CCoeAppUi::SetAndDrawFocus() - Sets the keyboard focus of a control and draws it.
  • CCoeAppUi::SetDefaultViewL() - Sets one of the app UI's views as the default.
  • CCoeAppUi::UpdateStackedControlFlags() - Updates the flag values for a control on the control stack.
  • CCoeAppUi::WriteInternalStateOfStackedControlsL().
  • CCoeAppUi::~CCoeAppUi() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the object, including the control stack and the view server session.

  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext - Brush and pen graphics context.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::BrushBitmap() - Gets a reference to the bitmap used to pattern the drawing brush.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::BrushColor() - Gets the brush colour.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::BrushStyle() - Gets the brush style.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new brush and pen graphics context object.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::PenColor() - Gets the pen colour.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::PrepareContext() - Prepares the graphics context for drawing the control in its normal state.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::SetBrushBitmap() - Sets the drawing brush pattern bitmap.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::SetBrushColor() - Sets the brush colour.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::SetBrushStyle() - Sets the brush style.
  • CCoeBrushAndPenContext::SetPenColor() - Sets the pen colour.

  • CCoeControl - Control base class from which all other controls are derived.
  • CCoeControl::AccumulatedZoom() - Return the zoom factor for this control.
  • CCoeControl::ActivateGc() - Activates the standard graphics context.
  • CCoeControl::ActivateL() - Sets the control as ready to be drawn.
  • CCoeControl::BackedUpWindow() - Gets the backed-up window owned by the control.
  • CCoeControl::Background() - Returns the background drawer object associated with this object, if any.
  • CCoeControl::CapturesPointer() - Tests whether pointer capture is set for the control.
  • CCoeControl::CCoeControl()  Default C++ constructor.
  • CCoeControl::CCoeControl()  C++ constructor.
  • CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab() - Claims pointer grab from another control.
  • CCoeControl::CloseWindow() - Closes the window owned by this control.
  • CCoeControl::ComponentArrayExists().
  • CCoeControl::ComponentControl() - Gets an indexed component of a compound control.
  • CCoeControl::Components()  Returns a component array to store child controls.
  • CCoeControl::Components()  Returns a component array to store child controls.
  • CCoeControl::ConstructFromResourceL() - Constructs the control from a resource file.
  • CCoeControl::ControlContext() - Gets the control context being used by this control.
  • CCoeControl::ControlEnv() - Gets the control environment object for this control.
  • CCoeControl::CopyControlContextFrom() - Sets the control's context from another control.
  • CCoeControl::CountComponentControls() - Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control.
  • CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL()  Creates a control's window as a backed-up window.
  • CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL()  Creates a control's window as a backed-up window, specifying the display mode.
  • CCoeControl::CreateWindowL()  Creates a control's window.
  • CCoeControl::CreateWindowL()  Creates a control's window, specifying the parent control.
  • CCoeControl::CreateWindowL()  Creates a control's window, specifying its parent window.
  • CCoeControl::CreateWindowL()  Creates a control's window, specifying its parent window group.
  • CCoeControl::CustomGc() - Returns the custom graphics context set for this control (if any).
  • CCoeControl::DeactivateGc() - Deactivates the standard graphics context owned by the UI control framework.
  • CCoeControl::Draw() - Draws the control.
  • CCoeControl::DrawableWindow() - Gets the control's associated drawable window.
  • CCoeControl::DrawBackground() - Draws the control's background using its graphics context.
  • CCoeControl::DrawDeferred() - Draws the control, with low priority.
  • CCoeControl::DrawForeground() - Draws the control's foreground using the control's graphics context.
  • CCoeControl::DrawNow()  Draws the entire control.
  • CCoeControl::DrawNow()  Draws the control, its components and child windows, within the bounds defined by the given rectangle.
  • CCoeControl::EnableDragEvents() - Requests pointer drag events.
  • CCoeControl::FindBackground() - Return an MCoeControlBackground object, if there is one - looking up the parent chain as necessary.
  • CCoeControl::FindFontProvider() - Return the font provider used by this control.
  • CCoeControl::FocusChanged() - Responds to a change in focus.
  • CCoeControl::GetColor() - Gets the overridden physical colour.
  • CCoeControl::GetColorUseListL() - Gets the list of logical colours used to draw the control.
  • CCoeControl::GetGc() - Deprecated.
  • CCoeControl::GetHelpContext() - Gets the control's help context.
  • CCoeControl::GetTextDrawer() - Controls that want to change or replace the text drawer that it or its children controls use shall override this method.
  • CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent() - Gets the component of this control which is grabbing the pointer.
  • CCoeControl::HandleComponentControlsResourceChange() - Handles a change to the resources in the components of a compound control.
  • CCoeControl::HandleControlArrayEventL() - Handles events generated by the CCoeControlArray.
  • CCoeControl::HandlePointerBufferReadyL() - Handles pointer buffer ready events.
  • CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL() - Handles pointer events.
  • CCoeControl::HandleRedrawEvent() - Handles redraw events.
  • CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange() - Handles a change to the control's resources.
  • CCoeControl::HasBorder() - Tests if the control has a border.
  • CCoeControl::HitTest() - Gets the object that defines the hit region inside the control's rectangle.
  • CCoeControl::IgnoreEventsUntilNextPointerUp() - Sets the control to ignore pointer events until the next pointer up.
  • CCoeControl::Index() - Gets the index of a control that is a component of this control.
  • CCoeControl::InitComponentArrayL() - Creates a component array to store child controls.
  • CCoeControl::InputCapabilities() - Gets the control's input capabilities.
  • CCoeControl::IsActivated() - Tests if the control has been activated.
  • CCoeControl::IsBackedUp() - Tests if the window owned by the control is a backed-up window.
  • CCoeControl::IsBeingDestroyed() - Tests if the control is being destroyed.
  • CCoeControl::IsBlank() - Tests if the control is blank.
  • CCoeControl::IsDimmed() - Tests if the control is dimmed.
  • CCoeControl::IsFocused() - Tests if the control has focus.
  • CCoeControl::IsNonFocusing() - Tests if the control can receive focus.
  • CCoeControl::IsReadyToDraw() - Tests if the control is ready for drawing.
  • CCoeControl::IsVisible() - Tests if the control is visible.
  • CCoeControl::LayoutManager() - Gets the layout manager.
  • CCoeControl::MakeVisible() - Sets this control as visible or invisible.
  • CCoeControl::MaximumWidth() - Gets the control's maximum width.
  • CCoeControl::MinimumSize() - Sets the control's minimum required size.
  • CCoeControl::MopNext() - Retrieves the control's parent.
  • CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject() - Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.
  • CCoeControl::Observer() - Gets the control's observer.
  • CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL() - Handles key events.
  • CCoeControl::OverrideColorL() - Overrides the control's colour setting, as specified in the application's colour scheme.
  • CCoeControl::OwnsWindow() - Tests if the control is window-owning.
  • CCoeControl::Parent().
  • CCoeControl::Parent().
  • CCoeControl::Position() - Gets the control's position.
  • CCoeControl::PositionChanged() - Responds to changes in the position of a control.
  • CCoeControl::PositionRelativeToScreen() - Gets the control's position relative to screen origin.
  • CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusGainL() - Prepares the control for gaining focus.
  • CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusLossL() - Prepares the control for loss of focus.
  • CCoeControl::Rect() - Gets the control's extent.
  • CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergedInputCapabilities() - Gets the input capabilities of the control and all its components.
  • CCoeControl::ReportEventL() - Sends an event to the control's observer (if the control has one).
  • CCoeControl::RequestRelayout() - Requests a relayout.
  • CCoeControl::Reserved_2().
  • CCoeControl::ResetGc() - Resets the standard graphics context.
  • CCoeControl::ScreenFont() - Return the correct font given the supplied font and taking into account the current zoom factor.
  • CCoeControl::SetAdjacent() - Sets the control's appearance when it is next to other controls.
  • CCoeControl::SetAllowStrayPointers() - Sets whether or not to allow stray pointer events.
  • CCoeControl::SetBackground() - Sets a pointer to a MCoeControlBackground object that is responsible for drawing the control's background.
  • CCoeControl::SetBlank() - Sets a flag to indicate that the control is blank.
  • CCoeControl::SetCanDrawOutsideRect() - Allows the control to draw outside its own extent.
  • CCoeControl::SetComponentsToInheritVisibility() - Sets the control's components to inherit the visibility setting of their container control.
  • CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL()  Sets the control's containing window by copying it from aContainer.
  • CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL()  Sets the control's containing window, without transferring ownership of the window to this control.
  • CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL()  Sets the control's containing window without transferring ownership of the window to this control.
  • CCoeControl::SetControlContext() - Set the control context for this control.
  • CCoeControl::SetCornerAndSize() - Sets the control's alignment and size.
  • CCoeControl::SetCustomGc() - Sets the control's custom graphics context.
  • CCoeControl::SetDimmed() - Sets the control to be dimmed.
  • CCoeControl::SetExtent() - Sets the control's extent, specifying a size and a position.
  • CCoeControl::SetExtentToWholeScreen() - Sets the control's extent to the whole screen.
  • CCoeControl::SetFocus() - Sets this control to have the keyboard focus.
  • CCoeControl::SetFocusing() - Sets the control as able to receive keyboard focus.
  • CCoeControl::SetFontProviderL() - Set the font provider.
  • CCoeControl::SetGc() - Deprecated.
  • CCoeControl::SetGloballyCapturing() - Sets the global pointer capture flag.
  • CCoeControl::SetHitTest() - Installs a hit tester for this control.
  • CCoeControl::SetLayoutManagerL() - Sets the layout manager.
  • CCoeControl::SetMaximumWidth() - Sets the controls maximum width.
  • CCoeControl::SetMopParent() - Sets the context - that is, the enclosing parent control - for this control.
  • CCoeControl::SetNeighbor() - Sets an associated control.
  • CCoeControl::SetNonFocusing() - Deprecated.
  • CCoeControl::SetObserver() - Sets the control's observer.
  • CCoeControl::SetParent() - Sets aParent as the parent of this control.
  • CCoeControl::SetPointerCapture() - Sets pointer capture.
  • CCoeControl::SetPosition() - Sets the control's position.
  • CCoeControl::SetRect() - Sets the control's extent, specifying a rectangle.
  • CCoeControl::SetSize() - Sets the control's size.
  • CCoeControl::SetSizeWithoutNotification() - Sets a control's size without calling SizeChanged().
  • CCoeControl::SetTextBaselineSpacing() - Sets the spacing between text baselines.
  • CCoeControl::SetUniqueHandle() - Sets a Unique Handle (identifier).
  • CCoeControl::SetZoomFactorL() - Set the zoom factor for this control.
  • CCoeControl::Size() - Gets the control's size.
  • CCoeControl::SizeChanged() - Responds to changes to the size and position of the contents of this control.
  • CCoeControl::SystemGc() - Gets the graphics context that is used when drawing the control.
  • CCoeControl::TextBaselineOffset() - Gets the offset to the first text baseline relative to the top of the control.
  • CCoeControl::TextDrawer() - Gets the text drawer to be used for the control.
  • CCoeControl::UniqueHandle() - Returns a Unique Handle (identifier) previously allocated to the control.
  • CCoeControl::Window() - Gets the control's associated window.
  • CCoeControl::WriteInternalStateL().
  • CCoeControl::ZoomWithType() - Return the zoom factor but without taking into account the zoom factor of the parent.
  • CCoeControl::~CCoeControl() - Destructor.

  • CCoeControlArray - Class that represents an array of controls.
  • CCoeControlArray::AppendLC() - Appends a control at the end of the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::At()  Gets the element at the given index.
  • CCoeControlArray::At()  Gets the element at the given index.
  • CCoeControlArray::Begin() - Gets a cursor that points to the first element of the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::ControlById()  Gets the control with the given id.
  • CCoeControlArray::ControlById()  Gets the control with the given id.
  • CCoeControlArray::ControlsOwnedExternally() - This function checks if the controls are owned by the array or not.
  • CCoeControlArray::Count() - Gets the number of elements in the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::End() - Gets a cursor to the position right after the last element in the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::Find()  Gets a cursor to the control, if the control is found in the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::Find()  Gets a cursor to the control, if the control with the given id is found in the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::Id() - Gets the id of the control.
  • CCoeControlArray::InsertAfterLC() - Inserts a control after the control with the given id.
  • CCoeControlArray::InsertLC() - Inserts a control at the given position.
  • CCoeControlArray::IsArrayLocked() - Checks whether the array is locked or not.
  • CCoeControlArray::NewL() - Creates a new CCoeControlArray.
  • CCoeControlArray::Remove()  Removes a control but does NOT delete the control itself.
  • CCoeControlArray::Remove()  Removes a control but does NOT delete the control itself.
  • CCoeControlArray::RemoveById() - Removes a control but does NOT delete the control itself.
  • CCoeControlArray::Replace() - Replaces a control in the array with another control.
  • CCoeControlArray::Reset() - Removes all the controls from the array but doesn't delete them.
  • CCoeControlArray::ResetAndDestroy() - Removes all the controls from the array and deletes them.
  • CCoeControlArray::SetArrayLocked() - Locks the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::SetControlsOwnedExternally() - Is used to set whether the array owns the controls or not.
  • CCoeControlArray::Sort() - This function provides a pluggable implementation to sort the array of controls.
  • CCoeControlArray::SortById() - Sorts the controls using their index as the key.
  • CCoeControlArray::~CCoeControlArray() - The destructor will delete the controls in the array only if the EControlsOwnedExternally flag is not set.

  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor - This class is an iterator for the CCoeControlArray class.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::Control()  Gets the control.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::Control()  Gets the control.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::IsValid() - Checks if the cursor is valid.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::Next() - Updates the cursor so that it points to the next element in the array.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::operator!=() - Checks if the cursors are different.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::operator==() - Checks if the cursors are equal.
  • CCoeControlArray::TCursor::Prev() - Updates the cursor so that it points to the previous element in the array.

  • CCoeEnv - Control environment.
  • CCoeEnv::AddFepObserverL() - Adds the specified MCoeFepObserver to the FEP observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddFocusObserverL() - Adds the specified MCoeFocusObserver to the focus observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddForegroundObserverL() - Adds the specified MCoeForegroundObserver to the foreground observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddMessageMonitorObserverL() - Adds the specified MCoeMessageMonitorObserver to the message observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddMessageObserverL() - Adds the specified MCoeMessageObserver to the message observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddObserverOfLoadedFepL() - Adds the specified MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep to the loaded FEP list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddResourceChangeObserverL() - Adds the specified MCoeResourceChangeObserver to the resource change observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::AddResourceFileL() - Adds the specified resource file to the list maintained by CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::AllocReadResourceAsDes16L() - Reads a resource into a 16 bit heap buffer, allocating the buffer.
  • CCoeEnv::AllocReadResourceAsDes16LC() - Reads a resource into a 16 bit heap buffer, allocating the buffer and pushing it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCoeEnv::AllocReadResourceAsDes8L() - Reads a resource into an 8 bit heap buffer, allocating the buffer.
  • CCoeEnv::AllocReadResourceAsDes8LC() - Reads a resource into an 8 bit heap buffer, allocating the buffer and pushing it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCoeEnv::AllocReadResourceL() - Reads a resource into a heap descriptor, allocating memory for it.
  • CCoeEnv::AllocReadResourceLC() - Reads a specified resource into a heap descriptor, allocating memory for it, and pushing the descriptor onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCoeEnv::AppUi() - Gets the application UI owned by this application.
  • CCoeEnv::AvailableFepsL() - Gets the UIDs, and optionally display names, of all the secure FEPs that are available.
  • CCoeEnv::BringOwnerToFront() - Brings the application's owning window group to the front of the screen and gives it keyboard focus.
  • CCoeEnv::CCoeEnv() - Default constructor.
  • CCoeEnv::ConstructL()  Completes construction of the CCoeEnv object.
  • CCoeEnv::ConstructL()  Completes construction of the CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::ConstructL()  Completes construction of the CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::ConstructL()  Completes construction of the CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::CreateDeviceFontL() - Creates a font for the specified graphics device.
  • CCoeEnv::CreateGcL() - Fully constructs a new graphics context.
  • CCoeEnv::CreateResourceReaderLC() - Reads a resource from a resource file and sets its resource reader.
  • CCoeEnv::CreateScreenFontL() - Creates a font for the default graphics device, based on the specified TFontSpec.
  • CCoeEnv::DefaultFontProvider() - This function returns the default font provider.
  • CCoeEnv::DefaultTextDrawer() - This function returns the default text drawer.
  • CCoeEnv::DeleteResourceFile() - Deletes the specified resource file from the list maintained by CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::DestroyEnvironment() - Deletes several resources owned by the CCoeEnv object.
  • CCoeEnv::DestroyScreen() - Destroys the screen device.
  • CCoeEnv::DisableExitChecks() - Disables exit checks on kernel resources.
  • CCoeEnv::DisableShutdownChecks().
  • CCoeEnv::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CCoeEnv::ErrorContextText() - Gets the current error context text.
  • CCoeEnv::ErrorText() - Gets the current error message text.
  • CCoeEnv::Execute() - Launches the application without destroying the control environment.
  • CCoeEnv::ExecuteD() - Launches the application and destroys the control environment.
  • CCoeEnv::ExecuteFepSettingsDialogL() - Executes the settings dialog for the specified secure FEP.
  • CCoeEnv::Fep() - Gets a pointer to the currently loaded FEP.
  • CCoeEnv::FepUid() - Gets the UID of the currently loaded FEP.
  • CCoeEnv::FindStatic().
  • CCoeEnv::Flush() - Flushes the client-side window server buffer.
  • CCoeEnv::ForEachFepObserverCall() - Calls the specified function for each FEP observer.
  • CCoeEnv::Format128() - Reads a 128 byte resource into a formatted string.
  • CCoeEnv::Format256() - Reads a 256 byte resource into a formatted string.
  • CCoeEnv::FsSession() - Gets the file server session owned by this CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::HandleError() - Handles an application-defined error message.
  • CCoeEnv::InitSystemFontsL() - Initialises the system fonts.
  • CCoeEnv::InputCapabilitiesChanged() - Notifies all focus observers (FEPs) that a change has been made to the input capabilities of the focused control.
  • CCoeEnv::InstallFepL()  Loads the specified secure FEP into all running applications.
  • CCoeEnv::InstallFepL()  Loads the specified secure FEP into all running applications.
  • CCoeEnv::IsRedrawEventPending() - Tests if there is a redraw event waiting to be processed.
  • CCoeEnv::IsResourceAvailableL() - Checks if the given resource is owned by one of the resource files in the list maintained by CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::IsSchedulerRunning().
  • CCoeEnv::IsWservEventPending() - Tests if there is a standard event waiting to be processed.
  • CCoeEnv::LastEvent() - Gets the most recent standard event that was received by the application.
  • CCoeEnv::LeaveWithErrorText() - Triggers a dialog which will display the error message.
  • CCoeEnv::MopSupplyObject() - Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.
  • CCoeEnv::NormalFont() - Gets the normal environment font.
  • CCoeEnv::PrepareToExit() - Prepares for exiting the application.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadDesC16ArrayResourceL() - Reads a resource into a 16 bit descriptor array.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadDesC8ArrayResourceL() - Reads a resource into an 8 bit descriptor array.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadDesCArrayResourceL() - Reads a resource into a Unicode descriptor array.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadResource() - Reads a resource into a descriptor.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes16() - Reads a resource into a 16 bit descriptor.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes16L().
  • CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes8() - Reads a resource into an 8 bit descriptor.
  • CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes8L().
  • CCoeEnv::ReadResourceL() - Reads a resource into a descriptor.
  • CCoeEnv::ReleaseScreenFont() - Frees all resources used by the font.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveFepObserver() - Removes the specified FEP observer.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveFocusObserver() - Removes the specified focus observer.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveForegroundObserver() - Removes the specified foreground observer.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveMessageMonitorObserver() - Removes the specified MCoeMessageMonitorObserver.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveMessageObserver() - Removes the specified MCoeMessageObserver from the message observer list.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveObserverOfLoadedFep() - Removes the specified loaded FEP observer.
  • CCoeEnv::RemoveResourceChangeObserver() - Removes the specified resource change observer.
  • CCoeEnv::Reserved_1().
  • CCoeEnv::Reserved_2().
  • CCoeEnv::ResourceFileVersionNumber() - Gets the resource file version number.
  • CCoeEnv::RootWin() - Gets the application's window group.
  • CCoeEnv::RunError().
  • CCoeEnv::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CCoeEnv::ScreenDevice() - Gets the default screen device owned by this CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeEnv::SetAppUi() - Sets the application's user interface object.
  • CCoeEnv::SimulateKeyEventL() - Simulates a key event.
  • CCoeEnv::Static()  Gets a pointer to a CCoeEnv which can be used to access CCoeEnv's functions.
  • CCoeEnv::Static()  Gets a pointer to the specified CCoeStatic derived class.
  • CCoeEnv::SuppressNextFlush() - Suppresses the next flush of the active scheduler queue.
  • CCoeEnv::SwapSystemGc() - Sets the new system graphics context.
  • CCoeEnv::SyncNotifyFocusObserversOfChangeInFocus().
  • CCoeEnv::SystemGc() - Gets the system graphics context.
  • CCoeEnv::Version() - Gets the version number of the UI Control Framework API.
  • CCoeEnv::WsSession() - Gets the window server session owned by the application.
  • CCoeEnv::~CCoeEnv() - Destructor.

  • CCoeFep - Abstract base class for all FEPs.
  • CCoeFep::BaseConstructL() - Initialises the FEP's generic settings (whether the FEP is on or off and what key events should turn it on or off).
  • CCoeFep::CancelTransaction() - Cancels the FEP transaction.
  • CCoeFep::CCoeFep() - Protected C++ constructor.
  • CCoeFep::CCoeFep_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::CCoeFep_Reserved_2().
  • CCoeFep::HandleMessageL().
  • CCoeFep::IsOn() - Tests whether the FEP is on or off.
  • CCoeFep::IsOnHasChangedState() - Called to notify the FEP that it has either just been turned on or just been turned off (it can find out which by calling CCoeFep::IsOn()).
  • CCoeFep::IsSimulatingKeyEvent() - Tests whether or not the FEP is simulating key events.
  • CCoeFep::IsTurnedOffByL() - Since the advent of Platform security in Symbian OS, the turning on/off of FEPs is handled via a different means (which is secure).
  • CCoeFep::IsTurnedOnByL() - Since the advent of Platform security in Symbian OS, the turning on/off of FEPs is handled via a different means (which is secure).
  • CCoeFep::MakeDeferredFunctionCall() - Uses a high-priority active object to call the specified object's ExecuteFunctionL().
  • CCoeFep::MCoeFocusObserver_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::MCoeFocusObserver_Reserved_2().
  • CCoeFep::MCoeForegroundObserver_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::MCoeForegroundObserver_Reserved_2().
  • CCoeFep::MCoeMessageObserver_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::MCoeMessageObserver_Reserved_2().
  • CCoeFep::MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_2().
  • CCoeFep::OfferKeyEventL().
  • CCoeFep::OfferPointerBufferReadyEventL().
  • CCoeFep::OfferPointerEventL().
  • CCoeFep::ReadAllAttributesL() - Sets this FEP's attributes with values from the global settings.
  • CCoeFep::SimulateKeyEventsL()  Simulates a key event for each of the character codes in the array passed to it.
  • CCoeFep::SimulateKeyEventsL().
  • CCoeFep::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()  After changing the value of a single FEP attribute that needs to be synchronised, call this function to synchronise other running instances of the FEP.
  • CCoeFep::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()  After changing the value of multiple FEP attributes that need to be synchronised, call this function to synchronise other running instances of the FEP.
  • CCoeFep::~CCoeFep() - Destructor.

  • CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall - Enables FEPs to have some code called but not in the context of the current call stack, hence the name "deferred".
  • CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall::ExecuteFunctionL() - This function is called from within a high-priority active object's RunL() shortly after the active object has been queued by calling CCoeFep::MakeDeferredFunctionCall().
  • CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall::MDeferredFunctionCall_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall::MDeferredFunctionCall_Reserved_2().

  • CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter - FEPs send character codes to the application underneath them using SimulateKeyEventsL().
  • CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter::CharacterCode() - Returns the character code of the key combination.
  • CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter::MModifiedCharacter_Reserved_1().
  • CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter::MModifiedCharacter_Reserved_2().
  • CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter::ModifierMask() - Returns a TUint which indicates which modifiers to override, rather than using the current state of the keyboard's modifiers.
  • CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter::ModifierValues() - Returns a TUint which indicates which of the modifiers specified in the mask (returned by ModifierMask()) must be on and which must be off.

  • CCoeFepParameters.

  • CCoeFepPlugIn - CCoeFepPlugIn Abstract base class for FEP plug ins.
  • CCoeFepPlugIn::NewFepL() - Creates a fully constructed object of CCoeFEP.
  • CCoeFepPlugIn::NewL() - Factory function to create and return a FEP plug-in with the specified UID.
  • CCoeFepPlugIn::SynchronouslyExecuteSettingsDialogL() - Runs the FEP settings dialog.
  • CCoeFepPlugIn::~CCoeFepPlugIn() - Destructor that destroys the FEP plug-in.

  • CCoeFontProvider - A helper object designed to make obtaining a font easier, taking into account zoom factors.
  • CCoeFontProvider::Font() - return a CFont based on the default typeface, the supplied sample font and the supplied zoom factor.
  • CCoeFontProvider::NewL()  Standard Symbian factory method.
  • CCoeFontProvider::NewL()  Standard Symbian factory method.
  • CCoeFontProvider::SetTypeface() - Change the typeface.
  • CCoeFontProvider::Typeface() - Return the current typeface.
  • CCoeFontProvider::UseSystemTypeface() - Use the system typeface.

  • CCoePlainTextDrawer - This is a basic text drawer without any text effects.
  • CCoePlainTextDrawer::DrawText() - Draws the text provided as parameter.
  • CCoePlainTextDrawer::MopSupplyObject() - This function is defined by the MObjectProvider class.
  • CCoePlainTextDrawer::New() - Created a new plain text drawer on the heap.
  • CCoePlainTextDrawer::Reset() - See CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset().
  • CCoePlainTextDrawer::SetTextColor() - See CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetTextColor().
  • CCoePlainTextDrawer::TextColor() - See CCoeTextDrawerBase::TextColor().

  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler - A default screen device change handler.
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler()  Default constructor.
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler()  Constructor specifying the destruction priority of the object.
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler_Reserved1().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler_Reserved2().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::CCoeStatic_Reserved1().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::CCoeStatic_Reserved2().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::DefaultViewOnScreenDeviceChanged().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::Self().
  • CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler::~CCoeScreenDeviceChangeDefaultHandler() - Destructor.

  • CCoeStatic - Base class for creating singleton objects that will be stored by CCoeEnv.
  • CCoeStatic::CCoeStatic().
  • CCoeStatic::CCoeStatic()  Constructor specifying a unique UID and the scope of the object.
  • CCoeStatic::CCoeStatic()  Constructor specifying a unique UID and the destruction priority and scope of the object.
  • CCoeStatic::CCoeStatic_Reserved1().
  • CCoeStatic::CCoeStatic_Reserved2().
  • CCoeStatic::~CCoeStatic() - Destructor.

  • CCoeTextDrawerBase - This is the base class for all text drawers implementing different text effects (for example shadow or glowing/outlined text).
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::ActualHorizontalAlignment() - This method returns the actual (absolute) horizontal text alignment to be used when drawing text in any CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived DrawText() implementation.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::Alignment() - Returns the text alignment that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase() - Constructor.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::Construct() - Second phase object construction.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText() - Any actual text drawer must implement this method to draw the text passed as argument.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::EffectMargins() - Any text drawer implementation must override this method, returning the "margins" that the text effect will add to the text extent.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::IsReusable() - Returns whether the CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived text drawer object has been set to be reusable or not.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::LineGapInPixels() - Returns the gap (in pixels) between lines of text.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::Margins() - Returns the text margins that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset() - This method is called from the destructor of the XCoeTextDrawer object managing the life of the CCoeTextDrawerBase object, if the CCoeTextDrawerBase object has been set to be reusable (by its owner calling SetReusable()).
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetAlignment() - Set the text alignment that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetAppLanguage() - Unless absolute horizontal aligment has been selected (see TGulAlignment), the actual horizontal text alignment used when drawing text depends on whether the directionality of the scrip is left-to-right or right-to-left.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetLineGapInPixels() - Set the gap (in pixels) between lines of text.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetMargins() - Set the text margins that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetReusable() - Set whether the text drawer is reusable or not.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetTextColor() - This method sets the main color to use to draw text.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::TextColor() - This method returns the main color used by the CCoeTextDrawer to draw text.
  • CCoeTextDrawerBase::~CCoeTextDrawerBase() - Destructor.

  • CColorArray - A dynamic array of mappings between logical and physical colours (TRgb values).
  • CColorArray::AddL() - Adds a logical to physical colour mapping to the colour array.
  • CColorArray::Color() - Gets the physical colour (TRgb) which corresponds to a logical colour.
  • CColorArray::Contains() - Tests whether the colour array contains the specified logical colour.
  • CColorArray::Count() - Gets the number of logical to physical colour mappings in the array.
  • CColorArray::NewL() - Creates a colour array.
  • CColorArray::NewLC() - Creates a colour array and leaves it on the cleanup stack.
  • CColorArray::Remove() - Removes a logical to physical colour mapping from the array.
  • CColorArray::Reset() - Resets the colour array.
  • CColorArray::SetColor() - Changes a logical to physical mapping in the colour array.
  • CColorArray::~CColorArray() - Destructor.

  • CColorConsoleBase - Adds colour support to the basic console interface.
  • CColorConsoleBase::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CColorConsoleBase::SetTextAttribute() - Sets the text attribute as defined by TTextAttribute.

  • CColorList - A palette that maps logical colours (TLogicalColor) to physical (TRgb) values.
  • CColorList::AddColorArrayL() - Creates a new entry in the colour list with the specified application UID and its colour array.
  • CColorList::Color()  Gets the physical colour (TRgb) equivalent of a logical colour.
  • CColorList::Color()  Gets the physical colour (TRgb) equivalent of a logical colour from the specified application's colour array.
  • CColorList::ColorArray() - Gets an application's colour array.
  • CColorList::ContainsColorArray() - Tests whether the specified application has an entry in the colour list.
  • CColorList::Count() - Gets the number of colors in the list.
  • CColorList::DeleteColorArray() - Deletes the entry in the colour list for the specified application, and deletes the application's colour array.
  • CColorList::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the colour list to a write stream.
  • CColorList::InternalizeL() - Internalises the colour list from a read stream.
  • CColorList::MergeL() - Merges the specified CColorList with target object.
  • CColorList::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new colour list.
  • CColorList::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new colour list and puts the pointer to the new colour list object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CColorList::SetColor() - Sets the TRgb colour value that a logical colour maps to.
  • CColorList::~CColorList() - Destructor.

  • CCommandLineArguments - Parses command line arguments.
  • CCommandLineArguments::Arg() - Returns a non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the specified command-line argument.
  • CCommandLineArguments::Count() - Returns the number of command line arguments, including the program name.
  • CCommandLineArguments::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a command line arguments parser.
  • CCommandLineArguments::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a command line arguments parser, putting the returned pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CCommandLineArguments::~CCommandLineArguments() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CCommsDatabase - Accesses the communications database through the DBMS.
  • CCommsDatabase::ClearAgentAndExtL().
  • CCommsDatabase::ClearGlobalSettingL() - Clears a global settings table field.
  • CCommsDatabase::CreateDatabaseL() - CCommsDatabaseBase pure virtuals.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetAgentClientTimeoutL() - Past use: Gets the client timeout associated with the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetAgentExtL() - Past use: Gets the agent extension associated with the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetAgentL() - Past use: Gets the agent associated with the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetAgentRouteTimeoutL() - Past use: Gets the route timeout associated with the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetCurrentDialInSettingL() - Past use: Retrieve settings for the dial in IAP.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetCurrentDialOutSettingL().
  • CCommsDatabase::GetDefaultTsyL() - Retrieves the default TSY used for bearer availibility, SMS and data services.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetGlobalSettingL()  Gets a global settings table integer field.
  • CCommsDatabase::GetGlobalSettingL()  Gets a global settings table string field.
  • CCommsDatabase::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new communications database object on the heap.
  • CCommsDatabase::NewL()  Creates a CCommsDatabase.
  • CCommsDatabase::NewL()  Creates a CCommsDatabase as with NewL().
  • CCommsDatabase::NewL()  Re-instated override variant of NewL function in order to maintain BC with 6.1.
  • CCommsDatabase::NewL()  Re-instated override variant of NewL function in order to maintain BC with 6.1 Creates a CCommsDatabase and gets the method of opening (Created, CopiedDefault or Opened).
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenConnectionPrefTableInRankOrderLC() - Opens a view on the records in the Connection Preferences table with a specified direction, and with records sorted into ranking order.
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenConnectionPrefTableLC()  Opens a view on the whole Connection Preferences table and returns a pointer to it.
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenConnectionPrefTableLC()  Opens a view on the records in the Connection Preferences table with a specified direction and return a pointer to it.
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenConnectionPrefTableViewOnRankLC() - Opens a view on the records in the Connection Preferences table with a specified direction and ranking.
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenIAPTableViewMatchingBearerSetLC() - Open a view on the IAP table containing records that match the bearers and direction specified.
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenIAPTableViewMatchingNetworkLC() - Open a viewon the IAP table containing records which match the specified network.
  • CCommsDatabase::OpenViewOnProxyRecordLC() - Opens a view on records in the Proxies table containing records that match the service ID and service type specified.
  • CCommsDatabase::SetAgentClientTimeoutL() - Past use: Sets the client timeout associated with the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::SetAgentExtL() - Past use: Sets the agent extension to be used when accessing the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::SetAgentL().
  • CCommsDatabase::SetAgentRouteTimeoutL() - Past use: Sets the route timeout associated with the specified service.
  • CCommsDatabase::SetGlobalSettingL()  Sets a global settings table integer field.
  • CCommsDatabase::SetGlobalSettingL()  Sets a global settings table string field.
  • CCommsDatabase::~CCommsDatabase() - Frees all resources owned by this object, prior to its destruction.

  • CCommsDatabaseBase - Base class for CCommsDatabase.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::BeginTransaction() - Marks the start of a transaction and gets a shared read-lock on the database.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::CancelRequestNotification() - Cancels an outstanding request for notification of changes to the communications database.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::CCommsDatabaseBase() - Default constructor for internal use only.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::CheckReadCapability() - Check the capabilites required to read a field from the database.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::CheckWriteCapability() - Check the capabilites required to write a field to the database.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::CommitTransaction() - Marks the end of a transaction and commits any changes made since the start of the transaction.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::CreateDatabaseL().
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::Database() - Returns the interface for creating and opening a database identified by name and format.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::InTransaction() - Tests whether a transaction is in progress, i.e.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::IsDatabaseWriteLockedL() - Tests if the database is write locked.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::OpenTableLC() - Fills the container with all records from table and returns a pointer to view class.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::OpenViewLC().
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::OpenViewMatchingBoolLC() - Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching boolean value, and returns a pointer to that view.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::OpenViewMatchingTextLC()  Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching 8 bit text type, and returns a pointer to that view.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::OpenViewMatchingTextLC()  Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching 16 bit text type, and returns a pointer to that view.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::OpenViewMatchingUintLC() - Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching unsigned integer value, and returns a pointer to that view.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::RequestNotification() - Requests notification when any change is made to the database, whether by this client or any other.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::ResolvePhoneNumberFromDatabaseL() - Resolves a given telephone number based on a specified dialling location and chargecard.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::ResolvePhoneNumberL() - Resolves a given telephone number based on a specified dialling location and chargecard.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::RollbackTransaction() - Marks the end of a transaction and abandons any changes made since the start of the transaction.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::ShowHiddenRecords() - Ensures that hidden records are included in the search criteria when creating views using the member functions:.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::Version() - Gets the version from CommsDat.
  • CCommsDatabaseBase::~CCommsDatabaseBase().

  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView - Implements actions on records of the Connection Preferences table, to allow clients to set the preferred order in which connections are attempted.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::ChangeConnectionPreferenceRankL() - Sets the rank field (CONNECT_PREF_RANKING) in the currently selected connection preference record in the view.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::ColNum() - Returns the column number of the Column aColumn in the table.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::DeleteConnectionPreferenceL() - Deletes the currently selected connection preference record in the view.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::GotoFirstRecord() - Sets the first connection preference record in this view as the current record.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::GotoNextRecord() - Sets the next connection preference record in the view as the current record.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::GotoPreviousRecord() - Sets the previous connection preference record in the view as the current record.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::InsertConnectionPreferenceL()  Inserts a new IAP connection preference into the connetion preference table.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::InsertConnectionPreferenceL()  Override version of InsertConnectionPreferenceL for BC purposes.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::ReadConnectionPreferenceL()  Gets the IAP connection preferences record currently selected in the view.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::ReadConnectionPreferenceL()  Framework left to support BC with v6.1.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::SwapConnectionPreferencesL() - Swaps the bearer (CONNECT_PREF_BEARER_SET) and the IAP (CONNECT_PREF_IAP) fields between two connection preferences records.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::UpdateBearerL()  Update the bearer set and IAP for the currently selected IAP connection preference record.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::UpdateBearerL()  Override version of UpdateBearerL for BC purposes.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::UpdateDialogPrefL() - Updates the dialog preference field (CONNECT_PREF_DIALOG_PREF) in the currently selected connection preferences IAP record in the view.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::~CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView() - Destructor.

  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapBearer - Encapsulates the bearer set (CONNECT_PREF_BEARER_SET) and IAP (CONNECT_PREF_IAP) fields.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapBearer::TCommDbIapBearer() - Default constructor.

  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapConnectionPref - Encapsulates the rank (CONNECT_PREF_RANKING), direction (CONNECTION_PREF_DIRECTION), and dialog preference (CONNECT_PREF_DIALOG_PREF) fields, plus a TCommDbIapBearer object.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapConnectionPref::operator==() - Overloaded equality operator.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapConnectionPref::TCommDbIapConnectionPref() - Default constructor.

  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspBearer - Frame left in place for BC with 6.1.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspBearer::TCommDbIspBearer() - Framework left in place for 6.1BC purposes.

  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspConnectionPref.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspConnectionPref::operator==() - Check for equality between 'this' and another TCommDbIspConnectionPref object passed in.
  • CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspConnectionPref::TCommDbIspConnectionPref() - Framework left in place for 6.1BC purposes.

  • CCommsDbTableView - The view on a specific table in the database.
  • CCommsDbTableView::CancelRecordChanges() - Abandons changes made to a record which were started by calls to either:InsertRecord() or UpdateRecord().
  • CCommsDbTableView::Database().
  • CCommsDbTableView::DeleteRecord() - Deletes the record in the table at the current cursor position.
  • CCommsDbTableView::GetTableName() - Gets the name of the table associated with this view and copies it into the descriptor supplied by the caller.
  • CCommsDbTableView::GotoFirstRecord() - Sets the first record in the view as the current record; i.e.
  • CCommsDbTableView::GotoNextRecord() - Sets the next record in the view as the current record; i.e.
  • CCommsDbTableView::GotoPreviousRecord() - Sets the previous record in the view as the current record; i.e.
  • CCommsDbTableView::InsertCopyRecord() - Add a new record to this table.
  • CCommsDbTableView::InsertRecord() - Prepares database to insert a new record and returns a unique ID for the record to be added.
  • CCommsDbTableView::PutRecordChanges() - Confirms changes made to a record, which were started by calls to one of InsertRecord() or UpdateRecord().
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadBoolL() - Reads a boolean value located in a specific column within the current record and copies it into a specified value.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadColumnLengthL() - Gets the length of a specific column within the current record and copies it into a reference to an integer.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadColumnMaxLengthL() - Reads the MAXIMUM length of the contents of aColumn from the current record into aLength.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadLongTextLC() - Reads the long text located in a specific column within the current record and copies this text to a heap descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadTextL()  Reads narrow (ASCII) text located in a specific column within the current record and copies it into an 8 bit modifiable descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadTextL()  Reads wide (Unicode) text located in a specific column within the current record and copies it into a 16 bit modifiable descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadTypeAttribL() - Gets the type and the attributes of a specific column within the current record and puts them into a TDbColType object and a reference to an unsigned integer respectively.
  • CCommsDbTableView::ReadUintL() - Reads an unsigned integer value located in a specific column within the current record and copies it into a reference to an unsigned integer.
  • CCommsDbTableView::SetNullL() - Sets a specific column within the current record to NULL.
  • CCommsDbTableView::UpdateRecord() - Modify the current record of this view.
  • CCommsDbTableView::WriteBoolL() - Writes a Boolean value to a specific column within the current record.
  • CCommsDbTableView::WriteLongTextL() - Writes the long text from a descriptor to a specific column within the current record.
  • CCommsDbTableView::WriteTextL()  Writes the narrow (ASCII) text from an 8 bit descriptor to a specific column within the current record.
  • CCommsDbTableView::WriteTextL()  Writes the wide (UNICODE) text from a 16 bit descriptor to a specific column within the current record.
  • CCommsDbTableView::WriteUintL() - Writes an unsigned integer value to a specific column within the current record.
  • CCommsDbTableView::~CCommsDbTableView() - Frees all resources owned by this object, prior to its destruction.

  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord - The view on a template record of a specific table.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::CancelModifications() - Cancels pending changes since `Modify()`.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::Delete() - Removes the template from the table.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::GetTableName() - The name of the table that this template belongs to.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::InsertCopy() - Creates a new record based on the contents of the template record.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::Modify() - Modifies the existing template record if there is no template create one.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::NewL() - Creates a new template view on the database and table specified.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadBoolL() - Reads a boolean value located in a specific column within the template record and copies it into the specified descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadColumnLengthL() - Gets the length of a specific column within the template record and copies it to an integer passed by the caller.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadLongTextLC() - Reads the long text located in a specific column within the template record and copies this text to a heap descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadTextL()  Reads narrow (ASCII) text located in a specific column within the template record and copies it to the specified 8 bit modifiable descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadTextL()  Reads wide (UNICODE) text located in a specific column within the template record and copies it to the specified 16 bit modifiable descriptor.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadTypeAttribL() - Gets the type and the attributes of a specific column within the template record and puts them into a reference to an object and a reference to an unsigned integer respectively.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::ReadUintL() - Reads an unsigned integer value located in a specific column within the template record and copies it into the specified unsigned integer.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::StoreModifications() - Stores an new or updated template back to the database.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::TemplateRecordExists() - True if a template exists.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::WriteBoolL() - Writes a specified boolean value to a specific column within the template record.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::WriteLongTextL() - Writes the long text from a specified descriptor to a specific column within the template record.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::WriteTextL()  Writes the narrow (ASCII) text from the specified 8 bit descriptor to a specific column within the template record.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::WriteTextL()  Writes the wide (Unicode) text from the specified 16 bit descriptor to a specific column within the template record.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::WriteUintL() - Writes a specified unsigned integer value to a specific column within the template record.
  • CCommsDbTemplateRecord::~CCommsDbTemplateRecord() - Frees all resources owned by this object, prior to its destruction.

  • CCompressedVideoFormat - Defines a compressed video format.
  • CCompressedVideoFormat::MimeType() - Returns the video codec MIME type.
  • CCompressedVideoFormat::NewL()  Static factory function for creating new CCompressedVideoFormat objects.
  • CCompressedVideoFormat::NewL()  Static factory function for creating a copy of an existing CCompressedVideoFormat object.
  • CCompressedVideoFormat::operator==() - Tests whether this CCompressedVideoFormat is identical to aOther or not.
  • CCompressedVideoFormat::OptionalData() - Returns the optional data.
  • CCompressedVideoFormat::~CCompressedVideoFormat() - Virtual destructor.

  • CConsoleBase - A base class that defines a console interface.
  • CConsoleBase::CConsoleBase() - Default constructor.
  • CConsoleBase::ClearScreen() - Clears the console.
  • CConsoleBase::ClearToEndOfLine() - Clears the console from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
  • CConsoleBase::Create() - Creates a new console window.
  • CConsoleBase::CursorPos() - Gets the current cursor position relative to the console window.
  • CConsoleBase::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CConsoleBase::Getch() - Gets a character from the console.
  • CConsoleBase::KeyCode() - Gets the current key code value.
  • CConsoleBase::KeyModifiers() - Gets the current key modifiers.
  • CConsoleBase::Printf() - Prints characters to the console window.
  • CConsoleBase::Read() - Gets a keystroke from the console window, asynchronously.
  • CConsoleBase::ReadCancel() - Cancels any outstanding request to get a keystroke from the console window.
  • CConsoleBase::ScreenSize() - Gets the size of the console.
  • CConsoleBase::SetCursorHeight() - Sets the percentage height of the cursor.
  • CConsoleBase::SetCursorPosAbs() - Puts the cursor at the absolute position in the window.
  • CConsoleBase::SetCursorPosRel() - Puts the cursor at the specified position relative to the current cursor position.
  • CConsoleBase::SetPos()  Sets the cursor's x-position.
  • CConsoleBase::SetPos()  Sets the cursor's x-position and y-position.
  • CConsoleBase::SetTitle() - Sets a new console title.
  • CConsoleBase::WhereX() - Gets the cursor's x-position.
  • CConsoleBase::WhereY() - Gets the cursor's y-position.
  • CConsoleBase::Write() - Writes the content of the specified descriptor to the console window.
  • CConsoleBase::~CConsoleBase() - Destructor.

  • CContactActiveCompress.

  • CContactActiveRecover.

  • CContactAgentField - Provides access to an agent ID.
  • CContactAgentField::CContactFieldStorage_Reserved1().
  • CContactAgentField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the field data.
  • CContactAgentField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the field data.
  • CContactAgentField::IsFull() - Tests whether the field storage contains data.
  • CContactAgentField::RestoreL() - Restores the field data.
  • CContactAgentField::SetAgentId() - Sets the agent ID field data.
  • CContactAgentField::StoreL() - Stores the field data.
  • CContactAgentField::Value() - Gets the agent ID field data.

  • CContactCard - A contact card.
  • CContactCard::GroupsJoinedLC() - Returns a pointer to a list of contact item IDs which identify the groups to which this contact card belongs.
  • CContactCard::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new contact card.
  • CContactCard::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new contact card whose field set is seeded from a template.
  • CContactCard::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new contact card.
  • CContactCard::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new contact card whose field set is seeded from a template.
  • CContactCard::Type() - Implements CContactItem::Type().
  • CContactCard::~CContactCard() - Frees all resources owned by the contact card, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactCardTemplate - A contact card template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::GetTemplateLabelL() - Gets the label for a contact card template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::HasItemLabelField() - Tests whether a Template label field is present.
  • CContactCardTemplate::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new Contact Card Template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new Contact Card Template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new Contact Card Template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new Contact Card Template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::ReservedFunction1() - Intended usage: Reserved to preserve future BC.
  • CContactCardTemplate::ReservedFunction2() - Intended usage: Reserved to preserve future BC.
  • CContactCardTemplate::SetTemplateLabelL() - Changes the label for a contact card template.
  • CContactCardTemplate::Type() - Gets the contact item's type.

  • CContactChangeNotifier - Receives events reporting changes to a contact database.
  • CContactChangeNotifier::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new contact database change notifier.
  • CContactChangeNotifier::~CContactChangeNotifier() - Removes the observer from the contact database.

  • CContactConcatenatedView - Concatenates multiple contact views into a single contiguous view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::AllFieldsLC() - Returns a descriptor containing the contents of all fields in an item in the view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::AtL() - Gets the contact item ID at the specified index into the concatenated view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against addition of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::ContactAtL() - Gets the contact item at the specified index into the view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the view preferences for the first component view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::CountL() - Gets the number of contact items in the concatenated view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::FindL() - Finds the index into the concatenated view of the specified contact item.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::HandleContactViewEvent() - Handles an event in an observed contact view.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CContactConcatenatedView object,.
  • CContactConcatenatedView::SortOrderL() - Gets the sort order for the first component view.

  • CContactDatabase - A database of contact items.
  • CContactDatabase::AddContactToGroupL()  Sets a contact item in the database to be a member of a contact group.
  • CContactDatabase::AddContactToGroupL()  Sets a contact item in the database to be a member of a contact group.
  • CContactDatabase::AddContactToGroupL()  Sets a contact item in the database to be a member of a contact group.
  • CContactDatabase::AddNewContactL() - Adds a new contact item to the database and returns its ID.
  • CContactDatabase::CancelAsyncSort() - Cancel the CCntIdleSorter object and clean up resources.
  • CContactDatabase::CloseContactL() - Closes the contact item, allowing other applications to access it.
  • CContactDatabase::CloseTables() - Closes all database tables.
  • CContactDatabase::CommitContactL() - Overwrites a contact item with the values contained in aContact.
  • CContactDatabase::CompactL() - Compacts the database to its minimum size synchronously.
  • CContactDatabase::CompressRequired() - Tests whether a compress is recommended.
  • CContactDatabase::ConnectionId() - Gets the ID of the connection to the Contacts server.
  • CContactDatabase::ContactDatabaseExistsL() - A method to determine if a named contact database exists.
  • CContactDatabase::ContactsChangedSinceL() - Gets an array of contacts modified since the specified date/time.
  • CContactDatabase::CountL() - Gets the number of CContactItems in the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateCompressorLC() - Creates an active compressor to compress the database with an active object.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactCardTemplateL()  Creates a contact card template based on the system template and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactCardTemplateL()  Creates a contact card template and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactCardTemplateLC()  Creates a contact card template based on the system template and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactCardTemplateLC()  Creates a contact card template and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactGroupL()  Creates a new contact group with a default label of 'Group Label' and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactGroupL()  Creates a new contact group with a specified label and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactGroupLC()  Creates a new contact group with a default label of 'Group Label' and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateContactGroupLC()  Creates a new contact group with a specified label and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateL()  Creates and opens an empty contact database using the default database name.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateL()  Creates and opens a named contact database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateOwnCardL() - Creates a default own card based on the system template and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateOwnCardLC() - Creates a default own card based on the system template and adds it to the database.
  • CContactDatabase::CreateRecoverLC() - Creates an active recoverer object to recover the database using an active object.
  • CContactDatabase::DatabaseDrive() - Gets the current database drive.
  • CContactDatabase::DefaultContactDatabaseExistsL() - A static method to determine if the default contact database exists.
  • CContactDatabase::DeleteContactL() - Deletes a contact item.
  • CContactDatabase::DeleteContactsL() - Deletes an array of contacts.
  • CContactDatabase::DeleteDatabaseL() - A static method to delete a named contact database.
  • CContactDatabase::DeleteDefaultFileL() - Deletes the default contact database.
  • CContactDatabase::doAddNewContactL() - Adds a new contact item to the database and returns its ID.
  • CContactDatabase::ExportSelectedContactsL()  Converts an array of contact items to vCards and exports them to a write stream.
  • CContactDatabase::ExportSelectedContactsL()  Converts an array of contact items to vCards and exports them to a write stream using the specified character set.
  • CContactDatabase::FileSize() - Gets the size of the database file in bytes.
  • CContactDatabase::FileUid() - Gets the database's UID.
  • CContactDatabase::FilterDatabaseL() - Filters the database.
  • CContactDatabase::FindAsyncL() - Searches the database asynchronously for a text string.
  • CContactDatabase::FindInTextDefAsyncL()  Asynchronously searches the database for an array of words.
  • CContactDatabase::FindInTextDefAsyncL()  Asynchronously searches the database for an array of words.
  • CContactDatabase::FindInTextDefLC()  Enables the user to search the database for a string containing text that is stored in one or more fields.
  • CContactDatabase::FindInTextDefLC()  Enables the user to search the database for a string containing text that is stored in one or more fields.
  • CContactDatabase::FindLC() - Searches the database for a text string.
  • CContactDatabase::GetCardTemplateIdListL() - Gets a copy of the database's template ID list.
  • CContactDatabase::GetCurrentDatabase() - Where there are multiple contact databases on a device, this function can be used to enquire which database is the current one.
  • CContactDatabase::GetCurrentItem() - Gets the ID of the current item, as set by SetCurrentItem().
  • CContactDatabase::GetDbViewContactType() - Gets the type of contact items which are included in sorted views of the database, as set by SetDbViewContactType().
  • CContactDatabase::GetDefaultNameL() - Gets the file name of the default contact database.
  • CContactDatabase::GetGroupIdListL() - Returns a copy of the database's group ID list.
  • CContactDatabase::GetLastSyncDateL() - Gets the date/time the database was last synchronised with a particular sync ID, as set by SetLastSyncDateL().
  • CContactDatabase::GetSpeedDialFieldL() - Returns the ID of the contact item whose telephone number field is mapped to the speed dial position specified.
  • CContactDatabase::GroupCount() - Gets the number of groups that exist in the database.
  • CContactDatabase::HandleDatabaseEventL().
  • CContactDatabase::HandleDiskSpaceEvent() - Default behaviour for handling a low disk event - This function is unimplemented.
  • CContactDatabase::ICCTemplateIdL()  Returns the ID of the template that should be used with CContactICCEntry items.
  • CContactDatabase::ICCTemplateIdL()  Returns the ID of the template that should be used with CContactICCEntry items belonging to the phonebook with TUid aPhonebookUid.
  • CContactDatabase::ImportContactsL() - Imports one or more vCards from a read stream.
  • CContactDatabase::IsDamaged() - Tests whether the database is damaged and needs to be recovered.
  • CContactDatabase::ListDatabasesL()  A static method to list the contact databases on all drives.
  • CContactDatabase::ListDatabasesL()  A static method to list the contact databases on a specified drive.
  • CContactDatabase::MachineId() - Returns a number unique to the contacts database.
  • CContactDatabase::MatchPhoneNumberL() - Returns an array of contact item IDs for all the contact items which may contain the specified telephone number in a telephone, fax or SMS type field.
  • CContactDatabase::NullUidValue() - Gets the NULL contact ID value.
  • CContactDatabase::Open()  Opens the default contact database asynchronously.
  • CContactDatabase::Open()  Opens a named contact database asynchronously.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenContactL()  Opens a contact item for editing.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenContactL()  Opens a contact item for editing, leaving the lock record on the cleanup stack.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenContactLX()  Opens a contact item for editing using a specified view definition.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenContactLX()  Opens a contact item for editing, leaving the lock record on the cleanup stack.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenL()  Opens the default contact database.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenL()  Opens a named contact database.
  • CContactDatabase::OpenTablesL() - Opens all database tables.
  • CContactDatabase::OwnCardId() - Returns the ID of the database's current own card.
  • CContactDatabase::PhonebookGroupIdL() - Returns the ID of the contacts model group which represents the ADN phonebook.
  • CContactDatabase::PrefTemplateId() - Returns the ID of the database's preferred template, as set by SetPrefTemplateL().
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactAndAgentL() - Reads a contact item and an agent if the item has an agent field.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactL()  Reads a contact item without locking it.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactL()  Reads a contact item without locking it.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactLC()  Reads a contact item without locking it.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactLC()  Reads a contact item without locking it.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactTextDefL()  Reads text into a descriptor from a pre-loaded contact item.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactTextDefL()  Reads text into a descriptor from a pre-loaded contact item, using the specified text definition.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactTextDefL()  Reads text from a contact item stored in the database into a descriptor.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadContactTextDefL()  Reads text from a contact item stored in the database into a descriptor using the specified text definition.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadMinimalContactL() - Reads a contact item (contact card, own card, template, or contact group), but does not read the group or template information.
  • CContactDatabase::ReadMinimalContactLC() - Reads a contact item (contact card, own card, template, or contact group), but does not read the group or template information.
  • CContactDatabase::RecoverL() - Recovers the database from a rollback.
  • CContactDatabase::RemoveContactFromGroupL()  Removes the association between a contact item and a group.
  • CContactDatabase::RemoveContactFromGroupL()  Removes the association between a contact item and a group.
  • CContactDatabase::RemoveSpeedDialFieldL() - Removes the mapping between a contact item field and a speed dial position.
  • CContactDatabase::ReplaceL()  Creates and opens an empty contact database, replacing the existing default database.
  • CContactDatabase::ReplaceL()  Creates and opens an empty contact database, replacing any existing file with the same name.
  • CContactDatabase::RestoreSortOrderL() - This function is not currently supported.
  • CContactDatabase::SetCurrentDatabase() - Where there are multiple contact databases on a device, this function can be used to set a database as the current one.
  • CContactDatabase::SetCurrentItem() - Sets the ID of the current item and persists it in the database.
  • CContactDatabase::SetDatabaseDriveL() - Sets the contact database drive and optionally moves the default contact database from its current location to the new drive.
  • CContactDatabase::SetDateFormatTextL() - This function is not currently supported.
  • CContactDatabase::SetDbViewContactType() - Sets the type of contact items to be included in sorted views of the database.
  • CContactDatabase::SetFieldAsSpeedDialL() - Sets a field containing a telephone number as a speed dial field.
  • CContactDatabase::SetLastSyncDateL()  Sets the date/time the database was last synchronised.
  • CContactDatabase::SetLastSyncDateL()  Sets the date/time the database was last synchronised.
  • CContactDatabase::SetOwnCardL() - Sets an existing contact item to be the database's current own card.
  • CContactDatabase::SetPrefTemplateL() - Sets the database's preferred template.
  • CContactDatabase::SetSortedItemsList() - This method allows clients of contacts model to set the sorted item list and sort order from a default sort order server as proposed for Crystal 6.0.
  • CContactDatabase::SetTextDefinitionL() - Sets the text definition.
  • CContactDatabase::SetViewDefinitionL() - Sets the default view definition.
  • CContactDatabase::SortArrayL() - Sorts an array of contact IDs.
  • CContactDatabase::SortArrayLC() - Sorts an array of contact IDs.
  • CContactDatabase::SortAsyncL()  aSortOrder is owned by the idle sorter.
  • CContactDatabase::SortAsyncL()  aSortOrder is owned by the idle sorter.
  • CContactDatabase::SortByTypeL() - Sorts the database using the view type value set by SetDbViewContactType().
  • CContactDatabase::SortedItemsL() - Returns a pointer to the array of contact items which have been sorted by either SortByTypeL() or SortL().
  • CContactDatabase::SortL() - Sorts the database.
  • CContactDatabase::SortOrder() - Gets the array of sort preferences.
  • CContactDatabase::StoreSortOrderL() - This function is not currently supported.
  • CContactDatabase::TemplateContentType() - Gets the content type of the template field which a specified field maps onto.
  • CContactDatabase::TemplateCount() - Gets the number of contact card templates that exist in the database.
  • CContactDatabase::TemplateId() - Gets the ID of the system template.
  • CContactDatabase::TextDefinition() - Gets a pointer to the text definition.
  • CContactDatabase::Version() - Gets the contact model's version number.
  • CContactDatabase::WastedSpaceInBytes() - Gets the amount of wasted space in the database in bytes.
  • CContactDatabase::~CContactDatabase() - Frees all resources owned by the contact database, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactDatabase::TSortPref - Specifies the field type and order preferences used for sorting items in the contacts database.
  • CContactDatabase::TSortPref::ExternalizeL() - Store this TSortPref object in the given stream.
  • CContactDatabase::TSortPref::InternalizeL() - Initialise this TSortPref object from the given stream.
  • CContactDatabase::TSortPref::TSortPref()  Constructs a TSortPref object.
  • CContactDatabase::TSortPref::TSortPref()  Constructs the TSortPref object with a field type and an order.

  • CContactDateField - Provides access to the date/time value stored in a contact item field.
  • CContactDateField::CContactFieldStorage_Reserved1().
  • CContactDateField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the field data.
  • CContactDateField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the field data.
  • CContactDateField::IsFull() - Tests whether the field storage contains data.
  • CContactDateField::RestoreL() - Restores the field data.
  • CContactDateField::SetTime()  Sets the date/time stored in the field from a TTime value.
  • CContactDateField::SetTime()  Sets the date/time stored in the field from a TDateTime value.
  • CContactDateField::StoreL() - Stores the field data.
  • CContactDateField::Time() - Gets the date/time stored in the field as a TTime value.

  • CContactFieldStorage - Abstract base class for the different types of contact field data storage.
  • CContactFieldStorage::CContactFieldStorage_Reserved1().
  • CContactFieldStorage::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the field data.
  • CContactFieldStorage::InternalizeL() - Internalises the field data.
  • CContactFieldStorage::IsFull() - Tests whether the field storage contains data.
  • CContactFieldStorage::RestoreL() - Restores the field data.
  • CContactFieldStorage::StoreL() - Stores the field data.

  • CContactFilteredView - Provides a filtered view over an existing CContactViewBase derived object.
  • CContactFilteredView::AllFieldsLC() - Returns a descriptor containing the contents of all fields for an item in the view.
  • CContactFilteredView::AtL() - Gets the contact item ID at the specified index into the filtered view.
  • CContactFilteredView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against addition of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactFilteredView::ContactAtL() - Gets the contact item at the specified index into the view.
  • CContactFilteredView::ContactsMatchingCriteriaL() - Searches all contact items in the filtered view for fields that contain all of the search strings specified.
  • CContactFilteredView::ContactsMatchingPrefixL() - Searches all contact items in the filtered view for fields that contain all of the search strings specified.
  • CContactFilteredView::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the underlying view's view preferences.
  • CContactFilteredView::CountL() - Gets the number of contact item IDs in the filtered view.
  • CContactFilteredView::FindL() - Finds the index into the filtered view of the specified contact item.
  • CContactFilteredView::HandleContactViewEvent() - Handles an event in an observed contact view.
  • CContactFilteredView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CContactFilteredView version 1 object.
  • CContactFilteredView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CContactFilteredView version 2 object.
  • CContactFilteredView::SortOrderL() - Gets the underlying view's sort order.

  • CContactFindView - Provides a view of an existing CContactViewBase-derived object, populated using search criteria.
  • CContactFindView::AllFieldsLC() - Returns a descriptor containing the contents of all fields in an item in the view.
  • CContactFindView::AtL() - Gets the contact item ID at the specified index into the find view.
  • CContactFindView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactFindView::ContactAtL() - Gets the contact item at the specified index into the view.
  • CContactFindView::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the underlying view's view preferences.
  • CContactFindView::CountL() - Gets the number of contact item IDs in the find view.
  • CContactFindView::FindL() - Finds the index into the array of the specified contact item.
  • CContactFindView::HandleContactViewEvent() - Handles an event in an observed contact view.
  • CContactFindView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactFindView version 1 object, using a default search type of CContactViewBase::EFullSearch.
  • CContactFindView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactFindView version 1 object, specifying a search type.
  • CContactFindView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactFindView version 2 object, using a default search type of CContactViewBase::EFullSearch.
  • CContactFindView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactFindView version 2 object, specifying a search type.
  • CContactFindView::RefineFindViewL() - Refines the search criteria and updates the find view.
  • CContactFindView::SortOrderL() - Gets the underlying view's sort order.
  • CContactFindView::UpdateFindViewL() - Populates the view.

  • CContactGroup - A contact group.
  • CContactGroup::ContainsItem() - Tests whether a contact item is a member of the group.
  • CContactGroup::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a CContactGroup object to a write stream.
  • CContactGroup::GetGroupLabelL() - Gets the group label.
  • CContactGroup::GroupsJoinedLC() - Returns a pointer to a list of contact groups to which the current group belongs (a contact group can belong to other groups).
  • CContactGroup::HasItemLabelField() - Tests whether the group has a label field (of type KUidContactFieldTemplateLabel).
  • CContactGroup::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CContactGroup object from a read stream.
  • CContactGroup::IsSystem() - Tests the value of the group's system attribute.
  • CContactGroup::ItemsContained() - Returns a constant pointer to the group's list of members.
  • CContactGroup::ItemsContainedLC() - Returns a pointer to a copy of the group's list of members.
  • CContactGroup::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new default contact card group.
  • CContactGroup::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new default contact card group.
  • CContactGroup::SetGroupLabelL() - Sets the group label, replacing any existing one.
  • CContactGroup::SetSystem() - Sets the value of the group's system attribute.
  • CContactGroup::Type() - Implements CContactItem::Type().
  • CContactGroup::~CContactGroup() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the contact group, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactGroupView - Provides a view of a group of contact items.
  • CContactGroupView::AllFieldsLC() - Gets a descriptor containing the contents of all fields in an item in the view.
  • CContactGroupView::AtL() - Gets the contact item ID at the specified view index.
  • CContactGroupView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against addition of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactGroupView::ContactAtL() - Gets the contact item at the specified view index.
  • CContactGroupView::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the underlying view's view preferences.
  • CContactGroupView::CountL() - Gets the number of contact item IDs in the group view.
  • CContactGroupView::FindL() - Finds the index into the group view of the specified contact item.
  • CContactGroupView::HandleContactViewEvent() - Handles an event in an observed contact view.
  • CContactGroupView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CContactGroupView version 1 object, identifying the group by its ID.
  • CContactGroupView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CContactGroupView version 1 object, identifying the group by its label.
  • CContactGroupView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CContactGroupView version 2 object, identifying the group by its ID.
  • CContactGroupView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CContactGroupView version 2 object, identifying the group by its label.
  • CContactGroupView::SortOrderL() - Gets the underlying view's sort order.
  • CContactGroupView::UpdateGroupViewL() - Populates the group view.

  • CContactICCEntry - A contact ICC entry.
  • CContactICCEntry::Type() - Implements CContactItem::Type().
  • CContactICCEntry::~CContactICCEntry() - Empty destructor.

  • CContactIdArray - Array of contact item IDs (TContactItemIds).
  • CContactIdArray::AddL() - Appends a contact ID to the array.
  • CContactIdArray::Count() - Gets the number of contact IDs in the array.
  • CContactIdArray::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a CContactIdArray object to a write stream.
  • CContactIdArray::Find() - Finds the index of the specified contact ID within the array.
  • CContactIdArray::InsertL() - Inserts a contact ID into the array.
  • CContactIdArray::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CContactIdArray object from a read stream.
  • CContactIdArray::MoveL() - Moves a contact ID within the array.
  • CContactIdArray::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new contact ID array.
  • CContactIdArray::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new contact ID array and then copies the contents of aArray into it.
  • CContactIdArray::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new contact ID array.
  • CContactIdArray::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new contact ID array and then copies the contents of aArray into it.
  • CContactIdArray::operator[]()  Gets the indexed TContactItemId.
  • CContactIdArray::operator[]()  Gets the indexed TContactItemId.
  • CContactIdArray::Remove()  Removes the indexed contact ID from the array.
  • CContactIdArray::Remove()  Removes a block of contact IDs from the array.
  • CContactIdArray::Reset() - Removes all contact IDs from the array.
  • CContactIdArray::ReverseOrder() - Reverses the order of the whole array.
  • CContactIdArray::~CContactIdArray() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the array, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactItem - The abstract base class for contact cards, templates and groups.
  • CContactItem::AccessCount() - Gets the contact item's access count.
  • CContactItem::AddFieldL() - Appends a field to the contact item's field set.
  • CContactItem::CardFields() - Gets a reference to the contact item's field set.
  • CContactItem::DecAccessCount() - Decrements the contact item's access count.
  • CContactItem::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a CContactItem object to a write stream.
  • CContactItem::Guid() - Accessor function for Contact Guid.
  • CContactItem::Id() - Gets the contact item's ID.
  • CContactItem::IncAccessCount() - Increments the contact item's access count.
  • CContactItem::InsertFieldL() - Inserts a field into the contact item's field set.
  • CContactItem::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CContactItem object from a read stream.
  • CContactItem::IsDeletable() - Tests whether the contact item is deletable.
  • CContactItem::IsDeleted() - Gets the value of the Is deleted attribute as set by SetDeleted().
  • CContactItem::IsHidden() - Gets the value of the contact item's hidden attribute.
  • CContactItem::IsSystem() - Gets the value of the contact item's system attribute.
  • CContactItem::LastModified() - Gets the contact item's last modified date/time.
  • CContactItem::RemoveField() - Removes a field from the contact item's field set.
  • CContactItem::SetDeleted() - Sets the value of the contact item's Is deleted attribute.
  • CContactItem::SetHidden() - Sets the contact item's hidden attribute.
  • CContactItem::SetLastModified() - Sets the last modified date/time value stored in the local copy of the contact item.
  • CContactItem::SetSystem() - Sets the contact item's system attribute.
  • CContactItem::SetTemplateRefId() - Sets the ID of the template on which this contact item is based.
  • CContactItem::SetUidStringL() - Sets the item's UID string.
  • CContactItem::TemplateRefId() - Gets the ID of the template which was used to create this contact item.
  • CContactItem::Type() - Gets the contact item's type.
  • CContactItem::UidStringL() - Returns a descriptor which contains the item's UID string.
  • CContactItem::UpdateFieldSet() - Replaces the contact item's field set.
  • CContactItem::~CContactItem() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the contact item, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactItemField - A field in a contact item.
  • CContactItemField::AddFieldTypeL() - Appends a field type to the field's content type.
  • CContactItemField::AgentStorage() - Gets a pointer to the field's storage as a CContactAgentField.
  • CContactItemField::ContentType() - Gets the field's content type.
  • CContactItemField::DateTimeStorage() - Returns a pointer to the field's storage as a CContactDateField.
  • CContactItemField::DoSynchronize() - Gets the value of the field's synchronise attribute.
  • CContactItemField::HasExtraStream() - Tests whether the field needs an extra stream to store information not contained in the template.
  • CContactItemField::Id() - Gets the field ID.
  • CContactItemField::IsCustomFilterable() - Tests the value of the user defined filter attribute.
  • CContactItemField::IsDeleted() - Gets the value of the field's deleted attribute.
  • CContactItemField::IsDisabled() - Gets the value of the field's disabled attribute.
  • CContactItemField::IsHidden() - Gets the value of the field's hidden attribute.
  • CContactItemField::IsPrivate() - Tests whether the field's private attribute is set.
  • CContactItemField::IsReadOnly() - Gets the value of the field's read only attribute.
  • CContactItemField::IsSpeedDial() - Tests whether the field is a speed dial field.
  • CContactItemField::IsTemplate() - Tests whether the field is in a template, as set by SetTemplateField().
  • CContactItemField::IsTemplateLabelField() - Tests whether the field is a template label field (a field which holds the label for a contact card template: see class CContactCardTemplate).
  • CContactItemField::IsValidLabel() - Tests whether a field label is valid.
  • CContactItemField::Label() - Gets the field's label.
  • CContactItemField::LabelUnspecified() - Tests whether the field's label has been set, either by a call to SetLabel() or by inheriting a label specified in the template.
  • CContactItemField::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field with a storage type.
  • CContactItemField::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field with a storage type and a field type.
  • CContactItemField::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field based on another one.
  • CContactItemField::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field with a content type and a storage type.
  • CContactItemField::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new default contact item field.
  • CContactItemField::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field with a storage type.
  • CContactItemField::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field with a storage type and a field type.
  • CContactItemField::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field based on another one.
  • CContactItemField::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a contact item field with a content type and a storage type.
  • CContactItemField::OverRidesLabel() - Tests whether the field's label (as set by SetLabel()) overrides the label specified in the field's template.
  • CContactItemField::RemoveFieldType() - Removes a field type from the field's content type.
  • CContactItemField::ResetStore() - Resets the field storage.
  • CContactItemField::RestoreHeaderL().
  • CContactItemField::SetDisabled() - Sets the value of the disabled attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetHidden() - Sets the value of the hidden attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetHintType().
  • CContactItemField::SetId() - Sets the ID which uniquely identifies a field within a field set...
  • CContactItemField::SetLabel() - Sets the field label.
  • CContactItemField::SetLabelL() - Sets the field label.
  • CContactItemField::SetMapping() - Sets the vCard mapping for the field's content type.
  • CContactItemField::SetPrivate() - Sets the value of the field's private attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetReadOnly() - Sets the value of the field's read only attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetSpeedDial() - Sets the value of the field's speed dial attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetSynchronize() - Sets the value of the field's synchronise attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetTemplateField() - Sets whether the field is a template field.
  • CContactItemField::SetUserAddedField() - Sets the user added field attribute.
  • CContactItemField::SetUserFlags() - Sets the value of the user flags.
  • CContactItemField::Storage() - Gets a pointer to the field's base storage.
  • CContactItemField::StorageType() - Gets the field's storage type.
  • CContactItemField::StoreStorage() - Gets a pointer to the field's storage as a CContactStoreField.
  • CContactItemField::TextStorage() - Gets a pointer to the field's storage as a CContactTextField.
  • CContactItemField::UserAddedField() - Gets the value of the user added field attribute.
  • CContactItemField::UserFlags() - Gets the value of the user flags, as set by SetUserFlags().
  • CContactItemField::UsesTemplateTypes() - Tests whether or not the field's content type is based on a template.
  • CContactItemField::~CContactItemField() - Frees all resources owned by the field (the label, the stored data and the content type), prior to its destruction.

  • CContactItemFieldDef - A field definition.
  • CContactItemFieldDef::CContactItemFieldDef() - Constructs the CContactItemFieldDef object, with an array granularity of 8.

  • CContactItemFieldSet - A contact item's field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::AddL() - Appends a field to the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::Count() - Gets the number of fields in the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::Find()  Finds the first field in the field set with the specified field type.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::Find()  Finds the first field in the field set containing both the content type mapping and the field type specified.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::FindNext()  Finds the next field in the field set with the specified field type.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::FindNext()  Finds the next field in the field set containing both the content type mapping and the field type specified.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::InsertL() - Inserts a field into the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::Move() - Changes a field's position within the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::operator[]()  Gets the field located at a specified position in the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::operator[]()  Gets the field located at a specified position in the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::Remove() - Removes a field from the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::Reset() - Deletes all fields in the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::UpdateFieldL() - Updates a field in the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::UpdateFieldSyncL() - Updates a field in the field set.
  • CContactItemFieldSet::~CContactItemFieldSet() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the field set, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactItemPlusGroup - Abstract base class for CContactGroup, CContactCard and CContactOwnCard.
  • CContactItemPlusGroup::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a CContactItemPlusGroup object to a write stream.
  • CContactItemPlusGroup::GroupsJoined() - Returns a pointer to a list of contact item IDs which identify the groups to which the derived class object belongs.
  • CContactItemPlusGroup::GroupsJoinedLC() - Returns a pointer to a list of contact item IDs which identify the groups to which the derived class object belongs.
  • CContactItemPlusGroup::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CContactItemPlusGroup object from a read stream.
  • CContactItemPlusGroup::~CContactItemPlusGroup() - Frees the array of group IDs to which the derived class object belongs.

  • CContactItemViewDef - A view definition for a contact item.
  • CContactItemViewDef::AddL() - Appends a field type to the view definition's array of field types.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Contains() - Tests whether a contact item complies with the view definition.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Count() - Gets the number of field types in the view definition.
  • CContactItemViewDef::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the item view definition to a write stream.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Find()  Searches the view definition for any field type contained in the specified content type.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Find()  Searches the view definition for the specified field type.
  • CContactItemViewDef::InternalizeL() - Internalises the item view definition from a read stream.
  • CContactItemViewDef::MatchesAll() - Tests whether the view definition contains a field type with the value KUidContactFieldMatchAll.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Mode() - Gets the view definition's mode.
  • CContactItemViewDef::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CContactItemViewDef, with a use and a mode.
  • CContactItemViewDef::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CContactItemViewDef, specifying a use and a mode, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CContactItemViewDef::operator[]() - Gets the field type located at a specified index position within the field type array.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Remove()  Removes a field type, identified by its UID.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Remove()  Removes a field type, identified by its index into the array of field types.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Reset() - Deletes all field types from the view definition's field type array.
  • CContactItemViewDef::SetMode() - Sets the view definition's mode.
  • CContactItemViewDef::SetUse() - Sets the view definition's use.
  • CContactItemViewDef::Use() - Gets the view definition's use.

  • CContactLocalView - An instantiable base class for contact views.
  • CContactLocalView::AllFieldsLC() - Gets a descriptor containing the contents of all fields specified in the view's sort order for an item in the view.
  • CContactLocalView::AtL() - Returns the ID of the contact item at a specified index into the view.
  • CContactLocalView::CContactLocalView() - Protected C++ constructor.
  • CContactLocalView::CContactLocalView_Reserved_1().
  • CContactLocalView::CContactLocalView_Reserved_2().
  • CContactLocalView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against addition of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactLocalView::ConstructL() - Protected second phase constructor.
  • CContactLocalView::ContactAtL() - Returns the contact item at a specified index into the view.
  • CContactLocalView::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the view preferences, as set during construction.
  • CContactLocalView::CountL() - Gets the total number of contact items in the view.
  • CContactLocalView::FindL() - Searches for a contact item in the view with the specified ID.
  • CContactLocalView::HandleDatabaseEventL() - Tests the contact database observer event type and handles it.
  • CContactLocalView::InsertL() - Inserts a contact item into the view, maintaining the view's sort order.
  • CContactLocalView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs the local view object.
  • CContactLocalView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs the local view object.
  • CContactLocalView::RemoveL() - Removes a contact item from the view.
  • CContactLocalView::SortL() - Sorts the view using the specified sort order, using a low priority idle time active object.
  • CContactLocalView::SortOrder() - Gets the sort order, as set during construction.
  • CContactLocalView::SortOrderL() - Gets the sort order, as set during construction.
  • CContactLocalView::~CContactLocalView() - Destructor.

  • CContactNamedRemoteView - A named remote contact view.
  • CContactNamedRemoteView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactNamedRemoteView::ChangeSortOrderL() - Re-sorts the server side view using the specified sort order.
  • CContactNamedRemoteView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a named remote contact view object.
  • CContactNamedRemoteView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a named remote contact view object.

  • CContactOpenOperation - A class that manages the asynchronous open operation for a CContactDatabase.
  • CContactOpenOperation::DoCancel() - For BC only, CActive is not used here.
  • CContactOpenOperation::RunError() - For BC only, CActive is not used here.
  • CContactOpenOperation::RunL() - For BC only, CActive is not used here.
  • CContactOpenOperation::TakeDatabase() - Takes ownership of the contact database.
  • CContactOpenOperation::~CContactOpenOperation() - Deletes the active object.

  • CContactOwnCard - Own card.
  • CContactOwnCard::GroupsJoinedLC() - Returns a pointer to a list of contact item IDs which identify the groups to which the current own card belongs.
  • CContactOwnCard::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new own card.
  • CContactOwnCard::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new own card whose field set is seeded from a template.
  • CContactOwnCard::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new own card.
  • CContactOwnCard::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new own card whose field set is seeded from a template.
  • CContactOwnCard::Type() - Implements CContactItem::Type().
  • CContactOwnCard::~CContactOwnCard() - Frees all resources owned by the own card, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactRemoteView - An instantiable remote contact view class.
  • CContactRemoteView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactRemoteView::GetSortOrderL() - Gets the server side view's sort order, as set in the NewL() function.
  • CContactRemoteView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a remote contact view object.
  • CContactRemoteView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a remote contact view object.

  • CContactStoreField - Provides access to the binary field data stored in an 8-bit descriptor.
  • CContactStoreField::CContactFieldStorage_Reserved1().
  • CContactStoreField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the field data.
  • CContactStoreField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the field data.
  • CContactStoreField::IsFull() - Tests whether the field storage contains data.
  • CContactStoreField::RestoreL() - Restores the field data.
  • CContactStoreField::SetThingL()  Sets the field data from an 8-bit descriptor.
  • CContactStoreField::SetThingL()  Sets the field data from an 8-bit heap descriptor.
  • CContactStoreField::SetThingL()  Sets the field data from a buffer.
  • CContactStoreField::StoreL() - Stores the field data.
  • CContactStoreField::Thing() - Gets a pointer to the binary data stored in the field.

  • CContactSubView - Provides a view of a range of contact items from a potentially larger underlying view (another CContactViewBase-derived object).
  • CContactSubView::AllFieldsLC() - Returns a descriptor containing the contents of all fields for an item in the sub view.
  • CContactSubView::AtL() - Gets the contact item ID at the specified index into the sub view.
  • CContactSubView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactSubView::ContactAtL() - Gets the contact item at the specified index into the sub view.
  • CContactSubView::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the underlying view's view preferences.
  • CContactSubView::CountL() - Gets the number of contact item IDs in the sub view.
  • CContactSubView::FindL() - Finds the index into the sub view of the specified contact item.
  • CContactSubView::HandleContactViewEvent() - Handles an event in an observed contact view.
  • CContactSubView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactSubView version 1 object, specifying the sub view's criteria.
  • CContactSubView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactSubView version 1 object, specifying the sub view's upper and lower boundary criteria.
  • CContactSubView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactSubView version 2 object, specifying the sub view's criteria.
  • CContactSubView::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContactSubView version 2 object, specifying the sub view's upper and lower boundary criteria.
  • CContactSubView::SortOrderL() - Gets the underlying view's sort order.

  • CContactTemplate - A contact item template.
  • CContactTemplate::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new default system template.
  • CContactTemplate::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new system template seeded from another one.
  • CContactTemplate::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new default system template.
  • CContactTemplate::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new system template seeded from another one.
  • CContactTemplate::Type() - Implements CContactItem::Type().

  • CContactTextDef - Defines a way of grouping fields to form a string which represents a contact item.
  • CContactTextDef::ExactMatchOnly() - Gets the exact match for contact fields.
  • CContactTextDef::FallbackField() - Gets the fallback field type.
  • CContactTextDef::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new text definition.
  • CContactTextDef::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new text definition.
  • CContactTextDef::SetExactMatchOnly() - Sets the exact match for contact fields.
  • CContactTextDef::SetFallbackField() - Sets the fallback field type.

  • CContactTextField - Provides access to the text stored in a contact item field.
  • CContactTextField::CContactFieldStorage_Reserved1().
  • CContactTextField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the field data.
  • CContactTextField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the field data.
  • CContactTextField::IsFull() - Tests whether the field storage contains data.
  • CContactTextField::RestoreL() - Restores the field data.
  • CContactTextField::SetStandardTextArray() - Converts an array of text strings from plain text into Symbian editable text, appends them to a single descriptor, separating them with the new line character, and sets this as the text which is stored in the field.
  • CContactTextField::SetStandardTextL() - Converts a text string from plain text into Symbian editable text, and sets this as the text which is stored in the field.
  • CContactTextField::SetText() - Sets the field text.
  • CContactTextField::SetTextArray() - Sets the field text from a descriptor array.
  • CContactTextField::SetTextL() - Sets the field text.
  • CContactTextField::StandardTextLC() - Converts a copy of the text stored in the field from Symbian editable text format into plain text and returns it as a pointer descriptor.
  • CContactTextField::StoreL() - Stores the field data.
  • CContactTextField::Text() - Gets a copy of the text which is stored in the field.
  • CContactTextField::~CContactTextField() - Deletes the text owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CContactVCardConverter - Plug-in vCard to CContactItem converter.
  • CContactVCardConverter::ExportL() - Export a contact as vCard.
  • CContactVCardConverter::ImportL() - Imports one or more vCards from a read stream.

  • CContactViewBase - The abstract base class for all contact view classes.
  • CContactViewBase::AllFieldsLC() - Returns a descriptor containing the contents of all fields for an item in the view.
  • CContactViewBase::AtL() - Returns the contact item ID at the specified index into the view.
  • CContactViewBase::CContactViewBase() - Protected C++ constructor.
  • CContactViewBase::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() - This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against addition of new exported virtual functions.
  • CContactViewBase::Close() - Removes an observer from the view's observer array.
  • CContactViewBase::CompareFieldsL() - Collates two contact items' field contents.
  • CContactViewBase::ConstructL() - Protected second phase constructor.
  • CContactViewBase::ContactAtL() - Returns the contact item at the specified index into the view.
  • CContactViewBase::ContactsMatchingCriteriaL() - Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain all of the search strings specified.
  • CContactViewBase::ContactsMatchingPrefixL() - Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain all of the search strings specified.
  • CContactViewBase::ContactViewPreferences() - Gets the view preferences.
  • CContactViewBase::CountL() - Returns the number of contact items in the view.
  • CContactViewBase::Error() - Gets the recorded error value.
  • CContactViewBase::FieldsWithSeparatorLC() - Allocates and returns a descriptor filled with the contents of all the fields in a contact item.
  • CContactViewBase::FindL() - Returns the index into the view of the specified contact item.
  • CContactViewBase::GetContactIdsL() - Gets an array containing the IDs of the contact items at the specified view indexes.
  • CContactViewBase::GetViewFindConfigPlugin() - Gets the UID of the view's find configuration plug-in, as set by SetViewFindConfigPlugin().
  • CContactViewBase::IdsEqual() - Tests whether the IDs of two contact items are the same.
  • CContactViewBase::IdsMatch() - Tests whether the IDs of two contact items are the same.
  • CContactViewBase::IndexesEqual() - Tests whether the view indexes of two contact items are the same.
  • CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL()  Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.
  • CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL()  Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.
  • CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL()  Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.
  • CContactViewBase::NotifyObserverAsync() - Called to notify a single view observer asynchronously of an event.
  • CContactViewBase::NotifyObservers() - Called by derived view classes to notify their observers synchronously of an event, by calling their HandleContactViewEvent() function.
  • CContactViewBase::Open() - Appends an observer to the view's observer array.
  • CContactViewBase::OpenL() - Appends an observer to the view's observer array.
  • CContactViewBase::SetViewFindConfigPlugin() - Sets the UID of the view's find configuration plug-in to use in calls to ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(), ContactsMatchingPrefixL() and MatchesCriteriaL().
  • CContactViewBase::SortOrderL() - Gets the view's sort order.
  • CContactViewBase::~CContactViewBase() - Destructor.

  • CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction1Params - Holds the two parameters passed to the helper method GetContactIdsL() from the reserved function CContactViewBase_Reserved_1().
  • CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction1Params::TVirtualFunction1Params() - Inline constructor to initialize member data.

  • CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction2Params - Holds the two parameters passed to the method GetContactsMatchingFilterL() from the reserved function CContactViewBase_Reserved_1().
  • CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction2Params::TVirtualFunction2Params() - Inline constructor to initialize member data.

  • CContactViewDef - Specifies a subset of fields to be loaded when reading a contact item.
  • CContactViewDef::AddL() - This function is not implemented.
  • CContactViewDef::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object's item view definition to a write stream.
  • CContactViewDef::Groups() - This function is not implemented.
  • CContactViewDef::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object's item view definition from a read stream.
  • CContactViewDef::ItemDef() - Gets the object's item view definition.
  • CContactViewDef::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a view definition.
  • CContactViewDef::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a view definition.
  • CContactViewDef::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a view definition, leaving it on the cleanup stack.
  • CContactViewDef::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a view definition.
  • CContactViewDef::~CContactViewDef() - Destroys the view definition object and deletes its owned item view definition.

  • CContactViewHighRange - A sub view range with a lower limit only.
  • CContactViewHighRange::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CContactViewHighRange object.
  • CContactViewHighRange::SetL() - Sets the iLow and iHigh members.

  • CContactViewLowRange - A sub view range with an upper limit only.
  • CContactViewLowRange::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CContactViewLowRange object.
  • CContactViewLowRange::SetL() - Sets the iLow and iHigh members.

  • CContactViewRange - A sub view range with both a lower and upper limit.
  • CContactViewRange::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new sub view range.
  • CContactViewRange::SetL() - Sets the iLow and iHigh members.

  • CContactViewRangeBase - The abstract base class for all contact view range classes.
  • CContactViewRangeBase::HighIndex() - Gets the index into the sub view's underlying view of the item at the top of the range.
  • CContactViewRangeBase::IndicesValid() - Tests whether the lower and upper indexes are valid, i.e.
  • CContactViewRangeBase::LowIndex() - Gets the index into the sub view's underlying view of the item at the bottom of the range.
  • CContactViewRangeBase::SetL() - Sets the iLow and iHigh members.

  • CContentType - The content type for a contact item field.
  • CContentType::AddFieldTypeL() - Appends a field type to the content type's list of field types.
  • CContentType::ContainsFieldType() - Tests whether the content type object contains the specified field type UID either as the mapping value or in its list of field types.
  • CContentType::FieldType() - Gets the indexed field type.
  • CContentType::FieldTypeCount() - Gets the number of field types in the content type's list of field types.
  • CContentType::IsEqual() - Compares two content type objects for equality.
  • CContentType::IsEqualForSyncUpdate() - Tests whether the content types are suitable to match for synchronisation purpose.
  • CContentType::Mapping() - Gets the vCard mapping.
  • CContentType::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new default CContentType.
  • CContentType::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContentType with a single field type and a mapping.
  • CContentType::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CContentType based on another one.
  • CContentType::operator==() - Compares two content type objects for equality.
  • CContentType::RemoveFieldType() - Removes a field type from the list of field types.
  • CContentType::SetMapping() - Sets the vCard mapping.
  • CContentType::SupportsMultipleLines() - Tests whether the content type supports multiple lines of text.
  • CContentType::~CContentType() - Frees all resources owned by the content type object, prior to its destruction.

  • CConverterBase - For Ecom Style Converters i.e.,for v9.1 and above CConverterBase2 should be used.
  • CConverterBase::CancelConvert() - Cleans up a conversion that has been prepared or is in progress.
  • CConverterBase::Capabilities() - Gets the converter's capabilities.
  • CConverterBase::ConvertAL() - Prepares for conversion in multiple steps of a file.
  • CConverterBase::ConvertL() - Converts a file in a single step.
  • CConverterBase::ConvertObjectAL() - Prepares for conversion in multiple steps of a stream object.
  • CConverterBase::ConvertObjectL() - Converts a stream object in a single step.
  • CConverterBase::DoConvertL() - Performs a step in converting the data.
  • CConverterBase::EmbeddedObjectL() - Gets a converter for an embedded object of the specified type.
  • CConverterBase::ExtendedInterfaceL() - Allows licensees to extend the Converter Architecture API.
  • CConverterBase::GetEmbeddedFileName() - Gets a filename embedded in the object.
  • CConverterBase::Uid() - Gets the converter's UID.

  • CConverterBase2 - Base Class for Ecom Style Converters The methods in CConverterBase2 are inherited from CConverterBase.
  • CConverterBase2::CancelConvert() - Cleans up a conversion that has been prepared or is in progress.
  • CConverterBase2::Capabilities() - Gets the converter's capabilities.
  • CConverterBase2::ConvertAL() - Prepares for conversion in multiple steps of a file.
  • CConverterBase2::ConvertL() - Converts a file in a single step.
  • CConverterBase2::ConvertObjectAL() - Prepares for conversion in multiple steps of a stream object.
  • CConverterBase2::ConvertObjectL() - Converts a stream object in a single step.
  • CConverterBase2::DoConvertL() - Performs a step in converting the data.
  • CConverterBase2::EmbeddedObjectL() - Gets a converter for an embedded object of the specified type.
  • CConverterBase2::ExtendedInterfaceL() - Allows licensees to extend the Converter Architecture API.
  • CConverterBase2::GetEmbeddedFileName() - Gets a filename embedded in the object.
  • CConverterBase2::Reserved_1().
  • CConverterBase2::Reserved_2().
  • CConverterBase2::Uid() - Gets the converter's UID.
  • CConverterBase2::~CConverterBase2().

  • CConverterLibrary - A converter DLL's factory for individual CConverterBase-derived objects.
  • CConverterLibrary::Converter() - Creates and returns an instance of the converter with the specified UID.

  • CDTDModel - Creates a tree that represents a specified DTD.
  • CDTDModel::BuildWml11DTDL() - Builds a parser tree for the WML1.1 DTD.
  • CDTDModel::CDTDModel().
  • CDTDModel::EndConditional().
  • CDTDModel::GeneratedTree() - Gets the root node of the tree generated to process the DTD.
  • CDTDModel::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new BNF parser.
  • CDTDModel::ResetL() - Reset the parser to a state where it can accept and parse new input.
  • CDTDModel::StartConditional().
  • CDTDModel::TreeL() - Creates a BNF rule tree to parse the input stream.
  • CDTDModel::~CDTDModel().

  • CDTDModel::CDTDElementAttribute - Represents an attribute of a DTD element.
  • CDTDModel::CDTDElementAttribute::~CDTDElementAttribute() - Destructor.

  • CDTDNode - Document Type Definition (DTD) node that forms part of a DTD tree.
  • CDTDNode::AddCompletedAttributeL() - Adds the completed attribute to the node.
  • CDTDNode::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new parentless node.
  • CDTDNode::~CDTDNode() - Destructor.

  • CDaActiveIncremental - Encapsulates a data model incremental operation in an active object.
  • CDaActiveIncremental::DoCancel() - Performs operation cancellation.
  • CDaActiveIncremental::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new incremental operation active object.
  • CDaActiveIncremental::RunL() - Performs a step in the operation, and reactivates the object if the operation is not complete.
  • CDaActiveIncremental::Start() - Starts the operation.
  • CDaActiveIncremental::~CDaActiveIncremental() - Destructor.

  • CDaDbIncremental - Provides data model database incremental operations.
  • CDaDbIncremental::CDaDbIncremental() - Constructor.
  • CDaDbIncremental::CloseL() - Terminates the operation.
  • CDaDbIncremental::Next() - Does the next step in the incremental operation.

  • CDaExporter - Exports a data application model to a text format.
  • CDaExporter::CloseL() - Terminates the export operation.
  • CDaExporter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new data application model exporter.
  • CDaExporter::Next() - Does the next step in the export operation.
  • CDaExporter::~CDaExporter() - Destructor.

  • CDaFileDelimitedImporter - Imports a text file with a specified record delimiter into a data application model.
  • CDaFileDelimitedImporter::DoNext() - Implements an incremental step in data importation.
  • CDaFileDelimitedImporter::~CDaFileDelimitedImporter() - Destructor.

  • CDaFileImporter - Base class for classes that import a file into a data application model.
  • CDaFileImporter::CDaFileImporter() - Constructor.
  • CDaFileImporter::CloseL() - Closes the database.
  • CDaFileImporter::DoNext() - Implements an incremental step in data importation.
  • CDaFileImporter::HandleCancel() - Utility function to handle a cancel event occurring in data importation.
  • CDaFileImporter::HandleLeave() - Utility function to handle a leave occurring in data importation.
  • CDaFileImporter::ImportL() - Begins the data importation.
  • CDaFileImporter::Next() - Interface to performing an incremental step in data importation.
  • CDaFileImporter::OpenL() - Opens the database to which to import.
  • CDaFileImporter::~CDaFileImporter() - Destructor.

  • CDaFileSeparatedImporter - Imports a text file into a data application model with specified column and record separators.
  • CDaFileSeparatedImporter::DoNext() - Implements an incremental step in data importation.
  • CDaFileSeparatedImporter::~CDaFileSeparatedImporter() - Destructor.

  • CDaIncremental - CBase-based class for classes that implement data model incremental operations.
  • CDaIncremental::CDaIncremental() - Constructor.
  • CDaIncremental::DoCancel().
  • CDaIncremental::HandleCancel() - Handles the operation being cancelled.
  • CDaIncremental::HandleLeave() - Handles leave conditions in operation steps.
  • CDaIncremental::Initialize() - Initialises the object with the number of remaining steps in the operation.
  • CDaIncremental::SetActiveIncremental() - Sets the active object using this interface.
  • CDaIncremental::SetObserver() - Sets the operation observer.
  • CDaIncremental::TerminationState() - Gets the operation's terminal state.

  • CDaModel - Database application engine.
  • CDaModel::AlterTable() - Changes the structure of a specified table in the database to the specified column set.
  • CDaModel::AtRow() - Gets the current row in the view.
  • CDaModel::Attach() - Sets a database application engine observer.
  • CDaModel::BuildViewL()  Builds a database view asynchronously from the specified search string.
  • CDaModel::BuildViewL()  Builds a database view asynchronously from the last requested find string.
  • CDaModel::BuildViewSyncL()  Builds a database view synchronously from the last requested find string.
  • CDaModel::BuildViewSyncL()  Builds a database view synchronously from the specified search string.
  • CDaModel::CloseDatabase() - Closes the object's store database if one is open.
  • CDaModel::CloseView() - Closes the open database view and destroys the associated column set.
  • CDaModel::ColSet() - Gets the column definition set for the view.
  • CDaModel::CreateDatabaseL()  Creates a new database with a specified column set.
  • CDaModel::CreateDatabaseL()  Creates and opens a new database with a specified column set.
  • CDaModel::CreateIndex() - Creates a new index with the specified key.
  • CDaModel::CurrentRow() - Gets the stored current row variable (settable with SetCurrentRow()).
  • CDaModel::Database() - Gets the current database.
  • CDaModel::DbRecordCount() - Gets the stored record count variable (settable with SetDbRecordCountL()).
  • CDaModel::DbStreamId() - Gets the ID of the stream in the store holding the database.
  • CDaModel::DefaultIndexName() - Gets the default index name.
  • CDaModel::DeleteRowL() - Deletes the current row.
  • CDaModel::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the engine setttings to a stream.
  • CDaModel::FirstL() - Moves to the first row in the view.
  • CDaModel::GetL() - Gets the current row data for access using the view's column extractor functions.
  • CDaModel::GoToBookmarkL() - ! Only one view is active at any one time.
  • CDaModel::HandleFirstFindL() - Called by the SQL statement evaluator on finding the first result.
  • CDaModel::HasOpenDatabase() - Tests if the object has an open database.
  • CDaModel::HasRDbView() - Tests if a valid view is set.
  • CDaModel::HowManySteps() - Initiates an incremental table alteration operation on a database.
  • CDaModel::InternalizeL() - Internalises the engine setttings from a stream.
  • CDaModel::IsValid() - Tests if a valid position in a valid view is set.
  • CDaModel::LastL() - Moves to the last row in the view.
  • CDaModel::MoveToRowL() - Moves to a specified row in the view.
  • CDaModel::NewDatabaseL() - Creates and opens a new store database for the object.
  • CDaModel::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new database application engine.
  • CDaModel::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new database application engine, initialising it from a store holding a store database.
  • CDaModel::NextL() - Moves to the next row in the view.
  • CDaModel::Observer() - Gets the database observer set through Attach().
  • CDaModel::OpenDatabaseL()  Opens an existing store database.
  • CDaModel::OpenDatabaseL()  Opens and returns an existing store database.
  • CDaModel::Panic() - Produces a "DaModel" category panic.
  • CDaModel::PreviousL() - Moves to the previous row in the view.
  • CDaModel::PutL() - Completes the insertion of a row.
  • CDaModel::RecordStatsWin() - Gets the database observer set through SetRecordStatsWin().
  • CDaModel::RowPosState()  Gets the result of the last row traversal operation.
  • CDaModel::RowPosState()  Sets the result of the last row traversal operation.
  • CDaModel::RowSetCount() - Gets the stored row set count variable (settable with SetRowSetCountL()).
  • CDaModel::SetCurrentRow() - Sets the stored current row variable.
  • CDaModel::SetDbColNo() - Sets the column number fields.
  • CDaModel::SetDbRecordCountL() - Sets the database record count variable to the number of rows in the current view.
  • CDaModel::SetRecordStatsWin() - Sets the statistics window database engine observer.
  • CDaModel::SetRowSetCountL() - Sets the database row set count variable to the number of rows in the current view.
  • CDaModel::SetYesNoArray() - Sets the yes/no string array.
  • CDaModel::SqlParams() - Gets the SQL parameters object.
  • CDaModel::TableDef() - Gets the column definition set for the database table.
  • CDaModel::UndoDeleteRowL() - Undoes the last delete operation.
  • CDaModel::UndoStack() - Gets the object's undo stack.
  • CDaModel::UpdateAllViewsL() - Sends a specified event to the database engine observer.
  • CDaModel::UserDbDesc() - Gets the object's database application helper object.
  • CDaModel::View()  Gets the database view.
  • CDaModel::View()  Gets the database view (const overload).
  • CDaModel::ViewHasRows() - Tests if the view has any rows (i.e.
  • CDaModel::YesNoArray() - Gets the string array set by SetYesNoArray().

  • CDaRow - A row in a data application model.
  • CDaRow::CDaRow() - Constructor.
  • CDaRow::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CDaRow::GetColAsRichTextL() - Gets the contents of a specified column in the row as rich text.
  • CDaRow::GetColAsTextL() - Gets the contents of a specified column in the row.
  • CDaRow::MapColNo() - Converts a user column number to the corresponding column number.
  • CDaRow::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new row.
  • CDaRow::RichText() - Gets the row contents.
  • CDaRow::SetColFromRichTextL() - Sets the contents of a specified column in the row as rich text.
  • CDaRow::SetColFromTextL() - Sets the contents of a specified column in the row.
  • CDaRow::SetPictureFactory() - Sets a picture factory for the row.
  • CDaRow::~CDaRow() - Destructor.

  • CDaStoreReclaim - Provides space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in incremental steps.
  • CDaStoreReclaim::CDaStoreReclaim() - Constructor.
  • CDaStoreReclaim::CloseL() - Terminates the operation.
  • CDaStoreReclaim::Next() - Does the next step in the incremental operation.

  • CDaUndoStack - Allows delete operations on a data application model to be undone.
  • CDaUndoStack::Count() - Gets the number of items on the undo stack.
  • CDaUndoStack::DeleteL() - Deletes the specified column set from the specified view.
  • CDaUndoStack::Reset() - Resets the undo stack.
  • CDaUndoStack::UndoL() - Undoes a delete operation.

  • CDaUserColSet - Defines a set of columns that are suitable for displaying to the application's user.
  • CDaUserColSet::AddL() - Adds a new column.
  • CDaUserColSet::Clear() - Resets the column set.
  • CDaUserColSet::CloneL() - Allocates and constructs a new database application column set as a copy of the current object.
  • CDaUserColSet::Col() - Gets a column by name.
  • CDaUserColSet::ColNo() - Gets the number of a named column.
  • CDaUserColSet::ColNoFromUId() - Gets the column number for a column with the specified UID field.
  • CDaUserColSet::Count() - Gets the number of columns.
  • CDaUserColSet::IncColNo() - Increments the maximum column number.
  • CDaUserColSet::MapToCDbColSetL() - Constructs a new CDbColSet from the user column set.
  • CDaUserColSet::MaxColNo() - Gets the maximum column number.
  • CDaUserColSet::New().
  • CDaUserColSet::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new database application column set.
  • CDaUserColSet::operator[]()  Gets a column by index (const overload).
  • CDaUserColSet::operator[]()  Gets a column by index.
  • CDaUserColSet::Remove() - Removes a specified column.
  • CDaUserColSet::ResizeL() - Changes the number of columns in the set.
  • CDaUserColSet::SetReserveL() - Reserves space for the specified number of columns.
  • CDaUserColSet::~CDaUserColSet() - Destructor.

  • CDaUserDbDesc - Database application engine helper.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::Col()  Gets a column specified by number.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::Col()  Gets a column specified by name.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::ColName() - Gets the column name for a specified column number.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::ColNoFromUId() - Gets a column specified by UID.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::ColSet() - Gets the column set.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::ColumnCount() - Gets the number of columns.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::CopyColSetL() - Sets the column definition set.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::DbColName() - Gets a generated UID column name for a specified column.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::DbColNameFromUId() - Gets a generated UID column name.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::DbColNo() - Gets the user column number of a specified column in a column definition set.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object's settings to a stream.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object's settings from a stream.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new database application engine helper.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new database application engine helper.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::SetDbColNo() - Sets column numbers from a specified column set.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::SetReserveL() - Reserves space for columns to be added in future.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::TableName()  Gets the table name.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::TableName()  Gets the table name (const overload).
  • CDaUserDbDesc::UId()  Gets the UID field for a column specified by number.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::UId()  Gets the UID field for a column specified by name.
  • CDaUserDbDesc::UserColNo() - Gets a column number for a named column.

  • CDataDelete - Provides a wrapper around an HBufC16: the buffer is deleted when the object is deleted.
  • CDataDelete::CDataDelete() - Constructor.
  • CDataDelete::ResetDataPointer() - Sets the buffer that is wrapped.
  • CDataDelete::~CDataDelete() - Destructor.

  • CDataNoDelete - Provides a wrapper around an HBufC16: the buffer is not deleted when the object is deleted.
  • CDataNoDelete::CDataNoDelete() - Constructor.
  • CDataNoDelete::Data() - Gets the wrapped buffer.
  • CDataNoDelete::ResetDataPointer() - Sets the buffer that is wrapped.
  • CDataNoDelete::SetData() - Changes the buffer that is wrapped.
  • CDataNoDelete::~CDataNoDelete() - Destructor.

  • CDataRecognitionResultArray - This class holds the recognition results of a recognized directory.
  • CDataRecognitionResultArray::CDataRecognitionResultArray() - Constructor.
  • CDataRecognitionResultArray::Count() - Returns the number of entries in the CDataRecognitionResultArray.
  • CDataRecognitionResultArray::GetDataRecognitionResultL() - Returns the recognition result of the given index.
  • CDataRecognitionResultArray::GetFileNameL() - Returns the file name of the object at the given index.
  • CDataRecognitionResultArray::Path() - Returns the path of the recognition results.
  • CDataRecognitionResultArray::~CDataRecognitionResultArray() - Destructor.

  • CDateTimeField - A date/time field.
  • CDateTimeField::CDateTimeField() - The default C++ constructor initialises the object's date/time format string to D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3.
  • CDateTimeField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the format string to a write stream.
  • CDateTimeField::FormatString() - Gets the field's date/time format string.
  • CDateTimeField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the format string from a read stream.
  • CDateTimeField::SetFormat() - Sets the date/time format string.
  • CDateTimeField::Type() - Gets the field's type UID.
  • CDateTimeField::Value() - Gets the current local date/time, then formats it according to the field's format string.

  • CDbColSet - Manages a set of column definitions which describe a table or rowset structure.
  • CDbColSet::AddL() - Adds a column to the column set.
  • CDbColSet::CDbColSet() - Constructs an empty column set.
  • CDbColSet::Clear() - Removes all of the columns from the column set.
  • CDbColSet::Col() - Returns a named column definition in the set.
  • CDbColSet::ColNo() - Returns the ordinal for a particular column name in this column set.
  • CDbColSet::Count() - Returns the number of column definitions in the set.
  • CDbColSet::NewL() - Constructs a new empty column set and returns a pointer to it.
  • CDbColSet::NewLC() - Constructs a new empty column set and returns a pointer to it — placing the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDbColSet::operator[]() - Returns a column definition by its ordinal number in the set.
  • CDbColSet::Remove() - Removes the named column from the set.
  • CDbColSet::~CDbColSet() - Frees resources owned by the object.

  • CDbKey - Represents the definition of an index.
  • CDbKey::AddL() - Adds a key column to the end of the key.
  • CDbKey::CDbKey() - Constructs an empty key.
  • CDbKey::Clear() - Resets the key to its initial empty state.
  • CDbKey::Comparison() - Returns the method used to compare Text columns in this key.
  • CDbKey::Count().
  • CDbKey::IsPrimary() - Tests whether the key is the primary key.
  • CDbKey::IsUnique() - Tests whether the key is unique.
  • CDbKey::MakePrimary().
  • CDbKey::MakeUnique() - Makes the key unique.
  • CDbKey::NewL() - Constructs and returns a pointer to a new empty key.
  • CDbKey::NewLC() - Constructs and returns a new empty key and return a pointer to it, leaving a pointer to the key object on the cleanup stack.
  • CDbKey::operator[]() - Returns a key column by its position in the key.
  • CDbKey::Remove() - Removes the named column from the key.
  • CDbKey::SetComparison() - Sets the way in which Text columns are compared for the key.
  • CDbKey::~CDbKey() - Frees resources owned by the object.

  • CDbNames.
  • CDbNames::AddL().
  • CDbNames::Count().
  • CDbNames::operator[]().

  • CDbStrings - CDbStrings encapsulates functionality used for transferring an array of strings from DBMS server to the DBMS client.
  • CDbStrings::Count().
  • CDbStrings::operator[]() - Allows access to "aIndex" element of the controlled strings array.

  • CDelimitedDataBase16 - Dependencies : CBase, TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Provides functionality for creating and editing a delimited data object.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::AddBackDelimiterL() - Adds a delimiter to the back of the data (if it doesn't exist).
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::AddFrontDelimiterL() - Adds a delimiter to the front of the data (if it doesn't exist).
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::CDelimitedDataBase16() - Constructor.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::ConstructL() - Second phase of two-phase construction method.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::InsertCurrentL() - Inserts the new segment in a position before the current parsed segment.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::Parse() - This parses the data into segments from left to right.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::Parser() - Retrieves a const reference to the delimited data parser.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::ParseReverse() - This parses the string into segments from right to left.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::PopBackL() - Removes the last segment from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::PopFrontL() - Removes the first segment from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::PushBackL() - Adds a new segment to the end of the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::PushFrontL() - Adds a new segment to the front of the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::RemoveCurrentL() - Removes the current segment.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::SetDelimiter() - Sets the delimiting character.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::TrimBackDelimiterL() - Removes the back delimiter (if exists) from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::TrimFrontDelimiterL() - Removes the front delimiter (if exists) from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase16::~CDelimitedDataBase16() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedDataBase8 - Dependencies : CBase, TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Provides functionality for creating and editing a delimited data object.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::AddBackDelimiterL() - Adds a delimiter to the back of the data (if it doesn't exist).
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::AddFrontDelimiterL() - Adds a delimiter to the front of the data (if it doesn't exist).
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::CDelimitedDataBase8() - Constructor.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::ConstructL() - Second phase of two-phase construction method.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::InsertCurrentL() - Inserts the new segment in a position before the current parsed segment.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::Parse() - This parses the data into segments from left to right.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::Parser() - Retrieves a const reference to the delimited data parser.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::ParseReverse() - This parses the string into segments from right to left.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::PopBackL() - Removes the last segment from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::PopFrontL() - Removes the first segment from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::PushBackL() - Adds a new segment to the end of the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::PushFrontL() - Adds a new segment to the front of the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::RemoveCurrentL() - Removes the current segment.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::SetDelimiter() - Sets the delimiting character.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::TrimBackDelimiterL() - Removes the back delimiter (if exists) from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::TrimFrontDelimiterL() - Removes the front delimiter (if exists) from the data.
  • CDelimitedDataBase8::~CDelimitedDataBase8() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedPath16 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase16 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path where components of the path delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • CDelimitedPath16::InsertAndEscapeCurrentL() - Escape encodes the segment then inserts the escaped version in a position before the current parsed segment.
  • CDelimitedPath16::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPath16::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPath16::PushAndEscapeBackL() - Escape encodes the segment then inserts the escaped version at the back of the path.
  • CDelimitedPath16::PushAndEscapeFrontL() - Escape encodes the segment then inserts the escaped version at the front of the path.
  • CDelimitedPath16::~CDelimitedPath16() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedPath8 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase8 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path where components of the path delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • CDelimitedPath8::InsertAndEscapeCurrentL() - Escape encodes the segment then inserts the escaped version in a position before the current parsed segment.
  • CDelimitedPath8::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPath8::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPath8::PushAndEscapeBackL() - Escape encodes the segment then inserts the escaped version at the back of the path.
  • CDelimitedPath8::PushAndEscapeFrontL() - Escape encodes the segment then inserts the escaped version at the front of the path.
  • CDelimitedPath8::~CDelimitedPath8() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedPathSegment16 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase16 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path segment where components of the path segment delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment16::InsertAndEscapeCurrentL() - Escape encodes the parameter then inserts the escaped version in a position before the current parsed parameter.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment16::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment16::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment16::PushAndEscapeBackL() - Escape encodes the parameter then inserts the escaped version at the back of the path segment.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment16::PushAndEscapeFrontL() - Escape encodes the parameter then inserts the escaped version at the front of the path segment.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment16::~CDelimitedPathSegment16() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedPathSegment8 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase8 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path segment where components of the path segment delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment8::InsertAndEscapeCurrentL() - Escape encodes the parameter then inserts the escaped version in a position before the current parsed parameter.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment8::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment8::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment8::PushAndEscapeBackL() - Escape encodes the parameter then inserts the escaped version at the front of the path segment.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment8::PushAndEscapeFrontL() - Escape encodes the parameter then inserts the escaped version at the back of the path segment.
  • CDelimitedPathSegment8::~CDelimitedPathSegment8() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedQuery16 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase16 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited query where components of the query delimited by '&' as defined in RFC2396.
  • CDelimitedQuery16::InsertAndEscapeCurrentL() - Escape encodes segment then inserts the escaped version in a position before the current parsed segment.
  • CDelimitedQuery16::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedQuery16::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedQuery16::PushAndEscapeBackL() - Escape encodes segment then inserts the escaped version at the back of the query.
  • CDelimitedQuery16::PushAndEscapeFrontL() - Escape encodes segment then inserts the escaped version at the front of the query.
  • CDelimitedQuery16::~CDelimitedQuery16() - Destructor.

  • CDelimitedQuery8 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase8 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited query where components of the query delimited by '&' as defined in RFC2396.
  • CDelimitedQuery8::InsertAndEscapeCurrentL() - Escape encodes segment then inserts the escaped version in a position before the current parsed segment.
  • CDelimitedQuery8::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedQuery8::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CDelimitedQuery8::PushAndEscapeBackL() - Escape encodes segment then inserts the escaped version at the back of the query.
  • CDelimitedQuery8::PushAndEscapeFrontL() - Escape encodes segment then inserts the escaped version at the front of the query.
  • CDelimitedQuery8::~CDelimitedQuery8() - Destructor.

  • CDeltaTimer - A queue of timed events.
  • CDeltaTimer::NewL()  Creates a new timed event queue with the specified active object priority.
  • CDeltaTimer::NewL()  Creates a new timed event queue with the specified active object priority, and the specified timer granularity.
  • CDeltaTimer::Queue() - Adds a new timed event entry into the timed event queue.
  • CDeltaTimer::QueueLong() - Adds a new timed event entry into the timed event queue.
  • CDeltaTimer::Remove() - Removes the specified timed event entry from the timer queue.

  • CDesC16Array - An implementation base class for 16 bit descriptor arrays.
  • CDesC16Array::AppendL() - Appends a descriptor onto the end of any existing descriptor elements in the array.
  • CDesC16Array::CDesC16Array().
  • CDesC16Array::Delete().
  • CDesC16Array::Delete()  Deletes one or more logically contiguous descriptor elements from the array.
  • CDesC16Array::Find() - Finds the position of a descriptor element within the array which matches the specified descriptor, using a sequential search.
  • CDesC16Array::FindIsq() - Finds the position of a descriptor element within the array which matches the specified descriptor, using a binary search technique.
  • CDesC16Array::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL() - Inserts a descriptor into the array at a position which maintains the sequence of the descriptors; allows duplicates.
  • CDesC16Array::InsertIsqL() - Inserts a descriptor into the array at a position which maintains the sequence of the descriptors.
  • CDesC16Array::InsertL() - Inserts a descriptor into the array at the specified position.
  • CDesC16Array::MdcaCount() - Returns the number of descriptor elements in the array.
  • CDesC16Array::MdcaPoint() - Indexes into a descriptor array.
  • CDesC16Array::operator[]() - Returns a non-modifiable descriptor to represent the descriptor element located at the specified index within the array.
  • CDesC16Array::Reset() - Deletes all descriptors from the array and frees the memory allocated to the array buffer.
  • CDesC16Array::Sort() - Sorts the descriptor elements into sequence.
  • CDesC16Array::~CDesC16Array() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDesC16ArrayFlat - Array of 16 bit descriptors implemented using a flat buffer.
  • CDesC16ArrayFlat::CDesC16ArrayFlat() - Constructs a flat descriptor array with the specified granularity.
  • CDesC16ArrayFlat::~CDesC16ArrayFlat() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDesC16ArraySeg - An array of 16 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer.
  • CDesC16ArraySeg::CDesC16ArraySeg() - Construct a segmented descriptor array with the specified granularity.
  • CDesC16ArraySeg::~CDesC16ArraySeg() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDesC8Array - An implementation base class for 8 bit descriptor arrays.
  • CDesC8Array::AppendL() - Appends a descriptor onto the end of any existing descriptor elements in the array.
  • CDesC8Array::CDesC8Array().
  • CDesC8Array::Delete().
  • CDesC8Array::Delete()  Deletes one or more logically contiguous descriptor elements from the array.
  • CDesC8Array::Find() - Finds the position of a descriptor element within the array which matches the specified descriptor using a sequential search.
  • CDesC8Array::FindIsq() - Finds the position of a descriptor element within the array which matches the specified descriptor using a binary search technique.
  • CDesC8Array::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL() - Inserts a descriptor into the array at a position which maintains the sequence of the descriptors - allows duplicates.
  • CDesC8Array::InsertIsqL() - Inserts a descriptor into the array at a position which maintains the sequence of the descriptors.
  • CDesC8Array::InsertL() - Inserts a descriptor into the array at the specified position.
  • CDesC8Array::MdcaCount() - Returns the number of descriptor elements in the array.
  • CDesC8Array::MdcaPoint() - Indexes into a descriptor array.
  • CDesC8Array::operator[]().
  • CDesC8Array::Reset() - Deletes all descriptors from the array and frees the memory allocated to the array buffer.
  • CDesC8Array::Sort() - Sorts the descriptor elements into sequence.
  • CDesC8Array::~CDesC8Array() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDesC8ArrayFlat - An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a flat buffer.
  • CDesC8ArrayFlat::CDesC8ArrayFlat() - Constructs a flat descriptor array with the specified granularity.
  • CDesC8ArrayFlat::~CDesC8ArrayFlat() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDesC8ArraySeg - An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer.
  • CDesC8ArraySeg::CDesC8ArraySeg() - Constructs a segmented descriptor array with the specified granularity.
  • CDesC8ArraySeg::~CDesC8ArraySeg() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDictionaryFileStore - File based dictionary store.
  • CDictionaryFileStore::OpenL() - Creates a file based dictionary store object.
  • CDictionaryFileStore::OpenLC() - Creates a file based dictionary store object and puts the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDictionaryFileStore::SystemL() - Opens the system dictionary file store.
  • CDictionaryFileStore::SystemLC() - Opens the system dictionary file store and puts the pointer to the file store object onto the cleanup stack.

  • CDictionaryStore - Dictionary store interface.
  • CDictionaryStore::Commit() - Commits changes.
  • CDictionaryStore::CommitL() - Commits changes and leaves if unsuccessful.
  • CDictionaryStore::ConstructL().
  • CDictionaryStore::IsNullL() - Tests whether the dictionary stores stream dictionary is empty.
  • CDictionaryStore::IsPresentL() - Tests whether the specified UID has an associated stream within this dictionary store.
  • CDictionaryStore::Remove() - Removes the stream associated with the specified UID from the dictionary store.
  • CDictionaryStore::RemoveL() - Removes the stream associated with the specified UID from the dictionary store and leaves if unsuccessful.
  • CDictionaryStore::Revert() - Rolls the dictionary store back to its state at the last commit point.
  • CDictionaryStore::RevertL() - Rolls the dictionary store back to its state at the last commit point and leaves if unsuccessful.
  • CDictionaryStore::~CDictionaryStore() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CDir - Array of directory entries that has been read into memory from the file system.
  • CDir::AddL() - Adds the specified entry to the directory.
  • CDir::CDir() - Default constructor.
  • CDir::Compress() - Compresses the directory.
  • CDir::Count() - Gets the number of entries in the array of directory entries.
  • CDir::ExtractL() - Copies all directory entries from this directory array, and adds them to a new directory array.
  • CDir::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a directory object.
  • CDir::operator[]() - Gets an entry from the array of directory entries.
  • CDir::Sort() - Sorts the array of directory entries.
  • CDir::~CDir() - Destructor.

  • CDirScan - Scans a directory structure.
  • CDirScan::AbbreviatedPath() - Gets the abbreviated path of the entry currently being scanned.
  • CDirScan::FullPath() - Gets the full path of the entry currently being scanned.
  • CDirScan::NewL() - Constructs and allocates memory for a new CDirScan object.
  • CDirScan::NewLC() - Constructs and allocates memory for a new CDirScan object, putting a pointer to the object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDirScan::NextL() - Scans the next directory entry in the structure.
  • CDirScan::SetScanDataL() - Initialises the scan.
  • CDirScan::~CDirScan() - Desctructor.

  • CDirectFileStore - Direct file store.
  • CDirectFileStore::CDirectFileStore().
  • CDirectFileStore::CDirectFileStore().
  • CDirectFileStore::CreateL() - Creates a new file and constructs a new direct file store object to be associated with this file.
  • CDirectFileStore::CreateLC() - Creates a new file and constructs a new direct file store object to be associated with this file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDirectFileStore::DoCreateL() - Creates a new stream in the store.
  • CDirectFileStore::DoReadL() - Opens the requested stream for reading.
  • CDirectFileStore::DoSetRootL() - Implements the setting of theroot stream.
  • CDirectFileStore::ExternalizeL().
  • CDirectFileStore::FromL() - Constructs a direct file store object from an already opened file.
  • CDirectFileStore::FromLC() - Constructs a direct file store object from an already opened file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDirectFileStore::InternalizeL().
  • CDirectFileStore::Layout() - Gets the UID that uniquely identifies this file store as a direct file store.
  • CDirectFileStore::NewL() - Constructs a new direct file store object in an already opened file.
  • CDirectFileStore::NewLC() - Constructs a new direct file store object in an already opened file and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDirectFileStore::OpenL() - Opens a file containing a direct file store, and constructs a direct file store object.
  • CDirectFileStore::OpenLC() - Opens a file containing a direct file store, constructs a direct file store object, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDirectFileStore::ReplaceL() - Creates a file and constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it.
  • CDirectFileStore::ReplaceLC() - Creates a file, constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CDirectFileStore::TempL() - Creates a temporary file and constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it.
  • CDirectFileStore::TempLC() - Creates a temporary file, constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

  • CDirectScreenAccess - An active object used to start direct screen access.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::DrawingRegion() - Gets the clipping region to draw to.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::Gc() - Gets the graphics context for drawing to the screen.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::NewL() - Allocates and constructs the object and adds it to the current active scheduler.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::ScreenDevice() - Gets the screen device to draw to.
  • CDirectScreenAccess::StartL() - Informs the window server that you are going to start direct screen access and sets up a graphics context with which you can draw to the screen.

  • CEComFilter - This class serves as the base class for ECom filter plugins.
  • CEComFilter::InstallFilterL()  Intended Usage: This method is used to install filters to the filter queue.
  • CEComFilter::InstallFilterL()  Intended Usage: This method is used to install filters to the filter queue.
  • CEComFilter::~CEComFilter() - Intended Usage: Virtual destructor.

  • CEZCompressor - The CEZCompressor class provides in-memory compression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed data.
  • CEZCompressor::CompressL() - Compresses the data in the given buffer.
  • CEZCompressor::DeflateL() - Compress the data to the buffer in stages, return value indicates if the compression has finalised or if further calls are necessary.
  • CEZCompressor::NewL()  Creates a new CEZCompressor object.
  • CEZCompressor::NewL()  Overload of CEZCompressor constructor takes aDictionary argument.
  • CEZCompressor::NewLC()  Creates a new CEZCompressor object and leaves it on the CleanupStack.
  • CEZCompressor::NewLC()  Overload of CEZCompressor constructor takes aDictionary argument.
  • CEZCompressor::ResetL() - Resets the current compression operation, with the new buffer manager.

  • CEZDecompressor - The CEZDecompressor class provides in-memory de-compression functions, including integrity checks of the compressed data.
  • CEZDecompressor::DecompressL() - De-compresses the data in the given buffer.
  • CEZDecompressor::InflateL() - De-compress the data to the buffer in stages, return value indicates if the de-compression has finalised or if further calls are necessary.
  • CEZDecompressor::NewL()  Creates a new CEZDecompressor object.
  • CEZDecompressor::NewL()  Overload of CEZDecompressor constructor takes aDictionary argument.
  • CEZDecompressor::NewLC()  Creates a new CEZDecompressor object and leaves it on the CleanupStack.
  • CEZDecompressor::NewLC()  Overload of CEZDecompressor constructor takes aDictionary argument.
  • CEZDecompressor::ResetL() - Resets the current de-compression operation, with the new buffer manager.

  • CEZFileBufferManager - Concrete class to manage the input and output buffers for compression and de-compression.
  • CEZFileBufferManager::FinalizeL() - Finish writing to the stream.
  • CEZFileBufferManager::InitializeL() - Initialise the stream with input and output buffers and starts reading.
  • CEZFileBufferManager::NeedInputL() - Set the stream's input buffer and starts reading.
  • CEZFileBufferManager::NeedOutputL() - Set the stream's output buffer and start writing.
  • CEZFileBufferManager::NewL() - Creates a new CEZFileBufferManager object.
  • CEZFileBufferManager::NewLC() - Creates a new CEZFileBufferManager object and leave it on the CleanupStack.

  • CEZFileToGZip - A CEZFileToGZip object allows compression of an uncompressed file to a zip file.
  • CEZFileToGZip::DeflateL() - Compresses the current file in stages.
  • CEZFileToGZip::NewL() - Creates a new CEZFileToGZip object and leaves it on the CleanupStack.
  • CEZFileToGZip::NewLC() - Creates a new CEZFileToGZip object and leaves it on the CleanupStack.
  • CEZFileToGZip::ResetL() - Quits the current compression operation and restarts with the specified arguments.

  • CEZFileToGzipBM - The CEZFileToGzipBM manages the input and output buffers for compression.
  • CEZFileToGzipBM::Crc() - Return the CRC - used for checking validity of the archive.
  • CEZFileToGzipBM::InitializeL() - Initialise the stream with input and output buffers and starts reading.
  • CEZFileToGzipBM::NeedInputL() - Set the stream's input buffer and starts reading.

  • CEZGZipToFile - A CEZGZipToFile object allows de-compression of a compressed file.
  • CEZGZipToFile::InflateL() - De-compresses the current zip file in stages.
  • CEZGZipToFile::NewL() - Creates a new CEZGZipToFile object.
  • CEZGZipToFile::NewLC() - Creates a new CEZGZipToFile object and leaves it on the CleanupStack.
  • CEZGZipToFile::ResetL() - Quits the current de-compression operation and restarts with the specified arguments.

  • CEZGzipToFileBM - The CEZGzipToFileBM class manages the input and output buffers for de-compression.
  • CEZGzipToFileBM::Crc() - Return the CRC - used for checking validity of the archive.
  • CEZGzipToFileBM::FinalizeL() - Finish writing to the stream.
  • CEZGzipToFileBM::NeedOutputL() - Set the stream's output buffer and start writing.

  • CEZZStream - Represents a zip stream.
  • CEZZStream::Adler32() - Return the value of the uncompressed data.
  • CEZZStream::AvailIn() - Return the number of bytes available at the next input byte.
  • CEZZStream::AvailOut() - Return the remaining free space at next output byte target.
  • CEZZStream::OutputDescriptor() - Return a decriptor pointer to the output buffer.
  • CEZZStream::Progress() - Return the progress of the current operation - that is the percentage of bytes written / read.
  • CEZZStream::SetInput() - Set the stream's input buffer.
  • CEZZStream::SetOutput() - Set the stream's output buffer.
  • CEZZStream::TotalIn() - Return the total number of input bytes read so far.
  • CEZZStream::TotalOut() - Return the total number of bytes output so far.

  • CEditableText - An abstract base class which defines the behaviour common to all editable text classes.
  • CEditableText::CopyToStoreL() - Copies a portion of the text to the clipboard.
  • CEditableText::DeleteL() - Deletes one or more characters beginning at (and including) the character at the specified document position.
  • CEditableText::DocumentLength() - Returns a count of the number of characters in the document, excluding the end-of-text paragraph delimiter.
  • CEditableText::ExtendedInterface() - Returns the interface corresponding to the specified UID if it exists, or 0 if not.
  • CEditableText::ExternalizeL().
  • CEditableText::Extract()  Copies a portion of the text into a descriptor.
  • CEditableText::Extract()  Copies a portion of the text into a descriptor.
  • CEditableText::GetLengthOfInlineText().
  • CEditableText::GetPositionOfInlineTextInDocument().
  • CEditableText::GetWordInfo() - Returns the start position and length of the word that contains the specified document position.
  • CEditableText::HasChanged() - Tests whether the editable text object has been changed by an operation on it, as set by SetHasChanged().
  • CEditableText::InsertL()  Inserts a single character or a descriptor into the text object at a specified document position.
  • CEditableText::InsertL()  Inserts a single character or a descriptor into the text object at a specified document position.
  • CEditableText::InternalizeL().
  • CEditableText::OverrideFormatOfInlineTextIfApplicable().
  • CEditableText::ParagraphCount() - Returns a count of the number of paragraphs in the document.
  • CEditableText::PasteFromStoreL() - Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the text object at the specified document position.
  • CEditableText::Read()  Gets a read-only pointer descriptor to a portion of the text.
  • CEditableText::Read()  Gets a read-only pointer descriptor to a portion of the text.
  • CEditableText::Reset() - Deletes the text content and components from the text object, leaving the single end-of-text paragraph delimiter.
  • CEditableText::RestoreComponentsL() - Restores the text components, e.g.
  • CEditableText::RestoreL() - Restores the text and its components from a stream store.
  • CEditableText::ScanParas() - Scans the text from a specified document position to a location determined by the flags specified in a bitmask.
  • CEditableText::ScanWords() - Scans the text from a specified document position to a location determined by the flags specified in a bitmask.
  • CEditableText::SetHasChanged() - Sets whether a change has occurred to the editable text object.
  • CEditableText::StoreComponentsL() - Stores the text components, e.g.
  • CEditableText::StoreL() - Stores the text and its components.
  • CEditableText::ToParagraphStart() - Updates a document position to the start of the paragraph.
  • CEditableText::WordCount() - Returns a count of the number of words in the document.
  • CEditableText::~CEditableText().

  • CEikAppUi - Handles application-wide aspects of the application's user interface such as the menu bar, toolbar pop-up menus, opening and closing files and exiting the application cleanly.
  • CEikAppUi::Application() - Gets a pointer to the application associated with this app UI.
  • CEikAppUi::ApplicationLanguageL() - Determines the current language the application is using to display its user interface.
  • CEikAppUi::ApplicationRect() - Gets the total area of the screen available to the application.
  • CEikAppUi::BaseConstructL() - Initialises this app UI with standard values.
  • CEikAppUi::CEikAppUi() - Empty default constructor.
  • CEikAppUi::ClientRect() - Gets the area of the screen available to the application for drawing.
  • CEikAppUi::ClosePopup() - Closes any currently visible popup menu.
  • CEikAppUi::ConstructL() - Completes construction.
  • CEikAppUi::ContainerAppUi() - Returns the app UI inside which this app UI is embedded.
  • CEikAppUi::CreateFileL() - Creates and opens a file with the given name.
  • CEikAppUi::CreateHotKeyControlL() - Creates a hotkey control.
  • CEikAppUi::Document() - Gets a pointer to the app UI's associated document.
  • CEikAppUi::Exit() - Closes the app UI.
  • CEikAppUi::FadeWhenInBackground() - Tests whether the application is set to fade when in the background.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleApplicationSpecificEventL() - Handles an application-specific event.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleCommandL() - Handles user commands.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleError() - Handles errors.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL() - Handles changes to the application when it switches to or from the foreground.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleMessageL().
  • CEikAppUi::HandleModelChangeL() - Handles changes to the model associated with this CEikAppUi's application.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL() - Handles a change to the application's resources which are shared across the environment, for instance colours or fonts.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL().
  • CEikAppUi::HandleSideBarMenuL() - Handles sidebar menu commands.
  • CEikAppUi::HandleSystemEventL().
  • CEikAppUi::HandleWsEventL() - Handles window server events.
  • CEikAppUi::LaunchPopupMenuL() - Launches a popup menu.
  • CEikAppUi::MopNext() - Retrieves the parent.
  • CEikAppUi::MopSupplyObject() - Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.
  • CEikAppUi::OpenFileL() - Opens the specified file.
  • CEikAppUi::PrepareToExit() - Performs pre-exit processing to ensure the application will exit cleanly.
  • CEikAppUi::ProcessCommandL() - Checks for, and closes, popups and menubars before calling HandleCommandL().
  • CEikAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL()  Processes shell commands.
  • CEikAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL()  Processes shell commands.
  • CEikAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL()  Tests whether a file exists that is valid for the application associated with the specified document.
  • CEikAppUi::ProcessMessageL() - Processes Application Architecture messages.
  • CEikAppUi::ReadAppInfoResourceL() - Reads the application UI information at the specified offset in the app's standard resource file.
  • CEikAppUi::ReportResourceChangedToAppL() - Reports a resource change to the application.
  • CEikAppUi::ReportResourceChangedToAppStackL() - Calls ReportResourceChangedToAppL( aEventId ) on recursively on each ContainerAppUi.
  • CEikAppUi::Reserved_3().
  • CEikAppUi::Reserved_4().
  • CEikAppUi::SaveAnyChangesL() - Saves any changes made to the app UI's associated document, if the document is marked as having changed.
  • CEikAppUi::SaveL() - Saves the app UI's associated document, or sets the document as changed, if the app UI is embedded.
  • CEikAppUi::SetDocChanged() - Marks the app UI's associated document as having changed.
  • CEikAppUi::SetDocument() - Sets this app UI's document.
  • CEikAppUi::SetEmbeddedDocInfo() - Sets the embedded document's observer and read only state.
  • CEikAppUi::SetEmphasis().
  • CEikAppUi::SetFaded().
  • CEikAppUi::SetFadedL() - This is a virtual function.
  • CEikAppUi::StopDisplayingMenuBar() - Stops displaying the application's menu bar.
  • CEikAppUi::ValidFileType().
  • CEikAppUi::~CEikAppUi() - Destructor.

  • CEikApplication - The base of all Uikon applications.
  • CEikApplication::AppCaption() - Gets the caption for this application.
  • CEikApplication::BitmapStoreName() - Gets the name of the bitmap file used by this application.
  • CEikApplication::Capability() - Gets the application's capabilities.
  • CEikApplication::CEikApplication() - Default constructor.
  • CEikApplication::CEikApplication_Reserved1().
  • CEikApplication::CEikApplication_Reserved2().
  • CEikApplication::CreateDocumentL()  Creates a new document.
  • CEikApplication::CreateDocumentL().
  • CEikApplication::EnsureCaptionIsLocalisedL() - The application Caption is ensured that it is localized.
  • CEikApplication::GetDefaultDocumentFileName() - Gets the default document name for this application.
  • CEikApplication::NewAppServerL() - Virtual function called by the framework when the application has been launched as a server application.
  • CEikApplication::OpenIniFileLC() - Opens the application's .ini file, if one exists.
  • CEikApplication::PreDocConstructL() - Prepares for document creation.
  • CEikApplication::Process() - Gets the managing process.
  • CEikApplication::ResourceFileName() - Gets the name of the resource file used by this application.
  • CEikApplication::ResourceFileOffset() - Gets the offset value defined for this application's default resource file.
  • CEikApplication::SetToIniFileNameL() - Sets a supplied file name parser to contain the path of this application's .ini file.
  • CEikApplication::~CEikApplication() - Destructor.

  • CEikAutoMenuTitle - A menu title that will be added to a standard resource-constructed menu bar.
  • CEikAutoMenuTitle::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CEikAutoMenuTitle object.
  • CEikAutoMenuTitle::~CEikAutoMenuTitle() - Destructor.

  • CEikBusyMsgWin.
  • CEikBusyMsgWin::CEikBusyMsgWin() - Constructor.
  • CEikBusyMsgWin::CEikBusyMsgWin_Reserved1().
  • CEikBusyMsgWin::CEikBusyMsgWin_Reserved2().
  • CEikBusyMsgWin::CEikMsgWin_Reserved1().
  • CEikBusyMsgWin::CEikMsgWin_Reserved2().
  • CEikBusyMsgWin::ConstructL() - Completes construction.

  • CEikDocument - The base class for all GUI applications' documents.
  • CEikDocument::AppCaption() - Gets the caption of the application that created the document.
  • CEikDocument::AppFileMode() - Gets the document's file sharing and access mode.
  • CEikDocument::CEikDocument()  Constructor for CEikDocument.
  • CEikDocument::CEikDocument()  Constructs a new document.
  • CEikDocument::CreateAppUiL() - Constructs the application UI.
  • CEikDocument::CreateFileStoreLC() - Creates a file store for a new default document.
  • CEikDocument::EditL() - Creates an embedded document's app UI and opens the document for editing or viewing.
  • CEikDocument::EditStore() - Gets the file store object which is used to edit the document.
  • CEikDocument::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object to a write stream.
  • CEikDocument::HasChanged() - Gets the document's 'Has changed' flag.
  • CEikDocument::IsEmpty() - Tests whether the document contains any content.
  • CEikDocument::NewDocumentL() - This empty function can be implemented in file-based applications to initialise a new default document.
  • CEikDocument::OpenFileL()  Restores the document's state from the specified file, or creates a new default document.
  • CEikDocument::OpenFileL()  Restores the document's state from the specified file.
  • CEikDocument::PrepareToEditL()  Prepares an embedded document for editing by creating its app UI.
  • CEikDocument::PrepareToEditL()  Prepares a main (non-embedded) document for editing, by creating its app UI.
  • CEikDocument::PrintL() - Prints a document without opening it first.
  • CEikDocument::Reserved_2().
  • CEikDocument::RestoreL() - Restores the document.
  • CEikDocument::SaveL()  Saves the document's state.
  • CEikDocument::SaveL()  Saves the document's state.
  • CEikDocument::SetAppFileMode() - Sets the document's file sharing and access mode.
  • CEikDocument::SetChanged() - Sets this document's 'Has changed' flag.
  • CEikDocument::SetEditStoreL() - Sets the document's stream store.
  • CEikDocument::StoreL() - Stores the document.
  • CEikDocument::UpdateTaskNameL() - Updates a window group (or task) name with information about a main (non-embedded) document.
  • CEikDocument::ValidatePasswordL() - Checks the document password.
  • CEikDocument::~CEikDocument() - Destructor.

  • CEikEmbeddableAppList - Provides a list of all embeddable applications on the phone.
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::CEikEmbeddableAppList() - Default constructor.
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::CEikEmbeddableAppList_Reserved1().
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::CEikEmbeddableAppList_Reserved2().
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::ConstructL()  Completes construction; populates and sorts the list.
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::ConstructL()  Completes construction; populates and sorts the list.
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::CreateEmbeddedDocumentL() - Creates and returns a document of the correct type for the indexed embeddable application.
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::MdcaCount().
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::MdcaPoint().
  • CEikEmbeddableAppList::~CEikEmbeddableAppList() - Destructor.

  • CEikInfoMsgWin - Enables construction of an information message window.
  • CEikInfoMsgWin::CEikInfoMsgWin() - Constructs an information message for the specified Uikon environment.
  • CEikInfoMsgWin::CEikInfoMsgWin_Reserved1().
  • CEikInfoMsgWin::CEikInfoMsgWin_Reserved2().
  • CEikInfoMsgWin::CEikMsgWin_Reserved1().
  • CEikInfoMsgWin::CEikMsgWin_Reserved2().
  • CEikInfoMsgWin::ConstructL() - Completes construction.

  • CEikMsgWin - Base class providing functions to construct and display an information message.
  • CEikMsgWin::CancelDisplay() - Stops displaying the message window.
  • CEikMsgWin::CEikMsgWin() - Protected constructor.
  • CEikMsgWin::CEikMsgWin_Reserved1().
  • CEikMsgWin::CEikMsgWin_Reserved2().
  • CEikMsgWin::ConstructL() - Completes construction.
  • CEikMsgWin::DoStartDisplay().
  • CEikMsgWin::StartDisplay() - Displays the message window with the specified text and alignment.
  • CEikMsgWin::~CEikMsgWin() - Destructor.

  • CEikProcess - The controlling process for an application.
  • CEikProcess::AppFromDocL() - Gets the name of the application DLL associated with the specified document.
  • CEikProcess::CommandTailEnd() - Returns the command tail end - i.e.
  • CEikProcess::LastUsedFileL() - Gets the name of either the last opened or last created file.
  • CEikProcess::MainDocFolder() - Returns the drive and path of the main document.
  • CEikProcess::MainStore() - Gets a pointer to the main store.
  • CEikProcess::SaveToDirectFileStoreL()  Saves the main document optionally to a new file.
  • CEikProcess::SaveToDirectFileStoreL()  Saves the main document optionally to a new file, and optionally opens it.
  • CEikProcess::SetLastUsedFileL() - Sets the name of either the last opened or the last created file.
  • CEikProcess::SetMainStore() - Sets the file store that stores the main document.
  • CEikProcess::~CEikProcess() - Destructor.

  • CEikUndertaker.
  • CEikUndertaker::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CEikUndertaker::NewL().
  • CEikUndertaker::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CEikUndertaker::~CEikUndertaker().

  • CEikonEnv - An environment for creating controls and utility functions for manipulating them.
  • CEikonEnv::AddAlertDialogLikeControlToStackL() - Adds an alert dialog-like control (with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityAlert) to the control stack.
  • CEikonEnv::AddDialogLikeControlToStackL() - Adds a dialog-like control (with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityDialog) to the control stack.
  • CEikonEnv::AddLibraryL().
  • CEikonEnv::AddLibraryL().
  • CEikonEnv::AddPictureFactoryL() - Adds the picture factory to the set of factories maintained by the Uikon environment.
  • CEikonEnv::AddSleepingAlertDialogToStackL() - Adds a sleeping dialog to the control stack, with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityAlert.
  • CEikonEnv::AddSleepingDialogToStackL() - Adds a sleeping dialog to the control stack, with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityDialog.
  • CEikonEnv::AddWindowShadow() - Adds a window shadow of the standard height to a control.
  • CEikonEnv::Alert().
  • CEikonEnv::AlertWin()  Displays the environment's alert window containing a single line message.
  • CEikonEnv::AlertWin()  Displays an alert window with a brief message.
  • CEikonEnv::AllocInfoMsg() - Constructs an allocation information message.
  • CEikonEnv::AnnotationFont() - Gets the standard annotation font for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::AppServer() - Gets required application server for running the application.
  • CEikonEnv::AppUiFactory()  Gets the application UI factory object.
  • CEikonEnv::AppUiFactory()  Gets the application UI factory object for the specified app UI.
  • CEikonEnv::Beep() - Emits a beep.
  • CEikonEnv::Bitmap() - Gets the specified bitmap.
  • CEikonEnv::BringForwards() - Repositions the root window group in the stacking hierarchy, or pushes it to the back.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgCancel() - Cancels any existing busy message.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL()  Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL()  Displays a flashing busy message in the specified corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL()  Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL()  Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen for a specific amount of time.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL()  Displays a flashing busy message for a specific amount of time in the corner of the screen indicated by aCorner.
  • CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL()  Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen for a specific amount of time.
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv() - Default C++ constructor.
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_1().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_10().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_2().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_3().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_4().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_5().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_6().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_7().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_8().
  • CEikonEnv::CEikonEnv_Reserved_9().
  • CEikonEnv::ClockDllL() - Gets the animated DLL that is used to animate the toolbar clock of the application using this CEikonEnv.
  • CEikonEnv::Color() - Gets the physical (TRgb) colour which corresponds to a logical colour.
  • CEikonEnv::ColorList() - Gets the application's colour list.
  • CEikonEnv::ConfirmLossOfAllChangesL() - Displays a dialog asking the user to confirm that all changes will be lost to the current document, and returns the response.
  • CEikonEnv::ConstructAppFromCommandLineL() - Initialises an application.
  • CEikonEnv::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor.
  • CEikonEnv::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor.
  • CEikonEnv::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor.
  • CEikonEnv::ControlColor() - Gets the physical (TRgb) colour which corresponds to the logical colour specified from the application's colour list.
  • CEikonEnv::ControlStackReadyL() - Initialises the control stack.
  • CEikonEnv::CreateBitmapL()  Loads, allocates and returns a pointer to a bitmap loaded from a multi-bitmap file (.mbm).
  • CEikonEnv::CreateBitmapL()  Loads, allocates and returns a pointer to a bitmap loaded from a multi-bitmap file (.mbm).
  • CEikonEnv::CreateIconFromMaskedBitmapL() - Creates an icon from a masked bitmap.
  • CEikonEnv::CreateIconL() - Creates an icon.
  • CEikonEnv::CreateSystemColorListL()  Creates and returns a system colour list, which is a palette of standard colours used by the system.
  • CEikonEnv::CreateSystemColorListL()  Creates and returns a system colour list, which is a palette of standard colours used by the system, and merges it with the colour list specified.
  • CEikonEnv::CustomColorArray() - Gets the custom colour array.
  • CEikonEnv::DefaultDisplayMode() - Gets the default display mode for the window server session with the maximum possible number of colours.
  • CEikonEnv::DenseFont() - Gets the standard dense font for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::DestroyEnvironment() - Framework function.
  • CEikonEnv::DismissTaskList() - Causes the task list, if displayed, to be closed.
  • CEikonEnv::DisplayTaskList() - Displays tasks present in the Task List.
  • CEikonEnv::DocNameIsAFile() - Tests whether the document name is a file.
  • CEikonEnv::DrawCursor()  Calls the other overload of DrawCursor() using the environment's standard screen font for the cursor's ascent and height.
  • CEikonEnv::DrawCursor()  Draws the text cursor into a control with the specified position and width.
  • CEikonEnv::EikAppUi() - Gets the application UI of the application using this CEikonEnv.
  • CEikonEnv::ExtendedPictureFactory() - Gets a picture factory object in the environment which supports the specified picture type.
  • CEikonEnv::Font() - Gets the nearest match to the specified font.
  • CEikonEnv::FservAllocInfoMsg() - Creates a file server allocation information message from resource.
  • CEikonEnv::GetErrorText() - Gets the text for a standard error code.
  • CEikonEnv::GetPrinterNamesL() - Gets the printer names from a CPrinterModelList.
  • CEikonEnv::GrayBitmap().
  • CEikonEnv::HandleError() - Handles an error that has occurred in the application.
  • CEikonEnv::HandleErrorWithContext() - Handles the specified error.
  • CEikonEnv::HideCursor() - Removes the text cursor from a control.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoDialog() - Gets the info dialog for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsg()  Displays a message in the system default corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsg()  Displays a message in the system default corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsg()  Displays a message in the system default corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgCancel() - Cancels the currently displaying information message.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithAlignment()  Displays a message in the specified corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithAlignment()  Displays a message in the specified corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithAlignment()  Displays a message in the specified corner of the screen.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration()  Displays an info message with a specified alignment for a specified period.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration()  Displays an info message with a specified alignment for a specified period.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration()  Displays an info message with a specified alignment for a specified period.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithDuration()  Displays an info message for a specified period.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithDuration()  Displays an info message for a specified period.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoMsgWithDuration()  Displays an info message for a specified period.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoWinL()  Displays a modal information dialog with the specified lines of text.
  • CEikonEnv::InfoWinL()  Displays a modal information dialog with a one or two-line info message read from the passed resources.
  • CEikonEnv::InitSystemFontsL() - Framework function.
  • CEikonEnv::IsBusy() - Tests whether the application is marked as busy.
  • CEikonEnv::IsSystem() - Tests the value of the system attribute.
  • CEikonEnv::LaunchPopupMenuL() - Allows an application to launch a popup menu, by calling the app UI's LaunchPopupMenuL() function.
  • CEikonEnv::LeaveWithErrorContext().
  • CEikonEnv::LeaveWithInfoMsg() - Displays a formatted information message and then leaves.
  • CEikonEnv::LegendFont() - Gets the standard legend font for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::NewDefaultCharFormatLayerL() - Creates a default character format layer.
  • CEikonEnv::NewDefaultParaFormatLayerL() - Creates a default paragraph format layer suitable for multiple lines of text.
  • CEikonEnv::NewDefaultPrintSetupL() - Creates and returns a pointer to a new default printer setup object.
  • CEikonEnv::NewDefaultSingleLineParaFormatLayerL() - Creates a default paragraph format layer suitable for a single line of text.
  • CEikonEnv::NotifyIdleError() - Notifies this environment of an idle error.
  • CEikonEnv::NotifyIdleErrorWhileRedrawing() - Notifies this environment that an idle error occurred while redrawing was in progress.
  • CEikonEnv::NudgeCharMinus() - Gets the minus nudge character, this could be the left arrow for example.
  • CEikonEnv::NudgeCharPlus() - Gets the plus nudge character, this could be the right arrow for example.
  • CEikonEnv::OptionBitmap() - Gets the bitmap that is used by horizontal option buttons in this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::OptionMaskBitmap().
  • CEikonEnv::PictureFactory() - Gets the picture factory for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::PopulateColorArrayL() - Creates and populates a colour list, a palette of standard colours used by the system.
  • CEikonEnv::Process() - Gets the Uikon process that manages the files of applications started in this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::QueryDialog() - Gets the query dialog for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::QueryWinL()  Requests a yes or no response from the user using a modal query dialog.
  • CEikonEnv::QueryWinL()  Requests a yes or no response from the user using a modal query dialog.
  • CEikonEnv::RemoveFromStack() - Removes a control from the control stack.
  • CEikonEnv::RemoveLibrary().
  • CEikonEnv::RemoveLibrary().
  • CEikonEnv::RemovePictureFactory() - Removes the specified picture factory, if it exists, from the set of picture factories owned by the Uikon environment.
  • CEikonEnv::Reserved_1().
  • CEikonEnv::Reserved_2().
  • CEikonEnv::ResolveError() - Displays an error message appropriate to the error code aError in an alert window.
  • CEikonEnv::ResourceFileVersionNumber() - Framework function.
  • CEikonEnv::RespondsToShutdownEvent() - Tests whether the application responds to shutdown events.
  • CEikonEnv::RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() - Tests whether an application responds to switch files events.
  • CEikonEnv::RouseSleepingDialog() - Sets a sleeping dialog's state.
  • CEikonEnv::SetAutoForwarding() - Sets auto-forward state.
  • CEikonEnv::SetBusy() - Sets the application's busy state.
  • CEikonEnv::SetColor() - Sets a mapping in the application's colour list between the logical and physical colours specified.
  • CEikonEnv::SetDocNameIsAFile() - Sets whether a document name is a file.
  • CEikonEnv::SetInfoDialog() - Sets the dialog.
  • CEikonEnv::SetQueryDialog() - Sets the query dialog.
  • CEikonEnv::SetRequestInfoDialogFunc() - Sets the request information dialog.
  • CEikonEnv::SetRequestQueryDialogFunc() - Sets the request query dialog.
  • CEikonEnv::SetRespondsToShutdownEvent() - Sets whether the application responds to shutdown events.
  • CEikonEnv::SetRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() - Sets whether the application responds to switch files events.
  • CEikonEnv::SetSystem() - Sets the application's system attribute.
  • CEikonEnv::StartedAsServerApp() - Gets whether server is required or not.
  • CEikonEnv::Static() - Gets the CEikonEnv maintained by the framework for the application.
  • CEikonEnv::SymbolFont() - Gets the standard symbol font for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::SystemCharFormatLayerL() - Gets the character format layer, if it exists.
  • CEikonEnv::SystemParaFormatLayerL() - Gets the paragraph format layer if it exists.
  • CEikonEnv::SystemSingleLineParaFormatLayerL() - Gets the single line paragraph format layer if it exists.
  • CEikonEnv::TexturedBitmap().
  • CEikonEnv::TitleFont() - Gets the standard title font for this environment.
  • CEikonEnv::UpdateSystemColorListL() - Replaces the system colour list with the list specified.
  • CEikonEnv::UpdateSystemFontsL() - Calls Laf implementation of UpdateSystemFontsL() to update local array of system fonts.
  • CEikonEnv::UpdateTaskNameL() - Updates the process name from the caption.
  • CEikonEnv::VerboseInfoMsg() - Displays an information message if verbose information reporting has been set.
  • CEikonEnv::Version() - Gets the Uikon version that is currently running.
  • CEikonEnv::VirtualCursor() - Gets the virtual cursor.
  • CEikonEnv::WservAllocInfoMsg() - Creates a window server allocation information message from resource.
  • CEikonEnv::~CEikonEnv() - Destructor.

  • CElementParser - Parser for SDP attribute values.
  • CElementParser::BufferedParseL() - Parse out some encoded data, with transparent buffering of unparsed data between calls.
  • CElementParser::Builder().
  • CElementParser::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CElementParser object.
  • CElementParser::ParseElementsL() - Parses a data buffer into the currently set MSdpElementBuilder interface.
  • CElementParser::Reset()  Resets the parser's buffers to be empty.
  • CElementParser::Reset()  Resets the parser's buffers to be empty, and resets the element builder object used.
  • CElementParser::SetBuilder().
  • CElementParser::~CElementParser() - Destructor.

  • CElementParser::CLinearBuf.
  • CElementParser::CLinearBuf::Size().

  • CEmailAccounts - Creates, loads, saves and deletes email (IMAP, POP, and SMTP) accounts.
  • CEmailAccounts::CreateImapAccountL() - Creates an IMAP Account:.
  • CEmailAccounts::CreatePopAccountL() - Creates a POP Account:.
  • CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL()  Creates a SMTP Account:.
  • CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL()  Creates a SMTP Account:.
  • CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL()  Creates an SMTP Account:.
  • CEmailAccounts::DefaultSmtpAccountL() - Returns the default SMTP account.
  • CEmailAccounts::DeleteDefaultSmtpAccountL() - Deletes the default SMTP account information from repository.
  • CEmailAccounts::DeleteImapAccountL() - Deletes the specified IMAP account.
  • CEmailAccounts::DeletePopAccountL() - Deletes the specified POP account.
  • CEmailAccounts::DeleteSmtpAccountL() - Deletes the specified SMTP account.
  • CEmailAccounts::GetImapAccountL() - Gets a IMAP account ID for the specified service.
  • CEmailAccounts::GetImapAccountsL() - Gets a list of IMAP account IDs that exists in the current message store.
  • CEmailAccounts::GetPopAccountL() - Gets a POP account ID for the specified service.
  • CEmailAccounts::GetPopAccountsL() - Gets a list of POP account IDs that exists in the current message store.
  • CEmailAccounts::GetSmtpAccountL() - Gets a SMTP account ID for the specified service.
  • CEmailAccounts::GetSmtpAccountsL() - Gets a list of SMTP account IDs that exists in the current message store.
  • CEmailAccounts::HandleSessionEventL() - Indicates an event has occurred.
  • CEmailAccounts::IsAccountReadOnlyL()  Checks if the account is read-only.
  • CEmailAccounts::IsAccountReadOnlyL()  Checks if the account is read-only.
  • CEmailAccounts::IsAccountReadOnlyL()  Checks if the account is read-only.
  • CEmailAccounts::LoadImapIapSettingsL() - Loads IMAP IAP settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::LoadImapSettingsL() - Loads IMAP service settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::LoadPopIapSettingsL() - Loads POP IAP settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::LoadPopSettingsL() - Loads POP service settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::LoadSmtpIapSettingsL() - Loads SMTP IAP settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::LoadSmtpSettingsL() - Loads SMTP service settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an Email accounts object.
  • CEmailAccounts::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs an Email accounts object.
  • CEmailAccounts::PopulateDefaultImapSettingsL() - Populates the supplied setting objects with default values.
  • CEmailAccounts::PopulateDefaultPopSettingsL() - Populates the supplied setting objects with default values.
  • CEmailAccounts::PopulateDefaultSmtpSettingsL() - Populates the supplied setting objects with default values.
  • CEmailAccounts::SaveImapIapSettingsL() - Saves IMAP IAP settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::SaveImapSettingsL() - Saves IMAP service settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::SavePopIapSettingsL() - Saves POP IAP settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::SavePopSettingsL() - Saves POP service settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::SaveSmtpIapSettingsL() - Saves SMTP IAP settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::SaveSmtpSettingsL() - Saves SMTP service settings for the specified account.
  • CEmailAccounts::SetDefaultSmtpAccountL() - Sets the default smtp account.
  • CEmailAccounts::~CEmailAccounts() - Destructor.

  • CEmbeddedStore - Encapsulates an embedded store.
  • CEmbeddedStore::CEmbeddedStore().
  • CEmbeddedStore::ConstructL().
  • CEmbeddedStore::Detach() - Gives up ownership of the host stream buffer.
  • CEmbeddedStore::DoCommitL() - Commits any changes to the store.
  • CEmbeddedStore::DoCreateL() - Creates a new stream in the store.
  • CEmbeddedStore::DoReadL() - Opens the requested stream for reading.
  • CEmbeddedStore::DoSetRootL() - Implements the setting of theroot stream.
  • CEmbeddedStore::FromL() - Opens the store hosted by the specified stream.
  • CEmbeddedStore::FromLC() - Open the store hosted by the specified stream, putting a pointer to the store onto the cleanup stack.
  • CEmbeddedStore::Host() - Returns a pointer to the stream buffer which is acting as host to this embedded store.
  • CEmbeddedStore::MarshalL().
  • CEmbeddedStore::NewL() - Creates an embedded store within the specified host stream.
  • CEmbeddedStore::NewLC() - Creates an embedded store within the specified host stream, putting a pointer to the store onto the cleanup stack.
  • CEmbeddedStore::Position() - Returns the position of the specified stream, within the host stream.
  • CEmbeddedStore::Reattach() - Takes ownership of the specified stream buffer.
  • CEmbeddedStore::Start() - Returns the start position of this embedded store within the host stream.
  • CEmbeddedStore::~CEmbeddedStore() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier - Environment change notifier.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::Change() - Returns the last set of change events.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::NewL() - Constructs a new environment change notifier object with the specified active object priority and callback function.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::Set() - Sets the callback function.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::Start() - Issues a request for change events.
  • CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::~CEnvironmentChangeNotifier() - Destructor.

  • CFbsBitGc - Concrete implementation of a bitmapped graphics context.
  • CFbsBitGc::Activate() - Sets the object to draw to a particular device.
  • CFbsBitGc::ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate() - Sets the object to draw to a particular device but doesn't 'use up' justification settings when drawing text.
  • CFbsBitGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  The method performs an alpha blending of the source data - aSrcBmp1 and aSrcBmp2, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CFbsBitGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  The method performs an alpha blending of the source data - aSrcBmp - with the existing image, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CFbsBitGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  The method performs an alpha blending of the source data, aSrcBmp, with the CBitmapContext, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CFbsBitGc::APIExtension() - This function should not be used by externals but must retain the same ordinal number to maintain BC, thus is exported.
  • CFbsBitGc::BitBlt()  Draws from another CFbsBitGc.
  • CFbsBitGc::BitBlt()  Draws a particular rectangle from another CFbsBitGc.
  • CFbsBitGc::BitBlt()  Draws the whole of a CFbsBitmap.
  • CFbsBitGc::BitBlt()  Draws a particular rectangle from a CFbsBitmap.
  • CFbsBitGc::BitBltMasked() - Performs a masked bitmap block transfer.
  • CFbsBitGc::CancelClipping() - Cancels clipping rectangle and region.
  • CFbsBitGc::CancelClippingRect() - Cancels any clipping rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::CancelClippingRegion() - Cancels the clipping region.
  • CFbsBitGc::Clear()  Clears the whole bitmap or a rectangular area of a bitmap.
  • CFbsBitGc::Clear()  Clears a rectangular area.
  • CFbsBitGc::CopyRect() - Copies a rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::CopySettings() - Copies all settings from the specified bitmap graphics context.
  • CFbsBitGc::Device() - Gets a pointer to the graphics device for the graphics context.
  • CFbsBitGc::DiscardBrushPattern() - Discards a non-built-in brush pattern.
  • CFbsBitGc::DiscardFont() - Discards a selected device font.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawArc() - Draws an arc.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmap()  Draws a bitmap.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmap()  Draws a bitmap to fit a given rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmap()  Draws a specified rectangle of a source bitmap to fit into a given destination rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmapMasked()  The method draws a specified rectangle from a bitmap and its mask into another rectangle and does a compress/stretch to fit a given destination rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmapMasked()  The method draws a specified rectangle from a bitmap and its mask into another rectangle and does a compress/stretch to fit a given destination rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawEllipse() - Draws and fills an ellipse.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawLine() - Draws a straight line between two points.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawLineBy() - Draws a straight line relative to the current drawing point, using a vector.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawLineTo() - Draws a straight line from the current drawing point to a specified point.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPie() - Draws and fills a pie slice.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPolygon()  Draws and fills a polygon defined using a list of points.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPolygon()  Draws and fills a polygon defined using a list of points.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPolyLine()  Draws a polyline from a set of points specified in a list.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPolyLine()  Draws a polyline from a set of points specified in a list.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPolyLineNoEndPoint()  Draws a polyline from a set of points specified in an array, but does not draw the final point of the last line.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawPolyLineNoEndPoint()  Draws a polyline from a set of points specified in a list, but does not draw the final point of the last line.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawRect() - Draws and fills a rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawRoundRect() - Draws and fills a rectangle with rounded corners.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawText()  Draws text at the last print position.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawText()  Draws text at the specified position and updates the print position.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawText()  Draws text clipped to the specified rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawText()  Draws text clipped to the specified rectangle using a baseline offset, horizontal alignment and a margin.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawText()  Draws text clipped to the specified rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text at the last print position and then rotates it into a vertical position.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text vertically from the specified position.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text clipped to the specified rectangle and then rotates it into a vertical position.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text vertically, clipped to a specified rectangle, using a baseline offset, alignment and margin.
  • CFbsBitGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text vertically, clipped to a specified rectangle, using a baseline offset, alignment and margin.
  • CFbsBitGc::FadeArea() - Sets the fade area.
  • CFbsBitGc::IsBrushPatternUsed() - Tests whether a brush pattern is being used.
  • CFbsBitGc::IsFontUsed() - Tests whether a font is used.
  • CFbsBitGc::Load16().
  • CFbsBitGc::MapColors() - Maps pixels in the specified rectangle.
  • CFbsBitGc::MoveBy() - Sets the drawing point relative to the current co-ordinates.
  • CFbsBitGc::MoveTo() - Sets the internal drawing position relative to the co-ordinate origin.
  • CFbsBitGc::NewL() - Factory function for creating a CFbsBitGc object The object is then ready for a call to Activate().
  • CFbsBitGc::OrientationsAvailable() - Gets the orientations supported.
  • CFbsBitGc::Plot() - Draws a single point.
  • CFbsBitGc::RectDrawnTo() - Sets the bounding rectangle of all drawing done since this function was last called.
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CBitmapContext_1().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CBitmapContext_2().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CBitmapContext_3().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CFbsBitGc_1().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CFbsBitGc_2().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CFbsBitGc_3().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CFbsBitGc_4().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CFbsBitGc_5().
  • CFbsBitGc::Reserved_CGraphicsContext_2() - A reserved virtual function for future use.
  • CFbsBitGc::Reset() - Resets the graphics context to its default settings.
  • CFbsBitGc::Resized() - Needs to be called if the device is resized.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetBrushColor() - Sets the brush colour.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetBrushOrigin() - Sets the brush pattern origin.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetBrushStyle() - Sets the brush style.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetCharJustification() - Sets the character justification.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRect() - Sets the clipping rectangle the area of visible drawing depends on the clipping region.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRegion()  Sets a clipping region by storing a pointer to the TRegion parameter.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRegion()  Sets a clipping region by storing a copy of the TRegion parameter.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetDitherOrigin() - Sets the dither origin.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetDrawMode() - Sets the drawing mode.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetFaded() - Sets whether the graphics context is faded.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetFadeMode().
  • CFbsBitGc::SetFadingParameters().
  • CFbsBitGc::SetFadingParameters()  Set fading parameters.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetOrientation() - Sets the orientation.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetOrigin() - Sets the position of the co-ordinate origin.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetPenColor() - Sets the pen colour.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetPenSize() - Sets the line drawing size for the pen.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetPenStyle() - Sets the line drawing style for the pen.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetShadowMode() - Sets the shadow mode on or off.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetStrikethroughStyle() - Sets the strikethrough style for all subsequently drawn text.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetUnderlineStyle() - Sets the underline style for all subsequently drawn text.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetUserDisplayMode() - Simulates another graphics mode.
  • CFbsBitGc::SetWordJustification() - Sets the word justification.
  • CFbsBitGc::ShadowArea() - Sets the shadow area.
  • CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustification() - Updates the justification settings.
  • CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustificationVertical() - Updates the justification for vertical text.
  • CFbsBitGc::UseBrushPattern()  Sets the specified bitmap to be used as the brush pattern.
  • CFbsBitGc::UseBrushPattern()  Sets the specified bitmap to be used as the brush pattern.
  • CFbsBitGc::UseFont()  Selects the device font, identified by handle number, to be used for text drawing.
  • CFbsBitGc::UseFont()  Selects the device font, identified by handle, to be used for text drawing.
  • CFbsBitGc::UseFontNoDuplicate() - Selects a device font for text drawing but does not take a copy.
  • CFbsBitGc::~CFbsBitGc() - Frees all resources owned by the object.

  • CFbsBitGcBitmap - A bitmap managed by the font and bitmap server.
  • CFbsBitGcBitmap::Address() - Gets the bitmap address.
  • CFbsBitGcBitmap::LockHeap() - Locks the global bitmap heap.
  • CFbsBitGcBitmap::UnlockHeap() - Unlock the global bitmap heap.

  • CFbsBitGcFont.
  • CFbsBitGcFont::Address() - On return contains iAddress pointer for the CBitmapFont.
  • CFbsBitGcFont::CFbsBitGcFont() - Construct calls the constructor for the base class CFbsFont and sets default value of iCopy as EFalse.
  • CFbsBitGcFont::Duplicate() - Calls reset on the object (sets iHandle to zero and carries out related messenger housekeeping and then duplicates it using the base class method.
  • CFbsBitGcFont::operator=() - Defines the meaning of the equals operator when acting on a CFbsBitGcFont object.
  • CFbsBitGcFont::Reset() - Resets the graphics context to its default settings.
  • CFbsBitGcFont::~CFbsBitGcFont() - Default destructor.

  • CFbsBitmap - Note that this class is not intended for user derivation.
  • CFbsBitmap::CleanAddress().
  • CFbsBitmap::CleanAddress().
  • CFbsBitmap::Compress().
  • CFbsBitmap::Compress()  Compresses bitmap in RAM.
  • CFbsBitmap::CompressInBackground()  Submits the bitmap for asynchronous background compression.
  • CFbsBitmap::CompressInBackground()  Submits the bitmap for asynchronous background compression.
  • CFbsBitmap::CompressInBackground()  Submits the bitmap for asynchronous background compression.
  • CFbsBitmap::CompressInBackground()  Submits the bitmap for asynchronous background compression.
  • CFbsBitmap::Create() - Creates a bitmap with the specified size and display mode.
  • CFbsBitmap::CreateHardwareBitmap() - Creates a hardware bitmap with a size and display mode.
  • CFbsBitmap::DataAddress() - Gets the address of the first pixel in the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::DisplayMode() - Gets the display mode of the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::Duplicate() - Duplicates a bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the bitmap to the specified stream.
  • CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeRectangleL() - Externalises that area of the bitmap contained within a specified rectangular area.
  • CFbsBitmap::GetPalette() - Gets the bitmap's palette.
  • CFbsBitmap::GetPixel() - Gets the RGB value of the specified pixel.
  • CFbsBitmap::GetScanLine()  Gets the bitmap's scanline for the specified line starting from the specified point.
  • CFbsBitmap::GetScanLine()  Gets the bitmap's scanline for the specified line starting from the specified point and using the specified dither offset.
  • CFbsBitmap::GetVerticalScanLine()  Gets the bitmap's vertical scanline starting at the specified x co-ordinate.
  • CFbsBitmap::GetVerticalScanLine()  Gets the bitmap's vertical scanline starting at the specified x co-ordinate and using the specified dither offset.
  • CFbsBitmap::Handle() - Gets the handle number of the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::HardwareBitmapHandle() - Returns the handle for the hardware bitmap which this CFbsBitmap is using.
  • CFbsBitmap::Header() - Creates a bitmap header.
  • CFbsBitmap::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension on the graphics device from pixels to twips.
  • CFbsBitmap::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension on the graphics device from twips to pixels.
  • CFbsBitmap::InitialDisplayMode() - Returns the display mode that was used to create the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CFbsBitmap from a stream.
  • CFbsBitmap::IsCompressedInRAM() - Tests whether the bitmap located in RAM has been compressed.
  • CFbsBitmap::IsFileInRom()  Tests whether or not the specified file is in ROM.
  • CFbsBitmap::IsFileInRom()  Tests whether or not the specified file is in ROM.
  • CFbsBitmap::IsLargeBitmap() - Tests whether the bitmap is large.
  • CFbsBitmap::IsMonochrome() - Tests whether or not the bitmap is monochrome.
  • CFbsBitmap::IsRomBitmap() - Tests whether or not the bitmap is in ROM.
  • CFbsBitmap::Load()  Loads a specific bitmap from a multi-bitmap file.
  • CFbsBitmap::Load()  Loads a specific bitmap from a multi-bitmap file.
  • CFbsBitmap::Load()  Loads a specific bitmap from an opened multi-bitmap file handle.
  • CFbsBitmap::Load()  Loads a specific bitmap from an opened multi-bitmap file handle.
  • CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress()  Loads and compresses a specific bitmap from a multi-bitmap file.
  • CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress()  Loads and compresses a specific bitmap from a multi-bitmap file.
  • CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress()  Loads and compresses a specific bitmap from an opened multi-bitmap file handle.
  • CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress()  Loads and compresses a specific bitmap from an opened multi-bitmap file handle.
  • CFbsBitmap::LockHeap() - Locks the global bitmap heap.
  • CFbsBitmap::LockHeapLC() - Locks the global bitmap heap, leaving on the clean-up stack a pointer to a TCleanupItem that unlocks the heap on deletion.
  • CFbsBitmap::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the attributes of the bitmap's palette.
  • CFbsBitmap::Reset() - Releases the bitmap's handle from the font and bitmap server and decrements its access count.
  • CFbsBitmap::Resize() - Resets the pixel-size of the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::Save()  Saves the bitmap as a direct file store.
  • CFbsBitmap::Save()  Saves the bitmap as a direct file store using an opened file handle.
  • CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength() - Gets the physical length in bytes of a scanline in memory.
  • CFbsBitmap::SetDisplayMode() - Changes the display mode of the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::SetPalette() - Sets the bitmap's palette.
  • CFbsBitmap::SetRomBitmapL() - Sets the bitmap to use a bitmap image stored in ROM.
  • CFbsBitmap::SetScanLine() - Sets the bitmap's horizontal scanline at the specified y co-ordinate to the scanline contained in the buffer.
  • CFbsBitmap::SetSizeInTwips()  Sets the twip-size of the bitmap by converting the bitmaps pixel-size from pixels to twips, using the conversion functions in the specified graphics device map.
  • CFbsBitmap::SetSizeInTwips()  Sets the twip-size of the bitmap directly to the specified size.
  • CFbsBitmap::SizeInPixels() - Gets the pixel-size of the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::SizeInTwips() - Gets the twip-size of the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmap::StoreL()  Constructs a multi-bitmap file.
  • CFbsBitmap::StoreL()  Constructs a multi-bitmap file using an opened file handle.
  • CFbsBitmap::SwapWidthAndHeight() - Swaps the bitmap's width and height.
  • CFbsBitmap::UnlockHeap()  Unlocks the global heap.
  • CFbsBitmap::UnlockHeap().
  • CFbsBitmap::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension on the graphics device from pixels to twips.
  • CFbsBitmap::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension on the graphics device from twips to pixels.
  • CFbsBitmap::~CFbsBitmap() - Destructor.

  • CFbsBitmapDevice - A graphics device to which a bitmap managed by the font and bitmap server can be drawn.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::DrawingBegin() - This method is called when you are about to start direct drawing to the bitmap memory.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::DrawingEnd() - This method is called when you have finished direct drawing to the bitmap memory.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::GetPalette() - Gets the device's current palette.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::GetPixel() - Gets the RGB colour of an individual pixel on a bitmapped graphics device.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::GetScanLine() - Copies a scanline into a buffer.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension of a device in pixels to a horizontal dimension in twips.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension of a device in twips to a horizontal dimension in pixels.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL()  Allocates and constructs the device with the bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL()  Constructs the object from the specified Font and Bitmap server managed bitmap.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the palette attributes of the device.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::Resize() - Resizes the device.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::SetBits() - Sets the bit level.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::SetPalette() - Sets the device's palette to the specified palette.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::SizeInTwips() - Gets the size of the device, in twips.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::SwapWidthAndHeight() - The method swaps bitmap device's width and height.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension of a device in pixels to a vertical dimension in twips.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension of a device in twips to a vertical dimension in pixels.
  • CFbsBitmapDevice::~CFbsBitmapDevice() - Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CFbsColor256BitmapUtil - Copies a bitmap in any display mode of at least 256 colours into a 256 colour bitmap, optionally using a user-defined palette.
  • CFbsColor256BitmapUtil::CopyBitmap() - Copies the contents of a source bitmap to a destination 256 colour bitmap.
  • CFbsColor256BitmapUtil::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new 256 colour bitmap utility object, optionally specifying a palette.

  • CFbsDevice - Abstract base class for graphics devices to which bitmaps and fonts can be drawn.
  • CFbsDevice::AddFile() - Adds a font file to the device's typeface store.
  • CFbsDevice::CancelSprite() - Cancels drawing the sprite.
  • CFbsDevice::CreateContext()  Creates a font and bitmap server graphics context for the device and activates it.
  • CFbsDevice::CreateContext()  Creates a font and bitmap server graphics context for the device and activates it.
  • CFbsDevice::DisplayMode() - Gets the device's display mode.
  • CFbsDevice::DisplayMode16M() - Depending on the current graphics hardware this will return one of the 16M video modes defined in TDisplayMode, or ENone if a 16M video mode is not supported.
  • CFbsDevice::DrawingBegin().
  • CFbsDevice::DrawingEnd().
  • CFbsDevice::FontHeightInPixels() - Gets the height, in pixels, of the specified typeface at one of its defined heights.
  • CFbsDevice::FontHeightInTwips() - Gets the height of a font in twips.
  • CFbsDevice::GetDrawRect() - Gets logical coordinates of the drawing rectangle.
  • CFbsDevice::GetFontById()  Gets a specific bitmap font, identified by its UID, from the device's typeface store.
  • CFbsDevice::GetFontById()  Gets a specific bitmap font, identified by its UID, from the device's typeface store.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontInPixels()  Creates a client-side font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontInPixels()  Creates a client-side FBSERV font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips()  Creates a client-side font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips()  Creates a client-side FBSERV font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()  Creates a client-side font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()  Creates a client-side FBSERV font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()  Creates a client-side font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()  Creates a client-side FBSERV font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()  Creates a client-side font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()  Creates a client-side FBSERV font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()  Creates a client-side font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()  Creates a client-side FBSERV font from those available in the device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDevice::GraphicsAccelerator() - Gets a pointer to the 2D graphics accelerator owned by the device.
  • CFbsDevice::HideSprite()  Hides the sprite over the whole screen.
  • CFbsDevice::HideSprite()  Hides the sprite within a particular region.
  • CFbsDevice::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the device.
  • CFbsDevice::Orientation() - Gets the device's orientation.
  • CFbsDevice::RectCompare() - Compares two rectangles, including their contents.
  • CFbsDevice::ReleaseFont() - Marks the specified font as no longer needed by the user of the device.
  • CFbsDevice::RemoveFile() - Removes the specified font file from the device's typeface store.
  • CFbsDevice::SetBits() - Sets the bit level.
  • CFbsDevice::SetCustomPalette() - Sets the variable 8 bits per pixel colour palette, replacing the system default one.
  • CFbsDevice::SetScalingFactor() - Sets scaling factor by which the drawing device should scale the drawing images.
  • CFbsDevice::ShowSprite()  Shows the specified sprite over the whole screen.
  • CFbsDevice::ShowSprite()  Shows the specified sprite within a particular region.
  • CFbsDevice::SizeInPixels() - Gets the size of the device, in pixels.
  • CFbsDevice::TypefaceSupport() - Gets information about an indexed typeface.
  • CFbsDevice::~CFbsDevice() - Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CFbsDrvControl.
  • CFbsDrvControl::CFbsDrvControl().
  • CFbsDrvControl::CompressBuffer().
  • CFbsDrvControl::ConstructL().
  • CFbsDrvControl::NewL().
  • CFbsDrvControl::OutputBandL() - This function is intentionally a dummy.
  • CFbsDrvControl::Reserved_1().
  • CFbsDrvControl::SetPageSizeL().
  • CFbsDrvControl::TransformBuffer().
  • CFbsDrvControl::~CFbsDrvControl().

  • CFbsDrvDevice.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::CFbsDrvDevice().
  • CFbsDrvDevice::CreateContext() - Creates a graphics context for the device.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::CreateControlL() - Creates a printer control.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::FontHeightInTwips() - Get the height of a font in twips.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Creates a font from those available in the printer device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Creates a font from those available in the printer device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::KPixelSizeInTwips().
  • CFbsDrvDevice::LoadTypeFaceList().
  • CFbsDrvDevice::LoadTypeFaceListL() - New Updated LoadTypeFaceList() method.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the graphics device.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::ReleaseFont() - Releases the specified font.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::Reserved_1().
  • CFbsDrvDevice::SetModel().
  • CFbsDrvDevice::SetModelL().
  • CFbsDrvDevice::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a specified typeface.
  • CFbsDrvDevice::~CFbsDrvDevice().

  • CFbsFont - Font managed by the font and bitmap server.
  • CFbsFont::Address().
  • CFbsFont::CFbsFont().
  • CFbsFont::CFbsFont().
  • CFbsFont::CharacterMetrics() - Gets the character metrics and a pointer to the compressed glyph bitmap for the specified character.
  • CFbsFont::DoAscentInPixels() - Gets the font ascent in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoBaselineOffsetInPixels() - Gets the baseline offset, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoCharWidthInPixels() - Gets the width of the specified character in this font, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoFontSpecInTwips() - Gets the font specification of this font in twips.
  • CFbsFont::DoGetCharacterData() - Gets the character metrics and the glyph bitmap.
  • CFbsFont::DoHeightInPixels() - Gets the font height in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoMaxCharWidthInPixels() - Gets the width of the widest character in this font, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() - Gets the width of the widest normal character in this font, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoTextCount()  Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without exceeding the specified width.
  • CFbsFont::DoTextCount()  Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without exceeding the specified width.
  • CFbsFont::DoTextWidthInPixels() - Gets the width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::DoTypeUid() - Gets the font's UID.
  • CFbsFont::Duplicate() - Duplicates a font.
  • CFbsFont::GetFaceAttrib() - Gets the typeface attributes of Open Font System fonts.
  • CFbsFont::GetFontMetrics() - Gets the open font metrics.
  • CFbsFont::Handle() - Gets the Font and Bitmap server handle of the font.
  • CFbsFont::HasCharacter() - Tests whether the font contains a particular character.
  • CFbsFont::IsOpenFont() - Tests whether the font is an Open Font system font.
  • CFbsFont::RawTextWidthInPixels() - Gets the raw width of the text in the descriptor, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::Reset().
  • CFbsFont::TextWidthInPixels()  Gets the width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, in pixels.
  • CFbsFont::TextWidthInPixels()  Gets the text width, move and adjusts of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font.
  • CFbsFont::~CFbsFont().

  • CFbsScreenDevice - A graphics device interface that provides direct access to the screen, without the mediation of the window server.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::CancelSprite() - Cancels drawing the sprite.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::ChangeScreenDevice() - Changes the screen device.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::DrawSpriteBegin() - Starts drawing the sprite.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::DrawSpriteEnd() - Ends drawing the sprite.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::GetPalette() - Gets the devices current palette.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::GetPixel() - Gets the RGB colour of an individual pixel on a bitmapped graphics device.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::GetScanLine() - Copies a scanline into a buffer.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::HardwareBitmap() - Creates and returns a hardware bitmap (a bitmap which can be drawn to by a graphics accelerator whose operations may be implemented in hardware or software), whose handle is to the screen.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::HideSprite()  Hides the sprite over the whole screen.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::HideSprite()  Hides the sprite within a particular region.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension from pixels to twips.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension from twips to pixels.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::NewL()  Creates a new CFbsScreenDevice object.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::NewL()  Creates a new CFbsScreenDevice object.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::NewL()  Creates a new CFbsScreenDevice object.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the palette attributes of the device.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::ScreenNo() - Query the screen number to which the object refers.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::SetAutoUpdate() - Sets or unsets auto-update for the screen.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::SetPalette() - Sets the device palette to the specified palette.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::ShowSprite()  Shows the specified sprite over the whole screen.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::ShowSprite()  Shows the specified sprite within a particular region.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::SizeInTwips() - Gets the size of the device area, in twips.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::Update()  Forces any out of date region of the screen to update.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::Update()  Forces any out of date region of the screen to update, and additionally forces the specified region to update.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension from pixels to twips.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension from twips to pixels.
  • CFbsScreenDevice::~CFbsScreenDevice() - Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CFbsTypefaceStore - Font and bitmap server typeface store.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::AddFile() - Adds a font store file to the typeface store.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::DefaultBitmapType() - Gets the default anti-aliasing setting for scalable fonts.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::FontHeightInPixels() - Gets the height of the font with specified height and typeface indices, in pixels.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::FontHeightInTwips() - Gets the height of the font with specified height and typeface indices, in twips.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::GetFontById() - Gets a Bitmap Font by unique identifier and algorithmic drawing style.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontInPixels() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::InstallFile() - Installs a font store file into the typeface store.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CFbsTypefaceStore, specifying a graphics device.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by this store.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::RemoveFile() - Decrements the font store files reference count and removes the typeface when the reference count is zero.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultBitmapType() - Sets the default anti-aliasing setting for scalable fonts.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultLanguageForMetrics() - Specifies the default language with which font metrics calculation will be based on.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::SetFontNameAliasL() - Sets an alias for a font name.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::SetSystemDefaultTypefaceNameL() - Sets the system default font typeface.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a specified typeface index.
  • CFbsTypefaceStore::~CFbsTypefaceStore().

  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings - Reads and writes generic FEP settings.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::IsOn() - Tests whether the FEP is on or off.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new generic FEP settings object.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new generic FEP settings object.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new generic FEP settings object.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new generic FEP settings object.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::OffKeyData() - Gets the key event data which turns the FEP off.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::OnKeyData() - Gets the key event data which turns the FEP on.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::RefreshL() - Reads the generic FEP data from the system settings.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::SetIsOn() - Sets a flag indicating whether the FEP is on or off.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::SetOffKeyData() - Sets the key event data which turns the FEP off.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::SetOnKeyData() - Sets the key event data which turns the FEP on.
  • CFepGenericGlobalSettings::StoreChangesAndBroadcastL() - Stores the local copies of the generic FEP data as the system settings.

  • CFileBase - Abstract base class for file management.
  • CFileBase::AbbreviatedPath() - Gets the abbreviated path of the file or directory currently being processed.
  • CFileBase::CFileBase() - Protected default constructor.
  • CFileBase::CompleteOperationL() - Called from RunL to perform tidy up after an operation.
  • CFileBase::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CFileBase::CurrentEntry() - Gets the entry currently being processed.
  • CFileBase::DoOperationL() - Called from RunL to perform the requested operation.
  • CFileBase::FullPath() - Gets the full path of the file or directory currently being processed.
  • CFileBase::GetLastError() - Gets the latest error code returned during a CFileMan operation.
  • CFileBase::GetMoreInfoAboutError() - Gets additional information about the latest error returned during a CFileMan operation.
  • CFileBase::RunInSeparateThreadL() - Creates a separate thread to run the command.
  • CFileBase::RunL() - Executes a command.
  • CFileBase::SetObserver() - Sets the observer.
  • CFileBase::~CFileBase() - Destructor.

  • CFileDataDelete - Provides a wrapper around a filename: the referenced file is deleted when the object is deleted.
  • CFileDataDelete::CFileDataDelete() - Constructor.
  • CFileDataDelete::ResetDataPointer() - Sets the filename that is wrapped.
  • CFileDataDelete::~CFileDataDelete() - Destructor.

  • CFileExtensionMIMEType - Class used to manage the mapping between an image's MIME type & file extension.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::DisplayName() - Returns the human-readable plugin description.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::FileExtension() - Returns the image file extension info.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::ImageSubType() - Returns the image sub-type associated with the plugin.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::ImageType() - Returns the image type associated with the plugin.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::ImplementationUid() - Returns the implementation UID of the plugin.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::MIMEType() - Returns the image MIME type info.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::NewLC() - Constructs a new file extension/MIME type entry.
  • CFileExtensionMIMEType::~CFileExtensionMIMEType() - Destructor.

  • CFileMan - Offers file management services which accept the use of wildcards; synchronous and asynchronous.
  • CFileMan::Attribs()  Sets or clears attributes for one or more files using two bitmasks.
  • CFileMan::Attribs()  Sets or clears attributes for one or more files using two bitmasks.
  • CFileMan::BytesTransferredByCopyStep() - Gets the number of bytes transferred during a copy or move operation.
  • CFileMan::CompleteOperationL() - Called from RunL to perform tidy up after an operation.
  • CFileMan::Copy()  Copies one or more files.
  • CFileMan::Copy()  Copies one or more files.
  • CFileMan::Copy()  Copies from an open file handle to a destination file name.
  • CFileMan::Copy()  Copies from an open file handle to a destination file name.
  • CFileMan::CurrentAction() - Gets the action which CFileMan is currently carrying out.
  • CFileMan::Delete()  Deletes one or more files.
  • CFileMan::Delete()  Deletes one or more files.
  • CFileMan::DoOperationL() - Called from RunL to perform the requested operation.
  • CFileMan::GetCurrentSource() - Gets the name of the source file or directory for the CFileMan operation currently being carried out.
  • CFileMan::GetCurrentTarget() - Gets the name of the target file for the CFileMan operation currently being carried out.
  • CFileMan::Move()  Moves one or more files.
  • CFileMan::Move()  Moves one or more files.
  • CFileMan::NewL()  Constructs and allocates memory for a new CFileMan object.
  • CFileMan::NewL()  Constructs and allocates memory for a new CFileMan object with an observer.
  • CFileMan::Rename()  Renames one or more files, or a directory.
  • CFileMan::Rename()  Renames one or more files.
  • CFileMan::RmDir()  Deletes a directory and all files and directories contained in the directory structure below it.
  • CFileMan::RmDir()  Deletes a directory and all files and directories contained in the directory structure below it.

  • CFileNameField - A filename field.
  • CFileNameField::InternalizeL() - Overrides the base class method to do nothing, because this class has no persistent data.
  • CFileNameField::RestoreL() - Restores the field data from a stream store.
  • CFileNameField::SetFileNameInfo() - Sets the object which implements the UpdateFieldFileName() function, to get the current document's filename.
  • CFileNameField::StoreL() - Stores the field data to a stream store.
  • CFileNameField::Type() - Gets the field's type UID.
  • CFileNameField::Value() - Gets the document's filename, by calling UpdateFieldFileName() (implemented by the object passed to the filename field using SetFileNameInfo()).

  • CFilePrinterPort.
  • CFilePrinterPort::Cancel() - Cancels an outstanding WriteRequest() operation.
  • CFilePrinterPort::FileName().
  • CFilePrinterPort::NewL().
  • CFilePrinterPort::WriteRequest() - Implementation of the pure virtual function inherited from CPrinterPort.
  • CFilePrinterPort::~CFilePrinterPort().

  • CFileStore - File based persistent store abstract base class.
  • CFileStore::CFileStore().
  • CFileStore::CFileStore().
  • CFileStore::ChangedL().
  • CFileStore::CreateL().
  • CFileStore::CreateLC().
  • CFileStore::Destruct().
  • CFileStore::Detach() - Detaches the file store from its associated file.
  • CFileStore::DoCommitL() - Commits any changes to the store.
  • CFileStore::DoRevertL() - Discards any pending changes to the store.
  • CFileStore::ExternalizeL().
  • CFileStore::File() - Gets a reference to the file associated with this file store.
  • CFileStore::FromL()  Constructs a file store object from an opened file.
  • CFileStore::FromL().
  • CFileStore::FromL().
  • CFileStore::FromLC()  Constructs a file store object from an opened file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CFileStore::FromLC().
  • CFileStore::FromLC().
  • CFileStore::Host().
  • CFileStore::InternalizeL().
  • CFileStore::IsHost().
  • CFileStore::Layout() - Gets the UID that uniquely identifies the specific type of this file store.
  • CFileStore::MarshalL().
  • CFileStore::NewL().
  • CFileStore::NewLC().
  • CFileStore::OpenL()  Opens a file containing a store and constructs an appropriate file store object.
  • CFileStore::OpenL().
  • CFileStore::OpenL().
  • CFileStore::OpenLC()  Opens a file containing a store, constructs an appropriate file store object and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CFileStore::OpenLC().
  • CFileStore::OpenLC().
  • CFileStore::Reattach() - Reattaches a file to the file store.
  • CFileStore::RefreshL().
  • CFileStore::ReplaceL().
  • CFileStore::ReplaceLC().
  • CFileStore::Reset()  Frees the file store’s buffer space.
  • CFileStore::Reset()  Frees the file store’s buffer space and changes the size of future buffer space allocations.
  • CFileStore::SetSizeL().
  • CFileStore::SetTypeL() - Sets the UID type of the file store.
  • CFileStore::SynchL().
  • CFileStore::TempL().
  • CFileStore::TempLC().
  • CFileStore::Type() - Gets the UID type of the file store.
  • CFileStore::~CFileStore() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CFindFileByType.
  • CFindFileByType::CFindFileByType().
  • CFindFileByType::Entry().
  • CFindFileByType::File().
  • CFindFileByType::FindFirst().
  • CFindFileByType::FindNext().
  • CFindFileByType::~CFindFileByType().

  • CFont - Abstract font interface.
  • CFont::AscentInPixels() - Gets the font ascent in pixels.
  • CFont::BaselineOffsetInPixels() - Gets the baseline offset in pixels.
  • CFont::CharactersJoin() - Determines if aLeftCharacter and aRightCharacter affect each other's contextual glyph form if placed next to each other.
  • CFont::CharWidthInPixels() - Gets the width in pixels in this font of the specified character.
  • CFont::DescentInPixels() - Gets the font descent in pixels.
  • CFont::DoDescentInPixels() - Gets the font descent in pixels.
  • CFont::DoGetCharacterData() - Gets the character metrics for a character.
  • CFont::ExtendedFunction() - Enables the caller to access a particular API extension function.
  • CFont::FontCapitalAscent() - Gets the ascent of an ANSI capital letter in the font whether or not there are any ANSI capitals in the font.
  • CFont::FontLineGap() - Gets the suggested line gap for the font.
  • CFont::FontMaxAscent() - Gets the max ascent of any pre-composed glyph in the font.
  • CFont::FontMaxDescent() - Gets the max descent of any pre-composed glyph in the font.
  • CFont::FontMaxHeight() - Gets the (positive) maximum height in pixels of the font.
  • CFont::FontSpecInTwips() - Gets the font specification of this font in twips.
  • CFont::FontStandardDescent() - Gets the descent of an ANSI descending character in the font.
  • CFont::GetCharacterData() - Gets the character metrics for a character.
  • CFont::GetCharacterPosition2() - Takes Unicode text and produces the glyph cluster for the first character in that text plus any combining mark characters, or for the first indic syllable.
  • CFont::HeightInPixels() - Gets the font height in pixels.
  • CFont::MaxCharWidthInPixels() - Gets the width in pixels of the widest character in this font.
  • CFont::MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() - Gets the width in pixels of the widest normal character in this font.
  • CFont::MeasureText() - Text measurement function.
  • CFont::TextCount()  Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without exceeding the specified width.
  • CFont::TextCount()  Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without exceeding the specified width.
  • CFont::TextWidthInPixels() - Gets the width in pixels of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font.
  • CFont::TypeUid() - Gets run-time identity of the actual font type.
  • CFont::WidthZeroInPixels() - Gets the width of the zero character of this font in pixels.
  • CFont::~CFont() - Default destructor.

  • CFont::TMeasureTextInput - Input parameter block.
  • CFont::TMeasureTextInput::TMeasureTextInput().

  • CFont::TMeasureTextOutput - Output parameter block.

  • CFont::TPositionParam - Complicated parameter block used for contextual glyph selection, ligature creation and diacritic placement when drawing text in complex scripts.
  • CFont::TPositionParam::TPositionParam() - Standard constructor.

  • CFont::TPositionParam::TOutput - Output of GetCharacterPosition and GetCharacterPosition2.
  • CFont::TPositionParam::TOutput::TOutput() - Standard constructor.

  • CFontCache - Font cache.
  • CFontCache::AddEntryL() - Adds a font entry to the cache.
  • CFontCache::CFontCache()  Default constructor.
  • CFontCache::CFontCache()  Constructor specifying the number of cache entries.
  • CFontCache::RemoveFirstEntry() - Removes the first entry from the font cache and returns it.
  • CFontCache::Search() - Searches the cache for a specified font.
  • CFontCache::~CFontCache() - Destructor.

  • CFontStore - A store for fonts.
  • CFontStore::AddFileL() - Finds or creates a font file object to support a font file.
  • CFontStore::DefaultBitmapType() - Returns a default bitmap type.
  • CFontStore::DeleteSessionCache() - Deletes the glyph cache belonging to a particular client.
  • CFontStore::FontHeightInPixels() - Returns a font height, in pixels, for a certain typeface and height index.
  • CFontStore::FontHeightInTwips() - Returns a font height, in twips, for a certain typeface and height index.
  • CFontStore::GetFontById() - Gets a bitmap font using the given font UID and algorithmic style.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontInPixels()  Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontInPixels()  Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()  Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()  Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()  Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()  Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CFontStore::InstallRasterizerL() - Installs and takes ownership of an Open Font rasterizer.
  • CFontStore::InstallShaperFactoryL() - Install and takes ownership of the shaper.
  • CFontStore::NewL() - Creates a new CFontStore object.
  • CFontStore::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces held in the font store.
  • CFontStore::RemoveFile() - Releases a hold on one or all font file objects (COpenFontFiles or CFontStoreFiles).
  • CFontStore::SetDefaultBitmapType() - Sets a default bitmap type.
  • CFontStore::TypefaceSupport() - Gets a typeface support object for the typeface in the font store represented by the given index.
  • CFontStore::~CFontStore() - Destructor.

  • CFormatLayer - Abstract base class for the paragraph and character format layers.
  • CFormatLayer::ChainCount() - Gets the number of format layers in the chain, inclusive of itself.
  • CFormatLayer::DoCloneL().
  • CFormatLayer::ExternalizeChainL() - Stores a chain of format layers.
  • CFormatLayer::ExternalizeL() - Implementations of this function externalise the format layer but not its based-on link to a write stream.
  • CFormatLayer::InternalizeChainL() - Restores a chain of format layers from a read stream.
  • CFormatLayer::InternalizeL() - Implementations of this function internalise the format layer but not its based-on link from a read stream.
  • CFormatLayer::IsEmpty() - Tests whether any formatting is stored in the format layer.
  • CFormatLayer::IsIdentical() - Implementations of this function compare another format layer with the current object.
  • CFormatLayer::Reset() - Deletes the contents of the format layer.
  • CFormatLayer::RestoreNewL().
  • CFormatLayer::SenseBase() - Gets the format layer which this layer's based-on link points to.
  • CFormatLayer::SetBase() - Sets the format layer which this layer's based-on link points to.

  • CFragmentedString - Utility that allows a single string to be built from an array of consecutive sub-strings.
  • CFragmentedString::AddStringL()  Appends a sub-string to the string.
  • CFragmentedString::AddStringL()  Copies a sub-string and then appends the copy to the string.
  • CFragmentedString::CFragmentedString() - Constructor.
  • CFragmentedString::ConsumeMatched() - Removes and deletes all sub-strings occurring before the position of the last successful match.
  • CFragmentedString::ContentL() - Gets the entire string in a newly-allocated buffer.
  • CFragmentedString::DeleteMark() - Deletes the head mark.
  • CFragmentedString::DeleteToMark() - Deletes from the current index position to the specified mark.
  • CFragmentedString::InsertStringL() - Inserts a specified string at the current index position.
  • CFragmentedString::InsertStringToL() - Inserts a string at a specified position.
  • CFragmentedString::Length() - Gets the length of the string.
  • CFragmentedString::Mark() - Adds a mark at the current index position.
  • CFragmentedString::MarkedL() - Gets a new string containing the string contents from the head mark to the current index position.
  • CFragmentedString::MarkedWithInitialTextL() - Gets a new string containing the string contents from the head mark to the current index position, prepended with a specified string.
  • CFragmentedString::Match() - Tests if a specified target string occurs at the current position.
  • CFragmentedString::MatchNotSelect() - Tests if the character at the current position does not match any character in a specified string.
  • CFragmentedString::MatchRange() - Tests if the character at the current position is within a specified character code range.
  • CFragmentedString::MatchSelect() - Tests if the character at the current position matches any character in a specified string.
  • CFragmentedString::ReplaceMarkedAndSkipL() - Replaces the string contents to the head mark with a specified string, and then advances the current index position to the next sub-string.
  • CFragmentedString::ReplaceMarkedL() - Replaces the string contents to the head mark with a specified string.
  • CFragmentedString::Reset() - Resets the string.
  • CFragmentedString::ResetToMark() - Moves the current index position to the head mark.
  • CFragmentedString::StringL() - Gets a string containing all sub-strings after the current position in a newly-allocated buffer.
  • CFragmentedString::~CFragmentedString() - Destructor.

  • CFragmentedString::TStringMark - A mark at a string position.
  • CFragmentedString::TStringMark::TStringMark() - Constructor.

  • CFrameImageData - Class to manage lists of frame and image block data.
  • CFrameImageData::AllocL() - Creates a full copy of the objects data.
  • CFrameImageData::AppendFrameData() - Adds a pointer to a frame data block to the end of the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::AppendImageBuffer() - Stores the supplied image data in a newly allocated entry in the image buffer array.
  • CFrameImageData::AppendImageData() - Adds a pointer to an image data block to the end of the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::FrameDataCount() - Returns the number of frame data blocks in the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::GetFrameData()  Const version.
  • CFrameImageData::GetFrameData()  Non const version.
  • CFrameImageData::GetImageData()  Returns the image data block at the given position from the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::GetImageData()  Returns the image data block at the given position from the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::ImageDataCount() - Returns the number of image data blocks in the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::InsertFrameData() - Inserts a pointer to a frame data block into the internally held list in front of the item at position aPos.
  • CFrameImageData::InsertImageData() - Inserts a pointer to an image data block into the internally held list in front of the item at position aPos.
  • CFrameImageData::NewL()  Static factory function for creating instances of CFrameImageData.
  • CFrameImageData::NewL()  Static factory function for creating instances of CFrameImageData.
  • CFrameImageData::RemoveFrameData() - Removes a pointer to a frame data block at position aIndex from the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::RemoveImageData() - Removes a pointer to an image data block at position aIndex from the internally held list.
  • CFrameImageData::Reserved_1() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CFrameImageData::Reserved_2() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CFrameImageData::Reserved_3() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CFrameImageData::Reserved_4() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CFrameImageData::~CFrameImageData() - Destructor for this class.

  • CFrameInfoStrings - Class used to maintain frame information stored in codec specific resource files.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::Count() - Returns the number of strings in the string table.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::Decoder() - Returns a pointer to the 'decoder' entry string from this object.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::Depth() - Returns a pointer to the 'depth' entry string from this object.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::Details() - Returns a pointer to the 'details' entry string from this object.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::Dimensions() - Returns a pointer to the 'dimensions' entry string from this object.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::Format() - Retruns a pointer to the 'format' entry string from this object.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::NewL() - Static factory function for creating instances of CFrameInfoStrings.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::NewLC() - Static factory function for creating instances of CFrameInfoStrings.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::SetDecoderL() - Adds the supplied string to this object as the 'decoder' entry.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::SetDepthL() - Adds the supplied string to this object as the 'depth' entry.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::SetDetailsL() - Adds the supplied string to this object as the 'details' entry.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::SetDimensionsL() - Adds the supplied string to this object as the 'dimensions' entry.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::SetFormatL() - Adds the supplied string to this object as the 'format' entry.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::String() - Returns the string at position aIndex in the string table.
  • CFrameInfoStrings::~CFrameInfoStrings() - Destructor.

  • CFreeTimerWindowAnim - Free timer animation interface.
  • CFreeTimerWindowAnim::ReservedF1().
  • CFreeTimerWindowAnim::WindowFunctions() - Gets the free timer utility functions.

  • CGifScaler - The public API for clients to call the GifScaler scaling and color quantization library.
  • CGifScaler::Cancel() - Cancel any outstanding activity.
  • CGifScaler::NewL()  The function NewL constructs a CGifScaler.
  • CGifScaler::NewL()  The function NewL constructs a CGifScaler.
  • CGifScaler::Scale() - Scale the source bitmap and mask to produce a single 8bpp bitmap and an output palette.
  • CGifScaler::ThresholdScale() - Scale the source bitmap and mask to produce a single 8bpp bitmap and an output palette, specifying a transparency level to be used when determining whether destination pixels are transparent.
  • CGifScaler::~CGifScaler() - This is the destructor for the CGifScaler and is responsible for deallocating all resources allocated by the CGifScaler.

  • CGlobalText - Text with globally applied formatting.
  • CGlobalText::ApplyCharFormatL() - Changes the text object's character formatting.
  • CGlobalText::ApplyParaFormatL() - Changes the text object's paragraph formatting.
  • CGlobalText::CancelSelectLabel() - Not supported.
  • CGlobalText::CGlobalText().
  • CGlobalText::CGlobalText().
  • CGlobalText::EnquirePageBreak() - Tests whether a page break occurs within a range of characters.
  • CGlobalText::GetCharFormat() - Gets the global text object's effective character formatting.
  • CGlobalText::GetChars() - Gets a constant pointer descriptor to a portion of the text object.
  • CGlobalText::GetParaFormatL() - Gets the the global text object's effective paragraph formatting.
  • CGlobalText::GetParagraphFormatL() - Gets the text object's effective paragraph formatting.
  • CGlobalText::GetPictureSizeInTwips() - Global text provides no support for pictures, so this implementation of the function returns KErrNotFound.
  • CGlobalText::GlobalCharFormatLayer() - Gets the character format layer referenced by the global text object.
  • CGlobalText::GlobalParaFormatLayer() - Gets the paragraph format layer referenced by the global text object.
  • CGlobalText::LdDocumentLength() - Gets the the number of characters in the document.
  • CGlobalText::LdToParagraphStart() - Gets the document position of the start of the paragraph containing a specified document position.
  • CGlobalText::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an empty global text object with a paragraph and a character format layer.
  • CGlobalText::NewL()  Returns a handle to a new instance of this class, whose textual content is restored from the specified read-stream.
  • CGlobalText::PictureHandleL() - Global text provides no support for pictures, so this implementation of the function returns NULL.
  • CGlobalText::SelectParagraphLabel() - Global text does not support paragraph labels, so this function returns EFalse.
  • CGlobalText::SetGlobalCharFormat() - Replaces the character format layer referenced by the global text object.
  • CGlobalText::SetGlobalParaFormat() - Replaces the paragraph format layer referenced by the global text object.
  • CGlobalText::~CGlobalText() - The destructor is empty, and is present only to cause the virtual function table to be defined in a unique module.

  • CGraphicsAccelerator - Abstract base class for 2D graphics accelerators.
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Capabilities() - Returns the capabilities of the graphics accelerator.
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator to perform a single graphics operation.
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform a single graphics operation within a clipping region.
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform one or more graphics operations contained in a buffer.
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform one or more graphics operations within a clipping region.
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_1().
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_2().
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_3().
  • CGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_4().

  • CGraphicsContext - Abstract base class for all graphics contexts.
  • CGraphicsContext::CancelClippingRect() - Cancels any clipping rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::CancelClippingRegion() - Cancels the current clipping region.
  • CGraphicsContext::Device() - Gets a pointer to the graphics context's graphics device.
  • CGraphicsContext::DiscardBrushPattern() - Discards a non-built-in brush pattern.
  • CGraphicsContext::DiscardFont() - Discards a font.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawArc() - Draws an arc.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawBitmap()  Draws a bitmap at the specified point.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawBitmap()  Draws a bitmap to fit a given rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawBitmap()  Draws a specified rectangle of a source bitmap to fit into a given destination rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawBitmapMasked()  Draws a specified rectangle of a source bitmap to fit into a given rectangle using a given mask.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawBitmapMasked()  Draws a specified rectangle from a wserv bitmap and its mask into another rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawEllipse() - Draws and fills an ellipse.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawLine() - Draws a straight line between two points.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawLineBy() - Draws a straight line relative to the current drawing point, using a vector.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawLineTo() - Draws a straight line from the current drawing point to a specified point.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawPie() - Draws and fills a pie slice.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawPolygon()  Draws and fills a polygon defined using an array of points.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawPolygon()  Draws and fills a polygon defined using a list of points.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawPolyLine()  Draws a polyline from a set of points in an array.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawPolyLine()  Draws a polyline from a set of points in a list.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawRect() - Draws and fills a rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawRoundRect() - Draws and fills a rectangle with rounded corners.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawText()  Draws text without a surrounding box.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawText()  Draws text inside a box.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawText()  Draws the specified text at the given position using the parameters supplied.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawTextExtended() - Draws text, optionally changing its direction (right-to-left / left-to-right).
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawTextVertical()  Draws vertical text in the specified direction.
  • CGraphicsContext::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text vertically in the specified direction, within a box of the specified size.
  • CGraphicsContext::GetUnderlineMetrics().
  • CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels()  Gets the amount of space in pixels by which to adjust letter or word spacing, given the total number of words and spaces, a start space, and the number of units to be adjusted.
  • CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels()  Gets the amount of space in pixels by which to adjust the current letter or word spacing, and also retrieves the number of excess pixels and word spaces remaining after the adjustment is performed.
  • CGraphicsContext::MapColors() - Maps pixels in the specified rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::MoveBy() - Sets the drawing point relative to the current co-ordinates.
  • CGraphicsContext::MoveTo() - Sets the drawing point relative to the co-ordinate origin.
  • CGraphicsContext::Plot() - Draws a single point.
  • CGraphicsContext::Reserved() - Reserved function for future use.
  • CGraphicsContext::Reserved_CGraphicsContext_2() - A reserved virtual function for future use.
  • CGraphicsContext::Reset() - Resets the graphics context to its default settings:.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetBrushColor() - Sets the brush colour.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetBrushOrigin() - Sets the brush pattern origin.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetBrushStyle() - Sets the brush style.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetCharJustification() - Sets character justification.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRect() - Sets the clipping rectangle.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRegion() - Sets the clipping region.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode() - Sets the drawing mode.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetOrigin() - Sets the position of the co-ordinate origin.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetPenColor() - Sets the pen colour.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetPenSize() - Sets the line drawing size for the pen.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetPenStyle() - Sets the line drawing style for the pen.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetStrikethroughStyle() - Sets the strikethrough style.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetUnderlineStyle() - Sets the underline style.
  • CGraphicsContext::SetWordJustification() - Adjusts the spaces between words to stretch or squeeze to a certain width.
  • CGraphicsContext::UseBrushPattern() - Sets the brush pattern to the specified bitmap.
  • CGraphicsContext::UseFont() - Sets the device font to be used for text drawing.
  • CGraphicsContext::TDrawTextExtendedParam::TDrawTextExtendedParam() - Constructor.
  • CGraphicsContext::TDrawTextParam::TDrawTextParam() - Reserved for future use.

  • CGraphicsDevice - Specifies the interface for concrete device classes.
  • CGraphicsDevice::CreateContext() - Creates a graphics context for the device.
  • CGraphicsDevice::DisplayMode() - Gets the display mode of the device.
  • CGraphicsDevice::FontHeightInTwips() - Get the height of a font in twips.
  • CGraphicsDevice::GetPalette() - Gets the device's current palette.
  • CGraphicsDevice::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the graphics device.
  • CGraphicsDevice::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the palette attributes of the device.
  • CGraphicsDevice::SetPalette() - Sets the device's palette.
  • CGraphicsDevice::SizeInPixels() - Gets the size of the device area in pixels.
  • CGraphicsDevice::SizeInTwips() - Gets the size of the device area in twips.
  • CGraphicsDevice::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a specified typeface.

  • CGridCellImg - Draws a grid cell's contents.
  • CGridCellImg::BurstColOffset() - Gets the bursting column offset.
  • CGridCellImg::BurstLeft() - Gets the left hand bursting value.
  • CGridCellImg::BurstRight() - Gets the right hand bursting value.
  • CGridCellImg::CGridCellImg() - Default constructor.
  • CGridCellImg::DataWidthInPixelsL() - Gets the width of the data contained in the specified cell.
  • CGridCellImg::DoesCellContainDataL() - Tests whether the specified cell contains data.
  • CGridCellImg::DrawL() - Draws the contents of the specified cell.
  • CGridCellImg::IsHorizontalGridLines() - Tests whether horizontal grid lines are drawn.
  • CGridCellImg::IsVerticalGridLines() - Tests whether vertical grid lines are drawn.
  • CGridCellImg::Reserved_1().
  • CGridCellImg::SetGridColors() - Sets the colours to be used when drawing.
  • CGridCellImg::~CGridCellImg() - Destructor.

  • CGridCellRegion - Defines a selected region.
  • CGridCellRegion::AddCellRangeL() - Adds the specified range to the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::AddColL() - Defines a new cell range one column in width, and adds it to the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::AddRowL() - Defines a new cell range one row in height, and adds it to the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::Count() - Gets the number of ranges in the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsAnyColSelected() - Tests whether any column is selected.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsAnyRowSelected() - Tests whether any row is selected.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsCellSelected()  Tests whether the specified cell is selected.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsCellSelected()  Tests whether the specified cell is selected in the range identified by the specified index.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsCellSelectedLastIndex() - Tests whether the specified cell is selected in the last range of the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsColSelected()  Tests whether the specified column is selected.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsColSelected()  Tests whether the specified column is selected in the range identified by the specified index.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsColSelectedLastIndex() - Tests whether the specified column is selected in the last range in the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsRangeSelected()  Tests whether the specified range is selected.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsRangeSelected()  Tests whether the specified range is the same as the range identified by the specified index.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsRangeSelectedLastIndex() - Tests whether the specified range is the same as the last range in the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsRowSelected()  Tests whether the specified row is selected.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsRowSelected()  Tests whether the specified row is selected in the range identified by the specified index.
  • CGridCellRegion::IsRowSelectedLastIndex() - Tests whether the specified row is selected in the last range in the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::NewL() - Creates a new selected region.
  • CGridCellRegion::operator[]() - Gets the range within the region that is identified by the specified index.
  • CGridCellRegion::RangeList() - Gets a pointer to the internal array of ranges that constitutes the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::Reset() - Deletes all ranges from the region.
  • CGridCellRegion::ResizeBounds() - Defines a new region boundary by replacing the end cell with the specified cell.
  • CGridCellRegion::SetLastCellRange() - Replaces the last range in the region with the specified range.
  • CGridCellRegion::~CGridCellRegion() - Destructor.

  • CGridImg - Draws the contents of the grid.
  • CGridImg::AddColToSelectedL() - Adds a column to, or replaces, the currently selected region.
  • CGridImg::AddRangeToSelectedL() - Adds the specified range to, or replaces, the currently selected region.
  • CGridImg::AddRegionToSelectedL() - Adds the specified region to, or replaces, the currently selected region.
  • CGridImg::AddRowToSelectedL() - Adds a row to, or replaces, the currently selected region.
  • CGridImg::AnchorPos() - Gets the cursor's anchor position.
  • CGridImg::CheckSideLabelWidth() - Checks whether there has been a change in the width of the side label.
  • CGridImg::CheckSideLabelWidthAndScrollL() - Checks the side label width and, if changed, scrolls the screen.
  • CGridImg::ClearTitleLineRegionL() - Clears the region where the the title lines are.
  • CGridImg::CursorPos() - Gets the current position of the cursor.
  • CGridImg::DrawCellL() - Draws the content of the specified cell.
  • CGridImg::DrawL()  Draws the entire grid and its contents.
  • CGridImg::DrawL()  Draws the grid and its contents that are visible within the specified rectangle.
  • CGridImg::DrawRangeL() - Draws the rectangle corresponding to the specified range.
  • CGridImg::DrawSelectedL() - Draws the currently selected region.
  • CGridImg::DrawTitleLines() - Draws the title lines.
  • CGridImg::FinishLabelDragL() - Deals with the end of a drag operation.
  • CGridImg::FinishLabelResizeL() - Completes the resizing of a row or column.
  • CGridImg::GridLabelImg() - Gets the the object that is used to draw a cell label.
  • CGridImg::GridRect() - Gets the rectangle containing the grid.
  • CGridImg::MainPoint() - Gets the position at which the visible range starts.
  • CGridImg::MainRect() - Gets the rectangle that corresponds to the visible range.
  • CGridImg::MaxSideLabelWidthInPixels() - Gets the maximum width of the side label.
  • CGridImg::MoveCursorL() - Moves the cursor to the specified position.
  • CGridImg::NewCursorPos() - Gets the new position of the cursor.
  • CGridImg::NewL()  Creates a new grid image object.
  • CGridImg::NewL()  Creates a new grid image object suitable for printing.
  • CGridImg::NotifyGridRangeResize() - Resets the region boundary to the grid boundary.
  • CGridImg::PrintGridLinesAndCellsInRangeL() - Prints the grid lines and cells in the specified range.
  • CGridImg::ResetReferencePoints() - Resets the reference points.
  • CGridImg::ResetSelectedL() - Clears the selected region.
  • CGridImg::ScrollL() - Scrolls the grid by the specified number of pixels.
  • CGridImg::Selected() - Gets the currently selected region.
  • CGridImg::SetAnchorPosL() - Sets the cursor's anchor position.
  • CGridImg::SetCursorMoveCallBack() - Sets the cursor moved call-back object.
  • CGridImg::SetCursorPosL() - Sets the new position of the cursor.
  • CGridImg::SetCursorWithPointerL() - Moves the cursor to an absolute position.
  • CGridImg::SetGridLabelImg() - Sets an object that draws a cell label.
  • CGridImg::SetGridLay() - Sets the specified grid layout object.
  • CGridImg::SetGridRect() - Sets the rectangle that is to contain the grid.
  • CGridImg::SetPrintGridRect() - Sets the rectangle that is to contain the grid for the purpose of printing.
  • CGridImg::SetWindow() - Sets the specified window.
  • CGridImg::SideLabelWidthInPixels() - Gets the width of the side label.
  • CGridImg::StartLabelDrag() - Deals with the start of a drag operation.
  • CGridImg::StartLabelResize() - Begins the resizing of a column or a row.
  • CGridImg::TitlePoint() - Gets the position of the title.
  • CGridImg::TopLabelHeightInPixels() - Gets the height of the top labels.
  • CGridImg::UpdateLabelDrag() - Deletes the dotted drag line and and redraws it at the new pointer position.
  • CGridImg::UpdateLabelResize() - Changes the size of the row or column currently being resized.
  • CGridImg::~CGridImg() - Destructor.

  • CGridLabelImg - Draws a grid cell's label.
  • CGridLabelImg::CGridLabelImg() - Constructor taking specified parameters.
  • CGridLabelImg::ConstructL() - Implements the second phase of two-phase construction.
  • CGridLabelImg::DrawColLabelL() - Draws a column label.
  • CGridLabelImg::DrawRowCursorL() - Draws a cursor to identify a row.
  • CGridLabelImg::DrawRowLabelL() - Draws a row label.
  • CGridLabelImg::DrawTopLeftLabelL()  Fills the specified rectangle with the specified colour.
  • CGridLabelImg::DrawTopLeftLabelL()  Fills the specified rectangle with a colour.
  • CGridLabelImg::FontSpec() - Gets the font specification.
  • CGridLabelImg::NotifyGraphicsDeviceMapChangeL() - Deals with the result of changing the graphics device map, i.e.
  • CGridLabelImg::ReleaseFont() - Releases the font.
  • CGridLabelImg::SetGraphicsDeviceMap() - Supplies a new interface object for mapping between twips and device-specific units.
  • CGridLabelImg::SetGridColors() - Sets the colours to be used when drawing the label.
  • CGridLabelImg::SideLabelWidthInPixels() - Gets the width of the side labels.
  • CGridLabelImg::TopLabelHeightInPixels() - Gets the height of the top labels.
  • CGridLabelImg::~CGridLabelImg() - Destructor.

  • CGridLay - Handles the layout of a grid, and controls how columns, rows and selections appear.
  • CGridLay::CellToPoint()  Gets the relative screen coordinates of the top left corner of the specified cell.
  • CGridLay::CellToPoint()  Gets the co-ordinate distance, in pixels, between the specified cells.
  • CGridLay::CellToRect() - Gets the rectangle that is occupied by the specified cell.
  • CGridLay::CGridLay() - Constructor taking an object that implements mapping between twips and device-specific units.
  • CGridLay::ClearAllHardPageBreaksL() - Removes all hard page breaks; this includes all row and column page breaks.
  • CGridLay::ClearHardColumnPageBreakL() - Removes the hard page break at the specified column.
  • CGridLay::ClearHardRowPageBreakL() - Removes the hard page break at the specified row.
  • CGridLay::ClearPagination() - Marks the grid as unpaginated.
  • CGridLay::ColumnExtent() - Gets the number of columns in the range.
  • CGridLay::ColumnToXVal()  Converts the specified column number to a screen x-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::ColumnToXVal()  Gets the distance, in pixels, between the two specified columns.
  • CGridLay::ColumnWidthInTwips() - Gets the width of the specified column.
  • CGridLay::ColumnWidthOfSelectedInTwips() - Gets the width of columns in the selected region.
  • CGridLay::ConstructL()  A second-phase constructor, taking an existing grid layout object, that constructs a partial layout object for printing.
  • CGridLay::ConstructL()  A second-phase constructor for constructing the object with definite row boundaries.
  • CGridLay::ConstructL()  A second-phase constructor for constructing the object with indefinite row boundaries.
  • CGridLay::DefaultColumnWidthInTwips() - Gets the default width of columns.
  • CGridLay::DefaultRowHeightInTwips() - Gets the default height of rows.
  • CGridLay::ExposeCell() - Scrolls the grid by the minimum necessary to allow the specified cell to become visible.
  • CGridLay::ExposeCellToTopLeft() - Scrolls the grid by the minimum necessary so that the specified cell is in the top left corner of the visible grid.
  • CGridLay::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • CGridLay::GridColors() - Gets the collection of colours used to draw the grid.
  • CGridLay::GridRange() - Gets the range of cells that defines the grid boundary.
  • CGridLay::HasChanged() - Tests whether any change has occurred to the grid layout.
  • CGridLay::InsertDeleteColumns() - Inserts or deletes columns.
  • CGridLay::InsertDeleteRows() - Inserts or deletes rows.
  • CGridLay::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • CGridLay::IsAutoClearGridCells() - Tests whether automatic clearing of grid cells is done.
  • CGridLay::IsAutoPagination() - Tests whether automatic pagination is in effect.
  • CGridLay::IsColumnBursting() - Tests whether column bursting is permitted.
  • CGridLay::IsColumnSelectionDisabled() - Tests whether column selection is disabled.
  • CGridLay::IsCursorVisible() - Tests whether the cursor is visible.
  • CGridLay::IsEncroachingCellBorders() - Tests whether encroaching cell borders are permitted.
  • CGridLay::IsGridLabelSeparators() - Tests whether label separators are to be drawn.
  • CGridLay::IsHardColumnPageBreak() - Tests whether there is a hard page break at the specified column.
  • CGridLay::IsHardRowPageBreak() - Tests whether there is a hard page break at the specified row.
  • CGridLay::IsHighlightVisible() - Tests whether selected cells are highlighted.
  • CGridLay::IsHorizontalGridLines() - Tests whether horizontal grid lines are to be drawn.
  • CGridLay::IsHorizontalTitleLine() - Tests whether the grid has a horizontal title line.
  • CGridLay::IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries() - Tests whether the grid has indefinite row boundaries.
  • CGridLay::IsPageBreakLinesHidden() - Tests whether lines marking page breaks are hidden.
  • CGridLay::IsPaginated() - Tests whether the grid has been paginated.
  • CGridLay::IsPrintedGridLines() - Tests whether grid lines are printed.
  • CGridLay::IsPrintedLabels() - Tests whether labels are printed.
  • CGridLay::IsRowPermanentlySelected() - Tests whether rows are permanently selected.
  • CGridLay::IsRowSelectionDisabled() - Tests whether row selection is disabled.
  • CGridLay::IsSideLabelDragDisabled() - Tests whether a drag operation on the boundary between two rows is permitted.
  • CGridLay::IsSideLabels() - Tests whether side grid labels are printed.
  • CGridLay::IsTitleLines() - Tests whether the grid has both horizontal and vertical title lines.
  • CGridLay::IsTopLabelDragDisabled() - Tests whether a drag operation on the boundary between two columns is permitted.
  • CGridLay::IsTopLabels() - Tests whether top labels are printed.
  • CGridLay::IsUniformColumnWidth() - Tests whether all columns have the same width.
  • CGridLay::IsUniformRowHeight() - Tests whether all the rows have the same height.
  • CGridLay::IsVerticalGridLines() - Tests whether vertical grid lines are to be drawn.
  • CGridLay::IsVerticalTitleLine() - Tests whether the grid has a vertical title line.
  • CGridLay::MinColumnWidthInPixels() - Gets the minimum width of columns.
  • CGridLay::MinRowHeightInPixels() - Gets the minimum height of rows.
  • CGridLay::MinVisibleFromColumn() - Gets the number of the leftmost column visible in the grid.
  • CGridLay::MinVisibleFromRow() - Gets the number of the topmost row visible in the grid.
  • CGridLay::NoOfPages() - Gets the number of pages that the grid would print to.
  • CGridLay::NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL() - Notifies this object that repagination must take place.
  • CGridLay::PageScroll() - Scrolls the grid by one page.
  • CGridLay::PageSizeInTwips() - Gets the size of a page.
  • CGridLay::PageToRange() - Gets the range of cells that are on the specified page.
  • CGridLay::PaginateL() - Paginates the grid.
  • CGridLay::PointToCell()  Gets the cell reference of the cell that contains the specified screen co-ordinates.
  • CGridLay::PointToCell()  Gets the cell reference of the cell that is displaced from the specified cell by the specified pixel co-ordinates.
  • CGridLay::RecalcPixelSparseMaps() - Recalculates the internal maps that map row and column numbers to heights and widths respectively.
  • CGridLay::ResetVisibleToCell() - Resets the row and column numbers visible at the bottom, and to the right, of the visible area of the grid.
  • CGridLay::ResetVisibleToColumn() - Resets the column number of the column visible at the right of the visible area of the grid.
  • CGridLay::ResetVisibleToRow() - Resets the row number of the row that should be visible at the bottom of the visible area of the grid.
  • CGridLay::RestoreL() - Internalises this object from the specified stream in the specified store.
  • CGridLay::RowExtent() - Gets the number of rows in the range.
  • CGridLay::RowHeightInTwips() - Gets the height of the specified row.
  • CGridLay::RowHeightOfSelectedInTwips() - Gets the height of rows in the selected region.
  • CGridLay::RowToYVal()  Converts the specified row number to a screen y-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::RowToYVal()  Calculates the relative pixel distance between the two specified rows.
  • CGridLay::SetAutoClearGridCells() - Sets whether automatic clearing of grid cells is to be done.
  • CGridLay::SetAutoPagination() - Sets whether automatic pagination is to be in effect.
  • CGridLay::SetColumnBursting() - Sets whether column bursting is to be permitted.
  • CGridLay::SetColumnSelectionDisabled() - Sets whether column selection is disabled.
  • CGridLay::SetColumnWidthInTwipsL()  Sets the width of the specified column.
  • CGridLay::SetColumnWidthInTwipsL()  Sets the widths of all specified columns to the specified value.
  • CGridLay::SetColumnWidthOfSelectedInTwipsL() - Sets the widths of all columns in the selected region to the specified value.
  • CGridLay::SetColumnWidthsToDefault() - Sets the widths of all columns to the default value.
  • CGridLay::SetCursorVisible() - Sets whether the cursor is to be visible.
  • CGridLay::SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips() - Sets the column width default value.
  • CGridLay::SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips() - Sets the default height of rows.
  • CGridLay::SetEncroachingCellBorders() - Sets whether encroaching cell borders are permitted.
  • CGridLay::SetGraphicsDeviceMap() - Sets the graphics device map to be used.
  • CGridLay::SetGridColors() - Sets the collection of colours to be used to draw the grid.
  • CGridLay::SetGridEdgeColor() - Defines the colour that the edges of the grid beyond the grid range are to have.
  • CGridLay::SetGridImgL() - Sets the specified grid image object.
  • CGridLay::SetGridLabelSeparators() - Sets whether label separators are to be drawn.
  • CGridLay::SetGridTable() - Sets the specified grid table object.
  • CGridLay::SetGridToDefault() - Resets the grid to its default layout.
  • CGridLay::SetHardColumnPageBreakL() - Sets a hard page break at the specified column.
  • CGridLay::SetHardRowPageBreakL() - Sets a hard page break at the specified row.
  • CGridLay::SetHasChanged() - Sets whether any change has occurred to the grid layout.
  • CGridLay::SetHighlightVisible() - Sets whether selected cells are to be highlighted.
  • CGridLay::SetHorizontalGridLines() - Sets whether horizontal grid lines are to be drawn.
  • CGridLay::SetMinColumnWidthInPixels() - Sets the minimum width of columns.
  • CGridLay::SetMinRowHeightInPixels() - Sets the minimum height of rows.
  • CGridLay::SetPageBreakLinesHidden() - Sets whether lines marking page breaks are hidden.
  • CGridLay::SetPageSizeInTwipsL() - Sets the size of a page.
  • CGridLay::SetPrintedGridLines() - Sets whether grid lines are printed.
  • CGridLay::SetPrintedLabels() - Sets whether labels are printed.
  • CGridLay::SetPrintRange() - Sets the range of cells that are visible for printing.
  • CGridLay::SetRowHeightInTwipsL()  Sets the height of the specified row.
  • CGridLay::SetRowHeightInTwipsL()  Sets the heights of all specified rows to the specified value.
  • CGridLay::SetRowHeightOfSelectedInTwipsL() - Sets the heights of all rows in the selected region to the specified value.
  • CGridLay::SetRowHeightsToDefault() - Sets the heights of all rows to the default value.
  • CGridLay::SetRowPermanentlySelectedL() - Sets whether rows are to be permanently selected.
  • CGridLay::SetRowSelectionDisabled() - Sets whether row selection is disabled.
  • CGridLay::SetSideLabelDragDisabled() - Sets whether a drag operation on the boundary between two rows is to be permitted.
  • CGridLay::SetSideLabels() - Sets whether side labels are printed.
  • CGridLay::SetTitleLinesL()  Sets whether the grid is to have both horizontal and vertical title lines.
  • CGridLay::SetTitleLinesL()  Sets horizontal and vertical title lines at the specified cell.
  • CGridLay::SetTopLabelDragDisabled() - Sets whether a drag operation on the boundary between two columns is to be permitted.
  • CGridLay::SetTopLabels() - Sets whether top labels are printed.
  • CGridLay::SetUniformColumnWidth() - Sets whether all columns are to have the same width.
  • CGridLay::SetUniformRowHeight() - Sets whether all rows are to have the same height.
  • CGridLay::SetVerticalGridLines() - Sets whether vertical grid lines are to be drawn.
  • CGridLay::SetVisibleRange() - Scrolls the grid so that the specified cell is visible in the top left corner of the grid.
  • CGridLay::StoreL() - Externalises this object to a stream in the specified store.
  • CGridLay::TitleCellToPoint() - Gets the relative screen coordinates of the top left corner of the specified cell, when title lines are displayed.
  • CGridLay::TitleColumnToXVal() - Calculates the relative pixel distance between the specified column and the first title column.
  • CGridLay::TitleRange() - Gets the range of cells that form the grid titles.
  • CGridLay::TitleRowToYVal() - Calculates the relative pixel distance between the specified row and the first title row.
  • CGridLay::ToggleTitleLinesL() - Sets title lines on, if they are off; sets title lines off, if they are on.
  • CGridLay::TopLeftTitleRangeSize() - Gets the size of the top left range, if title lines are on.
  • CGridLay::VisibleColumnToXVal() - Converts the specified visible column number to a screen x-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::VisibleRange() - Gets the range of cells that are currently visible.
  • CGridLay::VisibleRowToYVal() - Converts the specified visible row number to a screen y-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::XValToColumn()  Gets the number of the column, limited to the grid boundary, that is on or to the left of the specified x-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::XValToColumn()  Gets the number of the column that is on or to the left of the specified displacement from the specified column.
  • CGridLay::XValToNearestColumn() - Gets the column that is nearest to the specified displacement from the specified column.
  • CGridLay::XValToTitleColumn() - Gets the number of the column that is on or to the left of the specified x-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::YValToNearestRow() - Gets the row that is nearest to the specified displacement from the specified row.
  • CGridLay::YValToRow()  Gets the number of the row, limited to the grid boundary, that is on or above the specified y-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::YValToRow()  Gets the number of the row that is on or above the specified displacement from the specified row.
  • CGridLay::YValToTitleRow() - Gets the number of the row that is on or above the specified y-coordinate value.
  • CGridLay::~CGridLay() - Destructor.

  • CGridPrinter - Handles printing and print preview functionality for grid.
  • CGridPrinter::GridLay() - Gets the grid layout used by this printing object.
  • CGridPrinter::NewL() - Creates a new grid printer object.
  • CGridPrinter::PaginateL() - Paginates the grid.
  • CGridPrinter::PrintBandL() - Prints a band.
  • CGridPrinter::SetPageSizeInTwipsL() - Sets the size of the page.
  • CGridPrinter::SetRealPrintingDeviceMap() - Supplies the object that deals with the mapping between twips and device-specific units for a specific printer.
  • CGridPrinter::SetTopLeftMargin() - Sets the top left margin.
  • CGridPrinter::~CGridPrinter() - Destructor.

  • CGsmuBackupObserver - Closes all SAR stores if a backup event starts.
  • CGsmuBackupObserver::AddSARStoreL().
  • CGsmuBackupObserver::HandleBackupOperationEventL() - Called when a backup or restore operation either starts or ends.
  • CGsmuBackupObserver::NewL().
  • CGsmuBackupObserver::RemoveSARStore().
  • CGsmuBackupObserver::~CGsmuBackupObserver().

  • CGulIcon - Packages two bitmaps, one each for an icon image and its mask.
  • CGulIcon::Bitmap() - Gets the icon image's bitmap.
  • CGulIcon::BitmapsOwnedExternally() - Gets the icon bitmap ownership.
  • CGulIcon::Mask() - Gets the icon image's mask.
  • CGulIcon::NewL()  Creates a new icon.
  • CGulIcon::NewL()  Creates a new icon using the bitmap and mask.
  • CGulIcon::NewLC() - Creates a new icon and leaves it on the cleanup stack.
  • CGulIcon::SetBitmap() - Sets the icon image's bitmap.
  • CGulIcon::SetBitmapsOwnedExternally() - Sets the bitmap and mask to be owned externally.
  • CGulIcon::SetMask() - Sets the icon image's mask.
  • CGulIcon::~CGulIcon() - Destructor.

  • CHFPanic - Contains a list of panic codes and a Panic function that is used internally by the framework.

  • CHMAC - An HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code).
  • CHMAC::BlockSize() - Gets the internal block size of the message digest.
  • CHMAC::CopyL() - Creates a new CMessageDigest object with the exact same state as the current object.
  • CHMAC::Final()  Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages, and calls Reset().
  • CHMAC::Final()  Gets a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages and then calls Reset().
  • CHMAC::Hash() - Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages.
  • CHMAC::HashSize() - Gets the size of the message digest output.
  • CHMAC::NewL() - Creates a new HMAC object from a specified type of message digest and authentication key.
  • CHMAC::ReplicateL() - Creates a brand new reset CMessageDigest object containing no state information from the current object.
  • CHMAC::Reset() - Resets the internal state of the message digest.
  • CHMAC::RestoreState() - Restores the internal state of the message digest to a previously stored state.
  • CHMAC::StoreState() - Stores the internal state of the message digest.
  • CHMAC::Update() - Adds data to the internal representation of messages to be hashed.
  • CHMAC::~CHMAC() - Destructor.

  • CHTTPFormEncoder - A data supplier class that is used to build up data that is to be encoded to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::AddFieldL() - Adds a field to the data.
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::GetNextDataPart() - Obtain a data part from the supplier.
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::NewL().
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::OverallDataSize() - Obtain the overall size of the data being supplied, if known to the supplier.
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::ReleaseData() - Release the current data part being held at the data supplier.
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::Reset() - Reset the data supplier.
  • CHTTPFormEncoder::~CHTTPFormEncoder().

  • CHTTPResponse.
  • CHTTPResponse::AddResponse().
  • CHTTPResponse::CharSet().
  • CHTTPResponse::CharSet().
  • CHTTPResponse::CHTTPResponse().
  • CHTTPResponse::ConstructL().
  • CHTTPResponse::ContentType().
  • CHTTPResponse::ContentType().
  • CHTTPResponse::DetailedStatusCode().
  • CHTTPResponse::Extend_CHTTPResponse().
  • CHTTPResponse::Extend_CHTTPResponse_const().
  • CHTTPResponse::ExtractCacheControlTime().
  • CHTTPResponse::FindBinaryDescField().
  • CHTTPResponse::FindCacheControlFieldValue().
  • CHTTPResponse::FindField().
  • CHTTPResponse::FindField().
  • CHTTPResponse::FindRealm().
  • CHTTPResponse::LocateField().
  • CHTTPResponse::NewL().
  • CHTTPResponse::Reset().
  • CHTTPResponse::Response().
  • CHTTPResponse::SetStatusCode().
  • CHTTPResponse::StatusCode().
  • CHTTPResponse::~CHTTPResponse().

  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator - A factory for creating 2D graphics accelerator objects whose graphics operations are implemented in hardware, software or a mixture of both.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Capabilities() - Returns the capabilities of the graphics accelerator.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::GenericCapabilities() - Gets the generic capabilities of the accelerator, including the supported display modes for the bitmap passed to NewL().
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::NewL() - Create a new CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator for use with a given hardware bitmap.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator to perform a single graphics operation.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform a single graphics operation within a clipping region.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform one or more graphics operations contained in a buffer.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform one or more graphics operations within a clipping region.
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_1().
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_2().
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_3().
  • CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_4().

  • CHeaderCodec - An abstract HTTP header codec.
  • CHeaderCodec::CanDecode() - Intended Usage: Concrete header codec classes must implement this method to indicate to the framework whether their concrete CHeaderReader is capable of decoding the named header field.
  • CHeaderCodec::CanEncode() - Intended Usage: Concrete header codec classes must implement this method to indicate to the framework whether their concrete CHeaderWriter is capable of encoding the named header field.
  • CHeaderCodec::CHeaderCodec() - Default constructor.
  • CHeaderCodec::ConstructL() - Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done Implementations of this interface may leave with standard erros like KErrNoMemory if there is insufficient memory for allocation in the second phase.
  • CHeaderCodec::DecodeHeaderL() - Decode the supplied header field.
  • CHeaderCodec::EncodeHeaderL() - Encode the supplied header field.
  • CHeaderCodec::FindDelegateCodecL() - Intended Usage: Concrete header codecs must be implement this method if they wish to delegate the encoding/decoding of particular header fields to a different codec.
  • CHeaderCodec::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CHeaderCodec::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CHeaderCodec::~CHeaderCodec() - Intended Usage: Destructor - cleans up and releases resources to the system.

  • CHeaderFooter - A document header or footer.
  • CHeaderFooter::CharFormat() - Gets the character format layer upon which the header or footer's character formatting is based.
  • CHeaderFooter::CreateTextL() - Allocates and constructs the rich text object owned by the header or footer.
  • CHeaderFooter::ExternalizeL() - Externalises this object's text content and global format layers to a write stream.
  • CHeaderFooter::FileNameFieldInfo() - Gets the object which implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface, as set by SetFileNameInfo().
  • CHeaderFooter::FirstPageToPrintTo() - Gets the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed.
  • CHeaderFooter::InternalizeL() - Internalises this object's text content and global format layers from a read stream.
  • CHeaderFooter::NewFieldL() - Implementations of this function should create a field of the type specified, returning NULL if the field type is not recognised or supported.
  • CHeaderFooter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an uninitialised CHeaderFooter object.
  • CHeaderFooter::NumPagesFieldInfo() - Gets the object which implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface, as set by SetNumPagesInfo().
  • CHeaderFooter::ParaFormat() - Gets the paragraph format layer which is owned by the header or footer.
  • CHeaderFooter::RestoreComponentsL() - Restores this object's components from a stream store.
  • CHeaderFooter::RestoreL() - Restores this object and all associated components from a stream store.
  • CHeaderFooter::SetCharFormat() - Sets the format layer upon which the header or footer's character formatting is based.
  • CHeaderFooter::SetFileNameInfo() - Sets an object to update the document's filename.
  • CHeaderFooter::SetFirstPageToPrintTo() - Sets the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed, allowing headers and footers to be omitted from the beginning of a document.
  • CHeaderFooter::SetNumPagesInfo() - Sets an object to update the total number of pages.
  • CHeaderFooter::SetParaFormat() - Sets the format layer upon which the header or footer's paragraph formatting is based.
  • CHeaderFooter::SetText() - Sets the rich text object which is owned by the header or footer.
  • CHeaderFooter::StoreComponentsL() - Stores this object's components to a stream store, specifying a stream store and store map.
  • CHeaderFooter::StoreL() - Stores a CHeaderFooter object and all associated components to a stream store.
  • CHeaderFooter::Text() - Gets the rich text object owned by this header or footer.
  • CHeaderFooter::~CHeaderFooter() - Destructor.

  • CHeaderReader - An abstract HTTP header decoder.
  • CHeaderReader::CHeaderReader() - Default constructor.
  • CHeaderReader::ConstructL() - Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done Implementations of this interface may leave with standard errors like KErrNoMemory.
  • CHeaderReader::DecodeHeaderL() - Intended Usage: Decodes the supplied header field.
  • CHeaderReader::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CHeaderReader::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CHeaderReader::~CHeaderReader() - Intended Usage: Destructor - cleans up and release resources to the system.

  • CHeaderWriter - An abstract HTTP header encoder.
  • CHeaderWriter::CHeaderWriter() - Default constructor.
  • CHeaderWriter::ConstructL() - Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done Implementations of this interface may leave with standard errors like KErrNoMemory.
  • CHeaderWriter::EncodeHeaderL() - Intended Usage: Encodes the supplied header field.
  • CHeaderWriter::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CHeaderWriter::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CHeaderWriter::~CHeaderWriter() - Intended Usage: Destructor - cleans up and release resources to the system.

  • CHeartbeat - Heatbeat timer.
  • CHeartbeat::CHeartbeat() - Protected constructor with a priority.
  • CHeartbeat::New() - Allocates and constructs a CHeartbeat object - non-leaving.
  • CHeartbeat::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CHeartbeat object - leaving.
  • CHeartbeat::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CHeartbeat::Start() - Starts generating heartbeat events.
  • CHeartbeat::~CHeartbeat() - Destructor.

  • CHlpItem - Encapsulates an individual item in a help file.
  • CHlpItem::CategoryUid() - Gets the item's category ID.
  • CHlpItem::HelpFileUid() - Gets the item's help file UID.
  • CHlpItem::Id() - Gets the item's ID.
  • CHlpItem::Title() - Gets the item's title.
  • CHlpItem::~CHlpItem() - Destructor.

  • CHlpList - A list of help items (CHlpItem objects).
  • CHlpList::AppendL() - Appends an item to the list.
  • CHlpList::At() - Gets the topic ID of the item at the specified index.
  • CHlpList::Find() - Searches the list for a specified item ID.
  • CHlpList::Item() - Gets the item at the specified index.
  • CHlpList::MdcaCount() - Gets the number of items in the list.
  • CHlpList::MdcaPoint() - Gets the title of the item at the specified index.
  • CHlpList::NewL() - Allocates and creates a new help list object.
  • CHlpList::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new help list object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CHlpList::Reset() - Resets the list.
  • CHlpList::~CHlpList() - Destructor.

  • CHlpModel - Help model interface.
  • CHlpModel::CancelSearch() - Cancels a full text search.
  • CHlpModel::CategoryListL() - Populates a list of available help categories.
  • CHlpModel::CategoryUIDSearchL() - Searches for topics with the specified help category UID.
  • CHlpModel::CloseFileL() - Closes a specified help file.
  • CHlpModel::CloseL() - Closes all open help files.
  • CHlpModel::ContextSearchL() - Searches for a topic with the specified help context.
  • CHlpModel::HandleDbEventL().
  • CHlpModel::IndexSearchL() - Searches for index entries for the specified help item.
  • CHlpModel::LoadListL() - Gets the current help list.
  • CHlpModel::LoadTopicL()  Gets the current help topic text and title.
  • CHlpModel::LoadTopicL()  Gets the current help topic text.
  • CHlpModel::LoadTopicL()  Gets the current help topic.
  • CHlpModel::MatchUidL() - Searches the open help databases for the specified topic UID.
  • CHlpModel::NewL() - Allocates and creates a help model object.
  • CHlpModel::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a help model object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CHlpModel::NewPictureL() - Interface to the picture restoration process that ensures that a picture of the correct type is restored.
  • CHlpModel::OpenFileL() - Opens a specified help file.
  • CHlpModel::OpenL() - Opens all the help files in \Resource\Help.
  • CHlpModel::SearchL()  Searches using a specified type of search with a numeric criterion.
  • CHlpModel::SearchL()  Searches using a specified type of search, allowing a NULL seach criterion.
  • CHlpModel::SearchL()  Searches using a specified type of search with a string search criterion.
  • CHlpModel::SetObserver() - Sets the client callback interface.
  • CHlpModel::SetZoomFactors() - Sets a zoom factor for a logical zoom size.
  • CHlpModel::SetZoomSizeL() - Sets the zoom size to use for help text and pictures.
  • CHlpModel::StreamStoreL() - Gets the current rich text store.
  • CHlpModel::TopicSearchL() - Searches for a topic for the specified help item.
  • CHlpModel::ZoomSize() - Gets the zoom size used for help text and pictures.
  • CHlpModel::~CHlpModel() - Destructor.

  • CHlpTopic - Encapsulates a help topic.
  • CHlpTopic::Category() - Gets the topic category.
  • CHlpTopic::CharFormatLayer() - Gets the topic character formatting.
  • CHlpTopic::NewL() - Allocates and creates a new help topic object.
  • CHlpTopic::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new help topic object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CHlpTopic::ParaFormatLayer() - Gets the topic paragraph formatting.
  • CHlpTopic::RestoreL() - Restores the object from a database view.
  • CHlpTopic::TopicText() - Gets the topic text.
  • CHlpTopic::TopicTitle() - Gets the topic title.
  • CHlpTopic::~CHlpTopic().

  • CICLAnimationDataProvider - Data provider for frame based animations.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::CAnimationDataProvider_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::CAnimationDataProvider_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::CICLAnimationDataProvider() - Default constructor.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::CICLAnimationDataProvider_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::CICLAnimationDataProvider_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::DataLoaderEventL().
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::DataType() - Called from the animation to obtain the type of data to expect.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::SetFileL() - Specifies the file to load the animation from.
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::StartL() - Implmenets CAnimationDataProvider::StartL().
  • CICLAnimationDataProvider::~CICLAnimationDataProvider() - Destructor.

  • CIdle - An active object that performs low-priority processing when no higher-priority active objects are ready to run.
  • CIdle::CIdle() - Protected constructor taking a priority value.
  • CIdle::DoCancel() - Implements the cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CIdle::New() - Allocates and initialises an Idle time active object and adds it to the active scheduler.
  • CIdle::NewL() - Allocates and initialises an Idle time active object, adds it to the active scheduler, but leaves on failure.
  • CIdle::RunL() - Handles this idle active object's request completion event.
  • CIdle::Start() - Starts the background task.
  • CIdle::~CIdle() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CIdleFinder - Provides information about the progress of an asynchronous contact database search, and can be used to get the results of the search.
  • CIdleFinder::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CIdleFinder::Error() - Signals an error while searching the database.
  • CIdleFinder::IsComplete() - Checks whether the contact database search is complete.
  • CIdleFinder::RunError().
  • CIdleFinder::TakeContactIds() - Gets an array of contact item IDs where the match is found.

  • CImBaseEmailSettings - Parent class for CImPop3Settings, CImImap4Settings, CImSmtpSettings.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::Port() - Retrieves the port number of an email server when establishing a TCP connection.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::SecureSockets() - Retrieves whether a secure TLS connection will be negotiated over an unsecure TCP socket connection when a connection is being established.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::ServerAddress() - Retrieves the configured IP address or host name of the email server.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::SetPort() - Configures the port number of an email server when establishing a TCP connection.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::SetSecureSockets() - Sets whether a secure TLS connection will be negotiated over an unsecure socket when a connection is being established.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::SetServerAddressL() - If an instance of this class is of type CImPop3Settings or CImImap4Settings, the address should be the incoming POP3 or IMAP4 email server.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::SetSSLWrapper() - Specifies whether a secure TLS connection will be established directly over a TLS socket when connecting to the email server.
  • CImBaseEmailSettings::SSLWrapper() - Whether secure sockets will be used.

  • CImCacheManager - Provides management of the local cache of messages in remote mailboxes.
  • CImCacheManager::CImCacheManager() - Constructor.
  • CImCacheManager::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CImCacheManager::DoCancel() - Implements the active object cancellation protocol for a cache cleanup operation.
  • CImCacheManager::Filter() - Tests if cache cleanup should be performed on a message entry.
  • CImCacheManager::ProgressL() - Gets information on the progress of the operation.
  • CImCacheManager::RunL() - Implements the active object completion protocol for a cache cleanup operation.
  • CImCacheManager::StartL()  Performs a recursive cache cleanup starting from a specified root entry.
  • CImCacheManager::StartL()  Performs a recursive cache cleanup for a specified selection of root entries.
  • CImCacheManager::~CImCacheManager() - Destructor.

  • CImEmailMessage - This class can be used to manipulate new emails that have been created using CImEmailOperation when composing a message.
  • CImEmailMessage::AddRelatedPartL() - Adds a file to a specified message as a MIME multipart/related part.
  • CImEmailMessage::AttachmentManager().
  • CImEmailMessage::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CImEmailMessage::DoComplete().
  • CImEmailMessage::DoRunL().
  • CImEmailMessage::FindFirstHTMLPageFileHandleL() - Asynchronously searches for the starting MHTML part embedded in a multipart/related email message.
  • CImEmailMessage::FindFirstHTMLPageL() - Asynchronously searches for the starting MHTML part embedded in a multipart/related email message.
  • CImEmailMessage::FindUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandleL() - Asynchronously searches a message entry for an MHTML URI, and resolves it to the message entry that contains the message part specified by the URI.
  • CImEmailMessage::FindUniversalResourceIdentifierL() - Asynchronously searches a message entry for an MHTML URI, and resolves it to the message entry that contains the message part specified by the URI.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetAttachmentsListL()  Asynchronously populates a list containing all the attachment entry Ids found that are of a specified type belonging to the specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetAttachmentsListL()  Populates a list containing all the attachment entry Ids found that are of a specified type belonging to the specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetBodyTextEntryIdL().
  • CImEmailMessage::GetBodyTextEntryIdL().
  • CImEmailMessage::GetBodyTextL()  Asynchronously retrieves the body text for a specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetBodyTextL()  Retrieves the body text for a specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetCharacterSetL() - Returns the character set Id that the body text will be decoded in when it is returned in the call to GetBodyTextL().
  • CImEmailMessage::GetMessageDigestEntriesL() - Asynchronously populates a list of embedded message entries contained within the specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandle() - Gets the results from FindUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandleL() or FindFirstHTMLPageFileHandleL() method calls when they have completed.
  • CImEmailMessage::GetUniversalResourceIdentifierL() - Gets the results from FindUniversalResourceIdentifierL() or FindFirstHTMLPageL() method calls when they have completed.
  • CImEmailMessage::NewL() - Allocates and creates a new CImEmailMessage object.
  • CImEmailMessage::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new CImEmailMessage object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CImEmailMessage::ProgressL() - Returns a message entry Id as a type-safe package buffer (TPckg ).
  • CImEmailMessage::Selection() - Returns a selection of entries.
  • CImEmailMessage::SetCharacterSetL() - Stores the new character set that the message will be displayed as next time it is viewed.
  • CImEmailMessage::StoreBodyTextL() - Asynchronously stores a body text part for the specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::StoreBodyTextWithMimeHeaderL() - Asynchronously stores a body text part for the specified message.
  • CImEmailMessage::~CImEmailMessage() - Destructor.

  • CImEmailOperation - Provides simple email messages creation functions, including creation of new messages, replies, forwarded messages, and receipts.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateForwardAsAttachmentL()  Creates a forwarded email message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateForwardAsAttachmentL()  Creates a forwarded email message, specifying the message priority and SMTP service with which to send the message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateForwardL()  Creates a forwarded email message, overriding the default subject format string.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateForwardL()  Creates a forwarded email message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateForwardL()  Creates a forwarded email message, specifying the message priority and SMTP service with which to send the message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateNewL()  Creates a new email message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateNewL()  Creates a new email message with a specified priority and SMTP service.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateReceiptL()  Creates a email receipt message, overriding the default subject format string.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateReceiptL()  Creates a email receipt message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateReceiptL()  Creates a email receipt message, specifying the message priority.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateReplyL()  Creates a reply email message, overriding the default subject format string.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateReplyL()  Creates a reply email message.
  • CImEmailOperation::CreateReplyL()  Creates a reply email message, specifying a message priority.
  • CImEmailOperation::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CImEmailOperation::FinalProgress() - Gets progress information for a completed operation.
  • CImEmailOperation::ProgressL() - Gets progress information.
  • CImEmailOperation::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CImEmailOperation::~CImEmailOperation() - Destructor.

  • CImHeader - Encapsulates an Internet Mail (RFC822) header.
  • CImHeader::AddEncodingInfoL() - Adds header field encoding information.
  • CImHeader::BccRecipients()  Gets a const list of "Bcc" recipients.
  • CImHeader::BccRecipients()  Gets a list of "Bcc" recipients.
  • CImHeader::BodyEncoding() - Gets the method of encoding the body of the email message.
  • CImHeader::CcRecipients()  Gets a const list of "Cc" recipients.
  • CImHeader::CcRecipients()  Gets a list of "Cc" recipients.
  • CImHeader::Charset() - Gets the character set to use when sending the message header.
  • CImHeader::CreateForwardL() - Populates a new forward header.
  • CImHeader::CreateReceiptL() - Populates a Receipt email header.
  • CImHeader::CreateReplyL() - Populates a new Reply header.
  • CImHeader::DataSize() - Gets the combined length of all the field values stored.
  • CImHeader::EncodingInfo()  Gets information relating to the encoding of header fields in received email.
  • CImHeader::EncodingInfo()  Gets const information relating to the encoding of header fields in received email.
  • CImHeader::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the settings to a specified stream.
  • CImHeader::From() - Gets the "From" header field.
  • CImHeader::ImMsgId() - Gets the "MessageId" header field.
  • CImHeader::InReplyTo() - Gets the "In Reply To" header field.
  • CImHeader::InternalizeL() - Internalises the settings from a specified stream.
  • CImHeader::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new CImHeader object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CImHeader::OverrideCharset() - Returns the character set to be used when calling ReDecodeL.
  • CImHeader::ReceiptAddress() - Gets the "Receipt" header field.
  • CImHeader::ReDecodeL() - Decodes the original message data into the CImHeader fields using the override character set.
  • CImHeader::RemoteSize().
  • CImHeader::ReplyTo() - Gets the "ReplyTo" header field.
  • CImHeader::ResentBccRecipients().
  • CImHeader::ResentBccRecipients().
  • CImHeader::ResentCcRecipients().
  • CImHeader::ResentCcRecipients().
  • CImHeader::ResentFrom().
  • CImHeader::ResentMsgId().
  • CImHeader::ResentToRecipients().
  • CImHeader::ResentToRecipients().
  • CImHeader::Reset() - Resets all header field values.
  • CImHeader::RestoreL() - Restores settings from a specified message store.
  • CImHeader::SetBodyEncoding() - Sets the method of encoding the body of the email message.
  • CImHeader::SetCharset() - Sets the character set to use when sending the message header.
  • CImHeader::SetFromL()  Sets the "From" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetFromL()  Sets the "From" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetImMsgIdL() - Sets the "MessageId" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetInReplyToL() - Sets the "In Reply To" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetOverrideCharset() - Sets the character set to be used when calling ReDecodeL.
  • CImHeader::SetReceiptAddressL()  Sets the "Receipt" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetReceiptAddressL()  Sets the "Receipt" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetRemoteSize().
  • CImHeader::SetReplyToL()  Sets the "ReplyTo" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetReplyToL()  Sets the "ReplyTo" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetResentFromL().
  • CImHeader::SetResentMsgIdL().
  • CImHeader::SetSubjectL()  Sets the "Subject" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetSubjectL()  Sets the "Subject" header field.
  • CImHeader::SetVersion().
  • CImHeader::StoreL() - Stores, but does not commit, settings to a specified message store.
  • CImHeader::StoreWithoutCommitL() - Stores, but does not commit, settings to a specified message store.
  • CImHeader::Subject() - Gets the "Subject" header field.
  • CImHeader::ToRecipients()  Gets a const list of "To" recipients.
  • CImHeader::ToRecipients()  Gets a list of "To" recipients.
  • CImHeader::Version().
  • CImHeader::~CImHeader() - Destructor.

  • CImIAPPreferences - Encapsulates preferences relating to IAPs for an email service.
  • CImIAPPreferences::AddIAPL() - Adds the given IAP with the given preference value.
  • CImIAPPreferences::FindIAPL() - Finds the preference value for a specified IAP.
  • CImIAPPreferences::IAPPreference() - Gets the IAP choice of the given preference value.
  • CImIAPPreferences::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new CImIAPPreferences object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CImIAPPreferences::NumberOfIAPs() - Gets the number of IAPs that are assigned to the current service entry.
  • CImIAPPreferences::RemoveIAPL() - Removes the IAP of the given preference.
  • CImIAPPreferences::ReplaceIAPL() - Replaces the current IAP at a specified preference value.
  • CImIAPPreferences::Version() - Gets the version number of the preferences structure.
  • CImIAPPreferences::~CImIAPPreferences() - Destructor.

  • CImImap4GetMail - Encapsulates an operation to copy, move, and populate (i.e.
  • CImImap4GetMail::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CImImap4GetMail::FinalProgress() - Gets information about a completed operation.
  • CImImap4GetMail::GetMailL() - Creates and begins a new IMAP4 get mail operation.
  • CImImap4GetMail::ProgressL() - Gets information on the progress of the operation.
  • CImImap4GetMail::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.

  • CImImap4Settings - Settings for connection to and use of an IMAP4 mail server and its mailboxes.
  • CImImap4Settings::AcknowledgeReceipts() - Checks whether the caller has enabled this setting by calling SetAcknowledgeReceipts().
  • CImImap4Settings::AttachmentSizeLimit() - Retrieves the maximum attachment size limit for the partial fetch of attachments in a message.
  • CImImap4Settings::AutoSendOnConnect().
  • CImImap4Settings::BodyTextSizeLimit() - Retrieves the maximum body text size limit for the partial fetch of message body.
  • CImImap4Settings::CImImap4Settings() - Allocates and creates a new CImImap4Settings object initialised to default values.
  • CImImap4Settings::CopyL() - Copies the configuration settings from another IMAP4 settings object into this object.
  • CImImap4Settings::DeleteEmailsWhenDisconnecting() - Checks whether the caller has enabled messages marked to be deleted while offline to be expunged from the server when disconnecting from the next online session.
  • CImImap4Settings::DisconnectedUserMode() - Checks if disconnected user mode is configured.
  • CImImap4Settings::FetchSize() - Retrieves the IMAP fetch size.
  • CImImap4Settings::FolderPath() - Retrieves the configured path of the IMAP4 mailbox on the server if the user's primary mailbox is not in the Inbox folder.
  • CImImap4Settings::GetMailOptions() - Gets a preference setting for which components of a message (headers, body, attachments) to fetch when getting messages from a remote server.
  • CImImap4Settings::ImapIdle() - Retrieves whether the IMAP IDLE command should be used as defined in RFC2177.
  • CImImap4Settings::ImapIdleTimeout() - Retrieves the IMAP IDLE timeout seconds.
  • CImImap4Settings::InboxSynchronisationLimit() - Gets the maximum number of new messages in the Inbox that are synchronised when a synchronisation takes place.
  • CImImap4Settings::LoginName() - Retrieves the configured login user name (mailbox) of the IMAP4 service.
  • CImImap4Settings::MailboxSynchronisationLimit() - Gets the maximum number of new messages, for folders other than the Inbox, that are synchronised when a synchronisation takes place.
  • CImImap4Settings::MaxEmailSize() - Returns the maximum message size in bytes to be downloaded.
  • CImImap4Settings::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • CImImap4Settings::PartialMailOptions() - Gets the option for how.
  • CImImap4Settings::Password() - Retrieves the configured login password that will be sent during authentication with the IMAP4 server.
  • CImImap4Settings::PathSeparator() - Retrieves the character configured to separate hierarchical mailbox names on the IMAP4 server.
  • CImImap4Settings::Reset() - Resets the settings to their default values.
  • CImImap4Settings::SearchString() - Gets the search string used to filter which messages are synchronised.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetAcknowledgeReceipts() - Sets or resets a flag.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetAttachmentSizeLimitL() - Specifies the maximum attachment size limit for the partial fetch of attachments in a message.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetAutoSendOnConnect() - Configures the IMAP4 service to send queued emails associated with the same internet access point to be sent first before logging onto the IMAP4 server.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetBodyTextSizeLimitL() - Specifies the maximum body text size limit for the partial fetch of message body.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetDeleteEmailsWhenDisconnecting() - If enabled, messages marked as deleted while offline will be deleted when logging off from the next IMAP4 session.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetDisconnectedUserMode() - Enables the IMAP4 client MTM (CImap4ClientMtm) to accept message operations while disconnected.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetFetchSizeL() - Specifies the IMAP fetch size in bytes.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetFolderPathL() - Specifies the path to the IMAP4 mailbox on the server if the user's primary mailbox is not in the Inbox folder.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetGetMailOptions() - Sets a preference setting for which components of a message (headers, body, attachments) to fetch when getting messages from a remote server.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetImapIdle() - Specifies whether the IMAP IDLE command should be used as defined in RFC2177.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetImapIdleTimeoutL() - Specifies the IMAP IDLE timeout in seconds.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetInboxSynchronisationLimit() - Sets the maximum number of new messages in the Inbox that are synchronised when a synchronisation takes place.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetLoginNameL() - Configures the login user name (mailbox) for the IMAP4 service.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetMailboxSynchronisationLimit() - Sets the maximum number of new messages, for folders other than the Inbox, that are synchronised when a synchronisation takes place.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetMaxEmailSize() - Sets the maximum message size in bytes to be downloaded.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetPartialMailOptionsL() - Specifies whether no limits on the body parts, only body text, only attachments, the entire message (both body text and attachment) with size limits on body text and attachment or the entire message with total size limit (ECumulative - body text + attachment <_ total="total" size="size" limit="limit" will="will" be="be" downloaded="downloaded" when="when" synchronising="synchronising" with="with" the="the" imap4="imap4" server.="server." li="li">
  • CImImap4Settings::SetPasswordL() - Configures the login password for the IMAP4 service.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetPathSeparator() - Specifies the character used to separate hierarchical mailbox names on the IMAP4 server.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetSearchStringL() - Sets a search string for the service.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetSubscribe() - Sets the method for synchronising IMAP4 subscription information with a server.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetSynchronise() - Sets the method for synchronising folder information with the server.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetSyncRateL() - Specifies the rate in seconds at which the Inbox will be refreshed when connected.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetUpdatingSeenFlags() - Specifies whether the IMAP4 seen flag of messages will be set on the server only when the message has been marked as read, or when the message has been synchronised.
  • CImImap4Settings::SetUseExpunge() - Allows KImap4EmailExpungeFlag to be set.
  • CImImap4Settings::Subscribe() - Retrieves the configured method for synchronising IMAP4 subscription information with a server.
  • CImImap4Settings::Synchronise() - Retrieves the method for synchronising folder information with the server.
  • CImImap4Settings::SyncRate() - Retrieves the rate in seconds at which the Inbox is refreshed.
  • CImImap4Settings::UpdatingSeenFlags() - Retrieves whether the IMAP4 seen flag of new messages will be set on the server only when the message has been marked as read, or when the message has been synchronised.
  • CImImap4Settings::UseExpunge() - Check whether the KImap4EmailExpungeFlag is set in CImImap4Settings.
  • CImImap4Settings::~CImImap4Settings() - Destructor.

  • CImMimeHeader - Stores a MIME email header.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentBase() - Gets the Content-Base field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentDescription() - Gets the Content-Description field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentDisposition() - Gets the Content-Disposition field value (either inline or attachment).
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentDispositionParams()  Gets the const Content-Disposition parameters and their associated values.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentDispositionParams()  Gets the Content-Disposition parameters and their associated values.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentID() - Gets the Content-ID field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentLocation() - Gets the Content-Location field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentSubType() - Gets the Content-Type subtype field value (e.g.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentTransferEncoding()  Gets the Content-Transfer-Encoding field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentTransferEncoding()  Gets the Content-Transfer-Encoding field value as a string.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentType() - Gets the Content-Type field value (e.g.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentTypeParams()  Gets the const Content-Type parameters and their associated values.
  • CImMimeHeader::ContentTypeParams()  Gets the Content-Type parameters and their associated values.
  • CImMimeHeader::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the settings to a specified stream.
  • CImMimeHeader::GetContentTypeValue() - Gets the value for a particular Content-Type parameter.
  • CImMimeHeader::InternalizeL() - Internalises the settings from a specified stream.
  • CImMimeHeader::MimeCharset() - Gets the character set used in decoding the email MIME part.
  • CImMimeHeader::NewL() - Allocates and creates a new CImMimeHeader object.
  • CImMimeHeader::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new CImMimeHeader object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CImMimeHeader::RelativePath() - Gets IMAP-specific information for the relative location of the entry to the parent email message.
  • CImMimeHeader::Reset() - Resets all header field values.
  • CImMimeHeader::RestoreL() - Restores settings from a specified message store.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentBaseL() - Sets the Content-Base field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentDescriptionL() - Sets the Content-Description field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentDispositionL() - Sets the Content-Disposition field value (either inline or attachment).
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentIDL() - Sets the Content-ID field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentLocationL() - Sets the Content-Location field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentSubTypeL() - Sets the Content-Type subtype field value (e.g.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentTransferEncodingL() - Sets the Content-Transfer-Encoding field value.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetContentTypeL() - Sets the Content-Type field value (e.g.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetMimeCharset() - Sets the character set used in decoding the email MIME part.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetRelativePathL() - Sets IMAP-specific information for the relative location of the entry to the parent email message.
  • CImMimeHeader::SetVersion().
  • CImMimeHeader::Size() - Estimates the size of the MIME header, constructed using the values stored.
  • CImMimeHeader::StoreL() - Stores settings to a specified message store.
  • CImMimeHeader::StoreWithoutCommitL() - Stores, but does not commit, settings to a specified message store.
  • CImMimeHeader::Version().
  • CImMimeHeader::XTypeParams()  Gets the const MIME header parameters and their associated values.
  • CImMimeHeader::XTypeParams()  Gets the MIME header parameters and their associated values.
  • CImMimeHeader::~CImMimeHeader() - Destructor.

  • CImPOP3GetMail - Encapsulates an operation to copy/move POP3 emails from the remote inbox to any local folder.
  • CImPOP3GetMail::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CImPOP3GetMail::FinalProgress() - Gets information about a completed operation.
  • CImPOP3GetMail::GetMailL() - Creates and begins a new POP3 get mail operation.
  • CImPOP3GetMail::ProgressL() - Gets information on the progress of the operation.
  • CImPOP3GetMail::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CImPOP3GetMail::~CImPOP3GetMail() - Destructor.

  • CImPop3Settings - Run-time configuration settings for POP3.
  • CImPop3Settings::AcknowledgeReceipts() - Checks whether the caller has enabled this setting by calling SetAcknowledgeReceipts().
  • CImPop3Settings::Apop() - Checks whether the POP3 service is configured to log on using plain text authentication or APOP encrypted authentication.
  • CImPop3Settings::AutoSendOnConnect() - Checks whether queued emails associated with the same internet access point as the POP3 service will be sent first before logging onto the POP3 server.
  • CImPop3Settings::CImPop3Settings() - Allocates and creates a new CImPop3Settings object initialised to default values.
  • CImPop3Settings::CopyL() - Copies the configuration settings from another POP3 settings object into this object.
  • CImPop3Settings::DeleteEmailsWhenDisconnecting() - Checks whether the caller has enabled this setting by calling SetDeleteEmailsWhenDisconnecting().
  • CImPop3Settings::DisconnectedUserMode() - Checks if disconnected user mode is configured.
  • CImPop3Settings::GetMailOptions() - Retrieves an enumeration that specifies whether only the messages headers or the entire message will be downloaded when synchronising with the POP3 server.
  • CImPop3Settings::InboxSynchronisationLimit() - Returns whether or not the POP3 service will synchronise with all emails on the server after connecting, or the maximum number of new messages that will be synchronised if there are new messages on the server.
  • CImPop3Settings::LoginName() - Retrieves the configured login user name (mailbox) of the POP3 service.
  • CImPop3Settings::MaxEmailSize() - Returns the maximum message size in bytes to be downloaded.
  • CImPop3Settings::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • CImPop3Settings::Password() - Retrieves the configured plain text login password that will be sent to the POP3 server if APOP is not configured.
  • CImPop3Settings::PopulationLimit() - Retrieves the currently stored TOP population limit from settings.
  • CImPop3Settings::Reset() - Resets the settings to their default values.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetAcknowledgeReceipts() - Sets or resets a flag.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetApop() - Configures the POP3 service to authenticate using either a plain text password or an APOP encrypted digest.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetAutoSendOnConnect() - Configures the POP3 service to send queued emails associated with the same internet access point to be sent first before logging onto the POP3 server.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetDeleteEmailsWhenDisconnecting() - Sets or resets a flag.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetDisconnectedUserMode() - Enables the POP3 client MTM (CPop3ClientMtm) to accept message operations while disconnected.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetGetMailOptions() - Specifies whether to download headers only, or entire messages when synchronising with the POP3 server.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetInboxSynchronisationLimit() - Specifies whether or not the POP3 service will synchronise with all emails on the server after connecting, or the maximum number of new messages that will be synchronised if there are new messages on the server.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetLoginNameL() - Configures the login user name (mailbox) for the POP3 service.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetMaxEmailSize() - Sets the maximum message size in bytes to be downloaded.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetPasswordL() - Configures the login password for the POP3 service.
  • CImPop3Settings::SetPopulationLimitL() - Sets the currently stored TOP population limit to settings.
  • CImPop3Settings::~CImPop3Settings() - Destructor.

  • CImSmtpSettings - Run-time configuration settings for an SMTP account.
  • CImSmtpSettings::AddSignatureToEmail() - Retrieves whether email messages will have the user's signature text appended to the text of the messages when they are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::AddVCardToEmail() - Retrieves whether email messages will have a VCard containing the user's details from the Contacts Database when they are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::BodyEncoding() - Retrieves the method of encoding email messages if the encoding is not specified when they are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::CImSmtpSettings() - Allocates and creates a new CImImap4Settings object initialised to default values.
  • CImSmtpSettings::CopyL() - Copies the configuration settings from another SMTP settings object into this object.
  • CImSmtpSettings::DefaultMsgCharSet() - Retrieves which character set is used to send text in MIME email messages.
  • CImSmtpSettings::EmailAddress() - Retrieves the configured SMTP email address of the user, e.g.
  • CImSmtpSettings::EmailAlias() - Retrieves the configured email alias (display name) that will be sent with outbound email.
  • CImSmtpSettings::InboxLoginDetails().
  • CImSmtpSettings::LoginName() - Retrieves the login user name used when SMTP authentication is enabled by calling SetSMTPAuth().
  • CImSmtpSettings::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • CImSmtpSettings::Password() - Retrieves the password used when SMTP authentication is enabled by calling SetSMTPAuth().
  • CImSmtpSettings::ReceiptAddress() - Gets the internet email address that the user wishes receipts to be returned to.
  • CImSmtpSettings::ReplyToAddress() - Gets the internet email address that the user wishes replies to emails to be sent to.
  • CImSmtpSettings::RequestReceipts() - Retrieves whether outbound email messages will contain a header that requests receipts to be returned to the address identified by ReceiptAddress().
  • CImSmtpSettings::Reset() - Resets the settings to their default values.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SendCopyToSelf() - Retrieves the setting of the option that allows the user to automatically email themselves a copy of all emails that are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SendMessageOption() - Retrieves the setting of the sending option for new email messages if it is not specified while sending.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetAddSignatureToEmail() - Specifies whether email messages will have the user's signature text appended to the text of the messages when they are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetAddVCardToEmail() - Specifies whether the email messages will have a VCard containing the user's details from the Contacts Database when they are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetBodyEncoding() - Specifies the default method of encoding email messages if the encoding is not specified when sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetDefaultMsgCharSet() - Specifies which character set is used to send text in MIME email messages.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetEmailAddressL() - Specifies the SMTP email address of the user.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetEmailAliasL() - Specifies the configured email alias (display name) that will be sent with outbound email.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetInboxLoginDetails().
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetLoginNameL() - Specifies the login user name used when SMTP authentication is enabled by calling SetSMTPAuth().
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetPasswordL() - Specifies the password used when SMTP authentication is enabled by calling SetSMTPAuth().
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetReceiptAddressL() - Specifies the SMTP email address that the user wishes email receipts to be returned to.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetReplyToAddressL() - Specifies the email address that the user wishes replies to emails to be sent to.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetRequestReceipts() - Specifies whether outbound email messages will have a header added that requests a receipt from the recipient.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetSendCopyToSelf() - Specifies the option that allows the user to automatically email themselves a copy of all emails that are sent.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetSendMessageOption() - Specifies the sending option for outbound email messages if it is not specified while sending.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetSMTPAuth() - Enables or disables SMTP authentication when sending emails.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SetToCcIncludeLimitL() - Specifies maximum number of original To and CC addresses to include in the body header when replying-to and forwarding emails.
  • CImSmtpSettings::SMTPAuth() - Retrieves whether SMTP authentication will be used when sending emails.
  • CImSmtpSettings::ToCcIncludeLimit() - Retrieves the setting for inclusion of original To and CC email addresses in the body text of reply and forwarded emails.
  • CImSmtpSettings::~CImSmtpSettings() - Destructor.

  • CImTextServerSession - Creates/opens socket and sends and receives data.
  • CImTextServerSession::Disconnect()  Intended Usage : To disconnect and close socket connection.
  • CImTextServerSession::Disconnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CImTextServerSession::DoComplete().
  • CImTextServerSession::DoRunL().
  • CImTextServerSession::GetConnectionStage() - Intended Usage : Gets the stage of the connection process obtained from RConnection.
  • CImTextServerSession::GetCurrentTextLine() - Returns first full line of data received from socket to user Intended Usage : To return received data.
  • CImTextServerSession::GetIAPBearer() - Returns the bearer type we are connected to with in aBearer or returns an error code.
  • CImTextServerSession::GetIAPValue() - Intended Usage : Returns the IAP we are connecting/connected with in aIAP or returns an error code.
  • CImTextServerSession::GetRConnectionName() - Intended Usage : Returns the name of the RConnection.
  • CImTextServerSession::LocalName().
  • CImTextServerSession::LogError().
  • CImTextServerSession::LogText().
  • CImTextServerSession::NewL()  cat Construction Intended Usage : Static factory constructor.
  • CImTextServerSession::NewL()  cat Construction Intended Usage : Static factory constructor.
  • CImTextServerSession::NewL().
  • CImTextServerSession::NewLC().
  • CImTextServerSession::PerformLogging().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnect().
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueConnectL() - Intended Usage : Queue a connect assuming the socket is successfully opened.
  • CImTextServerSession::QueueReceiveNextTextLine() - User queues a new request from the socket (unless there's a full line of data in buffer then signal user and there's no need to make a receive request) Intended Usage : User queues a new request from the socket.
  • CImTextServerSession::Receive().
  • CImTextServerSession::Receive().
  • CImTextServerSession::ReceiveBinaryData() - Intended Usage : Users queue a request for received data Error Condition : None.
  • CImTextServerSession::Send()  Intended Usage : To send data.
  • CImTextServerSession::Send().
  • CImTextServerSession::Send().
  • CImTextServerSession::Send().
  • CImTextServerSession::SendQueueReceive()  Intended Usage : To send data and queue a receive.
  • CImTextServerSession::SendQueueReceive().
  • CImTextServerSession::SendQueueReceiveWithTimeout().
  • CImTextServerSession::SendReceive().
  • CImTextServerSession::SendWithTimeout().
  • CImTextServerSession::SetPrimaryTextServerSession().
  • CImTextServerSession::SetSecurity().
  • CImTextServerSession::SetSSLTLSResponseL() - This method should be called before Send/SendQueueReceive() TLS command is sent.
  • CImTextServerSession::SSLQueueConnectL() - Intended Usage : Queue a wrapped SSL connect on an socket assuming the socket is successfully opened.

  • CImageDecodeConstruct - Provides functions related to constructing decoders.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::CImageDecodeConstruct() - Default constructor.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::ConstructL() - Second stage constructor.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::ImplementationUid() - Returns the encoder implementation UID.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::NewDecoderL() - Default version creates a basic CImageDecoder.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::NewPluginL() - Creates a new concrete CImageDecoderPlugin object.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::RequestThread() - Requests a threaded decode.
  • CImageDecodeConstruct::~CImageDecodeConstruct() - Destructor.

  • CImageDecoder - Provides access to the Image Conversion Library decoders.
  • CImageDecoder::Cancel() - Cancels any conversions currently in progress (Cancel is synchronous).
  • CImageDecoder::ContinueConvert() - Continue decoding a frame and/or mask after new image data was added to the source file or descriptor and a previous call to Convert() or ContinueConvert() returned KErrUnderflow.
  • CImageDecoder::ContinueProcessingHeaderL() - Continue processing image headers after new image data was added to the source file or descriptor.
  • CImageDecoder::Convert()  Start decoding an image frame asynchronously.
  • CImageDecoder::Convert()  Start decoding an image frame and mask asynchronously.
  • CImageDecoder::CustomAsync() - Sets up background convert cycle, bypassing Convert().
  • CImageDecoder::CustomSyncL() - Calls CImageDecoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL(aParam) that executes user defined plugin specific functions.
  • CImageDecoder::DataNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the source buffer.
  • CImageDecoder::DataNewL()  Creates a decoder for the image in the source buffer.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Creates a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Creates a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the named file.
  • CImageDecoder::FileNewL()  Create a decoder for the image in the named source.
  • CImageDecoder::FrameCommentL() - Return a particular comment attached to a given frame of the image.
  • CImageDecoder::FrameCount() - Return the number of frames in the image being decoded.
  • CImageDecoder::FrameData() - Returns additional plugin specific information on a specified frame.
  • CImageDecoder::FrameInfo() - Return the frame info for a specified frame of the image.
  • CImageDecoder::FrameInfoStringsL() - Return the formatted frame information strings for a specific frame.
  • CImageDecoder::FrameInfoStringsLC() - Return the formatted frame information strings for a specific frame and leave it on the cleanup stack.
  • CImageDecoder::GetFileTypesL() - Get a list of the file extensions that can be decoded and their corresponding MIME types, based on the currently available decoder plugins.
  • CImageDecoder::GetImageSubTypesL() - For a given basic image type, get a list of the sub image types that can be decoded, based on the currently available decoder plugins.
  • CImageDecoder::GetImageTypesL() - Get a list of the basic image types that can be decoded, based on the currently available decoder plugins.
  • CImageDecoder::GetImplementationInformationL() - Gets the implementation information for a specific decoder plugin.
  • CImageDecoder::GetMimeTypeDataL() - Get the primary MIME type of the decoder that will be used to decode a descriptor.
  • CImageDecoder::GetMimeTypeFileL() - Get the primary MIME type of the decoder that will be used to decode a file.
  • CImageDecoder::ImageCommentL() - Return a particular comment attached to the image.
  • CImageDecoder::ImageType() - Retrieves the image type and sub-type for a given frame of the image that has just been decoded.
  • CImageDecoder::ImplementationUid() - Return the implementation UID of the decoder being used to decode the image.
  • CImageDecoder::IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete() - Return the status of the image.
  • CImageDecoder::NumberOfFrameComments() - Return the number of comments attached to a given frame of the image (as opposed to the whole image).
  • CImageDecoder::NumberOfImageComments() - Return the number of comments attached to the image (as opposed to a particular frame).
  • CImageDecoder::Plugin() - Returns associated CImageDecoderPlugin.
  • CImageDecoder::ReducedSize() - Calculates reduced size of the decoded bitmap based on the input parameters and updates aReducedSize with this value.
  • CImageDecoder::ReductionFactor() - Function to calculate the reduction factor based on the input parameters.
  • CImageDecoder::SetAgentProperty() - Sets the properties for the Image decoder.
  • CImageDecoder::SetDecoderThreadPriority() - Set the decoder worker thread priority.
  • CImageDecoder::SetImageTypeL() - Set the source image type, this can be any value from TImageType.
  • CImageDecoder::~CImageDecoder() - Destructor for this class.

  • CImageDecoderPlugin - The PluginAPI for Image Converter Library decoder plugins.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::AmInThread() - Indicates if this decoder is running in a separate thread.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::AppendImageData() - Appends a new image data data block to the end of the internally held array.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::AppendImageDataBuffer() - Appends a new image data buffer to the end of the internally held array.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::CImageDecoderPlugin() - Constructor for this class.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::Cleanup() - Called when the plugin is destroyed or a decode is cancelled.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::DataLength() - Returns the maximum number of bytes of data that can be decoded.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::Destination() - Returns the destination bitmap.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::DestinationMask() - Returns the destination bitmap mask.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::DoConvert() - Performs a decode step.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameBlockSize() - Returns the block size used in the specified frame.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameCommentL() - Returns a particular comment attatched to a given frame of the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameData() - Returns the frame data for a specified frame of the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameHeaderBlockSize() - Returns the block size used in the specified frame's header.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameInfo() - Returns the frame info for a specified frame of the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameInfoStringsL() - Returns the codec specific frame information stored in resource files.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL() - Called as a result of an associated CImageDecoder::CustomSyncL() function being called.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::HandleProcessFrameResult() - Deals with result from ProcessFrameL().
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageCommentL() - Returns a particular comment attatched to the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageData() - Returns the image data block for the specified index.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageDataCount() - Returns the number of image data blocks present in the image data.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageInfo() - Returns image information such as colour depth, scaling support etc.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageReadCodec() - Returns the plugin's read codec.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageType() - Returns the image type and sub-type for a given frame of the image that has just been opened.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::InitConvertL() - Initialises data structures prior to decoding a frame.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::InitCustomAsyncL() - Called as a result of the associated CImageDecoder::CustomAsync() function being called.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::InsertImageData() - Inserts an image data block into the internally held array at the specified position.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete() - Returns the status of header processing.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::NotifyComplete() - Plugin defined actions resulting from a call by RequestComplete().
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::NumberOfFrameComments() - Returns the number of comments attatched to a given frame of the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::NumberOfFrames() - Returns the number of frames to be decoded.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::NumberOfImageComments() - Returns the number of comments attatched to the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::OpenExtraResourceFileLC() - Locates the extra resource file for the decoder aUid_extra.rsc, opens the resource file and pushes it on the cleanup stack.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::Position() - Returns the current position within the data.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::PrepareForProcessFrameL() - Initialises system for ProcessFrameL().
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ReadDataL() - Reads a block of data into an internal buffer.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ReadFrameHeadersL() - Invokes the ReadFrameHeadersL method of the supplied plugin which should process the frame headers contained within the image.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::RemoveImageData() - Removes a specified image data block from the internally held array.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::RequestComplete() - Must be called on completion of decoding the image data.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::RequestInitL() - Forces initialization of data structures prior to decoding a frame.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ScanDataL() - Invokes the ReadFrameHeadersL() method of the supplied plugin.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SelfComplete() - Must be called at the end of a slice of decoding.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetDataLength() - Sets the maximum number of bytes of data that can be decoded.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetImageInfo() - Sets the image information.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetImageReadCodec() - Sets the plugin's read codec.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetPosition() - Sets the current position in the data.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetSelfPending() - May be called at the start of a slice of decoding if the decoding is expected to complete asynchronously.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetStartPosition() - Sets the starting position of the frame to be decoded.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SetThumbnailData() - Passes a pointer to a descriptor containing the thumbnail from the plugin to the framework.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ShouldAbort() - Indicates if the decoder should abort early ie.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SourceData() - Value to be fed to CImageReadCodec::ProcessFrameL().
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::SourceLength() - Returns the length of the source data in bytes.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::StartPosition() - Returns the starting position of the frame to be decoded.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ValidDestination() - Returns the validity of the destination bitmap.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::ValidDestinationMask() - Indicates if the destination bitmap mask is valid.
  • CImageDecoderPlugin::~CImageDecoderPlugin() - Destructor for this class.

  • CImageDisplay - The public API for clients to call the Image Display library.
  • CImageDisplay::ExtensionInterface() - Gets a pointer to a plugin extension.
  • CImageDisplay::GetBitmap() - Gets a reference to the current bitmap and mask.
  • CImageDisplay::ImageStatus() - returns an integer, corresponding to the current image status (if known), the value will be comprised of elements of the TImageStatus bit field.
  • CImageDisplay::NewL() - Constructs a CImageDisplay object.
  • CImageDisplay::NumFrames() - returns the number of frames (if known) or an error code if unknown.
  • CImageDisplay::Pause() - Instructs a plug-in to pause its operation.
  • CImageDisplay::Play() - Initiates an image display operation.
  • CImageDisplay::RecommendedImageSizes() - Returns an array of recommended image sizes i.e.
  • CImageDisplay::Reset() - Resets all SetXXX() calls so that the state is the same as that immediately after a call to NewL().
  • CImageDisplay::ResetSourceRect() - Clears settings for the clipping region, but not the image region.
  • CImageDisplay::SetDisplayMode() - Specifies the requested image display mode.
  • CImageDisplay::SetImageSource() - Specifies the source of the image to display.
  • CImageDisplay::SetOptions() - Defines how the image is to be displayed.
  • CImageDisplay::SetPluginUid() - Specifies the UID of the image display plugin to load.
  • CImageDisplay::SetSizeInPixels() - Specifies the requested image size.
  • CImageDisplay::SetSourceImageType() - Specifies the source image's type and (optionally) its subtype.
  • CImageDisplay::SetSourceMimeType() - Specifies the MIME type of the source image.
  • CImageDisplay::SetSourceRect() - Defines a clipping region.
  • CImageDisplay::SetupL() - Requests that a suitable plugin be selected and instantiated.
  • CImageDisplay::StopPlay() - Cancels any image display operation currently in progress.
  • CImageDisplay::ValidBitmap() - Check to see if the current frame can be displayed now.
  • CImageDisplay::~CImageDisplay() - This is the destructor for this class and is responsible for deallocating all resources.

  • CImageDisplayPlugin - This is the plugin API for the Image Display framework Intended for use by plugin writers only.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::AsyncCallbackImageReady() - A plug-in should use this function to pass information asinchronously to an API client.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::CallbackIsRunning() - A plug-in may use this function to determine if a previuos callback function to an API client has been completed.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::CancelCallback() - A plug-in should use this function to cancel callback to a client if it is stil pending.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::CImageDisplayPlugin() - Exported default constructor.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::DestinationSizeInPixels() - returns a requested by an API client destination image size.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::DisplayMode() - returns a requested by an API client display mode for an image being decoded.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ExtensionInterface() - A plug-in that supports an extension interface has to override this function.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::GetBitmap() - A plug-in that supports image mask getting has to override this function.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ImageStatus() - A plug-in that supports source image status checking has to override this function.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::MaintainAspectRatio() - returns ETrue if an API client requested to preserve source image aspect ratio.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::NumFrames() - A plug-in that supports getting of source image number of frames has to override this function.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::OpenL() - Initialise the plugin and check the image display settings.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::Options() - returns a requested by an API client image options e.g.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::Pause() - Pause image decoding.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::Play() - Initiate the image display operation.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::RecommendedImageSizes() - Should return an array of recommended image sizes i.e.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ReservedVirtual1() - Reserved.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ReservedVirtual2() - Reserved.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ReservedVirtual3() - Reserved.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ReservedVirtual4() - Reserved.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceData() - returns an image source descriptor.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceDataId() - returns requested content data Id that should be used to open content.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceDataIntent() - returns an intent that is requested by client for opening the image source.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceFileHandle() - returns an image source file handle.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceFilename() - returns an image source file name.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceImageSubType() - returns a global image subtype or KNullUid if not defined.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceImageType() - returns a global image type.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceMimeType() - returns an image source MIME type or KNullDesC8 if not defined.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceRect() - returns a requested by an API client source clipping rect.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::SourceType() - returns an image datasource type.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::StopPlay() - Cancel the image display operation May be called by the framework even when there is no outstanding request.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::ValidBitmap() - A plug-in that supports target bitmap status checkig has to override this function.
  • CImageDisplayPlugin::~CImageDisplayPlugin() - Virtual destructor.

  • CImageEncodeConstruct - Provides functions related to constructing encoders.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::CImageEncodeConstruct() - Default constructor.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::ConstructL() - Second stage constructor.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::ImplementationUid() - Retrieve the encoder implementation UID.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::NewEncoderL() - Default version creates a basic CImageEncoder.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::NewPluginL() - Creates new concrete CImageEncoderPlugin object.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::RequestThread() - Requests a threaded encode.
  • CImageEncodeConstruct::~CImageEncodeConstruct() - Destructor.

  • CImageEncoder - Provides access to the ICL (image conversion library) encoders.
  • CImageEncoder::Cancel() - Asynchronously cancels any conversions currently in progress.
  • CImageEncoder::CImageEncoder() - Constructor for this class.
  • CImageEncoder::Convert() - Encodes a bitmap asynchronously.
  • CImageEncoder::CustomAsync() - Sets up background convert cycle, bypassing Convert().
  • CImageEncoder::CustomSyncL() - Calls CImageEncoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL() that executes user defined plugin specific functions.
  • CImageEncoder::DataNewL()  Creates a plugin encoder for a specified MIME type and writes output to a descriptor.
  • CImageEncoder::DataNewL()  Creates a plugin encoder based on optional parameters and writes output to a descriptor.
  • CImageEncoder::FileNewL()  Creates an encoder based on a specified MIME type and write output to a named file.
  • CImageEncoder::FileNewL()  Creates an encoder based on a supplied parameters and writes output to a named file.
  • CImageEncoder::FileNewL()  Creates an encoder based on a specified MIME type and write output to a named file.
  • CImageEncoder::FileNewL()  Creates an encoder based on a supplied parameters and writes output to a named file.
  • CImageEncoder::GetFileTypesL() - Get a list of the file extensions that can be encoded and their corresponding MIME types, based on the currently available encoder plugins.
  • CImageEncoder::GetImageSubTypesL() - For a given basic image type, returns a list of the image sub-types that can be encoded, based on the currently available encoder plugins.
  • CImageEncoder::GetImageTypesL() - Returns a list of the basic image types that can be encoded, based on the currently available encoder plugins.
  • CImageEncoder::ImplementationUid() - Returns the implementation UID of the encoder being used to encode the bitmap.
  • CImageEncoder::Plugin() - Returns the associated CImageEncoderPlugin.
  • CImageEncoder::SetEncoderThreadPriority() - Set the encoder worker thread priority.
  • CImageEncoder::SetThumbnail() - Select to encode or not the thumbnail.
  • CImageEncoder::~CImageEncoder() - Destructor for this class.

  • CImageEncoderPlugin - The plugin API for Image Converter Library encoder plugins.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::AmInThread() - Indicates if this encoder is running in a separate thread.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::CImageEncoderPlugin() - Constructor for this class.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::Cleanup() - Called when the plugin is destroyed or an encode is cancelled to perform cleanup functions.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::CurrentImageSizeL() - Returns the current size of the encoded image in bytes.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::DestinationData() - Returns the value to be fed to CImageWriteCodec::ProcessFrameL(), and will be used by codecs that fully override DoConvert().
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::DoConvert() - Performs the encoding process.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::FinishConvertL() - Notifies the framework that the main frame encoding is complete, so it can tidy up.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::FrameInfoOverallSizeInPixels() - Returns the overall size of the image frame in pixels.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL() - Called as a result of the associated CImageEncoder::CustomSyncL() function being called.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::HandleProcessFrameResult() - Deals with the result from ProcessFrameL().
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::ImageWriteCodec() - Returns the plugin's write codec.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::InitConvertL() - Initialises data structures prior to encoding a frame.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::InitCustomAsyncL() - Called as a result of the associated CImageEncoder::CustomAsync() function being called.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::NotifyComplete() - Plugin defined actions resulting from a call by RequestComplete().
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::Position() - Returns the current position within the internal data buffer that is being written to.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::PrepareEncoderL() - Allocates the specific codec used for the encoding and passes ownership to the plugin.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::RequestComplete() - This function must be called on completion of encoding the image data.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::RequestInitL() - Forces initialization of data structures prior to decoding a frame.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::SelfComplete() - Must be called at the end of a slice of encoding.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::SetImageWriteCodec() - Sets the plugin's write codec.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::SetSelfPending() - May be called at the start of a slice of encoding if the encoding is expected to complete asynchronously.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::ShouldAbort() - Indicates if an encode should abort early (ie.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::Source() - Returns the bitmap which is being encoded.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::StartPosition() - Returns the starting position of the internal data buffer of the encoded image that is being written to.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::UpdateHeaderL() - May be used to fill in additional fields at the end of the encoding process, which it may not have been possible to do earlier.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::ValidSource() - Checks the validity of the bitmap which is being encoded.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteDataL() - Writes a descriptor to the internal data buffer of the encoded image without incrementing the position in the buffer, and therefore a call to Position() will return the same value before or after a call to this function.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteDataPositionIncL() - Writes a descriptor to the internal data buffer of the encoded image.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteExifDataL() - Originally only used by the jpeg codec, but now in use as a generic pre-convert async step.
  • CImageEncoderPlugin::~CImageEncoderPlugin() - Destructor for this class.

  • CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec - Provides functions to determine or set features of the codec's CImageProcessor for a bitmap mask.
  • CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec::CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec() - Default constructor.
  • CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec::MaskProcessor() - Returns a pointer to the codec's CImageProcessor used when decoding the image mask.
  • CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec::SetMaskProcessor() - Replaces a codec's existing CImageProcessor with a new fully constructed instance of the same object.
  • CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec::~CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec() - Destructor.

  • CImageProcessor - Interface to image processing classes.
  • CImageProcessor::FlushPixels() - Commits the changes made to the current bitmap by flushing the buffer.
  • CImageProcessor::PrepareL()  Initialises internal data structures prior to conversion.
  • CImageProcessor::PrepareL()  Initialises internal data structures prior to the manipulation of the specified pixel block.
  • CImageProcessor::ReservedVirtual1() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageProcessor::ReservedVirtual2() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageProcessor::ReservedVirtual3() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageProcessor::ReservedVirtual4() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageProcessor::SetLineRepeat() - Sets the number times the current line should be repeated.
  • CImageProcessor::SetMonoPixel() - Sets the pixel at the current position to aGray256.
  • CImageProcessor::SetMonoPixelBlock() - Sets a specified number of pixels to the specified greyscale value.
  • CImageProcessor::SetMonoPixelRun() - Sets the number of pixels specified by aCount to the value given by aGray256, starting at the current position.
  • CImageProcessor::SetMonoPixels() - Updates the bitmap with greyscale information from the array of greyscale values.
  • CImageProcessor::SetPixel() - Sets the pixel at the current position to aColor.
  • CImageProcessor::SetPixelBlock() - Sets the current pixel block using the data supplied in aColorBuffer.
  • CImageProcessor::SetPixelPadding() - Sets the pixel padding to the value specified by aNumberOfPixels.
  • CImageProcessor::SetPixelRun() - Sets aCount number of pixels to the value given by aColor, starting at the current position.
  • CImageProcessor::SetPixels() - Updates the bitmap with colour information from the array of colour values.
  • CImageProcessor::SetPos() - Sets the current position in the bitmap to aPosition.
  • CImageProcessor::SetYPosIncrement() - Sets the number of pixels by which to increment the current position in the Y-axis.

  • CImageProcessorReadCodec - Provides functions to determine or set features of the codec's CImageProcessor.
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::CImageProcessorReadCodec() - Default constructor.
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::ImageProcessor() - Returns a pointer to the codec's CImageProcessor.
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::Pos()  Returns the current position within the bitmap (const version).
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::Pos()  Returns the current position within the bitmap (non const version).
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::SetImageProcessor() - Sets the codec's CImageProcessor.
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::SetPos() - Sets the current position within the bitmap.
  • CImageProcessorReadCodec::~CImageProcessorReadCodec() - Destructor.

  • CImageReadCodec - Provides read related processing functions for bitmaps.
  • CImageReadCodec::CImageReadCodec() - Default constructor.
  • CImageReadCodec::ClearBitmapL() - Paints the entire bitmap aBitmap with the color supplied as aColor.
  • CImageReadCodec::Complete() - Processes/displays converted image data.
  • CImageReadCodec::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CImageReadCodec::CurrentFrame() - Return the current frame number.
  • CImageReadCodec::GetNewDataPosition() - Returns a new position and number of bytes to read for the data stream.
  • CImageReadCodec::InitFrameHeader() - Used to initialise the frame header data structures.
  • CImageReadCodec::InitFrameL() - Performs initial processing of image data and mask bitmaps.
  • CImageReadCodec::ProcessFrameHeaderL() - Processes the header for one frame.
  • CImageReadCodec::ProcessFrameL() - Processes the frame data contained in aSrc.
  • CImageReadCodec::ReducedSize() - Calculates reduced size of the decoded bitmap based on the input parameters and updates aReducedSize with this value.
  • CImageReadCodec::ReductionFactor() - Calculates reduction factor based on the input parameters.
  • CImageReadCodec::ReservedVirtual1() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageReadCodec::ReservedVirtual2() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageReadCodec::ReservedVirtual3() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageReadCodec::ReservedVirtual4() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageReadCodec::~CImageReadCodec() - Destructor.

  • CImageTransform - The public API for clients to call the Image Transform (scaling) library.
  • CImageTransform::CancelTransform() - Cancels any asynchronous image transform operation currently in progress.
  • CImageTransform::ClearSourceRect() - Clears the clipping region.
  • CImageTransform::Extension() - Gets a pointer to a plugin extension.
  • CImageTransform::NewL() - Constructs a CImageTransform object.
  • CImageTransform::Reset() - Resets all SetXXX() calls so that the state is the same as that immediately after a call to NewL().
  • CImageTransform::SetDestDataL() - Defines the destination descriptor.
  • CImageTransform::SetDestFilenameL() - Specifies the name of the destination file where the transformed image is to be written to.
  • CImageTransform::SetDestSizeInPixelsL() - Specifies the requested destination image size.
  • CImageTransform::SetOptionsL() - Defines how the image is to be transformed.
  • CImageTransform::SetPluginUidL() - Specifies the UID of the image transform plugin to load.
  • CImageTransform::SetPreserveImageData() - Specifies that either the original image data is to preserved, as far as possible, or that the image data should be re-encoded to produce a more size-efficient image.
  • CImageTransform::SetSourceDataL() - Specifies the source descriptor containing the image to transform.
  • CImageTransform::SetSourceFilenameL() - Specifies the name of the source file containing the image to transform.
  • CImageTransform::SetSourceImageTypeL() - Specifies the source image's type and (optionally) its subtype.
  • CImageTransform::SetSourceMimeTypeL() - Specifies the MIME type of the source image.
  • CImageTransform::SetSourceRect() - Defines a clipping region.
  • CImageTransform::SetupL() - Requests that a suitable plugin be selected and instantiated.
  • CImageTransform::Transform() - Initiates an asynchronous image transform operation.
  • CImageTransform::~CImageTransform() - This is the destructor for this class and is responsible for deallocating all resources.

  • CImageTransformPlugin - This is the plugin API for the Image Transform framework Intended for use by plugin writers only.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::CancelTransform() - Cancel the image transform operation May be called by the framework even when there is no outstanding request.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::CImageTransformPlugin() - Constructor for this class.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::DestData() - Gets the destination descriptor.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::DestFilename() - Gets the destination file name.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::DestinationSizeInPixels() - Gets the requested size of the destination image.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::DestIsData() - Return whether the destination image is to be stored as data.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::DestIsFilename() - Return whether the destination image is to be stored in a file.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::Extension() - When a plugin extension has been implemented, this function should be implemented by the plugin writer to enable the client access to the extension.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::MaintainAspectRatio() - Return whether the client wishes to maintain the source image's aspect ratio.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::OpenL() - Initialise the plugin and check the image transform settings.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::Options() - Gets the options requested by the client.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::PreserveImageData() - Return whether the client wishes to attempt to maintain the original image data.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::ReservedVirtual1() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::ReservedVirtual2() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::ReservedVirtual3() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::ReservedVirtual4() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceData() - Gets the source descriptor.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceFilename() - Gets the source file name.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceImageSubType() - Gets the source image's subtype.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceImageType() - Gets the source image's type.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceIsData() - Return whether the source is data.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceIsFilename() - Return whether the source is a file.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceMimeType() - Gets the source image's MIME type.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::SourceRect() - Gets the source image's clipping region.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::Transform() - Initiate the image transform operation.
  • CImageTransformPlugin::~CImageTransformPlugin() - This is the destructor for the CImageTransformPlugin and is responsible for deallocating all resources.

  • CImageTransformPluginExtension - This class should be derived by a plugin writer wishing to extend the client API defined in CImageTransform.
  • CImageTransformPluginExtension::ReservedVirtual1() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPluginExtension::ReservedVirtual2() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPluginExtension::ReservedVirtual3() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPluginExtension::ReservedVirtual4() - Reserved for future-proofing.
  • CImageTransformPluginExtension::Uid() - Get a Uid by which a plugin extension can be identified.

  • CImageTypeDescription - Class used to manage the mapping between an image's type, sub-type and description.
  • CImageTypeDescription::Description() - Returns the image description info.
  • CImageTypeDescription::ImageType() - Returns the image type info.
  • CImageTypeDescription::SubType() - Returns the image sub-type information.
  • CImageTypeDescription::~CImageTypeDescription() - Destructor.

  • CImageWriteCodec - Provides read related processing functions for bitmaps.
  • CImageWriteCodec::CImageWriteCodec() - Default constructor.
  • CImageWriteCodec::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CImageWriteCodec::InitFrameL() - Performs initial processing of image data from an internally held buffer.
  • CImageWriteCodec::ProcessFrameL() - Processes the frame data contained in aDst.
  • CImageWriteCodec::ReservedVirtual1() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageWriteCodec::ReservedVirtual2() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageWriteCodec::ReservedVirtual3() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageWriteCodec::ReservedVirtual4() - Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
  • CImageWriteCodec::SetSource() - Sets the codec's source bitmap.
  • CImageWriteCodec::Source() - Returns the codec's source bitmap.
  • CImageWriteCodec::~CImageWriteCodec() - Destructor.

  • CImap4ClientMtm - IMAP4 client MTM interface, providing access to the email services using the IMAP4 protocol.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Message address function required by the base class, but not used for IMAP.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Message address function required by the base class, but not used for IMAP.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::AddAttachmentL()  Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::AddAttachmentL()  Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::AddEntryAsAttachmentL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::AddLinkedAttachmentL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::ChangeDefaultServiceL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched() - Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::CreateAttachmentL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::CreateMessageL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::DefaultServiceL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::Find() - Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::ForwardL() - Creates an forwarded SMTP message from the current message context.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::Imap4Settings() - Gets the IMAP4 email service settings currently being used by the client MTM, if they exist.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() - Invokes asynchronous IMAP-specific operations.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL() - Invokes synchronous IMAP-specific operations.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::LoadMessageL() - Loads the cache with the message data for the current message context.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::NewL() - IMAP4 client MTM factory function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::QueryCapability() - Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::RemoveAddressee() - Message address function required by the base class, but not used for IMAP.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::RemoveDefaultServiceL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::ReplyL() - Creates an SMTP reply message to the current message context.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::RestoreSettingsL() - If the current context of the client MTM is on an IMAP4 service, restores settings from the Central Repository.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::SaveMessageL() - Empty implementation of base class function.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::SetImap4SettingsL() - Sets the IMAP4 email service settings.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::StoreSettingsL() - If the current context of the client MTM is an IMAP4 service, stores settings in the Central Repository.
  • CImap4ClientMtm::UndoOffLineChangesL() - This function is not supported.

  • CImplementationInformation - CImplementationInformation.
  • CImplementationInformation::DataType() - Intended Usage : Accessor for this implementation's default binary data.
  • CImplementationInformation::Disabled() - Intended Usage : Accessor for whether this implementation is currently disabled.
  • CImplementationInformation::DisplayName() - Intended Usage : Accessor for this implementation's human readable name.
  • CImplementationInformation::Drive() - Intended Usage : Returns the drive that this implementation is installed on Error Condition : None.
  • CImplementationInformation::ImplementationUid() - Intended Usage : Accessor for this implementation's Uid.
  • CImplementationInformation::OpaqueData() - Intended Usage : Accessor for this implementation's opaque binary data.
  • CImplementationInformation::RomBased() - Intended Usage : Accessor for whether this implementation is on ROM or is a later version of one on ROM.
  • CImplementationInformation::RomOnly() - Intended Usage : Accessor for whether this implementation is to be loaded from ROM only.
  • CImplementationInformation::SetDisabled() - Intended Usage : Marks this implementation as disabled, or enabled.
  • CImplementationInformation::VendorId() - Intended Usage: Returns the VID of the plug-in that this implementation belongs to.
  • CImplementationInformation::Version() - Intended Usage : Accessor for the version number of this implementation.

  • CImplementationInformationType - Class used to manage various information about an implementation which is stored in resource files.
  • CImplementationInformationType::DataType() - Returns the data type supported by the implementation.
  • CImplementationInformationType::DisplayName() - Returns the display name of the implementation.
  • CImplementationInformationType::Drive() - Returns the drive location information for the implementation.
  • CImplementationInformationType::ImplementationUid() - Returns the implementation UID.
  • CImplementationInformationType::OpaqueData() - Returns the opaque binary data for the implementation.
  • CImplementationInformationType::Version() - Returns the version number of the implementation.
  • CImplementationInformationType::~CImplementationInformationType() - Destructor.

  • CIntAttribute - Provides an object wrapper around a TInt value.
  • CIntAttribute::CIntAttribute() - Constructor.
  • CIntAttribute::Int() - Gets the wrapped integer.

  • CIpAddress - Utility class to hold an IP address as a string on the heap.
  • CIpAddress::Addr() - Gets the IP address.
  • CIpAddress::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new IP address object with a specified address.
  • CIpAddress::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new empty IP address object.
  • CIpAddress::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new IP address object with a specified address, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CIpAddress::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new empty IP address object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CIpAddress::SetAddrL() - Sets the IP address.
  • CIpAddress::~CIpAddress() - Destructor.

  • CJPEGExifDecoder - Provides access to the exif jpeg decoder.
  • CJPEGExifDecoder::ConstructL() - Initialises an exif decoder.
  • CJPEGExifDecoder::ExifMetadata() - gets the metadata associated to this instance of the decoder.
  • CJPEGExifDecoder::NewL() - Constructs a new exif decoder.

  • CJPEGExifDecoderPlugin - The plugin API for Image Converter Library EXIF decoder plugins.
  • CJPEGExifDecoderPlugin::ExifMetadata() - Returns the EXIF metadata associated with the image being decoded.

  • CJPEGExifEncoder - Provides access to the exif jpeg encoder.
  • CJPEGExifEncoder::ConstructL() - Initialises an exif encoder.
  • CJPEGExifEncoder::ExifMetadata() - gets the metadata associated to this instance of the encoder.
  • CJPEGExifEncoder::NewL() - Constructs a new exif encoder.

  • CJPEGExifEncoderPlugin - The plugin API for Image Converter Library EXIF encoder plugins.
  • CJPEGExifEncoderPlugin::ExifMetadata() - Returns the EXIF metadata associated with the image being encoded.

  • CJPEGExifTransformExtension - extension for exif Image Transform.
  • CJPEGExifTransformExtension::ExifMetadata() - Gets the metadata associated with this instance of the exif transform.

  • CJpegTransformExtension - Extension to the Jpeg imageTransform plugin.
  • CJpegTransformExtension::ExifMetadata() - Getter of the exif metadata.
  • CJpegTransformExtension::Uid() - Getter of the Uid of this extension.

  • CLayoutData - Layout data: no longer used.

  • CLineReader - Line reader for a vCalendar or vCard parser.
  • CLineReader::AppendLineIfSpaceNextL() - Checks the first character of the next line and, if it is a white space, reads the next line into the buffer (pointed to by iBufPtr).
  • CLineReader::AppendSpaceL() - Appends a space to the end of the buffer (pointed to by iBufPtr).
  • CLineReader::CLineReader().
  • CLineReader::ConstructL().
  • CLineReader::ExpandBufferL().
  • CLineReader::IsSpaceNextL() - Checks to see if the first character of the next line is white space.
  • CLineReader::NewL() - Constructs and returns a CLineReader.
  • CLineReader::ReadChar().
  • CLineReader::ReadLineL() - Reads in a line from the stream.
  • CLineReader::Reserved().
  • CLineReader::SetPlugIn() - Sets the plug-in.
  • CLineReader::SetSkipWhiteSpaceAtStart().
  • CLineReader::~CLineReader() - Frees all resources owned by the line reader prior to its destruction.

  • CLogActive - Common active object behaviour.
  • CLogActive::CLogActive().
  • CLogActive::Complete().
  • CLogActive::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CLogActive::DoComplete().
  • CLogActive::DoRunL().
  • CLogActive::Queue().
  • CLogActive::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CLogActive::~CLogActive().

  • CLogBase - Base class for the log engine implementation.
  • CLogBase::AddEvent() - Adds an event to the log database.
  • CLogBase::ChangeEvent() - Changes the details of an existing event.
  • CLogBase::CLogBase() - Sets the priority of this active object.
  • CLogBase::CLogBase_Reserved1().
  • CLogBase::DeleteEvent() - Deletes an event from the log.
  • CLogBase::DoRunL().
  • CLogBase::GetEvent() - Gets the details of an existing event.
  • CLogBase::GetString() - Gets a standard string from the logwrap.dll resource file.
  • CLogBase::LoadResourcesL().
  • CLogBase::ResourceFile().
  • CLogBase::~CLogBase() - Fees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CLogClient - Log Engine implementation.
  • CLogClient::AddEvent() - Adds an event to the log database.
  • CLogClient::AddEventType() - Registers a new event type.
  • CLogClient::ChangeConfig() - Changes the Log Engine configuration.
  • CLogClient::ChangeEvent() - Changes the details of an existing event.
  • CLogClient::ChangeEventType() - Changes the details of an existing event type.
  • CLogClient::ClearLog()  Clears all events from the main event log that occurred before the specified date and time.
  • CLogClient::ClearLog()  Clears the specified recent event list.
  • CLogClient::CLogBase_Reserved1().
  • CLogClient::DeleteEvent() - Deletes the event with the specified unique event ID, from the main event log.
  • CLogClient::DeleteEventType() - Removes an existing event type.
  • CLogClient::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CLogClient::DoRunL().
  • CLogClient::GetConfig() - Gets the Log Engine configuration.
  • CLogClient::GetEvent() - Gets the details of the specified event.
  • CLogClient::GetEventType() - Gets the details of an event type.
  • CLogClient::GetString() - Gets a standard string from the specified resource in logwrap.dll resource file.
  • CLogClient::NewL().
  • CLogClient::NotifyChange() - Requests notification of changes to the Log Engine database.
  • CLogClient::NotifyChangeCancel() - Cancels any outstanding notification request for changes to Log Engine database.
  • CLogClient::SetGlobalChangeObserverL().
  • CLogClient::~CLogClient() - Frees all resources owned by the Log Engine object prior to its destruction.

  • CLogEvent - Encapsulates the details of an event.
  • CLogEvent::ClearFlags() - Clears the specified flags for this event.
  • CLogEvent::Contact() - Gets the contact ID associated with the event.
  • CLogEvent::CopyL() - Makes a copy of the specified log event.
  • CLogEvent::Data() - Gets event specific data.
  • CLogEvent::Description() - Gets the human readable name describing the event type.
  • CLogEvent::Direction() - Gets the direction of the call represented by this event.
  • CLogEvent::Duration() - Gets the duration of the event.
  • CLogEvent::DurationType() - Gets the duration type.
  • CLogEvent::EventType() - Gets the type of this log event.
  • CLogEvent::ExternalizeL().
  • CLogEvent::Flags() - Gets the flags set for this event.
  • CLogEvent::Id() - Gets the unique event ID associated with this log event.
  • CLogEvent::InternalizeL().
  • CLogEvent::Link() - Gets the link value.
  • CLogEvent::NewL() - Creates a new log event detail object.
  • CLogEvent::Number() - Gets the phone number associated with the event.
  • CLogEvent::RemoteParty() - Gets the remote party associated with this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetContact() - Sets the contact ID associated with the event.
  • CLogEvent::SetDataL()  Sets event specific data from the specified stream.
  • CLogEvent::SetDataL()  Sets event specific data.
  • CLogEvent::SetDescription().
  • CLogEvent::SetDirection() - Sets the direction of the call represented by this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetDuration() - Sets the duration of the event.
  • CLogEvent::SetDurationType() - Sets the duration type.
  • CLogEvent::SetEventType() - Sets the type of this log event.
  • CLogEvent::SetFlags() - Sets the specified flags for this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetId() - Sets the unique event ID.
  • CLogEvent::SetLink() - Sets the link value.
  • CLogEvent::SetNumber() - Sets the phone number associated with this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetRemoteParty() - Sets the remote party associated with this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetStatus() - Sets the delivery status of this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetSubject() - Sets the subject of this event.
  • CLogEvent::SetTime() - Sets the UTC time that this event was created.
  • CLogEvent::Status() - Gets the delivery status of this event.
  • CLogEvent::Subject() - Gets the subject of this event.
  • CLogEvent::Time() - Gets the UTC time that this event was created.
  • CLogEvent::~CLogEvent() - Frees all resources owned by the log event detail object.

  • CLogEventType - Encapsulates the details of an event type.
  • CLogEventType::Copy() - Makes a copy of the specified event type.
  • CLogEventType::Description() - Gets the human readable and localised name of the event type.
  • CLogEventType::LoggingEnabled() - Determines whether logging for this event type is enabled.
  • CLogEventType::NewL() - Creates a new event type detail object.
  • CLogEventType::SetDescription() - Sets the human readable and localised name of the event type.
  • CLogEventType::SetLoggingEnabled() - Enables or disables logging for this event type.
  • CLogEventType::SetUid() - Sets the UID identifying the event type.
  • CLogEventType::Uid() - Gets the UID identifying the event type.
  • CLogEventType::~CLogEventType() - Frees all resources owned by the event type detail object.

  • CLogFilter - Specifies the conditions that events must satisfy to appear in a view.
  • CLogFilter::ClearFlags() - Clears the specified flags to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::Contact() - Gets the contact ID used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::Copy() - Makes a copy of a filter.
  • CLogFilter::Direction() - Gets the direction string used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::DurationType() - Gets the duration type used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::EndTime() - Gets the UTC end time used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::EventType() - Gets the event type used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::Flags() - Gets the flags used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::NewL() - Creates a new filter object.
  • CLogFilter::NullFields() - Identifies the fields defined as NULL in the filter.
  • CLogFilter::Number() - Gets the phone number used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::RemoteParty() - Gets the remote party string used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetContact() - Sets the contact ID to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetDirection() - Sets the direction string to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetDurationType() - Sets the duration type to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetEndTime() - Sets the specified UTC end time to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetEventType() - Sets the event type to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetFlags() - Sets the specified flags to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetNullFields() - Defines NULL fields to the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetNumber() - Sets the phone number to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetRemoteParty() - Sets the remote party string to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetStartTime() - Sets the specified UTC start time to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::SetStatus() - Sets the delivery status to be used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::StartTime() - Gets the UTC start time used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::Status() - Gets the delivery status used by the filter.
  • CLogFilter::~CLogFilter() - Frees all resource owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CLogFilterList - A set of event view filters.
  • CLogFilterList::CLogFilterList() - Constructs a flat array of pointers to const CLogFilter objects.
  • CLogFilterList::CopyL() - Creates a copy of this set of event view filters.
  • CLogFilterList::CopyLC() - Creates a copy of this set of event view filters and puts a pointer to the copy onto the cleanup stack.

  • CLogView - Navigates a view on the log database.
  • CLogView::CountL() - Gets the number of events in the view.
  • CLogView::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CLogView::DoRunL().
  • CLogView::Event() - Returns details of the log event at the current position within the view.
  • CLogView::FirstL() - Moves the current position in the view to the first event.
  • CLogView::IsValid().
  • CLogView::LastL() - Moves the current position in the view to the last event.
  • CLogView::NextL() - Moves the current position in the view to the next event.
  • CLogView::PreviousL() - Moves the current position in the view to the previous event.
  • CLogView::SetFlagsL().
  • CLogView::~CLogView() - Frees all resources owned by this object prior to its destruction.

  • CLogViewDuplicate - A view of events that are duplicates of an event in a view of recent events.
  • CLogViewDuplicate::NewL().
  • CLogViewDuplicate::NewL().
  • CLogViewDuplicate::RemoveL()  Removes the event with the specified unique event ID from the view.
  • CLogViewDuplicate::RemoveL()  Removes the current event from the duplicate list.
  • CLogViewDuplicate::Source() - Returns the unique ID of the event for which all the events in this view are duplicates.
  • CLogViewDuplicate::~CLogViewDuplicate().

  • CLogViewEvent - A view on the event log.
  • CLogViewEvent::NewL().
  • CLogViewEvent::NewL().
  • CLogViewEvent::SetFilterL()  Initialises or refreshes the event view defined by the set of specified filters.
  • CLogViewEvent::SetFilterL()  Initialises or refreshes the event view defined by the specified filter.
  • CLogViewEvent::SetFilterParseFilterByFilterL().
  • CLogViewEvent::~CLogViewEvent() - Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CLogViewRecent - A view on a recent event list.
  • CLogViewRecent::ClearDuplicatesL().
  • CLogViewRecent::DoRunL().
  • CLogViewRecent::DuplicatesL()  Refreshes the specified duplicate event view with the duplicates of the current event in the recent event list view.
  • CLogViewRecent::DuplicatesL()  Refreshes the specified duplicate event view with the duplicates of the current event in the recent event list view and conforming to the specified filter.
  • CLogViewRecent::DuplicatesL()  Refreshes the specified duplicate event view with the duplicates of the current event in the recent event list view and conforming to the set of specified filters.
  • CLogViewRecent::NewL().
  • CLogViewRecent::NewL().
  • CLogViewRecent::RecentList() - Gets the recent event list number that identifies the recent event list to which the current entry belongs.
  • CLogViewRecent::RemoveL()  Removes the event with the specified unique event ID from the view.
  • CLogViewRecent::RemoveL()  Removes the current event from its recent event list.
  • CLogViewRecent::SetRecentListL()  Initialises or refreshes the view for the specified recent event list.
  • CLogViewRecent::SetRecentListL()  Initialises or refreshes the view for the specified recent event list, conforming to the specified filter.
  • CLogViewRecent::SetRecentListL()  Initialises or refreshes the view for the specified recent event list, conforming to the set of specified filters.
  • CLogViewRecent::~CLogViewRecent() - Frees resources owned by the object priot to its destruction.

  • CLogWrapper - The log wrapper.
  • CLogWrapper::ClientAvailable() - Determines whether the Log Engine is installed.
  • CLogWrapper::Log() - Gets a reference to the Log Engine object.
  • CLogWrapper::NewL().
  • CLogWrapper::~CLogWrapper() - Frees all resources owned by the log wrapper prior to its destruction.

  • CMD2 - An MD2 message digest.
  • CMD2::BlockSize() - Gets the internal block size of the message digest.
  • CMD2::CopyL() - Creates a new CMessageDigest object with the exact same state as the current object.
  • CMD2::Final()  Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages, and calls Reset().
  • CMD2::Final()  Gets a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages and then calls Reset().
  • CMD2::Hash() - Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages.
  • CMD2::HashSize() - Gets the size of the message digest output.
  • CMD2::NewL() - Creates a new MD2 object.
  • CMD2::ReplicateL() - Creates a brand new reset CMessageDigest object containing no state information from the current object.
  • CMD2::Reset() - Resets the internal state of the message digest.
  • CMD2::RestoreState() - Restores the internal state of the message digest to a previously stored state.
  • CMD2::StoreState() - Stores the internal state of the message digest.
  • CMD2::Update() - Adds data to the internal representation of messages to be hashed.
  • CMD2::~CMD2() - Destructor.

  • CMD5 - An MD5 message digest.
  • CMD5::BlockSize() - Gets the internal block size of the message digest.
  • CMD5::CopyL() - Creates a new CMessageDigest object with the exact same state as the current object.
  • CMD5::Final()  Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages, and calls Reset().
  • CMD5::Final()  Gets a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages and then calls Reset().
  • CMD5::Hash() - Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages.
  • CMD5::HashSize() - Gets the size of the message digest output.
  • CMD5::NewL() - Creates a new MD5 object.
  • CMD5::ReplicateL() - Creates a brand new reset CMessageDigest object containing no state information from the current object.
  • CMD5::Reset() - Resets the internal state of the message digest.
  • CMD5::RestoreState() - Restores the internal state of the message digest to a previously stored state.
  • CMD5::StoreState() - Stores the internal state of the message digest.
  • CMD5::Update() - Adds data to the internal representation of messages to be hashed.
  • CMD5::~CMD5() - Destructor.

  • CMDXMLParser - Creates a DOM structure from a given XML file.
  • CMDXMLParser::CreateDocumentL().
  • CMDXMLParser::DetachXMLDoc() - Gets the created DOM.
  • CMDXMLParser::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMDXMLParser::Error() - Gets the last error found by the parser.
  • CMDXMLParser::ErrorSeverity() - Get the severity of the most severe error found.
  • CMDXMLParser::HandleTextL().
  • CMDXMLParser::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new XML parser, specifying a DTD.
  • CMDXMLParser::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new XML parser, specifying a DTD.
  • CMDXMLParser::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new XML parser, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CMDXMLParser::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs a new XML parser, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CMDXMLParser::ParseFile()  Parses a specified XML file into a DOM object tree.
  • CMDXMLParser::ParseFile()  Parses a specified XML file into a DOM object tree.
  • CMDXMLParser::ParseSource() - Parses a specified XML Data Source into a DOM object tree.
  • CMDXMLParser::ParseStartTagL().
  • CMDXMLParser::RunError().
  • CMDXMLParser::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMDXMLParser::SetEntityConverter() - Sets the entity converter to be used for parsing.
  • CMDXMLParser::SetSourceCharacterWidth() - Sets the input stream character width.
  • CMDXMLParser::SetStoreInvalid() - Controls whether invalid elements and attributes are added to the DOM.
  • CMDXMLParser::~CMDXMLParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync - Active object utility class that can be used to add a data source or data sink to a controller plugin asynchronously.
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::AddDataSink() - Add a data sink to the controller.
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::AddDataSource() - Add a data source to the controller.
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::AddFileHandleDataSink().
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::AddFileHandleDataSource().
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::NewL() - Constructs a CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync object.
  • CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.

  • CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support audio controller commands.
  • CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling audio controller commands.
  • CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser::~CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFAudioInput - Concrete data source to provide microphone support.
  • CMMFAudioInput::BufferEmptiedL() - Indicates the data sink has emptied the buffer.
  • CMMFAudioInput::BufferToBeEmptied() - BuffferToBeEmptied MMFDevSoundObserver Called when stopped due to error.
  • CMMFAudioInput::BufferToBeFilled() - BufferToBeFilled MMFDevSoundObserver - should never get called.
  • CMMFAudioInput::BytesPlayed() - Gets the number of bytes played.
  • CMMFAudioInput::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Tests whether a source buffer can be created.
  • CMMFAudioInput::ConstructSourceL() - Overridable constuctor specific to this datasource.
  • CMMFAudioInput::ConvertError() - ConvertError MMFDevSoundObserver - should never get called.
  • CMMFAudioInput::CreateSourceBufferL()  Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFAudioInput::CreateSourceBufferL()  Intended for synchronous usage (returns buffer specific to a Media Type).
  • CMMFAudioInput::CreateSourceBufferL()  Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFAudioInput::CreateSourceBufferL()  Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFAudioInput::DataType() - This method should not be used - it is provided to maintain SC with v7.0s.
  • CMMFAudioInput::DeviceMessage() - Handles device event.
  • CMMFAudioInput::FillBufferL() - Gets audio from MMFDevsound.
  • CMMFAudioInput::HWFillBufferL() - Gets audio from hardware device abstracted MMFDevsound (not used).
  • CMMFAudioInput::InitializeComplete() - Handles initialization completion event.
  • CMMFAudioInput::NegotiateSourceL() - Negotiates with the sink.
  • CMMFAudioInput::PlayError() - PlayError MMFDevSoundObserver - should never get called.
  • CMMFAudioInput::RecordError() - RecordError MMFDevSoundObserver Called when stopped due to error.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SendEventToClient() - Handles policy request completion event.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SetDataTypeL() - This method should not be used - it is provided to maintain SC with v7.0s.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SetSourceDataTypeCode() - Sets the data type code for the source.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SetSourcePrioritySettings() - Sets the source's priority settings.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SoundDevice() - Returns the sound device.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourceDataTypeCode() - Gets the data type code for the source specified by the media ID.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourcePauseL() - Pauses the source.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourcePlayL() - Plays the source.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourcePrimeL() - Primes the source.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourceStopL() - Stops the source.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourceThreadLogoff() - Logs off the source thread.
  • CMMFAudioInput::SourceThreadLogon() - Logs on the source thread.
  • CMMFAudioInput::ToneFinished() - ToneFinished MMFDevSoundObserver - should never get called.
  • CMMFAudioInput::~CMMFAudioInput() - Standard SymbianOS destructor.

  • CMMFAudioOutput - The interface into DevSound.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::BufferFilledL() - Called by MDataSource to pass back a full buffer to the sink.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::BufferToBeEmptied() - BufferToBeEmptied MMFDevSoundObserver - should never get called.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::BufferToBeFilled() - BufferToBeFilled MMFDevSoundObserver.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::BytesPlayed() - Returns the number of bytes played.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::ConstructSinkL() - Overridable constuction specific to this datasource.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::ConvertError() - ConvertError MMFDevSoundObserver.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::CreateSinkBufferL() - Creates a sink buffer.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::DataType() - This method should not be used - it is provided to maintain SC with v7.0s.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::DeviceMessage() - DeviceMessage MMFDevSoundObserver.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::EmptyBufferL() - Sends audio to MMFDevsound.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::HWEmptyBufferL() - Gets audio from hardware device abstracted MMFDevsound (not used).
  • CMMFAudioOutput::InitializeComplete() - InitializeComplete MMFDevSoundObserver called when devsound initialisation completed.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::NegotiateL() - Negotiates with the source to set, for example, the sample rate and number of channels.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::PlayError() - PlayError MMFDevSoundObserver.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::RecordError() - RecordError MMFDevSoundObserver called when recording has halted.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SendEventToClient() - Handles policy request completion event.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SetDataTypeL() - This method should not be used - it is provided to maintain SC with v7.0s.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SetSinkDataTypeCode() - Sets the sink's data type code.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SetSinkPrioritySettings() - Sets the sink's priority settings.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkDataTypeCode() - Gets the sink's data type code.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkPauseL() - Pauses the sink.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkPlayL() - Starts playing the sink.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkPrimeL() - Prime's the sink.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkStopL() - Stops the sink.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkThreadLogoff() - Logs off the sink thread.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SinkThreadLogon() - Logs on the sink's thread.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::SoundDevice() - Returns the sound device.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::ToneFinished() - ToneFinished MMFDevSoundObserver called when a tone has finished or interrupted.
  • CMMFAudioOutput::~CMMFAudioOutput() - Standard SymbianOS destructor.

  • CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support audio play controller commands.
  • CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling audio play controller commands.
  • CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::~CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support audio play device commands.
  • CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling audio play device commands.
  • CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser::~CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support audio record controller commands.
  • CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling audio record controller commands.
  • CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::~CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support audio record device commands.
  • CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling audio record device commands.
  • CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser::~CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer - Class to store a frame of video data using an EPOC bitmap (RGB data).
  • CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer::BufferSize() - Dummy implementation.
  • CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer::Data() - Retrieves the frame data.
  • CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer::NewL()  Factory function to create objects of type CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer used to store a frame an EPOC bitmap.
  • CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer::NewL()  Factory function to create objects of type CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer used to store a frame using an EPOC bitmap.
  • CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer::~CMMFBitmapFrameBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CMMFBuffer - Abstract representation of a buffer to contain multimedia data.
  • CMMFBuffer::BufferSize() - Returns the size of the data in the buffer.
  • CMMFBuffer::CMMFBuffer().
  • CMMFBuffer::FrameNumber() - Returns the frame number.
  • CMMFBuffer::IsFileServerSafe() - Static method which returns ETrue if the buffer UID is a buffer that is safe to be used with the file server.
  • CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer() - Static method which returns ETrue if the buffer UID is a supported CMMFDataBuffer type.
  • CMMFBuffer::LastBuffer() - Tests whether the buffer is the last buffer.
  • CMMFBuffer::NextFrame() - Sets the buffer as the next frame.
  • CMMFBuffer::Position() - Returns the current buffer read/write position.
  • CMMFBuffer::RequestSize() - Returns the size of data processed by sink or data needed by source.
  • CMMFBuffer::SetFrameNumber() - Sets the frame number.
  • CMMFBuffer::SetLastBuffer() - Sets the buffer as the last buffer.
  • CMMFBuffer::SetPosition() - Sets the current buffer read/write position.
  • CMMFBuffer::SetStatus() - Sets the buffer's status.
  • CMMFBuffer::SetTimeToPlay() - Sets the buffer timestamp, in microseconds.
  • CMMFBuffer::Status() - Returns the buffer's status.
  • CMMFBuffer::TimeToPlay() - Returns the buffer timestamp, in microseconds.
  • CMMFBuffer::Type() - Returns the buffer type.
  • CMMFBuffer::~CMMFBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CMMFClip - Abstract class to represent a source or sink that contains a multimedia clip (i.e.
  • CMMFClip::BytesFree() - Returns the amount of space available for the clip.
  • CMMFClip::CMMFClip() - Protected constructor.
  • CMMFClip::Delete() - Deletes the clip.
  • CMMFClip::ReadBufferL()  Reads aLength number of bytes of data from the offset, aPosition into the buffer, aBuffer.
  • CMMFClip::ReadBufferL()  Reads the maximum number of bytes of data from the offset, aPosition into the buffer, aBuffer.
  • CMMFClip::ReadBufferL()  Reads the maximum number of bytes of data from the offset, aPosition into the buffer, aBuffer.
  • CMMFClip::SetSize() - Sets the size of the clip.
  • CMMFClip::Size() - Returns the size of the clip in bytes.
  • CMMFClip::WriteBufferL()  Writes aLength number of bytes of data from the offset, aPosition from the buffer, aBuffer.
  • CMMFClip::WriteBufferL()  Writes the maximum number of bytes of data from the offset, aPosition from the buffer, aBuffer.
  • CMMFClip::WriteBufferL()  Writes the maximum number of bytes of data from the offset, aPosition from the buffer, aBuffer.

  • CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility - Utility class that can be used by video HW devices to receive periodic callbacks with the current time.
  • CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility::NewL() - Creates a new clock source periodic utility object.
  • CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility::Start() - Starts the clock source periodic utility.
  • CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility::Stop() - Stops the clock source periodic utility.
  • CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility::~CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility() - Destructor.

  • CMMFCodec - ECom plugin class for a codec that processes source data in a certain fourCC coding type and converts it to a destination buffer of another fourCC coding type.
  • CMMFCodec::ConfigureL() - Sets codec configuration.
  • CMMFCodec::NewL()  Creates a CMMFCodec object with known fourCC codes for source and destination.
  • CMMFCodec::NewL()  Creates a CMMFCodec object with match parameter in addition to the source and destination fourCC codes (for instance a manufacturer's name).
  • CMMFCodec::NewL()  Creates a CMMFCodec object with a known UID.
  • CMMFCodec::ProcessL() - Processes the data in the specified source buffer and writes the processed data to the specified destination buffer.
  • CMMFCodec::ResetL() - Codec reset.
  • CMMFCodec::~CMMFCodec() - Destructor.

  • CMMFController - Base class for controller plugins.
  • CMMFController::AddCustomCommandParserL() - Adds a custom command parser to the controller framework.
  • CMMFController::AddDataSinkL() - Adds a data sink to the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::AddDataSourceL() - Add a data source to the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::CMMFController() - Constructor.
  • CMMFController::CustomCommand() - Handles a custom command.
  • CMMFController::DoSendEventToClient() - Sends an event to the client.
  • CMMFController::DurationL() - Gets the duration of the clip.
  • CMMFController::GetMetaDataEntryL() - Retrieves a meta data entry from the clip.
  • CMMFController::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() - RetrieveS the number of meta data entries in the clip.
  • CMMFController::HandleRequestL() - Handles a message from the client.
  • CMMFController::MMFObjectContainerL() - Gets a reference to the multimedia framework object container.
  • CMMFController::PauseL()  Pauses the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::PauseL()  A partner to the PauseL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
  • CMMFController::PlayL()  Commences playback.
  • CMMFController::PlayL()  A partner to the PlayL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
  • CMMFController::PositionL() - Gets the current position.
  • CMMFController::PrimeL()  Primes the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::PrimeL()  A partner to the PrimeL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
  • CMMFController::RemoveDataSinkL() - Removes a data sink from the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::RemoveDataSourceL() - Removes a data source from the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::ResetL() - Resets the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::SetPositionL() - Sets the current position.
  • CMMFController::SetPrioritySettings() - Sets the priority settings.
  • CMMFController::StopL()  Stops the controller plugin.
  • CMMFController::StopL()  A partner to the StopL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
  • CMMFController::~CMMFController() - Default destructor.

  • CMMFControllerEventMonitor - Active object utility class that can be used to monitor a controller plugin for events.
  • CMMFControllerEventMonitor::DoCancel() - Cancels the outstanding request on iMMFController.
  • CMMFControllerEventMonitor::NewL() - Constructs a controller event monitor object.
  • CMMFControllerEventMonitor::RunL() - Calls HandleEvent on iObserver.
  • CMMFControllerEventMonitor::Start() - Tells the controller event monitor to start listening for events.

  • CMMFControllerImplementationInformation - Contains controller plugin information retrieved from the ECom registry.
  • CMMFControllerImplementationInformation::HeapSpaceRequired() - Returns the heap space required by this controller.
  • CMMFControllerImplementationInformation::NewL() - Constructs a new controller implementation information object.
  • CMMFControllerImplementationInformation::PlayFormats() - Returns the array of play formats supported by this controller.
  • CMMFControllerImplementationInformation::ProcessTaggedDataL() - From MTaggedDataParserClient.
  • CMMFControllerImplementationInformation::RecordFormats() - Returns the array of record formats supported by this controller.

  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters - Contains the parameters used to select controller plugins from the ECOM registry.
  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::ListImplementationsL() - Retrieves all controller plugins that support the requirements of the caller.
  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::NewL() - Constructs a new controller selection parameters object.
  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::NewLC() - Construct a new controller selection parameters object.
  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::SetRequiredPlayFormatSupportL() - Sets the play format support required.
  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::SetRequiredRecordFormatSupportL() - Sets the record format support required.
  • CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::~CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters() - Destructor.

  • CMMFCustomCommandParserBase - Base class to define the interface of a custom command parser.
  • CMMFCustomCommandParserBase::CMMFCustomCommandParserBase() - Constructor.
  • CMMFCustomCommandParserBase::HandleRequest() - Pure virtual method to be implemented by derived classes.
  • CMMFCustomCommandParserBase::InterfaceId() - Returns the UID of the custom command interface provided by this parser.
  • CMMFCustomCommandParserBase::~CMMFCustomCommandParserBase() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDataBuffer - This class is an abstract class for databuffers that can be presented in the form of a descriptor.
  • CMMFDataBuffer::BufferSize() - Returns the buffer size, in bytes.
  • CMMFDataBuffer::CMMFDataBuffer() - Protected constructor.
  • CMMFDataBuffer::Data()  Returns a reference to the data contained in the buffer (non const version).
  • CMMFDataBuffer::Data()  Returns a reference to the data contained in the buffer (const version).
  • CMMFDataBuffer::NewL()  Method to instantiate a CMMFDataBuffer defaults to a CMMFDescriptorBuffer to maintain buffer compatiblity with MFAD ie.
  • CMMFDataBuffer::NewL()  Method to instantiate a CMMFDataBuffer defaults to a CMMFDescriptorBuffer by default to maintain buffer compatiblity with MFAD ie.
  • CMMFDataBuffer::SetRequestSizeL() - Sets the request size.
  • CMMFDataBuffer::~CMMFDataBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDataPath - Abstract utility class that moves data from a single data source to a single data sink, via a codec if required.
  • CMMFDataPath::AddDataSinkL() - Adds a data sink to the datapath and, if the source already exists, tries to establish a connection between the source and sink.
  • CMMFDataPath::AddDataSourceL() - Adds a data source to the datapath and, if the sink already exists, tries to establish a connection between the source and sink.
  • CMMFDataPath::BufferEmptiedL() - Indicates the data sink has emptied the buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::BufferFilledL() - Indicates the data source has filled the specified buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Tests whether the data path can create a sink buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Tests whether the data path can create a source buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::ClearPlayWindowL() - Sets the play window to the full length of clip.
  • CMMFDataPath::CMMFDataPath().
  • CMMFDataPath::ConstructL() - Takes UID of codec on construction, and if not an NULL codec sets the datapath up for codec instantiation.
  • CMMFDataPath::ConstructSinkL() - Constructs a sink.
  • CMMFDataPath::ConstructSourceL() - Constructs a source.
  • CMMFDataPath::CreateSinkBufferL()  Creates a sink buffer according to the specifed media ID.
  • CMMFDataPath::CreateSinkBufferL()  Creates a sink buffer according to the specifed media ID and reference.
  • CMMFDataPath::CreateSourceBufferL()  Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::CreateSourceBufferL()  Creates a source buffer according to the specifed media ID and reference.
  • CMMFDataPath::DoCancel() - Cancels the clip.
  • CMMFDataPath::DoSendEventToClient() - Passes error handling and general messages up to clients.
  • CMMFDataPath::EmptyBufferL() - Clears the specified buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::EndOfData() - Forces and end of data state on the datapath.
  • CMMFDataPath::FillBufferL() - Fills the specified buffer.
  • CMMFDataPath::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a data path.
  • CMMFDataPath::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a data path according to the specified media ID.
  • CMMFDataPath::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a data path according to the specified codec UID.
  • CMMFDataPath::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a data path according to the specified codec UID.
  • CMMFDataPath::Pause() - Pauses playing.
  • CMMFDataPath::PlayL() - Starts an active scheduler 'play' loop.
  • CMMFDataPath::Position() - Gets the data path position.
  • CMMFDataPath::PrimeL() - Allocates buffers in preparation to play.
  • CMMFDataPath::ResetL() - Deletes buffers if this datapath's sources and sinks own the buffers returned by PrimeL().
  • CMMFDataPath::RunError() - Handles errors coming from attached sources and passes them to the clients.
  • CMMFDataPath::RunL() - Runs the clip depending on the current data path and transfer state.
  • CMMFDataPath::SendEventToClient() - Passes error handling and general messages to clients.
  • CMMFDataPath::SetBlockLength().
  • CMMFDataPath::SetPlayWindowL() - Sets the play window absolutely (i.e.
  • CMMFDataPath::SetPositionL() - Sets the data path position.
  • CMMFDataPath::SinkDataTypeCode() - Gets the sink's data type for the specified media ID.
  • CMMFDataPath::SourceDataTypeCode() - Gets the source data type for the specified media ID.
  • CMMFDataPath::State() - Returns the current data path state.
  • CMMFDataPath::Stop() - Stops playing.
  • CMMFDataPath::~CMMFDataPath() - Standard destructor.

  • CMMFDataPathEventMonitor - Active object utility class that can be used to monitor a datapath that is running in its own thread for events.
  • CMMFDataPathEventMonitor::DoCancel() - Cancels the outstanding request on iMMFDataPathProxy.
  • CMMFDataPathEventMonitor::NewL() - Constructs a datapath event monitor object.
  • CMMFDataPathEventMonitor::RunL() - Internal active object function.
  • CMMFDataPathEventMonitor::Start() - Tells the datapath event monitor to start listening for events.
  • CMMFDataPathEventMonitor::~CMMFDataPathEventMonitor() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDataSinkHolder - CMMFObject-derived class to wrap a Data Sink.
  • CMMFDataSinkHolder::CMMFDataSinkHolder() - Constructor.
  • CMMFDataSinkHolder::DataSink() - Returns a reference to the data sink.
  • CMMFDataSinkHolder::HandleRequest() - Implementation of the pure virtual function inherited from CMMFObject.
  • CMMFDataSinkHolder::~CMMFDataSinkHolder() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDataSourceHolder - CMMFObject-derived class to wrap a Data Source.
  • CMMFDataSourceHolder::CMMFDataSourceHolder() - Constructor.
  • CMMFDataSourceHolder::DataSource() - Returns a reference to the data source.
  • CMMFDataSourceHolder::HandleRequest() - Implementation of the pure virtual function inherited from CMMFObject.
  • CMMFDataSourceHolder::~CMMFDataSourceHolder() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDescriptor - MultiMedia framework class.
  • CMMFDescriptor::BufferEmptiedL() - CMMFDescriptor as a source is always passive so this function is not supported.
  • CMMFDescriptor::BufferFilledL() - CMMFDescriptor as a sink is always passive so this function is not supported.
  • CMMFDescriptor::BytesFree() - Returns the amount of space available for the clip.
  • CMMFDescriptor::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.
  • CMMFDescriptor::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Tests whether a source buffer can be created.
  • CMMFDescriptor::ConstructSinkL() - Performs sink construction dependant on the sink construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • CMMFDescriptor::ConstructSourceL() - Performs source construction dependant on the source construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • CMMFDescriptor::CreateSinkBufferL() - Creates a sink buffer.
  • CMMFDescriptor::CreateSourceBufferL() - Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFDescriptor::EmptyBufferL() - Empties aBuffer into iDes.
  • CMMFDescriptor::FillBufferL() - Loads aBuffer from iDes.
  • CMMFDescriptor::ReadBufferL()  Loads aLength number of bytes into aBuffer from specified point in iDes.
  • CMMFDescriptor::ReadBufferL()  Loads aBuffer from specified point in iDes.
  • CMMFDescriptor::ReadBufferL()  Loads aBuffer from specified point in iDes.
  • CMMFDescriptor::SetSize() - Sets the size of the clip.
  • CMMFDescriptor::SinkDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the CMMFDescriptor data sink.
  • CMMFDescriptor::Size() - Returns the length of the clip.
  • CMMFDescriptor::SourceDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code for the CMMFDescriptor data source.
  • CMMFDescriptor::WriteBufferL()  Empties aLength bytes from aBuffer into iDes at specified location.
  • CMMFDescriptor::WriteBufferL()  Empties aBuffer into iDes at specified location.
  • CMMFDescriptor::WriteBufferL()  Empties aBuffer into iFile at specified location.
  • CMMFDescriptor::~CMMFDescriptor() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer - This class is a wrapper class to give a descriptor the same API as a CMMFDataBuffer.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::BufferSize() - Returns the actual data size (ie.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::Data()  Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::Data()  Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL()  Method to instantiate a CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL()  Method to instantiate a CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::ReAllocBufferL() - Reallocates the max size in bytes of a CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::SetPosition() - Sets the position.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::SetRequestSizeL() - Sets the request size.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::SetStatus() - Overriden method to set the status and resets the data size to 0 when the buffer becomes available.
  • CMMFDescriptorBuffer::~CMMFDescriptorBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDevSound - This is the interface from Symbian OS to the raw audio functions on the device hardware.
  • CMMFDevSound::CancelRegisterAsClient() - Cancels the Registered Notification.
  • CMMFDevSound::Capabilities() - Returns the supported Audio settings ie.
  • CMMFDevSound::Config() - Returns the current device configuration.
  • CMMFDevSound::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
  • CMMFDevSound::FixedSequenceCount() - Returns the number of available pre-defined tone sequences.
  • CMMFDevSound::FixedSequenceName() - Returns the name assigned to a specific pre-defined tone sequence.
  • CMMFDevSound::Gain() - Returns an integer representing the current gain.
  • CMMFDevSound::GetPlayBalanceL() - Returns the speaker balance set for playing.
  • CMMFDevSound::GetRecordBalanceL() - Returns the microphone gain balance set for recording.
  • CMMFDevSound::GetResourceNotificationData() - Returns the Notification data which the client needs to resume playing.
  • CMMFDevSound::GetSupportedInputDataTypesL() - Returns a list of the supported input datatypes that can be sent to DevSound for playing audio.
  • CMMFDevSound::GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL() - Returns a list of the supported output dataypes that can be received from DevSound for recording audio.
  • CMMFDevSound::InitializeL()  Initializes CMMFDevSound object to play and record PCM16 raw audio data with sampling rate of 8 KHz.
  • CMMFDevSound::InitializeL()  Initializes DevSound object for the mode aMode for processing audio data with hardware device aHWDev.
  • CMMFDevSound::InitializeL()  Initializes DevSound object for the mode aMode for processing audio data with hardware device supporting FourCC aDesiredFourCC.
  • CMMFDevSound::MaxGain() - Returns an integer representing the maximum gain the device supports.
  • CMMFDevSound::MaxVolume() - Returns an integer representing the maximum volume device supports.
  • CMMFDevSound::NewL() - Constructs, and returns a pointer to, a new CMMFDevSound object.
  • CMMFDevSound::Pause() - Temporarily Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert).
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayData() - Plays data in the buffer at the current volume.
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayDTMFStringL() - Initializes the audio device and starts playing the DTMF string aDTMFString.
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayDualToneL() - Initializes audio device and starts playing a dual tone.
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayFixedSequenceL() - Initializes the audio device and starts playing the specified pre-defined tone sequence.
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayInitL() - Initializes the audio device and starts the play process.
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayToneL() - Initializes the audio device and starts playing a tone.
  • CMMFDevSound::PlayToneSequenceL() - Initializes the audio device and starts playing a tone sequence.
  • CMMFDevSound::RecordData() - Contine the process of recording.
  • CMMFDevSound::RecordInitL() - Initializes audio device and starts the recording process.
  • CMMFDevSound::RegisterAsClient() - Registers the client for notification of resource avalibility.
  • CMMFDevSound::SamplesPlayed() - Returns the number of samples played so far.
  • CMMFDevSound::SamplesRecorded() - Returns the number samples recorded so far.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetConfigL() - Configure CMMFDevSound object with the settings in aConfig.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetDTMFLengths() - Defines the duration of tone on, tone off and tone pause to be used during the DTMF tone playback operation.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetGain() - Changes the current recording gain to a specified value.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetPlayBalanceL() - Sets the speaker balance for playing.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetPrioritySettings() - Defines the priority settings that should be used for this instance.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetRecordBalanceL() - Sets the microphone gain balance for recording.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetToneRepeats() - Defines the number of times the audio is to be repeated during the tone playback operation.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetVolume() - Changes the current playback volume to a specified value.
  • CMMFDevSound::SetVolumeRamp() - Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from nothing to the normal volume level.
  • CMMFDevSound::Stop() - Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert).
  • CMMFDevSound::Volume() - Returns an integer representing the current volume.
  • CMMFDevSound::WillResumePlay() - Wait for the clients to resume play back even after the default timeout expires.
  • CMMFDevSound::~CMMFDevSound() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDevVideoPlay - CMMFDevVideoPlay is the main client API for DevVideoPlay.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::AbortDirectScreenAccess() - Aborts Direct Screen Access completely, to be called from MAbortDirectScreenAccess::AbortNow() and similar methods.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::CancelTimedSnapshot() - Cancels a timed snapshot request.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::CommitL() - Commit all configuration changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize().
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::ConfigureDecoderL() - Configures the Decoder using header information known by the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the specified hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::DecodingPosition() - Returns the current decoding position, i.e.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::FindCommonFormat() - Finds a common format from two lists of uncompressed video formats.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::FindDecodersL() - Finds all available decoders for a given video type with support for certain post-processing operations.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::FindPostProcessorsL() - Finds all available post-processors for a given set of post-processing operations.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::FreezePicture() - Freezes a picture on the screen.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetBitstreamCounters() - Reads various counters related to the received input bitstream and coded data units.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetBufferL() - Retrieves an empty video input buffer from the decoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetBufferOptions() - Gets the video decoder buffer options actually in use.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetComplexityLevelInfo() - Gets information about a computational complexity level.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetDecoderListL() - Retrieves a list of available video decoders in the system.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetHeaderInformationL() - Reads header information from a coded data unit.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetNewPictureInfo() - Gets information about new decoded pictures.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetOutputFormatListL() - Retrieves the list of the output formats a hardware device supports.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetPictureCounters() - Reads various counters related to decoded pictures.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetPostProcessorListL() - Retrieves a list of available video post-processors in the system.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetSnapshotL() - Gets a copy of the latest picture displayed.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL() - Gets a list of the supported snapshot picture formats.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetTimedSnapshotL()  Gets a copy of a specified picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::GetTimedSnapshotL()  Gets a copy of a specified picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Initialize() - Initializes the video device.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::InputEnd() - Notifies the system that the end of input data has been reached.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::IsPlaying() - Indicates whether playback is proceeding.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppFatalError() - Reports a fatal error to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppInitializeComplete() - Reports that an asynchronous Initialize() method has completed.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppNewBuffers() - Notifies the client that one or more new empty input buffers are available.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppNewPicture() - Delivers a new decoded picture to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppPictureLoss()  Back channel information, indicating a picture loss without specifying the lost picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppPictureLoss()  Back channel information, indicating the pictures that have been lost.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppReferencePictureSelection() - Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a reference picture selection request.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppReturnPicture() - Returns a used input video picture back to the caller.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppSliceLoss() - Back channel information, indicating the loss of consecutive macroblocks in raster scan order.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppStreamEnd() - Reports that the input video stream end has been reached and all pictures have been processed.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppSupplementalInformation() - Delivers supplemental information from a decoder hardware device to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::MdvppTimedSnapshotComplete() - Delivers a timed snapshot result to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::NewL() - Constructs a new MSL video client instance.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::NextPictureL() - Gets the next (in displaying order) new decoded picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::NumComplexityLevels() - Gets the number of complexity levels available.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::NumFreeBuffers() - Retrieves the number of free input buffers the decoder has available.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Pause() - Pauses video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::PictureBufferBytes() - Returns the total amount of memory allocated for uncompressed pictures.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::PlaybackPosition() - Returns the current playback position, i.e.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::PostProcessorInfoLC() - Retrieves information about the post-processing capabilities of an installed post-processor or decoder hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::PreDecoderBufferBytes() - Returns the current pre-decoder buffer size.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Redraw() - Re-draws the latest video picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::ReleaseFreeze() - Releases a picture frozen with FreezePicture().
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Resume() - Resumes video playback after a pause.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::ReturnHeader() - Returns a header from GetHeaderInformationL() back to the decoder so that the memory can be freed.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::ReturnPicture() - Returns a picture from NextPicture() back to the device.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Revert() - Revert any configuration changes that have not yet been committed using CommitL().
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SelectDecoderL() - Selects the video decoder to be used.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SelectPostProcessorL() - Selects the video post-processor to be used.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetBufferOptionsL() - Sets video decoder buffering options.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetClockSource() - Sets the clock source to use for video timing.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetComplexityLevel() - Sets the computational complexity level to use.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetHrdVbvSpec() - Indicates which HRD/VBV specification is fulfilled in the input stream and any related parameters.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetInputCropOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for input (pan-scan) cropping.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetInputFormatL()  Sets a hardware device input format to an uncompressed video format.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetInputFormatL()  Sets a hardware device Input format to a compressed video format.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetOutputCropOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for output cropping.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetOutputFormatL() - Sets the output format for a hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetPauseOnClipFail() - Sets whether the system should pause playback when it gets a clipping region it cannot handle, or Direct Screen Access is aborted completely.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetPosition() - Changes to a new decoding and playback position, used for randomly accessing (seeking) the input stream.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetPostProcessTypesL() - Sets the post-processing types to be used.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL() - Sets post-processing hardware device specific options.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetRotateOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for rotation.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetScaleOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for scaling.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetScreenClipRegion() - Sets a new clipping region for Direct Screen Access.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetVideoDestScreenL() - Sets the video output destination.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL()  Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL()  Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Start() - Starts video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::StartDirectScreenAccessL() - Starts video decoding directly to the display frame buffer using Direct Screen Access.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::Stop() - Stops video playback.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::SynchronizeDecoding() - Sets whether the decoder should synchronize decoding to the current clock source, if any, or should decode all pictures as soon as possible.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::VideoDecoderInfoLC() - Retrieves information about an installed video decoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::WriteCodedDataL() - Writes a piece of coded video data.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::WritePictureL() - Writes an uncompressed video picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::~CMMFDevVideoPlay() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBitstreamCounters - Bitstream statistic counters, used for following decoding progress.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBitstreamCounters::TBitstreamCounters() - Default constructor.

  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions - Buffer options used with SetBufferOptionsL().
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions::TBufferOptions() - Default constructor.

  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TComplexityLevelInfo - Information about a single computational complexity level.

  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TPictureCounters - Picture statistic counters.
  • CMMFDevVideoPlay::TPictureCounters::TPictureCounters() - Default constructor.

  • CMMFDevVideoRecord - CMMFDevVideoRecord is the main client class of DevVideoRecord.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::CancelSupplementalInfo() - Cancels the current supplemental information send request.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::CodingStandardSpecificInitOutputLC() - Returns coding-standard specific initialization output from the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::CodingStandardSpecificSettingsOutputLC() - Returns coding-standard specific settings output from the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::CommitL() - Commit all configuration changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize().
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the specified hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::FindEncodersL() - Finds all available encoders for a given video type with support for certain pre-processing operations.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::FindPreProcessorsL() - Finds all available pre-processors for a given set of pre-processing operations.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Freeze() - Freezes the input picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::GetEncoderListL() - Retrieves a list of available video encoders in the system.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::GetFrameStabilisationOutput() - Reads the frame stabilisation output picture position.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::GetOutputBufferStatus() - Gets the current output buffer status.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::GetPictureCounters() - Reads various counters related to processed video pictures.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::GetPreProcessorListL() - Retrieves a list of available video pre-processor hardware devices in the system.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::ImplementationSpecificInitOutputLC() - Returns implementation-specific initialization output from the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::ImplementationSpecificSettingsOutputLC() - Returns implementation-specific settings output from the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Initialize() - Initializes the video devices, and reserves hardware resources.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::InputEnd() - Notifies the system that the end of input data has been reached.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::MdvrpFatalError() - Reports a fatal error to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::MdvrpInitializeComplete() - Reports that an asynchronous Initialize() method has completed.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::MdvrpNewBuffer() - Delivers a new coded data unit to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::MdvrpReturnPicture() - Returns a used input picture back to the client.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::MdvrpStreamEnd() - Reports that the input video data end has been reached and all pictures have been processed.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::MdvrpSupplementalInfoSent() - Sends a notification to the client that the current supplemental info send request has completed.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::NewL() - Creates a new CMMFDevVideoRecord object.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::NextBufferL() - Retrieves the next output buffer, in coding order.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::NumComplexityLevels() - Retrieves the number of complexity control levels available for a hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::NumDataBuffers() - Returns the number of output buffers currently containing valid output data.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Pause() - Pauses video recording.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::PictureLoss()  Indicates a picture loss to the encoder, without specifying the lost picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::PictureLoss()  Indicates to the encoder the pictures that have been lost.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::PreProcessorInfoLC() - Retrieves information about the pre-processing capabilities of an installed pre-processor or encoder hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::RecordingPosition() - Returns the current recording position.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::ReferencePictureSelection() - Sends a reference picture selection request to the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::ReleaseFreeze() - Releases a frozen input picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Resume() - Resumes video recording after a pause.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::ReturnBuffer() - Returns a used output buffer back to the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Revert() - Revert any configuration changes that have not yet been committed using CommitL().
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SelectEncoderL() - Selects the video encoder to be used.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SelectPreProcessorL() - Selects the video pre-processor to be used.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SendSupplementalInfoL()  Requests the encoder to sends supplemental information in the bitstream.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SendSupplementalInfoL()  Requests the encoder to send supplemental information in the bitstream.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetBufferOptionsL() - Sets encoder buffering options.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetChannelBitErrorRate() - Sets the expected or prevailing channel conditions for an unequal error protection level, in terms of expected bit error rate.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetChannelPacketLossRate() - Sets the expected or prevailing channel conditions for an unequal error protection level, in terms of expected packet loss rate.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetClockSource() - Sets the clock source to use for video timing.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetCodingStandardSpecificOptionsL() - Sets coding-standard specific encoder options.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetColorEnhancementOptionsL() - Sets color enhancement pre-processing options.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetComplexityLevel() - Sets the complexity level to use for video processing in a hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetCustomPreProcessOptionsL() - Sets custom implementation-specific pre-processing options.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetErrorProtectionLevelL() - Sets up an unequal error protection level.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetErrorProtectionLevelsL() - Sets the number of unequal error protection levels.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetErrorsExpected() - Sets whether bit errors or packets losses can be expected in the video transmission channel.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetFrameStabilisationOptionsL() - Sets frame stabilisation options.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetGlobalReferenceOptions() - Sets the reference picture options to be used for all scalability layers.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetImplementationSpecificEncoderOptionsL() - Sets implementation-specific encoder options.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetInLayerScalabilityL() - Sets in-layer scalability options for a layer.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetInputCropOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for input cropping.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetInputFormatL() - Sets the input format for a hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetLayerPromotionPointPeriod() - Sets the period for layer promotions points for a scalability layer.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetLayerReferenceOptions() - Sets the reference picture options to be used for a single scalability layer.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetMinRandomAccessRate() - Sets the minimum frequency (in time) for instantaneous random access points in the bitstream.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetNumBitrateLayersL() - Sets the number of bit-rate scalability layers to use.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetOutputCropOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for output cropping.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetOutputFormatL()  Sets the output format for a hardware device to a compressed video format.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetOutputFormatL()  Sets the output format for a hardware device to an uncompressed video format.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetOutputPadOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for output padding.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetOutputRectL() - Sets the encoder output rectangle for encoded video output.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetPreProcessTypesL() - Sets the pre-processing types to be used in a hardware device.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetRateControlOptions() - Sets the bit-rate control options for a layer.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetRgbToYuvOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for RGB to YUV color space conversion.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetRotateOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for rotation.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetScalabilityLayerTypeL() - Sets the scalability type for a bit-rate scalability layer.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetScaleOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for scaling.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetSegmentTargetSize() - Sets the target size of each coded video segment.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetSourceCameraL() - Sets the data source to be a camera, and sets the system to use direct capture for input.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetSourceMemoryL() - Sets the data source to be memory buffers.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SetYuvToYuvOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for YUV to YUV data format conversion.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::SliceLoss() - Indicates a loss of consecutive macroblocks in raster scan order to the encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Start() - Starts recording video.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::Stop() - Stops recording video.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::VideoEncoderInfoLC() - Retrieves information about an installed video encoder.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::WritePictureL() - Writes an uncompressed input picture.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::~CMMFDevVideoRecord() - Destructor.

  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::TPictureCounters - Class to define the picture counters available through GetPictureCounters.
  • CMMFDevVideoRecord::TPictureCounters::TPictureCounters() - Default constructor.

  • CMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandParser.
  • CMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of processing duration information controller commands.
  • CMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandParser::~CMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFFile - MultiMedia framework class.
  • CMMFFile::BufferEmptiedL() - CMMFFile as a source is always passive so this function is not supported.
  • CMMFFile::BufferFilledL() - CMMFFile as a sink is always passive so this function is not supported.
  • CMMFFile::BytesFree() - Gets the number of free bytes in the device's file system.
  • CMMFFile::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.
  • CMMFFile::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Tests whether a source buffer can be created.
  • CMMFFile::ConstructSinkL() - Performs sink construction dependant on the sink construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • CMMFFile::ConstructSourceL() - Perform source construction dependant on the source construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • CMMFFile::CreateSinkBufferL() - Creates a sink buffer.
  • CMMFFile::CreateSourceBufferL() - Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFFile::Data() - Returns access to internal CData property.
  • CMMFFile::Delete() - Deletes the file.
  • CMMFFile::EmptyBufferL() - Empties aBuffer into iFile.
  • CMMFFile::EvaluateIntent() - Evaluates a given intent against the rights associated with the file.
  • CMMFFile::ExecuteIntent() - Evaluates and executes a given intent against the rights associated with the file.
  • CMMFFile::Extension() - Returns the extension of the current file.
  • CMMFFile::FileDrive() - Returns the drive on which the current file is located.
  • CMMFFile::FileL() - Returns an RFile handle to the current file.
  • CMMFFile::FileName() - Returns the file name of the current file.
  • CMMFFile::FilePath() - Returns the path of the current file.
  • CMMFFile::FillBufferL() - Loads aBuffer from iFile.
  • CMMFFile::FullName() - Returns the full name of the current file.
  • CMMFFile::IsProtectedL() - Returns whether the file is protected.
  • CMMFFile::ReadBufferL()  Loads aLength number of bytes into aBuffer from specified point in iFile.
  • CMMFFile::ReadBufferL()  Loads aBuffer from specified point in iFile.
  • CMMFFile::ReadBufferL()  Loads aBuffer from specified point in iFile.
  • CMMFFile::SetAgentProperty().
  • CMMFFile::SetSize() - Sets the file size.
  • CMMFFile::SinkDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of CMMFFile as a data sink.
  • CMMFFile::SinkPrimeL() - Primes the sink.
  • CMMFFile::SinkStopL() - Stops the file sink.
  • CMMFFile::SinkStopped() - Returns a boolean indicating if the sink has been stopped.
  • CMMFFile::SinkThreadLogoff() - Sink thread log off.
  • CMMFFile::SinkThreadLogon() - Sink thread logon.
  • CMMFFile::Size() - Returns the size of the file in bytes.
  • CMMFFile::SourceDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of CMMFFile as a data source.
  • CMMFFile::SourcePauseL() - Pauses the file source.
  • CMMFFile::SourcePrimeL() - Primes the source.
  • CMMFFile::SourceStopL() - Stops the file source.
  • CMMFFile::SourceThreadLogoff() - Logs off source thread.
  • CMMFFile::SourceThreadLogon() - Source thread logon.
  • CMMFFile::UniqueId() - Returns the uniqueID associated with this content.
  • CMMFFile::WriteBufferL()  Empties aLength bytes from aBuffer into iFile at specified location.
  • CMMFFile::WriteBufferL()  Empties aBuffer into iFile at the specified location.
  • CMMFFile::WriteBufferL()  Empties aBuffer into iFile at specified location.
  • CMMFFile::~CMMFFile() - Destructor.

  • CMMFFormatDecode - Base class from which source formats can be derived from.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::BitRate() - Gets the bit rate.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::BufferFilledL() - Indicates the data source has filled the buffer.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Tests whether a source buffer can be created.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::CMMFFormatDecode() - Default constructor.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::CreateSinkBufferL() - Creates a sink buffer for the specified media ID.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::CreateSourceBufferL() - Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::Duration() - Returns the duration of the clip for the specified media type.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::FillBufferL() - Request from CMMFDataPath to fill the specified buffer.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::FrameTimeInterval() - Returns the time interval for one frame for the specified media type.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() - Gets the number of meta data entries.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::GetSupportedBitRatesL() - Gets the supported bit rates.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::GetSupportedDataTypesL() - Gets the supported data types for the given media type id.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::GetSupportedNumChannelsL() - Gets the supported number of channels.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::GetSupportedSampleRatesL() - Gets the supported sample rates.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::ImplementationUid() - Returns the ECom plugin UID of this format.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::MetaDataEntryL() - Returns the specified meta data entry.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an ECom format decode object.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL().
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL()  Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data in a buffer.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL()  Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data from MDataSource.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL().
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL()  Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data in a buffer.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NewL()  Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data from MDataSource.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::NumChannels() - Returns the number of channels.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::PositionL() - Supplies the current position.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SampleRate() - Gets the sample rate.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SetBitRate() - Sets the bit rate.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SetNumChannels() - Sets the number of channels.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SetPositionL() - Used to set the format's position.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SetSampleRate() - Sets the sample rate.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SinkDataTypeCode() - Returns the sink data type code for the specified media type ID.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SourceDataTypeCode() - Returns the source data type code for the specified media type ID.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::Streams() - Gets the number of streams of the specified media type.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::SuggestSourceBufferSize() - Used by the sink to suggest a source buffer size.
  • CMMFFormatDecode::~CMMFFormatDecode() - Destructor.

  • CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters - Class used to list and select plugins implementing the CMMFFormatDecode interface.
  • CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewL() - Constructs a new format decode selection parameters object.
  • CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC() - Constructs a new format decode selection parameters object.

  • CMMFFormatEncode - Base class from which sink formats can be derived from.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::AddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds the specified meta data entry to the clip.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::BitRate() - Returns the bit rate.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::BufferEmptiedL() - Called by the clip when it has added the data to the file.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::BytesPerSecond() - Returns the bytes per second.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Tests whether a source buffer can be created.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::CMMFFormatEncode() - Default constructor.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::CreateSinkBufferL() - Creates a sink buffer for the specified media ID.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::CreateSourceBufferL() - Creates a source buffer.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::CropL() - This function is used to truncate the sink ie.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::Duration() - Returns the duration of the sink clip for the specified media type.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::EmptyBufferL() - Adds a buffer to a clip.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::FrameTimeInterval() - Returns the time interval for one frame for the specified media type.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::GetDefaultSampleRate() - Returns the default sample rate.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() - Gets the number of meta data entries.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::GetSupportedBitRatesL() - Gets the supported bit rates.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::GetSupportedDataTypesL() - Gets the supported data types for the given media type ID.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::GetSupportedNumChannelsL() - Gets the supported number of channels.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::GetSupportedSampleRatesL() - Gets the supported sample rates.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::ImplementationUid() - Gets the ECom plugin UID of this format.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::MaximumClipSize() - Returns the maximum clip size.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::MetaDataEntryL() - Returns the specified meta data entry.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an ECom format encode object.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::NewL().
  • CMMFFormatEncode::NewL()  Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatEncode using data in the specified buffer.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::NewL()  Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatEncode using data from aSink.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::NumChannels() - Returns the number of channels.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::PositionL() - Supplies the current position.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::RemoveMetaDataEntry() - Removes the specified meta data entry.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::ReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces the specified meta data entry with the entry supplied in aNewEntry.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SampleRate() - Returns the sample rate.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SetBitRate() - Sets the bit rate.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SetMaximumClipSizeL() - Sets the maximum clip size.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SetNumChannels() - Sets the number of channels.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SetPositionL() - Used to set the format's position.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SetSampleRate() - Sets the sample rate.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SinkDataTypeCode() - Returns the sink data type code for the specified media type ID.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::SourceDataTypeCode() - Returns the source data type code for the specified media type ID.
  • CMMFFormatEncode::~CMMFFormatEncode() - Destructor.

  • CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters - Class used to list and select plugins implementing the CMMFFormatEncode interface.
  • CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters::NewL() - Construct a new format encode selection parameters object.
  • CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC() - Constructs a new format encode selection parameters object.

  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation - Contains format support information retrieved from the ECom registry.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::ProcessTaggedDataL() - from MTaggedDataParserClient.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportedFileExtensions() - Returns the array of supported file extensions.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportedHeaderData() - Returns the array of supported header data matches.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportedMimeTypes() - Returns the array of supported mime types.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportsCustomInterfaces() - Tests whether this format provides support for Custom Interfaces.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportsFileExtension() - Tests whether this format provides support for the specified file extension, aFileExtension.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportsHeaderDataL() - Tests whether this format provides support for aHeaderData.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::SupportsMimeType() - Tests whether this format provides support for aMimeType.
  • CMMFFormatImplementationInformation::~CMMFFormatImplementationInformation() - Destructor.

  • CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters - Abstract class used to contain the parameters used to select format plugins from the ECOM registry.
  • CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters::ListImplementationsL() - Retrieves all format plugins that support the requirements of the caller.
  • CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters::SetRequiredFormatSupportL() - Sets the format support required.
  • CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters::~CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters() - Destructor.

  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters - Defines the format support required.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::MatchData() - Returns the data used to perform the plugin match.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::MatchDataType() - Returns the type of the data used to perform the plugin match.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new format selection parameter object with blank parameters.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new format selection parameter object with blank parameters, placing it on the cleanup stack.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::SetMatchToFileNameL() - Sets this object to match to a file extension.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::SetMatchToHeaderDataL() - Sets this object to match to a pattern in header data.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::SetMatchToMimeTypeL() - Sets this object to match to a MIME type.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::SetMatchToUriL() - Sets this object to match to a file extension specified by a URI.
  • CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::~CMMFFormatSelectionParameters() - Destructor.

  • CMMFMetaDataEntry - A piece of meta data.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::ExternalizeL() - Writes the data contained within the object to a stream so it can be copied over IPC or written to a file.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::InternalizeL() - Reads data from a stream and copies it into this object.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::Name() - Returns the name, or category, of the meta data.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::NewL()  Constructs a new meta data object using a name and value.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::NewL()  Copy constructor.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::NewL()  Default constructor.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::SetNameL() - Sets the name, or category, of the meta data.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::SetValueL() - Sets the value field of the meta data.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::Value() - Returns the value field of the meta data.
  • CMMFMetaDataEntry::~CMMFMetaDataEntry() - Destructor.

  • CMMFMidiEvent - Describe a MIDI event.
  • CMMFMidiEvent::CMMFMidiEvent()  Constructor.
  • CMMFMidiEvent::CMMFMidiEvent()  Default constructor.
  • CMMFMidiEvent::CopyL() - Copies a MIDI event into this CMMFMidiEvent.
  • CMMFMidiEvent::ExternalizeL() - Externalize the object to a stream.
  • CMMFMidiEvent::InternalizeL() - Internalize the object from a stream.
  • CMMFMidiEvent::~CMMFMidiEvent() - Destructor.

  • CMMFObject - Defines an object to which a client may have a direct handle.
  • CMMFObject::CMMFObject() - Constructor.
  • CMMFObject::Handle() - Returns the handle of the object.
  • CMMFObject::HandleRequest() - Passes a message to the object to handle.
  • CMMFObject::operator==() - Compares two CMMFObjects by comparing their handles.
  • CMMFObject::~CMMFObject() - Destructor.

  • CMMFObjectContainer - Container class to hold the CMMFObject-derived objects in the controller framework.
  • CMMFObjectContainer::AddMMFObject() - Add an object to the container.
  • CMMFObjectContainer::CMMFObjectContainer() - Constructor.
  • CMMFObjectContainer::DeleteAllObjects() - Removes and destroys all objects from the container.
  • CMMFObjectContainer::FindMMFObject() - Finds an object in the container using a handle.
  • CMMFObjectContainer::RemoveAndDestroyMMFObject() - Removes and destroys an object from the container.
  • CMMFObjectContainer::~CMMFObjectContainer() - Destructor.

  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation - Abstract class that contains basic information about ECom Multimedia plugins.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::DisplayName() - Returns the display name of this plugin implementation.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::Supplier() - Returns the name of the supplier of this plugin implementation, e.g.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::SupportedMediaIds() - Returns the array of media IDs supported by this plugin.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::SupportsMediaId() - Tests whether this plugin supports aMediaId.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::SupportsSupplier() - Tests whether this plugin was supplied by aSupplier.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::Uid() - Returns the uid of this particular plugin implementation.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::Version() - Returns the version number of this plugin.
  • CMMFPluginImplementationInformation::~CMMFPluginImplementationInformation() - Destructor.

  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters - Contains the parameters used to select mmf plugins from the ECOM registry.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::InterfaceUid() - Returns the uid of the interface to be searched for plugin matches.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::MediaIdMatchType() - Returns the type of preferred supplier match to perform.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::MediaIds() - Returns the list of media IDs that must be supported by the plugin.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::PreferredSupplier() - Returns the preferred supplier.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::PreferredSupplierMatchType() - Returns the type of preferred supplier match to perform.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::SetMediaIdsL() - Sets the media IDs that must be supported by the plugin, for example audio, video etc.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::SetPreferredSupplierL() - Sets the preferred supplier of the plugin.
  • CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::~CMMFPluginSelectionParameters() - Destructor.

  • CMMFPtrBuffer - This class is a wrapper class intended to provide support for shared I/O buffers under EKA2 This class, unlike other data buffers does not own memory - rather it contains a pointer to already allocated memory The purpose of this class is that components such as codecs can use CMMFDataBuffers transparently without having to be concerned with whether the buffer is a standard buffer or memory residing in shared I/O.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::BufferSize() - Returns the actual data size (ie.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::Data()  Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFPtrBuffer.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::Data()  Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFPtrBuffer.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::NewL()  Function to instantiate a CMMFPtrBuffer.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::NewL()  Function to instantiate a CMMFPtrBuffer.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::SetPosition() - Sets the position.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::SetPtr() - Takes a TPtr8 to pre-allocated memory.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::SetRequestSizeL() - Sets the request size.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::SetStatus() - Overriden method to set the status.
  • CMMFPtrBuffer::~CMMFPtrBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser - Client class to provide Audio resource notification controllers.
  • CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling resource notification controller commands.
  • CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser::~CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFSwCodec - Class for a software codec used by the CMMFSwCodecWrapper class to make the CMMFSwCodec a CMMFHwDevice plugin.
  • CMMFSwCodec::ProcessL() - Processes the data in the specified source buffer and writes the processed data to the specified destination buffer.
  • CMMFSwCodec::SinkBufferSize() - Gets the max size of the sink (destination) buffer passed into the CMMFSwCodec::ProcessL method.
  • CMMFSwCodec::SourceBufferSize() - Gets the max size of the source buffer passed into the CMMFSwCodec::ProcessL function.

  • CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult - Indicates the result of processing data from the source buffer to a destination buffer and provides functions to compare the result code.
  • CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::operator!=() - Overloaded operator to test inequality.
  • CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::operator==() - Overloaded operator to test equality.
  • CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::TCodecProcessResult() - Default constructor.

  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper - Class to make a CMMFSwCodec into a CMMFHwDevice ECOM plugin.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::CMMFSwCodecWrapper() - Constructor.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Codec() - This method must return the CMMFSwCodec used by the derived CMMFSwCodecWrapper class.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::DeleteCodec() - Deletes the codec This default implementation does nothing but real hardware devices might use this method to free up resources.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Init() - Initializes the hardware device tasks - in the case of a sw codec wrapper 'hardware device' this consits of loading the sound device drivers and creating the CMMFSwCodec.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Pause() - Temporarily suspends the current task of decoding or encoding.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::SetConfig() - Used to configure the sample rate and stereo mode of a CMMFHwDevice plugin.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::SetVbrFlag() - Used to set iVbrFlag on the datapath.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Start() - Starts Encoding or Decoding task(s) based on the parameter specified.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Stop() - Stops the current on-going task.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::StopAndDeleteCodec() - Stops and deletes the codec.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::ThisHwBufferEmptied() - Call this function to notify hardware device implementation that data in aEmptyBufferPtr from encoding is processed.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::ThisHwBufferFilled() - Call this function to notify hardware device implementation that data is available in aFillBufferPtr for decoding.
  • CMMFSwCodecWrapper::~CMMFSwCodecWrapper() - Destructor.

  • CMMFUrlParams - Class to be used to configure a URL source or sink.
  • CMMFUrlParams::ExternalizeL() - Externalize this object to a stream.
  • CMMFUrlParams::ExternalizeToCBufFlatLC() - Externalize this object into a newly created CBufFlat buffer.
  • CMMFUrlParams::IAPId() - Returns the Internet Access Point ID.
  • CMMFUrlParams::NewL() - Factory function to create a CMMFUrlParams object.
  • CMMFUrlParams::NewLC()  Factory function to create a CMMFUrlParams object.
  • CMMFUrlParams::NewLC()  Factory function to create a CMMFUrlParams object by internalizing data from a stream.
  • CMMFUrlParams::Url() - Returns the URL string, for example
  • CMMFUrlParams::UseIAPId() - Signifies whether the IAP ID should be used.

  • CMMFUrlSink - Concrete implementation of a URL data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::BufferFilledL() - Function called by a data source to pass back a filled buffer to the sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Function to indicate whether the data sink can create a buffer.
  • CMMFUrlSink::ConstructSinkL() - Performs any sink construction dependant on the sink construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • CMMFUrlSink::CreateSinkBufferL() - Returns a buffer created by the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::EmptyBufferL() - Method called by a MDataSource to request the data sink to empty aBuffer of data.
  • CMMFUrlSink::IAPId() - Returns the Internet Access Point ID.
  • CMMFUrlSink::NegotiateL() - Allows the data sink to negotiate with a data source.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SetSinkDataTypeCode() - Sets the data type as a fourCC code for the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SetSinkPrioritySettings() - Sets the sink priority settings.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkCustomCommand() - Calls a sink specific custom command.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkPauseL() - Function to 'pause' the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkPlayL() - Function 'play' the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkPrimeL() - Function to 'prime' the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkStopL() - Function to 'stop' the data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkThreadLogoff() - Function to 'logoff' the data sink from the same thread that sink consumes data in.
  • CMMFUrlSink::SinkThreadLogon() - Function to 'logon' the data sink to the same thread that sink will be consuming data in.
  • CMMFUrlSink::Url() - Returns the URL string.
  • CMMFUrlSink::UseIAPId() - Indicates whether the IAP ID should be used.
  • CMMFUrlSink::~CMMFUrlSink().

  • CMMFUrlSource - Concrete implementation of a URL data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::BufferEmptiedL() - Function called by a data sink to pass back an emptied buffer to the source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Function to indicate whether the data source can create a buffer.
  • CMMFUrlSource::ConstructSourceL() - Performs any source construction dependant on the source construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • CMMFUrlSource::CreateSourceBufferL()  Returns a buffer created by the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::CreateSourceBufferL()  Returns a buffer created by the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::FillBufferL() - Function called by a MDataSink to request the data source to fill aBuffer with data.
  • CMMFUrlSource::IAPId() - Returns the Internet Access Point ID.
  • CMMFUrlSource::NegotiateSourceL() - Function to allow the data source to negotiate with a data sink.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SetSourceDataTypeCode() - Sets the data type as a fourCC code for the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SetSourcePrioritySettings() - Function to set the source priority settings.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourceCustomCommand() - Function to call a source specific custom command.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourceDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourcePauseL() - Function to 'pause' the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourcePlayL() - Function to 'play' the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourcePrimeL() - Function to 'prime' the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourceSampleConvert() - Indicates whether the data source supports sample rate conversion.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourceStopL() - Function to 'stop' the data source.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourceThreadLogoff() - Function to 'logoff' the data source from the same thread that source supplies data in.
  • CMMFUrlSource::SourceThreadLogon() - Function to 'logon' the data source to the same thread that source will be supplying data in.
  • CMMFUrlSource::Url() - Returns the URL string.
  • CMMFUrlSource::UseIAPId() - Indicates whether the IAP ID should be used.
  • CMMFUrlSource::~CMMFUrlSource() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support video controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling video controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandParser::~CMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandParser - Client class to provide DRM extensions to video controllers.
  • CMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of DRM Intent controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandParser::~CMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice - CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice is the MSL video decoder hardware device interface.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice() - Constructor.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::ConfigureDecoderL() - Configures the Decoder using header information known by the client.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::DecodingPosition() - Returns the current decoding position, i.e.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::GetBitstreamCounters() - Reads various counters related to the received input bitstream and coded data units.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::GetBufferL() - Retrieves an empty video input buffer from the decoder.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::GetBufferOptions() - Gets the video decoder buffer options actually in use.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::GetHeaderInformationL() - Reads header information from a coded data unit.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::NewL() - Creates a new video decoder hardware device object, based on the implementation UID.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::NewPuAdapterL() - Creates a new video decoder hardware device adapter object, based on the Implementation Information of a Processing Unit.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::NumFreeBuffers() - Retrieves the number of free input buffers the decoder has available.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::PreDecoderBufferBytes() - Returns the current pre-decoder buffer size.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::ReturnHeader() - Returns a header from GetHeaderInformationL() back to the decoder so that the memory can be freed.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::SetBufferOptionsL() - Sets decoder buffering options.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::SetHrdVbvSpec() - Indicates which HRD/VBV specification is fulfilled in the input stream and any related parameters.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::SetInputFormatL() - Sets the device input format to a compressed video format.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::SetOutputDevice() - Sets the output post-processor device to use.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::SetProxy() - Set the proxy implementation to be used.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::SynchronizeDecoding() - Sets whether decoding should be synchronized to the current clock source, if any, or if pictures should instead be decoded as soon as possible.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::VideoDecoderInfoLC() - Retrieves decoder information about this hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::WriteCodedDataL() - Writes a piece of coded video data to the decoder.
  • CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::~CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice - CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice is the MSL video encoder hardware device interface.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::CancelSupplementalInfo() - Cancels the current supplemental information send request.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice() - Constructor.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::CodingStandardSpecificInitOutputLC() - Returns coding-standard specific initialization output from the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::CodingStandardSpecificSettingsOutputLC() - Returns coding-standard specific settings output from the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::GetOutputBufferStatus() - Gets the current output buffer status.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::ImplementationSpecificInitOutputLC() - Returns implementation-specific initialization output from the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::ImplementationSpecificSettingsOutputLC() - Returns implementation-specific settings output from the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::NewL() - Creates a new video encoder hardware device object, based on the implementation UID.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::NewPuAdapterL() - Creates a new video encoder hardware device adapter object, based on the Interface Implementation of a Processing Unit.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::PictureLoss()  Indicates a picture loss to the encoder, without specifying the lost picture.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::PictureLoss()  Indicates to the encoder the pictures that have been lost.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::ReferencePictureSelection() - Sends a reference picture selection request to the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::ReturnBuffer() - Returns a used output buffer back to the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SendSupplementalInfoL()  Requests the encoder to sends supplemental information in the bitstream.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SendSupplementalInfoL()  Requests the encoder to sends supplemental information in the bitstream.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetBufferOptionsL() - Sets encoder buffering options.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetChannelBitErrorRate() - Sets the expected or prevailing channel conditions for an unequal error protection level, in terms of expected bit error rate.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetChannelPacketLossRate() - Sets the expected or prevailing channel conditions for an unequal error protection level, in terms of expected packet loss rate.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetCodingStandardSpecificOptionsL() - Sets coding-standard specific encoder options.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetErrorProtectionLevelL() - Sets up an unequal error protection level.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetErrorProtectionLevelsL() - Sets the number of unequal error protection levels.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetErrorsExpected() - Sets whether bit errors or packets losses can be expected in the video transmission.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetGlobalReferenceOptions() - Sets the reference picture options to be used for all scalability layers.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetImplementationSpecificEncoderOptionsL() - Sets implementation-specific encoder options.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetInLayerScalabilityL() - Sets in-layer scalability options for a layer.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetInputDevice() - Sets the pre-processor device that will write data to this encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetLayerPromotionPointPeriod() - Sets the period for layer promotions points for a scalability layer.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetLayerReferenceOptions() - Sets the reference picture options to be used for a single scalability layer.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetMinRandomAccessRate() - Sets the minimum frequency (in time) for instantaneous random access points in the bitstream.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetNumBitrateLayersL() - Sets the number of bit-rate scalability layers to use.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetOutputFormatL() - Sets the encoder output format.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetOutputRectL() - Sets the encoder output rectangle.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetProxy() - Set the proxy implementation to be used.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetRateControlOptions() - Sets the bit-rate control options for a layer.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetScalabilityLayerTypeL() - Sets the scalability type for a bit-rate scalability layer.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SetSegmentTargetSize() - Sets the target size of each coded video segment.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::SliceLoss() - Indicates a slice loss to the encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::VideoEncoderInfoLC() - Retrieves information about the video encoder.
  • CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice::~CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoHwDevice - CMMFVideoHwDevice is a base class for all video hardware devices.
  • CMMFVideoHwDevice::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the device.

  • CMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support video play controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling video controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::~CMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice - A base class for all video playback (decoder and post-processor) hardware devices.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::AbortDirectScreenAccess() - Aborts Direct Screen Access completely, to be called from MAbortDirectScreenAccess::AbortNow() and similar methods.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::CancelTimedSnapshot() - Cancels a timed snapshot request.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::CommitL() - Commit all changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize() to the hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::FreezePicture() - Freezes a picture on the screen.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetComplexityLevelInfo() - Gets information about a computational complexity level.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetOutputFormatListL() - Retrieves the list of the output formats that the device supports.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetPictureCounters() - Reads various counters related to decoded pictures.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetSnapshotL() - Gets a copy of the latest picture sent to output.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL() - Gets a list of the supported snapshot picture formats.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetTimedSnapshotL()  When the snapshot is available, it will be returned to the client using the TimedSnapshotComplete() callback.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::GetTimedSnapshotL()  When the snapshot is available, it will be returned to the client using the TimedSnapshotComplete() callback.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Initialize() - Initializes the device.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::InputEnd() - Notifies the hardware device that the end of input data has been reached and no more input data will be written.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::IsPlaying() - Indicates whether playback is proceeding.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::NumComplexityLevels() - Gets the number of complexity levels available.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Pause() - Pauses video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::PictureBufferBytes() - Returns the total amount of memory allocated for uncompressed pictures.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::PlaybackPosition() - Returns the current playback position, i.e.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::PostProcessorInfoLC() - Retrieves post-processing information about this hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Redraw() - Re-draws the latest video picture.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::ReleaseFreeze() - Releases a picture frozen with FreezePicture().
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Resume() - Resumes video playback after a pause.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::ReturnPicture() - Returns a picture back to the device.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Revert() - Revert all changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize() back to their previous settings.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetClockSource() - Sets the clock source to use for video timing.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetComplexityLevel() - Sets the computational complexity level to use.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetInputCropOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for input (pan-scan) cropping.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetOutputCropOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for output cropping.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetOutputFormatL() - Sets the device output format.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetPauseOnClipFail() - Sets whether the system should pause playback when it gets a clipping region it cannot handle, or Direct Screen Access is aborted completely.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetPosition() - Changes to a new decoding and playback position, used for randomly accessing (seeking) the input stream.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetPostProcessTypesL() - Sets the post-processing types to be used.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL() - Sets post-processing plug-in specific options.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetRotateOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for rotation.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetScaleOptionsL() - Sets post-processing options for scaling.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetScreenClipRegion() - Sets a new clipping region for Direct Screen Access.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetVideoDestScreenL() - Sets the device video output destination.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL()  Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL()  Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Start() - Starts video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::StartDirectScreenAccessL() - Starts writing output directly to the display frame buffer using Direct Screen Access.
  • CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice::Stop() - Stops video playback.

  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice - CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice is the MSL video post-processor plug-in interface.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice() - Constructor.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::NewL() - Creates a new video post-processor hardware device object, based on the implementation UID.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::SetInputDevice() - Sets the decoder device that will write data to this post-processor.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::SetInputFormatL() - Sets the device input format to an uncompressed video format.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::SetProxy() - Set the proxy implementation to be used.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::WritePictureL() - Writes an uncompressed video picture to the post-processor.
  • CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice::~CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice - CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice is the MSL video pre-processor plug-in interface.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice() - Constructor.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::NewL() - Creates a new video pre-processor hardware device object, based on the implementation UID.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::ReturnPicture() - Returns a used picture back to the pre-processor.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::SetOutputDevice() - Sets the video encoder device that will receive data from this pre-processor.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::SetOutputFormatL() - Sets the device output format.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::SetProxy() - Set the proxy implementation to be used.
  • CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice::~CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support video record controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest() - Handles a request from the client.
  • CMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new custom command parser capable of handling video controller commands.
  • CMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::~CMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice - A base class for all video recording (encoding and pre-processing) hardware devices.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::CommitL() - Commit all changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize() to the hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Freeze() - Freezes the input picture.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::GetFrameStabilisationOutput() - Reads the frame stabilisation output picture position.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::GetPictureCounters() - Reads various counters related to processed video pictures.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Initialize() - Initializes the device, and reserves hardware resources.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::InputEnd() - Notifies the hardware device that the end of input data has been reached and no more input pictures will be written.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::NumComplexityLevels() - Retrieves the number of complexity control levels available for this hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Pause() - Pauses video recording.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::PreProcessorInfoLC() - Retrieves information about the pre-processing capabilities of this hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::RecordingPosition() - Returns the current recording position.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::ReleaseFreeze() - Releases a frozen input picture.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Resume() - Resumes video recording after a pause.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Revert() - Revert all changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize() back to their previous settings.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetClockSource() - Sets the clock source to use for video timing.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetColorEnhancementOptionsL() - Sets color enhancement pre-processing options.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetComplexityLevel() - Sets the complexity level to use for video processing in a hardware device.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetCustomPreProcessOptionsL() - Sets custom implementation-specific pre-processing options.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetFrameStabilisationOptionsL() - Sets frame stabilisation options.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetInputCropOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for input cropping.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetInputFormatL() - Sets the hardware device input format.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetOutputCropOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for output cropping.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetOutputPadOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for output padding.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetPreProcessTypesL() - Sets the pre-processing types to be used.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetRgbToYuvOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for RGB to YUV color space conversion.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetRotateOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for rotation.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetScaleOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for scaling.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetSourceCameraL() - Sets the data source to be a camera, and sets the device to use direct capture for input.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetSourceMemoryL() - Sets the data source to be memory buffers.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::SetYuvToYuvOptionsL() - Sets pre-processing options for YUV to YUV data format conversion.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Start() - Starts recording video.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::Stop() - Stops recording video.
  • CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice::WritePictureL() - Writes an uncompressed input picture.

  • CMMFYUVBuffer - Class to store a frame of video data using YUV data instead of an EPOC bitmap.
  • CMMFYUVBuffer::BufferSize() - Returns the buffer size.
  • CMMFYUVBuffer::NewL() - Factory function to create objects of type CMMFYUVBuffer used to store a frame using YUV data.
  • CMMFYUVBuffer::~CMMFYUVBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CMMRdsTunerUtility - The RDS class augments the tuner API to give access to the RDS capabilities of the device.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelGetRdsTime() - Cancel the GetRdsTime request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyAlternativeFrequencies() - Cancels a NotifyAlternativeFrequencies request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyAnnouncement() - Cancel the NotifyAnnouncement request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyEonInfo() - Cancels a NotifyEonInfo request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyRadioText() - Cancel a NotifyRadioText request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyRdsDataChange() - Cancel a NotifyRdsDataChange request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyRdsSignalChange() - Cancels an outstanding NotifyRdsSignalChange request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelNotifyRdsStateChange() - Cancels an outstanding RDS state change notification request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelRdsSearch() - Cancels an ongoing RDS search as initiated by one of the functions StationSearchByRds, StationSearchByProgrammeType, StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier or StationSearchByTrafficProgramme.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CancelReceiveRdsFrames() - Cancels an outstanding ReceiveRdsFrames request.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::ConvertRdsLanguageId().
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::ConvertRdsLanguageId()  Converts an RDS language identifier into a Symbian TLanguage type.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CustomCommandAsync() - Send an asynchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::CustomCommandSync() - Send a synchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetAlternativeFrequency() - Finds out whether the alternative frequency function is on or off i.e.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetAlternativeFrequencyListL() - Returns an array containing the current alternative frequencies list, if any.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetAnnouncementVolume() - Find the current absolute volume level used for news of traffic annoucements.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetAnnouncementVolumeOffset() - Find the current offset of the system volume that applies during traffic and news announcements.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetEonFrequenciesL() - Gets the frequencies assoicated with an EON station.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetEonInfoL() - Returns a list containing information about other networks broadcast with the currently tuned programmme.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetEonMappedFrequenciesL() - Gets the mapped frequencies associated with an EON station.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetNewsAnnouncement() - Finds out whether the news announcement function is on or off.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetRadioText() - Get the radio text.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetRadioTextLength() - Get the length of the available radio text.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetRdsCapabilities() - Get the RDS capabilities of the device.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetRdsData() - Request some RDS data.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetRdsTime() - Get the current RDS time.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetRegionalLink() - Finds out if the regional link function is currently on or off.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::GetTrafficAnnouncement() - Finds out if the traffic announcement function is currently enabled or not.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::IsRdsSignal() - Returns the status of the RDS reception.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NewL() - Factory function to create a new instance of the RDS Tuner API.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyAlternativeFrequencies() - Requests notifications when the list of alternative frequencies is received or changes.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyAnnouncement() - Request notification when a retune caused by an announcement occurs.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyEonInfo() - Request notification when the Enhanced Other Networks (EON) information changes.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyRadioText() - Request notification when the radio text is received or changes.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyRdsDataChange() - Requests notifications when all RDS data become invalid due to the tuner being retuned.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyRdsSignalChange() - Request to receive notification about availability of Rds signal.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::NotifyRdsStateChange() - Requests a notification when RDS functionality is enabled or disabled, or when the traffic announcement volume offset is changed.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::ReceiveRdsFrames() - Request to receive raw RDS frames.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::SetAlternativeFrequency() - Turns alternative frequency function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::SetAnnouncementVolume() - Set the absolute volume to apply during a traffic or news announcement.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::SetAnnouncementVolumeOffset() - Set the offset to the system volume level to apply during a traffic or news announcement.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::SetNewsAnnouncement() - Turn the news announcement function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::SetRegionalLink() - Turns regional link function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::SetTrafficAnnouncement() - Turn the travel announcement function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier() - Find a radio station, with the specified programme identifier starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::StationSearchByProgrammeType() - Find a radio station, of the specified programme type starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::StationSearchByRds() - Find a radio station which contains RDS data starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::StationSearchByTrafficProgramme() - Find a radio station, with the specified traffic programme flag value starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::StopAnnouncement() - Cancels any current announcement, reverting to the original frequency.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::TuneToEonStation() - Tunes to a station represented by a TEonStation.
  • CMMRdsTunerUtility::~CMMRdsTunerUtility() - Final stage deconstruction of a CMMRdsTunerUtility object.

  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility - The Tuner Audio Player Utility is used to initiate and control playback of audio from the tuner.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Cancel an outstanding audio resource notification.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller, if any.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send an asynchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send an asynchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::GetBalance() - Return the current stereo balance.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::GetPriority() - Get the current audio priority.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::GetVolume() - Return the current volume.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::InitializeL() - Set-up the API for playing the output from tuner to the speaker asynchronously.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::MaxVolume() - Return the maximum volume supported.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::Mute() - Mute or unmute playback.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::NewL() - Factory function to create a new Tuner Audio Player utility.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::Play() - Start playback of the tuner output.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::RegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Register for audio resource notifications, in the event that the audio resource is lost due to pre-emption by a higher priority audio client.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::SetBalance() - Set the stereo balance between left and right channels.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::SetPriority() - Set the current audio priority.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::SetVolume() - Set the volume to the specified level.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::SetVolumeRamp() - Define a volume ramp, aRampInterval defining the interval between valid volume settings.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::Stop() - Stop playback, and release the output device for use by other clients.
  • CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::~CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility() - Destructor.

  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility - This class is used to perform recording of audio from the tuner.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::AddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds meta data to the clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Cancel an outstanding audio resource notification.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL() - Return the controller implementation information structure of the current controller.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send an asynchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send an asynchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Send a synchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Send a synchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationBitRateL() - Return the recording bit rate.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationDataTypeL() - Return the data type of the destination audio clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationFormatL() - Return the format of the audio clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationNumberOfChannelsL() - Return the number of channels in audio clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationSampleRateL() - Return the sample rate of the record destination.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetMetaDataEntryL() - Returns the requested meta data entry.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries() - Returns the number of meta data entries in the current clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetPriority() - Get the current audio priority.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetRecordBalance() - Returns the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo channels.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedBitRatesL() - Return a list of the supported bit rates for recording.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedDestinationDataTypesL() - Return a list of the supported data types for the record destination.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedNumberOfChannelsL() - Return a list of the supported number of channels for recording.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedSampleRatesL() - Get a list of supported recording sample rates.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::InitializeL()  Initialize for recording from the tuner to the specified file asynchronously.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::InitializeL()  Initialize for recording from the tuner to the specified descriptor asynchronously.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::MaxGain() - Return the maximum value for the gain.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::NewL() - Create a new audio recorder utility.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::PauseRecord() - Pause recording.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::RecordL() - Start recording of the tuner output.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::RegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Register for audio resource notifications, in the event that the audio resource is lost due to pre-emption by a higher priority audio client.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::RemoveMetaDataEntry() - Removes a meta data entry from the clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::ReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces a meta data in the clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationBitRateL() - Set the bit rate for recording.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationDataTypeL() - Set the data type of the destination audio clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationFormatL() - Set the format of the audio clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationNumberOfChannelsL() - Set the number of channels for the recorded audio clip.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationSampleRateL() - Set the sample rate for the record destination.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetGain() - Sets the gain for the audio device to a specified value.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetPriority() - Set the current audio priority.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::SetRecordBalance() - Sets the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo channels.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::Stop() - Stop recording, and release the output device for use by other clients.
  • CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::~CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility() - Deconstructor.

  • CMMTunerScannerUtility - This class augments CMMTunerUtility to provide station scanning functionality, whereby the frequency spectrum is searched, pausing for a specified amount of time when a station is found.
  • CMMTunerScannerUtility::NewL() - Factory function to create a new CMMTunerScannerUtility.
  • CMMTunerScannerUtility::StationScan()  Continuously scan for a radio station, pausing for the time specified before continuing on to the next station.
  • CMMTunerScannerUtility::StationScan()  Continuously scan for a radio station, pausing for the time specified before continuing on to the next station.
  • CMMTunerScannerUtility::StopScan() - Stop scanning and use the currently tuned station.
  • CMMTunerScannerUtility::~CMMTunerScannerUtility() - Destrucutor.

  • CMMTunerUtility - The MMF Tuner API is present to allow clients to control the tuner hardware present on a device.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CancelNotifyChange() - Cancel request to be notified when the tuned frequency or channel changes.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CancelNotifySignalStrength() - Cancel an outstanding NotifySignalStrength request.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CancelNotifyStereoChange() - Cancels a stereo change notification request.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CancelRetune() - Cancels an ongoing retune operation, as initiated by a call to Tune or StationSeek.
  • CMMTunerUtility::Close() - Release the tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CustomCommandAsync() - Send an asynchronous custom command to the tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CustomCommandSync() - Send a synchronous custom command to the tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::CustomInterface() - Requests a custom interface from the tuner plugin.
  • CMMTunerUtility::ForceMonoReception() - Indicates whether the reception should be forced into monophonic mode.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetCapabilities() - Get the capabilities of the tuner on the device.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetChannel() - Retrieve the current digital channel number that the tuner is tuned to.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetChannelRange() - Get the channel range available for a given band.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetFlightMode() - Indicates if the device is currently in 'flight mode' or not.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetForcedMonoReception() - Find out whether reception is forced into monophonic mode or not.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetFrequency() - Retrieve the current frequency that the tuner is tuned to.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetFrequencyBandRange() - Get the frequency range (in Hertz) of the specified band.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetMaxSignalStrength() - Get the maximum possible signal strength of a tuned signal.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetPriority() - Get the current tuner access priority of this client.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetRdsTunerUtilityL() - Factory function to create a new RDS Tuner utility.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetSignalStrength() - Retrieve the signal strenth of the currently tuned signal.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetSquelch() - Gets the current squleching (muting in frequencies without reception) setting.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetState() - Get the current state of the tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetTunerAudioPlayerUtilityL() - Factory function to create a new Tuner Audio Player utility.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetTunerAudioRecorderUtilityL() - Factory function to create a new Tuner Audio Recorder utility.
  • CMMTunerUtility::GetTunerScannerUtilityL() - Factory function to create a tuner scanner utility.
  • CMMTunerUtility::IsAntennaAttached() - Indicates if the external antenna is currently attached or not.
  • CMMTunerUtility::IsStereoSignal() - Find out if the current signal is being received in stereo or not.
  • CMMTunerUtility::NewL() - Factory function to create a new instance of the Tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::NotifyChange() - Request to be notified when the tuned frequency or channel changes, or when the tuner changes state (e.g.
  • CMMTunerUtility::NotifySignalStrength() - Request notifications when the signal strength changes.
  • CMMTunerUtility::NotifyStereoChange() - Request notifications when stereo reception is lost/restored.
  • CMMTunerUtility::NotifyTunerControl() - Makes an asyncronous request for control of the tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::ReleaseTunerControl() - Release control of the tuner, allowing other clients to tune it.
  • CMMTunerUtility::RequestTunerControl() - Makes a synchronous request for control of the tuner.
  • CMMTunerUtility::SetPriority() - Set the current tuner access priority of this client.
  • CMMTunerUtility::SetSquelch() - Sets the current squleching (muting in frequencies without reception) setting.
  • CMMTunerUtility::StationSeek()  Find a radio station, starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e.
  • CMMTunerUtility::StationSeek()  Find a station, starting at the given digital channel number and searching in the direction specified (i.e.
  • CMMTunerUtility::Tune()  Tune the tuner to the required frequency specified in Hertz.
  • CMMTunerUtility::Tune()  Tune the tuner to the required digital channel number.
  • CMMTunerUtility::TunersAvailable() - Determines the number of tuners available on a device.
  • CMMTunerUtility::~CMMTunerUtility().

  • CMarkedStack - Provides a templated stack that allows items in the stack to be marked.
  • CMarkedStack::DeleteToMark() - Pops and deletes items from the stack until the item marked with the specified mark type is at the head.
  • CMarkedStack::MarkL() - Marks the stack's head item.
  • CMarkedStack::RemoveMark() - Removes all marks until a mark of the specified type is found.
  • CMarkedStack::ResetToMark() - Pops items from the stack until the item marked with the specified mark type is at the head.
  • CMarkedStack::~CMarkedStack() - Destructor.

  • CMarkedStack::TMarkPoint - Represents a mark.
  • CMarkedStack::TMarkPoint::TMarkPoint() - Represents a mark.

  • CMdaAudioClipUtility - This class is used by both the audio recorder and audio converter.

  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility - Converts the type, sample rate and format of audio data.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::ClearPlayWindow() - Clears the playback window.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::Close() - Closes the current audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::ConvertL() - Performs the conversion from the source audio format to the destination.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::CropFromBeginningL() - Crops the audio clip from the start of the file to the current position.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::CropL() - Crops the current clip from the current position.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::DestinationBitRateL() - Returns the bit rate of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::DestinationDataTypeL() - Returns the data type of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::DestinationFormatL() - Returns the format of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::DestinationNumberOfChannelsL() - Returns the number of channels the destination audio clip contains.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::DestinationSampleRateL() - Returns the sample rate of the conversion destination.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::Duration() - Returns the duration of the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::GetSupportedConversionBitRatesL() - Gets a list of the supported bit rates for the conversion destination.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::GetSupportedConversionNumberOfChannelsL() - Returns a list of the supported number of channels for conversion.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::GetSupportedConversionSampleRatesL() - Gets a list of supported conversion sample rates.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::GetSupportedDestinationDataTypesL() - Returns a list of the supported data types for the conversion destination.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the audio converter for converting audio sample data from one format to another.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::OpenL()  Opens source and target files (both of which must already exist) so that audio sample data can be extracted from the source file, converted and appended to the target file.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::OpenL()  Opens an existing audio file so that audio sample data can be extracted from it, converted and placed into the target audio object.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::OpenL()  Opens an audio clip for conversion.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::OpenL()  Opens source and target audio objects and specifies controller and audio format and codec information.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::PlayL() - This function is mapped to ConvertL().
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::Position() - Returns the current position in the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::RecordL() - This function is mapped to ConvertL.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::RecordTimeAvailable() - Returns the amount of recording time available to the current clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetDestinationBitRateL() - Sets the bit rate of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetDestinationDataTypeL() - Sets the data type of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetDestinationFormatL() - Sets the format of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetDestinationNumberOfChannelsL() - Sets the number of channels the destination audio clip contains.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetDestinationSampleRateL() - Sets the sample rate for the conversion destination.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetMaxWriteLength() - Sets the maximum size of an audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetPlayWindow() - Sets a window for playback.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetPosition() - Sets the current position in the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetRepeats() - Sets the number of repetitions for playback.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SetThreadPriority() - Set the priority of the controller's sub thread.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SourceBitRateL() - Returns the bit rate of the source audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SourceDataTypeL() - Returns the data type of the source audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SourceFormatL() - Returns the format of the source audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SourceNumberOfChannelsL() - Returns the number of channels used by the conversion source.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::SourceSampleRateL() - Returns the sample rate of the source audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::State() - Returns the current utility state.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::Stop() - Stops the current operation (playback/recording/conversion).
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::UseSharedHeap() - Ensures that any subsequent calls to OpenXYZ() will create controllers that share a heap.
  • CMdaAudioConvertUtility::~CMdaAudioConvertUtility() - Destructor.

  • CMdaAudioInputStream - The interface to an audio stream player passing raw audio data from the audio hardware to specified buffers.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::BitRateL() - Returns the current bit rate.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the underlying device.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::DataType() - Returns the current data type.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::Gain() - Returns the current gain setting.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::GetBalanceL() - Returns the current audio balance.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::GetBytes() - Returns the current number of bytes rendered by audio hardware.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::GetSupportedBitRatesL() - Returns the bit rates supported by the sound device.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::MaxGain() - Returns the maximum gain level.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::NewL()  Instantiates a new audio input stream using default priority preferences.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::NewL()  Instantiates a new audio input stream.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::Open() - Opens an input audio stream package.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::Position() - Returns the current position within the data stream in microseconds since the start of streaming.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::ReadL() - Records streaming raw audio data.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::RequestStop() - Requests a Stop of the recording process.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetAudioPropertiesL() - Sets the sample rate and number of audio channels.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetBalanceL() - Sets the current audio balance.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetBitRateL() - Sets the bit rate to a new value.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetDataTypeL() - Sets the data type.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetGain() - Sets the gain for the audio device to a specified value.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetPriority() - Sets the audio priority values.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::SetSingleBufferMode() - Indicates that the client wishes to use a single buffer to collect the data.
  • CMdaAudioInputStream::Stop() - Stops the recording process.

  • CMdaAudioOutputStream - The interface to an audio stream player passing raw audio data from specified buffers to the audio hardware.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Cancels the registered notification event.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the underlying device.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::DataType() - Returns the current data type.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::GetBalanceL() - Returns the current balance as an integer.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::GetBytes() - Returns the current number of bytes rendered by audio hardware.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::MaxVolume() - Returns the maximum volume level.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an audio stream player object.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::NewL()  Constructs and initialises a new instance of an audio streaming object.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::Open() - Opens an output audio stream package.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::Position() - Returns the current position within the data stream.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::RegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::SetAudioPropertiesL() - Sets the sample rate and number of audio channels.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::SetBalanceL() - Sets the audio balance.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::SetDataTypeL() - Sets the data type.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::SetPriority() - Sets the audio priority values.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::SetVolume() - Sets the audio volume.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::Stop() - Stops writing data to a stream.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::Volume() - Returns the current volume.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::WillResumePlay() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.
  • CMdaAudioOutputStream::WriteL() - Writes (plays) streaming raw audio data.

  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility - Plays sampled audio data.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Cancels the registered notification event.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::ClearPlayWindow() - Clears the current playback window.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::Close() - Closes the current audio clip (allowing another clip to be opened).
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::Duration()  Returns the duration of the audio sample in microseconds.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::Duration()  Returns the duration of the audio sample in microseconds, and the duration state.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetAudioLoadingProgressL() - Returns the current progress of audio loading.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetBalance() - Returns The current playback balance.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetBitRate() - Returns the bit rate of the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetDRMCustomCommand() - Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetMetaDataEntryL() - Returns the requested meta data entry.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries() - Returns the number of meta data entries in the current audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetPosition() - Returns the current playback position in microseconds from the start of the clip.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::GetVolume() - Returns the current playback volume.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::MaxVolume() - Returns an integer representing the maximum volume.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewDesPlayerL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the audio player utility for playing sampled audio data from a descriptor.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewDesPlayerReadOnlyL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the audio player utility for playing sampled audio data from a read only descriptor.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewFilePlayerL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the audio player utility for playing sampled audio data from a file.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the audio player utility.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::OpenDesL() - Opens an audio clip from a descriptor.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens an audio clip from a file.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens an audio clip from a file.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens an audio clip from a file.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::OpenUrlL() - Opens an audio clip from a URL.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::Pause() - Pauses the playback of the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::Play() - Begins playback of audio sample data at the current playback position using the current volume, gain and priority settings.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::RegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::RegisterForAudioLoadingNotification() - Registers callback object to receive notifications of audio loading/rebuffering.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetBalance() - Sets the current playback balance.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetPlayWindow() - Defines a window on the audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetPosition() - Sets the current playback position in microseconds from the start of the clip.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetPriority() - Sets the priority for playback.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetRepeats() - Sets the number of times the audio sample is to be repeated during the playback operation.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetThreadPriority() - Set the priority of the controller's sub thread.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetVolume() - Changes the current playback volume to a specified value.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::SetVolumeRamp() - Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from nothing to the normal volume level.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::Stop() - Stops playback of the audio sample as soon as possible.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::UseSharedHeap() - Ensures that any subsequent calls to OpenXYZ() will create controllers that share a heap.
  • CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::WillResumePlay() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.

  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility - Plays back, records and edits audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::AddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds a meta data entry to the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::AudioPlayControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the playback controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::AudioRecorderControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Cancels the registered notification event.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ClearPlayWindow() - Removes any window defined on the audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::Close() - Close the current audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::CropFromBeginningL() - Deletes all audio sample data from the beginning of the audio clip to the current position.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::CropL() - Deletes all audio sample data after the current head position.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationBitRateL() - Returns the bit rate in bits per second that the data sink is currently set to.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationDataTypeL() - Returns the codec that is currently set for the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationFormatL() - Returns the format(UID) of the destination audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationNumberOfChannelsL() - Returns the number of channels that the destination audio clip is currently configured to support.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::DestinationSampleRateL() - Returns the sample rate in samples/second that the destination data sink is currently set to.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::Duration()  Returns the duration of the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::Duration()  Returns the duration of the audio sample in microseconds, and the duration state.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetAudioLoadingProgressL() - Returns the current progress of audio loading.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetDRMCustomCommand() - Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetGain() - Returns the current gain setting of the audio device.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetMetaDataEntryL() - Returns the specified meta data entry from the current audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries() - Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetPlaybackBalance() - Returns The current balance setting for the audio device.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetRecordBalance() - Returns the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo microphones.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedBitRatesL() - Returns a list of the supported bit rates for recording to the data sink.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedDestinationDataTypesL() - Returns a list of the supported codecs for the conversion destination.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedNumberOfChannelsL() - Returns a list of the supported number of channels for recording.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetSupportedSampleRatesL() - Returns a list of supported recording sample rates.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::GetVolume() - Returns the current volume setting for the audio device.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::MaxGain() - Return the maximum value for the gain.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::MaxVolume() - Returns the maximum volume setting for the audio device.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the audio recorder for playing, recording and editing audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenDesL()  Opens a descriptor to play back or record audio sample data (const version).
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenDesL()  Opens a descriptor to play back or record audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenDesL()  Opens an audio clip from a descriptor to play back existing audio data from or to record new audio data to.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a file to play back or record audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a file to play back or record audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a file to play or record audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens an audio clip from a file to play back existing audio data or to record new audio data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens an audio clip from a file to play back existing audio data or to record new audio data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens an audio clip from a filename or an open file handle to play back existing audio data or to record new audio data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenL() - Opens a TMdaClipLocation package of audio data that can be played back or recorded to.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenUrlL()  Opens an audio clip from a URL to play back existing audio data from or to record new audio data to.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::OpenUrlL()  Opens an audio clip from a URL to play back or record audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::PlayControllerCustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::PlayControllerCustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::PlayControllerCustomCommandSync()  Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::PlayControllerCustomCommandSync()  Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::PlayL() - Begins playback of audio sample data at the current playback position using the current volume, gain and priority settings.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::Position() - Returns the current head position.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RecordControllerCustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RecordControllerCustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RecordControllerCustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RecordControllerCustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the recording controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RecordL() - Starts appending new audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RecordTimeAvailable() - Returns the recording time available for the selected file or descriptor and encoding format.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RegisterForAudioLoadingNotification() - Register to receive notifications of audio loading/rebuffering.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::RemoveMetaDataEntry() - Removes a specified meta data entry from the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces the specified meta data entry with a new entry.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetAudioDeviceMode() - Sets the audio device mode.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationBitRateL() - Sets the bit rate of the data sink in bits per second.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationDataTypeL() - Sets the codec to use with the record controller.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationFormatL() - Sets the format of the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationNumberOfChannelsL() - Sets the number of channels for the recorded audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetDestinationSampleRateL() - Sets the sample rate for the conversion destination data sink.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetGain() - Sets the gain for the audio device to a specified value.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetMaxWriteLength() - Sets the maximum size for a file that is being recorded.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetPlaybackBalance() - Sets the current playback balance.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetPlayWindow() - Defines a window on the audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetPosition() - Sets the head position.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetPriority() - Sets the recording priority.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetRecordBalance() - Sets the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo microphones.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetRepeats() - Sets the number of times the audio sample is to be repeated during the PlayL() operation.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetThreadPriorityPlayback() - Set the priority of the playback controller's sub thread.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetThreadPriorityRecord() - Set the priority of the record controller's sub thread.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetVolume() - Sets the playback volume for the audio device to a specified value.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SetVolumeRamp() - Sets the volume increase gradient.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::SourceBitRateL() - Returns the bit rate of the audio clip.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::State() - Returns the current state of the audio sample data.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::Stop() - Stops the current operation (playback/recording/conversion).
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::UseSharedHeap() - Ensures that any subsequent calls to OpenXYZ() will create controllers that share a heap.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::WillResumePlay() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.
  • CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::~CMdaAudioRecorderUtility() - Destructor.

  • CMdaAudioToneUtility - Generates tones on an audio capable EPOC device.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPlay() - Cancels the tone playing operation.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() - Cancels the configuration operation.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface to the underlying device.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::FixedSequenceCount() - Returns the number of available pre-defined tone sequences.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::FixedSequenceName() - Returns the name assigned to a specific pre-defined tone sequence.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::GetBalanceL() - Returns The current playback balance.This function may not return the same value as passed to SetBalanceL depending on the internal implementation in the underlying components.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::MaxVolume() - Returns the maximum volume supported by the device.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::NewL()  Creates a new instance of the tone player utility.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::NewL()  Creates a new instance of the tone player utility.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::Play() - Plays the tone.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayDesSequence() - Configures the audio tone player utility to play a tone sequence contained in a descriptor.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayDTMFString() - Configures the audio tone utility player to play a DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) string.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayDualTone() - Configures the audio tone player utility to play a dual tone.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayFileSequence()  Configures the audio tone player utility to play a tone sequence contained in a file.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayFileSequence()  Configures the audio tone player utility to play a tone sequence contained in a file.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayFixedSequence() - Configures the audio tone player utility to play the specified pre-defined tone sequence.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::PrepareToPlayTone() - Configures the audio tone player utility to play a single tone.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetBalanceL() - Sets the stereo balance for playback.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetDTMFLengths() - Changes the duration of DTMF tones, the gaps between DTMF tones and the pauses.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetPriority() - Changes the clients priority.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetRepeats() - Sets the number of times the tone sequence is to be repeated during the play operation.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetVolume() - Changes the volume of the audio device.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetVolumeRamp() - Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from nothing to the normal volume level.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::State() - Returns the current state of the audio tone utility.
  • CMdaAudioToneUtility::Volume() - Returns an integer representing the current volume of the audio device.

  • CMdaAudioType - Dummy class - not supported in 7.0s.
  • CMdaAudioType::~CMdaAudioType() - Destructor.

  • CMdaBitmapRotator - Replaced by Image Conversion library - see CBitmapRotator.
  • CMdaBitmapRotator::CancelRotation() - Cancels the bitmap rotation operation.
  • CMdaBitmapRotator::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the image rotator.
  • CMdaBitmapRotator::RotateL()  Begins the rotation of a bitmap clockwise through the specified angle and writes the output to the specified file.
  • CMdaBitmapRotator::RotateL()  Begins the rotation of a bitmap clockwise through the specified angle.
  • CMdaBitmapRotator::~CMdaBitmapRotator() - Default destructor.

  • CMdaBitmapScaler - Re-scales a bitmap.
  • CMdaBitmapScaler::CancelScaling() - Cancels the bitmap re-scaling operation.
  • CMdaBitmapScaler::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the image scaler.
  • CMdaBitmapScaler::ScaleL()  Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
  • CMdaBitmapScaler::ScaleL()  Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
  • CMdaBitmapScaler::~CMdaBitmapScaler() - Default destructor.

  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility - Implements bitmap to bitmap copying and colour depth conversion.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::CancelConvertL() - Cancels any conversion in progress.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::ConvertL()  Converts a bitmap.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::ConvertL()  Converts a bitmap with a mask.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::DoClose().
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the bitmap converter.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::OpenL() - Opens the bitmap converter utility.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::~CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility() - Destructor.

  • CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility - This class has been deprecated in 7.0s, it's functionality is now part of the Image Converter Library.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility::CreateL() - Initialises the supplied descriptor to receive the descriptor-based image.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility::NewL() - Constructs a new instance of the bitmap to descriptor-based image conversion utility.

  • CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility - Implements format conversion of a bitmap to a file-based image.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility::CreateL() - Creates a new file to receive the file-based image.
  • CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility::NewL() - Constructs a new instance of the bitmap to file-based image conversion utility.

  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility - Base class used in the derivation of CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility and CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::CancelConvertL() - Cancels the conversion operation.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ConvertL()  Begins the image conversion operation for the specified frame overloaded function.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ConvertL()  Begins the image conversion operation for the specified frame overloaded function.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::DoClose().
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::FrameCommentL() - Returns a particular comment attached to a given frame of the image This function has been superceded by the parallel one in CImageDecoder, as this assumes that each frame has a comment within it, which is not always the case.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ImageReadUtil_Reserved2().
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ImageReadUtil_Reserved3().
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ImageReadUtil_Reserved4().
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMdaImageDataReadUtility::~CMdaImageDataReadUtility() - Default destructor.

  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility - Base class used in the derivation of CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility and CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility.
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::CancelConvertL() - Cancels the conversion operation.
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ConvertL().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ConvertL().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::DoClose().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::Encoder().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ImageWriteUtil_Reserved1().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ImageWriteUtil_Reserved2().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ImageWriteUtil_Reserved3().
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::~CMdaImageDataWriteUtility().

  • CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility - Implements format conversion of a descriptor-based image to a bitmap.
  • CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility::NewL() - Constructs a new instance of the descriptor-based image to bitmap conversion utility object.
  • CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility::OpenL() - Opens the descriptor-based image.

  • CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility - Implements format conversion of a file based image to a bitmap.
  • CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility::NewL() - Constructs a new instance of the file based image to bitmap conversion utility object.
  • CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility::OpenL() - Opens the existing file based image.

  • CMdaImageUtility - Defines the public interface to image conversion.
  • CMdaImageUtility::CancelConvertL() - Cancels the conversion operation.
  • CMdaImageUtility::Close() - Closes the open file-based or descriptor-based image.
  • CMdaImageUtility::ConvertL()  Begins the image conversion operation for the specified frame overloaded function.
  • CMdaImageUtility::ConvertL()  Begins the image conversion operation for the specified frame overloaded function.
  • CMdaImageUtility::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMdaImageUtility::DoClose().
  • CMdaImageUtility::FrameCount() - Returns the number of frames in the image, counting from the first frame in the image, to the next frame to be decoded.
  • CMdaImageUtility::FrameInfo() - Retrieves information about the specified frame.
  • CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved1().
  • CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved2().
  • CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved3().
  • CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved4().
  • CMdaImageUtility::MoscoStateChangeEvent().
  • CMdaImageUtility::~CMdaImageUtility().

  • CMemPagePool - Uses memory to implement the MPagePool page pool interface.
  • CMemPagePool::AcquireL() - For memory-based pools, there is no need to abandon pages, so the function returned does nothing.
  • CMemPagePool::AllocL() - Allocates a new unassigned page.
  • CMemPagePool::AssignL().
  • CMemPagePool::CMemPagePool() - Default constructor.
  • CMemPagePool::DoDeleteL().
  • CMemPagePool::LockL() - Returns a pointer to a specified page.
  • CMemPagePool::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CMemPagePool object.
  • CMemPagePool::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CMemPagePool object, and leaves it on the cleanup stack.
  • CMemPagePool::Unlock() - Unlocks a page.
  • CMemPagePool::UpdateL() - Updates a page.
  • CMemPagePool::~CMemPagePool() - Destructor.

  • CMessageDigest - Base class for message digests.
  • CMessageDigest::BlockSize() - Gets the internal block size of the message digest.
  • CMessageDigest::CMessageDigest()  Constructor.
  • CMessageDigest::CMessageDigest()  Copy constructor.
  • CMessageDigest::CopyL() - Creates a new CMessageDigest object with the exact same state as the current object.
  • CMessageDigest::Final()  Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages, and calls Reset().
  • CMessageDigest::Final()  Gets a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages and then calls Reset().
  • CMessageDigest::Hash() - Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages.
  • CMessageDigest::HashSize() - Gets the size of the message digest output.
  • CMessageDigest::ReplicateL() - Creates a brand new reset CMessageDigest object containing no state information from the current object.
  • CMessageDigest::Reset() - Resets the internal state of the message digest.
  • CMessageDigest::RestoreState() - Restores the internal state of the message digest to a previously stored state.
  • CMessageDigest::StoreState() - Stores the internal state of the message digest.
  • CMessageDigest::Update() - Adds data to the internal representation of messages to be hashed.
  • CMessageDigest::~CMessageDigest() - Destructor.

  • CMessageDigestFactory - Factory to create a CMessageDigest derived object according to the identity of the hash algorithm.
  • CMessageDigestFactory::NewDigestL() - Creates a CMessageDigest derived object according to the specified type of hash algorithm.
  • CMessageDigestFactory::NewDigestLC() - Creates a CMessageDigest derived object according to the specified type of hash algorithm.
  • CMessageDigestFactory::NewHMACL() - Creates a CMessageDigest derived object according to the specified type of hash algorithm and authentication key.
  • CMessageDigestFactory::NewHMACLC() - Creates a CMessageDigest derived object according to the specified type of hash algorithm and authentication key.

  • CMidiClientUtility - Utility class to provide a standard client interface to a MIDI controller.
  • CMidiClientUtility::ChannelsSupportedL() - Gets the maximum number of logical channels supported by the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::ChannelVolumeL() - Get the current volume setting of a logical channel.
  • CMidiClientUtility::Close() - Asynchronous function which closes any currently open resources, such as files, descriptors or URLs in use.
  • CMidiClientUtility::CustomBankLoadedL() - Query if a bank has been loaded to the memory.
  • CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Asynchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine and receive a response.
  • CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Asynchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandSyncL()  Synchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine and receive a response.
  • CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandSyncL()  Synchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::DurationMicroBeatsL() - Gets the length of the currently open MIDI resource in micro-beats.
  • CMidiClientUtility::DurationMicroSecondsL() - Gets the length of the currently open MIDI resource in micro-seconds.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetBalanceL() - Get the current stereo balance value.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetBankIdL() - Gets the identifier of a sound bank.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetDRMCustomCommand() - Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetInstrumentIdL() - Gets the identifier of an instrument.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetInstrumentL() - Gets the instrument assigned to a specified channel.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetMetaDataEntryL() - Retrieve the specified XMF,SMF meta data entry.
  • CMidiClientUtility::GetRepeats() - Gets the number of times the current opened resources has to be repeated.
  • CMidiClientUtility::InstrumentNameL() - Gets the name of the given instrument.
  • CMidiClientUtility::IsChannelMuteL() - Gets the muting status of a specific channel.
  • CMidiClientUtility::IsTrackMuteL() - Gets the muting status of a specific track.
  • CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomBankDataL() - Loads one or more custom sound banks from a descriptor into memory for use.
  • CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomBankL() - Loads one or more custom sound banks from a file into memory for use.
  • CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomInstrumentDataL() - Loads an individual instrument from descriptor into custom sound bank memory for use.
  • CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomInstrumentL() - Loads an individual instrument from file into custom sound bank memory for use.
  • CMidiClientUtility::MaxChannelVolumeL() - Gets the Maximum volume setting that may be applied to a logical channel.
  • CMidiClientUtility::MaxPlaybackRateL() - Gets the maximum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::MaxPolyphonyL() - Get the maximum polyphony level that the engine can handle.
  • CMidiClientUtility::MaxVolumeL() - Maximum volume setting that may be applied overall.
  • CMidiClientUtility::MimeTypeL() - Gets the MIME type of the MIDI resource currently open.
  • CMidiClientUtility::MinPlaybackRateL() - Gets the minimum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NewL()  Static factory function for creating a MIDI client utility object.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NewL()  Static factory function for creating a MIDI client utility object.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NoteOffL() - Synchronous function to terminate playback of a note.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NoteOnL() - Synchronous function to commence playback of a note.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NumberOfBanksL() - Gets the number of standard or custom sound banks currently available.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NumberOfInstrumentsL() - Gets the number of instruments available in a given sound bank.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() - Get the number of meta data entries currently known about in the currently open resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::NumTracksL() - Gets the number of tracks present in the currently open MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::OpenDes() - Asynchronous function to open a descriptor containing MIDI data and perform initialisation ready for playback.
  • CMidiClientUtility::OpenFile()  Asynchronous function to open a file containing MIDI data and perform initialisation ready for playback.
  • CMidiClientUtility::OpenFile()  Asynchronous function to open a file containing MIDI data and perform initialisation ready for playback.
  • CMidiClientUtility::OpenFile()  Asynchronous function to open a file containing MIDI data and perform initialisation ready for playback.
  • CMidiClientUtility::OpenUrl() - Asynchronous function to open a URL containing MIDI data and perform initialisation ready for playback.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PercussionKeyNameL() - Gets the name of a particular percussion key corresponding to a given note.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PitchTranspositionCentsL() - Gets the pitch shift in use for the currently open MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::Play() - Asynchronous function to initiate or resume playback of a previously opened resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PlaybackRateL() - Gets the current playback rate factor of the currently open MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PlayNoteL()  Synchronous function to play a single note.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PlayNoteL()  Synchronous function to play a single note at a specified time.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PolyphonyL() - Gets the number of currently active voices.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PositionMicroBeatsL() - Gets the current metrical position of the MIDI resource being played.
  • CMidiClientUtility::PositionMicroSecondsL() - Gets the current temporal position of the MIDI resource being played.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SendMessageL()  Sends a single MIDI message to the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SendMessageL()  Sends a single MIDI message, with time stamp, to the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SendMipMessageL() - Sends a mip message to the MIDI engine.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetBalanceL() - Set the current stereo balance value.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetBankL().
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetChannelMuteL() - Set the muting state of a channel without changing its volume setting.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetChannelVolumeL() - Set the volume of a channel.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetInstrumentL() - Sets a logical channel to use the given instrument.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetMaxPolyphonyL() - Set the max polyphony the engine can handle.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetPitchTranspositionL() - Sets the pitch shift to apply to the currently open MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetPlaybackRateL() - Sets the playback rate for the playback of the current MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetPositionMicroBeatsL() - Change the position of the currently playing MIDI resource to the given position.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetPositionMicroSecondsL() - Change the position of the currently playing MIDI resource to the given position.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetPriorityL() - Set the priority with which this client plays MIDI data.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetRepeatsL() - Set the number of times to repeat the current MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetStopTimeL() - Sets the stop time to use for the currently open MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL() - Sets the frequency at which MMIDIClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoSyncUpdateL(…) is called to allow other components to synchronise with playback of this MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetTempoL() - Sets the tempo at which the current MIDI resource should be played.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetTrackMuteL() - Mutes or unmutes a particular track.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetVolumeL() - Set the overall volume of the MIDI client.
  • CMidiClientUtility::SetVolumeRampL() - Length of time over which the volume is faded up from zero to the current settings when playback is started.
  • CMidiClientUtility::State() - Gets the current state of the MIDI client utility with regard to MIDI resources.
  • CMidiClientUtility::Stop() - Stops playback of a resource but does not change the current position or release any resources.
  • CMidiClientUtility::StopNotes() - Stops the playback of all notes on the given channel, by means of an All Notes Off MIDI message.
  • CMidiClientUtility::StopTimeL() - Get the stop time currently set for the MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::TempoMicroBeatsPerMinuteL() - Gets the current tempo of the currently open MIDI resource.
  • CMidiClientUtility::UnloadAllCustomBanksL() - Removes all custom sound banks from memory.
  • CMidiClientUtility::UnloadCustomBankL() - Removes a custom sound bank from memory.
  • CMidiClientUtility::UnloadCustomInstrumentL() - Removes an instrument from custom sound bank memory.
  • CMidiClientUtility::VolumeL() - Gets the overall volume of the MIDI client.
  • CMidiClientUtility::~CMidiClientUtility() - Destructor.

  • CMidiCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support MIDI controller commands.
  • CMidiCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Creates a new MIDI custom command parser capable of handling MIDI controller commands.
  • CMidiCustomCommandParser::SendMidiEventToClient() - Sent a MIDI event back to the client.
  • CMidiCustomCommandParser::~CMidiCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CMimeInfo - Holds the localised names for a data type.
  • CMimeInfo::AddLanguageL() - Adds a localised name for the data type.
  • CMimeInfo::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a CMimeInfo for a specified data type, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CMimeInfo::~CMimeInfo() - Destructor.

  • CMmsAccounts - Stores MMS settings.
  • CMmsAccounts::AddObserverL() - Registers a new MMS Settings observer.
  • CMmsAccounts::CreateMMSAccountL() - Creates a MMS Account.
  • CMmsAccounts::DefaultMMSAccountL() - Gets the default MMS account.
  • CMmsAccounts::DeleteMMSAccountL() - Deletes the specified MMS account.
  • CMmsAccounts::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMmsAccounts::GetMMSAccountsL() - Gets a list of MMS account IDs stored in the Central Repository.
  • CMmsAccounts::LoadSettingsL() - Loads MMS settings from the Central Repository for the specified account Id.
  • CMmsAccounts::MaxMMSAccounts() - Maximum number of accounts that can be stored in the Central Repository.
  • CMmsAccounts::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an MMS account object.
  • CMmsAccounts::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs an MMS account object.
  • CMmsAccounts::PopulateDefaultSettingsL() - Populates the supplied setting object with default values.
  • CMmsAccounts::RemoveObserver() - Deregisters a previously registered observer.
  • CMmsAccounts::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMmsAccounts::SaveSettingsL() - Saves MMS settings to the Central Repository for the specified account Id.
  • CMmsAccounts::SetDefaultMMSAccountL() - Sets the default MMS account.
  • CMmsAccounts::~CMmsAccounts() - Destructor.

  • CMmsSettings - Run-time MMS configuration settings.
  • CMmsSettings::AddNapIdL() - Appends a Nap Id to the list.
  • CMmsSettings::AddProxyL() - Appends a Proxy to the list.
  • CMmsSettings::Address() - Returns the absolute MMS Proxy-Relay URL.
  • CMmsSettings::AllowDeliveryNotification() - Returns the Allow Delivery Notification value.
  • CMmsSettings::ApplicationID() - Returns the Application Id.
  • CMmsSettings::AutomaticDownload() - Returns whether the message should be downloaded automatically.
  • CMmsSettings::CopyL() - Copies the MMS settings stored in the specified object into this object.
  • CMmsSettings::CreationMode() - Returns the Creation Mode.
  • CMmsSettings::CreationModeReadOnly() - Returns whether the user allowed to modify the creation mode or not.
  • CMmsSettings::DeliveryReport() - Returns whether the Delivery Reports should be sent back to the network when the user receives an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::DeviceContentClass() - Returns the content class of the device.
  • CMmsSettings::DisplayNotification() - Returns whether the Notification Receipt should be displayed immediately to the user.
  • CMmsSettings::DownloadRetryInterval() - Returns the download retry interval.
  • CMmsSettings::FilterAdvertisements() - Returns whether to filter advertisment MMS messages when downloading automatically.
  • CMmsSettings::FullScreenPreview() - Returns whether to display MMS messages in full screen.
  • CMmsSettings::GetNapId() - Gets the Nap Id at the specified index.
  • CMmsSettings::GetProxy() - Gets the Proxy at the specified index.
  • CMmsSettings::HideNumber() - Returns whether the user's number should be hidden when sending an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::MaxDownloadRetries() - Returns the maximum download retries of an MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::MaxDownloadSize() - Returns the maximum size of the MMS message that can be downloaded automatically.
  • CMmsSettings::MaxImageHeight() - Returns the maximum image height to be used when sending an MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::MaxImageWidth() - Returns the maximum image width to be used when sending an MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::MaxSendMsgSize() - Returns the maximum MMS message size that can be sent.
  • CMmsSettings::NapIdCount() - Gets the number of Nap Ids stored in this object.
  • CMmsSettings::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an MMS settings object.
  • CMmsSettings::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs an MMS settings object.
  • CMmsSettings::Priority() - Returns the Priority value of the MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::ProxyCount() - Gets the number of Proxies stored in this object.
  • CMmsSettings::ReadReport() - Returns whether the Read Reports should be sent back to the network when the user receives an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::RemoveNapId() - Removes a Nap Id from the list.
  • CMmsSettings::RemoveProxy() - Removes a Proxy from the list.
  • CMmsSettings::ReplyWithHistory() - Returns whether the original MMS should be included when replying to an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::SetAddressL() - Sets the absolute MMS Proxy-Relay URL.
  • CMmsSettings::SetAllowDeliveryNotification() - Sets the Allow Delivery Notification value.
  • CMmsSettings::SetApplicationID() - Sets the Application Id.
  • CMmsSettings::SetAutomaticDownload() - Sets the automatic download option.
  • CMmsSettings::SetCreationModeL() - Sets the Creation Mode.
  • CMmsSettings::SetCreationModeReadOnly() - Specifies whether the user allowed to modify the creation mode or not.
  • CMmsSettings::SetDeliveryReport() - Specifies whether the Delivery Reports should be sent back to the network when the user receives an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::SetDeviceContentClass() - Sets the content class of the device.
  • CMmsSettings::SetDisplayNotification() - Specifies whether the Notification Receipt should be displayed immediately to the user.
  • CMmsSettings::SetDownloadRetryInterval() - Sets the download retry interval.
  • CMmsSettings::SetFilterAdvertisements() - Specifies whether to filter advertisment MMS messages when downloading automatically.
  • CMmsSettings::SetFullScreenPreview() - Specifies whether to display MMS messages using full screen.
  • CMmsSettings::SetHideNumber() - Specifies whether the user's number should be hidden when sending an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::SetMaxDownloadRetries() - Sets the maximum download retries of an MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::SetMaxDownloadSize() - Sets the maximum size of the MMS message that can be downloaded automatically.
  • CMmsSettings::SetMaxImageHeight() - Sets the maximum image height to be used when sending an MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::SetMaxImageWidth() - Sets the maximum image width to be used when sending an MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::SetMaxSendMsgSize() - Sets the maximum MMS message size that can be sent.
  • CMmsSettings::SetPriority() - Sets the Priority value of the MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::SetReadReport() - Specifies whether the Read Reports should be sent back to the network when the user receives an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::SetReplyWithHistory() - Specifies whether the original MMS should be included when replying to an MMS.
  • CMmsSettings::SetValidityPeriod() - Sets the Validity Period of the MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::ValidityPeriod() - Returns the Validity Period of the MMS message.
  • CMmsSettings::~CMmsSettings() - Destructor.

  • CMsvAttachment - Represents a single attachment and information about the attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::AttachmentName() - Returns the attachment name.
  • CMsvAttachment::Complete() - Indicates whether attachment is complete or not.
  • CMsvAttachment::EntryAttachmentId() - Returns the message entry Id for message entry attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::FilePath() - Returns the full path specification for file attachments.
  • CMsvAttachment::GetDesC8Attribute() - Gets an 8-bit descriptor attribute.
  • CMsvAttachment::GetIntAttribute() - Gets an integer attribute.
  • CMsvAttachment::Id() - Returns the attachment Id.
  • CMsvAttachment::MimeType() - The mime-type of the attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::NewL()  Standard 2-phase construction, creates the attachment object.
  • CMsvAttachment::NewL()  Standard 2-phase construction, creates the attachment object.
  • CMsvAttachment::NewL().
  • CMsvAttachment::RemoveDesC8Attribute() - Removes an 8-bit descriptor attribute.
  • CMsvAttachment::RemoveIntAttribute() - Removes an integer attribute.
  • CMsvAttachment::SetAttachmentNameL().
  • CMsvAttachment::SetComplete() - Sets whether the attachment is complete or not.
  • CMsvAttachment::SetDesC8AttributeL() - Sets an 8-bit descriptor attribute for the attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::SetId() - Sets the attachment Id.
  • CMsvAttachment::SetIntAttributeL() - Sets an integer attribute for the attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::SetMimeTypeL() - Sets the mime-type of the attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::SetSize() - Sets the attachment size.
  • CMsvAttachment::Size() - Size of the attachment.
  • CMsvAttachment::Type() - Returns the attachment type.
  • CMsvAttachment::~CMsvAttachment() - Standard destructor.

  • CMsvCompletedOperation - Utility to create a messaging operation object for an operation that has already completed.
  • CMsvCompletedOperation::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMsvCompletedOperation::FinalProgress() - Gets information about a completed operation.
  • CMsvCompletedOperation::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CMsvCompletedOperation object.
  • CMsvCompletedOperation::ProgressL() - Gets information on the progress of the operation.
  • CMsvCompletedOperation::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMsvCompletedOperation::~CMsvCompletedOperation() - Destructor.

  • CMsvEntry - Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry.
  • CMsvEntry::AddObserverL() - Registers an observer for the object.
  • CMsvEntry::ChangeAttributesL() - Sets or clears multiple fields in a selection of children of the context.
  • CMsvEntry::ChangeL()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values.
  • CMsvEntry::ChangeL()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values.
  • CMsvEntry::ChangeL()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values.
  • CMsvEntry::ChangeL()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values.
  • CMsvEntry::ChildDataL() - Gets the index entry of context's child with the specified ID.
  • CMsvEntry::ChildEntryL() - Gets a new CMsvEntry object with its context set to the child entry ID.
  • CMsvEntry::ChildrenL() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children.
  • CMsvEntry::ChildrenWithMtmL() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children filtered by MTM type.
  • CMsvEntry::ChildrenWithServiceL() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children filtered by message service.
  • CMsvEntry::ChildrenWithTypeL() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children filtered by entry type.
  • CMsvEntry::CopyL()  Creates, asynchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::CopyL()  Creates, asynchronously, a copy of a child of the context as a new entry owned by the specified target ID.
  • CMsvEntry::CopyL()  Creates, synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::CopyL()  Creates, synchronously, a copy of a child of the context as a new entry owned by the specified target ID.
  • CMsvEntry::Count() - Gets the number of children of the context.
  • CMsvEntry::CreateL()  Creates a new child entry owned by the context synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::CreateL()  Creates a new child entry owned by the context synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::CreateL()  Creates a new child entry owned by the context synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::CreateL()  Creates a new child entry owned by the context synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::DeleteL()  Deletes child entries of the context asynchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::DeleteL()  Deletes a child entry of the context asynchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::DeleteL()  Deletes a child entry of the context synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::DeleteL()  Deletes child entries of the context synchronously.
  • CMsvEntry::EditStoreL() - Gets the message store for the current context with read-write access.
  • CMsvEntry::Entry() - Gets the index entry for the context.
  • CMsvEntry::EntryId() - Gets the ID of the context.
  • CMsvEntry::HandleSessionEventL() - Indicates an event has occurred.
  • CMsvEntry::HasStoreL() - Checks if the context has an associated message store.
  • CMsvEntry::MoveL()  Moves, asynchronously, children of the context to become entries owned by the target entry.
  • CMsvEntry::MoveL()  Moves, asynchronously, a child of the context to become an entry owned by the target entry.
  • CMsvEntry::MoveL()  Moves, synchronously, a child of the context to become an entry owned by the target entry.
  • CMsvEntry::MoveL()  Moves, synchronously, children of the context to become entries owned by the target entry.
  • CMsvEntry::NewL() - Creates a new CMsvEntry for the specified entry ID.
  • CMsvEntry::operator[]() - Gets the index entry of the child at the position specified by the array index.
  • CMsvEntry::OwningService() - Gets the ID of the service entry that owns the context.
  • CMsvEntry::ReadStoreL() - Obtains the message store for the current context with read-only access.
  • CMsvEntry::RemoveObserver() - Unregisters an observer previously registered with AddObserverL().
  • CMsvEntry::Session() - Gets the Message Server session used by this object.
  • CMsvEntry::SetEntryL() - Sets the context to the specified entry.
  • CMsvEntry::SetMtmListL() - Sets the MTM order to the specified sort order.
  • CMsvEntry::SetSortTypeL() - Sets the sort order that is used when listing children, for example with ChildrenL().
  • CMsvEntry::SortType() - Gets the current sort order of children of the entry.
  • CMsvEntry::~CMsvEntry() - Destructor.

  • CMsvEntryFilter - Used to query the Message Server for entries that match the specification defined in the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::LastChangeDate() - Gets the last change date set for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::Mtm() - Gets the MTM UID set for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new entry filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new entry filter, and leaves the pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::Order() - Gets the selection ordering set for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::Service() - Gets the service ID set for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SetLastChangeDate() - Sets the last date change for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SetMtm() - Sets the MTM UID for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SetOrder() - Sets the sort ordering for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SetService() - Sets the service ID for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SetSortMtm() - Sets the sorting by MTM for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SetType() - Sets the entry type for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::SortMtm() - Gets the sorting by MTM for the filter.
  • CMsvEntryFilter::Type() - Gets the entry type set for the filter.

  • CMsvEntrySelection - Encapsulates an array of entry IDs.
  • CMsvEntrySelection::CMsvEntrySelection() - Creates an empty array.
  • CMsvEntrySelection::CopyL() - Creates a new CMsvEntrySelection object with the same contents as the current object.
  • CMsvEntrySelection::CopyLC() - Creates a new CMsvEntrySelection object with the same contents as the current object.
  • CMsvEntrySelection::Find() - Finds an item in the array by its entry ID.

  • CMsvFindOperation - Encapsulates a text search operation.
  • CMsvFindOperation::CMsvFindOperation() - Constructor, specifying search parameters.
  • CMsvFindOperation::ConstructFindInChildrenL() - Second phase constructor, for constructing a search of an entry and of all its children.
  • CMsvFindOperation::ConstructFindInSelectionL() - Second phase constructor, for constructing a search of a specified selection of messages.
  • CMsvFindOperation::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMsvFindOperation::FinalProgress() - Returns progress information after the search operation is complete.
  • CMsvFindOperation::FindInChildrenL() - Creates a new search operation to search for text within a specified root, folder or service.
  • CMsvFindOperation::FindInSelectionL() - Creates a new search operation to search for text within a specified selection of messages.
  • CMsvFindOperation::GetFindResult() - Returns the result of the search operation.
  • CMsvFindOperation::IsValid() - Determines whether a message is to be included in the text search operation.
  • CMsvFindOperation::ProgressL() - Returns progress information.
  • CMsvFindOperation::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMsvFindOperation::~CMsvFindOperation() - Destructor.

  • CMsvFindResultSelection - Collection of results from a text search operation.
  • CMsvFindResultSelection::CMsvFindResultSelection() - Constructs an empty results collection.
  • CMsvFindResultSelection::CopyL() - Creates a copy of the results of the text search operation.
  • CMsvFindResultSelection::CopyLC() - Creates a copy of the results of the text search operation and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CMsvFindResultSelection::Find() - Returns the index of the entry corresponding to the specified entry Id.

  • CMsvFindText - A utility class which searches through given plain text or rich text for a specified text string.
  • CMsvFindText::DoComplete().
  • CMsvFindText::DoRunL().
  • CMsvFindText::FindRichTextL()  Searches for a specified text string within the given rich text asynchronously.
  • CMsvFindText::FindRichTextL()  Searches for a specified text string within the given rich text synchronously.
  • CMsvFindText::FindTextL()  Performs an asynchronous search for a text string within another text string.
  • CMsvFindText::FindTextL()  Performs a synchronous search for a text string within another text string.
  • CMsvFindText::FoundText() - Returns the result of the asynchronous search for a matching text string.
  • CMsvFindText::NewL() - Creates a new find text utility object with the specified priority.
  • CMsvFindText::NewLC() - Creates a new find text utility object with the specified priority and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CMsvFindText::~CMsvFindText() - Destructor.

  • CMsvMimeHeaders - Utility class to represent commonly used Mime Headers.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContainsMimeHeaders() - Enquire whether a CMsvAttachment has MIME headers without restoring all the headers.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentBase() - Gets the Content-Base mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentDescription() - Gets the Content-Description mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentDisposition() - Gets the Content-Disposition mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentDispositionParams()  Returns a modifiable descriptor array containing the Content-Disposition parameters.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentDispositionParams()  Returns a non-modifiable descriptor array containing the Content-Disposition parameters.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentId() - Gets the Content-Id mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentLocation() - Gets the Content-Location mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentSubType() - Gets the Content-SubType mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentTransferEncoding()  Gets the Content-Transfer Encoding mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentTransferEncoding()  Gets the Content-Transfer Encoding mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentType() - Gets the Content-Type mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentTypeParams()  Returns a modifiable descriptor array containing the Content-Type parameters.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::ContentTypeParams()  Returns a non-modifiable descriptor array containing the Content-Type parameters.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::GetContentTypeValue() - Gets the Content-Type mime header parameter value.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::MimeCharset() - Gets the mime charset header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::NewL() - Standard 2-phase construction, creates the mime headers object.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC() - Standard 2-phase construction, creates the mime headers object.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::RelativePath() - Gets the relative path mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::Reset() - Resets the mime headers.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::RestoreL() - Restores the mime header data.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentBaseL() - Sets the Content-Base mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentDescriptionL() - Sets the Content-Description mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentDispositionL() - Sets the Content-Disposition mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentIdL() - Sets the Content-Id mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentLocationL() - Sets the Content-Location mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentSubTypeL() - Sets the Content-SubType mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentTransferEncoding() - Sets the Content-Transfer Encoding mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetContentTypeL() - Sets the Content-Type mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetMimeCharset() - Sets the mime charset header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetRelativePathL() - Sets the relative path header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SetSuggestedFilenameL() - Sets the suggested filename mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::Size() - Returns the size of all the mime header data.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::StoreL() - Stores the mime header data.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::SuggestedFilename() - Gets the suggested filename mime header.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::XTypeParams()  Returns a non-modifiable descriptor array containing the X-Type parameters.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::XTypeParams()  Returns a modifiable descriptor array containing the X-Type parameters.
  • CMsvMimeHeaders::~CMsvMimeHeaders() - Standard destructor.

  • CMsvOffPeakTimes - Array of off-peak time data.
  • CMsvOffPeakTimes::CMsvOffPeakTimes() - Default constructor.
  • CMsvOffPeakTimes::GetNextOffPeakTime() - Gets the off-peak time period that is after and closest to a specified time.

  • CMsvOperation - Defines an interface for use by objects which control asynchronous commands in the messaging system.
  • CMsvOperation::CMsvOperation() - Constructor.
  • CMsvOperation::Extension_() - The extension method provides a polymorphic behaviour to call the correct SystemProgress function.
  • CMsvOperation::FinalProgress() - Gets information about a completed operation.
  • CMsvOperation::Id() - Gets the operation ID.
  • CMsvOperation::Mtm() - Gets the UID of the MTM associated with the operation.
  • CMsvOperation::ProgressL() - Gets information on the progress of the operation.
  • CMsvOperation::Service() - Gets the ID of the service that is associated with this operation.
  • CMsvOperation::SystemProgress() - This call leads to calling SystemProgress() in the server to populate the TMsvSystemProgress structure.
  • CMsvOperation::~CMsvOperation() - Destructor.

  • CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait - Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation has completed.
  • CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object.
  • CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::RunL() - Handles a request completion event.
  • CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::Start() - Sets the object to be active, and wait until the request is completed.
  • CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::~CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait() - Destructor.

  • CMsvOperationWait - Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation has completed.
  • CMsvOperationWait::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMsvOperationWait::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CMsvOperationWait object.
  • CMsvOperationWait::RunL() - Handles a request completion event.
  • CMsvOperationWait::Start() - Sets the object to be active.
  • CMsvOperationWait::~CMsvOperationWait() - Destructor.

  • CMsvRecipient - Base class for information relating to a message recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::CMsvRecipient() - Protected base class default constructor.
  • CMsvRecipient::Error() - Gets any error code for message sending to the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object to a write stream.
  • CMsvRecipient::IncreaseRetries() - Increments the number of retries for message sending to the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object from a read stream.
  • CMsvRecipient::ResetRetries() - Resets the number of retries for message sending to the recipient to zero.
  • CMsvRecipient::Retries() - Gets the number of retries for message sending to the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::SetError() - Sets any error code for message sending to the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::SetStatus() - Sets the message sending status for the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::Status() - Gets the message sending status for the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::Time()  Gets the (const) time for message sending to the recipient.
  • CMsvRecipient::Time()  Gets the (writable) time for message sending to the recipient.

  • CMsvRecipientList.
  • CMsvRecipientList::AppendL()  Appends a new address as a 'to' recipient.
  • CMsvRecipientList::AppendL()  Appends a new address a the given recipient type.
  • CMsvRecipientList::Count() - The number of accounts for this message type.
  • CMsvRecipientList::Delete()  Deletes an existing address.
  • CMsvRecipientList::Delete()  Deletes number of existing addresses.
  • CMsvRecipientList::operator[]() - Returns the address specified by the index given.
  • CMsvRecipientList::RecipientList().
  • CMsvRecipientList::Reset() - Deletes all elements from the array.
  • CMsvRecipientList::Type() - Returns the address type specified by the index given.
  • CMsvRecipientList::~CMsvRecipientList() - Destructor.

  • CMsvScheduleSend - Provides a Server MTM's interface to the Task Scheduler for messaging scheduling.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::AgentActions() - Gets System Agent conditions that must be satisfied before a sending attempt.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::CheckScheduleL() - Verifies that the schedule information stored in specified messages is the same as that on the task scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::CMsvScheduleSend() - Constructor.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::ConnectAndRegisterL() - Connects to and registers with the task scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::CreateScheduleL()  Creates a new schedule on the task scheduler with which each message can be associated.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::CreateScheduleL()  Creates a new schedule on the task scheduler with which each message can be associated.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::DeleteScheduleL() - Delete the schedules for the specified messages from the task scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::FindScheduleL()  Searches the scheduler for an existing schedule item with a schedule time that matches with time supplied.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::FindScheduleL()  Searches the scheduler for an existing conditions schedule item with a set of pending conditions and timeout value that matches with those supplied.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::GetMessageL() - Gets the schedule data and recipients of a message.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::LoadScheduleSettingsL() - Loads schedule settings from CenRep.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::OffPeakTimes() - Gets off-peak times settings.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::ReScheduleL() - Determines when the messages should be re-scheduled on the task scheduler, then schedules the messages at the new time(s).
  • CMsvScheduleSend::RoundUpToMinute() - Utility function that rounds a specified time up to the nearest minute.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::ScheduleEntryL() - Adds an entry to an existing schedule.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::ScheduleL() - Schedules messages on the task scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::ScheduleSettings() - Gets scheduler settings.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::SendErrorActions() - Gets action-on-sending-error settings.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::SendingCompleteL()  Tells the scheduler that sending is complete.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::SendingCompleteL()  Tells the scheduler that sending is complete.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::UpdateEntryAfterSchedule() - Utility function that updates message index entry fields to reflect the message's scheduling.
  • CMsvScheduleSend::~CMsvScheduleSend() - Destructor.

  • CMsvScheduleSettings - Stores the MTM-specific (general) settings for scheduling messages on the Task Scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::IntervalType() - Gets the schedule interval type.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::Latency() - Gets the minimum message sending latency.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::LongInterval() - Gets the long retry interval value.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL() - Allocates and creates a new CMsvScheduleSettings object.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new CMsvScheduleSettings object.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::PendingConditionsTimeout() - Gets the timeout interval when re-scheduling messages for pending conditions to be met.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::Priority() - Gets the priority of the messages on the Task Scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::Reset() - Resets the object.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetIntervalType() - Sets the schedule interval type.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetLatency() - Sets the minimum message sending latency.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetLongInterval() - Sets the long retry interval value.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetPendingConditionsTimeout() - Sets the timeout interval when re-scheduling messages for pending conditions to be met.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetPriority() - Sets the priority of the messages on the Task Scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetShortInterval() - Sets the short retry interval value.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetValidityPeriod() - Sets the time period for which the messages are valid on the Task Scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::SetVariableIntervalsL() - Sets variable retry intervals.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::ShortInterval() - Gets the short retry interval value.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::ValidityPeriod() - Gets the time period for which the messages are valid on the Task Scheduler.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::VariableIntervals() - Gets variable retry intervals.
  • CMsvScheduleSettings::~CMsvScheduleSettings() - Destructor.

  • CMsvScheduledEntry - Abstract base class which stores the schedule data and recipients of a message.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::CanSendToAnyRecipients()  Tests if any of the recipients of this message can still be sent to.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::CanSendToAnyRecipients()  Tests if any of the recipients of this message can still be sent to.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::CMsvScheduledEntry() - Constructor.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::Entry() - Gets the message entry.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::Error() - Gets the entry's iError data member.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::Failed() - Gets the entry's Failed() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::Id() - Gets the entry's ID.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::Mtm() - Gets the entry's iMtm data member.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::OffPeak() - Gets the entry's OffPeak() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::PendingConditions() - Gets the entry's pending conditions flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RecipientsAllSent() - Tests if all recipients of the message have been sent successfully.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RecipientsIncreaseRetries() - Increases all the recipients' retries by one.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RecipientsResetRetries() - Sets all the recipients' retries to zero.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RecipientsRestoreL() - Restores the recipients.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RecipientsSetFailed() - Sets all the recipients' flags to sending failed.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RecipientsStoreL() - Stores the recipients.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::RestoreL() - Restores the object.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::Scheduled() - Gets the entry's Scheduled() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::ScheduleDate() - Gets the entry's iDate member.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::SendingState() - Gets the entry's SendingState() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::SetFailed() - Sets the entry's Failed() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::SetPendingConditions() - sets the entry's pending conditions flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::SetScheduled() - Sets the entry's Scheduled() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::SetScheduleDate() - Sets the entry's iDate member.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::SetSendingState() - Sets the entry's SendingState() flag.
  • CMsvScheduledEntry::StoreL() - Stores the object.

  • CMsvSendErrorActions - This class determines what action to take if an error occurs while the Server MTM is sending a message (or messages).
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::AddSendErrorActionL() - Adds a TMsvSendErrorAction object.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::Default() - Gets the default error-action.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::Errors() - Gets the object's array of error-actions.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::GetSendErrorAction() - Gets an error action for a specified error.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL() - Allocates and creates a new CMsvSendErrorActions object.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a new CMsvSendErrorActions object.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::RemoveSendErrorAction() - Removes an error action.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::Reset().
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::RestoreFromResourceL() - Restores the object from a resource.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::SetDefault() - Sets the default error-action.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::SetErrorsL() - Sets the object to an array of error-actions.
  • CMsvSendErrorActions::~CMsvSendErrorActions() - Destructor.

  • CMsvSendOperation - Utility to create an operation containing a sending operation which may be used to retrieve a standard progress structure.
  • CMsvSendOperation::CMsvSendOperation() - Constructor.
  • CMsvSendOperation::DoCancel() - Called when this operation is cancelled and is active.
  • CMsvSendOperation::FinalProgress() - Gets information about a completed operation.
  • CMsvSendOperation::ProgressL() - Gets progress information about the current send operation.
  • CMsvSendOperation::RunL() - Called on completion of sending operation.
  • CMsvSendOperation::Start() - Takes ownership of a CMsvOperation object that is set to complete iStatus of this object.
  • CMsvSendOperation::TranslateProgress() - Translates the progress from sending operation's progress into TSendOperationProgress.
  • CMsvSendOperation::~CMsvSendOperation() - Destructor.

  • CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationProgress - Send progress.

  • CMsvServerEntry - Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::ChangeAttributes() - Provides a quick way to set or clear multiple fields in a selection of entries.
  • CMsvServerEntry::ChangeEntry()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values and updates the owner of the entry to that specified by the supplied ID.
  • CMsvServerEntry::ChangeEntry()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values.
  • CMsvServerEntry::ChangeEntryBulk()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values and updates the owner of the entry to that specified by the supplied ID.
  • CMsvServerEntry::ChangeEntryBulk()  Sets the context's index entry to the specified values and updates the owner of the entry to that specified by the supplied ID.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CompleteBulk() - Completes the current bulk transaction (if any) Requests that the message server commit to the index file on disk any entries which have not been committed and to generate notifications for any entries which require them.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CopyEntriesL()  Copies a selection of children of the context to another entry that belongs to a different service.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CopyEntriesL()  Copies a selection of children of the context to another entry that belongs to a different service.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CopyEntryL()  Copies a child of the context to another entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CopyEntryL()  Copies a child of the context to another entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CreateEntry()  Creates a new entry as a child of the current context.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CreateEntry()  Creates a new entry as a child of the current context.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CreateEntry()  Creates a new entry as a child of the current context.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CreateEntryBulk()  Creates a new entry as a child of the current context as part of a bulk creation operation.
  • CMsvServerEntry::CreateEntryBulk()  Creates a new entry as a child of the current context as part of a bulk creation operation.
  • CMsvServerEntry::DeleteEntries() - Deletes a selection of child entries.
  • CMsvServerEntry::DeleteEntry() - Deletes a child entry of the context.
  • CMsvServerEntry::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMsvServerEntry::EditStoreL() - Obtains the message store for the current context with read-write access.
  • CMsvServerEntry::Entry() - Gets the context's index entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::FileSession() - Allows a Server-side MTM to access the file session handle created by the Message Server.
  • CMsvServerEntry::GetChildren() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children.
  • CMsvServerEntry::GetChildrenWithMtm() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children with the specified MTM.
  • CMsvServerEntry::GetChildrenWithService() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children with the specified service.
  • CMsvServerEntry::GetChildrenWithType() - Gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children with the specified entry type.
  • CMsvServerEntry::GetEntryFromId() - Gets the index entry for a specified entry ID.
  • CMsvServerEntry::HasStoreL() - Tests if the context has an associated message store.
  • CMsvServerEntry::MoveEntriesL() - Moves a selection of children of the context to another entry that belongs to a different service.
  • CMsvServerEntry::MoveEntriesWithinService() - Moves a child of the context to under another entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::MoveEntryL() - Moves a child of the context to another entry that belongs to a different service.
  • CMsvServerEntry::MoveEntryWithinService() - Moves a child of the context to under another entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::NewEntryL() - Gets a new CMsvServerEntry object for the specified entry ID.
  • CMsvServerEntry::OwningService() - Gets the ID of the service that owns the context.
  • CMsvServerEntry::ReadStoreL() - Obtains the message store for the current context with read-only access.
  • CMsvServerEntry::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMsvServerEntry::SetEntry() - Changes the context of the specified entry.
  • CMsvServerEntry::SetMtm() - Sets this MTM sorting type to specified UID.
  • CMsvServerEntry::SetSort() - Sets the sort order that is used when listing children, for example with GetChildren().
  • CMsvServerEntry::Sort() - Gets the current sort order of children of the entry.

  • CMsvSession - Represents a channel of communication between a client thread (Client-side MTM, User Interface MTM, or message client application) and the Message Server thread.
  • CMsvSession::AddObserverL() - Registers a new session observer.
  • CMsvSession::ChangeAttributesL() - Provides a quick way to set or clear multiple fields in a selection of entries.
  • CMsvSession::ChangeDriveL() - Moves the Message Server index to the specified drive.
  • CMsvSession::CleanupEntry() - Cleans up an entry that has been added to the cleanup stack using CleanupEntryPushL().
  • CMsvSession::CleanupEntryPop() - Pops one or more entries from the entry cleanup stack.
  • CMsvSession::CleanupEntryPushL() - Pushes the specified entry ID to the entry cleanup stack.
  • CMsvSession::CloseMessageServer() - Closes down the Message Server.
  • CMsvSession::CopyStoreL() - Copies the Message Store to the specified drive.
  • CMsvSession::CurrentDriveL().
  • CMsvSession::DecPcSyncCountL() - Decreases the PC synchronisation index field for a selection of entries.
  • CMsvSession::DeInstallMtmGroup() - Removes an installed MTM.
  • CMsvSession::DeleteStoreL() - Deletes the Message Store to the specified drive.
  • CMsvSession::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CMsvSession::DriveContainsStoreL().
  • CMsvSession::FileSession() - Allows a Server-side MTM to access the file session handle created by the Message Server.
  • CMsvSession::GetAndClearIndexCorruptFlagL() - Checks a flag in the message server that is set when the server deletes a corrupt index file.
  • CMsvSession::GetChildIdsL() - Gets filtered list of children of a specified message entry.
  • CMsvSession::GetEntry() - Gets the index entry for the specified entry ID.
  • CMsvSession::GetEntryL() - Accesses the entry with the specified ID.
  • CMsvSession::GetMtmRequiredCapabilitiesL() - Gets the additional security capabilities required by a given MTM, over and above those required by the message server itself.
  • CMsvSession::IncPcSyncCountL() - Increases the PC synchronisation index field for a selection of entries.
  • CMsvSession::InstallMtmGroup() - MTM functions.
  • CMsvSession::MessageStoreDrivePresentL() - Checks to see if the currently selected drive contains the correct mail store.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsObserverL()  Creates a session that is used only as an observer.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsObserverL()  Creates a session that is used only as an observer.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsObserverL()  Creates a session that is used only as an observer.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsObserverL()  Creates a session that is used only as an observer.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL()  Creates a session asynchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL()  Creates a session asynchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL()  Creates a session asynchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL()  Creates a session asynchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenSyncL()  Creates a session synchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenSyncL()  Creates a session synchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenSyncL()  Creates a session synchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OpenSyncL()  Creates a session synchronously.
  • CMsvSession::OperationId().
  • CMsvSession::OutstandingOperationsL() - Gets the number of outstanding operations.
  • CMsvSession::RemoveEntry() - Deletes the specified entry from the Message Server.
  • CMsvSession::RemoveObserver() - Deregisters a previously registered observer.
  • CMsvSession::RunError().
  • CMsvSession::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CMsvSession::ServiceActive() - Tests whether a Server-side MTM for a particular service is loaded by the Message Server.
  • CMsvSession::ServiceProgress() - Gets the current progress information from the Server-side MTM for the specified service.
  • CMsvSession::Session().
  • CMsvSession::SetReceiveEntryEvents() - Sets whether the session's observer should be notified of events related to changes in message server entries.
  • CMsvSession::StopService() - Stops any operations that a Server-side MTM for the specified service is running, and then unloads the Server-side MTM.
  • CMsvSession::TransferCommandL()  Passes MTM-specific operations asynchronously to the associated Server-side MTM by means of the Message Server.
  • CMsvSession::TransferCommandL()  Passes MTM-specific operations synchronously to the associated Server-side MTM by means of the Message Server.

  • CMsvStore - Provides an interface over the message store that is associated with a message entry.
  • CMsvStore::AttachmentManagerExtensionsL().
  • CMsvStore::AttachmentManagerL() - Returns an interface for the Attachment Manager.
  • CMsvStore::Commit() - Commits changes to the message store, returning any error code.
  • CMsvStore::CommitL() - Commits changes to the message store, leaving if an error occurs.
  • CMsvStore::DeleteBodyTextL() - Deletes the stream that contains the body text.
  • CMsvStore::DeleteL() - Deletes the message store.
  • CMsvStore::HasBodyTextL() - Checks if the store has a body text stream; IsPresentL(KMsvEntryRichTextBody) will always return EFalse when the store_8bit_flag in imcm.rss is enabled.
  • CMsvStore::IsNullL() - Tests whether the message store contains any streams.
  • CMsvStore::IsPresentL() - Tests whether the message store contains a stream identifier.
  • CMsvStore::Remove() - Deletes the identified stream from the store.
  • CMsvStore::RemoveL() - Deletes the identified stream from the store.
  • CMsvStore::RestoreBodyTextL() - Reads the body text stream from the message store into the given rich text object.
  • CMsvStore::Revert() - Reverts the store to the previous commit level.
  • CMsvStore::RevertL() - Reverts the store to the previous commit level.
  • CMsvStore::SizeL() - Gets the size of the message store.
  • CMsvStore::StoreBodyTextL() - Stores the body text stream of the message store.
  • CMsvStore::~CMsvStore() - Destructor.

  • CMsvSysAgentActions - Defines an array of schedule send conditions that must be satisfied before a message sending attempt.
  • CMsvSysAgentActions::CMsvSysAgentActions() - Constructor.
  • CMsvSysAgentActions::ConditionsMetL() - Tests if system agent conditions are met.
  • CMsvSysAgentActions::~CMsvSysAgentActions() - Destructor.

  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings - Stores default MTM settings for a technology type to the Central Repository.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::DefaultMtm() - Get the default MTM.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::LoadSettingsL() - Load the default MTM settings from the central repository.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::NewL() - NewL factory function to create a CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings object.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::RemoveDefaultMtm() - Removes the default MTM.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::SaveSettingsL() - Save the default MTM settings to the central repository.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::SetDefaultMtmL() - Set the default MTM.
  • CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings::~CMsvTechnologyTypeDefaultMtmSettings() - Destructor.

  • CMtmDllInfo - Encapsulates the registration data for a single concrete MTM component.
  • CMtmDllInfo::CapabilitiesAvailable() - Tests if settings have been made for the MessagingCapability() and SendBodyCapability() flags.
  • CMtmDllInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object to a stream.
  • CMtmDllInfo::HumanReadableName() - Gets the descriptive name of the MTM component for which the object holds registration data.
  • CMtmDllInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object from a stream.
  • CMtmDllInfo::MessagingCapability() - Tests if the flag that indicates that the MTM can send messages has been set.
  • CMtmDllInfo::NewL()  Creates a new CMtmDllInfo and initialises it with values describing an MTM component.
  • CMtmDllInfo::NewL()  Creates a new CMtmDllInfo initialised from another CMtmDllInfo object.
  • CMtmDllInfo::NewL()  Creates a new CMtmDllInfo and initialises it with values read from a stream.
  • CMtmDllInfo::operator==() - Overloaded equality operator.
  • CMtmDllInfo::SendBodyCapability() - Tests if the flag that indicates that the MTM can handle body text has been set.
  • CMtmDllInfo::SetHumanReadableNameL() - Sets the descriptive name of the MTM component for which the object holds registration data.
  • CMtmDllInfo::~CMtmDllInfo() - Destructor.

  • CMtmDllInfoArray - Collects the registration data for concrete MTM components, as encapsulated in CMtmDllInfo objects, into an array.
  • CMtmDllInfoArray::AddMtmDllInfoL() - Appends a CMtmDllInfo to the array.
  • CMtmDllInfoArray::CMtmDllInfoArray() - Default constructor.
  • CMtmDllInfoArray::~CMtmDllInfoArray() - Destructor.

  • CMtmGroupData - Encapsulates the registration data for an MTM group.
  • CMtmGroupData::ExternalizeL() - Externalises group registration data.
  • CMtmGroupData::GetMtmRequiredCapabilities().
  • CMtmGroupData::InternalizeL() - Internalises group registration data.
  • CMtmGroupData::MtmDllInfoArray() - Returns a constant reference to the array of MTM dll information objects owned by the CMtmGroupData.
  • CMtmGroupData::MtmTypeUid() - Gets the group UID.
  • CMtmGroupData::NewL()  Creates a new CMtmGroupData and initialise it with registration data for an MTM group.
  • CMtmGroupData::NewL()  Creates a new CMtmGroupData and initialises it with another CMtmGroupData.
  • CMtmGroupData::NewL()  Creates a new CMtmGroupData and initialises it from the specified stream.
  • CMtmGroupData::operator==() - Tests for equality with another CMtmGroupData object.
  • CMtmGroupData::TechnologyTypeUid() - Gets the technology UID.
  • CMtmGroupData::~CMtmGroupData() - Destructor.

  • CMtmRegistryControl.
  • CMtmRegistryControl::DeInstallMtmGroup().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::ExternalizeL().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::FillRegisteredMtmDllArray().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::FullNameToMtmTypeUid().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::GetMtmGroupDataL().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::InstallMtmGroup().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::InternalizeL().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::IsInUse().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::NewL().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::ReleaseMtmGroup().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::RestoreRegistryL().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::StoreRegistryL().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::UseMtmGroup().
  • CMtmRegistryControl::~CMtmRegistryControl().

  • CMtmUiDataRegistry - Accesses the UI Data MTM registry.
  • CMtmUiDataRegistry::NewL() - Gets a CMtmUiDataRegistry object.
  • CMtmUiDataRegistry::NewMtmUiDataLayerL() - Creates a UI Data MTM object for the MTM specified by aMtmTypeUid.
  • CMtmUiDataRegistry::~CMtmUiDataRegistry().

  • CNoDeleteAttributeT.
  • CNoDeleteAttributeT::Attribute().
  • CNoDeleteAttributeT::CNoDeleteAttributeT().
  • CNoDeleteAttributeT::SetAttribute().
  • CNoDeleteAttributeT::~CNoDeleteAttributeT().

  • CNode.
  • CNode::AddAttributeL() - Adds an attribute.
  • CNode::AddDataAndAttributeL() - Sets node data and adds an attribute.
  • CNode::AppendNodeL() - Creates a new child node.
  • CNode::AppendNodeToThisNodeL() - Adds an existing node as a child.
  • CNode::Attribute() - Gets an attribute value for a specified attribute type.
  • CNode::AttributeByIndex()  Gets the attribute value of an attribute at a specified index.
  • CNode::AttributeByIndex()  Gets the attribute value and type of an attribute at a specified index...
  • CNode::AttributeCount() - Gets the number of attributes of this node.
  • CNode::AttributeExists() - Tests if an attribute of a specified type exists.
  • CNode::AttributeTypeByIndex() - Gets the attribute value of an attribute at a specified index.
  • CNode::Child() - Gets a child node by index.
  • CNode::ClearSetDataNoDeleteL() - Sets the object to delete the node data in its destructor.
  • CNode::Data() - Gets the node data.
  • CNode::DeleteAllAttributes() - Delete all node attributes.
  • CNode::DeleteAllChildNodes() - Deletes all the child nodes of this node.
  • CNode::DeleteAttribute() - Deletes an attribute of a specified type.
  • CNode::DeleteChildNode() - Deletes a specified child node.
  • CNode::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new node.
  • CNode::NextChild() - Gets the first child or the next child after a specified child.
  • CNode::NextSibling() - Gets the next sibling node.
  • CNode::NumberImmediateChildren() - Gets the number of children of this node.
  • CNode::Parent() - Gets the parent of this node.
  • CNode::PrevChild() - Gets the previous child before a specified child.
  • CNode::PrevSibling() - Gets the previous sibling node.
  • CNode::RemoveAttributeNoDelete() - Removes an attribute of a specified type, but does not delete it.
  • CNode::ReparentL() - Changes the parent of the node.
  • CNode::Reserved1().
  • CNode::Reserved1().
  • CNode::ResetDataPointer() - Resets the node data to a specified pointer.
  • CNode::Root() - Gets the absolute root node of the tree.
  • CNode::SetDataL() - Sets the node data.
  • CNode::SetDataNoDeleteL() - Sets the object not to delete the node data in its destructor.
  • CNode::SetFileDataL() - Sets the node data to be taken from a specified file.
  • CNode::SetType() - Sets the node type.
  • CNode::Type() - Gets the node type.
  • CNode::~CNode() - Destructor.

  • CNumPagesField - A field which evaluates to the number of pages in the document.
  • CNumPagesField::SetNumPagesInfo() - Sets the object which implements UpdateFieldNumPages(), to get the number of pages in the document.
  • CNumPagesField::Type() - Gets the field's type UID.
  • CNumPagesField::Value() - Gets the total number of pages in the document, by calling UpdateFieldNumPages() (implemented by the object passed to the field using SetNumPagesInfo()).

  • CObex - This class is the common base class for CObexClient and CObexServer.
  • CObex::ConnectState() - This function is in the protected scope of CObex and so is not externally usable.
  • CObex::ConstructL().
  • CObex::IsAuthenticating() - Indicates if the Server / Client is currently authenticating the OBEX connection.
  • CObex::IsConnected() - Returns ETrue if this CObex is connected at an OBEX level, merely having a transport connected does not satisfy this condition.
  • CObex::IsStrictPeer().
  • CObex::LocalInfo() - Use this member to gain access to (and alter, if necessary) the CObex::TConnectInfo structure which will be sent to the OBEX peer as part of the connection process.
  • CObex::OnError().
  • CObex::OnPacketReceive().
  • CObex::OnTransportDown().
  • CObex::OnTransportUp().
  • CObex::ParseConnectPacket().
  • CObex::RemoteAddr() - Get the socket address of the remote device.
  • CObex::RemoteInfo() - Use this member to read the details of the remote machine’s connection information, as specified by it in during OBEX connection.
  • CObex::SetCallBack() - Sets the authentication challenge handler.
  • CObex::SetLocalWho() - Sets the local Who field.
  • CObex::SuppressAuthenticationHeaderElements() - Must be called by an application that wishes to suppress the authentication or(not excusive) the realm of the authentication challenge.
  • CObex::UserPasswordL().
  • CObex::~CObex() - Destructor.

  • CObex::TSetPathInfo - Describes the information set or received in a SETPATH command.
  • CObex::TSetPathInfo::Parent() - Returns true if the flags are set so that the receiver will backup a level before applying the path name.
  • CObex::TSetPathInfo::TSetPathInfo() - Constructor.

  • CObexBaseObject - Objects of this class are used to describe the objects to be transferred and those received via Obex.
  • CObexBaseObject::AddHeaderL() - Adds a CObexHeader into the CObexHeaderSet.
  • CObexBaseObject::AddHttpL() - Add an Http header.
  • CObexBaseObject::AppParam() - Gets the object's Application Parameters attribute.
  • CObexBaseObject::BytesReceived() - Returns the number of bytes of the body of the object transferred while receiving an object.
  • CObexBaseObject::BytesSent() - Returns the number of bytes of the body of the object transferred so far while sending this object.
  • CObexBaseObject::DataSize().
  • CObexBaseObject::Description() - Gets the object's Description attribute.
  • CObexBaseObject::GetData().
  • CObexBaseObject::HeaderMask() - Returns the currently set header mask.
  • CObexBaseObject::HeaderSet().
  • CObexBaseObject::HeaderSet().
  • CObexBaseObject::Http() - Firstly updates the iHttp list, ensuring that the entries are the same as those HTTP headers within the header set.
  • CObexBaseObject::Length() - Gets the object's Length attribute.
  • CObexBaseObject::Name() - Gets the object's Name attribute.
  • CObexBaseObject::NewData().
  • CObexBaseObject::Reset() - Resets the object, to make it represent nothing.
  • CObexBaseObject::ResetData().
  • CObexBaseObject::SetAppParamL() - Sets the Application Parameters attribute of the object.
  • CObexBaseObject::SetDescriptionL() - Sets the Description attribute of the object.
  • CObexBaseObject::SetHeaderMask() - Sets the header mask.
  • CObexBaseObject::SetLengthL() - Sets the Length attribute of the object, in bytes.
  • CObexBaseObject::SetNameL() - Sets the Name attribute of the object.
  • CObexBaseObject::SetTargetL() - Sets the Target attribute of the object.
  • CObexBaseObject::SetTimeL() - Sets the Time attribute of the object (stored in UTC).
  • CObexBaseObject::SetTypeL() - Sets the Type attribute of the object.
  • CObexBaseObject::Target() - Gets the object's Target attribute.
  • CObexBaseObject::Time() - Returns the time attribute of the object in local time.
  • CObexBaseObject::Type() - Gets the object's Type attribute.
  • CObexBaseObject::ValidHeaders() - Returns the current valid header mask.
  • CObexBaseObject::~CObexBaseObject() - Destructor.

  • CObexBufObject - Use this class to hold objects where the body part is stored in a CBufFlat object.
  • CObexBufObject::DataBuf() - Gets the buffer.
  • CObexBufObject::DataSize().
  • CObexBufObject::GetData() - Reads aDes (up to MaxLength) from aPos offset into the buffer.
  • CObexBufObject::NewData() - Writes aDes into the buffer at aPos offset, growing the buffer if necessary.
  • CObexBufObject::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new OBEX dynamic buffer object, specifying a buffer.
  • CObexBufObject::ResetData().
  • CObexBufObject::SetDataBufL()  Set the data buffers as specified in the supplied TObexBufferingDetails object.
  • CObexBufObject::SetDataBufL()  Sets a buffer to use the object body data.
  • CObexBufObject::SetDataBufL()  Set object to use aFilename as its data area.
  • CObexBufObject::SetDataBufL()  Set object to use aFilename as its data area.
  • CObexBufObject::SetDataBufL()  Set object to write to file, using buffering and the specified buffering strategy.
  • CObexBufObject::WriteToFile() - Writes contents of object to a file.
  • CObexBufObject::~CObexBufObject() - Destructor.

  • CObexClient - Client side functionality.
  • CObexClient::Abort() - OBEX ABORT operation.
  • CObexClient::Connect()  OBEX CONNECT operation to any available remote machine.
  • CObexClient::Connect()  OBEX CONNECT operation to any available remote machine, specifying an object to pass.
  • CObexClient::ConnectL()  OBEX CONNECT operation to any available remote machine, specifying an object to pass and a password.
  • CObexClient::ConnectL()  OBEX CONNECT operation to any available remote machine, specifying a password.
  • CObexClient::ConstructL().
  • CObexClient::Disconnect() - OBEX DISCONNECT operation.
  • CObexClient::ExtensionInterface() - Provides additional interfaces for CObexClient.
  • CObexClient::Get() - OBEX GET operation.
  • CObexClient::GetPutFinalResponseHeaders() - This function can be called following the successful completion of a Put, and will return a reference to a CObexHeaderSet containing all the headers that were contained in the final Put response packet returned from the peer Obex server.
  • CObexClient::LastServerResponseCode() - Get last server response code This method returns the last received OBEX response code.
  • CObexClient::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new OBEX client object.
  • CObexClient::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new OBEX client object with packet sizing information.
  • CObexClient::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new OBEX client object with packet sizing information.
  • CObexClient::OnError().
  • CObexClient::OnPacketReceive().
  • CObexClient::OnTransportDown().
  • CObexClient::OnTransportUp().
  • CObexClient::ParseConnectPacket().
  • CObexClient::Put() - OBEX PUT operation.
  • CObexClient::SetCommandTimeOut() - Sets the Command Idle Time-out.
  • CObexClient::SetFinalPacketObserver() - Sets a final packet observer.
  • CObexClient::SetPath() - OBEX SETPATH operation.
  • CObexClient::UserPasswordL() - A call back from the the service with the password required for use with generating the challenge response.
  • CObexClient::~CObexClient() - Destructor.

  • CObexFileObject - This class is a concrete derivation of the CObexBaseObject class.
  • CObexFileObject::DataSize().
  • CObexFileObject::GetData() - Virtual pure function form the base object.
  • CObexFileObject::InitFromFileL() - Initialises this object from the specified file.
  • CObexFileObject::NewData() - Virtual pure function overload.
  • CObexFileObject::NewL()  Creates a new CObexFileObject object.
  • CObexFileObject::NewL()  Creates a new CObexFileObject object.
  • CObexFileObject::ResetData() - Set object back to a null file.
  • CObexFileObject::~CObexFileObject() - Destructor.

  • CObexHeader - Encapsulates an Obex header.
  • CObexHeader::AsByte() - Returns this header as a byte value.
  • CObexHeader::AsByteSeq() - Returns this header as a byte sequence.
  • CObexHeader::AsFourByte() - Returns this header as a four-byte value.
  • CObexHeader::AsUnicode() - Returns this header as an Unicode string.
  • CObexHeader::Attributes() - Return the attibute set currently in force.
  • CObexHeader::CopyL() - Return a pointer to a copy of this object.
  • CObexHeader::EncodedSize().
  • CObexHeader::HI() - Returns the header identifier.
  • CObexHeader::NewL().
  • CObexHeader::Reset() - Resets the contents of this header, discarding the underlying data.
  • CObexHeader::ResetContents() - Resets and destroys all header attributes.
  • CObexHeader::Set() - Sets this object to use the same underlying header as the parameter.
  • CObexHeader::SetAttributes() - Sets the attibutes of this header.
  • CObexHeader::SetByte() - Sets this header to represent a byte value.
  • CObexHeader::SetByteSeqL() - Sets this header to represent a byte sequence.
  • CObexHeader::SetFourByte() - Sets this header to represent a four-byte value.
  • CObexHeader::SetUnicodeL() - Forces header type to be a byte (which may therefore change the HI value).
  • CObexHeader::Type() - Return the type of this header.
  • CObexHeader::~CObexHeader() - Standard destructor.

  • CObexHeaderList - Encapsulates and owns a list of CObexHeader objects.
  • CObexHeaderList::AddHeader() - Add a CObexHeader object to the list.
  • CObexHeaderList::AddHeadersToBaseObjectL() - Add all the CObexHeader objects contained in a list to a CObexBaseObject.
  • CObexHeaderList::Count() - Return the number of CObexHeader object pointers contained in the list.
  • CObexHeaderList::ExportToAttachmentL() - Exports the Obex header list to the attachment.
  • CObexHeaderList::ExternalizeL() - Externalise the contents of the CObexHeaderList class to a stream in CMsvStore.
  • CObexHeaderList::ImportFromAttachmentL() - Imports the Obex header list from the attachment.
  • CObexHeaderList::InternalizeL() - Internalise the contents of the CObexHeaderList class from a stream in CMsvStore.
  • CObexHeaderList::NewL() - Factory function to return a new CObexHeaderList.
  • CObexHeaderList::NewLC() - Factory function to return a new CObexHeaderList and leave it on the cleanup stack.
  • CObexHeaderList::ObexHeaderL() - Get a non constant reference to the CObexHeader object pointer at position aPos into the list.
  • CObexHeaderList::~CObexHeaderList() - Destructor which frees all allocated memory with the list.

  • CObexHeaderSet - A collection of headers.
  • CObexHeaderSet::AddHeader().
  • CObexHeaderSet::CopyL().
  • CObexHeaderSet::CopyL().
  • CObexHeaderSet::Count().
  • CObexHeaderSet::DeleteCurrentHeader().
  • CObexHeaderSet::DeleteMasked().
  • CObexHeaderSet::Find().
  • CObexHeaderSet::First().
  • CObexHeaderSet::NewL().
  • CObexHeaderSet::Next().
  • CObexHeaderSet::Next().
  • CObexHeaderSet::SetMask().
  • CObexHeaderSet::This().

  • CObexNullObject - Concrete OBEX object with NULL data representation.
  • CObexNullObject::DataSize().
  • CObexNullObject::GetData() - To return "NULL" data, we simply set aDes.Size = 0.
  • CObexNullObject::NewData() - In order to appear to consume the data, we don't set aDes.Size = 0.
  • CObexNullObject::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new null object.
  • CObexNullObject::ResetData().

  • CObexServer - OBEX server.
  • CObexServer::ConstructL().
  • CObexServer::CurrentOperation() - Returns the operation currently being performed by the remote client, or EOpIdle if between operations.
  • CObexServer::IsStarted() - Tests if the server is started, and is available to accept connections.
  • CObexServer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new OBEX server object.
  • CObexServer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new OBEX server object with packet sizing information.
  • CObexServer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new OBEX server object with packet sizing information.
  • CObexServer::OnError().
  • CObexServer::OnPacketReceive().
  • CObexServer::OnTransportDown() - Tell the MObexServerNotifyAsync observer the transport is down and listen for another connection.
  • CObexServer::OnTransportUp().
  • CObexServer::ParseConnectPacket().
  • CObexServer::RequestCompleteIndicationCallback()  Complete an asynchronous callback, supplying a obex response code.
  • CObexServer::RequestCompleteIndicationCallback()  Complete an asynchronous callback, supplying a obex response code.
  • CObexServer::RequestIndicationCallback() - Complete an asynchronous callback, supplying a CObexBaseObject derived object.
  • CObexServer::RequestIndicationCallbackWithError()  Complete an asynchronous callback, supplying a obex response code.
  • CObexServer::RequestIndicationCallbackWithError()  Complete an asynchronous callback, supplying a obex response code.
  • CObexServer::ResetChallenge() - Resets the password.
  • CObexServer::SetChallengeL() - Sets a password required to access the server.
  • CObexServer::SetPutFinalResponseHeaders() - Specify the set of headers to return to remote Obex client in final Put response packet.
  • CObexServer::SetTargetChecking() - Specifies target header checking behaviour.
  • CObexServer::Start()  Starts the server, specifying a synchronous notification interface.
  • CObexServer::Start()  Starts the server, specifying an asynchronous notification interface.
  • CObexServer::Stop() - Disconnects any transfer in progress and disables further connections.
  • CObexServer::TransportInfo() - Returns a pointer to the TObexTransportInfo being used by the OBEX transport layer.
  • CObexServer::UserPasswordL() - A call back from the the service with the password required for use with generating the challenge response.
  • CObexServer::~CObexServer() - Destructor.

  • CObject - Implements reference counting to track concurrent references to itself.
  • CObject::AccessCount() - Gets the number of open references to this reference counting object.
  • CObject::Close() - Closes this reference counting object.
  • CObject::CObject() - Constructs the object and initializes the reference count to one.
  • CObject::Dec() - Subtracts one from the reference count.
  • CObject::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CObject::FullName() - Gets the full name of this reference counting object.
  • CObject::Inc() - Adds one to the reference count.
  • CObject::Name() - Gets the name of this reference counting object.
  • CObject::Open() - Opens this reference counting object.
  • CObject::Owner() - Gets a pointer to the reference counting object which owns this reference counting object.
  • CObject::SetName() - Sets or clears this reference counting object's name.
  • CObject::SetNameL() - Sets or clears this reference counting object's name, and leaves on error.
  • CObject::SetOwner() - Sets the owner of this reference counting object.
  • CObject::UniqueID() - Gets this reference counting object's unique ID.
  • CObject::~CObject() - Destructor.

  • CObjectCon - An object container.
  • CObjectCon::AddL() - Adds a reference counting object to this object container.
  • CObjectCon::At() - Gets a pointer to the reference counting object with the specified find-handle number.
  • CObjectCon::AtL() - Gets a pointer to the reference counting object with the specified find-handle number, and leaves on error...
  • CObjectCon::CheckUniqueFullName()  Checks that a name will be unique.
  • CObjectCon::CheckUniqueFullName()  Checks that the specified reference counting object does not already exist in this object container.
  • CObjectCon::CObjectCon() - Constructor taking a unique Id.
  • CObjectCon::Count() - Gets the number of reference counting objects in this object container.
  • CObjectCon::FindByFullName() - Searches for the reference counting object whose full name matches the specified match pattern.
  • CObjectCon::FindByName() - Searches for the reference counting object whose name matches the specified match pattern.
  • CObjectCon::NewL() - Creates an object container.
  • CObjectCon::operator[]() - Gets a pointer to the reference counting object located at the specified offset within the object container.
  • CObjectCon::Remove() - Removes a reference counting object from this object container.
  • CObjectCon::UniqueID() - Gets this object container's unique ID.
  • CObjectCon::~CObjectCon() - Destructor.

  • CObjectConIx - A container for object containers.
  • CObjectConIx::CObjectConIx() - Default constructor.
  • CObjectConIx::CreateL() - Creates a new object container and adds it into this container index's collection.
  • CObjectConIx::Lookup() - Gets a pointer to the object container with the unique ID from the specified find handle.
  • CObjectConIx::NewL() - Creates a new container index.
  • CObjectConIx::Remove() - Removes the specified object container from this container index and deletes it.
  • CObjectConIx::~CObjectConIx() - Destructor.

  • CObjectIx - Generates handle numbers for reference counting objects.
  • CObjectIx::ActiveCount() - Gets the current number of reference counting objects held by this object index.
  • CObjectIx::AddL() - Adds the specified reference counting object into this object index and returns the handle number that represents it.
  • CObjectIx::At()  Gets a pointer to the reference counting object with the specified handle number and matching unique ID.
  • CObjectIx::At()  Gets a pointer to the reference counting object with the specified handle number.
  • CObjectIx::At()  Constructs and returns the handle number representing the specified reference counting object within this object index.
  • CObjectIx::AtL()  Gets a pointer to the reference counting object with the specified handle number and matching unique ID.
  • CObjectIx::AtL()  Gets a pointer to the reference counting object with the specified handle number.
  • CObjectIx::CObjectIx() - Default constructor.
  • CObjectIx::Count()  Gets the number of occurrences of the specified reference counting object within this object index.
  • CObjectIx::Count()  Gets the number greater then the last slot number used to hold valid CObject pointer.
  • CObjectIx::NewL() - Creates a new object index.
  • CObjectIx::operator[]() - Gets a pointer to a reference counting object located at the specified offset within the object index.
  • CObjectIx::Remove() - Removes the reference counting object identified by handle number from this object index and closes it.
  • CObjectIx::~CObjectIx() - Destructor.

  • CObserverRegistry - Base class for client, UI and UI data MTM registries.
  • CObserverRegistry::CObserverRegistry() - Constructor.
  • CObserverRegistry::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CObserverRegistry::HandleSessionEventL() - Implements the session observer interface to update the registry information when MTM groups are installed or uninstalled.
  • CObserverRegistry::~CObserverRegistry() - Destructor.

  • COpenFont - Open Font System font abstract base class.
  • COpenFont::CharacterNeedsToBeRasterized() - Tests whether or not a character needs to be rasterized.
  • COpenFont::COpenFont()  C++ constructor taking shared heap, session cache list and font file as parameters.
  • COpenFont::COpenFont()  C++ constructor taking shared heap, session cache list, font file and face index as parameters.
  • COpenFont::ExtendedInterface().
  • COpenFont::FaceAttrib() - Gets the typeface attributes.
  • COpenFont::FaceIndex() - Gets the index of this typeface within the font file.
  • COpenFont::File() - Gets a pointer to the COpenFontFile which created this object.
  • COpenFont::FontCapitalAscent() - Gets the ascent of an ANSI capital letter in the font whether or not there are any ANSI capitals in the font.
  • COpenFont::FontLineGap() - Gets the suggested line gap for the font.
  • COpenFont::FontMaxAscent() - Gets the max ascent of any pre-composed glyph in the font.
  • COpenFont::FontMaxDescent() - Gets the max descent of any pre-composed glyph in the font.
  • COpenFont::FontMaxHeight() - Gets the maximum height for the font.
  • COpenFont::FontStandardDescent() - Gets the descent of an ANSI descending character in the font.
  • COpenFont::Metrics() - Gets the character metrics for this font.
  • COpenFont::operator delete().
  • COpenFont::RasterizeL() - Creates a bitmap for the specified Unicode character.
  • COpenFont::~COpenFont() - Destructor.

  • COpenFontFile - Font file abstract base class.
  • COpenFontFile::AddFaceL() - Adds a typeface to this object's typeface array.
  • COpenFontFile::COpenFontFile() - C++ constructor with UID and filename.
  • COpenFontFile::DecRefCount() - Decrement a reference count by one.
  • COpenFontFile::FaceAttrib() - Gets the typeface at a specified index in the typeface attribute array.
  • COpenFontFile::FaceCount() - Gets the number of typefaces in the typeface attributes array.
  • COpenFontFile::FileName() - Gets the full path and filename of the font file.
  • COpenFontFile::GetNearestFontHelper() - Gets the nearest font helper function.
  • COpenFontFile::HasUnicodeCharacterL() - Tests whether a specified typeface contains a particular character.
  • COpenFontFile::IncRefCount() - Increments a reference count by one.
  • COpenFontFile::Uid() - Gets the font file's UID.
  • COpenFontFile::~COpenFontFile() - Destructor.

  • COpenFontRasterizer - The Open Font rasterizer plug-in Interface Definition class.
  • COpenFontRasterizer::NewFontFileL() - Creates a COpenFontFile derived object for loading font files in the new format.
  • COpenFontRasterizer::NewL() - Uses ECOM plug-in framework to instantiate the Open Font rasterizer interface implementation given its implementation UID.
  • COpenFontRasterizer::~COpenFontRasterizer() - Default destructor.

  • COpenFontRasterizerContext - Convenience class from which rasterizer contexts may be derived.
  • COpenFontRasterizerContext::COpenFontRasterizerContext() - Default C++ constructor.
  • COpenFontRasterizerContext::EndGlyph() - Completes writing glyph data.
  • COpenFontRasterizerContext::StartGlyph() - Start writing the glyph data.
  • COpenFontRasterizerContext::WriteGlyphBit() - Writes a bit to the glyph buffer.
  • COpenFontRasterizerContext::WriteGlyphByte() - Writes a byte to the glyph buffer.

  • CPKCS10Attributes - Class for encoding a collection of certificate attributes and passing them to the CPKCS10Request class.
  • CPKCS10Attributes::AddAttributeL() - Adds a new attribute for the certificate request.
  • CPKCS10Attributes::NewL() - Creates an instance of the class.
  • CPKCS10Attributes::NewLC() - Creates an instance of the class.
  • CPKCS10Attributes::~CPKCS10Attributes().

  • CPKCS1SignatureResult - The signature result in PKCS#1 format.
  • CPKCS1SignatureResult::NewL() - Creates a new algorithm ID object copied from an existing object.
  • CPKCS1SignatureResult::NewLC() - Creates a new algorithm ID object copied from an existing object, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPKCS1SignatureResult::VerifyL() - Tests whether the signature result is valid.

  • CPKIXCertChain - This class implements a PKIX certificate chain.
  • CPKIXCertChain::AddCertL() - Adds a certificate (if it is not self-signed) to the chain.
  • CPKIXCertChain::CancelValidate() - Cancels an asynchronous ValidateL() operation.
  • CPKIXCertChain::ChainHasRoot() - Tests whether the root certificate of the chain is locatable.
  • CPKIXCertChain::NewL()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts.
  • CPKIXCertChain::NewL()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts.
  • CPKIXCertChain::NewLC()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPKIXCertChain::NewLC()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL()  Validates the chain.
  • CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL()  Validates the chain.
  • CPKIXCertChain::~CPKIXCertChain() - Destructor.

  • CPKIXValidationResult - Stores the information regarding the results of a validation of a PKIX certificate chain.
  • CPKIXValidationResult::Error() - Gets the error status of the operation.
  • CPKIXValidationResult::NewL() - Creates a new PKIX Validation Result object.
  • CPKIXValidationResult::NewLC() - Creates a new PKIX Validation Result object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPKIXValidationResult::Policies() - Gets a list of all the certificate policies which have been accepted implicitly in the course of validation.
  • CPKIXValidationResult::Warnings() - Gets a list of warnings generated.
  • CPKIXValidationResult::~CPKIXValidationResult() - The destructor.

  • CPageBuffer.
  • CPageBuffer::AddBytesL().
  • CPageBuffer::CloseWriteStream().
  • CPageBuffer::CreateWriteStreamL().
  • CPageBuffer::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CPageBuffer::NewL().
  • CPageBuffer::NewL().
  • CPageBuffer::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CPageBuffer::StartFlush().
  • CPageBuffer::~CPageBuffer().

  • CPageCache - Provides a cache for page pools.
  • CPageCache::ConstructL() - Second phase construction.
  • CPageCache::CPageCache() - Default constructor.
  • CPageCache::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new page cache.
  • CPageCache::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new page cache, and leaves it on the cleanup stack.
  • CPageCache::~CPageCache() - Destructor.

  • CPageFieldBase - Stores a style for displaying the value of numeric fields.
  • CPageFieldBase::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the numeric style value to a write stream.
  • CPageFieldBase::InternalizeL() - Internalises the numeric style value from a read stream.
  • CPageFieldBase::NumberStyle() - Gets the numeric style.
  • CPageFieldBase::SetNumberStyle() - Sets the numeric style.

  • CPageNumField - A field which evaluates to the current page number in the document.
  • CPageNumField::SetPageNumInfo() - Sets the object which implements UpdateFieldPageNum(), to get the current page number.
  • CPageNumField::Type() - Gets the field's type UID.
  • CPageNumField::Value() - Gets the current page number, by calling UpdateFieldPageNum() (implemented by the object passed to the field using SetPageNumInfo()).

  • CPalette - Provides user-definable palette support to the GDI.
  • CPalette::Clear() - Clears all the entries in the palette to TRgb(0).
  • CPalette::CPalette().
  • CPalette::Entries() - Gets the number of entries in the palette.
  • CPalette::GetDataPtr() - Returns a descriptor over the palette entries for the specifed colors.
  • CPalette::GetEntry() - Gets the RGB value of the palette entry at aPaletteIndex.
  • CPalette::NearestEntry() - Gets the colour in the palette which is closest to the specified colour.
  • CPalette::NearestIndex() - Gets the index of the colour in the palette which is closest to the specified colour.
  • CPalette::NewDefaultL() - Creates a new default palette for the specified display mode.
  • CPalette::NewL() - Creates a new palette with the specified number of entries.
  • CPalette::SetEntry() - Sets the palette entry at aPaletteIndex to the RGB value aPaletteEntry.
  • CPalette::~CPalette() - Destructor.

  • CParaFormat - A transient container of paragraph format attributes, including tab stops, bullet points and paragraph borders.
  • CParaFormat::AllBordersEqual() - Tests whether all paragraph borders in the specified paragraph format container are identical to the paragraph borders of this paragraph format container.
  • CParaFormat::BordersPresent() - Tests whether any paragraph borders have been set.
  • CParaFormat::CopyL()  Copies selected attribute values from another paragraph format container.
  • CParaFormat::CopyL()  Copies all attribute values from another paragraph format container.
  • CParaFormat::CParaFormat() - The default C++ constructor constructs a new CParaFormat initialising all attributes to the default settings.
  • CParaFormat::IsBorderEqual() - Tests whether the paragraph border located on the specified side is the same as the border on the corresponding side in this object.
  • CParaFormat::IsEqual()  Compares selected attribute values for equality.
  • CParaFormat::IsEqual()  Compares all attribute values for equality.
  • CParaFormat::LocateTab() - Locates the tab stop specified by its twips position, and returns its offset in the tab list.
  • CParaFormat::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CParaFormat object.
  • CParaFormat::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CParaFormat.
  • CParaFormat::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a CParaFormat object.
  • CParaFormat::ParaBorder() - Gets the paragraph border on the side specified.
  • CParaFormat::ParaBorderPtr() - Gets a pointer to the paragraph border on the side specified.
  • CParaFormat::RemoveAllBorders() - Deletes all paragraph borders.
  • CParaFormat::RemoveAllTabs() - Removes all tab stops from the object.
  • CParaFormat::RemoveTab() - Deletes a tab stop identified by its twips position.
  • CParaFormat::Reset() - Resets all paragraph format attributes to their default values.
  • CParaFormat::ResetNonDestructive() - Resets all paragraph format attributes to their default values, but any allocated tab stops, bullet points and paragraph borders are preserved.
  • CParaFormat::SetParaBorderL() - Sets one side of the object's paragraph border.
  • CParaFormat::StoreTabL() - Adds a tab stop to the list of tab stops, maintaining the ordering of the list, (ascending order of twips position).
  • CParaFormat::Strip() - Deletes all paragraph borders, bullets and tab stops.
  • CParaFormat::TabCount() - Gets a count of the total number of tab stops in the object's tab list.
  • CParaFormat::TabStop() - Gets the tab stop located at the specified index within the tab list (counting from zero).
  • CParaFormat::~CParaFormat() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the paragraph format container (tabs, borders and bullets), prior to its destruction.

  • CParaFormatLayer - A paragraph format layer.
  • CParaFormatLayer::CloneL() - Constructs and returns a new CParaFormatLayer with identical formatting to the current layer.
  • CParaFormatLayer::DoCloneL().
  • CParaFormatLayer::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the paragraph format layer but not its based-on link to a write stream.
  • CParaFormatLayer::InternalizeL() - Internalises the paragraph format layer but not its based-on link from a read stream.
  • CParaFormatLayer::IsIdentical() - Compares another paragraph format layer with the current layer.
  • CParaFormatLayer::IsIdenticalL() - Compares a format attribute container with the current layer.
  • CParaFormatLayer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an empty CParaFormatLayer.
  • CParaFormatLayer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CParaFormatLayer.
  • CParaFormatLayer::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CParaFormatLayer, restoring its format attributes from a stream.
  • CParaFormatLayer::Ptr() - Gets a pointer to the start of the buffer containing the layer's format attribute values.
  • CParaFormatLayer::RestoreNewL() - Return a new CParaFormatLayer, having restored it from aStream.
  • CParaFormatLayer::SenseEffectiveL() - Senses the layer's effective format, searching all based-on links.
  • CParaFormatLayer::SenseL() - Senses the formatting which has been applied to the current layer only.
  • CParaFormatLayer::SetL() - Sets the layer's format attributes.
  • CParaFormatLayer::Type() - Returns the paragraph format layer UID.

  • CParagraphStyle - Defines a paragraph style.
  • CParagraphStyle::CharFormatLayer() - Gets a pointer to the character format layer owned by the object.
  • CParagraphStyle::CloneL() - Creates and returns a CParagraphStyle object which is a clone of the current style.
  • CParagraphStyle::DoCloneL().
  • CParagraphStyle::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the paragraph format layer but not its based-on link to a write stream.
  • CParagraphStyle::InternalizeL().
  • CParagraphStyle::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CParagraphStyle object whose formatting is based on a global paragraph and character format layer.
  • CParagraphStyle::OutlineLevel() - Gets the style's outline level.
  • CParagraphStyle::SetOutlineLevel() - Sets the style's outline level.
  • CParagraphStyle::SetType() - Sets the style's type UID.
  • CParagraphStyle::Type() - Gets the style's type UID.
  • CParagraphStyle::~CParagraphStyle() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CParsedField - Represents a single token-value pair for a given field in a BIO/smart message grammar.
  • CParsedField::CParsedField() - Constructor.
  • CParsedField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • CParsedField::FieldName() - Gets the field name.
  • CParsedField::FieldValue() - Gets the field value.
  • CParsedField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • CParsedField::MandatoryField() - Tests if this is a mandatory field.
  • CParsedField::SetFieldNameL() - Sets the field name.
  • CParsedField::SetFieldValueL() - Sets the field value.
  • CParsedField::SetMandatoryField() - Sets/unsets this as a mandatory field.
  • CParsedField::~CParsedField() - Destructor.

  • CParserGroupedProperty - A grouped property.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::CParserGroupedProperty() - Allocates and partially constructs a new grouped property using the array of grouped property names and array of property parameters specified.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the property into aStream.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::Group() - Tests whether the property is a member of the specified property group.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::Groups() - Gets the groups to which the property belongs.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new grouped property from the value, name, property parameters and groups specified.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::Reserved().
  • CParserGroupedProperty::SetGroups() - Sets the list of groups to which the property belongs, replacing any existing list.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::SupportsInterface() - Tests whether the property supports the given interface.
  • CParserGroupedProperty::~CParserGroupedProperty() - Frees all resources owned by the property, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserParam - A Versit property parameter.
  • CParserParam::ExternalizeL()  Externalises a property parameter to the stream, in the form NAME=VALUE (or just NAME, depending on whether there is a value).
  • CParserParam::ExternalizeL()  Externalises vCard3.0 property parameter to the stream, in the form NAME=VALUE or just VALUE, if it is a nameless parameter.
  • CParserParam::Name() - Gets the property parameter name.
  • CParserParam::NewL().
  • CParserParam::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new property parameter with the name and value specified.
  • CParserParam::SetValueL()  Sets the property parameter value.
  • CParserParam::SetValueL()  Sets the property parameter value.
  • CParserParam::Value() - Gets the property parameter value.
  • CParserParam::ValueL() - Gets the property parameter value as a Unicode heap descriptor.
  • CParserParam::~CParserParam() - Frees all resources owned by the property parameter, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserProperty - A vCard or vCalendar property.
  • CParserProperty::AddParamL() - Adds a property parameter to the property.
  • CParserProperty::ConstructSelfL().
  • CParserProperty::CParserProperty()  C++ constructor which sets the array of property parameters only.
  • CParserProperty::CParserProperty().
  • CParserProperty::DeleteParam() - Deletes the specified property parameter from the property's array of parameters, if it exists in the array.
  • CParserProperty::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a property.
  • CParserProperty::LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL() - If the property value is a URI, this function loads the file represented by the URI and sets the binary data it contains to be the property value, instead of the URI.
  • CParserProperty::Name() - Gets the property name.
  • CParserProperty::NameUid() - Gets the property name UID.
  • CParserProperty::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new vCalendar or vCard property with the property value, property name and array of property parameters specified.
  • CParserProperty::Param() - Gets a pointer to the property parameter with the specified name.
  • CParserProperty::ParamArray() - Returns a pointer to the array of property parameters.
  • CParserProperty::Reserved().
  • CParserProperty::SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL() - If the property value is binary and is larger than the specified threshold, this function saves the binary data to a file and sets the property value to be a URI representing the file rather than the binary data iself.
  • CParserProperty::SetNameL() - Sets the property name.
  • CParserProperty::SetNameUid() - Sets a property name UID.
  • CParserProperty::SetParamArray() - Sets the array of property parameters.
  • CParserProperty::SetValue() - Sets the property value.
  • CParserProperty::SupportsInterface() - Tests whether the property value supports the specified interface.
  • CParserProperty::Uid() - Gets the UID of the property value.
  • CParserProperty::Value() - Gets a pointer to the property value.
  • CParserProperty::~CParserProperty() - Frees all resources owned by the property, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValue - Abstract base class for all property values.
  • CParserPropertyValue::Append().
  • CParserPropertyValue::CParserPropertyValue().
  • CParserPropertyValue::EncodeL() - Encodes the text property value referred to in aSource, if encoding is required.
  • CParserPropertyValue::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the property value to a write stream.
  • CParserPropertyValue::FoldAndWriteValueToStreamL().
  • CParserPropertyValue::FoldEncodeAndWriteValueToStreamL().
  • CParserPropertyValue::FoldEncodeAndWriteValueToStreamL().
  • CParserPropertyValue::IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient() - Tests whether the Ascii character set is sufficient to represent a property value.
  • CParserPropertyValue::PlugIn() - Gets a pointer to the Versit plug-in.
  • CParserPropertyValue::SetPlugIn() - Assigns a Versit plug-in to the property value.
  • CParserPropertyValue::SupportsInterface() - Tests whether the property value supports the specified interface.
  • CParserPropertyValue::Uid() - Returns the property value's UID.

  • CParserPropertyValueAgent - An agent property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueAgent::CParserPropertyValueAgent() - Constructs an agent property value, using a pointer to an agent.
  • CParserPropertyValueAgent::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the agent property value to aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueAgent::Value() - Gets the agent object owned by the property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueAgent::~CParserPropertyValueAgent() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm - An alarm property value parser for a vCalendar entity.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - Converts the alarm time into universal time.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts the alarm time to machine-local time.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::CParserPropertyValueAlarm()  Constructs a new alarm property value with a pointer to a CVersitAlarm.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::CParserPropertyValueAlarm().
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the alarm property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient() - Tests whether the property value can be represented using the ASCII character set.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::Value() - Gets a pointer to the alarm property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueAlarm::~CParserPropertyValueAlarm() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueBinary - A binary property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::CParserPropertyValueBinary()  Constructs a binary property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::CParserPropertyValueBinary()  Constructs a binary property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the binary property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new binary property value with the value specified.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new binary property value with the value specified.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::Value() - Returns the binary property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueBinary::~CParserPropertyValueBinary() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray - A property value parser which stores an array of descriptors.
  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray() - Constructs a new descriptor array property value with the array pointed to by aValue.
  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the descriptor array property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient() - Tests whether the property value can be represented using the ASCII character set.
  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::IsPresent() - Tests whether a specified value is present in the array of descriptors owned by the property value object.
  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::Value() - Gets the property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::~CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray() - Frees all resources owned by the property value array, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueDate - A date property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueDate::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - This function is inherited from the base class CParserTimePropertyValue.
  • CParserPropertyValueDate::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - This function is inherited from the base class CParserTimePropertyValue.
  • CParserPropertyValueDate::CParserPropertyValueDate() - Constructs a date property value parser with a TVersitDateTime value.
  • CParserPropertyValueDate::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueDate::Value() - Gets a pointer to the date property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueDate::~CParserPropertyValueDate() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime - A date/time property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - Converts the object's date/time value into universal time.
  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts the date/time property value into machine-local time.
  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime::CParserPropertyValueDateTime() - Constructs a CParserPropertyValueDateTime with a TVersitDateTime value.
  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the date/time property value to aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime::Value() - Gets a pointer to the date/time property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueDateTime::~CParserPropertyValueDateTime() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight - A property value parser which contains the daylight savings rule for a vCalendar.
  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - This function does nothing, as daylight saving times should always be specified as local times.
  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts the start and end times for the daylight saving period to machine-local.
  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight::CParserPropertyValueDaylight() - Constructs a new CParserPropertyValueDaylight.
  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the daylight saving property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight::Value() - Gets the daylight saving property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueDaylight::~CParserPropertyValueDaylight() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm - An extended alarm property value parser for a vCalendar entity.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - Converts the extended alarm time into universal time.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts the extended alarm time to machine-local time.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm() - Constructs a new extended alarm property value with a pointer to a CVersitExtendedAlarm.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the extended alarm property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient() - Tests whether the property value can be represented using the ASCII character set.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::Value() - Gets a pointer to the extended alarm property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm::~CParserPropertyValueExtendedAlarm() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC - A heap descriptor property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::CParserPropertyValueHBufC().
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the descriptor property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient() - Tests whether the property value can be represented using the ASCII character set.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new heap descriptor property value with a descriptor.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::TakeValueOwnership() - Take ownership of the heap descriptor property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::TreatAsArrayPropertyLC() - Treats this HBufC-based property value as a possible array-based property.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::Value() - Retrieves the property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueHBufC::~CParserPropertyValueHBufC() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueInt - An integer property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueInt::CParserPropertyValueInt() - Constructs the property value with a signed integer.
  • CParserPropertyValueInt::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the integer property value to aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueInt::Value() - Gets the signed integer property value.

  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime - A property value parser which stores a list of date/time values using an array of TVersitDateTime objects.
  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - Converts each of the date/time values owned by the object into universal time.
  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts the date/time property values into machine-local time.
  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime() - Constructs a multi-date/time property value parser with an array of TVersitDateTimes.
  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the array of date/time property values into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::Value() - Gets a pointer to the object's list of date/time property values.
  • CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::~CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence - A recurrence property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - Converts the end time of the recurrence value into universal time.
  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts the end time of the recurrence value into machine-local time.
  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence::CParserPropertyValueRecurrence() - Constructs a recurrence property value.
  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the recurrence property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence::Value() - Gets the recurrence value.
  • CParserPropertyValueRecurrence::~CParserPropertyValueRecurrence() - Frees all resources owned by the property value, prior to its destruction.

  • CParserPropertyValueTimeZone - A time zone property value parser.
  • CParserPropertyValueTimeZone::CParserPropertyValueTimeZone() - Constructs a new time zone property value parser with a time interval in seconds, which represents the universal time offset of the time zone.
  • CParserPropertyValueTimeZone::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the time zone property value into aStream.
  • CParserPropertyValueTimeZone::Value() - Gets the time zone property value.

  • CParserTimePropertyValue - Abstract base class for all of the date/time property value classes.
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL() - This is implemented, where applicable, to convert date/time values into universal time.
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Pure virtual function which is implemented, where applicable, to convert the date/time property value into machine-local time.
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::ConvertDateTime().
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::CParserTimePropertyValue().
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::EncodeTimePeriodL().
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::EncodeVersitDateTimeL().
  • CParserTimePropertyValue::SupportsInterface() - Tests whether the property value supports the specified interface.

  • CParserVCal - A vCalendar parser.
  • CParserVCal::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a vCalendar entity (and all sub-entities) to a write stream.
  • CParserVCal::InternalizeL() - Internalises a vCalendar entity from a read stream.
  • CParserVCal::MakeEntityL().
  • CParserVCal::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a vCalendar parser.
  • CParserVCal::RecognizeEntityName() - Tests the current value to see if it a vEvent or vTodo entity.
  • CParserVCal::RecognizeToken() - Returns a UID that identifies a specified token's type.
  • CParserVCal::Reserved1().
  • CParserVCal::Reserved2().

  • CParserVCalEntity - A parser for vCalendar sub-entities.
  • CParserVCalEntity::DecodeDisposition() - Used to find the type of the content disposition: inline, URL, or unknown.
  • CParserVCalEntity::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a vTodo or vEvent to a write stream.
  • CParserVCalEntity::MakePropertyValueAlarmL().
  • CParserVCalEntity::MakePropertyValueExtendedAlarmL()  Create a new extended alarm from a stream.
  • CParserVCalEntity::MakePropertyValueExtendedAlarmL()  Create a new extended alarm from a buffer.
  • CParserVCalEntity::MakePropertyValueL().
  • CParserVCalEntity::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a vCalendar sub-entity parser.
  • CParserVCalEntity::RecognizeToken() - Returns a UID for the specified token.
  • CParserVCalEntity::Reserved1().
  • CParserVCalEntity::Reserved2().
  • CParserVCalEntity::~CParserVCalEntity() - The destructor is empty.

  • CParserVCard - A vCard parser.
  • CParserVCard::ConvertAllPropertyDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts all date/time property values contained in the vCard entity into machine local values (including all date/time values contained in agent properties).
  • CParserVCard::ConvertDateTimesToMachineLocalAndDeleteTZL() - Converts all date/time property values contained in the vCard entity into machine local values (including all date/time values contained in agent properties).
  • CParserVCard::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a vCard entity (and all sub-entities) to a write stream.
  • CParserVCard::GetGroupNamesL().
  • CParserVCard::GroupOfPropertiesL() - Gets an array of all properties in the named property group from the vCard entity.
  • CParserVCard::InternalizeL() - Internalises a vCard entity from a read stream.
  • CParserVCard::MakePropertyValueAgentL().
  • CParserVCard::MakePropertyValueL() - Creates a property value, by parsing the specified descriptor.
  • CParserVCard::MakePropertyValueSoundL() - Creates a property value object from a SOUND property value.
  • CParserVCard::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a vCard parser.
  • CParserVCard::ParsePropertyL().
  • CParserVCard::RecognizeToken() - Returns a UID that identifies a specified token's type.
  • CParserVCard::Reserved1().
  • CParserVCard::Reserved2().

  • CPdrControl.
  • CPdrControl::AbortPrint() - Tidy up synchronously in a short time.
  • CPdrControl::BandedDevice().
  • CPdrControl::BandsPerPage() - Gets the number of bands per page.
  • CPdrControl::CommandL().
  • CPdrControl::CompressBuffer().
  • CPdrControl::ConstructL().
  • CPdrControl::CPdrControl().
  • CPdrControl::CreateContext().
  • CPdrControl::DoQueueEndPrintL().
  • CPdrControl::DoQueueGetBandL().
  • CPdrControl::DrawTextL().
  • CPdrControl::IsGraphicsBand().
  • CPdrControl::MoveByL().
  • CPdrControl::MoveToL().
  • CPdrControl::OutputBandL().
  • CPdrControl::OutputTextL().
  • CPdrControl::QueueEndPrint() - Terminates the print process.
  • CPdrControl::QueueGetBand().
  • CPdrControl::SetFontPostureL().
  • CPdrControl::SetFontStrokeWeightL().
  • CPdrControl::SetPageOrientationL().
  • CPdrControl::SetPageSizeL().
  • CPdrControl::SetTextColorL().
  • CPdrControl::TransformBuffer().
  • CPdrControl::~CPdrControl().

  • CPdrDevice.
  • CPdrDevice::CPdrDevice().
  • CPdrDevice::DisplayMode() - Gets the display mode of the device.
  • CPdrDevice::Flags().
  • CPdrDevice::FontHeightInTwips() - Get the height of a font in twips.
  • CPdrDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Creates a font from those available in the printer device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CPdrDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Creates a font from those available in the printer device's typeface store that most closely matches a font specification.
  • CPdrDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - This call is defined because it had to be - it appeared as an abstract virtual in the base class.
  • CPdrDevice::GetPalette() - Gets the device's current palette.
  • CPdrDevice::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension from pixels to twips.
  • CPdrDevice::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension from twips to pixels.
  • CPdrDevice::KPixelSizeInTwips().
  • CPdrDevice::Model() - Gets the printer model entry.
  • CPdrDevice::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the graphics device.
  • CPdrDevice::OffsetInPixels().
  • CPdrDevice::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the palette attributes of the device.
  • CPdrDevice::PrintablePageInPixels().
  • CPdrDevice::ReleaseFont() - Releases the specified font.
  • CPdrDevice::SelectPageSpecInTwips() - Sets the page specification in twips.
  • CPdrDevice::SetModel() - Sets the printer model header and the store.
  • CPdrDevice::SetPalette() - Sets the device's palette.
  • CPdrDevice::SizeInPixels() - Gets the size of the device area in pixels.
  • CPdrDevice::SizeInTwips() - Gets the size of the device area in twips.
  • CPdrDevice::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a specified typeface.
  • CPdrDevice::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension from pixels to twips.
  • CPdrDevice::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension from twips to pixels.
  • CPdrDevice::~CPdrDevice().

  • CPdrModelList - Implements a printer model list interface for a collection of PDR files.
  • CPdrModelList::AddDirectoryL() - Adds a directory to the list of directories to be scanned for printer models.
  • CPdrModelList::CreatePrinterDriverL() - Creates an object for accessing the specified store that contains printer specification data.
  • CPdrModelList::ModelCount() - Gets the number of printer models in the printer model list.
  • CPdrModelList::NewL() - Constructs, and returns a pointer to a new instance of the printer model list interface.
  • CPdrModelList::operator[]() - Gets printer model name.
  • CPdrModelList::ScanForModelsL() - Scans through through the list of directories for all .pdr files and generates a list of printer models.
  • CPdrModelList::UidToNum() - Gets a printer model's index within the model list from its UID.
  • CPdrModelList::~CPdrModelList() - Virtual destructor.

  • CPeriodic - Periodic timer active object.
  • CPeriodic::CPeriodic() - Protected constructor with priority.
  • CPeriodic::New() - Allocates and constructs a CPeriodic object - non-leaving.
  • CPeriodic::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CPeriodic object - leaving.
  • CPeriodic::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CPeriodic::Start() - Starts generating periodic events.
  • CPeriodic::~CPeriodic() - Destructor.

  • CPermanentFileStore - Permanent file store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::CPermanentFileStore().
  • CPermanentFileStore::CPermanentFileStore().
  • CPermanentFileStore::CreateL() - Creates a new file and constructs a new permanent file store object to be associated with this file.
  • CPermanentFileStore::CreateLC() - Creates a new file and constructs a new permanent file store object to be associated with this file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoCommitL() - Commits any changes to the store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoCompactL() - Initialises an object for compacting space in the store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoCreateL() - Creates a new stream in the store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoDeleteL().
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoExtendL() - Generates a new stream within this store, and returns its id.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoReadL() - Opens the requested stream for reading.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoReclaimL() - Initialises an object for reclaiming space in the store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoReplaceL().
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoRevertL() - Discards any pending changes to the store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoSetRootL() - Implements the setting of theroot stream.
  • CPermanentFileStore::DoWriteL().
  • CPermanentFileStore::ExternalizeL().
  • CPermanentFileStore::FromL() - Constructs a permanent file store object from an already opened file.
  • CPermanentFileStore::FromLC() - Constructs a permanent file store object from an already opened file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPermanentFileStore::InternalizeL().
  • CPermanentFileStore::Layout() - Gets the UID that uniquely identifies this file store as a permanent file store.
  • CPermanentFileStore::MarshalL().
  • CPermanentFileStore::NewL() - Constructs a new permanent file store object in an already opened file.
  • CPermanentFileStore::NewLC() - Constructs a new permanent file store object in an already opened file and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPermanentFileStore::OpenL() - Opens a file containing a permanent file store, and constructs a permanent file store object.
  • CPermanentFileStore::OpenLC() - Opens a file containing a permanent file store, constructs a permanent file store object, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPermanentFileStore::ReplaceL() - Creates a file, constructs a permanent file store object to be associated with it.
  • CPermanentFileStore::ReplaceLC() - Creates a file, constructs a permanent file store object to be associated with it, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPermanentFileStore::TempL() - Creates a temporary file and constructs a permanent file store object to be associated with it.
  • CPermanentFileStore::TempLC() - Creates a temporary file, constructs a permanent file store object to be associated with it, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CPermanentFileStore::~CPermanentFileStore() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CPersistentStore - Persistent store abstract base class.
  • CPersistentStore::CPersistentStore().
  • CPersistentStore::DoSetRootL() - Implements the setting of theroot stream.
  • CPersistentStore::Root() - Returns the stream id of the root stream.
  • CPersistentStore::SetRootL() - Sets the specified stream as the root stream.

  • CPicture - Abstract base class for: drawing a picture to a graphics context, storing and restoring the picture.
  • CPicture::AddCropInPixels() - Adds pixel cropping margins to the picture.
  • CPicture::Capability() - Gets the picture's capabilities.
  • CPicture::CPicture().
  • CPicture::DetachFromStoreL().
  • CPicture::Draw() - Draws a picture.
  • CPicture::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the picture to a stream.
  • CPicture::GetCropInTwips() - Gets the cropping margins of a picture in twips.
  • CPicture::GetOriginalSizeInTwips() - Gets the pictur's original size, in twips.
  • CPicture::GetSizeInPixels() - Gets the picture's size in pixels.
  • CPicture::GetSizeInTwips() - Gets the picture's size, in twips.
  • CPicture::LineBreakPossible() - States whether a line break is possible, either before or after a picture.
  • CPicture::NativePixelSize() - Derived classes might be implemented as bitmaps, in that case it might be interesting to now the native pixel size of the bitmap.
  • CPicture::ResetToOriginal() - Resets the picture's scaling and cropping attributes to their original values.
  • CPicture::ScaleFactorHeight() - Gets the pictures height scale factor.
  • CPicture::ScaleFactorWidth() - Gets the picture's width scale factor.
  • CPicture::SetCropInTwips() - Sets the cropping margins of a picture in twips.
  • CPicture::SetScaleFactor() - Sets the picture's scale factors.
  • CPicture::SetSizeInPixels() - Sets the picture's size in pixels.
  • CPicture::SetSizeInTwips() - Sets the picture's size, in twips.
  • CPicture::StoreL() - Stores the picture to the specified store.
  • CPicture::~CPicture() - Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

  • CPlainText - Stores and manipulates plain text.
  • CPlainText::CharPosOfParagraph() - Finds the length and the start position of a paragraph identified by its paragraph number the first paragraph is numbered zero.
  • CPlainText::ComponentInfo() - Gets information about the number of components contained in the text object.
  • CPlainText::ConstructL()  Allocates storage of CBufFlat or CBufSeg, according to the parameter aStorage.
  • CPlainText::ConstructL()  Allocates storage of CBufFlat or CBufSeg, according to the parameter aStorage, restoring contents from the specified read-stream aStream.
  • CPlainText::ConsumeAdornmentL().
  • CPlainText::ConvertAllFieldsToText() - Removes all fields from the text object's field set, leaving their current text value in the text object.
  • CPlainText::ConvertFieldToText() - Converts the field containing the specified document position into text, leaving its current value in the text object.
  • CPlainText::CopyToStoreL() - Copies plain text including fields, if present, to the clipboard.
  • CPlainText::CPlainText().
  • CPlainText::DeleteL() - Deletes one or more characters beginning at, and including, the character at a specified document position.
  • CPlainText::DoConstructL() - Allocates storage of CBufFlat or CBufSeg, according to the parameter aStorage.
  • CPlainText::DocumentLength() - Gets the the number of characters in the text object.
  • CPlainText::DoExternalizeFieldDataL() - Write to the stream, the T.V.
  • CPlainText::DoExternalizePlainTextL() - Write to the stream, the T.V.
  • CPlainText::DoInternalizeFieldDataL() - Read from the stream until the field data is identified, and consume it.
  • CPlainText::DoInternalizePlainTextL() - Read from the stream until the character data is found, and consume it.
  • CPlainText::DoPtDelete() - Deletes aLength number of characters from the document, commencing at, and including, position aPos.
  • CPlainText::DoPtInsertL() - Inserts the contents a aBuf into the document at position aInsertPos.
  • CPlainText::ExportAsTextL() - Writes the contents of the plain text object to a text file.
  • CPlainText::ExportTextL()  Writes plain text to a stream, optionally converting it from Unicode into a foreign encoding.
  • CPlainText::ExportTextL()  Writes plain text to a stream, optionally converting it from Unicode into a foreign encoding.
  • CPlainText::ExtendedInterface() - Returns the interface corresponding to the specified UID if it exists, or 0 if not.
  • CPlainText::ExternalizeFieldDataL() - Externalises the plain text object's field set.
  • CPlainText::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a plain text object to a write stream.
  • CPlainText::ExternalizePlainTextL() - Externalises the plain text object's text content (preceded by a length count) to a write stream.
  • CPlainText::ExternalizePlainTextNoLengthCountL() - Externalises the plain text object's text content to a write stream.
  • CPlainText::Extract()  Copies the contents of the text object into a descriptor overloaded function.
  • CPlainText::Extract()  Copies the contents of the text object into a descriptor-overloaded function.
  • CPlainText::ExtractSelectively().
  • CPlainText::FieldCount() - Gets a count of the number of fields in the text object's field set.
  • CPlainText::FieldFactory() - Gets a pointer to the field factory used by the text object.
  • CPlainText::FindFields().
  • CPlainText::FindFields()  Tests whether a document position is located within a field overloaded function.
  • CPlainText::GetWordInfo() - Gets the start position and length of the word that contains the document position specified.
  • CPlainText::ImportTextFileL() - Imports a plain text file into this text object.
  • CPlainText::ImportTextL()  Imports plain text from a stream into this text object.
  • CPlainText::ImportTextL()  Imports plain text from a stream into this text object, optionally converting it from a foreign encoding into Unicode.
  • CPlainText::InsertFieldL() - Inserts a field into the text object at a specified document position.
  • CPlainText::InsertL()  Inserts either a single character or a descriptor into the text object at a specified document position.
  • CPlainText::InsertL()  Inserts the contents of aBuf into the document at position aPos.
  • CPlainText::InternalizeFieldDataL() - Internalizes the field set.
  • CPlainText::InternalizeL() - Internalises the text object's text content and field set from a read stream.
  • CPlainText::InternalizePlainTextL()  Internalises an empty text object's text content from a read stream overloaded function.
  • CPlainText::InternalizePlainTextL()  Internalises an empty text object's text content from a read stream's overloaded function.
  • CPlainText::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a plain text object overloaded function.
  • CPlainText::NewL()  Returns a handle to a new instance of this class, restored from the specified read stream.
  • CPlainText::NewTextFieldL() - Creates and returns a new field.
  • CPlainText::PageContainingPos() - Gets the number of the page which contains the specified document position.
  • CPlainText::ParagraphCount() - Gets a count of the number of paragraphs in the text object.
  • CPlainText::ParagraphNumberForPos() - Gets the number of the paragraph which contains a document position.
  • CPlainText::PasteFromStoreL() - Pastes plain text and fields, if present, from the clipboard into the current text object at the specified document position.
  • CPlainText::PtInsertL() - Inserts the contents a aBuf into the document at position aInsertPos.
  • CPlainText::Read()  Gets a read-only view of a portion of the text object.
  • CPlainText::Read()  Gets a read-only view of a portion of the text object.
  • CPlainText::RemoveField() - Removes the field covering the document position specified from the field set, and deletes all text content associated with the field from the text object.
  • CPlainText::Reset() - Deletes all text content, formatting and fields from the document, leaving the single paragraph delimiter which terminates the text object.
  • CPlainText::RestoreComponentsL() - Restores the plain text object's field set from a stream store.
  • CPlainText::RestoreFieldComponentsL() - Restores the plain text object's field set.
  • CPlainText::ScanParas() - Scans from a document position to the beginning or end of a paragraph.
  • CPlainText::ScanWords() - Scans from a document position to the beginning or end of a word.
  • CPlainText::SetFieldFactory() - Sets up a field factory.
  • CPlainText::SetPageTable() - Links the text object to a page table.
  • CPlainText::StoreComponentsL() - Stores the plain text object's components to the stream store specified.
  • CPlainText::StoreFieldComponentsL() - Stores the plain text object's field components to a stream store.
  • CPlainText::TextField() - Returns a pointer to the field located at the specified document position.
  • CPlainText::ToParagraphStart() - Gets the document position of the start of the paragraph containing the specified document position.
  • CPlainText::UidFromStreamL().
  • CPlainText::UpdateAllFieldsL() - Re-evaluates all of the fields in the text object.
  • CPlainText::UpdateFieldL() - Re-evaluates the field which covers the document position specified.
  • CPlainText::WordCount() - Gets a count of the number of words in the text object.
  • CPlainText::~CPlainText() - The destructor frees the object's text storage and field set, prior to its destruction.

  • CPlainText::TImportExportParam - Parameters for importing or exporting text using CPlainText::ImportTextL() or CPlainText::ExportTextL().
  • CPlainText::TImportExportParam::TImportExportParam() - Default constructor.

  • CPlainText::TImportExportResult - Results of importing or exporting text using CPlainText::ImportTextL() or CPlainText::ExportTextL().
  • CPlainText::TImportExportResult::TImportExportResult() - Default constructor.

  • CPolicyServer - A security policy framework built on top of the normal CServer2 class.
  • CPolicyServer::ProcessError() - Called if a leave occurs during processing of a message.
  • CPolicyServer::ProcessL() - Process an accepted message which has passed its policy check.
  • CPolicyServer::RunError() - Handles the situation where a call to CServer2::RunL(), leaves.
  • CPolicyServer::RunL() - Handles the receipt of a message.
  • CPolicyServer::CheckFailedL() - Called when a security check has failed.
  • CPolicyServer::CPolicyServer() - Construct a policy server.
  • CPolicyServer::CustomFailureActionL() - Performs a custom action after the failure of a security check.
  • CPolicyServer::CustomSecurityCheckL() - Performs a custom security check.
  • CPolicyServer::Extension_() - Extension function.

  • CPolicyServer::TPolicy - Object specifying which security checks to perform on each request number and what action to take if the check fails.

  • CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement - Class specifying a security check and the action to take.

  • CPolygonFiller.
  • CPolygonFiller::Construct()  An overloaded version of Construct which allows the list of points to be passed in as a point array.
  • CPolygonFiller::Construct()  Takes a list of points to be the points for the new polygon and sets the number of points in the shape.
  • CPolygonFiller::CPolygonFiller() - Constructor which initializes all member data to zero, EFalse or null for TInt, TBool pointers respectively.
  • CPolygonFiller::GetNextPixelRun() - Method is used to calculate the locations of vertex interactions between the polygon and scan lines.
  • CPolygonFiller::GetNextPixelRunOnSpecifiedScanLine() - Similar to GetNextPixelRun(aExists, aScanLine, aStart, aEnd) this method is used to draw the relevant vertex intersections for a polygon but only for an individual specified scan line.
  • CPolygonFiller::Reset() - Frees any data held in the polygons lists of all edges, vertexs and scan lines and sets these values to NULL.
  • CPolygonFiller::~CPolygonFiller() - Destructor calls reset on the polygon.

  • CPop3ClientMtm - POP3 client MTM interface.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee for the current context.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee with an alias for the current context.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::AddAttachmentL()  Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::AddAttachmentL()  Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::AddEntryAsAttachmentL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::AddLinkedAttachmentL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::ChangeDefaultServiceL() - Sets the default POP service.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched() - Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::CreateAttachmentL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::CreateMessageL() - Unsupported client MTM base class function.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::DefaultServiceL() - Gets the default POP service.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::Find() - Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::ForwardL() - Creates a forwarded message from the current message context.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() - Invokes asynchronous POP3-specific operations.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL() - Invokes synchronous POP3-specific operations.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::LoadMessageL() - Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::QueryCapability() - Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::RemoveAddressee() - Removes an address from the current address list.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::RemoveDefaultServiceL() - Removes the default POP service.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::ReplyL() - Creates a reply message to the current message context.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::RestoreSettingsL() - Loads into the object's cache the service settings from the Central Repository for the current entry.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::SaveMessageL() - Client MTM base class function, with an empty implementation.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::SetSettingsL() - Copies the specified service settings to the cached service settings.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::Settings() - Gets the current cached service settings.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::StoreSettingsL() - Stores the current service settings from the object's cache in to the Central Repository for the current entry.
  • CPop3ClientMtm::ValidateMessage() - Client MTM base class function, with an empty implementation.

  • CPort - Base class for implementations of serial protocol module ports.
  • CPort::Break() - Queue a break.
  • CPort::BreakCancel() - Cancel a pending break.
  • CPort::BreakCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a break request initiated through Break() is complete.
  • CPort::BreakNotifyCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a request initiated through NotifyBreak() is complete.
  • CPort::Close() - Closes the port.
  • CPort::ConfigChangeCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a request initiated through NotifyConfigChange() is complete.
  • CPort::CPort() - Default constructor.
  • CPort::CPort_Reserved1() - Reserved virtual function.
  • CPort::Destruct() - Called by manager when access count is 0 - CSY port must call 'delete this'.
  • CPort::FlowControlChangeCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a request initiated through NotifyFlowControlChange() is complete.
  • CPort::FreeMemory() - Specifies a protocol by which the comms server can request the protocol to release memory.
  • CPort::GetCaps() - Read capabilities from the driver.
  • CPort::GetConfig() - Pass a config request - return in descriptor.
  • CPort::GetFlowControlStatus() - Get the flow control status.
  • CPort::GetReceiveBufferLength() - Get size of Tx and Rx buffer.
  • CPort::GetRole() - Get the role of this port unit.
  • CPort::GetServerConfig() - Get the server configs from the CSY.
  • CPort::GetSignals() - Get the status of the signal pins.
  • CPort::IPCRead() - Reads data from the client's (the user of the port's) address space.
  • CPort::IPCWrite() - Writes into the client's (the user of the port's) address space.
  • CPort::NotifyBreak() - Notify client when a break occurs.
  • CPort::NotifyBreakCancel() - Cancel an outstanding break notification.
  • CPort::NotifyConfigChange() - Notify client when the configation changes.
  • CPort::NotifyConfigChangeCancel() - Cancel an outstanding config change notification.
  • CPort::NotifyDataAvailable() - Notify client when data is available.
  • CPort::NotifyDataAvailableCancel() - Cancel an outstanding data availalbe notification.
  • CPort::NotifyDataAvailableCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a request initiated through NotifyDataAvailable() is complete.
  • CPort::NotifyFlowControlChange() - Notify client when the flow control changes.
  • CPort::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel() - Cancel an outstanding flow control change notification.
  • CPort::NotifyOutputEmpty() - Notify client when output buffer is empty.
  • CPort::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel() - Cancel an outstanding output empty notification.
  • CPort::NotifyOutputEmptyCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a request initiated through NotifyOutputEmpty() is complete.
  • CPort::NotifySignalChange() - Notify client when the signals change.
  • CPort::NotifySignalChangeCancel() - Cancel an outstanding signal change notification.
  • CPort::QueryReceiveBuffer() - Get the size of the receive buffer from the real serial port.
  • CPort::ReadCancel() - Cancel a pending read.
  • CPort::ReadCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a read request initiated through StartRead() is complete.
  • CPort::ResetBuffers() - reset Tx and Rx buffers.
  • CPort::SetConfig() - Set config with package in the descriptor.
  • CPort::SetReceiveBufferLength() - Set size of Tx and Rx buffer.
  • CPort::SetRole() - Set the role of this port unit.
  • CPort::SetServerConfig() - Set the port to use partial reads/writes.
  • CPort::SetSignalsToMark() - Set selected signals to high (logical 1).
  • CPort::SetSignalsToSpace() - Set selected signals to low (logical 0).
  • CPort::SignalChangeCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a request initiated through NotifySignalChange() is complete.
  • CPort::StartRead() - Specifies the protocol for reading from the port.
  • CPort::StartWrite() - Queue a write - called by CPort when client wants to write.
  • CPort::WriteCancel() - Cancel a pending write.
  • CPort::WriteCompleted() - Tells the comms server that a write request initiated through StartWrite() is complete.
  • CPort::~CPort() - Destructor.

  • CPostProcessorInfo - This class contains information about the post-processing functionality that a single post-processor or decoder hardware device has.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::Accelerated() - Returns whether the hardware device is hardware-accelerated.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::AddSupportedScreenL() - Adds the screen number into the list of screens supported by the post processor.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::AntiAliasedScaling() - Returns whether the hardware device supports anti-aliasing filtering for scaling.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::GetSupportedScreensL() - Lists the screens supported by the post processor.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::Identifier() - Returns the post-processor hardware device manufacturer-specific identifier.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::ImplementationSpecificInfo() - Returns implementation-specific information about the post-processor.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::Manufacturer() - Returns the post-processor hardware device manufacturer.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::NewL() - Creates and returns a new CPostProcessorInfo object.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportedCombinations() - Lists all supported post-processing combinations.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportedFormats() - Lists the source formats supported by the post-processor.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportedRotations() - Returns the rotation types the post-processor supports.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportedScaleFactors() - Returns the scaling factors the post-processor supports.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportsArbitraryScaling() - Returns whether the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportsCombination() - Checks if the post-processor supports the given post-processing combination.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportsDirectDisplay() - Returns whether the hardware device supports output directly to the screen.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::SupportsFormat() - Checks if the post-processor supports the given format as a source format.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::Uid() - Returns the post-processor UID.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::Version() - Returns the post-processor version.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::YuvToRgbCapabilities() - Returns the post-processor YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities.
  • CPostProcessorInfo::~CPostProcessorInfo() - Destructor.

  • CPreProcessorInfo - This class contains information about the pre-processing capabilities that an encoder or a pre-processor hardware has.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::Accelerated() - Returns whether the plug-in is hardware-accelerated.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::Identifier() - Returns the hardware device manufacturer-specific identifier.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::ImplementationSpecificInfo() - Returns implementation-specific information about the pre-processor.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::Manufacturer() - Returns the hardware device manufacturer.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::NewL() - Creates and returns a new CPreProcessorInfo object.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportedCombinations() - Lists all supported pre-processing combinations.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportedInputFormats() - Returns the input formats that the pre-processor supports.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportedOutputFormats() - Returns the output formats that the pre-processor supports.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportedRgbRanges() - Returns RGB value ranges the hardware device supports for RGB to YUV conversion.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportedRotations() - Returns the rotation types the plug-in supports.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportedScaleFactors() - Returns the scaling factors the plug-in supports.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportsAntiAliasedScaling() - Returns whether the hardware device supports anti-aliasing filtering for scaling.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportsArbitraryScaling() - Returns whether the pre-processor supports arbitrary scaling.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportsCombination() - Returns whether the pre-processor supports the given pre-processing combination.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportsDirectCapture() - Returns whether the hardware device supports direct capture.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportsInputFormat() - Returns whether the pre-processor supports the given input format.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::SupportsOutputFormat() - Returns whether the pre-processor supports the given output format.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::Uid() - Returns the pre-processor UID.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::Version() - Returns the pre-processor version.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::YuvToYuvCapabilities() - Returns the YUV to YUV conversion capabilities for the pre-processor.
  • CPreProcessorInfo::~CPreProcessorInfo() - Destructor.

  • CPrintPreviewImage - Print preview image.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::DrawL() - Draws the preview.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::FormatL() - Sets preview formatting information.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::NewL() - Static constructor for a CPrintPreviewImage object.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::NotifyBandPrinted() - Notifies that a band is about to be printed.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::NotifyPrintEnded() - Notifies that the print or print preview operation has completed.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::NotifyPrintStarted() - Notifies that a print or print preview operation is about to begin.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::PrintBandL() - Prints a band.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::SetMargins() - Sets whether or not margins are displayed.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::SetNumBands() - Sets the number of print bands to be drawn in the preview.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::SetObserver() - Sets the process observer.
  • CPrintPreviewImage::~CPrintPreviewImage() - Destructor.

  • CPrintSetup - Print setup information.
  • CPrintSetup::AddPrinterDriverDirL() - Adds a search path for printer drivers.
  • CPrintSetup::CreatePrinterDeviceL()  Selects the target printer device by its index into the list of printer models.
  • CPrintSetup::CreatePrinterDeviceL()  Selects the target printer device, from the list of printer models.
  • CPrintSetup::CreatePrinterDriverUIL() - Creates a user interface for the target printer device, if the current printer driver has a matching .udl file.
  • CPrintSetup::EndPrint() - Aborts the print operation, if one is currently taking place.
  • CPrintSetup::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a CPrintSetup object to a write stream.
  • CPrintSetup::Footer() - Gets the footer.
  • CPrintSetup::FreeModelList() - Deletes and sets the printer model list to NULL.
  • CPrintSetup::Header() - Gets the header.
  • CPrintSetup::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CPrintSetup object from a read stream.
  • CPrintSetup::ModelNameListL() - Gets the names of all printer models supported.
  • CPrintSetup::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an uninitialised CPrintSetup object.
  • CPrintSetup::PrinterDevice() - Gets the selected printer device.
  • CPrintSetup::RestoreComponentsL() - Restores the rich text components of the print setup object's header and footer.
  • CPrintSetup::RestoreL() - Restores a CPrintSetup object, including its components from a stream store.
  • CPrintSetup::StartPreviewPrintL() - Starts a new print preview.
  • CPrintSetup::StartPrintL() - Starts a new print job.
  • CPrintSetup::StoreComponentsL() - Stores the rich text components of the print setup object's header and footer.
  • CPrintSetup::StoreL() - Stores a CPrintSetup object, including its components (e.g.
  • CPrintSetup::UpdateFieldPageNum() - Implementations of this function should return the current page number.
  • CPrintSetup::~CPrintSetup() - Destructor.

  • CPrinterControl - Printer control interface.
  • CPrinterControl::AbortPrint() - Aborts the print process before it has completed.
  • CPrinterControl::BandsPerPage() - Gets the number of bands per page.
  • CPrinterControl::CPrinterControl().
  • CPrinterControl::QueueEndPrint() - Terminates the print process.
  • CPrinterControl::QueueGetBand() - Prints the next band on the page.
  • CPrinterControl::~CPrinterControl() - Destructor.

  • CPrinterDevice - Printer graphics device interface.
  • CPrinterDevice::CPrinterDevice() - Standard constructor.
  • CPrinterDevice::CreateControlL() - Creates a printer control.
  • CPrinterDevice::CurrentPageSpecInTwips() - Gets the current page specification in twips.
  • CPrinterDevice::DeleteControl() - Deletes the printer control owned by this object.
  • CPrinterDevice::ExternalizePropertiesL() - Externalizes printer properties to the store.
  • CPrinterDevice::InternalizePropertiesL() - Externalizes printer properties to the store.
  • CPrinterDevice::Model() - Gets the printer model entry.
  • CPrinterDevice::PrintablePageInPixels() - Gets the dimensions of the area to which the printer device can print.
  • CPrinterDevice::RestorePropertiesL() - Restores printer properties.
  • CPrinterDevice::SelectPageSpecInTwips() - Sets the page specification in twips.
  • CPrinterDevice::SetModel() - Sets the printer model header and the store.
  • CPrinterDevice::StorePropertiesL() - Stores the printer properties.
  • CPrinterDevice::~CPrinterDevice() - Destructor.

  • CPrinterDriver - Provides access to a store containing printer specification data.
  • CPrinterDriver::Close() - Closes the printer specification data store and frees resources.
  • CPrinterDriver::CreatePrinterDeviceL() - Creates the physical graphics device to be used for printing.
  • CPrinterDriver::CreatePrinterDriverUIL() - Constructs a printer specific user interface.
  • CPrinterDriver::Model() - Gets the specified printer model.
  • CPrinterDriver::NewL() - Constructs, and returns a pointer to a new instance for accessing a printer specification data store.
  • CPrinterDriver::NumModels() - Gets the number of printer models defined by the printer specification.
  • CPrinterDriver::OpenPdrL() - Opens the specified printer specification data store.
  • CPrinterDriver::PrinterDevice() - Gets the associated graphics printer device.
  • CPrinterDriver::~CPrinterDriver() - Destructor.

  • CPrinterDriverUI - Printer specific user interface.
  • CPrinterDriverUI::AfterPrintL() - Provides an opportunity for a dialog to be put up after printing is complete.
  • CPrinterDriverUI::BeforePrintL() - Provides an opportunity for a dialog to be put up before printing begins.
  • CPrinterDriverUI::CanSetProperties() - Tests whether printer properties can be set.
  • CPrinterDriverUI::CPrinterDriverUI().
  • CPrinterDriverUI::SetPrinterDevice() - Sets the printer device.
  • CPrinterDriverUI::SetPropertiesL() - Provides an opportunity for a dialog to be put up to capture or change printer properties.

  • CPrinterModelList - Printer model list interface.
  • CPrinterModelList::ModelCount() - Gets the number of printer models in the printer model list.
  • CPrinterModelList::operator[]() - Gets printer model name.
  • CPrinterModelList::UidToNum() - Gets a printer models index within the model list from its UID.

  • CPrinterPort - Printer port interface.
  • CPrinterPort::Cancel() - Cancels an outstanding WriteRequest() operation.
  • CPrinterPort::WriteRequest() - Writes data asynchronously to the printer port.

  • CProtTransaction - A representation of a transaction used by protocol handlers.
  • CProtTransaction::CProtTransaction() - Normal constructor, of a CProtTransaction that corresponds to the supplied client transaction handle.
  • CProtTransaction::CreateRxDataL() - Intended Usage: Creates the appropriate CRxData object.
  • CProtTransaction::CreateTxDataL() - Intended Usage: Creates the appropriate CTxData object.
  • CProtTransaction::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CProtTransaction::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CProtTransaction::ResetRxData() - Resets the Rx data object.
  • CProtTransaction::ResetTxData() - Resets the Tx data object.
  • CProtTransaction::RxData() - Obtain the Receive Data portion of the transaction.
  • CProtTransaction::Transaction() - Obtain the API-level transaction to which this object corresponds to.
  • CProtTransaction::TxData() - Obtain the Transmit Data portion of the transaction.
  • CProtTransaction::~CProtTransaction() - Destructor - cleans up and releases resources to the system.

  • CProtocolHandler - An abstract protocol handler.
  • CProtocolHandler::CancelTransactionHook() - Intended Usage: Called when the RHTTPTransaction object corresponding to aTrans has been cancelled by the client or an intermediate filter.
  • CProtocolHandler::ClosedTransactionHook() - Intended Usage: Called when the RHTTPTransaction object corresponding to aTrans has been closed by the client.
  • CProtocolHandler::Codec() - Obtain the protocol handler's header codec.
  • CProtocolHandler::CompleteSelf() - Completes this active object - allows the protocol handler to reevaluate the queue of pending transactions and service new ones if possible.
  • CProtocolHandler::ConstructL() - Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done Implementations of this interface may leave with KErrNoMemory.
  • CProtocolHandler::CProtocolHandler() - Constructs a protocol handler associated with the supplied HTTP client session.
  • CProtocolHandler::CreateCodecL() - Intended usage: Creates the specific type of codec required for a specific type of protocol handler.
  • CProtocolHandler::CreateProtTransactionL() - Intended Usage: Creates a representation of a client transaction to be used in the protocol handler.
  • CProtocolHandler::DoCancel() - Intended Usage: Cancel outstanding asynchronous requests that this object has made.
  • CProtocolHandler::FindTransaction() - Searches the array of CProtTransaction objects to if the aTransaction object is wrapped by one of them.
  • CProtocolHandler::GetInterfaceL() - Intended Usage: This is a mechanism for allowing future change to CProtocolHandler API without breaking BC.
  • CProtocolHandler::MHFLoad() - Intended Usage: Called when the filter is being added to the session's filter queue.
  • CProtocolHandler::MHFRunError() - Intended Usage: Called when RunL leaves from a transaction event.
  • CProtocolHandler::MHFRunL() - Intended Usage: Called when the filter's registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on a transaction.
  • CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunError() - Intended Usage: Called when MHFRunL leaves from a session event.
  • CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunL() - Intended Usage: Called when the filters registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on the session.
  • CProtocolHandler::MHFUnload() - Intended Usage: Called when the filter is being removed from a session's filter queue.
  • CProtocolHandler::NotifyNewRequestBodyPart() - Intended Usage: Called to notify the concrete protocol handler that new request body data is available for transmission.
  • CProtocolHandler::NumActiveTransactions() - Obtain the number of currently active transactions.
  • CProtocolHandler::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CProtocolHandler::RunError() - Intended Usage: Do any cleanup required should RunL leave.
  • CProtocolHandler::RunL() - Intended Usage: Do some processing when a previous asynchronous request made by this object has completed.
  • CProtocolHandler::ServiceL() - Intended Usage: Attempt to service the transaction.
  • CProtocolHandler::SessionServerCert()  Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
  • CProtocolHandler::SessionServerCert()  Intended Usage: Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
  • CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompletedL() - Callback method for concrete protocol handler sub-classes to inform the base protocol handler that a transaction has completed.
  • CProtocolHandler::TransactionFailed() - Callback method for concrete protocol handler sub-classes to inform the base protocol handler that a transaction has failed utterly.
  • CProtocolHandler::TransactionServerCert()  Get the Server Certificate for the specified transaction.
  • CProtocolHandler::TransactionServerCert()  Intended Usage: Get the Server Certificate for the specified transaction.
  • CProtocolHandler::~CProtocolHandler() - Intended Usage: Class destructor.

  • CPtrC16Array - An array of 16 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptors, TPtrC16, implemented using a flat buffer.
  • CPtrC16Array::CopyL() - Copies a descriptor array into this array, deleting any pre-existing elements.
  • CPtrC16Array::CPtrC16Array() - Constructs an array of 16 bit non-modifiable descriptors with the specified granularity.
  • CPtrC16Array::MdcaCount() - Returns the number of elements in the array.
  • CPtrC16Array::MdcaPoint() - Indexes into the descriptor array.
  • CPtrC16Array::operator=() - Copies a descriptor array into this array, deleting any pre-existing elements.
  • CPtrC16Array::~CPtrC16Array() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CPtrC8Array - Array of 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptors, TPtrC8, implemented using a flat buffer.
  • CPtrC8Array::CopyL() - Copies a descriptor array into this array, deleting any pre-existing elements.
  • CPtrC8Array::CPtrC8Array() - Constructs an array of 8 bit non-modifiable descriptors with the specified granularity.
  • CPtrC8Array::MdcaCount() - Returns the number of elements in the array.
  • CPtrC8Array::MdcaPoint() - Indexes into the descriptor array.
  • CPtrC8Array::operator=() - Copies a descriptor array into this array, deleting any pre-existing elements.
  • CPtrC8Array::~CPtrC8Array() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CRSASignatureResult - The RSA public key algorithm signature result.
  • CRSASignatureResult::operator==() - Compares this RSA Signature Result object with the specified RSA Signature Result object for equality.
  • CRSASignatureResult::VerifyL() - Tests whether the signature result is valid.
  • CRSASignatureResult::~CRSASignatureResult() - Destructor.

  • CRandom.
  • CRandom::CRandom().
  • CRandom::GenerateBytesL() - Implementations of this method should fill the passed buffer with securely generated random data up to the current length, discarding any current contents.

  • CRecurrenceParser - Base class used in the derivation of CParserVCalEntity.
  • CRecurrenceParser::CRecurrenceParser() - Constructs a recurrence parser.
  • CRecurrenceParser::MakePropertyValueRecurrenceL() - Internalises a recurrence property value in descriptor form.
  • CRecurrenceParser::Reserved1().
  • CRecurrenceParser::Reserved2().

  • CRegisteredMtmDll - Allows an MTM object to access registry information about itself.
  • CRegisteredMtmDll::MtmDllInfo() - Gets the full registration data for the MTM.
  • CRegisteredMtmDll::MtmDllRefCount() - Gets the number of MTM objects instantiated from the registry.
  • CRegisteredMtmDll::MtmTypeUid() - Gets the MTM type UID.
  • CRegisteredMtmDll::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CRegisteredMtmDll::TechnologyTypeUid() - Gets the technology type UID.
  • CRegisteredMtmDll::~CRegisteredMtmDll().

  • CRemConAbsVolController - Client-instantiable type supporting sending AbsVol API responses.
  • CRemConAbsVolController::GetAbsoluteVolume() - Sends a 'get absolute volume' command.
  • CRemConAbsVolController::GetInterfaceIf() - Called by the interface selector to get a pointer to an object which implements the interface API with UID aUid.
  • CRemConAbsVolController::MrcibNewMessage() - Called when a message comes in for this interface.
  • CRemConAbsVolController::NewL() - Factory function.
  • CRemConAbsVolController::SetAbsoluteVolume() - Sends a 'set absolute volume' command.
  • CRemConAbsVolController::~CRemConAbsVolController() - Destructor.

  • CRemConAbsVolTarget - Client-instantiable type supporting sending AbsVol API responses.
  • CRemConAbsVolTarget::GetAbsoluteVolumeResponse() - Sends a response to a 'get absolute volume' command.
  • CRemConAbsVolTarget::GetInterfaceIf() - Called by the interface selector to get a pointer to an object which implements the interface API with UID aUid.
  • CRemConAbsVolTarget::MrcibNewMessage() - Called when a message comes in for this interface.
  • CRemConAbsVolTarget::NewL() - Factory function.
  • CRemConAbsVolTarget::SetAbsoluteVolumeResponse() - Sends a response to a 'set absolute volume' command.
  • CRemConAbsVolTarget::~CRemConAbsVolTarget() - Destructor.

  • CRemConCoreApiController - Client-instantiable type supporting sending Core API commands.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_0() - Send a '0' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_1() - Send a '1' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_2() - Send a '2' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_3() - Send a '3' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_4() - Send a '4'command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_5() - Send a '5' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_6() - Send a '6' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_7() - Send a '7' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_8() - Send a '8' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::_9() - Send a '9' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Angle() - Send an 'angle' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Backward() - Send a 'backward' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::ChannelDown() - Send a 'channel down' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::ChannelUp() - Send a 'channel up' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Clear() - Send a 'clear' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::ContentsMenu() - Send a 'contents menu' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::DisplayInformation() - Send a 'display information' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Dot() - Send a 'dot' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Down() - Send a 'down' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Eject() - Send an 'eject' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Enter() - Send an 'enter' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Exit() - Send an 'exit' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::F1() - Send an 'F1' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::F2() - Send an 'F2' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::F3() - Send an 'F3' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::F4() - Send an 'F4' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::F5() - Send an 'F5' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::FastForward() - Send a 'fast forward' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::FavoriteMenu() - Send a 'favorite menu' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Forward() - Send a 'forward' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::GetInterfaceIf() - Called by the interface selector to get a pointer to an object which implements the interface API with UID aUid.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Help() - Send a 'help' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::InputSelect() - Send a 'input select' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Left() - Send a 'left' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::LeftDown() - Send a 'left down' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::LeftUp() - Send a 'left up' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::MrcibNewMessage() - Called when a message comes in for this interface.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Mute() - Send a 'mute' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::NewL() - Factory function.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::PageDown() - Send a 'page down' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::PageUp() - Send a 'page up' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Pause() - Send a 'pause' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::PausePlayFunction() - Send a 'pause play function' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Play() - Send a 'play' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Power() - Send a 'power' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::PreviousChannel() - Send a 'previous channel' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Record() - Send a 'record' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::RestoreVolumeFunction() - Send a 'restore volume function' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Rewind() - Send a 'rewind' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Right() - Send a 'right' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::RightDown() - Send a 'right down' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::RightUp() - Send a 'right up' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::RootMenu() - Send a 'root menu' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Select() - Send a 'select' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::SelectAudioInputFunction() - Send a 'select audio input function' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::SelectAvInputFunction() - Send a 'select AV input function' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::SelectDiskFunction() - Send a 'select disk function' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::SetupMenu() - Send a 'setup menu' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::SoundSelect() - Send a 'sound select' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Stop() - Send a 'stop' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Subpicture() - Send a 'subpicture' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::TuneFunction() - Send a 'tune function' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::Up() - Send an 'up' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::VolumeDown() - Send a 'volume down' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::VolumeUp() - Send a 'volume up' command.
  • CRemConCoreApiController::~CRemConCoreApiController() - Destructor.

  • CRemConCoreApiTarget - Client-instantiable type supporting sending Core API responses.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_0Response() - Send a '0' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_1Response() - Send a '1' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_2Response() - Send a '2' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_3Response() - Send a '3' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_4Response() - Send a '4'response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_5Response() - Send a '5' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_6Response() - Send a '6' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_7Response() - Send a '7' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_8Response() - Send a '8' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::_9Response() - Send a '9' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::AngleResponse() - Send an 'angle' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::BackwardResponse() - Send a 'backward' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::ChannelDownResponse() - Send a 'channel down' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::ChannelUpResponse() - Send a 'channel up' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::ClearResponse() - Send a 'clear' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::ContentsMenuResponse() - Send a 'contents menu' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::DisplayInformationResponse() - Send a 'display information' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::DotResponse() - Send a 'dot' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::DownResponse() - Send a 'down' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::EjectResponse() - Send an 'eject' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::EnterResponse() - Send an 'enter' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::ExitResponse() - Send an 'exit' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::F1Response() - Send an 'F1' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::F2Response() - Send an 'F2' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::F3Response() - Send an 'F3' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::F4Response() - Send an 'F4' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::F5Response() - Send an 'F5' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::FastForwardResponse() - Send a 'fast forward' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::FavoriteMenuResponse() - Send a 'favorite menu' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::ForwardResponse() - Send a 'forward' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::GetInterfaceIf() - Called by the interface selector to get a pointer to an object which implements the interface API with UID aUid.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::HelpResponse() - Send a 'help' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::InputSelectResponse() - Send a 'input select' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::LeftDownResponse() - Send a 'left down' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::LeftResponse() - Send a 'left' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::LeftUpResponse() - Send a 'left up' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::MrcibNewMessage() - Called when a message comes in for this interface.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::MuteResponse() - Send a 'mute' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::NewL() - Factory function.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PageDownResponse() - Send a 'page down' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PageUpResponse() - Send a 'page up' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PausePlayFunctionResponse() - Send a 'pause play function' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PauseResponse() - Send a 'pause' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PlayResponse() - Send a play response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PowerResponse() - Send a 'power' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::PreviousChannelResponse() - Send a 'previous channel' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RecordResponse() - Send a 'record' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RestoreVolumeFunctionResponse() - Send a 'restore volume function' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RewindResponse() - Send a 'rewind' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RightDownResponse() - Send a 'right down' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RightResponse() - Send a 'right' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RightUpResponse() - Send a 'right up' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::RootMenuResponse() - Send a 'root menu' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SelectAudioInputFunctionResponse() - Send a 'select audio input function' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SelectAvInputFunctionResponse() - Send a 'select AV input function' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SelectDiskFunctionResponse() - Send a 'select disk function' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SelectResponse() - Send a 'select' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SendResponse() - Send a response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SetupMenuResponse() - Send a 'setup menu' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SoundSelectResponse() - Send a 'sound select' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::StopResponse() - Send a stop response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::SubpictureResponse() - Send a 'subpicture' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::TuneFunctionResponse() - Send a 'tune function' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::UpResponse() - Send an 'up' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::VolumeDownResponse() - Send a 'volume down' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::VolumeUpResponse() - Send a 'volume up' response.
  • CRemConCoreApiTarget::~CRemConCoreApiTarget() - Destructor.

  • CRemConInterfaceSelector - CRemConInterfaceSelector is only instantiable via its NewL function.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearer() - Brings up a bearer-level connection.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel() - Cancels interest in the completion of a ConnectBearer request.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::ControllerOpened() - To determine if a controller session has been opened.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::DisconnectBearer() - Destroys a bearer-level connection.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::DisconnectBearerCancel() - Cancels interest in the completion of a DisconnectBearer request.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::GetConnections() - Getter for the current set of connections in the system (not just those associated with this session).
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::GoConnectionlessL() - Makes the controller session (which must already exist- use OpenControllerL) connectionless.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::GoConnectionOrientedL() - Makes the controller session (which must already exist- use OpenControllerL) connection-oriented.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::NewL() - Factory method.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::NotifyConnectionsChange() - Notification for changes in the set of connections.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::NotifyConnectionsChangeCancel() - Cancels interest in the completion of an outstanding NotifyConnectionsChange operation.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::OpenControllerL() - Opens a controller session to RemCon.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::OpenTargetL() - Opens a target session to RemCon.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::RegisterErrorObserver() - Register an error observer.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::Send() - Sends a message to the remote device(s).
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendCancel() - Cancels interest in the completion of a Send request.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::TargetOpened() - To determine if a target session has been opened.
  • CRemConInterfaceSelector::~CRemConInterfaceSelector() - Destructor.

  • CRemConStatusApiController - A controller which sends Status API commands.
  • CRemConStatusApiController::NewL() - Creates new Status Api Controller.
  • CRemConStatusApiController::SubunitInfo() - Issue SubUnitInfo command.
  • CRemConStatusApiController::UnitInfo() - Issue UnitInfo command.
  • CRemConStatusApiController::~CRemConStatusApiController() - Destructor.

  • CRemConTrackInfoController - Client-instantiable type supporting sending TrackInfo API commands.
  • CRemConTrackInfoController::GetInterfaceIf() - Called by the interface selector to get a pointer to an object which implements the interface API with UID aUid.
  • CRemConTrackInfoController::MrcibNewMessage() - Called when a message comes in for this interface.
  • CRemConTrackInfoController::NewL() - Factory function.
  • CRemConTrackInfoController::SetTrackName() - Sends a 'set track name' command.
  • CRemConTrackInfoController::~CRemConTrackInfoController() - Destructor.

  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget - Client-instantiable type supporting sending TrackInfo API responses.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::GetArtistResponse() - Sends a response to a 'get artist' command.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::GetInterfaceIf() - Called by the interface selector to get a pointer to an object which implements the interface API with UID aUid.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::GetTrackDurationResponse() - Sends a response to a 'get track duration' command.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::GetTrackNameResponse() - Sends a response to a 'get track name' command.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::MrcibNewMessage() - Called when a message comes in for this interface.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::NewL() - Factory function.
  • CRemConTrackInfoTarget::~CRemConTrackInfoTarget() - Destructor.

  • CRepository - Provides access to a repository.
  • CRepository::FindEqL()  Finds all the settings that contain a given integer and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
  • CRepository::FindEqL()  Finds all the settings that contain a given floating point value and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
  • CRepository::FindEqL()  Finds all the settings that contain a given string value and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
  • CRepository::FindEqL()  Finds all the settings that contain a given string value and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
  • CRepository::FindL() - Finds all the settings that exist and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
  • CRepository::FindNeqL()  Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not integer values or do not have the given value.
  • CRepository::FindNeqL()  Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not floating point values or do not have the given value.
  • CRepository::FindNeqL()  Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not string values or do not match the given string.
  • CRepository::FindNeqL()  Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not string values or do not match the given string.
  • CRepository::Get()  Reads an integer setting.
  • CRepository::Get()  Reads a floating point setting.
  • CRepository::Get()  Reads a descriptor setting.
  • CRepository::Get()  Reads a descriptor setting.
  • CRepository::Get()  Reads a descriptor setting.
  • CRepository::Get()  Reads a descriptor setting.
  • CRepository::NewL() - Creates a CRepository object for accessing a repository.
  • CRepository::NewLC() - Creates a CRepository object for accessing a repository.
  • CRepository::NotifyCancel()  Cancels a notification previously requested from the two-argument overload of NotifyRequest.
  • CRepository::NotifyCancel()  Cancels a notification previously requested from the three-argument overload of NotifyRequest.
  • CRepository::NotifyCancelAll() - Cancels all uncompleted notifications from this CRepository.
  • CRepository::NotifyRequest()  Requests a notification if the value of a given setting changes.
  • CRepository::NotifyRequest()  Requests a notification if the value of a given setting changes.
  • CRepository::~CRepository() - Destructor.

  • CRequestor - CRequestor class for LBS clients.
  • CRequestor::New() - Allocates and constructs a CRequestor object.
  • CRequestor::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CRequestor object.
  • CRequestor::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CRequestor object, and initialises its member variables by reading the internalizing the object from the specified stream.
  • CRequestor::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a CRequestor object, and leaves the object on the cleanup stack.

  • CRequestorBase - Each instance of a CRequestor class is used to hold the identity of one of the parties involved requesting the location.
  • CRequestorBase::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CRequestorBase::CRequestorBase() - Constructor for CRequestorBase.
  • CRequestorBase::ExtendedInterface() - This method is used to allow polymorphic extensions to the API without breaking BC.
  • CRequestorBase::ExternalizeL() - Stores this requestors member data to a stream.
  • CRequestorBase::GetRequestor() - Simple accessor for this requestors member data.
  • CRequestorBase::InternalizeL() - Restores this requestors member data from a stream.
  • CRequestorBase::RequestorData() - Simple accessor for this requestors member data.
  • CRequestorBase::RequestorFormat() - Simple accessor for this requestors member data.
  • CRequestorBase::RequestorType() - Simple accessor for this requestors member data.
  • CRequestorBase::SetRequestorL() - Replaces the requestor data for this object with the specified data.
  • CRequestorBase::~CRequestorBase() - Destructor for CRequestorBase.

  • CResolver - Abstract base class which is used to identify the correct interface implementation based on criteria supplied by the client.
  • CResolver::IdentifyImplementationL() - Intended Usage : Request that the resolver identify the most appropriate interface implementation.
  • CResolver::ListAllL()  Intended Usage : List all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface definition and the resolve parameters supplied.
  • CResolver::ListAllL()  Intended Usage : List all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface.

  • CResourceFile - Accesses a resource file or resource file buffer and reads the resource data into a buffer.
  • CResourceFile::AllocReadL() - Reads a resource into a heap descriptor and returns a pointer to that descriptor.
  • CResourceFile::AllocReadLC() - Reads a resource into a heap descriptor, returns a pointer to that descriptor and pushes the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CResourceFile::ConfirmSignatureL()  Initialises the offset value from the first resource.
  • CResourceFile::ConfirmSignatureL()  Initialises the offset value from the first resource.
  • CResourceFile::NewL()  Creates CResourceFile instance.
  • CResourceFile::NewL()  Creates CResourceFile instance.
  • CResourceFile::NewLC() - Creates CResourceFile instance.
  • CResourceFile::Offset() - Returns the offset value defined for this resource file.
  • CResourceFile::OwnsResourceIdL() - Tests whether the resource file owns the specified resource id.
  • CResourceFile::ReadL() - Reads a resource specified by resource id into the specified descriptor.
  • CResourceFile::SignatureL() - Returns this resource file's version number.
  • CResourceFile::UidType() - Returns whether the FEP is on or off.
  • CResourceFile::~CResourceFile() - Frees the resources, allocated by the instance.

  • CRichText - Text with rich formatting.
  • CRichText::ActivateDefaultParserL().
  • CRichText::ActivateParserL().
  • CRichText::AppendParagraphL() - Appends one or more empty paragraphs to the document.
  • CRichText::AppendTakingSolePictureOwnershipL() - Appends a rich text object to this one.
  • CRichText::ApplyCharFormatL() - Applies character formatting to a range of characters.
  • CRichText::ApplyParaFormatL() - Applies paragraph formatting to a range of paragraphs.
  • CRichText::ApplyParagraphStyleL() - Applies a specified paragraph style to a range of paragraphs.
  • CRichText::CancelInsertCharFormat() - Cancels the "insert pending" state set by a call to SetInsertCharFormatL() or DelSetInsertCharFormatL().
  • CRichText::CharPosOfParagraph() - Finds the length and the start position of a paragraph identified by its paragraph number.
  • CRichText::ComponentInfo() - Gets information about the number of components contained in the text object (the field count, the picture count and the style count).
  • CRichText::ConstructL().
  • CRichText::ConstructL().
  • CRichText::CopyComponentsL().
  • CRichText::CopyToStoreL() - Copies a portion of the rich text object, with components to the clipboard.
  • CRichText::CopyToStreamL().
  • CRichText::CopyToStreamL().
  • CRichText::CRichText().
  • CRichText::CursorOverTag().
  • CRichText::DeactivateParser().
  • CRichText::DeactivateParserDefaults().
  • CRichText::DeleteFromParagraph() - Removes a range of characters from within a single paragraph only.
  • CRichText::DeleteL() - Deletes one or more characters beginning at, and including, the character at a specified document position.
  • CRichText::DeleteParagraph() - Deletes one or more whole paragraphs of text.
  • CRichText::DelSetInsertCharFormatL() - Deletes a range of characters.
  • CRichText::DetachFromStoreL()  Loads pictures not already present in memory overloaded function.
  • CRichText::DetachFromStoreL()  Loads pictures not already present in memory overloaded function.
  • CRichText::DoExternalizeMarkupDataL().
  • CRichText::DoExternalizeStyleDataL().
  • CRichText::DoInternalizeMarkupDataL().
  • CRichText::DoInternalizeStyleDataL().
  • CRichText::DropPictureOwnership() - Removes ownership from this rich text object of the picture located at a document position.
  • CRichText::ExtendedInterface() - Returns the interface corresponding to the specified UID if it exists, or 0 if not.
  • CRichText::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the rich text object and all of its components (field set, style list, rich text formatting, pictures) to a read stream.
  • CRichText::ExternalizeMarkupDataL() - Externalises the rich text object's markup (specific formatting, styles and pictures).
  • CRichText::ExternalizeStyleDataL() - Externalises the style list owned by the rich text object.
  • CRichText::GetCharFormat() - Gets the effective character formatting which applies to a range of characters.
  • CRichText::GetChars() - Gets a constant pointer descriptor to a portion of the text object with constant character formatting.
  • CRichText::GetParaFormatL() - Gets the effective paragraph formatting which applies to a range of paragraphs.
  • CRichText::GetParagraphFormatL() - Gets the effective paragraph formatting which applies to the paragraph which contains a specified document position.
  • CRichText::GetPictureSizeInTwips() - Gets the size of a picture located at a specified document position.
  • CRichText::GetSpecificCharFormat() - Gets the specific character formatting which applies to the character to the left of a document position.
  • CRichText::GetSpecificCharFormatRight() - Gets the specific character formatting which applies to the character logically after a document position.
  • CRichText::GetSpecificParagraphFormatL().
  • CRichText::HasMarkupData() - Tests whether the rich text object has any markup, or owns a style list.
  • CRichText::InsertL()  Inserts either a single character or a descriptor into the text object at a specified document position.
  • CRichText::InsertL()  Inserts the contents of aBuf into the document at position aPos.
  • CRichText::InsertL()  Inserts a picture header into the text object at a specified document position.
  • CRichText::InternalizeL() - Internalises the rich text object and all of its components (field set, style list, rich text formatting and pictures) from a read stream.
  • CRichText::InternalizeMarkupDataL() - Internalises the rich text object's markup (specific formatting, styles and pictures).
  • CRichText::InternalizeStyleDataL() - Internalises the style list owned by the rich text object from a read stream, if one is present in the stream.
  • CRichText::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an empty rich text object, with a global character and paragraph format layer.
  • CRichText::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an empty rich text object which supports styles.
  • CRichText::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a rich text object with a field factory.
  • CRichText::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a rich text object with a field factory and a picture factory.
  • CRichText::NotifyStyleChangedL() - Removes a style from every paragraph in the document to which it applies, and replaces it with another.
  • CRichText::NotifyStyleDeletedL() - Removes a style from all paragraphs to which it applies.
  • CRichText::ParagraphCount() - Gets a count of the number of paragraphs in the text object.
  • CRichText::ParagraphNumberForPos() - Gets the number of the paragraph which contains a document position.
  • CRichText::ParagraphStyle() - Gets a pointer to the first paragraph style encountered in the specified range.
  • CRichText::ParseText().
  • CRichText::PasteFromStoreL()  Pastes plain text and fields, if present, from the clipboard into the current text object at the specified document position.
  • CRichText::PasteFromStoreL()  Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the rich text object at the specified document position.
  • CRichText::PictureCount() - Gets a count of the number of pictures contained in the rich text object.
  • CRichText::PictureFactory() - Gets the picture factory.
  • CRichText::PictureHandleL() - Gets a pointer to the picture located at a specified document position, if one exists.
  • CRichText::PictureHeader() - Gets the picture header which describes the picture located at a specified document position.
  • CRichText::PositionOfNextTag().
  • CRichText::PositionOfNextTag().
  • CRichText::PositionOfPrevTag().
  • CRichText::PositionOfPrevTag().
  • CRichText::RemoveSpecificCharFormatL() - Removes all specific character formatting from a range of characters (does not remove the formatting which has been taken from the object's global character format layer).
  • CRichText::RemoveSpecificParaFormatL() - Removes all specific paragraph formatting from a range of paragraphs.
  • CRichText::Reset() - Resets the document's contents to a single end-of-document delimiter.
  • CRichText::RestoreComponentsL() - Restores the rich text object's components (field set, style list, formatting and pictures) from a stream store.
  • CRichText::RestoreWithStyleListL() - Restores a rich text object, including all of its components and an externally owned style list, from a stream store.
  • CRichText::RtInsertL().
  • CRichText::SetEditObserver() - Sets the rich text object's edit observer.
  • CRichText::SetHasChanged() - Sets whether the document's content or formatting has changed.
  • CRichText::SetInsertCharFormatL() - Applies character formatting to a zero length selection, for example turning bold on.
  • CRichText::SetPictureFactory() - Sets the picture factory.
  • CRichText::SetStyleListExternallyOwned()  Sets whether the style list used by this rich text object is owned by the object itself, or is externally owned.
  • CRichText::SetStyleListExternallyOwned()  Assigns an externally owned style list to the rich text object.
  • CRichText::StoreComponentsL() - Stores the rich text object's components (field set, style list, formatting and pictures) to the stream store specified.
  • CRichText::StoreMarkupComponentsL() - Stores all pictures in the rich text object to a stream store.
  • CRichText::StoreResolver() - Gets the store resolver.
  • CRichText::StyleCount() - Gets the number of styles contained in the rich text object's style list.
  • CRichText::StyleList() - Gets a pointer to the style list used by the rich text object.
  • CRichText::StyleListExternallyOwned() - Tests whether the style list used by this rich text object is owned by the object itself, or is externally owned.
  • CRichText::StyleListPresent() - Tests whether the rich text object uses a style list.
  • CRichText::UpdateFieldL() - Re-evaluates the field which covers the document position specified.
  • CRichText::~CRichText() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the rich text object, prior to its destruction.

  • CRuleMarkedStack.
  • CRuleMarkedStack::MergeToMarkL().

  • CRxData - An abstract base class for the decoding of response data received by a protocol handler.
  • CRxData::ConstructL() - Intended Usage: Second phase construction, default.
  • CRxData::CRxData()  Intended Usage: Default constructor - creates an Rx data object not associated with any protocol transaction.
  • CRxData::CRxData()  Intended Usage: Normal constructor, of a CRxData that corresponds to the supplied protocol transaction, and which sends status updates to the supplied observer interface,.
  • CRxData::ProtTrans() - Intended Usage: Obtain the protocol transaction whose request part is represented as encoded data by this object.
  • CRxData::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CRxData::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CRxData::ResetRxData() - Intended Usage: Resets the received data object to its initial state following construction.
  • CRxData::~CRxData() - Intended Usage: Destructor - cleans up and releases resources to the system.

  • CSARStore - Controls the segmentation and reassembly (SAR) store, used for SMS segmentation and reassembly, and WAP reassembly.
  • CSARStore::AddEntryL() - Adds a new entry to the file store.
  • CSARStore::BeginTransactionLC() - Sets the SAR store as in-transaction.
  • CSARStore::ChangeEntryL() - Changes an entry in the file store - changes it first in the internal entry array, and then externalizes it.
  • CSARStore::Close() - Closes the file store.
  • CSARStore::CommitTransactionL() - Commits a transaction to the filestore.
  • CSARStore::CompactL() - Compacts the file store.
  • CSARStore::CSARStore() - Constructor, initialises class members only.
  • CSARStore::DeleteEntryL() - Deletes an entry from the entry array, and externalizes it.
  • CSARStore::DoOpenL() - Opens a filestore.
  • CSARStore::Entries() - Gets a const reference to the entry array.
  • CSARStore::ExtraStreamId() - Gets the extra stream ID.
  • CSARStore::FileSession() - Gets the file server handle.
  • CSARStore::FileStore()  Gets a reference to the filestore.
  • CSARStore::FileStore()  Gets a (const) reference to the filestore.
  • CSARStore::InTransaction().
  • CSARStore::OpenL() - Opens a specified SAR store.
  • CSARStore::PrivatePath() - Returns the private path used to open a store.
  • CSARStore::PurgeL()  Purges the reassembly file store.
  • CSARStore::PurgeL()  Purges the segmentation store.
  • CSARStore::SetExtraStreamIdL() - Sets the extra stream ID - changes it first in the internal entry array, and then externalizes it.
  • CSARStore::~CSARStore() - Destructor.

  • CSDClientResult - Class to encapsulate a client recognition result.
  • CSDClientResult::GrammarID() - Retrieves the grammar ID of the result.
  • CSDClientResult::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSDClientResult::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSDClientResult::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSDClientResult::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSDClientResult::RuleID() - Returns the rule ID of the result.
  • CSDClientResult::SetGrammarID() - Sets the grammar ID on the result.
  • CSDClientResult::SetRuleID() - Sets the rule ID of the result.
  • CSDClientResult::~CSDClientResult() - Destructor.

  • CSDClientResultSet - Class to encapsulate a client recogntion result set This is a lightweight result set formulated for client consumption.
  • CSDClientResultSet::At() - Returns a result at a given index within the result set.
  • CSDClientResultSet::Diagnostic() - Gets the diagnostic of this result set.
  • CSDClientResultSet::ExternalizeL() - Writes the state of the class to a stream.
  • CSDClientResultSet::InternalizeL() - Restores the state of the object from a stream.
  • CSDClientResultSet::MaxResults() - Returns the current value of the max number of expected after recognition.
  • CSDClientResultSet::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSDClientResultSet::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSDClientResultSet::ResultCount() - Returns the number of results actually returned after recogntion.
  • CSDClientResultSet::SetDiagnostic() - Sets the diagnostic of this result set.
  • CSDClientResultSet::SetMaxResultsL() - Sets the maximum number of best matches (N-best) expected in the recognition result after recognition.
  • CSDClientResultSet::SetResultCount() - Sets the number of results actually returned after recogntion.
  • CSDClientResultSet::~CSDClientResultSet() - Destructor.

  • CSDGrammar - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Grammar.
  • CSDGrammar::Add() - Adds a rule to the grammar.
  • CSDGrammar::At() - Returns a rule based at an index.
  • CSDGrammar::Count() - Returns the number of rules in the grammar.
  • CSDGrammar::Delete() - Deletes a rule from the grammar.
  • CSDGrammar::FindRule() - Finds a rule in the grammar based on the rule ID.
  • CSDGrammar::GrammarID() - Returns the grammar ID of the result.
  • CSDGrammar::NewL() - Instantiates an instance of CSDGrammar.
  • CSDGrammar::NewLC() - Instantiates an instance of CSDGrammar and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDGrammar::~CSDGrammar() - Destructor.

  • CSDLexicon - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Lexicon.
  • CSDLexicon::Add() - Adds a lexicon entry to the lexicon.
  • CSDLexicon::At() - Returns a pronunciation based at an index.
  • CSDLexicon::Count() - Returns the number of lexicon entries in the lexicon.
  • CSDLexicon::FindPronunciation() - Finds a pronunciation based on the specified pronunciation ID.
  • CSDLexicon::LexiconID() - Returns the ID of the lexicon.
  • CSDLexicon::NewL() - Instantiates an instance of CSDLexicon.
  • CSDLexicon::NewLC() - Instantiates an instance of CSDGrammar and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDLexicon::~CSDLexicon() - Destructor.

  • CSDModel - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Model created during the training process.
  • CSDModel::AcousticModel() - Gets a pointer to the acoustic model of this model.
  • CSDModel::NewL()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDModel.
  • CSDModel::NewL()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDModel.
  • CSDModel::NewLC()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDModel.
  • CSDModel::NewLC()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDModel.
  • CSDModel::PhonemeID() - Returns the phoneme ID of this model.
  • CSDModel::SetAcousticModel() - Sets the acoustic model of the model.
  • CSDModel::SetPhonemeID() - Sets the phoneme ID of this model.
  • CSDModel::~CSDModel() - Destructor.

  • CSDModelBank - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Model Bank used by the recognizer during the recognition process.
  • CSDModelBank::Add() - Adds a model to the model bank.
  • CSDModelBank::At() - Returns a model at the given index.
  • CSDModelBank::Count() - Returns the number of models in the model bank.
  • CSDModelBank::FindModel() - Finds a model based on the specified phoneme ID.
  • CSDModelBank::ModelBankID() - Returns the model bank ID of the model bank.
  • CSDModelBank::NewL() - Instantiates an instance of a CSDModelBank.
  • CSDModelBank::NewLC() - Instantiates an instance of a CSDModelBank and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDModelBank::~CSDModelBank() - Destructor.

  • CSDPronunciation - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Pronunciation.
  • CSDPronunciation::ModelBankID() - Returns the ID of the model bank.
  • CSDPronunciation::NewL() - Instantiates an instance of CSDPronunciation.
  • CSDPronunciation::NewLC() - Instantiates an instance of CSDPronunciation and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDPronunciation::PhonemeID() - Returns the phoneme ID of this lexicon entry.
  • CSDPronunciation::PronunciationID() - Returns the pronunciation ID of this lexicon entry.
  • CSDPronunciation::~CSDPronunciation() - Destructor.

  • CSDResult - Class to encapsulate a Recognition Result.
  • CSDResult::GrammarID() - Returns the grammar ID of the result.
  • CSDResult::NewL()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDResult.
  • CSDResult::NewL()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDResult.
  • CSDResult::NewLC()  Instantiates an instance of CSDResult and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDResult::NewLC()  Instantiates an instance of a CSDResult and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDResult::RuleID() - Returns the rule ID of the result.
  • CSDResult::Score() - Returns the score of this result.
  • CSDResult::SetGrammarID() - Sets the grammar ID on the result.
  • CSDResult::SetRuleID() - Sets the rule ID of the result.
  • CSDResult::SetScore() - Sets the score for this result.
  • CSDResult::~CSDResult() - Destructor.

  • CSDResultSet - CSDResultSet encapsulates a set of result objects returned by the recognizer at the end of the recognition process.
  • CSDResultSet::Add() - Adds a result to the rule set.
  • CSDResultSet::At() - Returns a result at a given index within the result set.
  • CSDResultSet::Count() - Returns the number of results in the result set.
  • CSDResultSet::Diagnostic() - Gets the diagnostic of this result set.
  • CSDResultSet::NewL() - Instantiates an instance of CSDResultSet.
  • CSDResultSet::NewLC() - Instantiates an instance of CSDResultSet and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDResultSet::SetDiagnostic() - Sets the diagnostic of this result set.
  • CSDResultSet::~CSDResultSet() - Destructor.

  • CSDRule - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Rule.
  • CSDRule::LexiconID() - Returns the lexicon ID of the result.
  • CSDRule::NewL() - Instantiates an instance of CSDRule.
  • CSDRule::NewLC() - Instantiates an instance of CSDRule and leaves a pointer on the cleanup stack.
  • CSDRule::PronunciationID() - Returns the pronunciation ID of the result.
  • CSDRule::RuleID() - Returns the rule ID of the result.
  • CSDRule::~CSDRule() - Destructor.

  • CSHA - A SHA message digest.
  • CSHA::BlockSize() - Gets the internal block size of the message digest.
  • CSHA::CopyL() - Creates a new CMessageDigest object with the exact same state as the current object.
  • CSHA::Final()  Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages, and calls Reset().
  • CSHA::Final()  Gets a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages and then calls Reset().
  • CSHA::Hash() - Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages.
  • CSHA::HashSize() - Gets the size of the message digest output.
  • CSHA::NewL() - Creates a new SHA object.
  • CSHA::ReplicateL() - Creates a brand new reset CMessageDigest object containing no state information from the current object.
  • CSHA::Reset() - Resets the internal state of the message digest.
  • CSHA::RestoreState() - Restores the internal state of the message digest to a previously stored state.
  • CSHA::StoreState() - Stores the internal state of the message digest.
  • CSHA::Update() - Adds data to the internal representation of messages to be hashed.
  • CSHA::~CSHA() - Destructor.

  • CSHA1 - A SHA-1 message digest.
  • CSHA1::BlockSize() - Gets the internal block size of the message digest.
  • CSHA1::CopyL() - Creates a new CMessageDigest object with the exact same state as the current object.
  • CSHA1::Final()  Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages, and calls Reset().
  • CSHA1::Final()  Gets a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages and then calls Reset().
  • CSHA1::Hash() - Adds aMessage to the internal representation of data to be hashed, then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised hash of all the previously appended messages.
  • CSHA1::HashSize() - Gets the size of the message digest output.
  • CSHA1::NewL() - Creates a new SHA-1 object.
  • CSHA1::ReplicateL() - Creates a brand new reset CMessageDigest object containing no state information from the current object.
  • CSHA1::Reset() - Resets the internal state of the message digest.
  • CSHA1::RestoreState() - Restores the internal state of the message digest to a previously stored state.
  • CSHA1::StoreState() - Stores the internal state of the message digest.
  • CSHA1::Update() - Adds data to the internal representation of messages to be hashed.
  • CSHA1::~CSHA1() - Destructor.

  • CSIP - Class for connecting to SIP server.
  • CSIP::Connection() - Checks if the user has a connection created for given IAP-id.
  • CSIP::IsSigCompSupportedL() - Checks if the signalling compression (SigComp) is supported.
  • CSIP::NegotiatedSecurityMechanismL() - Gets negotiated security mechanism with the next hop on the signaling path.
  • CSIP::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIP::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIP::SupportedSecurityMechanismsL() - Gets all supported security mechanisms.
  • CSIP::~CSIP() - Destructor.

  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Accept-Contact" header.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAcceptContactHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAcceptContactHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptContactHeader.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptContactHeader On return the new instance has left to the CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::operator==() - Compares this instance to another "Accept-Contact" header object.
  • CSIPAcceptContactHeader::~CSIPAcceptContactHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAcceptContactHeader.

  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Accept-Encoding" header.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::Codings() - Gets the codings from the "Accept-Encoding" header.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader and puts it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::QParameter() - Gets the value of "q"-parameter.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::SetCodingsL() - Sets the codings in the "Accept-Encoding" header.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::SetQParameterL() - Sets the "q"-parameter value.
  • CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader::~CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader.

  • CSIPAcceptHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Accept" header.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAcceptHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAcceptHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::IsEmpty() - Check if the header is empty.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::MediaSubtype() - Gets the media subtype from the "Accept" header.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::MediaType() - Gets the media type from the "Accept" header.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptHeader.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptHeader and puts it into the cleanup stack.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::QParameter() - Gets the value of "q"-parameter.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::SetMediaSubtypeL() - Sets the media subtype in the "Accept" header.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::SetMediaTypeL() - Sets the media type in the "Accept" header.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::SetQParameterL() - Sets the "q"-parameter value.
  • CSIPAcceptHeader::~CSIPAcceptHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAcceptHeader.

  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Accept-Language" header.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::LanguageRange() - Gets the language-range from the "Accept-Language" header.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader and puts it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::QParameter() - Gets the value of "q"-parameter.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::SetLanguageRangeL() - Sets the language-range in the "Accept-Language" header.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::SetQParameterL() - Sets the "q"-parameter value.
  • CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader::~CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader.

  • CSIPAddress - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP name-addr structure.
  • CSIPAddress::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAddress from textual representation.
  • CSIPAddress::DisplayName() - Gets the display name.
  • CSIPAddress::ExternalizeL() - Writes the object to a RWriteStream.
  • CSIPAddress::InternalizeL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAddress from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAddress::NewL()  Creates a new instance of CSIPAddress.
  • CSIPAddress::NewL()  Creates a new instance of CSIPAddress.
  • CSIPAddress::NewL()  Creates a deep-copy of a CSIPAddress.
  • CSIPAddress::NewLC()  Creates a new instance of CSIPAddress and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAddress::NewLC()  Creates a new instance of CSIPAddress and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAddress::NewLC()  Creates a deep-copy of a CSIPAddress and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAddress::operator==() - Compares this object to another instance of CSIPAddress.
  • CSIPAddress::SetDisplayNameL() - Sets the display name.
  • CSIPAddress::SetUri8L() - Sets the URI part of the address.
  • CSIPAddress::ToTextLC() - Creates a textual representation and pushes it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAddress::URI().
  • CSIPAddress::URI().
  • CSIPAddress::Uri8() - Gets the URI part of the address as const.
  • CSIPAddress::~CSIPAddress() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAddress.

  • CSIPAddressHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers having syntax ( name-addr/ addr-spec ) *(generic-param).
  • CSIPAddressHeaderBase::SetSIPAddressL() - Sets the name-address.
  • CSIPAddressHeaderBase::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address as const.
  • CSIPAddressHeaderBase::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address.
  • CSIPAddressHeaderBase::~CSIPAddressHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAddressHeaderBase.

  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Allow-Events" header.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAllowEventsHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::EventPackage() - Gets the Event-Package parameter from the "Allow-Events" header.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::EventTemplates() - Gets the event templates.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAllowEventsHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAllowEventsHeader.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAllowEventsHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::SetEventPackageL() - Sets the Event-Package parameter in the "Allow-Events" header;.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::SetEventTemplatesL() - Sets the event templates overwriting all the existing ones.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPAllowEventsHeader::~CSIPAllowEventsHeader() - Destructor.

  • CSIPAllowHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Allow" header.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPAllowHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPAllowHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAllowHeader.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPAllowHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPAllowHeader::~CSIPAllowHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPAllowHeader.

  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase - A base class for SIP Authorization-, Proxy-Authenticate-, Proxy-Authorization- and WWW-Authenticate-headers.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::AuthScheme().
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::DeleteParam() - Deletes a parameter.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::DesParamValue() - Gets a parameter value stored as a descriptor.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::ExternalizeSupported() - From CSIPHeaderBase ExternalizeSupported.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::HasParam() - Checks if a parameter is present.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::Params().
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::Params().
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::ParamValue() - Gets a parameter value.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::SetDesParamL() - Sets a parameter with a value.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::SetParamAndAddQuotesL() - Sets a parameter with a value and adds double quotes as the first and the last character in the value.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::SetParamL() - Sets a parameter with a value.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::ToTextValueL() - Encodes the header's value into its textual representation.
  • CSIPAuthHeaderBase::~CSIPAuthHeaderBase() - Destructor.

  • CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase - A base class for SIP Proxy-Authenticate- and WWW-Authenticate-headers.
  • CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase::ExternalizeSupported() - From CSIPHeaderBase ExternalizeSupported.
  • CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase::HasQopValueL() - Check whether a qop-value in qop-options is present.
  • CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase::Params().
  • CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase::Params().
  • CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase::~CSIPAuthenticateHeaderBase() - Destructor.

  • CSIPCSeqHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting sequence number and method in SIP "CSeq" header.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPCSeqHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPCSeqHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::Method() - Gets the method from the "CSeq" header.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPCSeqHeader.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPCSeqHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::Seq() - Gets the sequence number from the "CSeq" header.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::SetMethodL() - Sets the method in the "CSeq" header.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::SetSeq() - Sets the sequence number in the "CSeq" header.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPCSeqHeader::~CSIPCSeqHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPCSeqHeader.

  • CSIPCallIDHeader - Class for a SIP Call-ID header.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPCallIDHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPCallIDHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::operator==() - Compares this instance to another "Call-ID" header object.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPCallIDHeader::~CSIPCallIDHeader() - Destructor.

  • CSIPClientTransaction - Class for managing SIP client transactions.
  • CSIPClientTransaction::CancelAllowed() - Checks if the client transaction is such that it can be cancelled.
  • CSIPClientTransaction::CancelL() - Cancels client transaction i.e.
  • CSIPClientTransaction::Refresh() - Gets the associated refresh with the transaction.
  • CSIPClientTransaction::ResponseElements() - Gets response elements of the most recent response.
  • CSIPClientTransaction::~CSIPClientTransaction() - Destructor.

  • CSIPConnection - Class for monitoring connection's state and sending SIP requests outside the dialog associations.
  • CSIPConnection::FetchRegistrationsL() - Creates SIP REGISTER request and sends it to the given destination.
  • CSIPConnection::GetLocalAddrL() - Gets the local IP address of this CSIPConnection that is used by the SIP implementation.
  • CSIPConnection::IapId() - Gets Iap-id used for this connection.
  • CSIPConnection::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPConnection::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPConnection::SendRequestL()  Creates SIP request and sends it to the given destination.
  • CSIPConnection::SendRequestL()  Creates SIP request and sends it to the given destination.
  • CSIPConnection::SendRequestL()  Creates SIP request and sends it to the given destination.
  • CSIPConnection::SendRequestL()  Creates SIP request and sends it to the given destination.
  • CSIPConnection::SetOptL()  Sets a RSocket option used for all the sockets used for sending SIP requests and responses in this CSIPConnection.
  • CSIPConnection::SetOptL()  Sets a RSocket option used for all the sockets used for sending SIP requests and responses in this CSIPConnection.
  • CSIPConnection::SIP()  Gets SIP server handle.
  • CSIPConnection::SIP()  Gets SIP server handle.
  • CSIPConnection::State() - Gets current state of the connection.
  • CSIPConnection::~CSIPConnection() - Destructor.

  • CSIPContactHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "Contact" header fields.
  • CSIPContactHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPContactHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPContactHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPContactHeader::ExpiresParameter() - Gets the value of the "expires"-parameter.
  • CSIPContactHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPContactHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPContactHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPContactHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContactHeader.
  • CSIPContactHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContactHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPContactHeader::operator==() - Compares this object to another instance of CSIPContactHeader.
  • CSIPContactHeader::QParameter() - Gets the value of "q"-parameter.
  • CSIPContactHeader::SetExpiresParameterL() - Sets the "expires"-parameter.
  • CSIPContactHeader::SetQParameterL() - Sets the "q"-parameter value in the "Contact" header.
  • CSIPContactHeader::SetSIPAddressL() - Sets the name-address.
  • CSIPContactHeader::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address as const.
  • CSIPContactHeader::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address.
  • CSIPContactHeader::Star() - Checks if the address is set to a STAR ("*").
  • CSIPContactHeader::~CSIPContactHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPContactHeader.

  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Content-Disposition" header.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPContentDispositionHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::DispType() - Gets the disp-type parameter from the "Content-Disposition" header.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPContentDispositionHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContentDispositionHeader.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContentDispositionHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::SetDispTypeL() - Sets the disp-type parameter in the "Content-Disposition" header;.
  • CSIPContentDispositionHeader::~CSIPContentDispositionHeader() - Destructor.

  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Content-Encoding" header.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPContentEncodingHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPContentEncodingHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContentEncodingHeader.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContentEncodingHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPContentEncodingHeader::~CSIPContentEncodingHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPContentEncodingHeader.

  • CSIPContentTypeHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Content-Type" header.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPContentTypeHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPContentTypeHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::MediaSubtype() - Gets the media subtype from the "Content-Type" header.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::MediaType() - Gets the media type from the "Content-Type" header.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContentTypeHeader.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPContentTypeHeader and puts it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::SetMediaSubtypeL() - Sets the media subtype in the "Content-Type" header.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::SetMediaTypeL() - Sets the media type in the "Content-Type" header.
  • CSIPContentTypeHeader::~CSIPContentTypeHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPContentTypeHeader.

  • CSIPDialog - Class for managing SIP dialogs.
  • CSIPDialog::CallIdL() - Gets Call-ID of SIP dialog.
  • CSIPDialog::Connection()  Gets the SIP connection used for this dialog.
  • CSIPDialog::Connection()  Gets the SIP connection used for this dialog.
  • CSIPDialog::FromHeader() - Gets originator's address.
  • CSIPDialog::IsAssociated() - Checks if the dialog association belongs to this dialog.
  • CSIPDialog::operator==() - Compares this object to another object.
  • CSIPDialog::RegistrationContext() - Gets used registration context for this dialog.
  • CSIPDialog::RemoteURI() - Gets remote-uri used during dialog creation.
  • CSIPDialog::SIPDialogAssociations() - Gets all dialog associations.
  • CSIPDialog::State() - Gets dialog state.
  • CSIPDialog::ToHeader() - Gets recipient's address.

  • CSIPDialogAssocBase - Base class for SIP dialog associations.
  • CSIPDialogAssocBase::Dialog()  Gets the dialog this dialog association belongs to.
  • CSIPDialogAssocBase::Dialog()  Gets dialog this dialog association belongs to.
  • CSIPDialogAssocBase::IsNonTargetRefreshRequest() - Tests if the request is a non target refresh request.
  • CSIPDialogAssocBase::SendNonTargetRefreshRequestL() - Creates SIP request and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPDialogAssocBase::Type() - Gets dialog association type.

  • CSIPEventHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Event" header.
  • CSIPEventHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPEventHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPEventHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPEventHeader::EventPackage() - Gets the Event-Package parameter from the "Event" header.
  • CSIPEventHeader::EventTemplates() - Gets the event templates.
  • CSIPEventHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPEventHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPEventHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPEventHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPEventHeader.
  • CSIPEventHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPEventHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPEventHeader::operator==() - Compares this instance to another CSIPEventHeader instance.
  • CSIPEventHeader::SetEventPackageL() - Sets the Event-Package parameter in the "Event" header;.
  • CSIPEventHeader::SetEventTemplatesL() - Sets the event templates overwriting all the existing ones.
  • CSIPEventHeader::~CSIPEventHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPEventHeader.

  • CSIPExpiresHeader - Class encapsulates a "Expires" header value.
  • CSIPExpiresHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPExpiresHeader::CSIPExpiresHeader() - Constructor.
  • CSIPExpiresHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPExpiresHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPExpiresHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPExpiresHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPExpiresHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPExpiresHeader::~CSIPExpiresHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPExpiresHeader.

  • CSIPExtensionHeader - The class stores unknown and extension headers that are either not supported by the current SIP codec implementation or not specified in current SIP RFC or both.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::ExternalizeSupported() - From CSIPHeaderBase ExternalizeSupported.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPExtensionHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPExtensionHeader.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPExtensionHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::SetValueL() - Sets the header value.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::Value() - Gets the header value.
  • CSIPExtensionHeader::~CSIPExtensionHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPExtensionHeader.

  • CSIPFromHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "From" header.
  • CSIPFromHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPFromHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPFromHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPFromHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPFromHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPFromHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPFromHeader::NewL()  Creates a new instance of CSIPFromHeader.
  • CSIPFromHeader::NewL()  Creates a deep-copy of a CSIPFromToHeaderBase Note that this function can be used for creating a From-header using an existing To-header.
  • CSIPFromHeader::NewLC()  Creates a new instance of CSIPFromHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPFromHeader::NewLC()  Creates a deep-copy of a CSIPFromToHeaderBase and puts it to CleanupStack Note that this function can be used for creating a From-header using an existing To-header.
  • CSIPFromHeader::~CSIPFromHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPFromHeader.

  • CSIPFromToHeaderBase - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "From" and "To" header.
  • CSIPFromToHeaderBase::operator==() - Compares this instance to another "From" or "To" header object.
  • CSIPFromToHeaderBase::SetSIPAddressL() - Sets the name-address.
  • CSIPFromToHeaderBase::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address as const.
  • CSIPFromToHeaderBase::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address.
  • CSIPFromToHeaderBase::~CSIPFromToHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPFromToHeaderBase.

  • CSIPHeaderBase - Class provides a generic interface for all the SIP headers.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::CloneL() - Creates a deep-copy of this CSIPHeaderBase object.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::ExternalizeL() - Writes the object to a RWriteStream.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::ExternalizeSupported() - Checks, if the header supports serialization.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::Name() - Gets the full name of the header The function is implemented in each of the sub-classes.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::PushLC() - Can be used when a RPointerArray needs to be pushed to the CleanupStack for ResetAndDestroy.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::ToTextL() - Encodes the header (name and value) into its textual representation.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::ToTextLC() - Encodes the header (name and value) into its textual representation and pushes it to the CleanupStack.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::ToTextValueL() - Encodes the header's value into its textual representation.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::ToTextValueLC() - Encodes the header's value into its textual representation and pushes it to the CleanupStack.
  • CSIPHeaderBase::~CSIPHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPHeaderBase.

  • CSIPHttpDigest - Class for managing SIP HTTP Digest security settings.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::IgnoreChallenge()  Ignores the challenge for the realm.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::IgnoreChallenge()  Ignores the challenge for the realm for the specific transaction.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::IgnoreChallenge()  Ignores the challenge for the realm for the specific refresh.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::RemoveCredentials()  Removes all set credentials for the realm.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::RemoveCredentials()  Removes all set credentials by the user.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::SetCredentialsL()  Sets credentials for the realm of the outbound proxy.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::SetCredentialsL()  Sets parameters for the realm.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::SetCredentialsL()  Sets credentials for the realm for the specific transaction.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::SetCredentialsL()  Sets credentials for the realm for the specific refresh.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::SetObserver()  Sets the observer to listen for the possible received challenges.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::SetObserver()  Sets the observer to listen for the possible received challenges.
  • CSIPHttpDigest::~CSIPHttpDigest().

  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc - Class for managing SIP dialog association created with INVITE.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::SendAckL() - Creates SIP ACK request and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::SendByeL() - Creates SIP BYE request and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::SendInviteL() - Creates INVITE and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::SendPrackL() - Creates PRACK and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::SendUpdateL() - Creates UPDATE and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::~CSIPInviteDialogAssoc() - Destructor.

  • CSIPManagedProfile - Class contains profile information of particular SIP service provider.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::CloneL() - Creates deep copy of the object.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::SetParameter()  Sets profile parameter.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::SetParameter()  Sets profile parameter.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::SetParameter()  Sets profile parameter.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::SetParameter()  Sets profile parameter.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::SetParameter()  Sets profile parameter that is defined for a particular SIP server.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::SetType() - Sets profile type information;.
  • CSIPManagedProfile::~CSIPManagedProfile() - Destructor.

  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry - The class for managing SIP profiles.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::CreateL() - Instantiates new profile with default values for given type.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::DestroyL() - Removes and deletes SIP profile from the persistent storage.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::IsInUseL() - Checks if profile is not used by other applications.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::NewInstanceL() - Creates a new instance of type CSIPManagedProfile.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::SaveL() - Saves new profile or changes to a profile to the persistent storage.
  • CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::~CSIPManagedProfileRegistry() - Destructor.

  • CSIPMessageElements - Class for creation and manipulation optional elements in a SIP message.
  • CSIPMessageElements::Content() - Gets the SIP message content.
  • CSIPMessageElements::ContentType() - Gets the content type.
  • CSIPMessageElements::ExtractContent().
  • CSIPMessageElements::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPMessageElements::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPMessageElements::SetContentL() - Sets the SIP message content and its type.
  • CSIPMessageElements::SetUserHeadersL() - Sets an array of user headers i.e.
  • CSIPMessageElements::UserHeaders() - Gets all user SIP headers this class contains.
  • CSIPMessageElements::~CSIPMessageElements() - Destructor.

  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc - Class for managing SIP NOTIFY dialog associations.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::Event() - Gets an event about which the notification is done.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::SendNotifyL() - Creates NOTIFY and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::SubscriptionState()  Gets subscription state.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::SubscriptionState()  Gets subscription state.
  • CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc::~CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc() - Destructor.

  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "P-Associated-URI" header.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader::~CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPPAssociatedURIHeader.

  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers that have structure "mandatory part"delimiter"parameters".
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::DeleteParam() - Deletes a parameter.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::HasParam() - Checks if a parameter is present.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::Param() - Gets a header parameter name by index.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::ParamCount() - Gets the count of header parameters.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::ParamValue() - Gets a parameter value.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::SetParamL()  Sets a parameter with a value.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::SetParamL()  Sets a parameter without a value Takes copy of the name, so if the RStringF has been dynamically allocated, it can be closed if necessary after the function returns.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPParameterHeaderBase::~CSIPParameterHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPParameterHeaderBase.

  • CSIPProfile - Class contains profile information of particular SIP service provider.
  • CSIPProfile::GetParameter()  Gets profile parameter.
  • CSIPProfile::GetParameter()  Gets profile parameter.
  • CSIPProfile::GetParameter()  Gets profile parameter.
  • CSIPProfile::GetParameter()  Gets profile parameter.
  • CSIPProfile::GetParameter()  Gets profile parameter that is defined for a particular SIP server.
  • CSIPProfile::Type() - Gets profile type information.
  • CSIPProfile::~CSIPProfile() - Destructor.

  • CSIPProfileRegistry - The class for retrieving SIP profiles from permanent storage.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::ConnectionL() - Gets the SIP connection to be used with this SIP profile.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::Disable() - Disables the usage of SIP profile.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::EnableL() - Enables the SIP profile for use.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::IsEnabled() - Tests is the SIP profile enabled for the use.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::SIP() - Gets handle to the SIP server.
  • CSIPProfileRegistry::~CSIPProfileRegistry() - Destructor.

  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase - The class functions for retrieving SIP profiles from permanent storage.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::DefaultProfileL() - Gets the default profile.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::LastRegistrationError() - Gets the last occurred error during registration.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::ProfileL() - Gets SIP profile identified by the Id The owneship of profile is transferred.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::ProfilesL()  Gets all SIP profiles.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::ProfilesL()  Gets all SIP profiles of particular type The owneship of profiles are transferred.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::ProfilesL()  Gets SIP profile for a particular SIP AOR The owneship of profiles are transferred.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::SupportedProfileTypesL() - Gets supported profile types The owneship of returned objects are transferred.
  • CSIPProfileRegistryBase::~CSIPProfileRegistryBase().

  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader - Class for SIP Proxy-Authenticate-header manipulation.
  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader.
  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader.
  • CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader::~CSIPProxyAuthenticateHeader() - Destructor.

  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Proxy-Require" header.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPProxyRequireHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPProxyRequireHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPProxyRequireHeader.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPProxyRequireHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPProxyRequireHeader::~CSIPProxyRequireHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPProxyRequireHeader.

  • CSIPRAckHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting sequence number and method in SIP "RAck"-header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::CSeqNum() - Gets the sequence number from the "RAck" header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPRAckHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPRAckHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::Method() - Gets the method from the "RAck" header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRAckHeader.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRAckHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::Seq() - Gets the sequence number from the "RAck" header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::SetCSeqNum() - Sets the sequence number in the "RAck" header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::SetMethodL() - Sets the method in the "RAck" header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::SetSeq() - Sets the sequence number in the "RAck" header.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPRAckHeader::~CSIPRAckHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPRAckHeader.

  • CSIPRSeqHeader - Class encapsulates a "RSeq"-header value.
  • CSIPRSeqHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPRSeqHeader::CSIPRSeqHeader() - Constructor.
  • CSIPRSeqHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPRSeqHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPRSeqHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPRSeqHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPRSeqHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPRSeqHeader::~CSIPRSeqHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPRSeqHeader.

  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc - Class for managing SIP REFER dialog associations.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::ReferTo() - Gets referred-to resouce.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::SendReferL() - Creates REFER and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPReferDialogAssoc::~CSIPReferDialogAssoc() - Destructor.

  • CSIPReferToHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Refer-To" header.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPReferToHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPReferToHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPReferToHeader.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPReferToHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPReferToHeader::~CSIPReferToHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPReferToHeader.

  • CSIPRefresh - Class for managing SIP refresh.
  • CSIPRefresh::IntervalL() - Gets current refresh interval.
  • CSIPRefresh::IsStandAlone() - Tests if the refresh is a stand-alone refresh.
  • CSIPRefresh::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPRefresh::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPRefresh::operator==() - Compares this object to another object.
  • CSIPRefresh::SetIntervalL() - Sets refresh interval.
  • CSIPRefresh::SIPTransaction() - Gets the associated SIP transaction with this refresh.
  • CSIPRefresh::State() - Gets the state of the refresh.
  • CSIPRefresh::TerminateL() - Terminates the refresh by sending SIP request to the remote destination.
  • CSIPRefresh::UpdateL() - Updates the refresh by sending SIP request to the remote destination.
  • CSIPRefresh::~CSIPRefresh() - Destructor.

  • CSIPReplyToHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Reply-To" header.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPReplyToHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPReplyToHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPReplyToHeader.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPReplyToHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPReplyToHeader::~CSIPReplyToHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPReplyToHeader.

  • CSIPRequestElements - Class provides functions for creation and manipulation of originator's and recipient's addresses in a SIP request.
  • CSIPRequestElements::CSeqHeader() - Gets CSeq-header.
  • CSIPRequestElements::FromHeader() - Gets the originator's From-header.
  • CSIPRequestElements::MessageElements()  Gets message elements (contains all SIP user headers and content).
  • CSIPRequestElements::MessageElements()  Gets message elements (contains all SIP user headers and content) The response elements can be populated with SIP user headers and content using returned reference to the message elements.
  • CSIPRequestElements::Method() - Gets the SIP Method for a request.
  • CSIPRequestElements::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPRequestElements::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPRequestElements::RemoteUri() - Gets the remote target URI.
  • CSIPRequestElements::SetFromHeaderL() - Sets/resets the originator's From-header.
  • CSIPRequestElements::SetMethodL() - Sets the SIP request method.
  • CSIPRequestElements::SetRemoteUriL() - Sets the remote URI.
  • CSIPRequestElements::SetToHeaderL() - Sets/resets the recipient's To-header To-header must not contain tag-parameter.
  • CSIPRequestElements::ToHeader() - Gets the recipient's To-header.
  • CSIPRequestElements::~CSIPRequestElements() - Destructor.

  • CSIPRequireHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Require" header.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPRequireHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPRequireHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRequireHeader.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRequireHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPRequireHeader::~CSIPRequireHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPRequireHeader.

  • CSIPResolvedClient - Interface that clients must realize in order to enable client resolution mechanism upon the reception of SIP request outside the SIP dialog.
  • CSIPResolvedClient::Capabilities() - Requests the implementation to provide capabilities in XML format in case they were not defined in the ECOM resource file.
  • CSIPResolvedClient::ChannelL() - Returns the SIP client's channel UID that indicates client's channel UID for connection with SIP e.g.
  • CSIPResolvedClient::ConnectL() - Requests the client to connect to SIP with resolved UID in case there's no connection with resolved channel UID.
  • CSIPResolvedClient::CSIPResolvedClient().
  • CSIPResolvedClient::~CSIPResolvedClient() - Destructor.

  • CSIPResponseElements - Class provides services for creating and manipulating SIP responses This class is used for creating and manipulating SIP responses including status code, reason phrase and optional elements such user headers, content and its type.
  • CSIPResponseElements::CSeqHeader() - Gets CSeq-header.
  • CSIPResponseElements::FromHeader() - Gets the originator's From-header.
  • CSIPResponseElements::MessageElements()  Gets message elements (contains all SIP user headers and content).
  • CSIPResponseElements::MessageElements()  Gets message elements (contains all SIP user headers and content) The response elements can be populated with SIP user headers and content using returned reference to the message elements.
  • CSIPResponseElements::NewL() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPResponseElements::NewLC() - Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPResponseElements::ReasonPhrase() - Gets a SIP Response Reason Phrase.
  • CSIPResponseElements::SetReasonPhraseL() - Sets a SIP Response Reason Phrase.
  • CSIPResponseElements::SetStatusCodeL() - Sets a SIP Response extension status code.
  • CSIPResponseElements::StatusCode() - Gets the SIP Response status code.
  • CSIPResponseElements::ToHeader() - Gets the recipient's To-header.
  • CSIPResponseElements::~CSIPResponseElements() - Destructor.

  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Retry-After" header.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::Comment() - Gets the comment value.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPRetryAfterHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::DurationParam() - Gets the value of the "duration"-parameter.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPRetryAfterHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRetryAfterHeader.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRetryAfterHeader On return the new instance has left to the CleanupStack.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::RetryAfter() - Gets the retry after value.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::SetDurationParamL() - Sets the "duration"-parameter.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::SetRetryAfter() - Sets the retry after value.
  • CSIPRetryAfterHeader::~CSIPRetryAfterHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPRetryAfterHeader.

  • CSIPRouteHeader - Class for SIP "Route"-header manipulation.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPRouteHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CCSIPRouteHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRouteHeader.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPRouteHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPRouteHeader::~CSIPRouteHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPRouteHeader.

  • CSIPRouteHeaderBase - A base class for "Route"-, "Record-Route"- and "Service-Route"-headers.
  • CSIPRouteHeaderBase::SetSIPAddressL() - Sets the name-address.
  • CSIPRouteHeaderBase::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address as const.
  • CSIPRouteHeaderBase::SIPAddress()  Gets the name-address.
  • CSIPRouteHeaderBase::~CSIPRouteHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPRouteHeaderBase.

  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "Security-Client" header fields.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPSecurityClientHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPSecurityClientHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPSecurityClientHeader.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPSecurityClientHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPSecurityClientHeader::~CSIPSecurityClientHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPSecurityClientHeader.

  • CSIPSecurityHeaderBase - A base class for Security-Client, Security-Server and Security-Verify.
  • CSIPSecurityHeaderBase::MechanismName() - Gets the Mechanism-Name from the Security header.
  • CSIPSecurityHeaderBase::PreferenceParam() - Gets the value of "q"-parameter.
  • CSIPSecurityHeaderBase::SetMechanismNameL() - Sets the Mechanism-Name in the Security header.
  • CSIPSecurityHeaderBase::SetPreferenceParamL() - Sets the "q"-parameter value.
  • CSIPSecurityHeaderBase::~CSIPSecurityHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPSecurityHeaderBase.

  • CSIPServerTransaction - Class for managing SIP server transactions.
  • CSIPServerTransaction::RequestElements() - Gets the request elements.
  • CSIPServerTransaction::ResponseAllowed() - Checks if the response sending is allowed for this server transaction.
  • CSIPServerTransaction::SendResponseL() - Sends response and ends the transaction; The user must not send 100 Trying response.
  • CSIPServerTransaction::~CSIPServerTransaction() - Destructor.

  • CSIPSubConnExtensionEventsFactory - Factory used to create instances of the SIP SubConnection Extension Events.

  • CSIPSubConnExtensionParamsFactory - Factory used to create instances of the SIP SubConnection Parameter Extension Sets.

  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc - Class for managing SIP SUBSCRIBE dialog associations.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::Event() - Gets an event to which the subscription is done.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::NewL()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::NewLC()  Two-phased constructor.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::SendSubscribeL() - Creates SUBSCRIBE and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::SendUnsubscribeL() - Creates (un)SUBSCRIBE and sends it to the remote target.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::SIPRefresh() - Gets associated refresh in case the user has requested the refresh of the SIP subscription.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::UpdateL() - Updates the subscription.
  • CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc::~CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc() - Destructor.

  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "Subscription-State" header fields.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::ExpiresParameter() - Gets the value of the "expires"-parameter.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::RetryAfterParameter() - Gets the value of the "retry-after"-parameter.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::SetExpiresParameterL() - Sets the "expires"-parameter.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::SetRetryAfterParameterL() - Sets the "retry-after"-parameter.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::SetSubStateValueL() - Sets the substate-value parameter in the "Subscription-State" header;.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::SubStateValue() - Gets the substate-value parameter from the "Subscription-State" header.
  • CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader::~CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPSubscriptionStateHeader.

  • CSIPSupportedHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "Supported" header.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPSupportedHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPSupportedHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPSupportedHeader.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPSupportedHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPSupportedHeader::~CSIPSupportedHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPSupportedHeader.

  • CSIPTimestampHeader - Class for a SIP Timestamp header.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::CSIPTimestampHeader() - Constructor.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPTimestampHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::Delay() - Gets the delay-part of the "Timestamp" header, if delay-part is present.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::HasDelay() - Check if the delay-part is present.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPTimestampHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::SetDelay() - Set the delay-part of the "Timestamp" header.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::SetTimestamp() - Set the timestamp from the "Timestamp" header.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::Timestamp() - Gets the timestamp from the "Timestamp" header.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPTimestampHeader::~CSIPTimestampHeader() - Destructor.

  • CSIPToHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "To" header fields.
  • CSIPToHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPToHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPToHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPToHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPToHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPToHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPToHeader::NewL()  Creates a new instance of CSIPToHeader.
  • CSIPToHeader::NewL()  Creates a deep-copy of a CSIPFromToHeaderBase Note that this function can be used for creating a To-header using an existing From-header.
  • CSIPToHeader::NewLC()  Creates a new instance of CSIPToHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPToHeader::NewLC()  Creates a deep-copy of a CSIPFromToHeaderBase and puts it to CleanupStack Note that this function can be used for creating a To-header using an existing From-header.
  • CSIPToHeader::~CSIPToHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPToHeader.

  • CSIPTokenHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers having form "Name: token *(COMMA token)".
  • CSIPTokenHeaderBase::SetValueL() - Sets the header value as a token.
  • CSIPTokenHeaderBase::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPTokenHeaderBase::Value() - Gets the header value as a token.
  • CSIPTokenHeaderBase::~CSIPTokenHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPTokenHeaderBase.

  • CSIPTransactionBase - Base class for managing SIP transactions.
  • CSIPTransactionBase::IsSIPClientTransaction() - Checks the if the actual object is of type CSIPClientTransaction.
  • CSIPTransactionBase::operator==() - Compares this object to another object also having CSIPTransactionBase base class The function has to be implemented in each of the sub-classes.
  • CSIPTransactionBase::StateL() - Gets SIP transaction state.
  • CSIPTransactionBase::Type() - Gets the SIP transaction type.

  • CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers having form: "Name: 1*DIGIT".
  • CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase::SetValue() - Sets the header value as an unsigned integer.
  • CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase::ToTextValueL() - From CSIPHeaderBase ToTextValueL.
  • CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase::Value() - Gets the header value as an unsigned integer.
  • CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase::~CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPUnsignedIntHeaderBase.

  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "Unsupported" header.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPUnsupportedHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::InternalizeValueL() - Constructs an instance of a CSIPUnsupportedHeader from a RReadStream.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPUnsupportedHeader.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPUnsupportedHeader and puts it to CleanupStack.
  • CSIPUnsupportedHeader::~CSIPUnsupportedHeader() - Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPUnsupportedHeader.

  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader - Class for SIP WWW-Authenticate-header manipulation.
  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader::CloneL() - From CSIPHeaderBase CloneL.
  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader::DecodeL() - Constructs a CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader from textual representation of the header's value part.
  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader::Name() - From CSIPHeaderBase Name.
  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader::NewL() - Creates a new instance of CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader.
  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader::NewLC() - Creates a new instance of CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader.
  • CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader::~CSIPWWWAuthenticateHeader() - Destructor.

  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm - Base class for Server MTMs that support scheduling.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::CheckScheduleL() - Verifies that the schedule information stored in specified messages is the same as that on the task scheduler.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::CScheduleBaseServerMtm() - Constructor.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::DeleteScheduleL() - Deletes the schedules for the specified messages from the task scheduler.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::LoadResourceFileL()  Loads the specified resource file.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::LoadResourceFileL()  Loads the resource file (if any) for the MTM.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::LoadScheduleSettingsL() - Loads all the schedule settings either from CenRep or a resource file.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::PopulateSchedulePackage() - Populates a TMsvSchedulePackage object with scheduling information.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::Queue() - Specifies an asynchronous status word to be completed when an asynchronous MTM operation completes.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::ScheduleL() - Schedules a message.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::SendScheduledL() - Sends messages now that were previously scheduled.
  • CScheduleBaseServerMtm::~CScheduleBaseServerMtm() - Destructor.

  • CScheduledTask - The representation of a scheduled task that is passed to registered programs.
  • CScheduledTask::Data() - Gets a reference to the data to be passed to the program on execution.
  • CScheduledTask::Info() - Gets the detailed information for the task.
  • CScheduledTask::NewLC() - Creates the object from the specified stream.
  • CScheduledTask::ScheduleType() - Gets the schedules type.
  • CScheduledTask::SecurityInfo() - Gets the security information for this scheduled task.
  • CScheduledTask::ValidUntil() - Gets the time when the task stops being valid.

  • CSdpAgent - Makes Bluetooth service discovery protocol (SDP) requests to a remote device.
  • CSdpAgent::AttributeRequestL()  Gets the specified attribute for a remote service.
  • CSdpAgent::AttributeRequestL()  Gets the specified attributes for a remote service.
  • CSdpAgent::AttributeRequestL()  Gets the specified attribute for a remote service.
  • CSdpAgent::AttributeRequestL()  Gets the specified attributes for a remote service.
  • CSdpAgent::Cancel() - Attempts to cancel an SDP Agent request.
  • CSdpAgent::NewL() - Creates a new SDP Agent object.
  • CSdpAgent::NewLC() - Creates a new SDP Agent object.
  • CSdpAgent::NextRecordRequestL() - Gets a handle to the record for the next (or first) service on the remote device that matches the service class filter previously set.
  • CSdpAgent::SetAttributePredictorListL() - This does nothing! (It used to create a copy of an attribute match list supplied, and place it in the CSdpAgentEng object.).
  • CSdpAgent::SetRecordFilterL() - Sets the classes of service to query for on the remote device.
  • CSdpAgent::~CSdpAgent() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList - SDP Attribute ID Match list.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::AddL() - Adds a range of IDs to the list.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::BuildDESL() - Adds a (header for a) Data element sequence (DES), a data element whose data field is a sequence of data elements.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::BuildUintL() - This should be one or two 16 bit integers, representing an AttrId of range thereof respectively.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::Count() - Gets the number of separate ranges of attribute IDs in the list.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::EndListL() - Attribute list now complete.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::InMatchList()  Tests if the specified attribute ID is in the list, and gets its position.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::InMatchList()  Tests if the specified attribute ID is in the list.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::InMatchListRange() - Tests if the specified attribute ID is in the list.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::NewL()  Allocate and construct a new CSdpAttrIdMatchList object.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::NewL()  Allocate and construct a new CSdpAttrIdMatchList object as a copy of another CSdpAttrIdMatchList.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::RemoveL() - Removes a range of IDs from the list.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::StartListL() - Indicates that subsequent elements added belong to a DES or DEA.
  • CSdpAttrIdMatchList::~CSdpAttrIdMatchList() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValue - Base class for classes that encapsulate SDP attributes values.
  • CSdpAttrValue::AcceptVisitorL() - Request a call back to pass the attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::Bool() - Gets a Boolean attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValue::Des() - Gets a data buffer attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::DoesIntFit() - Tests if the attribute can be stored in an integer value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::Int() - Gets a signed integer attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValue::Uint() - Gets an unsigned integer attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::UUID() - Gets a UUID attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValue::~CSdpAttrValue() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueBoolean - A Boolean value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueBoolean::Bool() - Gets the attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValueBoolean::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueBoolean::NewBoolL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueBoolean object.
  • CSdpAttrValueBoolean::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValueBoolean::~CSdpAttrValueBoolean() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueDEA - A Data element alternative (DEA) value of an attribute: this is an attribute whose value is a sequence of data elements from which one data element is to be selected.
  • CSdpAttrValueDEA::NewDEAL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueDEA object.
  • CSdpAttrValueDEA::Type() - Gets the attribute type.

  • CSdpAttrValueDES - A Data element sequence (DES) value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueDES object.
  • CSdpAttrValueDES::Type() - Gets the attribute type.

  • CSdpAttrValueInt - A signed integer value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::Des() - Gets the value as a data buffer.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::DoesIntFit() - Tests if the attribute can be stored in an integer value.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::Int() - Gets the value as a signed integer type.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::NewIntL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueInt object.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValueInt::~CSdpAttrValueInt() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueList - Base class for classes that specify lists of attribute data elements.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::AcceptVisitorL() - Requests a call back to pass the attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::AppendValueL() - Add a new value onto the end on this list.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildBooleanL() - Adds a Boolean element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildDEAL() - Adds a Data element alternative (DEA).
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildDESL() - Adds a Data element sequence (DES).
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildEncodedL() - Encode an attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildIntL() - Adds a signed integer element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildNilL() - Adds a null type element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildStringL() - Adds a Text String element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildUintL() - Adds an unsigned integer element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildUnknownL() - Adds an element of any type.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildURLL() - Adds a URL element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::BuildUUIDL() - Adds a UUID element.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::DataSize() - Gets the size of the list.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::EndListL() - Indicates the end of a list started by StartListL().
  • CSdpAttrValueList::StartListL() - Indicates that subsequent elements added belong to a DES or DEA.
  • CSdpAttrValueList::~CSdpAttrValueList() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueNil - A null type data attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueNil::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute (always 0).
  • CSdpAttrValueNil::NewNilL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueNil object.
  • CSdpAttrValueNil::Type() - Gets the type of the attribute (always ETypeNil).
  • CSdpAttrValueNil::~CSdpAttrValueNil() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueString - A Text String value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueString::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueString::Des() - Gets the value as a data buffer.
  • CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueString object.
  • CSdpAttrValueString::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValueString::~CSdpAttrValueString() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueURL - A URL value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueURL::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueURL::Des() - Gets the value as a data buffer.
  • CSdpAttrValueURL::NewURLL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueURL object.
  • CSdpAttrValueURL::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValueURL::~CSdpAttrValueURL() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueUUID - A UUID value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueUUID::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueUUID::Des() - Gets the value as a data buffer.
  • CSdpAttrValueUUID::NewUUIDL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueUUID object.
  • CSdpAttrValueUUID::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValueUUID::UUID() - Gets the attribute value.
  • CSdpAttrValueUUID::~CSdpAttrValueUUID() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttrValueUint - A unsigned integer value of an attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::DataSize() - Gets the size of the attribute.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::Des() - Gets the value as a data buffer.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::DoesIntFit() - Tests if the attribute can be stored in an integer value.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpAttrValueUint object.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::SetUintValue() - Replaces the current value.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::Type() - Gets the attribute type.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::Uint() - Gets the value as an unsigned integer type.
  • CSdpAttrValueUint::~CSdpAttrValueUint() - Destructor.

  • CSdpAttributeField - This class encapsulates the attribute field of Session Description Protocol for media and session level attributes.
  • CSdpAttributeField::AssignTo() - Assigns attribute to the format level attribute.
  • CSdpAttributeField::Attribute() - Gets the attribute name.
  • CSdpAttributeField::BelongsTo() - Test if the attribute belongs to the given format level attribute.
  • CSdpAttributeField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpAttributeField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new attribute field.
  • CSdpAttributeField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new attribute field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpAttributeField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpAttributeField::NewL() - Constructs a new attribute field.
  • CSdpAttributeField::NewLC() - Constructs a new attribute field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpAttributeField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpAttributeField::SetL() - Sets the attribute and attribute value.
  • CSdpAttributeField::Value() - Gets the attribute.
  • CSdpAttributeField::~CSdpAttributeField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpBandwidthField - This class encapsulates the bandwidth field of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new bandwidth field.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new bandwidth field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::Modifier() - Gets the bandwidth modifier.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::NewL() - Constructs a new bandwidth field.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::NewLC() - Constructs a new bandwidth field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::SetModifier() - Sets the bandwidth modifier.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::SetValue() - Sets the bandwidth value.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::Value() - Gets the bandwidth value.
  • CSdpBandwidthField::~CSdpBandwidthField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpConnectionField - This class encapsulates the connection information field of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpConnectionField::Address() - Gets the address.
  • CSdpConnectionField::AddressType() - Gets the address type that is from the pre-defined SDP string table or given by the user.
  • CSdpConnectionField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpConnectionField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new connection field.
  • CSdpConnectionField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new connection field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpConnectionField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpConnectionField::InetAddress() - Gets the address.
  • CSdpConnectionField::NetType() - Gets the network type that is from the pre-defined SDP string table or given by the user.
  • CSdpConnectionField::NewL()  Constructs a new connection field.
  • CSdpConnectionField::NewL()  Constructs a new connection field.
  • CSdpConnectionField::NewLC()  Constructs a new connection field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpConnectionField::NewLC()  Construct a new connection field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpConnectionField::NumOfAddress() - Gets the number of addresses (can be more than 1 for multicasts).
  • CSdpConnectionField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpConnectionField::SetAddressL() - Sets the address, network and address type.
  • CSdpConnectionField::SetInetAddressL() - Sets the address, network and address type.
  • CSdpConnectionField::SetNumOfAddressL() - Sets the number of addreses allocated for multicast.
  • CSdpConnectionField::SetTTLL() - Sets TTL attribute (only valid for IP4 multicasts).
  • CSdpConnectionField::TTLValue() - Gets TTL attribute.
  • CSdpConnectionField::~CSdpConnectionField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpDocument - This class encapsulates the Session Description Protocol (SDP) document.
  • CSdpDocument::AttributeFields() - Gets the possibly empty set of session level attribute fields.
  • CSdpDocument::BandwidthFields() - Gets the possibly empty set of session level bandwidth fields.
  • CSdpDocument::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpDocument::ConnectionField()  Gets the session level connection field.
  • CSdpDocument::ConnectionField()  Gets the session level connection field.
  • CSdpDocument::DecodeL() - Constructs a new SDP document.
  • CSdpDocument::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new SDP document and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpDocument::EmailFields() - Gets the set of session level email field values.
  • CSdpDocument::EncodeL() - Outputs the SDP document formatted according to SDP syntax.
  • CSdpDocument::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the object state in an internal, memory optimized format.
  • CSdpDocument::Info() - Gets the session information field value.
  • CSdpDocument::InternalizeL() - Internalizes the object state from an internal, memory optimized format.
  • CSdpDocument::IsValid() - Checks if the instance represents a valid SDP document.
  • CSdpDocument::Key()  Gets the session level encryption key field.
  • CSdpDocument::Key()  Gets the session level encryption key field.
  • CSdpDocument::MediaFields() - Gets the possibly empty set of media description fields.
  • CSdpDocument::NewL() - Constructs a new, empty SDP document.
  • CSdpDocument::NewLC() - Constructs a new, empty SDP document document and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpDocument::OriginField()  Gets a reference to the session origin field.
  • CSdpDocument::OriginField()  Gets a reference to the session origin field.
  • CSdpDocument::PhoneFields() - Gets the set of session level phone field values.
  • CSdpDocument::SdpVersion() - Gets the SDP version used in the version field.
  • CSdpDocument::SessionName() - Gets the session name field value.
  • CSdpDocument::SetConnectionField() - Sets or removes the session level connection field.
  • CSdpDocument::SetInfoL() - Sets or removes the session information field value.
  • CSdpDocument::SetKey() - Sets or removes the encryption key field.
  • CSdpDocument::SetOriginField() - Sets or removes the session origin field.
  • CSdpDocument::SetSessionNameL() - Sets the session name field value.
  • CSdpDocument::SetUri() - Sets or removes the session level URI field.
  • CSdpDocument::SetZoneAdjustmentsL() - Sets the zone adjustments field value.
  • CSdpDocument::TimeFields() - Gets the set of session level time description fields.
  • CSdpDocument::Uri()  Gets the session URI field value.
  • CSdpDocument::Uri()  Gets the session URI field value.
  • CSdpDocument::ZoneAdjustments() - Gets the zone adjustments field value.
  • CSdpDocument::~CSdpDocument() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpFmtAttributeField - This class encapsulates the attribute field of the Session Description Protocol for media format/payload type level attributes.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::Attribute() - Gets the attribute.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new media format level attribute field.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new media format level attribute field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::Format() - Gets the format.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::NewL() - Constructs a new media level format attribute field.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::NewLC() - Constructs a new media format level attribute field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::SetL() - Sets the attribute, format/payload type and attribute value.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::Value() - Gets the attribute value.
  • CSdpFmtAttributeField::~CSdpFmtAttributeField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpKeyField - This class encapsulates the encryption key field of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpKeyField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpKeyField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new encryption key field.
  • CSdpKeyField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new encryption key field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpKeyField::EncodeL() - Writes the instance as a complete SDP field encoded as UTF-8 and formatted as defined in draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-new-14.
  • CSdpKeyField::EncryptionKey() - Gets the encryption key.
  • CSdpKeyField::Method() - Gets the encryption method.
  • CSdpKeyField::NewL() - Constructs a new encryption key field.
  • CSdpKeyField::NewLC() - Constructs a new encryption key field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpKeyField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpKeyField::SetL() - Sets the encryption method and key.
  • CSdpKeyField::~CSdpKeyField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpMediaField - This class encapsulates the media description field and related media specific subfields of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpMediaField::AttributeFields() - Gets the set of media level, format independent attributes.
  • CSdpMediaField::BandwidthFields() - Gets the set of media level bandwidth fields.
  • CSdpMediaField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpMediaField::ConnectionFields() - Gets the set of media level connection fields.
  • CSdpMediaField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new media description field.
  • CSdpMediaField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new media description field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpMediaField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpMediaField::FormatAttributeFields() - Gets the set of media format level attributes.
  • CSdpMediaField::FormatList() - Gets the format list.
  • CSdpMediaField::Info() - Return the media level info field value.
  • CSdpMediaField::IsValid() - Checks the consistency between the media field and it's subfields.
  • CSdpMediaField::KeepFormatL() - Removes all formats except one from the media description.
  • CSdpMediaField::Key()  Gets the media level encryption key field.
  • CSdpMediaField::Key()  Gets the media level encryption key field.
  • CSdpMediaField::Media() - Gets the media type.
  • CSdpMediaField::NewL() - Constructs a new media description field.
  • CSdpMediaField::NewLC() - Constructs a new media description field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpMediaField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpMediaField::Port() - Gets the port number.
  • CSdpMediaField::PortCount() - Gets the port count.
  • CSdpMediaField::Protocol() - Gets the media protocol.
  • CSdpMediaField::RejectMedia() - Sets this media description into rejected state.
  • CSdpMediaField::RemoveFormatL() - Removes a specific format from the media description.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetFormatListL() - Sets the format list.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetInfoL() - Sets the media level info field value.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetKey() - Sets or removes the media level encryption key field.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetMediaL() - Sets the media type.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetPortCountL() - Sets the port count.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetPortL() - Sets the port number.
  • CSdpMediaField::SetProtocolL() - Sets the media protocol.
  • CSdpMediaField::~CSdpMediaField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpOriginField - This class encapsulates the origin field of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpOriginField::Address() - Gets the address.
  • CSdpOriginField::AddressType() - Gets the address type.
  • CSdpOriginField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpOriginField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new origin field.
  • CSdpOriginField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new origin field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpOriginField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpOriginField::InetAddress() - Gets the address.
  • CSdpOriginField::NetType() - Gets the network type.
  • CSdpOriginField::NewL()  Constructs a new origin field.
  • CSdpOriginField::NewL()  Constructs a new origin field.
  • CSdpOriginField::NewLC()  Constructs a new origin field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpOriginField::NewLC()  Constructs a new origin field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpOriginField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpOriginField::SessionId() - Gets the session id of the origin field.
  • CSdpOriginField::SetAddressL() - Sets the address, network and address type.
  • CSdpOriginField::SetInetAddress() - Sets the address, network and address type.
  • CSdpOriginField::SetSessionId() - Sets the session id.
  • CSdpOriginField::SetUserNameL() - Sets the user name.
  • CSdpOriginField::SetVersion() - Sets the announcement version...
  • CSdpOriginField::UserName() - Gets the user name.
  • CSdpOriginField::Version() - Gets the announcement version.
  • CSdpOriginField::~CSdpOriginField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpRepeatField - This class encapsulates the repeat times field of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpRepeatField::ActiveDuration() - Gets the active duration...
  • CSdpRepeatField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpRepeatField::DecodeL() - Constructs a new repeat times field.
  • CSdpRepeatField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a new repeat times field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpRepeatField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpRepeatField::NewL() - Constructs a new repeat times field.
  • CSdpRepeatField::NewLC() - Constructs a new repeat times field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpRepeatField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpRepeatField::RepeatInterval() - Gets the repeat interval.
  • CSdpRepeatField::SetActiveDuration() - Sets the active duration.
  • CSdpRepeatField::SetRepeatIntervalL() - Sets the repeat interval.
  • CSdpRepeatField::SetTimeOffsetsL() - Sets the time offsets.
  • CSdpRepeatField::TimeOffsets() - Gets the array of time offsets.
  • CSdpRepeatField::~CSdpRepeatField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSdpSearchPattern - A list of Bluetooth service classes, represented as Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), to be matched in SDP Service Search Requests.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::AddL() - Adds a UID to the list.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::At() - Gets the UUID at the specified position in the list.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::BuildDESL() - Adds a (header for a) Data element sequence (DES), a data element whose data field is a sequence of data elements.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::BuildUUIDL() - Adds a UUID element.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::ConstructL() - Allocates a new UUID array.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::Count() - Gets the number of UUIDs in the list.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::EndListL() - Indicates that subsequent elements no longer belong to current DES or DEA.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::Find() - Gets the position of the specified UUID in the list.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::IsEmpty() - Tests if the list is empty.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CSdpSearchPattern object.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::Remove() - Removes a UUID from the list.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::Reset() - Removes all UUIDs from the list.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::StartListL() - Indicates that subsequent elements added belong to a DES or DEA.
  • CSdpSearchPattern::~CSdpSearchPattern() - Destructor.

  • CSdpTimeField - This class encapsulates the time field and the related zero or more repeat times fields and an optional time zone adjustment field of the Session Description Protocol.
  • CSdpTimeField::CloneL() - Creates a new instance that is equal to the target.
  • CSdpTimeField::DecodeL() - Constructs a time field.
  • CSdpTimeField::DecodeLC() - Constructs a time field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpTimeField::EncodeL() - Outputs the field formatted according to SDP syntax and including the terminating CRLF.
  • CSdpTimeField::IsValid() - Checks the consistency of the time description and it's subfields.
  • CSdpTimeField::NewL() - Constructs a time field.
  • CSdpTimeField::NewLC() - Constructs a time field and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack.
  • CSdpTimeField::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • CSdpTimeField::RepeatFields() - Gets the set of repeat times fields related to this time field.
  • CSdpTimeField::SetTimesL() - Sets the session start and stop times.
  • CSdpTimeField::StartTime() - Gets the session start time.
  • CSdpTimeField::StopTime() - Gets the session stop time.
  • CSdpTimeField::~CSdpTimeField() - Deletes the resources held by the instance.

  • CSecureSocket - Secure sockets class.
  • CSecureSocket::AvailableCipherSuites() - Gets the available cipher suites.
  • CSecureSocket::CancelAll() - Cancels all the send and receive actions in the SSL state machine.
  • CSecureSocket::CancelHandshake() - Cancels the handshake.
  • CSecureSocket::CancelRecv() - Cancels a receive action in the SSL state machine.
  • CSecureSocket::CancelSend() - Cancels a send action in the SSL state machine.
  • CSecureSocket::ClientCert() - Gets the current client certificate.
  • CSecureSocket::ClientCertMode() - Gets the current client certificate mode.
  • CSecureSocket::Close() - Closes the secure connection and the socket.
  • CSecureSocket::CurrentCipherSuite() - Gets the current cipher suite in use.
  • CSecureSocket::DialogMode() - Gets the current dialog mode.
  • CSecureSocket::FlushSessionCache() - Flushes the session cache.
  • CSecureSocket::GetOpt()  Gets an option.
  • CSecureSocket::GetOpt()  Gets an option.
  • CSecureSocket::NewL()  Creates and returns a pointer to a new secure socket.
  • CSecureSocket::NewL()  Creates and returns a pointer to a new secure socket.
  • CSecureSocket::Protocol() - Gets the protocol in use.
  • CSecureSocket::Recv() - Receives data from the socket.
  • CSecureSocket::RecvOneOrMore() - Receives data from the socket.
  • CSecureSocket::RenegotiateHandshake() - Initiates a renegotiation of the secure connection.
  • CSecureSocket::Send()  Sends data over the socket.
  • CSecureSocket::Send()  Sends data over the socket.
  • CSecureSocket::ServerCert() - Gets the current server certificate.
  • CSecureSocket::SetAvailableCipherSuites() - Sets the list of cipher suites that are available for use.
  • CSecureSocket::SetClientCert() - Sets the client certificate to use.
  • CSecureSocket::SetClientCertMode() - Sets the client certificate mode.
  • CSecureSocket::SetDialogMode() - Sets the Dialog mode.
  • CSecureSocket::SetOpt()  Sets an option.
  • CSecureSocket::SetOpt()  Sets an option.
  • CSecureSocket::SetProtocol() - Sets the protocol.
  • CSecureSocket::SetServerCert() - Sets the server X.509 certificate.
  • CSecureSocket::StartClientHandshake() - Starts the client handshake.
  • CSecureSocket::StartServerHandshake() - Starts the server handshake.

  • CSecurityPolicy - The Security Policy Plug-in API.
  • CSecurityPolicy::CSecurityPolicy() - Intended Usage: Normal constructor.
  • CSecurityPolicy::NewL() - Intended Usage: Factory construction - instantiates the plug-in.
  • CSecurityPolicy::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CSecurityPolicy::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CSecurityPolicy::~CSecurityPolicy() - Intended Usage: Class destructor.

  • CSendAsAccounts - Provides human-readable names and IDs for the list of accounts for a given message type.
  • CSendAsAccounts::Account() - The account specified by the index argument.
  • CSendAsAccounts::AccountFromNameL() - The account associated with the given name.
  • CSendAsAccounts::AccountNames() - The array of names of accounts for this message type.
  • CSendAsAccounts::AppendAccountL() - Appends a new account and associated name pair.
  • CSendAsAccounts::Count() - The number of accounts for this message type.
  • CSendAsAccounts::MessageType() - The UID of the message type.
  • CSendAsAccounts::NameFromAccountL() - The name associated with the given account.
  • CSendAsAccounts::NewL() - Create a new CSendAsAccount.
  • CSendAsAccounts::RemoveAccount() - Removes an existing account and associated name pair.
  • CSendAsAccounts::Reset() - Deletes all elements from the array.
  • CSendAsAccounts::SetMessageType() - Sets UID of the message type.
  • CSendAsAccounts::Size() - Gives the size of the accounts collection.
  • CSendAsAccounts::~CSendAsAccounts() - Destructor.

  • CSendAsMessageTypes - Provides human-readable names and UIDs for the filtered list of message types.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::AppendMessageTypeL() - Appends a new message type and associated name pair.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::AvailableMessageTypes() - The names of the available message types.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::Count() - The number of message types.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::MessageTypeUid() - The UID of the message as specified by the index argument.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::NameFromUidL() - The name associated with the given message type.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::NewL() - Create a new CSendAsMessageTypes.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::RemoveMessageType() - Removes an existing message type and associated name pair.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::Reset() - Deletes all elements from the array.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::Size() - Gives the size of the message types collection.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::UidFromNameL() - The message type associated with the given name.
  • CSendAsMessageTypes::~CSendAsMessageTypes() - Destructor.

  • CSerial - Factory for a single CPort object.
  • CSerial::CSerial() - Default constructor.
  • CSerial::CSerial_Reserved1() - Reserved virtual function.
  • CSerial::Info() - Get info about this CSY, fill in the supplied structure.
  • CSerial::NewPortL() - Create a new port for the supplied unit number.
  • CSerial::PortPlatSecCapability() - Retrieve the security policy for a requested port.
  • CSerial::QueryVersionSupported() - Specifies the protocol for checking the supplied TVersion against the protocol's module version.
  • CSerial::~CSerial() - Destructor.

  • CServer2 - Abstract base class for servers (version 2).
  • CServer2::CServer2() - Constructs the server object, specifying the server type and the active object priority.
  • CServer2::DoCancel() - Implements the cancellation of any outstanding request for messages.
  • CServer2::DoConnect() - Handles the connect request from the client.
  • CServer2::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CServer2::Message() - Gets a reference to the server's current message.
  • CServer2::NewSessionL() - Creates a server-side session object.
  • CServer2::ReStart() - Restarts the server.
  • CServer2::RunError() - Handles the situation where a call to CServer2::RunL(), leaves.
  • CServer2::RunL() - Handles the receipt of a message.
  • CServer2::Server() - Gets a handle to the server.
  • CServer2::Start() - Adds the server with the specified name to the active scheduler, and issues the first request for messages.
  • CServer2::StartL() - Adds the server with the specified name to the active scheduler, and issues the first request for messages, and leaves if the operation fails.
  • CServer2::~CServer2() - Frees resources prior to destruction.

  • CServerMtmDllRegistry.
  • CServerMtmDllRegistry::NewL().
  • CServerMtmDllRegistry::NewServerMtmL().
  • CServerMtmDllRegistry::~CServerMtmDllRegistry().

  • CSession2 - Represents a session (version 2) for a client thread on the server-side.
  • CSession2::CountResources() - Gets the number of resources currently in use.
  • CSession2::CreateL() - Completes construction of this server-side client session object.
  • CSession2::CSession2() - Default constructor.
  • CSession2::Disconnect() - Called by a server when it receives a disconnect message for the session.
  • CSession2::Extension_() - Extension function.
  • CSession2::ResourceCountMarkEnd() - Marks the end of resource count checking.
  • CSession2::ResourceCountMarkStart() - Marks the start of resource count checking.
  • CSession2::Server() - Gets the server active object that handles messages for this session.
  • CSession2::ServiceError() - Handles the situation when a call to CSession2::ServiceL(), which services a client request, leaves.
  • CSession2::ServiceL() - Handles the servicing of a client request that has been passed to the server.
  • CSession2::~CSession2() - Destructor.

  • CSheetEngine - Spreadsheet application engine.
  • CSheetEngine::Compress() - Attempts to compress all data storage.
  • CSheetEngine::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor.
  • CSheetEngine::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor, specifying a resource file.
  • CSheetEngine::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor, specifying additional cell formatting data and a resource file.
  • CSheetEngine::ConstructL()  Second-phase constructor, specifying a resource file.
  • CSheetEngine::CreateCellFromTextL() - Initialises a cell with content specified in a descriptor.
  • CSheetEngine::CSheetEngine() - Default constructor.
  • CSheetEngine::CurrentWorkSheet() - Gets the engine's current worksheet.
  • CSheetEngine::DisableUndoAndRedo() - Sets the engine to not provide support for undoing and redoing operations.
  • CSheetEngine::EndEditOperationL() - Marks the end of an edit operation.
  • CSheetEngine::ExistsCircularDependency() - Tests if circular dependency exists between cells.
  • CSheetEngine::FormulaViewer() - Gets the engine's formula viewer.
  • CSheetEngine::GetAnyCircularDependency() - Finds a cell causing a circular dependency.
  • CSheetEngine::HasChanged() - Tests if the engine has performed updates that the client (e.g.
  • CSheetEngine::IsRedoAvailable() - Tests if the engine supports redo.
  • CSheetEngine::IsUndoAvailable() - Tests if the engine supports undo.
  • CSheetEngine::LocaleHasChanged() - Informs the engine that the system locale has changed.
  • CSheetEngine::MarkUnchanged() - Reset the engine's changed flag.
  • CSheetEngine::NameSet() - Gets the engine's name set.
  • CSheetEngine::NewEmptyL() - Allocates and constructs a new spreadsheet engine object, specifying an existing spreadsheet engine as a template.
  • CSheetEngine::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new spreadsheet engine object.
  • CSheetEngine::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new spreadsheet engine object, specifying additional cell formatting data.
  • CSheetEngine::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new spreadsheet engine object, specifying additional cell formatting data and a resource file.
  • CSheetEngine::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new spreadsheet engine object, specifying a resource file.
  • CSheetEngine::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new spreadsheet engine object, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.
  • CSheetEngine::RecalculateL() - Recalculates the spreadsheet.
  • CSheetEngine::RecalculationInProgress() - Tests if a background recalculation is in progress.
  • CSheetEngine::RecalculationNeeded() - Tests if the spreadsheet needs recalculating.
  • CSheetEngine::RecalculationToBeDoneAutomatically() - Tests if the engine automatically recalculates the spreadsheet when required.
  • CSheetEngine::RecalculationToBeDoneInBackground() - Tests if the engine recalculates the spreadsheet in the background, as a low priority active object, or synchronously.
  • CSheetEngine::RedoOperationL() - Redoes the last edit operation.
  • CSheetEngine::Reset() - Resets the engine to default values.
  • CSheetEngine::RestoreL() - Restores the engine.
  • CSheetEngine::SetCallBackAPI() - Sets a callback object, so that the engine can inform the client of events.
  • CSheetEngine::SetCurrentWorkSheet() - Sets the engine's current worksheet.
  • CSheetEngine::SetRecalculationToBeDoneAutomatically() - Sets whether the engine should automatically recalculate the spreadsheet when required.
  • CSheetEngine::SetRecalculationToBeDoneInBackgroundL() - Sets whether the engine should recalculate the spreadsheet in the background, as a low priority active object, or synchronously.
  • CSheetEngine::SetTemplateAdditionalDataL() - Sets default additional cell formatting data.
  • CSheetEngine::ShgCellAsText()  Gets the cell contents as a descriptor.
  • CSheetEngine::ShgCellAsText()  Gets the cell contents as a descriptor, specifying the cell's work sheet.
  • CSheetEngine::StartEditOperation() - Marks the start of an edit operation.
  • CSheetEngine::StoreL() - Stores the engine.
  • CSheetEngine::SyntaxErrorPos() - Gets the position where a formula syntax error has been detected.
  • CSheetEngine::TemplateAdditionalData() - Gets default additional cell formatting data.
  • CSheetEngine::UndoOperationL() - Undoes the last edit operation.
  • CSheetEngine::WorkBook() - Gets the engine's workbook.
  • CSheetEngine::~CSheetEngine() - Destructor.

  • CSheetEngine::TCleanupStackableRollBack.

  • CShgAdditionalDataIter - An iterator over cell additional data objects in a worksheet.
  • CShgAdditionalDataIter::CurrentL() - Gets the iterator's current additional data object.
  • CShgAdditionalDataIter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a cell additional data objects iterator.
  • CShgAdditionalDataIter::NextL() - Increments the iterator.
  • CShgAdditionalDataIter::Reset() - Resets the iterator to the start of the worksheet.
  • CShgAdditionalDataIter::~CShgAdditionalDataIter() - Destructor.

  • CShgCellAdditionalData - Encapsulates cell formatting data.
  • CShgCellAdditionalData::NewDeepCopyL() - Allocates and constructs an additional cell data object as a copy of an existing object.
  • CShgCellAdditionalData::NewDefaultL() - Allocates and constructs an additional cell data object with default values.
  • CShgCellAdditionalData::NewEmptyL() - Allocates and constructs an empty additional cell data object.
  • CShgCellAdditionalData::~CShgCellAdditionalData() - Destructor.

  • CShgFormulaTextLexer - Breaks down a formula stored as text into formula tokens.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::GetNextTokenL() - Advances to the next token.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::LexCellOrRange() - Tests if a cell or range was lexed.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a formula lexer.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::Offset() - Gets the offset of the next character position from the start of the string.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::Start() - Initialises the lexer with a specified formula string.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::Token() - Gets the current token.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::UnGetToken() - Sets the current token type to ETokDmEOL.
  • CShgFormulaTextLexer::~CShgFormulaTextLexer() - Destructor.

  • CShgFormulaViewer - Handles conversion of formula tokens (TFormulaToken) into localised strings suitable for display to users.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::FirstFunctionNo() - Gets the first token (as ordered in TFormulaToken) that represents a function.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::FormulaEvaluator() - Gets a formula evaluator object.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::FunctionName() - Gets a localised string for a specified formula token.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::FunctionType() - Gets the type (financial, statistical, etc.) of a specified function.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::GetTextFormulaL() - Gets a text representation of a formula.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::GetTokenFormulaL() - Gets a token representation of a formula.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::InitWithTextFormula() - Initialises the viewer with text data.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::InitWithTokenFormula() - Initialises the viewer with formula data.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::LastFunctionNo() - Gets the last token (as ordered in TFormulaToken) that represents a function.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new formula viewer.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::NoArguments() - Gets the number of arguments required for a specified function.
  • CShgFormulaViewer::~CShgFormulaViewer() - Destructor.

  • CShgName - A spreadsheet engine name entry.
  • CShgName::AsTextL() - Gets the name value as a string.
  • CShgName::Error() - Gets the error type, if the value results in an error.
  • CShgName::Formula() - Gets the value of a formula type name.
  • CShgName::GetCell() - Gets the value of a cell type name.
  • CShgName::GetRange() - Gets the value of a cell range type name.
  • CShgName::Int() - Gets the value of an integer type name.
  • CShgName::Name() - Gets the name identifier.
  • CShgName::Real() - Gets the value of a real number type name.
  • CShgName::Text() - Gets the value of a text type name.
  • CShgName::Type() - Gets the name value type.
  • CShgName::~CShgName() - Destructor.

  • CShgNameSet - An array of spreadsheet engine names.
  • CShgNameSet::AddNameL() - Adds a name to the set.
  • CShgNameSet::ChangeNameL() - Changes the value of an existing name.
  • CShgNameSet::Count() - Gets the number of names in the set.
  • CShgNameSet::DeleteNameL() - Deletes a name.
  • CShgNameSet::EditOperationComplete() - Marks the completion of an edit operation.
  • CShgNameSet::FindName() - Finds a specified name by index value.
  • CShgNameSet::FindNameId() - Finds a specified name by identifier.
  • CShgNameSet::operator[]() - Gets a name by index.
  • CShgNameSet::RenameNameL() - Changes the identifier of an existing name.
  • CShgNameSet::RestoreL() - Restores the name set.
  • CShgNameSet::StartEditOperation() - Marks the start of an edit operation.
  • CShgNameSet::StoreL() - Stores the name set.
  • CShgNameSet::~CShgNameSet() - Destructor.

  • CShgProtectionIter - An iterator over the protected or unprotected cell ranges in a worksheet.
  • CShgProtectionIter::Current() - Gets the iterator's current cell range.
  • CShgProtectionIter::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a protected cells iterator.
  • CShgProtectionIter::operator++() - Increments the iterator.
  • CShgProtectionIter::Reset() - Resets the iterator to the start of the worksheet.
  • CShgProtectionIter::~CShgProtectionIter() - Destructor.

  • CShgWorkBook - A spreadsheet engine workbook.
  • CShgWorkBook::ChangeNameL() - Renames a worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::Count() - Gets the number of worksheets in the workbook.
  • CShgWorkBook::CreateWorkSheetL() - Creates a new worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::CurrentWorkSheet() - Gets the current worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::CurrentWorkSheetNo() - Gets the index of the current worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::DeleteWorkSheetL() - Deletes a worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::EditOperationComplete() - Marks the completion of an edit operation.
  • CShgWorkBook::RestoreL() - Restores the object.
  • CShgWorkBook::SetCurrentWorkSheet() - Sets the current worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::SheetEngine() - Gets the spreadsheet engine set for this object.
  • CShgWorkBook::StartEditOperation() - Marks the start of an edit operation.
  • CShgWorkBook::StoreL() - Stores the object.
  • CShgWorkBook::WorkSheet()  Gets a worksheet specified by name.
  • CShgWorkBook::WorkSheet()  Gets a worksheet specified by index.
  • CShgWorkBook::WorkSheetNo() - Gets the index of a named worksheet.
  • CShgWorkBook::~CShgWorkBook() - Destructor.

  • CShgWorkSheet - A spreadsheet engine worksheet.
  • CShgWorkSheet::AddCellInsideEditOperationL() - Adds a cell to a worksheet, assuming an edit operation is in progress.
  • CShgWorkSheet::BottomRight() - Gets the cell at the bottom right of the worksheet.
  • CShgWorkSheet::CellWasChangedByLastEditOperation() - Tests if a specified cell was changed by the last edit operation.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ClearL()  Clears a cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ClearL()  Clears an array of ranges.
  • CShgWorkSheet::CopyL()  Copies a cell to the clipboard.
  • CShgWorkSheet::CopyL()  Copies an array of ranges to the clipboard.
  • CShgWorkSheet::DefaultAdditionalData() - Gets default additional data for the worksheet.
  • CShgWorkSheet::DeleteCellInsideEditOperationL() - Deletes a cell from a worksheet, assuming an edit operation is in progress.
  • CShgWorkSheet::EffectiveCharFormat() - Gets the character layer formatting that applies to a cell, specified by reference or by object.
  • CShgWorkSheet::EffectiveCharFormatRead() - Gets the character layer formatting that applies to a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::EffectiveNumberFormat() - Gets the number format for a cell, specified by reference or by object.
  • CShgWorkSheet::EffectiveNumberFormatRead() - Gets the number format for a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::EffectiveParaFormat() - Gets the paragraph layer formatting that applies to a cell, specified by reference or by object.
  • CShgWorkSheet::EffectiveParaFormatRead() - Gets the paragraph layer formatting that applies to a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::GridLay() - Gets the worksheet as a Grid API layer object.
  • CShgWorkSheet::GridTable() - Gets the worksheet as a Grid API table.
  • CShgWorkSheet::IsAnyCellInRangeProtected() - Tests if any cell in a specified range is protected.
  • CShgWorkSheet::IsCellProtected() - Tests if a specified cell is protected.
  • CShgWorkSheet::IsLocked() - Tests if the worksheet is locked.
  • CShgWorkSheet::Lock() - Locks/unlocks the worksheet.
  • CShgWorkSheet::MShgReadCell() - Gets a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::Name() - Gets the worksheet name.
  • CShgWorkSheet::PasteL() - Paste data from the clipboard into the worksheet.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ProtectL()  Sets a specified cell to be protected.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ProtectL()  Protects a specified array of ranges.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ReadFormulaCellTextL() - Gets the formula text for a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ReadShgCell() - Gets a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SearchL()  Searches an array of ranges for some specified text.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SearchL()  Searches a range for some specified text.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SetCellL() - Sets cell contents.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SetNameL() - Sets the worksheet name.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SetShowZeros() - Sets whether zero values should be displayed.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SheetEngine() - Gets the spreadsheet engine used by the worksheet.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ShiftCellsL() - Shifts some specified rows or columns.
  • CShgWorkSheet::ShowZeros() - Gets whether zero values should be displayed.
  • CShgWorkSheet::SortL() - Sorts a range of cells.
  • CShgWorkSheet::UpdateAdditionalDataL()  Updates additional data (formatting information) for a specified cell.
  • CShgWorkSheet::UpdateAdditionalDataL()  Updates additional data for a specified array of ranges.
  • CShgWorkSheet::WorkSheetNo() - Gets the worksheet number.
  • CShgWorkSheet::~CShgWorkSheet() - Destructor.

  • CSignedObject - Base class for certificates.
  • CSignedObject::DataElementEncoding() - Gets the encoded data for the specified encoded data element, in the (to be signed) tbsCertificate data structure, of the signed object.
  • CSignedObject::Encoding() - Gets the entire encoding.
  • CSignedObject::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the encoding of the entire object to a write stream.
  • CSignedObject::Fingerprint() - Gets the fingerprint.
  • CSignedObject::InternalizeL() - Internalises the encoded object from a read stream.
  • CSignedObject::SetParametersL() - Sets the signing key parameters.
  • CSignedObject::Signature() - Gets the digital signature.
  • CSignedObject::SignedDataL() - Gets the signed data.
  • CSignedObject::SigningAlgorithm() - Gets the signing algorithm ID used.
  • CSignedObject::VerifySignatureL()  Verifies a signature using the specified encoded key.
  • CSignedObject::VerifySignatureL()  Verifies a signature using the specified encoded key and hash.
  • CSignedObject::~CSignedObject() - Destructor.

  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier - Contains two CAlgorithmIdentifier objects for comparison purposes.
  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::AsymmetricAlgorithm() - Gets the signature ID of the asymmetric algorithm.
  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::DigestAlgorithm() - Gets the signature ID of the digest algorithm.
  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL() - Constructs a new Signing Algorithm Identifier object, copying an existing Signing Algorithm Identifier object.
  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC() - Constructs a new Signing Algorithm Identifier object, copying an existing Signing Algorithm Identifier object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::operator==() - Tests whether the Signing Algorithm Identifier object is equal to the specified Signing Algorithm Identifier object.
  • CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::~CSigningAlgorithmIdentifier() - Destructor.

  • CSigningKeyParameters - Contains the parameter information required by some signing algorithms.
  • CSigningKeyParameters::NewL()  Creates a new signing key parameters object.
  • CSigningKeyParameters::NewL()  Creates a new signing key parameters object copied from an existing object.
  • CSigningKeyParameters::NewLC()  Creates a new signing key parameters object and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSigningKeyParameters::NewLC()  Creates a new signing key parameters object copied from an existing object and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSigningKeyParameters::SetDSAParamsL() - Sets the DSA parameters.
  • CSigningKeyParameters::~CSigningKeyParameters() - Destructor.

  • CSmlAlertInfo - Information about an alert notification.

  • CSmsAccount - Stores SMS service and Schedule Send settings to Central Repository.
  • CSmsAccount::HandleSessionEventL()  Indicates an event has occurred.
  • CSmsAccount::HandleSessionEventL()  Indicates an event has occurred.
  • CSmsAccount::InitialiseDefaultSettingsL()  Initialises the SMS settings in CenRep:.
  • CSmsAccount::InitialiseDefaultSettingsL().
  • CSmsAccount::InitialiseDefaultSettingsL()  Initialises the SMS settings in CenRep:.
  • CSmsAccount::InitialiseDefaultSettingsL().
  • CSmsAccount::LoadSettingsL()  Loads SMS Service settings from CenRep:.
  • CSmsAccount::LoadSettingsL().
  • CSmsAccount::LoadSettingsL()  Loads Schedule Send settings from CenRep:.
  • CSmsAccount::LoadSettingsL().
  • CSmsAccount::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an SMS account object.
  • CSmsAccount::NewL().
  • CSmsAccount::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs an SMS account object.
  • CSmsAccount::NewLC().
  • CSmsAccount::SaveSettingsL()  Saves SMS Service settings to CenRep:.
  • CSmsAccount::SaveSettingsL().
  • CSmsAccount::SaveSettingsL()  Saves Schedule Send settings to CenRep:.
  • CSmsAccount::SaveSettingsL().
  • CSmsAccount::~CSmsAccount()  Destructor.
  • CSmsAccount::~CSmsAccount().

  • CSmsAddress - CSmsAddress - address of the recipient or SC.

  • CSmsAlphabetConverter - Utility to provide piecewise character set conversion to / from unpacked user data elements.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::Alphabet() - Gets the coding scheme alphabet.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::ConvertFromNativeL() - Converts from the native character set to unpacked user data elements of the desired character set.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::ConvertToNativeL() - Converts the user data elements of the specified character set to the native character set.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::NewLC() - Allocates and creates a CSmsAlphabetConverter object, specifying an Alphabet Coding scheme and a Binary flag.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::ResetUnconvertedNativeCharacters() - Resets the unconverted native character buffer.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::ResetUnconvertedUDElements() - Resets the unconverted user data elements buffer.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::UnconvertedNativeCharacters() - Gets the unconverted native characters.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::UnconvertedUDElements() - Gets the unconverted user data elements.
  • CSmsAlphabetConverter::~CSmsAlphabetConverter() - Destructor.

  • CSmsBuffer - This is the simplest implementation of CSmsBufferBase.
  • CSmsBuffer::DeleteL() - Deletes data from the buffer.
  • CSmsBuffer::Extract() - Extracts buffer data to a descriptor.
  • CSmsBuffer::InsertL() - Inserts data into the buffer.
  • CSmsBuffer::Length() - Gets the amount of space currently used in the buffer.
  • CSmsBuffer::NewL() - Allocates and constructs the buffer.
  • CSmsBuffer::Reset() - Resets the buffer.
  • CSmsBuffer::~CSmsBuffer() - Destructor, frees resource.

  • CSmsBufferBase - The base class for all SMS buffers.
  • CSmsBufferBase::DeleteL() - Deletes data from the buffer.
  • CSmsBufferBase::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • CSmsBufferBase::Extract() - Extracts buffer data to a descriptor.
  • CSmsBufferBase::InsertL() - Inserts data into the buffer.
  • CSmsBufferBase::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • CSmsBufferBase::Length() - Gets the number of characters in the buffer.
  • CSmsBufferBase::Reset() - Resets the buffer.

  • CSmsClientMtm - The SMS client MTM interface.
  • CSmsClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee to the current context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee with an alias to the current context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee for the current context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee for the current context, and enables the client to specify an alias, which may be useful for some protocols.
  • CSmsClientMtm::BioTypeChangedL()  Informs the MTM that the context's BIO field is being changed.
  • CSmsClientMtm::BioTypeChangedL().
  • CSmsClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched()  Resets the current SMS message.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched()  Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.
  • CSmsClientMtm::CreateMessageL()  Creates a new outgoing SMS message entry as a child of the current context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::CreateMessageL().
  • CSmsClientMtm::Find()  Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.
  • CSmsClientMtm::Find()  Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ForwardL()  Creates a SMS forwarded message from the current message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ForwardL()  Creates a forwarded message from the current message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL()  Invokes asynchronous SMS-specific operations.
  • CSmsClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL()  Invokes asynchronous protocol-specific operations.
  • CSmsClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL() - Invokes synchronous protocol-specific operations.
  • CSmsClientMtm::LoadMessageL()  Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::LoadMessageL()  Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::NewL().
  • CSmsClientMtm::QueryCapability()  Queries if the MTM supports the capability specified by the supplied UID.
  • CSmsClientMtm::QueryCapability().
  • CSmsClientMtm::ReadSimParamsL()  Reads SMS parameters from the SIM.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ReadSimParamsL().
  • CSmsClientMtm::RemoveAddressee()  Removes a recipient from the current address list.
  • CSmsClientMtm::RemoveAddressee()  Removes an address from the current address list.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ReplyL()  Creates a new SMS message as a reply to the current message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ReplyL()  Creates a reply message to the current message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL()  Restores the SMS service ID and SMS service settings.
  • CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL().
  • CSmsClientMtm::SaveMessageL()  Commits cached changes to the current message context to the message store.
  • CSmsClientMtm::SaveMessageL()  Commits cached changes to the storage controlled by the Message Server.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ServiceId()  Gets the ID of the current SMS service.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ServiceId().
  • CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings()  Gets the current SMS service settings.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings()  Gets the current (const) SMS service settings.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings().
  • CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings().
  • CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader()  Gets the message header for a message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader()  Gets the (const) message header for a message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader().
  • CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader().
  • CSmsClientMtm::ValidateMessage()  Validates the current message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::ValidateMessage()  Validates the current message context.
  • CSmsClientMtm::WriteSimParamsL()  Writes SMS parameters to the SIM.
  • CSmsClientMtm::WriteSimParamsL().
  • CSmsClientMtm::~CSmsClientMtm()  Destructor.
  • CSmsClientMtm::~CSmsClientMtm().

  • CSmsCommand - SMS-COMMAND PDU - MS to SC.
  • CSmsCommand::AddInformationElementL() - Adds an Information Element.
  • CSmsCommand::CommandData() - Gets the Command Data.
  • CSmsCommand::CommandType() - Gets the Command Type.
  • CSmsCommand::ConstructL().
  • CSmsCommand::DecodeL().
  • CSmsCommand::EncodeL().
  • CSmsCommand::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsCommand::InformationElement() - Gets an Information Element.
  • CSmsCommand::InformationElementIndex() - Gets index of a specified Information Element.
  • CSmsCommand::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsCommand::MaxCommandDataLength() - Gets the Maximum Data Length of the Command.
  • CSmsCommand::MessageNumber() - Gets the Message Number.
  • CSmsCommand::MessageReference() - Gets the Message Reference.
  • CSmsCommand::NumInformationElements() - Gets the number of Information Elements in the User Data.
  • CSmsCommand::ProtocolIdentifier().
  • CSmsCommand::RemoveInformationElement() - Removes an Information Element.
  • CSmsCommand::SetCommandDataL() - Sets the Command Data.
  • CSmsCommand::SetCommandType() - Sets the Command Type.
  • CSmsCommand::SetMessageNumber() - Sets the Message Number.
  • CSmsCommand::SetMessageReference() - Sets the Message Reference.
  • CSmsCommand::SetStatusReportRequest() - Sets Status Report Request flag.
  • CSmsCommand::StatusReportRequest() - Gets Status Report Request flag.
  • CSmsCommand::ToFromAddressPtr().

  • CSmsCommandData - Mobile originated SMS sent to the network requesting an action or information on the status of a previously sent SUBMIT.
  • CSmsCommandData::MaxDataLength().
  • CSmsCommandData::NumInformationElements().

  • CSmsDeliver - SMS-DELIVER PDU - SC to MS.
  • CSmsDeliver::ConstructL().
  • CSmsDeliver::DataCodingScheme().
  • CSmsDeliver::DecodeL().
  • CSmsDeliver::EncodeL().
  • CSmsDeliver::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsDeliver::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsDeliver::MoreMessagesToSend() - Gets More Messages to Send flag.
  • CSmsDeliver::ProtocolIdentifier() - Gets the Deliver PID field.
  • CSmsDeliver::ReplyPath() - Gets Reply Path flag.
  • CSmsDeliver::ServiceCenterTimeStamp() - Gets Service Center Time Stamp.
  • CSmsDeliver::SetMoreMessagesToSend() - Sets More Messages to Send flag.
  • CSmsDeliver::SetReplyPath() - Sets Reply Path flag.
  • CSmsDeliver::SetServiceCenterTimeStamp() - Sets Service Center Time Stamp.
  • CSmsDeliver::SetStatusReportIndication() - Sets Status Report flag.
  • CSmsDeliver::StatusReportIndication() - Gets Status Report flag.
  • CSmsDeliver::ToFromAddressPtr().
  • CSmsDeliver::UserDataPtr().

  • CSmsDeliverReport - SMS-DELIVER-REPORT PDU - MS to SC.
  • CSmsDeliverReport::ConstructL().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::DataCodingScheme().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::DecodeL() - Throw away rest of the pdu - some pdus received with this bit set don't appear to conform to 03.40 v7.4.0 spec.
  • CSmsDeliverReport::EncodeL().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::FailureCause() - Gets the Failure Cause.
  • CSmsDeliverReport::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::IsRPError() - Gets the Reply Path Error flag.
  • CSmsDeliverReport::ParameterIndicator().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::ProtocolIdentifier().
  • CSmsDeliverReport::SetFailureCause() - Sets the Failure Cause.
  • CSmsDeliverReport::SetIsRPError() - Sets the Reply Path Error flag.
  • CSmsDeliverReport::UserDataPtr().

  • CSmsEditorBuffer - SMS buffer, implemented as a thin wrapper over CEditableText.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::DeleteL() - Deletes data from the buffer.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::Extract() - Extracts buffer data to a descriptor.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::InsertL() - Inserts data into the buffer.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::Length() - Gets the number of characters in the buffer.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::NewL() - Allocates and constructs the buffer.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::Reset() - Reset the buffer.
  • CSmsEditorBuffer::~CSmsEditorBuffer() - Destructor.

  • CSmsEmailFields - Encapsulates the address and subject fields for Email sent over SMS.
  • CSmsEmailFields::AddAddressL() - Adds the address to the list of addresses.
  • CSmsEmailFields::Addresses() - The array of email addresses.
  • CSmsEmailFields::HasAddress() - Indicates whether the address field contains at least one address.
  • CSmsEmailFields::Length() - The number of characters in the email fields.
  • CSmsEmailFields::NewL()  Factory constructor.
  • CSmsEmailFields::NewL()  Factory copy constructor.
  • CSmsEmailFields::RemoveAddress() - Removes the specified address.
  • CSmsEmailFields::Reset() - Resets the contents of the email fields object.
  • CSmsEmailFields::SetSubjectL() - Sets the email subject field.
  • CSmsEmailFields::Subject() - The subject field.
  • CSmsEmailFields::~CSmsEmailFields() - Destructor.

  • CSmsEventLogger - Logs SMS-related events.
  • CSmsEventLogger::AddEvent() - Adds an event to the log database.
  • CSmsEventLogger::ChangeEvent() - Changes the details of an existing event.
  • CSmsEventLogger::ClientAvailable() - Tests whether the Log Engine is installed.
  • CSmsEventLogger::DeleteEvent() - Deletes an event.
  • CSmsEventLogger::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CSmsEventLogger::DoComplete() - Implements derived-class specified Complete() behaviour.
  • CSmsEventLogger::DoRunL() - < Trapped in CSmsuActiveBase::RunError() which calls Complete().
  • CSmsEventLogger::Event()  Gets the current log event.
  • CSmsEventLogger::Event()  Gets the current (const) log event.
  • CSmsEventLogger::GetEvent() - Gets the specified event from the log.
  • CSmsEventLogger::GetString() - Gets a standard string from the specified resource.
  • CSmsEventLogger::NewL() - Allocates and creates a logger.
  • CSmsEventLogger::SmsPDUData() - Gets the current event's SMS PDU data.
  • CSmsEventLogger::~CSmsEventLogger() - Destructor.

  • CSmsHeader - The SMS MTM encapsulation of an SMS message.
  • CSmsHeader::AcknowledgementRequested() - Test if an acknowledgement is requested.
  • CSmsHeader::BioMessage()  Returns a reference to the BIO wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::BioMessage()  Returns a const reference to the BIO wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::BioMsgIdType() - Gets the message's BIO message type identifier.
  • CSmsHeader::CdmaMessage()  Returns a reference to the CDMA wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::CdmaMessage()  Returns a const reference to the CDMA wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::Command()  Gets the message PDU for a SMS-COMMMAND type message.
  • CSmsHeader::Command()  Gets the (const) message PDU for a SMS-COMMMAND type message.
  • CSmsHeader::ContainsSmsHeaderL().
  • CSmsHeader::ContainsSmsHeaderL()  Check whether a CMsvStore contains an SMS header stream.
  • CSmsHeader::Deliver()  Gets the message PDU for a SMS-DELIVER type message.
  • CSmsHeader::Deliver()  Gets the (const) message PDU for a SMS-DELIVER type message.
  • CSmsHeader::EmailFields() - The email fields object for this message.
  • CSmsHeader::ExternalizeL()  Externalises the object to the specified stream.
  • CSmsHeader::ExternalizeL().
  • CSmsHeader::FindRecipient()  Finds the recipient in the CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::FindRecipient()  Finds the recipient in the CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::FromAddress() - Gets the originator address.
  • CSmsHeader::GetDefaultMessageSettingsL() - Retrieves the SMS message settings for the message.
  • CSmsHeader::GetSmsSettingsL()  Gets the SMS message settings for the message.
  • CSmsHeader::GetSmsSettingsL().
  • CSmsHeader::GsmMessage()  Returns a reference to the GSM wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::GsmMessage()  Returns a const reference to the GSM wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::InternalizeL()  Internalises the object from the specified stream.
  • CSmsHeader::InternalizeL().
  • CSmsHeader::Message()  Gets the SMS stack representation of the message.
  • CSmsHeader::Message()  Gets the (const) SMS stack representation of the message.
  • CSmsHeader::MessageBearing().
  • CSmsHeader::MessageType() - Get the current message type.
  • CSmsHeader::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::NewL().
  • CSmsHeader::NewL().
  • CSmsHeader::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a new CSmsHeader object.
  • CSmsHeader::NewL().
  • CSmsHeader::Recipients()  Gets the (const) message recipients.
  • CSmsHeader::Recipients()  Gets the (const) message recipients.
  • CSmsHeader::Recipients().
  • CSmsHeader::Recipients().
  • CSmsHeader::ReplyPathProvided() - Tests if the message contains a reply path.
  • CSmsHeader::RestoreL()  Restores the CSmsHeader object from the store.
  • CSmsHeader::RestoreL().
  • CSmsHeader::RestoreL()  Restores the object from the message entry store.
  • CSmsHeader::ServiceCenterAddress() - Gets the message's service center address.
  • CSmsHeader::SetAcknowledgementRequest() - Set whether an acknowledgement is requested.
  • CSmsHeader::SetBioMsgIdType() - Sets the message's BIO message type identifier.
  • CSmsHeader::SetDefaultMessageSettingsL() - Sets the SMS message settings for the message.
  • CSmsHeader::SetEmailFieldsL() - Sets the email fields for the message.
  • CSmsHeader::SetFromAddressL() - Sets the originator address.
  • CSmsHeader::SetReplyPathProvided() - Set the message flag that indicates whether it contains a reply path.
  • CSmsHeader::SetServiceCenterAddressL() - Sets the message's service center address.
  • CSmsHeader::SetSmsSettingsL()  Sets the SMS message settings for the message.
  • CSmsHeader::SetSmsSettingsL().
  • CSmsHeader::SmsBearer() - Gets the bearer (generic, GSM or CDMA) of the message.
  • CSmsHeader::SmsMessage()  Returns a reference to the SMS wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::SmsMessage()  Returns a const reference to the SMS wrapper.
  • CSmsHeader::StatusReport()  Gets the message PDU for a SMS-STATUS-REPORT type message.
  • CSmsHeader::StatusReport()  Gets the (const) message PDU for a SMS-STATUS-REPORT type message.
  • CSmsHeader::StoreL().
  • CSmsHeader::StoreL()  Stores the object in the message entry store.
  • CSmsHeader::Submit()  Gets the message PDU for a SMS-SUBMIT type message.
  • CSmsHeader::Submit()  Gets the (const) message PDU for a SMS-SUBMIT type message.
  • CSmsHeader::Type() - Gets the message PDU type.
  • CSmsHeader::~CSmsHeader()  Destructor.
  • CSmsHeader::~CSmsHeader().

  • CSmsInformationElement - SMS element defined in TP-UD octet.
  • CSmsInformationElement::CSmsInformationElement().
  • CSmsInformationElement::Data()  Gets the Information Element data.
  • CSmsInformationElement::Data()  Gets the (const) Information Element data.
  • CSmsInformationElement::Identifier() - Gets the Information Element Identifier.

  • CSmsMessage - Represents a complete SMS message.
  • CSmsMessage::AddEmailHeaderL() - Adds a header to an email body.
  • CSmsMessage::AddEMSInformationElementL() - Adds EMS IE to a CSmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::AdditionalInfo().
  • CSmsMessage::AddSlotL().
  • CSmsMessage::Buffer()  Gets the text portion of the message (non-const).
  • CSmsMessage::Buffer().
  • CSmsMessage::CopyEmsElementsL() - Copy EMS elements to dest CSmsMessage Uses CSmsMessage extended EMS API Creates new CEmsInformationElement instance(s) and passes ownership to the dest CSmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::DecodeMessagePDUsL() - Decodes message PDUs from an array of TGsmSms objects.
  • CSmsMessage::EncodeIntoSinglePDUL().
  • CSmsMessage::EncodeMessagePDUsL() - Encodes message PDUs as an array of TGsmSms objects.
  • CSmsMessage::ExternalizeL() - Externalises all object data.
  • CSmsMessage::ExternalizeWithoutBufferL() - Externalises all object data except for the CSmsBufferBase.
  • CSmsMessage::GetEmailHeaderL() - Extracts e-mail header and body from the SmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::GetEMSInformationElementsL() - Removes EMS IE from a CSmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::GetOperationsForNonIEL().
  • CSmsMessage::InternalizeL() - Internalises all object data.
  • CSmsMessage::InternalizeWithoutBufferL() - Internalises all object data except for the CSmsBufferBase.
  • CSmsMessage::Is16BitConcatenation().
  • CSmsMessage::IsComplete() - Tests if the SMS message is complete.
  • CSmsMessage::IsDecoded() - Tests if the SMS message is Decoded.
  • CSmsMessage::IsEmailHeader() - Checks whether the SmsMessage contains an e-mail.
  • CSmsMessage::IsSupportedL() - Tests if a buffer can be encoded without loss of information.
  • CSmsMessage::LogServerId() - Gets the Log Server Id.
  • CSmsMessage::MatchSlots().
  • CSmsMessage::MaxMessageLength() - Gets the maximum message length possible with the current settings.
  • CSmsMessage::MessageLengthL() - Gets the message length.
  • CSmsMessage::NewL()  Allocates and creates a CSmsMessage instance from a TGsmSms.
  • CSmsMessage::NewL()  Allocates and creates a CSmsMessage, specifying the SMS-XXX message type with a CSmsPDU::TSmsPduType.
  • CSmsMessage::NumMessagePDUsL() - Gets the number of PDU's required to encode the complete message.
  • CSmsMessage::OptimizeSettingsL() - Optimizes the user data settings.
  • CSmsMessage::ParsedServiceCenterAddress() - Gets the Service Center Address as an ETSI-formatted telephone number.
  • CSmsMessage::ParsedToFromAddress() - Gets To and From addresses in ETSI format.
  • CSmsMessage::RemoveEMSInformationElementL() - Removes first EMS IE that matches the criteria from the CSmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::RemoveEMSInformationElementsL() - Removes all EMS IEs that matches the criteria from the CSmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::ResetEMSL() - Resets EMS IE from a CSmsMessage.
  • CSmsMessage::Scheme() - Gets the scheme of the status report.
  • CSmsMessage::ServiceCenterAddress() - Gets the message Service Center Address.
  • CSmsMessage::Set16BitConcatenation().
  • CSmsMessage::SetLogServerId() - Sets the Log Server Id.
  • CSmsMessage::SetParsedServiceCenterAddressL() - Sets the Service Center Address as an ETSI-formatted telephone number.
  • CSmsMessage::SetParsedToFromAddressL() - Sets To and From addresses in ETSI format.
  • CSmsMessage::SetServiceCenterAddressL() - Sets the message Service Center Address.
  • CSmsMessage::SetStatus() - Sets the SMS store status of the message.
  • CSmsMessage::SetStorage() - Sets the physical location where the message represented by the object is stored.
  • CSmsMessage::SetTime() - Sets the time of message creation.
  • CSmsMessage::SetToFromAddressL() - Sets unparsed To and From addresses.
  • CSmsMessage::SetUserDataSettingsL() - Sets the User Data Settings.
  • CSmsMessage::SmsPDU()  Gets the message PDU.
  • CSmsMessage::SmsPDU()  Gets the message PDU (const).
  • CSmsMessage::Status() - Gets the SMS store status of the message.
  • CSmsMessage::Storage() - Gets the physical location where the message represented by the object is stored.
  • CSmsMessage::TextPresent() - Tests if the message contains text.
  • CSmsMessage::Time() - Gets the time of message creation.
  • CSmsMessage::ToFromAddress() - Gets unparsed To and From addresses.
  • CSmsMessage::Type() - Gets the SMS-XXX message type.
  • CSmsMessage::UpdateSlotsL() - Updates the slot information for the given message as described in the supplied buffer.
  • CSmsMessage::UserDataSettings() - Gets the User Data Settings.
  • CSmsMessage::Version() - Returns the message version number.
  • CSmsMessage::~CSmsMessage() - Destructor, frees resources.

  • CSmsMessageSettings - The SMS settings that are relevant on a per message basis.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::CanConcatenate()  Gets the values of the UI concatenated-SMS-allowed flag.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::CanConcatenate().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::CharacterSet()  Gets the default character set used in the SMS message.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::CharacterSet().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::CopyL()  Copies the settings stored in the specified object into this object.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::CopyL().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::DeliveryReport()  Tests if a status report (TP-SRR in GSM spec 03.40) will be requested from the Service Centre.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::DeliveryReport().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ExternalizeL()  Externalises the settings to a write stream.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ExternalizeL().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::InternalizeL()  Internalises the settings from a read stream.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::InternalizeL().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::LastSegmentDeliveryReport()  Tests if a status report (TP-SRR in GSM spec 03.40) for the last segment will be requested from the Service Centre.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::LastSegmentDeliveryReport().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::MessageConversion()  Gets the form in which the message should be delivered to the recipient by the service centre.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::MessageConversion().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::RejectDuplicate()  Gets the value of the reject-duplicate setting.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::RejectDuplicate().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ReplyPath()  Gets the boolean flag that indicates whether a the reply path (Service Centre address) should be included in the SMS-SUBMIT message (TP-RP in GSM spec 03.40).
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ReplyPath().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetCanConcatenate()  Sets the values of the UI concatenated-SMS-allowed flag.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetCanConcatenate().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetCharacterSet()  Sets the default character set used in the SMS message.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetCharacterSet().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetDeliveryReport()  Sets if a status report (TP-SRR in GSM spec 03.40) will be requested from the Service Centre.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetDeliveryReport().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetLastSegmentDeliveryReport()  Sets if a status report (TP-SRR in GSM spec 03.40) for the last segment will be requested from the Service Centre.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetLastSegmentDeliveryReport().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetMessageConversion()  Sets the form in which the message should be delivered to the recipient by the Service Centre.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetMessageConversion().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetRejectDuplicate()  Sets the value of the reject-duplicate setting.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetRejectDuplicate().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetReplyPath()  Sets the boolean flag that indicates whether a the reply path (Service Centre address) should be included in the SMS-SUBMIT message (TP-RP in GSM spec 03.40).
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetReplyPath().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetUseServiceCenterTimeStampForDate()  Sets the flag which indicates whether the service center timestamp should be used for the date field in the TMsvEntry in message store.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetUseServiceCenterTimeStampForDate().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetValidityPeriod()  Sets the validity period for messages sent by the SMS MTM.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetValidityPeriod().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetValidityPeriodFormat()  Sets the format in which the validity period should be sent in a SMS-DELIVER type message.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::SetValidityPeriodFormat().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::UseServiceCenterTimeStampForDate()  Gets the flag which indicates whether the service center timestamp should be used for the date field in the TMsvEntry in message store.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::UseServiceCenterTimeStampForDate().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ValidityPeriod()  Gets the validity period for messages sent by the SMS MTM.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ValidityPeriod().
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ValidityPeriodFormat()  Gets the format in which the validity period should be sent in a SMS-DELIVER type message.
  • CSmsMessageSettings::ValidityPeriodFormat().

  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy - A proxy to the message settings which are common to both CDMA and GSM.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::AbsoluteValidityPeriod() - Returns the absolute validity period.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::Cdma()  Returns a non-modifiable reference to the CDMA specific message settings.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::Cdma()  Returns reference to the CDMA specific message settings.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::Encoding() - Gets the default character set used in SMS messages.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::Gsm()  Returns a non-modifiable reference to the GSM specific message settings.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::Gsm()  Returns reference to the GSM specific message settings.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::RelativeValidityPeriod() - Returns the relative validity period as a time interval in minutes.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::ReplyOptions() - Returns the reply options.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::SetAbsoluteValidityPeriod() - Sets the absolute validity period.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::SetEncoding() - Sets the default character set used in SMS messages.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::SetRelativeValidityPeriod() - Sets the relative validity period in minutes.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::SetReplyOptions() - Sets the default selection of Acknowledgements.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::SetValidityPeriodFormat() - Sets the format the validity period should be sent in a sent message.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::ValidityPeriodFormat() - Gets the format the validity period should be sent in a sent message.
  • CSmsMessageSettingsProxy::~CSmsMessageSettingsProxy().

  • CSmsNumber - Recipient information for an SMS message.
  • CSmsNumber::AckStatus()  Gets the delivery status for this recipient.
  • CSmsNumber::AckStatus().
  • CSmsNumber::Address()  Gets the recipient address.
  • CSmsNumber::Address().
  • CSmsNumber::CopyL()  Copies settings from another CSmsNumber object.
  • CSmsNumber::CopyL().
  • CSmsNumber::ExternalizeL()  Externalises the object to a write stream.
  • CSmsNumber::ExternalizeL().
  • CSmsNumber::InternalizeL()  Internalises the object from a read stream.
  • CSmsNumber::InternalizeL().
  • CSmsNumber::LogId()  Gets the ID by which to identify the SMS-DELIVER message PDU for this recipient.
  • CSmsNumber::LogId().
  • CSmsNumber::MessageId() - Returns the assigned message identifier.
  • CSmsNumber::Name()  Gets the recipient name.
  • CSmsNumber::Name().
  • CSmsNumber::NewL()  Creates and allocates a new CSmsNumber object.
  • CSmsNumber::NewL()  Creates and allocates a new CSmsNumber object, copying an existing object.
  • CSmsNumber::NewL().
  • CSmsNumber::NewL().
  • CSmsNumber::SetAckStatus()  Sets the delivery status for this recipient.
  • CSmsNumber::SetAckStatus().
  • CSmsNumber::SetAddressL()  Sets the recipient address.
  • CSmsNumber::SetAddressL().
  • CSmsNumber::SetLogId()  Sets the ID by which to identify the SMS-DELIVER message PDU for this recipient.
  • CSmsNumber::SetLogId().
  • CSmsNumber::SetNameL()  Sets the recipient name.
  • CSmsNumber::SetNameL().
  • CSmsNumber::SetUserAck() - Assigns the User acknownledgement Message ID to the recipient it came from.
  • CSmsNumber::UserAck() - Returns the User acknownledgement Message ID.
  • CSmsNumber::ValidateAddress() - Validate the address.
  • CSmsNumber::~CSmsNumber()  Destructor.
  • CSmsNumber::~CSmsNumber().

  • CSmsPDU - A generic interface to a GSM SMS PDU.
  • CSmsPDU::Alphabet() - Gets the alphabet encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::ApplicationPortAddressing() - Gets application port addressing information in the user data.
  • CSmsPDU::Bits7To4() - Gets bits 7 to 4 on the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::Class() - Gets the GSM SMS PDU class in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::ConcatenatedMessagePDUIndex() - Gets the index of the PDU within the Concatenated Message.
  • CSmsPDU::ConcatenatedMessageReference() - Gets the reference contained in the Concatenation Information Element.
  • CSmsPDU::ConstructL().
  • CSmsPDU::DataCodingScheme().
  • CSmsPDU::DataCodingSchemePresent() - Tests if data coding scheme is present.
  • CSmsPDU::DecodeL().
  • CSmsPDU::EncodeL().
  • CSmsPDU::EncodeMessagePDUL() - Encodes a TGsmSms for the given type of CSmsPDU.
  • CSmsPDU::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • CSmsPDU::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsPDU::IndicationState() - Gets the Indication State encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::IndicationType() - Gets the Indication Type encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsPDU::NewL()  Restores a CSmsPDU from a stream where the object has bean previously persisted.
  • CSmsPDU::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CSmsPDU from a TGsmSms.
  • CSmsPDU::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CSmsPDU, with the type specified by a TSmsPDUType.
  • CSmsPDU::NumConcatenatedMessagePDUs() - Gets the number of PDU's in a Concatenated Message.
  • CSmsPDU::ParameterIndicator().
  • CSmsPDU::ParsedServiceCenterAddress() - Gets the service center address in a TGsmSmsTelNumber object.
  • CSmsPDU::ParsedToFromAddress() - Gets the "to from" in a TGsmSmsTelNumber object.
  • CSmsPDU::PIDType() - Gets key bits 7 and 6 of the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::ProtocolIdentifier().
  • CSmsPDU::ProtocolIdentifierPresent() - Tests if Protocol Identifier is present.
  • CSmsPDU::ServiceCenterAddress() - Gets the service center address.
  • CSmsPDU::SetAlphabet() - Sets the alphabet encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::SetApplicationPortAddressingL() - Sets application port addressing information in the user data.
  • CSmsPDU::SetBits7To4() - Sets key bits 7 to 4 of the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::SetClass() - Sets the GSM SMS PDU class in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::SetConcatenatedMessagePDUIndex() - Sets the index of the PDU within the Concatenated Message.
  • CSmsPDU::SetConcatenatedMessageReference() - Sets the reference contained in the Concatenation Information Element.
  • CSmsPDU::SetDataCodingSchemePresent() - Sets if data coding scheme is present.
  • CSmsPDU::SetIndicationState() - Sets the Indication State encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::SetIndicationType() - Sets the Indication Type encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::SetNumConcatenatedMessagePDUs() - Sets the number of PDU's in a Concatenated Message.
  • CSmsPDU::SetParsedServiceCenterAddressL() - Sets the service center address through a TGsmSmsTelNumber object.
  • CSmsPDU::SetParsedToFromAddressL() - Sets the "to from" with a TGsmSmsTelNumber object.
  • CSmsPDU::SetPIDType() - Sets key bits 7 and 6 of the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::SetProtocolIdentifierPresent() - Sets if Protocol Identifier is present.
  • CSmsPDU::SetServiceCenterAddressL() - Sets the service center address.
  • CSmsPDU::SetShortMessageType() - Sets the Short Message Type in the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::SetTelematicDeviceIndicator() - Sets the Telematic device indicator from the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::SetTelematicDeviceType() - Sets the Telematic device type in the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::SetTextCompressed() - Set to encode Text Compressed in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::SetTextConcatenatedL() - Sets whether the PDU is part of a concatenated message or not.
  • CSmsPDU::SetToFromAddressL() - Sets the "to from" address.
  • CSmsPDU::SetUserDataPresent() - Sets or unsets the User Data Header Indicator.
  • CSmsPDU::ShortMessageType() - Gets the Short Message Type in the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::TelematicDeviceIndicator() - Gets the Telematic device indicator from the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::TelematicDeviceType() - Gets the Telematic device type in the PID field.
  • CSmsPDU::TextCompressed() - True if Text Compressed is encoded in the data coding scheme.
  • CSmsPDU::TextConcatenated() - Tests if the PDU is part of a concatenated message.
  • CSmsPDU::ToFromAddress() - Gets the "to from" address.
  • CSmsPDU::ToFromAddressPtr().
  • CSmsPDU::Type() - Gets the PDU type.
  • CSmsPDU::UserData()  Gets User Data (non-const).
  • CSmsPDU::UserData()  Gets User Data (const).
  • CSmsPDU::UserDataPresent() - Tests if the User Data Header Indicator is set.
  • CSmsPDU::UserDataPtr().

  • CSmsServiceCenter - Used to store Service Centre numbers and their associated name.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::Address()  Gets the recipient address.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::Address().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::CopyL()  Copies settings from another CSmsServiceCenter object.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::CopyL().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::Name()  Gets the recipient name.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::Name().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::NewL()  Creates and allocates a new CSmsServiceCenter object.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::NewL()  Creates and allocates a new CSmsServiceCenter object, copying an existing object.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::NewL().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::NewL().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::SetAddressL()  Sets the recipient address.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::SetAddressL().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::SetNameL()  Sets the recipient name.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::SetNameL().
  • CSmsServiceCenter::~CSmsServiceCenter()  Destructor.
  • CSmsServiceCenter::~CSmsServiceCenter().

  • CSmsSettings - The SMS Service settings.
  • CSmsSettings::AddServiceCenterL()  Appends a service centre address (name and number) to the list.
  • CSmsSettings::AddServiceCenterL().
  • CSmsSettings::AlertOnDelivery() - Returns the alert priority (Alert on delivery).
  • CSmsSettings::Class2Folder()  Gets the folder ID into which received class 2 SMS-DELIVER messages are stored.
  • CSmsSettings::Class2Folder().
  • CSmsSettings::CommDbAction()  Gets the communications database action.
  • CSmsSettings::CommDbAction().
  • CSmsSettings::CopyL()  Copies the SMS settings stored in the specified object into this object.
  • CSmsSettings::CopyL().
  • CSmsSettings::DefaultServiceCenter()  Gets the index of the default service centre address for this service.
  • CSmsSettings::DefaultServiceCenter().
  • CSmsSettings::DefaultTeleservice() - Retrieves the Teleservice used as a default when creating a SendAs messages.
  • CSmsSettings::Delivery()  Gets the default schedule delivery type of a new message created using the SMS client MTM.
  • CSmsSettings::Delivery().
  • CSmsSettings::DescriptionLength()  Gets the maximum length of the message entry description.
  • CSmsSettings::DescriptionLength().
  • CSmsSettings::DigitMode() - Gets the default encoding for ISDN addresses.
  • CSmsSettings::GetServiceCenter()  Gets the Service Centre address at the specified index in the list.
  • CSmsSettings::GetServiceCenter().
  • CSmsSettings::MessageDisplayMode() - Returns the message display mode.
  • CSmsSettings::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an SMS settings object.
  • CSmsSettings::NewL().
  • CSmsSettings::NewLC()  Allocates and constructs an SMS settings object.
  • CSmsSettings::NewLC().
  • CSmsSettings::PreferedLanguageList()  Returns a non-modifiable reference to the preferred language list.
  • CSmsSettings::PreferedLanguageList()  Returns a modifiable reference to the preferred language list.
  • CSmsSettings::RemoveServiceCenter()  Removes the service centre address with index aIndex from the array of service centre addresses that are stored in the object.
  • CSmsSettings::RemoveServiceCenter().
  • CSmsSettings::ReplyQuoted()  Gets whether the editor should quote the received message at the beginning of the reply message.
  • CSmsSettings::ReplyQuoted().
  • CSmsSettings::ReplyWithOriginalMessage() - Defines where the original message gets attached at when replying.
  • CSmsSettings::ServiceCenterCount()  Gets the number of Service Centre addresses stored in this object.
  • CSmsSettings::ServiceCenterCount().
  • CSmsSettings::SetAlertOnDelivery() - Sets the alert priority (Alert on delivery).
  • CSmsSettings::SetClass2Folder()  Sets the folder ID into which received class 2 SMS-DELIVER messages are stored.
  • CSmsSettings::SetClass2Folder().
  • CSmsSettings::SetCommDbAction()  Sets whether the Service settings should be used to update the communications database.
  • CSmsSettings::SetCommDbAction().
  • CSmsSettings::SetDefaultServiceCenter()  Sets the index of the default service centre address for this service.
  • CSmsSettings::SetDefaultServiceCenter().
  • CSmsSettings::SetDefaultTeleservice() - Defines which Teleservice shall be used as a default when creating a SendAs messages.
  • CSmsSettings::SetDelivery()  Sets the default schedule delivery type of a new message created using the SMS client MTM.
  • CSmsSettings::SetDelivery().
  • CSmsSettings::SetDescriptionLength()  Sets the maximum length of the message entry description.
  • CSmsSettings::SetDescriptionLength().
  • CSmsSettings::SetDigitMode() - Sets default encoding for ISDN addresses.
  • CSmsSettings::SetMessageDisplayMode() - Sets the message display mode.
  • CSmsSettings::SetReplyQuoted()  Sets whether the editor should quote the received message at the beginning of the reply message.
  • CSmsSettings::SetReplyQuoted().
  • CSmsSettings::SetReplyWithOriginalMessage() - Defines where the original message gets attached at when replying.
  • CSmsSettings::SetSmsBearer()  Sets the SMS bearer.
  • CSmsSettings::SetSmsBearer().
  • CSmsSettings::SetSmsBearerAction()  Sets whether the Service's SMS bearer setting should be used to update the communications database.
  • CSmsSettings::SetSmsBearerAction().
  • CSmsSettings::SetSpecialMessageHandling()  Sets the way in which special messages that are received by the watcher are handled.
  • CSmsSettings::SetSpecialMessageHandling().
  • CSmsSettings::SetStatusReportHandling()  Sets the way in which status reports that are received by the watcher are handled.
  • CSmsSettings::SetStatusReportHandling().
  • CSmsSettings::SmsBearer()  Gets the SMS bearer.
  • CSmsSettings::SmsBearer().
  • CSmsSettings::SmsBearerAction()  Gets the SMS bearer action.
  • CSmsSettings::SmsBearerAction().
  • CSmsSettings::SpecialMessageHandling()  Gets the way in which special messages that are received by the watcher are handled.
  • CSmsSettings::SpecialMessageHandling().
  • CSmsSettings::StatusReportHandling()  Gets the way in which status reports that are received by the watcher are handled.
  • CSmsSettings::StatusReportHandling().
  • CSmsSettings::~CSmsSettings()  Destructor.
  • CSmsSettings::~CSmsSettings().

  • CSmsSimParamOperation - Encapsulates an operation to read/write an array of SMS parameters from a SIM.
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::DoCancel() - Cancels any pending async request.
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::ProgressL() - Gets the operation completion/error code for reading/writing the SMS parameters.
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::RunError() - Handles leaves from RunL().
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::RunL() - Handles completed async operations.
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::ServiceCentersLC() - Gets a list of Service Centre addresses.
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::SmspList() - Gets the list of SMS parameters on the SIM, after a successfully completed read operation.
  • CSmsSimParamOperation::~CSmsSimParamOperation() - Destructor.

  • CSmsStatusReport - SMS-STATUS-REPORT PDU - SC to MS.
  • CSmsStatusReport::ConstructL().
  • CSmsStatusReport::DataCodingScheme().
  • CSmsStatusReport::DecodeL().
  • CSmsStatusReport::DischargeTime() - Gets the Discharge Time.
  • CSmsStatusReport::EncodeL().
  • CSmsStatusReport::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsStatusReport::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsStatusReport::MessageReference() - Gets the Message Reference.
  • CSmsStatusReport::MoreMessagesToSend() - Gets More Messages to Send flag.
  • CSmsStatusReport::ParameterIndicator().
  • CSmsStatusReport::ParameterIndicatorPresent() - Gets Paramater Indicator.
  • CSmsStatusReport::ProtocolIdentifier().
  • CSmsStatusReport::ServiceCenterTimeStamp() - Gets Service Center Time Stamp.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetDischargeTime() - Sets the Discharge Time.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetMessageReference() - Sets the Message Reference.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetMoreMessagesToSend() - Sets More Messages to Send flag.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetParameterIndicatorPresent() - Sets Paramater Indicator.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetServiceCenterTimeStamp() - Sets the Service Center Time Stamp.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetStatus() - Sets the Status of the Message.
  • CSmsStatusReport::SetStatusReportQualifier() - Sets Status Report Qualifier to SUBMIT or COMMAND.
  • CSmsStatusReport::Status() - Gets the Status of the Message.
  • CSmsStatusReport::StatusReportQualifier() - Gets Status Report Qualifier: the field in the Status Report which determines whether it's the result of a SUBMIT or COMMAND.
  • CSmsStatusReport::ToFromAddressPtr().
  • CSmsStatusReport::UserDataPtr().

  • CSmsSubmit - SMS-SUBMIT PDU - MS to SC.
  • CSmsSubmit::ConstructL().
  • CSmsSubmit::DataCodingScheme().
  • CSmsSubmit::DecodeL().
  • CSmsSubmit::EncodeL().
  • CSmsSubmit::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsSubmit::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsSubmit::MessageReference() - Sets the Message Reference.
  • CSmsSubmit::ProtocolIdentifier().
  • CSmsSubmit::RejectDuplicates() - Gets Reject Duplicates flag.
  • CSmsSubmit::ReplyPath() - Gets Reply Path flag.
  • CSmsSubmit::SetMessageReference() - Gets the Message Reference.
  • CSmsSubmit::SetRejectDuplicates() - Sets Reject Duplicates flag.
  • CSmsSubmit::SetReplyPath() - Sets Reply Path flag.
  • CSmsSubmit::SetStatusReportRequest() - Sets Status Report Request flag.
  • CSmsSubmit::SetValidityPeriod() - Sets the Validity Period for the SUBMIT.
  • CSmsSubmit::SetValidityPeriodFormat() - Sets the Validity Period Format.
  • CSmsSubmit::StatusReportRequest() - Gets Status Report Request flag.
  • CSmsSubmit::ToFromAddressPtr().
  • CSmsSubmit::UserDataPtr().
  • CSmsSubmit::ValidityPeriod() - Gets the Validity Period for the SUBMIT.
  • CSmsSubmit::ValidityPeriodFormat() - Gets the Validity Period Format.

  • CSmsSubmitReport - SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT PDU - SC to MS.
  • CSmsSubmitReport::ConstructL().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::DataCodingScheme().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::DecodeL() - Throw away rest of the pdu - some pdus received with this bit set don't appear to conform to 03.40 v7.4.0 spec.
  • CSmsSubmitReport::EncodeL().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::ExternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::FailureCause() - Gets the Failure Cause.
  • CSmsSubmitReport::InternalizeMessagePDUL().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::IsRPError() - Gets the Reply Path Error flag.
  • CSmsSubmitReport::ParameterIndicator().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::ProtocolIdentifier().
  • CSmsSubmitReport::SetFailureCause() - Sets the Failure Cause.
  • CSmsSubmitReport::SetIsRPError() - Sets the Reply Path Error flag.
  • CSmsSubmitReport::UserDataPtr().

  • CSmsUserData - Operations on the User Data described in TP-UD.
  • CSmsUserData::AddInformationElementL() - Adds an information element.
  • CSmsUserData::Body() - Gets the unpacked User Data Elements.
  • CSmsUserData::InformationElement() - Gets an information element by index.
  • CSmsUserData::InformationElementIndex() - Gets the index of an information element.
  • CSmsUserData::IsSupportedL() - Tests if the User Data supports a specified character.
  • CSmsUserData::MaxBodyLengthInChars().
  • CSmsUserData::NumInformationElements() - Gets the number of information elements.
  • CSmsUserData::RemoveInformationElement() - Removes an information element at the specified index.
  • CSmsUserData::SetBodyL() - Sets the User Data (unpacked).

  • CSmsuActiveBase - Base class for SMS active objects.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::Complete() - Object use complete.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::CompleteMyself() - Signals this object.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::ConstructTimeoutL() - Constructs a timer.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::CSmsuActiveBase() - Constructor.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::DoComplete() - Implements derived-class specified Complete() behaviour.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::DoRunL() - Implements derived-class specified RunL() behaviour.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::Queue() - Sets an asynchronous observer to which to report completion of this object.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::RunError() - Calls complete.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::RunL() - Handles the object's request completion event.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::TimedSetActive() - Activates the object, and sets it to be completed after a specified time.
  • CSmsuActiveBase::~CSmsuActiveBase() - Destructor.

  • CSmtpClientMtm - SMTP client MTM interface.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee for the current context.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL()  Adds an addressee with an alias for the current context.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddAttachmentL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddAttachmentL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddEntryAsAttachmentL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::AddLinkedAttachmentL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::CancelAttachmentOperation() - Cancels the current attachment operation.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::ChangeDefaultServiceL() - Sets the default SMTP service.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched() - Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::CreateAttachmentL().
  • CSmtpClientMtm::CreateMessageL() - Creates a new message entry as a child of the current context.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::DefaultServiceL() - Gets the default SMTP service.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::Find() - Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::ForwardL() - Creates a forwarded message from the current message context.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() - Invokes asynchronous SMTP-specific operations.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL() - Invokes a synchronous SMTP-specific operation.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::LoadMessageL() - Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::QueryCapability() - Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::RemoveAddressee() - Removes an address from the current address list.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::RemoveDefaultServiceL() - Removes the default SMTP service.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::ReplyL() - Creates a reply message to the current message context.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::RestoreSettingsL() - Loads into the object's cache the service settings from the Central Repository for the current entry.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::SaveMessageL() - Commits cached changes to the current message context to the storage controlled by the Message Server.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::SetSettingsL() - Copies the specified service settings to the cached service settings.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::SetSubjectL() - Sets the message context's subject text.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::Settings() - Gets the current cached service settings.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::StoreSettingsL() - Stores the current service settings from the object's cache in to the Central Repository for the current entry.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::SubjectL() - Gets the message context's subject text.
  • CSmtpClientMtm::ValidateMessage() - Validates the current message context.

  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator - A factory for creating 2D graphics accelerator objects whose graphics operations are implemented in software.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Capabilities() - Returns the capabilities of the graphics accelerator.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::GenericCapabilities() - Gets the generic capabilities of the accelerator, including which display modes are supported for the bitmap passed to NewL().
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::NewL() - Allocates and constructs an instance of a derived class and initialises its capabilities.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator to perform a single graphics operation.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform a single graphics operation within a clipping region.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform one or more graphics operations contained in a buffer.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Operation()  Requests the graphics accelerator perform one or more graphics operations within a clipping region.
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_1().
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_2().
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_3().
  • CSoftwareGraphicsAccelerator::Reserved_4().

  • CSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandParser - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Custom Commands Parser.
  • CSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandParser::NewL() - Factory function for creating this class.
  • CSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandParser::~CSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandParser() - Destructor.

  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Utility.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::AddPronunciation() - Adds a new pronunciation for the given model into the specified lexicon.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::AddRule() - Adds a new rule for the given pronunciation into the specified grammar.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::Cancel() - Cancels the current operation.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::CommitChanges() - Commit the current train operation to the database.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::CreateGrammar() - Creates a new grammar.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::CreateLexicon() - Creates a new lexicon.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::CreateModelBank() - Creates a new model bank.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::EndRecSession() - Ends the current recognition session.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllClientGrammarIDs() - Returns all grammar IDs owned by the client.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllClientLexiconIDs() - Returns all lexicons owned by the client.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllClientModelBankIDs() - Returns all modelbank IDs owned by the client.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllGrammarIDs() - Returns all grammar IDs.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllLexiconIDs() - Returns all lexicons IDs.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllModelBankIDs() - Returns all modelbank IDs.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllModelIDs() - Returns all model IDs that exist in the specified model bank.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllPronunciationIDs() - Returns all pronunciation IDs that exist in the specified lexicon.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAllRuleIDs() - Returns all rule IDs that exist in the specified grammar.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetAvailableStorage() - Returns the number of models available for training system model storage, based on available disk space.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetEngineProperties() - Returns the engine properties specified by the engine property ID array.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetModelCount() - Returns the number of models in the specified model bank.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetRuleValidity() - Checks if the rule is valid or not.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::GetUtteranceDuration() - Returns the duration of the utterance for the specified model.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::LoadEngineParameters() - Loads the specified parameters into the recognition engine.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::LoadGrammar() - Loads the specified grammar into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::LoadLexicon() - Loads the specified lexicon into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::LoadModels() - Loads the specified model bank into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::NewL() - Factory function for creating this class.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::NewLC() - Factory function for creating this class.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::PlayUtterance() - Plays the previously trained utterance.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::Recognize() - Initiates recognition; performed following loading of model bank, lexicon, and grammar.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::Record() - Records user utterance for training and recognition.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::RemoveGrammar() - Removes the specified grammar from the permanent storage.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::RemoveLexicon() - Removes the specified lexicon from the permanent storage.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::RemoveModel() - Removes the specified model from the specified model bank permanently.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::RemoveModelBank() - Removes the specified model bank from the permanent storage.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::RemovePronunciation() - Removes the specified pronunciation from the specified lexicon permanently.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::RemoveRule() - Removes the specified rule from the specified grammar permanently.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::SetAudioPriority() - Sets the audio priority and preference for train, playback and recognition.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::SetEventHandler() - Sets the event handler for asynchronous events.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::StartRecSession() - Starts a new recognition session.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::Train() - Trains a new model into the specified model bank.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::UnloadRule() - Unloads the specified rule from the specified grammar in temporary memory, previously loaded with LoadGrammarL.
  • CSpeechRecognitionUtility::~CSpeechRecognitionUtility() - Destructor.

  • CSpriteAnim - Sprite animation interface.
  • CSpriteAnim::ConstructL() - Server side construction and initialisation of an animation class.
  • CSpriteAnim::CSpriteAnim() - Protected constructor.
  • CSpriteAnim::ReservedS1().
  • CSpriteAnim::ReservedS2().

  • CSpriteAnimation - Implementation of CAnimation for sprite based animations.
  • CSpriteAnimation::CSpriteAnimation_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • CSpriteAnimation::DataProvider() - Provides an CSpriteAnimation DataProvider interface to the client application.
  • CSpriteAnimation::DataProviderEventL() - Receives an event from a data provider.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Freeze() - Implements CAnimation::Freeze.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Hold() - Implements CAnimation::Hold.
  • CSpriteAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CSpriteAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CSpriteAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CSpriteAnimation::NewL()  Two stage constructor.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Pause() - Implements CAnimation::Pause.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Resume() - Implements CAnimation::Resume.
  • CSpriteAnimation::SetHostL().
  • CSpriteAnimation::SetPosition() - Implements CAnimation::SetPosition.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Size() - Implements CAnimation::Size.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Start() - Implements CAnimation::Start.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Stop() - Implements CAnimation::Stop.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Unfreeze() - Implements CAnimation::Unfreeze.
  • CSpriteAnimation::Unhold() - Implements CAnimation::Unhold.
  • CSpriteAnimation::~CSpriteAnimation() - Destructor.

  • CStack.
  • CStack::Clear().
  • CStack::CStack().
  • CStack::Head().
  • CStack::IsEmpty().
  • CStack::Last().
  • CStack::Pop().
  • CStack::PushL().
  • CStack::~CStack().

  • CStoreMap - Store map used when externalising swizzled in-memory objects.
  • CStoreMap::At() - Returns the stream id of the first entry the store map matching the specified swizzle.
  • CStoreMap::Begin().
  • CStoreMap::BindL() - Creates an entry in the store map to contain the specified stream id and an associated swizzle.
  • CStoreMap::CStoreMap().
  • CStoreMap::End().
  • CStoreMap::ExternalizeL() - Performs externalisation.
  • CStoreMap::Forget() - Deletes an entry from the store map.
  • CStoreMap::Label() - Returns the swizzle in the store map assocated with the specified stream id.
  • CStoreMap::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a store map associated with the specified store and returns a pointer to that store map.
  • CStoreMap::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a store map associated with the specified store, returns a pointer to that store map and puts the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CStoreMap::Reset() - Deletes all entries from the store map.
  • CStoreMap::ResetAndDestroy() - Deletes all streams whose ids are held within the store map, and then empties the store map.
  • CStoreMap::Unbind() - Deletes the first entry from the store map corresponding to the specified swizzle.
  • CStoreMap::~CStoreMap() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CStreamDictionary - Maintains two way associations between a UID (a TUid type) and a stream id (a TStreamId type).
  • CStreamDictionary::AssignL() - Creates or changes an association between a UID and a stream id.
  • CStreamDictionary::At() - Returns the stream id associated with the specified UID.
  • CStreamDictionary::CStreamDictionary().
  • CStreamDictionary::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • CStreamDictionary::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • CStreamDictionary::IsNull() - Tests whether the stream dictionary is empty.
  • CStreamDictionary::NewL() - Allocates, constructs and returns a pointer to a new stream dictionary.
  • CStreamDictionary::NewLC() - Allocates, constructs and returns a pointer to a new stream dictionary, putting the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • CStreamDictionary::Remove() - Removes an association from the stream dictionary.
  • CStreamDictionary::~CStreamDictionary() - Frees resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CStreamStore - Provides the core abstract framework for stores allowing streams to be created and manipulated.
  • CStreamStore::Commit() - Commits changes.
  • CStreamStore::CommitL() - Commit changes and leaves if unsuccessful.
  • CStreamStore::CompactL() - Compacts the store.
  • CStreamStore::Delete() - Deletes the specified stream from this store.
  • CStreamStore::DeleteL() - Deletes the specified stream from this store, leaving if unsuccessful.
  • CStreamStore::DoCommitL() - Commits any changes to the store.
  • CStreamStore::DoCompactL() - Initialises an object for compacting space in the store.
  • CStreamStore::DoCreateL() - Creates a new stream in the store.
  • CStreamStore::DoDeleteL().
  • CStreamStore::DoExtendL() - Generates a new stream within this store, and returns its id.
  • CStreamStore::DoReadL() - Opens the requested stream for reading.
  • CStreamStore::DoReclaimL() - Initialises an object for reclaiming space in the store.
  • CStreamStore::DoReplaceL().
  • CStreamStore::DoRevertL() - Discards any pending changes to the store.
  • CStreamStore::DoWriteL().
  • CStreamStore::ExtendL() - Generates a new stream within this store, and returns its id.
  • CStreamStore::ReclaimL() - Reclaims space within a store, returning the total amount of free space available within that store.
  • CStreamStore::Revert() - Rolls back the store to its state at the last commit point.
  • CStreamStore::RevertL() - Rolls back the store to its state at the last commit point and leaves if unsuccessful.

  • CStyleList - A container of paragraph styles.
  • CStyleList::AppendL() - Appends a style to the style list.
  • CStyleList::At()  Gets a style from the style list, from its index into the array.
  • CStyleList::At().
  • CStyleList::ConstructL().
  • CStyleList::Count() - Gets the number of styles in the style list.
  • CStyleList::CStyleList().
  • CStyleList::DeepCloneL() - Creates and returns a style list which is a clone of the current style list.
  • CStyleList::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the style list to a write stream.
  • CStyleList::IndexByName() - Gets the index into the style list of a specified paragraph style, identified by its name.
  • CStyleList::IndexByPtr() - Gets the index into the style list of a specified paragraph style.
  • CStyleList::InternalizeL() - Internalises the style list from a read stream.
  • CStyleList::NewL()  Allocates and constructs an empty CStyleList object with an array granularity.
  • CStyleList::NewL()  Allocates and constructs a CStyleList, restoring its contents from the specified stream store.
  • CStyleList::operator[]()  Gets a style from the style list, from its index into the array.
  • CStyleList::operator[]().
  • CStyleList::PtrByName() - Gets the style with the specified name from the style list.
  • CStyleList::PtrByType() - Gets the style with the specified type UID from the style list.
  • CStyleList::Remove() - Removes a style from the style list.
  • CStyleList::Reset() - Deletes the contents of the list.
  • CStyleList::SetStyleToFollow() - Sets the style to use for the following paragraph for a style in the style list.
  • CStyleList::StoreL() - Stores the style list to a stream store.
  • CStyleList::~CStyleList() - Deletes all the entries in the list and the list itself.

  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet - Authorisation generic parameter set.
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet() - Empty CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet constructor.
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::GetId() - Gets Id of Authorisation Parameter set.
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::NewL()  Creates a generic Authorisation family parameters sub-connection.
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::NewL()  Creates a generic Authorisation family parameters sub-connection.
  • CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet::SetId() - Sets Id of Authorisation Parameter set.

  • CSubConExtensionParameterSet - Base class for extended RSubConnection parameter sets.
  • CSubConExtensionParameterSet::CSubConExtensionParameterSet() - Empty sub-connection extension parameter set constructor.
  • CSubConExtensionParameterSet::~CSubConExtensionParameterSet() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection extension parameter set destructor.

  • CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined - Data client joined event.
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined::CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined() - Empty CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined constructor.
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined::NewL() - Creates a data client joined event sub-connection.
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined::~CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection data client joined event destructor.

  • CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft - Data client left event.
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft::CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft() - Empty CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft constructor.
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft::NewL() - Creates a data client left event sub-connection.
  • CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft::~CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection data client left event destructor.

  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged - Subconnection parameters changed event.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::CSubConGenEventParamsChanged() - Empty CSubConGenEventParamsChanged constructor.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::Error() - Gets Error value.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::NewL() - Creates a changed parameter event sub-connection.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::SetError() - Sets Error value.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::~CSubConGenEventParamsChanged() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection parameter changed event destructor.

  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted - Subconnection parameters granted event.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::AddExtensionSetL() - Adds Extension Parameter set.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::CSubConGenEventParamsGranted() - Empty CSubConGenEventParamsGranted constructor.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::GetExtensionSet() - Gets Extension Parameter set.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::GetFamily() - Gets parameter family type.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::GetGenericSet() - Gets Generic Parameter set.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::GetNumExtensionSets() - Gets the number of Extension Parameter set.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::NewL() - Creates a granted parameter event sub-connection.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::SetFamily() - Sets parameter family type.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::SetGenericSet() - Sets Generic Parameter set.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::~CSubConGenEventParamsGranted() - (virtual) sub-connection parameter granted event destructor.

  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected - Subconnection parameters rejected event.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::CSubConGenEventParamsRejected() - Empty CSubConGenEventParamsRejected constructor.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::Error() - Gets Error value.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::FamilyId() - Gets parameter family type.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::NewL() - Creates a rejected parameter event sub-connection.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::SetError() - Sets Error value.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::SetFamilyId() - Sets parameter family type.
  • CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::~CSubConGenEventParamsRejected() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection parameter rejected event destructor.

  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown - Subconnection down event.
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::CSubConGenEventSubConDown() - Empty CSubConGenEventSubConDown constructor.
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::Error() - Gets Error value.
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::NewL() - Creates a sub-connection down event.
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::SetError() - Sets Error value.
  • CSubConGenEventSubConDown::~CSubConGenEventSubConDown() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection down event destructor.

  • CSubConGenericParameterSet - Base class for generic RSubConnection parameter sets.
  • CSubConGenericParameterSet::CSubConGenericParameterSet() - Empty sub-connection generic parameter set constructor.
  • CSubConGenericParameterSet::~CSubConGenericParameterSet() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection generic parameter set destructor.

  • CSubConNotificationEvent.
  • CSubConNotificationEvent::GroupId() - Provides the group id (Uid) of the event.
  • CSubConNotificationEvent::Id() - Provides the sub-type Id of the event.
  • CSubConNotificationEvent::IsGeneric() - Check whether an event is a generic event (not an extension).
  • CSubConNotificationEvent::NewL()  Creates a new sub-connection event using ECOM to load the DLL plugin that implements the event.
  • CSubConNotificationEvent::NewL()  Creates a new sub-connection event using ECOM to load the DLL plugin that implements the event.

  • CSubConParameterFamily - Container of RSubConnection parameter sets.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::AddExtensionSetL() - Adds an extension parameter set to a sub-connection parameter set family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::ClearAllParameters() - Clears (removes and deletes) all parameter sets with the type specified.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::FindExtensionSet()  Searches a sub-connection parameter family for an extension parameter set.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::FindExtensionSet()  Searches a sub-connection parameter family for an extension parameter set.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::GetGenericSet() - Accessor for the sub-connection generic parameter set of a family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::Id() - Fetch the identity of the sub-connection parameter family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::Length() - Calculates the length of buffer required to serialise this parameter set family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::Load() - Instructs this sub-connection family to set its members based on the serialiesd data in the buffer passed.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::LoadL()  Creates a new sub-connection parameter set family from a buffer containing the serialised object.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::LoadL()  Creates a new sub-connection parameter set family from a buffer containing the serialised object.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::NewL()  Creates a new sub-connection parameter set family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::NewL()  Creates a new sub-connection parameter set family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::SetGenericSetL() - Assigns the generic parameter set of a sub-connection parameter set family.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::Store() - Instructs this sub-connection family to create a serialised version of itself and append it to the buffer that has been passed.
  • CSubConParameterFamily::~CSubConParameterFamily() - Sub-connection parameter family destructor.

  • CSubConParameterSet - Base class for all RSubConnection parameter sets.
  • CSubConParameterSet::NewL() - Creates a new sub-connection parameter set using ECOM to load the DLL plugin that implements the set.
  • CSubConParameterSet::~CSubConParameterSet() - Empty (virtual) sub-connection parameter set destructor.

  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet - Qos generic parameter set.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::CSubConQosGenericParamSet() - Empty CSubConQosGenericParamSet constructor.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownLinkAveragePacketSize() - Gets downlink average packet size required.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownlinkBandwidth() - Gets downlink bandwidth value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownLinkDelay() - Gets acceptable downlink delay value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownLinkDelayVariation() - Gets acceptable downlink delay variation value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize() - Gets downlink max burst size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize() - Gets downlink max packet size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetDownLinkPriority() - Gets downlink priority value (relative to other channel's priority).
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetHeaderMode() - Gets header mode.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetName() - Gets Qos Parameter set name.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUpLinkAveragePacketSize() - Gets uplink average packet size required.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUplinkBandwidth() - Gets uplink bandwidth value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUpLinkDelay() - Gets acceptable uplink delay value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUpLinkDelayVariation() - Gets acceptable uplink delay variation value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize() - Gets uplink max burst size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize() - Gets uplink max packet size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetUpLinkPriority() - Gets uplink priority value (relative to other channel's priority).
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::NewL()  Creates a generic Qos family parameters sub-connection.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::NewL()  Creates a generic Qos family parameters sub-connection.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize() - Sets downlink average packet size required.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownlinkBandwidth() - Sets downlink bandwidth value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownLinkDelay() - Sets acceptable downlink delay value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownLinkDelayVariation() - Sets acceptable downlink delay variation value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize() - Sets downlink max burst size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize() - Sets downlink max packet size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetDownLinkPriority() - Sets downlink priority value (relative to other channel's priority).
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetHeaderMode() - Sets header mode.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetName() - Sets Qos Parameter set name.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize() - Sets uplink average packet size required.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUplinkBandwidth() - Sets uplink bandwidth value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUpLinkDelay() - Sets acceptable uplink delay value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUpLinkDelayVariation() - Sets acceptable uplink delay variation value.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize() - Sets uplink max burst size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize() - Sets uplink max packet size client can handle.
  • CSubConQosGenericParamSet::SetUpLinkPriority() - Sets uplink priority value (relative to other channel's priority).

  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet - Provides Implementation of IP QoS Parameters.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::CSubConQosR99ParamSet().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetDeliveryOrder() - Current delivery order.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetErroneousSDUDelivery() - Current delivery of erroneous SDUs.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetGuaBitrateDownlink() - Getter function for the guaranteed downlink bit rate.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetGuaBitrateUplink() - Getter function for the guaranteed uplink bit rate.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetMaxBitrateDownlink() - Getter function for the maximum downlink bit rate.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetMaxBitrateUplink().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetMaxSduSize().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetResidualBitErrorRatio() - Indicates the undetected bit error ratio in the delivered SDUs.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetSDUErrorRatio() - Indicates the fraction of SDUs lost or detected as erroneous.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetTrafficClass() - Identifies the current traffic class.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetTrafficHandlingPriority() - Current traffic handling priority.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetTransferDelay().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetDeliveryOrder() - Sets the delivery order.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetErroneousSDUDelivery() - Sets the handling of the delivery of erroneous SDUs.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetGuaBitrateDownlink() - Sets the guaranteed bitrate for downlink direction.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetGuaBitrateUplink() - Sets the guaranteed bitrate for uplink direction.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetMaxBitrateDownlink() - Sets the maximum bitrate for downlink direction.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetMaxBitrateUplink() - Sets the maximum bitrate for uplink direction.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetMaxSduSize() - Sets the maximum SDU size.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetResidualBitErrorRatio() - Sets the residual bit error ratio.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetSDUErrorRatio() - Sets the error ratio.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetTrafficClass() - Sets the traffic class.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetTrafficHandlingPriority() - Sets the traffic handling priority.
  • CSubConQosR99ParamSet::SetTransferDelay() - Sets the transfer delay.

  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet - Extension Parameter Sets, Consise of MAT and FI(s).
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::AddFlowIdL() - Adding of Flow Identifires into an array.
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet() - public constructors so that it can be accessed by factory.
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::GetFlowIdAt().
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::GetMAT() - Media Authorization Token setter and getter functions.
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::GetNumberOfFlowIds() - Flow identifires setter and getter functions.
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::SetMAT().
  • CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet::~CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet().

  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet - This contains the SIP Authenticate parameters that will be passed via subconnection to the SIP stack.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet() - Constructor.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::GetPassword() - Gets Password field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::GetRealm() - Gets Realm field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::GetUserName() - Gets Username field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::NewL()  Creates a new SubConSIPAuthenticate parameter set object.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::SetPasswordL() - Sets Password field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::SetRealmL() - Sets Realm field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::SetUserNameL() - Sets Username field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet::~CSubConSIPAuthenticateParamSet() - Destructor.

  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent - CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent is used when SIP authentication is required.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent() - Constructor.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::GetRealm() - Gets Realm field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::NewL().
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::SetRealmL() - Sets Realm field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent::~CSubConSIPAuthenticationRequiredEvent() - Destructor.

  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet - This contains the SIP Invite parameters that will be passed via subconnection to the SIP stack.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::CSubConSIPInviteParamSet() - Constructor.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetContact() - Gets Contact field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetContent() - Gets Content field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetContentSubType() - Gets ContentSubType field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetContentType() - Gets ContentType field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetFrom() - Gets From field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetRequestUri() - Gets Request URI field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetTo() - Gets To field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::NewL()  Creates a new SubConSIPInvite parameter set object.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetContactL() - Sets Contact field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetContentL() - Sets Content field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetContentSubTypeL() - Sets Content Sub Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetContentTypeL() - Sets Content Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetFromL() - Sets From field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetRequestUriL() - Setters for SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::SetToL() - Sets To field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPInviteParamSet::~CSubConSIPInviteParamSet() - Destructor.

  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent - CSubConSIPNotificationEvent is used for receiving SIP event notifications.
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::CSubConSIPNotificationEvent() - Constructor.
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::GetNotification() - Gets Notification for an event.
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::NewL().
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::SetNotificationL() - Sets Notification for an event.
  • CSubConSIPNotificationEvent::~CSubConSIPNotificationEvent() - Destructor.

  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent - CSubConSIPResponseEvent is used to get and set the response elements of the most recent response.
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::CSubConSIPResponseEvent() - Constructor.
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::GetResponse() - Gets Response Code of the SIP Response.
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::NewL().
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::SetResponse() - Sets Response Code of the SIP Response.
  • CSubConSIPResponseEvent::~CSubConSIPResponseEvent() - Destructor.

  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet - This contains the SIP Subscribe parameters that will be passed via subconnection to the SIP stack.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet() - Constructor.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetAcceptSubType() - Gets Accept Sub Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetAcceptType() - Gets Accept Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetAttribPtr().
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetAutoRefresh() - Gets Auto Refresh field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetContact() - Gets Contact field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetEventType() - Gets Event Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetExpires() - Gets Expires field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetFrom() - Gets From field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetRequestUri() - Gets Request URI field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetTo() - Gets To field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::GetVDataTable().
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::NewL()  Creates a new SubConSIPSubscribe parameter set object.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::NewL().
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetAcceptSubTypeL() - Sets Accept Sub Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetAcceptTypeL() - Sets Accept Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetAutoRefresh() - Sets AutoRfresh field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetContactL() - Sets Contact field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetEventTypeL() - Sets Event Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetExpires() - Sets Expires Sub Type field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetFromL() - Sets From field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetRequestUriL() - Sets Request URI field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::SetToL() - Sets To field of the SIP header.
  • CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet::~CSubConSIPSubscribeParamSet() - Destructor.

  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo - A base class for a container that holds information about a subject public key.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::AlgorithmId() - Gets the algorithm ID.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::EncodedParams() - Gets the encoded parameters required by the algorithm.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::KeyData() - Gets the encoded public key data.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewL() - Creates a new subject public key object copied from an existing object.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC() - Creates a new subject public key object copied from an existing object and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CSubjectPublicKeyInfo::~CSubjectPublicKeyInfo() - Destructor.

  • CSyncMLFilter - Class representing a filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::AddPropertyL() - Passes ownership of a filter property object to this filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::ClearPropertiesL() - Deletes all properties owned by this filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::DisplayDescription() - Accessor returning the User friendly description of this filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::DisplayName() - Accessor returning the User friendly display name of this filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::Enabled() - Accessor indicating the filter's enabled state.
  • CSyncMLFilter::ExternalizeL() - Method to produce an externalised string of bytes from which a CSyncMLFilter object can be recreated from.
  • CSyncMLFilter::FilterId() - Accessor returning the unique Id of this filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::FilterLevel() - Indicates whether the filter is a field or record level filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::NewL()  static Copy Constructor.
  • CSyncMLFilter::NewL()  static Symbian constructor taking in a previously externalised object either from a descriptor in RAM or a resource file.
  • CSyncMLFilter::NewL()  Static Symbian constructor producing an instantiated object from constituent parts which make up the minimum.
  • CSyncMLFilter::Properties() - Accessor returning the array of properties owned by this filter that define it's behaviour.
  • CSyncMLFilter::PropertyCount() - Returns the number of properties that this filter owns.
  • CSyncMLFilter::PropertyL() - Return a reference to a particular property in the field's property array.
  • CSyncMLFilter::SetEnabledL() - Enables the filter.
  • CSyncMLFilter::UnsetAllPropertyValuesL() - Unsets all properties that may have previously been configured with values.
  • CSyncMLFilter::~CSyncMLFilter() - C++ destructtor.

  • CSyncMLFilterProperty - Class that defines a particular property of a filter.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddDefaultPresetIndexL() - Adds a default to the preset array with the intention that the user is presented with a recommended choice from the array of preset's.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddPresetValueBoolL() - Adds a preset to the array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddPresetValueIntL() - Adds a preset to the array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddPresetValueText16L() - Adds a preset to the array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddPresetValueText8L() - Adds a preset to the array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddPresetValueTTimeL() - Adds a preset to the array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::AddSelectedValueIndexL() - Adds a user preset selection to the list of multiple selections.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::ClearDefaultPresetIndicesL() - Clears the list of defaults relating to the presets.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::ClearPresetValuesL() - Clears the preset's from the corresponding array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::ClearPropertyValueL() - Clears the set property value, attempting to retrieve the property value after this will result in a leave.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::ClearSelectedValueIndexL() - Clears the user selection at position aIndex in the user preset selection array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::ClearSelectedValueIndices() - Clears all of the preset values selected by the user.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::DataType() - Accessor that returns the data type that this property represents.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::DefaultPresetIndices() - Returns the indices of the preset's that the UI should have as user defaults.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::ExternalizeL() - Externalises this class into a byte stream (aStream).
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::MaxTextLength() - Accessor returning the maximum allowable text length for this property if it's a text based object.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::MustUsePresetValue() - Returns whether or not the value the user inputs must be one of the preset's or not.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::Name() - Accessor for the user displayable property name.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::NewL()  Symbian constructor.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::NewL()  Symbian constructor.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::NewL()  Symbian copy constructor.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueBoolL() - Returns the preset TBool at index aIndex.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueCount() - Returns the number of presets available for a particular data type.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueDateTimeL() - Returns the preset TTime at index aIndex.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueIntL() - Returns the preset int at index aIndex.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueSet() - Accessor returning whether or not a preset value has been set.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueText16L() - Returns the preset 16-bit unicode string at position aIndex.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PresetValueText8L() - Returns the preset 8-bit unicode string at position aIndex.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PropertyValueBoolL() - Returns the property value for a TBool property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PropertyValueDateTimeL() - Returns the property value for a Date Time property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PropertyValueIntL() - Returns the property value for a integer property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PropertyValueSet() - Accessor returning whether or not a property value has been set.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PropertyValueText16L() - Returns the property value for a 16-bit unicode text property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::PropertyValueText8L() - Returns the property value for a 8-bit unicode text property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SelectedValueIndex() - Gets the index of the selected preset at position aIndex in the user selected index array.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SelectedValueIndicesCount() - Gets the number of preset values selected by the user.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetMaxTextLengthL() - Sets the maximum length of free-text input Text8/Text16 values.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetMustUsePresetValue() - Stipulates if the user must use one of the preset values as opposed to being able to enter free data.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetPropertyValueBoolL() - Sets the value of this property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetPropertyValueDateTimeL() - Sets the value of this property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetPropertyValueIntL() - Sets the value of this property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetPropertyValueText16L() - Sets the value of this property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetPropertyValueText8L() - Sets the value of this property.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SetSupportMultipleSelectionL() - Allows the user of this object to select multiple presets at once.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::SupportsMultipleSelection() - Returns whether or not the user is allowed to select multiple preset's from the preset list.
  • CSyncMLFilterProperty::~CSyncMLFilterProperty() - C++ destructor.

  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry - Base class for a history log entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::EntryId() - This method returns the unique ID of the entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::EntryType() - This method may be used to determine the type of the entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::ExternalizeL() - This method writes the details associated with this entry to the specified stream.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::InternalizeL().
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::NewL()  This method creates a new history log entry of the specified type.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::NewL()  This method creates a new history log entry from a stream, internalizing all data.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::NewL()  This method creates a new copy of an existing History Log entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::Profile().
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::Reserved().
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::ResultCode().
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::TimeStamp().
  • CSyncMLHistoryEntry::~CSyncMLHistoryEntry() - Default destructor for CSyncMLHistoryEntry.

  • CSyncMLHistoryJob - This class holds the result of a session with a server.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::DynamicCast().
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::DynamicCast().
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::ExternalizeL() - This method writes the details associated with this entry to the specified stream.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::FinishTime() - This method returns the time that the Sync Job completed.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::InternalizeL().
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::NewL()  This method creates a new Job History entry representing a Sync Job.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::NewL()  This method creates a new Job History entry representing a Sync Job.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::Profile() - This method returns the ID of the Server Profile that this entry is associated with.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::ResultCode() - This method returns the result of the Sync Job.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::SetResult() - This method sets the finish time, and result code for the Sync Job entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TaskAt() - This method returns the task information at the specified index in the entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TaskById() - This method returns a modifiable reference to the information for the specified task.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TaskCount() - This method returns the number of tasks that were synchronised by the Job this entry represents.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TimeStamp() - This method returns the time stamp of this entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::~CSyncMLHistoryJob() - Destructor for CSyncMLHistoryJob.

  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TTaskInfo - This class identifies a sync task within the profile, and the result of the attempt to synchronise it.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TTaskInfo::ExternalizeL() - This method writes a TTaskInfo object to a stream.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TTaskInfo::InternalizeL() - This method reads a TTaskInfo object from a stream.
  • CSyncMLHistoryJob::TTaskInfo::TTaskInfo() - Default constructor for TTaskInfo.

  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg - This class holds the result of a parsing a push msg.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::AddAlertsL() - This method moves the Alerts from the supplied array into the entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::Alert() - This method returns details of the Alert at the specified index.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::AlertCount() - This method returns the number of Alerts in this entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::DynamicCast().
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::DynamicCast().
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::ExternalizeL() - This method writes the details associated with this entry to the specified stream.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::IncReceivedCount() - This method increments the counter indicating how many times the message has been received.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::InternalizeL().
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::MsgDigest() - This method returns an MD5 digest of the message body.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::NewL() - This method creates a new Push Message entry representing a Push Message.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::Profile() - This method returns the ID of the Server Profile that this entry is associated with.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::ReceivedCount() - This method returns the number of times the message has been received.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::ResetAlerts() - This method will clear any Alerts currently in the entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::ResultCode() - This method returns the result of parsing the push message.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::SetMsgDigest() - This method sets the digest for the message, and sets the received count to 1.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::SetResultCode() - This method will set the result code for this entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::TimeStamp() - This method returns the time stamp of this entry.
  • CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::~CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg() - Destructor for CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg.

  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray - An array of SyncML transport property information.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::AddL() - Adds a property to the array.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::At()  Gets the member of the array with the specified index value.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::At()  Gets the member of the array with the specified index value (const overload).
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::Count() - Gets the number of properties in the array.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray() - Constructor.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::Delete() - Deletes a property from the array.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object to a stream.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::Find() - Searches the array for a specified property.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object from a stream.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::operator[]()  Gets the member of the array with the specified index value.
  • CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray::operator[]()  Gets the member of the array with the specified index value (const overload).

  • CSystemClockSource - The CSystemClockSource provides a basic clock source implementation based on the system clock.
  • CSystemClockSource::CustomInterface() - No custom interfaces are implemented by this clock source, so this method will always return NULL.
  • CSystemClockSource::NewL() - Creates a new CSystemClockSource object.
  • CSystemClockSource::Reset()  Resets the clock source to zero.
  • CSystemClockSource::Reset()  Resets the clock source to a user-defined offset.
  • CSystemClockSource::Resume() - Resumes the clock source after a Suspend() method call.
  • CSystemClockSource::Suspend() - Suspends the clock source.
  • CSystemClockSource::Time() - Retrieves the time that has elapsed since Reset() was last called, subtracting any time during which the clock was suspended.
  • CSystemClockSource::~CSystemClockSource() - Destructor.

  • CSystemRandom - This default secure random number generator uses system state to generate entropy for the generation of cryptographically secure random numbers.
  • CSystemRandom::GenerateBytesL() - Implements the contract as specified in the base class, CRandom, filling the buffer supplied with cryptographically secure random data up to its current length, discarding its current content.
  • CSystemRandom::NewL() - Constructs a new system random number generator.
  • CSystemRandom::NewLC() - Constructs a new system random number generator, and places it on the cleanup stack.

  • CTelephony - This class provides a simple interface to the phone's telephony system.
  • CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall() - Answers an incoming new voice call.
  • CTelephony::CancelAsync() - Cancels an outstanding asynchronous request.
  • CTelephony::CancelEstablishDataCall() - This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::CancelReceiveDataCall() - This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::DialNewCall() - Initiates a new call.
  • CTelephony::EstablishDataCall()  This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::EstablishDataCall()  This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::FindDeviceStatus() - This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::GetBatteryInfo() - Retrieves the status and charge level of the phone battery.
  • CTelephony::GetCallBarringStatus() - Interrogate the current status of the call barring services.
  • CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps() - Retrieves the dynamic call capabilities for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.
  • CTelephony::GetCallForwardingStatus() - Interrogates the current status of the call forwarding services.
  • CTelephony::GetCallInfo() - Retrieves information about the call selected by the aCallSelect argument.
  • CTelephony::GetCallStatus() - Retrieves the status of the selected call specified by the aCallId argument.
  • CTelephony::GetCallWaitingStatus() - Interrogate the current status of the call waiting services.
  • CTelephony::GetCurrentNetworkInfo() - Retrieves over-the-air network information about the currently registered mobile network.
  • CTelephony::GetCurrentNetworkName() - Retrieves ICC-stored information about the (preferred) name of the currently registered mobile network.
  • CTelephony::GetFlightMode() - Retrieves the current flight mode status.
  • CTelephony::GetIdentityServiceStatus() - Interrogate the current status of the identity services.
  • CTelephony::GetIndicator() - Retrieves the battery charging indicator, the network availability indicator and call-in-progress indicator.
  • CTelephony::GetLineStatus() - Retrieves the status of the line selected by the aLine argument.
  • CTelephony::GetLockInfo() - Some phones allow users to lock them to prevent unauthorised use.
  • CTelephony::GetNetworkRegistrationStatus() - Retrieves the current network registration status.
  • CTelephony::GetOperatorName() - Retrieve ICC stored information about the currently registered mobile network.
  • CTelephony::GetPhoneId() - Retrieves the model information and unique identification of the mobile device.
  • CTelephony::GetSignalStrength() - Retrieves the phone's current signal strength via the aDes argument.
  • CTelephony::GetSubscriberId() - Retrieves information about the mobile device's current subscriber.
  • CTelephony::Hangup() - Hangs up a call.
  • CTelephony::Hold() - Places a call on hold.
  • CTelephony::NewL() - Constructs a CTelephony object.
  • CTelephony::NewLC() - Constructs a CTelephony object.
  • CTelephony::NotifyChange() - Registers interest in receiving change notifications for events.
  • CTelephony::ReceiveDataCall()  This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::ReceiveDataCall()  This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::Resume() - Resumes a held call.
  • CTelephony::SendDTMFTones() - Transmits DTMF tones across all the current active voice calls.
  • CTelephony::Swap() - Swaps calls.
  • CTelephony::TerminateDataCall() - This method is no longer supported.
  • CTelephony::Version() - Get current CTelephony version.

  • CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 - Defines contents of the battery status of the phone.
  • CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1::TBatteryInfoV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1 - Defines information about the call barring service.
  • CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TCallCapsV1.
  • CTelephony::TCallCapsV1::TCallCapsV1() - Defines the dynamic capabilities of a call.

  • CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 - Defines information about the call forwarding service.
  • CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TCallInfoV1 - Defines general information about a call.
  • CTelephony::TCallInfoV1::TCallInfoV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TCallParamsV1.
  • CTelephony::TCallParamsV1::TCallParamsV1() - Defines the parameters used for set-up of a call.

  • CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1 - Defines parameters to select a call, determined by its call state for a specific line.
  • CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1::TCallSelectionV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 - Defines the current call or line status.
  • CTelephony::TCallStatusV1::TCallStatusV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1 - Defines information about the call waiting service.
  • CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TEtelISVType - Specifies which version of an API parameter a client has used.
  • CTelephony::TEtelISVType::VersionId() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TFlightModeV1 - Defines the flight mode status.
  • CTelephony::TFlightModeV1::TFlightModeV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1 - Defines the Icc Lock parameters.
  • CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1::TIccLockInfoV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TIdentityServiceV1 - Defines the call identity service status.
  • CTelephony::TIdentityServiceV1::TIdentityServiceV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TIndicatorV1 - Contains indicator parameters:.
  • CTelephony::TIndicatorV1::TIndicatorV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 - Defines information related to a mobile phone network.
  • CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1::TNetworkInfoV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV2 - Defines information related to a mobile phone network.
  • CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV2::TNetworkInfoV2() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1 - Defines the name network name.
  • CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1::TNetworkNameV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TNetworkNameV2 - Defines the name network name.
  • CTelephony::TNetworkNameV2::TNetworkNameV2() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1 - Defines the current network registration status.
  • CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1::TNetworkRegistrationV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TOperatorNameV1 - Defines the current operator.
  • CTelephony::TOperatorNameV1::TOperatorNameV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1 - Defines the mobile phone identity.
  • CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1::TPhoneIdV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1.
  • CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1::TRemotePartyInfoV1() - Defines information about the remote party of a call.

  • CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1 - Defines the phone's current signal strength.
  • CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1::TSignalStrengthV1() - Default constructor.

  • CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1 - Defines the Subscriber (IMSI) Id.
  • CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1::TSubscriberIdV1().

  • CTelephony::TTelAddress - Defines API abstraction of a mobile telephone number.
  • CTelephony::TTelAddress::TTelAddress() - Default constructor.

  • CTelnetSession - The main Symbian telnet class.
  • CTelnetSession::Connect()  Connects to aNetAddr on the standard telnet port (port 23).
  • CTelnetSession::Connect()  Connects to aNetAddr on user specified port.
  • CTelnetSession::Connect()  Connects to aSeverName on the standard telnet port (port 23).
  • CTelnetSession::Connect()  Connects to aServerName on user specified port.
  • CTelnetSession::ConstructL() - Second-phase protected constructor, called by NewL().
  • CTelnetSession::Disconnect() - Disconnects current connection.
  • CTelnetSession::DoForceLogout() - Forces a logout from the server.
  • CTelnetSession::DoModifyConfig() - Sets the telnet connection configuration.
  • CTelnetSession::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new telnet session object.
  • CTelnetSession::OptionStatus() - Gets the status of the supported RFC-defined options.
  • CTelnetSession::Read() - Read data received over telnet buffer.
  • CTelnetSession::Write()  Writes a byte stream over the open telnet connection.
  • CTelnetSession::Write()  Writes NVT code to stream.

  • CTextField - Abstract class: derive from this to instantiate a particular type of field (eg date etc) Abstract base class for all field types.
  • CTextField::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the field data.
  • CTextField::InternalizeL() - Internalises the field data.
  • CTextField::RestoreL() - Restores the field data from a stream store.
  • CTextField::StoreL() - Stores the field data to a stream store.
  • CTextField::Type() - Returns the field's type UID.
  • CTextField::Value() - Sets aValueText to the current field value if the buffer is large enough.

  • CTextLayout - Text layout.
  • CTextLayout::AdjustVerticalAlignment() - Temporarily changes the vertical alignment of the text with respect to the visible height.
  • CTextLayout::BandHeight() - Gets the height of the band in pixels or twips.
  • CTextLayout::CalculateHorizontalExtremesL() - Returns the left and right extremes, in layout coordinates, of the formatted text.
  • CTextLayout::ChangeBandTopL() - Scrolls the text up or down by aPixels pixels, disallowing blank space at the bottom of the visible area if aScrollBlankSpace is CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace.
  • CTextLayout::CustomDraw() - Returns a pointer to the current custom drawing implementation.
  • CTextLayout::CustomWrap() - Gets the custom line breaking object, as set using SetCustomWrap().
  • CTextLayout::DiscardFormat() - Discards all formatting information.
  • CTextLayout::DocPosToXyPosL() - Returns the x-y coordinates of the document position aDocPos in aPos.
  • CTextLayout::DocumentLength() - Returns the document length in characters, including all the text, not just the formatted portion, but not including the final paragraph delimiter (the "end-of-text character") if any.
  • CTextLayout::DrawBorders() - Draws paragraph borders, optionally with a background colour for the border and a clip region.
  • CTextLayout::DrawL() - Draws the text.
  • CTextLayout::ExcludingPartialLines() - Tests whether partial lines at the top and bottom of the view are currently excluded.
  • CTextLayout::ExtendFormattingToCoverPosL() - Allows you to increase the formatted text range by specifying a point in the text you want to increase the range to.
  • CTextLayout::FindDocPos() - Finds the x-y position of the document position aDocPos.
  • CTextLayout::FindXyPos() - Finds the document position nearest to aXyPos.
  • CTextLayout::FirstCharOnLine() - Gets the document position of the first character in the specified line, counting the first line as line one (not zero) in the band.
  • CTextLayout::FirstDocPosFullyInBand() - Gets the first document position in a line that starts at or below the top of the visible area.
  • CTextLayout::FirstFormattedPos() - Returns the document position of the first formatted character.
  • CTextLayout::FirstLineInBand() - Returns the line number, counting from 0, of the first fully visible line.
  • CTextLayout::FontHeightIncreaseFactor() - Returns the font height increase factor as a percentage (i.e.
  • CTextLayout::ForceNoWrapping() - Turns wrapping on (if aNoWrapping is EFParagraphsWrappedByDefault) or off (if aNoWrapping is EFAllParagraphsNotWrapped).
  • CTextLayout::FormatBandL() - Formats enough text to fill the visible band.
  • CTextLayout::FormatCharRangeL() - Sets the formatted text to begin at the start of the paragraph including aStartPos and end at aEndPos.
  • CTextLayout::FormatLineL() - Controls the height of a single line, for use by the pagination system only.
  • CTextLayout::FormatNextLineL() - A special function to support background formatting by the higher level CTextView class.
  • CTextLayout::FormattedHeightInPixels() - Returns the height in pixels of the formatted text.
  • CTextLayout::FormattedLength() - Returns the number of formatted characters.
  • CTextLayout::GetCharacterHeightAndAscentL() - Gets the height (ascent + descent) and ascent of the font of the character at aDocPos, as created using the graphics device map used for drawing (the "image device") and returns them in aHeight and aAscent, after increasing aHeight by the font height increase factor (see SetFontHeightIncreaseFactor()).
  • CTextLayout::GetCustomInvisibleCharacterRemapper() - Allows Form clients to see which character remapper object is currently registered.
  • CTextLayout::GetFontHeightAndAscentL() - Gets the height (ascent + descent) and ascent of the font specified by aFontSpec, as created using the graphics device map used for drawing (the "image device") and puts them into aHeight and aAscent, after increasing aHeight by the font height increase factor (see SetFontHeightIncreaseFactor()).
  • CTextLayout::GetLineNumber().
  • CTextLayout::GetLineRect() - Gets the rectangle enclosing the formatted line that contains or is closest to y coordinate aYPos.
  • CTextLayout::GetLineRectL() - Gets a rectangle enclosing two formatted document positions on the same line.
  • CTextLayout::GetMinimumSizeL()  Gets the width and height of the bounding box of the text, including indents and margins, when formatted to the specified wrap width.
  • CTextLayout::GetMinimumSizeL()  Gets the width and height of the bounding box of the text, including indents and margins, when formatted to the specified wrap width.
  • CTextLayout::GetNextVisualCursorPos() - Finds the next cursor position to aDocPos in the visually ordered line.
  • CTextLayout::GetOrigin().
  • CTextLayout::HandleAdditionalCharactersAtEndL() - Reformats to reflect the addition of one or more complete paragraphs at the end of the text.
  • CTextLayout::HandleBlockChangeL() - Reformats to reflect changes to a block of text.
  • CTextLayout::HandleCharEditL() - Reformats to reflect a single character edit.
  • CTextLayout::Highlight() - Sets or clears a highlight.
  • CTextLayout::HighlightExtensions().
  • CTextLayout::InvertRangeL() - Toggles the selection highlight for the range of text in aHighlight.
  • CTextLayout::IsBackgroundFormatting() - Tests whether background formatting is currently taking place.
  • CTextLayout::IsFormattingBand() - Tests whether band formatting is on, as set by CTextLayout::SetAmountToFormat().
  • CTextLayout::IsWrapping() - Tests whether wrapping is on or off.
  • CTextLayout::MajorVersion() - Return the FORM major version number.
  • CTextLayout::MakeVisible() - Stops or allows text to be drawn.
  • CTextLayout::MinimumLineDescent() - Returns the minimum line descent in pixels.
  • CTextLayout::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CTextLayout object.
  • CTextLayout::NonPrintingCharsVisibility() - Returns which non-printing characters are drawn using symbols.
  • CTextLayout::NotifyTerminateBackgroundFormatting() - CTextView calls this function when background formatting has ended.
  • CTextLayout::NumFormattedLines() - Gets the number of formatted lines.
  • CTextLayout::PageDownL() - Scrolls down by a page (that is the band height as set by SetBandHeight(), or half that amount if scrolling over lines taller than this), moving the text upwards.
  • CTextLayout::PageUpL() - Scrolls up by a page (that is the band height as set by SetBandHeight(), or half that amount if scrolling over lines taller than this), moving the text downwards.
  • CTextLayout::ParagraphHeight() - Returns the height of the paragraph containing aDocPos.
  • CTextLayout::ParagraphRectL() - Returns the rectangle enclosing the paragraph containing aDocPos.
  • CTextLayout::PictureRectangleL()  Gets the bounding rectangle of the picture, if any, located at the document position or coordinates specified, and returns it in aPictureRect.
  • CTextLayout::PictureRectangleL()  Gets the bounding rectangle of the picture (if any) at aXyPos and puts it in aPictureRect.
  • CTextLayout::PixelsAboveBand() - Returns the height in pixels of any formatted text above the visible region.
  • CTextLayout::PosInBand()  Tests whether the document position aDocPos is fully or partially visible.
  • CTextLayout::PosInBand()  Tests whether the document position aDocPos is fully or partially visible.
  • CTextLayout::PosInBand()  Tests whether the document position aDocPos is fully or partially visible.
  • CTextLayout::PosIsFormatted() - Tests whether the character aDocPos is formatted.
  • CTextLayout::PosRangeInBand() - Returns the number of fully or partially visible characters in the visible band.
  • CTextLayout::ReformatVerticalSpaceL() - Reformats to reflect changes to the space above and below paragraphs (CParaFormat::iSpaceBeforeInTwips and iSpaceAfterInTwips).
  • CTextLayout::RestrictScrollToTopsOfLines() - Dangerous function.
  • CTextLayout::ScrollLinesL() - Scrolls the text up or down by aNumLines lines, disallowing blank space at the bottom of the visible area if aScrollBlankSpace is CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace.
  • CTextLayout::ScrollParagraphsL() - Scrolls the text up or down by aNumParas paragraphs, disallowing blank space at the bottom of the visible area if aScrollBlankSpace is CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace.
  • CTextLayout::SetAmountToFormat() - Sets whether to format all the text (if aAmountOfFormat is EFFormatAllText), or just the visible band (if aAmountOfFormat is EFFormatBand).
  • CTextLayout::SetBandHeight() - Sets the height of the band in pixels or twips.
  • CTextLayout::SetCustomDraw() - Sets the custom drawing object, for customising the way text and its background are drawn.
  • CTextLayout::SetCustomInvisibleCharacterRemapper() - Allows Form clients to register an invisible character remapper object to customize the visible display of invisible characters such as paragraph marks.
  • CTextLayout::SetCustomWrap() - Sets custom line breaking.
  • CTextLayout::SetExcludePartialLines() - Specifies whether partially displayed lines (at the top and bottom of the view) are to be prevented from being drawn, and whether the top of the display is to be aligned to the nearest line.
  • CTextLayout::SetFontHeightIncreaseFactor() - Sets the percentage by which font heights are increased in order to provide automatic extra spacing (leading) between lines.
  • CTextLayout::SetFormatMode() - Sets the format mode and wrap width and (for certain format modes only) sets the formatting device.
  • CTextLayout::SetImageDeviceMap() - Sets the device map used for drawing and formatting.
  • CTextLayout::SetInterfaceProvider() - This method allows Form clients to register an object able to create or return references to customisation objects used within Form for various tasks e.g.
  • CTextLayout::SetLabelsDeviceMap() - Sets the device map used for formatting and drawing paragraph labels.
  • CTextLayout::SetLabelsMarginWidth() - Sets the width in pixels of the margin in which labels are drawn.
  • CTextLayout::SetLayDoc() - Sets the layout object's source text to aDoc.
  • CTextLayout::SetMinimumLineDescent() - Sets the minimum line descent in pixels.
  • CTextLayout::SetNonPrintingCharsVisibility() - Specifies which non-printing characters (e.g.
  • CTextLayout::SetTruncating() - Sets the truncation mode.
  • CTextLayout::SetTruncatingEllipsis() - Sets the ellipsis character to be used if truncation is on.
  • CTextLayout::SetViewL()  Changes the top of the visible area so that the line containing aDocPos is vertically positioned at aYPos.
  • CTextLayout::SetViewL()  This interface is deprecated, and is made available in version 7.0s solely to provide binary compatibility with Symbian OS v6.1.
  • CTextLayout::SetWrapWidth() - Sets the wrap width.
  • CTextLayout::TagmaTextLayout().
  • CTextLayout::ToParagraphStart() - Sets aDocPos to the paragraph start and returns the amount by which aDocPos has changed, as a non-negative number.
  • CTextLayout::Truncating() - Tests whether truncation is on (as set by SetTruncating()).
  • CTextLayout::TruncatingEllipsis() - Returns the ellipsis character used when truncation is on.
  • CTextLayout::XyPosToDocPosL() - Returns the document position of the nearest character edge to aPos.
  • CTextLayout::YBottomLastFormattedLine() - Returns the y coordinate of the bottom of the last formatted line, relative to the top of the visible region.
  • CTextLayout::~CTextLayout().

  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange - Specifies the range of characters involved when setting or clearing a text selection.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::Clip() - Clips the range so that its start and end positions are within the minimum and maximum positions specified.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::Get() - Gets the start and end of the range and whether the highlighting should be set or cleared.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::NonNull() - Tests whether the range is not null.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::OptimizeWith() - Try to cancel out sections of the ranges that overlap Merges two ranges of characters.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::Set() - Sets the start and end positions and whether the highlighting should be set or cleared.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::TRangeChange()  Constructor with a start and end position and whether the highlighting in the range should be set or cleared.
  • CTextLayout::TRangeChange::TRangeChange()  Default constructor.

  • CTextPageRegionPrinter.
  • CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetParagraphFillTextOnly() - Sets the fill to either the text box or whole view rect occupied by paragraph.
  • CTextPageRegionPrinter::~CTextPageRegionPrinter().

  • CTextPaginator - Paginates a document.
  • CTextPaginator::AppendTextL() - Paginates incrementally as a document is being constructed (by appending paragraphs, for example).
  • CTextPaginator::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CTextPaginator::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CTextPaginator object with a page list, the printer device for which the document is to be paginated and an active object priority.
  • CTextPaginator::PaginateCompleteDocumentL() - Initiates pagination of a complete document in the background using an active object.
  • CTextPaginator::PaginationCompletedL() - This function should be called when incremental pagination has completed (see AppendTextL()), to complete the final entry in the page list.
  • CTextPaginator::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CTextPaginator::SetDocumentL() - Sets a pointer to the document which is to be paginated.
  • CTextPaginator::SetObserver() - Sets a pagination observer (an instance of a class inherited from MPaginateObserver).
  • CTextPaginator::SetPageMarginsInTwips() - Sets the widths of the page margins in twips.
  • CTextPaginator::SetPageSpecInTwips() - Sets the page width and height in twips, overriding the current values specified in the printer device.
  • CTextPaginator::SetPrinterDevice() - Sets a pointer to the printer device for which the document is to be paginated.
  • CTextPaginator::SetTextMarginWidthsInTwips() - Sets the widths in twips of:.
  • CTextPaginator::~CTextPaginator() - Destructor.

  • CTextView - Lays out formatted text for display.
  • CTextView::AlteredViewRect().
  • CTextView::AlterViewRect().
  • CTextView::CalculateHorizontalExtremesL() - Returns the left and right extremes, in window coordinates, of the formatted text.
  • CTextView::CancelSelectionL() - Removes a selection, and redraws the affected part of the screen.
  • CTextView::ClearSelectionL() - Un-draws a selection, redraws the affected part of the screen.
  • CTextView::DisableFlickerFreeRedraw().
  • CTextView::DocPosToXyPosL() - Gets the window coordinates of the character located at the specified document position.
  • CTextView::DrawL()  Draws the text to a rectangle.
  • CTextView::DrawL()  Draws the text to a rectangle.
  • CTextView::EnableFlickerFreeRedraw().
  • CTextView::EnablePictureFrameL() - Sets whether a picture frame should be displayed when the text cursor is located at a picture character.
  • CTextView::FindDocPosL() - Finds the x-y position of the document position aDocPos.
  • CTextView::FindXyPosL() - Gets the document position of of the nearest character edge to the window coordinates specified.
  • CTextView::FinishBackgroundFormattingL() - Forces completion of background formatting.
  • CTextView::FlickerFreeRedraw().
  • CTextView::FormatTextL() - Reformats the whole document, or just the visible text, if formatting is set to the band only (see CTextLayout::SetAmountToFormat()).
  • CTextView::GetBackwardDeletePositionL() - Returns a selection for which characters should be deleted in a backwards delete.
  • CTextView::GetCursorPos() - Gets the cursor position as a TTmDocPos.
  • CTextView::GetForwardDeletePositionL() - Returns a selection for which characters should be deleted in a forwards delete.
  • CTextView::GetOrigin() - Gets the origin of the cursor.
  • CTextView::GetPictureRectangleL()  Gets the bounding rectangle of the picture, if any, located at the document position or x,y coordinates specified, and returns it in aPictureRect.
  • CTextView::GetPictureRectangleL()  Returns EFalse if the specified position is not contained within a formatted picture.
  • CTextView::HandleAdditionalCharactersAtEndL() - Reformats and redraws to reflect the addition of one or more complete paragraphs at the end of the text.
  • CTextView::HandleCharEditL() - Reformats and redraws the view in response to a single key press.
  • CTextView::HandleGlobalChangeL() - Reformats and redraws the view after a global change has been made to the layout.
  • CTextView::HandleGlobalChangeNoRedrawL() - Reformats the view after a global change has been made to the layout, but without causing a redraw.
  • CTextView::HandleInsertDeleteL() - Reformats and redraws the view after inserting, deleting or replacing a block of text.
  • CTextView::HandleRangeFormatChangeL() - Reformats and redraws the view after changes to the character or paragraph formatting of a block of text.
  • CTextView::HorizontalScrollJump() - Gets the number of pixels by which a horizontal scroll jump will cause the view to scroll.
  • CTextView::IsPictureFrameSelected() - Tests whether there is a picture with a picture frame at the current cursor position.
  • CTextView::Layout() - Returns a pointer to the text layout object used by the text view.
  • CTextView::LeftTextMargin() - Gets the left text margin width in pixels.
  • CTextView::MakeVisible() - Stops or allows text to be drawn.
  • CTextView::MarginWidths() - Gets the label and line cursor margin widths in pixels.
  • CTextView::MatchCursorHeightL() - Sets the height and ascent of the text cursor to the values contained in aFontSpec and redraws it.
  • CTextView::MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar() - Sets the height and ascent of the text cursor to be the same as an adjacent character and redraws it.
  • CTextView::MoveCursorL() - Moves the text cursor in the direction and manner specified.
  • CTextView::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CTextView object.
  • CTextView::ParagraphRectL() - Returns the rectangle enclosing the paragraph containing aDocPos.
  • CTextView::ScrollDisplayL() - Scrolls the view either horizontally or vertically and does a redraw.
  • CTextView::ScrollDisplayLinesL() - Scrolls the view vertically by a number of wholly or partially visible lines, disallowing blank space at the bottom of the visible area if aScrollBlankSpace is CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace.
  • CTextView::ScrollDisplayParagraphsL() - Scrolls the view by a number of wholly or partially visible paragraphs disallowing blank space at the bottom of the visible area if aScrollBlankSpace is CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace.
  • CTextView::ScrollDisplayPixelsL() - Scrolls the view vertically by a number of pixels, disallowing blank space from scrolling into the bottom of the visible area.
  • CTextView::Selection() - Gets the current selection.
  • CTextView::SelectionVisible() - Returns if the selection is currently visible.
  • CTextView::SetBackgroundColor() - Sets the background colour for the view rectangle.
  • CTextView::SetCursorExtensions().
  • CTextView::SetCursorFlash() - Sets the flashing state of the text cursor and redraws it.
  • CTextView::SetCursorPlacement() - Sets the text cursor's placement (its shape and position relative to the insertion position) and redraws it.
  • CTextView::SetCursorVisibilityL() - Sets the visibility of the line and text cursors.
  • CTextView::SetCursorWeight() - Sets the weight of the text cursor and redraws it.
  • CTextView::SetCursorWidthTypeL() - Sets the text cursor's type and weight and redraws it.
  • CTextView::SetCursorXorColor() - Sets the text cursor's colour and redraws it.
  • CTextView::SetDisplayContextL() - Changes the window server handles which the display uses.
  • CTextView::SetDocPosL()  Moves the text cursor to a new document position.
  • CTextView::SetDocPosL()  Moves the text cursor to a new document position.
  • CTextView::SetDocPosL()  Moves the text cursor to a new document position.
  • CTextView::SetHorizontalScrollJump() - Sets the number of pixels by which a horizontal scroll jump will cause the view to scroll.
  • CTextView::SetLatentXPosition() - Sets the pending horizontal text cursor position.
  • CTextView::SetLayout() - Changes the text layout object used by the text view.
  • CTextView::SetLeftTextMargin() - Sets the left text margin width in pixels.
  • CTextView::SetLineCursorBitmap() - Sets the bitmap to be used as a line cursor.
  • CTextView::SetMarginWidths() - Sets the label and line cursor margin widths.
  • CTextView::SetObserver() - Sets a text view observer.
  • CTextView::SetOpaque() - Sets and unsets an opaque flag on the text view's window.
  • CTextView::SetParagraphFillTextOnly() - Sets the horizontal extent of the view rectangle to fill with paragraph fill colour (CParaFormat::iFillColor).
  • CTextView::SetPendingSelection() - Makes a selection, but without updating the view.
  • CTextView::SetSelectionL() - Sets a selection.
  • CTextView::SetSelectionVisibilityL() - Sets whether the text and pictures within a selection should be highlighted.
  • CTextView::SetTextColorOverride() - Overrides the text colour, so that when redrawn, all text has the colour specified, rather than the colour which is set in the text object.
  • CTextView::SetViewL() - Sets the vertical position of the view, so that the line containing aDocPos is located as close as possible to the vertical window coordinate aYPos.
  • CTextView::SetViewLineAtTopL() - Moves the view vertically and redraws, so that the top of the specified line is located flush with the top of the view rectangle.
  • CTextView::SetViewRect() - Sets the rectangle in which the text is displayed.
  • CTextView::SetXyPosL() - Moves the text cursor to the nearest point on the screen to the x,y coordinates specified.
  • CTextView::ViewRect() - Gets the rectangle in which the text is displayed.
  • CTextView::VisualEndOfRunL() - Calculates which of two document positions would be considered more left or more right, depending on the value of aDirection.
  • CTextView::XyPosToDocPosL() - Gets the document position of of the nearest character edge to the window coordinates specified.
  • CTextView::~CTextView().

  • CTextView::MObserver - Provides notification to the owner of the text view object of changes to the formatting.
  • CTextView::MObserver::OnReformatL() - Called after reformatting but before redisplay, so that edit windows, etc., can be resized.

  • CTextView::TTagmaForwarder - A standard inquiry interface for the text formatting engine, built on top of a CTextView object.
  • CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::GetOrigin() - The origin is subtracted from coordinates passed in and added to those passed out.
  • CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::InitL() - Called after construction, to complete background reformatting.
  • CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::TextLayout() - Returns a reference to the CTmTextLayoutObject this MTmTextLayoutForwarder forwards inquiries to.
  • CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::TTagmaForwarder() - This constructor deliberately does not take a pointer or reference to CTextView, to prevent the class from being used unless InitL() is called.

  • CTimer - Base class for a timer active object.
  • CTimer::After() - Requests an event after an interval.
  • CTimer::At() - Requests an event at a given local time.
  • CTimer::AtUTC() - Requests an event at a given UTC time.
  • CTimer::ConstructL() - Constructs a new asynchronous timer.
  • CTimer::CTimer() - Protected constructor with priority.
  • CTimer::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CTimer::HighRes() - Requests an event after the specified interval to a resolution of 1ms.
  • CTimer::Inactivity() - Requests an event if no activity occurs within the specified interval.
  • CTimer::Lock() - Requests an event on a specified second fraction.
  • CTimer::~CTimer() - Destructor.

  • CTranpSession - Encapsulates the behaviour for sending a picture to a peer device and for receiving a picture from a peer device.
  • CTranpSession::Abort() - Aborts any transmission in progress.
  • CTranpSession::Config()  Sets the configuration parameters.
  • CTranpSession::Config()  Returns the configuration parameters.
  • CTranpSession::Connect() - Establishes a connection with a peer device.
  • CTranpSession::Disconnect() - Breaks the connection with a peer device.
  • CTranpSession::Get() - Receives a picture from a peer device.
  • CTranpSession::NewL() - Constructs and returns a pointer to a new picture transmission session.
  • CTranpSession::Put() - Sends a picture to a peer device.
  • CTranpSession::Query() - Requests information on the processing ability of the peer device.
  • CTranpSession::~CTranpSession() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CTrapCleanup - Cleanup stack interface.
  • CTrapCleanup::CTrapCleanup() - Default constructor.
  • CTrapCleanup::New() - Allocates and constructs a cleanup stack.
  • CTrapCleanup::~CTrapCleanup() - Destructor.

  • CTxData - An abstract base class for the encoding of request data to be transmitted by a protocol handler.
  • CTxData::ConstructL() - Intended Usage: Second phase construction, default.
  • CTxData::CTxData()  Intended Usage: Default constructor - creates a Tx data object not associated with any protocol transaction.
  • CTxData::CTxData()  Intended Usage: Normal constructor, of a CTxData that corresponds to the supplied protocol transaction.
  • CTxData::ProtTrans() - Intended Usage: Obtain the protocol transaction whose request part is represented as encoded data by this object.
  • CTxData::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CTxData::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • CTxData::~CTxData() - Intended Usage: Destructor - cleans up and releases resources to the system.

  • CTypedNode - Template class for a node in a node tree.
  • CTypedNode::AddAttributeL() - Adds an attribute.
  • CTypedNode::AddDataAndAttributeL() - Sets node data and adds an attribute.
  • CTypedNode::AppendNodeL() - Creates a new child node.
  • CTypedNode::AppendNodeToThisNodeL() - Adds an existing node as a child.
  • CTypedNode::Attribute() - Gets an attribute value for a specified attribute type.
  • CTypedNode::AttributeByIndex()  Gets the attribute value of an attribute at a specified index.
  • CTypedNode::AttributeByIndex()  Gets the attribute value and type of an attribute at a specified index...
  • CTypedNode::AttributeCount() - Gets the number of attributes of this node.
  • CTypedNode::AttributeExists() - Tests if an attribute of a specified type exists.
  • CTypedNode::AttributeTypeByIndex() - Gets the attribute value of an attribute at a specified index.
  • CTypedNode::Child() - Gets a child node by index.
  • CTypedNode::ClearSetDataNoDeleteL() - Sets the object to delete the node data in its destructor.
  • CTypedNode::CTypedNode().
  • CTypedNode::Data() - Gets the node data.
  • CTypedNode::DeleteAllAttributes() - Delete all node attributes.
  • CTypedNode::DeleteAllChildNodes() - Deletes all the child nodes of this node.
  • CTypedNode::DeleteAttribute() - Deletes an attribute of a specified type.
  • CTypedNode::DeleteChildNode() - Deletes a specified child node.
  • CTypedNode::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new node.
  • CTypedNode::NextChild() - Gets the first child or the next child after a specified child.
  • CTypedNode::NextSibling() - Gets the next sibling node.
  • CTypedNode::NumberImmediateChildren() - Gets the number of children of this node.
  • CTypedNode::Parent() - Gets the parent of this node.
  • CTypedNode::PrevChild() - Gets the previous child before a specified child.
  • CTypedNode::PrevSibling() - Gets the previous sibling node.
  • CTypedNode::RemoveAttributeNoDelete() - Removes an attribute of a specified type, but does not delete it.
  • CTypedNode::ReparentL() - Changes the parent of the node.
  • CTypedNode::ResetDataPointer() - Resets the node data to a specified pointer.
  • CTypedNode::Root() - Gets the absolute root node of the tree.
  • CTypedNode::SetDataL() - Sets the node data.
  • CTypedNode::SetDataNoDeleteL() - Sets the object not to delete the node data in its destructor.
  • CTypedNode::SetFileDataL() - Sets the node data to be taken from a specified file.
  • CTypedNode::SetType() - Sets the node type.
  • CTypedNode::Type() - Gets the node type.

  • CTypefaceStore - Typeface store abstract base interface.
  • CTypefaceStore::AddFontL() - Adds a hold, by a client of the typeface store, on the specified font.
  • CTypefaceStore::BaselineOffset() - Gets the baseline offset, in twips, for any font in subscript or superscript form.
  • CTypefaceStore::ConstructL() - Second phase constructor.
  • CTypefaceStore::CTypefaceStore().
  • CTypefaceStore::FontHeightInTwips() - Gets the height of the font with specified height and typeface indices, in twips.
  • CTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • CTypefaceStore::IncrementFontCount() - Search for the font in iFontAccess and increment its count.
  • CTypefaceStore::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the typeface store.
  • CTypefaceStore::ReleaseFont() - Releases the hold of a typeface store client on a specified font.
  • CTypefaceStore::SuperSubHeight() - Gets the height for a font in subscript or superscript form.
  • CTypefaceStore::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a specified typeface index.
  • CTypefaceStore::~CTypefaceStore() - Destroys the typeface store and reclaims the memory allocated to it.

  • CTzConverter - Converts between time expressed in UTC and local time.
  • CTzConverter::ConvertToLocalTime()  Converts a time from UTC to local (wall-clock) time for the current system time zone.
  • CTzConverter::ConvertToLocalTime()  Converts a time from UTC to the local (wall-clock) time for the specified time zone.
  • CTzConverter::ConvertToUniversalTime()  Converts a local (wall-clock) time for the current system time zone into UTC.
  • CTzConverter::ConvertToUniversalTime()  Converts a local (wall-clock) time for the specified time zone into UTC.
  • CTzConverter::CurrentTzId() - Get the numerical ID of the current time zone.
  • CTzConverter::NewL() - CTzConverter factory method.
  • CTzConverter::~CTzConverter() - Destructor.

  • CTzId - Encapsulates a time zone identifier.
  • CTzId::NewL()  Time zone ID factory method.
  • CTzId::NewL()  Time zone ID factory method.
  • CTzId::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • CTzId::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • CTzId::TimeZoneNameID() - Retrieves the time zone's name.
  • CTzId::TimeZoneNumericID() - Retrieves the time zone's numeric ID.
  • CTzId::~CTzId() - Destructor.

  • CTzLocalizedArray - Template for arrays of localized objects.

  • CTzLocalizedCity - Encapsulates a localized (exemplar) city.
  • CTzLocalizedCity::GroupId() - Returns the ID of the group to which the city belongs.
  • CTzLocalizedCity::Name() - Returns the name of the city.
  • CTzLocalizedCity::TimeZoneId() - Returns the city's time zone ID.

  • CTzLocalizedCityArray - An array of cities.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::AppendL() - Appends a city to this array.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::At() - Returns the city at the specified index.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::Count() - Returns the number of elements in the city array.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::Find() - Searches for a city in the array.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizedCityArray object.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizedCityArray object.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::Remove() - Removes the city at the specified index.
  • CTzLocalizedCityArray::Sort() - Sorts this array.

  • CTzLocalizedCityGroup - Encapsulates a localized group of (exemplar) cities.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroup::Id() - Returns the unique group ID.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroup::Name() - Returns the name of the localized city group.

  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray - An array of city groups.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::AppendL() - Appends a group to this array.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::At() - Returns the group at the specified index.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::Count() - Returns the number of elements in the array.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::Find() - Searches for a group in this array.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray object.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray object.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::Remove() - Removes the group at the specified index.
  • CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray::Sort() - Sorts the array.

  • CTzLocalizedTimeZone - Encapsulates a group of LDML localized timezone names.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZone::DaylightName() - Returns this time zone's daylight saving time name, for instance "British Summer Time", "Pacific Daylight Time".
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZone::ShortDaylightName() - Returns this time zone's short daylight saving time name, for instance "BST", "PDT".
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZone::ShortStandardName() - Returns this time zone's short standard name, for instance "GMT", "PST".
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZone::StandardName() - Returns this time zone's standard name, for instance "Greenwich Mean Time", "Pacific Standard Time".

  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray - An array of time zones.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::AppendL() - Appends a time zone to this array.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::At() - Returns the time zone at the specified index.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::Count() - Returns the number of elements in the array.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::Find() - Searches for a time zone in this array.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray object.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray object.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::Remove() - Removes the time zone at the specified index.
  • CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::Sort() - Sorts the array.

  • CTzLocalizer - Retrieves localized time zone information based on a time zone ID.
  • CTzLocalizer::AddCityL() - Creates a user defined city, specifying the time zone and optionally the group to which it belongs.
  • CTzLocalizer::CheckLanguage() - Tests whether the language of the loaded static data is still correct.
  • CTzLocalizer::FindCityByNameL() - Searches for a city with the specified name.
  • CTzLocalizer::FindCityGroupByNameL() - Searches for a city group with the specified name.
  • CTzLocalizer::FindTimeZoneByNameL() - Searches for a time zone with the specified name.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetAllCityGroupsL() - Gets a list of all the existing city groups.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetAllTimeZonesL() - Gets an array of all available localizable time zones, sorted according to aSortOrder.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesInGroupL()  Returns all cities defined in the static and persisted data that are members of the group with the specified group ID.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesInGroupL()  Returns all cities defined in the static and persisted data that are members of the same group as the specified city.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesInGroupL()  Returns all cities defined in the static and persisted data that are members of the specified city group.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesL()  Returns all cities defined in the static and persisted data.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesL()  Gets all the cities defined in the static and persisted data that belong to the time zone identified by aTimeZoneId.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesL()  Gets all the cities defined in the static and persisted data that belong to aTimeZone.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesL()  Gets all the cities defined in the static and persisted data that belong to the same time zone as aCity.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCitiesWithUTCOffsetL() - Returns all cities defined in the static and persisted data that have the specified UTC offset.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCityGroupL()  Gets the city group with the specified ID.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetCityGroupL()  Gets the city group to which the specified city belongs.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetDefaultCityL()  Gets the default city for the specified time zone.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetDefaultCityL()  Gets the default city for the time zone the specified city is a member of.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetDefaultCityL()  Gets the default city for the specified time zone.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetFrequentlyUsedZoneCityL() - Gets the city that was used to set the specified cached time zone.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetFrequentlyUsedZoneL() - Gets the cached time zone identified by aFrequentlyUsedZone.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetLocalizedTimeZoneL()  Gets the localized time zone that matches the time zone ID specified.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetLocalizedTimeZoneL()  Gets the localized time zone that aCity is a member of.
  • CTzLocalizer::GetTimeZonesWithUTCOffsetL() - Returns all the time zones defined in the static data that have the specified UTC offset.
  • CTzLocalizer::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizer object.
  • CTzLocalizer::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a new CTzLocalizer object.
  • CTzLocalizer::RemoveCityL() - Removes a city from the user defined city collection.
  • CTzLocalizer::SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL()  Sets the ID of the specified cached time zone.
  • CTzLocalizer::SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL()  Sets the value of the specified cached time zone.
  • CTzLocalizer::SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL()  Sets the value of the specified cached zone to be the zone which aCity is located in.
  • CTzLocalizer::SetTimeZoneL() - Sets the time zone in the time zone server to be that of the supplied time zone id.
  • CTzLocalizer::~CTzLocalizer() - Destructor.

  • CUnifiedCertStore - The unified certificate store.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::Applications() - Gets the list of applications.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelApplications().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelGetCert().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelInitialize() - Cancels an ongoing Initialize() operation.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelIsApplicable().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelList().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelRemove() - Cancels an ongoing Remove() operation.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelRetrieve().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelSetApplicability() - Cancels an ongoing SetApplicability() operation.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelSetTrust() - Cancels an ongoing SetTrust() operation.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CancelTrusted().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CertStore() - Gets a particular certificate store.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::CertStoreCount() - Gets the number of certificate stores.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::DoCancel() - Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::GetCert().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::Initialize() - Initializes the manager.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::IsApplicable().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::List()  Lists all certificates that satisfy the supplied filter.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::List()  Lists all certificates that have a particular subject DN.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::List()  Lists all certificates that have a particular issuer.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::NewL()  Creates a new CUnifiedCertStore.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::NewL()  Creates a new CUnifiedCertStore with the sequence filter, so that multiple certstores that are managed by it will be filtered and ordered.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::NewLC()  Creates a new CUnifiedCertStore and pushes it on the cleanup stack.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::NewLC()  Creates a new CUnifiedCertStore with the sequence filter, so that multiple certstores that are managed by it will be filtered and ordered, and it is pushed on the cleanup stack.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::ReadOnlyCertStore() - Gets a particular read-only certificate store.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::ReadOnlyCertStoreCount() - Gets the number of read-only certificate stores.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::Remove() - Removes a certificate.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::Retrieve().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::Retrieve()  Retrieves a certificate as a parsed object.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::RunError().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::RunL() - Handles an active object's request completion event.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::SetApplicability() - Replaces the current applicability settings with the settings in the supplied array.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::SetTrust() - Changes the trust settings.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::Trusted().
  • CUnifiedCertStore::WritableCertStore() - Gets a particular writeable certificate store.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::WritableCertStoreCount() - Gets the number of writeable certificate stores.
  • CUnifiedCertStore::~CUnifiedCertStore() - The destructor destroys all the resources owned by this object.

  • CUri16 - Dependencies : CBase, TUriC16.
  • CUri16::CreateFileUriL() - Allocates and constructs a file URI object for a specified file.
  • CUri16::CreatePrivateFileUriL() - Allocates and constructs a file URI object for a file that is private to the application.
  • CUri16::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri16::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri16::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri16::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri16::RemoveComponentL() - Removes the specified component from the uri.
  • CUri16::ResolveL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CUri16::SetComponentL() - Sets the specified component in the uri.
  • CUri16::Uri() - Provides a reference to the parsed uri.
  • CUri16::~CUri16() - Destructor.

  • CUri8 - Dependencies : CBase, TUriC8.
  • CUri8::CreateFileUriL() - Allocates and constructs a file URI object for a specified file.
  • CUri8::CreatePrivateFileUriL() - Allocates and constructs a file URI object for a file that is private to the application.
  • CUri8::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri8::NewL()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri8::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri8::NewLC()  Static factory constructor.
  • CUri8::RemoveComponentL() - Removes the specified component from the uri.
  • CUri8::ResolveL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CUri8::SetComponentL() - Intended Usage : Sets the specified component in the uri.
  • CUri8::Uri() - Provides a reference to the parsed uri.
  • CUri8::~CUri8() - Destructor.

  • CValidityPeriod - The period for which the certificate is valid.
  • CValidityPeriod::CValidityPeriod()  Copy constructor.
  • CValidityPeriod::CValidityPeriod()  Default constructor.
  • CValidityPeriod::Finish() - Gets the end of the validity period.
  • CValidityPeriod::Start() - Gets the start of the validity period.
  • CValidityPeriod::Valid() - Tests whether the specified date and time is within the validity period.

  • CVersitAlarm - An alarm for a vEvent or a vTodo.
  • CVersitAlarm::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new alarm.
  • CVersitAlarm::~CVersitAlarm() - Frees all resources owned by the alarm, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitDaylight - Universal time offset information, including the daylight savings offset.
  • CVersitDaylight::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a new universal time offset object.
  • CVersitDaylight::~CVersitDaylight() - The destructor frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitParser - A generic Versit parser.
  • CVersitParser::AddEntityL() - Adds a sub-entity (e.g.
  • CVersitParser::AddPropertyL() - Appends a property to the current entity's array of properties.
  • CVersitParser::AdjustAllPropertyDateTimesToMachineLocalL().
  • CVersitParser::AnalysesEncodingCharset().
  • CVersitParser::AppendBeginL().
  • CVersitParser::AppendEndL().
  • CVersitParser::ArrayOfEntities() - Gets the current entity's array of sub-entities.
  • CVersitParser::ArrayOfProperties() - Gets the current entity's array of properties.
  • CVersitParser::BufPtr().
  • CVersitParser::ClearSupportsVersion().
  • CVersitParser::ConstructL() - The second phase constructor for a Versit parser.
  • CVersitParser::ConvertAllPropertyDateTimesToMachineLocalL() - Converts all date/time property values contained in the current entity's array of properties into machine local values.
  • CVersitParser::ConvertFromUnicodeToISOL() - Converts text in the Unicode character set (UCS-2) into a non-unicode (International Standards Organisation) character set.
  • CVersitParser::ConvertToUnicodeFromISOL() - Converts text in a non-Unicode character set into Unicode (UCS-2).
  • CVersitParser::CVersitParser() - The first phase constructor for a Versit parser.
  • CVersitParser::DecodeDateTimeL().
  • CVersitParser::DecodePropertyValueL().
  • CVersitParser::DecodePropertyValueL().
  • CVersitParser::DecodeTimePeriodL().
  • CVersitParser::DecodeTimeZoneL().
  • CVersitParser::DefaultCharSet() - Gets the default character set or transformation format.
  • CVersitParser::DefaultCharSetId() - Gets the default character set or transformation format.
  • CVersitParser::DefaultEncoding() - Gets the parser's default encoding.
  • CVersitParser::DoAddPropertyL().
  • CVersitParser::EntityL() - Gets all sub-entities in the current entity, whose name matches the name specified.
  • CVersitParser::EntityName() - Gets the current entity's name.
  • CVersitParser::ExternalizeL()  Externalises a Versit entity (vCard or vCalendar) and all of its sub-entities and properties to a file.
  • CVersitParser::ExternalizeL()  Externalises a Versit entity (vCard or vCalendar) and all of its sub-entities and properties to a write stream.
  • CVersitParser::FindFirstField().
  • CVersitParser::FindRemainingField() - Sets up a pointer to the remaining field.
  • CVersitParser::GetNumberL().
  • CVersitParser::GetPropertyParamsLC().
  • CVersitParser::InternalizeL()  Internalises a versit entity (vCard or vCalendar) and all of its sub-entities and properties from a file.
  • CVersitParser::InternalizeL()  Internalises a Versit entity (vCard or vCalendar) contained in the incoming stream and parses it, breaking it down into its constituent sub-entities (e.g.
  • CVersitParser::InternalizeL()  Internalises a vCalendar or vCard sub-entity.
  • CVersitParser::IsValidLabel() - Tests whether a property name is valid.
  • CVersitParser::IsValidParameterValue() - Tests whether a property parameter name or value is valid.
  • CVersitParser::LineCharSet().
  • CVersitParser::LineCharSetId().
  • CVersitParser::LineEncoding().
  • CVersitParser::LineEncodingId().
  • CVersitParser::LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL()  Loads all files represented by URI property values and sets the binary data contained in the files to be the property values instead of the URIs.
  • CVersitParser::LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL()  Loads all files represented by URI property values and sets the binary data contained in the files to be the property values instead of the URIs.
  • CVersitParser::MakeEntityL().
  • CVersitParser::MakePropertyL() - Ignore junk lines between vCal entities.
  • CVersitParser::MakePropertyValueCDesCArrayL() - Parses a compound property value string.
  • CVersitParser::MakePropertyValueDaylightL().
  • CVersitParser::MakePropertyValueL().
  • CVersitParser::MakePropertyValueMultiDateTimeL().
  • CVersitParser::Observer() - Gets a pointer to the Versit observer.
  • CVersitParser::ParseBeginL().
  • CVersitParser::ParseEndL().
  • CVersitParser::ParseEntityL().
  • CVersitParser::ParseParamL().
  • CVersitParser::ParsePropertiesL().
  • CVersitParser::ParsePropertyL().
  • CVersitParser::PlugIn() - Gets a pointer to the Versit plug-in.
  • CVersitParser::PropertyL() - Gets all properties in the current entity's array of properties whose name and value match the name and value specified.
  • CVersitParser::ReadLineAndDecodeParamsLC().
  • CVersitParser::ReadMultiLineValueL().
  • CVersitParser::RecognizeEntityName() - Tests the current entity to see if it is a vEvent or vTodo.
  • CVersitParser::RecognizeToken() - Returns a UID for the specified token.
  • CVersitParser::Reserved1().
  • CVersitParser::Reserved2().
  • CVersitParser::ResetAndDestroyArrayOfDateTimes() - Destroys an array of Versit dates and times.
  • CVersitParser::ResetAndDestroyArrayOfEntities() - Destroys an array of entities.
  • CVersitParser::ResetAndDestroyArrayOfParams() - Destroys an array of parameters.
  • CVersitParser::ResetAndDestroyArrayOfProperties() - Destroys an array of properties.
  • CVersitParser::RestoreLineCodingDetailsToDefault().
  • CVersitParser::SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL()  Saves all binary property values larger than a specified threshold to files, and sets each property value to be a URI representing the file, rather than the binary data iself.
  • CVersitParser::SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL()  Saves all binary property values larger than a specified threshold to files, and sets each property value to be a URI representing the file rather than the binary data iself.
  • CVersitParser::SetAutoDetect() - Turns auto detection of character sets on or off.
  • CVersitParser::SetCharacterConverter() - Sets a character converter suitable for converting strings between Unicode and the specified character set.
  • CVersitParser::SetDefaultCharSet() - Sets the default character set or transformation format.
  • CVersitParser::SetDefaultCharSetId() - Sets the default character set or transformation format.
  • CVersitParser::SetDefaultEncoding() - Sets the parser's default encoding to aEncoding.
  • CVersitParser::SetEntityNameL() - Sets the name for the current entity to one of: VCARD, VCALENDAR, VEVENT or VTODO.
  • CVersitParser::SetFlags().
  • CVersitParser::SetLineCharacterSet().
  • CVersitParser::SetLineCharacterSetId().
  • CVersitParser::SetLineCoding().
  • CVersitParser::SetLineEncoding().
  • CVersitParser::SetLineEncoding().
  • CVersitParser::SetObserver() - Sets the Versit observer.
  • CVersitParser::SetPlugIn() - Sets the Versit plug-in.
  • CVersitParser::SetSupportsVersion().
  • CVersitParser::SupportsVersion().
  • CVersitParser::UnicodeUtils().
  • CVersitParser::Val() - Converts a string into an integer, for example, it converts "438" to 438.
  • CVersitParser::~CVersitParser() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrence - Abstract base class for all recurrence property value classes.
  • CVersitRecurrence::CVersitRecurrence() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrence object.
  • CVersitRecurrence::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - Externalises an occurrence list to aStream.
  • CVersitRecurrence::~CVersitRecurrence() - Frees all resources owned by the CVersitRecurrence object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrenceDaily - Defines when a 'daily' recurrence is to be repeated.
  • CVersitRecurrenceDaily::CVersitRecurrenceDaily() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceDaily object.
  • CVersitRecurrenceDaily::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - This function is empty because an occurrence list is not applicable to a daily recurrence type.

  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay - Defines a list of days when a 'monthly by day' recurrence is to repeat.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay::CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay object.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - Writes the days of the month on which the event occurs to the output stream, aStream.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay::~CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos - Defines a list of days when a 'monthly by position' recurrence is to be repeated.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos object.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - Writes the days of the month on which the event occurs to the output stream, aStream.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::~CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::CMonthPosition - Defines a week within the month, using the numeric occurrence of the week (between 1 and 5 inclusive) counting from either the start or end of the month, and defines an array of days within this week.
  • CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::CMonthPosition::~CMonthPosition() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrenceWeekly - Defines a list of days when a 'weekly' recurrence is to be repeated.
  • CVersitRecurrenceWeekly::CVersitRecurrenceWeekly() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceWeekly object.
  • CVersitRecurrenceWeekly::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - Writes the codes for the days of the week on which the event occurs (e.g.
  • CVersitRecurrenceWeekly::~CVersitRecurrenceWeekly() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay - Defines a list of days when a 'yearly by day' recurrence is to be repeated.
  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay::CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay object.
  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - Writes the days of the year on which the event occurs to the output stream, aStream.
  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay::~CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByDay() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth - Defines a list of months when a 'yearly by month' recurrence is to repeat.
  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth::CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth() - Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth object.
  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth::ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL() - Writes the months of the year, as month numbers, in which the event occurs to the output stream.
  • CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth::~CVersitRecurrenceYearlyByMonth() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVersitTlsData - Versit thread local storage.
  • CVersitTlsData::AdditionalStorage() - Returns a pointer to the additional property storage object.
  • CVersitTlsData::CloseVersitTlsData().
  • CVersitTlsData::UnicodeUtils() - Returns a pointer to the current Unicode utilities object.
  • CVersitTlsData::VersitTlsDataClose() - Frees all resources owned by the object if there are no parsers left (i.e.
  • CVersitTlsData::VersitTlsDataL() - Returns a reference to the current Thread Local Storage (TLS) object or, if there isn't one, it creates one.

  • CVersitUnicodeUtils - Versit Unicode utilities class.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::CharacterSetConverter() - Returns the character set converter created in CreateConverterL().
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::ConvertStandardNameL() - Returns the Symbian OS UID for a character set from its Internet-standard name.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::CreateConverterL() - Creates a converter for converting between Unicode and Code Page 1252.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::NarrowL() - Converts a string from Unicode to Code Page 1252.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::NarrowLC() - Converts a string from Unicode to Code Page 1252.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::StandardNameL() - Returns the Internet-standard name of a character set, from its Symbian OS UID.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::WidenL() - Converts a string from Code Page 1252 into Unicode.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::WidenLC() - Converts a string from Code Page 1252 into Unicode.
  • CVersitUnicodeUtils::~CVersitUnicodeUtils() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CVideoDecoderInfo - This class contains information about a single video decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::Accelerated() - Returns whether the decoder is hardware-accelerated.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::AddSupportedScreenL() - Adds the screen number into the list of screens supported by the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::CodingStandardSpecificInfo() - Returns coding-standard specific information about the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::GetSupportedScreensL() - Lists the screens supported by the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::Identifier() - Returns the codec device manufacturer-specific identifier.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::ImplementationSpecificInfo() - Returns implementation-specific information about the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::Manufacturer() - Returns the codec device manufacturer.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::MaxBitrate() - Returns the maximum bit-rate supported by the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::MaxPictureRates() - Returns the maximum picture size/rate combinations supported by the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::MaxPictureSize() - Returns the maximum picture size the decoder supports.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::NewL() - Creates and returns a new CVideoDecoderInfo object.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::SupportedFormats() - Lists the video formats, including submodes, supported by the decoder.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::SupportsDirectDisplay() - Returns whether the hardware device supports output directly to the screen.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::SupportsFormat() - Checks if the decoder supports the given format.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::SupportsPictureLoss() - Returns whether the decoder supports picture loss indications.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::SupportsSliceLoss() - Returns whether the decoder supports slice loss indications.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::Uid() - Returns the decoder UID.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::Version() - Returns the decoder version.
  • CVideoDecoderInfo::~CVideoDecoderInfo() - Destructor.

  • CVideoEncoderInfo - This class contains information about a video encoder hardware device and its capabilities.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::Accelerated() - Returns whether the encoder is hardware-accelerated.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::CodingStandardSpecificInfo() - Returns coding-standard specific information about the encoder.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::Identifier() - Returns the encoder hardware device manufacturer-specific identifier.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::ImplementationSpecificInfo() - Returns implementation-specific information about the encoder.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::Manufacturer() - Returns the encoder hardware device manufacturer.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::MaxBitrate() - Returns the maximum bit-rate supported by the encoder.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::MaxBitrateLayers() - Returns the maximum number of bit-rate scalability layers supported.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::MaxInLayerScalabilitySteps() - Returns the maximum number of in-layer scalability steps supported.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::MaxPictureRates() - Returns the maximum picture size/rate combinations supported by the encoder.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::MaxPictureSize() - Returns the maximum picture size the encoder supports.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::MaxUnequalErrorProtectionLevels() - Returns the maximum number of unequal error protection levels supported.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::NewL() - Creates and returns a new CVideoEncoderInfo object.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportedDataUnitEncapsulations() - Returns the data unit encapsulation types that the encoder supports.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportedDataUnitTypes() - Returns the data unit types supported by the encoder.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportedInputFormats() - Returns the input formats that the encoder supports.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportedOutputFormats() - Returns the output formats that the encoder supports.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportedPictureOptions() - Returns the input picture options that the encoder supports.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportsDirectCapture() - Returns whether the encoder supports direct capture.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportsInputFormat() - Returns whether the encoder supports the given input format.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportsOutputFormat() - Returns whether the encoder supports the given output format.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportsPictureLoss() - Returns whether the encoder supports picture loss indications.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportsSliceLoss() - Returns whether the encoder supports slice loss indications.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::SupportsSupplementalEnhancementInfo() - Returns whether the encoder implements SendSupplementalInfoL().
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::Uid() - Returns the encoder UID.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::Version() - Returns the encoder version.
  • CVideoEncoderInfo::~CVideoEncoderInfo() - Destructor.

  • CVideoPlayerUtility - Plays sampled video data.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::AudioBitRateL() - Returns the audio bit rate in bits/second.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::AudioEnabledL() - Returns whether the current clip has an audio stream.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::AudioTypeL() - Returns the codec used for the audio component of the video clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Balance() - Returns the current balance setting for the audio track of the video clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Cancels the registration for audio resource notification.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Close() - Closes the video clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Send a asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::DurationL() - Returns the duration of video clip in mircoseconds.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::GetCropRegionL() - Gets the crop region currently applied to the image.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::GetDRMCustomCommand() - Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::GetFrameL()  Gets the current frame.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::GetFrameL()  Gets the current frame.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::GetScaleFactorL() - Gets the scale factor currently applied to the video image.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::GetVideoLoadingProgressL() - Gets the progress of video clip loading/rebuffering.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::MaxVolume() - Returns an integer representing the maximum volume that the audio track can support.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::MetaDataEntryL() - Returns a meta data entry from the clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the video player utility.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() - Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenDesL() - Opens a video clip contained in a descriptor.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a video clip from a file.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a video clip from a file.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a video clip from a file.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenUrlL() - Opens a video clip from a URL.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::PauseL() - Video playback is paused.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Play()  Begins playback of the initialised video sample at the current volume and priority levels.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Play()  Begins playback of the initialised video sample at the specified start and end points.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::PositionL() - Returns the current playback position.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Prepare() - Prepares the video clip to be accessed.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::PriorityL() - Get the current playback priority.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::RefreshFrameL() - Requests the video controller to redraw the current frame.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::RegisterAudioResourceNotification() - Registers for notification, when audio resource is available.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification() - Register to receive notifications of video clip loading/rebuffering.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::RotationL() - Query the rotation that is currently applied to the video image.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetBalanceL() - Sets the current playback balance for the audio track of the video clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetCropRegionL() - Selects a region of the video image to be displayed.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetDisplayWindowL() - Sets the display window.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetInitScreenNumber() - Sets the initial screen to be used for the video display.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetPositionL() - Sets the position within the video clip from where to start playback.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetPriorityL() - Sets the playback priority.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetRotationL() - Rotates the video image on the screen.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetScaleFactorL() - Scales the video image to a specified percentage of its original size.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetVideoFrameRateL() - Sets the video frame rate.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::SetVolumeL() - Sets the playback volume for the audio track of the video clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::StartDirectScreenAccessL() - Enables a client application to start the video player using direct screen access (DSA).
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Stop() - Stops playback of the video sample as soon as is possible.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::StopDirectScreenAccessL() - Enables a client application to stop the video player from using direct screen access (DSA).
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoBitRateL() - Returns the video bit rate.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoFormatMimeType() - Returns the video format's MIME type.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoFrameRateL() - Returns the video frame rate in frames/second.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoFrameSizeL() - Gets the video frame size.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::Volume() - Returns the current playback volume for the audio track of the video clip.
  • CVideoPlayerUtility::WillResumePlay() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.

  • CVideoRecorderUtility - Records video data.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::AddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds a new meta data entry to the video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::AudioBitRateL() - Gets the audio bit rate.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::AudioEnabledL() - Returns the status of audio support for the video clip currently being recorded.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::AudioTypeL() - Returns the audio type.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::Close() - Closes a video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL() - Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::DurationL() - Returns the length of the video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::GainL() - Returns the current recording gain.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::GetPriorityL() - Gets the current recording priority.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::GetSupportedAudioTypesL() - Gets a list of the audio types that are supported for recording to.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::GetSupportedVideoTypesL() - Gets a list of the video types that are supported for recording to.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::GetVideoFrameSizeL() - Gets the video frame size.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::MaxGainL() - Returns the maximum possible setting for the recording gain.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::MetaDataEntryL() - Returns a meta data entry from the current clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::NewL() - Constructs and initialises a new instance of the video recorder utility.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() - Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::OpenDesL() - Specifies a descriptor that can be used to store a recorded video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a file that can be used to store a recorded video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::OpenFileL()  Opens a file that can be used to store a recorded video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::OpenUrlL() - Specifies a URL that can be used to store a recorded video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::PauseL() - Pauses the recording of video data to the specified file, descriptor or URL.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::Prepare() - Prepares the recorder for recording.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::Record() - Starts the recording of video data to the specified file, descriptor or URL.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::RecordTimeAvailable() - Returns the (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::RemoveMetaDataEntryL() - Removes a meta data entry.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::ReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces a meta data entry.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetAudioBitRateL() - Sets the audio bit rate.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetAudioEnabledL() - Sets whether the current clip has an audio stream.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetAudioTypeL() - Sets the audio type.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetGainL() - Sets the audio recording gain.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetMaxClipSizeL() - Sets the maximum recording size for a video clip in bytes.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetPriorityL() - Sets the recording priority.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetVideoBitRateL() - Sets the video bit rate.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetVideoFrameRateL() - Sets the video frame rate.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetVideoFrameSizeL() - Sets the video frame size in pixels.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::SetVideoTypeL() - Sets the codec to use for the video component of the video clip.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::Stop() - Stops the recording of video data to the specified file, descriptor or URL.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::VideoBitRateL() - Returns the video bit rate.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::VideoFormatMimeType() - Returns the video format's MIME type.
  • CVideoRecorderUtility::VideoFrameRateL() - Returns the video frame rate.

  • CViewContact - The representation of a contact item used in contact views.
  • CViewContact::AddFieldL().
  • CViewContact::ContactMatchesFilter() - Checks if this contact matches the supplied filter.
  • CViewContact::ContactType() - Gets the view item's type.
  • CViewContact::CViewContact() - Constructs a CViewContact object.
  • CViewContact::ExternalizedSize() - Retrieves the number of bytes required to store the contact view item when externalised.
  • CViewContact::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a CViewContact object to a write stream.
  • CViewContact::Field() - Gets a pointer descriptor to the contents of the single field located at the specified field index.
  • CViewContact::FieldCount() - Gets the number of fields in the contact view item.
  • CViewContact::Id() - Gets the view item's ID.
  • CViewContact::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CViewContact object from a read stream.
  • CViewContact::NewL() - Allocates and constructs a CViewContact object, based on an existing one.
  • CViewContact::NewLC() - Allocates and constructs a CViewContact object, based on an existing one.
  • CViewContact::SetContactType() - Sets the view item's type.
  • CViewContact::SetId() - Sets the view item's ID.
  • CViewContact::~CViewContact() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSAlgorithmIdentifier.
  • CWTLSAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL().
  • CWTLSAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL().
  • CWTLSAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC().
  • CWTLSAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC().

  • CWTLSCertChain - Implements a WTLS certificate chain.
  • CWTLSCertChain::AppendCertsL() - Appends the specified encoded certificate to the chain.
  • CWTLSCertChain::Cert() - Gets the certificate at the specified index.
  • CWTLSCertChain::ChainHasRoot() - Tests whether the root certificate of the chain is locatable.
  • CWTLSCertChain::Count() - Gets the number of WTLS certificates in the chain.
  • CWTLSCertChain::NewL()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts.
  • CWTLSCertChain::NewL()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts.
  • CWTLSCertChain::NewLC()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSCertChain::NewLC()  Creates a certificate chain using the binary data in aEncodedCerts and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSCertChain::ValidateL() - Validates the chain.
  • CWTLSCertChain::~CWTLSCertChain() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSCertificate.
  • CWTLSCertificate::DataElementEncoding() - Gets the encoding for a data element at the specified index.
  • CWTLSCertificate::InternalizeL() - Initialises the certificate from a stream.
  • CWTLSCertificate::IsEqualL() - Tests whether this WTLS certificate is the same as the specified WTLS certificate.
  • CWTLSCertificate::IsSelfSignedL() - Tests whether a certificate is self-signed.
  • CWTLSCertificate::IssuerL() - Gets the issuer.
  • CWTLSCertificate::IssuerName() - Gets the name of the WTLS certificate's issuing authority.
  • CWTLSCertificate::IsTCAL() - Tests whether a non-selfsigned certificate can be used to sign others.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from a stream.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from an existing one in the certificate store.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from a stream, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSCertificate::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSCertificate object from an existing one in the certificate store, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSCertificate::SignedDataL() - Gets the certificate's signed data.
  • CWTLSCertificate::SubjectL() - Gets the subject.
  • CWTLSCertificate::SubjectName() - Gets the name of the owner of the public key the WTLS certificate contains.
  • CWTLSCertificate::Version() - Gets the version number of the WTLS certificate.
  • CWTLSCertificate::~CWTLSCertificate() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSName - Stores the type of a WTLS name and the underlying encoding of the type.
  • CWTLSName::DisplayNameL() - Gets the decoded value for the common or organisation name.
  • CWTLSName::ExactMatchL() - Performs a simple byte compare between this WTLS name and a specified WTLS name.
  • CWTLSName::NameData() - Gets the encoding of the underlying type of WTLS name.
  • CWTLSName::NameType() - Gets the type of the WTLS name.
  • CWTLSName::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSName object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CWTLSName::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSName object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CWTLSName::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSName object from an existing one.
  • CWTLSName::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSName object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSName::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSName object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSName::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSName object from an existing one, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSName::~CWTLSName() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSRSAPublicKey.
  • CWTLSRSAPublicKey::NewL().
  • CWTLSRSAPublicKey::NewL().
  • CWTLSRSAPublicKey::NewLC().
  • CWTLSRSAPublicKey::NewLC().

  • CWTLSRSASignatureResult.
  • CWTLSRSASignatureResult::NewL().
  • CWTLSRSASignatureResult::NewLC().
  • CWTLSRSASignatureResult::VerifyL() - Tests whether the signature result is valid.

  • CWTLSSigningAlgorithmIdentifier.
  • CWTLSSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL().
  • CWTLSSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL().
  • CWTLSSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC().
  • CWTLSSigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC().

  • CWTLSStructuredText.
  • CWTLSStructuredText::Count().
  • CWTLSStructuredText::Country().
  • CWTLSStructuredText::DisplayNameL().
  • CWTLSStructuredText::FieldByIndex().
  • CWTLSStructuredText::FieldByName() - Note.
  • CWTLSStructuredText::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSStructuredText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CWTLSStructuredText::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSStructuredText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CWTLSStructuredText::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSStructuredText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSStructuredText::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSStructuredText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSStructuredText::Organization().
  • CWTLSStructuredText::ServiceName().
  • CWTLSStructuredText::~CWTLSStructuredText() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSSubjectPublicKeyInfo.
  • CWTLSSubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewL().
  • CWTLSSubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewL().
  • CWTLSSubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC().
  • CWTLSSubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC().

  • CWTLSText.
  • CWTLSText::CharacterSet() - Gets the character set of the CWTLSText object.
  • CWTLSText::ExactMatchL() - Performs a simple byte compare between this CWTLSText object and a specified CWTLSText object.
  • CWTLSText::Name() - Gets the name of the CWTLSText object.
  • CWTLSText::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CWTLSText::NewL()  Creates a new CWTLSText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CWTLSText::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSText::NewLC()  Creates a new CWTLSText object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSText::~CWTLSText() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSValidationResult - Encapsulates the results of the validation process.
  • CWTLSValidationResult::Error() - Gets the error status of the operation.
  • CWTLSValidationResult::NewL() - Creates a new CWTLSValidationResult object.
  • CWTLSValidationResult::NewLC() - Creates a new CWTLSValidationResult object and puts a pointer to it on the cleanup stack.
  • CWTLSValidationResult::Warnings() - Gets an array of any warnings generated.
  • CWTLSValidationResult::~CWTLSValidationResult() - Destructor.

  • CWTLSValidityPeriod.
  • CWTLSValidityPeriod::NewL().
  • CWTLSValidityPeriod::NewL().
  • CWTLSValidityPeriod::NewLC().
  • CWTLSValidityPeriod::NewLC().

  • CWapBoundCLPushService - Listens for WAP Push messages from any sender.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::AwaitPush() - Requests an asynchronous notification upon arrival of the next push message on the listening connection.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::CancelAwaitPush() - Cancels a previous push message request.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for Push messages from any sender.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for Push messages from any sender.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::ConstructL().
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::CWapBoundCLPushService().
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::GetBearer() - Gets the bearer on which a received datagram arrived.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::GetLocalAddress() - Gets the local address of this endpoint.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::GetLocalPort() - Gets the local port of this endpoint.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::GetServerAddress() - Gets the address of the remote server.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapBoundCLPushService object.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapBoundCLPushService object.
  • CWapBoundCLPushService::~CWapBoundCLPushService() - Destructor.

  • CWapBoundCLWSPService - Bound Connectionless WSP.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::CancelReq() - Cancels a previously requested asynchronous MethodResult() notification.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::Connect() - Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used for S-Unit-MethodInvoke and S-Unit-MethodResult primitives.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::ConstructL().
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::CWapBoundCLWSPService().
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::GetBearer() - Gets the bearer on which a received datagram arrived.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::GetLocalAddress() - Gets the local address of this endpoint.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::GetLocalPort() - Gets the local port of this endpoint.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::GetServerAddress() - Gets the remote server address.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::MethodInvoke() - Sends a request to a remote endpoint.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::MethodResult() - Waits for a datagram to be received.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapBoundCLWSPService object.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapBoundCLWSPService object.
  • CWapBoundCLWSPService::~CWapBoundCLWSPService() - Destructor.

  • CWapBoundDatagramService - Sends and receives datagrams over WDP using a specified local port.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::AwaitRecvDataSize() - Waits for a datagram to be received, and discovers the size of buffer required to retrieve it.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::CancelRecv() - Cancels a previously asynchronous RecvFrom() or AwaitRecvDataSize() request.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for subsequent incoming datagrams.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for subsequent incoming datagrams.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::ConstructL().
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::CWapBoundDatagramService().
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::GetBearer() - Gets the bearer on which a received datagram arrived.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::GetDatagramSizes() - Queries the WDP bearer for its maximum datagram size and its nominal datagram size.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::GetLocalAddress() - Gets the local address of this endpoint.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::GetLocalPort() - Gets the local port of this endpoint.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapBoundDatagramService object.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapBoundDatagramService object.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::RecvFrom() - Receives data on a bound port.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::SendTo() - Sends data to a remote endpoint.
  • CWapBoundDatagramService::~CWapBoundDatagramService() - Destructor.

  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService - Listens for WAP Push messages from a single, named remote host.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::AwaitPush() - Requests an asynchronous notification upon arrival of the next push message on the listening connection.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::CancelAwaitPush() - Cancels a previous push message request.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for Push messages from a specified remote host.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for Push messages from a specified remote host.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::ConstructL().
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::CWapFullySpecCLPushService().
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::GetLocalAddress() - Gets the local address of this endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::GetLocalPort() - Gets the local port of this endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapFullySpecCLPushService object.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapFullySpecCLPushService object.
  • CWapFullySpecCLPushService::~CWapFullySpecCLPushService() - Destructor.

  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService - Fully-Specified Connectionless WSP.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::CancelReq() - Cancels a previously-requested MethodResult() notification.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::Connect() - Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for Push messages from a specified remote host.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::ConstructL().
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::CWapFullySpecCLWSPService().
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::GetLocalAddress() - Gets the local address of this endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::GetLocalPort() - Gets the local port of this endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::MethodInvoke() - Sends a request to a remote endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::MethodResult() - Waits for a datagram to be received.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapFullySpecCLWSPService object.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapFullySpecCLWSPService object.
  • CWapFullySpecCLWSPService::~CWapFullySpecCLWSPService() - Destructor.

  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService - Sends and receives datagrams over WDP using a specified local port and a single, named remote host.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::AwaitRecvDataSize() - Waits for a datagram to be received, and discover how large a buffer is required to retrieve it.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::CancelRecv() - Cancels a previously asynchronous Recv() or AwaitRecvDataSize() request.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for subsequent incoming datagrams.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::Connect()  Connects to the WAP stack, opening an endpoint that can be used to listen for subsequent incoming datagrams.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::ConstructL().
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::CWapFullySpecDatagramService().
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::GetDatagramSizes() - Queries the WDP bearer for its maximum datagram size and its nominal datagram size.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::GetLocalAddress() - Gets the local address of this endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::GetLocalPort() - Gets the local port of this endpoint.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapFullySpecDatagramService object.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new CWapFullySpecDatagramService object.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::Recv() - Receives data on a bound port.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::Send() - Sends data on a fully-specified connection.
  • CWapFullySpecDatagramService::~CWapFullySpecDatagramService() - Destructor.

  • CWapMessageUtils - Utility functions for use with WAP Messaging.
  • CWapMessageUtils::GetLocalAddressesL() - Gets a list of all the available network interface addresses.

  • CWapTestHarness - Test harness providing logging features.
  • CWapTestHarness::DefaultLogFileName().
  • CWapTestHarness::DoResourceLeakTest().
  • CWapTestHarness::DumpData().
  • CWapTestHarness::EndTest().
  • CWapTestHarness::GetAnEntry().
  • CWapTestHarness::GetSelection().
  • CWapTestHarness::LogIt().
  • CWapTestHarness::NewL().
  • CWapTestHarness::NewLC().
  • CWapTestHarness::NextStep().
  • CWapTestHarness::operator()().
  • CWapTestHarness::operator()().
  • CWapTestHarness::PressAnyKey().
  • CWapTestHarness::SetScript().
  • CWapTestHarness::StartTestL().
  • CWapTestHarness::Test().

  • CWapTestHarness::CTestInfo - Holds test number and name.
  • CWapTestHarness::CTestInfo::ErrorCode().
  • CWapTestHarness::CTestInfo::Name().
  • CWapTestHarness::CTestInfo::Number().

  • CWeekDayArray - Defines an array of the days in the week on which a 'weekly' or 'monthly by position' repeat event occurs.
  • CWeekDayArray::CWeekDayArray() - Constructs an array of the days in the week.
  • CWeekDayArray::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the array of days in the week to a write stream.
  • CWeekDayArray::~CWeekDayArray() - Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

  • CWindowAnim - Window animation interface.
  • CWindowAnim::ConstructL() - Server side construction and initialisation of an animation class.
  • CWindowAnim::CWindowAnim() - Protected constructor.
  • CWindowAnim::FocusChanged() - Notifies change of focus.
  • CWindowAnim::Redraw() - Redraws the objects.
  • CWindowAnim::ReservedW1().
  • CWindowAnim::ReservedW2().

  • CWindowGc - Window graphics context.
  • CWindowGc::Activate() - Activates the context for a given window and updates iDevice with the pointer to the screen device of the screen on which aDevice is found.
  • CWindowGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  Performs an alpha blending of the source data, aSrcBmp, with the window, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CWindowGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps()  The method performs an alpha blending of the source data, aSrcBmp, with the window, using the data from aAlphaBmp as an alpha blending factor.
  • CWindowGc::APIExtension() - APIExtension can contain as many additional methods as is required by CGraphicsContext after its original conception.
  • CWindowGc::BitBlt()  Performs a bitmap block transfer.
  • CWindowGc::BitBlt()  Performs a bitmap block transfer of a rectangular piece of a bitmap.
  • CWindowGc::BitBlt()  Performs a bitmap block transfer on a bitmap to which the window server already has a handle.
  • CWindowGc::BitBlt()  Performs a bitmap block transfer of a rectangular piece of a bitmap to which the window server already has a handle.
  • CWindowGc::BitBltMasked()  Performs a masked bitmap block transfer of a memory resident source bitmap.
  • CWindowGc::BitBltMasked()  Performs a masked bitmap block transfer of a window server bitmap.
  • CWindowGc::CancelClippingRect() - Cancels the clipping rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::CancelClippingRegion() - Cancels the current clipping region.
  • CWindowGc::Clear()  Clears the whole window.
  • CWindowGc::Clear()  Clears a rectangular area of a window.
  • CWindowGc::Construct() - Completes construction.
  • CWindowGc::CopyRect() - Copies a rectangle from any part of the screen into the window that the gc is active on.
  • CWindowGc::CWindowGc() - Constructor which creates, but does not initialise a graphics context.
  • CWindowGc::Deactivate() - Frees the graphics context to be used with another window.
  • CWindowGc::Device() - Returns a pointer to the device, more specifically a CWsScreenDevice, for the screen that the WindowGc was last activated on.
  • CWindowGc::DiscardBrushPattern() - Discards a non-built-in brush pattern.
  • CWindowGc::DiscardFont() - Discards a font.
  • CWindowGc::DrawArc() - Draws an arc (a portion of an ellipse).
  • CWindowGc::DrawBitmap()  Draws a bitmap at a specified point.
  • CWindowGc::DrawBitmap()  Draws a bitmap in a rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::DrawBitmap()  Draws a specified rectangle from a bitmap into another rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::DrawBitmapMasked()  Draws a specified rectangle from a bitmap and its mask into another rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::DrawBitmapMasked()  Draws a specified rectangle from a wserv bitmap and its mask into another rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::DrawEllipse() - Draws and fills an ellipse.
  • CWindowGc::DrawLine() - Draws a straight line between two points.
  • CWindowGc::DrawLineBy() - Draws a straight line relative to the current internal drawing position, using a vector.
  • CWindowGc::DrawLineTo() - Draws a straight line from the current internal drawing position to a point.
  • CWindowGc::DrawPie() - Draws and fills a pie-shaped slice of an ellipse.
  • CWindowGc::DrawPolygon()  Draws and fills a polygon using points defined in an array.
  • CWindowGc::DrawPolygon()  Draws and fills a polygon using points defined in a list.
  • CWindowGc::DrawPolyLine()  Draws a polyline using points in an array.
  • CWindowGc::DrawPolyLine()  Draws a polyline using points in a list.
  • CWindowGc::DrawRect() - Draws and fills a rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::DrawRoundRect() - Draws and fills a rectangle with rounded corners.
  • CWindowGc::DrawText()  Draws horizontal text with no surrounding box.
  • CWindowGc::DrawText()  Draws horizontal text within a cleared box.
  • CWindowGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws vertical text in the specified direction.
  • CWindowGc::DrawTextVertical()  Draws text vertically in the specified direction, within a box of the specified size.
  • CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic()  Draws an abstract artwork.
  • CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic()  Draws an abstract artwork.
  • CWindowGc::MapColors() - Re-maps pixel colours within a rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::MoveBy() - Moves the internal drawing position by a vector, without drawing a line.
  • CWindowGc::MoveTo() - Moves the internal drawing position relative to the co-ordinate origin, without drawing a line.
  • CWindowGc::Plot() - Draws a single point.
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CBitmapContext_1().
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CBitmapContext_2().
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CBitmapContext_3().
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CGraphicsContext_2() - A reserved virtual function for future use.
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CWindowGc_3().
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CWindowGc_4().
  • CWindowGc::Reserved_CWindowGc_5().
  • CWindowGc::Reset() - Resets the graphics context to its default settings.
  • CWindowGc::SetBrushColor() - Sets the brush colour.
  • CWindowGc::SetBrushOrigin() - Sets the brush pattern origin.
  • CWindowGc::SetBrushStyle() - Sets the line drawing style for the brush.
  • CWindowGc::SetCharJustification() - Sets the character justification.
  • CWindowGc::SetClippingRect() - Sets a clipping rectangle.
  • CWindowGc::SetClippingRegion() - Sets the clipping region.
  • CWindowGc::SetDitherOrigin() - Sets the origin used for colour dithering.
  • CWindowGc::SetDrawMode() - Sets the drawing mode.
  • CWindowGc::SetFaded() - Sets whether the graphics context is faded.
  • CWindowGc::SetFadingParameters() - Sets the fading parameters.
  • CWindowGc::SetOpaque() - Sets and unsets an opaque flag on the window.
  • CWindowGc::SetOrigin() - Sets the position of the co-ordinate origin.
  • CWindowGc::SetPenColor() - Sets the pen colour.
  • CWindowGc::SetPenSize() - Sets the line drawing size for the pen.
  • CWindowGc::SetPenStyle() - Sets the line drawing style for the pen.
  • CWindowGc::SetStrikethroughStyle() - Sets the strikethrough style for all subsequently drawn text.
  • CWindowGc::SetUnderlineStyle() - Sets the underline style for all subsequently drawn text.
  • CWindowGc::SetWordJustification() - Sets word justification.
  • CWindowGc::UseBrushPattern() - Sets the brush pattern to the specified bitmap.
  • CWindowGc::UseFont() - Sets this context's font.
  • CWindowGc::~CWindowGc() - Destructor.

  • CWordModel - Word processor engine interface.
  • CWordModel::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CWordModel::ConstructMinimalL() - Second-phase constructor, with printer initialisation.
  • CWordModel::CWordModel() - Default constructor.
  • CWordModel::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new word processor engine, and performs printer initalisation.
  • CWordModel::NewL()  Allocates and creates a new word processor engine.
  • CWordModel::NormalStyleShortCut() - Gets the keybord short cut for the normal style.
  • CWordModel::PageTable() - Gets the engine's page table array.
  • CWordModel::PrintSetup() - Gets the engine's print setup object.
  • CWordModel::RestoreL() - Restores the engine.
  • CWordModel::RestoreMinimalL() - Restores the engine, without restoring the print setup stream.
  • CWordModel::StoreL() - Stores the engine.
  • CWordModel::StyleList() - Gets the engine's style list object.
  • CWordModel::StyleShortCutList() - Gets the engine's style short cuts array.
  • CWordModel::Text() - Gets the engine's rich text object.
  • CWordModel::~CWordModel() - Destructor.

  • CWordModelHeaderV2 - Wrapper for the word processor application engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV2::AppId() - Gets an application identifier.
  • CWordModelHeaderV2::DetachFromStoreL() - Calls DetachFromStoreL() on the engine's components (text, header, and footer).
  • CWordModelHeaderV2::Model() - Gets the wrapped word engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV2::RestoreL() - Restores the wrapped word engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV2::StoreL() - Stores the wrapped word engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV2::~CWordModelHeaderV2() - Destructor.

  • CWordModelHeaderV3 - Wrapper for the word processor application engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV3::AppId() - Gets an application identifier.
  • CWordModelHeaderV3::DetachFromStoreL() - Calls DetachFromStoreL() on the engine's components (text, header, and footer).
  • CWordModelHeaderV3::Model() - Gets the wrapped word engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV3::RestoreL() - Restores the wrapped word engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV3::StoreL() - Stores the wrapped word engine.
  • CWordModelHeaderV3::~CWordModelHeaderV3() - Destructor.

  • CWsBitmap - Window server bitmap.
  • CWsBitmap::Create() - Creates a bitmap, specifying the size and display mode.
  • CWsBitmap::CWsBitmap()  Default constructor.
  • CWsBitmap::CWsBitmap()  Constructor which takes a window server session as an argument.
  • CWsBitmap::Duplicate() - Makes this bitmap a duplicate of the specified bitmap.
  • CWsBitmap::InternalizeL() - Internalises a CWsBitmap from the read stream.
  • CWsBitmap::Load() - Loads a bitmap from a file.
  • CWsBitmap::Reset() - Releases the bitmap's handle from the font and bitmap server.
  • CWsBitmap::~CWsBitmap() - Destructor.

  • CWsGraphic - Client representation of a window-server-side piece of artwork owned by this Client.
  • CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL()  Constructs a piece of non-transient graphic artwork.
  • CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL()  Constructs a piece of transient graphic artwork.
  • CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL()  Atomically replace the artwork that already exists with this artwork.
  • CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic() - Default Constructor.
  • CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic_Reserved1().
  • CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic_Reserved2().
  • CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic_Reserved3().
  • CWsGraphic::Destroy() - Destroys the corresponding CWsGraphicDrawer instance on the server.
  • CWsGraphic::Flush() - Flushes window server command buffer.
  • CWsGraphic::HandleMessage() - Handles message from this graphic artwork peer on the server.
  • CWsGraphic::Id() - Returns graphic artwork Id.
  • CWsGraphic::IsActive() - Checks whether a peer of this graphic artwork has been fully constructed on the server.
  • CWsGraphic::OnClientClose() - Derived class can override this method to provide custom operations when the client is closed.
  • CWsGraphic::OnReplace() - Handles custom operation when this graphic artwork is replaced.
  • CWsGraphic::SendMessage() - Sends message to this graphic artwork peer on the server.
  • CWsGraphic::SendSynchronMessage().
  • CWsGraphic::SetGraphicExtension().
  • CWsGraphic::Share() - Explicitly shares this graphic artwork with client sessions with the specified Secure ID.
  • CWsGraphic::ShareGlobally() - Shares the graphic artwork with all the client sessions.
  • CWsGraphic::UnShare() - Stops this graphic artwork from being shared with all client sessions with the specific Secure ID.
  • CWsGraphic::UnShareGlobally() - Prevents this graphic artwork from being shared with all the client sessions.
  • CWsGraphic::~CWsGraphic() - Destructor.

  • CWsGraphicBitmap - Client representation of a window-server-side CFbsBitmap owned by this Client.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::HandleMessage() - Handles message from this graphic artwork peer on the server.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::OnReplace() - Handles custom operation when this graphic artwork is replaced.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::Share() - Explicitly shares this graphic artwork with client sessions with the specified Secure ID.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::ShareGlobally() - Shares the graphic artwork with all the client sessions.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::UnShare() - Stops this graphic artwork from being shared with all client sessions with the specific Secure ID.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::UnShareGlobally() - Prevents this graphic artwork from being shared with all the client sessions.
  • CWsGraphicBitmap::~CWsGraphicBitmap().

  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation - Client representation of a window-server-side CFbsBitmap owned by this Client.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::HandleMessage() - Handles message from this graphic artwork peer on the server.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::OnReplace() - Handles custom operation when this graphic artwork is replaced.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::Share() - Explicitly shares this graphic artwork with client sessions with the specified Secure ID.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::ShareGlobally() - Shares the graphic artwork with all the client sessions.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::UnShare() - Stops this graphic artwork from being shared with all client sessions with the specific Secure ID.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::UnShareGlobally() - Prevents this graphic artwork from being shared with all the client sessions.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::~CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation().

  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame.
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::Bitmap().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::FrameInfo().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::Mask().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::NewL().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::SetBitmap().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::SetFrameInfo().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::SetMask().
  • CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation::CFrame::~CFrame().

  • CWsScreenDevice - Software device screen.
  • CWsScreenDevice::AddFile() - Adds a font file to the device's typeface store.
  • CWsScreenDevice::Construct()  Completes construction of the object.
  • CWsScreenDevice::Construct()  Completes construction of the object.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CopyScreenToBitmap()  Saves the entire screen to a bitmap.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CopyScreenToBitmap()  Saves a region of the screen to a bitmap.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CreateContext()  Creates a graphics context for this device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CreateContext()  Creates a graphics context for this device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CurrentScreenMode() - Gets the current screen mode index.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CWsScreenDevice()  Default constructor.
  • CWsScreenDevice::CWsScreenDevice()  Constructs a new screen device attached to a particular window server session.
  • CWsScreenDevice::DisplayMode() - Gets the device's display mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::FontHeightInPixels() - Gets the height of the specified font in pixels.
  • CWsScreenDevice::FontHeightInTwips() - Gets the height in twips of the specified font.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetCurrentScreenModeScale() - Gets the scale for the current screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetCurrentScreenModeScaledOrigin() - Gets the current screen mode's scaled origin.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetDefaultScreenModeOrigin() - Gets the origin for the current screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetDefaultScreenSizeAndRotation()  Gets the current screen size (in both pixels and twips) and rotation.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetDefaultScreenSizeAndRotation()  Gets the current screen size (in pixels) and the rotation.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetFontById() - Gets a font by its bitmap UID.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetNearestFontInPixels() - Gets the nearest font to that specified for use by a bitmapped graphics device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Gets the nearest font, in twips, to that in the specified font specification.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels() - Gets the nearest font in pixels to that specified.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Gets the nearest font in twips to that specified.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels() - Gets the nearest font in pixels to that specified.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - Gets the nearest font, in twips, to that specified.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetPalette() - Gets the screen device's palette.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetPixel() - Gets the RGB colour of an individual pixel on a screen device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetRotationsList() - Gets the list of valid rotations for a particular screen size.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScanLine() - Gets a scanline into a buffer.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeDisplayMode() - Gets the display mode of the screen for the specified screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeOrigin() - Get the origin of the screen for the specified screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeScale() - Gets the scale for the specified screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeScaledOrigin() - Gets the specfied screen mode's scaled origin.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation()  Get the screen rotation and size, in both pixels and twips, for the specified screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation()  Get the screen rotation and size (in pixels) for the specified screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenNumber() - Get device's screen number.
  • CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenSizeModeList() - Gets the available screen size modes.
  • CWsScreenDevice::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Translates a specified pixel value to a twips value.
  • CWsScreenDevice::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Translates a twips to a pixel value.
  • CWsScreenDevice::NumScreenModes() - Gets the number of available screen modes.
  • CWsScreenDevice::NumTypefaces() - Gets the number of typefaces supported by the screen device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::PaletteAttributes() - Gets the attributes of the device's palette.
  • CWsScreenDevice::PointerRect() - Gets the active area for the pointing device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::RectCompare()  Compares two areas of the screen to see if they have the same content.
  • CWsScreenDevice::RectCompare()  Compares two areas of the screen to see if they have the same content.
  • CWsScreenDevice::ReleaseFont() - Releases a specified font.
  • CWsScreenDevice::RemoveFile() - Removes a font file from the font store.
  • CWsScreenDevice::ScreenModeEnforcement() - Gets the current screen mode enforcement settings.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SetAppScreenMode() - Sets the application's screen mode; this also sets all the attributes of the screen mode.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SetBackLight() - Set back light.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SetCustomPalette() - Sets the custom palette.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SetPalette() - Sets the screen device's palette.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SetScreenSizeAndRotation()  Sets the current screen size in twips and pixels, and the rotation for the screen device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SetScreenSizeAndRotation()  Sets the current screen size in pixels, and the rotation for the screen device.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SizeInPixels() - Gets the size of the screen device area in pixels.
  • CWsScreenDevice::SizeInTwips() - Gets the size of the screen device area in twips.
  • CWsScreenDevice::TypefaceSupport() - Gets typeface information for a particular typeface index number.
  • CWsScreenDevice::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Translates a vertical dimension of a screen device in pixels into twips.
  • CWsScreenDevice::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Translates a vertical dimension of a screen device in twips into pixels.
  • CWsScreenDevice::~CWsScreenDevice() - Destructor.

  • CWspHeaderEncoder - This class can be used to encode one header field at a time, with all its values and parameters.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddDataL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddDateL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.Encodes parameter value using WSP Date method.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddIntegerL() - Encodes input Integer value and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddLongIntL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddShortIntL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddShortLengthL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddTextStringL()  Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddTextStringL()  Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddTokenL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddTokenTextL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::AddUintVarL() - Encodes input and adds it to the encoded field.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::EndHeaderL() - Completes and returns encoded field 8 bit buffer.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::EndValueLengthL() - Needs to be called at the point in the construction of a header when ValueLength can be calculated.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::NewL() - Static factory constructor.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::NewLC() - Static factory constructor.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::StartHeaderL()  Starts a new encoded header.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::StartHeaderL()  Starts a new encoded header.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::StartHeaderL()  Starts a new encoded header.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::StartValueLengthL() - From calling this function, the length in bytes of all encodings added subsequently will be calculated and stored as part of the encoded string, as specified in WSP spec.Can be nested.
  • CWspHeaderEncoder::~CWspHeaderEncoder() - Default destructor.

  • CX500DistinguishedName - Holds the Distinguished Name of a subject.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::Count() - Gets the number of 'attribute type and value' objects contained by this Distinguished Name object.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::DisplayNameL() - Gets the decoded value for the common or organisation name.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::Element() - Gets a reference to specific 'attribute type and value' object as identified by the specified index.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::EncodeASN1L() - Encodes a DN into an ASN.1 object tree.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::EncodeASN1LC() - Encodes a DN into an ASN.1 object tree.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::ExactMatchL() - Compares the specified Distinguished Name object with this Distinguished Name object.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::ExtractFieldL() - Gets the decoded value associated with the specified field/attribute name, from the Distinguished Name.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::IsWithinSubtreeL() - Tests whether all 'attribute type and value' objects contained in the specified Distinguished Name object are also contained within this Distinguished Name object.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::MatchElementL() - Tests whether this Distinguished Name object contains the specified 'attribute type and value' object.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewL()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewL()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewL()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified read stream.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewL()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified array of 'attribute type and value' objects.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewL()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from an existing object.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified read stream, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from the specified array of 'attribute type and value' objects, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC()  Creates a new Distinguished Name object from an existing object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX500DistinguishedName::~CX500DistinguishedName() - Destructor.

  • CX509AccessDescription - This class provides the access method OID and access location as used by X.509 private internet extensions (authority information access).
  • CX509AccessDescription::Location() - Gets the Access Location field which specifies the location where the additional information of the CA can be obtained.
  • CX509AccessDescription::Method() - Gets the Access Method OID.

  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier - Algorithm identifier for an X.509 certificate.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::EncodeASN1DERLC() - Creates the ASN1 DER sequence of the X509 algorithm identifier object and leaves it on the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 algorithm identifier object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 algorithm identifier object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a X509 Algorithm Identifier object from the given algorithm ID and the encoded parameter.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 algorithm identifier object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 algorithm identifier object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a X509 Algorithm Identifier object from the given algorithm ID and the encoded parameter and leaves the object on the cleanup stack.

  • CX509AltNameExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines an alternate name.
  • CX509AltNameExt::AltName() - Gets a reference to the array of general names that forms the alternate name extension.
  • CX509AltNameExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509AltNameExt::Match() - Checks whether the corressponding elements of two equally sized arrays of X.509 general names match.
  • CX509AltNameExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509AltNameExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509AltNameExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509AltNameExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509AltNameExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509AltNameExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AltNameExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509AltNameExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines the authority information access.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::AccessDescriptions() - Gets the authority access description containing the method and location of additional information of CA , who issued the certificate in which this extension appears.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509AuthInfoAccessExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509AuthInfoAccessExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509AuthInfoAccessExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509AuthInfoAccessExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AuthInfoAccessExt::~CX509AuthInfoAccessExt() - Destructor.

  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt - An X.509 certificate extension that provides a way to find the public key corresponding to the private key used to sign the certificate.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::AuthorityCertSerialNumber() - Gets the authority certificate serial number.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::AuthorityName() - Gets the authority name.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::KeyId() - Gets the key identifier value.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines basic constraints.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::IsCA() - Tests whether the certificate belongs to a Certificate Authority.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::MaxChainLength() - Gets the maximum number of certificates that can follow this one in the chain.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509BasicConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509BasicConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509BasicConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509BasicConstraintsExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509BasicConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509BitString - An X.509 bit string.

  • CX509CertChain - Abstract base class for X.509 certificate chain validation; derive from this to suit your profile.
  • CX509CertChain::Cert() - Gets the certificate identified by the specified index.
  • CX509CertChain::Count() - Gets the number of certificates in the chain.
  • CX509CertChain::DecodeCertsL() - Decodes the individual elements of the signed data to construct the certificates.
  • CX509CertChain::IsEqualL() - Tests whether the specified X.509 certificate chain is equal to this X.509 certificate chain.
  • CX509CertChain::~CX509CertChain() - Destructor.

  • CX509CertExtension - A generic X.509 certificate extension.
  • CX509CertExtension::Critical() - Tests whether certificate processing code must process this extension for certificate validation to succeed.
  • CX509CertExtension::Data() - Gets the encoded binary representation of the specific extension.
  • CX509CertExtension::Id() - Gets the Object Identifier (OID) of the certficate extension.
  • CX509CertExtension::NewL()  Creates a new generic X.509 certificate extension object from an existing object.
  • CX509CertExtension::NewL()  Creates a new generic X.509 certificate extension object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509CertExtension::NewL()  Creates a new generic X.509 certificate extension object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509CertExtension::NewLC()  Creates a new generic X.509 certificate extension object from an existing object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertExtension::NewLC()  Creates a new generic X.509 certificate extension object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertExtension::NewLC()  Creates a new generic X.509 certificate extension object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertExtension::~CX509CertExtension() - Destructor.

  • CX509CertPoliciesExt - The policy under which this certificate has been issued.
  • CX509CertPoliciesExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509CertPoliciesExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509CertPoliciesExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509CertPoliciesExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509CertPoliciesExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509CertPoliciesExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509CertPoliciesExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertPoliciesExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509CertPoliciesExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertPoliciesExt::Policies() - Gets the certificate policy extension information.

  • CX509CertPolicyInfo - Defines a specific policy followed by a Certification Authority.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::Id() - Gets the specific policy's Object Identifier (OID).
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::NewL()  Creates a new CX509CertPolicyInfo object from an existing object.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::NewL()  Creates a new CX509CertPolicyInfo object from a stream.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509CertPolicyInfo object from an existing object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509CertPolicyInfo object from a stream, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509CertPolicyInfo::Qualifiers() - Gets a reference to the array of policy qualifers.

  • CX509Certificate - An X.509 certificate.
  • CX509Certificate::DataElementEncoding() - Gets the encoded data for the specified encoded data element (in the To Be Signed (TBS) certificate data structure) of the signed object.
  • CX509Certificate::Extension() - Gets the certificate extension identified by the specified object identifier (OID).
  • CX509Certificate::Extensions() - Gets all generic certificate extensions.
  • CX509Certificate::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • CX509Certificate::IsEqualL() - Tests whether the specified X.509 certificate is equal to this X.509 certificate.
  • CX509Certificate::IsSelfSignedL() - Tests whether the certificate is self-signed.
  • CX509Certificate::IssuerL() - Gets the issuer of the certificate.
  • CX509Certificate::IssuerName() - Gets the X.500 Distinguished Name that identifies the issuer.
  • CX509Certificate::KeyIdentifierL() - Gets the key identifier for the certificate.
  • CX509Certificate::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509Certificate::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509Certificate::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from the specified read stream.
  • CX509Certificate::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from an existing object.
  • CX509Certificate::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509Certificate::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509Certificate::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from the specified read stream, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509Certificate::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 certificate object from an existing object.
  • CX509Certificate::SignedDataL() - Gets the certificate's signed data.
  • CX509Certificate::SubjectL() - Gets the subject of the certificate.
  • CX509Certificate::SubjectName() - Gets the X.500 Distinguished Name that identifies the subject.
  • CX509Certificate::Version() - Gets the version number of the certificate.
  • CX509Certificate::~CX509Certificate() - Destructor.

  • CX509DHDomainParams - Encapsulates the compulsory Diffie-Hellman domain parameter values P and G (See RFC 2459).
  • CX509DHDomainParams::G() - Gets the compulsory parameter value G.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::J() - Gets the optional value J.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::NewL()  Creates a new DH Domain parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::NewL()  Creates a new DH Domain parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::NewLC()  Creates a new DH Domain parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::NewLC()  Creates a new DH Domain parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::P() - Gets the compulsory parameter value P.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::Q() - Gets the optional value Q.
  • CX509DHDomainParams::ValidationParams() - Gets the optional validation parameters.

  • CX509DHKeyPair - This class represents the Diffie-Hellman Key Pair.
  • CX509DHKeyPair::NewL() - Creates a new DH key pair object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509DHKeyPair::NewLC() - Creates a new DH Key Pair object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DHKeyPair::~CX509DHKeyPair() - Virtual Destructor.

  • CX509DHPublicKey - Provides clients with the information they need for Diffie-Hellman key exchange within a protocol.
  • CX509DHPublicKey::NewL() - Creates a new CX509DHPublicKey object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509DHPublicKey::NewLC() - Creates a new CX509DHPublicKey object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DHPublicKey::~CX509DHPublicKey() - Destructor.

  • CX509DHValidationParams - Validates Diffie-Hellman (DH) Domain parameters.
  • CX509DHValidationParams::NewL()  Creates a new DH Validation parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509DHValidationParams::NewL()  Creates a new DH Validation parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509DHValidationParams::NewLC()  Creates a new DH Validation parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DHValidationParams::NewLC()  Creates a new DH Validation parameters object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DHValidationParams::PGenCounter() - Gets the output from a DSA prime generation counter.
  • CX509DHValidationParams::Seed() - Gets a DSA prime generation seed.

  • CX509DNSName - A Domain Name System (DNS) name.
  • CX509DNSName::NewL()  Creates a DNS name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509DNSName::NewL()  Creates a new DSN name object from an existing object.
  • CX509DNSName::NewL()  Constructs a new DSN name object from a name string.
  • CX509DNSName::NewLC()  Creates a DNS name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DNSName::NewLC()  Creates a new DSN name object from an existing object, and puts a pointer to it onto the clean up stack.
  • CX509DNSName::NewLC()  Creates a DSN name object from a name string, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509DNSNameSubtree - A Domain Name System (DNS) name subtree.
  • CX509DNSNameSubtree::IsValidString() - Validates a string.
  • CX509DNSNameSubtree::NewL() - Creates a DNS name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509DNSNameSubtree::NewLC() - Creates a DNS name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DNSNameSubtree::Rep() - Gets a reference to the array of pointer descriptors representing the subdomains of the DSN name.

  • CX509DSAPublicKey - Encapsulates the X.509 DSA public key.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::DSAParametersL() - Gets the DSA parameters from the encoding key.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DSAPublicKey::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 DSA public key object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509DSASignature - Encapsulates the X.509 DSA signature.
  • CX509DSASignature::NewL()  Creates a new DSA Signature object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509DSASignature::NewL()  Creates a new DSA Signature object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509DSASignature::NewLC()  Creates a new DSA Signature object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509DSASignature::NewLC()  Creates a new DSA Signature object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509DomainName - An X.509 domain name.
  • CX509DomainName::IsValidChar() - Validates a character.
  • CX509DomainName::IsValidString() - Validates a string.
  • CX509DomainName::IsWithinSubtree() - Tests whether every sub domain in the specified domain name is the same as the corresponding sub domain in this object, starting at the end.
  • CX509DomainName::Name() - Gets the full domain name.
  • CX509DomainName::~CX509DomainName() - Destructor.

  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines the extra uses to which a key may be put.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::KeyUsages() - Gets the sequence of Object Ids (OID) that identify the key usages.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::~CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt() - Destructor.

  • CX509ExtensionBase - A certificate extension base class.
  • CX509ExtensionBase::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CX509ExtensionBase::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.

  • CX509GeneralName - Defines a general name.
  • CX509GeneralName::Data() - Gets the name.
  • CX509GeneralName::ExactMatch() - Dummy Function which always returns EFalse.
  • CX509GeneralName::NewL()  Creates a new general name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509GeneralName::NewL()  Creates a new general name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation,starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509GeneralName::NewL()  Creates a new general name object from an existing object.
  • CX509GeneralName::NewLC()  Creates a new general name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509GeneralName::NewLC()  Creates a new general name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509GeneralName::NewLC()  Creates a new general name object from an existing object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509GeneralName::Tag() - Gets the type tag.
  • CX509GeneralName::~CX509GeneralName() - Destructor.

  • CX509GeneralSubtree - Provides access to the general name and the min/max lengths of the subtree.
  • CX509GeneralSubtree::MaxDistance() - Gets the maximum distance of the CX509GeneralSubtree object.
  • CX509GeneralSubtree::MinDistance() - Gets the minimum distance of the CX509GeneralSubtree object.
  • CX509GeneralSubtree::Name() - Gets the general name.

  • CX509IPAddress - A single IP address.
  • CX509IPAddress::Address() - Gets the IP address.
  • CX509IPAddress::IsWithinSubtree() - Tests whether the IP address lies within the specified subnet address.
  • CX509IPAddress::NewL() - Creates a single IP address object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509IPAddress::NewLC() - Creates a single IP address object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509IPAddress::~CX509IPAddress() - Destructor.

  • CX509IPBasedURI - A URI.
  • CX509IPBasedURI::Host() - Gets the host part.
  • CX509IPBasedURI::Name() - Gets the whole name.
  • CX509IPBasedURI::NewL() - Creates an IP based URI name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509IPBasedURI::NewLC() - Creates a URI name object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the clean up stack.
  • CX509IPBasedURI::~CX509IPBasedURI() - Destructor.

  • CX509IPSubnetMask - An IP subnet mask.
  • CX509IPSubnetMask::BaseAddress() - Gets the base IP address.
  • CX509IPSubnetMask::Mask() - Gets the subnet mask.
  • CX509IPSubnetMask::NewL() - Creates an IP subnet mask object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509IPSubnetMask::NewLC() - Creates an IP subnet mask object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509IPSubnetMask::~CX509IPSubnetMask() - Destructor.

  • CX509KeyUsageExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines the uses to which a key may be put.
  • CX509KeyUsageExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509KeyUsageExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509KeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509KeyUsageExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509KeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509KeyUsageExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509KeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509KeyUsageExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509KeyUsageExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509NameConstraintsExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines constraints on an entity's name.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::ExcludedSubtrees() - Gets a reference to the array of exclusion subtree names.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509NameConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509NameConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509NameConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509NameConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::PermittedSubtrees() - Gets a reference to the array of permitted subtree names.
  • CX509NameConstraintsExt::~CX509NameConstraintsExt() - Destructor.

  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt - Enables a Certification Authority to constrain the use of policies in two ways:.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::ExplicitPolicyRequired() - Gets the explicit policy constraint.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::InhibitPolicyMapping() - Gets the inhibiting policy mapping.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509PolicyConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509PolicyConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::NewLC()  Creates a new Policy constraints extension object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509PolicyConstraintsExt object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509PolicyConstraintsExt::~CX509PolicyConstraintsExt() - Destructor.

  • CX509PolicyMapping - A set of policy mappings.
  • CX509PolicyMapping::IssuerPolicy() - Gets the issuer policy.
  • CX509PolicyMapping::NewL() - Creates a new CX509PolicyMapping object copied from an existing one.
  • CX509PolicyMapping::NewLC() - Creates a new CX509PolicyMapping object copied from an existing one, and puts a pointer to the object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509PolicyMapping::SubjectPolicy() - Gets the subject policy.

  • CX509PolicyMappingExt - An X.509 certificate extension that contains a set of policy mappings.
  • CX509PolicyMappingExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509PolicyMappingExt::Mappings() - Gets a reference to the array of policy mappings.
  • CX509PolicyMappingExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509PolicyMappingExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509PolicyMappingExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509PolicyMappingExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509PolicyMappingExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509PolicyMappingExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509PolicyMappingExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509PolicyMappingExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509PolicyQualifierInfo - Gets X.509 policy qualifier information.
  • CX509PolicyQualifierInfo::Data() - Gets the policy qualifier data.
  • CX509PolicyQualifierInfo::Id() - Gets the policy qualifier Id.

  • CX509RFC822Name - A full RFC 822 email address.
  • CX509RFC822Name::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CX509RFC822Name::NewL() - Creates a full RFC 822 email address object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509RFC822Name::NewLC() - Creates a full RFC 822 email address object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509RFC822NameSubtree - A full or partial RFC 822 email address.
  • CX509RFC822NameSubtree::ConstructL() - Second-phase constructor.
  • CX509RFC822NameSubtree::NewL() - Creates an RFC 822 email address object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509RFC822NameSubtree::NewLC() - Creates an RFC 822 email address object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509RFC822NameSubtree::Rep() - Gets a reference to the array of pointer descriptors representing the subdomains of the RFC 822 email address.

  • CX509RSAPublicKey - Adds the capability to decode DER-encoded RSA public keys.
  • CX509RSAPublicKey::NewL()  Creates a new RSA Public key object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX509RSAPublicKey::NewL()  Creates a new RSA Public key object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509RSAPublicKey::NewLC()  Creates a new RSA Public Key object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509RSAPublicKey::NewLC()  Creates a new RSA Public key object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier - Encapsulates the IDs of the algorithms used for signing an X.509 certificate.
  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 signing algorithm Id object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 signing algorithm Id object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 signing algorithm Id object from the specified algorithm pair.
  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 signing algorithm Id object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 signing algorithm Id object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation,starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 signing algorithm Id object from the specified algorithm pair.

  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt - An X.509 certificate extension that provides a way of identifying certificates that contain a specific public key.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::DoConstructL() - Implementation for second-phase construction.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::KeyId() - Gets the key ID.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509SubjectKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::NewL()  Creates a new CX509SubjectKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509SubjectKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::NewLC()  Creates a new CX509SubjectKeyIdExt object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509SubjectKeyIdExt::~CX509SubjectKeyIdExt() - Destructor.

  • CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo - X.509 subject public key information.
  • CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 subject public key object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 subject public key object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 subject public key object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 subject public key object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX509ValidityPeriod - The period for which an X.509 certificate is valid.
  • CX509ValidityPeriod::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 validity period object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation.
  • CX509ValidityPeriod::NewL()  Creates a new X.509 validity period object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX509ValidityPeriod::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 validity period object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX509ValidityPeriod::NewLC()  Creates a new X.509 validity period object from the specified buffer containing the binary coded representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.

  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue - Contains an attribute type and a value, as defined by the X.520 standard.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::EncodeASN1L() - Encodes the contents into an ASN.1 sequence object.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::EncodeASN1LC() - Encodes the contents into an ASN.1 sequence object.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::EncodedValue() - Gets the encoded attribute value of the object.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::ExactMatchL() - Compares the attribute type and decoded value of the specified object.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::InternalizeL().
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewL()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewL()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewL()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from an existing object.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewL()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from the specified read stream.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewL()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from an attribute type and value.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewLC()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewLC()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from the specified buffer containing the encoded binary representation, starting at the specified offset, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewLC()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from an existing object, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewLC()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from the specified read stream, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewLC()  Creates a new CX520AttributeTypeAndValue object from an attribute type and value.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::Type() - Gets the encoded attribute type of the object.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::ValueL() - Gets the decoded value.
  • CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::~CX520AttributeTypeAndValue() - Destructor.

  • CXmlElement.
  • CXmlElement::AppendChildL().
  • CXmlElement::Attribute().
  • CXmlElement::Attribute().
  • CXmlElement::Child().
  • CXmlElement::ChildIndex().
  • CXmlElement::Count().
  • CXmlElement::DataItem().
  • CXmlElement::DeleteDataItem().
  • CXmlElement::InsertChildL().
  • CXmlElement::NewL().
  • CXmlElement::SetAttributeL().
  • CXmlElement::SetDataItemL().
  • CXmlElement::SetTextL().
  • CXmlElement::Text().
  • CXmlElement::WriteIntoFileL().

  • CXmlLibrary.
  • CXmlLibrary::CommitL().
  • CXmlLibrary::ConstructL().
  • CXmlLibrary::CXmlLibrary().
  • CXmlLibrary::CXmlLibrary_Reserved1() - Intended Usage : Reserved for future use.
  • CXmlLibrary::ExecuteValidateL().
  • CXmlLibrary::NewL().
  • CXmlLibrary::NewLC().
  • CXmlLibrary::PrepareParserL().
  • CXmlLibrary::ProcessDataL().
  • CXmlLibrary::ProcessDataL().
  • CXmlLibrary::ResetL().
  • CXmlLibrary::ValidateL().
  • CXmlLibrary::~CXmlLibrary().

  • CZipArchive - This class represents a zip archive.

  • CZipFile - A CZipFile represents a ZIP archive contained in a single file.
  • CZipFile::CaseInsensitiveMemberL() - Constructs and returns a CZipFileMember object which is used to access information about a compressed file contained in the CZipFile archive.
  • CZipFile::CaseSensitiveOrCaseInsensitiveMemberL() - Constructs and returns a CZipFileMember object which is used to access information about a compressed file contained in the CZipFile archive.
  • CZipFile::Close().
  • CZipFile::ConstructL()  Second phase of construction.
  • CZipFile::ConstructL()  Second phase of construction.
  • CZipFile::CZipFile().
  • CZipFile::GetInputStreamL() - Creates and returns the input stream for a file in the archive.
  • CZipFile::GetMembersL() - Gets the iterator used for iterating through the files contained in the ZIP file.
  • CZipFile::MemberL() - Constructs and returns a CZipFileMember object which is used to access information about a compressed file contained in the CZipFile archive.
  • CZipFile::NewL()  Creates a new CZipFile object using the supplied file server session and a valid file handle.
  • CZipFile::NewL()  Creates a new CZipFile object using the supplied file server session and file name.
  • CZipFile::OpenL().
  • CZipFile::Size() - Gets the size of the compressed data contained in the zip file in bytes Each CZipFile object has a compressed and uncompressed size.
  • CZipFile::~CZipFile() - Destructor.

  • CZipFileMember - Class encapsulating the representation of a compressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file.
  • CZipFileMember::CompressedSize() - Retrieve the size of compressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file.
  • CZipFileMember::CRC32() - Retrieve CRC value in a compressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file.
  • CZipFileMember::Name() - Retrieve the name of a compressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file.
  • CZipFileMember::UncompressedSize() - Retrieve the size of uncompressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file.
  • CZipFileMember::~CZipFileMember() - Destructor.

  • CZipFileMemberIterator - An iterator class for iterating though all the entries in the archive.
  • CZipFileMemberIterator::NextL() - Moves the entry iterator onto the next zip file member contained in the ZIP file.

  • CalCommon - Utility class containing common calendar-related enums.

  • CalCommon::TCalTimeRange - Class to implement a time range in the Instance view and Entry view.
  • CalCommon::TCalTimeRange::EndTime() - Returns the end time of the range.
  • CalCommon::TCalTimeRange::StartTime() - Returns the start time of the range.
  • CalCommon::TCalTimeRange::TCalTimeRange() - Construct a TCalTimeRange.

  • CleanupArrayDelete - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupArrayDeletePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a delete type operation on an array of class T type objects.
  • CleanupArrayDelete::PushL() - Creates a TCleanupItem for the specified array.

  • CleanupClose - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupClosePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a close type operation on the class T type object.
  • CleanupClose::PushL() - Creates a TCleanupItem for the specified object.

  • CleanupDelete - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupDeletePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a delete type operation on the class T type object.
  • CleanupDelete::PushL() - Creates a TCleanupItem for the specified object.

  • CleanupRelease - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupReleasePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a release type operation on the class T type object.
  • CleanupRelease::PushL() - Creates a TCleanupItem for the specified object.

  • CleanupStack - A collection of static functions that are used to add resources to and remove resources from the cleanup stack.
  • CleanupStack::Check() - Checks that the specified object is at the top of the cleanup stack.
  • CleanupStack::Pop()  Pops an object previously pushed onto the cleanup stack by CleanupStack::PushL().
  • CleanupStack::Pop()  Pops a specified number of objects previously pushed onto the cleanup stack by CleanupStack::PushL().
  • CleanupStack::Pop()  Pops an object from the top of the cleanup stack.
  • CleanupStack::Pop()  Pops the specified number of objects from the top of the cleanup stack.
  • CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()  Pops and cleans up an item pushed onto the stack.
  • CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()  Pops and cleans up the specified number of items pushed onto the stack.
  • CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()  Pops an object from the top of the cleanup stack, and cleans it up.
  • CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()  Pops the specified number of objects from the top of the cleanup stack, and cleans them up.
  • CleanupStack::PushL()  Pushes a pointer to an object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CleanupStack::PushL()  Pushes a pointer to an object onto the cleanup stack.
  • CleanupStack::PushL()  Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.

  • CnvUtfConverter - Converts text between Unicode (UCS-2) and the two Unicode transformation formats UTF-7 and UTF-8.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf7() - Converts Unicode text into UTF-7 encoding.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf7L() - Converts Unicode text into UTF-7 encoding.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8() - Converts Unicode text into UTF-8 encoding.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L() - Converts Unicode text into UTF-8 encoding.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf7() - Converts text encoded using the Unicode transformation format UTF-7 into the Unicode UCS-2 character set.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf7L() - Converts text encoded using the Unicode transformation format UTF-7 into the Unicode UCS-2 character set.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8() - Converts text encoded using the Unicode transformation format UTF-8 into the Unicode UCS-2 character set.
  • CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L() - Converts text encoded using the Unicode transformation format UTF-8 into the Unicode UCS-2 character set.

  • CnvUtilities - Provides static character conversion utilities for complex encodings.
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertFromIntermediateBufferInPlace() - Inserts an escape sequence into the descriptor.
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertFromUnicode()  Converts Unicode text into a complex foreign character set encoding.
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertFromUnicode()  Converts Unicode text into a complex foreign character set encoding.
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromHeterogeneousForeign()  Converts text from a non-modal complex character set encoding (e.g.
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromHeterogeneousForeign().
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromModalForeign()  Converts text from a modal foreign character set encoding into Unicode.
  • CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromModalForeign().

  • CoeSoundPlayer - Utility class for simple sound playing.
  • CoeSoundPlayer::CancelSound() - Stops playing the specified sound.
  • CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound()  Plays the specified sound.
  • CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound()  Plays the specified sound for the specifed number of times with the specified interval.
  • CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySoundNow()  Plays the specified sound, interrupting any other sound that is currently playing.
  • CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySoundNow()  Plays the specified sound the specifed number of times with the specified interval, interrupting any other sound that is currently playing.

  • ColorUtils - Provides static functions for manipulating colours.
  • ColorUtils::ColorAdjust() - Brightens or darkens a 24-bit colour by a percentage.
  • ColorUtils::CreateGradientBitmapL() - Creates a CFbsBitmap containing a colour gradient.
  • ColorUtils::CreateSystemColorListL().
  • ColorUtils::CreateSystemColorListL().
  • ColorUtils::GetRgbDerivedBorderColors() - Gets the colours to use for a control's border.
  • ColorUtils::RgbDarkerColor() - Creates a darker color.
  • ColorUtils::RgbLighterColor() - Creates a lighter colour.
  • ColorUtils::RgbMidDarkerColor() - Creates a medium dark version of the colour.
  • ColorUtils::UpdateSystemColorListL().

  • CommTimer - Static utility class for global timer handling designed for use by Serial Server plug-ins (CSYs).
  • CommTimer::Queue() - Queue a timer on the global timer.
  • CommTimer::Remove() - Call cancel on the global timer.

  • CommsDat::CCDAccessPointRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDAccessPointRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDAccessPointRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDAccessPointRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDBearerRecordBase.
  • CommsDat::CCDBearerRecordBase::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDBearerRecordBase::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDBearerRecordBase::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDCDMA2000PacketServiceRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDCDMA2000PacketServiceRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDCDMA2000PacketServiceRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDCDMA2000PacketServiceRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDChargecardRecord - Reading of ChargeCard Table data is protected with ECDPrivate Attribute.
  • CommsDat::CCDChargecardRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDChargecardRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDChargecardRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDConnectionPrefsRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDConnectionPrefsRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDConnectionPrefsRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDConnectionPrefsRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDDialInISPRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDDialInISPRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDDialInISPRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDDialInISPRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDDialOutISPRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDDialOutISPRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDDialOutISPRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDDialOutISPRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDGlobalSettingsRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDGlobalSettingsRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDGlobalSettingsRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDGlobalSettingsRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDIncomingGprsRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDIncomingGprsRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDIncomingGprsRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDLANBearerRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDLANBearerRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDLANBearerRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDLANBearerRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDLANServiceRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDLANServiceRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDLANServiceRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDLANServiceRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDLocationRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDLocationRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDLocationRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDLocationRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDModemBearerRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDModemBearerRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDModemBearerRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDModemBearerRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDNetworkRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDNetworkRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDNetworkRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDNetworkRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDOutgoingGprsRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDOutgoingGprsRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDOutgoingGprsRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDPANServiceExtRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDPANServiceExtRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDPANServiceExtRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDPANServiceExtRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDProxiesRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDProxiesRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDProxiesRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDProxiesRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase - Base class for wrapper containers for supported CommsDat recordtypes Alternatively the class CMDBGenericRecord can be used to express any record.
  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase::CCDRecordBase().
  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase::CreateCopyRecordL().
  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase::GetVDataTable().
  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase::GetVDataTableStatic().
  • CommsDat::CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL().

  • CommsDat::CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase.
  • CommsDat::CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDServiceRecordBase.
  • CommsDat::CCDServiceRecordBase::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDServiceRecordBase::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDServiceRecordBase::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDVPNServiceRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDVPNServiceRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDVPNServiceRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDVPNServiceRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDVirtualBearerRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDVirtualBearerRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDVirtualBearerRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDVirtualBearerRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDWAPAccessPointRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPAccessPointRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPAccessPointRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPAccessPointRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDWAPIPBearerRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPIPBearerRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPIPBearerRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPIPBearerRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord.
  • CommsDat::CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord::GetRecordInfo().
  • CommsDat::CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord::GetVDataTable().

  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord - Container for data and type information in a MetaDatabase record For use to contain user-defined records as an alternative to declaring a specific record class of type CCDRecordBase.
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::CMDBGenericRecord().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::GetFieldByIdL().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::GetFieldByNameL().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::GetVDataTable().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::GetVDataTableStatic().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::InitializeL().
  • CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord::~CMDBGenericRecord().

  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase - Base class for all MetaDatabase records.
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase::CMDBRecordBase().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase::CMDBRecordBase().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase::GetFieldByIdL().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase::GetFieldByNameL().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase::GetRecordInfo().

  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink.
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink::CMDBRecordLink().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink::CMDBRecordLink().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink::operator RECORD_TYPE *().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink::operator=() - Assignment operator for field value which sets the id of the element list.
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink::SetL().

  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordSetBase - Use this class to express a list of records MetaDatabase Element type Records can be ordered using the standard RPointerArray functions.
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordSetBase::GetAttribPtr().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordSetBase::GetVDataTable().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordSetBase::GetVDataTableStatic().
  • CommsDat::CMDBRecordSetBase::operator=().
  • CommsDat::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag().
  • CommsDat::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag().
  • CommsDat::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag().
  • CommsDat::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag().

  • ConeUtils - Provides file and path utility functions.
  • ConeUtils::EnsurePathExistsL() - Ensures a path exists.
  • ConeUtils::FileExists() - Tests whether a file exists.

  • ContactGuid - A globally unique identifier enquiry utility.
  • ContactGuid::IsLocalContactUidString() - Tests whether a contact item was created in the database with the unique ID specified.

  • DefaultHash - A set of common hashing functions for frequently occurring types.
  • DefaultHash::Des16() - Calculate a 32 bit hash from a 16 bit descriptor.
  • DefaultHash::Des16Ptr() - Calculate a 32 bit hash from a TDesC16 pointer.
  • DefaultHash::Des8() - Calculate a 32 bit hash from an 8 bit descriptor.
  • DefaultHash::Des8Ptr() - Calculate a 32 bit hash from a TDesC8 pointer.
  • DefaultHash::IntegerPtr() - Calculate a 32 bit hash from a TInt pointer.

  • DefaultIdentity - A set of common identity relations for frequently occurring types.
  • DefaultIdentity::Des16() - Compare two 16 bit descriptors for exact binary equality.
  • DefaultIdentity::Des16Ptr() - Compare two TDesC16 pointers for equality.
  • DefaultIdentity::Des8() - Compare two 8 bit descriptors for exact binary equality.
  • DefaultIdentity::Des8Ptr() - Compare two TDesC8 pointers for equality.
  • DefaultIdentity::Integer() - Compare two integers for equality.
  • DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr() - Compare two TInt pointers for equality.

  • Dll - A collection of static functions involved in managing access to thread-local storage.

  • DrawUtils - Provides static functions for drawing text in a rectangle.
  • DrawUtils::ClearBetweenRects() - Clears between two rectangles, using a solid brush style and no pen.
  • DrawUtils::DrawBetweenRects() - Draws between two rectangles.
  • DrawUtils::DrawText() - Draws text inside a rectangle.

  • DynamicPalette - Hooks to allow dynamic palette switching in 256 colour mode.
  • DynamicPalette::Color16array().
  • DynamicPalette::Color16inverse().
  • DynamicPalette::DefaultColor256Util() - Returns the current system palette.
  • DynamicPalette::SetColor256Util() - Switches the device to use the specified colour palette.

  • EZGZipFile - The EZGZipFile class handles writing / reading of headers and trailers to / from zip files.
  • EZGZipFile::IsGzipFile().
  • EZGZipFile::IsGzipFileL() - Determine if the given file is a valid zip file.
  • EZGZipFile::LocateAndReadTrailerL() - Find the zip trailer within the specified file, and read it into the TEZGZipTrailer object.
  • EZGZipFile::ReadHeaderL() - Read the zip header from the specified zip file into the TEZGZipHeader object.
  • EZGZipFile::ReadTrailerL() - Read the zip trailer from the specified zip file into the TEZGZipTrailer object.
  • EZGZipFile::WriteHeaderL() - Write the zip header to the specified file.
  • EZGZipFile::WriteTrailerL() - Write the zip trailer to the specified file.

  • EikBubbleHelp - Provides the static functions that control bubble help.
  • EikBubbleHelp::Cancel() - Cancels any outstanding help message whether being displayed or waiting to be displayed.
  • EikBubbleHelp::CancelTrigger() - Cancels any outstanding help message that is waiting to be displayed.
  • EikBubbleHelp::IsDisplaying() - Tests if bubble help is currently being displayed.
  • EikBubbleHelp::Trigger() - Starts bubble help displaying the help message text descriptor after a fixed time delay.

  • EikControlFactory - Abstract factory that creates controls by type.
  • EikControlFactory::CreateByTypeL() - Creates the specified type of control by going through the dynamically loaded DLLs' Control Factories until one is found which successfully creates the desired control.

  • EikFileUtils - Provides a set of drive, path and file utility functions.
  • EikFileUtils::AbbreviateFileName() - Abbreviates a file name.
  • EikFileUtils::AbbreviatePath() - Gets an abbreviated path.
  • EikFileUtils::CheckFolder() - Tests whether the specified folder exists and can be opened.
  • EikFileUtils::CheckWhetherFullNameRefersToFolder() - Tests whether a file specification is a valid folder name.
  • EikFileUtils::CopyFile() - Copies the specified file.
  • EikFileUtils::DeleteFile() - Deletes one or more files.
  • EikFileUtils::DiskIsReadOnly() - Tests whether the specified drive is read-only.
  • EikFileUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName() - Parses the specified full path and file name to obtain the drive and path.
  • EikFileUtils::FolderExists() - Tests whether a specified folder exists.
  • EikFileUtils::FolderNameFromFullName() - Gets a folder name from a path and file name.
  • EikFileUtils::IsFirstDriveForSocket() - Tests whether the specified drive corresponds to the primary partition in a removable media slot.
  • EikFileUtils::IsFolder() - Tests whether aFullName is a folder.
  • EikFileUtils::MostSignificantPartOfFullName() - Gets the folder name if the specified item is a valid folder name, otherwise gets the file name.
  • EikFileUtils::Parse() - Tests whether a specified file name can be parsed.
  • EikFileUtils::PathExists() - Tests whether a path exists.
  • EikFileUtils::RemoveSystemDirectory() - Removes the System directory from a list of directory entries.
  • EikFileUtils::RenameFile() - Renames one or more files or directories.
  • EikFileUtils::RootFolderPath() - Gets the root folder for the specified drive.
  • EikFileUtils::SortByTable() - Sorts files by UID.
  • EikFileUtils::UidTypeMatches() - Tests whether two UID types match.
  • EikFileUtils::UpdateDiskListL() - Gets a list of all drives present on the system.
  • EikFileUtils::ValidateFolderNameTypedByUserL() - Checks if a folder name (without drive or path) is valid and if it is, returns the full name of the folder.

  • EikResourceUtils - Provides utilities for reading standard resources.
  • EikResourceUtils::CreateColorArrayL() - Creates an array of colours from a resource definition.
  • EikResourceUtils::CreateColorArrayLC() - Creates an array of control colours from a resource definition and returns it on the cleanup stack.
  • EikResourceUtils::CreateScreenFontL()  Create a screen font from resource.
  • EikResourceUtils::CreateScreenFontL()  Creates a screen font.
  • EikResourceUtils::ReadTInt16L() - Gets the 16 bit signed integer held in a specified resource location.
  • EikResourceUtils::ReadTInt32L() - Gets the 32 bit signed integer held in a specified resource location.
  • EikResourceUtils::ReadTInt8L() - Gets the 8 bit signed integer held in a specified resource location.

  • EikStart - This is the API to initialise and run the application architecture for applications built as exes.
  • EikStart::RunApplication() - Called to run the application specified in aApplicationFactory using the command line of the current process.

  • EscapeUtils - Comments : Provides an API to allow data to be escape encoded and decoded.
  • EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L() - Converts UNICODE data into UTF8 format.
  • EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L() - Converts UTF8 format into UNICODE data.
  • EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL()  Escape decodes the data.
  • EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL()  Escape decodes the data.
  • EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL()  Escape encodes excluded and reserved characters in the data as escape triples.
  • EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL()  Escape encodes excluded and reserved characters in the data as escape triples.
  • EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL()  Escape encodes excluded and reserved characters in the data as escape triples.
  • EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL()  Escape encodes excluded and reserved characters in the data as escape triples.
  • EscapeUtils::IsEscapeTriple()  Checks for an escape triple at the start of the input descriptor.
  • EscapeUtils::IsEscapeTriple()  Checks for an escape triple at the start of the input descriptor.
  • EscapeUtils::IsExcludedChar() - Checks to see if the input argument is excluded.
  • EscapeUtils::SpecificEscapeEncodeL().

  • Externalize - A class whose members are used to distinguish between the two variants of the Symbian OS internal function DoExternalizeL().

  • Externalize::Function - Indicates that an object will be externalized by calling a global ExternalizeL() function.

  • Externalize::Member - Indicates that an object will be externalized by calling its ExternalizeL() member.

  • FileStoreFactory - A class containing a set of factory functions for opening an existing direct file store and an existing permanent file store identified using a Uidtype.
  • FileStoreFactory::DirectLC() - Opens an existing direct file store and creates a file store object to represent it.
  • FileStoreFactory::PermanentLC() - Opens an existing permanent file store and creates a file store object to represent it.

  • FontUtils - Provides static functions for getting information about the fonts supported by a graphics device.
  • FontUtils::GetAvailableFontsL() - Gets the list of typeface names available for the graphics device.
  • FontUtils::GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsAndPointsL() - Gets a list of all heights in twips, available for the named typeface and the graphics device specified.
  • FontUtils::GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsL() - Gets a list of all heights in twips, available for the named typeface and the graphics device specified.
  • FontUtils::IndexOfNearestHeight() - Gets the index into the supplied list of font heights of the closest match to the font height specified.
  • FontUtils::PointsFromTwips() - Converts a number of twips to points.
  • FontUtils::TwipsFromPoints()  Converts a number of points into twips.
  • FontUtils::TwipsFromPoints()  Converts a number of points held as text to twips.
  • FontUtils::TypefaceAttributes() - Gets the attributes of a named typeface, if supported by the graphics device.

  • HBufC16 - 16-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC16::Des() - Creates and returns a 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data represented by this 16-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC16::New() - Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC16::NewL()  Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • HBufC16::NewL().
  • HBufC16::NewLC()  Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
  • HBufC16::NewLC().
  • HBufC16::NewMax() - Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC16::NewMaxL() - Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
  • HBufC16::NewMaxLC() - Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
  • HBufC16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • HBufC16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • HBufC16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • HBufC16::ReAlloc() - Expands or contracts this 16-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC16::ReAllocL() - Expands or contracts this 16-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.

  • HBufC8 - 8-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC8::Des() - Creates and returns an 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data represented by this 8-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC8::New() - Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC8::NewL()  Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • HBufC8::NewL().
  • HBufC8::NewLC()  Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack, and returns a pointer to, a new 8 bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
  • HBufC8::NewLC().
  • HBufC8::NewMax() - Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor.
  • HBufC8::NewMaxL() - Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
  • HBufC8::NewMaxLC() - Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
  • HBufC8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • HBufC8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • HBufC8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • HBufC8::ReAlloc() - Expands or contracts the heap descriptor.
  • HBufC8::ReAllocL() - Expands or contracts the descriptor; leaves on failure.

  • HTTPPanic - HTTP panic codes.

  • HTTPStatus - The complete set of HTTP Status codes, as defined in RFC2616.
  • HTTPStatus::IsClientError() - Is the supplied status code in the 4xx Client Error range?.
  • HTTPStatus::IsInformational() - Is the supplied status code in the 1xx Informational range?.
  • HTTPStatus::IsRedirection() - Is the supplied status code in the 3xx Redirection range?.
  • HTTPStatus::IsServerError() - Is the supplied status code in the 5xx Server Error range?.
  • HTTPStatus::IsSuccessful() - Is the supplied status code in the 2xx Successful range?.

  • HlpLauncher - Launches the help application.
  • HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL()  Launches the help application, passing an array of help contexts.
  • HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL()  Launches the help application, passing a help file UID.
  • HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL()  Launches the help application.

  • ImageProcessorUtility - Utility class providing static factory functions for creating instances of CImageProcessor derived classes.
  • ImageProcessorUtility::NewImageProcessorL()  Static factory function for creating instances of CImageProcessor derived classes.
  • ImageProcessorUtility::NewImageProcessorL()  Static factory function for creating instances of CImageProcessor derived classes.
  • ImageProcessorUtility::ReductionFactor() - Static function to calculate a reduction factor based on the input parameters.

  • InetProtTextUtils.

  • Internalize - A class whose members are used to distinguish between the two variants of the Symbian OS internal function DoInternalizeL().

  • Internalize::Function - Indicates that an object will be internalized by calling a global InternalizeL() function.

  • Internalize::Member - Indicates that an object will be internalized by calling its InternalizeL() member.

  • LittleEndian - Inserts and extracts integers in little-endian format.
  • LittleEndian::Get16() - Gets a 16-bit value integer which is in little-endian format from a byte stream.
  • LittleEndian::Get32() - Gets a 32-bit integer value which is in little-endian format from a byte stream.
  • LittleEndian::Put16() - Inserts a 16-bit value into a byte stream in little-endian format.
  • LittleEndian::Put32() - Inserts a 32-bit value into a byte stream in little-endian format.

  • MAbortDirectScreenAccess - The interface for terminating direct screen access.
  • MAbortDirectScreenAccess::AbortNow() - This function is called by the window server when direct screen access must stop (for example because a dialogue is moved in front of the area where direct screen access is taking place).

  • MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions - Free timer animation utility functions interface.
  • MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions::DeactivateGc() - Deactivates the graphics context.
  • MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions::Reserved3().
  • MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions::Update() - Forces the screen to update.

  • MAnimGeneralFunctions - General animation utility functions interface.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Animate() - Calls the DLL's Animate() function then deactivates the graphics context.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Client() - Gets a reference to the calling client's thread.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::CloseFont() - Closes a duplicate font.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::DuplicateBitmapL() - Creates and duplicates a bitmap from a handle.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::DuplicateFontL() - Creates and duplicates a font from a handle.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::EventExtension() - Gets access to EventExtension utility functions.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::ExtendedInterface() - Returns an extension interface, maybe extended further in the future.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::FlashStateOn() - Tests the flash cycle state.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::GetRawEvents() - Switches animation raw event handling on and off.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Message() - Get the address of an object which can retrieve information from and send information to the client-side.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::NumberOfExtendedInterfaces().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Panic() - Panics the client.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::PostKeyEvent() - Posts a key event.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::PostRawEvent() - Posts a raw event, just as if it had come from the kernel.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::RegisterForNotifications() - Register to receive notifications.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::ReplyBuf().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::ReplyBuf().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Reserved1().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Reserved2().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Reserved3().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::ScreenDevice() - Gets a pointer to the screen device.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::SetInterval() - Sets the repeat interval.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::SetNextInterval() - Sets the next interval.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::SetSync() - Sets the synchronisation mode.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::Sync() - Gets the current synchronisation mode.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::SystemTime() - Gets the system time as it was when Animate() was last called.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctions::WindowExtension() - Gets access to Window Extension utility functions.

  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension - General Window utility functions interface.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::FocusScreens() - Returns the number of the screen which is currently in focus.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved1().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved2().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved3().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved4().
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Screens() - Returns the total number of screens.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::SetFocusScreen() - Changes the focused screen.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::SetOrdinalPosition() - Changes the ordinal position and priority of the window group with the specified ID.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::WindowGroupInfo() - Takes a screen number and an ordinal position and returns the complete window group information of the specified window.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::WindowGroupName() - Takes a screen number and an ordinal position and returns the window group name.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::WindowGroups() - Returns the number of window groups available for the specified screen.

  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::TWindowGroupInfo - Class contains the information pertaining to a window group: name, priority, focusability.
  • MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::TWindowGroupInfo::IsFocusable() - Returns whether or not the window is focusable.

  • MAnimSpriteFunctions - Sprite animation utility functions interface.
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::Activate() - Turns a sprite on or off.
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::GetSpriteMember() - Gets sprite member data.
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved().
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved2().
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved3().
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved4().
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::SetPosition() - Set the sprite's position.
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::SizeChangedL() - Finishes constructing the sprite.
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::SpriteCanBeSeen() - Returns the visibility of the sprite.
  • MAnimSpriteFunctions::UpdateMember() - Redraws part of a sprite.

  • MAnimWindowFunctions - Window utility functions interface.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::ActivateGc() - Activates the graphics context.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::Invalidate() - Forces a redraw of a rectangular part of the window.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::IsHidden() - Tests whether to draw the animation.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::Parameters() - Gets window information.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved().
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved1().
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved2().
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved3().
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::SetRect() - Sets the rectangle that this animation is to draw to.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::SetVisible() - Sets the visibility of the window the animation is drawing to.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::VisibleRegion() - Gets the visible region.
  • MAnimWindowFunctions::WindowSize() - Gets the window size.

  • MAnimationDataProviderObserver - Interface from a data provider to an animation.
  • MAnimationDataProviderObserver::DataProviderEventL() - Receives an event from a data provider.
  • MAnimationDataProviderObserver::MAnimationDataProviderObserver_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • MAnimationDataProviderObserver::MAnimationDataProviderObserver_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.

  • MAnimationDrawer - Interface used by an animator to during the rendering process.
  • MAnimationDrawer::AnimatorDataType() - Called by the animator plugin loading routine to determine the type of data for which an animator is required.
  • MAnimationDrawer::AnimatorDraw() - Called by the animator when it needs to draw a new frame.
  • MAnimationDrawer::AnimatorInitialisedL() - Called by the animator when it is ready to begin running.
  • MAnimationDrawer::AnimatorResetL() - Called by the animator when it is no longer ready, usually in response to TAnimationEvent::EAnimationDataChanged.
  • MAnimationDrawer::AnimatorTicker() - Called by the animator to obtain an AnimatorTicker, to which it will add itself whenever it is running.
  • MAnimationDrawer::MAnimationDrawer_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • MAnimationDrawer::MAnimationDrawer_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.

  • MAnimationObserver - Interface used by an animation to report events to the client application.
  • MAnimationObserver::AnimationEvent() - Receives events from an animation.
  • MAnimationObserver::MAnimationObserver_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • MAnimationObserver::MAnimationObserver_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.

  • MAnimationTickee - Interface used for receiving animation ticks.
  • MAnimationTickee::MAnimationTickee_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • MAnimationTickee::MAnimationTickee_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • MAnimationTickee::Tick() - This function is called regularly by any ticker to which the tickee has been added.

  • MApaEmbeddedDocObserver - An interface class for handling the completion of the editing of an embedded document.
  • MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::MApaEmbeddedDocObserver().
  • MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::MApaEmbeddedDocObserver_Reserved1().
  • MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::MApaEmbeddedDocObserver_Reserved2().
  • MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::NotifyExit() - Implements the required behaviour when the editing of an embedded document completes.

  • MApaModelHeaderFactory - An interface class that applications implement to construct an application model wrapper object, also known as the application model header.
  • MApaModelHeaderFactory::MApaModelHeaderFactory() - Constructor for MApaModelHeaderFactory.
  • MApaModelHeaderFactory::MApaModelHeaderFactory_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • MApaModelHeaderFactory::MApaModelHeaderFactory_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • MApaModelHeaderFactory::NewHeaderL() - Creates and returns an application model wrapper object.

  • MAsyncEventHandler - Mixin class to define an object capable of handling an event within the controller framework.
  • MAsyncEventHandler::SendEventToClient() - Sends an event to the client.

  • MAudioLoadingObserver - The class defining a callback interface for receiving loading notifications.
  • MAudioLoadingObserver::MaloLoadingComplete().
  • MAudioLoadingObserver::MaloLoadingStarted().

  • MAutoPauseResumeSupport - Custom Interface providing support for AutoPauseResume Register, Cancel, GetResourceNotificationData and WillResumePlay.
  • MAutoPauseResumeSupport::CancelRegisterAsClient() - Cancels the registered notification event.
  • MAutoPauseResumeSupport::GetResourceNotificationData() - Gets the notification data for the event.
  • MAutoPauseResumeSupport::RegisterAsClient() - Registers the event for notification when resource is avaliable.
  • MAutoPauseResumeSupport::WillResumePlay() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.

  • MBackupObserver - Backup server wrapper observer interface.
  • MBackupObserver::ChangeFileLockL() - Called by the server to request the file owner to change the lock on the specified file.

  • MBackupOperationObserver - Backup operation observer interface.
  • MBackupOperationObserver::HandleBackupOperationEventL() - Called when a backup or restore operation either starts or ends.
  • MBackupOperationObserver::Reserved1().

  • MBeating - Heartbeat timer call-back handling interface.
  • MBeating::Beat() - Handles a regular heartbeat timer event.
  • MBeating::Synchronize() - Synchronises the heartbeat timer with system clock.

  • MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier - This allows for notifications of Physical link connections & disconnections.
  • MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier::HandleCreateConnectionCompleteL() - Notification of a requested connection coming up.
  • MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier::HandleDisconnectAllCompleteL() - Notification that all existing connections have been torn down.
  • MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier::HandleDisconnectCompleteL() - Notification of a requested disconnection having taken place.
  • MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier::MBPLN_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.

  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier - This allows for notification of events relating to a CBluetoothSocket object.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleAcceptCompleteL() - Notification of an accept complete event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleActivateBasebandEventNotifierCompleteL() - Notification of a baseband event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleConnectCompleteL() - Notification of a connection complete event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleIoctlCompleteL() - Notification of a ioctl complete event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleReceiveCompleteL() - Notification of a receive complete event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleSendCompleteL() - Notification of a send complete event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::HandleShutdownCompleteL() - Notification of a shutdown complete event.
  • MBluetoothSocketNotifier::MBSN_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.

  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier - SCO and eSCO link notification events.
  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier::HandleAcceptConnectionCompleteL() - Notification that a synchronous link (SCO) has been accepted.
  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier::HandleDisconnectionCompleteL() - Notification that a synchronous link (SCO) has disconnected.
  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier::HandleReceiveCompleteL() - Notification of a receive complete event.
  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier::HandleSendCompleteL() - Notification of a send complete event.
  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier::HandleSetupConnectionCompleteL() - Notification that a synchronous link (SCO) has been set up.
  • MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier::MBSLN_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.

  • MBtreeIndexOrg.
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::ChildNode().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::Concatenate().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::Insert().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::InsertOverflow().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::InsertSplit().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::MakeRoot().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::Redistribute().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::Search().
  • MBtreeIndexOrg::Update().

  • MBtreeKey - Interface for ordering and creating keys for entries in a B-tree.
  • MBtreeKey::Between() - Gets the midpoint between two keys.
  • MBtreeKey::Compare() - Orders two keys.
  • MBtreeKey::Key() - Gets the key value for an entry.

  • MBtreeLeafOrg.
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::Concatenate().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::Insert().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::InsertOverflow().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::InsertSplit().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::LinkNode().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::Redistribute().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::Search().
  • MBtreeLeafOrg::SetLinkNode().

  • MBtreeNodeOrg.
  • MBtreeNodeOrg::Delete().
  • MBtreeNodeOrg::Entry().
  • MBtreeNodeOrg::EntryPtr().
  • MBtreeNodeOrg::Init().
  • MBtreeNodeOrg::LastEntry().
  • MBtreeNodeOrg::Search().

  • MCHFContentLoaderObserver - A callback interface used to inform a client when a content handler is found or an error occurs.
  • MCHFContentLoaderObserver::LoaderFinished() - Call back function called when loading a content handler has completed.
  • MCHFContentLoaderObserver::MCHFContentLoaderObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCHFContentLoaderObserver::MCHFContentLoaderObserver_Reserved_2().
  • MCHFContentLoaderObserver::MCHFContentLoaderObserver_Reserved_3().
  • MCHFContentLoaderObserver::MCHFContentLoaderObserver_Reserved_4().

  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver - Observer interface for data suppliers.
  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver::DSRunError() - Called to report error conditions.
  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver::MCHFDataSupplierObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver::MCHFDataSupplierObserver_Reserved_2().
  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver::MCHFDataSupplierObserver_Reserved_3().
  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver::MCHFDataSupplierObserver_Reserved_4().
  • MCHFDataSupplierObserver::ReceivedCompleteL() - Called to report data supplier status.

  • MCHFDiscoveryService - Base interface used for the CHF discovery service.
  • MCHFDiscoveryService::ContentHandlerL() - Finds a content handler based on the Content Type part of passed in parameters.
  • MCHFDiscoveryService::DataSupplierL() - Finds a data supplier for a given URI.
  • MCHFDiscoveryService::MCHFDiscoveryService_Reserved_1().
  • MCHFDiscoveryService::MCHFDiscoveryService_Reserved_2().
  • MCHFDiscoveryService::MCHFDiscoveryService_Reserved_3().
  • MCHFDiscoveryService::MCHFDiscoveryService_Reserved_4().

  • MCHFEventMappingService - Pure virtual base class API for mapping raw events to CHF abstract events.
  • MCHFEventMappingService::MapKeyEventL() - Provide CHF abstract event mappings for a raw key event.
  • MCHFEventMappingService::MapPointerEventL() - Provide CHF abstract event mappings for a raw pointer event.
  • MCHFEventMappingService::MCHFEventMappingService_Reserved_1().
  • MCHFEventMappingService::MCHFEventMappingService_Reserved_2().
  • MCHFEventMappingService::MCHFEventMappingService_Reserved_3().
  • MCHFEventMappingService::MCHFEventMappingService_Reserved_4().

  • MCHFParent - Interface for parents of content handlers.
  • MCHFParent::HandleDrawRequestL() - Handles a request to draw from a content handler.
  • MCHFParent::HandleError() - Handles errors from a content handler.
  • MCHFParent::HandleGenericRequestL() - Handle a generic request from a content handler.
  • MCHFParent::HandleResizeRequestL() - Handles a resize request from a content handler.
  • MCHFParent::MCHFParent_Reserved_1().
  • MCHFParent::MCHFParent_Reserved_2().
  • MCHFParent::MCHFParent_Reserved_3().
  • MCHFParent::MCHFParent_Reserved_4().
  • MCHFParent::ResolveUriL() - Resolves relative URIs.

  • MCalChangeCallBack - A call back class for observing changes in the model view.
  • MCalChangeCallBack::CalChangeNotification() - A call back function for change notification.

  • MCalChangeCallBack2 - A call back class for observing changes in the model view.
  • MCalChangeCallBack2::CalChangeNotification() - A call back function for change notification.

  • MCalDataExchangeCallBack - A call back class to show the progress of long-running operations.
  • MCalDataExchangeCallBack::Completed() - Progress callback.
  • MCalDataExchangeCallBack::NumberOfEntriesToHandleAtOnce().
  • MCalDataExchangeCallBack::Progress() - Progress callback.

  • MCalProgressCallBack - A call back class to show the progress of long-running operations.
  • MCalProgressCallBack::Completed() - Progress callback.
  • MCalProgressCallBack::NotifyProgress() - Asks the observing class whether progress callbacks are required.
  • MCalProgressCallBack::Progress() - Progress callback.

  • MCameraBuffer - Class used for passing camera picture data between camera and client in the V2 observer.
  • MCameraBuffer::BitmapL() - Returns a reference to a FBS bitmap containing a frame of image data.
  • MCameraBuffer::ChunkL() - Returns a handle for the chunk that contains the camera data.
  • MCameraBuffer::ChunkOffsetL() - Returns the offset into the chunk that contains the frame specified by aFrameIndex.
  • MCameraBuffer::DataL() - Returns a pointer to a descriptor containing a frame of camera data.
  • MCameraBuffer::FrameSize() - Returns the size of the data in bytes that comprises the frame specified by aIndex.
  • MCameraBuffer::NumFrames() - Returns the number of frames of image data contained within the buffer.
  • MCameraBuffer::Release() - Releases the buffer.

  • MCameraObserver - Mixin base class for camera clients.
  • MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() - Passes a filled frame buffer to the client.
  • MCameraObserver::ImageReady() - Transfers the current image from the camera to the client.
  • MCameraObserver::PowerOnComplete() - Indicates camera power on is complete.
  • MCameraObserver::ReserveComplete() - Camera reservation is complete.
  • MCameraObserver::ViewFinderFrameReady() - Tests whether transfer of view finder data has completed.

  • MCameraObserver2 - Mixin base class V2 for camera clients.
  • MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent() - A camera event has completed.
  • MCameraObserver2::ImageBufferReady() - Notifies the client of a new captured camera image.
  • MCameraObserver2::VideoBufferReady() - Notifies the client of new captured video.
  • MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady() - Notifies client of new view finder data.

  • MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep - Retrieves a control's caption for use by a FEP.
  • MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep::GetCaptionForFep() - An implementation of this function should fill aCaption with the target control's caption (or as much of the caption as will fit).
  • MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep::MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep::MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeControlBackground - Interface to be used if a control elects to be a background drawer.
  • MCoeControlBackground::Draw() - Draw the background for a given control.
  • MCoeControlBackground::GetTextDrawer() - This function retrieves the text drawer associated with the background.
  • MCoeControlBackground::MCoeControlBackground().
  • MCoeControlBackground::MCoeControlBackground_Reserved1().
  • MCoeControlBackground::MCoeControlBackground_Reserved2().
  • MCoeControlBackground::MCoeControlBackground_Reserved3().
  • MCoeControlBackground::MCoeControlBackground_Reserved4().
  • MCoeControlBackground::MCoeControlBackground_Reserved5().

  • MCoeControlBrushContext - Protocol for sharing brush settings used in graphics operations.
  • MCoeControlBrushContext::MCoeControlBrushContext() - Cause vtable & typeinfo to be exported.
  • MCoeControlBrushContext::PrepareContext() - Sets the brush settings for the specified graphics context.

  • MCoeControlContext - Interface to allow sharing of graphics settings between controls.
  • MCoeControlContext::ActivateContext() - Activates a graphics context for the specified window.
  • MCoeControlContext::MCoeControlContext().
  • MCoeControlContext::MCoeControlContext_Reserved1().
  • MCoeControlContext::MCoeControlContext_Reserved2().
  • MCoeControlContext::PrepareContext() - Initialises graphics context settings.
  • MCoeControlContext::ResetContext() - Resets the control context.

  • MCoeControlHitTest - Abstract interface for defining a control's hit region.
  • MCoeControlHitTest::HitRegionContains() - Tests whether a pointer event occurred inside the control's hit region.
  • MCoeControlHitTest::MCoeControlHitTest().
  • MCoeControlHitTest::MCoeControlHitTest_Reserved1().
  • MCoeControlHitTest::MCoeControlHitTest_Reserved2().

  • MCoeControlObserver - Interface for a control to send events to its observer control.
  • MCoeControlObserver::HandleControlEventL() - Handles an event from an observed control.
  • MCoeControlObserver::MCoeControlObserver().
  • MCoeControlObserver::MCoeControlObserver_Reserved1().
  • MCoeControlObserver::MCoeControlObserver_Reserved2().

  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor - Specifies a protocol for FEP-aware text editors.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::CancelFepInlineEdit() - Cancels the inline editing transaction.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::CommitFepInlineEditL() - Commits the inline text to the document.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::DoCommitFepInlineEditL() - Private function called by CommitFepInlineEditL().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::DocumentLengthForFep() - Returns the total number of characters in the text editor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::DocumentMaximumLengthForFep() - Returns the upper limit (if any) on the length of text that the text editor can hold.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::Extension1()  Returns a pointer to an instance of the interface class MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1, or NULL, if the interface is not supported.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::Extension1()  This private function should be overridden by text editors which support the MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1 interface.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::GetCursorSelectionForFep() - Gets the range of characters in the text editor which are selected.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::GetEditorContentForFep() - Copies a portion of the text editor's text content into a descriptor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::GetFormatForFep() - Gets the character formatting which applies to the document position specified.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::GetScreenCoordinatesForFepL() - Gets the x,y screen coordinates for the left hand side of the baseline of the character located at a specified document position.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Reserved_2().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::SetCursorSelectionForFepL() - Sets the range of characters in the text editor which should be selected.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::SetInlineEditingCursorVisibilityL() - Sets the visibility of the text cursor in the text editor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::StartFepInlineEditL() - Starts a FEP inline editing transaction.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::UpdateFepInlineTextL() - Updates the inline text.

  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1 - An interface class which may be derived from by text editors to enable FEPs to store state information inside the editor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::GetFepLayDocExtension() - Retrieves the current MCoeFepLayDocExtension object from the text editor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1_Reserved_4().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::SetCursorType() - Changes the cursor displayed to indicate different modes of operation.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::SetStateTransferingOwnershipL() - Sets state information in the text editor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::StartFepInlineEditL() - Updates the inline text.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::State() - Gets the state information previously set using SetStateTransferingOwnershipL().

  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState - State information for a text editor control.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::BaseConstructL() - Empty second phase base class constructor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::CState() - Empty default constructor.
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::CState_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::CState_Reserved_2().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::CState_Reserved_3().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::CState_Reserved_4().
  • MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState::~CState() - Empty virtual destructor.

  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension - MCoeFepLayDocExtension is an interface class which should be derived from by test editors to provide access to the current MLayDoc object, and to set a new MLayDoc object.
  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension::GetCurrentMLayDoc() - Retrives the current MLayDoc object from the text editor.
  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension::GetFepEditorState() - Retrives inline edit positioning information from the editor.
  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension::HandleInsertDeleteL() - Used to tell the editor when the size of the inline edit has changed, so the text layout can update itself.
  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension::MCoeFepLayDocExtension_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension::MCoeFepLayDocExtension_Reserved_2().
  • MCoeFepLayDocExtension::SetMLayDoc() - Sets a new MLayDoc object into the CTextLayout object.

  • MCoeFepObserver - Specifies the mixin protocol for observing a FEP transaction.
  • MCoeFepObserver::HandleCompletionOfTransactionL() - If an application needs to get more information about a FEP transaction than is provided by the FEP framework, (for example, a Japanese FEP may want the pronunciation of the transaction's text as well as the text itself), then it should override this function to retrieve the information it wants from the FEP.
  • MCoeFepObserver::HandleStartOfTransactionL() - Handles the start of a FEP transaction.
  • MCoeFepObserver::MCoeFepObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeFepObserver::MCoeFepObserver_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeFocusObserver - Interface providing notification if any control gains or loses focus or is destroyed.
  • MCoeFocusObserver::HandleChangeInFocus() - Handles changes in focus.
  • MCoeFocusObserver::HandleDestructionOfFocusedItem() - Handles the destruction of any control.
  • MCoeFocusObserver::MCoeFocusObserver().
  • MCoeFocusObserver::MCoeFocusObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeFocusObserver::MCoeFocusObserver_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeForegroundObserver - Interface providing notification of foreground/background changes.
  • MCoeForegroundObserver::HandleGainingForeground() - Handles the application coming to the foreground.
  • MCoeForegroundObserver::HandleLosingForeground() - Handles the application going into the background.
  • MCoeForegroundObserver::MCoeForegroundObserver().
  • MCoeForegroundObserver::MCoeForegroundObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeForegroundObserver::MCoeForegroundObserver_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeMessageMonitorObserver - Mix-in interface for handling window visibility messages.
  • MCoeMessageMonitorObserver::MCoeMessageMonitorObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeMessageMonitorObserver::MCoeMessageMonitorObserver_Reserved_2().
  • MCoeMessageMonitorObserver::MonitorWsMessage() - Received windows messages for monitoring.

  • MCoeMessageObserver - Interface for handling incoming window server messages.
  • MCoeMessageObserver::HandleMessageL() - Handles window server messages.
  • MCoeMessageObserver::MCoeMessageObserver().
  • MCoeMessageObserver::MCoeMessageObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeMessageObserver::MCoeMessageObserver_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep - Interface providing notification when there is a change in the currently loaded FEP.
  • MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep::HandleChangeInLoadedFep() - Handles a change in the loaded FEP.
  • MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep::MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep().
  • MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep::MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep::MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeResourceChangeObserver - An interface which enables message windows to observe resource changes.
  • MCoeResourceChangeObserver::HandleResourceChange() - Handles a change to the application's resources.
  • MCoeResourceChangeObserver::MCoeResourceChangeObserver().
  • MCoeResourceChangeObserver::MCoeResourceChangeObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeResourceChangeObserver::MCoeResourceChangeObserver_Reserved_2().

  • MCoeView - Specifies an interface for views.
  • MCoeView::MCoeView().
  • MCoeView::MCoeView_Reserved_2().
  • MCoeView::MCoeView_Reserved_3().
  • MCoeView::PrepareForViewActivation() - Checks whether the view being activated has the preferred screen mode or not.
  • MCoeView::ViewActivatedL() - Takes any action required when a view is activated.
  • MCoeView::ViewConstructL() - Constructs the view.
  • MCoeView::ViewDeactivated() - Takes any action that is required following deactivation of the view.
  • MCoeView::ViewId() - Returns a TVwsViewId uniquely identifying the view.
  • MCoeView::ViewScreenDeviceChangedL() - Handles a change to the screen device returning the value of the TVwsViewIdAndMessage object that describes what the view arcitecture should do next.
  • MCoeView::ViewScreenModeCompatible() - By default, Views are compatible with all screen modes.

  • MCoeViewDeactivationObserver - An interface through which view deactivations can be notified to an observer.
  • MCoeViewDeactivationObserver::HandleViewDeactivation().
  • MCoeViewDeactivationObserver::MCoeViewDeactivationObserver().
  • MCoeViewDeactivationObserver::MCoeViewDeactivationObserver_Reserved_1().
  • MCoeViewDeactivationObserver::MCoeViewDeactivationObserver_Reserved_2().

  • MContactBackupObserver - An observer class to which Contacts model clients should subscribe in order to be informed about the progress of a backup or restore operation.
  • MContactBackupObserver::BackupBeginningL() - Provides notification that a backup operation is to begin.
  • MContactBackupObserver::BackupRestoreCompletedL() - Provides notification that a backup/restore operation is complete.
  • MContactBackupObserver::RestoreBeginningL() - Provides notification that a restore operation is to begin.

  • MContactDbObserver - The interface for an observer that handles changes to a contact database.
  • MContactDbObserver::HandleDatabaseEventL() - Tests the contact database observer event type and handles it.

  • MContactDbPrivObserver - Provides notification of database changes to clients.
  • MContactDbPrivObserver::HandleDatabaseEventL().
  • MContactDbPrivObserver::HandleDatabaseEventL().

  • MContactStorageObserver - Mixin used to observe low disk events.
  • MContactStorageObserver::HandleDiskSpaceEvent().

  • MContactUiActive - Mixin used to register the observer.
  • MContactUiActive::Cancel().
  • MContactUiActive::Error().
  • MContactUiActive::MContactUiActive_Reserved1() - For BC proofing.
  • MContactUiActive::SetObserver().
  • MContactUiActive::Step().
  • MContactUiActive::StepsTogo().

  • MContactUiCompactObserver - Mixin used to observe contact database compaction status.
  • MContactUiCompactObserver::HandleError().
  • MContactUiCompactObserver::Step().

  • MContactViewObserver - The interface for a contact view observer.
  • MContactViewObserver::HandleContactViewEvent() - Handles an event in an observed contact view.

  • MContingentLineBreaker - Used to determine the line breaks around pictures and other characters with the CB (contingent line break) class in situations where this operation cannot leave.
  • MContingentLineBreaker::IsLegalBreakAfter() - Determines if a break is legal after the picture at aTextPosition.
  • MContingentLineBreaker::IsLegalBreakBefore() - Determines if a break is legal before the picture at aTextPosition.

  • MContingentLineBreakerL - Used to determine the line breaks around pictures and other characters with the CB (contingent line break) class in situations where this operation may leave.
  • MContingentLineBreakerL::IsLegalBreakAfterL() - Determines if a break is legal after the picture at aTextPosition.
  • MContingentLineBreakerL::IsLegalBreakBeforeL() - Determines if a break is legal before the picture at aTextPosition.

  • MConverterUiObserver - Interface implemented by the client of a conversion operation to observe conversion progress.
  • MConverterUiObserver::MaxSteps() - Gets the maximum number of steps that the conversion operation can take.
  • MConverterUiObserver::QueryPasswordL() - Queries the client for a password in order to access the data.
  • MConverterUiObserver::Reserved1_Conv_Obs().
  • MConverterUiObserver::Result() - Alerts the client to an error in conversion.

  • MDaIncremental - Abstract interface for classes that implement data model incremental operations.
  • MDaIncremental::CloseL() - Terminates the operation.
  • MDaIncremental::HandleCancel() - Handles the operation being cancelled.
  • MDaIncremental::HandleLeave() - Handles leave conditions in operation steps.
  • MDaIncremental::Next() - Does the next step in the incremental operation.
  • MDaIncremental::SetActiveIncremental() - Sets the active object using this interface.
  • MDaIncremental::~MDaIncremental() - Destructor.

  • MDaIncrementalObserver - Incremental operation observer.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::DoExecuteLD() - Unused.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::Initialize() - Called to notify the observer that the operation has initialised.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::NotifyStepsExecuted() - Called to notify the observer of the number of steps executed.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::RemainingSteps() - Called to notify the observer of the number of remaining steps.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::SetFinalValue() - Called to notify the observer of the final result of the operation.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::SetIncremental() - Called to notify the observer of the incremental operation's interface.
  • MDaIncrementalObserver::~MDaIncrementalObserver() - Destructor.

  • MDaObserver - Database application observer.
  • MDaObserver::AlertWin() - Requests an alert window.
  • MDaObserver::DeleteRowL() - Row deletion operation.
  • MDaObserver::NextL() - Next row operation.
  • MDaObserver::PreviousL() - Previous row operation.
  • MDaObserver::ResetVisibleRange() - Unused.
  • MDaObserver::UpdateL() - Updates the display to show the specified change.

  • MDataProviderObserver - MDataProviderObserver provides a virtual interface for any class to observe any MDataProvider, and provide data receiving services.
  • MDataProviderObserver::MDataProviderObserverReserved1() - Intended Usage : Reserved for future expansion.
  • MDataProviderObserver::MDataProviderObserverReserved2() - Intended Usage : Reserved for future expansion.
  • MDataProviderObserver::ProcessDataL() - Intended Usage : Called by the data provider to request processing of the data within the buffer.
  • MDataProviderObserver::SetBaseUriL() - Intended Usage : Set the URI that the DataProvider considers the base URI for the current data.
  • MDataProviderObserver::SetDataExpected() - Intended Usage : The report of how many bytes of data is expected to be passed to ProcessDataL, enabling age reporting capabilities.
  • MDataProviderObserver::SetDocumentTypeL()  Intended Usage : The request to construct a CDataHandler to process data of aDataType, where aDataType is a string to match against some plugins declared data handling ability.
  • MDataProviderObserver::SetDocumentTypeL()  Intended Usage : The request to construct a CDataHandler for aDataType with non default document encoding where aDataType is a string to match against some plugins declared data handling ability.
  • MDataProviderObserver::SetStatus() - Intended Usage : Called by the data provider to report its status to its observer.

  • MDataProviderTransmissionData.
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::AcceptedCharsetL().
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::AcceptedMimetypes().
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::DataL().
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::DataNameL().
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::DataSize().
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::MDataProviderTransmissionData_Reserved1().
  • MDataProviderTransmissionData::RefererUrlL().

  • MDataSink - Abstract class representing a data sink.
  • MDataSink::BufferFilledL() - Function called by a data source to pass back a filled buffer to the sink.
  • MDataSink::CanCreateSinkBuffer() - Function to indicate whether the data sink can create a buffer.
  • MDataSink::ConstructSinkL() - Performs any sink construction dependant on the sink construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • MDataSink::CreateSinkBufferL() - Returns a buffer created by the data sink.
  • MDataSink::DataSinkType() - Returns the UID identifying the type of data sink.
  • MDataSink::EmptyBufferL() - Method called by a MDataSource to request the data sink to empty aBuffer of data.
  • MDataSink::MDataSink() - Protected constructor.
  • MDataSink::NegotiateL() - Allows the data sink to negotiate with a data source.
  • MDataSink::NewSinkL() - Instantiates a new data sink.
  • MDataSink::SetSinkDataTypeCode() - Sets the data type as a fourCC code for the data sink.
  • MDataSink::SetSinkPrioritySettings() - Sets the sink priority settings.
  • MDataSink::SinkCustomCommand() - Calls a sink specific custom command.
  • MDataSink::SinkDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the data sink.
  • MDataSink::SinkPauseL() - Function to 'pause' the data sink.
  • MDataSink::SinkPlayL() - Function 'play' the data sink.
  • MDataSink::SinkPrimeL() - Function to 'prime' the data sink.
  • MDataSink::SinkStopL() - Function to 'stop' the data sink.
  • MDataSink::SinkThreadLogoff() - Function to 'logoff' the data sink from the same thread that sink consumes data in.
  • MDataSink::SinkThreadLogon() - Function to 'logon' the data sink to the same thread that sink will be consuming data in.
  • MDataSink::~MDataSink() - Destructor.

  • MDataSource - Abstract class representing a data source.
  • MDataSource::BufferEmptiedL() - Function called by a data sink to pass back an emptied buffer to the source.
  • MDataSource::CanCreateSourceBuffer() - Function to indicate whether the data source can create a buffer.
  • MDataSource::ConstructSourceL() - Performs any source construction dependant on the source construction initialisation data aInitData.
  • MDataSource::CreateSourceBufferL()  Returns a buffer created by the data source.
  • MDataSource::CreateSourceBufferL()  Returns a buffer created by the data source.
  • MDataSource::DataSourceType() - Returns the UID identifying the type of data source.
  • MDataSource::FillBufferL() - Function called by a MDataSink to request the data source to fill aBuffer with data.
  • MDataSource::MDataSource() - Protected constructor.
  • MDataSource::NegotiateSourceL() - Function to allow the data source to negotiate with a data sink.
  • MDataSource::NewSourceL() - Instantiates a data source.
  • MDataSource::SetSourceDataTypeCode() - Sets the data type as a fourCC code for the data source.
  • MDataSource::SetSourcePrioritySettings() - Function to set the source priority settings.
  • MDataSource::SourceCustomCommand() - Function to call a source specific custom command.
  • MDataSource::SourceDataTypeCode() - Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the data source.
  • MDataSource::SourcePauseL() - Function to 'pause' the data source.
  • MDataSource::SourcePlayL() - Function to 'play' the data source.
  • MDataSource::SourcePrimeL() - Function to 'prime' the data source.
  • MDataSource::SourceSampleConvert() - Indicates whether the data source supports sample rate conversion.
  • MDataSource::SourceStopL() - Function to 'stop' the data source.
  • MDataSource::SourceThreadLogoff() - Function to 'logoff' the data source from the same thread that source supplies data in.
  • MDataSource::SourceThreadLogon() - Function to 'logon' the data source to the same thread that source will be supplying data in.
  • MDataSource::~MDataSource() - Destructor.

  • MDesC16Array - Interface class for 16 bit descriptor arrays.
  • MDesC16Array::MdcaCount() - Requirements.
  • MDesC16Array::MdcaPoint() - Requirements.
  • MDesC16Array::~MDesC16Array() - Destructor.

  • MDesC8Array - Interface class for 8 bit descriptor arrays.
  • MDesC8Array::MdcaCount() - Requirements.
  • MDesC8Array::MdcaPoint() - Requirements.
  • MDesC8Array::~MDesC8Array() - Destructor.

  • MDevSoundObserver - An interface to a set of DevSound callback functions.
  • MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeEmptied() - Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeFilled() - Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::ConvertError() - Handles conversion completion or cancel event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::DeviceMessage() - Handles device event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::InitializeComplete() - Handles initialization completion event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::PlayError() - Handles play completion or cancel event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::RecordError() - Handles record completion or cancel event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::SendEventToClient() - Handles policy request completion event.
  • MDevSoundObserver::ToneFinished() - Handles tone play completion event.

  • MDialogProvider - Dependencies : none Comments : This class provides an API to be called by low level components, like data collectors, and implemented by the UI.
  • MDialogProvider::AlertL() - Intended Usage : Creates an alert dialog to inform the user.
  • MDialogProvider::CancelConnectingDialog() - Intended Usage : Cancels the current connecting dialog.
  • MDialogProvider::CertificateConfirmationL() - Intended Usage : Created a certificate confirmation dialog.
  • MDialogProvider::CloseCancelDialog() - Intended Usage : This method closes the cancel dialog created from the DisplayCancelDialogL above.
  • MDialogProvider::ConfirmationL() - Intended Usage : Creates a simple confirmation dialog with Ok and Cancel (or similar) buttons.
  • MDialogProvider::DisplayCancelDialogL() - Intended Usage : Displays a non-blocking cancel dialog that allows the user to cancel an an operation.
  • MDialogProvider::DisplayConnectingDialogL() - Intended Usage : This creates a dialog which indicates that a connection is being done.
  • MDialogProvider::GotMoreUnknownData() - Intended Usage : This method will be called when more unknown data from an existing fetch has arrived.
  • MDialogProvider::GotUnknownData() - Intended Usage : This method is called when unknown data is first recieved and should be handled.
  • MDialogProvider::MDialogProvider_Reserved1() - Intended Usage : Function placeholder for BC proofing.
  • MDialogProvider::NoMoreUnknownData() - Intended Usage : The method is called when an existing unknown data fetch has completed and no more unknown data is to be expected.
  • MDialogProvider::PasswordL() - Intended Usage : Creates a password dialog for user to enter some hidden text.
  • MDialogProvider::PromptL() - Intended Usage : This creates an input dialog for the user to enter a text string into a single text field.

  • MDirectScreenAccess - The interface for restarting direct screen access.
  • MDirectScreenAccess::Restart() - This function is called by the window server as soon as direct screen access can resume.

  • MEZBufferManager - Interface class to manage input and output buffers for compression and de-compression.
  • MEZBufferManager::FinalizeL() - Finish writing to the stream.
  • MEZBufferManager::InitializeL() - Initialise the stream with input and output buffers and starts reading.
  • MEZBufferManager::NeedInputL() - Set the stream's input buffer and starts reading.
  • MEZBufferManager::NeedOutputL() - Set the stream's output buffer and start writing.

  • MEditObserver - Specifies the mixin protocol for a rich text edit observer.
  • MEditObserver::EditObserver() - Observer function called by the CRichText object when the object is edited to give notification of changes to its text buffer.

  • MEikAppUiFactory - This class defines a mixin interface to break the dependency of the Uikon Application User Interface on controls.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::Cba() - Gets a pointer to the CBA.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::ClientRect().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::ClosePopup().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::CreateEmbeddedL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::CreateHotKeyControlL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::CreateResourceIndependentFurnitureL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::CreateStandardTabButtonL() - Creates a standard tab button.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::DestroyEmbedded().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::DoLaunchPopupL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::HandleResourceChangeL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::HandleSideBarMenuL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::LaunchPopupMenuL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::MenuBar() - Gets a pointer to the menu bar.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::Popup().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::ReadAppInfoResourceL().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::StatusPane() - Gets a pointer to the status pane.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::StopDisplayingMenuBar().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::SwapButtonGroup() - Replaces or clears a button group, returning a pointer to the replaced button group.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::SwapMenuBar() - Replaces or clears a menu bar, returning a pointer to the replaced menu bar.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::SwapTitleBand() - Replaces or clears a title band, returning a pointer to the replaced title band.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::SwapToolBand() - Replaces or clears a tool band, returning a pointer to the replaced tool band.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::SwapToolBar().
  • MEikAppUiFactory::TitleBand() - Gets a pointer to the title band.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::ToolBand() - Gets a pointer to the tool band.
  • MEikAppUiFactory::ToolBar() - Gets a pointer to the tool bar.

  • MEikAutoMenuObserver - Provides additional functionality to an auto menu title, in the form of an OfferHotKeyL() method, which is not required in the normal MEikMenuObserver.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::CheckHotKeyNotDimmedL() - Determines whether a command should be passed to the application.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::CreateCustomCommandControlL() - This functions simpy wraps MEikCommandObserver::CreateCustomCommandControlL(TInt aControlType).
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::DynInitMenuBarL() - As DynInitMenuPaneL(), but for menu bars.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::DynInitMenuPaneL() - Dynamically initialises a menu pane.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::HandleAttemptDimmedSelectionL() - Responds to a user's attempt to select a dimmed item by displaying a message (CEikonEnv::InfoMsg()) to indicate the item is unavailable.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::HandleSideBarMenuL() - This function is invoked by CEikMenuBar's input handling functions.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::MEikAutoMenuObserver().
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::MEikCommandObserver_Reserved1() - Reserved for Future use.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::MEikCommandObserver_Reserved2() - Reserved for Future use.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::OfferHotKeyL() - Offers the specified hot key to the auto menu title.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::OfferKeyToAppL() - Called if a key which is not used by the menu is pressed while the observer's menu is displaying.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::Reserved_1_MenuObserver().
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::Reserved_2_MenuObserver().
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::RestoreMenuL() - Restores the menu window aMenuWindow.
  • MEikAutoMenuObserver::SetEmphasis() - Sets the specified control's emphasis.

  • MEikCommandObserver - Command observers respond to user commands, and have the secondary function of creating custom controls on request for classes such as CEikToolbar, or user-defined classes.
  • MEikCommandObserver::CreateCustomCommandControlL() - Glue for creating custom controls.
  • MEikCommandObserver::MEikCommandObserver() - Constructor for MEikCommandObserver.
  • MEikCommandObserver::MEikCommandObserver_Reserved1() - Reserved for Future use.
  • MEikCommandObserver::MEikCommandObserver_Reserved2() - Reserved for Future use.
  • MEikCommandObserver::ProcessCommandL() - Processes user commands.

  • MEikInfoDialog - Interface for launching a dialog with a title and a message, for instance a query dialog.
  • MEikInfoDialog::RunDlgLD() - Initialises and executes the dialog.

  • MEikMenuObserver - Menu observer interface.
  • MEikMenuObserver::CheckHotKeyNotDimmedL() - Determines whether a command should be passed to the application.
  • MEikMenuObserver::CreateCustomCommandControlL() - This functions simpy wraps MEikCommandObserver::CreateCustomCommandControlL(TInt aControlType).
  • MEikMenuObserver::DynInitMenuBarL() - As DynInitMenuPaneL(), but for menu bars.
  • MEikMenuObserver::DynInitMenuPaneL() - Dynamically initialises a menu pane.
  • MEikMenuObserver::HandleAttemptDimmedSelectionL() - Responds to a user's attempt to select a dimmed item by displaying a message (CEikonEnv::InfoMsg()) to indicate the item is unavailable.
  • MEikMenuObserver::HandleSideBarMenuL() - This function is invoked by CEikMenuBar's input handling functions.
  • MEikMenuObserver::MEikCommandObserver_Reserved1() - Reserved for Future use.
  • MEikMenuObserver::MEikCommandObserver_Reserved2() - Reserved for Future use.
  • MEikMenuObserver::MEikMenuObserver() - Constructor for MEikMenuObserver.
  • MEikMenuObserver::OfferKeyToAppL() - Called if a key which is not used by the menu is pressed while the observer's menu is displaying.
  • MEikMenuObserver::Reserved_1_MenuObserver().
  • MEikMenuObserver::Reserved_2_MenuObserver().
  • MEikMenuObserver::RestoreMenuL() - Restores the menu window aMenuWindow.
  • MEikMenuObserver::SetEmphasis() - Called by the Uikon framework to handle the emphasising or de-emphasising of a menu window.

  • MEikPictureFactory - Provides the support for embedding something other than a CApaDoor.
  • MEikPictureFactory::EditL() - Enables editing/viewing of an object.
  • MEikPictureFactory::Id() - Gets the Id of the picture factory.
  • MEikPictureFactory::InsertL() - Inserts a new picture object.
  • MEikPictureFactory::MEikPictureFactory_Reserved_1().
  • MEikPictureFactory::MEikPictureFactory_Reserved_2().
  • MEikPictureFactory::PictureFactory() - Gets a pointer to the picture factory.
  • MEikPictureFactory::SupportsPictureType() - Tests if the factory supports the specified picture type.

  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2 - Interface to a plug-in server side notifier.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Cancel() - Cancels an active notifier.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::HandleSystemEventL() - Handles a screen change event.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Info() - Gets the notifier parameters.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::MEikSrvNotifierBase2().
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::MEikSrvNotifierBase2_Reserved_2() - Reserved for future use.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::NotifierCapabilites() - Gets notifier capabilities.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::RegisterL() - Performs any initialisation that this notifier may require.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Release() - Frees all resources owned by this notifier.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()  Starts the notifier.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()  Starts the notifier.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::UpdateL()  Updates a currently active notifier with new data.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::UpdateL()  Updates a currently active notifier with new data.
  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::~MEikSrvNotifierBase2().

  • MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo - Contains the notifier parameters.

  • MEikSrvNotifierManager.
  • MEikSrvNotifierManager::CancelNotifier().
  • MEikSrvNotifierManager::MEikSrvNotifierManager() - Constructor for MEikSrvNotifierManager.
  • MEikSrvNotifierManager::MEikSrvNotifierManager_Reserved1() - Reserved for future use.
  • MEikSrvNotifierManager::MEikSrvNotifierManager_Reserved2() - Reserved for future use.
  • MEikSrvNotifierManager::StartNotifierL().
  • MEikSrvNotifierManager::UpdateNotifierL().

  • MEikUndertakerObserver.
  • MEikUndertakerObserver::HandleThreadExitL().

  • MEventHandler - Event handler interface.
  • MEventHandler::OfferRawEvent() - Handles raw events.

  • MExifImageDisplayExtension - This class extends the functionality of the Image Display Library client API defined in the class CImageDisplay.
  • MExifImageDisplayExtension::GetExifMetadataReader() - Obtains an MExifMetadataReader that can be used to access the EXIF metadata of the image.
  • MExifImageDisplayExtension::SetMaximumReductionFactor() - Sets the maximum quality reduction factor for image decoding.
  • MExifImageDisplayExtension::SetScaleQuality() - Sets the level of quality for the scaling algorithm.

  • MExifMetadata - generic accessor to access the tags from exif metadata.

  • MExifMetadataReader - generic accessor to read the tags from exif metadata.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetIntegerArrayParam() - Get the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned 32-bit integers EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetIntegerParam() - Get the data associated with a signed or unsigned 32-bit integer EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetParam16() - Get the data associated with a 16-bit EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetParam8() - Get the data associated with an 8-bit (e.g.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetRationalArrayParam() - Get the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned rationals EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetRationalParam() - Get the data associated with a signed or unsigned rational EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetShortArrayParam() - Get the data associated with an array of unsigned short (16-bit) integers EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataReader::GetShortParam() - Get the data associated with an unsigned short (16-bit) integer EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.

  • MExifMetadataWriter - generic accessor to write the tags from exif metadata.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetIntegerArrayParam() - Sets the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned 32-bit integers EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetIntegerParam() - Sets the data associated with a signed or unsigned 32-bit integer EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetParam16() - Set 16-bit Unicode data into EXIF/DCF tag/IFDs that support it (e.g.0x9286 (UserComment), 0x001B (GpsProcessingMethod) or 0x001C (GpsAreaInformation) ).
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetParam8() - Set the data associated with an 8-bit (e.g.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetRationalArrayParam() - Sets the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned rationals EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetRationalParam() - Sets the data associated with a signed or unsigned rational EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetShortArrayParam() - Sets the data associated with an array of unsigned short (16-bit) EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
  • MExifMetadataWriter::SetShortParam() - Sets the data associated with an unsigned short (16-bit) EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.

  • MExternalizer - A family of classes defining an interface that can be implemented by classes that need to perform externalisation on behalf of others.
  • MExternalizer::ExternalizeL() - Performs externalisation.
  • MExternalizer::operator()().

  • MFepAttributeStorer - Protocol for storing, restoring and synchronising FEP attributes.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::AttributeAtIndex() - Returns the UID of the FEP attribute at the index specified.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_1().
  • MFepAttributeStorer::MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_2().
  • MFepAttributeStorer::NumberOfAttributes() - Returns the total number of FEP attributes.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::ReadAllAttributesL() - Reads all of the FEP's attributes from the system settings.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL() - Reads the value of the attribute identified by the UID specified in aAttributeUid from the specified read stream.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()  Call this function after changing the value of an attribute that needs to be synchronised.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()  Call this function after changing the value of multiple attributes that need to be synchronised.
  • MFepAttributeStorer::WriteAttributeDataToStreamL() - Writes the value of the attribute specified to the specified write stream.

  • MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever - Specifies the mixin protocol for finding out the formatting to apply to inline text.
  • MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever::GetFormatOfFepInlineText() - Gets the character formatting to apply to the inline text.
  • MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever::MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever_Reserved_1().
  • MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever::MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever_Reserved_2().

  • MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit - Specifies the mixin protocol for handling pointer events in inline text.
  • MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit::HandlePointerEventInInlineTextL() - This function is called when a pointer event is received within the inline text.
  • MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit::MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit_Reserved_1().
  • MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit::MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit_Reserved_2().

  • MFieldFileNameInfo - Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a filename field.
  • MFieldFileNameInfo::UpdateFieldFileName() - Implementations of this function should set aValueText to the current document's filename, if the buffer is large enough.

  • MFieldNumPagesInfo - Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a total number of pages field.
  • MFieldNumPagesInfo::UpdateFieldNumPages() - Implementations of this function should return the number of pages in the current document.

  • MFieldPageNumInfo - Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a current page number field.
  • MFieldPageNumInfo::UpdateFieldPageNum() - Implementations of this function should return the current page number.

  • MFileManObserver - Provides notification of the progress of synchronous or asynchronous file management operations.
  • MFileManObserver::NotifyFileManEnded() - Informs the observer that an operation is complete.
  • MFileManObserver::NotifyFileManOperation() - Informs the observer that an operation, i.e.
  • MFileManObserver::NotifyFileManStarted() - Inform the observer that an operation is about to start.

  • MFormCustomDraw - An abstract class which specifies the protocol for customising the way text and its background are drawn.
  • MFormCustomDraw::DrawBackground() - This function is called whenever part of the background of a CTextLayout or CTextView object needs to be drawn.
  • MFormCustomDraw::DrawLineGraphics() - This function is called after the background has been drawn by DrawBackground(), and before drawing the text.
  • MFormCustomDraw::DrawText() - This function is called to draw the text and its highlighted background, if any, after bidirectional reordering and other character mappings have taken place.
  • MFormCustomDraw::SystemColor() - This function translates logical colours specified in FORM objects into real colours.

  • MFormCustomDraw::TLineInfo - Contains the line metrics.
  • MFormCustomDraw::TLineInfo::TLineInfo().

  • MFormCustomDraw::TParam - Parameters used by several custom draw functions.
  • MFormCustomDraw::TParam::TParam().

  • MFormCustomInvisibleCharacterRemapper - Mixin class used to customize visible appearance of invisible characters such as a paragraph mark or a tab.
  • MFormCustomInvisibleCharacterRemapper::DefaultMapping() - Default implementation of mapping invisible character to its specified alternate.
  • MFormCustomInvisibleCharacterRemapper::Remap() - Allows custom remapping of invisible characters.

  • MFormCustomWrap - An interface class that can be derived from to implement custom line breaking.
  • MFormCustomWrap::GetLineBreakInContext() - Gets the position of the first or last possible line break position in a text string.
  • MFormCustomWrap::IsHangingCharacter() - Tests whether a character can overhang the right margin.
  • MFormCustomWrap::LineBreakClass() - Returns the line break class for a Unicode character.
  • MFormCustomWrap::LineBreakPossible() - Tests whether a line break is possible between two characters.

  • MFormParam - Specifies the protocol for getting system colours for use in text views.
  • MFormParam::Get() - Gets the thread-local storage value.
  • MFormParam::Reserved().
  • MFormParam::Set() - Sets the thread-local storage to aParam.
  • MFormParam::SystemColor() - Translates 8-bit logical colour indices to physical colours pure virtual function.

  • MFormatText - Specifies the mixin protocol for getting and setting character and paragraph format attributes.
  • MFormatText::ApplyCharFormatL() - Applies character formatting to a range of characters.
  • MFormatText::ApplyParaFormatL() - Applies paragraph formatting to a range of paragraphs.
  • MFormatText::GetCharFormat() - Gets the effective character formatting which applies to a range of characters.
  • MFormatText::GetParaFormatL() - Gets the effective paragraph formatting which applies to a range of paragraphs.

  • MFrameBuffer - Buffer class for passing video frames between camera and client.
  • MFrameBuffer::DataL() - Gets a non-bitmap frame in the buffer.
  • MFrameBuffer::FrameL() - Gets a bitmap frame in the buffer.
  • MFrameBuffer::Release() - Releases the buffer for re-use by the camera once the client has processed the frame data.

  • MFrameworkSP.
  • MFrameworkSP::AttributeLookup() - Intended Usage : Gets the Attribute Look Up Table.
  • MFrameworkSP::GlobalContext() - Intended Usage : Gets WAP Global Context.
  • MFrameworkSP::LocalContext() - Intended Usage : Gets WAP Local Context.
  • MFrameworkSP::Observer() - Intended Usage : Return a pointer to the engine observer (pointer because it could be NULL).
  • MFrameworkSP::TaskCoordinator() - Intended Usage : Gets the Task Coordinator.
  • MFrameworkSP::WtaiPublicObserver() - Intended Usage :.

  • MGraphicsDeviceMap - Interface class for mapping between twips and device-specific units (pixels).
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::GetNearestFontInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension from pixels to twips.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension from twips to pixels.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::MGraphicsDeviceMap() - Default constructor.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::PixelsToTwips()  Converts a point in pixels to a point in twips.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::PixelsToTwips()  Converts a rectangle in pixels to a rectangle in twips.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::ReleaseFont() - Releases the specified font.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::TwipsToPixels()  Converts a point in twips to a point in pixels.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::TwipsToPixels()  Converts a rectangle in twips to a rectangle in pixels.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension from pixels to twips.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension from twips to pixels.
  • MGraphicsDeviceMap::~MGraphicsDeviceMap() - Destructor.

  • MGridCursorMoveCallBack - An interface to a callback function that is intended to be called whenever there is a change to the cursor position.
  • MGridCursorMoveCallBack::HandleCursorMoveL() - Deals with the change to the cursor position.

  • MGridTable - An interface that can be implemented to provide row and column information.
  • MGridTable::ColumnExtent() - Gets the number of columns in the grid.
  • MGridTable::RequestRow() - Translates a requested row.
  • MGridTable::RowExtent() - Gets the number of rows in the grid.

  • MHTTPAuthenticationCallback - The mixin that needs to be implemented if authentication is to be supported.
  • MHTTPAuthenticationCallback::GetCredentialsL() - Gets some credentials.
  • MHTTPAuthenticationCallback::InstallAuthenticationL() - Installs the callback into the session.

  • MHTTPDataSupplier - A data supplier - This class is used to deliver the response data to the client, and is also used by the client to supply request body data to HTTP in POST transactions.
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::GetNextDataPart() - Obtain a data part from the supplier.
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::MHDS_Reserved1().
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::MHDS_Reserved2().
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::MHDS_Reserved3().
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::OverallDataSize() - Obtain the overall size of the data being supplied, if known to the supplier.
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::ReleaseData() - Release the current data part being held at the data supplier.
  • MHTTPDataSupplier::Reset() - Reset the data supplier.

  • MHTTPFilter - A HTTP filter.
  • MHTTPFilter::MHFLoad() - Called when the filter is being added to the session's filter queue.
  • MHTTPFilter::MHFUnload() - Called when the filter is being removed from a session's filter queue.

  • MHTTPFilterBase - A HTTP Filter.
  • MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunError() - Called when RunL leaves from a transaction event.
  • MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunL() - Called when the filter's registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on a transaction.
  • MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunError() - Called when MHFRunL leaves from a session event.
  • MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunL() - Called when the filters registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on the session.

  • MHTTPFilterCreationCallback - This class serves as a pure virtual interface required as a session callback to the client when the client requires to configure the filters that are installed.
  • MHTTPFilterCreationCallback::ConfigureSessionFiltersL() - Intended Usage: Pure virtual that is called by the session when the session construction is complete.

  • MHTTPSessionEventCallback - The per-session callback for receiving session event callbacks.
  • MHTTPSessionEventCallback::MHFSessionRunError() - Called when MHFRunL leaves from a session event.
  • MHTTPSessionEventCallback::MHFSessionRunL() - Called when the filters registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on the session.

  • MHTTPTransactionCallback - The per-transaction callback for receiving HTTP events.
  • MHTTPTransactionCallback::MHFRunError() - Called when RunL leaves from a transaction event.
  • MHTTPTransactionCallback::MHFRunL() - Called when the filter's registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on a transaction.

  • MHlpModelObserver - Client callback inteface to receive events from the help model.
  • MHlpModelObserver::HandleModelEventL() - Receives a help model event.

  • MHlpTitleArray - Interface to get a topic ID from an array index.
  • MHlpTitleArray::At() - Gets a topic ID for the specified index.

  • MIclImageDisplayObserver - Observer class for image display.
  • MIclImageDisplayObserver::MiidoImageReady() - Called when the image is ready to display A plug-in should use this function to pass information asinchronously to an API client.

  • MIdleFindObserver - The interface for an asynchronous find observer.
  • MIdleFindObserver::IdleFindCallback() - Asynchronous find observer callback.

  • MImURITranslator - Translates a URI in an MHTML message into a message body part file name.
  • MImURITranslator::FindUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandleL() - Starts an asynchronous operation to resolve a specified URI.
  • MImURITranslator::FindUniversalResourceIdentifierL() - Starts an asynchronous operation to resolve a specified URI.
  • MImURITranslator::GetUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandle() - Gets the results after a search.
  • MImURITranslator::GetUniversalResourceIdentifierL() - Gets the results after a search.

  • MImageDisplayPluginExtension - This class should be derived by a plugin writer wishing to extend the client API defined in CImageDisplay.
  • MImageDisplayPluginExtension::Release() - Can be called to indicate that extension is no longer needed.
  • MImageDisplayPluginExtension::Uid() - Get a Uid by which a plugin extension can be identified.

  • MIncrementalCollector - Interface for incrementally reclaiming or compacting space in a stream store.
  • MIncrementalCollector::Close() - Closes the collector after it is no longer required.
  • MIncrementalCollector::DoNextL()  Implementation of the public synchronous NextL() function.
  • MIncrementalCollector::DoNextL()  Implementation of the public asynchronous NextL() function.
  • MIncrementalCollector::DoRelease() - Implementation of the public Release() function.
  • MIncrementalCollector::DoResetL() - Implementation of the public ResetL() function.
  • MIncrementalCollector::MIncrementalCollector() - Protected constructor.
  • MIncrementalCollector::NextL()  Does the next step in the reclaim synchronously.
  • MIncrementalCollector::NextL()  Does the next step in the reclaim asynchronously.
  • MIncrementalCollector::Release() - Releases the collector after it is no longer required.
  • MIncrementalCollector::ResetL() - Resets the collector.

  • MInternalizer - A family of classes defining an interface that can be implemented by classes that need to perform internalisation on behalf of others.
  • MInternalizer::InternalizeL() - Performs internalisation.
  • MInternalizer::operator()().

  • MLayDoc - Specifies the interface for providing the information needed by the text layout engine to lay out a text object.
  • MLayDoc::CancelSelectLabel() - Cancels a paragraph label selection made by a call to SelectParagraphLabel() so that the main document reverts back to the main body of text.
  • MLayDoc::EnquirePageBreak() - Tests whether a page break occurs within a range of characters.
  • MLayDoc::GetChars() - Gets a constant pointer descriptor to a portion of the text object with constant character formatting.
  • MLayDoc::GetParagraphFormatL() - Gets the effective paragraph formatting which applies to the paragraph which contains a specified document position.
  • MLayDoc::GetPictureSizeInTwips() - Gets the size of a picture located at a specified document position.
  • MLayDoc::LdDocumentLength() - Gets the the number of characters in the document.
  • MLayDoc::LdToParagraphStart() - Gets the document position of the start of the paragraph containing a specified position.
  • MLayDoc::PictureHandleL() - Gets a pointer to the picture located at a specified document position, if one exists.
  • MLayDoc::SelectParagraphLabel() - This function should be implemented by text objects which support paragraph labels.

  • MLineBreaker - Customizes the Unicode line-breaking algorithm.
  • MLineBreaker::ExtendedInterface() - Returns an interface to more functions, or 0 if these are unsupported.
  • MLineBreaker::GetLineBreak().
  • MLineBreaker::GetLineBreakInContext() - Returns whether a line break is possible within a run of characters all having the class ESaLineBreakClass (Complex content).
  • MLineBreaker::GetLineBreakL().
  • MLineBreaker::IsHangingCharacter() - Returns ETrue if the character value may be positioned outside the margins.
  • MLineBreaker::LineBreakClass() - Converts Unicode character into line breaking class.
  • MLineBreaker::LineBreakPossible() - Returns whether line breaks are legal between a character of line breaking class aPrevClass and aNextClass, with intervening spaces or not as determined by aHaveSpaces.

  • MLogClientChangeObserver - This class allows a client of the log engine to observe specific change events within a given view.
  • MLogClientChangeObserver::HandleLogClientChangeEventL() - Handle a global change within the logs database.
  • MLogClientChangeObserver::MLogClientChangeObserver_Reserved1().
  • MLogClientChangeObserver::MLogClientChangeObserver_Reserved2().

  • MLogViewChangeObserver - This class allows a client of the log engine to observe specific change events within a given view.
  • MLogViewChangeObserver::HandleLogViewChangeEventAddedL() - Handle a change corresponding to a view addition.
  • MLogViewChangeObserver::HandleLogViewChangeEventChangedL() - Handle a change corresponding to a view change.
  • MLogViewChangeObserver::HandleLogViewChangeEventDeletedL() - Handle a change corresponding to a view deletion.

  • MMDXMLParserDataProvider - Abstract data source interface for XML data source.
  • MMDXMLParserDataProvider::Disconnect() - Called to indicate that use of the data source is complete.
  • MMDXMLParserDataProvider::GetData() - The XML Parser calls this on a specific data provider to get more data when required.

  • MMDXMLParserObserver - Abstract observer interface for notification when XML parsing is complete.
  • MMDXMLParserObserver::ParseFileCompleteL() - Call back function used to inform a client of the Parser when a parsing operation completes.

  • MMFFormatEcomUtilities - Provides an internal utility function to choose a format plugin from ECom.

  • MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver - Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync must derive from.
  • MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver::MadssaoAddDataSourceSinkAsyncComplete() - The request to add a data source or sink has completed.

  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio record controller custom commands.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSinkBitRateL() - Gets the bit rate of the data sink in bits per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSinkDataTypeL() - Gets the fourCC code of the sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSinkFormatL() - Gets the format of the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSinkNumChannelsL() - Gets the number of channels in the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSinkSampleRateL() - Gets the sample rate of the data sink in samples per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSourceBitRateL() - Gets the bit rate of the data source in bits per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSourceDataTypeL() - Gets the fourCC code of the source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSourceFormatL() - Gets the format of the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSourceNumChannelsL() - Gets the number of channels in the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSourceSampleRateL() - Gets the sample rate of the data source in samples per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSinkBitRatesL() - Gets the list of bit rates supported by the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSinkDataTypesL() - Gets the list of fourCC codes supported by the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL() - Gets the list of channels supported by the data sink (ie mono, stereo etc).
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL() - Gets the list of sample rates supported by the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSourceBitRatesL() - Gets the list of bit rates supported by the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSourceDataTypesL() - Gets the list of fourCC codes supported by the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL() - Gets the list of channels supported by the data source (ie mono, stereo etc).
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacGetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL() - Gets the list of sample rates supported by the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetCodecL() - Sets the codec to be used.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSinkBitRateL() - Sets the bit rate of the data sink in bits per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSinkDataTypeL() - Sets the fourCC code of the sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSinkFormatL() - Sets the format of the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSinkNumChannelsL() - Sets the number of channels in the data sink.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSinkSampleRateL() - Sets the sample rate of the data sink in samples per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSourceBitRateL() - Sets the bit rate of the data source in bits per second.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSourceDataTypeL() - Sets the fourCC code of the source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSourceFormatL() - Sets the format of the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSourceNumChannelsL() - Sets the number of channels in the data source.
  • MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MacSetSourceSampleRateL() - Sets the sample rate of the data source in samples per second.

  • MMMFAudioInput - Interface class to allow dynamic linkage to CMMFAudioInput.
  • MMMFAudioInput::BytesPlayed() - Returns the number of bytes played.
  • MMMFAudioInput::HWFillBufferL() - Gets audio from hardware device abstracted MMFDevsound (not used).
  • MMMFAudioInput::MMMFAudioInput() - Protected constructor.
  • MMMFAudioInput::NewAudioInputL() - Allocates and constructs an audio input object.
  • MMMFAudioInput::SoundDevice() - Returns the sound device.

  • MMMFAudioOutput - Interface class to allow dynamic linkage to CMMFAudioOutput.
  • MMMFAudioOutput::BytesPlayed() - Returns the number of bytes played.
  • MMMFAudioOutput::HWEmptyBufferL() - Gets audio from hardware device abstracted MMFDevsound (not used).
  • MMMFAudioOutput::MMMFAudioOutput() - Protected constructor.
  • MMMFAudioOutput::NewAudioOutputL() - Gets a new audio output object.
  • MMMFAudioOutput::SoundDevice() - Returns the sound device.

  • MMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio play controller custom commands.
  • MMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MapcDeletePlaybackWindowL() - Removes a previously defined playback window.
  • MMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MapcGetLoadingProgressL() - Gets the completion status of loading/rebuffering the current audio clip.
  • MMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MapcSetPlaybackWindowL() - Sets a playback window.

  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio play device custom commands.
  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MapdGetBalanceL() - Gets the balance between the left and right stereo audio channels.
  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MapdGetMaxVolumeL() - Gets the maximum volume supported by the sound device.
  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MapdGetVolumeL() - Gets the current playback volume.
  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MapdSetBalanceL() - Sets the balance between the left and right stereo audio channels.
  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MapdSetVolumeL() - Sets the volume of the sound device.
  • MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MapdSetVolumeRampL() - Sets a volume ramp.

  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio record controller custom commands.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcAddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds meta data to the clip.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcCropL() - Removes a portion from the clip, either from the current position to the beginning or the current position to the end.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcGetRecordTimeAvailableL() - Gets the (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcRemoveMetaDataEntryL() - Removes a meta data entry from the clip.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces a meta data entry in the clip.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcSetMaxDurationL() - Sets the maximum duration of the recorded clip, in microseconds.
  • MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MarcSetMaxFileSizeL() - Sets the maximum size of the recorded clip, in bytes.

  • MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio record device custom commands.
  • MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MardGetBalanceL() - Gets the balance between the left and right stereo microphone channels.
  • MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MardGetGainL() - Gets the current recording gain.
  • MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MardGetMaxGainL() - Gets the maximum gain supported by the sound device.
  • MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MardSetBalanceL() - Sets the balance between the left and right stereo microphone channels.
  • MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor::MardSetGainL() - Sets the gain of the sound device.

  • MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback - An interface to a set of audio player callback functions.
  • MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback::MarncResourceAvailable() - Called when the audio resource becomes available but only if the resource was previously unavailable (e.g.

  • MMMFClockSource - Defines the interface that video clock sources must to implement.
  • MMMFClockSource::CustomInterface() - Retrieves a custom interface for the clock source.
  • MMMFClockSource::Time() - Retrieves the current stream time.

  • MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver - Observer class to be used with class CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility.
  • MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver::MmcspuoTick() - Notifies the observer that the specified period has elapsed.

  • MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver - Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFControllerEventMonitor must derive from.
  • MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver::HandleEvent() - Handles an event that has been generated.

  • MMMFDRMCustomCommand - Generic Mixin class to be used by a client utility wishing to pass DRM Intent custom commands to a controller plugin.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommand::DisableAutomaticIntent() - Disable the automatic (controller specified) execution of intent.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommand::EvaluateIntent() - Evaluate a particular intent.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommand::ExecuteIntent() - Executes a particular intent.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommand::SetAgentProperty().

  • MMMFDRMCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the DRM Intent custom commands.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommandImplementor::MdcDisableAutomaticIntent() - Disable the automatic (controller specified) execution of intent.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommandImplementor::MdcEvaluateIntent() - Evaluate a particular intent.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommandImplementor::MdcExecuteIntent() - Executes a particular intent.
  • MMMFDRMCustomCommandImplementor::MdcSetAgentProperty().

  • MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver - Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFDataPathEventMonitor must derive from.
  • MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver::HandleEvent() - Handles an event that has been generated by the datapath.

  • MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceBitRate - Custom interface class to allow DevSound and hwdevices to support setting and getting audio bit rates.
  • MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceBitRate::BitRateL() - Returns the current bit rate.
  • MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceBitRate::GetSupportedBitRatesL() - Gets the bit rates that are supported by DevSound in its current configuration.
  • MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceBitRate::SetBitRateL() - Sets the bit rate to a new value.

  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver - The MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver mixin class defines a set of callback functions that the client using the MSL video API needs to implement.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoFatalError() - Reports a fatal decoding or playback error to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoInitComplete() - Reports that DevVideoPlay initialization has completed.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoNewBuffers() - Notifies the client that one or more new empty input buffers are available.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoNewPictures() - Notifies the client that one or more new output pictures are available.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoPictureLoss()  Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a picture loss without specifying the lost picture.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoPictureLoss()  Back channel information from the decoder, indicating the pictures that have been lost.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoReferencePictureSelection() - Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a reference picture selection request.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoReturnPicture() - Returns a used input video picture back to the caller.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoSliceLoss() - Back channel information from the decoder, indicating the loss of consecutive macroblocks in raster scan order.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoStreamEnd() - Reports that the input video stream end has been reached and all pictures have been processed.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoSupplementalInformation() - Delivers supplemental information from a coded data unit.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete() - Called when a timed snapshot request has been completed.

  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy - MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy is the interface to the CMMFDevVideoPlay API implementation that the hardware devices use to deliver data back to the client and report their progress to the API implementation.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppFatalError() - Reports a fatal error to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppInitializeComplete() - Reports that an asynchronous Initialize() method has completed.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppNewBuffers() - Notifies the client that one or more new empty input buffers are available.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppNewPicture() - Delivers a new decoded picture to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppPictureLoss()  Back channel information, indicating a picture loss without specifying the lost picture.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppPictureLoss()  Back channel information, indicating the pictures that have been lost.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppReferencePictureSelection() - Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a reference picture selection request.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppReturnPicture() - Returns a used input video picture back to the caller.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppSliceLoss() - Back channel information, indicating the loss of consecutive macroblocks in raster scan order.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppStreamEnd() - Reports that the input video stream end has been reached and all pictures have been processed.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppSupplementalInformation() - Delivers supplemental information from a decoder hardware device to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy::MdvppTimedSnapshotComplete() - Delivers a timed snapshot result to the client.

  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver - The MMMFDevVideoObserver class defines the observer mixin-interface that any client using CMMFDevVideoRecord must implement.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver::MdvroFatalError() - Reports a fatal encoding or capturing error to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver::MdvroInitializeComplete() - Reports that DevVideoRecord initialization has completed.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver::MdvroNewBuffers() - Notifies the client that one or more new output buffers are available.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver::MdvroReturnPicture() - Returns a used input video picture back to the caller.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver::MdvroStreamEnd() - Reports that the input video data end has been reached and all pictures have been processed.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver::MdvroSupplementalInfoSent() - Signals that the supplemental info send request has completed.

  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy - MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy is the interface the CDevVideoRecord implementation provides for video recording hardware devices.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy::MdvrpFatalError() - Reports a fatal error to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy::MdvrpInitializeComplete() - Reports that an asynchronous Initialize() method has completed.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy::MdvrpNewBuffer() - Delivers a new coded data unit to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy::MdvrpReturnPicture() - Returns a used input picture back to the client.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy::MdvrpStreamEnd() - Reports that the input video data end has been reached and all pictures have been processed.
  • MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy::MdvrpSupplementalInfoSent() - Sends a notification to the client that the current supplemental info send request has completed.

  • MMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the Duration information custom commands.
  • MMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandImplementor::GetDurationInfo() - Is the duration of the clip known? i.e.

  • MMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio resource notification custom commands.
  • MMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandImplementor::MarnCancelRegisterAsClientL() - Cancels the registered notification event.
  • MMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandImplementor::MarnGetResourceNotificationDataL() - Gets the notification data for the event.
  • MMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandImplementor::MarnRegisterAsClientL() - Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.
  • MMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandImplementor::MarnWillResumePlayL() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.

  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the video record controller custom commands.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcGetAudioBitRateL() - Gets the audio bit rate.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcGetAudioCodecL() - Gets the audio type.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcGetFrameRateL() - Gets the frame rate of the clip.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcGetVideoBitRateL() - Gets the video bit rate.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcGetVideoFrameSizeL() - Gets the frame size of the clip.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcGetVideoMimeTypeL() - Gets the supported sink video types.
  • MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvcSetFrameRateL() - Sets the frame rate of the clip.

  • MMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the DRM Intent custom commands.
  • MMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandImplementor::MvdeGetFrameL() - Gets a frame previously requested from the controller.

  • MMMFVideoFrameMessage - Interface class to provide a callback to the video controller custom command interface from the controller plug-in (the object that implements the video record controller interface MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor) when a GetFrame() request has been issued.
  • MMMFVideoFrameMessage::FrameReady() - Called when a frame has been successfully decoded.
  • MMMFVideoFrameMessage::GetBitmap() - Returns the decoded frame as a bitmap.

  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Client class to access functionality specific to a video playback controller.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcDirectScreenAccessEventL() - Pauses/Resumes video playback.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcGetAudioEnabledL() - Indicates whether audio is enabled.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcGetCropRegionL() - Gets the crop region currently applied to the image.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcGetFrameL() - Gets a frame previously requested from the controller.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcGetLoadingProgressL() - Gets the progress of loading a video clip.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcGetRotationL() - Queries the rotation that is currently applied to the video image.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcGetScaleFactorL() - Gets the scale factor currently applied to the video image.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcPlayL() - Sets a time window for video playback.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcPrepare() - Prepares the video clip to be accessed.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcRefreshFrameL() - Requests the controller to redraw the current frame.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcSetCropRegionL() - Selects a region of the video image to be displayed.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcSetDisplayWindowL() - Sets the screen region to be used to display the video.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcSetRotationL() - Rotates the video image on the screen.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcSetScaleFactorL() - Scales the video image to a specified percentage of its original size.
  • MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvpcUpdateDisplayRegionL() - Updates the region to display.

  • MMMFVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy - A custom interface extending the functionality of CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice, adding support for the decoder to handle the copying of the bitstream data into the buffers, combining this with a scan of the data and support for the passing of information from the client to the decoder describing what part of a frame the data contains.
  • MMMFVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy::ScanAndCopyCodedDataL() - Passes a pointer to a piece of coded video data to the decoder.
  • MMMFVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy::WriteCodedDataL() - Writes a piece of coded video data to the decoder.

  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the video record controller custom commands.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcAddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds meta data to the clip.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcGetAudioEnabledL() - Indicates if the audio is enabled.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcGetRecordTimeAvailableL() - Gets the (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcGetSupportedSinkAudioTypesL() - Gets the supported sink audio types.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcGetSupportedSinkVideoTypesL() - Gets the supported sink video types.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcPrepareL() - Prepares the controller for recording.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcRemoveMetaDataEntryL() - Removes a meta data entry from the clip.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces a meta data in the clip.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetAudioBitRateL() - Sets the audio bit rate.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetAudioCodecL() - Sets the audio codec for recording.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetAudioEnabledL() - Sets whether audio is enabled.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetCameraHandleL() - Sets the handle of the camera to use for recording.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetMaxFileSizeL() - Sets the maximum file size.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetVideoBitRateL() - Sets the video bit rate.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetVideoCodecL() - Sets the video codec for recording.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetVideoFormatL() - Sets the format for the video to record.
  • MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor::MvrcSetVideoFrameSizeL() - Sets the frame size for the video recording.

  • MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver - This mixin class allows a client to recieve notifications when the alternative frequencies list is received or changes.
  • MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver::MrafoAlternativeFrequenciesChanged() - Called when the alternative frequencies list broadcast with the current station is received or changes.
  • MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver::MrafoError() - Called when an error occurs which results in alternative frequencies no longer being available.

  • MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver - The Announcement Observer mixin class defines the interface via which announcement events can be received.
  • MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver::MraoAnnouncementEnd() - Called when an announcement ends.
  • MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver::MraoAnnouncementStart() - Called when an announcement starts.
  • MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver::MraoError() - Called when an error occurs which results in announcement notifications becoming unavailable.

  • MMMRdsDataObserver - This mixin class should be implemented by applications wishing to receive notifications when RDS data is received, changes or becomes invalid.
  • MMMRdsDataObserver::MrdoDataReceived() - Called when some RDS data is received or has changed.
  • MMMRdsDataObserver::MrdoError() - Called when some error occurs which makes RDS data unavailable.
  • MMMRdsDataObserver::MrdoRadioTextReceived() - Called when the RDS Radio Text (RT) is received, changes, or is no longer available.

  • MMMRdsEonObserver - The enhanced other networks observer mixin class defines the interface via which changes to the enhanced other networks information can be notified.
  • MMMRdsEonObserver::MreoAllEonStationsRemoved() - Called when details of all EON stations cease to be broadcast.
  • MMMRdsEonObserver::MreoEonStationChanged() - Called when some details of an EON station change.
  • MMMRdsEonObserver::MreoEonStationRemoved() - Called when details of an EON station cease to be broadcast.
  • MMMRdsEonObserver::MreoError() - Called when an error occurs resulting in EON notifications not being available.
  • MMMRdsEonObserver::MreoNewEonStation() - Called when details of a new EON station are received.

  • MMMRdsFrameReceiver - This mixin is to be implemented by a client wishing to access the raw RDS frames as they are received over the air.
  • MMMRdsFrameReceiver::MrfrError() - Called when an error occurs which results in RDS frames no longer being available.
  • MMMRdsFrameReceiver::MrfrFrameReceived() - Called when an RDS frame is received.

  • MMMRdsSignalChangeObserver - This mixin is to be implemented by a client wishing to recieve Rds signal availability state changes.
  • MMMRdsSignalChangeObserver::MrscoRdsAvailalbiltyEvent() - Called when Rds signal availabilty changes.

  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver - The state change observer mixin class defines the interface via which changes to the state of the RDS radio can be observed.
  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver::MrscoAlternativeFrequenciesChanged() - Called when the alternative frequencies function is turned on or off.
  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver::MrscoAnnouncementVolumeChanged() - Called when the traffic an news announcement volume is changed.
  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver::MrscoAnnouncementVolumeOffsetChanged() - Called when the traffic and news announcement volume offset is changed.
  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver::MrscoNewsAnnouncementChanged() - Called when the news announcement functionality has just been enabled or disabled.
  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver::MrscoRegionalLinkChanged() - Called when the regional link functionality is enabled/disabled.
  • MMMRdsStateChangeObserver::MrscoTrafficAnnouncementChanged() - Called when the traffic announcement functionality has just been enabled or disabled.

  • MMMSignalStrengthObserver - This mixin class should be derived from by clients wishing to receive notifications when the signal strength changes.
  • MMMSignalStrengthObserver::MssoSignalStrengthChanged() - Callback indicating that the signal strength has changed by an amount meriting a notification.

  • MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver - MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver.
  • MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::MTapoInitializeComplete() - Initialize complete event.
  • MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::MTapoPlayEvent() - Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.

  • MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver - This class is the abstract base class the defines application callbacks from a instance of the CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility class.
  • MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::MTaroInitializeComplete() - Initialize complete event.
  • MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::MTaroRecordEvent() - Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.

  • MMMTunerChangeObserver - The Tuner Change Observer mixin class defines the interface via which notification for changes to the tuned frequency, channel and other tuner state can be received.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoAntennaAttached() - This function is called when an external antenna is attached to the device.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoAntennaDetached() - This function is called when an external antenna is detached from the device.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoChannelChanged() - Called when the tuned channel changes.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoFlightModeChanged() - This function is called when the device enters or leaves flight mode.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoFrequencyChanged() - Called when the tuned frequency changes.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoSquelchChanged() - This function is used to capture the changing state of the squelch circuit.
  • MMMTunerChangeObserver::MTcoStateChanged() - Called when the state of the tuner changes.

  • MMMTunerObserver - The Tuner Observer mixin class defines asynchronous event completion function callbacks.
  • MMMTunerObserver::MToTuneComplete() - Tune complete event.
  • MMMTunerObserver::MToTunerEvent() - Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.

  • MMMTunerStereoObserver - The stereo observer mixin class defines the interface by which clients can be notified when a stereo signal is received/lost.
  • MMMTunerStereoObserver::MTsoForcedMonoChanged() - Called when a client enables/disabled forced mono reception.
  • MMMTunerStereoObserver::MTsoStereoReceptionChanged() - Called when stereo reception is lost/restored.

  • MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback - An interface class that notifies the client of the progress of the audio input streaming.
  • MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscBufferCopied() - A callback function that is called when a chunk of audio data has been copied to the descriptor specified in a CMdaAudioInputStream::ReadL().
  • MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscOpenComplete() - A callback function that is called when CMdaAudioInputStream::Open() has completed, indicating that the audio input stream is ready for use.
  • MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscRecordComplete() - A callback function that is called when the input stream is closed using CMdaAudioInputStream::Stop().

  • MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback - An interface class that notifies the client of the progress of audio output streaming.
  • MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscBufferCopied() - A callback function that is called when a descriptor has been copied to the lower layers of MMF.
  • MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscOpenComplete() - A callback function that is called when CMdaAudioOutputStream::Open() has completed, indicating that the audio output stream is ready for use.
  • MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscPlayComplete() - A callback function that is called when playback terminates as a result of a CMdaAudioOutputStream::Stop().

  • MMdaAudioPlayerCallback - An interface to a set of audio player callback functions.
  • MMdaAudioPlayerCallback::MapcInitComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when an attempt to open and initialise an audio sample has completed, successfully or otherwise.
  • MMdaAudioPlayerCallback::MapcPlayComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when an attempt to playback an audio sample has completed, successfully or otherwise.

  • MMdaAudioToneObserver - An interface to a set of audio tone player callback functions.
  • MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPlayComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when the tone playing operation has completed, successfully or otherwise.
  • MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when an attempt to configure the audio tone player utility has completed, successfully or otherwise.

  • MMdaImageUtilObserver - This class has been deprecated in 7.0s.
  • MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoConvertComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when a conversion, image rotation or image re-scaling operation has completed.
  • MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoCreateComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when a create operation has completed.
  • MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoOpenComplete() - Defines required client behaviour when an open operation has completed.

  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver - Active object utility class to allow MIDI events to be signalled asynchronously.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoInstrumentChanged() - An instrument has been changed on a channel.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoMetaDataEntryFound() - A timed meta data entry has been found in the MIDI data stream, eg a timed song lyric in an SMF file.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoMipMessageReceived() - A MIP message has been found in the MIDI data stream.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoMuteChanged() - The MIDI resource has encountered a mute message in the MIDI data stream.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoPolyphonyChanged() - The polyphony of the MIDI engine has changed.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoStateChanged() - A state change has occurred in the MIDI client utility.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoSyncUpdate() - Callback in response to a call to CMIDIClientUtility::SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL().
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoTempoChanged() - The MIDI resource has encountered a tempo change message in the MIDI data stream.
  • MMidiClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoVolumeChanged() - The MIDI resource has encountered a volume change message in the MIDI data stream.

  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the MIDI controller custom commands.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcChannelsSupportedL() - Get the maximum number of logical channels supported by the MIDI engine.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcChannelVolumeL() - Get the current volume setting of a logical channel.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcCloseL() - Closes any currently open resources, such as files, descriptors or URLs in use.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcCustomBankLoadedL() - Query if a bank has been loaded to the memory.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcDurationMicroBeatsL() - Gets the length of the currently open MIDI resource in micro-beats.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcGetBalanceL() - Get the current stereo balance value.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcGetBankIdL() - Gets the identifier of a sound bank.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcGetInstrumentIdL() - Gets the identifier of an instrument.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcGetInstrumentL() - Gets the instrument assigned to a specified channel.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcGetRepeatsL() - Gets the number of times the current opened resources have to be repeated.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcInstrumentNameL() - Gets the name of the given instrument.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcIsChannelMuteL() - Gets the muting status of a specific channel.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcIsTrackMuteL() - Gets the muting status of a specific track.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcLoadCustomBankDataL() - Loads one or more custom sound banks from a descriptor into memory for use.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcLoadCustomBankL() - Loads one or more custom sound banks from a file into memory for use.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcLoadCustomInstrumentDataL() - Loads an individual instrument from descriptor into custom sound bank memory for use.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcLoadCustomInstrumentL() - Loads an individual instrument from file into custom sound bank memory for use.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcMaxChannelVolumeL() - Gets the Maximum volume setting that may be applied to a logical channel.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcMaxPlaybackRateL() - Gets the maximum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcMaxPolyphonyL() - Gets the max polyphony level the engine can handle.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcMaxVolumeL() - Maximum volume setting that may be applied overall.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcMimeTypeL() - Gets the MIME type of the MIDI resource currently open.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcMinPlaybackRateL() - Gets the minimum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcNoteOffL() - Synchronous function to terminate playback of a note.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcNoteOnL() - Synchronous function to commence playback of a note.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcNumberOfBanksL() - Gets the number of standard or custom sound banks currently available.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcNumberOfInstrumentsL() - Gets the number of instruments available in a given sound bank.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcNumTracksL() - Gets the number of tracks present in the currently open MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPercussionKeyNameL() - Gets the name of a particular percussion key corresponding to a given note.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPitchTranspositionCentsL() - Gets the pitch shift in use for the currently open MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPlaybackRateL() - Gets the current playback rate factor of the currently open MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPlayNoteL()  Synchronous function to play a single note.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPlayNoteL()  Synchronous function to play a single note at a specified time.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPolyphonyL() - Gets the number of currently active voices.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcPositionMicroBeatsL() - Gets the current metrical position of the MIDI resource being played.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSendMessageL()  Sends a single MIDI message to the MIDI engine.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSendMessageL()  Sends a single MIDI message, with time stamp, to the MIDI engine.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSendMipMessageL() - Sends a mip message to the MIDI engine.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetBalanceL() - Set the current stereo balance value.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetBankL() - Tell the MIDI engine to use a custom bank or a standard bank.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetChannelMuteL() - Set the muting state of a channel without changing its volume setting.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetChannelVolumeL() - Set the volume of a channel.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetInstrumentL() - Sets a logical channel to use the given instrument.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetMaxPolyphonyL() - Set the max polyphony level the engine can handle.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetPitchTranspositionL() - Sets the pitch shift to apply to the currently open MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetPlaybackRateL() - Sets the playback rate for the playback of the current MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetPositionMicroBeatsL() - Change the position of the currently playing MIDI resource to the given position.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetRepeatsL() - Set the number of times to repeat the current MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetStopTimeL() - Sets the stop time to use for the currently open MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL() - Sets the frequency at which MMIDIClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoSyncUpdateL() is called to allow other components to synchronise with playback of this MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetTempoL() - Sets the tempo at which the current MIDI resource should be played.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetTrackMuteL() - Mutes or unmutes a particular track.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetVolumeL() - Set the overall volume of the MIDI client.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcSetVolumeRampL() - Length of time over which the volume is faded up from zero to the current settings when playback is started.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcStopL() - Stops playback of a resource but does not change the current position or release any resources.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcStopNotesL() - Stops the playback of all notes on the given channel, by means of an All Notes Off MIDI message.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcStopTimeL() - Get the stop time currently set for the MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcTempoMicroBeatsPerMinuteL() - Gets the current tempo of the currently open MIDI resource.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcUnloadAllCustomBanksL() - Removes all custom sound banks from memory.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcUnloadCustomBankL() - Removes a custom sound bank from memory.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcUnloadCustomInstrumentL() - Removes an instrument from custom sound bank memory.
  • MMidiCustomCommandImplementor::MmcVolumeL() - Gets the overall volume of the MIDI client.

  • MMidiEventHandler - Mixin class to define an object capable of handling a MIDI event within the controller framework.
  • MMidiEventHandler::SendMidiEventToClient() - Send an event to the client.

  • MMmsSettingsObserver - Provides the interface for notification of changes that occur in the Central Repository.
  • MMmsSettingsObserver::HandleNotify() - Indicates that a settings event has occurred.

  • MMobilityProtocolResp - Comms Mobility API extension protocol.
  • MMobilityProtocolResp::Error().
  • MMobilityProtocolResp::NewCarrierActive().
  • MMobilityProtocolResp::PreferredCarrierAvailable().

  • MMsvAttachmentManager - Defines the attachment management interface.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::AddAttachmentL()  Adds an attachment to the message store by file path.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::AddAttachmentL()  Adds an attachment to the message store by file handle.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::AddEntryAsAttachmentL() - Adds a message entry as an attachment.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::AddLinkedAttachmentL() - Adds an attachment as a linked file attachment.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::AttachmentCount() - Counts the number of attachments.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::CancelRequest() - Cancels the last asynchronous operation that was requested.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::CreateAttachmentL() - Creates a new empty attachment file.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::GetAttachmentFileL()  Returns an open file handle for the attachment file.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::GetAttachmentFileL()  Returns an open file handle for the attachment file.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::GetAttachmentInfoL()  Returns an attachment info object.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::GetAttachmentInfoL()  Returns an attachment info object.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::ModifyAttachmentInfoL() - Modifies the attachment info for a particular attachment.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::RemoveAttachmentL()  Removes the attachment from the message entry.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::RemoveAttachmentL()  Removes the attachment from the message entry.
  • MMsvAttachmentManager::RenameAttachmentL() - Renames the physical filename of an attachment.

  • MMsvAttachmentManagerSync - Defines the attachment management extensions interface.
  • MMsvAttachmentManagerSync::CreateAttachmentL() - Creates a new empty attachment file.
  • MMsvAttachmentManagerSync::ModifyAttachmentInfoL() - Modify existing attachment.
  • MMsvAttachmentManagerSync::RemoveAttachmentL() - Removes the attachment from the message entry.
  • MMsvAttachmentManagerSync::RenameAttachmentL() - Renames the physical filename of an attachment.

  • MMsvEntryObserver - Provides the interface for notification of events associated with an entry.
  • MMsvEntryObserver::HandleEntryEventL() - Indicates when called by a CMsvEntry object that an event has occurred.

  • MMsvImapConnectionObserver - Abstract base class used for IMAP4 connection observation.
  • MMsvImapConnectionObserver::HandleImapConnectionEvent() - Called when a connection event occurs.

  • MMsvSessionObserver - Provides the interface for notification of events from a Message Server session.
  • MMsvSessionObserver::HandleSessionEventL() - Indicates an event has occurred.

  • MMsvStoreObserver - Observer interface to get events relating to a message store.
  • MMsvStoreObserver::HandleStoreEvent() - Receives a message store event.

  • MObexAuthChallengeHandler - This class is the common base class for any object which wishes to use the Obex Server or Client.
  • MObexAuthChallengeHandler::GetUserPasswordL() - Indicates that the server/client has received an Authentication challenge.
  • MObexAuthChallengeHandler::MOACH_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.

  • MObexFinalPacketObserver - This mixin class must be inherited by any class interested in final packet notifications.
  • MObexFinalPacketObserver::MofpoFinalPacketFinished() - Indicates end of final packet.
  • MObexFinalPacketObserver::MofpoFinalPacketStarted() - Indicates start of final packet.

  • MObexHeaderCheck - Used to allow the iterator to decide whether to present a header to the user, by passing in a possible header HI value.
  • MObexHeaderCheck::Interested() - Called to discover is the user is interested in the contents of this header.
  • MObexHeaderCheck::Reset() - Called in response to First() being called on the iterator object.

  • MObexServerNotify - OBEX synchronous server notification interface.
  • MObexServerNotify::AbortIndication() - Called when an abort packet is received from the client.
  • MObexServerNotify::ErrorIndication() - Called if an OBEX protocol error occurs.
  • MObexServerNotify::GetCompleteIndication() - Called when the final packet of the object has been returned to the client.
  • MObexServerNotify::GetPacketIndication() - Called for every packet of get reply sent by the server back to the client.
  • MObexServerNotify::GetRequestIndication() - Called when a full get request has been received from the client.
  • MObexServerNotify::MOSN_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MObexServerNotify::ObexConnectIndication() - Called when an OBEX connection is made from a remote client.
  • MObexServerNotify::ObexDisconnectIndication() - Called on a (graceful) OBEX disconnection by the client.
  • MObexServerNotify::PutCompleteIndication() - Called after the final put packet has been successfully received and parsed.
  • MObexServerNotify::PutPacketIndication() - Called on receipt of every packet of an OBEX PUT operation.
  • MObexServerNotify::PutRequestIndication() - Called on receipt of the first packet of a (valid) put request.
  • MObexServerNotify::SetPathIndication() - Called when an OBEX SETPATH command is received by the server.
  • MObexServerNotify::TransportDownIndication() - Called when the transport connection is dropped (by either party).
  • MObexServerNotify::TransportUpIndication() - Called when the underlying transport connection is made from a remote client to the server.

  • MObexServerNotifyAsync - OBEX asynchronous server notification interface.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::AbortIndication() - Called when an abort packet is received from the client.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::CancelIndicationCallback() - Cancel an asynchronous callback request (ie.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::ErrorIndication() - Called if an OBEX protocol error occurs.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::GetCompleteIndication() - Called when the final packet of the object has been returned to the client.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::GetPacketIndication() - Called for every packet of get reply sent by the server back to the client.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::GetRequestIndication() - Called when a full get request has been received from the client.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::MOSNA_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::ObexConnectIndication() - Called when an OBEX connection is made from a remote client.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::ObexDisconnectIndication() - Called on a (graceful) OBEX disconnection by the client.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::PutCompleteIndication() - Called after the final put packet has been successfully received and parsed.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::PutPacketIndication() - Called on receipt of every packet of an OBEX PUT operation.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::PutRequestIndication() - Called on receipt of the first packet of a (valid) put request.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::SetPathIndication() - Called when an OBEX SETPATH command is received by the server.
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::TransportDownIndication() - Called when the transport connection is dropped (by either party).
  • MObexServerNotifyAsync::TransportUpIndication() - Called when the underlying transport connection is made from a remote client to the server.

  • MObjectProvider - An interface that allows an object to be part of a network of object providers.
  • MObjectProvider::MObjectProvider().
  • MObjectProvider::MObjectProvider_Reserved1().
  • MObjectProvider::MObjectProvider_Reserved2().
  • MObjectProvider::MopGetObject() - Gets an object of the type defined by the template parameter.
  • MObjectProvider::MopGetObjectNoChaining() - Gets an object of the type defined by the template parameter.
  • MObjectProvider::MopNext().
  • MObjectProvider::MopSupplyObject() - Gets an object whose type is encapsulated by the specified TTypeUid object.

  • MOpenFontShapingExtension - Open Font System Extension Interface abstract base class.
  • MOpenFontShapingExtension::GetExtensionFontMetrics() - Returns font metrics.
  • MOpenFontShapingExtension::GlyphIndex() - Maps a character to a glyph index.
  • MOpenFontShapingExtension::GlyphPointInFontUnits() - Returns the coordinates of a particular (unhinted) point in the outline of the given glyph in font units.
  • MOpenFontShapingExtension::GlyphPointInHintedPixels() - Returns the hinted pixel coordinates of a particular point in the outline of the given glyph.
  • MOpenFontShapingExtension::RasterizeGlyphL() - Creates a bitmap for the specified Glyph code.

  • MOpenFontShapingExtension::TExtensionFontMetrics - Various font metrics.

  • MOpenFontTrueTypeExtension - TrueType extension for Open Fonts.
  • MOpenFontTrueTypeExtension::GetTrueTypeTable() - Returns the specified table.
  • MOpenFontTrueTypeExtension::HasTrueTypeTable() - Determines if the font file has a particular table.
  • MOpenFontTrueTypeExtension::ReleaseTrueTypeTable() - Releases a table obtained by GetTrueTypeTable.

  • MPagePool - Interface to a page pool, the storage abstraction used by the B-trees API.
  • MPagePool::AcquireL() - Returns a function that abandons all locked pages for this page pool.
  • MPagePool::AllocL().
  • MPagePool::AssignL().
  • MPagePool::Delete() - Deletes a page, ignoring any errors.
  • MPagePool::DeleteL() - Deletes a page, leaving if an error occurs.
  • MPagePool::DoDeleteL().
  • MPagePool::LockL() - Locks a page and returns a pointer to it.
  • MPagePool::Pop() - Do a pop from the cleanup stack.
  • MPagePool::PushL() - Pushes this object onto the cleanup stack.
  • MPagePool::Unlock() - Unlocks a page.
  • MPagePool::UpdateL() - Updates a page.

  • MPageRegionPrinter - Interface for printing in bands.
  • MPageRegionPrinter::PrintBandL() - Prints a band.

  • MPaginateObserver - An abstract class which must be mixed with application calling the active object.
  • MPaginateObserver::NotifyCompletion() - Notifies the client on completion of document pagination.
  • MPaginateObserver::NotifyError() - Notifies the client when a leave is trapped or when the pagination is cancelled.
  • MPaginateObserver::NotifyPageCompletion() - Called by the paginator when each page has been completed.

  • MPictureFactory - Abstract interface for instantiating and restoring new CPicture derived objects.
  • MPictureFactory::NewPictureL() - Interface to the picture restoration process that ensures that a picture of the correct type is restored.

  • MPrintProcessObserver - Print progress and status notification interface class.
  • MPrintProcessObserver::NotifyBandPrinted() - Notifies that a band is about to be printed.
  • MPrintProcessObserver::NotifyPrintEnded() - Notifies that the print or print preview operation has completed.
  • MPrintProcessObserver::NotifyPrintStarted() - Notifies that a print or print preview operation is about to begin.

  • MPublicRegistry - Provides access to the public functions of CRegistryData for CResolver implementations.
  • MPublicRegistry::ListImplementationsL() - Intended Usage : Provides a list of the implementations which satisfy the interface uid specified.

  • MRemConAbsVolControllerObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming AbsVol commands.
  • MRemConAbsVolControllerObserver::MrcavcoGetAbsoluteVolumeResponse() - A response to a 'get absolute volume' command has been received.
  • MRemConAbsVolControllerObserver::MrcavcoSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse() - A response to a 'set absolute volume' command has been received.

  • MRemConAbsVolTargetObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming AbsVol commands.
  • MRemConAbsVolTargetObserver::MrcavtoGetAbsoluteVolume() - A 'get absolute volume' command has been received.
  • MRemConAbsVolTargetObserver::MrcavtoSetAbsoluteVolume() - A 'set absolute volume' command has been received.

  • MRemConCoreApiControllerObserver - Clients must implement this interface in order to instantiate objects of type CRemConCoreApiController.
  • MRemConCoreApiControllerObserver::MrccacoResponse() - A response has been received.

  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver - Clients must implement this interface in order to instantiate objects of type CRemConCoreApiTarget.
  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver::MrccatoCommand() - A command has been received.
  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver::MrccatoPlay() - A 'play' command has been received.
  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver::MrccatoSelectAudioInputFunction() - A 'select audio input function' has been received.
  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver::MrccatoSelectAvInputFunction() - A 'select AV input function' has been received.
  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver::MrccatoSelectDiskFunction() - A 'select disk function' has been received.
  • MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver::MrccatoTuneFunction() - A 'tune function' command has been received.

  • MRemConErrorObserver - This class defines an error notification interface.
  • MRemConErrorObserver::MrceoError() - This is called in the case of a session error that has occurred passively and cannot be notified via completion of an outstanding call made by the client application.

  • MRemConStatusApiControllerObserver - Interface to observe responses from a Status API controller.
  • MRemConStatusApiControllerObserver::Mrcsaco_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MRemConStatusApiControllerObserver::MrcsacoSubunitInfoResponse() - A SubunitInfo response has been received.
  • MRemConStatusApiControllerObserver::MrcsacoUnitInfoResponse() - A UnitInfo response has been received.

  • MRemConTrackInfoControllerObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming TrackInfo responses.
  • MRemConTrackInfoControllerObserver::MrcticoSetTrackNameResponse() - A response to a 'set track name' command has been received.

  • MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming TrackInfo commands.
  • MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver::MrctitoGetArtist() - A 'get artist' command has been received.
  • MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver::MrctitoGetTrackDuration() - A 'get track duration' command has been received.
  • MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver::MrctitoGetTrackName() - A 'get track name' command has been received.

  • MRxDataObserver - An interface to be implemented by classes that wish to receive status information from an implementation of the CRxData class.
  • MRxDataObserver::MRDO_Reserved1().
  • MRxDataObserver::MRDO_Reserved2().
  • MRxDataObserver::SetStatusL() - Intended Usage: Receive a status message from the object that processes received data in a protocol handler.

  • MSIPConcreteProfileObserver - Observer class to be implemented by users of CSIPConcreteProfile It provides event notifications related to profiles.
  • MSIPConcreteProfileObserver::AddedL() - SIP profile creation event.
  • MSIPConcreteProfileObserver::ErrorOccurredL() - An asynchronous error has occurred related to SIP profile Event is send to those observers, who have the corresponding profile instantiated.
  • MSIPConcreteProfileObserver::RegistrationStatusChangedL() - SIP profile registration status changed event Event is send to those observers, who have the corresponding profile instantiated.
  • MSIPConcreteProfileObserver::RemovedL() - SIP profile destruction event.
  • MSIPConcreteProfileObserver::UpdatedL() - SIP profile information update event Event is send to those observers, who have the corresponding profile instantiated.

  • MSIPConnectionObserver - An interface to be implemented by users of CSIPConnection.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ConnectionStateChanged() - Connection state has changed.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ErrorOccured()  An asynchronous error has occurred in the stack related to the request indicated by the given transaction.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ErrorOccured()  An asynchronous error has occurred in the stack related to the request indicated by the given transaction.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ErrorOccured()  An asynchronous error has occured related to a request within an existing dialog.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ErrorOccured()  An asynchronous error has occured related to a refresh.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ErrorOccured()  An asynchronous error has occured related to a periodical refresh that relates to a registration.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::ErrorOccured()  An asynchronous error has occured related to a periodical refresh that belongs to SIP dialog association.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::IncomingRequest()  A SIP request outside a dialog has been received from the network.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::IncomingRequest()  A SIP request within a dialog has been received from the network.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::IncomingResponse()  A SIP response received from the network.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::IncomingResponse()  A SIP response received from the network that is within a dialog association or creates a dialog association.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::IncomingResponse()  Multiple SIP responses have been received to the single INVITE due to the forking proxy.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::IncomingResponse()  A SIP response related a registration binding or an error response that is related to registration binding has been received from the network.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::InviteCanceled() - Invite was canceled with the CANCEL.
  • MSIPConnectionObserver::InviteCompleted() - SIP stack has completed UAC core INVITE transaction 64*T1 seconds after the reception of the first 2xx response.

  • MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver - The user must implement this interface if it intends to provide HTTP Digest credentials upon received challenges from the SIP servers on the signaling path.
  • MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver::ChallengeReceived() - SIP request resulted in 401/407 response that contains a challenge.

  • MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver2 - The user should implement this interface if it intends to provide HTTP Digest credentials upon received challenges from the SIP servers on the signaling path.
  • MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver2::ChallengeReceived()  A SIP request resulted in 401/407 response that contains 1..n challenges.
  • MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver2::ChallengeReceived()  A refreshed SIP request resulted in 401/407 response that contains 1..n challenges.

  • MSIPObserver - An interface to be implemented by user of CSIP.
  • MSIPObserver::IncomingRequest() - A SIP request has been received from the network.
  • MSIPObserver::TimedOut() - The received SIP request time-outed and it is invalid i.e.

  • MSIPProfileRegistryObserver - The observer class for monitoring SIP profiles.
  • MSIPProfileRegistryObserver::ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred() - An asynchronous error has occurred related to SIP profile Event is send to those observers, who have the corresponding profile instantiated.
  • MSIPProfileRegistryObserver::ProfileRegistryEventOccurred() - An event related to SIP Profile has accorred.

  • MSIPRegistrationContext - The interface for providing information for the SIP request and dialog creation.
  • MSIPRegistrationContext::ContextId() - Gets the context id.
  • MSIPRegistrationContext::IsContextActive() - Checks if the registration context can be used for creating SIP messages/dialogs.
  • MSIPRegistrationContext::~MSIPRegistrationContext() - Destructor.

  • MSdpAgentNotifier - Handles responses to Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol queries.
  • MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestComplete() - Called when an attribute request (CSdpAgent::AttributeRequestL()) wants to signal the completion of a attribute request.
  • MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestResult() - Called when an attribute request (CSdpAgent::AttributeRequestL()) wants to pass up a result.
  • MSdpAgentNotifier::MSAN_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MSdpAgentNotifier::NextRecordRequestComplete() - Called when an service record request (CSdpAgent::NextRecordRequestComplete()) operation completes.

  • MSdpAttributeValueVisitor - Abstract interface that can be implemented to receive an enumeration of the values in an attribute list.
  • MSdpAttributeValueVisitor::EndListL() - Called to indicate the end of a list of attribute values.
  • MSdpAttributeValueVisitor::MSAVV_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MSdpAttributeValueVisitor::StartListL() - Called to indicate the start of a list of attribute values.
  • MSdpAttributeValueVisitor::VisitAttributeValueL() - Called to pass an attribute value.

  • MSdpElementBuilder - Constructs an attribute value, or a set of attributes, from multiple data elements.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildBooleanL() - Adds a Boolean element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildDEAL() - Adds a (header for a) Data element alternative (DEA), a data element whose data field is a sequence of data elements from which one data element is to be selected.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildDESL() - Adds a (header for a) Data element sequence (DES), a data element whose data field is a sequence of data elements.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildIntL() - Adds a signed integer element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildNilL() - Adds a null element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildStringL() - Adds a Text String element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildUintL() - Adds an unsigned integer element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildUnknownL() - Adds an element of any type.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildURLL() - Adds a URL element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::BuildUUIDL() - Adds a UUID element.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::EndListL() - Indicates that subsequent elements no longer belong to current DES or DEA.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::MSEB_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MSdpElementBuilder::StartListL() - Indicates that subsequent elements added belong to a DES or DEA.

  • MSecurityPolicy - The Security Policy Interface.
  • MSecurityPolicy::CancelValidateUntrustedServerCert() - Intended Usage: Cancel a previous request to ask the client to accept or reject an untrusted WTLS server certificate.
  • MSecurityPolicy::GetNamedPolicyProperty() - Intended Usage: Obtain arbitrary, named security policy properties, in a generic 'stringified' form.
  • MSecurityPolicy::GetTlsCipherSuites() - Intended Usage: Obtain a list of TLS cipher suites.
  • MSecurityPolicy::GetWtlsCipherSuites() - Intended Usage: Obtain an array of WTLS cipher suites.
  • MSecurityPolicy::GetWtlsKeyExchangeSuites() - Intended Usage: Obtain the WTLS key exchange suites.
  • MSecurityPolicy::Reserved1() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • MSecurityPolicy::Reserved2() - Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC.
  • MSecurityPolicy::ValidateUntrustedServerCert() - Intended Usage: Ask the client to accept or reject a certificate.

  • MShgCallBackAPI - Spreadsheet engine client callback interface.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::DisplayInfoMessage() - Displays a brief message.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::GetCurrentCell() - Gets the client's current cell (e.g.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::MShgCallBackAPI_Reserved1().
  • MShgCallBackAPI::NeedToReportCellChanged() - Queries if the engine should notify the interface of changes to the specified cell.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::ReportCellChanged() - !! only needed for CELLPOINTER function.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::ReportCircularDependencyExists() - Reports that the engine has discovered a circular dependency while performing a recalculation.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::ReportRecalculationInProgress() - Reports that the engine is recalculating, or has finished recalculating, the spreadsheet.
  • MShgCallBackAPI::ReportRecalculationNeeded() - Reports that the engine needs/does not need to recalculate the spreadsheet.

  • MShgCellReader - Interface to read a specified cell.
  • MShgCellReader::MShgReadCell() - Gets a specified cell.

  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Custom Commands Implementor.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrAddPronunciationL() - Adds a new pronunciation for the given model into the specified lexicon.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrAddRuleL() - Adds a new rule for the given pronunciation into the specified grammar.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrCancel() - Cancels the current operation.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrCommitChangesL() - Commit uncommited changes to the database.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrCreateGrammarL() - Creates a new grammar.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrCreateLexiconL() - Creates a new lexicon.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrCreateModelBankL() - Creates a new model bank.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrEndRecSessionL() - Ends the current recognition session.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllClientGrammarIDsL() - Returns all grammar IDs that are owned by the client.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllClientLexiconIDsL() - Returns all lexicon IDs that are owned by the client.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllClientModelBankIDsL() - Returns all modelbank IDs that are owned by the client.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllGrammarIDsL() - Returns all grammar IDs.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllLexiconIDsL() - Returns all lexicon IDs.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllModelBankIDsL() - Returns all modelbank IDs.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllModelIDsL() - Returns all model IDs that exist in the specified model bank.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllPronunciationIDsL() - Returns all pronunciation IDs that exist in the specified lexicon.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAllRuleIDsL() - Returns all rule IDs that exist in the specified grammar.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetAvailableStorageL() - Returns the number of models available for training system wide, based on available disk space.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetEnginePropertiesL() - Returns the engine properties specified by the engine property ID array.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetModelCountL() - Returns the number of models in the specified model bank.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetRuleValidityL() - Checks if the rule is valid or not.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrGetUtteranceDurationL() - Returns the duration of the utterance for the specified model.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrLoadEngineParametersL() - Unloads the specified parameters to the engine.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrLoadGrammarL() - Loads the specified grammar in into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrLoadLexiconL() - Loads the specified lexicon into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrLoadModelsL() - Loads the specified model bank into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrPlayUtteranceL() - Plays the previously trained utterance.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRecognizeL() - Initiates recognition; performed following loading of model bank, lexicon, and grammar.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRecordL() - Records user utterance for training and recognition.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRemoveGrammarL() - Removes the specified grammar from the permanent storage.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRemoveLexiconL() - Removes the specified lexicon from the permanent storage.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRemoveModelBankL() - Removes the specified model bank from the permanent storage.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRemoveModelL() - Removes the specified model from the specified model bank permanently.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRemovePronunciationL() - Removes the specified pronunciation from the specified lexicon permanently.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrRemoveRuleL() - Removes the specified rule from the specified grammar permanently.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrSetClientUid() - Sets the specified grammar client UID.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrStartRecSessionL() - Starts a new recognition session.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrTrainL() - Trains a new model into the specified model bank.
  • MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor::MSrUnloadRuleL() - Unloads the specified rule from the specified grammar in temporary memory, previously loaded with LoadGrammarL().

  • MSpeechRecognitionUtilityObserver - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Utility Observer.
  • MSpeechRecognitionUtilityObserver::MsruoEvent() - Pure virtual function that receives speech recognition utility events.

  • MStreamBuf - A stream buffer that provides a generic I/O interface for streamed data.
  • MStreamBuf::Close() - Closes the stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::DoReadL().
  • MStreamBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor.
  • MStreamBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the stream into the specified data sink.
  • MStreamBuf::DoRelease() - Frees resources before abandoning the stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::DoSeekL().
  • MStreamBuf::DoSynchL() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • MStreamBuf::DoWriteL().
  • MStreamBuf::DoWriteL()  Writes data from the specified descriptor into this stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::DoWriteL().
  • MStreamBuf::MStreamBuf().
  • MStreamBuf::PushL() - Puts a cleanup item for this object onto the cleanup stack.
  • MStreamBuf::Read()  Reads data, asynchronously, from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor; request completion is guaranteed, even if request initiation fails.
  • MStreamBuf::Read()  Reads data, asynchronously, from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor; request completion is guaranteed, even if request initiation fails.
  • MStreamBuf::ReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified memory location.
  • MStreamBuf::ReadL()  Reads data, asynchronously, from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor.
  • MStreamBuf::ReadL()  Reads data, asynchronously, from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor.
  • MStreamBuf::ReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified data sink.
  • MStreamBuf::ReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified data sink.
  • MStreamBuf::ReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified data sink.
  • MStreamBuf::Release() - Frees resources before abandoning the stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::SeekL()  Moves the position of the read or write mark in the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::SeekL()  Moves the position of the read mark or the write mark in the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::SeekL()  Moves the position of the read mark in the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::SeekL()  Moves the position of the write mark in the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::SeekL()  Moves the position of the read mark in the stream by the specified offset.
  • MStreamBuf::SeekL()  Moves the position of the write mark in the stream by the specified offset.
  • MStreamBuf::SizeL() - Gets the size of the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::Synch() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, returning any error.
  • MStreamBuf::SynchL() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • MStreamBuf::TellL()  Gets the position of the read mark within the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::TellL()  Gets the position of the write mark within the stream.
  • MStreamBuf::Write()  Writes data, asynchronously, from the specified descriptor into the stream buffer; request completion is guaranteed, even if request initiation fails.
  • MStreamBuf::Write().
  • MStreamBuf::WriteL()  Writes data from the specified memory location into the stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::WriteL()  Writes data, asynchronously, from the specified descriptor into the stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::WriteL()  Writes data, asynchronously, from the specified descriptor into the stream buffer.
  • MStreamBuf::WriteL()  Writes data into the stream buffer from the specified data source.
  • MStreamBuf::WriteL()  Writes data into the stream buffer from the specified data source.
  • MStreamBuf::WriteL()  Writes data into the stream buffer from the specified data source.

  • MStreamInput - An interface to an object that acts as a target for read operations from a stream.
  • MStreamInput::PushL() - Reads data from an intermediate buffer into this stream input object.
  • MStreamInput::ReadFromL() - Reads data from the specified stream into this stream input object.

  • MStreamOutput - An interface to an object that acts as source for write operations to a stream.
  • MStreamOutput::PullL() - Writes data to an intermediate buffer from this stream output object.
  • MStreamOutput::WriteToL() - Writes data to the specified stream from this stream output object.

  • MStringPoolCloseCallBack - Abstract callback interface that alerts implementors to when a string pool closes.
  • MStringPoolCloseCallBack::StringPoolClosing() - Implement this function to perform some operation when the string pool is being closed.

  • MSyncMLEventObserver - Interface to receive notifications of SyncML session events.
  • MSyncMLEventObserver::OnSyncMLSessionEvent() - Receives a SyncML session event.

  • MSyncMLProgressObserver - Interface to receive notifications of SyncML synchronisation progress events.
  • MSyncMLProgressObserver::OnSyncMLDataSyncModifications() - Receives notification of modifications to synchronisation tasks.
  • MSyncMLProgressObserver::OnSyncMLSyncError() - Receives notification of a synchronisation error.
  • MSyncMLProgressObserver::OnSyncMLSyncProgress() - Receives notification of synchronisation progress.

  • MSyncMLProgressObserver::TSyncMLDataSyncModifications - Container class for number of items added, replaced, moved, deleted and failed.

  • MTelnetNotification - Symbian telnet notification interface.
  • MTelnetNotification::Connected() - Telnet Connected callback.
  • MTelnetNotification::ConnectionClosed() - Telnet Connection Closed callback.
  • MTelnetNotification::Error() - Miscellaneous Error callback.
  • MTelnetNotification::OptionsChanged() - Telnet RFC Options Changed callback.
  • MTelnetNotification::ReadComplete() - Last Read to Server completion callback.
  • MTelnetNotification::WriteComplete() - Last Write to Server completion callback.

  • MTextFieldFactory - Abstract class that should be derived from by any application that wishes to support fields Abstract base class for field factories.
  • MTextFieldFactory::NewFieldL() - Implementations of this function should create a field of the type specified, returning NULL if the field type is not recognised or supported.

  • MTmCustom - The text customization interface.
  • MTmCustom::DrawBackground() - The default function to drawn the background.
  • MTmCustom::DrawLineGraphics() - By default no line graphics are drawn.
  • MTmCustom::DrawPicture() - Draw the picture onto the graphics context.
  • MTmCustom::DrawText() - Draw text and its highlit background if any.
  • MTmCustom::GetLineBreakInContext() - Gets the position of the first or last possible line break position in a text string.
  • MTmCustom::IsHangingCharacter() - Tests whether a character may be positioned outside the right margin.
  • MTmCustom::LineBreakClass() - Converts Unicode character into line breaking class.
  • MTmCustom::LineBreakPossible() - Returns whether line break is possible between two characters.
  • MTmCustom::Map() - The default function to map a character to the character drawn, or to 0xFFFF if the character is not to be drawn.
  • MTmCustom::SetBrushColor() - Sets the brush colour.
  • MTmCustom::SetLineHeight() - The default function to set the line height.
  • MTmCustom::SetPenColor() - Sets the pen colour.
  • MTmCustom::Stretch() - Return the level of stretchability; the relative desirability of inserting space after a character when fully justifying.
  • MTmCustom::SystemColor()  Convert a system colour index to a system colour, using or modifying the supplied default colour if desired.
  • MTmCustom::SystemColor()  This function translates logical colours specified in FORM objects into real colours.

  • MTmCustom::TLineHeightParam - TLineHeightParam structure is used in MTmCustom::SetLineHeight() method to set text line height related parameters such as max character height, max ascent and descent, height and depth of the tallest pictures (top-aligned, bottom-aligned or centered).
  • MTmCustom::TLineHeightParam::TLineHeightParam() - Constructs a line height parameter structure, setting all the data members to zero.

  • MTranpNotification - A callback interface providing notification of events that occur during a picture transmission session.
  • MTranpNotification::Connected() - This function is called when a peer device connects successfully to the host device following an attempt to receive a picture.
  • MTranpNotification::Disconnected() - This function is called when a peer device disconnects or is disconnected from the host device.
  • MTranpNotification::Error() - This function is called when the connection with the peer device drops during picture data transmission.
  • MTranpNotification::GetComplete() - This function is called when the reception of picture data is complete.
  • MTranpNotification::MTN_ExtensionInterfaceL() - Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.
  • MTranpNotification::ProgressIndication() - This function is called during the sending or receiving of picture data and indicates the percentage of the data that has been transmitted.
  • MTranpNotification::PutComplete() - This function is called when the sending of picture data is complete.
  • MTranpNotification::QueryComplete() - This function is called when an operation querying the processing ability of a peer device completes.

  • MUnicodeSink.
  • MUnicodeSink::WriteUnicodeValueL().

  • MUnicodeSource.
  • MUnicodeSource::ReadUnicodeValueL().

  • MVersitObserver - A Versit parser observer.
  • MVersitObserver::NewParser() - Called when a new Versit parser is created to parse an embedded object, specifically a vEvent, a vTodo or an agent, if the Versit parser has an observer.
  • MVersitObserver::Reserved1().
  • MVersitObserver::Reserved2().
  • MVersitObserver::VersionSet() - Called when the version property (a property of the name KVersitTokenVERSION) of an entity is parsed during internalisation of a stream, if the Versit parser has an observer.

  • MVersitPlugIn - A Versit parser plug-in.
  • MVersitPlugIn::AddEscaping() - Allows the addition of escape characters to a property value when externalising to a stream.
  • MVersitPlugIn::AddSpace() - Tests whether a space is to be added when merging (unwrapping) two lines while internalising a stream.
  • MVersitPlugIn::DeleteAllSpaces() - Tests whether white space at the start of a line, apart from the first space, forms part of the data when internalising a stream.
  • MVersitPlugIn::EncodingName() - Returns the encoding name to be used for a specified encoding type when externalising a property to a stream, or allows the default name to be used.
  • MVersitPlugIn::EncodingType() - Determines how property values are encoded when externalising a property to a stream.
  • MVersitPlugIn::GetInterface() - Returns a pointer to a specified interface extension - to allow future extension of this class without breaking binary compatibility.
  • MVersitPlugIn::NeedsBlankLine() - Tests how the end of Base64 data (data encoded using Versit::EBase64Encoding) should be detected when internalising a stream.
  • MVersitPlugIn::RemoveEscaping() - Allows the removal of escape characters from a property value when internalising from a stream.
  • MVersitPlugIn::WrapLine() - Determines how an unencoded property value should be wrapped when externalising to a stream.

  • MVideoLoadingObserver - This is a mixin class to allow a client to receive notification of rebuffering operations occurring in the video player.
  • MVideoLoadingObserver::MvloLoadingComplete() - Notification that video clip loading/rebuffering has completed.
  • MVideoLoadingObserver::MvloLoadingStarted() - Notification that video clip loading/rebuffering has started.

  • MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver - An interface to a set of video player callback functions.
  • MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoEvent() - General event notification from controller.
  • MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoFrameReady() - Notification that the frame requested by a call to GetFrameL is ready.
  • MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() - Notification to the client that the opening of the video clip has completed, successfully, or otherwise.
  • MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() - Notification that video playback has completed.
  • MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPrepareComplete() - Notification to the client that the opening of the video clip has been prepared successfully, or otherwise.

  • MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver - An interface to a set of video recorder callback functions.
  • MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver::MvruoEvent() - General event notification from controller.
  • MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver::MvruoOpenComplete() - Notification to the client that the opening of the video clip has completed, successfully, or otherwise.
  • MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver::MvruoPrepareComplete() - Notification that video recorder is ready to begin recording.
  • MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver::MvruoRecordComplete() - Notification that video recording has completed.

  • MVwsSessionWrapperObserver - The MVwsSessionObserver specifies an interface through which server events to be handled by the owner of a client session are notified.
  • MVwsSessionWrapperObserver::HandleViewEventL() - Handles the view event aEvent for a view added through the client session being observed.

  • MWapPluginSP.
  • MWapPluginSP::AttributeLUT() - Intended Usage : Gets the Attribute Look Up Table.
  • MWapPluginSP::DataStorageNode() - Intended Usage : Gets hold of the actual node that holds the data for the specified document node.
  • MWapPluginSP::PrepareDTDL() - Intended Usage : Preload the specified DTD for validating recieved WML and WMLC decks.
  • MWapPluginSP::ResetDocumentNodeData() - Intended Usage : Resets the content data pointers in the given document node and any dependents.
  • MWapPluginSP::WmlLibL() - Intended Usage : Provide a CWmlLibrary object.

  • MWbxmlConverterObserver.
  • MWbxmlConverterObserver::HandleWbxmlEncodingUpdateL().
  • MWbxmlConverterObserver::HandleWbxmlOutputL().
  • MWbxmlConverterObserver::HandleWbxmlOutputL().
  • MWbxmlConverterObserver::HandleWbxmlOutputL().
  • MWbxmlConverterObserver::HandleWbxmlOutputL().
  • MWbxmlConverterObserver::MWbxmlConverterObserver_Reserved1().

  • MWsClientClass - Base class for all classes whose objects are clients of the window server.
  • MWsClientClass::WsHandle() - Gets the server side handle for the object.

  • Math - A collection of mathematical functions.
  • Math::ACos() - Calculates the principal value of the inverse cosine of a number.
  • Math::ASin() - Calculates the principal value of the inverse sine of a number.
  • Math::ATan()  Calculates the principal value of the inverse tangent of a number.
  • Math::ATan()  Calculates the angle between the x-axis and a line drawn from the origin to a point represented by its (x,y) co-ordinates.
  • Math::Cos() - Calculates the cosine of a number.
  • Math::DivMod64() - Divides aDividend by aDivisor.
  • Math::DtoR() - This function is not implemented by Symbian OS.
  • Math::Exp() - Calculates the value of e to the power of x.
  • Math::Frac() - Calculates the fractional part of a number.
  • Math::FRand() - Generates a stream of uniformly distributed pseudo-random real numbers in the range, 0 to 1.
  • Math::Int()  Calculates the integer part of a number.
  • Math::Int()  Calculates the integer part of a number.
  • Math::Int()  Calculates the integer part of a number.
  • Math::IsFinite() - Determines whether a value is finite.
  • Math::IsInfinite() - Determines whether a value is infinite.
  • Math::IsNaN() - Determines whether a value is not a number.
  • Math::IsZero() - Determines whether a value is zero.
  • Math::Ln() - Calculates the natural logarithm of a number.
  • Math::Log() - Calculates the logarithm to base 10 of a number.
  • Math::Mod() - Calculates the modulo remainder.
  • Math::Mul64() - Multiply aX by aY to generate a 128 bit result.
  • Math::Poly() - Evaluates the polynomial: {a[n]X^n + a[n-1]X^(n-1) + ...
  • Math::PolyX() - Evaluates the polynomial: {a[n]X^n + a[n-1]X^(n-1) + ...
  • Math::Pow() - Calculates the value of y to the power of x.
  • Math::Pow10() - Calculates the value of 10 to the power of x.
  • Math::Rand() - Generates a stream of uniformly distributed pseudo-random integers in the range, 0 to KMaxTInt.
  • Math::Random() - Gets 32 random bits from the kernel's random pool.
  • Math::Round() - Rounds to a specified number of decimal places.
  • Math::Sin() - Calculates the sine of a number.
  • Math::Sqrt() - Calculates the square root of a number.
  • Math::Tan() - Calculates the tangent of a number.
  • Math::UDivMod64() - Divides aDividend by aDivisor.
  • Math::UMul64() - Multiply aX by aY to generate a 128 bit result.

  • McliUtils - Utility class to simplify getting progress information from a messaging operation object.
  • McliUtils::GetFinalLocalProgress() - Gets the final local progress information from a messaging operation object.
  • McliUtils::GetLocalProgressL() - Gets the local progress information from a messaging operation object.
  • McliUtils::GetProgressErrorL() - Gets the progress error from a messaging operation object.
  • McliUtils::GetProgressIdL() - Gets the progress id from a messaging operation object.

  • Mem - Contains a set of static functions which perform manipulation of data in memory.
  • Mem::CollationMethodById() - Gets the collation method identified by the specified Uid.
  • Mem::CollationMethodByIndex() - Gets the collation method identified by the specified index.
  • Mem::CollationMethodId() - Gets the Uid associated with the specified collation method.
  • Mem::CollationMethods() - Gets the number of collation methods in this locale.
  • Mem::Compare()  Compares a block of data at one specified location with a block of data at another specified location.
  • Mem::Compare()  Compares a block of data at one specified location with a block of data at another specified location.
  • Mem::CompareC()  Compares a block of data at one specified location with a block of data at another specified location using the standard collation method appropriate to the current locale.
  • Mem::CompareC()  Compares a block of data at one specified location with a block of data at another specified location using the standard collation method appropriate to the current locale.
  • Mem::CompareC()  Compares a block of data at one location with a block of data at another location using the specified collation method and collating to the specified maximum collation level.
  • Mem::CompareF()  Compares a block of data at one specified location with a block of data at another specified location, using the standard folding method appropriate to the current locale.
  • Mem::CompareF()  Compares a block of data at one specified location with a block of data at another specified location, using the standard folding method appropriate to the current locale.
  • Mem::Copy() - Copies data from a source location to a target location and returns a pointer to the end of the copied data.
  • Mem::Crc() - Performs a CCITT CRC checksum on the specified data.
  • Mem::Crc32() - Performs a CCITT CRC-32 checksum on the specified data.
  • Mem::Fill() - Fills a specified block of data with a specified character, replacing any existing content.
  • Mem::FillZ() - Fills a specified block of data with binary zeroes (i.e.
  • Mem::GetDefaultMatchingTable() - Gets the collation method specific for matching purpose.
  • Mem::Move() - Moves a block of data from a source location to a target location and returns a pointer to the end of the moved data.
  • Mem::Swap() - Swaps a number of bytes of data between two specified locations.

  • MessageServer - Provides various static information functions relating to the Message Server.
  • MessageServer::CurrentDriveL() - Returns the drive that the Message Server is using to store messages.
  • MessageServer::DriveContainsStore() - Checks if the specified drive has a Message Server index on it.
  • MessageServer::IsMessageStoreDrivePresentL() - Checks to see if the currently selected drive contains the correct mail store.
  • MessageServer::NullUidValue() - Returns the predefined message entry ID null value.
  • MessageServer::Version() - Returns the Message Server version number.

  • MturUtils - Utility class that is used to start an application to edit a specified message.
  • MturUtils::LaunchEditorAndWaitL().
  • MturUtils::LaunchEditorL().
  • MturUtils::LaunchEditorL().

  • NShgUtils - Utilities to create cell and range reference strings.
  • NShgUtils::CellRefToText() - Gets a cell reference string for a specified cell.
  • NShgUtils::CellRefToTextAbsolute() - Gets an absolute cell reference string for a specified cell.
  • NShgUtils::ColumnRangeToText() - Gets a range reference string for the specified columns.
  • NShgUtils::ColumnToText() - Gets a column heading string for a specified column.
  • NShgUtils::RangeRefToText() - Gets a range reference string for a specified range.
  • NShgUtils::RangeRefToTextAbsolute() - Gets an absolute range reference string for a specified range.
  • NShgUtils::RowRangeToText() - Gets a range reference string for the specified rows.

  • NumberConversion - Functions for converting numbers between different numbers form different scripts.
  • NumberConversion::AppendFormatNumber() - Converts a non-negative integer into localised text, appending the result to a descriptor.
  • NumberConversion::ConvertDigit() - converts aDigit (which could be arabic, western digit etc) into the form denoted by aDigitType.
  • NumberConversion::ConvertDigits() - Converts all of the digits in the descriptor aText into the format specified in aDigitType.
  • NumberConversion::ConvertFirstNumber() - Converts the descriptor aText into an integer and returns it.
  • NumberConversion::Format() - Formats the descriptor.
  • NumberConversion::FormatDigit() - Converts a non-negative integer into localised text.
  • NumberConversion::FormatNumber() - Converts a non-negative integer into localised text.
  • NumberConversion::LengthOfConvertedText() - Returns the length of the descriptor required to hold text with its digits converted.
  • NumberConversion::LengthOfFormattedNumber() - Returns the number of characters required to format aNumber into text.
  • NumberConversion::PositionAndTypeOfNextNumber() - Finds the position and type of the next number in the descriptor.

  • RASCliSession - The client-side interface to the Symbian OS alarm server.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmAdd()  Validates an alarm object, allocates an unique identifier to it, and adds the object synchronously to the alarm server's queue.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmAdd()  Validates an alarm object, allocates an unique identifier to it, and adds the object with data synchronously to the alarm server's queue.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmAddWithNotification()  Makes an asynchronous request to add an alarm object to the alarm server's queue.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmAddWithNotification()  Makes an asynchronous request to add an alarm object with the agenda entry information attached to the alarm server's queue.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmCountByState() - Returns the number of alarms in a specified state.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDataAttachL() - Associates the specified data with an alarm.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDataDetach() - Removes any previously attached alarm data from the specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDataDetatch() - RASCliSession::AlarmDataDetach() should be used instead.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDataSize() - Returns the size in bytes of any data associated with the specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDelete() - Deletes an alarm from the alarm server.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDeleteAllByCategory() - Deletes all alarms in the queue corresponding to a specified category.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmDeleteByCategory() - Deletes alarms in the queue corresponding to a specified category and type.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue() - Cancels an outstanding notification for an alarm and removes it from the queue.
  • RASCliSession::AlarmSoundsTemporarilySilenced() - Tests whether the alarm server has temporarily disabled sounds.
  • RASCliSession::CancelAlarmSilence() - Cancels the silent period, turning the alarm sounds on.
  • RASCliSession::Connect() - Connects the client process to the alarm server, starting the server if it is not already running.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmCategory() - Retrieves the category of an alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmCharacteristics() - Gets the characteristics of an alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmCountForCategory() - Returns the number of alarms in a specified category.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmData()  Retrieves the data attached to the specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmData()  Retrieves the data attached to the specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmDayOrTimed() - Tests whether the specified alarm is for a timed or untimed event.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmDetails() - Retrieves information about a specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmIdListByStateL() - Retrieves a list of the unique identifiers of all alarms in a specified state.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmIdListForCategoryL() - Retrieves a list of all alarm identifiers for alarms within the server of a specified category.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmIdListL() - Retrieves a list of the unique identifiers of all the alarms in the alarm server.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmOwner() - Retrieves the full name of the thread that owns the specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmPlayIntervalsL() - Retrieves the list of alarm intervals.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmSoundsSilentUntil() - Retrieves the time at which all alarm sounds resume.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmSoundState() - Retrieves the alarm sound state.
  • RASCliSession::GetAlarmStatus() - Retrieves the status of the alarm.
  • RASCliSession::GetAvailableCategoryListL() - Retrieves a list of all alarm categories in use within the alarm server.
  • RASCliSession::GetNextDueAlarmId() - Retrieves the unique identifier of the next alarm in the alarm server queue.
  • RASCliSession::NotifyChange() - Enables client notification when alarm settings change, and when the next alarm time is calculated.
  • RASCliSession::NotifyChangeCancel() - Cancels any previous change notification request.
  • RASCliSession::NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue() - Returns the number of alarms that are currently active within the alarm queue.
  • RASCliSession::RASCliSession() - Default constructor.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmCharacteristics() - Sets the characteristics of a specified alarm.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmDayOrTimed() - Specifies whether an alarm belongs to a timed or untimed event.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmPlayIntervalsL() - Sets the list of alarm intervals.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmSoundsSilentFor() - Disables alarm sounds for a specified interval.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmSoundsSilentUntil() - Disables alarm sounds until a specified time.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmSoundState() - Sets the alarm sound state to on or off.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmStatus() - Sets an alarm's status to either enabled or disabled.
  • RASCliSession::SetAlarmStatusByCategory() - Set the status of all alarms in the specified category.
  • RASCliSession::SetClientData() - Updates an alarm's client-specific data in the alarm server.
  • RASCliSession::Version() - Provides the version number of the alarm server.

  • RAbstractEventArray - Array of CHF Abstract Events.
  • RAbstractEventArray::Append() - Appends a CHF abstract event.

  • RAllocator - Base class for heaps.
  • RAllocator::__DbgMarkCheck()  Checks the current number of allocated heap cells for this heap.
  • RAllocator::__DbgMarkCheck().
  • RAllocator::__DbgMarkEnd() - Marks the end of heap cell checking at the current nested level for this heap.
  • RAllocator::__DbgMarkStart() - Marks the start of heap cell checking for this heap.
  • RAllocator::__DbgSetAllocFail() - Simulates a heap allocation failure for this heap.
  • RAllocator::AllocL() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, and leaves if there is insufficient memory in the heap.
  • RAllocator::AllocLC() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, and, if successful, places a pointer to the cell onto the cleanup stack.
  • RAllocator::AllocZ() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, and clears it to binary zeroes.
  • RAllocator::AllocZL() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, clears it to binary zeroes, and leaves if there is insufficient memory in the heap.
  • RAllocator::Check() - Checks the validity of the heap.
  • RAllocator::Close() - Closes this shared heap.
  • RAllocator::Count()  Gets the total number of cells allocated on the heap.
  • RAllocator::Count()  Gets the the total number of cells allocated, and the number of free cells, on the heap.
  • RAllocator::Extension_().
  • RAllocator::FreeZ() - Frees the specified cell, returns it to the heap, and resets the pointer to NULL.
  • RAllocator::Open() - Opens this heap for shared access.
  • RAllocator::RAllocator().
  • RAllocator::ReAllocL() - Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell, and leaves if there is insufficient memory in the heap.

  • RAnalogClock - An analogue clock.
  • RAnalogClock::AddHandL() - Adds a hand to the clock.
  • RAnalogClock::ConstructL() - Completes construction of an analogue clock.
  • RAnalogClock::RAnalogClock() - Creates an analogue clock object.
  • RAnalogClock::SetBackgroundColor() - Sets the background colour for the clock.
  • RAnalogClock::SetBrushColor() - Sets the brush colour for the hands.
  • RAnalogClock::SetPenColor() - Sets the pen colour for the hands.
  • RAnalogClock::SetTextColor() - Sets the text colour.

  • RAnim - Client-side handle to a server-side animation class.
  • RAnim::AsyncCommandReply() - Sends a command and its arguments to the server-side CAnim instance asynchronously.
  • RAnim::Close() - Sends the close command.
  • RAnim::Command()  Sends a command and its arguments to the server-side CAnim instance, and returns immediately.
  • RAnim::Command()  Sends a command to the server-side CAnim instance, and returns immediately.
  • RAnim::CommandReply()  Sends a command to the server-side CAnim instance, and waits for a response.
  • RAnim::CommandReply()  Sends a command and its arguments to the server-side CAnim instance, and waits for a response.
  • RAnim::CommandReply()  Sends a command and its arguments to the server-side CAnim instance, and waits for a response.
  • RAnim::Construct()  Completes construction of the object based on a window device, and creates the server-side animation system.
  • RAnim::Construct()  Completes construction of the object based on a window device, and creates the server-side animation system.
  • RAnim::Construct()  Completes construction of the Anim DLL based on a sprite.
  • RAnim::Construct()  Completes construction of the Anim DLL based on a sprite.
  • RAnim::Destroy() - Closes and deletes the server-side animation object.
  • RAnim::RAnim()  Default constructor.
  • RAnim::RAnim()  Protected C++ constructor.
  • RAnim::~RAnim() - Empty virtual destructor.

  • RAnimDll - Client-side interface to the server-side animation DLL.
  • RAnimDll::Close() - Closes an animation DLL.
  • RAnimDll::Destroy() - Closes and deletes a previously loaded polymorphic DLL.
  • RAnimDll::Load() - Instructs the server to load an animation DLL.
  • RAnimDll::RAnimDll()  Default constructor.
  • RAnimDll::RAnimDll()  Valid constructor.
  • RAnimDll::~RAnimDll() - Empty virtual destructor.

  • RAnimWithUtils - Utility class to support clock animation.
  • RAnimWithUtils::Close() - Closes the clock animation.

  • RApaLsSession - A session with the application architecture server.
  • RApaLsSession::AppCount() - Gets the total number of applications.
  • RApaLsSession::AppForDataType() - Gets the UID of an application that can handle the specified data (MIME) type.
  • RApaLsSession::AppForDocument()  Gets the data (MIME) type of the data in the specified file and gets the UID of an application that can handle this type.
  • RApaLsSession::AppForDocument()  Gets the data (MIME) type of the data in the specified file and gets the UID of an application that can handle this type.
  • RApaLsSession::ApplicationLanguage() - Determines the current language an application is using to display its user interface.
  • RApaLsSession::CancelListPopulationCompleteObserver() - Cancels the observer registered with apparc server to notify when the initial population of applist is completed.
  • RApaLsSession::CancelNotifyOnDataMappingChange() - Cancellation of notification of changes in data-type mapping.
  • RApaLsSession::CancelRecognizeFiles() - Cancels any outstanding asynchronous recognition requests.
  • RApaLsSession::Close() - Closes the session.
  • RApaLsSession::Connect() - Connects a client to the application architecture server, creating a session with it.
  • RApaLsSession::CreateDocument() - Launches the application identified by the specified UID and creates a new document.
  • RApaLsSession::DeleteDataMapping() - Removes an existing data type mapping.
  • RApaLsSession::EmbeddableAppCount() - Gets the total number of embeddable applications.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAcceptedConfidence() - Gets the confidence threshold for successful data recognition.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAllApps()  Initialises the process of getting all applications in the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAllApps()  Initialises the process of getting all applications in the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppCapability() - Gets the capabilities of the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon()  gets the bitmap handles from the Server, forms these up into a CApaMaskedBitmap.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon()  Gets the nearest matching application icon for the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon()  Gets an open shareable read only file handle to the application icon file for the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon()  Gets the full filename of a file containing application icons for the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppIconSizes() - Gets the available icon sizes for the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppInfo() - Gets information about the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppOwnedFiles() - Gets the list of file names for which the application with the specified UID claims ownership.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppViewIcon()  Gets the icon for the specified view published by the application that has the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppViewIcon()  Gets the full filename of a file containing view-specific icons for the application with the specified UID and view.
  • RApaLsSession::GetAppViews() - Gets the views published by the application that has the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetDefaultScreenNumber() - Gets the default screen-number of the application with the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::GetEmbeddableApps()  Initialises the process of getting all embeddable applications from the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetEmbeddableApps()  Initialises the process of getting embeddable applications from the cached list that support the specified screen mode.
  • RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps()  Initialises the process of getting all applications matching aFilter in the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps()  Initialises the process of getting all applications matching aFilter in the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps()  Initialises the process of getting all applications matching the specified application attributes.
  • RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps()  Initialises the process of getting all applications matching the specified application attributes.
  • RApaLsSession::GetMaxDataBufSize() - Gets the maximum size of the data that can be read from a file for the purpose of recognizing the data type.
  • RApaLsSession::GetNextApp()  Gets information about the next application or embeddable application from the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetNextApp()  Gets information about the next application or embeddable application from the cached list.
  • RApaLsSession::GetPreferredBufSize() - Gets the preferred number of bytes of data to read from a file for the purpose of recognizing the data type.
  • RApaLsSession::GetSupportedDataTypesL() - Gets a list of all supported data (MIME) types.
  • RApaLsSession::InsertDataMapping() - Changes an existing data type mapping, or adds a new one.
  • RApaLsSession::InsertDataMappingIfHigher() - Changes an existing data type mapping, or adds a new one.
  • RApaLsSession::IsProgram() - Tests whether the file is a native executable (DLL or EXE).
  • RApaLsSession::MatchesSecurityPolicy() - Tests whether the given TSecurityPolicy matches with the application TSecurityPolicy.
  • RApaLsSession::NotifyOnDataMappingChange() - Notification of changes in data-type mapping.
  • RApaLsSession::NumberOfOwnDefinedIcons() - Gets the number of icons defined by the app that has the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::RApaLsSession().
  • RApaLsSession::RApaLsSession_Reserved1().
  • RApaLsSession::RApaLsSession_Reserved2().
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeData()  Gets the data (MIME) type for data taken from a file with a specified name.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeData()  Gets the data (MIME) type for data in a file passed by handle.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeFilesL()  Gets the data (MIME) type for files in a specified directory.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeFilesL()  Gets the data (MIME) type for files in a specified directory.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeFilesL()  Gets the data (MIME) type for files in a specified directory.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeFilesL()  Gets the data (MIME) type for files in a specified directory.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeSpecificData()  Tests whether data taken from a named file has the specified data (MIME) type.
  • RApaLsSession::RecognizeSpecificData()  Tests whether data taken from a file passed by handle has the specified data (MIME) type.
  • RApaLsSession::RegisterListPopulationCompleteObserver() - Registers an observer with apparc server to notify when the initial population of applist is completed.
  • RApaLsSession::SetAcceptedConfidence() - Sets the confidence threshold for successful data recognition.
  • RApaLsSession::SetAppShortCaption() - Sets the short caption of the application.
  • RApaLsSession::SetMaxDataBufSize() - Sets the maximum size of the data that can be read from a file for the purpose of recognizing the data type.
  • RApaLsSession::StartApp()  Starts an application defined by the specified command line information.
  • RApaLsSession::StartApp()  Starts an application defined by the specified command line information.
  • RApaLsSession::StartApp()  Starts an application defined by the specified command line information.
  • RApaLsSession::StartDocument()  Finds and launches an application to handle the document contained in the specified file.
  • RApaLsSession::StartDocument()  Finds and launches an application to handle the document contained in the specified file.
  • RApaLsSession::StartDocument()  Launches an application that can handle the specified data (MIME) type.
  • RApaLsSession::StartDocument()  Finds and launches an application to handle the document contained in the specified file.
  • RApaLsSession::StartDocument()  Launches the application identified by the specified UID.
  • RApaLsSession::StartDocument()  Finds and launches an application to handle the document contained in the specified file.
  • RApaLsSession::Version() - Gets the version of the application architecture server.

  • RArray - A simple and efficient array of fixed length objects.
  • RArray::Append() - Apends an object onto the array.
  • RArray::AppendL() - Apends an object onto the array.
  • RArray::Array() - Constructs and returns a generic array.
  • RArray::Close() - Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.
  • RArray::Compress() - Compresses the array down to a minimum.
  • RArray::Count() - Gets the number of objects in the array.
  • RArray::Find()  Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.
  • RArray::Find()  Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RArray::Find()  Finds the first object in the array which matches aKey using the comparison algorithm provided by apfnCompare.
  • RArray::FindInOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::FindInOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::FindInOrder()  Finds the object in the array whose object matches the specified key, (Using the relationship defined within apfnCompare) using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::FindInOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::FindInOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::FindInSignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInSignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInSignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInSignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInUnsignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInUnsignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInUnsignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindInUnsignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::FindL()  Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.
  • RArray::FindL()  Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RArray::FindReverse()  Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.
  • RArray::FindReverse()  Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RArray::FindReverse()  Finds the first object in the array which matches aKey using the comparison algorithm provided by apfnCompare.
  • RArray::FindReverseL()  Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.
  • RArray::FindReverseL()  Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RArray::GranularCompress() - Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
  • RArray::Insert() - Inserts an object into the array at a specified position.
  • RArray::InsertInOrder() - Inserts an object of into the array in object order.
  • RArray::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an object into the array in object order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray::InsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an object into the array in object order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray::InsertInOrderL() - Inserts an object of into the array in object order.
  • RArray::InsertInSignedKeyOrder() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order.
  • RArray::InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray::InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray::InsertInSignedKeyOrderL() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order.
  • RArray::InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order.
  • RArray::InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray::InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray::InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderL() - Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, not allowing duplicate entries.
  • RArray::InsertL() - Inserts an object into the array at a specified position.
  • RArray::operator[]()  Gets a reference to an object located at a specified position within the array.
  • RArray::operator[]()  Gets a reference to an object located at a specified position within the array.
  • RArray::RArray()  Default C++ constructor.
  • RArray::RArray()  C++ constructor with granularity.
  • RArray::RArray()  C++ constructor with granularity and key offset.
  • RArray::RArray()  C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
  • RArray::RArray()  C++ constructor with size of entry, a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
  • RArray::Remove() - Removes the object at a specified position from the array.
  • RArray::Reserve() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RArray::ReserveL() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RArray::Reset() - Empties the array, so that it is ready to be reused.
  • RArray::Sort() - Sorts the objects within the array using the specified TLinearOrder.
  • RArray::SortSigned() - Sorts the objects within the array; the sort order is assumed to be in signed integer order.
  • RArray::SortUnsigned() - Sorts the objects within the array; the sort order is assumed to be in unsigned integer order.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and a specified ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and a specified ordering algorithm.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.
  • RArray::SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL()  Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

  • RArray< TInt > - A simple and efficient specialized array of signed integers offering standard array behaviour.
  • RArray< TInt >::Append() - Appends a signed integer onto the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::AppendL() - Appends a signed integer onto the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Array() - Constructs and returns a generic array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Close() - Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Compress() - Compresses the array down to a minimum.
  • RArray< TInt >::Count() - Gets the number of signed integers in the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Find() - Finds the first signed integer in the array which matches the specified signed integer using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindInOrder()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindInOrder()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindInOrderL()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindInOrderL()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindL() - Finds the first signed integer in the array which matches the specified signed integer using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindReverse() - Finds the last signed integer in the array which matches the specified signed integer using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TInt >::FindReverseL() - Finds the last signed integer in the array which matches the specified signed integer using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TInt >::GranularCompress() - Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
  • RArray< TInt >::Insert() - Inserts a signed integer into the array at the specified position.
  • RArray< TInt >::InsertInOrder() - Inserts a signed integer into the array in signed integer order.
  • RArray< TInt >::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts a signed integer into the array in signed integer order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray< TInt >::InsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts a signed integer into the array in signed integer order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray< TInt >::InsertInOrderL() - Inserts a signed integer into the array in signed integer order.
  • RArray< TInt >::InsertL() - Inserts a signed integer into the array at the specified position.
  • RArray< TInt >::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the signed integer located at a specified position within the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the signed integer located at a specified position within the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::RArray()  Constructs an array object for an array of signed integers with default granularity.
  • RArray< TInt >::RArray()  Constructs an array object for an array of signed integers with the specified granularity.
  • RArray< TInt >::RArray()  C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
  • RArray< TInt >::RArray()  C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Remove() - Removes the signed integer at the specified position from the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Reserve() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RArray< TInt >::ReserveL() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RArray< TInt >::Reset() - Empties the array.
  • RArray< TInt >::Sort() - Sorts the array entries into signed integer order.
  • RArray< TInt >::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TInt >::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer using a binary search technique.

  • RArray< TUint > - Array of unsigned integers.
  • RArray< TUint >::Append() - Appends an unsigned integer onto the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::AppendL() - Appends an unsigned integer onto the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Array() - Constructs and returns a generic array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Close() - Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Compress() - Compresses the array down to a minimum.
  • RArray< TUint >::Count() - Gets the number of unsigned integers in the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Find() - Finds the first unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindInOrder()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindInOrder()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindInOrderL()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindInOrderL()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindL() - Finds the first unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindReverse() - Finds the last unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TUint >::FindReverseL() - Finds the last unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value, using a sequential search.
  • RArray< TUint >::GranularCompress() - Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
  • RArray< TUint >::Insert() - Inserts an unsigned integer into the array at the specified position.
  • RArray< TUint >::InsertInOrder() - Inserts an unsigned integer into the array in unsigned integer order.
  • RArray< TUint >::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an unsigned integer into the array in unsigned integer order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray< TUint >::InsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an unsigned integer into the array in unsigned integer order, allowing duplicates.
  • RArray< TUint >::InsertInOrderL() - Inserts an unsigned integer into the array in unsigned integer order.
  • RArray< TUint >::InsertL() - Inserts an unsigned integer into the array at the specified position.
  • RArray< TUint >::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the unsigned integer located at the specified position within the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the unsigned integer located at the specified position within the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::RArray()  Default C++ constructor.
  • RArray< TUint >::RArray()  Constructs an array object for an array of unsigned integers with the specified granularity.
  • RArray< TUint >::RArray()  C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
  • RArray< TUint >::RArray()  C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Remove() - Removes the unsigned integer at the specified position from the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Reserve() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RArray< TUint >::ReserveL() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RArray< TUint >::Reset() - Empties the array.
  • RArray< TUint >::Sort() - Sorts the array entries into unsigned integer order.
  • RArray< TUint >::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array that matches the specified unsigned integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array that matches the specified unsigned integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array that matches the specified unsigned integer using a binary search technique.
  • RArray< TUint >::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the unsigned integer in the array that matches the specified unsigned integer using a binary search technique.

  • RBTCommPortSettings - A subsession on the Bluetooth Registry server This subsession allows the virtual serial ports to be updated, modified, examined etc.
  • RBTCommPortSettings::Close() - Close the virtual serial port subsession on the Registry.
  • RBTCommPortSettings::Delete() - Delete virtual serial settings.
  • RBTCommPortSettings::Get() - Get the port settings for a given port At present the lookup is based on the port number in aPortSettings.
  • RBTCommPortSettings::Modify() - Asynchronously update virtual serial port settings.
  • RBTCommPortSettings::Open() - Open the virtual serial port subsession on the registry server.
  • RBTCommPortSettings::RBTCommPortSettings() - Default constructor.

  • RBTLocalDevice - Creates and opens a subsession on BT Registry Server for local devices.
  • RBTLocalDevice::Close() - Close the subsession on the server.
  • RBTLocalDevice::Get() - Retrieve the local device details.
  • RBTLocalDevice::Open() - Open a local device subsession on the server, used for manipulating settings about the local device.
  • RBTLocalDevice::RBTLocalDevice() - default c'tor.

  • RBTMan - Creates a sessions over which the Bluetooth security manager is accessible.
  • RBTMan::Connect() - Connects to the btman server.
  • RBTMan::RBTMan() - Default Constructor.
  • RBTMan::Version() - Returns the version of the server.

  • RBTManSubSession - A subsession for the RBTMan session.
  • RBTManSubSession::CancelRequest() - Cancel an outstanding request on btmanserver.
  • RBTManSubSession::Close() - Used to close the subsession.
  • RBTManSubSession::RBTManSubSession() - Default constructor of base class for subsessions.

  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter - Class to enable modification of a physical link:.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::ActivateActiveRequester() - Start a facility that will continually attempt to put the physical link into Active Mode.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::ActivateParkRequester() - Start a facility that will continually attempt to put the physical link into Park Mode.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::ActivateSniffRequester() - Start a facility that will continually attempt to put the physical link into Sniff Mode.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::AllowLowPowerModes() - Ensures this object does not block the use of a specified set of low power modes.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::AllowRoleSwitch() - Ensures this object does not block a role switch.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::Authenticate() - Attempts to authenticate the existing physical link.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::CancelLowPowerModeRequester() - Cancel a facility that is continually requesting a low power mode.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::CancelNextBasebandChangeEventNotifier() - Cancel a currently requested notification.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::Close() - Close the physical link adapter.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::IsOpen() - Check whether the physical link adapter is open.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::NotifyNextBasebandChangeEvent() - Request a notification.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::Open()  Open a physical link adapter on an existing physical link defined by 'aSocket'.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::Open()  Open a physical link adapter on an existing physical link defined by 'aDevAddr'.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::PhysicalLinkState() - Get the state of the physical link.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::PreventLowPowerModes() - Blocks the use of a specified set of low power modes.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::PreventRoleSwitch() - Blocks a role switch.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter() - Constructor.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::RequestChangeSupportedPacketTypes() - Update the set of baseband packet types that are allowed locally.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::RequestMasterRole() - Attempt to be the Bluetooth Master of a Piconet.
  • RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::RequestSlaveRole() - Attempt to be a Bluetooth Slave of a Piconet.

  • RBTRegServ - Registry access session.
  • RBTRegServ::Close() - Close session on Registry Server.
  • RBTRegServ::Connect() - Connect to Registry Server.
  • RBTRegServ::RBTRegServ() - Default constructor of registry session.
  • RBTRegServ::ResourceCount() - Returns the number of open subsessions.
  • RBTRegServ::Session() - Return reference to the server session.

  • RBTRegistry - Creates and opens a subsession on the BT Registry Server for remote devices.
  • RBTRegistry::AddDeviceL() - Add device to the registry.
  • RBTRegistry::Close() - Close the subsession.
  • RBTRegistry::CloseView() - Close a previously created view on the registry.
  • RBTRegistry::CreateView() - Create a constrained view of devices on the remote device table of the registry server.
  • RBTRegistry::ModifyFriendlyDeviceNameL() - Modify the friendly name of a device.
  • RBTRegistry::Open() - Open a Bluetooth device subsession.
  • RBTRegistry::RBTRegistry() - Default constructor for registry subsession.

  • RBackedUpWindow - Client-side handle to a drawable window with a backup bitmap.
  • RBackedUpWindow::BitmapHandle() - Gets a handle to the backup bitmap.
  • RBackedUpWindow::Construct() - Completes the construction of a backed up window.
  • RBackedUpWindow::MaintainBackup() - Tells the window server to start maintaining a backup bitmap with the entire window contents.
  • RBackedUpWindow::RBackedUpWindow()  Default C++ constructor which creates a sessionless backed-up window handle.
  • RBackedUpWindow::RBackedUpWindow()  Constructor which creates an uninitialised backed-up window handle within a session.
  • RBackedUpWindow::UpdateBackupBitmap() - Copies to the backup bitmap any areas of the window which are not currently stored in the bitmap.
  • RBackedUpWindow::UpdateScreen()  Copies the backup bitmap's image to the on-screen bitmap.
  • RBackedUpWindow::UpdateScreen()  Copies a part of the backup bitmap to the on-screen bitmap.

  • RBitmapAnim - Enables a client to package animation data, and send it to the window server for display.
  • RBitmapAnim::ConstructL() - Completes construction of an animation object.
  • RBitmapAnim::DisplayFrameL() - Sets the animation frame to display.
  • RBitmapAnim::RBitmapAnim() - Constructor.
  • RBitmapAnim::SetBitmapAnimDataL() - Specifies the animation object to play and sends it to the animation server.
  • RBitmapAnim::SetFlashL() - Sets or unsets the animation to be drawn flashing.
  • RBitmapAnim::SetFrameIntervalL() - Specifies the number of milliseconds for which each frame in the animation is displayed.
  • RBitmapAnim::SetNumberOfCyclesL() - Sets how many times the animation is played.
  • RBitmapAnim::SetPlayModeL() - Sets the current animation's play mode.
  • RBitmapAnim::SetPositionL() - Sets the animation's position relative to the animation window.
  • RBitmapAnim::StartL() - Starts the animation.
  • RBitmapAnim::StopL() - Stops the animation.

  • RBlankWindow - Blank window.
  • RBlankWindow::Construct() - Completes the construction of a valid blank-window handle.
  • RBlankWindow::RBlankWindow()  Default C++ constructor which creates an invalid blank-window handle.
  • RBlankWindow::RBlankWindow()  Default C++ constructor which creates a valid but uninitialised blank-window handle.
  • RBlankWindow::SetColor()  Sets the colour of the blank window.
  • RBlankWindow::SetColor()  Sets the background colour used for clearing when the window becomes uncovered or visible to none.
  • RBlankWindow::SetExtent() - Sets the extent of the blank window.
  • RBlankWindow::SetSize() - Sets the size of the blank window.

  • RBuf16 - 16 bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf16::Assign()  Transfers ownership of the specified 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor's buffer to this object.
  • RBuf16::Assign()  Assigns ownership of the specified allocated memory to this object.
  • RBuf16::Assign()  Assigns ownership of the specified allocated memory to this object.
  • RBuf16::Assign()  Transfers ownership of the specified heap descriptor to this object.
  • RBuf16::CleanupClosePushL() - Pushes a cleanup item for this object onto the cleanup stack.
  • RBuf16::Close() - Deallocates memory assigned to this object, and re-initializes the object as a zero-length descriptor.
  • RBuf16::Create()  Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf16::Create()  Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor.
  • RBuf16::Create()  Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor.
  • RBuf16::CreateL()  Creates 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf16::CreateL()  Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor that has been initialised with data from the specified read stream; leaves on failure.
  • RBuf16::CreateL()  Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf16::CreateL()  Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf16::CreateMax() - Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf16::CreateMaxL() - Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • RBuf16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • RBuf16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • RBuf16::RBuf16()  Default constructor.
  • RBuf16::RBuf16()  Constructor.
  • RBuf16::RBuf16()  Protected constructor.
  • RBuf16::ReAlloc() - Resizes this 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf16::ReAllocL() - Resizes this 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor, leaving on failure.
  • RBuf16::Swap() - Swaps the content of two 16-bit resizable buffer descriptors.

  • RBuf8 - 8 bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf8::Assign()  Transfers ownership of the specified 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor's buffer to this object.
  • RBuf8::Assign()  Assigns ownership of the specified allocated memory to this object.
  • RBuf8::Assign()  Assigns ownership of the specified allocated memory to this object.
  • RBuf8::Assign()  Transfers ownership of the specified heap descriptor to this object.
  • RBuf8::CleanupClosePushL() - Pushes a cleanup item for this object onto the cleanup stack.
  • RBuf8::Close() - Deallocates memory assigned to this object, and re-initializes the object as a zero-length descriptor.
  • RBuf8::Create()  Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf8::Create()  Creates a 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor.
  • RBuf8::Create()  Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor.
  • RBuf8::CreateL()  Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf8::CreateL()  Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor that has been initialised with data from the specified read stream; leaves on failure.
  • RBuf8::CreateL()  Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf8::CreateL()  Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified (source) descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf8::CreateMax() - Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf8::CreateMaxL() - Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, and leaves on failure.
  • RBuf8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • RBuf8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • RBuf8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • RBuf8::RBuf8()  Default constructor.
  • RBuf8::RBuf8()  Constructor.
  • RBuf8::RBuf8()  Protected constructor.
  • RBuf8::ReAlloc() - Resizes this 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
  • RBuf8::ReAllocL() - Resizes this 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, leaving on failure.
  • RBuf8::Swap() - Swaps the content of two 8-bit resizable buffer descriptors.

  • RBufReadStream.
  • RBufReadStream::Open().
  • RBufReadStream::RBufReadStream().
  • RBufReadStream::RBufReadStream().

  • RBufWriteStream.
  • RBufWriteStream::Append().
  • RBufWriteStream::Insert().
  • RBufWriteStream::Open().
  • RBufWriteStream::RBufWriteStream().
  • RBufWriteStream::RBufWriteStream().
  • RBufWriteStream::RBufWriteStream().
  • RBufWriteStream::Truncate().

  • RBusLogicalChannel - The user-side handle to a logical channel.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoCancel() - Cancels one or more outstanding asynchronous requests.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoControl()  Makes a synchronous request to the device driver, taking no parameters.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoControl()  Makes a synchronous request to the device driver, taking one parameter.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoControl()  Makes a synchronous request to the device driver, taking two parameters.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate() - Creates the logical channel.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoRequest()  Queues an asynchronous request for the device driver, taking no parameters.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoRequest()  Queues an asynchronous request for the device driver, taking one parameter.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoRequest()  Queues an asynchronous request for the device driver, taking two parameters.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoSvControl().
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoSvControl().
  • RBusLogicalChannel::DoSvControl().
  • RBusLogicalChannel::Open()  Opens a handle to a logical channel using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
  • RBusLogicalChannel::Open()  Opens a logical channel handle using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.

  • RChangeNotifier - A handle to a change notifier.
  • RChangeNotifier::Create() - Creates a change notifier, and opens this handle to that change notifier.
  • RChangeNotifier::Logon() - Issues a request for notification when changes occur in the environment.
  • RChangeNotifier::LogonCancel() - Cancels an outstanding change notification request.

  • RChunk - A handle to a chunk.
  • RChunk::Adjust() - Changes the number of bytes committed to the chunk.
  • RChunk::AdjustDoubleEnded() - Changes the number of bytes and the position of this double ended chunk's committed region.
  • RChunk::Allocate() - Allocates and commits to a disconnected chunk.
  • RChunk::Base() - Gets a pointer to the base of the chunk's reserved region.
  • RChunk::Bottom() - Gets the offset of the bottom of the double ended chunk's committed region from the base of the chunk's reserved region.
  • RChunk::Commit() - Commits memory to a disconnected chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateDisconnectedGlobal() - Creates a global, disconnected, chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateDisconnectedLocal() - Creates a local, disconnected chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateDoubleEndedGlobal() - Creates a global, double ended, chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateDoubleEndedLocal() - Creates a local, double ended, chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateGlobal() - Creates a global chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateLocal() - Creates a local chunk.
  • RChunk::CreateLocalCode() - Creates a user writable chunk that is marked by the kernel as containing code.
  • RChunk::Decommit() - Decommits memory from a disconnected chunk.
  • RChunk::IsReadable() - Tests whether the chunk is mapped into its process address space.
  • RChunk::IsWritable() - Tests whether the chunk mapped into its process address space and is writable.
  • RChunk::MaxSize() - Gets the maximum size of this chunk.
  • RChunk::Open()  Opens a handle to the global chunk found using a TFindChunk object.
  • RChunk::Open()  Opens a handle to a chunk using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
  • RChunk::Open()  Opens a handle to a chunk using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.
  • RChunk::OpenGlobal() - Opens a handle to a specific named global chunk.
  • RChunk::SetRestrictions() - Sets or removes restrictions on the ability of the chunk to change.
  • RChunk::Size() - Gets the current size of this chunk's committed region.
  • RChunk::Top() - Gets the offset of the top of the double ended chunk's committed region from the base of the chunk's reserved region.

  • RClock - Sets the time for clocks.
  • RClock::SetUniversalTimeOffset() - Adjusts the clock's time.

  • RComm - A sub-session to the C32 Serial Server used for addressing a serial port.
  • RComm::Break() - Sets a break condition for a specified time.
  • RComm::BreakCancel() - Cancels any pending Break() operations.
  • RComm::Cancel() - Cancels any pending reads and writes.
  • RComm::Caps() - Reads the capabilities of the serial port.
  • RComm::Close() - Closes a serial port.
  • RComm::Config() - Reads the current configuration of the serial port.
  • RComm::DebugState() - Debug state information.
  • RComm::GetFlowControlStatus() - Gets the current status of flow control between the port and the third party (external PC or internal signalling stack).
  • RComm::GetRole() - Gets current DCE/DTE role.
  • RComm::Mode() - Gets server buffering mode.
  • RComm::NotifyBreak() - Notifies the client when a break occurs: the remote end has held the communication line high for a certain number of bits to indicate a break condition.
  • RComm::NotifyBreakCancel() - Cancels a NotifyBreak() request.
  • RComm::NotifyConfigChange() - Notifies the client when the port configuration (data rate, character width, stop bits, handshaking, or parity) of the remote end changes.
  • RComm::NotifyConfigChangeCancel() - Cancels a NotifyConfigChange() request.
  • RComm::NotifyDataAvailable() - Notifies the client when data is available to be read from the input buffer.
  • RComm::NotifyDataAvailableCancel() - Cancels a NotifyDataAvailable() request.
  • RComm::NotifyFlowControlChange() - Notifies the client when the flow control between the CSY and the external device changes.
  • RComm::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel() - Cancels a NotifyFlowControlChange() request.
  • RComm::NotifyOutputEmpty() - Notifies the client when the transmit buffer is emptied.
  • RComm::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel() - Cancels a NotifyOutputEmpty() request.
  • RComm::NotifySignalChange() - Notifies the client when one of the signals change.
  • RComm::NotifySignalChangeCancel() - Cancels a NotifySignalChange() request.
  • RComm::Open()  Opens a serial port, for one of the three modes indicated by the TCommAccess argument.
  • RComm::Open()  Opens a serial port, as described for the other Open() variant.
  • RComm::OpenWhenAvailable()  Opens a serial port when it is freed by another client.
  • RComm::OpenWhenAvailable()  Opens a serial port when freed.
  • RComm::OpenWhenAvailableCancel() - Cancels an OpenWhenAvailable() pending request.
  • RComm::QueryReceiveBuffer() - Gets the number of bytes currently waiting in the driver's input buffer.
  • RComm::RComm() - Constructor.
  • RComm::Read()  Reads data from a serial port.
  • RComm::Read()  Reads a specified number of bytes from a serial port.
  • RComm::Read()  Reads data from a serial port only if it arrives before a specified time-out.
  • RComm::Read()  Read data from a serial port (before the time-out).
  • RComm::ReadCancel() - Cancels any pending Read() or ReadOneOrMore() operations.
  • RComm::ReadOneOrMore() - Read any bytes in the buffer or wait until one arrives.
  • RComm::ReceiveBufferLength() - Gets the size of the serial port buffers.
  • RComm::ResetBuffers() - Resets the transmit and receive serial port buffers independently.
  • RComm::SetAccessMode() - Upgrades the mode of a port handle from pre-emptive mode to shared or exclusive mode.
  • RComm::SetConfig() - Sets the configuration of the serial port.
  • RComm::SetMode() - Sets the server buffering mode.
  • RComm::SetReceiveBufferLength() - Sets the size of the serial port receive and transmit buffers.
  • RComm::SetSignals() - Sets or clears RS232 output lines (DTR and RTS).
  • RComm::SetSignalsToMark() - Sets the specified RS232 output lines.
  • RComm::SetSignalsToSpace() - Clears RS232 output lines.
  • RComm::Signals() - Reads the serial port control lines.
  • RComm::Write()  Writes data to a serial port.
  • RComm::Write()  Writes a specified number of bytes to a serial port.
  • RComm::Write()  Writes data to a serial port within a specified time-out.
  • RComm::Write()  Writes a specified number of bytes to a serial port within a specified time-out.
  • RComm::WriteCancel() - Cancels any pending Write() operations.

  • RCommServ - Represents a session with the serial comms server.
  • RCommServ::__DbgCheckHeap() - Checks the heap mark in the comm server.
  • RCommServ::__DbgFailNext() - Emulates a single fail next heap allocation in the comm server.
  • RCommServ::__DbgMarkEnd() - Sets the heap mark end in the comm server.
  • RCommServ::__DbgMarkHeap() - Sets a heap mark in the comm server.
  • RCommServ::__DbgSetTraceMask() - The functionality of this API has been removed.
  • RCommServ::Connect() - Connects a client process to the comms server.
  • RCommServ::CreateThreadInCommProc() - This functionality has been withdrawn since the introduction of Platform Security.
  • RCommServ::GetPortInfo()  Gets static information about the available serial ports for a particular comms module.
  • RCommServ::GetPortInfo()  Gets static information about the available serial ports for a particular comms module.
  • RCommServ::LoadCommModule() - Loads a comms module.
  • RCommServ::NumPorts() - Get the number of unique comms modules (CSYs) loaded into C32.
  • RCommServ::RCommServ() - Default constructor.
  • RCommServ::UnloadCommModule() - Remove this client's reference to the named communications module.
  • RCommServ::Version() - Returns the client side version number.

  • RCommsSubSession.

  • RCondVar - A handle to a condition variable.
  • RCondVar::Broadcast() - Broadcast to a condition variable.
  • RCondVar::CreateGlobal() - Creates a global condition variable and opens this handle to it.
  • RCondVar::CreateLocal() - Creates a condition variable and opens this handle to it.
  • RCondVar::Open()  Opens a handle to a condition variable using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
  • RCondVar::Open()  Opens a handle to a condition variable using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.
  • RCondVar::OpenGlobal() - Opens a handle to a global condition variable.
  • RCondVar::Signal() - Signal a condition variable.
  • RCondVar::TimedWait() - Wait on a condition variable with timeout.
  • RCondVar::Wait() - Wait on a condition variable.

  • RConnection - The management interface for a network connection or subconnection.
  • RConnection::AllInterfaceNotification() - Requests asynchronous change notification for all interfaces.
  • RConnection::Attach() - Attaches the RConnection object to an existing interface.
  • RConnection::CancelAllInterfaceNotification() - Cancels a change notification request previously issued by a call to AllInterfaceNotification().
  • RConnection::CancelProgressNotification() - Cancels a request for progress notification for the connection, as issued by ProgressNotification().
  • RConnection::CancelServiceChangeNotification() - Cancels a request for notification of change of service for the connection, as issued by ServiceChangeNotification().
  • RConnection::Close() - Closes the connection.
  • RConnection::Control() - Gets detailed information on connection clients and sockets.
  • RConnection::EnumerateConnections() - Enumerates the number of currently active interfaces.
  • RConnection::GetBoolSetting() - Reads current CommDb settings for the active connection.
  • RConnection::GetConnectionInfo() - Gets information about one of the currently active connections.
  • RConnection::GetDesSetting()  Reads current CommDb settings for the active connection.
  • RConnection::GetDesSetting()  Reads current CommDb settings for the active connection.
  • RConnection::GetIntSetting() - Reads current CommDb settings for the active connection.
  • RConnection::GetLongDesSetting() - Reads current CommDb settings for the active connection.
  • RConnection::GetOpt() - Gets an option.
  • RConnection::LastProgressError() - Obtains information about the last Progress() call which failed with an error.
  • RConnection::Name() - Gets the unique name of an RConnection.
  • RConnection::Open()  Opens a new RConnection instance.
  • RConnection::Open()  Opens a new RConnection instance cloned from an existing RConnection instance.
  • RConnection::Progress() - Obtains the current progress information for the connection.
  • RConnection::ProgressNotification() - Requests asynchronous progress notification for the connection.
  • RConnection::RConnection() - Connection Management Interface.
  • RConnection::ServiceChangeNotification() - Requests service change notification from the agent.
  • RConnection::SetOpt() - Sets an option.
  • RConnection::Start()  Starts a connection asynchronously using the existing connection preferences in CommDb.
  • RConnection::Start()  Starts a connection asynchronously by overriding connection preference settings in CommDb.
  • RConnection::Start()  Starts a connection synchronously using the connection preference settings in CommDb.
  • RConnection::Start()  Starts a connection synchronously by overriding connection preference settings in CommDb.
  • RConnection::Stop()  Stops the entire connection by disconnecting the underlying network interface immediately, regardless of whether other clients are using it or not.
  • RConnection::Stop()  Stops the entire connection by disconnecting the underlying network interface immediately, regardless of whether other clients are using it or not.
  • RConnection::~RConnection() - Empty destructor.

  • RContactViewSortOrder - Specifies the sort order for a contact view.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::AppendL() - Appends a field type to the sort order object.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::Close() - Closes the sort order array and frees all memory allocated to it.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::CopyL() - Copies the field types contained in the specified sort order object into this object.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::Count() - Gets the number of field types in the sort order array.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::ExternalizedSize() - Retrieves the number of bytes required to store the sort order when externalised.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a sort order object to a write stream.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::InternalizeL() - Internalises a sort order object from a read stream.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::operator==() - Compares two sort order objects for equivalence.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::operator[]() - Gets an indexed field type.
  • RContactViewSortOrder::RContactViewSortOrder() - Default C++ constructor.

  • RCriticalSection - A handle to a critical section.
  • RCriticalSection::Close() - Closes the handle to the critical section.
  • RCriticalSection::CreateLocal() - Creates a critical section and opens this handle to the critical section.
  • RCriticalSection::IsBlocked() - Tests whether the critical section is occupied by another thread.
  • RCriticalSection::RCriticalSection() - Default constructor.
  • RCriticalSection::Signal() - Signals an exit from the critical section.
  • RCriticalSection::Wait() - Waits for the critical section to become free.

  • RDbColReadStream - Allows any column value to be read as stream data.
  • RDbColReadStream::OpenL() - Opens the column with the specified ordinal in the specified current row in the rowset.
  • RDbColReadStream::OpenLC() - Opens the column with the specified ordinal in the specified current row in the rowset and puts a pointer to the column on the cleanup stack.

  • RDbColWriteStream - Writes Long columns when inserting or updating rows in a rowset.
  • RDbColWriteStream::OpenL() - Opens the column with the specified ordinal in the current row, and in the specified rowset, and prepares the column for being written or replaced.
  • RDbColWriteStream::OpenLC() - Opens the column with the specified ordinal in the current row, and in the specified rowset, and prepares the column for being written or replaced, putting a cleanup item for this object onto the cleanup stack.
  • RDbColWriteStream::RDbColWriteStream()  Constructs this object by invoking the default constructor for RWriteStream.
  • RDbColWriteStream::RDbColWriteStream()  Constructs this object by invoking the matching constructor for RWriteStream.

  • RDbDatabase - Abstract class providing the functionality of a database.
  • RDbDatabase::AlterTable() - Alters a table synchronously.
  • RDbDatabase::Begin() - Begins a transaction.
  • RDbDatabase::Close() - Closes a database.
  • RDbDatabase::ColSetL() - Returns the table definition.
  • RDbDatabase::Commit() - Commits the current transaction.
  • RDbDatabase::Compact() - Synchronous database compaction.
  • RDbDatabase::CreateIndex() - Creates an index synchronously.
  • RDbDatabase::CreateTable()  Creates a table on the database.
  • RDbDatabase::CreateTable()  Creates a table on the database.
  • RDbDatabase::Destroy() - Drops the tables and destroys the database.
  • RDbDatabase::DropIndex() - Drops an index synchronously.
  • RDbDatabase::DropTable() - Drops a table synchronously.
  • RDbDatabase::Execute() - Executes a SQL statement on the database, and returns when it is complete.
  • RDbDatabase::IndexNamesL() - Lists the indexes on a table.
  • RDbDatabase::InTransaction().
  • RDbDatabase::IsDamaged() - Reports the damage status of the database.
  • RDbDatabase::KeyL() - Returns the index key.
  • RDbDatabase::Recover() - Synchronous database recovery.
  • RDbDatabase::Rollback() - Rollbacks the current transaction.
  • RDbDatabase::Size() - Returns the currently available size information for the database.
  • RDbDatabase::TableNamesL() - Lists the tables on the database.
  • RDbDatabase::UpdateStats() - Update any calculated statistics for the database.

  • RDbHandle - This class is internal and is not intended for use.
  • RDbHandle::operator *().
  • RDbHandle::operator()().
  • RDbHandle::operator->().
  • RDbHandle::operator=().

  • RDbHandleBase - This class is internal and is not intended for use.
  • RDbHandleBase::RDbHandleBase().
  • RDbHandleBase::Set().

  • RDbIncremental - Provides the interface for performing long-running database operations in incremental steps, allowing application programs to remain responsive to other events.
  • RDbIncremental::AlterTable() - Initiates a table alteration operation on a database.
  • RDbIncremental::Close() - Releases the resources used by the incremental operations object.
  • RDbIncremental::Compact() - Initiates the operation of compacting a database.
  • RDbIncremental::CreateIndex() - Initiates an index creation operation on a database.
  • RDbIncremental::DropIndex() - Initiates an index discard operation on the database.
  • RDbIncremental::DropTable() - Initiates a table discard operation on a database.
  • RDbIncremental::Execute()  Initiates the execution of a DDL (SQL schema update) statement on the database.
  • RDbIncremental::Execute()  Initiates the execution of a DDL (SQL schema update) statement on the database, specifing additional comparison operations for some SQL statements.
  • RDbIncremental::Next()  Performs the next step in the incremental operation, returning when the step is complete.
  • RDbIncremental::Next()  Performs the next step in the incremental operation, returning immediately and signalling the request status when the step is complete.
  • RDbIncremental::Recover() - Initiates a database recovery operation.
  • RDbIncremental::UpdateStats() - Initiates the operation of calculating and updating database statistics.

  • RDbNamedDatabase - Generic database implementation.
  • RDbNamedDatabase::Create()  Creates a secure shared database.
  • RDbNamedDatabase::Create()  Creates a new non-secure database.
  • RDbNamedDatabase::Open()  Opens an existing non-secure database.
  • RDbNamedDatabase::Open()  Opens an existing shared secure or non-secure database.
  • RDbNamedDatabase::Replace() - Creates a new non-secure database.

  • RDbNotifier - Provides notification of database changes to clients.
  • RDbNotifier::Cancel() - Cancels any outstanding notification request to this DBMS notifier.
  • RDbNotifier::Close() - Closes a DBMS change notifier.
  • RDbNotifier::NotifyChange() - Makes an asynchronous request for notification of changes to the database.
  • RDbNotifier::NotifyUnlock() - Makes an asynchronous request for notification of a database event.
  • RDbNotifier::Open() - Opens a DBMS change notifier on a database.

  • RDbRowConstraint - Represents a pre-compiled SQL search-condition, which can be used to test against the current row in a rowset.
  • RDbRowConstraint::Close() - Releases the resources used by the constraint before discarding the constraint object.
  • RDbRowConstraint::Open() - Compiles the specified SQL search-condition for matching against rows in the specified rowset.

  • RDbRowSet - An abstract base class that provides functionality which is shared between SQL view objects and Table objects.
  • RDbRowSet::AtBeginning() - Tests whether the cursor is at the beginning of the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::AtEnd() - Tests whether the cursor is at the end of the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::AtRow() - Tests whether the cursor is on a row.
  • RDbRowSet::BeginningL() - Positions the cursor at the beginning of the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::Bookmark() - Gets the bookmark for the current cursor position.
  • RDbRowSet::Cancel() - Cancels the update or insertion of a row, or recovers the rowset if PutL() fails.
  • RDbRowSet::Close() - Closes the rowset and releases any owned resources.
  • RDbRowSet::ColCount() - Returns the number of columns which are defined in this rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::ColDef() - Returns the definition of a column in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::ColDes() - Extracts a Text column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColDes16() - Extracts a column as Unicode text.
  • RDbRowSet::ColDes8() - Extracts any column type, except Long columns, as binary data.
  • RDbRowSet::ColInt() - Extracts a signed integer column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColInt16() - Extracts a TInt16 or TInt8 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColInt32() - Extracts a TInt32, TInt16 or TInt8 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColInt64() - Extracts a TInt64 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColInt8() - Extracts a TInt8 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColLength() - Gets the length of a column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColReal() - Extracts a TReal64 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColReal32() - Extracts a TReal32 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColReal64() - Extracts a TReal64 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColSetL() - Returns the entire column set for the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::ColSize() - Gets the size in bytes of a column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColTime() - Extracts a TTime column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColType() - Returns the type of a column in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::ColUint() - Extracts an unsigned integer column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColUint16() - Extracts a Uint16, Uint8 or Bit column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColUint32() - Extracts a Uint32, Uint16, Uint8 or Bit column value.
  • RDbRowSet::ColUint8() - Extracts a Uint8 or Bit column value.
  • RDbRowSet::CountL() - Returns the number of rows available in a rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::DeleteL() - Deletes the current row in a rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::EndL() - Positions the cursor at the end of the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::FindL() - Searches through a rowset for a row which fulfils an SQL search-condition.
  • RDbRowSet::FirstL() - Positions the cursor on the first row in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::GetL() - Gets the current row data for access using the column extractor functions.
  • RDbRowSet::GotoL()  Moves the cursor to a specified position.
  • RDbRowSet::GotoL()  Goes to a previously bookmarked position in a rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::InsertCopyL() - Inserts a copy of the current row into the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::InsertL() - Inserts a new row into the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::IsColNull() - Tests whether a column has the NULL value.
  • RDbRowSet::IsEmptyL() - Tests whether there are any rows in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::LastL() - Positions the cursor on the last row in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::MatchL() - Tests whether the current row in the rowset matches a previously compiled row constraint.
  • RDbRowSet::NextL() - Moves the cursor to the next row in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::PreviousL() - Moves the cursor to the previous row in the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::PutL() - Completes the update or insertion of a row.
  • RDbRowSet::Reset() - Resets the rowset.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a signed integer column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a TInt32, TInt16 or TInt8 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a TInt64 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a signed integer column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a TUint32, TUint16, TUint8 or Bit column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a TReal32 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a TReal64 column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a TTime column value.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Sets a column value from an 8 bit descriptor.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColL()  Set a column value from Unicode text.
  • RDbRowSet::SetColNullL() - Use this function to set the value of a column to NULL.
  • RDbRowSet::UpdateL() - Prepares the current row for update.

  • RDbStoreDatabase - DBMS Store database implementation.
  • RDbStoreDatabase::CompressL().
  • RDbStoreDatabase::CreateL() - Creates a new non-secure, non-shareable database, which will be located in a stream store.
  • RDbStoreDatabase::DecompressL().
  • RDbStoreDatabase::OpenL() - Opens an existing non-secure, non-shareable database, which is located in a stream store.

  • RDbTable - Provides access to table data as a rowset, allowing manipulation of a named table in the database.
  • RDbTable::Open() - Opens the named table object on a database with the specified access.
  • RDbTable::SeekL() - Finds a row in a table based on a key in the active index.
  • RDbTable::SetIndex() - Sets the specified index as the active index for this table.
  • RDbTable::SetNoIndex() - Sets the ordering to be the underlying ordering of the rows — this will usually provide faster navigation of the rowset.

  • RDbUpdate - Provides an interface to allow incremental execution of a DML (SQL data update) statement.
  • RDbUpdate::Close() - Releases the resources used by this incremental operation object.
  • RDbUpdate::Execute() - Initiates the incremental execution of a DML (SQL data update) statement on the database.
  • RDbUpdate::Next()  Performs the next step in the incremental execution of the DML (SQL data update) statement synchronously.
  • RDbUpdate::Next()  Performs the next step in the incremental execution of the DML (SQL data update) statement asynchronously.
  • RDbUpdate::RowCount() - Returns the number of rows currently affected by the execution of the DML (SQL data update) statement on the database.

  • RDbView - Generates rowsets from an SQL query.
  • RDbView::Evaluate()  Performs a single step of the view evaluation, and returns when the step is complete.
  • RDbView::Evaluate()  Performs a single step of the view evaluation, returning immediately and signalling when the step is complete.
  • RDbView::EvaluateAll() - Use this function to fully evaluate the view.
  • RDbView::Prepare()  Prepares the view object for evaluating an SQL select-statement.
  • RDbView::Prepare()  Prepares the view object for evaluating an SQL select-statement and specifies the evaluation window shape for the rowset.
  • RDbView::Prepare()  Prepares the view object for evaluating an SQL select-statement, specifies the evaluation window shape for the rowset, and sets the access specification for the rowset.
  • RDbView::Unevaluated() - Tests whether any more evaluation can be done to a view.

  • RDbs - Client-server databases.
  • RDbs::BackupPathsL() - Retrieves a list of paths of secure shared databases, which share the same security policy, as determined by the supplied aDbPolicyUid parameter.
  • RDbs::Connect() - Makes a connection with the DBMS server.
  • RDbs::CopyDatabase() - Copies an existing secure shared database to a new secure shared database.
  • RDbs::DatabaseNamesL() - Retrieves a list of names of secure shared databases, which share the same security policy, as determined by the supplied UID.
  • RDbs::DeleteDatabase() - Deletes an existing secure shared database.
  • RDbs::FreeReservedSpace() - The method frees the reserved by the DBMS session disk space.
  • RDbs::GetBackupPath() - The method will fill out aBackupPath argument with the full path of aDbName secure shared database.
  • RDbs::GetDatabasePolicy() - Returns in the aDbPolicy output parameter the requested database security policy of type aPolicyType.
  • RDbs::GetPolicy() - Returns in aPolicy output parameter requested database/table security policy of type aPolicyType.
  • RDbs::GetReserveAccess() - Grants access to a given area on a given drive for RDbs session.
  • RDbs::GetTablePolicies() - Returns in the aDbPolicy and aTablePolicy output parameters the requested database and table security policies of type aPolicyType.
  • RDbs::GetTablePolicy() - Returns in the aTablePolicy output parameter the requested table security policy of type aPolicyType.
  • RDbs::ReleaseReserveAccess() - Revokes access on a given drive for RDbs session.
  • RDbs::ReserveDriveSpace() - Reserves a prederfined amount of disk space on aDrive drive.
  • RDbs::ResourceCheck() - Checks that the number of DBMS objects allocated in this session is the same as the benchmark number recorded by an earlier call to ResourceMark().
  • RDbs::ResourceCount() - Returns the number of DBMS objects allocated in this session.
  • RDbs::ResourceMark() - Marks the start point for checking the number of DBMS objects allocated in this session.
  • RDbs::SetHeapFailure().
  • RDbs::Version() - Returns the version of the DBMS server.

  • RDesReadStream.
  • RDesReadStream::Open().
  • RDesReadStream::RDesReadStream().
  • RDesReadStream::RDesReadStream().

  • RDesWriteStream.
  • RDesWriteStream::Open().
  • RDesWriteStream::RDesWriteStream().
  • RDesWriteStream::RDesWriteStream().
  • RDesWriteStream::RDesWriteStream().

  • RDevice - User side handle to an LDD factory object, an instance of a DLogicalDevice derived class.
  • RDevice::GetCaps().
  • RDevice::IsAvailable().
  • RDevice::Open().
  • RDevice::Open().
  • RDevice::QueryVersionSupported().

  • RDictionaryReadStream - Supports the opening and manipulation of a stream in a dictionary store.
  • RDictionaryReadStream::OpenL() - Opens the stream associated with the specified UID in the specified dictionary store, and prepares it for reading.
  • RDictionaryReadStream::OpenLC() - Opens the stream associated with the specified UID in the specified dictionary store, prepares it for reading, and puts a a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack...

  • RDictionaryWriteStream - Supports the creation or replacement of a stream a dictionary store.
  • RDictionaryWriteStream::AssignL() - Prepares a stream in the specified dictionary store for writing.
  • RDictionaryWriteStream::AssignLC() - Prepares a stream in the specified dictionary store for writing, and places a cleanup item for this RDictionaryWriteStream object onto the cleanup stack.
  • RDictionaryWriteStream::RDictionaryWriteStream()  Constructs an uninitialised object.
  • RDictionaryWriteStream::RDictionaryWriteStream()  Constructs the object with an externaliser.

  • RDigitalClock - A digital clock.
  • RDigitalClock::AddTextSectionL() - Adds a text section to the clock.
  • RDigitalClock::ConstructL() - Completes construction of a digital clock.
  • RDigitalClock::RDigitalClock() - Creates a digital clock object.
  • RDigitalClock::SetBackgroundColor() - Sets the background colour for the clock.
  • RDigitalClock::SetTextColor() - Sets the text colour.

  • RDir - Reads the entries contained in a directory.
  • RDir::Close() - Closes the directory.
  • RDir::Open()  Opens a directory using the specified UID type to filter the directory entry types that will subsequently be read.
  • RDir::Open()  Opens a directory using an attribute bitmask to filter the directory entry types that will subsequently be read.
  • RDir::Read()  Reads all filtered directory entries into the specified array.
  • RDir::Read()  Reads all filtered directory entries into the specified array.
  • RDir::Read()  Reads a single directory entry.
  • RDir::Read()  Reads a single directory entry.

  • RDirectScreenAccess - The interface between an application that directly accesses the screen and the window server.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::Cancel() - Indicates to the window server that you have finished performing direct screen access.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::Close() - Calls Completed() then deletes the server side resource and sets the client's handle to it to NULL.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::Completed() - Indicates to the window server that you have responded to the completion of the request status passed to Request(), by stopping direct screen access.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::Construct() - Second phase constructor.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::RDirectScreenAccess()  Default constructor.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::RDirectScreenAccess()  C++ constructor with a connected window server session.
  • RDirectScreenAccess::Request() - Issues a request to the window server for permission to perform direct screen access on a window.

  • RDrawableWindow - Handle to a drawable window.
  • RDrawableWindow::GetDrawRect() - Obtains the current rectangle being drawn to this window, during a window redraw cycle.
  • RDrawableWindow::Scroll()  Scrolls the window contents by an offset.
  • RDrawableWindow::Scroll()  Scrolls the contents of a clip rectangle, independently of the other contents of the window.
  • RDrawableWindow::Scroll()  Scrolls a rectangle within a window.
  • RDrawableWindow::Scroll()  Scrolls the contents of a source rectangle within a clipping rectangle.

  • REComSession - The REComSession singleton class provides an API to identify (resolution), instantiate, and destroy interface class implementations requested by ECOM clients.
  • REComSession::CancelNotifyOnChange() - De-registers for notification messages.
  • REComSession::Close() - Closes the open handle on the ECOM framework.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::CreateImplementationL()  Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::DestroyedImplementation() - Signals the destruction of an interface implementation to ECOM.
  • REComSession::FinalClose() - This method is used in processes that have utilised the ECOM framework, it does nothing if the ECOM framework has not been initialised.
  • REComSession::ListImplementationsL()  Retrieves a list of all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface.
  • REComSession::ListImplementationsL()  Retrieves a list of all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface with selection restriction to the specified parameters.
  • REComSession::ListImplementationsL()  Retrieves a list of all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface with selection restriction to the specified parameters.
  • REComSession::NotifyOnChange() - Registers for notification messages when the underlying ECOM registration data changes.
  • REComSession::OpenL() - This method returns a reference to the singleton client/server session object maintained by the ECOM client library, referenced counted.
  • REComSession::REComSession().

  • RFastLock - A fast semaphore.
  • RFastLock::CreateLocal() - Creates a local fast semaphore, and opens this handle to the semaphore.
  • RFastLock::RFastLock() - Default constructor.
  • RFastLock::Signal() - Signals the semaphore once.
  • RFastLock::Wait() - Waits for a signal on the semaphore.

  • RFbsSession - A session with the font and bitmap server.
  • RFbsSession::CallBack() - Triggers the most recently registered callback.
  • RFbsSession::Connect()  Creates a session with the Font and Bitmap server.
  • RFbsSession::Connect()  Creates a session with the Font and Bitmap server.
  • RFbsSession::Disconnect() - Closes the session with the Font and Bitmap server.
  • RFbsSession::GetSession() - Gets the current Font and Bitmap server session.
  • RFbsSession::HeapBase() - Gets the address of first location in the global shared heap containing fonts and bitmaps.
  • RFbsSession::ResetCallBack() - Resets the callback.
  • RFbsSession::ResourceCount() - Returns the number of Font and Bitmap Server objects currently in use by this session.
  • RFbsSession::RFbsSession().
  • RFbsSession::SendCommand() - Utility function for passing commands to the server.
  • RFbsSession::SessionHandle().
  • RFbsSession::SetCallBack() - Sets the callback.
  • RFbsSession::Version() - Gets the current Font and Bitmap server version.

  • RFile - Creates and opens a file, and performs all operations on a single open file.
  • RFile::Adopt() - Adopts an already open file.
  • RFile::AdoptFromClient() - Allows a server to adopt an already open file from a client.
  • RFile::AdoptFromCreator() - Allows a server to adopt an already open file from a client process.
  • RFile::AdoptFromServer() - Allows a client to adopt an already open file from a server,.
  • RFile::Att() - Gets the file's attributes.
  • RFile::BlockMap() - Fetches the Block Map of a file.
  • RFile::ChangeMode() - Switches an open file's access mode between EFileShareExclusive and EFileShareReadersOnly.
  • RFile::Close() - Closes the file.
  • RFile::Create() - Creates and opens a new file for writing.
  • RFile::Drive() - Gets information about the drive on which this file resides.
  • RFile::Duplicate() - Make a duplicate of the passed file handle in the same thread.
  • RFile::Flush()  Commits data to the storage device and flushes internal buffers without closing the file.
  • RFile::Flush()  Commits data to the storage device and flushes internal buffers without closing the file.
  • RFile::FullName() - Gets the full filename.
  • RFile::Lock() - Locks a region within the file as defined by a range of bytes.
  • RFile::Modified() - Gets local date and time the file was last modified, in universal time.
  • RFile::Name() - Gets the final part of a filename.
  • RFile::Open() - Opens an existing file for reading or writing.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads from the file at the current position.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads from the file at the current position.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads the specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at the current position.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads a specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at the current position.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads from the file at the specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads from the file at the specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads the specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at a specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::Read()  Reads the specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at a specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::ReadCancel()  Cancels a specific outstanding asynchronous read request.
  • RFile::ReadCancel()  Cancels all outstanding asynchronous read requests for this subsession.
  • RFile::Rename() - Renames a file.
  • RFile::Replace() - Opens a file for writing, replacing the content of any existing file of the same name if it exists, or creating a new file if it does not exist.
  • RFile::Seek() - Sets the the current file position.
  • RFile::Set() - Sets the file’s attributes, and the date and time it was last modified.
  • RFile::SetAtt() - Sets or clears file attributes using two bitmasks.
  • RFile::SetModified() - Sets the date and time the file was last modified.
  • RFile::SetSize() - Sets the file size.
  • RFile::Size() - Gets the current file size.
  • RFile::Temp() - Creates and opens a temporary file with a unique name for writing and reading.
  • RFile::TransferToClient() - Transfers an already open file from a server to a client.
  • RFile::TransferToProcess() - Transfers an already open file to another process.
  • RFile::TransferToServer() - Transfers an already open file to a server.
  • RFile::UnLock() - Unlocks a region within the file as defined by a range of bytes.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes to the file at the current offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes to the file at the current offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes a portion of a descriptor to the file at the current offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes a portion of a descriptor to the file at the current offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes to the file at the specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes to the file at the specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes the specified number of bytes to the file at the specified offset within the file.
  • RFile::Write()  Writes the specified number of bytes to the file at the specified offset within the file.

  • RFileBuf - A stream buffer hosted by a file.
  • RFileBuf::Attach() - Attaches the specified file to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::Close() - Writes any outstanding data from the intermediate buffer before freeing the intermediate buffer and closing the attached file.
  • RFileBuf::Create() - Creates a file with the specified name and attaches it to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::Detach() - Detaches the file from this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the intermediate buffer into the specified memory location.
  • RFileBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor.
  • RFileBuf::DoRelease() - Frees resources before abandoning the stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::DoSeekL().
  • RFileBuf::DoSynchL() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • RFileBuf::DoWriteL()  Writes data from the specified memory location into the intermediate buffer.
  • RFileBuf::DoWriteL()  Writes data from the specified descriptor into this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::File() - Gets a reference to the file attached to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::Open() - Opens the specified file and attaches it to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::OverflowL() - Empties the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the write area.
  • RFileBuf::Reattach() - Re-attaches the specified file to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::Replace() - Replaces the file with the specified name and attaches it to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::Reset()  Frees the intermediate buffer.
  • RFileBuf::Reset()  Frees the intermediate buffer and changes the size of any future intermediate buffer to the specified value.
  • RFileBuf::RFileBuf()  Constructs the object with a default intermediate buffer size.
  • RFileBuf::RFileBuf()  Constructs the object with the specified intermediate buffer size.
  • RFileBuf::SetBuf()  Sets the start and end points of the read area within the intermediate buffer.
  • RFileBuf::SetBuf()  Sets the start and end points of the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • RFileBuf::SetBuf()  Sets the start and end points of the read and/or the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • RFileBuf::SetSizeL() - Changes the size of the file attached to this buffer to the specified value.
  • RFileBuf::Temp() - Creates and opens a temporary file with a unique name and attaches it to this stream buffer.
  • RFileBuf::UnderflowL() - Re-fills the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the read area.

  • RFilePagePool - Uses a file directly to implement the page pool interface MPagePool.
  • RFilePagePool::Attach() - Sets an existing file to be used for the page pool.
  • RFilePagePool::Close() - Flushes cached pages to the file, and closes the file.
  • RFilePagePool::Create() - Creates a new file for the page pool.
  • RFilePagePool::Detach() - Ends the use of the file for the page pool, but does not close the file.
  • RFilePagePool::ExtendL().
  • RFilePagePool::File().
  • RFilePagePool::Flush() - Flushes the page cache and the file.
  • RFilePagePool::FlushL() - Flushes the page cache and the file, leaving with a system-wide error code if an error occurs.
  • RFilePagePool::Open() - Opens a file to use for the page pool.
  • RFilePagePool::ReadL().
  • RFilePagePool::Release() - Closes the file without flushing the cache.
  • RFilePagePool::Replace() - Creates or opens a file for the page pool.
  • RFilePagePool::RFilePagePool()  Default constructor.
  • RFilePagePool::RFilePagePool()  Constructor with a page cache for the pool.
  • RFilePagePool::Temp() - Creates and opens a file for the page pool with a unique name.
  • RFilePagePool::WriteL().

  • RFileReadStream - Supports the reading of a stream from a file.
  • RFileReadStream::Attach() - Associates this stream with an already opened file and prepares the stream for reading.
  • RFileReadStream::Open() - Opens a file containing a stream and prepares the stream for reading.
  • RFileReadStream::RFileReadStream()  Constructs an empty read stream object.
  • RFileReadStream::RFileReadStream()  Constructs the read stream object, associates it with an already opened file, and prepares the stream for reading.

  • RFileWriteStream - Supports the writing of a stream to a file.
  • RFileWriteStream::Attach() - Associates this stream with an already opened file and prepares the stream for writing.
  • RFileWriteStream::Create() - Creates a new file, associates it with this stream, and prepares the stream for writing.
  • RFileWriteStream::Open() - Opens a file containing a stream and prepares the stream for writing.
  • RFileWriteStream::Replace() - Creates a new file, associates the file with this stream, and prepares the stream for writing.
  • RFileWriteStream::RFileWriteStream()  Constructs an empty write stream object.
  • RFileWriteStream::RFileWriteStream().
  • RFileWriteStream::RFileWriteStream()  Constructs the write stream object, associates it with an already opened file, and prepares the stream for writing.
  • RFileWriteStream::Temp() - Creates a temporary file, associates it with this stream, and prepares the stream for writing.

  • RFormat - Formats a device, one step at a time.
  • RFormat::Close() - Closes the Format subsession.
  • RFormat::Next()  Executes the next format step.
  • RFormat::Next()  Executes the next format step.
  • RFormat::Open()  Opens a device for formatting.
  • RFormat::Open()  Opens a device for formatting.

  • RFs - A handle to a file server session.
  • RFs::AddCompositeMount() - Adds a local drive to the composite filesystem.
  • RFs::AddExtension() - Loads the specified extension.
  • RFs::AddFileSystem() - Adds a file system to the file server.
  • RFs::AllowDismount() - Used by a client to indicate that it is safe to dismount the file system.
  • RFs::Att() - Gets a file's attributes.
  • RFs::CharToDrive() - Maps a drive character to a drive number.
  • RFs::CheckDisk() - Checks the integrity of the disk on the specified drive.
  • RFs::ClearPassword() - Clears the password from the locked MultiMedia card in the specified drive.
  • RFs::Connect() - Connects a client to the file server.
  • RFs::ControlIo()  General purpose test interface - file system specific.
  • RFs::ControlIo()  General purpose test interface - file system specific.
  • RFs::ControlIo()  General purpose test interface - file system specific.
  • RFs::ControlIo()  General purpose test interface - file system specific.
  • RFs::CreatePrivatePath() - Creates the private path for a process on the specified drive.
  • RFs::DebugNotify() - Request notification of a file server event - file system specific.
  • RFs::Delete() - Deletes a single file.
  • RFs::DismountExtension() - Dismounts the specified extension.
  • RFs::DismountFileSystem() - Dismounts the file system from the specified drive.
  • RFs::Drive() - Gets information about a drive and the medium mounted on it.
  • RFs::DriveList() - Gets a list of the available drives.
  • RFs::DriveToChar() - Maps a drive number to the corresponding character.
  • RFs::Entry() - Gets the entry details for a file or directory.
  • RFs::ErasePassword() - Erase the password from the locked MultiMedia card in the specified drive.
  • RFs::ExtensionName() - Gets the name of the extension on the specified drive at the specified position in the extension hierarchy.
  • RFs::FileSystemName() - Gets the name of the file system mounted on the specified drive.
  • RFs::FileSystemSubType() - Wrapper API of file system's sub type querying on specified volumes.
  • RFs::FinaliseDrives() - Finalise all internal local drives in the system.
  • RFs::GetDir()  Gets a filtered list of a directory's contents.
  • RFs::GetDir()  Gets a filtered list of the directory and file entries contained in a directory, and a list of the directory entries only.
  • RFs::GetDir()  Gets a filtered list of a directory's contents by UID type.
  • RFs::GetDriveName() - Gets the name of a drive.
  • RFs::GetLongName() - Gets the long filename associated with a short (8.3) filename.
  • RFs::GetMediaSerialNumber() - Gets the serial number of media.
  • RFs::GetNotifyUser() - Tests whether user notification of file read or write failure is in effect.
  • RFs::GetReserveAccess() - Get exclusive access for this session to overwrite a specific disk area, which has previously been reserved via RFs::ReserveDriveSpace.
  • RFs::GetShortName() - Gets the short filename associated with a VFAT long filename.
  • RFs::GetSystemDrive() - Obtain the system drive number.
  • RFs::GetSystemDriveChar() - This is a wrapper around GetSystemDrive() function.
  • RFs::InitialisePropertiesFile() - Sets the F32 properties file - Can only be called from the ESTART process.
  • RFs::IsFileInRom() - Gets a pointer to the specified file, if it is in ROM.
  • RFs::IsFileOpen() - Tests whether a file is open.
  • RFs::IsRomAddress() - Tests whether the specified address is in ROM.
  • RFs::IsValidDrive() - Tests whether the specified drive number is valid.
  • RFs::IsValidName()  Tests whether a filename and path are syntactically correct.
  • RFs::IsValidName()  Tests whether a filename and path are syntactically correct.
  • RFs::LoaderHeapFunction() - This member function is not implemented in this version of Symbian OS.
  • RFs::LockDrive() - Sets the password for the media in the specified drive.
  • RFs::MkDir() - Makes a directory.
  • RFs::MkDirAll() - Makes one or more directories.
  • RFs::Modified() - Gets the last modification date and time of a file or a directory, in UTC.
  • RFs::MountExtension() - Mounts the the specified extension.
  • RFs::MountFileSystem()  Mounts a file system on a drive.
  • RFs::MountFileSystem()  Mounts a file system on a specified drive.
  • RFs::MountFileSystem()  Mounts a file system on a drive, and the specified extension.
  • RFs::MountFileSystem()  Mounts a file system on a drive, and the specified extension.
  • RFs::MountFileSystemAndScan()  Mounts a file system on a drive, and performs a scan on that drive.
  • RFs::MountFileSystemAndScan()  Mounts a file system on a drive, and the specified extension and performs a scan on that drive.
  • RFs::NotifyChange()  Requests a notification of change to files or directories.
  • RFs::NotifyChange()  Requests a notification of change to files or directories, allowing a directory/file path to be specified.
  • RFs::NotifyChangeCancel()  Cancels all outstanding requests for notification of change to files or directories.
  • RFs::NotifyChangeCancel()  Cancels the specific request for notification of change to files or directories.
  • RFs::NotifyDiskSpace() - Requests notification when the free disk space on the specified drive crosses the specified threshold value.
  • RFs::NotifyDiskSpaceCancel()  Cancels a specific outstanding request for free disk space notification.
  • RFs::NotifyDiskSpaceCancel()  Cancels all outstanding requests for free disk space notification.
  • RFs::NotifyDismount() - Sets up a pending dismount notifier, the type of which is specified by TNotifyDismountMode.
  • RFs::NotifyDismountCancel()  Cancels the oustanding dismount notifier, completing with KErrCancel.
  • RFs::NotifyDismountCancel()  Cancel all oustanding dismount notifiers for this session, completing with KErrCancel.
  • RFs::Parse()  Parses a filename specification.
  • RFs::Parse()  Parses a filename specification, specifying related file path components.
  • RFs::PrivatePath() - Creates the text defining the private path for a process.
  • RFs::ReadFileSection() - Reads data from a file without opening it.
  • RFs::RealName() - Gets the real name of a file.
  • RFs::ReleaseReserveAccess() - Release exclusive access for this session to overwrite a specific disk area.
  • RFs::RemountDrive() - Forces a remount of the specified drive.
  • RFs::RemoveExtension() - Removes the specified extension.
  • RFs::RemoveFileSystem() - Removes the specified file system.
  • RFs::Rename() - Renames a single file or directory.
  • RFs::Replace() - Replaces a single file with another.
  • RFs::ReserveDriveSpace() - Reserves an area of a drive.
  • RFs::ResourceCount() - Gets the number of currently open resources.
  • RFs::ResourceCountMarkEnd() - Ends resource count checking.
  • RFs::ResourceCountMarkStart() - Marks the start of resource count checking.
  • RFs::RmDir() - Removes a directory.
  • RFs::ScanDrive() - Checks the specified drive for errors and corrects them.
  • RFs::SessionPath() - Gets the session path.
  • RFs::SetAllocFailure() - Fails an allocation after aAllocNum successes.
  • RFs::SetAtt() - Sets or clears the attributes of a single file or directory.
  • RFs::SetDebugRegister() - Sets the debug register to the given value.
  • RFs::SetDriveName() - Sets the name of a drive.
  • RFs::SetEntry() - Sets both the attributes and the last modified date and time for a file or directory.
  • RFs::SetErrorCondition() - Sets the failure condition.
  • RFs::SetLocalDriveMapping().
  • RFs::SetModified() - Sets the date and time that the contents of a file or directory were modified, in UTC.
  • RFs::SetNotifyChange() - Enables/Disables change notification on a per-session basis.
  • RFs::SetNotifyUser() - Sets whether the user should be notified of file read or write failure.
  • RFs::SetSessionPath() - Sets the session path for the current file server client.
  • RFs::SetSessionToPrivate() - Sets the session path to point to the private path on the specified drive.
  • RFs::SetSubst() - Assigns a path to a drive letter.
  • RFs::SetSystemDrive() - Set a specified drive as a "System Drive", see RFs::GetSystemDrive().
  • RFs::SetVolumeLabel() - Sets the label for a volume.
  • RFs::StartupInitComplete() - Noifies the file server that startup initialisation is complete.
  • RFs::Subst() - Gets the path assigned to a drive letter by an earlier call to SetSubst().
  • RFs::SwapFileSystem() - Dismount aOldFileSystemName and mount aNewFileSystemName in an atomic operation.
  • RFs::UnlockDrive() - Unlocks the media in the specified drive.
  • RFs::Version() - Gets the client side version number.
  • RFs::Volume() - Gets volume information for a formatted device.
  • RFs::VolumeIOParam() - Wrapper API of IO parameters querying on specified volumes.

  • RHTTPConnectionInfo - The RHTTPConnectionInfo is used for setting/getting values used for setting up a connection over a protocol.

  • RHTTPFilterCollection - A Handle on the filter collection in a session.
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL()  Adds a filter to the session's filter queue.
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL()  Adds a filter to the session's filter queue.
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::CanChangeFilters().
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::Query() - An iterator to look at all filter registrations of a particular name.
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::RemoveFilter() - Removes all filter registrations of the specified name.
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::RHTTPFilterCollection() - Constructor.
  • RHTTPFilterCollection::Session().

  • RHTTPHeaders - The collection of headers (or more correctly, header fields) associated with a message.
  • RHTTPHeaders::FieldPartsL() - Obtain the number of parts in the named header field's value, Simple headers are created with a single part following one call to SetFieldL.
  • RHTTPHeaders::Fields() - Access the fields within this header collection, via an iterator.
  • RHTTPHeaders::GetField() - Obtain the named header field's value.
  • RHTTPHeaders::GetParam() - Obtain the value of a named parameter, associated with the named header field.
  • RHTTPHeaders::GetRawField() - Obtain an Raw representation of the named header field's value.
  • RHTTPHeaders::RemoveAllFields() - Remove all the fields of this header collection.
  • RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField() - Remove, entirely, the named header field from the header collection.
  • RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart() - Remove a single part of a header field.
  • RHTTPHeaders::RHTTPHeaders() - Default constructor.
  • RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL()  Set a named field in the header.
  • RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL()  Set a named field in the header, and associate with it the supplied parameter.
  • RHTTPHeaders::SetParamL() - Set a parameter in an existing header.
  • RHTTPHeaders::SetRawFieldL() - Set a named field in the header to contain the supplied Raw header data.

  • RHTTPMessage - An abstract HTTP message.
  • RHTTPMessage::Body() - Gets the body.
  • RHTTPMessage::GetHeaderCollection() - Returns the header collection for the message.
  • RHTTPMessage::HasBody() - Determine whether this message has any associated body data.
  • RHTTPMessage::RemoveBody() - Removes the body.
  • RHTTPMessage::RHTTPMessage() - Default (uninitialised) constructor.
  • RHTTPMessage::SetBody() - Sets the messages body, replacing any existing body.

  • RHTTPPropertySet - A set of named THTTPHdrVal objects.
  • RHTTPPropertySet::Property() - Returns a property.
  • RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveAllProperties() - Removes all properties.
  • RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveProperty() - Removes a named property.
  • RHTTPPropertySet::RHTTPPropertySet() - Default (uninitialised) constructor.
  • RHTTPPropertySet::SetPropertyL() - Sets or creates a property.

  • RHTTPRequest - An HTTP Request.
  • RHTTPRequest::Method() - Gets the method name.
  • RHTTPRequest::SetMethod() - Sets the method name.
  • RHTTPRequest::SetURIL() - Sets the URI.
  • RHTTPRequest::URI() - Gets the URI.

  • RHTTPResponse - An HTTP Response.
  • RHTTPResponse::SetStatusCode() - Sets the status code.
  • RHTTPResponse::SetStatusText() - Sets the status string.
  • RHTTPResponse::SetVersion() - Sets the HTTP version.
  • RHTTPResponse::StatusCode() - Returns the status code.
  • RHTTPResponse::StatusText() - Returns the status text, that is the text after the number on the first line of the response.
  • RHTTPResponse::Version() - Returns the version of HTTP used by the server.

  • RHTTPSession - A session handle.
  • RHTTPSession::Close() - Closes the session.
  • RHTTPSession::ConnectionInfo() - Accessor for the connection info for this session, and which is used for all transactions in the session.
  • RHTTPSession::ConnectL() - Connect this WSP session.
  • RHTTPSession::DisconnectL() - Disconnect this WSP session.
  • RHTTPSession::FailSessionEvent() - Fail the session event.
  • RHTTPSession::FilterCollection() - Accessor for the filter collection.
  • RHTTPSession::GetTable().
  • RHTTPSession::ListAvailableProtocolsL() - This is a static methods that lists all the available protocols by adding the prorocol descriptors to the descriptor array passed in.
  • RHTTPSession::OpenL()  Opens the session using the default protocol HTTP/TCP.
  • RHTTPSession::OpenL()  Opens the session using the protocol indicated by the parameter passed in.
  • RHTTPSession::OpenL()  Opens the session using the protocol indicated by the parameter passed in.
  • RHTTPSession::OpenTransactionL() - Creates a transaction.
  • RHTTPSession::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • RHTTPSession::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • RHTTPSession::RequestSessionHeadersL() - Accessor for the session headers.
  • RHTTPSession::ResponseSessionHeadersL() - Accessor for the response session headers.
  • RHTTPSession::RHTTPSession() - Constructor.
  • RHTTPSession::SendSessionEventL() - Send an session event.
  • RHTTPSession::ServerCert() - Obtain the server certificate information for this session.
  • RHTTPSession::SetSessionEventCallback() - Sets the session event callback.
  • RHTTPSession::StringPool() - Accessor for the HTTP string pool.

  • RHTTPTransaction - A HTTP Transaction.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Cancel() - Cancels the transaction.
  • RHTTPTransaction::CipherSuite() - Obtain the cipher suite information for this transaction.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Close() - Closes the transaction and frees all owned resources.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Fail() - This function should be called by filters when they have failed due to running out of memory.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Id() - Obtain this transaction's ID, which is unique within its session.
  • RHTTPTransaction::NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL() - Notify HTTP of the availability of more request body data, when submitting body data in several parts.
  • RHTTPTransaction::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • RHTTPTransaction::operator==() - Equality operator to check if this transaction is the same as that one.
  • RHTTPTransaction::PropertySet() - Returns the transaction's property set.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Request() - Gets the request.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Response() - Gets the response.
  • RHTTPTransaction::RHTTPTransaction() - Default (uninitialised) constructor.
  • RHTTPTransaction::SendEventL() - Sends a status message to all relevant filters.
  • RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert() - Obtain the server certificate information for this transaction.
  • RHTTPTransaction::Session() - Returns the session associated with the transaction.
  • RHTTPTransaction::SubmitL() - Submits a transaction.

  • RHTTPTransactionPropertySet - The set of properties of a transaction.

  • RHandleBase - A handle to an object.
  • RHandleBase::Attributes().
  • RHandleBase::Close() - Closes the handle.
  • RHandleBase::Duplicate() - Creates a valid handle to the kernel object for which the specified thread already has a handle.
  • RHandleBase::FullName()  Gets the full name of the handle.
  • RHandleBase::FullName()  Gets the full name of the handle.
  • RHandleBase::Handle() - Retrieves the handle-number of the object associated with this handle.
  • RHandleBase::HandleInfo() - Gets information about the handle.
  • RHandleBase::Name() - Gets the name of the handle.
  • RHandleBase::Open() - Opens a handle to a kernel side object found using a find-handle object.
  • RHandleBase::RHandleBase()  Default constructor.
  • RHandleBase::RHandleBase()  Copy constructor.
  • RHandleBase::SetHandle() - Sets the handle-number of this handle to the specified value.
  • RHandleBase::SetHandleNC() - Sets the handle-number of this handle to the specified value, and marks it as not closable.
  • RHandleBase::SetReturnedHandle() - Sets the handle-number of this handle to the specified value.

  • RHardwareBitmap - The interface to a hardware bitmap.
  • RHardwareBitmap::GetInfo() - Gets the information needed for accessing a bitmap directly into TAcceleratedBitmapInfo structure.
  • RHardwareBitmap::RHardwareBitmap()  Default constructor.
  • RHardwareBitmap::RHardwareBitmap()  Constructor taking the handle of an existing RHardwareBitmap to duplicate it.

  • RHashMap - A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V, using a probe-sequence hash table.
  • RHashMap::Close() - Free all memory used by this array.
  • RHashMap::Count() - Query the number of key-value pairs in the array.
  • RHashMap::Find()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RHashMap::Find()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RHashMap::FindL()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RHashMap::FindL()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RHashMap::Insert() - Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  • RHashMap::InsertL() - Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  • RHashMap::Remove() - Remove a key-value pair from the array.
  • RHashMap::Reserve() - Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  • RHashMap::ReserveL() - Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  • RHashMap::RHashMap()  Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a specified hash function and identity relation.
  • RHashMap::RHashMap()  Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a default hash function and identity relation.

  • RHashSet - A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of type T using a probe-sequence hash table.
  • RHashSet::Close() - Free all memory used by this set.
  • RHashSet::Count() - Query the number of elements in the set.
  • RHashSet::Find()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RHashSet::Find()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RHashSet::FindL()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RHashSet::FindL()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RHashSet::Insert() - Insert an element into the set.
  • RHashSet::InsertL() - Insert an element into the set.
  • RHashSet::Remove() - Remove an element from the set.
  • RHashSet::Reserve() - Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
  • RHashSet::ReserveL() - Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
  • RHashSet::RHashSet()  Construct a set of objects of type T using a specified hash function and identity relation.
  • RHashSet::RHashSet()  Construct a set of objects of type T using a default hash function and identity relation.

  • RHeaderField - An proxy object for a single field in an HTTP header.
  • RHeaderField::BeginRawDataL() - When the header codec starts converting parsed header data into the raw form, it must first call this method to indicate that the raw data is being generated.
  • RHeaderField::Collection() - Get a handle to the headers collection that this field belongs to.
  • RHeaderField::CommitRawData() - Commits the Raw data.
  • RHeaderField::Name() - Obtain the name of the header field, e.g.
  • RHeaderField::PartsL() - Access the header value parts via an iterator.
  • RHeaderField::RawDataL() - Get the header field's raw data representation.
  • RHeaderField::RHeaderField().
  • RHeaderField::SetPartL() - Set a part in the header.
  • RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL()  Add more Raw data, supplied as a descriptor.
  • RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL()  Add more Raw data, supplied as a single character.

  • RHeap - Represents the default implementation for a heap.
  • RHeap::Alloc() - Allocates a cell of the specified size from the heap.
  • RHeap::AllocLen() - Gets the length of the available space in the specified allocated cell.
  • RHeap::AllocSize() - Gets the number of cells allocated on this heap, and the total space allocated to them.
  • RHeap::Available() - Gets the total free space currently available on the heap and the space available in the largest free block.
  • RHeap::Base() - Gets a pointer to the start of the heap.
  • RHeap::Compress() - Compresses the heap.
  • RHeap::Extension_().
  • RHeap::FindFollowingFreeCell().
  • RHeap::Free() - Frees the specified cell and returns it to the heap.
  • RHeap::GetAddress().
  • RHeap::operator delete() - Called if constructor issued by operator new(TUint aSize, TAny* aBase) throws exception.
  • RHeap::ReAlloc() - Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell in the heap.
  • RHeap::Reset() - Frees all allocated cells on this heap.
  • RHeap::RHeap().
  • RHeap::SetBrk().
  • RHeap::Size() - Gets the current size of the heap.

  • RHostResolver - Provides an interface to host name resolution services, such as DNS, that may be provided by particular protocol modules.
  • RHostResolver::Cancel() - Cancels any outstanding asynchronous calls, which will return with error code KErrCancel.
  • RHostResolver::Close() - Closes a name resolution service.
  • RHostResolver::GetByAddress()  Get host by address (as get by name).
  • RHostResolver::GetByAddress()  Get host by address (as get by name).
  • RHostResolver::GetByName()  Resolves a machine name to a TSockAddress asynchronously.
  • RHostResolver::GetByName()  Resolves a machine name to a TSockAddress.
  • RHostResolver::GetHostName()  Gets the name of the local host.
  • RHostResolver::GetHostName()  Gets the name of the local host asynchronously.
  • RHostResolver::Next()  Get the next response if there is more than one response for a given host name (alias list).
  • RHostResolver::Next()  Get the next response if there is more than one response for a given host name (alias list).
  • RHostResolver::Open()  Initialises a name resolution service provided by a particular protocol.
  • RHostResolver::Open()  Initialises a name resolution service provided by a particular protocol, and associates the service with the same interface as an existing RConnection instance.
  • RHostResolver::Query()  Protocol - independent query.
  • RHostResolver::Query()  Protocol - independent query.
  • RHostResolver::QueryGetNext()  Get the next query result.
  • RHostResolver::QueryGetNext()  Get the next query result.
  • RHostResolver::SetHostName() - Sets the name of the local host.

  • RIncrMatcherBase - Base class for incremental matcher classes.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::AppendChar() - Appends a character to the end of the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::Clear() - Clears the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::DeleteLastChar() - Deletes the final character in the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::FirstMatchingIndex() - Finds the first match in an array, using a binary comparison.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::FirstMatchingIndexC() - Finds the first match in an array, using locale collation rules.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::FirstMatchingIndexF() - Finds the first match in an array, using locale folding rules.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::IsMatch() - Tests for match, using a binary comparison.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::IsMatchC() - Tests for match, using locale collation rules.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::IsMatchF() - Tests for match, using locale folding rules.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::MatchLength() - Gets the current length of the match text buffer.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::MatchText() - Gets the match text as a TPtrC.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::MaxLength() - Gets the maximum length of the match text buffer.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::RIncrMatcherBase() - Default constructor.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::SetBestMatch() - Sets the match text to the best match between the match text and the passed buffer, using a binary comparision.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::SetBestMatchC() - Sets the match text to the best match between the match text and the passed buffer, using locale collation rules.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::SetBestMatchF() - Sets the match text to the best match between the match text and the passed buffer, using locale folding rules.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::SetMatchText() - Sets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBase::~RIncrMatcherBase() - Virtual destructor, for reimplementation by derived classes.

  • RIncrMatcherBuf - Incrementally matches text against a modifiable descriptor buffer.
  • RIncrMatcherBuf::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBuf::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherBuf::RIncrMatcherBuf()  Default constructor.
  • RIncrMatcherBuf::RIncrMatcherBuf()  Copy constructor.

  • RIncrMatcherPtr - Incrementally matches text against a descriptor, accessed via a pointer.
  • RIncrMatcherPtr::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherPtr::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherPtr::RIncrMatcherPtr()  Default constructor.
  • RIncrMatcherPtr::RIncrMatcherPtr()  Constructor that initialises the object with the text to be matched against.
  • RIncrMatcherPtr::SetMatcherPtr() - Sets the text to be matched against.
  • RIncrMatcherPtr::~RIncrMatcherPtr() - Destructor.

  • RIncrMatcherTextBuf - Incrementally matches text against a text buffer with variable maximum length.
  • RIncrMatcherTextBuf::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherTextBuf::MatchDes()  Gets the match text.
  • RIncrMatcherTextBuf::RIncrMatcherTextBuf() - Default constructor.
  • RIncrMatcherTextBuf::SetMatcherLengthL() - Sets the maximum length of text that can be stored through SetMatchText() etc.
  • RIncrMatcherTextBuf::~RIncrMatcherTextBuf() - Destructor.

  • RLibrary - A handle to a dynamically loadable DLL.
  • RLibrary::Close() - Closes the DLL.
  • RLibrary::FileName() - Gets the name of the DLL's file.
  • RLibrary::GetRamSizes() - Gets the current size of the code and the const data for this DLL.
  • RLibrary::Load()  Loads the named DLL which matches the specified UID type.
  • RLibrary::Load()  Loads the named DLL.
  • RLibrary::Load()  Loads the named DLL that matches the specified UID type.
  • RLibrary::Load()  Loads the named DLL that matches the specified UID type and version.
  • RLibrary::Lookup() - Gets a pointer to the function at the specified ordinal within this DLL.
  • RLibrary::Type() - Gets this DLL's UID type.

  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to an audio controller.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSinkBitRate() - Gets the bit rate of the data sink in bits per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSinkDataType() - Gets the fourCC code of the sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSinkFormat() - Gets the format of the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSinkNumChannels() - Gets the number of channels in the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSinkSampleRate() - Gets the sample rate of the data sink in samples per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSourceBitRate() - Gets the bit rate of the data source in bits per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSourceDataType() - Get the fourCC code of the source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSourceFormat() - Gets the format of the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSourceNumChannels() - Gets the number of channels in the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSourceSampleRate() - Gets the sample rate of the data source in samples per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSinkBitRatesL() - Gets the list of bit rates supported by the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSinkDataTypesL() - Gets the list of fourCC codes supported by the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL() - Gets the list of channels supported by the data sink (ie mono, stereo etc).
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL() - Gets the list of sample rates supported by the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSourceBitRatesL() - Gets the list of bit rates supported by the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSourceDataTypesL() - Gets the list of fourCC codes supported by the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL() - Gets the list of channels supported by the data source (ie mono, stereo etc).
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL() - Gets the list of sample rates supported by the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetCodec() - Sets the codec to be used.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSinkBitRate() - Set the bit rate of the data sink in bits per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSinkDataType() - Set the fourCC code of the sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSinkFormat() - Sets the format of the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSinkNumChannels() - Sets the number of channels in the data sink.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSinkSampleRate() - Sets the sample rate of the data sink in samples per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSourceBitRate() - Sets the bit rate of the data source in bits per second.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSourceDataType() - Sets the fourCC code of the source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSourceFormat() - Sets the format of the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSourceNumChannels() - Sets the number of channels in the data source.
  • RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands::SetSourceSampleRate() - Sets the sample rate of the data source in samples per second.

  • RMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to an audio play controller.
  • RMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommands::DeletePlaybackWindow() - Removes a previously defined playback window.
  • RMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetLoadingProgress() - Gets the audio loading progress as a percentage.
  • RMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommands::RMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommands::SetPlaybackWindow() - Sets a playback window.

  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands - Client class to access Audio Play Device functionality.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::GetBalance() - Gets the balance between the left and right stereo audio channels.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::GetMaxVolume() - Gets the maximum volume supported by the sound device.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::GetVolume() - Gets the current playback volume.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::SetBalance() - Sets the balance between the left and right stereo audio channels.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::SetVolume() - Sets the volume of the sound device.
  • RMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommands::SetVolumeRamp() - Sets a volume ramp.

  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to an audio record controller.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::AddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds meta data to the clip.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::Crop() - Removes a portion from the clip, either from the current position to the beginning or the current position to the end.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::GetRecordTimeAvailable() - Gets the (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::RemoveMetaDataEntry() - Removes a meta data entry from the clip.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::ReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces a meta data in the clip.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetMaxDuration() - Sets the maximum duration of the recorded clip, in microseconds.
  • RMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetMaxFileSize() - Sets the maximum size of the recorded clip, in bytes.

  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands - Client class to access Audio Record Device functionality.
  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands::GetBalance() - Gets the balance between the left and right stereo microphone channels.
  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands::GetGain() - Gets the current recording gain.
  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands::GetMaxGain() - Gets the maximum gain supported by the sound device.
  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands::RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands::SetBalance() - Sets the balance between the left and right stereo microphone channels.
  • RMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommands::SetGain() - Sets the gain of the sound device.

  • RMMFController - Client representation of a controller plugin for the Multimedia Framework.
  • RMMFController::AddDataSink()  Adds a data sink to the controller.
  • RMMFController::AddDataSink()  Adds a data sink to the controller, and receives a handle to allow removal and direct communication with that data sink.
  • RMMFController::AddDataSink()  Add a data sink to the controller asynchronously, and receive a handle to allow removal and direct communication with that data sink.
  • RMMFController::AddDataSource()  Adds a data source to the controller.
  • RMMFController::AddDataSource()  Adds a data source to the controller, and receive a handle to allow removal and direct communication with that data source.
  • RMMFController::AddDataSource()  Add a data source to the controller asynchronously, and receive a handle to allow removal and direct communication with that data source.
  • RMMFController::AddFileHandleDataSink().
  • RMMFController::AddFileHandleDataSource().
  • RMMFController::CancelAddDataSink() - Cancels an outstanding call to the asynchronous version of AddDataSink().
  • RMMFController::CancelAddDataSource() - Cancels an outstanding call to the asynchronous version of AddDataSource().
  • RMMFController::CancelReceiveEvents() - Cancels a previous registration to receive events from the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::Close() - Closes the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends a custom command asynchronously to the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::CustomCommandAsync()  Sends a custom command asynchronously to the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a custom command synchronously to the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::CustomCommandSync()  Sends a custom command synchronously to the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::GetDuration() - Gets the duration of the clip in microseconds.
  • RMMFController::GetMetaDataEntryL() - Returns a particular meta data entry from the clip.
  • RMMFController::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries() - Gets the number a meta data entries in the clip.
  • RMMFController::GetPosition() - Gets the current position microseconds.
  • RMMFController::Open()  Loads a controller plugin by specifying the UID of the plugin to load.
  • RMMFController::Open()  Loads a controller plugin by specifying a CMMFControllerImplementationInformation object.
  • RMMFController::Open()  Loads a controller plugin by specifying the UID of the plugin to load.
  • RMMFController::Open()  Loads a controller plugin by specifying a CMMFControllerImplementationInformation object.
  • RMMFController::Pause() - Pauses the controller.
  • RMMFController::Play() - Starts the controller playing.
  • RMMFController::Prime() - Prepares the controller to start playing.
  • RMMFController::ReceiveEvents() - Registers to receive events from the controller plugin.
  • RMMFController::RemoveDataSink() - Removes a data sink from the controller.
  • RMMFController::RemoveDataSource() - Removes a data source from the controller.
  • RMMFController::Reset() - Reverts the controller plugin back to the state it was in just after it had been Opened.
  • RMMFController::RMMFController() - Constructor.
  • RMMFController::SetPosition() - Sets the current position microseconds.
  • RMMFController::SetPrioritySettings() - Sets the priority settings for this controller.
  • RMMFController::SetThreadPriority() - Set the priority of the controller's sub thread.
  • RMMFController::Stop() - Stops the controller.

  • RMMFCustomCommandsBase - Base class for client-side custom command classes.
  • RMMFCustomCommandsBase::RMMFCustomCommandsBase() - Constructor.

  • RMMFDataPathProxy - Proxy class used to create a datapath in a new subthread.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::AddDataSink() - Specify the data sink for this datapath.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::AddDataSource() - Specify the data source for this datapath.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::ClearPlayWindow() - Removes a previously defined play window.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::Close() - Deletes the datapath and shuts down the datapath proxy thread.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::CreateSubThread() - Creates a subthread that will contain the datapath.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::GetPosition() - Gets the current position of the datapath in units of time.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::LoadDataPath()  Load the datapath in the new thread.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::LoadDataPath()  Load the datapath in the new thread.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::LoadDataPath()  Load the datapath in the new thread.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::LoadDataPath()  Loads the datapath in the new thread.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::Pause() - Pauses playing.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::Play() - Transfer the datapath from the primed into the playing state.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::Prime() - Transfer the datapath from the stopped into the primed state.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::RMMFDataPathProxy() - Constuctor.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::SetPlayWindow() - Sets the play window relative to the start of the entire clip.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::SetPosition() - Sets the current position of the datapath in units of time.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::State() - Gets the current datapath state.
  • RMMFDataPathProxy::Stop() - Stops playing.

  • RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands - Client class to allow the client to register notification.
  • RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands::CancelRegisterAsClient() - Cancels the registered notification event.
  • RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands::GetResourceNotificationData() - Gets the notification data for the event.
  • RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands::RegisterAsClient() - Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.
  • RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands::RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommands::WillResumePlay() - Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.

  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to a video controller.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::GetAudioBitRate() - Gets the audio bit rate.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::GetAudioCodec() - Gets the audio type.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::GetFrameRate() - Gets the frame rate of the clip.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::GetVideoBitRate() - Gets the video bit rate.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::GetVideoFrameSize() - Gets the frame size of the clip.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::GetVideoMimeType() - Gets the video clip MIME type.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFVideoControllerCustomCommands::SetFrameRate() - Sets the frame rate of the clip.

  • RMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommands - Client class to allow the client to specify DRM Intent.
  • RMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommands::GetFrame() - Gets a frame previously requested from the controller.
  • RMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommands::RMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommands() - Constructor.

  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to a video playback controller.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::DirectScreenAccessEvent() - Sends a direct screen access event to controller.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetAudioEnabled() - Queries whether audio is enabled.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetCropRegion() - Gets the crop region currently applied to the image.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetFrame() - Asks the controller to store the current frame to a bitmap.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetLoadingProgress() - Gets the video loading progress as a percentage.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetRotation() - Queries the rotation that is currently applied to the video image.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetScaleFactor() - Gets the scale factor currently applied to the video image.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::Play() - Sets a time window for video playback.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::Prepare() - Prepares the video clip to be accessed.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::RefreshFrame() - Requests the controller to redraw the current frame.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::SetCropRegion() - Selects a region of the video image to be displayed.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::SetDisplayWindow() - Sets the screen region to be used to display the video.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::SetRotation() - Rotates the video image on the screen.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::SetScaleFactor() - Scales the video image to a specified percentage of its original size.
  • RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::UpdateDisplayRegion() - Updates the display region.

  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to a video recorder controller.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::AddMetaDataEntryL() - Adds meta data to the clip.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::GetAudioEnabled() - Retrieves whether audio is enabled.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::GetRecordTimeAvailable() - Gets the (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSinkAudioTypes() - Gets the supported sink audio types.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::GetSupportedSinkVideoTypes() - Gets the supported sink video types.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::Prepare() - Prepares the controller for recording.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::RemoveMetaDataEntry() - Removes a meta data entry from the clip.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::ReplaceMetaDataEntryL() - Replaces a meta data in the clip.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetAudioBitRate() - Sets the audio bit rate.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetAudioCodec() - Sets the audio codec for recording.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetAudioEnabled() - Sets whether audio is enabled.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetCameraHandle() - Sets the handle of the camera to use.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetMaxFileSize() - Sets the maximum size of the recorded clip, in bytes.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetVideoBitRate() - Sets the video bit rate.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetVideoCodec() - Sets the video codec for recording.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetVideoFormat() - Sets the format for the video to record.
  • RMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommands::SetVideoFrameSize() - Sets the frame size of the clip.

  • RMemReadStream.
  • RMemReadStream::Open().
  • RMemReadStream::RMemReadStream().
  • RMemReadStream::RMemReadStream().

  • RMemWriteStream.
  • RMemWriteStream::Open().
  • RMemWriteStream::RMemWriteStream().
  • RMemWriteStream::RMemWriteStream().
  • RMemWriteStream::RMemWriteStream().

  • RMessage2 - An object that encapsulates the details of a client request.
  • RMessage2::Function() - Gets the the number of the function requested by the client.
  • RMessage2::Int0() - Gets the first message argument as an integer value.
  • RMessage2::Int1() - Gets the second message argument as an integer value.
  • RMessage2::Int2() - Gets the third message argument as an integer value.
  • RMessage2::Int3() - Gets the fourth message argument as an integer value.
  • RMessage2::Ptr0() - Gets the first message argument as a pointer type.
  • RMessage2::Ptr1() - Gets the second message argument as a pointer type.
  • RMessage2::Ptr2() - Gets the third message argument as a pointer type.
  • RMessage2::Ptr3() - Gets the fourth message argument as a pointer type.
  • RMessage2::RMessage2()  Default constructor.
  • RMessage2::RMessage2()  Constructs an RMessage2 from an RMessagePtr2.
  • RMessage2::Session() - Gets a pointer to the session.

  • RMessagePtr2 - A handle to a message sent by the client to the server.
  • RMessagePtr2::Client() - Opens a handle on the client thread.
  • RMessagePtr2::ClientL() - Opens a handle on the client thread.
  • RMessagePtr2::ClientProcessFlags().
  • RMessagePtr2::ClientStatus() - Returns the pointer to the clients TRequestStatus associated with the message.
  • RMessagePtr2::Complete()  Frees this message.
  • RMessagePtr2::Complete()  Duplicates the specified handle in the client thread, and returns this handle as a message completion code.
  • RMessagePtr2::GetDesLength() - Gets the length of a descriptor argument in the client's process.
  • RMessagePtr2::GetDesLengthL() - Gets the length of a descriptor argument in the client's process, leaving on failure.
  • RMessagePtr2::GetDesMaxLength() - Gets the maximum length of a descriptor argument in the client's process.
  • RMessagePtr2::GetDesMaxLengthL() - Gets the maximum length of a descriptor argument in the client's process, leaving on failure.
  • RMessagePtr2::Handle() - Gets the message handle value.
  • RMessagePtr2::HasCapability()  Check if the process which sent this message has a given capability.
  • RMessagePtr2::HasCapability()  Check if the process which sent this message has both of the given capabilities.
  • RMessagePtr2::HasCapabilityL()  Check if the process which sent this message has a given capability.
  • RMessagePtr2::HasCapabilityL()  Check if the process which sent this message has both of the given capabilities.
  • RMessagePtr2::Identity().
  • RMessagePtr2::IsNull() - Tests whether this message handle is empty.
  • RMessagePtr2::Kill() - Kills the client.
  • RMessagePtr2::Panic() - Panics the client.
  • RMessagePtr2::Read()  Reads data from the specified offset within the 8-bit descriptor argument, into the specified target descriptor.
  • RMessagePtr2::Read()  Reads data from the specified offset within the 16-bit descriptor argument, into the specified target descriptor.
  • RMessagePtr2::ReadL()  Reads data from the specified offset within the 8-bit descriptor argument, into the specified target descriptor, and leaving on failure.
  • RMessagePtr2::ReadL()  Reads data from the specified offset within the 16-bit descriptor argument, into the specified target descriptor, and leaving on failure.
  • RMessagePtr2::RMessagePtr2() - Default constructor.
  • RMessagePtr2::SecureId() - Return the Secure ID of the process which sent this message.
  • RMessagePtr2::SetProcessPriority() - Sets the priority of the client's process.
  • RMessagePtr2::SetProcessPriorityL() - Sets the priority of the client's process.
  • RMessagePtr2::Terminate() - Terminates the client.
  • RMessagePtr2::VendorId() - Return the Vendor ID of the process which sent this message.
  • RMessagePtr2::Write()  Writes data from the specified source descriptor to the specified offset within the 8-bit descriptor argument.
  • RMessagePtr2::Write()  Writes data from the specified source descriptor to the specified offset within the 16-bit descriptor argument.
  • RMessagePtr2::WriteL()  Writes data from the specified source descriptor to the specified offset within the 8-bit descriptor argument, and leaving on failure.
  • RMessagePtr2::WriteL()  Writes data from the specified source descriptor to the specified offset within the 16-bit descriptor argument, and leaving on failure.

  • RMessageWindow - A configurable window that appears for a brief time to display a message to the user and then disappears.
  • RMessageWindow::CancelDisplay() - Cancels the display of the window.
  • RMessageWindow::ConstructL()  Performs second-phase construction.
  • RMessageWindow::ConstructL()  Performs second-phase construction, with a window border colour.
  • RMessageWindow::GetBorders() - Gets the widths of the window's borders.
  • RMessageWindow::RMessageWindow() - Constructor.
  • RMessageWindow::SetBackgroundColor() - Sets the background colour for the window.
  • RMessageWindow::SetBorderColor() - Sets the window border colour.
  • RMessageWindow::SetPlinthColors() - Sets the plinth colours.
  • RMessageWindow::SetTextColor() - Sets the message text colour.
  • RMessageWindow::StartDisplay()  Displays the message window for a specified time.
  • RMessageWindow::StartDisplay()  Displays the message window for a specified time with an initial delay.

  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands - Client class to access functionality specific to a MIDI controller.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::CancelReceiveEvents() - Stop receiving events from the MIDI controller.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::ChannelsSupported() - Get the maximum number of logical channels supported by the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::ChannelVolume() - Get the current volume setting of a logical channel.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::Close() - Closes any currently open resources, such as files, descriptors or URLs in use.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::CustomBankLoaded() - Query if a bank has been loaded to the memory.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::DurationMicroBeats() - Gets the length of the currently open MIDI resource in micro-beats.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::GetBalance() - Get the current stereo balance value.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::GetBankId() - Gets the identifier of a sound bank.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::GetInstrument() - Gets the instrument assigned to a specified channel.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::GetInstrumentId() - Gets the identifier of an instrument.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::GetRepeats() - Gets the number of times the current opened resources has to be repeated.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::InstrumentNameL() - Gets the name of the given instrument.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::IsChannelMute() - Gets the muting status of a specific channel.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::IsTrackMute() - Gets the muting status of a specific track.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::LoadCustomBank() - Loads one or more custom sound banks from a file into memory for use.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::LoadCustomBankData() - Loads one or more custom sound banks from a descriptor into memory for use.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::LoadCustomInstrument() - Loads an individual instrument from file into custom sound bank memory for use.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::LoadCustomInstrumentData() - Loads an individual instrument from descriptor into custom sound bank memory for use.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::MaxChannelVolume() - Gets the Maximum volume setting that may be applied to a logical channel.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::MaxPlaybackRate() - Gets the maximum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::MaxPolyphony() - Gets the current maximum number of notes the engine can handle This can be greater than the value returned by RMidiControllerCustomCommands::Polyphony.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::MaxVolume() - Maximum volume setting that may be applied overall.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::MimeType() - Gets the MIME type of the MIDI resource currently open.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::MinPlaybackRate() - Gets the minimum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::NoteOff() - Synchronous function to terminate playback of a note.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::NoteOn() - Synchronous function to commence playback of a note.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::NumberOfBanks() - Gets the number of standard or custom sound banks currently available.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::NumberOfInstruments() - Gets the number of instruments available in a given sound bank.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::NumTracks() - Gets the number of tracks present in the currently open MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::PercussionKeyNameL() - Gets the name of a particular percussion key corresponding to a given note.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::PitchTranspositionCents() - Gets the pitch shift in use for the currently open MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::PlaybackRate() - Gets the current playback rate factor of the currently open MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::PlayNote()  Synchronous function to play a single note.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::PlayNote()  Synchronous function to play a single note at a specified time.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::Polyphony() - Gets the polyphony of the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::PositionMicroBeats() - Gets the current metrical position of the MIDI resource being played.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::ReceiveEvents() - Start receiving events from the controller.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::RetrieveEvent() - Get the MIDI event from the MIDI controller.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::RMidiControllerCustomCommands() - Constructor.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SendMessage()  Sends a single MIDI message to the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SendMessage()  Sends a single MIDI message, with time stamp, to the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SendMipMessage() - Sends a mip message to the MIDI engine.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetBalance() - Set the current stereo balance value.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetBank() - Tell the MIDI engine to use a custom bank or a standard bank.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetChannelMute() - Set the muting state of a channel without changing its volume setting.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetChannelVolume() - Set the volume of a channel.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetInstrument() - Sets a logical channel to use the given instrument.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetMaxPolyphony() - Set the max polyphony the engine can handle.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetPitchTransposition() - Sets the pitch shift to apply to the currently open MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetPlaybackRate() - Sets the playback rate for the playback of the current MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetPositionMicroBeats() - Change the position of the currently playing MIDI resource to the given position.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetRepeats() - Set the number of times to repeat the current MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetStopTime() - Sets the stop time to use for the currently open MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetSyncUpdateCallbackInterval() - Sets the frequency at which MMIDIClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoSyncUpdateL() is called to allow other components to synchronise with playback of this MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetTempo() - Sets the tempo at which the current MIDI resource should be played.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetTrackMute() - Mutes or unmutes a particular track.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetVolume() - Set the overall volume of the MIDI client.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::SetVolumeRamp() - Length of time over which the volume is faded up from zero to the current setting when playback is started.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::Stop() - Stops playback of a resource but does not change the current position or release any resources.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::StopNotes() - Stops the playback of all notes on the given channel, by means of an All Notes Off MIDI message.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::StopTime() - Get the stop time currently set for the MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::TempoMicroBeatsPerMinute() - Gets the current tempo of the currently open MIDI resource.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::UnloadAllCustomBanks() - Removes all custom sound banks from memory.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::UnloadCustomBank() - Removes a custom sound bank from memory.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::UnloadCustomInstrument() - Removes an instrument from custom sound bank memory.
  • RMidiControllerCustomCommands::Volume() - Gets the overall volume of the MIDI client.

  • RMsgQueue - A handle to a message queue.
  • RMsgQueue::CreateGlobal() - Creates a global message queue, and opens a handle to that message queue.
  • RMsgQueue::CreateLocal() - Creates a message queue that is private to the current process, and opens a handle to that message queue.
  • RMsgQueue::Receive() - Retrieves the first message in the queue.
  • RMsgQueue::ReceiveBlocking() - Retrieves the first message in the queue, and waits if the queue is empty.
  • RMsgQueue::Send() - Sends a message through this queue.
  • RMsgQueue::SendBlocking() - Sends a message through this queue, and waits for space to become available if the queue is full.

  • RMsgQueueBase - Provides implementation for managing an asynchronous message queue, and is a base class for the RMsgQueue templated class.
  • RMsgQueueBase::CancelDataAvailable() - Cancels an outstanding data available notification request.
  • RMsgQueueBase::CancelSpaceAvailable() - Cancels an outstanding space available notification request.
  • RMsgQueueBase::CreateGlobal() - Creates a global message queue, and opens a handle to that message queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::CreateLocal() - Creates a message queue that is private to the current process, and opens a handle to that message queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::MessageSize() - Gets the size of message slots in the queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::NotifyDataAvailable() - Requests notification when there is at least one message in the queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::NotifySpaceAvailable() - Requests notification when space becomes available in the queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::Open()  Opens a global message queue using a handle passed in a server message.
  • RMsgQueueBase::Open()  Opens a message queue using the handle passed in during process creation.
  • RMsgQueueBase::OpenGlobal() - Opens a global message queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::Receive() - Retrieves the first message in the queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::ReceiveBlocking() - Retrieves the first message in the queue, and waits if the queue is empty.
  • RMsgQueueBase::Send() - Sends a message through this queue.
  • RMsgQueueBase::SendBlocking() - Sends a message through this queue, and waits for space to become available if the queue is full.

  • RMsvReadStream - Accesses the streams in a message store with read access.
  • RMsvReadStream::OpenL() - Prepares an existing stream with UID for reading.
  • RMsvReadStream::OpenLC() - Prepares an existing stream with UID for reading.

  • RMsvWriteStream - Accesses the streams in a message store with write access, or creates new streams.
  • RMsvWriteStream::AssignL() - Prepares a stream for writing.
  • RMsvWriteStream::AssignLC() - Prepares a stream for writing; the object is placed on the cleanup stack.

  • RMutex - A handle to a mutex.
  • RMutex::CreateGlobal() - Creates a global mutex and opens this handle to the mutex.
  • RMutex::CreateLocal() - Creates a mutex and opens this handle to the mutex.
  • RMutex::IsHeld() - Test if this mutex is held by the current thread.
  • RMutex::Open()  Opens a handle to the global mutex found using a TFindMutex object.
  • RMutex::Open()  Opens a handle to a mutex using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
  • RMutex::Open()  Opens a handle to a mutex using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.
  • RMutex::OpenGlobal() - Opens a handle to a global mutex.
  • RMutex::Signal() - Release the mutex.
  • RMutex::Wait() - Acquire the mutex, waiting for it to become free if necessary.

  • RNetDatabase - Provides an interface to network databases, such as LM-IAS with IrDA, that may be provided by particular protocol modules.
  • RNetDatabase::Add()  Adds a record to the database asynchronously.
  • RNetDatabase::Add()  Adds a record to the database.
  • RNetDatabase::Cancel() - Cancels any outstanding asynchronous calls, which will return with error code KErrCancel.
  • RNetDatabase::Close() - Closes a database access service.
  • RNetDatabase::Open() - Initialises a database access service provided by a particular protocol.
  • RNetDatabase::Query()  Makes a query to the database asynchronously.
  • RNetDatabase::Query()  Makes a query to the database.
  • RNetDatabase::Remove()  Removes a record from the database asynchronously.
  • RNetDatabase::Remove()  Removes a record from the database.

  • RNotifier - A handle to a session with the extended notifier server that provides support for plug-in notifiers.
  • RNotifier::CancelNotifier() - Requests the extended notifier server to cancel the notifier identified by the specified UID.
  • RNotifier::Close() - Closes the notifier.
  • RNotifier::Connect() - Connects to the extended notifier server, creating a session with that server.
  • RNotifier::Notify() - Launches a simple two line dialog that displays two lines of text.
  • RNotifier::NotifyCancel() - Not implemented by the server.
  • RNotifier::RNotifier() - Default constructor.
  • RNotifier::StartNotifier()  Requests the extended notifier server to start the notifier identified by the specified UID.
  • RNotifier::StartNotifier()  Requests the extended notifier server to start the notifier identified by the specified UID.
  • RNotifier::StartNotifier().
  • RNotifier::StartNotifierAndGetResponse() - Requests the extended notifier server to start the notifier identified by the specified UID.
  • RNotifier::UpdateNotifier() - Requests the extended notifier server to update the active notifier identified by the specified UID.
  • RNotifier::UpdateNotifierAndGetResponse() - Requests the extended notifier server to update the active notifier identified by the specified UID.

  • RParagraphStyleInfo - A paragraph style.
  • RParagraphStyleInfo::Discard() - Deletes the style pointer owned by the object.
  • RParagraphStyleInfo::RParagraphStyleInfo()  This default C++ constructor is used to construct the object, initializing both style pointers to NULL.
  • RParagraphStyleInfo::RParagraphStyleInfo()  The C++ constructor is used to construct the object with a pointer to the style information for the current paragraph and optionally a pointer to the style information for the next paragraph.

  • RPhoneBookSession - Provides the CPhoneBookSyncPlugin client access to a session with the Phonebook Synchronizer Server.
  • RPhoneBookSession::__DbgCheckHeap() - Performs a heap mark check in the Phonebook Sync Server and Background Sync Engine threads.
  • RPhoneBookSession::__DbgFailNext() - Set a heap fail next condition in the Phonebook Sync Server and Background Sync Engine threads.
  • RPhoneBookSession::__DbgMarkEnd() - Perfom a heap mark end check in the Phonebook Sync Server and Background Sync Engine threads.
  • RPhoneBookSession::__DbgMarkHeap() - Set a heap mark in the Phonebook Sync Server and Background Sync Engine threads.
  • RPhoneBookSession::CancelRequest()  Cancels a previously issued asynchronous request on the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::CancelRequest()  Cancels a previously issued asynchronous request.
  • RPhoneBookSession::Close() - Closes the client's session with the Phonebook Synchroniser Server.
  • RPhoneBookSession::Connect() - Connects the client to the Phonebook Synchroniser Server.
  • RPhoneBookSession::DeleteContact() - Deletes the contact item from the ICC card.
  • RPhoneBookSession::DoSynchronisation()  Executes a manual synchronisation of the Global/GSM ADN phonebook entries.
  • RPhoneBookSession::DoSynchronisation()  Instructs the Phonebook Synchroniser Server to start a manual synchronisation of the ICC phonebook specified by the aPhonebook parameter.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetContactFormat() - Returns information about the supported fields within an ICC phonebook entry.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetFreeSlotsL()  Get the slots that are free in the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetFreeSlotsL()  Get the slots that are free in the requested phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetLastSyncError()  Returns the last server cache sync error for the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetLastSyncError()  Return the last server cache sync error for the requested phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetNumSlots()  Gets the total number of slots on the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetNumSlots()  Gets the total number of slots on the specified ICC phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetPhoneBookCacheState()  Returns the current state of the Phonebook Synchroniser server cache for the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetPhoneBookCacheState()  Return the current phonebook server cache state for the ICC phonebook specified by the aPhonebook parameter.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetPhoneBookId()  Returns the requested UID for the ID type belonging to the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetPhoneBookId()  Return either the current group or template ID (depending on the type supplied by aIdType) for the ICC entries belonging to the ICC phonebook specified by the aPhonebookUid parameter.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetSlotId()  Get the Contacts UID of a particular slot in the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetSlotId()  Get the Contacts UID of a particular slot in the requested phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetSyncMode()  Returns the current setting for the synchronisation mode of the Global/GSM ADN phonebook, used by the Phonebook Synchroniser Server at start-up to determine if the phonebook should be automatically synchronised.
  • RPhoneBookSession::GetSyncMode()  Returns the current setting for the Synchonisation Mode of the ICC phonebook specified by aPhonebookUid and used by the Phonebook Synchroniser Server at start-up to determine if the phonebook should be automatically synchronised.
  • RPhoneBookSession::NotifyPhBkCacheStateChange()  Registers the notification for a change in the Global/GSM ADN phonebook cache state.
  • RPhoneBookSession::NotifyPhBkCacheStateChange()  Registers the notification for a change in the Phone book cache state.
  • RPhoneBookSession::RPhoneBookSession() - Standard constructor.
  • RPhoneBookSession::SetSyncMode()  Sets a new value for the synchronisation mode of the Global/GSM ADN phonebook, used by the Phonebook Synchroniser Server at start-up to determine its synchronisation policy.
  • RPhoneBookSession::SetSyncMode()  Set a new value for the Synchonisation Mode of the ICC phonebook specified by aPhonebookUid, used by the Phonebook Synchroniser Server at start-up to determine its synchronisation policy.
  • RPhoneBookSession::ShutdownServer() - Requests the shutdown of the server when the last client disconnects.
  • RPhoneBookSession::UpdateLookuptable()  Updates the Phonebook Synchroniser's look-up table with the new contact ID in the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::UpdateLookuptable()  Updates the Phonebook Synchroniser's look-up table with the new contact ID in the ICC phonebook specified by the aPhonebookUid parameter.
  • RPhoneBookSession::ValidateContact() - Instructs the Phonebook Synchroniser Server to verify the access to the ICC contact item stored in the Contacts database.
  • RPhoneBookSession::Version() - Returns the current version of the Phonebook Synchroniser Server.
  • RPhoneBookSession::WriteContact()  Writes the contact item to the Global/GSM ADN phonebook.
  • RPhoneBookSession::WriteContact()  Write the contact item supplied in the aContactItem parameter to the ICC phonebook specified by aPhonebookUid.

  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV1 - Specifies format of phonebook fields within an ICC phonebook entry.
  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV1::ExtensionId() - Returns the Phonebook Synchronizer API extension number of the class.
  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV1::TContactFieldsV1() - Standard constructor.

  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV2 - Specifies format of phonebook fields within an UICC phonebook entry.
  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV2::TContactFieldsV2() - Standard constructor.

  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV3 - Specifies additional format information for phonebook fields within a UICC phonebook entry.
  • RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV3::TContactFieldsV3() - Standard constructor.

  • RPointerArray - A simple and efficient array of pointers to objects.
  • RPointerArray::Append() - Appends an object pointer onto the array.
  • RPointerArray::AppendL() - Appends an object pointer onto the array.
  • RPointerArray::Array() - Constructs and returns a generic array.
  • RPointerArray::Close() - Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to it.
  • RPointerArray::Compress() - Compresses the array down to a minimum.
  • RPointerArray::Count() - Gets the number of object pointers in the array.
  • RPointerArray::Find()  Finds the first object pointer in the array which matches the specified object pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray::Find()  Finds the first object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::Find()  Finds the first object pointer in the array which matches aKey using the comparison algorithm provided by apfnCompare.
  • RPointerArray::FindInAddressOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::FindInAddressOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::FindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::FindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::FindInOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindInOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindInOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified key, (Using the relationship defined within apfnCompare) using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindInOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindInOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindL()  Finds the first object pointer in the array which matches the specified object pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray::FindL()  Finds the first object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindReverse()  Finds the last object pointer in the array which matches the specified object pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray::FindReverse()  Finds the last object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::FindReverse()  Finds the first object pointer in the array which matches aKey using the comparison algorithm provided by apfnCompare.
  • RPointerArray::FindReverseL()  Finds the last object pointer in the array which matches the specified object pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray::FindReverseL()  Finds the last object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::GranularCompress() - Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
  • RPointerArray::Insert() - Inserts an object pointer into the array at the specified position.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInAddressOrder() - Inserts an object pointer into the array in address order.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInAddressOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an object pointer into the array in address order, allowing duplicates.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInAddressOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an object pointer into the array in address order, allowing duplicates.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInAddressOrderL() - Inserts an object pointer into the array in address order.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInOrder() - Inserts an object pointer into the array so that the object itself is in object order.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an object pointer into the array so that the object itself is in object order, allowing duplicates.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an object pointer into the array so that the object itself is in object order, allowing duplicates.
  • RPointerArray::InsertInOrderL() - Inserts an object pointer into the array so that the object itself is in object order.
  • RPointerArray::InsertL() - Inserts an object pointer into the array at the specified position.
  • RPointerArray::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the object pointer located at the specified position within the array.
  • RPointerArray::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the object pointer located at the specified position within the array.
  • RPointerArray::Remove() - Removes the object pointer at the specified position from the array.
  • RPointerArray::Reserve() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RPointerArray::ReserveL() - Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
  • RPointerArray::Reset() - Empties the array.
  • RPointerArray::ResetAndDestroy() - Empties the array and deletes the referenced objects.
  • RPointerArray::RPointerArray()  Default C++ constructor.
  • RPointerArray::RPointerArray()  C++ constructor with granularity.
  • RPointerArray::RPointerArray()  C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
  • RPointerArray::RPointerArray()  C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
  • RPointerArray::Sort() - Sorts the object pointers within the array.
  • RPointerArray::SortIntoAddressOrder() - Sorts the object pointers within the array into address order.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInAddressOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInAddressOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInOrder()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
  • RPointerArray::SpecificFindInOrderL()  Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

  • RPointerArray< TAny > - Array of raw pointers.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Append() - Appends an pointer onto the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::AppendL() - Appends an pointer onto the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Array() - Constructs and returns a generic array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Close() - Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to it.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Compress() - Compresses the array down to a minimum.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Count() - Gets the number of pointers in the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Find() - Finds the first pointer in the array which matches the specified pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindInAddressOrder()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindInAddressOrder()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified object pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindL() - Finds the first pointer in the array which matches the specified pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindReverse() - Finds the last pointer in the array which matches the specified pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::FindReverseL() - Finds the last pointer in the array which matches the specified pointer, using a sequential search.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::GranularCompress() - Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Insert() - Inserts an pointer into the array at the specified position.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::InsertInAddressOrder() - Inserts an pointer into the array in address order.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::InsertInAddressOrderAllowRepeats() - Inserts an pointer into the array in address order, allowing duplicates.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::InsertInAddressOrderAllowRepeatsL() - Inserts an pointer into the array in address order, allowing duplicates.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::InsertInAddressOrderL() - Inserts an pointer into the array in address order.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::InsertL() - Inserts an pointer into the array at the specified position.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the pointer located at the specified position within the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the pointer located at the specified position within the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Remove() - Removes the pointer at the specified position from the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::Reset() - Empties the array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::RPointerArray()  Default C++ constructor.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::RPointerArray()  C++ constructor with granularity.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::RPointerArray()  C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::RPointerArray()  C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::SortIntoAddressOrder() - Sorts the pointers within the array into address order.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::SpecificFindInAddressOrder()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::SpecificFindInAddressOrder()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::SpecificFindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a binary search technique.
  • RPointerArray< TAny >::SpecificFindInAddressOrderL()  Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a binary search technique.

  • RPositionServer - This is generally the first interface class used by all client applications.
  • RPositionServer::CancelRequest() - Cancels a previously issued asynchronous request.
  • RPositionServer::Close() - Closes a session with the positioning server.
  • RPositionServer::Connect() - Creates a session with the positioning server.
  • RPositionServer::GetDefaultModuleId() - This method obtains the identifier of the systems' default positioning module.
  • RPositionServer::GetModuleInfoById() - Return details about a specified module.
  • RPositionServer::GetModuleInfoByIndex() - Return details about a specified module.
  • RPositionServer::GetModuleStatus() - Obtains information about the specified positioning module.
  • RPositionServer::GetNumModules() - This method obtains the current number of available positioning modules.
  • RPositionServer::NotifyModuleStatusEvent() - This method reports status changes of either a single module or all positioning modules.
  • RPositionServer::RPositionServer() - Constructor for RPositionServer.
  • RPositionServer::Version() - Obtains the current version number of the location server.

  • RPositioner - This class is used to create a sub-session with the server for the purpose of obtaining the current position.
  • RPositioner::Close() - Closes a sub-session with the positioning server.
  • RPositioner::ConstructL() - Leaving constructor for RPositioner.
  • RPositioner::Destruct() - Destruction method for RPositionServer.
  • RPositioner::ExtendedInterface() - This method is used to allow polymorphic extensions to the API without breaking BC.
  • RPositioner::GetLastKnownPosition() - This method returns cached position information if it is available.
  • RPositioner::GetUpdateOptions() - This method retrieves the current update options being used by this RPositioner sub-session.
  • RPositioner::NotifyPositionUpdate() - This is an asynchronous method for obtaining position updates.
  • RPositioner::Open()  Creates a sub-session with the positioning server.
  • RPositioner::Open()  Creates a sub-session with the positioning server.
  • RPositioner::Open()  Creates a sub-session with the positioning server.
  • RPositioner::RPositioner() - Constructor for RPositioner.
  • RPositioner::SetRequestor()  Sets the requestor of the location information that will be obtained through this sub-session.
  • RPositioner::SetRequestor()  Sets the many requestors of the location information that will be obtained through this sub-session.
  • RPositioner::SetUpdateOptions() - This method can be used to modify the behaviour of NotifyPositionUpdate() requests.

  • RPositionerSubSessionBase - Abstract base class for all positioning sub-sessions, including RPositioner.
  • RPositionerSubSessionBase::CancelRequest() - Cancels a previously issued asynchronous request.
  • RPositionerSubSessionBase::ExtendedInterface() - This method is used to allow polymorphic extensions to the API without breaking BC.
  • RPositionerSubSessionBase::RPositionerSubSessionBase() - Constructor for the abstract base class RPositionerSubSessionBase.

  • RProcess - A handle to a process.
  • RProcess::Create()  Starts a new process, loading the specified executable.
  • RProcess::Create()  Starts a new process, loading the specified executable which matches the specified UID type.
  • RProcess::CreateWithStackOverride() - Starts a new process, loading the specified executable which matches the specified UID type and the specified minimum stack size.
  • RProcess::ExitCategory() - Gets the name of the category associated with the end of the process.
  • RProcess::ExitReason() - Gets the specific reason associated with the end of this process.
  • RProcess::ExitType() - Tests whether the process has ended and, if it has ended, return how it ended.
  • RProcess::FileName() - Gets a copy of the full path name of the loaded executable on which this process is based.
  • RProcess::GetMemoryInfo() - Gets the size and base address of the code and various data sections of the process.
  • RProcess::HasCapability()  Check if the process has a given capability.
  • RProcess::HasCapability()  Check if the process has both of the given capabilities.
  • RProcess::Id() - Gets the Id of this process.
  • RProcess::Identity().
  • RProcess::JustInTime() - Tests whether "Just In Time" debugging is enabled or not for this process.
  • RProcess::Kill() - Ends this process, and all of its threads, specifying a reason code.
  • RProcess::Logon() - Requests notification when this process dies, normally or otherwise.
  • RProcess::LogonCancel() - Cancels an outstanding request for notification of the death of this process.
  • RProcess::Open()  Opens a handle to a specifically named process.
  • RProcess::Open()  Opens a handle to the process whose process Id matches the specified process ID.
  • RProcess::Open()  Opens a handle to the process found by pattern matching a name.
  • RProcess::Panic() - Panics the process and all of its owned threads, specifying the panic category name and reason code.
  • RProcess::Priority() - Gets the priority of this process.
  • RProcess::RenameMe().
  • RProcess::Rendezvous()  Creates a Rendezvous request with the process.
  • RProcess::Rendezvous()  Completes all Rendezvous' with the current process.
  • RProcess::RendezvousCancel() - Cancels a previously requested Rendezvous with the process.
  • RProcess::Resume() - Makes the first thread in the process eligible for execution.
  • RProcess::RProcess()  Default constructor.
  • RProcess::RProcess()  Constructor taking a handle number.
  • RProcess::SecureId() - Return the Secure ID of the process.
  • RProcess::SetJustInTime() - Enables or disables "Just In Time" debugging for this process.
  • RProcess::SetParameter()  Sets the specified handle into the specified environment data slot for this process.
  • RProcess::SetParameter()  Sets the specfied sub-session into the specified environment data slot for this process.
  • RProcess::SetParameter()  Sets the specified 16-bit descriptor data into the specified environment data slot for this process.
  • RProcess::SetParameter()  Sets the specified 8-bit descriptor data into the specified environment data slot for this process.
  • RProcess::SetParameter()  Sets the specfied integer value into the specified environment data slot for this process.
  • RProcess::SetPriority() - Sets the priority of this process to one of the values defined by theTProcessPriority enumeration.
  • RProcess::Terminate() - Ends this process, and all of its threads, specifying a reason code.
  • RProcess::Type() - Gets the Uid type associated with the process.
  • RProcess::VendorId() - Return the Vendor ID of the process.

  • RProperty - User side interface to Publish & Subscribe.
  • RProperty::Attach() - Attaches to the specified property.
  • RProperty::Cancel() - Cancels an outstanding subscription request for this property handle.
  • RProperty::Define() - Defines a property.
  • RProperty::Delete()  Deletes a property.
  • RProperty::Delete()  Deletes a property.
  • RProperty::Get()  Gets an integer property.
  • RProperty::Get()  Gets a binary property.
  • RProperty::Get()  Gets a text property.
  • RProperty::Get()  Gets the integer value of this property.
  • RProperty::Get()  Gets the byte-array (binary) value of this property.
  • RProperty::Get()  Gets the text value of this property.
  • RProperty::Set()  Sets an integer property.
  • RProperty::Set()  Sets a binary property.
  • RProperty::Set()  Sets a text property.
  • RProperty::Set()  Sets a new integer value for this property.
  • RProperty::Set()  Sets the byte-array (binary) property.
  • RProperty::Set()  Sets the text property.
  • RProperty::Subscribe() - Subscribes to a property.

  • RPtrHashMap - A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V, using a probe-sequence hash table.
  • RPtrHashMap::Close() - Free all memory used by this array.
  • RPtrHashMap::Count() - Query the number of key-value pairs in the array.
  • RPtrHashMap::Find()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RPtrHashMap::Find()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RPtrHashMap::FindL()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RPtrHashMap::FindL()  Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the corresponding value.
  • RPtrHashMap::Insert() - Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  • RPtrHashMap::InsertL() - Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  • RPtrHashMap::Remove() - Remove a key-value pair from the array.
  • RPtrHashMap::Reserve() - Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  • RPtrHashMap::ReserveL() - Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  • RPtrHashMap::ResetAndDestroy() - Deletes all the key objects of type K and corresponding value objects of type V to which pointers are stored in this array.
  • RPtrHashMap::RPtrHashMap()  Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a specified hash function and identity relation.
  • RPtrHashMap::RPtrHashMap()  Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a default hash function and identity relation.

  • RPtrHashSet - A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of type T using a probe-sequence hash table.
  • RPtrHashSet::Close() - Free all memory used by this set.
  • RPtrHashSet::Count() - Query the number of elements in the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::Find()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::Find()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::FindL()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::FindL()  Locate a specified element in the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::Insert() - Insert an element into the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::InsertL() - Insert an element into the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::Remove() - Remove an element from the set.
  • RPtrHashSet::Reserve() - Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
  • RPtrHashSet::ReserveL() - Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
  • RPtrHashSet::ResetAndDestroy() - Deletes all the objects of type T to which pointers are stored in this set.
  • RPtrHashSet::RPtrHashSet()  Construct a set of objects of type T using a specified hash function and identity relation.
  • RPtrHashSet::RPtrHashSet()  Construct a set of objects of type T using a default hash function and identity relation.

  • RRandomSession - The client interface to the system random number generator.
  • RRandomSession::ConnectL() - Opens a new session with the random number server.
  • RRandomSession::GetRandom() - Fills the provided buffer with secure random data up to its current length, discarding any current content.
  • RRandomSession::RRandomSession().

  • RRawDisk - Enables direct disk access.
  • RRawDisk::Close() - Closes the direct access channel to the disk, and allows other resources to access the disk.
  • RRawDisk::Open() - Opens a direct access channel to the disk.
  • RRawDisk::Read() - Reads directly from the disk.
  • RRawDisk::Write() - Writes directly to the disk.

  • RReadStream - The read stream interface.
  • RReadStream::Attach() - Sets the stream buffer source for this read stream.
  • RReadStream::Close() - Frees resources used by the stream.
  • RReadStream::Detach() - Sets the stream buffer source for this read stream to NULL.
  • RReadStream::Pop() - Removes the cleanup item for this read stream object from the cleanup stack.
  • RReadStream::PushL() - Puts a cleanup item for this read stream object onto the cleanup stack.
  • RReadStream::ReadInt16L() - Internalises a TInt16 value.
  • RReadStream::ReadInt32L() - Internalises a TInt32 value.
  • RReadStream::ReadInt8L() - Internalises a TInt8 value The function reads an 8 bit value from this stream and interprets it as a TInt8.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads sufficient data from this stream to fill the specified 8 bit descriptor up to its maximum length.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads data of specified length from this stream into the specified 8 bit descriptor.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads data from this stream into the 8 bit descriptor, until either the specified delimiter is encountered or the descriptor is filled to its maximum length.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads data of specified length from this stream into the location defined by the specified TUint8 pointer.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Discards data of specified length read from this stream.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Writes the content of this stream to the specified write stream.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Writes the content of this stream to the specified write stream.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads sufficient data from this stream to fill the specified 16 bit descriptor up to its maximum length.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads data of specified length from this stream into the specified 16 bit descriptor.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads data from this stream into the 16 bit descriptor, until either the specified delimiter is encountered or the descriptor is filled to its maximum length.
  • RReadStream::ReadL()  Reads data of specified length from this stream into the specified 16 bit descriptor.
  • RReadStream::ReadReal32L() - Internalises a TReal32 value.
  • RReadStream::ReadReal64L() - Internalises a TReal64 value.
  • RReadStream::ReadUint16L() - Internalises a TUint16 value.
  • RReadStream::ReadUint32L() - Internalises a TUint32 value.
  • RReadStream::ReadUint8L() - Internalises a TUint8 value.
  • RReadStream::Release() - Frees resources before abandoning the stream.
  • RReadStream::RReadStream()  Sets the stream buffer source to NULL, which implies that it is safe to close.
  • RReadStream::RReadStream()  Constructs a read stream over the supplied stream buffer.
  • RReadStream::Source() - Gets the underlying stream buffer for the read stream.

  • RRef - Contains, or packages, a copy of an instance of another class.
  • RRef::Alloc()  Creates a copy of the specified object, which is to be contained by this reference object.
  • RRef::Alloc()  Creates a copy of the specified object, which is to be contained by this reference object.
  • RRef::AllocL()  Creates a copy of the specified object, which is to be contained by this reference object, and leaves on failure.
  • RRef::AllocL()  Creates a copy of the specified object, which is to be contained by this reference object, and leaves on failure.
  • RRef::operator T *() - Gets a pointer to the contained object.
  • RRef::operator->() - Gets a pointer to the contained object.
  • RRef::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • RRef::RRef()  Default constructor.
  • RRef::RRef()  Copy constructor.

  • RRefBase - Base class that provides an implementation for the templated RRef class.
  • RRefBase::Copy() - Provides an implementation for the RRef class copy constructor and assignment operator.
  • RRefBase::DoAlloc() - Creates a copy of an object, which is to be contained by this reference object.
  • RRefBase::DoAllocL() - Creates a copy of an object, which is to be contained by this reference object, and leaves on error.
  • RRefBase::Free() - Frees the memory holding the contained object.
  • RRefBase::RRefBase()  Default constructor.
  • RRefBase::RRefBase()  Copy constructor.

  • RRegion - Expandable region.
  • RRegion::CheckSpare() - Gets the number of free memory slots in the region.
  • RRegion::Close() - Closes the region.
  • RRegion::Destroy() - Deletes the region.
  • RRegion::RRegion().
  • RRegion::RRegion()  Default constructor.
  • RRegion::RRegion()  Constructs the object with the specified granularity.
  • RRegion::RRegion()  Copy constructor.
  • RRegion::RRegion()  Constructs the object with the specified rectangle and granularity.
  • RRegion::RRegion()  Constructor that takes ownership of an already created rectangle list.

  • RRegionBuf - Region with pre-allocated buffer.
  • RRegionBuf::RRegionBuf()  Constructs a default object.
  • RRegionBuf::RRegionBuf()  Constructs this object from the specified RRegion.
  • RRegionBuf::RRegionBuf()  Copy constructs from an existing RRegionBuf object.
  • RRegionBuf::RRegionBuf()  Constructs an RRegionBuf with a TRect.

  • RRequestorStack - Most standard applications will not use the RRequestorStack.
  • RRequestorStack::ExternalizeL() - Stores a collection of requestors member data to a stream.
  • RRequestorStack::InternalizeL() - Restores a collection of requestors member data from a stream.

  • RResourceFile - Accesses a resource file and reads the resource data into a buffer.
  • RResourceFile::AllocReadL() - Reads a resource into a heap descriptor and returns a pointer to that descriptor.
  • RResourceFile::AllocReadLC() - Reads a resource into a heap descriptor, returns a pointer to that descriptor and pushes the pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • RResourceFile::Close() - Closes the resource file reader.
  • RResourceFile::ConfirmSignatureL()  Initialises the offset value from the first resource.
  • RResourceFile::ConfirmSignatureL()  Initialises the offset value from the first resource.
  • RResourceFile::Offset() - Returns the offset value defined for this resource file.
  • RResourceFile::OpenL()  Opens the resource file reader.
  • RResourceFile::OpenL()  Opens the resource file reader.
  • RResourceFile::OwnsResourceId() - Tests whether the resource file owns the specified resource id.
  • RResourceFile::OwnsResourceIdL() - Tests whether the resource file owns the specified resource id.
  • RResourceFile::ReadL() - Reads a resource specified by resource id into the specified descriptor.
  • RResourceFile::RResourceFile() - Constructs a default resource file object.
  • RResourceFile::SignatureL() - Returns this resource file's version number.
  • RResourceFile::UidType() - Retrieve the UID tuple of the opened resource file.

  • RResourceReader - Interprets resource data read from a resource file.
  • RResourceReader::AdvanceL() - Moves the current buffer position forwards by the specified amount.
  • RResourceReader::Close() - Destroys the buffer containing the resource data.
  • RResourceReader::OpenL()  Sets the buffer containing the resource data.
  • RResourceReader::OpenL()  Sets the buffer containing the resource data.
  • RResourceReader::OpenLC()  Sets the buffer containing the resource data.
  • RResourceReader::OpenLC()  Sets the buffer containing the resource data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadDesC16ArrayL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a flat array of 16 bit descriptors.
  • RResourceReader::ReadDesC8ArrayL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a flat array of 8 bit descriptors.
  • RResourceReader::ReadDesCArrayL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a build independent flat array of descriptors.
  • RResourceReader::ReadHBufC16L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a 16 bit heap descriptor containing a copy of this data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadHBufC8L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs an 8 bit heap descriptor containing a copy of this data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadHBufCL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a build independent heap descriptor containing a copy of this data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadInt16L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt16 type and returns the value as a TInt.
  • RResourceReader::ReadInt32L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt32 type and returns the value as a TInt.
  • RResourceReader::ReadInt8L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt8 type and returns the value as a TInt.
  • RResourceReader::ReadL() - Copies a specified length of data from the resource buffer, starting at the current position within the buffer, into the location pointed to by a specified pointer.
  • RResourceReader::ReadReal64L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TReal64 type and returns the value as a TReal64.
  • RResourceReader::ReadTPtrC16L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a 16 bit non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent this data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadTPtrC8L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs an 8 bit non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent this data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadTPtrCL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent this data.
  • RResourceReader::ReadUint16L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint16 type and returns the value as a TUint.
  • RResourceReader::ReadUint32L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint32 type and returns the value as a TUint.
  • RResourceReader::ReadUint8L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint8 type and returns the value as a TUint.
  • RResourceReader::RewindL() - Moves the current buffer position backwards by the specified amount.
  • RResourceReader::RResourceReader() - It creates the implementation in place - iImpl array, and sets the default leave/panic behaviour of the object - the object "L" methods will leave if something goes wrong.
  • RResourceReader::~RResourceReader() - The method calls RResourceReader::Close() method to release allocated by the instance resources.

  • RRtpCSRCs - A handle representing the list of CSRCs in an RTP packet.
  • RRtpCSRCs::Count() - Gets the number of CSRCs in the RTP packet.
  • RRtpCSRCs::operator[]() - Gets a specific CSRC as identified by the specified index.

  • RRtpHeaderExtension - Reresents an RTP packet's header extension.
  • RRtpHeaderExtension::Data() - Gets a pointer descriptor representing the data in the RTP packet's header extension.
  • RRtpHeaderExtension::SetType() - Sets the RTP packet's header extension type.
  • RRtpHeaderExtension::Type() - Gets the RTP packet's header extension type.

  • RRtpPacket - A handle to an RTP packet.
  • RRtpPacket::Close() - Closes the RTP packet.
  • RRtpPacket::CSRCs() - Gets a handle to a list of CSRCs (contributing sources).
  • RRtpPacket::Extension() - Gets the packet's header extension.
  • RRtpPacket::ExtensionPresent() - Tests whether the packet has a header extension.
  • RRtpPacket::Flags() - Gets the first 32 bits of the packet header.
  • RRtpPacket::IsOpen() - Tests whether this packet object is open.
  • RRtpPacket::Marker() - Tests whether the marker bit is set in the packet header.
  • RRtpPacket::operator!=() - Tests whether this packet handle represents a different packet to the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpPacket::operator==() - Tests whether this packet handle represents the same packet as the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpPacket::Payload() - Gets a pointer descriptor representing the packet's payload.
  • RRtpPacket::PayloadType() - Gets the type of payload carried by the packet.
  • RRtpPacket::RRtpPacket() - Default constructor.
  • RRtpPacket::SequenceNumber() - Gets the packet's sequence number.
  • RRtpPacket::SSRC() - Gets the SSRC, the 32-bit numeric synchronisation source identifier.
  • RRtpPacket::Timestamp() - Gets the packet's timestamp.

  • RRtpReceivePacket - A handle to an RTP packet received from another source.

  • RRtpReceiveSource - A handle to a receive stream.
  • RRtpReceiveSource::Close() - Closes the receive stream releases all associated resources.
  • RRtpReceiveSource::IsOpen() - Tests whether the receive stream represented by this handle is open.
  • RRtpReceiveSource::operator!=() - Tests whether this receive stream handle represents a different receive stream to the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpReceiveSource::operator==() - Tests whether this receive stream handle represents the same receive stream as the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpReceiveSource::Packet() - Gets the packet that has just arrived, or a closed packet if there isn't one.
  • RRtpReceiveSource::RegisterEventCallbackL().
  • RRtpReceiveSource::RegisterEventCallbackL().
  • RRtpReceiveSource::RRtpReceiveSource() - Default constructor.

  • RRtpSendPacket - A handle to an RTP packet to be sent (an RTP send packet).
  • RRtpSendPacket::Send() - Sends the RTP packet.
  • RRtpSendPacket::SetFlags() - Sets the first 32 bits of the packet header.
  • RRtpSendPacket::SetMarker() - Sets or unsets the RTP packet's marker bit.
  • RRtpSendPacket::SetPayloadType() - Sets the RTP packet's payload type.
  • RRtpSendPacket::SetTimestamp() - Sets the RTP packet's timestamp.
  • RRtpSendPacket::WritePayload() - Gets a modifiable descriptor into which the client can write the packet's payload.

  • RRtpSendSource - A handle to a send stream.
  • RRtpSendSource::Alignment() - Gets the alignment value.
  • RRtpSendSource::Cancel() - Cancels the outstanding send on the send Stream.
  • RRtpSendSource::Close() - Closes the send stream.
  • RRtpSendSource::GetLocalSSRC().
  • RRtpSendSource::IsOpen() - Tests whether the send stream represented by this handle is open.
  • RRtpSendSource::IsSending() - Tests whether the send stream is currently sending an RTP packet.
  • RRtpSendSource::NewSendPacketL() - Creates a new RTP send packet, and returns the RTP send packet handle.
  • RRtpSendSource::NewSendPacketLC() - Creates a new RTP send packet, puts a pointer to the RTP send packet object onto the cleanup stack, and returns the RTP send packet handle.
  • RRtpSendSource::operator!=() - Tests whether this send stream handle represents a different send stream to the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpSendSource::operator==() - Tests whether this send stream handle represents the same send stream as the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpSendSource::RegisterEventCallbackL().
  • RRtpSendSource::RegisterEventCallbackL().
  • RRtpSendSource::RRtpSendSource() - Default constructor.
  • RRtpSendSource::SetAlignment() - Sets the alignment required for padding.
  • RRtpSendSource::SetDefaultPayloadSize() - Sets the default payload size for packets that are to be sent.
  • RRtpSendSource::SetPayloadType() - Sets the default payload type for packets that are to be sent.

  • RRtpSession - A handle to an RTP session.
  • RRtpSession::Close() - Closes the session.
  • RRtpSession::IsOpen() - Tests whether the RTP session represented by this handle is open.
  • RRtpSession::MaxRXSize() - Gets the current expected maximum size of a received packet.
  • RRtpSession::NewReceiveSourceL() - Creates a new receive stream, and returns the receive stream handle.
  • RRtpSession::NewReceiveSourceLC() - Creates a new receive stream, puts a pointer to the receive stream object onto the cleanup stack, and returns the receive stream handle.
  • RRtpSession::OpenL()  Opens the RTP session and initialises it.
  • RRtpSession::OpenL()  Opens the RTP session and initialises it.
  • RRtpSession::OpenL()  Opens the session and initialises it without RTCP.
  • RRtpSession::operator!=() - Tests whether this session handle represents a different session to the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpSession::operator==() - Tests whether this session handle represents the same session as the one represented by the specified handle.
  • RRtpSession::RegisterEventCallbackL()  Registers a callback for the specified event.
  • RRtpSession::RegisterEventCallbackL()  Registers a callback for the specified event.
  • RRtpSession::RRtpSession() - Default constructor.
  • RRtpSession::SetMaxRXSize() - Sets the expected maximum size of a received packet.

  • RRunInfoArray - This class is used to keep track of the shared run info array.
  • RRunInfoArray::Close() - Decreases the reference count on the run array.
  • RRunInfoArray::OpenL() - Creates the run array if necessary and increases the reference count on it.
  • RRunInfoArray::RRunInfoArray().

  • RScheduler - Client side interface to the Task Scheduler.
  • RScheduler::__DbgCheckHeap().
  • RScheduler::__DbgFailNext().
  • RScheduler::__DbgMarkEnd().
  • RScheduler::__DbgMarkHeap().
  • RScheduler::__DbgResetHeap().
  • RScheduler::__FaultServer().
  • RScheduler::Connect() - Connects a client to the Task Scheduler server, creating a session with that server.
  • RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule()  Creates a persistent time based schedule.
  • RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule()  Creates a persistent time based schedule.
  • RScheduler::DeleteSchedule() - Deletes the specified schedule.
  • RScheduler::DeleteTask() - Deletes the specified task.
  • RScheduler::DisableSchedule() - Disables the specified schedule.
  • RScheduler::EditSchedule()  Changes a time based schedule.
  • RScheduler::EditSchedule()  Changes a time based schedule.
  • RScheduler::EnableSchedule() - Enables the specified schedule.
  • RScheduler::GetScheduleL()  Gets information relating to a specified time based schedule.
  • RScheduler::GetScheduleL()  Gets information relating to a specified time based schedule.
  • RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL() - Gets a list of all schedules, or a subset of schedules.
  • RScheduler::GetTaskDataSize() - Gets the size of the data to be passed to the task's program.
  • RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL()  Gets information relating to a specified task.
  • RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL()  Gets information relating to a specified task.
  • RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL() - Gets a list of all tasks, or a subset of tasks.
  • RScheduler::Register() - Registers a client with the Task Scheduler.
  • RScheduler::RScheduler() - Default constructor.
  • RScheduler::ScheduleTask()  Adds a task to an existing persistent schedule.
  • RScheduler::ScheduleTask()  Creates a new, transient, time based schedule and adds a task to it.
  • RScheduler::ScheduleTask()  Creates a new, transient, time based schedule and adds a task to it.
  • RScheduler::Version() - Gets the client side version number.

  • RSdp - Provides a session to the Service Discovery Database.
  • RSdp::Connect() - Connects a client process to the database.
  • RSdp::ResourceCount() - Gets the number of open subsessions to the database.
  • RSdp::ResourceCountMarkEnd() - Stops the counter to keep track of open subsessions.
  • RSdp::ResourceCountMarkStart() - Starts the counter to keep track of open subsessions.
  • RSdp::RSdp() - Default constructor.
  • RSdp::Version() - Gets the version of the database server.

  • RSdpDatabase - Subsession to the SDP through which service records and their attributes can be added, deleted, and updated.
  • RSdpDatabase::Close() - Closes the SDP database subsession.
  • RSdpDatabase::CreateServiceRecordL()  Creates a new service record, with a single service class, in the SDP database.
  • RSdpDatabase::CreateServiceRecordL()  Creates a new service record, with multiple service classes, in the SDP database.
  • RSdpDatabase::DeleteAttribute() - Delete an attribute from a service record.
  • RSdpDatabase::DeleteAttributeL() - Delete an attribute from a service record.
  • RSdpDatabase::DeleteRecord() - Deletes a service record.
  • RSdpDatabase::DeleteRecordL() - Deletes a service record.
  • RSdpDatabase::Open() - Opens a SDP database subsession.
  • RSdpDatabase::RSdpDatabase() - Default constructor.
  • RSdpDatabase::UpdateAttributeL()  Updates a service record attribute (value encapsulated in a CSdpAttrValue).
  • RSdpDatabase::UpdateAttributeL()  Updates a service record attribute (integer value).
  • RSdpDatabase::UpdateAttributeL()  Updates a service record attribute (narrow descriptor value).
  • RSdpDatabase::UpdateAttributeL()  Updates a service record attribute (narrow descriptor value).

  • RSdpSubSession - Base class used in the derivation of RSdpDatabase.
  • RSdpSubSession::Close() - Closes subsession.
  • RSdpSubSession::Open() - Opens subsession on an RSdp session.

  • RSemaphore - A handle to a semaphore.
  • RSemaphore::CreateGlobal() - Creates a global semaphore, setting its initial count, and opens this handle to the semaphore.
  • RSemaphore::CreateLocal() - Creates a semaphore, setting its initial count, and opens this handle to the semaphore.
  • RSemaphore::Open()  Opens a handle to the global semaphore found using a TFindSemaphore object.
  • RSemaphore::Open()  Opens a handle to a semaphore using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
  • RSemaphore::Open()  Opens a handle to a semaphore using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.
  • RSemaphore::OpenGlobal() - Opens a handle to a global semaphore.
  • RSemaphore::Signal()  Signals the semaphore once.
  • RSemaphore::Signal()  Signals the semaphore one or more times.
  • RSemaphore::Wait()  Waits for a signal on the semaphore.
  • RSemaphore::Wait()  Waits for a signal on the semaphore, or a timeout.

  • RSendAs - Encapsulates a session with the SendAs Server.
  • RSendAs::AvailableAccountsL() - Returns the connected session's available accounts for message types.
  • RSendAs::Connect()  Establishes a connection to the SendAs Server.
  • RSendAs::Connect()  Establishes a connection to the SendAs Server.
  • RSendAs::FilterAgainstCapability()  Refines the connected session's available message types.
  • RSendAs::FilterAgainstCapability()  Refines the connected session's available message types.
  • RSendAs::FilteredMessageTypesL() - Retrieves the connected session's available message types from the SendAs Server.
  • RSendAs::ResetMessageFilter() - Refreshes the connected session's available message types to all MTMs which can send messages.

  • RSendAsMessage - Encapsulates creating and sending a message.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message asynchronously.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message asynchronously.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message asynchronously.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message asynchronously.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddLinkedAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddLinkedAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message asynchronously.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddLinkedAttachment()  Add an attachment to this message asynchronously.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddRecipientL()  Add a recipient to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::AddRecipientL()  Add a recipient with an alias to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::Cancel() - Cancels any asynchronous request.
  • RSendAsMessage::Close() - Close an open message and delete it from the Drafts folder.
  • RSendAsMessage::CreateAttachmentL()  Create an attachment to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::CreateAttachmentL()  Create an attachment to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::CreateAttachmentL()  Create an attachment to this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::CreateL()  Create a new message in the Drafts folder.
  • RSendAsMessage::CreateL()  Create a new message in the Drafts folder.
  • RSendAsMessage::LaunchEditorAndCloseL() - Opens the message in the associated message editor for the message type.
  • RSendAsMessage::ProgressL() - Retrieve the progress information for this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::SaveMessageAndCloseL() - Close an open message and save it in the Drafts folder.
  • RSendAsMessage::SendMessage() - Asynchronously send this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::SendMessageAndCloseL() - Sends this message in the background without confirmation and close the handle.
  • RSendAsMessage::SendMessageConfirmed() - Asynchronously send this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::SendMessageConfirmedAndCloseL() - Sends this message in the background and close the handle to it.
  • RSendAsMessage::SetBioTypeL() - Set the BIO type of this message.
  • RSendAsMessage::SetBodyTextL()  Set the body text of this message using a CRichText object.
  • RSendAsMessage::SetBodyTextL()  Set the body text of this message using a plain descriptor.
  • RSendAsMessage::SetSubjectL() - Set the subject of this message using a plain descriptor.

  • RServiceResolver - Provides an interface to resolver service names and ports.
  • RServiceResolver::Cancel() - Cancels any pending request.
  • RServiceResolver::Close() - Closes a service resolver service.
  • RServiceResolver::GetByName()  Gets a service by name asynchronously.
  • RServiceResolver::GetByName()  Get a service by name.
  • RServiceResolver::GetByNumber()  Gets the name of the service asynchronously.
  • RServiceResolver::GetByNumber()  Gets the name of the service.
  • RServiceResolver::Open() - set up the sub session - unlike name resolvers and net databases, services can be socket type specific.
  • RServiceResolver::RegisterService()  Registers a new service asynchronously.
  • RServiceResolver::RegisterService()  Registers a new service.
  • RServiceResolver::RemoveService()  Removes a service asynchronously.
  • RServiceResolver::RemoveService()  Removes a service.

  • RSessionBase - Client-side handle to a session with a server.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession()  Creates a session with a server, specifying no message slots.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession()  Creates a session with a server.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession()  Creates a session with a server.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession()  Creates a session with a server, specifying no message slots.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession()  Creates a session with a server.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession()  Creates a session with a server.
  • RSessionBase::CreateSession().
  • RSessionBase::Open()  Opens a handle to a session using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
  • RSessionBase::Open()  Opens a handle to a session using a handle number sent by a client to a server, and validate that the session's server passes a given security policy.
  • RSessionBase::Open()  Opens a handle to a session using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.
  • RSessionBase::Open()  Opens a handle to a session using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process, after validating that the session's server passes the given security policy.
  • RSessionBase::Send()  Issues a blind request to the server with the specified function number, and arguments.
  • RSessionBase::Send()  Issues a blind request to the server with the specified function number, but with no arguments.
  • RSessionBase::SendReceive()  Issues an asynchronous request to the server with the specified function number and arguments.
  • RSessionBase::SendReceive()  Issues a synchronous request to the server with the specified function number and arguments.
  • RSessionBase::SendReceive()  Issues an asynchronous request to the server with the specified function number, but with no arguments.
  • RSessionBase::SendReceive()  Issues a synchronous request to the server with the specified function number, but with no arguments.
  • RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle()  Sets the handle-number of this handle to the specified value.
  • RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle()  Sets the handle-number of this session handle to the specified value after validating that the session's server passes a given security policy.
  • RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle().
  • RSessionBase::ShareAuto() - Creates a session that can be shared by other threads in the current process.
  • RSessionBase::ShareProtected() - Creates a session handle that can be be passed via IPC to another process as well as being shared by other threads in the current process.

  • RShareBuf - A shared stream buffer.
  • RShareBuf::DoReadL().
  • RShareBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor.
  • RShareBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the stream into the specified data sink.
  • RShareBuf::DoRelease() - Frees resources before abandoning the stream buffer.
  • RShareBuf::DoSeekL().
  • RShareBuf::DoWriteL().
  • RShareBuf::DoWriteL()  Writes data from the specified descriptor into this stream buffer.
  • RShareBuf::DoWriteL().
  • RShareBuf::Open()  Prepares the shared stream buffer for streaming.
  • RShareBuf::Open()  Prepares the shared stream buffer for streaming.
  • RShareBuf::RShareBuf() - Constructs an empty shared stream buffer object.

  • RShareReadStream - Supports the opening, for reading, of a stream which shares its host with other streams.
  • RShareReadStream::Open() - Prepares the shared stream for reading.
  • RShareReadStream::RShareReadStream()  Constructs an empty shared read stream object.
  • RShareReadStream::RShareReadStream()  Constructs the shared read stream object and prepares the shared stream for reading.

  • RShareWriteStream - Supports the opening, for writing, of a stream which shares its host with other streams.
  • RShareWriteStream::Open() - Prepares the shared stream for writing.
  • RShareWriteStream::RShareWriteStream()  Constructs an empty shared write stream object.
  • RShareWriteStream::RShareWriteStream().
  • RShareWriteStream::RShareWriteStream()  Constructs the shared write stream object and prepares the shared stream for writing.

  • RSmsSocketBuf - An SMS stream buffer to read and write over a socket.
  • RSmsSocketBuf::DoSynchL() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • RSmsSocketBuf::OverflowL() - Empties the buffer and sets up the buffer's write area.
  • RSmsSocketBuf::UnderflowL() - Fills the buffer's read area from the socket.

  • RSmsSocketReadStream - Stream that reads a CSmsMessage object across a socket.
  • RSmsSocketReadStream::RSmsSocketReadStream() - Constructor.

  • RSmsSocketWriteStream - Stream that writes a CSmsMessage object across a socket.
  • RSmsSocketWriteStream::RSmsSocketWriteStream() - Constructor.

  • RSocket - Provides a client endpoint to a protocol.
  • RSocket::Accept()  Facilitates a client/server connection from a remote socket.
  • RSocket::Accept()  Facilitates a client/server connection from a remote socket.
  • RSocket::Bind() - Sets the local address of a socket.
  • RSocket::CancelAccept() - Cancels an outstanding accept operation.
  • RSocket::CancelAll() - Cancels all outstanding operations.
  • RSocket::CancelConnect() - Cancels an outstanding connect operation.
  • RSocket::CancelIoctl() - Cancels an outstanding Ioctl() operation.
  • RSocket::CancelRead() - Cancels an outstanding Read() operation.
  • RSocket::CancelRecv() - Cancels an outstanding Recv() operation.
  • RSocket::CancelSend() - Cancels an outstanding Send() operation.
  • RSocket::CancelWrite() - Cancels an outstanding Write() operation.
  • RSocket::Close() - Closes a socket.
  • RSocket::Connect()  Connects to a remote host asynchronously.
  • RSocket::Connect()  Connects to a remote host asynchronously.
  • RSocket::GetDisconnectData() - Gets data for use in the disconnection of a socket, namely the remote name of the connected socket.
  • RSocket::GetOpt()  Gets a socket option.
  • RSocket::GetOpt()  Gets a socket option.
  • RSocket::Info() - Gets information in the protocol description for the protocol which a socket is opened on.
  • RSocket::Ioctl() - Applies an asynchronous I/O control operation on a socket.
  • RSocket::Listen()  Sets up a socket to listen for incoming connections.
  • RSocket::Listen()  Sets up a socket to listen for incoming connections.
  • RSocket::LocalName() - Gets the local address of a bound socket.
  • RSocket::LocalPort() - Gets the local port number of a bound socket.
  • RSocket::Name() - Gets a unique system name for the socket.
  • RSocket::Open()  Opens a socket by creating a new subsession to the socket server.
  • RSocket::Open()  Opens a socket which is associated with the same interface as an existing RConnection.
  • RSocket::Open()  Opens a socket which is associated with and associates it with a RSubConnection.
  • RSocket::Open()  Opens a socket by creating a new subsession to the socket server.
  • RSocket::Open()  Opens a socket by creating a new subsession to the socket server.
  • RSocket::Read() - Receives data from a remote host.
  • RSocket::Recv()  Receives data from a remote host, allowing flags for protocol specific information.
  • RSocket::Recv()  Receives data from a remote host, allowing flags for protocol specific information.
  • RSocket::RecvFrom()  Receives data from a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket and returns a source address.
  • RSocket::RecvFrom()  Receives data from a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket where a source address is returned.
  • RSocket::RecvOneOrMore() - Receives data from a remote host and completes when data is available.
  • RSocket::RemoteName() - Gets the remote name of a connected socket.
  • RSocket::RSocket() - Default Constructor.
  • RSocket::Send()  Sends data to a remote host on a connected socket with options set by protocol specific flags.
  • RSocket::Send()  Sends data to a remote host on a connected socket with options set by protocol specific flags.
  • RSocket::SendTo()  Sends data to a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket to a specified destination address.
  • RSocket::SendTo()  Sends data to a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket to a specified destination address.
  • RSocket::SetLocalPort() - Sets the local port of a socket.
  • RSocket::SetOpt()  Sets a socket option.
  • RSocket::SetOpt()  Sets a socket option.
  • RSocket::Shutdown()  Shuts down a connected socket - asynchronous.
  • RSocket::Shutdown()  Shuts down a connected socket with disconnect data - asynchronous.
  • RSocket::Transfer() - Transfers a socket from one socket server session to another.
  • RSocket::Write() - Sends data to a remote host.

  • RSocketServ - Provides the Connect() function to create an IPC communication channel to the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgCheckHeap() - Set a heap mark in the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgCheckMbuf() - Set the Mbuf pool limit.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgFailNext() - Set a heap mark in the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgFailNextMbuf() - Set a Mbuf mark in the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgMarkEnd() - Set a heap mark in the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgMarkHeap() - Set a heap mark in the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgMbufFreeSpace() - Get the amount of free space in the MBuf manager.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgMbufTotalSpace() - Get the amount of free space in the MBuf manager.
  • RSocketServ::__DbgSetMbufPoolLimit() - Set the Mbuf pool limit.
  • RSocketServ::ClearExclusiveMode() - Clear exclusive mode for this session PLEASE NOTE: This API is currently unsupported, calling it will always return KErrNone but without actually doing anything.
  • RSocketServ::Connect()  Opens a session to the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::Connect()  Opens a session to the socket server.
  • RSocketServ::FindProtocol() - Gets information about a specific protocol, identified by it's name.
  • RSocketServ::GetProtocolInfo() - Gets information about a specific protocol.
  • RSocketServ::InstallExtension() - Install an Esock Extension.
  • RSocketServ::NumProtocols() - Gets the number of protocols the socket server is currently aware of.
  • RSocketServ::RSocketServ() - Default Constructor.
  • RSocketServ::SetExclusiveMode() - Set this session as the socket server exclusive session.
  • RSocketServ::StartProtocol() - Loads a specified protocol asynchronously.
  • RSocketServ::StopProtocol() - Unload a protocol asynchronously - note it will fail if there are any resources open.
  • RSocketServ::Version() - Gets the version number of this client.

  • RSoundPlugIn - Client interface to the key or pointer click plug-in DLL.
  • RSoundPlugIn::Close() - Sets the handle to zero and frees the resource owned by the server.
  • RSoundPlugIn::CommandReply() - Sends a command to the plug-in DLL and may receive a response.
  • RSoundPlugIn::Construct() - Second phase constructor.
  • RSoundPlugIn::Destroy() - Closes (by calling Close()) and deletes the object.
  • RSoundPlugIn::IsLoaded() - Tests whether a key or pointer click plug-in DLL is currently loaded.
  • RSoundPlugIn::KeyClickEnabled() - Tests whether key clicks are enabled, as set by SetKeyClick().
  • RSoundPlugIn::Load() - Loads a new plug-in, replacing the existing one, if any.
  • RSoundPlugIn::PenClickEnabled() - Tests whether pointer clicks are enabled, as set by SetPenClick().
  • RSoundPlugIn::RSoundPlugIn()  Default constructor.
  • RSoundPlugIn::RSoundPlugIn()  C++ constructor.
  • RSoundPlugIn::Unload() - Unloads the plug-in if one is currently loaded and if it can be unloaded.

  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Custom Commands.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::AddPronunciation() - Adds a new pronunciation for the given model into the specified lexicon.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::AddRule() - Adds a new rule for the given pronunciation into the specified grammar.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::Cancel() - Cancels the current operation.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::CommitChanges() - Commits the current train operation to the database.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::CreateGrammar() - Creates a new grammar.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::CreateLexicon() - Creates a new lexicon.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::CreateModelBank() - Creates a new model bank.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::EndRecSession() - Ends the current recognition session.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllClientGrammarIDs() - Returns all grammar IDs owned by the client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllClientLexiconIDs() - Returns all lexicon IDs owned by the client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllClientModelBankIDs() - Returns all modelBank IDs owned by the client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllGrammarIDs() - Returns all grammar IDs owned by the client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllLexiconIDs() - Returns all lexicon IDs owned by the client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllModelBankIDs() - Returns all modelBank IDs owned by the client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllModelIDs() - Returns all model IDs that exist in the specified model bank.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllPronunciationIDs() - Returns all pronunciation IDs that exist in the specified lexicon.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAllRuleIDs() - Returns all rule IDs that exist in the specified grammar.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetAvailableStorage() - Returns the number of models available for training system wide, based on available disk space.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetEngineProperties() - Returns the engine properties specified by the engine property ID array.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetGrammarIDArrayL() - Gets an array of grammar IDs previously requested by GetAllGrammarIDs.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetLexiconIDArrayL() - Gets an array of lexicon IDs previously requested by GetAllLexiconIDs.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetModelBankIDArrayL() - Gets an array of modelBank IDs previously requested by GetAllModelBankIDs.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetModelCount() - Returns the number of models in the specified model bank.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetModelIDArrayL() - Gets an array of model IDs previously requested by GetAllModelIDs.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetPronunciationIDArrayL() - Gets an array of pronunciation IDs previously requested by GetAllPronunciationIDs.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetResultSetL() - Gets a client result set previously created by a call to Recognise().
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetRuleIDArrayL() - Gets an array of rule IDs previously requested by GetAllRuleIDs.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetRuleValidity() - Checks if the rule is valid or not.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::GetUtteranceDuration() - Returns the duration of the utterance for the specified model.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::LoadEngineParameters() - Uploads the specified parameters into the engine.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::LoadGrammar() - Loads the specified grammar into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::LoadLexicon() - Loads the specified lexicon into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::LoadModels() - Loads the specified model bank into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::PlayUtterance() - Plays the previously trained utterance.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::Recognize() - Initiates recognition; performed following loading of model bank, lexicon, and grammar.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::Record() - Records the user utterance for training and recognition.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RemoveGrammar() - Removes the specified grammar from the permanent storage.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RemoveLexicon() - Removes the specified lexicon from the permanent storage.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RemoveModel() - Removes the specified model from the specified model bank permanently.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RemoveModelBank() - Removes the specified model bank from the permanent storage.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RemovePronunciation() - Removes the specified pronunciation from the specified lexicon permanently.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RemoveRule() - Removes the specified rule from the specified grammar permanently.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands() - Public C++ constructor for RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands class.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::SetClientUid() - Sets the client UID for client.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::StartRecSession() - Starts a new recognition session.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::Train() - Trains a new model into the specified model bank.
  • RSpeechRecognitionCustomCommands::UnloadRule() - Unloads the specified rule from the specified grammar in temporary memory, previously loaded with LoadGrammarL().

  • RStorePagePool - Uses a store to implement the page pool interface MPagePool.
  • RStorePagePool::Close() - Flushes and purges the page cache and stops using the stream store.
  • RStorePagePool::Create() - Creates a new pool.
  • RStorePagePool::Discard() - Invalidates the list of free pages in the reclaimable set.
  • RStorePagePool::DoDeleteL().
  • RStorePagePool::ExtendL().
  • RStorePagePool::HasAvailable() - Tests if there is a free page in the pool.
  • RStorePagePool::IsDirty() - Tests if the dirty flag has been set on the page pool.
  • RStorePagePool::IsEmpty() - Tests if the page pool is empty.
  • RStorePagePool::MarkCurrent() - Clears the dirty flag.
  • RStorePagePool::MarkDirty() - Sets the dirty flag on the pool.
  • RStorePagePool::Open() - Opens an existing pool.
  • RStorePagePool::ReadL().
  • RStorePagePool::ReclaimAllL() - Deletes all streams in the store.
  • RStorePagePool::ReclaimL() - Deletes the first stream that stores reclaimable pages in the store.
  • RStorePagePool::Release() - Purges the page cache and stops using the stream store.
  • RStorePagePool::RStorePagePool()  Default constructor.
  • RStorePagePool::RStorePagePool()  Constructor with a page cache for the pool.
  • RStorePagePool::RStorePagePool()  Constructor with a stream store to use for the pool.
  • RStorePagePool::RStorePagePool()  Constructor with a stream store and settings to use for the pool.
  • RStorePagePool::Token() - Gets an object that encapsulates the page pool settings.
  • RStorePagePool::WriteL().

  • RStoreReadStream - Supports the opening and manipulation of an existing stream in a store.
  • RStoreReadStream::OpenL() - Opens and prepares an existing stream for reading.
  • RStoreReadStream::OpenLC() - Opens and prepares an existing stream for reading, leaving a cleanup item on the cleanup stack.

  • RStoreReclaim - Performs space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in incremental steps.
  • RStoreReclaim::Available() - Returns the amount of free space currently available within the store.
  • RStoreReclaim::Close() - Stops space reclamation or compaction.
  • RStoreReclaim::CompactL() - Prepares the object to perform compaction.
  • RStoreReclaim::CompactLC() - Prepares the object to perform compaction, putting a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • RStoreReclaim::Next()  Initiates the next space reclamation or compaction step asynchronous, non-leaving.
  • RStoreReclaim::Next()  Performs the next space reclamation or compaction step synchronous, non-leaving.
  • RStoreReclaim::NextL()  Performs the next space reclamation or compaction step synchronous, leaves.
  • RStoreReclaim::NextL()  Initiates the next space reclamation or compaction step asynchronous, leaving.
  • RStoreReclaim::OpenL() - Prepares the object to perform space reclamation.
  • RStoreReclaim::OpenLC() - Prepares the object to perform space reclamation and puts a pointer onto the cleanup stack.
  • RStoreReclaim::Release() - Releases allocated resources.
  • RStoreReclaim::ResetL() - Restarts space reclamation or compaction.
  • RStoreReclaim::RStoreReclaim().

  • RStoreWriteStream - Supports the writing of a stream to a store.
  • RStoreWriteStream::AppendL() - Opens an existing stream and prepares it for appending.
  • RStoreWriteStream::AppendLC() - Opens an existing stream, prepares it for appending, and puts a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • RStoreWriteStream::CreateL() - Creates a new stream.
  • RStoreWriteStream::CreateLC() - Creates a new stream, putting a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • RStoreWriteStream::OpenL() - Opens an existing stream and prepares it for overwriting.
  • RStoreWriteStream::OpenLC() - Opens an existing stream, prepares it for overwriting, and puts a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • RStoreWriteStream::ReplaceL() - Opens an existing stream and prepares it for replacement.
  • RStoreWriteStream::ReplaceLC() - Opens an existing stream, prepares it for replacement and puts a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack.
  • RStoreWriteStream::RStoreWriteStream()  Constructs an uninitialised object.
  • RStoreWriteStream::RStoreWriteStream()  Constructs an object with an externaliser.

  • RString - A string that is stored in a string pool, with case-sensitive comparisons.
  • RString::Copy() - Copies a string.
  • RString::operator RStringToken() - Returns a compact string equivalent to the string (for case-sensitive strings).
  • RString::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • RString::operator==() - Equality operator.

  • RStringBase - Base class for classes that represent a string in a string pool.
  • RStringBase::Close() - Closes a string.
  • RStringBase::Copy() - Copies a string.
  • RStringBase::DesC() - Gets the content of the string.
  • RStringBase::Index() - Gets the enumeration value corresponding to this string.
  • RStringBase::operator RStringTokenBase() - Returns a compact string equivalent to the string.
  • RStringBase::OriginalTableRef() - Gets the table (if any) that first added the current string to the pool.
  • RStringBase::Pool() - Gets the string pool.
  • RStringBase::RStringBase() - Default constructor.

  • RStringF - A string that is stored in a string pool, with case-insensitive comparisons.
  • RStringF::Copy() - Copies a string.
  • RStringF::operator RStringTokenF().
  • RStringF::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • RStringF::operator==() - Equality operator.

  • RStringPool - String pool handle.
  • RStringPool::Close() - Closes the string pool table.
  • RStringPool::OpenFStringL() - Creates an RStringF using the current string pool.
  • RStringPool::OpenL()  Creates an initialised string pool with no pre-loaded string tables.
  • RStringPool::OpenL()  Creates an initialised string pool with a pre-loaded string table.
  • RStringPool::OpenL()  Creates an initialised string pool with a pre-loaded string table, and a string-pool-closing callback.
  • RStringPool::OpenStringL() - Creates an RString using the current string pool.
  • RStringPool::RStringPool() - Default constructor.
  • RStringPool::String()  Creates an RString from the supplied RStringToken.
  • RStringPool::String()  Gets a case-sensitive string specified by a string table enumeration value.
  • RStringPool::StringF()  Creates a RStringF from the supplied RStringToken.
  • RStringPool::StringF()  Gets a case-insensitive string specified by a string table enumeration value.

  • RStringToken - A compact (4 byte) representation of a string in the string pool.
  • RStringToken::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • RStringToken::operator=() - Assignment operator, which makes a string token from a string.
  • RStringToken::operator==() - Equality operator.

  • RStringTokenBase - Base class for the RStringToken and RStringTokenF string representations.
  • RStringTokenBase::IsNull() - Tests if the string is null or not.
  • RStringTokenBase::operator=() - Assignment operator, which makes a string token from a string.
  • RStringTokenBase::RStringTokenBase() - Default constructor.

  • RStringTokenF - A compact (4 byte) representation of a RStringF string in the string pool.
  • RStringTokenF::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • RStringTokenF::operator=() - Assignment operator that makes a string token from a string.
  • RStringTokenF::operator==() - Equality operator.

  • RSubConParameterBundle - Container for (bundle of) SubConnection parameter families.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::AddFamilyL() - Add a sub-connection parameter family to the bundle.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::ClearAllParameters() - Clears (removes and deletes) all parameter sets with the type specified (delegated to the families).
  • RSubConParameterBundle::Close() - Close the parameter bundle handle.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::FindFamily() - Search the sub-connection parameter bundle for a parameter family.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::Length() - Calculates the length of buffer required to serialise this parameter set bundle.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::Load() - Instructs this sub-connection bundle to set its members based on the serialiesd data in the buffer passed.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::RSubConParameterBundle() - Empty sub-connection parameter bundle constructor.
  • RSubConParameterBundle::Store() - Instructs this sub-connection parameter bundle to create a serilised version of itself and append it to the buffer that has been passed.

  • RSubConnection - A Sub-Connection, a channel within a Connection.
  • RSubConnection::Add() - Associate a socket with a subconnection.
  • RSubConnection::CancelEventNotification() - Cancel an outstanding Event Notification request.
  • RSubConnection::Close() - Closes the sub-connection.
  • RSubConnection::Control().
  • RSubConnection::EventNotification()  Requests asynchronous event notification for the sub-connection.
  • RSubConnection::EventNotification()  Requests asynchronous notification of a specific list of events for the sub-connection.
  • RSubConnection::GetParameters() - Fetch the sub-connection's current parameters (Requested, Acceptable and Granted).
  • RSubConnection::Open() - Opens a new RSubConnection instance.
  • RSubConnection::Remove() - Remove a socket from a subconnection.
  • RSubConnection::RSubConnection() - Empty sub-connection handle constructor.
  • RSubConnection::SetParameters() - Set Parameters of the sub-connection.
  • RSubConnection::Start()  Unused.
  • RSubConnection::Start()  Unused.
  • RSubConnection::Stop() - Unused.
  • RSubConnection::TEventFilter::TEventFilter().

  • RSubSessionBase - Client-side handle to a sub-session.
  • RSubSessionBase::CloseSubSession() - Closes the sub-session.
  • RSubSessionBase::CreateAutoCloseSubSession() - Creates a new sub-session within an existing session.
  • RSubSessionBase::CreateSubSession()  Creates a new sub-session within an existing session.
  • RSubSessionBase::CreateSubSession()  Creates a new sub-session within an existing session.
  • RSubSessionBase::RSubSessionBase() - Default constructor.
  • RSubSessionBase::Send()  Sends a blind message to the server - no reply is expected.
  • RSubSessionBase::Send()  Sends a blind message to the server - no reply is expected.
  • RSubSessionBase::SendReceive()  Sends a message to the server and waits asynchronously for the reply.
  • RSubSessionBase::SendReceive()  Sends a message to the server and waits synchronously for a reply.
  • RSubSessionBase::SendReceive()  Sends a message to the server and waits asynchronously for the reply.
  • RSubSessionBase::SendReceive()  Sends a message to the server and waits synchronously for a reply.
  • RSubSessionBase::Session() - Returns a copy of the session associated with this sub-session.
  • RSubSessionBase::SubSessionHandle() - Gets the sub-session handle number.

  • RSyncMLConnection - Handle to data defining a connection to a remote SyncML server in the context of a profile.
  • RSyncMLConnection::Close() - Closes this handle.
  • RSyncMLConnection::CreateL() - Creates a new, blank, connection in the specified profile and opens this object as a handle to it.
  • RSyncMLConnection::GetPropertyL() - Gets the value of the transport property specified.
  • RSyncMLConnection::Identifier() - Gets the ID of the connection referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLConnection::IsReadOnly() - Tests if the parent profile is open for read and write access.
  • RSyncMLConnection::OpenL() - Opens a handle to an existing connection of the specified ID within the specified profile.
  • RSyncMLConnection::Priority() - Gets the relative priority of this connection within the profile.
  • RSyncMLConnection::Profile() - Gets the ID of the parent profile of this connection.
  • RSyncMLConnection::RetryCount() - Gets the retry count to use with the transport connection that this handle represents.
  • RSyncMLConnection::RSyncMLConnection() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLConnection::ServerURI() - Gets the URI of the server for the transport connection that this handle represents.
  • RSyncMLConnection::SetPriority() - Sets the relative priority of this connection within the profile.
  • RSyncMLConnection::SetPropertyL() - Sets the value of a transport property to use with this connection.
  • RSyncMLConnection::SetRetryCount() - Sets the retry count for this connection...
  • RSyncMLConnection::SetServerURIL() - Sets the server URI to use with this connection.
  • RSyncMLConnection::UpdateL() - Transfers any changes made to the connection data to the Sync Agent.

  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob - Handle to a data synchronisation job.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL()  Creates and queues a new data synchronisation job to synchronise all tasks belonging to the specified profile.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL()  Creates and queues a new data synchronisation job to synchronise all specified tasks.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL().
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL().
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL().
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL().
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL()  Creates and queues a new data synchronisation job to synchronise all tasks belonging to the specified profile, using the specified Synchronisation type.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::CreateL()  Creates and queues a new data synchronisation job to synchronise all specified tasks using the specified Synchronisation type.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::IsSuspendedL() - Checks to see if a job is in a suspended state.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::OpenL() - Opens a handle to a queued data synchronisation job of the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::RSyncMLDataSyncJob() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::StopL() - Aborts the job that this handle refers to, stopping the synchonisation if it is in progress, and removing it from the queue.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::SuspendL() - Suspends the job that this handle refers to, suspending the synchonisation.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncJob::TaskIDs() - Gets the IDs of the tasks synchronised by the job to which this handle refers.

  • RSyncMLDataSyncProfile - Handle to a SyncML Data Synchronisation profile.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncProfile::CreateL() - Creates a new, blank, profile for Data Synchronisation and opens this object as a handle to it.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncProfile::DeleteTaskL() - Deletes the task identified by aId from this profile.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncProfile::ListTasksL() - Gets a list of IDs of tasks defined for this profile.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncProfile::OpenL() - Opens a handle to an existing Data Synchronisation profile of the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLDataSyncProfile::RSyncMLDataSyncProfile() - Default constructor.

  • RSyncMLDevMan - Handle to a RSyncMLDevMan session.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::ClearRootAclL() - Causes the DevMan subsytem to modify the ACL on the DM Tree's root node, resetting it to the device's factory default value.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::Close() - Closes this handle.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::OpenL() - Opens a handle on the Device Management sub-system.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::RSyncMLDevMan() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::SetUserInteractionNotifierTimeoutL() - Sets a maximum time-out value for notifiers raised as a result of DevMan user interaction alerts.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::SubmitGenericAlertL() - Queues a Generic Alert to the SyncMLClient to be processed by the DM framework.
  • RSyncMLDevMan::UserInteractionNotifierTimeout() - Obtain the maximum time-out value for notifiers raised as a result of DevMan user interaction alerts.

  • RSyncMLDevManJob - Handle to a device management job.
  • RSyncMLDevManJob::CreateL()  Creates and queues a new device management job based on the specified device management profile.
  • RSyncMLDevManJob::CreateL()  Creates and queues a new device management job based on the specified device management profile, using the specified connection method.
  • RSyncMLDevManJob::OpenL() - Open a handle to a queued device management job of the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLDevManJob::RSyncMLDevManJob() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLDevManJob::StopL() - Abort the job this handle refers to, stopping the job if it is in progress, and removing it from the queue.

  • RSyncMLDevManProfile - Handle to a SyncML Device Management profile.
  • RSyncMLDevManProfile::CreateL() - Creates a new, blank, profile for Data Management and opens this object as a handle to it.
  • RSyncMLDevManProfile::OpenL()  Opens a handle to an existing Device Management profile of the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLDevManProfile::OpenL()  Opens a handle to an existing Data Management profile of the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLDevManProfile::RSyncMLDevManProfile() - Default constructor.

  • RSyncMLHistoryLog - Snapshot of history for a profile.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::Close() - Closes the History snapshot.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::Count() - Returns the number of entries stored for this Profile History.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::DeleteAllEntriesL() - Deletes all the History stored for this profile.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::Entry() - Returns the entry at the specified index.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::OpenL() - Opens a snapshot of the History Log for the Profile of the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::operator[]() - Returns the entry at the specified index.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::Profile() - Returns the ID of the Profile that this History relates to.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::RSyncMLHistoryLog() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLHistoryLog::SortEntries() - Sorts the client-side list of cached entries into the specified order.

  • RSyncMLJobBase - Base class for a handle to a job.
  • RSyncMLJobBase::Close() - Closes the job handle.
  • RSyncMLJobBase::Identifier() - Returns the ID of the job referred to by this handle.
  • RSyncMLJobBase::Profile() - Returns the ID of the profile referred to by this handle.

  • RSyncMLProfileBase - Base class for a handle to a SyncML profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::Close() - Closes this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::CreatorId() - Gets the ID of the creator of the profile referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::DeleteAllowed() - Tests if the user is allowed to delete the profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::DeleteConnectionL() - Deletes the connection identified by aId from this profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::DisplayName() - Gets the human-readable display name of the profile referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::Identifier() - Gets the ID of the profile referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::IsReadOnly() - Tests if the profile is open for read and write access.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::ListConnectionsL() - Gets a list of IDs of connections defined for this profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::Password() - Gets the password for the account on the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::ProtocolVersionL() - Gets the protocol version used by the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SanUserInteraction() - Returns status of server alert notification processing for this profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::ServerId() - Gets the id for the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::ServerPassword() - Gets the password for the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetCreatorId() - Sets the client creator ID of the profile referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetDisplayNameL() - Sets the human-readable display name of the profile referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetPasswordL() - Sets the password for the account on the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetProtocolVersionL() - Set the protocol version of the profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetSanUserInteraction() - Sets server alert notification processing action for this profile.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetServerIdL() - Sets the ID for the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetServerPasswordL() - Sets the password for the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::SetUserNameL() - Sets the user name for the account on the remote server.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::Type() - Gets the type of the profile referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::UpdateL() - Stores any changes made to the profile data, including tasks and connections.
  • RSyncMLProfileBase::UserName() - Gets the user name for the account on the remote server.

  • RSyncMLSession - A client handle to a SyncML Sync Agent session.
  • RSyncMLSession::CancelEvent() - Cancels an outstanding session event request.
  • RSyncMLSession::CancelProgress() - Cancels an outstanding request for progress events.
  • RSyncMLSession::Close() - Close the session, freeing all resources.
  • RSyncMLSession::CurrentJobL() - Gets information about a currently running job.
  • RSyncMLSession::DeleteProfileL() - Deletes the profile with the specified ID.
  • RSyncMLSession::ListDataProvidersL() - Gets a list of IDs of all available data providers.
  • RSyncMLSession::ListProfilesL() - Gets a list of IDs of all defined profiles of the specified type.
  • RSyncMLSession::ListQueuedJobsL() - Gets a list of IDs of all queued jobs of the specified type.
  • RSyncMLSession::ListTransportsL() - Gets a list of IDs of all available communications transports.
  • RSyncMLSession::OpenL() - Opens a new session with the SyncML Sync Agent.
  • RSyncMLSession::RequestEventL() - Requests notification of session events.
  • RSyncMLSession::RequestProgressL() - Requests notification of progress events from data synchronisation and device management jobs.
  • RSyncMLSession::RSyncMLSession() - Default constructor.

  • RSyncMLSettings - Handle to global settings for SyncML sync behaviour.
  • RSyncMLSettings::Close() - Closes the settings handle.
  • RSyncMLSettings::GetValueL() - Gets the current value for the specified setting.
  • RSyncMLSettings::OpenL() - Opens a handle to the SyncML global settings.
  • RSyncMLSettings::SetValueL() - Sets the current value of the specified setting.

  • RSyncMLTask - Represents a mapping between a local data store and a remote data store on a SyncML server in the context of a profile.
  • RSyncMLTask::AddServerFilterL() - Enables the filter passed in.
  • RSyncMLTask::ClientDataSource() - Gets the name of the local data store that is synchronised by this task.
  • RSyncMLTask::Close() - Closes this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::CreateL() - Creates a new, blank, task in the specified profile and opens this object as a handle to it.
  • RSyncMLTask::CreatorId() - Gets the ID of the creator of the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::DataProvider() - Gets the ID of the data provider used to synchronise this task.
  • RSyncMLTask::DefaultSyncType() - Gets the default synchronisation type of this task.
  • RSyncMLTask::DeleteAllServerFiltersL() - Disables all the filters of the task.
  • RSyncMLTask::DeleteServerFilterL() - Disables a stored filter.
  • RSyncMLTask::DisplayName() - Gets the human readable display name of the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::Enabled() - Tests if this task is enabled.
  • RSyncMLTask::FilterMatchType() - Specifies if the filters of the current task get treated as having AND or OR relationship between them.
  • RSyncMLTask::GetServerFilterIdsL() - Gets an array of all the filter IDs that are stored for this task.
  • RSyncMLTask::Identifier() - Gets the ID of the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::IsReadOnly() - Tests if the parent profile is open for read and write access.
  • RSyncMLTask::OpenL() - Opens a handle to an existing task of the specified ID within the specified profile.
  • RSyncMLTask::OutsideInclusionType() - Specifies if new sync with changed filters will be inclusive or exclusive to the previous sync.
  • RSyncMLTask::Profile() - Gets the ID of the parent profile of this task.
  • RSyncMLTask::RSyncMLTask() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLTask::ServerDataSource() - Gets the name of the server data store that is synchronised by this task.
  • RSyncMLTask::ServerFilterLC() - Retrieves the filter with the given ID and returns an instantance of CSyncMLFilter class which is also left on the cleanup stack.
  • RSyncMLTask::SetCreatorId() - Sets the client creator ID of the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::SetDefaultSyncTypeL() - Sets the default synchonisation type of the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::SetDisplayNameL() - Sets the human-readable display name of the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::SetEnabledL() - Enables or disables the task referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTask::SetFilterMatchTypeL() - Sets if the filters of the current task get treated as having AND or OR relationship between them.
  • RSyncMLTask::SetFilterOutsideInclusionTypeL() - Specifies if new sync with changed filters will be inclusive or exclusive to the previous sync.
  • RSyncMLTask::SupportedServerFiltersL() - Returns an array of pointers to the filters that are supported by the server.
  • RSyncMLTask::SupportsUserSelectableMatchTypeL() - Specifies if the task allows for the user to select the matching type.
  • RSyncMLTask::UpdateL() - Transfers any changes made to the task data to the Sync Agent.
  • RSyncMLTask::UpdateServerFilterL() - Updates in the data store the filter that is passed in.

  • RSyncMLTransport - Handle to information about an available SyncML transport.
  • RSyncMLTransport::Close() - Closes this handle.
  • RSyncMLTransport::DisplayName() - Gets the human-readable display name of the transport referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTransport::Identifier() - Gets the ID of the transport referenced by this handle.
  • RSyncMLTransport::OpenL() - Opens a handle on the transport identified by aId.
  • RSyncMLTransport::Properties() - Gets a list of all properties supported by this transport.
  • RSyncMLTransport::RSyncMLTransport() - Default constructor.
  • RSyncMLTransport::StartListeningL() - Starts listening for incoming connections on this transport.
  • RSyncMLTransport::StopListeningL() - Stops listening for incoming connections on this transport.
  • RSyncMLTransport::SupportsCapability() - Tests if the specified capability is supported.

  • RTest - Test console.
  • RTest::Close() - Closes the console and frees any resources acquired.
  • RTest::Console() - Gets the console.
  • RTest::End() - Ends the current set of tests.
  • RTest::Getch() - Gets an input key stroke.
  • RTest::HandleError() - Prints a failure message, including an error code at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::HandleFailedCompare() - Prints a failure message indicating that a comparison between two values (also printed) resulted in EFalse, at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::HandleNotEqual() - Prints a failure message indicating that two value (also printed) where not equal, at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::HandleNull() - Prints a failure message indicating null was encountered, at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::Logged() - Tests whether the logging flag is set.
  • RTest::Next() - Marks the start of the next test.
  • RTest::operator()()  Checks the result of a condition and, if this is false, prints a failure message at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::operator()()  Checks the result of a condition and, if this is false, prints a failure message at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::operator()()  Checks the result of a condition and, if this is false, prints a failure message at the console and raises a panic.
  • RTest::Panic()  Prints an error message and an error code, and raises a USER 84 panic.
  • RTest::Panic()  Prints an error message, and raises a USER 84 panic.
  • RTest::Printf() - Prints text to the console.
  • RTest::RTest()  Constructor.
  • RTest::RTest()  Constructor.
  • RTest::RTest()  Constructor.
  • RTest::SetConsole() - Sets the console.
  • RTest::SetLogged() - Sets the logging flag.
  • RTest::Start() - Marks the start of a set of tests.
  • RTest::String() - Utility function that returns a pointer to the specified TText8* argument or the TText16* argument depending on the value of the aSel argument.
  • RTest::Title() - Prints out the console title and version number.

  • RTextBuf - A simple class that encapsulates a text string.
  • RTextBuf::Close().
  • RTextBuf::MaxLength() - Gets the maximum length of the text.
  • RTextBuf::RTextBuf() - Default constructor.
  • RTextBuf::SetMaxLengthL() - Sets the maximum length of the text that the object can store.
  • RTextBuf::SetText() - Sets the text.
  • RTextBuf::Text()  Gets the text as a descriptor.
  • RTextBuf::Text()  Gets the text as a descriptor.
  • RTextBuf::~RTextBuf() - Destructor.

  • RThread - A handle to a thread.
  • RThread::Context() - Gets the register contents of this thread.
  • RThread::Create()  Creates a thread belonging to the current process, and opens this handle to that thread.
  • RThread::Create()  Creates a thread belonging to the current process, and opens this handle to that thread.
  • RThread::Create()  Function only temporarily supported to aid migration to process emulation...
  • RThread::ExitCategory() - Gets the name of the category associated with the end of the thread.
  • RThread::ExitReason() - Gets the specific reason associated with the end of this thread.
  • RThread::ExitType() - Tests whether the thread has ended and, if it has ended, return how it ended.
  • RThread::GetCpuTime() - Gets the CPU usage for this thread.
  • RThread::HandleCount() - Gets the number of handles open in this thread, and the number of handles open in the process which owns this thread.
  • RThread::HasCapability()  Check if the process to which the thread belongs has a given capability.
  • RThread::HasCapability()  Check if the process to which the thread belongs has both of the given capabilities.
  • RThread::Id() - Gets the Id of this thread.
  • RThread::Kill() - Ends this thread, specifying a reason code.
  • RThread::Logon() - Requests notification when this thread dies, normally or otherwise.
  • RThread::LogonCancel() - Cancels an outstanding request for notification of the death of this thread.
  • RThread::Open()  Opens a handle to specifically named thread.
  • RThread::Open()  Opens a handle to the thread with a specific thread Id.
  • RThread::Open()  Opens a handle to the thread found by pattern matching a name.
  • RThread::Panic() - Panics this thread, specifying the panic category name and reason.
  • RThread::Priority() - Gets the priority of this thread.
  • RThread::Process() - Opens a process-relative handle to the process which owns this thread.
  • RThread::ProcessPriority() - Gets the priority of the process which owns this thread.
  • RThread::RenameMe().
  • RThread::Rendezvous()  Creates a Rendezvous request with the thread.
  • RThread::Rendezvous()  Completes all Rendezvous' with the current thread.
  • RThread::RendezvousCancel() - Cancels a previously requested Rendezvous with the thread.
  • RThread::RequestComplete() - Signals this thread that an asynchronous request originating from this thread, is complete.
  • RThread::RequestCount() - Gets this thread's request semaphore count.
  • RThread::RequestSignal() - Signal this threads request semaphore.
  • RThread::Resume() - Makes the thread eligible for execution.
  • RThread::RThread() - Default constructor.
  • RThread::SecureId() - Return the Secure ID of the process to which the thread belongs.
  • RThread::SetPriority() - Sets the priority of the thread to one of the values defined by the TThreadPriority enumeration.
  • RThread::SetProcessPriority() - Sets the priority of the process which owns this thread to one of the values defined by the TProcessPriority enumeration.
  • RThread::StackInfo() - Gets information about a thread's user mode stack.
  • RThread::Suspend() - Suspends execution of this thread.
  • RThread::Terminate() - Ends this thread, specifying a reason code.
  • RThread::VendorId() - Return the Vendor ID of the process to which the thread belongs.

  • RTimeDevice - Sets display parameters for clocks.
  • RTimeDevice::Draw() - Draws the clock.
  • RTimeDevice::SetPosition() - Sets the clock's on-screen position.
  • RTimeDevice::SetPositionAndSize() - Sets the clock's on-screen position and size.
  • RTimeDevice::SetSize() - Sets the clock's on-screen size.
  • RTimeDevice::SetVisible() - Makes the clock visible.
  • RTimeDevice::UpdateDisplay() - Forces an update to the clock's display.

  • RTimer - Asynchronous timer services.
  • RTimer::After() - Requests an event after the specified interval.
  • RTimer::AfterTicks() - Requests an event after the specified interval.
  • RTimer::At() - Requests an event at a given system time (in the current time zone).
  • RTimer::AtUTC() - Requests an event at a given UTC time.
  • RTimer::Cancel() - Cancels any outstanding request for a timer event.
  • RTimer::CreateLocal() - Creates a thread-relative timer.
  • RTimer::HighRes() - Requests an event after the specified interval to a resolution of 1ms.
  • RTimer::Inactivity() - Requests an event if the specified time interval elapses without user actvity.
  • RTimer::Lock() - Requests an event on a specified second fraction.

  • RTransferWindow - This class is a wrapper class to give a transfer buffer/window the same API as a CMMFDataBuffer.

  • RTz - The client interface to the time zone server.
  • RTz::AutoUpdateSettingL() - Retrieves the daylight saving auto-update functionality.
  • RTz::Close() - Closes the connection to the time zone server.
  • RTz::Connect() - Connects to the time zone server, attempting to start it if necessary.
  • RTz::ConvertToLocalTime()  Converts a time from UTC to local (wall-clock) time for the current system time zone.
  • RTz::ConvertToLocalTime()  Converts a time from UTC to the local (wall-clock) time for the specified time zone.
  • RTz::ConvertToUniversalTime()  Converts a local (wall-clock) time for the current system time zone, to UTC.
  • RTz::ConvertToUniversalTime()  Converts a local (wall-clock) time for the specified time zone, to UTC.
  • RTz::GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL() - Retrieves the UTC offset for an array of numeric time zone ids.
  • RTz::GetTimeZoneRulesL()  Retrieves the time zone rules for the current home time zone.
  • RTz::GetTimeZoneRulesL()  Retrieves the time zone rules for a specified time zone.
  • RTz::IsDaylightSavingOnL() - Tells if daylight savings are applied at the specified zone at the current time.
  • RTz::NotifyHomeTimeZoneChangedL() - Publish notification that the home time zone (as defined in CTzLocalizer) has been changed.
  • RTz::RTz() - Constructor.
  • RTz::SetAutoUpdateBehaviorL() - Sets the configuration of the UTC Offset auto-update functionality.
  • RTz::SetHomeTime() - Sets the system time to the given local time.
  • RTz::SetUnknownZoneTimeL() - Sets the UTC time and the wall-clock offset for a zone not defined in the Timezone Database.
  • RTz::~RTz() - Destructor.

  • RUndertaker - Handle to a thread death notifier.
  • RUndertaker::Create() - Creates a thread-death notifier, and opens this handle to that thread-death notifier.
  • RUndertaker::Logon() - Issues a request for notification of the death of a thread.
  • RUndertaker::LogonCancel() - Cancels an outstanding notification request to the thread-death notifier.

  • RWindow - Handle to a standard window.
  • RWindow::BeginRedraw()  Begins redrawing the window's invalid region.
  • RWindow::BeginRedraw()  Begins the redraw of a rectangle within the window's invalid region.
  • RWindow::Construct() - Completes the construction of the window handle.
  • RWindow::EnableOSB() - Enables/Disables the WSERV to use its OSB.
  • RWindow::EnableRedrawStore() - Enables or Disables the redraw store for a window.
  • RWindow::EndRedraw() - Ends the current redraw.
  • RWindow::GetInvalidRegion() - Gets the invalid region.
  • RWindow::HandleTransparencyUpdate() - Notifies the server that the contents of the bitmap that has been registered as the transparency bitmap has been changed.
  • RWindow::Invalidate()  Invalidates the entire window.
  • RWindow::Invalidate()  Invalidates an area within the window.
  • RWindow::IsRedrawStoreEnabled() - Returns whether the window uses a redraw store to store drawing commands.
  • RWindow::RWindow()  Default constructor which creates a sessionless, uninitialised window handle.
  • RWindow::RWindow()  Constructor which creates an initialised window handle within a server session.
  • RWindow::SetBackgroundColor()  Sets the background colour used for clearing in server-initiated redraws.
  • RWindow::SetBackgroundColor()  Sets the background colour used for clearing in server-initiated redraws to none.
  • RWindow::SetExtent() - Sets the size and position of a window.
  • RWindow::SetNonTransparent() - Sets the window to not be transparent.
  • RWindow::SetSize() - Sets the size of a window.
  • RWindow::SetTransparencyAlphaChannel() - Sets the window to be transparent using the alpha channel.
  • RWindow::SetTransparencyBitmap() - Sets the tranpsarency bitmap for this window.
  • RWindow::SetTransparencyFactor() - Sets the tranpsarency color for this window.
  • RWindow::SetTransparencyPolicy() - Sets the transparency policy of a window.
  • RWindow::SetTransparencyWsBitmap() - Sets the tranpsarency bitmap for this window using a CWsBitmap.
  • RWindow::SetTransparentRegion() - Sets the user-defined transparent region of a window.

  • RWindowBase - Client-side handle to a server-side window.
  • RWindowBase::AbsPosition() - Gets a window's absolute position - ie the windows position relative to the current screen size mode.
  • RWindowBase::Activate() - Displays the window and enables it to receive events.
  • RWindowBase::AddKeyRect() - Adds an on-screen key rectangle.
  • RWindowBase::AllocPointerMoveBuffer() - Allocates a buffer for storing pointer movements.
  • RWindowBase::CancelPointerRepeatEventRequest() - Cancels a request for a pointer repeat event.
  • RWindowBase::ClaimPointerGrab() - Claims the pointer grab from another window.
  • RWindowBase::DisablePointerMoveBuffer() - Instructs the window server to stop adding pointer events to the pointer move buffer.
  • RWindowBase::DiscardPointerMoveBuffer() - Discards all events in the pointer move buffer.
  • RWindowBase::DisplayMode() - Gets the window's current display mode.
  • RWindowBase::EnableBackup() - Requests that this window backs up all or part of the screen's contents.
  • RWindowBase::EnablePointerMoveBuffer() - Enables the pointer move buffer for receiving pointer move events.
  • RWindowBase::FadeBehind() - Sets whether or not all windows behind the current window, in the same window group, should be faded or unfaded.
  • RWindowBase::FreePointerMoveBuffer() - Frees the pointer move buffer.
  • RWindowBase::GetPointerCapturePriority() - Gets the windows's pointer capture priority.
  • RWindowBase::InquireOffset() - Enquires the offset between this and another window.
  • RWindowBase::IsFaded() - Tests whether the current window is faded.
  • RWindowBase::IsNonFading() - Tests whether the current window is non-fading.
  • RWindowBase::MoveToGroup() - Moves this window to another window group.
  • RWindowBase::PasswordWindow() - Makes this window the password window.
  • RWindowBase::PointerFilter() - Sets the filter which controls which pointer events are sent to the client session.
  • RWindowBase::Position() - Gets a window's position relative to its parent.
  • RWindowBase::RemoveAllKeyRects() - Removes all the on-screen keys that have been added to this window.
  • RWindowBase::RequestPointerRepeatEvent() - Requests a pointer repeat event.
  • RWindowBase::RetrievePointerMoveBuffer() - Retrieves events from the pointer move buffer.
  • RWindowBase::SetCornerType() - Sets the shape of a window's corners.
  • RWindowBase::SetExtentErr() - Sets a backed-up window's extent, relative to its parent, and returns an error code from the server.
  • RWindowBase::SetPointerCapture() - Sets the pointer capture state.
  • RWindowBase::SetPointerCapturePriority() - Sets the window's pointer capture priority.
  • RWindowBase::SetPointerGrab() - Allows or disallows pointer grabs in a window.
  • RWindowBase::SetPosition() - Sets the position of a window relative to its parent.
  • RWindowBase::SetRequiredDisplayMode() - Sets the window's display mode.
  • RWindowBase::SetShadowDisabled() - Enables or disables whether a window casts a shadow.
  • RWindowBase::SetShadowHeight() - Sets a window's shadow height.
  • RWindowBase::SetShape() - Sets a window's shape arbitrarily, if rectangular windows are not required.
  • RWindowBase::SetSizeErr() - Sets the size of a backed-up window.
  • RWindowBase::SetVisible() - Sets the window's visibility.
  • RWindowBase::Size() - Gets the window's current size.

  • RWindowGroup - Client-side handle to a server-side window group.
  • RWindowGroup::AddPriorityKey() - Adds a priority key.
  • RWindowGroup::AllowProcessToCreateChildWindowGroups() - Allows a Window Group in the specified process to be be a child of this one.
  • RWindowGroup::AutoForeground() - Sets or disables auto-foreground behaviour.
  • RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureKey() - Cancels a request for key capture.
  • RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureKeyUpAndDowns() - Cancels a capture request for a key up or key down event.
  • RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureLongKey() - Cancels a previous long key capture request.
  • RWindowGroup::CancelTextCursor() - Removes the text cursor.
  • RWindowGroup::CaptureKey()  Requests key capture.
  • RWindowGroup::CaptureKey()  Requests key capture, with a priority.
  • RWindowGroup::CaptureKeyUpAndDowns()  Requests the capture of key-up and key-down events on behalf of a window group.
  • RWindowGroup::CaptureKeyUpAndDowns()  Requests the capture of key-up and key-down events on behalf of a window group.
  • RWindowGroup::CaptureLongKey()  Requests capture of long key presses.
  • RWindowGroup::CaptureLongKey()  Requests capture of long key presses.
  • RWindowGroup::ClearChildGroup() - Clears all children of the current window group.
  • RWindowGroup::Construct()  Completes construction of a window group.
  • RWindowGroup::Construct()  Completes the construction of a window group, setting its initial focus state.
  • RWindowGroup::ConstructChildApp()  Completes construction of a window group.
  • RWindowGroup::ConstructChildApp()  Completes construction of a window group.
  • RWindowGroup::DisableKeyClick() - Disables key clicks.
  • RWindowGroup::DisableScreenChangeEvents() - Disables screen change event sending.
  • RWindowGroup::EnableReceiptOfFocus() - Enables or disables receipt of keyboard focus.
  • RWindowGroup::EnableScreenChangeEvents() - Enables screen change event sending.
  • RWindowGroup::Identifier() - Gets the identifier of the window group.
  • RWindowGroup::Name() - Gets the window group's name, as set by SetName().
  • RWindowGroup::RemovePriorityKey() - Removes a priority key.
  • RWindowGroup::RWindowGroup()  Creates a sessionless, uninitialised window group handle.
  • RWindowGroup::RWindowGroup()  Creates an initialised window group handle within a server session.
  • RWindowGroup::SetChildGroup() - Sets a window group chain onto the current window group.
  • RWindowGroup::SetName() - Sets the window group's name.
  • RWindowGroup::SetOrdinalPositionErr() - Sets the ordinal position and ordinal priority of a window.
  • RWindowGroup::SetOrdinalPriorityAdjust() - Sets the window group's priority adjust value.
  • RWindowGroup::SetOwningWindowGroup() - Sets the owning window group for this window group.
  • RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()  Sets the text cursor.
  • RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()  Sets the text cursor and its clipping rectangle.
  • RWindowGroup::SimulatePointerEvent() - Simulates a pointer event.

  • RWindowTreeNode - A handle to a node in the server-side window tree.
  • RWindowTreeNode::Child() - Gets the first child of the node.
  • RWindowTreeNode::ClearPointerCursor() - Clears pointer cursor settings.
  • RWindowTreeNode::Close() - Closes the node.
  • RWindowTreeNode::Destroy() - Closes and deletes the node.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableErrorMessages() - Cancels notification of error message events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableFocusChangeEvents() - Disables delivery of focus changed events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableGroupChangeEvents() - Cancels notification of group changed events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableGroupListChangeEvents() - Disables reporting of window group list change events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableModifierChangedEvents() - Cancels notification of modifier changed events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableOnEvents() - Cancels notification of 'on' events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::DisableVisibilityChangeEvents() - Disables reporting of window visibility change events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableErrorMessages() - Requests notification of error message events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableFocusChangeEvents() - Enables focus changed events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableGroupChangeEvents() - Requests notification of group-change events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableGroupListChangeEvents() - Enables reporting of window group list change events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableModifierChangedEvents() - Requests notification of modifier changed events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableOnEvents() - Requests notification of 'on' events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::EnableVisibilityChangeEvents() - Enables reporting of window visibility change events.
  • RWindowTreeNode::FullOrdinalPosition() - Get the current full ordinal position of a window.
  • RWindowTreeNode::NextSibling() - Gets the next window after this one in its sibling list.
  • RWindowTreeNode::OrdinalPosition() - Gets the current ordinal position of the window tree node.
  • RWindowTreeNode::OrdinalPriority() - Gets the ordinal priority of the specified window.
  • RWindowTreeNode::Parent() - Gets the node's parent.
  • RWindowTreeNode::PrevSibling() - Gets the node before this one in the sibling list.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetCustomPointerCursor() - Sets the pointer cursor to an application-defined cursor.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetFaded()  Sets the window as faded or unfaded.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetFaded()  Sets one or more windows as faded or unfaded, specifying a fading map.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetNonFading() - Sets whether a window is non-fading.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetOrdinalPosition()  Sets the ordinal position of a window.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetOrdinalPosition()  Sets the ordinal position and ordinal priority of a window.
  • RWindowTreeNode::SetPointerCursor() - Sets the pointer cursor from the system pointer cursor list.
  • RWindowTreeNode::WindowGroupId() - Returns the window group Id of the parent window group.

  • RWorldServer - Defines the client side API to the world server.
  • RWorldServer::AddCity() - Adds a new city to the world database.
  • RWorldServer::AddCountry() - Adds a new country, with its capital city, to the world database.
  • RWorldServer::CalculateDistance() - Calculates the distance between two cities, using the currently selected distance units.
  • RWorldServer::CalculateSunlight() - Gets a city's sunset and sunrise time on a specified date.
  • RWorldServer::CityData() - Gets the city data associated with the specified ID.
  • RWorldServer::Connect() - Connects the client process to the world server.
  • RWorldServer::CountryData() - Gets the country data associated with the specified ID.
  • RWorldServer::DataFileRevertToSaved() - Reverts the world database to its state when the data file was last saved, discarding data which was not saved.
  • RWorldServer::DataFileSave() - Saves the data added by the user, to the current world database.
  • RWorldServer::DefaultCountry() - Gets the ID of the default country.
  • RWorldServer::DeleteCity() - Deletes a city from the world database.
  • RWorldServer::DeleteCountry() - Deletes a country from the world database.
  • RWorldServer::DistanceUnits() - Gets the distance units used by the session.
  • RWorldServer::Find() - Finds the ID of the city which precisely matches the specified city and country names.
  • RWorldServer::FindCity() - Finds the ID of the first city that has a name which starts with the specified search string.
  • RWorldServer::FindCountry() - Finds the ID of the first country whose name starts with the specified search string.
  • RWorldServer::FirstCity() - Gets the ID of the first city found, either in the current country or the whole world database.
  • RWorldServer::FirstCountry() - Gets the ID of the first country in the world database.
  • RWorldServer::GetCountryNameByISOCode() - Gets the country name for the given 2 character ISO country code.
  • RWorldServer::Home() - Gets the ID of the home city.
  • RWorldServer::IsCityDeletable() - Tests whether a specified city can be deleted.
  • RWorldServer::IsCountryDeletable() - Tests whether a specified country can be deleted.
  • RWorldServer::LastCity() - Gets the ID of the last city found, either in the current country or the whole world database.
  • RWorldServer::LastCountry() - Gets the ID of the last country in the world database.
  • RWorldServer::NearestCity() - Initialises the parameters for a next city search.
  • RWorldServer::NextCity() - Gets the ID of the next city, either in the current country or the whole world database, as defined by the select mode of aID.
  • RWorldServer::NextCountry() - Gets the ID of the next country in the world database.
  • RWorldServer::NextNearestCity() - Gets the results of a search for the city nearest to a map co-ordinate.
  • RWorldServer::NotifyOnChange() - Provides notification of changes to the home city, default country, system time, or database files, asynchronously.
  • RWorldServer::NotifyOnChangeCancel() - Cancels an outstanding notification request made using NotifyOnChange().
  • RWorldServer::NumberCities() - Gets the number of cities in the world database.
  • RWorldServer::NumberCountries() - Gets the number of countries in the world database.
  • RWorldServer::PrevCity() - Gets the ID of the previous city, either in the current country or in the whole world database, as defined by the Select mode of aID.
  • RWorldServer::PrevCountry() - Gets the ID of the previous country in the world database.
  • RWorldServer::ResetAllData() - Resets the database to the state it had when first opened, and notifies the clients.
  • RWorldServer::RomTitle() - Gets the title of the currently loaded world database, which is defined in the read-only file.
  • RWorldServer::SetCollationLevelForFind() - Set the collation level used by the RWorldServer::Find* functions.
  • RWorldServer::SetDefaultCountry() - Sets the default country.
  • RWorldServer::SetDistanceUnits() - Sets the distance units used by the session.
  • RWorldServer::SetHome() - Sets the home city.
  • RWorldServer::UpdateCity() - Updates the information for a city.
  • RWorldServer::UpdateCountry() - Updates the data for a country.
  • RWorldServer::Version() - Gets the version number of the world server.

  • RWriteStream - The write stream interface.
  • RWriteStream::Attach() - Sets the stream buffer sink for this write stream.
  • RWriteStream::Close() - Commits data to the stream before freeing resources used by the stream.
  • RWriteStream::CommitL() - Ensures that any buffered data is written to the stream.
  • RWriteStream::Detach() - Sets the stream buffer sink for this write stream to NULL.
  • RWriteStream::Pop() - Removes the cleanup item for this write stream object from the cleanup stack.
  • RWriteStream::PushL() - Puts a cleanup item for this write stream object onto the cleanup stack.
  • RWriteStream::Release() - Frees resources before abandoning the stream.
  • RWriteStream::RWriteStream()  The stream buffer sink, as returned by Sink(), is set to NULL, and the stream has no associated Store map.
  • RWriteStream::RWriteStream()  Constructs a write stream with an associated store map.
  • RWriteStream::RWriteStream()  Constructs a write stream over the supplied stream buffer.
  • RWriteStream::Sink() - Gets the underlying stream buffer for the write stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteInt16L() - Writes a TInt value as a 16 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteInt32L() - Writes a TInt32 value as a 32 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteInt8L() - Writes a TInt value as an 8 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes the content of the 8 bit descriptor to the stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes data of the specified length from the 8 bit descriptor to the stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes 8 bit data of the specified length from the specified location to this write stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes the content of the specified read stream to this write stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes data of the specified length from the specified read stream to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes the content of the 16 bit descriptor to the stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes data of the specified length from the 16 bit descriptor to the stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteL()  Writes 16 bit data of the specified length from the specified location to this write stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteReal32L() - Writes a TReal value as a 32 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteReal64L() - Writes a TReal64 value as a 64 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteUint16L() - Writes a TUint value as a 16 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteUint32L() - Writes a TUint32 value as a 32 bit value to this stream.
  • RWriteStream::WriteUint8L() - Writes a TUint value as an 8 bit value to this stream.

  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf - Utility class for building data buffers to be attached to CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic commands Useful when there is more than one piece of data to be attached to the draw command.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append()  Append a descriptor as data.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append()  Append a descriptor as data.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append()  Append a message of the specified length and type, and return a pointer to allow client code to modify the message.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append()  Append a fixed-size message.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::CleanupClosePushL().
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Close().
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Count() - Returns the number of messages in the buffer.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Data()  Returns a non-modifiable descriptor of a message body in the buffer.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Data()  Returns a modifiable descriptor of a message body in the buffer The returned TPtr8 is only valid until the next message is appended to the buffer.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::GetFixedMsg() - Returns a copy of a fixed-size message in the buffer.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Pckg() - Returns the message buffer as a descriptor.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Remove() - Remove a message from the buffer.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::RWsGraphicMsgBuf() - Default Constructor.
  • RWsGraphicMsgBuf::TypeId() - Returns the Type ID of a message in the buffer.

  • RWsPointerCursor - Pointer cursor.
  • RWsPointerCursor::Construct() - Completes pointer cursor construction.
  • RWsPointerCursor::RWsPointerCursor()  Default C++ constructor.
  • RWsPointerCursor::RWsPointerCursor()  Constructs a pointer cursor initialised with a window server session.

  • RWsSession - Window server session.
  • RWsSession::ClaimSystemPointerCursorList() - Claims the system pointer cursor list.
  • RWsSession::ClearAllRedrawStores() - Clear the redraw store for all windows in the system By default Windows will recorded the drawing commands used during a redraw and use them latter if the window needs to be redrawn.
  • RWsSession::ClearDefaultSystemPointerCursor() - Clears the default system pointer cursor.
  • RWsSession::ClearHotKeys() - Clears all mappings for the specified hotkey, including the default mapping.
  • RWsSession::ClearSystemPointerCursor() - Clears a system pointer cursor from the list.
  • RWsSession::Close() - Closes the window server session.
  • RWsSession::ComputeMode() - Sets the mode used to control process priorities.
  • RWsSession::Connect()  Connects the client session to the window server.
  • RWsSession::Connect()  Connects the client session to the window server using pre constructed file server session.
  • RWsSession::DebugInfo().
  • RWsSession::DebugInfo().
  • RWsSession::EventReady() - Requests standard events from the window server.
  • RWsSession::EventReadyCancel() - Cancels a request for standard events from the window server.
  • RWsSession::FetchMessage() - This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
  • RWsSession::FindWindowGroupIdentifier()  Gets all window groups whose names match a given string, which can contain wildcards.
  • RWsSession::FindWindowGroupIdentifier()  Gets the identifiers of window groups belonging to a client which is owned by a thread with the specified thread ID.
  • RWsSession::Flush() - Sends all pending commands in the buffer to the window server.
  • RWsSession::FreeSystemPointerCursorList() - Releases the system pointer cursor list and deletes all the entries in it.
  • RWsSession::GetBackgroundColor() - Gets the window server's background colour.
  • RWsSession::GetColorModeList() - Gets the list of available colour modes.
  • RWsSession::GetDefaultOwningWindow() - Gets the identifier of the current default owning window group.
  • RWsSession::GetDefModeMaxNumColors() - Gets the number of colours available in the richest supported colour mode, the number of greys available in the richest grey mode, and returns the default display mode.
  • RWsSession::GetDoubleClickSettings() - Gets the current system-wide settings for pointer double clicks.
  • RWsSession::GetEvent() - Gets a standard event from the session for processing.
  • RWsSession::GetFocusScreen() - Get focus screen.
  • RWsSession::GetFocusWindowGroup() - Gets the identifier of the window group that currently has the keyboard focus.
  • RWsSession::GetKeyboardRepeatRate() - Gets the current system-wide settings for the keyboard repeat rate.
  • RWsSession::GetModifierState() - Gets the state of the modifier keys.
  • RWsSession::GetPriorityKey() - Gets the completed priority key event from the window server session.
  • RWsSession::GetRedraw() - Gets the redraw event from the session.
  • RWsSession::GetWindowGroupClientThreadId() - Gets the thread ID of the client that owns the window group specified by the window group identifier.
  • RWsSession::GetWindowGroupHandle() - Gets the handle of the window specified by the window group identifier.
  • RWsSession::GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier() - Gets the name of a window group from its identifier.
  • RWsSession::GetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority() - Gets a window group's priority.
  • RWsSession::HeapCount() - Gets the heap count.
  • RWsSession::HeapSetFail() - Sets the heap failure mode in the window server.
  • RWsSession::LogCommand() - Allows the window server client to enable or disable logging of window server events.
  • RWsSession::LogMessage() - Adds a message to the window server debug log if one is currently in operation.
  • RWsSession::NumWindowGroups()  Gets the total number of window groups currently running in the window server.
  • RWsSession::NumWindowGroups()  Gets the number of window groups of a given window group priority running in all sessions in the window server.
  • RWsSession::PasswordEntered() - Disables the window server password mode.
  • RWsSession::PointerCursorArea()  Gets the pointer cursor area for the first screen display mode.
  • RWsSession::PointerCursorArea()  Gets the pointer cursor area for the specified screen display mode.
  • RWsSession::PointerCursorMode() - Gets the current mode for the pointer cursor.
  • RWsSession::PointerCursorPosition() - Gets the pointer cursor position.
  • RWsSession::PriorityKeyReady() - Requests priority key events from the window server.
  • RWsSession::PriorityKeyReadyCancel() - Cancels a priority key event request.
  • RWsSession::PurgePointerEvents() - Removes all pointer events waiting to be delivered to this session.
  • RWsSession::RedrawReady() - Requests redraw events from the window server.
  • RWsSession::RedrawReadyCancel() - Cancels a redraw event request.
  • RWsSession::RequestOffEvents() - Requests the window server to send OFF events to a window.
  • RWsSession::ResourceCount() - Gets the number of objects that the server has allocated for that client.
  • RWsSession::RestoreDefaultHotKey() - Restores the default mapping for a hot key.
  • RWsSession::RWsSession() - Default C++ constructor.
  • RWsSession::SendEventToAllWindowGroups()  Sends the specified event to all existing window groups.
  • RWsSession::SendEventToAllWindowGroups()  Sends the specified event to all window groups with the specified priority.
  • RWsSession::SendEventToOneWindowGroupsPerClient() - This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
  • RWsSession::SendEventToWindowGroup() - Sends an event to a window group.
  • RWsSession::SendMessageToAllWindowGroups()  Sends a message to all window groups.
  • RWsSession::SendMessageToAllWindowGroups()  Sends a message to all window groups with the specified priority.
  • RWsSession::SendMessageToWindowGroup() - Sends a message to a window group.
  • RWsSession::SetAutoFlush() - Sets a session's auto-flush state.
  • RWsSession::SetBackgroundColor() - Sets the background colour for the window server.
  • RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL() - Sets both the buffer size and maximum buffer size for queuing commands to send to the Windows Server.
  • RWsSession::SetClientCursorMode() - Sets the current mode for the pointer cursor.
  • RWsSession::SetCustomTextCursor() - Adds a custom text cursor to the server's list of cursors.
  • RWsSession::SetDefaultSystemPointerCursor() - Sets the default system pointer cursor.
  • RWsSession::SetDoubleClick() - Sets the system-wide double click settings.
  • RWsSession::SetFocusScreen() - Set focus screen.
  • RWsSession::SetHotKey() - Sets the hot keys.
  • RWsSession::SetKeyboardRepeatRate() - Sets the system-wide keyboard repeat rate.
  • RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL() - Sets the maximum size that the buffer for queuing commands to send to the Windows Server can expand to.
  • RWsSession::SetModifierState() - Sets the state of the modifier keys.
  • RWsSession::SetPointerCursorArea() - Sets the area of the screen in which the virtual cursor can be used while in relative mouse mode, for a specified screen display mode.
  • RWsSession::SetPointerCursorMode() - Sets the current mode for the pointer cursor.
  • RWsSession::SetPointerCursorPosition() - Sets the pointer cursor position.
  • RWsSession::SetShadowVector() - Sets the shadow vector.
  • RWsSession::SetSystemFaded()  Sets all windows in the system as faded or unfaded, using the default fading parameters.
  • RWsSession::SetSystemFaded()  Sets all windows in the system as faded or unfaded, overriding the default fading parameters (as set by SetDefaultFadingParameters()).
  • RWsSession::SetSystemPointerCursor() - Sets a cursor in the system pointer cursor list.
  • RWsSession::SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition() - Sets the ordinal position of a window group.
  • RWsSession::ShadowVector() - Gets the current value of the shadow vector.
  • RWsSession::Version() - Gets the window server version.
  • RWsSession::WindowGroupList()  Gets a list of identifiers of all window groups in all window server sessions.
  • RWsSession::WindowGroupList()  Gets a list of identifier of window group and parent identifier of window group of all window groups in all window server sessions.
  • RWsSession::WindowGroupList()  Lists the number of window groups of a given window group priority running in all window server sessions.
  • RWsSession::WindowGroupList()  Lists the number of window groups of a given window group priority running in all window server sessions.

  • RWsSprite - Sprite.
  • RWsSprite::Construct() - Completes the construction of a sprite.
  • RWsSprite::RWsSprite()  Default C++ constructor.
  • RWsSprite::RWsSprite()  Constructs a sprite with a window server session.
  • RWsSprite::SetPosition() - Sets the sprite's position.

  • RWsSpriteBase - Sprite base class.
  • RWsSpriteBase::Activate() - Activates the sprite or pointer cursor.
  • RWsSpriteBase::AppendMember() - Adds a sprite member to a sprite or pointer cursor.
  • RWsSpriteBase::Close() - Destroys the sprite or pointer cursor in the window server, and frees client-side resources used by the sprite.
  • RWsSpriteBase::RWsSpriteBase()  Protected constructor.
  • RWsSpriteBase::RWsSpriteBase()  Protected constructor with a window server session.
  • RWsSpriteBase::UpdateMember()  Updates the displayed sprite, taking into account any change to the content of the bitmaps for the specified member.
  • RWsSpriteBase::UpdateMember()  Replaces one of a sprite's members.

  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream - A RZipFileMemberReaderStream represents a input stream for compressed files in the archive.
  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream::Read()  Reads data from the stream buffer into the specified descriptor.
  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream::Read()  Overload version of the RZipFileMemberReaderStream read method.
  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream::Read().
  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream::Read().
  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream::ReadL() - Overload version of the RZipFileMemberReaderStream readL method.
  • RZipFileMemberReaderStream::~RZipFileMemberReaderStream() - Destructor.

  • ResourceUtils - Provides static functions for resource reading.
  • ResourceUtils::CreateNamedScreenFontInPixelsL() - Creates a named screen font in pixels from a NAMED_FONT resource.
  • ResourceUtils::CreateNamedScreenFontL() - Creates and returns a named screen font from a NAMED_FONT resource.
  • ResourceUtils::CreateScreenFontL() - Creates a screen font from a FONT resource.
  • ResourceUtils::PopulateColorArrayL() - Populates an array of logical colours using a pre-initialised resource reader from an array of CTRL_COLOR resources.
  • ResourceUtils::ReadTInt16L() - Reads a 16 bit signed integer from a resource.
  • ResourceUtils::ReadTInt32L() - Reads a 32 bit signed integer from a resource.
  • ResourceUtils::ReadTInt8L() - Reads an 8 bit signed integer from a resource.

  • SCharWidth - Character width and adjustment information.

  • SEpocBitmapHeader - Contains information about the bitmap when streaming bitmaps to stores.
  • SFindInTextDefWordParser::SFindInTextDefWordParser() - Initialises the search string and the word array.

  • SIPStrings - This class defines string pool for SIP Codec.
  • SIPStrings::Close() - Closes SIP Codec string pool.
  • SIPStrings::OpenL() - Opens SIP Codec string pool.
  • SIPStrings::Pool() - Gets the string pool used by SIP Codec.
  • SIPStrings::StringF() - Gets a case-insensitive string specified in the original string table.
  • SIPStrings::Table() - Gets the string table used by SIP Codec.

  • SdpCodecStringPool - This class defines string pool for SDP Codec.
  • SdpCodecStringPool::Close() - Closes SDP Codec string pool.
  • SdpCodecStringPool::OpenL() - Opens SDP Codec string pool.
  • SdpCodecStringPool::StringPoolL() - Gets the string pool used by SDP Codec.
  • SdpCodecStringPool::StringTableL() - Gets the string table used by SDP Codec.

  • SdpUtil - Integer Putter/Getter Utility Class.
  • SdpUtil::GetUint() - Gets an unsigned integer from a descriptor.
  • SdpUtil::GetUint128().
  • SdpUtil::GetUint64().
  • SdpUtil::PutUint() - Puts an unsigned integer into a descriptor.
  • SdpUtil::PutUint128() - Puts two unsigned 64 bit integers into a descriptor.
  • SdpUtil::PutUint64().

  • T3gppHrdVbvParams - Specifies the HRD/VBV parameters used when 3GPP TS 26.234 annex G HRD/VBV settings are used (EHrdVbv3GPP).

  • TASCliSoundPlayDefinition - Defines when alarm sounds are to be played, and for how long.
  • TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::Duration() - Retrieves the duration.
  • TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::Offset() - Retrieves the offset.
  • TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::TASCliSoundPlayDefinition()  Default constructor.
  • TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::TASCliSoundPlayDefinition()  Constructor that initializes the offset and duration to specified values.

  • TASN1DecBMPString - Class used for decoding ASN.1 BMP strings.
  • TASN1DecBMPString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecBMPString::DecodeDERL()  Decodes an ASN.1 format BMP string.
  • TASN1DecBMPString::DecodeDERL()  Decodes an ASN.1 format BMP string.
  • TASN1DecBMPString::TASN1DecBMPString().

  • TASN1DecBitString.
  • TASN1DecBitString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecBitString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecBitString::ExtractOctetStringL().
  • TASN1DecBitString::ExtractOctetStringL().
  • TASN1DecBitString::TASN1DecBitString().

  • TASN1DecBoolean.
  • TASN1DecBoolean::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecBoolean::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecBoolean::TASN1DecBoolean().

  • TASN1DecDSAKeyPair - Class for decoding DSA key pairs from ASN.1 DER encoding.
  • TASN1DecDSAKeyPair::DecodeDERL() - Decodes a DSA key pair from a buffer containing an ASN.1 DER-encoded private key.

  • TASN1DecEnumerated.
  • TASN1DecEnumerated::TASN1DecEnumerated().

  • TASN1DecGeneralString.
  • TASN1DecGeneralString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecGeneralString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecGeneralString::TASN1DecGeneralString().

  • TASN1DecGeneralizedTime.
  • TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::TASN1DecGeneralizedTime().

  • TASN1DecGeneric.
  • TASN1DecGeneric::Class().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::Encoding().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::GetContentDER().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::InitL().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::LengthDER().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::LengthDERContent().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::LengthDERHeader().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::Tag().
  • TASN1DecGeneric::TASN1DecGeneric().

  • TASN1DecGenericString.
  • TASN1DecGenericString::TASN1DecGenericString().

  • TASN1DecGraphicString.
  • TASN1DecGraphicString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecGraphicString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecGraphicString::TASN1DecGraphicString().

  • TASN1DecIA5String.
  • TASN1DecIA5String::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecIA5String::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecIA5String::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecIA5String::TASN1DecIA5String().

  • TASN1DecInteger.
  • TASN1DecInteger::DecodeDERLongL().
  • TASN1DecInteger::DecodeDERLongL().
  • TASN1DecInteger::DecodeDERShortL().
  • TASN1DecInteger::DecodeDERShortL().
  • TASN1DecInteger::TASN1DecInteger().

  • TASN1DecNull.
  • TASN1DecNull::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecNull::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecNull::TASN1DecNull().

  • TASN1DecNumericString.
  • TASN1DecNumericString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecNumericString::TASN1DecNumericString().

  • TASN1DecObjectIdentifier.
  • TASN1DecObjectIdentifier::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecObjectIdentifier::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecObjectIdentifier::TASN1DecObjectIdentifier().

  • TASN1DecOctetString.
  • TASN1DecOctetString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecOctetString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecOctetString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecOctetString::TASN1DecOctetString().

  • TASN1DecPrintableString.
  • TASN1DecPrintableString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecPrintableString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecPrintableString::TASN1DecPrintableString().

  • TASN1DecRSAKeyPair - Class for decoding RSA key pairs from ASN.1 DER encoding.
  • TASN1DecRSAKeyPair::DecodeDERL() - Decodes an RSA key pair from buffer containing ASN.1 DER-encoded private key.

  • TASN1DecRSAPublicKey - Class for decoding RSA public keys from ASN.1 DER encoding.
  • TASN1DecRSAPublicKey::DecodeDERL() - Decodes an RSA key from the supplied buffer starting at the specified position.

  • TASN1DecSequence.
  • TASN1DecSequence::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSequence::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSequence::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSequence::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSequence::TASN1DecSequence().

  • TASN1DecSet.
  • TASN1DecSet::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSet::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSet::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSet::DecodeDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSet::NewDERLC().
  • TASN1DecSet::TASN1DecSet().

  • TASN1DecString.
  • TASN1DecString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecString::TASN1DecString().

  • TASN1DecTeletexString - Class used for decoding Teletex strings.
  • TASN1DecTeletexString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecTeletexString::DecodeDERL()  Decodes an ASN.1 format Teletex string.
  • TASN1DecTeletexString::DecodeDERL()  Decodes an ASN.1 format Teletex string.
  • TASN1DecTeletexString::TASN1DecTeletexString().

  • TASN1DecUTCTime.
  • TASN1DecUTCTime::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecUTCTime::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecUTCTime::TASN1DecUTCTime().

  • TASN1DecUTF8String.
  • TASN1DecUTF8String::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecUTF8String::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecUTF8String::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecUTF8String::TASN1DecUTF8String().

  • TASN1DecVideotexString.
  • TASN1DecVideotexString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecVideotexString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecVideotexString::TASN1DecVideotexString().

  • TASN1DecVisibleString.
  • TASN1DecVisibleString::CheckValid().
  • TASN1DecVisibleString::DecodeDERL().
  • TASN1DecVisibleString::TASN1DecVisibleString().

  • TASN1EncDSAPublicKey - Class for encoding DSA public keys to ASN.1 encoding.
  • TASN1EncDSAPublicKey::EncodeDERL() - Encodes the supplied public key into a buffer in DER format.
  • TASN1EncDSAPublicKey::EncodeParamsLC() - Encodes DSA parameters into an ASN.1 encoding structure suitable for inclusion into other objects, like a PKCS#10 certificate request.
  • TASN1EncDSAPublicKey::EncodePublicValueLC() - Encodes a public key as a bit string.

  • TASN1EncRSAPublicKey - Class for encoding RSA public keys to ASN.1 encoding.
  • TASN1EncRSAPublicKey::EncodeDERL() - Encodes the supplied public key into buffer in DER format ASN.1:.

  • TASShdAlarm - A client-side alarm object.
  • TASShdAlarm::Category()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's category.
  • TASShdAlarm::Category()  Return this alarm's category.
  • TASShdAlarm::Characteristics()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's characteristics.
  • TASShdAlarm::Characteristics()  Returns the alarm's characteristics.
  • TASShdAlarm::ClientData1()  Returns the client data from slot 1 for this alarm.
  • TASShdAlarm::ClientData1()  Returns a writable version of the client data from slot 1 for this alarm.
  • TASShdAlarm::ClientData2()  Returns the client data from slot 2 for this alarm.
  • TASShdAlarm::ClientData2()  Returns the client data from slot 2 for this alarm.
  • TASShdAlarm::ClientFlags()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's client flags.
  • TASShdAlarm::ClientFlags()  Returns this alarm's client flags.
  • TASShdAlarm::DayOrTimed()  Returns the alarm session type.
  • TASShdAlarm::DayOrTimed()  Returns a writable version of the alarm type, i.e.
  • TASShdAlarm::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the alarm's member data to a write stream.
  • TASShdAlarm::GetSid().
  • TASShdAlarm::HasAssociatedData() - Tests whether the alarm has any associated data.
  • TASShdAlarm::HasBecomeOrphaned() - Tests whether the alarm is orphaned.
  • TASShdAlarm::HasOwningSession() - Tests whether the alarm has an active owning session.
  • TASShdAlarm::Id()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's unique identifier.
  • TASShdAlarm::Id()  Return the alarm's unique identifier.
  • TASShdAlarm::InternalizeL() - Internalizes the alarm's data from a read stream.
  • TASShdAlarm::IsFloating() - Tests whether the alarm is floating.
  • TASShdAlarm::Message()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's message.
  • TASShdAlarm::Message()  Returns the alarm's message.
  • TASShdAlarm::NextDueTime()  Returns a writable version of the next time the alarm is scheduled to expire.
  • TASShdAlarm::NextDueTime()  Returns the next time that the alarm is scheduled to expire.
  • TASShdAlarm::OriginalExpiryTime()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's original expiry time.
  • TASShdAlarm::OriginalExpiryTime()  Returns the alarm's original expiry time.
  • TASShdAlarm::RepeatDefinition()  Returns a writable version of the alarm's repeat definition.
  • TASShdAlarm::RepeatDefinition()  Returns the repeat definition for the alarm.
  • TASShdAlarm::Reset() - Resets the alarm back to a default, uninitialized state.
  • TASShdAlarm::SetDeQueueIfDueTimeInPast() - Using this API to tell the alarmserver not to notify the Agenda alarms if its due time is in the past after system time has been changed.
  • TASShdAlarm::SetSid().
  • TASShdAlarm::SetUtcNextDueTime() - Using this API to set the next due time of an alarm will make it a fixed alarm, that is going to expire at the given UTC time.
  • TASShdAlarm::SoundName()  Return a writable version of the alarm sound's filename.
  • TASShdAlarm::SoundName()  Returns the alarm's sound filename.
  • TASShdAlarm::State() - Returns the alarm state.
  • TASShdAlarm::Status() - Returns the alarm status.
  • TASShdAlarm::TASShdAlarm() - Default constructor.

  • TAcceleratedBitmapInfo - A data structure that holds the information needed to directly access a bitmap.

  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec - A utility class that provides access to the contents of a bitmap.
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::GetInfo().
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::Handle() - Returns the handle to the bitmap.
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::Lock()  Prevents a bitmap from moving in memory.
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::Lock()  Prevents a bitmap from moving in memory.
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::TAcceleratedBitmapSpec()  Default constructor.
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::TAcceleratedBitmapSpec().
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::TAcceleratedBitmapSpec().
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::Type() - Returns the type of the bitmap.
  • TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::Unlock() - Frees a bitmap after a call to Lock().

  • TAlgStyle - An algorithmic style for how a font is drawn.
  • TAlgStyle::HeightFactor() - Returns the height factor.
  • TAlgStyle::IsBold() - Returns whether the font is bold.
  • TAlgStyle::IsItalic() - Returns whether the font is italic.
  • TAlgStyle::IsMono() - Returns whether the font is mono - i.e.
  • TAlgStyle::operator==().
  • TAlgStyle::SetHeightFactor() - Sets the height factor.
  • TAlgStyle::SetIsBold() - Sets whether the font is bold.
  • TAlgStyle::SetIsItalic() - Sets whether the font is italic.
  • TAlgStyle::SetIsMono() - Sets whether the font is mono width - i.e.
  • TAlgStyle::SetWidthFactor() - Sets the width factor.
  • TAlgStyle::TAlgStyle() - Constructor.
  • TAlgStyle::WidthFactor() - Returns the width factor.

  • TAlternativeFrequency - An alternative frequency is a frequency that broadcasts the same station as the currently tuned station, or a regional variant of it.
  • TAlternativeFrequency::TAlternativeFrequency().

  • TAmPmName - Current locale's am/pm text.
  • TAmPmName::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's text for identifying time before or after noon as identified by the specified selector.
  • TAmPmName::TAmPmName()  Default constructor.
  • TAmPmName::TAmPmName()  Constructs this object and initialises it with the current locale's text for identifying time before or after noon as identified by the specified selector.

  • TAnalogDisplayHand - A hand for an analogue clock.
  • TAnalogDisplayHand::AddCircle() - Adds a circle to the hand.
  • TAnalogDisplayHand::AddLine() - Adds a line to the hand.
  • TAnalogDisplayHand::AddPolyLine() - Adds a polyline to the hand.
  • TAnalogDisplayHand::NumFeatures() - Gets the number of features added to the hand.
  • TAnalogDisplayHand::TAnalogDisplayHand() - Constructs a hand for an analogue clock.

  • TApaAppCapability - Application capabilities.
  • TApaAppCapability::CopyCapability() - A utility function that can copy capability information from one descriptor to another.
  • TApaAppCapability::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the application capabilities to a write stream.
  • TApaAppCapability::Internalize7_0L().
  • TApaAppCapability::InternalizeL().

  • TApaAppEntry - An application entry.
  • TApaAppEntry::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the application entry to a write stream.
  • TApaAppEntry::InternalizeL() - Internalises the application entry from a read stream.
  • TApaAppEntry::TApaAppEntry()  Constructs an empty application entry object.
  • TApaAppEntry::TApaAppEntry()  Constructs an application entry object from the specified application DLL full path name and UID type.

  • TApaAppIdentifier - The identity of an application.
  • TApaAppIdentifier::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the application identifier to a write stream.
  • TApaAppIdentifier::InternalizeL() - Internalises the application identifier from a read stream.
  • TApaAppIdentifier::TApaAppIdentifier()  Constructs an empty application identifier.
  • TApaAppIdentifier::TApaAppIdentifier()  Constructs an application identifier from the specified application DLL file name and extension, and the specified application UID.

  • TApaAppInfo - Application information.
  • TApaAppInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the application information to a write stream.
  • TApaAppInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises the application information from a read stream.
  • TApaAppInfo::TApaAppInfo()  Constructs an empty application information object.
  • TApaAppInfo::TApaAppInfo()  Constructs an application information object from the specified full DLL path name, UID and full length caption.
  • TApaAppInfo::TApaAppInfo()  Constructs an application information object from the specified full DLL path name, UID, caption and short caption.

  • TApaAppViewInfo - Contains the basic information about an application view.
  • TApaAppViewInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the application view information to a write stream.
  • TApaAppViewInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises the application view information from a read stream.
  • TApaAppViewInfo::TApaAppViewInfo()  Constructs an empty object.
  • TApaAppViewInfo::TApaAppViewInfo().

  • TApaApplicationFactory - Encapsulates the functionality of creating an application, whether it be via a factory function or an ECOM plugin.
  • TApaApplicationFactory::TApaApplicationFactory()  Constructor for TApaApplicationFactory.
  • TApaApplicationFactory::TApaApplicationFactory()  Constructor.
  • TApaApplicationFactory::TApaApplicationFactory()  Constructor.
  • TApaApplicationFactory::TApaApplicationFactory()  Constructor.

  • TApaEmbeddabilityFilter - Filter used to define the subset of applications returned by RApaLsSession::GetNextApp().
  • TApaEmbeddabilityFilter::AddEmbeddability() - Adds aEmbeddability to the filter.
  • TApaEmbeddabilityFilter::MatchesEmbeddability() - Compares aEmbeddability with the filter.
  • TApaEmbeddabilityFilter::TApaEmbeddabilityFilter() - Constructs an empty embeddability filter.

  • TApaModelDoorFactory - A factory class for instantiating and restoring an application's door using the application's model.
  • TApaModelDoorFactory::NewPictureL() - Constructs and restores an application's door (picture) from a stream in the specified store.
  • TApaModelDoorFactory::TApaModelDoorFactory() - Constructs a door factory object.

  • TApaPictureFactory - A factory class for instantiating and restoring an application's door.
  • TApaPictureFactory::NewPictureL() - Constructs and restores an application's door (picture) from a stream in the specified store.
  • TApaPictureFactory::SetIconSize() - Sets the size of the icon.
  • TApaPictureFactory::TApaPictureFactory()  Constructs a door factory object for the specified application process.
  • TApaPictureFactory::TApaPictureFactory()  Constructor for TApaPictureFactory.

  • TApaTask - Application task.
  • TApaTask::BringToForeground() - Brings this task to the foreground.
  • TApaTask::EndTask() - Requests normal closing of this task.
  • TApaTask::Exists() - Tests whether this TApaTask object is empty.
  • TApaTask::KillTask() - Kills this task.
  • TApaTask::SendKey()  Sends a key event encapsulating the specified character code and specified modifier keys state to the task's window group.
  • TApaTask::SendKey()  Sends the specified key event to the task's window group.
  • TApaTask::SendMessage() - Sends a message to this task's window group.
  • TApaTask::SendSystemEvent() - Sends a system event to this task's window group.
  • TApaTask::SendToBackground() - Sends this task to the background.
  • TApaTask::SetWgId() - Sets this task's window group ID.
  • TApaTask::SwitchCreateFile() - Requests the task to close its existing document, and to create and open a new document.
  • TApaTask::SwitchOpenFile() - Requests the task to close its existing document, and to open an existing document.
  • TApaTask::TApaTask() - Constructs an empty task object, taking a reference to a window server session.
  • TApaTask::ThreadId() - Gets the ID of this task's thread.
  • TApaTask::WgId() - Gets the ID of this task's window group.

  • TApaTaskList - Accesses tasks running on a device.
  • TApaTaskList::CycleTasks() - Brings the next task in the set of tasks running the specified application to the foreground.
  • TApaTaskList::FindApp()  Searches for a task that has the specified caption.
  • TApaTaskList::FindApp()  Searches for a task running the specified application.
  • TApaTaskList::FindByPos() - Searches for a task by the ordinal position of its window group.
  • TApaTaskList::FindDoc() - Searches for the task that is handling the specified document.
  • TApaTaskList::TApaTaskList() - Constructs the task list object, taking a reference to a window server session.

  • TArray - Generic array.
  • TArray::Count() - Gets the number of elements currently held in the array for which this generic array has been constructed.
  • TArray::operator[]() - Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position.
  • TArray::TArray() - Constructor.
  • TAttrRange::IsContiguousWith()  Tests if the specified ID is either within the range, is one less than the lower bound, or one more than the upper bound.
  • TAttrRange::IsContiguousWith()  Tests if the specified range is contiguous with the range.
  • TAttrRange::IsInRange() - Tests if the specified ID is either within the range.
  • TAttrRange::TAttrRange()  Default constructor.
  • TAttrRange::TAttrRange()  Constructor with single ID.
  • TAttrRange::TAttrRange()  Constructor with start and end IDs.

  • TAuthorityC16 - Dependencies : TAuthorityComponent.
  • TAuthorityC16::AuthorityDes() - Retrieves the descriptor for the entire authority.
  • TAuthorityC16::Compare() - Compares the specified component against the one in the authority passed in.
  • TAuthorityC16::DisplayFormL() - Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full authority.
  • TAuthorityC16::Extract() - Retrieves the specified component in the authority.
  • TAuthorityC16::IsPresent() - Indicates whether the specified component is present in the authority.
  • TAuthorityC16::TAuthorityC16() - Constructor.

  • TAuthorityC8 - Dependencies : TAuthorityComponent.
  • TAuthorityC8::AuthorityDes() - Retrieves the descriptor for the entire authority.
  • TAuthorityC8::Compare() - Compares the specified component against the one in the authority passed in.
  • TAuthorityC8::DisplayFormL() - Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full Authority.
  • TAuthorityC8::Extract() - Retrieves the specified component in the authority.
  • TAuthorityC8::IsPresent() - Indicates whether the specified component is present in the authority.
  • TAuthorityC8::TAuthorityC8() - Constructor.

  • TAuthorityParser16 - Dependencies : TAuthorityC16 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of an authority as defined in RFC2396.
  • TAuthorityParser16::Parse() - Parses the descriptor aAuthority into authority components.
  • TAuthorityParser16::TAuthorityParser16() - Constructor.

  • TAuthorityParser8 - Dependencies : TAuthorityC8 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of an authority as defined in RFC2396.
  • TAuthorityParser8::Parse() - Parses the descriptor aAuthority into authority components.
  • TAuthorityParser8::TAuthorityParser8() - Constructor.

  • TAutoClose - Automatically calls Close() on an object when that object goes out of scope.
  • TAutoClose::Pop() - Pops a single cleanup item from the cleanup stack.
  • TAutoClose::PushL() - Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack, so that Close() is called on the templated class object, iObj, if a leave occurs.
  • TAutoClose::~TAutoClose() - Destructor.

  • TAvcHrdParams - TAvcHrdParams specifies a set of AVC-specific HRD parameters.

  • TAvcHrdParams::TCpbParams.

  • TAvcPictureHeader - AVC Picture Header.

  • TAvcVideoCapability - This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities or bitstream properties.

  • TAvcVideoMode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.

  • TBTAFHHostChannelClassification - Descriptor class that should be used to help set up an AFH host channel classification for the controller.
  • TBTAFHHostChannelClassification::Reset() - Resets descriptor to default value.
  • TBTAFHHostChannelClassification::SetChannelBad() - Set a channel in this TBTAFHHostChannelClassification as 'bad' or busy.
  • TBTAFHHostChannelClassification::SetChannelRangeBad() - Set a range of channels in this TBTAFHHostChannelClassification as 'bad' or busy.
  • TBTAFHHostChannelClassification::TBTAFHHostChannelClassification() - Constructor.
  • TBTAFHHostChannelClassification::Validate() - Check that this AFH host channel classification conforms to the spec.

  • TBTAccessRequirements - The access requirements set up by a bluetooth service.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::AuthenticationRequired() - Getter for the authentification attribute.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::AuthorisationRequired() - Getter for the authorisation attribute.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::Denied() - Getter for the denied attribute.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::EncryptionRequired() - Getter for the encryption attribute.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::operator==() - Equals operator.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::PasskeyMinLength() - Getter for the minimal passkey length.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::SetAuthentication() - Sets the authentification requirement of this class.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::SetAuthorisation() - Sets the authorisation requirement of this class.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::SetDenied() - Sets the denied requirement of this class.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::SetEncryption() - Sets the encryption requirement of this class.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::SetPasskeyMinLength() - Sets the minimal length requrement for passkey If it is between 1..16 SecurityManager will check the length of passkey.
  • TBTAccessRequirements::TBTAccessRequirements() - Constructor.

  • TBTBasebandEventNotification - Contains information resulting from a baseband notification.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::ErrorCode() - The Bluetooth SIG error code associated with the event.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::EventType() - The event type.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::SetErrorCode() - Set the error code.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::SetEventType() - Set the event type.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::SymbianErrorCode() - The Symbian HCI error code associated with the event.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::TBTBasebandEventNotification()  Constructor.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::TBTBasebandEventNotification()  Default constructor.
  • TBTBasebandEventNotification::TBTBasebandEventNotification()  Copy constructor.

  • TBTCommPortSettings - Used to configure a virtual serial port.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::BDAddr() - Returns the address of the default device associated with the service.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::IsAuthenticationOnlySet() - Getter to return whether only authentication has been set for the virtual serial port connection.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::IsEncryptionSet() - Getter to return whether encryption has been set for the virtual serial port connection.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::IsSecuritySet() - Getter to return whether any security level is set.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::Name() - Returns the name of the service.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::Port() - Getter for the port number of the virtual serial port.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SecurityLevel() - Getter for the security level of the virtual serial port.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetAuthentication() - Setter to request authentication of the virtual serial connection when connection occurs.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetAuthenticationAndEncryption() - Setter to request authentication and encryption of the virtual serial connection when connection occurs.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetBTAddr() - Sets the address of the default device associated with the service.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetName() - Sets the name of the service.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetNoSecurity() - Setter to clear any setting of security settings.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetPort() - Setter for the port number of the virtual serial port.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetSecurityLevel() - Sets the security level for this default service.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::SetUUID() - Sets the unique id of the service.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::TBTCommPortSettings()  Constructor.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::TBTCommPortSettings()  Default constructor.
  • TBTCommPortSettings::UUID() - Returns the unique id of the service.

  • TBTDevAddr - 48-bit bluetooth device address.
  • TBTDevAddr::Des()  Access value as a bigendian descriptor.
  • TBTDevAddr::Des()  Access value as a bigendian descriptor.
  • TBTDevAddr::GetReadable()  Extract the Bluetooth device address into a human-readable format, in aDest.
  • TBTDevAddr::GetReadable()  Extract the Bluetooth device address into a human-readable format, in aDest.
  • TBTDevAddr::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TBTDevAddr::operator<=() - Less than operator.
  • TBTDevAddr::operator==() - Comparison operator.
  • TBTDevAddr::operator[]()  Access a single element of the address.
  • TBTDevAddr::operator[]()  Access a single element of the address.
  • TBTDevAddr::Reset() - Reset the data contained within the object.
  • TBTDevAddr::SetReadable() - Convert Readable string into a dev addr.
  • TBTDevAddr::TBTDevAddr()  Default constructor.
  • TBTDevAddr::TBTDevAddr()  Constructs a device address from a TInt64.
  • TBTDevAddr::TBTDevAddr()  Constructs a device address from a data buffer.

  • TBTDeviceClass - Encapsulation of device class definitions.
  • TBTDeviceClass::DeviceClass() - Getter for whole device class.
  • TBTDeviceClass::ExternalizeL() - Extenalize this object to a stream.
  • TBTDeviceClass::InternalizeL() - Internalize this object from a stream.
  • TBTDeviceClass::MajorDeviceClass() - Getter for major device class Currently we only support CoD format #1.
  • TBTDeviceClass::MajorServiceClass() - Getter for major service class Currently we only support CoD format #1.
  • TBTDeviceClass::MinorDeviceClass() - Getter for minor device class Currently we only support CoD format #1.
  • TBTDeviceClass::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • TBTDeviceClass::operator==() - Comparison operator.
  • TBTDeviceClass::TBTDeviceClass()  Constructor.
  • TBTDeviceClass::TBTDeviceClass()  Constructor.
  • TBTDeviceClass::TBTDeviceClass()  Constructor taking separate fields for combination into device class.

  • TBTDeviceResponseParams - Class to allow parameters to be received from the device selection dialog via the RNotifier API.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::BDAddr() - Returns the address of the device.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::DeviceClass() - Returns the device class contained within these params.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::DeviceName() - Returns the name of the device.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::IsValidBDAddr() - Has the address of the device been set?.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::IsValidDeviceClass() - Returns ETrue if the device class has been set using SetDeviceClass(.).
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::IsValidDeviceName() - Has the name of the device been set?.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::SetDeviceAddress() - Set the address of the device.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::SetDeviceClass() - Sets the device class to aClass.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::SetDeviceName() - Set the name of the device.
  • TBTDeviceResponseParams::TBTDeviceResponseParams() - Constructor.

  • TBTDeviceSecurity - Class to store the security override parameters for a particular remote device.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::Banned() - Determine whether connections to this device should be banned.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::Encrypt() - Determine whether connections to this device should be encrypted.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::ExternalizeL() - Externalise object.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::InternalizeL() - Internalise object.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::NoAuthenticate() - Determine whether connections to this device should not be authenticated.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::NoAuthorise() - Determine whether connections to this device should not be authorised.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::operator==() - Comparison operator.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::PasskeyMinLength() - Get passkey min length.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SecurityValue() - Get the raw security settings.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SetBanned() - Set banned.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SetEncrypt() - Set encryption.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SetNoAuthenticate() - Set (no) authentication.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SetNoAuthorise() - Set (no) authorisation (=make trusted).
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SetPasskeyMinLength() - Set passkey min length.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::SetSecurityValue() - Set the raw security settings.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::TBTDeviceSecurity()  Constructor.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::TBTDeviceSecurity()  Constructor with userdefined security.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::TBTDeviceSecurity()  Constructor with userdefined security.
  • TBTDeviceSecurity::TBTDeviceSecurity()  Constructor with user-defined security.

  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams - Class to allow parameters to be sent to the device selection dialog via the RNotifier API.
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::DeviceClass() - Returns the device class contained within these params.
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::IsValidDeviceClass() - Returns ETrue if the device class has been set using SetDeviceClass(.).
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::IsValidUUID() - Returns ETrue if the UUID has been set using SetUUID(.).
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::SetDeviceClass() - Sets the device class to aClass.
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::SetUUID() - Sets the UUID to aUUID.
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::TBTDeviceSelectionParams() - Constructor.
  • TBTDeviceSelectionParams::UUID() - Returns the UUID contained within these params.

  • TBTNamelessDevice - Stores parameters for a nameless device.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::Address() - Get the device address.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::DeviceClass() - Returns the class of the device.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::GlobalSecurity() - Retrieve the global security settings.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsPaired() - Check whether the device is paired.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidAddress() - Denotes whether the device address has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidClockOffset() - Denotes whether the clock offset has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidDeviceClass() - Denotes whether the device class has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidGlobalSecurity() - Denotes whether the global security settings have been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidLinkKey() - Denotes whether the linkkey has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidPageScanMode() - Denotes whether the page scan mode has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidPageScanPeriodMode() - Denotes whether the page scan period mode has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidPageScanRepMode() - Denotes whether the page scan repition mode has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidPaired() - Denote whether is paired has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidPassKey() - Denotes whether the PassKey has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidSeen() - Denotes whether the time last seen has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::IsValidUsed() - Denotes whether the time last used has been set.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::PassKey() - Return the PIN code.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::PassKeyLength().
  • TBTNamelessDevice::Seen() - Return the time when this device was last seen.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetAddress() - Set the bluetooth device address.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetDeviceClass() - Set the device class.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetGlobalSecurity() - Set the Global security settings for all services used by this device.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetPaired() - Set whether the device is paired.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetPassKey() - Set PIN code for device.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetSeen() - Set when last seen in inquiry (not supported by stack at present).
  • TBTNamelessDevice::SetUsed() - Set when the device last connected from or to.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::TBTNamelessDevice() - Constructor.
  • TBTNamelessDevice::Used() - Return the time when the device was last used.

  • TBTRegistrySearch - Set search criteria on the Bluetooth Registry.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindAddress() - Add search criterion to search for given device.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindAll() - Add search criterion to search for finding all devices.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindBluetoothName() - Add search criteria of specific Bluetooth name.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindBonded() - Add search criterion for bonded devices.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindCoD()  Add search criterion to search for specific CoD.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindCoD()  Add search criterion to search for certain classes of device.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindCurrentProcessOwned() - Add search criterion to search for devices added by the current process.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindFriendlyName() - Add search criterion to search for devices with some friendly name.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindSinceSeen() - Add search criterion to search for devices seen since given date NOTE not currently implemented.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindSinceUsed() - Add search criterion to search for devices used since given date.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::FindTrusted() - Add search criterion for trusted devices.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::Reset() - Resets the search criteria.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::TBTRegistrySearch()  Default constructor.
  • TBTRegistrySearch::TBTRegistrySearch()  Copy Constructor.

  • TBTServiceSecurity - The security settings of a bluetooth service.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::AuthenticationRequired() - Getter - return whether authentication is required for this service.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::AuthorisationRequired() - Getter - return whether authorisation is required for this service.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::Denied() - Getter - return whether denied for this service.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::EncryptionRequired() - Getter - return whether encryption is required for this service.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::PasskeyMinLength() - Getter - return minimal passkey length requirement.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::SetAuthentication() - Sets whether or not any connections to this service need to be authenticated.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::SetAuthorisation() - Sets whether or not any connections to this service need to be authorised.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::SetDenied() - Sets whether or not connections to this service are being denied to all but specified devices.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::SetEncryption() - Sets whether or not any connections to this service need to be encrypted.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::SetPasskeyMinLength() - Sets the minimum of passkey length for connection.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::SetUid() - Set Uid of the service - used opaquely by Bluetooth system.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::TBTServiceSecurity()  Copy constructor.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::TBTServiceSecurity()  Default constructor.
  • TBTServiceSecurity::Uid() - Getter - return Uid for this service.

  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice - Class to tie a service uid with a device security setting.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::DeviceAddress() - Get the device address.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::DeviceSecurity() - Get the device security.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::ExternalizeL() - Externalise object.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::InternalizeL() - Internalise object.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::SetAddress() - Reset device address.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::SetDeviceSecurity() - Reset the device security.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice()  Constructor.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice()  Constructor.
  • TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice::TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice()  Copy constructor.

  • TBTSockAddr - Bluetooth socket address.
  • TBTSockAddr::BTAddr() - Getter.
  • TBTSockAddr::BTSecurity() - Getter.
  • TBTSockAddr::Cast() - Utility function to downcast a TSockAddr to a TBTSockAddr.
  • TBTSockAddr::EndBTSockAddrPtr().
  • TBTSockAddr::SetBTAddr() - Sets BT address from a TBTDevAddr.
  • TBTSockAddr::SetSecurity() - Setter.
  • TBTSockAddr::TBTSockAddr()  Constructor.
  • TBTSockAddr::TBTSockAddr()  Constructor taking socket address baseclass reference.

  • TBTSyncBandwidth - A pair of transmit and receive bandwidths for use on synchronous Bluetooth links.
  • TBTSyncBandwidth::TBTSyncBandwidth().
  • TBTSyncBandwidth::TBTSyncBandwidth().

  • TBTSyncPackets - Class to represent a set of synchronous packet types (SCO and eSCO on v1.2).
  • TBTSyncPackets::operator()().
  • TBTSyncPackets::TBTSyncPackets().

  • TBaSoundPriorityBase - Utility class to bundle up priority, priority preference and device specific data Only intended to be used in conjunction with TBaSystemSoundInfo::iPriority.
  • TBaSoundPriorityBase::Int().
  • TBaSoundPriorityBase::Priority().
  • TBaSoundPriorityBase::PriorityPreference().
  • TBaSoundPriorityBase::TBaSoundPriorityBase().

  • TBaSoundPriorityEncoder - Encode TBaSystemSoundInfo::iPriority before persisting a sound preference.
  • TBaSoundPriorityEncoder::TBaSoundPriorityEncoder().

  • TBaSystemSoundInfo - Provides functions that contain the information for a system sound.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::FileName() - Gets the current sound's file.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::FixedSequenceNumber() - Gets the current sound's sequence.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::SetFileName() - Replaces the current sound with the specified file.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::SetFixedSequenceNumber() - Replaces the current sound with the specified sequence number.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::SetTone() - Replaces the current sound with the specified tone.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::SoundCategory() - Gets the sound's category.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo()  Constructs a default TBaSystemSoundInfo object.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo()  Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and file name.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo()  Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and sequence.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo()  Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and tone.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::Tone() - Gets the current system sound's tone.

  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone - Provides functions to define a tone.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone::TTone()  Default constructor.
  • TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone::TTone()  Constructor which sets up a TTone object with specified frequency and duration.

  • TBaSystemSoundType - Provides a logical sound wrapper.
  • TBaSystemSoundType::IsNull() - Tests whether the sound's category and instance are null.
  • TBaSystemSoundType::operator==() - Tests whether the sound's category and instance are the same as that specified.
  • TBaSystemSoundType::TBaSystemSoundType()  Constructs a TBaSystemSoundType object with a null category and instance.
  • TBaSystemSoundType::TBaSystemSoundType()  Constructs a TBaSystemSoundType object with the specified category and, optionally, instance.

  • TBackupOperationAttributes - Attributes for a backup operation.
  • TBackupOperationAttributes::TBackupOperationAttributes()  Default constructor.
  • TBackupOperationAttributes::TBackupOperationAttributes()  Constructor that specifies operation attributes.

  • TBandAttributes - Controls the attributes of the band to be printed.

  • TBidiLogicalToVisual - This class is a low-level class for bi-directionally reordering text.
  • TBidiLogicalToVisual::GetVisualLine().
  • TBidiLogicalToVisual::Reorder().
  • TBidiLogicalToVisual::TBidiLogicalToVisual().
  • TBidiLogicalToVisual::TBidiLogicalToVisual().

  • TBidiText - This class works as a replacement for HBufC in those cases where a small amount of text is being formatted simply.
  • TBidiText::Directionality() - Returns the directionality of the text.
  • TBidiText::DisplayText() - Returns the text as prepared for display, provided that WrapText has been called.
  • TBidiText::DrawText()  Draws the first line of the text.
  • TBidiText::DrawText()  Draws all of the text.
  • TBidiText::DrawText()  Draws all of the text.
  • TBidiText::LineOfDisplayText() - Returns the text as prepared for display, provided that WrapText has been called.
  • TBidiText::MinimumSize() - Calculate the minimum size needed to draw the current text, given the specified wrapping width, font, and line gap.
  • TBidiText::NewL()  Creates a bidirectional text object with enough room for up to aReservedMaxLength number of characters.
  • TBidiText::NewL()  Creates a bidirectional text object with directionality determined by the text itself.
  • TBidiText::NewL()  Creates a bidirectional text object with directionality determined by aDirectionality.
  • TBidiText::NumberOfLinesInDisplayText() - Reports the number of lines in the text to be drawn.
  • TBidiText::ScriptDirectionality() - Returns the directionality of a given language.
  • TBidiText::SetText()  Sets the text of the bidirectional text object with directionality determined by the text itself.
  • TBidiText::SetText()  Sets the text of the bidirectional text with directionality determined by aDirectionality.
  • TBidiText::SetTruncationChar() - Sets the character that will be added at the end of the text if the whole text cannot fit into the space specified.
  • TBidiText::Text() - Returns the original logically-ordered text supplied in the constructor.
  • TBidiText::TextDirectionality() - Reports the implicit directionality of a piece of text.
  • TBidiText::TruncationChar() - Returns the truncation character used.
  • TBidiText::WrappingWidth() - Returns the wrapping width previously supplied to WrapText.
  • TBidiText::WrapText()  Prepares the visually-ordered text according to the wrapping width and font specified.
  • TBidiText::WrapText()  Prepares the visually-ordered text according to the wrapping width and font specified.

  • TBidirectionalState - The bidirectional state class.
  • TBidirectionalState::ExternalizeL() - Serializes a bidirectional state to an output stream.
  • TBidirectionalState::InternalizeL() - Reads a bidirectional state from an input stream, translating it from its serialized form.
  • TBidirectionalState::IsDefault() - Returns Gets the default 'start of paragraph' state.
  • TBidirectionalState::operator==() - Return ETrue if two bidirectional states are identical.
  • TBidirectionalState::ParRightToLeft().
  • TBidirectionalState::ReorderLine()  Reorders a line of text and updates the bidirectional state for the next line.
  • TBidirectionalState::ReorderLine()  Reorders a line of text and updates the bidirectional state for the next line.
  • TBidirectionalState::ReorderText() - Reorders text according to the Unicode Bidirectional Reordering algorithm.
  • TBidirectionalState::Reset() - Sets the object to its default 'start of paragraph' state.
  • TBidirectionalState::ReverseGroups() - A utility to reverse text apart from combining characters, which remains after their base characters.
  • TBidirectionalState::TBidirectionalState() - Standard constructor.

  • TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo - Information about a run of characters with the same bidirectional category.

  • TBitFlagsT - A simple class which manages the process of setting and clearing flags in an abstract fashion.
  • TBitFlagsT::Assign() - Set or clear a particular flag.
  • TBitFlagsT::Clear() - Clear a particular flag.
  • TBitFlagsT::ClearAll() - Clear all the flags.
  • TBitFlagsT::IsClear() - Check if a particular flag is clear.
  • TBitFlagsT::IsSet() - Check if a particular flag is set.
  • TBitFlagsT::operator=() - Assignment operator - assign specific value to the whole flag, replacing any existing value.
  • TBitFlagsT::operator==() - Compare the value of the whole flag with a given value.
  • TBitFlagsT::operator[]() - Check if a particular flag is set or not.
  • TBitFlagsT::Set() - Set a particular flag.
  • TBitFlagsT::SetAll() - Set all the flags.
  • TBitFlagsT::SetValue() - Assign a new value (directly) to this flag object.
  • TBitFlagsT::TBitFlagsT()  Default constructor - initialize all flags to zero.
  • TBitFlagsT::TBitFlagsT()  Initialize the whole flag to a certain value.
  • TBitFlagsT::TBitFlagsT()  Copy constructor - initialize this flag object to mirror that of aFlags.
  • TBitFlagsT::Toggle() - Change the state of a particular flag.
  • TBitFlagsT::Value() - Access the underlying value of the flag.

  • TBitmapLockCount - Maintains a count of the number of locks made on a bitmap through a TAcceleratedBitmapSpec object.
  • TBitmapLockCount::TBitmapLockCount() - Default constructor.

  • TBitmapUtil - Provides fast read/write access to the image data of a bitmap.
  • TBitmapUtil::Begin()  Sets the current pixel position to the specified position and prepares the bitmap for access.
  • TBitmapUtil::Begin()  Sets the current pixel position to the specified position and prepares the bitmap for access.
  • TBitmapUtil::DecXPos() - Decrements the x co-ordinate of the current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::DecYPos() - Decrements the y co-ordinate of the current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::End() - Undoes the preparation of the bitmap carried out by Begin().
  • TBitmapUtil::GetPixel() - Gets the value of the pixel at the current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::IncXPos() - Increments the x co-ordinate of the current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::IncYPos() - Increments the y co-ordinate of the current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::SetPixel()  Sets the value of the pixel at the current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::SetPixel()  Sets the value of the pixel at the current pixel position to that returned by aSource.GetPixel().
  • TBitmapUtil::SetPos() - Sets a new current pixel position.
  • TBitmapUtil::TBitmapUtil() - Constructs a TBitmapUtil object for the specified bitmap.

  • TBlockMapEntry.
  • TBlockMapEntry::SetNumberOfBlocks().
  • TBlockMapEntry::SetStartBlock().
  • TBlockMapEntry::TBlockMapEntry().

  • TBmpCompression - BMP specific image data variant which holds compression info.
  • TBmpCompression::DuplicateL().
  • TBmpCompression::TBmpCompression() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TBmpImageData - BMP specific image data variant which holds bits per pixel info.
  • TBmpImageData::DuplicateL().
  • TBmpImageData::TBmpImageData() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TBtree - Provides ordering of entries by key value in a B+-tree (balanced tree) structure.
  • TBtree::ClearL() - Resets the B-tree to have zero-height, and a null root, and deletes all index pages.
  • TBtree::Connect().
  • TBtree::DeleteAtL() - Deletes the entry at the specified position.
  • TBtree::DeleteL() - Deletes an entry.
  • TBtree::ExtractAtL()  Gets the entry at the specified position.
  • TBtree::ExtractAtL()  Gets an entry at specified iterator position.
  • TBtree::FindL() - Searches for an entry and returns its position.
  • TBtree::FirstL() - Goes to the first entry in the B-tree.
  • TBtree::InsertL() - Inserts an entry into the tree.
  • TBtree::IsBroken() - Tests if the broken flag has been set on the B-tree.
  • TBtree::IsDirty() - Tests if the dirty flag has been set on the B-tree.
  • TBtree::IsEmpty() - Tests if the B-tree is empty.
  • TBtree::IsIntact() - Tests if the broken flag has not been set on the B-tree.
  • TBtree::LastL() - Goes to the last entry in the B-tree.
  • TBtree::MarkBroken() - Sets the broken flag.
  • TBtree::MarkCurrent() - Clears the dirty flag.
  • TBtree::MarkDirty() - Sets the dirty flag.
  • TBtree::NextL()  Gets the position of the entry following the specified entry.
  • TBtree::NextL()  Advances an iterator to the next entry.
  • TBtree::PreviousL() - Gets the position of the entry preceding the specified entry.
  • TBtree::RepairL() - Attempts to repair a broken B-tree.
  • TBtree::ResetL() - Resets an iterator to the root of the tree.
  • TBtree::Set() - Initialises the B-tree.
  • TBtree::TBtree()  Constructor that sets the B-tree mode.
  • TBtree::TBtree()  Constructor that sets the B-tree mode and initialisation parameters.
  • TBtree::Token() - Gets an object that encapsulates the TBtree settings.

  • TBtreeFix - A B-tree for fixed-sized keys and entries.
  • TBtreeFix::AtL()  Gets the entry at the specified position.
  • TBtreeFix::AtL()  Gets the entry at the specified iterator position.
  • TBtreeFix::DeleteL() - Delete an entry.
  • TBtreeFix::ExtractAtL()  Gets the entry at the specified position.
  • TBtreeFix::ExtractAtL()  Gets the entry at the specified iterator position.
  • TBtreeFix::FindL().
  • TBtreeFix::InsertL() - Inserts an entry into the tree.
  • TBtreeFix::TBtreeFix()  Constructor that sets the B-tree mode.
  • TBtreeFix::TBtreeFix()  Constructor that sets the B-tree mode and initialisation parameters.

  • TBtreeFix< TAny, TAny > - A specialisation of the B-tree for untyped fixed sized items.
  • TBtreeFix< TAny, TAny >::TBtreeFix()  Constructor that sets the B-tree mode.
  • TBtreeFix< TAny, TAny >::TBtreeFix()  Constructor that sets the B-tree mode and initialisation parameters.

  • TBtreeFixBase - Base class for TBtreeFix, which provides a B-tree for fixed sized entries.
  • TBtreeFixBase::Connect() - Initalises the B-tree with a page pool and key handler.
  • TBtreeFixBase::ExtractAtL()  Gets the entry at the specified position.
  • TBtreeFixBase::ExtractAtL()  Gets the entry at the specified iterator position.
  • TBtreeFixBase::InsertL() - Inserts an entry into the tree.
  • TBtreeFixBase::TBtreeFixBase().
  • TBtreeFixBase::TBtreeFixBase().

  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg.
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::ChildNode().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Concatenate().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Delete().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Entry().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::EntryPtr().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Insert().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::InsertOverflow().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::InsertSplit().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::LastEntry().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::MakeRoot().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Redistribute().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::SetEntrySize().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::TBtreeInlineIndexOrg().
  • TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Update().

  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg.
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Concatenate().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Delete().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Entry().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::EntryPtr().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Insert().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::InsertOverflow().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::InsertSplit().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::LastEntry().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::LinkNode().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Redistribute().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::SetEntrySize().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::SetLinkNode().
  • TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::TBtreeInlineLeafOrg().

  • TBtreeKey.
  • TBtreeKey::Between() - Gets the midpoint between two keys.
  • TBtreeKey::Compare() - Orders two keys.
  • TBtreeKey::Key() - Gets the key value for an entry.
  • TBtreeKey::TBtreeKey().
  • TBtreeKey::TBtreeKey().
  • TBtreeKey::TBtreeKey().
  • TBtreeKey::TBtreeKey().
  • TBtreeKey::TBtreeKey().

  • TBtreeMark - An iterator for a B-tree.

  • TBtreePath.
  • TBtreePath::End().
  • TBtreePath::Entry().
  • TBtreePath::IsLeaf().
  • TBtreePath::Node().
  • TBtreePath::Pop().
  • TBtreePath::SetEntry().
  • TBtreePath::TBtreePath().

  • TBtreePos - Identifies a position in a B-tree.

  • TBtreeToken - Encapsulates the persistent parameters for a TBtree.
  • TBtreeToken::Clear().
  • TBtreeToken::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TBtreeToken object to a stream.
  • TBtreeToken::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TBtreeToken object from a stream.
  • TBtreeToken::IsBroken() - Tests if the broken flag has been set on the B-tree.
  • TBtreeToken::IsEmpty() - Tests if the B-tree is empty.
  • TBtreeToken::IsIntact() - Tests if the broken flag has not been set on the B-tree.
  • TBtreeToken::TBtreeToken()  Default constuctor.
  • TBtreeToken::TBtreeToken()  Constructor that intialises the TBtreeToken for an empty B-tree.
  • TBtreeToken::Touch() - Marks the B-tree as broken.

  • TBuf - A build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBuf::operator=().
  • TBuf::operator=().
  • TBuf::operator=().
  • TBuf::TBuf()  Creates a build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor which contains no data.
  • TBuf::TBuf()  Constructs an empty build independent modifiable buffer descriptor and sets its length to the specified value.
  • TBuf::TBuf()  Constructs the build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
  • TBuf::TBuf()  Constructs the build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing build-independent descriptor.

  • TBuf16 - A descriptor class which provides a buffer of fixed length for containing, accessing and manipulating TUint16 data.
  • TBuf16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBuf16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBuf16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TBuf16::TBuf16()  Constructs an empty 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBuf16::TBuf16()  Constructs an empty 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor and sets the its length to the specified value.
  • TBuf16::TBuf16()  Constructs the 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
  • TBuf16::TBuf16()  Constructs the 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing 16-bit descriptor.

  • TBuf8 - A descriptor class which provides a buffer of fixed length for containing, accessing and manipulating TUint8 data.
  • TBuf8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBuf8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBuf8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TBuf8::TBuf8()  Constructs an empty 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBuf8::TBuf8()  Constructs an empty 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor and sets the its length to the specified value.
  • TBuf8::TBuf8()  Constructs the 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
  • TBuf8::TBuf8()  Constructs the 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing 8-bit descriptor.

  • TBufBuf - A stream buffer that uses a dynamic buffer for its implementation.
  • TBufBuf::DoSeekL().
  • TBufBuf::DoSynchL() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • TBufBuf::DoWriteL() - Writes data from the specified memory location into the intermediate buffer.
  • TBufBuf::OverflowL() - Empties the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the write area.
  • TBufBuf::Set() - Sets up the stream to use the specified dynamic buffer.
  • TBufBuf::TBufBuf() - Constructs an empty object.
  • TBufBuf::UnderflowL() - Re-fills the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the read area.

  • TBufC - A build-independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC::Des() - Creates and returns a build-independent modifiable pointer descriptor for the data represented by this build-independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBufC::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBufC::TBufC()  Constructs an empty build independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC::TBufC()  Constructs a build independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
  • TBufC::TBufC()  Constructs a build-independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing build independent descriptor.

  • TBufC16 - 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC16::Des() - Creates and returns a 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data represented by this 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TBufC16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBufC16::TBufC16()  Constructs an empty 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC16::TBufC16()  Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
  • TBufC16::TBufC16()  Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing descriptor.

  • TBufC8 - 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC8::Des() - Creates and returns an 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data represented by this 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBufC8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TBufC8::TBufC8()  Constructs an empty 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TBufC8::TBufC8()  Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
  • TBufC8::TBufC8()  Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing descriptor.

  • TBufPtr8 - Utility class to allow forward iteration through the data contained in an 8 bit descriptor.
  • TBufPtr8::Set()  Produces a shallow copy of the argument descriptor.
  • TBufPtr8::Set()  Produces a shallow copy of the argument descriptor, but restricts pointer access to the size of the const argument descriptor.
  • TBufPtr8::SetLengthOnly() - Produces a shallow copy of the argument descriptor, but also restricts pointer access to the current actual size of the argument descriptor.
  • TBufPtr8::Shift() - Seeks the current data pointer aOffset bytes from the current position.
  • TBufPtr8::TBufPtr8() - Default constructor.

  • TBullet - A bullet point.
  • TBullet::operator!=() - Compares two bullet points for inequality.
  • TBullet::operator==() - Compares two bullet points for equality.
  • TBullet::TBullet() - The default C++ constructor constructs a TBullet, initializing the character code to 0x2022, the height to zero, the colour to the system's default foreground colour and the hanging indent to ETrue.

  • TCHFContentHandlerParams - Encapsulates parameters used to initialise a content handler.
  • TCHFContentHandlerParams::TCHFContentHandlerParams() - Constructor.

  • TCHFMessage - A generic message class used in CHF for command, query and request handling.
  • TCHFMessage::MessageId().
  • TCHFMessage::Parameters().
  • TCHFMessage::TCHFMessage() - Standard constructor.

  • TCHFMessageId - A two part ID that is used to idenitfy a CHF message.
  • TCHFMessageId::Category() - Returns the category of the message.
  • TCHFMessageId::MessageCode() - Returns the message code.
  • TCHFMessageId::TCHFMessageId() - Constructor.

  • TCHFValue - Encapsulates a reference to a value which can be one of many different types.
  • TCHFValue::Any() - Returns a TAny* stored value.
  • TCHFValue::Control() - Returns a CCoeControl stored value.
  • TCHFValue::Int() - Returns a TInt stored value.
  • TCHFValue::Point() - Returns a TPoint stored value.
  • TCHFValue::PtrC16() - Returns a TPtrC16 stored value.
  • TCHFValue::PtrC8() - Returns a TPtrC8 stored value.
  • TCHFValue::Rect() - Returns a TRect stored value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for an empty value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a TAny* value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a TInt value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a TRect value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a TPoint value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a TPtrC8 value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a TPtrC16 value.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue().
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for an array of TCHFValue objects.
  • TCHFValue::TCHFValue()  Constructor for a Cone Control object.
  • TCHFValue::ValueArray() - Returns an array of stored values.

  • TCachePagePool - Provides a page pool with cached pages.
  • TCachePagePool::AcquireL() - Returns a function that abandons all locked pages for this page pool.
  • TCachePagePool::AllocL() - Allocates an unassigned page.
  • TCachePagePool::AssignL() - Assigns a reference to a new page and unlocks it.
  • TCachePagePool::DoDeleteL().
  • TCachePagePool::ExtendL().
  • TCachePagePool::Flush() - Flush all pages in this pool from the cache.
  • TCachePagePool::FlushL() - Flushes all pages in this pool from the cache, leaving with a system-wide error code if an error occurs.
  • TCachePagePool::LockL() - Locks a page and returns a pointer to it.
  • TCachePagePool::Purge() - Purge all pages in this pool from the cache.
  • TCachePagePool::ReadL().
  • TCachePagePool::Set() - Sets the page cache for the pool.
  • TCachePagePool::TCachePagePool().
  • TCachePagePool::TCachePagePool().
  • TCachePagePool::Unlock() - Unlocks a page.
  • TCachePagePool::UpdateL() - Updates a page.
  • TCachePagePool::WriteL().

  • TCalRRule - Class representing iCal repeat types.
  • TCalRRule::Count() - Gets the number of instances that this repeat rule will contain.
  • TCalRRule::DtStart() - Gets the date on which this repeat rule starts.
  • TCalRRule::GetByDayL()  Gets all weekdays on which this rule is repeated.
  • TCalRRule::GetByDayL()  Gets all days in the month on which this rule is repeated.
  • TCalRRule::GetByMonthDayL() - Gets all dates of the month on which this rule is repeated.
  • TCalRRule::GetByMonthL() - Gets the month of the year for this repeat rule.
  • TCalRRule::Interval() - Gets the repeat interval.
  • TCalRRule::SetByDay()  Set all weekdays on which this rule is repeated.
  • TCalRRule::SetByDay()  Set all weekdays in the month on which this rule is repeated.
  • TCalRRule::SetByMonth() - Sets the month of the year for this repeat rule.
  • TCalRRule::SetByMonthDay() - Sets all dates of the month on which this rule is repeated.
  • TCalRRule::SetCount() - Sets the number of instances that this repeat rule will contain.
  • TCalRRule::SetDtStart() - Sets the repeat's start date.
  • TCalRRule::SetInterval() - Sets the repeat interval.
  • TCalRRule::SetType() - Sets the repeat definition's type.
  • TCalRRule::SetUntil() - Sets the repeat's end date.
  • TCalRRule::SetWkSt() - Sets the first day of the week for this repeat rule.
  • TCalRRule::TCalRRule()  Constructor for the iCal repeat rule type.
  • TCalRRule::TCalRRule()  Constructor for the iCal repeat rule type.
  • TCalRRule::Type() - Gets the repeat definition's type.
  • TCalRRule::Until() - Gets the date on which this repeat rule finishes.
  • TCalRRule::WkSt() - Gets the first day of the week for this repeat rule.

  • TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth - Class to represent a weekday within a month.
  • TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth::Day() - Get the weekday.
  • TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth::TDayOfMonth() - Constructor for the weekday within a month data structure.
  • TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth::WeekInMonth() - Get the week within the month.

  • TCalTime - Represents a date/time, as used in the Calendar API.
  • TCalTime::MaxTime() - Get the maximum time allowed in the Interim API.
  • TCalTime::MinTime() - Get the minimum time allowed in the Interim API.
  • TCalTime::SetTimeLocalFloatingL() - Sets the time to a local floating time value.
  • TCalTime::SetTimeLocalL() - Sets the time to a local time value bound to the current system time zone.
  • TCalTime::SetTimeUtcL() - Sets the time to a UTC value.
  • TCalTime::TCalTime() - Constructor for the TCalTime class.
  • TCalTime::TimeLocalL() - Returns the fixed or floating time as local time.
  • TCalTime::TimeMode() - Returns the time mode that the time has been set to, whether it be floating local time, fixed UTC time, or fixed local time.
  • TCalTime::TimeUtcL() - Returns the fixed or floating time as UTC.

  • TCallBack - Encapsulates a general call-back function.
  • TCallBack::CallBack() - Calls the callback function.
  • TCallBack::TCallBack()  Default constructor.
  • TCallBack::TCallBack()  Constructs the callback object with the specified callback function.
  • TCallBack::TCallBack()  Constructs the callback object with the specified callback function and a pointer to any object.

  • TCameraInfo - Specifies camera device information.

  • TCapabilitySet - Class representing an arbitrary set of capabilities.
  • TCapabilitySet::AddCapability() - Add a single capability to the set.
  • TCapabilitySet::HasCapabilities() - Test if all the capabilities in a given set are present in this set.
  • TCapabilitySet::HasCapability() - Test if a single capability is present in the set.
  • TCapabilitySet::Intersection() - Perform an intersection of this capability set with another.
  • TCapabilitySet::Remove() - Remove a set of capabilities from this set.
  • TCapabilitySet::RemoveCapability() - Remove a single capability from the set, if it is present.
  • TCapabilitySet::Set()  Make this set consist of a single capability.
  • TCapabilitySet::Set()  Make this set consist of two capabilities.
  • TCapabilitySet::SetAllSupported() - Make this set consist of all capabilities supported by this OS version.
  • TCapabilitySet::SetEmpty() - Make this set empty.
  • TCapabilitySet::TCapabilitySet()  Default constructor.
  • TCapabilitySet::TCapabilitySet()  Construct a set consisting of a single capability.
  • TCapabilitySet::TCapabilitySet()  Construct a set consisting of two capabilities.
  • TCapabilitySet::Union() - Perform a union of this capability set with another.

  • TCardinality - Compact stream format for positive integer values in the range 0 to 536,870,911 ((2^29)-1).
  • TCardinality::ExternalizeL() - Externalises this object to a write stream.
  • TCardinality::InternalizeL() - Internalizes this object from a read stream.
  • TCardinality::operator TInt().
  • TCardinality::TCardinality().
  • TCardinality::TCardinality()  Constructs the object with the specified value.

  • TCdmaSmsAddr - Sockets for CDMA SMS messages must be bound to an address.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::CdmaSmsAddressPriority() - Method that returns the priority of a given CDMA SMS address.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::CdmaSmsAddrFamily() - Return the Cdma Sms Address Family.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::NumTextMatchChar() - Return the number of character in the text match, excluding wildcard characters * and ? Wildcard character "*" matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches a single occurrence of any character.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily() - Set the Sms Address Family.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::SetTextMatch() - Set the text to be matched.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::TCdmaSmsAddr() - Constructor.
  • TCdmaSmsAddr::TextMatch() - Return the text to be matched.

  • TCellRef - Identifies a cell by row and column number.
  • TCellRef::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • TCellRef::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • TCellRef::Offset() - Adds the specified row and column numbers to this cell's row and column values.
  • TCellRef::operator!=() - Compares this cell with the specified cell for inequality.
  • TCellRef::operator+=() - Adds the specified cell to this cell.
  • TCellRef::operator-=() - Subtracts the specified cell from this cell.
  • TCellRef::operator==() - Compares this cell with the specified cell for equality.
  • TCellRef::TCellRef()  Default constructor.
  • TCellRef::TCellRef()  Constructor taking a row and column number.

  • TCertInfo - Class to hold the certificate information.

  • TChannel - Class representing a digital radio channel.
  • TChannel::operator!=().
  • TChannel::operator>().
  • TChannel::operator>=().
  • TChannel::operator<().
  • TChannel::operator<=().
  • TChannel::operator==().
  • TChannel::TChannel()  Default constructor initialises the TChannel object to zero.
  • TChannel::TChannel()  Initialises a TChannel object to the value passed in.

  • TChar - Holds a character value and provides a number of utility functions to manipulate it and test its properties.
  • TChar::Compose() - Composes a string of Unicode characters to produce a single character result.
  • TChar::Decompose() - Maps this character to its maximal canonical decomposition.
  • TChar::Eos() - Tests whether the character is the C/C++ end-of-string character - 0.
  • TChar::Fold()  Converts the character to a form which can be used in tolerant comparisons without control over the operations performed.
  • TChar::Fold()  Converts the character to a form which can be used in tolerant comparisons allowing selection of the specific fold operations to be performed.
  • TChar::GetBdCategory() - Gets the bi-directional category of a character.
  • TChar::GetCategory() - Gets this character's Unicode category.
  • TChar::GetCjkWidth() - Gets the Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK) notional width.
  • TChar::GetCombiningClass() - Gets this character's combining class.
  • TChar::GetInfo() - Gets this character;s standard category information.
  • TChar::GetLowerCase() - Gets the character value after conversion to lowercase or the character's own value, if no lowercase form exists.
  • TChar::GetNumericValue() - Gets the integer numeric value of this character.
  • TChar::GetTitleCase() - Gets the character value after conversion to titlecase or the character's own value, if no titlecase form exists.
  • TChar::GetUpperCase() - Gets the character value after conversion to uppercase or the character's own value, if no uppercase form exists.
  • TChar::IsAlpha() - Tests whether the character is alphabetic.
  • TChar::IsAlphaDigit() - Tests whether the character is alphabetic or a decimal digit.
  • TChar::IsAssigned() - Tests whether this character has an assigned meaning in the Unicode encoding.
  • TChar::IsControl() - Tests whether the character is a control character.
  • TChar::IsDigit() - Tests whether the character is a standard decimal digit.
  • TChar::IsGraph() - Tests whether the character is a graphic character.
  • TChar::IsHexDigit() - Tests whether the character is a hexadecimal digit (0-9, a-f, A-F).
  • TChar::IsLower() - Tests whether the character is lowercase.
  • TChar::IsMirrored() - Tests whether this character has the mirrored property.
  • TChar::IsPrint() - Tests whether the character is a printable character.
  • TChar::IsPunctuation() - Tests whether the character is a punctuation character.
  • TChar::IsSpace() - Tests whether the character is a white space character.
  • TChar::IsTitle() - Tests whether this character is in titlecase.
  • TChar::IsUpper() - Tests whether the character is uppercase.
  • TChar::LowerCase() - Converts the character to its lowercase form.
  • TChar::operator TUint() - Gets the value of the character as an unsigned integer.
  • TChar::operator+() - Gets the result of adding an unsigned integer value to this character object.
  • TChar::operator+=() - Adds an unsigned integer value to this character object.
  • TChar::operator-() - Gets the result of subtracting an unsigned integer value from this character object.
  • TChar::operator-=() - Subtracts an unsigned integer value from this character object.
  • TChar::SetChar().
  • TChar::TChar()  Default constructor.
  • TChar::TChar()  Constructs this character object and initialises it with the specified value.
  • TChar::TitleCase() - Converts the character to its titlecase form.
  • TChar::UpperCase() - Converts the character to its uppercase form.

  • TCharF - Folds a specified character and provides functions to fold additional characters after construction of the object.
  • TCharF::operator=()  Assigns an unsigned integer value to the 'fold character' object.
  • TCharF::operator=()  Assigns the specified character object to this 'fold character' object.
  • TCharF::TCharF()  Constructs this 'fold character' object and initialises it with the specified value.
  • TCharF::TCharF()  Constructs this 'fold character' object and initialises it with the value of the TChar object aChar.

  • TCharFormat - A transient container of character format attributes, including font-dependent and font-independent attributes.
  • TCharFormat::IsEqual()  Compares selected attribute values for equality.
  • TCharFormat::IsEqual()  Compares all attribute values for equality.
  • TCharFormat::TCharFormat()  Allocates and constructs a TCharFormat object.
  • TCharFormat::TCharFormat()  The C++ constructor is used to construct the TCharFormat object with a font (typeface name and font height).

  • TCharFormatMask - Masks the character format attributes which are involved when setting and sensing character formatting.
  • TCharFormatMask::AttribIsSet() - Tests whether an attribute flag is set.
  • TCharFormatMask::ClearAll() - Clears all attribute flags in the character format mask.
  • TCharFormatMask::ClearAttrib() - Clears a single attribute flag in the character format mask.
  • TCharFormatMask::IsNull() - Tests whether the mask is NULL, indicating that no flags have been set.
  • TCharFormatMask::operator!=() - Compares two paragraph format masks for inequality.
  • TCharFormatMask::operator==() - Compares two character format masks for equality.
  • TCharFormatMask::SetAll() - Sets all attribute flags in the character format mask.
  • TCharFormatMask::SetAttrib() - Sets a single attribute flag in the character format mask.
  • TCharFormatMask::TCharFormatMask() - The default C++ constructor constructs a character format mask, initialising all bits to zero.

  • TCharLC - Converts a specified character to lower case and provides functions to convert additional characters after construction of the object.
  • TCharLC::operator=()  Assigns an unsigned integer value to the 'character to lower case' object.
  • TCharLC::operator=()  Assigns the specified character object to this 'character to lower case' object.
  • TCharLC::TCharLC()  Constructs this 'character to lower case' object and initialises it with the specified value.
  • TCharLC::TCharLC()  Constructs this 'character to lower case' object and initialises it with the value of the TChar object aChar.

  • TCharUC - Converts a specified character to upper case and provides functions to convert additional characters after construction of the object.
  • TCharUC::operator=()  Assigns an unsigned integer value to the 'character to upper case' object.
  • TCharUC::operator=()  Assigns the specified character object to this 'character to upper case' object.
  • TCharUC::TCharUC()  Constructs this 'character to upper case' object and initialises it with the specified value.
  • TCharUC::TCharUC()  Constructs this 'character to upper case' object and initialises it with the value of the TChar object aChar.

  • TChargeCard - Contains information about a charge card.
  • TChargeCard::IntlRule() - Returns the string that represents the rule for dialling an international number.
  • TChargeCard::LocalRule() - Returns the string that represents the rule for dialling a local number.
  • TChargeCard::NatRule() - Returns the string that represents the rule for dialling a national number.
  • TChargeCard::Number() - Returns the string that represents the charge card account number.
  • TChargeCard::Pin() - Returns the string that represents the charge card PIN number.
  • TChargeCard::SetIntlRule() - Set the string that represents the rule for dialling an international number.
  • TChargeCard::SetLocalRule() - Set the string that represents the rule for dialling a local number.
  • TChargeCard::SetNatRule() - Set the string that represents the rule for dialling a national number.
  • TChargeCard::SetNumber() - Set the string that represents the charge card account number.
  • TChargeCard::SetPin() - Set the string that represents the charge card PIN number.
  • TChargeCard::TChargeCard()  Creates an empty TChargeCard.
  • TChargeCard::TChargeCard()  Creates a TChargeCard containing the parameters.
  • TChargeCard::ValidateChargeCardInfo() - True if the charge card number, PIN number, and the dialling rules (local, national and international) have been set.

  • TCheckedUid - Packages a Uid type together with a checksum.
  • TCheckedUid::Check() - Calculates the checksum of the UIDs.
  • TCheckedUid::Des() - Gets a pointer descriptor to represent this object's data.
  • TCheckedUid::Set()  Sets the specified Uid type to be packaged, and recalculates the checksum.
  • TCheckedUid::Set()  Sets an existing TCheckedUid object encapsulated within a descriptor.
  • TCheckedUid::TCheckedUid()  Default constructor.
  • TCheckedUid::TCheckedUid()  Constructor taking an existing Uid type.
  • TCheckedUid::TCheckedUid()  Constructor taking an existing TCheckedUid object encapsulated within a descriptor.
  • TCheckedUid::UidType() - Gets the Uid type contained in this object.

  • TChineseDate - Chinese date.
  • TChineseDate::operator==() - Tests whether two objects of this class are equivalent.
  • TChineseDate::TChineseDate() - Default C++ constructor.

  • TCityData - City information.

  • TCityDialCodes - This can be passed to TelephoneNumber::Parse() to define the area code of the dialling and diallers locations.

  • TCleanupItem - Encapsulates a cleanup operation and an object on which the operation is to be performed.
  • TCleanupItem::TCleanupItem()  Constructs the object with a cleanup operation.
  • TCleanupItem::TCleanupItem()  Constructs the object with a cleanup operation and a pointer to the object to be cleaned up.

  • TCleanupTrapHandler - Implementation for a handler to work with the TRAP mechanism.
  • TCleanupTrapHandler::Cleanup().
  • TCleanupTrapHandler::Leave() - Deals with a function within a TRAP leaving.
  • TCleanupTrapHandler::Trap() - Deals with the invocation of a call to TRAP.
  • TCleanupTrapHandler::UnTrap() - Deals with a function exiting a TRAP without leaving.

  • TCodeSection - Code section range information.

  • TCodecProcessResult - Indicates the result of processing data from the source buffer to a destination buffer and provides functions to compare the result code.
  • TCodecProcessResult::operator!=() - Overloaded operator to test inequality.
  • TCodecProcessResult::operator==() - Overloaded operator to test equality.
  • TCodecProcessResult::TCodecProcessResult() - Default constructor.

  • TCoeColorUse - Logical colour used when drawing in controls.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsActive() - Tests whether the logical colour is active.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsBackground() - Tests whether the logical colour is used as a background colour.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsBorders() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw a control's borders.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsContents() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw a control's contents.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsDimmed() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw the control when dimmed and either focused or unfocused.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsForeground() - Tests whether the logical colour is used as a foreground colour.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsHighlights() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw a control's highlighted contents.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsNormal() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw the control in a normal state.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsPressed() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw the control when focused and pressed.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsSet() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw the control in a set state.
  • TCoeColorUse::IsSurrounds() - Tests whether the logical colour is used to draw a control's surrounds.
  • TCoeColorUse::LogicalColor() - Gets the logical colour which has its use described by this TCoeColourUse.
  • TCoeColorUse::SetLogicalColor() - Sets the logical colour which has its use described by this object.
  • TCoeColorUse::SetUse() - Sets the use of the logical colour.
  • TCoeColorUse::TCoeColorUse() - Constructor.
  • TCoeColorUse::Use() - Gets the value describing the use of the logical colour.

  • TCoeControlWithId - Class that encapsulates a control and the identifier for that control.

  • TCoeFont - A class to simplify font usage.
  • TCoeFont::AnnotationFont() - Return a default "annotation" font.
  • TCoeFont::HeightInPixels() - Return this font's height in pixels.
  • TCoeFont::IsNonZooming() - Says whether this font can be zoomed or not.
  • TCoeFont::LegendFont() - Return a default "legend" font.
  • TCoeFont::LogicalSize() - Return this font's logical size.
  • TCoeFont::NormalFont() - Return a default "normal" font.
  • TCoeFont::Style() - Return this font's style.
  • TCoeFont::TCoeFont()  constructor.
  • TCoeFont::TCoeFont()  constructor.
  • TCoeFont::TCoeFont()  Copy constructor.
  • TCoeFont::TCoeFont().
  • TCoeFont::TitleFont() - Return a default "title" font.

  • TCoeHelpContext - Help context.
  • TCoeHelpContext::IsNull() - Tests if the TCoeHelpContext is NULL.
  • TCoeHelpContext::operator!=() - Tests for inequality.
  • TCoeHelpContext::operator==() - Tests for equality.
  • TCoeHelpContext::TCoeHelpContext()  Default constructor.
  • TCoeHelpContext::TCoeHelpContext()  Constructor specifying a Help file and a topic context descriptor.

  • TCoeInputCapabilities - Describes which forms of text input are consumed by a control or view.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::Capabilities() - Gets the input capability flags of this object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::CaptionRetrieverForFep() - Gets the caption retriever pointed to by this object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::FepAwareTextEditor() - Gets the FEP aware text editor object pointed to by this object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::FepSpecificExtensions() - Gets the specialised input capabilities of the application.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::IsNone() - Tests whether the control supports any type of text input.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::MergeWith() - Merges the capabilities of a specified TCoeInputCapabilities with this object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::ObjectProvider() - Gets the object provider of the control which supplied this TCoeInputCapabilities object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SetCapabilities() - Sets the input capability flags of this object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SetObjectProvider() - Sets the object provider of the control which supplied this TCoeInputCapabilities object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsAllText() - Tests whether the control supports all types of text input.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsAutoSentenceCase() - Tests whether the control supports auto sentence case.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsDialableCharacters() - Tests whether the control supports dialable characters as text input.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsJapaneseHiragana() - Tests whether the control supports text input in Japanese Hiragana.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsJapaneseKatakanaFullWidth() - Tests whether the control supports text input in full width Japanese Katakana.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsJapaneseKatakanaHalfWidth() - Tests whether the control supports text input in half width Japanese Katakana.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsNavigation() - Tests whether the control supports navigation keys.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsNonPredictive() - Tests whether the control supports non-predictive input.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsSecretText() - Tests whether the control supports secret text.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsWesternAlphabetic() - Tests whether the control supports entry of text in the western alphabets.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsWesternNumericIntegerNegative() - Tests whether the control supports entry of negative integers.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsWesternNumericIntegerPositive() - Tests whether the control supports entry of positive integers.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::SupportsWesternNumericReal() - Tests whether the control supports entry of real numbers.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::TCoeInputCapabilities().
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::TCoeInputCapabilities()  Constructor which initialises the capabilities.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::TCoeInputCapabilities()  Constructor which sets the capabilities, a FEP aware text editor and a FEP caption retriever object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::TCoeInputCapabilities()  Constructor which sets the capabilities, a FEP aware text editor, a FEP caption retriever object, a FEP UID and a FEP specific extensions object.
  • TCoeInputCapabilities::TCoeInputCapabilities()  Copy constructor.

  • TCoeTextTypeAdaptor - This class allows the XCoeTextDrawer to draw text that is in the form of a TBidiText object as well as pre-reordered new-line separated plain text descriptors.
  • TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::HasRightToLeftDirectionality() - This function checks the directionality of the text.
  • TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::LineOfText() - Extracts a line of text.
  • TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::NumberOfLines() - Calculates the number of lines in the text.
  • TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::TCoeTextTypeAdaptor()  Constructor taking a plain descriptor as parameter.
  • TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::TCoeTextTypeAdaptor()  Constructor taking a TBidiText object as parameter.

  • TColor256Util - Enables conversion, in both directions, between a TRgb object and an index into an arbitrary 256 colour palette.
  • TColor256Util::Color256()  Gets the entry from the inverse colour lookup table for the colour that most closely matches the specified TRgb value.
  • TColor256Util::Color256()  Gets the entries from the inverse colour lookup table for the colours that most closely match the specified TRgb values.
  • TColor256Util::Color256()  Gets the TRgb value of the entry at the specified index in the colour lookup table.
  • TColor256Util::Construct() - Initialises the two lookup tables using the specified palette.
  • TColor256Util::Default() - Returns a pointer to the system default 256 colour palette.

  • TColorConvertor - Interface to colour conversion classes for various display modes.
  • TColorConvertor::Color() - Returns the RGB value corresponding to the supplied colour index.
  • TColorConvertor::ColorIndex() - Returns the colour index corresponding to the supplied RGB value.
  • TColorConvertor::ColorToIndex() - Gets an array of colour indices from a corresponding array of RGB values.
  • TColorConvertor::NewL() - Static factory function for creating instances of TColorConvertor derived classes based on the supplied display mode.
  • TColorConvertor::RgbToMonochrome().

  • TColorEnhancementOptions - Pre-processing options for color enhancement.

  • TCommDbConnPref.
  • TCommDbConnPref::BearerSet() - Retrieves the bearer set applicable for the connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::Cast() - Casts the TConnPref object to TCommDbConnPref.
  • TCommDbConnPref::Compare() - Compares two sets of connection preferences The returned value gives a measure of the differences between the preferences If either value has not been set then the comparison is not made.
  • TCommDbConnPref::DialogPreference() - Retrieves the dialog preference to use in this connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::Direction() - Retrieves the connection direction.
  • TCommDbConnPref::IapId() - Retrieves the CommDb ID of the IAP to use in this connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::NetId() - Retrieves the CommDb ID of the Network Id to use in this connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::operator!=() - Overloaded function for operator "!=".
  • TCommDbConnPref::operator==() - Overloaded function for operator "==".
  • TCommDbConnPref::PrefPtr().
  • TCommDbConnPref::SetBearerSet() - Sets the bearer set applicable for the connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::SetDialogPreference() - Sets the dialog preference to use in this connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::SetDirection() - Sets the connection direction.
  • TCommDbConnPref::SetIapId() - Sets the CommDb ID of the IAP to use for this connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::SetNetId() - Sets the CommDb ID of the Network Id to use in this connection.
  • TCommDbConnPref::TCommDbConnPref() - Constructor.
  • TCommDbConnPref::Version() - Returns the version number of this class.

  • TCommDbMultiConnPref.
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::Cast() - Casts the TConnPref object to TCommDbMultiConnPref.
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::GetPreference() - Retrieves a connection preference from the array.
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::PrefPtr().
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::SetConnectionAttempts() - Sets the number of times to attempt the connection.
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::SetPreference() - Sets a connection preference to the array.
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::TCommDbMultiConnPref() - Constructor.
  • TCommDbMultiConnPref::Version() - Returns the version number of this class.

  • TConnArgBase - Base class for many arguments to RConnection functions.
  • TConnArgBase::TConnArgBase()  Default Constructor.
  • TConnArgBase::TConnArgBase()  Constructor.
  • TConnArgBase::Version() - Responsible for retrieving the version number for the Socket Connection argument.

  • TConnPref - Overrides the connection preferences.
  • TConnPref::ExtensionId() - Get the extension (derrived class) id.
  • TConnPref::GetUserLen() - Get the length of the subclass.
  • TConnPref::SetExtensionId() - Set the extension (derrived class) id.
  • TConnPref::SetUserLen() - Set descriptor length to actual length of subclass.
  • TConnPref::TConnPref()  Default Constructor Setting length to 0x40 and Extension ID to 0x00.
  • TConnPref::TConnPref()  Constructor Setting length to 0x40 and Extension ID to aExtensionId.
  • TConnPref::UserPtr().

  • TConnSnapPref - An instance of the class is passed to RConnection::Start when user wants to start connection based on Service Network Access Point that represents a collection of AP to try out.
  • TConnSnapPref::SetSnap() - Sets SNAP.
  • TConnSnapPref::TConnSnapPref().
  • TConnSnapPref::TConnSnapPref().

  • TConnectionInfo.
  • TConnectionInfo::TConnectionInfo()  Default Constructor.
  • TConnectionInfo::TConnectionInfo()  Constructor.
  • TConnectionInfo::TConnectionInfo()  Constructor.

  • TContactFieldFormat - Class to hold the contact field formats.

  • TContactIter - Iterates through the sorted contact items in a contact database.
  • TContactIter::FirstL() - Moves to the first contact item in the database.
  • TContactIter::GotoL() - Moves to the specified contact item.
  • TContactIter::LastL() - Moves to the last contact item in the database.
  • TContactIter::NextL() - Moves to the next contact item in the database.
  • TContactIter::PreviousL() - Moves to the previous contact item in the database.
  • TContactIter::Reset() - Resets the iterator to its initialised state, so that a subsequent call to NextL() goes to the first item.
  • TContactIter::TContactIter() - Constructs the object with a contact database.

  • TContactTextDefItem - An item in a text definition.
  • TContactTextDefItem::TContactTextDefItem()  Default constructor; initialises the field type to KNullUid.
  • TContactTextDefItem::TContactTextDefItem()  Constructs the text definition item with a field type.
  • TContactTextDefItem::TContactTextDefItem()  C++ constructor with a field type and a separator string.

  • TContactViewEvent - Identifies a contact view event.
  • TContactViewEvent::TContactViewEvent()  Empty default constructor.
  • TContactViewEvent::TContactViewEvent()  Constructor with an event type and an optional error code and contact item ID.

  • TCoordinate - TCoordinate is used to hold the basic coordinates of a location (latitude, longitude and altitude).
  • TCoordinate::Altitude() - Accessor for altitude.
  • TCoordinate::BearingTo() - This method calculates the bearing from this coordinate to the supplied coordinate.
  • TCoordinate::Datum() - Accessor for the datum.
  • TCoordinate::Distance() - This method calculates the distance between this coordinate and the supplied coordinate.
  • TCoordinate::Latitude() - Accessor for latitude.
  • TCoordinate::Longitude() - Accessor for longitude.
  • TCoordinate::Move() - This method moves this coordinate aDistance in the direction specified by aBearing.
  • TCoordinate::SetCoordinate()  This method assigns a new latitude and longitude to the object.
  • TCoordinate::SetCoordinate()  This method assigns a new latitude, longitude and altitude to the object.
  • TCoordinate::SetDatum() - This method assigns a new datum to the object.
  • TCoordinate::TCoordinate()  Default constructor for TCoordinate.
  • TCoordinate::TCoordinate()  Constructor for TCoordinate.
  • TCoordinate::TCoordinate()  Constructor for TCoordinate.

  • TCountryData - Country information.

  • TCourse - This is used to hold information about the current speed and direction of the device.
  • TCourse::Heading() - Retrieves the heading of this course.
  • TCourse::HeadingAccuracy() - Retrieves the accuracy of the heading component of this course.
  • TCourse::SetHeading() - Changes the heading of this course.
  • TCourse::SetHeadingAccuracy() - Changes the accuracy of the heading component of this course.
  • TCourse::SetSpeed() - Changes the speed of this course.
  • TCourse::SetSpeedAccuracy() - Changes the accuracy of the speed component of this course.
  • TCourse::Speed() - Retrieves the speed of this course.
  • TCourse::SpeedAccuracy() - Retrieves the accuracy of the speed component of this course.
  • TCourse::TCourse() - Default constructor for TCourse.

  • TCurrencySymbol - Gets a copy of the currency symbol(s) in use by the current locale.
  • TCurrencySymbol::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's currency symbol(s).
  • TCurrencySymbol::TCurrencySymbol() - Default constructor.

  • TCursorPosition - Cursor position.
  • TCursorPosition::CancelHighlight() - Removes the selection, and redraws the affected part of the screen.
  • TCursorPosition::DocPos() - Gets the edge position in the document.
  • TCursorPosition::DontDrawOldPictureFrame() - Sets to not draw the previous picture frame.
  • TCursorPosition::DrawHighlight() - Tests whether the highlighted region needs to be drawn.
  • TCursorPosition::DrawNewPictureFrame() - Tests whether there is a new picture frame that needs to be drawn.
  • TCursorPosition::DrawOldPictureFrame() - Tests whether there is a previous picture frame that needs to be drawn.
  • TCursorPosition::IsSelection() - Tests whether there is currently a selected region.
  • TCursorPosition::IsSelectionToDraw() - Tests whether there is currently a highlighted region being drawn.
  • TCursorPosition::PositioningHint().
  • TCursorPosition::SetDocPos() - Sets the document position, the structure for holding a raw document position that can be converted to or from an x-y position and compared ordinally, which cannot be done with the more abstract TTmDocPosSpec class.
  • TCursorPosition::SetLayout() - Sets the text layout which TCursorPosition is related.
  • TCursorPosition::SetPositioningHint().
  • TCursorPosition::SetToCurrentHighlight() - Clears the special flag set in SetToPreviousHighlight() so that GetSelection() and IsPictureFrame() will operate on the current highlight.
  • TCursorPosition::SetToPreviousHighlight() - Sets the flag which directs GetSelection() and IsPictureFrame() to operate on the previous highlight instead of the current highlight.
  • TCursorPosition::TCursorPosition() - Constructs the TCursorPosition object, initializing its members iAnchor, iOldDocPos, iOldAnchor, iFlags, iLatentX, iLatentY to zero, iLayout to NULL, and iPositioningHint to undefined.
  • TCursorPosition::TmDocPos() - Gets the document position, the structure for holding a raw document position that can be converted to or from an x-y position and compared ordinally, which cannot be done with the more abstract TTmDocPosSpec class.
  • TCursorPosition::UpdateLatentX() - Sets the latent horizontal text cursor position.

  • TCursorSelection - The cursor or cursor selection within a document.
  • TCursorSelection::HigherPos() - Gets the greater of the cursor and anchor positions.
  • TCursorSelection::Length() - Returns the number of characters in the selected range.
  • TCursorSelection::LowerPos() - Gets the lesser of the cursor and anchor positions.
  • TCursorSelection::SetSelection() - Sets the cursor and anchor positions for the selection.
  • TCursorSelection::TCursorSelection()  Constructs the TCursorSelection object initialising the cursor and anchor positions to zero.
  • TCursorSelection::TCursorSelection()  Constructs the TCursorSelection object with a cursor and anchor position.

  • TDNInfo - Class to hold the DN (Distinguished Name) information.

  • TDaColMap - Maps a source to a target column.
  • TDaColMap::TDaColMap() - Constructor.

  • TDaColMapFactory - Constructs maps of columns from one database model to another.
  • TDaColMapFactory::MakeColMapL() - Constructs a map of columns from one database model to another.
  • TDaColMapFactory::MakeUserColMapL() - Constructs a map of columns from one database model to another.

  • TDaFileImportParams - Parameters for importing a text file into a data application model.
  • TDaFileImportParams::TDaFileImportParams() - Default constructor.

  • TDaFileImporterFactory - Factory class for creating importers of files into a data application model.
  • TDaFileImporterFactory::CreateL() - Allocates and constructs a new file importer.

  • TDaFilter - Parameters for filtering on a field.
  • TDaFilter::TDaFilter()  Default constructor.
  • TDaFilter::TDaFilter()  Constructor that specifies the field to filter.

  • TDaSort - Parameters for sorting on a field.
  • TDaSort::TDaSort() - Constructor.

  • TDaStoreResolver - Implements a call back for determining a data application store as a function of the document position.
  • TDaStoreResolver::StreamStoreL() - Implements the MRichTextStoreResolver callback.

  • TDaUserCol - A data application user column specification.
  • TDaUserCol::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • TDaUserCol::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • TDaUserCol::IsDialable() - Tests if the EDialable attribute is set.
  • TDaUserCol::MapToCDbColSetL() - Adds the column to a column definition set.
  • TDaUserCol::SetDialable() - Sets/unsets the EDialable attribute.
  • TDaUserCol::TDaUserCol()  Constructor with column specification parameters.
  • TDaUserCol::TDaUserCol()  Default constructor.

  • TDataRecognitionResult - The result of an attempt to recognize data.
  • TDataRecognitionResult::Reset() - Resets the data type to the default data type and sets the confidence rating to CApaDataRecognizerType::ENotRecognized.

  • TDataType - A data type.
  • TDataType::Des() - Gets a copy of the data type string.
  • TDataType::Des8() - Gets an 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to the data type string.
  • TDataType::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the data type to a stream.
  • TDataType::InternalizeL() - Internalizes the data type from a stream.
  • TDataType::IsNative() - Tests whether the data type is a native Symbian type.
  • TDataType::operator!=() - Compares this data type for inequality with the specified data type.
  • TDataType::operator==() - Compares this data type for equality with the specified data type.
  • TDataType::TDataType()  Default constructor.
  • TDataType::TDataType()  Copy constructor.
  • TDataType::TDataType()  Constructor taking a descriptor.
  • TDataType::TDataType()  Constructor taking a UID.
  • TDataType::Uid() - Gets the UID associated with this data type.

  • TDataTypeWithPriority - A data (MIME) type and a priority value for that data type.
  • TDataTypeWithPriority::ExternalizeL() - Externalizes the data type to a stream.
  • TDataTypeWithPriority::InternalizeL() - Internalizes the data type from a stream.
  • TDataTypeWithPriority::TDataTypeWithPriority()  Default constructor.
  • TDataTypeWithPriority::TDataTypeWithPriority()  Constructor taking a data type and a priority value.

  • TDateSuffix - Gets a copy of the current locale's date suffix text for a specific day in the month.
  • TDateSuffix::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's date suffix text for the specified day of the month.
  • TDateSuffix::TDateSuffix()  Default constructor.
  • TDateSuffix::TDateSuffix()  Constructs this object and initialises it with the current locale's date suffix text for the specified day of the month.

  • TDateTime - A date and time object in which the individual components are accessible in human-readable form.
  • TDateTime::Day() - Gets the day component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::Hour() - Gets the hour component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::MicroSecond() - Gets the microsecond component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::Minute() - Gets the minute component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::Month() - Gets the month component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::Second() - Gets the second component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::Set() - Sets all date and time components.
  • TDateTime::SetDay() - Sets the day component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::SetHour() - Sets the hour component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::SetMicroSecond() - Sets the microsecond component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::SetMinute() - Sets the minute component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::SetMonth() - Sets the month component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::SetSecond() - Sets the second component of the date/time.
  • TDateTime::SetYear() - Sets the year without a leap year check.
  • TDateTime::SetYearLeapCheck() - Sets the year with a leap year check.
  • TDateTime::TDateTime()  Constructs an uninitialised TDateTime object.
  • TDateTime::TDateTime()  Constructs the TDateTime object with the seven fields which comprise a date and time.
  • TDateTime::Year() - Gets the year component of the date/time.

  • TDayName - Gets a copy of the current locale's full text name for a day of the week.
  • TDayName::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's text for the specified day of the week.
  • TDayName::TDayName()  Default constructor.
  • TDayName::TDayName()  Constructs this object and initialises it with the current locale's text for the specified day of the week.

  • TDayNameAbb - Gets a copy of the current locale's abbreviated text name for a day of the week.
  • TDayNameAbb::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's abbreviated text for the specified day of the week.
  • TDayNameAbb::TDayNameAbb()  Default constructor.
  • TDayNameAbb::TDayNameAbb()  Constructs this object and initialises it with the current locale's abbreviated text for the specified day of the week.

  • TDbBookmark - Saves the current location of a rowset, enabling rapid navigation back to a previously visited row or position in the set.

  • TDbCol - Defines a column in a table or rowset.
  • TDbCol::IsLong() - Tests if a column is of the Long column type, i.e.
  • TDbCol::TDbCol()  Constructs an uninitialised TDbCol.
  • TDbCol::TDbCol().
  • TDbCol::TDbCol()  Constructs a TDbCol with the given name, optional type and optional maximum length.

  • TDbColSetIter - Provides a useful way to iterate over the contents of a column set.
  • TDbColSetIter::Col() - Returns a column ordinal in the set for the currently referenced column definition.
  • TDbColSetIter::operator *() - Dereferences the iterator on the current column definition.
  • TDbColSetIter::operator TAny *().
  • TDbColSetIter::operator++()  Moves the iterator to the next column in the set -- post increment operator.
  • TDbColSetIter::operator++()  Moves the iterator to the next column in the set post increment operator.
  • TDbColSetIter::operator->() - Gets a member of the currently referenced column definition.
  • TDbColSetIter::TDbColSetIter() - Constructs a column set iterator over a column set.

  • TDbKeyCol - Defines a key column in an index.
  • TDbKeyCol::TDbKeyCol()  Constructs an uninitialised object.
  • TDbKeyCol::TDbKeyCol().
  • TDbKeyCol::TDbKeyCol()  Constructs an object with the given name, ordering and optional truncation length.

  • TDbLookupKey - This class is internal and is not intended for use.
  • TDbLookupKey::Count().
  • TDbLookupKey::First().
  • TDbLookupKey::TDbLookupKey().

  • TDbQuery - A wrapper for an SQL string combined with a text comparison mode.
  • TDbQuery::Comparison() - Returns the text comparison mode for the query object.
  • TDbQuery::Query() - Returns the SQL string in the query object.
  • TDbQuery::TDbQuery() - Constructs a query object from an SQL string and a text comparison mode.

  • TDbSeekKey - Database key value.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for an TInt8, TInt16 or TInt32 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for a Bit, TUint8, TUint16 or TUint32 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for an TInt64 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for a TReal32 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for a TReal64 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for a DateTime column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for a non-Unicode text column.
  • TDbSeekKey::Add()  Appends a key value for a Unicode text column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs an empty key value.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs a key value for an TInt8, TInt16 or TInt32 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs a key value for a Bit, TUint8, TUint16 or TUint32 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey().
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs a key value for a TReal32 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Construct a key value for a TReal64 column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs a key value for a TDateTime column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs a key value for a non-Unicode text column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey()  Constructs a key value for a Unicode text column.
  • TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey().

  • TDbSeekMultiKey - Database multi-column key value.
  • TDbSeekMultiKey::TDbSeekMultiKey() - Constructs an empty multi-column key value.

  • TDbWindow - Describes the desired shape of a view's pre-evaluation window.
  • TDbWindow::PreferredPos() - Returns the preferred position in the window of the current row marker.
  • TDbWindow::Size() - Returns the number of rows stored by the view.
  • TDbWindow::TDbWindow()  Constructs this object with a size of ENone.
  • TDbWindow::TDbWindow()  Constructs this object with a size of EUnlimited.
  • TDbWindow::TDbWindow()  Constructs this object with the preferred shape.

  • TDblQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::AddFirst() - Inserts the specified list element at the front of the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::AddLast() - Inserts the specified list element at the back of the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::First() - Gets a pointer to the first list element in the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::IsFirst() - Tests whether the specified element is the first in the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::IsHead() - Tests whether the end of a list has been reached.
  • TDblQue::IsLast() - Tests whether the specified element is the last in the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::Last() - Gets a pointer to the last list element in the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQue::TDblQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset value of the link object to zero.
  • TDblQue::TDblQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset of the link object to the specified value.

  • TDblQueBase - A base class that provides implementation for the doubly linked list header.
  • TDblQueBase::__DbgTestEmpty() - Tests whether the queue is empty.
  • TDblQueBase::DoAddFirst() - Implements the insertion of the specified list element at the front of the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueBase::DoAddLast() - Implements the insertion of the specified list element at the back of the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueBase::DoAddPriority() - Implements the insertion of the specified list element in priority order.
  • TDblQueBase::IsEmpty() - Tests whether the doubly linked list is empty, i.e.
  • TDblQueBase::Reset() - Empties the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueBase::SetOffset() - Sets the offset of the link object from the start of a doubly linked list element.
  • TDblQueBase::TDblQueBase()  Default constructor.
  • TDblQueBase::TDblQueBase()  Constructor with specified offset.

  • TDblQueIter - A templated class that provides the behaviour for iterating through a set of doubly linked list elements.
  • TDblQueIter::operator T *() - Gets a pointer to the iterator’s current element.
  • TDblQueIter::operator++() - Gets a pointer to the iterator's current element and then sets the iterator to point to the next element.
  • TDblQueIter::operator--() - Gets a pointer to the iterator's current element and then sets the iterator to point to the previous element.
  • TDblQueIter::Set() - Sets the iterator to point to a specific element in the list.
  • TDblQueIter::TDblQueIter() - Constructs the iterator for the specified doubly linked list.

  • TDblQueIterBase - A base class that provides implementation for the doubly linked list iterator.
  • TDblQueIterBase::DoCurrent() - Gets the current item in the queue.
  • TDblQueIterBase::DoPostDec() - Gets the current item and then moves to the previous item.
  • TDblQueIterBase::DoPostInc() - Gets the current item and then moves to the next item.
  • TDblQueIterBase::DoSet() - Sets the iterator to point to a specific element in the list.
  • TDblQueIterBase::SetToFirst() - Sets the iterator to point to the first element in the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueIterBase::SetToLast() - Sets the iterator to point to the last element in the doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueIterBase::TDblQueIterBase() - Constructs the iterator for the specified doubly linked list.

  • TDblQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueLink::Deque() - Removes this link object from the doubly linked list.

  • TDblQueLinkBase - A base class that provides implementation for the link object of a doubly linked list.
  • TDblQueLinkBase::AddBefore() - Inserts this link object before the specified link object.
  • TDblQueLinkBase::Enque() - Inserts this link object after the specified link object.
  • TDblQueLinkBase::TDblQueLinkBase() - Default constructor.

  • TDelimitedParserBase16 - Comments : Provides non-modifying functionality for parsing data delimited by a single character.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::BackDelimiter() - Checks for a delimiter at the back (right) of the data.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Dec() - Parses back to the previous segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Des() - Retrieves the descriptor reference with the data.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Eos() - Indicates whether the end of the data has been reached and there are no more segments to parse.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::FrontDelimiter() - Checks for a delimiter at the front (left) of the data.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::GetNext() - Retrieves the current segment and then parses the data to the next one.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Inc() - Parses to the next segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Parse() - This parses the data into segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::ParseReverse() - This parses the data into segments from lright to left.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Peek() - Retrieves the current segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::Remainder() - Gives the remainder of the data from (and including) the current segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::SetDelimiter() - Sets the delimiting character.
  • TDelimitedParserBase16::TDelimitedParserBase16() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedParserBase8 - Comments : Provides non-modifying functionality for parsing data delimited by a single character.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::BackDelimiter() - Checks for a delimiter at the back (right) of the data.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Dec() - Parses back to the previous segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Des() - Retrieves the descriptor reference with the data.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Eos() - Indicates whether the end of the data has been reached and there are no more segments to parse.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::FrontDelimiter() - Checks for a delimiter at the front (left) of the data.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::GetNext() - Retrieves the current segment and then parses the data to the next one.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Inc() - Parses to the next segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Parse() - This parses the data into segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::ParseReverse() - This parses the data into segments from lright to left.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Peek() - Retrieves the current segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::Remainder() - Gives the remainder of the data from (and including) the current segment.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::SetDelimiter() - Sets the delimiting character.
  • TDelimitedParserBase8::TDelimitedParserBase8() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedPathParser16 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing paths delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • TDelimitedPathParser16::Parse() - This parses the descriptor into path segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedPathParser16::ParseReverse() - This parses the descriptor into path segments from right to left.
  • TDelimitedPathParser16::TDelimitedPathParser16() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedPathParser8 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing paths delimited by a '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • TDelimitedPathParser8::Parse() - This parses the descriptor into path segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedPathParser8::ParseReverse() - This parses the descriptor into path segments from right to left.
  • TDelimitedPathParser8::TDelimitedPathParser8() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser16 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing path segments delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396.
  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser16::Parse() - This parses the descriptor into path segment segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser16::ParseReverse() - This parses the descriptor into path segment segments from right to left.
  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser16::TDelimitedPathSegmentParser16() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing path segments delimited by a ';' as defined in RFC2396.
  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8::Parse() - This parses the descriptor into path segment parameters from left to right.
  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8::ParseReverse() - This parses the descriptor into path segment parameters from right to left.
  • TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8::TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedQueryParser16 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing querys delimited by '&' as defined in RFC2396.
  • TDelimitedQueryParser16::Parse() - This parses the descriptor into query segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedQueryParser16::ParseReverse() - This parses the descriptor into query segments from right to left.
  • TDelimitedQueryParser16::TDelimitedQueryParser16() - Constructor.

  • TDelimitedQueryParser8 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing querys delimited by a '&' as defined in RFC2396.
  • TDelimitedQueryParser8::Parse() - This parses the descriptor into query segments from left to right.
  • TDelimitedQueryParser8::ParseReverse() - This parses the descriptor into query segments from right to left.
  • TDelimitedQueryParser8::TDelimitedQueryParser8() - Constructor.

  • TDeltaQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list in which elements represent values which are increments, or deltas, on the value represented by a preceding element.
  • TDeltaQue::Add() - Adds the specified list element, having the specified 'distance' from the nominal zero point, into the list.
  • TDeltaQue::Remove() - Removes the specified list element from the linked list.
  • TDeltaQue::RemoveFirst() - Removes the first list element from the linked list if its delta value is zero or negative.
  • TDeltaQue::TDeltaQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset value of the link object to zero.
  • TDeltaQue::TDeltaQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset of the link object to the specified value.

  • TDeltaQueBase - A base class that provides implementation for the TDeltaQue template class.
  • TDeltaQueBase::CountDown()  Decrements the delta value of the first element by one, and returns true if the result is negative or zero.
  • TDeltaQueBase::CountDown()  Decrements the delta value of the first element by the specified value, and returns true if the result is negative or zero.
  • TDeltaQueBase::DoAddDelta() - Implements the addition of the specified list element into the list.
  • TDeltaQueBase::DoRemove() - Implements the removal of the specified list element from the list.
  • TDeltaQueBase::DoRemoveFirst() - Implements the removal of the first list element from the linked list if its delta value is zero or negative.
  • TDeltaQueBase::FirstDelta() - Gets the delta value of the first list element.
  • TDeltaQueBase::Reset() - Empties the doubly linked list, and resets the first delta pointer.
  • TDeltaQueBase::TDeltaQueBase()  Default constructor.
  • TDeltaQueBase::TDeltaQueBase()  Constructor with specified offset.

  • TDeltaQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a delta doubly linked list.

  • TDeltaTimerEntry - A timed event entry.
  • TDeltaTimerEntry::Set() - Sets the specified callback.
  • TDeltaTimerEntry::TDeltaTimerEntry()  Constructor specifying a general callback.
  • TDeltaTimerEntry::TDeltaTimerEntry()  Default constructor.

  • TDes16 - Abstract base class for 16-bit modifiable descriptors.
  • TDes16::Append()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::Append()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::Append()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendFill() - Appends and fills this descriptor with the specified character.
  • TDes16::AppendFormat()  Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendFormat()  Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendFormatList() - Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendJustify()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes16::AppendJustify()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes16::AppendJustify()  Appends a zero terminated string onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes16::AppendJustify()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes16::AppendNum()  Converts the specified floating point number into a character representation and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendNum()  Converts the 64-bit signed integer into a decimal character representation and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendNum()  Converts the specified 64 bit integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendNumFixedWidth() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendNumFixedWidthUC() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::AppendNumUC() - Converts the specified 64 bit integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::Capitalize() - Capitalises the content of this descriptor.
  • TDes16::Collapse().
  • TDes16::Collate() - Performs collation on the content of this descriptor.
  • TDes16::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::CopyC() - Copies and collates data from the specified descriptor into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::CopyCP() - Copies text from the specified descriptor and capitalises it before putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::CopyF() - Copies and folds data from the specified descriptor into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::CopyLC() - Copies text from the specified descriptor and converts it to lower case before putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::CopyUC() - Copies text from the specified descriptor and converts it to upper case before putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Delete() - Deletes data from this descriptor.
  • TDes16::Fill()  Fills the descriptor's data area with the specified character, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Fill()  Fills the descriptor's data area with the specified character, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::FillZ()  Fills the descriptor's data area with binary zeroes, i.e.0x0000, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::FillZ()  Fills the descriptor's data area with binary zeroes, i.e.
  • TDes16::Fold() - Performs folding on the content of this descriptor.
  • TDes16::Format() - Formats and copies text into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::FormatList() - Formats and copies text into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Insert() - Inserts data into this descriptor.
  • TDes16::Justify() - Copies data into this descriptor and justifies it, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::LeftTPtr() - Extracts the leftmost part of the data.
  • TDes16::LowerCase() - Converts the content of this descriptor to lower case.
  • TDes16::MaxLength() - Gets the maximum length of the descriptor.
  • TDes16::MaxSize() - Gets the maximum size of the descriptor.
  • TDes16::MidTPtr()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDes16::MidTPtr()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDes16::Num()  Converts the specified floating point number into a character representation and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Num()  Converts the 64-bit signed integer into a decimal character representation and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Num()  Converts the specified 64 bit unsigned integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::NumFixedWidth() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::NumFixedWidthUC() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::NumUC() - Converts the specified 64 bit unsigned integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::operator+=() - Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns a reference to this descriptor.
  • TDes16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::operator[]()  Gets a const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::operator[]()  Gets a non-const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::PtrZ() - Appends a zero terminator onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns a pointer to the data.
  • TDes16::Repeat()  Copies data with repetition into this descriptor, from another descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Repeat()  Copies data with repetition into this descriptor, from a memory location specified by pointer, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes16::Replace() - Replaces data in this descriptor.
  • TDes16::RightTPtr() - Extracts the rightmost part of the data.
  • TDes16::SetLength() - Sets the length of the data represented by the descriptor to the specified value.
  • TDes16::SetMax() - Sets the length of the data to the maximum length of the descriptor.
  • TDes16::Swap() - Swaps the data represented by this descriptor with the data represented by the specified descriptor.
  • TDes16::TDes16().
  • TDes16::TDes16().
  • TDes16::Trim() - Deletes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::TrimAll() - Deletes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data and replaces each contiguous set of whitespace characters within the data by one whitespace character.
  • TDes16::TrimLeft() - Deletes leading whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::TrimRight() - Deletes trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
  • TDes16::UpperCase() - Converts the content of this descriptor to upper case.
  • TDes16::WPtr().
  • TDes16::Zero() - Sets the length of the data to zero.
  • TDes16::ZeroTerminate() - Appends a zero terminator onto the end of this descriptor's data.

  • TDes16Overflow - An interface that defines an overflow handler for a 16-bit descriptor.
  • TDes16Overflow::Overflow() - Handles the overflow.

  • TDes8 - Abstract base class for 8-bit modifiable descriptors.
  • TDes8::Append()  Appends a character onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::Append()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::Append()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::Append()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendFill() - Appends and fills this descriptor with the specified character.
  • TDes8::AppendFormat()  Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendFormat()  Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendFormatList() - Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendJustify()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes8::AppendJustify()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes8::AppendJustify()  Appends a zero terminated string onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes8::AppendJustify()  Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
  • TDes8::AppendNum()  Converts the 64-bit signed integer into a decimal character representation and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendNum()  Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendNum()  Converts the specified floating point number into a character representation and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidth() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidthUC() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::AppendNumUC() - Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::Capitalize() - Capitalises the content of this descriptor.
  • TDes8::Collapse().
  • TDes8::Collate() - Performs collation on the content of this descriptor.
  • TDes8::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Copy()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::CopyC() - Copies and collates data from the specified descriptor into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::CopyCP() - Copies text from the specified descriptor and capitalises it before putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::CopyF() - Copies and folds data from the specified descriptor into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::CopyLC() - Copies text from the specified descriptor and converts it to lower case before putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::CopyUC() - Copies text from the specified descriptor and converts it to upper case before putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Delete() - Deletes data from this descriptor.
  • TDes8::Expand().
  • TDes8::Fill()  Fills the descriptor's data area with the specified character, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Fill()  Fills the descriptor's data area with the specified character, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::FillZ()  Fills the descriptor's data area with binary zeroes, i.e.
  • TDes8::FillZ()  Fills the descriptor's data area with binary zeroes, i.e.
  • TDes8::Fold() - Performs folding on the content of this descriptor.
  • TDes8::Format() - Formats and copies text into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::FormatList() - Formats and copies text into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Insert() - Inserts data into this descriptor.
  • TDes8::Justify() - Copies data into this descriptor and justifies it, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::LeftTPtr() - Extracts the leftmost part of the data.
  • TDes8::LowerCase() - Converts the content of this descriptor to lower case.
  • TDes8::MaxLength() - Gets the maximum length of the descriptor.
  • TDes8::MaxSize() - Gets the maximum size of the descriptor.
  • TDes8::MidTPtr()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDes8::MidTPtr()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDes8::Num()  Converts the 64-bit signed integer into a decimal character representation and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Num()  Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Num()  Converts the specified floating point number into a character representation and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::NumFixedWidth() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::NumFixedWidthUC() - Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::NumUC() - Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::operator+=() - Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns a reference to this descriptor.
  • TDes8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::operator=()  Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::operator[]()  Gets a const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::operator[]()  Gets a non-const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::PtrZ() - Appends a zero terminator onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns a pointer to the data.
  • TDes8::Repeat()  Copies data with repetition into this descriptor, from a memory location specified by pointer, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Repeat()  Copies data with repetition into this descriptor, from another descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TDes8::Replace() - Replaces data in this descriptor.
  • TDes8::RightTPtr() - Extracts the rightmost part of the data.
  • TDes8::SetLength() - Sets the length of the data represented by the descriptor to the specified value.
  • TDes8::SetMax() - Sets the length of the data to the maximum length of the descriptor.
  • TDes8::Swap() - Swaps the data represented by this descriptor with the data represented by the specified descriptor.
  • TDes8::TDes8().
  • TDes8::TDes8().
  • TDes8::Trim() - Deletes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::TrimAll() - Deletes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data and replaces each contiguous set of whitespace characters within the data by one whitespace character.
  • TDes8::TrimLeft() - Deletes leading whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::TrimRight() - Deletes trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
  • TDes8::UpperCase() - Converts the content of this descriptor to upper case.
  • TDes8::WPtr().
  • TDes8::Zero() - Sets the length of the data to zero.
  • TDes8::ZeroTerminate() - Appends a zero terminator onto the end of this descriptor's data.

  • TDes8Overflow - An interface that defines an overflow handler for an 8-bit descriptor.
  • TDes8Overflow::Overflow() - Handles the overflow.

  • TDesBuf - A stream buffer that uses a descriptor for its implementation.
  • TDesBuf::DoSeekL().
  • TDesBuf::DoSynchL() - Synchronises the stream buffer with the stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • TDesBuf::OverflowL() - Empties the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the write area.
  • TDesBuf::Set() - Sets up the stream to use the specified descriptor.
  • TDesBuf::TDesBuf() - Constructs an empty object.
  • TDesBuf::UnderflowL() - Re-fills the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the read area.

  • TDesC16 - Abstract base class for 16-bit descriptors.
  • TDesC16::Alloc() - Creates a new 16-bit heap descriptor and initialises it with a copy of this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::AllocL() - Creates a new 16-bit heap descriptor and initialises it with a copy of this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::AllocLC() - Creates a new 16-bit heap descriptor, initialises it with a copy of this descriptor's data, and puts a pointer to the descriptor onto the cleanup stack.
  • TDesC16::AtC().
  • TDesC16::Compare() - Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::CompareC()  Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data using the standard collation method appropriate to the current locale.
  • TDesC16::CompareC()  Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data to the specified maximum collation level and using the specified collation method.
  • TDesC16::CompareF() - Compares this descriptor's folded data with the specified descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC16::DoSetLength().
  • TDesC16::Find()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified data sequence within this descriptor.
  • TDesC16::Find()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified data sequence within this descriptor.
  • TDesC16::FindC()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within this descriptor's collated data.
  • TDesC16::FindC()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within this descriptor's collated data.
  • TDesC16::FindC()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within this descriptor's collated data to the specified maximum collation level.
  • TDesC16::FindC()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within this descriptor's collated data.
  • TDesC16::FindF()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified folded data sequence within this descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC16::FindF()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified folded data sequence within this descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC16::HasPrefixC() - Compares aPossiblePrefix against the start of the descriptor, using a collated comparison.
  • TDesC16::Left() - Extracts the leftmost part of the data.
  • TDesC16::Length() - Gets the length of the data.
  • TDesC16::Locate() - Searches for the first occurrence of a character within this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::LocateF() - Searches for the first occurrence of a folded character within this descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC16::LocateReverse() - Searches for the first occurrence of a character within this descriptor's data, searching from the end of the data.
  • TDesC16::LocateReverseF() - Searches for the first occurrence of a folded character within this descriptor's folded data, searching from the end of the data.
  • TDesC16::Match() - Searches this descriptor's data for a match with the match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC16::MatchC()  Searches this descriptor's collated data for a match with the collated match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC16::MatchC()  Searches this descriptor's collated data for a match with the collated match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC16::MatchC()  Searches this descriptor's collated data for a match with the collated match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC16::MatchF() - Searches this descriptor's folded data for a match with the folded match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC16::Mid()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDesC16::Mid()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDesC16::operator!=() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is not equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::operator>() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::operator>=() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than or equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::operator<() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::operator<=() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than or equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::operator==() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::operator[]() - Gets a reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC16::Ptr() - Gets a pointer to the data represented by the descriptor.
  • TDesC16::Right() - Extracts the rightmost part of the data.
  • TDesC16::Size() - Gets the size of the data.
  • TDesC16::TDesC16().
  • TDesC16::TDesC16().
  • TDesC16::Type().

  • TDesC8 - Abstract base class for 8-bit non-modifiable descriptors.
  • TDesC8::Alloc() - Creates a new 8-bit heap descriptor and initialises it with a copy of this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::AllocL() - Creates a new 8-bit heap descriptor and initialises it with a copy of this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::AllocLC() - Creates a new 8-bit heap descriptor, initialises it with a copy of this descriptor's data, and puts a pointer to the descriptor onto the cleanup stack.
  • TDesC8::AtC().
  • TDesC8::Compare() - Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::CompareC() - Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data using the standard collation method for narrow text appropriate to the current locale.
  • TDesC8::CompareF() - Compares this descriptor's folded data with the specified descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC8::DoSetLength().
  • TDesC8::Find()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified data sequence within this descriptor.
  • TDesC8::Find()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified data sequence within this descriptor.
  • TDesC8::FindC()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within this descriptor's collated data.
  • TDesC8::FindC()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within this descriptor's collated data.
  • TDesC8::FindF()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified folded data sequence within this descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC8::FindF()  Searches for the first occurrence of the specified folded data sequence within this descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC8::Left() - Extracts the leftmost part of the data.
  • TDesC8::Length() - Gets the length of the data.
  • TDesC8::Locate() - Searches for the first occurrence of a character within this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::LocateF() - Searches for the first occurrence of a folded character within this descriptor's folded data.
  • TDesC8::LocateReverse() - Searches for the first occurrence of a character within this descriptor's data, searching from the end of the data.
  • TDesC8::LocateReverseF() - Searches for the first occurrence of a folded character within this descriptor's folded data, searching from the end of the data.
  • TDesC8::Match() - Searches this descriptor's data for a match with the match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC8::MatchC() - Searches this descriptor's collated data for a match with the collated match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC8::MatchF() - Searches this descriptor's folded data for a match with the folded match pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
  • TDesC8::Mid()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDesC8::Mid()  Extracts a portion of the data.
  • TDesC8::operator!=() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is not equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::operator>() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::operator>=() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than or equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::operator<() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::operator<=() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than or equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::operator==() - Determines whether this descriptor's data is equal to the specified descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::operator[]() - Gets a reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
  • TDesC8::Ptr() - Gets a pointer to the data represented by the descriptor.
  • TDesC8::Right() - Extracts the rightmost part of the data.
  • TDesC8::Size() - Gets the size of the data.
  • TDesC8::TDesC8().
  • TDesC8::TDesC8().
  • TDesC8::Type().

  • TDescriptorDataSource - Descriptor-based image datasource.
  • TDescriptorDataSource::DataBuf() - Returns a reference to the pointer containing an image data.
  • TDescriptorDataSource::TDescriptorDataSource() - Constructor for the descriptor-based image datasource.

  • TDiagnostic - Class to encapsulate diagnostic parameter values.
  • TDiagnostic::TDiagnostic() - Two-phased constructor.
  • TDiagnostic::~TDiagnostic() - Destructor.

  • TDialLocation - Contains information about the current location such as international prefix code, area code etc.
  • TDialLocation::AreaCode() - Returns the Area Code.
  • TDialLocation::DialOutLocalCode() - Returns the Local Dial-Out Code.
  • TDialLocation::DialOutLongDistanceCode() - Returns the Long Distance Dial-Out Code.
  • TDialLocation::DisableCallWaitingCode() - Returns the code to disable Call Waiting.
  • TDialLocation::IntlPrefCode() - Returns the International Prefix Code.
  • TDialLocation::IsDialOutRequired() - True if a code is needed to dial out either local or long distance calls.
  • TDialLocation::IsDisableCallWaitingCode() - True if call waiting is disabled.
  • TDialLocation::IsMobile() - True if the KPhoneNumberMobile flag is set.
  • TDialLocation::IsPbxUsePulseDial() - True if the KPhoneNumberPbxUsePulseDial flag is set.
  • TDialLocation::IsUsePulseDial() - True if the KPhoneNumberUsePulseDial flag is set.
  • TDialLocation::IsWaitForDialingTone() - True if the KPhoneNumberWaitForDialingTone flag is set.
  • TDialLocation::IsWaitForProceedTone() - True if the KPhoneNumberWaitForProceedTone flag is set.
  • TDialLocation::NatCode() - Returns the National Code.
  • TDialLocation::NatPrefCode() - Returns the National Prefix Code.
  • TDialLocation::PauseAfterDialout() - Returns the delay after dial out.
  • TDialLocation::SetAreaCode() - Set the Area Code.
  • TDialLocation::SetDialLocationFlags() - Set the location flags.
  • TDialLocation::SetDialOutLocalCode() - Set the Local Dial Out Code.
  • TDialLocation::SetDialOutLongDistanceCode() - Set the Long Distance Code.
  • TDialLocation::SetDisableCallWaitingCode() - Set the code to disable Call Waiting.
  • TDialLocation::SetIntlPrefCode() - Set the International Prefix Code.
  • TDialLocation::SetNatCode() - Set the National Code.
  • TDialLocation::SetNatPrefCode() - Set the National Prefix Code.
  • TDialLocation::SetPauseAfterDialout() - Set the delay after dial out.
  • TDialLocation::TDialLocation()  Creates an empty TDialLocation.
  • TDialLocation::TDialLocation()  Creates a TDialLocation containing the parameters.

  • TDigitalDisplayTextSection - A text section for a digital clock.
  • TDigitalDisplayTextSection::TDigitalDisplayTextSection() - Constructs a text section for a digital clock.

  • TDisplayModeUtils - A set of static utility functions to get information about a display mode.
  • TDisplayModeUtils::IsDisplayModeColor() - Tests whether the display mode specified is colour or greyscale.
  • TDisplayModeUtils::IsDisplayModeValid() - Tests whether the display mode specified is one of the valid values.
  • TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeBitsPerPixel() - Gets the number of bits required by each pixel when displayed in the specified display mode.
  • TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeColors() - Gets the number of colours or shades of grey supported by the specified display mode.

  • TDrawTextLayoutContext - Parameters used by functions that draw text.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::DisplayHeight() - Gets the display height in pixels.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::DrawGraphics() - Obsolete function.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::DrawText() - Obsolete function.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::GutterMargin() - Gets the area occupied by the gutter margin.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::IsGutterMargin() - This function is identical to IsLabelMargin().
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::IsLabelMargin() - Tests whether a label margin has been set.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::LabelMargin() - Gets the area occupied by the label margin.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::ParagraphFillTextOnly() - Tests whether the region filled with paragraph fill colour is the area within the paragraph only, or also the area within the left text margin.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::PictureGc().
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::PrimaryGc() - Gets the graphics context for drawing the text and pictures.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetBitmapGc().
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetClipping() - Sets whether drawing should be clipped to the intersection of the draw rectangle (the aDrawRect parameter passed to CTextLayout::DrawL() or InvertRangeL()) and the text area.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetDrawGraphicsOnly() - This function is obsolete.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetDrawTextAndGraphics() - This function is obsolete.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetDrawTextOnly() - This function is obsolete.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetDrawToEveryPixel() - Sets whether the background colour as specified by iBackgroundColor should be drawn.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetGc() - Sets the graphics context for drawing text and pictures.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetParagraphFillTextOnly() - Sets the horizontal extent of a paragraph to be filled with paragraph fill colour.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetTextColorOverride() - Overrides the existing text colour, so that when redrawn, all text has the colour specified, rather than the colour which is set in the text object.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::SetWindowGc().
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TDrawTextLayoutContext() - Default C++ constructor.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TextArea() - Gets the text area.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TextOverrideColor() - If the text colour is overridden, this function gets the text override colour, as set by SetTextColorOverride().
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TextToWindow()  Converts a point in layout coordinates to window coordinates.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TextToWindow()  Converts a rectangle in layout coordinates to window coordinates.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TopLeftText() - Gets the window coordinates of the top left hand corner at which text may be drawn.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TopLeftTextArea() - Gets the (window) coordinates of the top left hand corner of the text area.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::TotalMargin() - Gets the area occupied by the label and gutter margins.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::UseBackgroundColor() - Tests whether the background colour is used, as set by SetDrawToEveryPixel().
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::UseClippingRect() - Tests whether clipping is set to the intersection of the draw rectangle, (the aDrawRect parameter passed to CTextLayout::DrawL() or InvertRangeL()) and the text area.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::UseGcClear() - Tests if the graphics context for drawing is either CWindowGc or CBitmapContext.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::WindowToText()  Converts a point in window coordinates to layout coordinates.
  • TDrawTextLayoutContext::WindowToText()  Converts a rectangle in window coordinates to layout coordinates.

  • TDriveInfo - Contains drive information.

  • TDriveUnit - Drive numbers and letters.
  • TDriveUnit::Name() - Gets the drive unit as text.
  • TDriveUnit::operator TInt() - Converts the drive unit to an integer value.
  • TDriveUnit::operator=()  Assigns the drive number to the drive unit.
  • TDriveUnit::operator=()  Assigns a drive letter to the drive unit.
  • TDriveUnit::TDriveUnit().
  • TDriveUnit::TDriveUnit()  Constructor taking a drive number.
  • TDriveUnit::TDriveUnit()  Constructor taking a drive letter.

  • TE64Addr - The raw 64 bits of Modified EUI-64 address stored in network byte order.
  • TE64Addr::AddrLen() - Returns the size of raw KAfEui64 content format.
  • TE64Addr::AddrPtr() - Returns a pointer to raw KAfEui64 content format.
  • TE64Addr::AddrPtrC() - Returns a const pointer to raw KAfEui64 content format.
  • TE64Addr::IsGroup() - TRUE if the Group bit is set in the address.
  • TE64Addr::IsUniversal() - TRUE if the Universal bit is set in the address.
  • TE64Addr::IsZero() - TRUE if the address is a zero address.
  • TE64Addr::Match() - TRUE if the address matches given address.
  • TE64Addr::Output() - Writes the address into a string.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddr()  Sets the address value.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddr()  Sets the address value.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddr()  Sets the address value.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddrFromEUI48() - Reads and converts a value from EUI-48 (6 bytes).
  • TE64Addr::SetAddrRandom() - Creates a random address.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddrRandomNZ() - Creates a random non-zero address.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddrRandomNZButNot() - Creates a random non-zero address that does not match the parameter address.
  • TE64Addr::SetAddrZero() - Creates a zero address.
  • TE64Addr::SetGroupBit() - Sets the Group bit to 1 by default.
  • TE64Addr::SetUniversalBit() - Sets the Universal bit to 1 by default.
  • TE64Addr::TE64Addr()  Constructs an address with zero value.
  • TE64Addr::TE64Addr()  Constructs an address with given value.
  • TE64Addr::TE64Addr()  Constructs an address with given value.
  • TE64Addr::TE64Addr()  Constructs an address with given value.

  • TECAMEvent - General purpose class to describe an ECam event.
  • TECAMEvent::TECAMEvent()  Constructor.
  • TECAMEvent::TECAMEvent()  Default constructor.

  • TEComResolverParams - Used to pass values to a Resolver to aid in the filtering of Interface Implementation plugins.
  • TEComResolverParams::DataType() - Provides read access to the Interface Implementation plugin 'datatype' match pattern.
  • TEComResolverParams::IsGenericMatch() - Check if 'generic' matching is allowed.
  • TEComResolverParams::IsWildcardMatch().
  • TEComResolverParams::SetDataType() - Set the Interface Implementation plugin 'datatype' match pattern.
  • TEComResolverParams::SetGenericMatch() - Indicates that a 'generic' match is required.
  • TEComResolverParams::SetWildcardMatch().
  • TEComResolverParams::TEComResolverParams() - Default constructor of TEComResolverParams.

  • TEZGZipHeader - The TEZGZipHeader class encapsulates a zip file header, which is written to the start of the zip file to store various settings of the archive.
  • TEZGZipHeader::TEZGZipHeader() - Constructor.
  • TEZGZipHeader::~TEZGZipHeader() - Destructor.

  • TEZGZipTrailer - The TEZGZipTrailer class encapsulates a zip file trailer, which uses a CRC (cyclic redundancy check) to confirm the validity of the unpacked archive.
  • TEZGZipTrailer::TEZGZipTrailer()  Constructor.
  • TEZGZipTrailer::TEZGZipTrailer()  Constructor.

  • TEikVirtualCursor - Provides support for the virtual cursor's state within an application.
  • TEikVirtualCursor::CursorState() - Gets the virtual cursor's state.
  • TEikVirtualCursor::SetCursorStateL() - Sets the virtual cursor's state.

  • TEllipse.
  • TEllipse::Construct() - Initialises the values of the ellipse so that it conforms to a rectangle entered as a parameter.
  • TEllipse::Intersection() - Constructs an ellipse from the rectangle which it is given and assesses the points position with regard to the ellipse and where they intersect.
  • TEllipse::NextStep() - By analysing the current state of the ellipse the process is taken to the next appropriate step.
  • TEllipse::Output() - Sets the absolute points that define the ellipse as calculated using its iOffset from the origin and using the half width and half height of the rectangle iA and iB.
  • TEllipse::SingleStep() - Does the next stage in producing an ellipse by taking four points (the corners of the rectangle the ellipse should fill) as parameters.

  • TEncoderBufferOptions - Specifies the encoder buffering options.

  • TEntry - Encapsulates an entry in a directory, which can be another (nested) directory, a file or a volume label.
  • TEntry::IsArchive() - Tests whether the file is an archive file.
  • TEntry::IsDir() - Tests whether the entry is a directory.
  • TEntry::IsHidden() - Tests whether the file or directory is hidden.
  • TEntry::IsReadOnly() - Tests whether the file or directory is read-only.
  • TEntry::IsSystem() - Tests whether the file or directory has the system attribute set.
  • TEntry::IsTypeValid() - Test whether the file has a valid UID.
  • TEntry::IsUidPresent() - Tests whether the specified UID matches any of the UIDs in the UID type.
  • TEntry::MostDerivedUid() - Gets the most derived (i.e.
  • TEntry::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • TEntry::operator[]() - Gets any one of the file's three UIDs.
  • TEntry::TEntry()  Default constructor.
  • TEntry::TEntry()  Copy constructor.

  • TEntryArray - Array of directory entries.
  • TEntryArray::Count() - Gets the number of entries in the array.
  • TEntryArray::operator[]() - Gets the directory entry at the specified index.
  • TEntryArray::TEntryArray() - Default constructor.

  • TEonMappedFrequency - Mapped frequencies can be broadcast as a part of the EON information.
  • TEonMappedFrequency::TEonMappedFrequency().

  • TEonStation - Class representing a station broadcast as an Enhanced Other Networks station.

  • TEtextComponentInfo - Provides information about the number of components owned by an editable text object.
  • TEtextComponentInfo::TEtextComponentInfo()  C++ constructor overloaded function.
  • TEtextComponentInfo::TEtextComponentInfo()  C++ constructor overloaded function.

  • TEui64Addr - This class specializes the generic socket server address class TSockAddr for the IPv6 Interface Identifier; the Modified EUI-64 address.
  • TEui64Addr::Address() - Accesses the address bytes.
  • TEui64Addr::AddrLen() - Returns the size of the KAfEui64 content format.
  • TEui64Addr::AddrPtr() - Returns a pointer to KAfEui64 content format.
  • TEui64Addr::Cast()  Unsafely casts a TSockAddr to TEui64Addr.
  • TEui64Addr::Cast()  Unsafely casts a TSockAddr to TEui64Addr.
  • TEui64Addr::Init() - Initializes the TSockAddr parts of an IPv6 Interface Identifier.
  • TEui64Addr::IsZero() - TRUE if the address bytes are all zeros.
  • TEui64Addr::Match() - TRUE if the address bytes match the parameter's.
  • TEui64Addr::SetAddress() - Sets the address bytes to given value.
  • TEui64Addr::TEui64Addr()  Constructs a basic IPv6 Interface Identifier.
  • TEui64Addr::TEui64Addr()  Constructs an IPv6 Interface Identifier from TSockAddr.
  • TEui64Addr::TEui64Addr()  Constructs an IPv6 Interface Identifier from TE64Addr.

  • TExifReaderUtility - This class offers a friendly interface to read the metadata in exif encoded image files.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetColorSpace() - Gets the colorSpace tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetComponentsConfiguration() - Gets the componentsConfiguration tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetCopyright() - Gets the copyright tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetDateTime() - Gets the dateTime tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetDateTimeDigitized() - Gets the dateTimeDigitized tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetDateTimeOriginal() - Gets the dateTimeOriginal tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetExifVersion() - Gets the exifVersion tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetFlash() - Gets the flash tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetFlashPixVersion() - Gets the flashpixVersion tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetFocalLength() - Gets the focal length tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsAltitude() - Gets the gps altitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsAltitudeRef() - Gets the gps altitude reference tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsAreaInformation() - Gets the name of gps area tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDateStamp() - Gets the gps date tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestBearing() - Gets the gps bearing of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestBearingRef() - Gets the gps reference for bearing of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestDistance() - Gets the gps distance to destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestDistanceRef() - Gets the gps reference for distance to destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestLatitude() - Gets the gps latitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestLatitudeRef() - Gets the gps reference for latitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestLongitude() - Gets the gps longitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDestLongitudeRef() - Gets the gps reference for longitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDifferential() - Gets the gps differential correction tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsDop() - Gets the gps measurement precision tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsImgDirection() - Gets the gps direction of image tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsImgDirectionRef() - Gets the gps reference for direction of image tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsLatitude() - Gets the gps latitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsLatitudeRef() - Gets the gps north or south latitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsLongitude() - Gets the gps longitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsLongitudeRef() - Gets the gps east or west longitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsMapDatum() - Gets the gps geodetic survey data used tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsMeasureMode() - Gets the gps measurement mode tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsProcessingMethod() - Gets the name of gps processing method tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsSatellites() - Gets the gps satellites used for measurement tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsSpeed() - Gets the speed of gps receiver tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsSpeedRef() - Gets the gps speed unit tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsStatus() - Gets the gps receiver status tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsTimeStamp() - Gets the gps time tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsTrack() - Gets the gps direction of movement tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsTrackRef() - Gets the gps reference for direction of movement tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetGpsVersionId() - Gets the gps version id tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetImageDescription() - Gets the image description tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetInteroperabilityIndex() - Gets the interoperabilityIndex tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetInteroperabilityVersion() - Gets the interoperabilityVersion tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetJpegInterchangeFormatLength()  Gets the thumbnail jpeg interchange format length of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetJpegInterchangeFormatLength()  Gets the thumbnail jpeg interchange format length of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetMake() - Gets the make tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetMakerNote() - Gets the maker note tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetModel() - Gets the model tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetOrientation() - Gets the main image orientation tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetPixelXDimension() - Gets the pixelXDimension tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetPixelYDimension() - Gets the pixelYDimension tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetResolutionUnit() - Gets the main image resolutionUnit tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetShutterSpeedValue() - Gets the shutter speed tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetThumbCompression() - Gets the thumbnail compression tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetThumbOrientation() - Gets the thumbnail orientation tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetThumbResolutionUnit() - Gets the thumbnail resolutionUnit tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetThumbXResolution() - Gets the thumbnail xResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetThumbYResolution() - Gets the thumbnail yResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetUserComment() - Gets the user comment tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetXResolution() - Gets the main image xResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetYCbCrPositioning() - Gets the yCbCrPositioning tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::GetYResolution() - Gets the main image yResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifReaderUtility::TExifReaderUtility() - Constructor.

  • TExifWriterUtility - This class offers a friendly interface to write the metadata in exif encoded image files.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetColorSpace() - Sets the colorSpace tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetComponentsConfiguration() - Sets the componentsConfiguration tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetCopyright() - Sets the copyright tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetDateTime() - Sets the dateTime tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetDateTimeDigitized() - Sets the dateTimeDigitized tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetDateTimeOriginal() - Sets the dateTimeOriginal tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetExifVersion() - Sets the exifVersion tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetFlash() - Sets the flash tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetFlashPixVersion() - Sets the flashpixVersion tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetFocalLength() - Sets the focal length tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsAltitude() - Sets the gps altitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsAltitudeRef() - Sets the gps altitude reference tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsAreaInformation() - Sets the name of gps area tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDateStamp() - Sets the gps date tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestBearing() - Sets the gps bearing of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestBearingRef() - Sets the gps reference for bearing of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestDistance() - Sets the gps distance to destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestDistanceRef() - Sets the gps reference for distance to destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestLatitude() - Sets the gps latitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestLatitudeRef() - Sets the gps reference for latitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestLongitude() - Sets the gps longitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDestLongitudeRef() - Sets the gps reference for longitude of destination tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDifferential() - Sets the gps differential correction tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsDop() - Sets the gps measurement precision tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsImgDirection() - Sets the direction of image tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsImgDirectionRef() - Sets the gps reference for direction of image tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsLatitude() - Sets the gps latitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsLatitudeRef() - Sets the gps north or south latitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsLongitude() - Sets the gps longitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsLongitudeRef() - Sets the east or west longitude tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsMapDatum() - Sets the gps geodetic survey data used tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsMeasureMode() - Sets the gps measurement mode tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsProcessingMethod() - Sets the name of gps processing method tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsSatellites() - Sets the gps satellites used for measurement tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsSpeed() - Sets the speed of gps receiver tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsSpeedRef() - Sets the gps speed unit tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsStatus() - Sets the gps receiver status tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsTimeStamp() - Sets the gps time tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsTrack() - Sets the direction of movement tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsTrackRef() - Sets the gps reference for direction of movement tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetGpsVersionId() - Sets the gps version id tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetImageDescription() - Sets the image description tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetInteroperabilityIndex() - Sets the interoperabilityindex tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetInteroperabilityVersion() - Sets the interoperabilityVersion tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetMake() - Sets the make tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetMakerNote() - Sets the maker note tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetModel() - Sets the model tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetOrientation() - Sets the main image orientation tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetPixelXDimension() - Sets the pixelXDimension tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetPixelYDimension() - Sets the pixelYDimension tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetResolutionUnit() - Sets the main image resolutionUnit tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetShutterSpeedValue() - Sets the shutter speed tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetThumbCompression() - Sets the thumbnail compression tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetThumbOrientation() - Sets the thumbnail orientation tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetThumbResolutionUnit() - Sets the thumbnail resolutionUnit tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetThumbXResolution() - Sets the thumbnail xResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetThumbYResolution() - Sets the thumbnail yResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetUserComment() - Sets the user comment tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetXResolution() - Sets the main image xResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetYCbCrPositioning() - Sets the yCbCrPositioning tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::SetYResolution() - Sets the main image yResolution tag value of the metadata.
  • TExifWriterUtility::TExifWriterUtility() - Constructor.

  • TExtendedLocale - Extended locale class.
  • TExtendedLocale::GetCurrencySymbol() - Get the Currency Symbol from SLocaleLocaleSettings object.
  • TExtendedLocale::GetLocale().
  • TExtendedLocale::GetLocaleDllName() - Returns the name of the DLL containing the given bits of locale information.
  • TExtendedLocale::GetLongDateFormatSpec() - Get the Long Date Format from SLocaleTimeDateFormat object.
  • TExtendedLocale::GetPreferredCollationMethod().
  • TExtendedLocale::GetShortDateFormatSpec() - Get the Short Date Format from SLocaleTimeDateFormat object.
  • TExtendedLocale::GetTimeFormatSpec() - Get the Time Format from SLocaleTimeDateFormat object.
  • TExtendedLocale::LoadLocale() - Loads a locale Dll and get the locale information.
  • TExtendedLocale::LoadLocaleAspect() - Loads a DLL and get some locale information.
  • TExtendedLocale::LoadSystemSettings() - Load system wide locale settings.
  • TExtendedLocale::SaveSystemSettings() - Make the current locale information system wide.
  • TExtendedLocale::SetCurrencySymbol() - Sets the currency symbol.
  • TExtendedLocale::TExtendedLocale() - Default constructor.

  • TExternalizer - A family of classes whose instances can be used to perform externalisation on behalf of other objects.
  • TExternalizer::Function() - Gets a pointer to the function to be used to perform externalisation.
  • TExternalizer::operator()().

  • TExternalizer< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TExternalizer classes whose instances can be used to perform externalisation on behalf of other untyped objects.
  • TExternalizer< TAny >::Function() - Gets a pointer to the function to be used to perform externalisation.
  • TExternalizer< TAny >::operator()().
  • TExternalizer< TAny >::TExternalizer()  Default constructor.
  • TExternalizer< TAny >::TExternalizer()  Constructs the externaliser with the specified externalisation function.

  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData - On or off key data for FEPs.
  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData::CharacterCodeForFoldedMatch() - Gets the character code.
  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData::ModifierMask() - Gets the modifier mask.
  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData::ModifierValues() - Gets the modifier values.
  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData::operator!=() - Checks if 2 TFepOnOrOffKeyData objects do not have the the same values.
  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData::operator==() - Checks if 2 TFepOnOrOffKeyData objects have the same values.
  • TFepOnOrOffKeyData::TFepOnOrOffKeyData() - The C++ constructor is used to construct the key data object with the character code, the modifier mask and the modifier values.

  • TFileText - Reads and writes single lines of text to or from a file.
  • TFileText::Read() - Reads single line text record into the specified descriptor.
  • TFileText::Seek() - Seeks to start or end of file.
  • TFileText::Set() - Sets the file to be read from, or written to.
  • TFileText::TFileText() - Default constructor.
  • TFileText::Write() - Writes the contents of a descriptor to the end of a file.

  • TFilterConfigurationIterator - This class can only be created and destroyed by the session.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtEnd() - Intended Usage: This method indicates whether the current filter is the last filter in the list.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtStart() - Intended Usage: This method indicates whether the current filter is the first filter in the list.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::CurrentFilterInformation() - Intended Usage: This method will return the information of the current filter.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::FindByDataType() - Intended Usage: This method find the first filter in the list that has a matching data type that is passed in.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::First() - Intended Usage: This method sets the current filter to the first filter in the list.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::InstallCurrentFilter() - Intended Usage: This method will install the current filter.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::Next() - Intended Usage: This method sets the current filter to the next filter in the list.
  • TFilterConfigurationIterator::UninstallCurrentFilter() - Intended Usage: This method will uninstall the current filter.
  • TFilterInformation::TFilterInformation() - Default constructor that simply initialises the data members.

  • TFindChunk - Searches for all global chunks by pattern matching against the names of (Kernel side) chunk objects.
  • TFindChunk::Next() - Finds the full name of the next chunk which matches the match pattern.
  • TFindChunk::TFindChunk()  Constructs this object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindChunk::TFindChunk()  Constructs the object with the specified match pattern.

  • TFindFieldInfo - information returned from a "Find the fields in this range" request Gets information about the fields found in a range of characters by CPlainText::FindFields().
  • TFindFieldInfo::operator!=() - Compares two field information objects for inequality.
  • TFindFieldInfo::operator==() - Compares two field information objects for equality.

  • TFindFile - Searches for files and directories.
  • TFindFile::File() - Gets the full file specification of a file which was found by a successful call to any of the search variants that do not accept wildcards.
  • TFindFile::Find() - Searches for the next file/directory.
  • TFindFile::FindByDir() - Searches for a file/directory in a directory on all available drives.
  • TFindFile::FindByPath() - Searches for a file/directory in one or more directories in the path.
  • TFindFile::FindWild() - Searches for the next file/directory.
  • TFindFile::FindWildByDir() - Searches, using wildcards, for one or more files/directories in a specified directory.
  • TFindFile::FindWildByPath() - Searches for one or more files/directories in the directories contained in a path list.
  • TFindFile::TFindFile() - Constructor taking a file server session.

  • TFindHandleBase - Base class for searching for global kernel objects.
  • TFindHandleBase::Find() - Sets a new match pattern.
  • TFindHandleBase::TFindHandleBase()  Default constructor.
  • TFindHandleBase::TFindHandleBase()  Constructor with match pattern.

  • TFindLibrary - Searches for DLLs whose full names match a specified pattern.
  • TFindLibrary::Next() - Finds the next DLL whose full name matches the match pattern.
  • TFindLibrary::TFindLibrary()  Constructs this object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindLibrary::TFindLibrary()  Constructs this object with the specified match pattern.

  • TFindLogicalDevice - Searches for LDD factory objects by pattern matching against the names of LDD factory objects.
  • TFindLogicalDevice::Next().
  • TFindLogicalDevice::TFindLogicalDevice().
  • TFindLogicalDevice::TFindLogicalDevice().

  • TFindMutex - Finds all global mutexes whose full names match a specified pattern.
  • TFindMutex::Next() - Finds the next global mutex whose full name matches the match pattern.
  • TFindMutex::TFindMutex()  Constructs this object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindMutex::TFindMutex()  Constructs this object with the specified match pattern.

  • TFindPhysicalDevice - Searches for PDD factory objects by pattern matching against the names of PDD factory objects.
  • TFindPhysicalDevice::Next().
  • TFindPhysicalDevice::TFindPhysicalDevice().
  • TFindPhysicalDevice::TFindPhysicalDevice().

  • TFindProcess - Searches for processes by pattern matching against the names of process objects.
  • TFindProcess::Next() - Gets the full name of the next process which matches the match pattern.
  • TFindProcess::TFindProcess()  Constructs this object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindProcess::TFindProcess()  Constructs this object with the specified match pattern.

  • TFindSemaphore - Finds all global semaphores whose full names match a specified pattern.
  • TFindSemaphore::Next() - Finds the next global semaphore whose full name matches the match pattern.
  • TFindSemaphore::TFindSemaphore()  Constructs the object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindSemaphore::TFindSemaphore()  Constructs this object with the specified match pattern.

  • TFindServer - Searches for servers by pattern matching against the names of kernel side server objects.
  • TFindServer::Next() - Gets the full name of the next server which matches the match pattern.
  • TFindServer::TFindServer()  Constructs the object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindServer::TFindServer()  Constructs the object with a specified match pattern.

  • TFindThread - Searches for threads by pattern matching against the names of thread objects.
  • TFindThread::Next() - Gets the full name of the next global thread which matches the match pattern.
  • TFindThread::TFindThread()  Constructs this object with a default match pattern.
  • TFindThread::TFindThread()  Constructs this object with the specified match pattern.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName - Finds the width in pixels of the widest abbreviated day name (for instance Mon, Tue) when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName::TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName - Finds the width in pixels of the widest abbreviated month name (for instance Jan, Feb), when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName::TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName - Finds the width in pixels of the widest Am or Pm text, when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName::TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix - Finds the width in pixels of the widest date suffix (for instance st, nd), when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix::TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestDayName - Finds the width in pixels of the widest day name, when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDayName::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDayName::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDayName::TFindWidthOfWidestDayName() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigit - Finds the width in pixels of the widest digit, when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigit::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigit::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigit::TFindWidthOfWidestDigit() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType::TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType().

  • TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName - Finds the width in pixels of the widest month name, when displayed in a specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName::TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName() - Default constructor.

  • TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem - Finds the width in pixels of the widest item in a range of indexed text items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem::GetFirstAndLastIndex() - Gets the first and last index in the range of items.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem::GetTextItem() - Gets the text item at the specfied index.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem::MaximumWidthInPixels() - Gets the width in pixels of the widest item in the range, using the specified font.
  • TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem::TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem() - Default constructor.

  • TFixedArray - A thin wrapper class for C++ arrays allowing automatic checking of index values to ensure that all accesses are legal.
  • TFixedArray::Array() - Creates and returns a generic array for this C++ array.
  • TFixedArray::At()  Gets a reference to the specified element within the C++ array.
  • TFixedArray::At()  Gets a const reference to the specified element within the C++ array.
  • TFixedArray::AtFunctionR().
  • TFixedArray::Begin()  Gets a pointer to the first element of the array.
  • TFixedArray::Begin()  Gets a pointer to the first element of the array.
  • TFixedArray::Copy() - Copies the specified set of contiguous objects into the C++ array.
  • TFixedArray::Count() - Gets the size of the array.
  • TFixedArray::CountFunctionR().
  • TFixedArray::DeleteAll() - Invokes the delete operator on every member of the array.
  • TFixedArray::End()  Gets a pointer to the first byte following the end of the array.
  • TFixedArray::End()  Gets a pointer to the first byte following the end of the array.
  • TFixedArray::InRange().
  • TFixedArray::Length() - Gets the size of an array element, in bytes.
  • TFixedArray::operator[]()  Gets a reference to the specified element within the C++ array.
  • TFixedArray::operator[]()  Gets a const reference to the specified element within the C++ array.
  • TFixedArray::Reset() - Fills every element of the array with binary zeroes.
  • TFixedArray::TFixedArray()  Default constructor.
  • TFixedArray::TFixedArray()  Constructs a C++ array initialised with the specified objects.
  • TFlowId::GetIPFlowNumber() - the IP flow number as specified in 3GPP TS 29.207.
  • TFlowId::GetMediaComponentNumber() - Getter Function for the Components of Flow ids.
  • TFlowId::SetIPFlowNumber().
  • TFlowId::SetMediaComponentNumber() - Setter Function For Flow Id Components.

  • TFontPresentation - Specifies the font-independent character format attributes, including bold, italics and underlining.
  • TFontPresentation::IsEqual() - Compares selected attribute values for equality.
  • TFontPresentation::TFontPresentation() - The default C++ constructor constructs a TFontPresentation object, initializing all member data to default values.

  • TFontSpec - Specifies the font specification in device independent terms.
  • TFontSpec::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the font specification to a write stream.
  • TFontSpec::InternalizeL() - Internalises a font specification from a read stream.
  • TFontSpec::operator==() - Compares this font specification with another.
  • TFontSpec::SetScriptTypeForMetrics() - Specifies the script with which font metrics calculation will be based on.
  • TFontSpec::TFontSpec()  Default constructor.
  • TFontSpec::TFontSpec()  Constructs a TFontSpec object with the specified typeface and height.

  • TFontStyle - Encapsulates a font style.
  • TFontStyle::BitmapType() - Gets the anti-aliasing setting for the font, as set by SetBitmapType().
  • TFontStyle::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the font style to a write stream.
  • TFontStyle::InternalizeL() - Internalises a font style from a read stream.
  • TFontStyle::operator==() - Compares a font style for equality.
  • TFontStyle::Posture() - Gets the posture attribute.
  • TFontStyle::PrintPosition() - Gets the print position attribute.
  • TFontStyle::SetBitmapType() - Sets whether the font should be drawn using anti-aliasing.
  • TFontStyle::SetPosture() - Sets the posture attribute.
  • TFontStyle::SetPrintPosition() - Sets the print position attribute.
  • TFontStyle::SetStrokeWeight() - Sets the stroke weight attribute.
  • TFontStyle::StrokeWeight() - Gets the stroke weight attribute.
  • TFontStyle::TFontStyle()  Default C++ constructor.
  • TFontStyle::TFontStyle()  Constructs a TFontStyle object with the specified attributes.

  • TFourCC - A class that holds a four character code, representing supported data encodings for the conversion destination.
  • TFourCC::FourCC()  Returns the FourCC code in little-endian format.
  • TFourCC::FourCC()  Unpacks the FourCC code in little-endian format into the space provided by the argument.
  • TFourCC::operator!=()  Inequality operator.
  • TFourCC::operator!=()  Inequality operator.
  • TFourCC::operator==()  Equality operator.
  • TFourCC::operator==()  Equality operator.
  • TFourCC::Set()  Sets the FourCC code equal to the value in the supplied argument.
  • TFourCC::Set()  Sets the FourCC code equal to the supplied argument.
  • TFourCC::TFourCC()  Default constructor initialises the class to KMMFFourCCCodeNULL.
  • TFourCC::TFourCC()  Packs the four arguments into a single TUint32.
  • TFourCC::TFourCC()  Constructs a FourCC code with the given 8 bit desciptor where the descriptor contains the characters that make up the FourCC code.
  • TFourCC::TFourCC()  Constructor with a TInt32 in little-endian format.

  • TFrameDataBlock - The abstract base class for all format-specific frame data variants.
  • TFrameDataBlock::DataType() - Returns the data type of the current TFrameDataBlock object.
  • TFrameDataBlock::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TFrameDataBlock::TFrameDataBlock() - Constructs and initialises the TFrameDataBlock object to the data type specified by aDataType.

  • TFrameInfo - General frame info provided by all plugins.
  • TFrameInfo::CurrentDataOffset() - Returns the current data offset.
  • TFrameInfo::CurrentFrameState() - Returns the current frame state.
  • TFrameInfo::FrameDataOffset() - Returns the frame data offset.
  • TFrameInfo::SetCurrentDataOffset() - Sets the current data offset to the supplied value.
  • TFrameInfo::SetCurrentFrameState() - Sets the current frame state to the supplied value.
  • TFrameInfo::SetFrameDataOffset() - Sets the frame data offset to the supplied value.

  • TFrameOverlay - A rectangular frame surrounding a picture with eight smaller, square areas (referred to as blobs) for moving and resizing the picture.
  • TFrameOverlay::ClearFlags() - Clears the flags specified from the frame's flag settings.
  • TFrameOverlay::Flags().
  • TFrameOverlay::Rect().
  • TFrameOverlay::RefRect().
  • TFrameOverlay::SetActiveBlobWidthInPixels() - Sets the active blob width in pixels.
  • TFrameOverlay::SetBlobWidthInPixels() - Sets the visible and active blob widths to the same value in pixels.
  • TFrameOverlay::SetFlags() - Sets the flags which control how the frame is drawn.
  • TFrameOverlay::SetRect() - Sets the picture frame rectangle.
  • TFrameOverlay::SetVisibleBlobWidthInPixels() - Sets the visible blob width in pixels.
  • TFrameOverlay::TFrameOverlay() - This constructs a TFrameOverlay, clearing all flags and initializing both blob widths to zero.
  • TFrameOverlay::XorDraw() - Draws the picture frame and blobs to a graphics context using the frame's flag settings.
  • TFrameOverlay::XyPosToEdges() - Gets the active region in which a pixel position is located.

  • TFrequency - Class representing a frequency.
  • TFrequency::operator!=().
  • TFrequency::operator>().
  • TFrequency::operator>=().
  • TFrequency::operator<().
  • TFrequency::operator<=().
  • TFrequency::operator==().
  • TFrequency::TFrequency()  Default constructor for TFrequency - initalises the object to zero.
  • TFrequency::TFrequency()  Initialises the stored data in a TFrequency object.

  • TFunctor.
  • TFunctor::operator()().

  • TGifBackgroundColor - GIF specific image data variant which holds background color info.
  • TGifBackgroundColor::DuplicateL().
  • TGifBackgroundColor::TGifBackgroundColor() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TGifColorTable - GIF specific frame data for saving a frame local color map (palette).
  • TGifColorTable::DuplicateL() - Create a copy of this class.
  • TGifColorTable::TGifColorTable() - Constructor for this class.

  • TGifComment - GIF specific image data variant which holds GIF comment info.
  • TGifComment::DuplicateL().
  • TGifComment::TGifComment() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TGifImageControl - GIF specific frame data variant which holds GIF image control information.
  • TGifImageControl::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TGifImageControl::TGifImageControl() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TGifImageDescriptor - GIF specific frame data variant which holds image descriptor information.
  • TGifImageDescriptor::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TGifImageDescriptor::TGifImageDescriptor() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TGifLZWInfo - GIF specific frame data variant which holds LZW compression information.
  • TGifLZWInfo::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TGifLZWInfo::TGifLZWInfo() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TGopAlphaBlendOneBitmap - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of a bitmap blended with the screen image to the screen, using alpha blending values provided in an alpha bitmap to blend the corresponding entries in the bitmap and on the screen.
  • TGopAlphaBlendOneBitmap::TGopAlphaBlendOneBitmap() - Constructor with a position, two bitmap specs and a rectangle.

  • TGopAlphaBlendTwoBitmaps - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of two bitmaps to a destination, using alpha blending values provided in a third bitmap to blend the corresponding entries in the first and second bitmaps.
  • TGopAlphaBlendTwoBitmaps::TGopAlphaBlendTwoBitmaps() - Constructor with a position, three bitmap specs and a rectangle.

  • TGopBitBlt - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another.
  • TGopBitBlt::TGopBitBlt() - Constructor with a position, a source bitmap handle and a rectangle.

  • TGopBitBltAlphaBitmap - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another using alpha blending values provided in a third bitmap.
  • TGopBitBltAlphaBitmap::TGopBitBltAlphaBitmap() - Constructor with a position, two bitmap specs and a rectangle.

  • TGopBitBltAlphaChannel - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another, using alpha blending.
  • TGopBitBltAlphaChannel::TGopBitBltAlphaChannel() - Constructor with a position, a bitmap handle and a rectangle.

  • TGopBitBltMasked - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another, using a third bitmap as a mask.
  • TGopBitBltMasked::TGopBitBltMasked() - Constructor with a position, a source bitmap handle, a rectangle and a mask bitmap handle.

  • TGopBitBltTransparent - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another, with some transparent pixels in the bitmap.
  • TGopBitBltTransparent::TGopBitBltTransparent() - Constructor with a destination, a handle to the source bitmap, a rectangle and a specification for which pixels should be treated as transparent.

  • TGopFadeParams - Specifies the amount of fading for all the pixels in a rectangular area.

  • TGopFadeRect - An accelerated graphics operation that fades the pixels in a rectangular area.
  • TGopFadeRect::TGopFadeRect() - Constructor with a rectangle and fade parameters.

  • TGopFillPattern - A pattern represented by a bitmap that is used by a graphics accelerator to fill a rectangle or polygon.

  • TGopFilledPolygon - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a polygon with a colour.
  • TGopFilledPolygon::AddPoints() - Specifies the polygon to be filled as a number of 2D point coordinates.
  • TGopFilledPolygon::TGopFilledPolygon() - Constructor with a fill rule and a fill colour.

  • TGopFilledPolygonWithPattern - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a polygon with a pattern held in another bitmap.
  • TGopFilledPolygonWithPattern::AddPoints() - Specifies the polygon to be filled as a number of 2D point coordinates.
  • TGopFilledPolygonWithPattern::TGopFilledPolygonWithPattern() - Constructor with a fill pattern and a fill rule.

  • TGopFilledRect - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a rectangular area with a colour.
  • TGopFilledRect::TGopFilledRect() - Constructor with a rectangle and a colour.

  • TGopFilledRectUsingDrawMode - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a rectangular area with a colour, whilst performing a bitwise logical operation with the pixels in the region, for instance AND, OR, Exclusive OR.
  • TGopFilledRectUsingDrawMode::TGopFilledRectUsingDrawMode() - Constructor with a rectangle, a colour and a draw mode.

  • TGopFilledRectWithPattern - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a rectangular area with a pattern.
  • TGopFilledRectWithPattern::TGopFilledRectWithPattern() - Constructor with a rectangle and a pattern.

  • TGopInvertRect - An accelerated graphics operation that inverts the colour of all pixels in a rectangular area.
  • TGopInvertRect::TGopInvertRect() - Constructor with a rectangle.

  • TGopScaledBitBlt - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another.
  • TGopScaledBitBlt::TGopScaledBitBlt() - Constructor with a destination rectangle, a handle to the source bitmap and a source rectangle.

  • TGopScaledBitBltAlphaBitmap - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another using alpha blending values provided in a third bitmap.
  • TGopScaledBitBltAlphaBitmap::TGopScaledBitBltAlphaBitmap() - Constructor with a source and destination rectangle and two bitmap handles.

  • TGopScaledBitBltAlphaChannel - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another using alpha blending.
  • TGopScaledBitBltAlphaChannel::TGopScaledBitBltAlphaChannel() - Constructor with a destination rectangle, a handle to the source bitmap and a source rectangle.

  • TGopScaledBitBltMasked - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another, using a third bitmap as a mask.
  • TGopScaledBitBltMasked::TGopScaledBitBltMasked() - Constructor with a source and destination rectangle, and handles to the source and mask bitmaps.

  • TGopScaledBitBltTransparent - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another, with some transparent pixels in the source bitmap.
  • TGopScaledBitBltTransparent::TGopScaledBitBltTransparent() - Constructor with destination and source rectangles, a handle to the source bitmap and a specification for which pixels should be treated as transparent.

  • TGopTransparency - Specifies which pixels should be treated as transparent in a bitblt operation that supports transparency.
  • TGopTransparency::Color() - Gets the colour that is treated as transparent.
  • TGopTransparency::Pixel() - Gets the value of the colour as a TInt that is treated as transparent.
  • TGopTransparency::TGopTransparency()  Constructor with a transparency type.
  • TGopTransparency::TGopTransparency()  Constructor with a pixel value.
  • TGopTransparency::TGopTransparency()  Constructor with a TRgb value.

  • TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps - Stores the capabilities of a graphics accelerator.

  • TGraphicsOperation - Abstract base class for all graphics operations.
  • TGraphicsOperation::Append().
  • TGraphicsOperation::Function().
  • TGraphicsOperation::Next().
  • TGraphicsOperation::Size().
  • TGraphicsOperation::TGraphicsOperation().
  • TGraphicsOperation::TGraphicsOperation().

  • TGridColors - The grid colour specification.
  • TGridColors::TGridColors()  Default constructor.
  • TGridColors::TGridColors()  Constructor setting the colour values.

  • TGridUtils - A collection of Grid utilities.
  • TGridUtils::FillRect() - Fills the specified rectangle with the specified colour.

  • TGsmSms - Basic SMS class that contains some of the Etel mulit-mode SMS types.
  • TGsmSms::Pdu() - Gets a descriptor containing the PDU.
  • TGsmSms::Sca() - Gets the Service Centre Address.
  • TGsmSms::SetPdu() - Sets the PDU.
  • TGsmSms::SetSca() - Sets the Service Centre Address.
  • TGsmSms::TGsmSms() - Constructor.

  • TGsmSmsTelNumber - Encapsulation of basic address information.
  • TGsmSmsTelNumber::TGsmSmsTelNumber() - Constructor.

  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress - Type-of-address field defined in ETSI 3GPP TS 23.040.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::ConvertToETelMM() - Converts type of number and numbering plan identification information from the type of address parameter to the NMobilePhone::TMobileTON and NMobilePhone::TMobileNPI format.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::NPI() - Gets the numbering plan identification.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::SetFromETelMM() - Sets type of number and numbering plan identification information from values specified in NMobilePhone::TMobileTON and NMobilePhone::TMobileNPI formats.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::SetNPI() - Sets the numbering plan identification.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::SetTON() - Sets the type of numbering.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress()  Constructor, specifying an octet value.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress()  Constructor, specifying type of numbering and numbering plan identification.
  • TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::TON() - Gets the type of numbering.

  • TGsmuLex8 - Thin wrapper over TLex8 to provide leaving functions when getting the next character(s).

  • TGulAlignment - Provides a convenient way to describe horizontal and vertical layouts of rectangular objects and to enquire how they occupy an area given their alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::HAlignment()  Gets the absolute horizontal alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::HAlignment()  Return the horizontal alignment, relative to the language directionality specified.
  • TGulAlignment::HasAbsoluteHAlignment() - Return whether horizontal alignment will be treated as an absolute value, or relative the specified language directionality.
  • TGulAlignment::InnerRect()  Gets the rectangle occupied by an object of size aInnerSize , which is placed in the area of the rectangle aOuter according to the current alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::InnerRect()  Gets the rectangle occupied by an object of size aInnerSize , which is placed in the area of the rectangle aOuter according to the current alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::InnerTopLeft()  Gets the co-ordinates of the top left corner of an object of size aInnerSize , which is placed in the area of the rectangle aOuter according to the current alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::InnerTopLeft()  Gets the co-ordinates of the top left corner of an object of size aInnerSize , which is placed in the area of the rectangle aOuter according to the current alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::operator TGulAlignmentValue() - Gets the (absolute) alignment value as TGulAlignmentValue.
  • TGulAlignment::ParaAlign() - Return the horizontal alignment as a CParaFormat::TAlignment object.
  • TGulAlignment::SetAbsoluteHAlignment() - Set the current horizontal alignment to be used as an absolute value.
  • TGulAlignment::SetHAlignment()  Sets the horizontal alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::SetHAlignment()  Sets the horizontal alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::SetHAlignment()  Sets the horizontal alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::SetVAlignment() - Sets the vertical alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::TextAlign()  Gets the absolute horizontal text alignment.
  • TGulAlignment::TextAlign()  Return the horizontal alignment, relative to the language directionality specified.
  • TGulAlignment::TGulAlignment()  Default constructor.
  • TGulAlignment::TGulAlignment()  Constructor initialising the object with an alignment value.
  • TGulAlignment::TGulAlignment()  Constructor initialising the object with an alignment value.
  • TGulAlignment::VAlignment() - Gets the vertical alignment.

  • TGulBorder - Draws a border around a control.
  • TGulBorder::Adjacent() - Gets the border adjacency.
  • TGulBorder::Draw()  Draws the border using a graphics context, inside a containing rectangle, and using the border colours specified.
  • TGulBorder::Draw()  Draws the border using a graphics context, inside a containing rectangle, and using default values for the border colours.
  • TGulBorder::HasBorder() - Tests whether a border is present.
  • TGulBorder::InnerRect() - Returns the rectangular area enclosed by the border.
  • TGulBorder::Margins() - Returns the border margins.
  • TGulBorder::OuterRect() - Returns the rectangular area required to accommodate the inner rectangle aInnerRect and the border.
  • TGulBorder::SetAdjacent() - Sets the border adjacency.
  • TGulBorder::SetType() - Sets the border type.
  • TGulBorder::SizeDelta() - Returns the size difference between the inner and outer rectangles of the border.
  • TGulBorder::TGulBorder()  Default constructor.
  • TGulBorder::TGulBorder()  Constructor with a border type.
  • TGulBorder::TGulBorder()  Constructor with a border type and an adjacency.
  • TGulBorder::TGulBorder()  Constructor with a border type, specified as a TInt.
  • TGulBorder::TGulBorder()  Constructor with a border type, specified as a TInt, and a border adjacency.
  • TGulBorder::Type() - Gets the border type.

  • TGulBorder::TColors - Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines.
  • TGulBorder::TColors::TColors() - Default constructor.

  • TH263HrdParams - H.263 HRD parameters.

  • TH263PictureHeader - H.263 picture header.

  • TH263VideoCapability - This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities or bitstream properties.

  • TH263VideoMode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.

  • THTTPEvent - A HTTP status message.
  • THTTPEvent::IsSessionEvent().
  • THTTPEvent::operator!=()  Inequality operator.
  • THTTPEvent::operator!=()  Inequality operator (compares with a standard event).
  • THTTPEvent::operator!=()  Inequality operator (compares with a transaction event).
  • THTTPEvent::operator=()  Assigns a standard event code to an event object.
  • THTTPEvent::operator=()  Assigns a transaction event code to an event object.
  • THTTPEvent::operator==()  Equality operator.
  • THTTPEvent::operator==()  Equality operator (compares with a standard event).
  • THTTPEvent::operator==()  Equality operator (compares with a transaction event).
  • THTTPEvent::THTTPEvent()  Constructor.
  • THTTPEvent::THTTPEvent()  Constructor (using a standard event and the HTTP UID).
  • THTTPEvent::THTTPEvent()  Constructor (using a transaction event and the HTTP UID).

  • THTTPFilterHandle - A Filter registration handle.
  • THTTPFilterHandle::operator!=().
  • THTTPFilterHandle::operator==().
  • THTTPFilterHandle::THTTPFilterHandle().

  • THTTPFilterIterator - An iterator for RHTTPFilterCollection.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::AtEnd() - Returns ETrue if the iterator is at the end of the collection.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::First() - Moves the iterator to the first member of the collection.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::operator *() - Returns the filter that the iterator is pointing at.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::operator()() - Returns the filter that the iterator is pointing at.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::operator++() - Moves on to the next item in the collection.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::operator->() - Returns the filter that the iterator is pointing at.
  • THTTPFilterIterator::THTTPFilterIterator() - Non-initialised constructor.

  • THTTPFilterRegistration - A registration of a filter in the filter queue.
  • THTTPFilterRegistration::THTTPFilterRegistration()  Default constructor.
  • THTTPFilterRegistration::THTTPFilterRegistration()  Constructor.

  • THTTPHdrFieldIter - Iterator class to iterate the fields within a RHTTPHeaders.
  • THTTPHdrFieldIter::AtEnd() - Check if the iterator is at the end of the collection.
  • THTTPHdrFieldIter::First() - Reset iterator to point at the first field in the header collection.
  • THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator()() - Obtain the name of the header field currently pointed at by the iterator.
  • THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator++() - Advance the iterator to the next field.
  • THTTPHdrFieldIter::THTTPHdrFieldIter() - Construct an iterator for the fields of the supplied header collection.
  • THTTPHdrFieldIter::~THTTPHdrFieldIter() - Class destructor.

  • THTTPHdrVal - A representation of a value found in an HTTP header field.
  • THTTPHdrVal::Copy() - Obtain a copy of this header value.
  • THTTPHdrVal::DateTime() - Obtain the (date/time) value held within.
  • THTTPHdrVal::Int() - Obtain the (integer) value held within Panics if the value is of the wring type.
  • THTTPHdrVal::operator RString() - Cast operator to obtain the HTTP value as a string.
  • THTTPHdrVal::operator RStringF() - Cast operator to obtain the HTTP value as a string.
  • THTTPHdrVal::operator TDateTime() - Cast operator to obtain the HTTP value as an date/time.
  • THTTPHdrVal::operator TInt() - Cast operator to obtain the HTTP value as an integer.
  • THTTPHdrVal::operator!=() - Comparison operator.
  • THTTPHdrVal::operator==() - Comparison operator.
  • THTTPHdrVal::SetDateTime() - Set the header value to be the supplied date/time.
  • THTTPHdrVal::SetInt() - Set the header value to be the supplied integer.
  • THTTPHdrVal::SetStr() - Set the header value to be the supplied string.
  • THTTPHdrVal::SetStrF() - Set the header value to be the supplied string.
  • THTTPHdrVal::Str().
  • THTTPHdrVal::StrF() - Obtain the (string) value held within Panics if the value is of the wring type.
  • THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal()  Default constructor Used when constructing an empty header value that is to be filled in by a call to a function.
  • THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal()  Constructor for an integer field value.
  • THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal()  Constructor for an string value.
  • THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal()  Constructor for an string value.
  • THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal()  Constructor for an date/time value.
  • THTTPHdrVal::Type() - Determine the type of this header field value.

  • THTTPHdrVal::TQConv.
  • THTTPHdrVal::TQConv::operator TInt() - Integer cast operator to get the fixed-point representation.
  • THTTPHdrVal::TQConv::operator TReal() - TReal cast operator to get the real number representation.
  • THTTPHdrVal::TQConv::TQConv()  Construct from a real number representation of 'q'.
  • THTTPHdrVal::TQConv::TQConv()  Construct from a fixed-point representation of 'q'.

  • THTTPSessionEvent - A HTTP session status message.
  • THTTPSessionEvent::operator!=() - Inequality operator (compares with a session event).
  • THTTPSessionEvent::operator=() - Assigns a session event code to an event object.
  • THTTPSessionEvent::operator==() - Equality operator (compares with a session event).
  • THTTPSessionEvent::THTTPSessionEvent()  Constructor.
  • THTTPSessionEvent::THTTPSessionEvent()  Constructor (using a standard event and the HTTP UID).
  • THTTPSessionEvent::THTTPSessionEvent()  Constructor (using a session event and the HTTP UID).

  • THandleInfo - Information about a kernel object.

  • THashFunction32 - A templated class which packages a function that calculates a 32 bit hash value from a key of templated type.
  • THashFunction32::Hash().
  • THashFunction32::operator TGeneralHashFunction32().
  • THashFunction32::THashFunction32().

  • THashMapIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashMap class.
  • THashMapIter::CurrentKey() - Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  • THashMapIter::CurrentValue() - Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  • THashMapIter::NextKey() - Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
  • THashMapIter::NextValue() - Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
  • THashMapIter::RemoveCurrent() - Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  • THashMapIter::Reset() - Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  • THashMapIter::THashMapIter() - Construct an iterator over the specified associative array.

  • THashSetIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashSet class.
  • THashSetIter::Current() - Return the current position of the iterator.
  • THashSetIter::Next() - Steps the iterator to the next position.
  • THashSetIter::RemoveCurrent() - Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  • THashSetIter::Reset() - Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  • THashSetIter::THashSetIter() - Construct an iterator over the specified set.

  • TIASDatabaseEntry - An Information Access Service (IAS) record in the network database.
  • TIASDatabaseEntry::SetAttributeName() - Sets the attribute in the IAS entry.
  • TIASDatabaseEntry::SetClassName() - Sets the class name in the IAS entry.
  • TIASDatabaseEntry::SetToCharString()  Sets the response type corresponding to the class and attribute defined in this record, as a character string.
  • TIASDatabaseEntry::SetToCharString()  Sets the response type corresponding to the class and attribute defined in this record, as a wide character string.
  • TIASDatabaseEntry::SetToInteger() - Sets the response type corresponding to the class and attribute defined in this record, as an integer.
  • TIASDatabaseEntry::SetToOctetSeq() - Sets the response type corresponding to the class and attribute defined in this record, as binary data.

  • TIASDatabaseEntryV001 - The data for an Information Access Service (IAS) record in the network database.
  • TIASDatabaseEntryV001::TIASDatabaseEntryV001() - Default constructor.

  • TIASQuery - An Information Access Service (IAS) query to another device's IAS server.
  • TIASQuery::Get() - Retrieves the detail of this IAS query.
  • TIASQuery::Set() - Changes the class name, the attribute and the remote device address of the IAS query.
  • TIASQuery::TIASQuery()  Constructs a new IAS query taking the class name, the attribute and the remote device address.
  • TIASQuery::TIASQuery()  Constructs an empty IAS query object.

  • TIASResponse - Response from an Information Access Service (IAS) query to another device's IAS server.
  • TIASResponse::GetCharString()  Returns the response string.
  • TIASResponse::GetCharString()  Gets the response string.
  • TIASResponse::GetCharString16() - Gets a TPtrC16 string of unicode characters from the TIASResponse object.
  • TIASResponse::GetCharString8() - Returns a non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the response string.
  • TIASResponse::GetInteger() - Returns the response integer.
  • TIASResponse::GetOctetSeq() - Returns the response binary data.
  • TIASResponse::IsList() - Indicates the response contains a list.
  • TIASResponse::NumItems() - Indicates the number of items in the response.
  • TIASResponse::TIASResponse() - Default constructor.
  • TIASResponse::Type() - Returns the type of the response.

  • TIdentityRelation - A templated class which packages a function that determines whether two objects of a given class type match.
  • TIdentityRelation::operator TGeneralIdentityRelation() - Operator that gets the function that determines whether two objects of a given class type match.
  • TIdentityRelation::TIdentityRelation() - Constructs the object taking the specified function as an argument.

  • TImCodecB64.
  • TImCodecB64::Decode().
  • TImCodecB64::Encode().
  • TImCodecB64::Initialise().
  • TImCodecB64::TImCodecB64().

  • TImCodecUU.
  • TImCodecUU::Decode().
  • TImCodecUU::Encode().
  • TImCodecUU::PostfixNextLine().
  • TImCodecUU::PrefixNextLineL().
  • TImCodecUU::TImCodecUU().

  • TImEmailTransformingInfo - Encapsulates character conversion and encoding settings for sending SMTP email.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::AttachmentEncoding() - Gets the attachment encoding.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::BodyTextCharset() - Gets the character set for the body text.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::BodyTextEncoding() - Gets the body text encoding.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::ExternalizeL().
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::HeaderCharset() - Gets the character set for the header.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::HeaderEncoding() - Gets the header encoding.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::HTMLCharset() - Gets the HTML character set.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::HTMLEncoding() - Gets the HTML encoding.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::InternalizeL().
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::operator=() - Overloaded assignment operator.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::operator==() - Overloaded equality operator.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::RestoreL() - Restores the object to the specified message store.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SendMethod() - Gets the current send method.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetAttachmentEncoding() - Sets the encoding for email attachments.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetBodyTextCharset() - Sets the character set for body text.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetBodyTextEncoding() - Sets the body text encoding.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetHeaderAndBodyCharset() - Sets the character set used for both the header and body text.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetHeaderCharset() - Sets the character set used for the header.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetHeaderEncodingB() - Sets the header encoding to type B.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetHeaderEncodingQ() - Sets the header encoding to type Q.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetHTMLCharset() - Sets the HTML character set.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetHTMLEncoding() - Sets the encoding for HTML email.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetSendMethod() - Sets the method by which email is sent.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::SetToDefault() - Sets the member data to their default values, for the send method specified.
  • TImEmailTransformingInfo::StoreL() - Writes the object to the specified message store.

  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo - Stores encoding data found in message headers.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::AddSpace() - Tests if the add space character flag is set.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::ArrayValue() - Gets the array value.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::CharsetUid() - Gets the character set UID.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::EncodedLength() - Gets the encoded length.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::EncodingType() - Gets the encoding type (enumeration).
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object to the specified stream.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::Field() - Gets the field type.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object from the specified stream.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::Length() - Gets the field length.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::Offset() - Gets the field offset.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetAddSpace() - Sets if a space character needs adding between two adjoining encoded-words.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetArrayValue() - Sets the array value.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetCharsetUid() - Sets the character set UID.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetEncodedLength() - Sets the encoded length.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetEncodingType()  Sets the encoding type (string).
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetEncodingType()  Sets the encoding type (enumeration).
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetField() - Sets the field type.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetLength() - Sets the field length.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::SetOffset() - Sets the field offset.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::TImHeaderEncodingInfo()  Default constructor.
  • TImHeaderEncodingInfo::TImHeaderEncodingInfo()  Copy constructor.

  • TImIAPChoice - Sets the connection dialog preference to be used with a particular IAP used for an internet mail service.

  • TImImailFileProgress - Status information about the SMTP message which is being sent.

  • TImImap4GetMailInfo - Specifies options used when retrieving messages with IMAP.

  • TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo - Specifies message criteria that are used as a filter when retrieving messages partially.

  • TImMessageField - Parses email message header fields for valid Internet email addresses, comments and aliases.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidAlias()  Gets a valid alias, if one exists, from the specified string.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidAlias()  Gets a valid alias, if one exists, from the specified string.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidComment()  Gets a valid comment, if one exists, from the specified string.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidComment()  Gets a valid comment, if one exists, from the specified string.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString()  Gets a valid email address, if one exists, from the specified string.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString()  Gets a valid email address, if one exists, from the specified string.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString()  This function overload is not implemented.
  • TImMessageField::GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString()  This function overload is not implemented.
  • TImMessageField::ValidAliasName()  This function always returns true, so can be ignored.
  • TImMessageField::ValidAliasName()  This function always returns true, so can be ignored.
  • TImMessageField::ValidInternetEmailAddress()  Tests if the specified string contains a valid email address.
  • TImMessageField::ValidInternetEmailAddress()  Tests if the specified string contains a valid email address.
  • TImMessageField::ValidInternetEmailAddress()  Tests if the specified string contains a valid email address.
  • TImMessageField::ValidInternetEmailAddress()  Tests if the specified string contains a valid email address.
  • TImMessageField::ValidInternetEmailAddressChar() - Tests if the specified character is valid (in ASCII range 32-127) for use in an email address.
  • TImMessageField::ValidSubjectLine()  This function always returns true, so can be ignored.
  • TImMessageField::ValidSubjectLine()  This function always returns true, so can be ignored.
  • TImMessageField::ValidSubjectLineChar() - This function always returns true, so can be ignored.

  • TImPop3GetMailInfo - Use to specify the maximum message size and the destination folder ID for certain POP3 operations.

  • TImPop3PopulateOptions - Use to specify the population limit for the POP3 top command.
  • TImPop3PopulateOptions::MaxEmailSize().
  • TImPop3PopulateOptions::PopulationLimit().
  • TImPop3PopulateOptions::SetMaxEmailSize().
  • TImPop3PopulateOptions::SetPopulationLimit().
  • TImPop3PopulateOptions::TImPop3PopulateOptions().
  • TImPop3PopulateOptions::UnpackL() - Creates and initialises a TImPop3PopulateOptions using data from a packaged descriptor to initialise members.

  • TImSmtpProgress - Progress information for SMTP operations on the Internet Mail MTM.
  • TImSmtpProgress::ConnectionIAP() - Retrieves the internet access point that is used when connecting to the SMTP service.
  • TImSmtpProgress::ConnectionState() - Retrieves the stage of the connection process as defined in nifvar.h and csdprog.h while the service is connecting to the SMTP server.
  • TImSmtpProgress::DecrementSendTotal() - Decrements the send total.
  • TImSmtpProgress::Error() - Gets an operation error code.
  • TImSmtpProgress::FailedToSend() - Gets the number of messages that the MTM failed to send this session.
  • TImSmtpProgress::InitialiseTotal() - Set the progress variables to initial values.
  • TImSmtpProgress::MsgNo() - Gets the index of the message that is currently being sent.
  • TImSmtpProgress::NotSent() - Gets the number of messages that the MTM did not attempt to send in this session.
  • TImSmtpProgress::SendTotal() - Gets the total number of messages that the MTM is attempting to send in this session.
  • TImSmtpProgress::Sent() - Gets the number of messages sent so far in this SMTP session.
  • TImSmtpProgress::ServiceId() - Gets the message server entry ID of the SMTP service being used.
  • TImSmtpProgress::SetConnectionIAP() - Sets the ConnectionIAP value.
  • TImSmtpProgress::SetError() - Sets an error code for the operation.
  • TImSmtpProgress::SetMsgNo() - Sets the index of the message that is currently being sent.
  • TImSmtpProgress::SetServiceId() - Sets the message server entry ID of the SMTP service being used.
  • TImSmtpProgress::SetStatus() - Sets the sending status of the SMTP operation.
  • TImSmtpProgress::Status() - Gets the sending status of the SMTP operation.
  • TImSmtpProgress::UpdateFailedToSend() - Updates progress variables for when a message fails to be sent.
  • TImSmtpProgress::UpdateSent() - Updates progress variables for when a message is successfully sent.

  • TImageBitmapUtil - Bitmap utility class.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::Begin()  Requests a lock for the current bitmap from the font & bitmap server and sets the current position in the bitmap to the first pixel.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::Begin()  Requests a lock for the current bitmap from the font & bitmap server and sets the current position in the bitmap to aPosition.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::End() - Releases a lock previously acquired using TImageBitmapUtil::Begin().
  • TImageBitmapUtil::SetBitmapL() - Sets the current bitmap to aBitmap.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::SetPixel() - Sets the pixel value at the current bitmap position using aPixelIndex.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::SetPixels() - Sets an array of pixel values, starting at the current bitmap position using the values supplied in aPixelIndex.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::SetPos() - Sets the current position in the bitmap to aPosition.
  • TImageBitmapUtil::TImageBitmapUtil() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TImageDataBlock - The abstract base class for all format-specific image data variants.
  • TImageDataBlock::DataType() - Returns the data type of the current TImageDataBlock object.
  • TImageDataBlock::DuplicateL().
  • TImageDataBlock::TImageDataBlock() - Constructs and initialises the TImageDataBlock object to the data type specified by aDataType.

  • TImap4CompoundProgress - IMAP operation progress information.

  • TImap4GenericProgress - Progress information for an IMAP4 get operation.
  • TImap4GenericProgress::ConnectionIAP() - Retrieves the internet access point that is used when connecting to the IMAP4 service.
  • TImap4GenericProgress::ConnectionState() - Retrieves the stage of the connection process as defined in nifvar.h and csdprog.h while the service is connecting to the IMAP4 server.

  • TImap4RenameFolder - Buffer for an IMAP folder name.

  • TImap4SyncProgress - IMAP4 synchronisation progress information.

  • TImapAccount - IMAP account ID.

  • TInetAddr - This class specialises the generic socket server address class TSockAddr for the TCP/IP protocol family.
  • TInetAddr::Addr4Ptr() - Returns a pointer to KAfInet content format.
  • TInetAddr::Address() - Gets the IPv4 address value.
  • TInetAddr::AddrLen() - Returns the size of the KAfInet6 content format.
  • TInetAddr::AddrPtr() - Returns a pointer to KAfInet6 content format.
  • TInetAddr::Cast()  Casts a TSockAddr to a TInetAddr reference.
  • TInetAddr::Cast()  Casts a TSockAddr to a TInetAddr reference.
  • TInetAddr::CmpAddr() - Compares IP address and port values with those in another TInetAddr.
  • TInetAddr::ConvertToV4() - Converts an IPv4-mapped or IPv4-comptatible address to IPv4.
  • TInetAddr::ConvertToV4Compat() - Converts an IPv4 address to an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.
  • TInetAddr::ConvertToV4Mapped() - Converts an IPv4 address to an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
  • TInetAddr::FlowLabel() - Gets the Flow Label.
  • TInetAddr::Init() - Initialises the object properly according to the address family passed in.
  • TInetAddr::Input() - Sets the IP address from a string containing a representation of an IP address, such as might be entered in a dialog.
  • TInetAddr::Ip6Address() - Gets the IPv6 address.
  • TInetAddr::IsBroadcast() - Tests if the IP address is a limited broadcast address (
  • TInetAddr::IsClassA() - Tests if the IP address is Class A.
  • TInetAddr::IsClassB() - Tests if the IP address is Class B.
  • TInetAddr::IsClassC() - Tests if the IP address is Class C.
  • TInetAddr::IsLinkLocal() - Tests if IP address is link-local address.
  • TInetAddr::IsLoopback() - Tests if the IP address is a loopback address.
  • TInetAddr::IsMulticast() - Tests if the IP address is a multicast address.
  • TInetAddr::IsSiteLocal() - Tests if IP address is site-local address.
  • TInetAddr::IsUnicast() - Tests if address is unicast address.
  • TInetAddr::IsUnspecified() - Tests if the IP address is unspecified.
  • TInetAddr::IsV4Compat() - Tests if this address is an IPv4-compatible address.
  • TInetAddr::IsV4Mapped() - Tests if this address is an IPv4-mapped address.
  • TInetAddr::IsWildAddr() - Tests if the IP address is unspecified.
  • TInetAddr::IsWildPort() - Tests if the port is zero.
  • TInetAddr::Match()  Tests the IP address value with that in another TInetAddr.
  • TInetAddr::Match()  Tests if another TInetAddr is in the same subnet.
  • TInetAddr::Match()  Tests if the specified number of left-most bits on addresses are same.
  • TInetAddr::Net() - Obtains a network mask corresponding to the class of the IP address, using the NetMask() function, and then applies this mask to the current IP address (deprecated).
  • TInetAddr::NetBroadcast() - Sets the IP address to be suitable for a network-directed broadcast address (deprecated).
  • TInetAddr::NetMask() - Sets the IP address to a mask suitable for extracting the network number part of the IP address (deprecated).
  • TInetAddr::Output() - Writes the IP address into a string.
  • TInetAddr::OutputWithScope() - Writes the IP address into a string and appends the scope id.
  • TInetAddr::Prefix() - Creates an IPv6 address with the specified number of left-most bits copied from another address, and remaining bits set to 0.
  • TInetAddr::PrefixMask() - Creates an IPv6 address with the specified number of left-most bits set to 1, and the rest set to 0.
  • TInetAddr::Scope() - Gets the scope id value.
  • TInetAddr::SetAddress()  Sets the IPv4 address value.
  • TInetAddr::SetAddress()  Sets the IPv6 address value.
  • TInetAddr::SetFlowLabel() - Sets the Flow Label.
  • TInetAddr::SetScope() - Sets the scope id value.
  • TInetAddr::SetV4CompatAddress() - Creates an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.
  • TInetAddr::SetV4MappedAddress() - Creates an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
  • TInetAddr::SubNet() - Sets the IP address to the network number and subnet parts of the IP address (that is, the original IP address with the host number part cleared).
  • TInetAddr::SubNetBroadcast() - Sets the IP address to be suitable for a subnet-directed broadcast address.
  • TInetAddr::TInetAddr()  Constructs a basic TInetAddr object.
  • TInetAddr::TInetAddr()  Constructs a TInetAddr from a TSockAddr.
  • TInetAddr::TInetAddr()  Constructs a TInetAddr and initialises the port to the specified value, and the IP address is unspecified.
  • TInetAddr::TInetAddr()  Constructs a TInetAddr and initialises the port to the specified value, and the IPv6 address to aAddr.
  • TInetAddr::TInetAddr()  Constructs a TInetAddr and initialise the specified port value to aPort and the IP address to aAddr.

  • TInetAddressInfo - Information of an address attached to interface.

  • TInetInterfaceInfo - Information of a network interface.

  • TInetMulticastInfo - Information of a multicast group joined by the IP stack.

  • TInetRouteInfo - Information of a route entry in IP stack.

  • TInquirySockAddr - Socket address class used for inquiries.
  • TInquirySockAddr::Action().
  • TInquirySockAddr::BTAddr() - Getter.
  • TInquirySockAddr::Cast().
  • TInquirySockAddr::FormatTypeField() - Gets the Format Type Field number.
  • TInquirySockAddr::IAC().
  • TInquirySockAddr::MajorClassOfDevice().
  • TInquirySockAddr::MajorServiceClass().
  • TInquirySockAddr::MinorClassOfDevice().
  • TInquirySockAddr::SetAction().
  • TInquirySockAddr::SetBTAddr() - Sets BT address from a TBTDevAddr.
  • TInquirySockAddr::SetIAC().
  • TInquirySockAddr::SetMajorClassOfDevice().
  • TInquirySockAddr::SetMajorServiceClass().
  • TInquirySockAddr::SetMinorClassOfDevice().
  • TInquirySockAddr::TInquirySockAddr()  Constructor.
  • TInquirySockAddr::TInquirySockAddr().
  • TInquirySockAddr::Version() - Gets the version number.

  • TInstrumentInfo - General utility class to hold instrument information.

  • TInterfaceNotification.

  • TInternalizer - A family of classes whose instances can be used to perform internalisation on behalf of other objects.
  • TInternalizer::Function() - Gets a pointer to the function to be used to perform internalisation.
  • TInternalizer::operator()().

  • TInternalizer< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TInternalizer classes whose instances can be used to perform internalisation on behalf of other objects.
  • TInternalizer< TAny >::Function() - Gets a pointer to the function to be used to perform internalisation.
  • TInternalizer< TAny >::operator()().
  • TInternalizer< TAny >::TInternalizer()  Default constructor.
  • TInternalizer< TAny >::TInternalizer()  Constructs the internaliser with the specified internalisation function.

  • TInternetDate - Stores dates in universal time and provides parsing of internet style dates into TDateTime and RFC 1123 (updates RFC 822) dates.
  • TInternetDate::DateTime() - Used to access the date/time.
  • TInternetDate::InternetDateTimeL() - Used to access the date/time in a text formate.
  • TInternetDate::SetDateL() - Used to set a date which is in a Internet form.
  • TInternetDate::TInternetDate()  Intended Usage: Default Constructor.
  • TInternetDate::TInternetDate()  Intended Usage: Constructor.

  • TIp6Addr - The 128 bits of IPv6 or IPv4 address stored in network byte order.
  • TIp6Addr::IsEqual() - Tests if two addresses are equal.
  • TIp6Addr::IsLinkLocal() - Tests if the address is an IPv6 link-local address.
  • TIp6Addr::IsLoopback() - Tests if the address is IPv6 loopback.
  • TIp6Addr::IsMulticast() - Tests if the IPv6 address is multicast.
  • TIp6Addr::IsSiteLocal() - Tests if this address is an IPv6 site-local address (fec0::/10).
  • TIp6Addr::IsUnicast() - Tests if the address is IPv6 unicast.
  • TIp6Addr::IsUnspecified() - Tests if the address is IPv6 unspecified.
  • TIp6Addr::IsV4Compat() - Tests if this address is an IPv4-compatible address.
  • TIp6Addr::IsV4Mapped() - Tests if this address is an IPv4-mapped address.
  • TIp6Addr::Match() - Compares two raw IPv6 addresses from left to right and returns the number of bits that match.
  • TIp6Addr::Scope() - Return the scope level of the addres.

  • TIp6Mreq - TIp6Mreq.

  • TIpcArgs - A Version 2 client/server class that clients use to package the arguments to be sent to a server.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument to default value and type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value of TInt type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value of TAny* type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value of RHandleBase type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value TDesC8* type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value of TDesC16* type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value of TDes8* type.
  • TIpcArgs::Set()  Sets an argument value of TDes16* type.
  • TIpcArgs::TIpcArgs()  Default constructor.
  • TIpcArgs::TIpcArgs()  A templated constructor that constructs the argument package; it takes 1 argument.
  • TIpcArgs::TIpcArgs()  A templated constructor that constructs the argument package; it takes 2 arguments.
  • TIpcArgs::TIpcArgs()  A templated constructor that constructs the argument package; it takes 3 arguments.
  • TIpcArgs::TIpcArgs()  A templated constructor that constructs the argument package; it takes 4 arguments.

  • TIrdaSockAddr - An IrDA socket address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::Cast()  Casts a pointer to a general socket address into an IrDA socket address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::Cast()  Casts a pointer to a general socket address into an IrDA socket address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetCharacterSet() - Returns the character set supported by the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetFirstServiceHintByte() - Returns the remote device's first service hint byte.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetHomePort().
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetHostDevAddr() - Returns the host device address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetIrlapVersion() - Returns the remote device's IrLAP version number.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetRemoteDevAddr() - Returns the remote device address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetRemotePort().
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetSecondServiceHintByte() - Returns the remote device's first service hint byte.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetServiceHintByteCount() - Returns the number of service hint bytes for the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetSniffStatus() - Returns the remote device's sniff status, i.e.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::GetSolicitedStatus() - Returns the solicited status.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetCharacterSet() - Sets the character set supported by the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetFirstServiceHintByte() - Sets the first service hint byte for the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetHomePort().
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetHostDevAddr() - Sets the host device address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetIrlapVersion() - Sets the IrLAP version number for the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetRemoteDevAddr() - Sets the remote device address.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetRemotePort().
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetSecondServiceHintByte() - Sets the second service hint byte for the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetServiceHintByteCount() - Sets the number of service hint bytes for the remote device.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetSniffStatus() - Sets the sniff status for the remote device, i.e.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::SetSolicitedStatus() - Sets the solicited status.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::TIrdaSockAddr()  Default constructor.
  • TIrdaSockAddr::TIrdaSockAddr()  Copy constructor.

  • TJpegComment - JPEG specific image data variant which holds JPEG comment information.
  • TJpegComment::DuplicateL().
  • TJpegComment::TJpegComment() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TJpegImageData - JPEG specific image data variant which holds color sampling and quality factor information.
  • TJpegImageData::DuplicateL().
  • TJpegImageData::TJpegImageData() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TJpegQTable - JPEG specific image data variant which holds QTable info.
  • TJpegQTable::DuplicateL().
  • TJpegQTable::TJpegQTable() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TKey - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of an array.
  • TKey::At() - Gets a pointer to the key of a specified array element.
  • TKey::Compare() - Compares the keys of two array elements.
  • TKey::SetPtr() - Sets the pointer to a sample element whose key is to be used for comparison.
  • TKey::TKey()  Protected default constructor.
  • TKey::TKey()  Constructs the characteristics of a descriptor type key.
  • TKey::TKey()  Constructs the characteristics of a text key.
  • TKey::TKey()  Constructs the characteristics of a numeric key.

  • TKeyArrayFix - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of arrays of fixed length objects.
  • TKeyArrayFix::At() - Gets a pointer to the key of a specified array element.
  • TKeyArrayFix::Set().
  • TKeyArrayFix::TKeyArrayFix()  Constructs the characteristics of a descriptor key.
  • TKeyArrayFix::TKeyArrayFix()  Constructs the characteristics of a text key.
  • TKeyArrayFix::TKeyArrayFix()  Constructs the characteristics of a numeric key.

  • TKeyArrayPak - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of packed arrays.
  • TKeyArrayPak::At() - Gets a pointer to the key of a specified array element.
  • TKeyArrayPak::Set().
  • TKeyArrayPak::TKeyArrayPak()  Constructs the characteristics of a descriptor key.
  • TKeyArrayPak::TKeyArrayPak()  Constructs the characteristics of a text key.
  • TKeyArrayPak::TKeyArrayPak()  Constructs the characteristics of a numeric key.

  • TKeyArrayVar - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of arrays of variable length objects.
  • TKeyArrayVar::At() - Gets a pointer to the key of a specified array element.
  • TKeyArrayVar::Set().
  • TKeyArrayVar::TKeyArrayVar()  Constructs the characteristics of a descriptor key.
  • TKeyArrayVar::TKeyArrayVar()  Constructs the characteristics of a text key.
  • TKeyArrayVar::TKeyArrayVar()  Constructs the characteristics of a numeric key.

  • TKeyFactory - Constructs the public key objects used for signature verification from their encoded binary form.
  • TKeyFactory::DSAParametersL() - Gets the DSA parameters.
  • TKeyFactory::DSAPublicKeyL()  Gets the DSA public key.
  • TKeyFactory::DSAPublicKeyL().
  • TKeyFactory::DSASignatureL() - Gets the digital DSA signature given an encoding key.
  • TKeyFactory::RSAPublicKeyL() - Gets the RSA public key.
  • TKeyFactory::RSASignatureResultL() - Gets the RSA signature result.

  • TL2CAPSockAddr - L2CAP Socket Address.
  • TL2CAPSockAddr::Cast() - Utility function to downcast a TSockAddr to a TBTSockAddr.
  • TL2CAPSockAddr::Port().
  • TL2CAPSockAddr::SetPort().
  • TL2CAPSockAddr::TL2CAPSockAddr()  Constructor.
  • TL2CAPSockAddr::TL2CAPSockAddr()  Construct from a BT address.

  • TL2CapConfig - API class for setting up an L2Cap configuration.
  • TL2CapConfig::ChannelPriority() - Returns requested channel priority.
  • TL2CapConfig::ChannelReliability() - Returns the channel reliability and the associated timer.
  • TL2CapConfig::ConfigureChannelPriority() - Request a new channel priority.
  • TL2CapConfig::ConfigureReliableChannel() - Request a reliable channel.
  • TL2CapConfig::ConfigureUnreliableChannel() - Request an unreliable channel.
  • TL2CapConfig::MaxReceiveUnitSize() - Returns requested MRU.
  • TL2CapConfig::MaxTransmitUnitSize() - Returns requested MTU.
  • TL2CapConfig::SetChannelPriority().
  • TL2CapConfig::SetMaxReceiveUnitSize() - Request a new (incoming) max receive unit size.
  • TL2CapConfig::SetMaxTransmitUnitSize() - Request a new (outgoing) max transmit unit size.
  • TL2CapConfig::SetupReliableChannel().
  • TL2CapConfig::SetupUnreliableChannel().
  • TL2CapConfig::TL2CapConfig() - Constructor Start with no requests to update the required configuration.

  • TLanguageInfo - Holds a localised name for a data type.
  • TLanguageInfo::TLanguageInfo() - Constructor specifying language ID and localised name.

  • TLatLong.
  • TLatLong::MinutesLat().
  • TLatLong::MinutesLong().
  • TLatLong::SetMinutesCorrectingErrors().
  • TLatLong::SetMinutesL().

  • TLex16 - Provides general string-parsing functions suitable for numeric format conversions and syntactical-element parsing.
  • TLex16::Assign()  Assigns a string to this object from another TLex16 object.
  • TLex16::Assign()  Assigns a string to this object from another string.
  • TLex16::Assign()  Assigns a string to this object from a descriptor.
  • TLex16::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 32-bit signed integer, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex16::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 64-bit signed integer, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex16::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 32-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex16::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 64-bit signed integer, using the specified radix, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex16::Eos() - Tests whether the next character position is at the end of the string.
  • TLex16::Get() - Gets the next character in the string and increments the next character position.
  • TLex16::Inc()  Increments to the next character position.
  • TLex16::Inc()  Increments the next character position by aNumber.
  • TLex16::Mark()  Sets the TLex16's next character position to its extraction mark.
  • TLex16::Mark()  Sets the supplied extraction mark to the TLex16's next character position.
  • TLex16::MarkedOffset()  Gets the offset of the extraction mark from the start of the string.
  • TLex16::MarkedOffset()  Gets the offset of the specified extraction mark from the start of the string.
  • TLex16::MarkedToken()  Extracts the marked token.
  • TLex16::MarkedToken()  Extracts the token, starting at the specified mark.
  • TLex16::NextToken() - Strips any white space and extracts the next token.
  • TLex16::Offset() - Gets the offset of the next character position from the start of the string.
  • TLex16::operator=()  Allows strings to be assigned to a TLex16.
  • TLex16::operator=()  Allows descriptors to be assigned to a TLex16.
  • TLex16::Peek() - Shows the next character to be returned by Get().
  • TLex16::Remainder() - Gets a descriptor containing all the text from the next character position to the end of the string.
  • TLex16::RemainderFromMark()  Gets a descriptor containing all the text from the extraction mark to the end of the string.
  • TLex16::RemainderFromMark()  Gets a descriptor containing all the text from the specified extraction mark to the end of the string.
  • TLex16::SkipAndMark()  Moves the next character position a specified number of characters.
  • TLex16::SkipAndMark()  Moves the next character position a specified number of characters and copies it to the specified extraction mark.
  • TLex16::SkipCharacters() - Moves the next character position to the next white space (space or separator).
  • TLex16::SkipSpace() - Moves the next character position past any white space (space or separator).
  • TLex16::SkipSpaceAndMark()  Moves the next character position past any white space and copies it to the specified extraction mark.
  • TLex16::SkipSpaceAndMark()  Moves the next character position past any white space and copies it to the TLex16's extraction mark.
  • TLex16::TLex16()  Default cosntructor.
  • TLex16::TLex16()  Constructs the object with a pointer to a string.
  • TLex16::TLex16()  Constructs the object with a descriptor.
  • TLex16::TokenLength()  Gets the length of the token.
  • TLex16::TokenLength()  Gets the length of the token starting at the specified extraction mark.
  • TLex16::UnGet() - Decrements the next character position, allowing the previously "got" character to be re-read.
  • TLex16::UnGetToMark()  Sets the next character position to the current extraction mark position.
  • TLex16::UnGetToMark()  Sets the next character position to the supplied extraction mark position.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 8-bit integer.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 16-bit integer.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 32-bit integer.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 64-bit integer.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed integer.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract an 8-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a 16-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a 32-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract a 64-bit integer (treated as unsigned), using the specified radix.
  • TLex16::Val()  Parses the string to extract an unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().
  • TLex16::Val().

  • TLex8 - Provides general string-parsing functions suitable for numeric format conversions and syntactical-element parsing.
  • TLex8::Assign()  Assigns a string to this object from another TLex8 object.
  • TLex8::Assign()  Assigns a string to this object from another string.
  • TLex8::Assign()  Assigns a string to this object from a descriptor.
  • TLex8::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 32-bit signed integer, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex8::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 64-bit signed integer, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex8::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 32-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex8::BoundedVal()  Parses the string to extract a 64-bit signed integer, using the specified radix, and checks that it is within the specified limit.
  • TLex8::Eos() - Tests whether the next character position is at the end of the string.
  • TLex8::Get() - Gets the next character in the string, and increments the next character position.
  • TLex8::Inc()  Increments to the next character position.
  • TLex8::Inc()  Increments the next character position by aNumber.
  • TLex8::Mark()  Sets the supplied extraction mark to the TLex8's next character position.
  • TLex8::Mark()  Sets the TLex8's next character position to its extraction mark.
  • TLex8::MarkedOffset()  Gets the offset of the extraction mark from the start of the string.
  • TLex8::MarkedOffset()  Gets the offset of the specified extraction mark from the start of the string.
  • TLex8::MarkedToken()  Extracts the marked token.
  • TLex8::MarkedToken()  Extracts the token, starting at the specified mark.
  • TLex8::NextToken() - Strips any white space and extracts the next token.
  • TLex8::Offset() - Gets the offset of the next character position from the start of the string.
  • TLex8::operator=()  Allows strings to be assigned to a TLex8.
  • TLex8::operator=()  Allows descriptors to be assigned to a TLex8.
  • TLex8::Peek() - Shows the next character to be returned by Get().
  • TLex8::Remainder() - Gets a descriptor containing all the text from the next character position to the end of the string.
  • TLex8::RemainderFromMark()  Gets a descriptor containing all the text from the current extraction mark to the end of the string.
  • TLex8::RemainderFromMark()  Gets a descriptor containing all the text from the specified extraction mark to the end of the string.
  • TLex8::SkipAndMark()  Moves the next character position a specified number of characters.
  • TLex8::SkipAndMark()  Moves the next character position a specified number of characters and copies it to the specified extraction mark.
  • TLex8::SkipCharacters() - Moves the next character position to the next white space (space or separator).
  • TLex8::SkipSpace() - Moves the next character position past any white space (space or separator).
  • TLex8::SkipSpaceAndMark()  Moves the next character position past any white space and copies it to the TLex8's extraction mark.
  • TLex8::SkipSpaceAndMark()  Moves the next character position past any white space and copies it to the specified extraction mark.
  • TLex8::TLex8()  Default constructor.
  • TLex8::TLex8()  Constructs the object with a pointer to a string.
  • TLex8::TLex8()  Constructs the object with a descriptor.
  • TLex8::TokenLength()  Gets the length of the token.
  • TLex8::TokenLength()  Gets the length of the token starting at the specified extraction mark.
  • TLex8::UnGet() - Decrements the next character position, allowing a previously "got" character to be re-read.
  • TLex8::UnGetToMark()  Sets the next character position to the current extraction mark position.
  • TLex8::UnGetToMark()  Sets the next character position to the supplied extraction mark position.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 8-bit integer.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 16-bit integer.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 32-bit integer.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed 64-bit integer.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a signed integer.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract an 8-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a 16-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a 32-bit unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract a 64-bit integer (treated as unsigned), using the specified radix.
  • TLex8::Val()  Parses the string to extract an unsigned integer, using the specified radix.
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().
  • TLex8::Val().

  • TLexMark16 - Defines the extraction mark used by the TLex16 class to indicate the current lexical element being analysed.
  • TLexMark16::TLexMark16() - Default constructor.

  • TLexMark8 - Defines the extraction mark used by the TLex8 class to indicate the current lexical element being analysed.
  • TLexMark8::TLexMark8() - Default constructor.

  • TLibAssoc - Associates a dynamically loadable DLL and an instance of a class that, typically, will have been created using the ordinal 1 function of that DLL.
  • TLibAssoc::operator const T *() - Const conversion operator.
  • TLibAssoc::operator T *() - Conversion operator.
  • TLibAssoc::operator TCleanupItem() - The TCleanupItem conversion operator.
  • TLibAssoc::operator TLibAssoc *().
  • TLibAssoc::operator->()  Dereferencing operator.
  • TLibAssoc::operator->()  Const dereferencing operator.
  • TLibAssoc::Ptr() - Gets a pointer to the class instance.
  • TLibAssoc::PtrC() - Gets a pointer to the const class instance.
  • TLibAssoc::Set() - Makes an association between the specified DLL and an instance of the specified class.
  • TLibAssoc::TLibAssoc()  Default constructor.
  • TLibAssoc::TLibAssoc()  Constructs the object taking the specified DLL and an instance of the specified class.
  • TLibAssoc::Unload() - Deletes the class instance and calls Close() on the associated DLL.

  • TLibAssocBase - This is an implementation base class for TLibAssoc.
  • TLibAssocBase::DoUnload() - Calls Close() on the associated DLL.
  • TLibAssocBase::IsNull() - Tests whether the pointer to the class instance is NULL.
  • TLibAssocBase::Set() - Implements TLibAssoc::Set().
  • TLibAssocBase::TLibAssocBase()  Default constructor.
  • TLibAssocBase::TLibAssocBase()  Constructs the object taking the specified DLL and a class instance.

  • TLinearDDA - Linear digital differential analyser.
  • TLinearDDA::Construct() - Constructs a linear DDA, setting the start and end points of the line.
  • TLinearDDA::JumpToRect() - Jumps to start of a clipping rectangle.
  • TLinearDDA::JumpToXCoord() - Jumps to x co-ordinate.
  • TLinearDDA::JumpToXCoord2() - Jumps to x co-ordinate.
  • TLinearDDA::JumpToYCoord() - Jumps to a y co-ordinate.
  • TLinearDDA::JumpToYCoord2() - Jumps to a y co-ordinate.
  • TLinearDDA::NextStep() - Gets the pixel co-ordinates of the start of the next scan line.
  • TLinearDDA::SingleScanline() - Gets the start and end pixel co-ordinates that define the next scan line.
  • TLinearDDA::SingleStep() - Gets the pixel co-ordinates of the next pixel on the pixel line.
  • TLinearDDA::TLinearDDA()  Constructs the default linear DDA.
  • TLinearDDA::TLinearDDA()  Copy constructs a linear DDA from the specified linear DDA.

  • TLinearOrder - A templated class which packages a function that determines the order of two objects of a given class type.
  • TLinearOrder::operator TGeneralLinearOrder() - Operator that gets the function that determines the order of two objects of a given class type.
  • TLinearOrder::TLinearOrder() - Constructs the object taking the specified function as an argument.

  • TLinkKeyV10 - Link key structure.

  • TLitC - Encapsulates literal text.
  • TLitC::operator &() - Returns a const TDesC type pointer.
  • TLitC::operator const __TRefDesC() - Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC type is passed to a function which is prototyped to take a const TRefByValue type.
  • TLitC::operator const TDesC &() - Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC type is passed to a function which is prototyped to take a const TDesC& type.
  • TLitC::operator()() - Returns a const TDesC type reference.

  • TLitC16 - Encapsulates literal text.
  • TLitC16::operator &() - Returns a const TDesC16 type pointer.
  • TLitC16::operator const __TRefDesC16() - Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC16 type is passed to a function which is prototyped to take a const TRefByValue type.
  • TLitC16::operator const TDesC16 &() - Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC16 type is passed to a function which is prototyped to take a const TDesC16& type.
  • TLitC16::operator()() - Returns a const TDesC16 type reference.

  • TLitC8 - Encapsulates literal text.
  • TLitC8::operator &() - Returns a const TDesC8 type pointer.
  • TLitC8::operator const __TRefDesC8() - Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC8 type is passed to a function which is prototyped to take a const TRefByValue type.
  • TLitC8::operator const TDesC8 &() - Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC8 type is passed to a function which is prototyped to take a const TDesC8& type.
  • TLitC8::operator()() - Returns a const TDesC8 type reference.

  • TLocale - Sets and gets the system's locale settings.
  • TLocale::AmPmSpaceBetween() - Tests whether or not a space is inserted between the time and the preceding or trailing am/pm text.
  • TLocale::AmPmSymbolPosition() - Gets the am/pm text position (before or after the time value).
  • TLocale::ClockFormat() - Gets the clock display format.
  • TLocale::CountryCode() - Gets the code which is used to select country-specific locale data.
  • TLocale::CurrencyDecimalPlaces() - Gets the number of decimal places to which currency values are set.
  • TLocale::CurrencyNegativeInBrackets() - Gets whether negative currency values are enclosed in brackets rather than being preceded by a minus sign.
  • TLocale::CurrencySpaceBetween() - Gets whether or not a space is inserted between the currency symbol and the currency value.
  • TLocale::CurrencySymbolPosition() - Gets the currency symbol position.
  • TLocale::CurrencyTriadsAllowed() - Gets whether triads are allowed in currency values.
  • TLocale::DateFormat() - Gets the date format.
  • TLocale::DateSeparator() - Gets one of the four characters used to separate the day, month and year components of the date.
  • TLocale::DaylightSaving() - Gets the zones in which daylight saving is in effect.
  • TLocale::DecimalSeparator() - Gets the character used to separate a whole number from its fractional part.
  • TLocale::DeviceTime() - Gets the device time state.
  • TLocale::DigitType() - Gets the number mode stored in the locale.
  • TLocale::FormatCurrency()  Renders a currency value as text, based on the locale's currency and numeric format settings.
  • TLocale::FormatCurrency()  Renders a currency value as text, based on the locale's currency and numeric format settings.
  • TLocale::FormatCurrency()  Renders a currency value as text, based on the locale's currency and numeric format settings.
  • TLocale::FormatCurrency()  Renders a currency value as text, based on the locale's currency and numeric format settings.
  • TLocale::HomeDaylightSavingZone() - Gets the daylight saving zone in which the home city is located.
  • TLocale::LanguageDowngrade() - Gets the language that is stored at the specified index into the customisable part of the language downgrade path.
  • TLocale::NegativeCurrencyFormat() - Gets the negative currency format.
  • TLocale::NegativeCurrencySymbolOpposite() - Gets whether in negative currency values, the position of the currency symbol is set to be the opposite of the position used for non-negative values (before or after the value, as set by SetCurrencySymbolPosition()).
  • TLocale::NegativeLoseSpace() - Gets whether negative currency values lose the space between the currency symbol and the value.
  • TLocale::QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn() - Tests whether or not daylight saving is set for the home city.
  • TLocale::Refresh() - Refreshes the contents of this object with the system's locale settings.
  • TLocale::Set() - Transfers the locale settings from this object to the system.
  • TLocale::SetAmPmSpaceBetween() - Sets whether a space is inserted between the time and the preceding or trailing am/pm text.
  • TLocale::SetAmPmSymbolPosition() - Sets the am/pm text position (before or after the time value).
  • TLocale::SetClockFormat() - Sets the clock display format.
  • TLocale::SetCountryCode() - Sets the value which is used to select country-specific locale data.
  • TLocale::SetCurrencyDecimalPlaces() - Sets the number of decimal places to which currency values should be set.
  • TLocale::SetCurrencyNegativeInBrackets() - Sets whether negative currency values are enclosed in brackets rather than being preceded by a minus sign.
  • TLocale::SetCurrencySpaceBetween() - Sets whether a space is inserted between the currency symbol and the currency amount.
  • TLocale::SetCurrencySymbolPosition() - Sets the currency symbol position.
  • TLocale::SetCurrencyTriadsAllowed() - Sets whether triads are allowed in currency values.
  • TLocale::SetDateFormat() - Sets the date format.
  • TLocale::SetDateSeparator() - Sets one of the four characters used to separate the day, month and year components of the date.
  • TLocale::SetDecimalSeparator() - Sets the character to be used to separate a whole number from its fractional part.
  • TLocale::SetDeviceTime() - Sets the device time state.
  • TLocale::SetDigitType() - Sets the number mode for the locale.
  • TLocale::SetLanguageDowngrade() - Sets a language in the customisable part of the language downgrade path.
  • TLocale::SetNegativeCurrencyFormat() - Sets the negative currency format.
  • TLocale::SetNegativeCurrencySymbolOpposite() - Sets whether the position of the currency symbol for negative currency values should be the opposite of the position used for non-negative values (before or after the value, as set by SetCurrencySymbolPosition()).
  • TLocale::SetNegativeLoseSpace() - Sets whether negative currency values lose the space between the currency symbol and the value.
  • TLocale::SetStartOfWeek() - Sets the day which is considered to be the first day of the week.
  • TLocale::SetThousandsSeparator() - Sets the character to be used to separate groups of three digits to the left of the decimal separator.
  • TLocale::SetTimeFormat() - Sets the time format (12 or 24 hour).
  • TLocale::SetTimeSeparator() - Sets one of the four characters used to separate the hour, minute and second components of the date.
  • TLocale::SetUnitsDistanceLong() - Sets the units of measurement for long distances.
  • TLocale::SetUnitsDistanceShort() - Sets the units of measurement for short distances.
  • TLocale::SetUnitsGeneral() - Sets the general units of measurement.
  • TLocale::SetWorkDays() - Sets the days of the week which are considered as working days.
  • TLocale::StartOfWeek() - Gets the day which is considered the first day of the week.
  • TLocale::ThousandsSeparator() - Gets the character used to separate groups of three digits to the left of the decimal separator.
  • TLocale::TimeFormat() - Gets the time format (12 or 24 hour).
  • TLocale::TimeSeparator() - Gets one of the four characters used to separate the hour, second and minute components of the time.
  • TLocale::TLocale()  Default constructor.
  • TLocale::TLocale().
  • TLocale::UnitsDistanceLong() - Gets the units of measurement for long distances.
  • TLocale::UnitsDistanceShort() - Gets the units of measurement for short distances.
  • TLocale::UnitsGeneral() - Gets the general units of measurement.
  • TLocale::UniversalTimeOffset() - Gets the locale's universal time offset.
  • TLocale::WorkDays() - Gets a bit mask representing the days of the week which are considered as working days.

  • TLocality - Adds an error estimate for the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the point to TCoordinate.
  • TLocality::BearingTo()  This method calculates the bearing from this coordinate to the supplied coordinate.
  • TLocality::BearingTo()  This method calculates the bearing from this locality to the supplied locality.
  • TLocality::Distance()  This method calculates the distance between this coordinate and the supplied coordinate.
  • TLocality::Distance()  This method calculates the distance between this locality and the supplied locality.
  • TLocality::HorizontalAccuracy() - Retrieves the horizontal accuracy of this coordinate.
  • TLocality::SetAccuracy() - Sets both the horizontal and vertical accuracy of this coordinate.
  • TLocality::SetHorizontalAccuracy() - Sets the horizontal accuracy of this coordinate.
  • TLocality::SetVerticalAccuracy() - Sets the vertical accuracy of this coordinate.
  • TLocality::TLocality()  Default constructor for TLocality.
  • TLocality::TLocality()  Constructor for TLocality.
  • TLocality::TLocality()  Constructor for TLocality.
  • TLocality::VerticalAccuracy() - Retrieves the vertical accuracy of this coordinate.

  • TLogConfig - Encapsulates Log Engine configuration data.
  • TLogConfig::TLogConfig() - Sets the:.

  • TLogicalFont - Packages the attributes of a logical font.
  • TLogicalFont::TLogicalFont()  The default constructor.
  • TLogicalFont::TLogicalFont()  Constructor with a logical font ID.
  • TLogicalFont::TLogicalFont()  Constructor with a logical font category, style and zoom factor.
  • TLogicalFont::TLogicalFont()  Constructs a logical font, specifying its logical font ID, logical font category, style and zoom factor.

  • TLogicalRgb - Provides support for system colours, in addition to literal colours, in text formatting.
  • TLogicalRgb::SetSystemColorIndex() - Sets the logical colour's index value.
  • TLogicalRgb::SystemColorIndex() - Returns the logical colour's index value.
  • TLogicalRgb::TLogicalRgb()  Constructs a new TLogicalRgb object.
  • TLogicalRgb::TLogicalRgb()  Constructs the object with a 32-bit integer.
  • TLogicalRgb::TLogicalRgb()  Constructs the object with a TSystemColor value.
  • TLogicalRgb::TLogicalRgb()  Constructs a new TLogicalRgb object from an existing one.

  • TLongDateFormatSpec - Contains a format list that defines the long date format.
  • TLongDateFormatSpec::Set() - Sets the contents of the long date format specification from the system-wide settings.
  • TLongDateFormatSpec::TLongDateFormatSpec() - Default constructor.

  • TMMFAudioConfig - A class used when sending custom commands from the client API to the audio controller to get or set the audio configuration.
  • TMMFAudioConfig::SetReturnSize() - Not implemented.
  • TMMFAudioConfig::TMMFAudioConfig() - Initialises the object with arbitrary values.

  • TMMFCapabilities - Type class for DevSound implementation device capabilities.

  • TMMFDescriptorParams - Descriptor parameters.

  • TMMFEvent - General purpose class to describe an event.
  • TMMFEvent::TMMFEvent()  Constructor.
  • TMMFEvent::TMMFEvent()  Default constructor.

  • TMMFFileHandleParams - Provides a pointer to the file handle.
  • TMMFFileHandleParams::TMMFFileHandleParams().
  • TMMFFileHandleParams::TMMFFileHandleParams().

  • TMMFFileParams - Provides the filename and path of file.

  • TMMFMessage - Encapsulation of an RMessage or an RMessage2 to provide protection to controller plugins from the changes occurring with secure APIs.
  • TMMFMessage::AdoptFileHandleFromClientL().
  • TMMFMessage::Complete() - Signals to the client that its request has been completed.
  • TMMFMessage::Destination() - Returns the destination of the message.
  • TMMFMessage::FetchDestinationL() - Gets the destination info from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::Function() - Returns an integer describing the function being called.
  • TMMFMessage::IsCompleted() - Checks whether this message has already been completed.
  • TMMFMessage::ReadData1FromClient() - Copy the first descriptor from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::ReadData1FromClientL() - Copy the first descriptor from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::ReadData2FromClient() - Copies the second descriptor from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::ReadData2FromClientL() - Copies the second descriptor from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::SizeOfData1FromClient() - Returns the size of the first descriptor that can be copied over from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::SizeOfData2FromClient() - Returns the size of the second descriptor that can be copied over from the client.
  • TMMFMessage::TMMFMessage()  Copy constructor.
  • TMMFMessage::TMMFMessage()  Constructs a TMMFMessage from an RMmfIpcMessage.
  • TMMFMessage::WriteDataToClient() - Copies data back to the client.
  • TMMFMessage::WriteDataToClientL() - Copies the data back to the client.

  • TMMFMessageDestination - Describes the destination of a message in the controller framework.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::DestinationHandle() - Returns the handle of the destination object in the controller framework.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::InterfaceId() - Returns the UID of the interface of the message destination.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::operator==() - Compares two destinations.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::TMMFMessageDestination()  Default constructor.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::TMMFMessageDestination()  Constructor for sending messages to the controller plugin.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::TMMFMessageDestination()  Full constructor.
  • TMMFMessageDestination::TMMFMessageDestination()  Copy constructor.

  • TMMFPrioritySettings - A class type representing the audio client's priority, priority preference and state settings.
  • TMMFPrioritySettings::TMMFPrioritySettings() - Initializes the object with arbitrary values.

  • TMMFVideoConfig - Class used when sending custom commands from the client API to the video controller to get or set the video configuration.
  • TMMFVideoConfig::TMMFVideoConfig() - Initialises the object with arbitrary values.

  • TMMFileHandleSource - Provides a file handle to DRM protected content source.
  • TMMFileHandleSource::Handle() - Get the file handle of the source object within the DRM archive.
  • TMMFileHandleSource::TMMFileHandleSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileHandleSource object using a file handle.
  • TMMFileHandleSource::TMMFileHandleSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileHandleSource object using a file handle and the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.
  • TMMFileHandleSource::TMMFileHandleSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileHandleSource object using a file handle and the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.
  • TMMFileHandleSource::TMMFileHandleSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileHandleSource object using a file handle and the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.

  • TMMFileSource - A class that provides a consistent interface between filename based and file handle based API's.
  • TMMFileSource::Name().
  • TMMFileSource::TMMFileSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileSource object using a filename.
  • TMMFileSource::TMMFileSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileSource object using a filename and the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.
  • TMMFileSource::TMMFileSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileSource object using a filename and the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.
  • TMMFileSource::TMMFileSource()  Constructs a new TMMFileHandleSource object using a file handle and the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.

  • TMMSource - Base class which provides a lightweight encapsulation of a DRM protected content source.
  • TMMSource::Intent() - Get the Intent used to open the source object within the DRM archive.
  • TMMSource::IsUIEnabled() - Get the flag that indicates whether an agent's UI is enabled.
  • TMMSource::SourceType() - Get the universal identifier of the content source.
  • TMMSource::TMMSource()  Initialise DRM protected content source.
  • TMMSource::TMMSource()  Initialise DRM protected content source.
  • TMMSource::UniqueId() - Get the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.

  • TMPEG4VisualCapability - This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities.

  • TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader - Mpeg4 visual GOV header.

  • TMPEG4VisualHeader - This class is used to convey information of Visual Object Sequence, Visual Object, VOL, GOV, and VOP headers that are consecutive in decoding order without any intervening syntax structures.

  • TMPEG4VisualMode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.

  • TMPEG4VisualNormalMPEG4Mode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.

  • TMPEG4VisualObjectHeader - Object header.

  • TMPEG4VisualObjectSequenceHeader - Object sequence header.

  • TMPEG4VisualVOLHeader - Video object layer header.

  • TMPEG4VisualVOPHeader - Mpeg4 visual VOP header.

  • TMPEG4VisualVbvParams - Mpeg4 Visual VBV parameters.

  • TMargins - A set of margins used for cropping a picture.
  • TMargins::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a set of margins to a write stream.
  • TMargins::InternalizeL() - Internalises a set of margins from a read stream.
  • TMargins::operator!=() - Tests margins for inequality.
  • TMargins::operator==() - Tests margins for equality.

  • TMargins8 - A set of margins stored as 8 bit integer values which can represent either pixels or twips between -128 and +127.
  • TMargins8::InnerRect() - Calculates and returns an inner rectangle by applying the margins to the specified outer rectangle.
  • TMargins8::OuterRect() - Calculates and returns an outer rectangle by applying the margins to the specified inner rectangle.
  • TMargins8::SetAllValuesTo() - Sets all four margins to a common value (between -128 and +127).
  • TMargins8::SizeDelta() - Calculates and returns the difference in size between the outer and inner rectangles.
  • TMargins8::TMargins8()  The constructor initialises all four margins to zero.
  • TMargins8::TMargins8()  Constructor setting the left, top, right, and bottom margins.

  • TMbmDecodeData - MBM specific frame data variant which holds frame data information.
  • TMbmDecodeData::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TMbmDecodeData::TMbmDecodeData() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TMbmEncodeData - MBM specific image data variant which holds frame data information.
  • TMbmEncodeData::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TMbmEncodeData::TMbmEncodeData() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TMda1BppBmpCodec - 1 Bpp Bmp Codec.
  • TMda1BppBmpCodec::TMda1BppBmpCodec().

  • TMda24BppBmpCodec - 24 Bpp Bmp Codec.
  • TMda24BppBmpCodec::TMda24BppBmpCodec().

  • TMda4BppBmpCodec - 4 Bpp Bmp Codec.
  • TMda4BppBmpCodec::TMda4BppBmpCodec().

  • TMda8BppBmpCodec - 8 Bpp Bmp Codec.
  • TMda8BppBmpCodec::TMda8BppBmpCodec().

  • TMdaAlawAuCodec - The codec for .au audio data compressed using the A-Law algorithm.
  • TMdaAlawAuCodec::TMdaAlawAuCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaAlawRawAudioCodec - The codec for raw audio data compressed using the A-Law algorithm.
  • TMdaAlawRawAudioCodec::TMdaAlawRawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaAlawWavCodec - The codec for .wav audio data compressed using the A-Law algorithm.
  • TMdaAlawWavCodec::TMdaAlawWavCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaAuClipFormat - The format for .au audio clips.
  • TMdaAuClipFormat::TMdaAuClipFormat() - The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaAuCodec - The base class for codecs used by .au audio files.
  • TMdaAuCodec::TMdaAuCodec()  The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.
  • TMdaAuCodec::TMdaAuCodec().

  • TMdaAudioDataSettings - The settings for audio data played through the media server.
  • TMdaAudioDataSettings::Query() - Sets the number of channels, the sample rate and the volume to KMdaUnknown (–1).
  • TMdaAudioDataSettings::TMdaAudioDataSettings() - Default constructor.

  • TMdaAudioStreamVolumeRamp - Volume ramping control on audio stream devices.
  • TMdaAudioStreamVolumeRamp::TMdaAudioStreamVolumeRamp().

  • TMdaBmpClipFormat - Bmp Clip Format.
  • TMdaBmpClipFormat::TMdaBmpClipFormat().

  • TMdaClientPCMAudioDevice - Client PCM Audio Stream Device Used to configure a 16bit PCM audio stream to/from client.
  • TMdaClientPCMAudioDevice::TMdaClientPCMAudioDevice().

  • TMdaClipFormat - The base class for audio clip sound formats.
  • TMdaClipFormat::TMdaClipFormat().
  • TMdaClipFormat::TMdaClipFormat()  The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaClipLocation - Abstract base class for providing the location of audio clip data.
  • TMdaClipLocation::TMdaClipLocation() - Protected constructor.

  • TMdaDatatypeSettings - Datatype parameters.
  • TMdaDatatypeSettings::TMdaDatatypeSettings().

  • TMdaDesClipLocation - A package containing a non-modifiable 8 bit descriptor that stores binary audio clip data.
  • TMdaDesClipLocation::TMdaDesClipLocation()  Default constructor.
  • TMdaDesClipLocation::TMdaDesClipLocation()  Constructor with a modifiable descriptor.
  • TMdaDesClipLocation::TMdaDesClipLocation()  Constructor with a non-modifiable descriptor.

  • TMdaEvent - Media server event identification - Not used in MMF.

  • TMdaEventPackage - Not used in MMF.
  • TMdaEventPackage::Event().
  • TMdaEventPackage::Event().
  • TMdaEventPackage::EventCount().
  • TMdaEventPackage::EventFrom().
  • TMdaEventPackage::EventFrom().
  • TMdaEventPackage::MaxEvents().
  • TMdaEventPackage::TMdaEventPackage().
  • TMdaEventPackage::TMdaEventPackage().

  • TMdaFileClipLocation - A package containing the name of a file that stores audio clip data.
  • TMdaFileClipLocation::TMdaFileClipLocation()  Default constructor.
  • TMdaFileClipLocation::TMdaFileClipLocation()  Constructor with a filename.

  • TMdaGif87aClipFormat - Gif87a Clip Format.
  • TMdaGif87aClipFormat::TMdaGif87aClipFormat().

  • TMdaGif89aClipFormat - Gif89a Clip Format (Animated).
  • TMdaGif89aClipFormat::TMdaGif89aClipFormat().

  • TMdaGifCodec - Gif Codec.
  • TMdaGifCodec::TMdaGifCodec().

  • TMdaImaAdpcmWavCodec - The codec for .wav audio data compressed using the IMA-ADPCM algorithm.
  • TMdaImaAdpcmWavCodec::TMdaImaAdpcmWavCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaJfifClipFormat - Jfif Clip Format.
  • TMdaJfifClipFormat::TMdaJfifClipFormat().

  • TMdaJpgComment - Jpeg comment.
  • TMdaJpgComment::TMdaJpgComment().

  • TMdaJpgQTable - Jpeg Quantization table - in direct format.
  • TMdaJpgQTable::TMdaJpgQTable().

  • TMdaJpgSettings - Jpeg settings.
  • TMdaJpgSettings::TMdaJpgSettings().

  • TMdaLocalAudioDevice - Local Audio Stream Device Control local microphone/speaker audio stream May not function during telephone call.
  • TMdaLocalAudioDevice::TMdaLocalAudioDevice().

  • TMdaMbmClipFormat - Mbm Clip Format.
  • TMdaMbmClipFormat::TMdaMbmClipFormat().

  • TMdaMulawAuCodec - The codec for .au audio data compressed using the mu-law algorithm.
  • TMdaMulawAuCodec::TMdaMulawAuCodec() - The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaMulawRawAudioCodec - The codec for raw audio data compressed using the mu-law algorithm.
  • TMdaMulawRawAudioCodec::TMdaMulawRawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaMulawWavCodec - The codec for .wav audio data compressed using the mu-law algorithm.
  • TMdaMulawWavCodec::TMdaMulawWavCodec() - The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaObjectEvent - Not used in MMF.

  • TMdaOtaClipFormat - Ota Clip Format.
  • TMdaOtaClipFormat::TMdaOtaClipFormat().

  • TMdaOtaCodec - Ota Codec.
  • TMdaOtaCodec::TMdaOtaCodec().

  • TMdaPackage - A data structure used to package messages (that include the package type) sent between the media server and its clients.
  • TMdaPackage::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TMdaPackage::SetUid().
  • TMdaPackage::TMdaPackage() - Protected constructor with two UIDs and the size of the derived class.
  • TMdaPackage::Type() - Gets the package type.
  • TMdaPackage::Uid() - Gets the derived class's type.

  • TMdaPcm16BitAuCodec - The codec for 16 bit PCM .au audio data.
  • TMdaPcm16BitAuCodec::TMdaPcm16BitAuCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaPcm8BitAuCodec - The codec for 8 bit PCM .au audio data.
  • TMdaPcm8BitAuCodec::TMdaPcm8BitAuCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaPcmWavCodec - The codec for uncompressed 8 or 16 bit PCM .wav format sound data.
  • TMdaPcmWavCodec::TMdaPcmWavCodec() - Constructs the package with a flag that indicates whether the sound is sampled using 8 or 16 bits.

  • TMdaPngClipFormat - Png Clip Format.
  • TMdaPngClipFormat::TMdaPngClipFormat().

  • TMdaPngCodec - Png Codec.
  • TMdaPngCodec::TMdaPngCodec().

  • TMdaPrioritySettings - Generic Audio Parameters.
  • TMdaPrioritySettings::TMdaPrioritySettings().

  • TMdaRawAudioClipFormat - Audio format for raw audio clips.
  • TMdaRawAudioClipFormat::TMdaRawAudioClipFormat() - The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaRawAudioCodec - The base class for raw audio codecs.
  • TMdaRawAudioCodec::TMdaRawAudioCodec()  The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.
  • TMdaRawAudioCodec::TMdaRawAudioCodec().

  • TMdaRawPackage - Abstract base class for all media server package types.
  • TMdaRawPackage::Package().
  • TMdaRawPackage::Package().
  • TMdaRawPackage::SetSize().
  • TMdaRawPackage::TMdaRawPackage().

  • TMdaS8PcmRawAudioCodec - The codec for signed 8 bit PCM raw audio data.
  • TMdaS8PcmRawAudioCodec::TMdaS8PcmRawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaSB16RawAudioCodec - The codec for signed big-endian 16 bit PCM raw audio data.
  • TMdaSB16RawAudioCodec::TMdaSB16RawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaSL16RawAudioCodec - The codec for signed little-endian 16 bit PCM raw audio data.
  • TMdaSL16RawAudioCodec::TMdaSL16RawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaStreamDevice - Not used by MMF.
  • TMdaStreamDevice::TMdaStreamDevice().

  • TMdaTelephonyAudioDevice - Telephony Audio Stream Device Control telephony microphone+downlink/speaker+uplink audio stream Only functional during telephone call.
  • TMdaTelephonyAudioDevice::TMdaTelephonyAudioDevice().

  • TMdaTelephonyStateQuery - This class is used in a ResourceConfig on a telephony port to determine the current state of telephony.
  • TMdaTelephonyStateQuery::TMdaTelephonyStateQuery().

  • TMdaU8PcmRawAudioCodec - The codec for unsigned 8 bit PCM raw audio data.
  • TMdaU8PcmRawAudioCodec::TMdaU8PcmRawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaUB16RawAudioCodec - The codec for unsigned big-endian 16 bit PCM raw audio data.
  • TMdaUB16RawAudioCodec::TMdaUB16RawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaUL16RawAudioCodec - The codec for unsigned little-endian 16 bit PCM raw audio data.
  • TMdaUL16RawAudioCodec::TMdaUL16RawAudioCodec() - The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaUrlClipLocation - Not used in MMF.
  • TMdaUrlClipLocation::TMdaUrlClipLocation().
  • TMdaUrlClipLocation::TMdaUrlClipLocation().

  • TMdaWavClipFormat - The format for .wav audio clips.
  • TMdaWavClipFormat::TMdaWavClipFormat() - The default constructor initialises the object so that it can be identified by the media server.

  • TMdaWavCodec - The base class for codecs used by .wav audio files.
  • TMdaWavCodec::TMdaWavCodec()  The default constructor initialises the package so that it can be identified by the media server.
  • TMdaWavCodec::TMdaWavCodec().

  • TMdaWbmpClipFormat - Wbmp Clip Format.
  • TMdaWbmpClipFormat::TMdaWbmpClipFormat().

  • TMdaWbmpCodec - Wbmp Codec.
  • TMdaWbmpCodec::TMdaWbmpCodec().

  • TMdaWmfApmClipFormat - Wmf Apm Clip Format.
  • TMdaWmfApmClipFormat::TMdaWmfApmClipFormat().

  • TMdaWmfClipFormat - Wmf Clip Format.
  • TMdaWmfClipFormat::TMdaWmfClipFormat().

  • TMdaWmfClpClipFormat - Wmf Clp Clip Format.
  • TMdaWmfClpClipFormat::TMdaWmfClpClipFormat().

  • TMdaWmfCodec - Wmf Codec.
  • TMdaWmfCodec::TMdaWmfCodec().

  • TMediaId - Identifies the particular stream of the given media type.
  • TMediaId::TMediaId()  Constructs the class with the supplied arguments.
  • TMediaId::TMediaId()  Constructs the class with the supplied argument.
  • TMediaId::TMediaId()  Default constructor.

  • TMemBuf - A stream buffer that uses plain memory for its implementation.
  • TMemBuf::DoSeekL().
  • TMemBuf::OverflowL() - Empties the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the write area.
  • TMemBuf::Set() - Sets up the stream to use the specified area of plain memory.
  • TMemBuf::TMemBuf() - Constructs an empty object.
  • TMemBuf::UnderflowL() - Re-fills the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the read area.

  • TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink - A class to write Unicode values to a stream built on a memory object.
  • TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink::TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink().
  • TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink::WriteUnicodeValueL().

  • TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource - A class to read Unicode values from a stream built on a memory object.
  • TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource::ReadUnicodeValueL().
  • TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource::TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource().

  • TMemoryUnicodeSink - A class to write Unicode values directly to memory.
  • TMemoryUnicodeSink::TMemoryUnicodeSink().
  • TMemoryUnicodeSink::WriteUnicodeValueL().

  • TMemoryUnicodeSource - A class to read Unicode values directly from memory.
  • TMemoryUnicodeSource::ReadUnicodeValueL().
  • TMemoryUnicodeSource::TMemoryUnicodeSource().

  • TMipMessageEntry - Class used to hold MIP message values.

  • TMmsAccountId - MMS account ID.

  • TMonthName - Gets a copy of the current locale's full text name for a month.
  • TMonthName::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's text for the specified month.
  • TMonthName::TMonthName()  Default constructor.
  • TMonthName::TMonthName()  Constructs this object and initialises it with the current locale's text for the specified month.

  • TMonthNameAbb - Gets a copy of the current locale's abbreviated text name for a month.
  • TMonthNameAbb::Set() - Re-retrieves the current locale's abbreviated text for the specified month.
  • TMonthNameAbb::TMonthNameAbb()  Default constructor.
  • TMonthNameAbb::TMonthNameAbb()  Constructs this object and initialises it with the current locale's abbreviated text for the specified month.

  • TMsvCondition - Defines a condition which a Publish and Subscribe Uid must satisfy.

  • TMsvCopyProgress - Progress information for the copy operation.
  • TMsvCopyProgress::TMsvCopyProgress() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvDefaultService - Specifies a default service for a MTM.

  • TMsvDeleteProgress - Progress information for the delete operation.
  • TMsvDeleteProgress::TMsvDeleteProgress() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvEmailEntry - Provides storage for and access to extra email specific information for a message.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::AnsweredIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the \Answered IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::BodyTextComplete() - Tests if body text is complete.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::DeletedIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the \Deleted IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::DisconnectedOperation() - Gets the disconnected operation type.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::DraftIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the \Draft IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::Encrypted() - Tests whether encryption is used.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::FlaggedIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the \Flagged IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::GetIMAP4Flags() - Gets IMAP4-specific flags from the email entry: Unread, Seen, Answered, Flagged, Deleted, Draft and Recent.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::ICalendar() - Tests if the message contains an iCalendar attachment.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::LocalSubscription() - Gets the IMAP4 local subscription state for the specified folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::Mailbox() - Tests if the specified folder is the IMAP4 Mailbox.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::MessageFolderType() - Gets a flag on an IMAP MTM folder entry indicating that it stores a multipart body structure.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::MHTMLEmail() - Returns the flag indicating if the message has an HTML body part.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::operator==()  Equality operator for comparison to a TMsvEntry.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::operator==()  Equality operator for comparison to a TMsvEmailEntry.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::Orphan() - Gets the IMAP4 orphaned state for the specified message/folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::PartialDownloaded() - Tests if body text is partially downloaded.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::Receipt() - Tests if the email message requests a receipt.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::RecentIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the \Recent IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::RemoteFolderEntries() - Gets the number of messages stored in the remote folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SeenIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the \Seen IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetAnsweredIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the \Answered IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetBodyTextComplete() - Sets if body text is complete.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetDeletedIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the \Deleted IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetDisconnectedOperation() - Sets the disconnected operation type.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetDraftIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the \Draft IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetEncrypted() - Sets whether encryption is used.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetFlaggedIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the \Flagged IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetICalendar() - Sets a flag that the message contains an iCalendar attachment.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetIMAP4Flags() - Sets IMAP4-specific flags from the email entry: Unread, Seen, Answered, Flagged, Deleted, Draft and Recent.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetLocalSubscription() - Sets the IMAP4 local subscription state for the specified folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetMailbox() - Sets if the specified folder is the IMAP4 Mailbox.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetMessageFolderType() - Sets a flag on an IMAP MTM folder entry indicating that it stores a multipart body structure.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetMHTMLEmail() - Sets the flag indicating if the message has an HTML body part.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetOrphan() - Sets the IMAP4 orphaned state for the specified message/folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetPartialDownloaded() - Sets if the body text is partially downloaded.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetReceipt() - Sets a flag that the email message requests a receipt.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetRecentIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the \Recent IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetRemoteFolderEntries() - Sets the number of messages stored in the remote folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetSeenIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the \Seen IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetSigned() - Sets whether signing is used.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetSubscribed() - Sets the IMAP4 subscription state for the specified folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetUID() - Sets the IMAP4 UID (unique identifier) for the specified message/folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetUnreadIMAP4Flag() - Sets the state of the unread messages IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetValidUID() - Sets the IMAP4 UID (unique identifier) validity for the specified folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetVCalendar() - Sets a flag that the message contains a VCal attachment.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::SetVCard() - Sets a flag that the message contains a VCard attachment.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::Signed() - Tests whether signing is used.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::Subscribed() - Gets the IMAP4 subscription state for the specified folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::TMsvEmailEntry()  Default constructor.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::TMsvEmailEntry()  Copy constructor using a TMsvEntry object.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::UID() - Gets the IMAP4 UID (unique identifier) for the specified message/folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::UnreadIMAP4Flag() - Gets the state of the unread messages IMAP4 flag.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::ValidUID() - Gets the IMAP4 UID (unique identifier) validity for the specified folder.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::VCalendar() - Tests if the message contains a VCal attachment.
  • TMsvEmailEntry::VCard() - Tests if the message contains a VCard attachment.

  • TMsvEntry - Represents an entry in the Message Server index.
  • TMsvEntry::Attachment() - Gets the value of the attachment flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Complete() - Gets the value of the message complete flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Connected() - Gets the value of the remote server connection flag.
  • TMsvEntry::DecPcSyncCount() - Decrements the PC synchronisation field.
  • TMsvEntry::Deleted() - Gets the value of the deleted flag.
  • TMsvEntry::DeleteProtected() - returns the delete protected state.
  • TMsvEntry::ExternalizeL() - Writes the object into the stream specified.
  • TMsvEntry::Failed() - Gets the value of the message send failed flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Forwarded() - returns the forwarded state.
  • TMsvEntry::Id() - Gets the value of the entry ID.
  • TMsvEntry::IncPcSyncCount() - Increments the PC synchronisation field.
  • TMsvEntry::InPreparation() - Gets the value of the in preparation flag.
  • TMsvEntry::InternalizeL() - Reads an externalised object from the specified stream.
  • TMsvEntry::LocallyDeleted() - returns the locally deleted state.
  • TMsvEntry::MtmData1() - Gets the integer value of iMtmData1.
  • TMsvEntry::MtmData2() - Gets the integer value of iMtmData2.
  • TMsvEntry::MtmData3() - Gets the integer value of iMtmData3.
  • TMsvEntry::MultipleRecipients() - Gets the value of the multiple recipients flag.
  • TMsvEntry::New() - Gets the value of the new message flag.
  • TMsvEntry::OffPeak() - Gets the off-peak flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Operation() - Gets the value of the disconnected operation queued flag.
  • TMsvEntry::operator=() - Overloaded assignment operator.
  • TMsvEntry::operator==() - Overloaded equality operator.
  • TMsvEntry::Owner() - Gets the value of the owner flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Parent() - Gets the value of the parent ID.
  • TMsvEntry::PcSyncCount() - Gets the value of the PC synchronisation field.
  • TMsvEntry::PendingConditions() - Gets the pending conditions flag.
  • TMsvEntry::PendingDelete().
  • TMsvEntry::PermanentDataUnchanged() - Compares if the flag settings in two index entries are the same.
  • TMsvEntry::PersistedFlags().
  • TMsvEntry::Priority() - Gets the value of the message priority field.
  • TMsvEntry::ReadOnly() - Gets the value of the read-only flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Scheduled() - Gets the scheduled flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SendingState() - Gets the sending state.
  • TMsvEntry::SetAttachment() - Sets the attachment flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetComplete() - Sets the message complete flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetConnected() - Sets the remote server connection flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetDeleted().
  • TMsvEntry::SetDeleteProtected() - This method sets bit 24 of iMtmData1, if you are using this bit elsewhere don't call this method.
  • TMsvEntry::SetFailed() - Sets the message send failed flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetForwarded() - This method sets bit 31 of iMtmData1, if you are using this bit elsewhere don't call this method.
  • TMsvEntry::SetId().
  • TMsvEntry::SetInPreparation() - Sets the in-preparation flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetLocallyDeleted() - This method sets bit 32 of iMtmData1, if you are using this bit elsewhere don't call this method.
  • TMsvEntry::SetMultipleRecipients() - Sets the multiple recipients flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetNew() - Sets the message new flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetOffPeak() - Sets the off-peak flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetOperation() - Sets the disconnected operation queued flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetOwner().
  • TMsvEntry::SetParent().
  • TMsvEntry::SetPendingConditions() - Sets the pending conditions flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetPendingDelete().
  • TMsvEntry::SetPriority() - Sets the message priority.
  • TMsvEntry::SetReadOnly() - Sets the read-only flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetScheduled() - Sets the scheduled flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetSendingState() - Sets the sending state.
  • TMsvEntry::SetStandardFolder().
  • TMsvEntry::SetUnread() - Sets the message unread flag.
  • TMsvEntry::SetVisible() - Sets the entry visible flag.
  • TMsvEntry::StandardFolder() - Gets the value of the standard folder flag.
  • TMsvEntry::TemporaryFlags().
  • TMsvEntry::TMsvEntry()  Default constructor.
  • TMsvEntry::TMsvEntry()  Copy constructor.
  • TMsvEntry::Unread() - Gets the value of the message unread flag.
  • TMsvEntry::Visible() - Gets the value of the entry visible flag.

  • TMsvEntryScheduleData - Stores message-specific data related to scheduling.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::IncreaseRetries() - Adds one to the value of the iRetryCount member.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::IsReset() - Tests if all the members are set to their default value.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::RemoveL() - Removes the object from a store.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::Reset() - Resets the object.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::ResetRetries() - Sets the iRetryCount member to zero.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::RestoreL() - Restores the object from a store.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::Retries() - Gets how many retries have been made to send this message.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::StoreL() - Stores the object in a store.
  • TMsvEntryScheduleData::TMsvEntryScheduleData() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvFindOperationProgress - Encapsulates progress information for a text search operation.
  • TMsvFindOperationProgress::TMsvFindOperationProgress() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvFindResult - A single result from a text search operation.
  • TMsvFindResult::TMsvFindResult()  Default constructor.
  • TMsvFindResult::TMsvFindResult()  Constructor specifying the results of a search.

  • TMsvIndexLoadProgress - Progress information for an operation controlling the Message Server loading its index.
  • TMsvIndexLoadProgress::TMsvIndexLoadProgress() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvIndexProgress - Provides details of index loading progress.
  • TMsvIndexProgress::TMsvIndexProgress() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvLocalOperationProgress - Encapsulates progress information returned by a local operation.
  • TMsvLocalOperationProgress::TMsvLocalOperationProgress() - Initialises the new object to suitable zero or null values.

  • TMsvMessageBio - Proxy that provides a bearer independent interface to the underlying container (CSmsMessage) which is tailored mainly for GSM.
  • TMsvMessageBio::BioMsgIdType() - Gets the message's BIO message type identifier.
  • TMsvMessageBio::Encoding() - Returns the character encoding.
  • TMsvMessageBio::OriginatingAddress() - Returns address where the message originated from.
  • TMsvMessageBio::SetBioMsgIdType() - Sets the message's BIO message type identifier.
  • TMsvMessageBio::SetEncoding() - Sets the character encoding.

  • TMsvMessageSms - Proxy that provides a generic text message interface to the underlying container (CSmsMessage) which is tailored mainly for GSM.
  • TMsvMessageSms::AddEMSInformationElementL() - Adds EMS Information Element to the message.
  • TMsvMessageSms::GetEMSInformationElementsL() - Retrieves EMS IE from the message.
  • TMsvMessageSms::GetMessageServiceCenterTimeStamp() - Time that the message was received by the message center.
  • TMsvMessageSms::GetValidityPeriodAbsolute() - The Validity Period - Absolute subparameter indicates to the message center the message expiration time, after which the message should be discarded if not delivered to the destination.
  • TMsvMessageSms::GetValidityPeriodRelative() - The Validity Period - Relative subparameter indicates to the message center the time period, beginning from the time the message is received by the message center, after which the message should be discarded if not delivered to the destination.
  • TMsvMessageSms::RemoveEMSInformationElementL() - Removes first EMS IE that matches the criteria from the message.
  • TMsvMessageSms::RemoveEMSInformationElementsL() - Removes all EMS IEs that matches the criteria from the message.
  • TMsvMessageSms::ResetEMSL() - Resets EMS IE from the message.
  • TMsvMessageSms::SetValidityPeriodAbsoluteL() - The Validity Period - Absolute subparameter indicates to the message center the message expiration time, after which the message should be discarded if not delivered to the destination.
  • TMsvMessageSms::SetValidityPeriodRelativeL() - The Validity Period - Relative subparameter indicates to the message center the time period, beginning from the time the message is received by the message center, after which the message should be discarded if not delivered to the destination.
  • TMsvMessageSms::ValidityPeriodFormat() - Returns the format in which the validity period is stored.

  • TMsvOffPeakTime - Defines an off-peak period for message sending.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::Day() - Gets the start time day parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::Hour() - Gets the start time hour parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::Minute() - Gets the start time minute parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::NextTimeInclusive() - Gets the next time, after a specified time, when this off-peak time becomes active.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::Reset() - Resets the object to default settings.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::SetDay() - Sets the start time day parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::SetHour() - Sets the start time hour parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::SetMinute() - Sets the start time minute parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::SetValidityPeriod() - Sets the duration parameter.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::TMsvOffPeakTime()  Default constructor.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::TMsvOffPeakTime()  Constructor specifying off-peak time parameters.
  • TMsvOffPeakTime::ValidityPeriod() - Gets the duration parameter.

  • TMsvSchedulePackage - Packaged message scheduling information.
  • TMsvSchedulePackage::PackLC() - Packs the object into a 16-bit descriptor.
  • TMsvSchedulePackage::TMsvSchedulePackage() - Default constructor.
  • TMsvSchedulePackage::UnpackL() - Restores this object from a 16-bit descriptor that was packed using PackLC().

  • TMsvSelectionOrdering - Defines the sorting and grouping rules used to prepare a selection of entries.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::ExternalizeL() - Writes the object into the specified stream.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::GroupByMtm() - Gets the group-by-MTM flag.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::GroupByPriority() - Gets the group-by-priority flag.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::GroupByType() - Gets the group-by-entry-type flag.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::GroupingOn() - Tests whether any grouping option has been set.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::GroupStandardFolders() - Gets the group-by-standard-folders flag.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::InternalizeL() - Reads an externalised object from the specified stream.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::operator==() - Tests two TMsvSelectionOrdering objects for equality.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetGroupByMtm().
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetGroupByPriority().
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetGroupByType().
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetGroupStandardFolders().
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetShowInvisibleEntries().
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetSorting().
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SetSubjectSkipString() - Set the subject skip string up to maximum length of KMaxSubjectSkipStringLength.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::ShowInvisibleEntries() - Gets the show-invisible-entries flag.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::Sorting() - Gets the sorting order of entries within groups.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::SubjectSkipString() - Get the current subject skip string.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::TMsvSelectionOrdering()  Default constructor.
  • TMsvSelectionOrdering::TMsvSelectionOrdering()  Creates a new object, sets the group, sort order, and show-invisibility options to those specified in the parameters.

  • TMsvSendErrorAction - Encapsulates the action to take for a particular error.
  • TMsvSendErrorAction::MaxRetries() - Gets the maximum number of retries.
  • TMsvSendErrorAction::Reset() - Sets all member data to default values.
  • TMsvSendErrorAction::SetMaxRetries() - Sets the maximum number of retries.
  • TMsvSendErrorAction::TMsvSendErrorAction() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvServerOperationProgress - Encapsulates progress information returned by a non-MTM specific Message Server operation.
  • TMsvServerOperationProgress::TMsvServerOperationProgress() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvSmsSimOperationParams - Defines information required to perform a enumeration of a SMS store This class is intended to be packaged and passed as a parameter.
  • TMsvSmsSimOperationParams::TMsvSmsSimOperationParams() - Constructor for the TMsvSmsSimOperationParams class.

  • TMsvSysAgentConditionAction - Schedule Send condition must be satisfied before a message sending attempt.
  • TMsvSysAgentConditionAction::TMsvSysAgentConditionAction() - Default constructor.

  • TMsvSystemProgress - Progress information that is defined by and understood by the system as well as client MTM's.
  • TMsvSystemProgress::operator=().
  • TMsvSystemProgress::TMsvSystemProgress().
  • TMsvSystemProgress::TMsvSystemProgress().

  • TNameRecord - Contains the results of name queries.
  • TNameRecord::TNameRecord() - Trivial C++ constructor.

  • TNifAgentInfo - Contains information describing an agent.

  • TNifProgress - Contains progress information on a dial-up connection.
  • TNifProgress::TNifProgress() - It sets the iStage data member to 0 and the iError data member to KErrNone.

  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility - A set of flags to indicate which non-printing characters (e.g.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::AllVisible() - Tests whether all non-printing characters are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TNonPrintingCharVisibility object to a write stream.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TNonPrintingCharVisibility object from a read stream.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::LineBreaksVisible() - Tests whether forced line break characters are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::NonBreakingHyphensVisible() - Tests whether non-breaking hyphens (enclosing word is always kept on the same line) are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::NonBreakingSpacesVisible() - Tests whether non-breaking spaces are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::NoneVisible() - Tests whether all non-printing characters are hidden.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::operator=().
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::PageBreaksVisible() - Tests whether page break characters are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::ParagraphDelimitersVisible() - Tests whether paragraph delimiters are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::PotentialHyphensVisible() - Tests whether potential hyphen characters (inserted before a line break within a word) are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetAllVisible() - Sets all non-printing characters to be drawn using symbols.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetLineBreaksVisible() - Sets the visibility of line breaks (force a new line without beginning a new paragraph).
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetNonBreakingHyphensVisible() - Sets the visibility of non-breaking hyphens (enclosing word is always kept on the same line).
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetNonBreakingSpacesVisible() - Sets the visibility of non-breaking spaces.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetNoneVisible() - Sets all non-printing characters to be hidden.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetPageBreaksVisible() - Sets the visibility of page breaks.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetParagraphDelimitersVisible() - Sets the visibility of paragraph delimiters.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetPotentialHyphensVisible() - Sets the visibility of potential hyphens (inserted before a line break within a word).
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetSpacesVisible() - Sets the visibility of space characters.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SetTabsVisible() - Sets the visibility of tab stops.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::SpacesVisible() - Tests whether space characters are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::TabsVisible() - Tests whether tab stop characters are visible.
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::TNonPrintingCharVisibility().
  • TNonPrintingCharVisibility::TNonPrintingCharVisibility().

  • TNotificationEventBuf - Buffer for Sub-connection event notiifcation.
  • TNotificationEventBuf::GroupId() - Provides the group id (Uid) of the event.
  • TNotificationEventBuf::Id() - Provides the sub-type Id of the event.
  • TNotificationEventBuf::IsGeneric() - Check whether an event is a generic event (not an extension).
  • TNotificationEventBuf::TNotificationEventBuf().
  • TNotificationEventBuf::~TNotificationEventBuf().

  • TObexBluetoothProtocolInfo - Used to describe Bluetooth specific protocol information.

  • TObexBtTransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using RFCOMM transport controller.

  • TObexBufferingDetails - Wraps parameters which can affect the buffering method used by the CObexBufObject.
  • TObexBufferingDetails::TObexBufferingDetails() - Build a TObexBufferingDetails object.

  • TObexConnectInfo - TObexConnectInfo This structure contains information used during OBEX connection.
  • TObexConnectInfo::TObexConnectInfo().
  • TObexConnectInfo::VersionMajor().
  • TObexConnectInfo::VersionMinor().

  • TObexFilenameBackedBuffer - Provides alternate behaviour for a CObexBufObject, allowing use of a file to hold the object in its entirety.
  • TObexFilenameBackedBuffer::TObexFilenameBackedBuffer() - Build a variant of TObexBufferingDetails which instructs the CObexBufObject to use a file as the main data store, buffering writes to this in chunks.

  • TObexIrProtocolInfo - Used to describe IrDA specific protocol information.

  • TObexIrTransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using Irda ttp transport controller.

  • TObexIrV2TransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using Irda ttp transport controller, with discovery extensions.

  • TObexIrV3TransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using Irda ttp transport controller, with nickname extension.

  • TObexMatchHeader.
  • TObexMatchHeader::Interested().
  • TObexMatchHeader::SetHeader().

  • TObexMatchHeaderType.
  • TObexMatchHeaderType::Interested() - Called to discover is the user is interested in the contents of this header.
  • TObexMatchHeaderType::SetType().

  • TObexProtocolInfo - This class is derived for each underlying transport protocol OBEX runs over.

  • TObexProtocolPolicy - Contains information about OBEX packet sizing policy, defining the maximum buffer size for receive and transmit packets.
  • TObexProtocolPolicy::ReceiveMtu() - Gets the policy's receive packet buffer size.
  • TObexProtocolPolicy::SetReceiveMtu() - Sets the maximum size of the receive packet buffer for the policy.
  • TObexProtocolPolicy::SetTransmitMtu() - Sets the maximum size of the transmit packet buffer for the policy.
  • TObexProtocolPolicy::TObexProtocolPolicy() - Sets up class with default values.
  • TObexProtocolPolicy::TransmitMtu() - Gets the policy's transmit packet buffer size.
  • TObexProtocolPolicy::Version() - Gets the version of the protocol policy format that this class supports.

  • TObexPureFileBuffer - Provides alternate behaviour for a CObexBufObject, allowing use of a file to hold the object in its entirety.
  • TObexPureFileBuffer::TObexPureFileBuffer() - Build a variant of TObexBufferingDetails which instructs the CObexBufObject to use a file as the only data store.

  • TObexRFileBackedBuffer - Provides alternate behaviour for a CObexBufObject, allowing use of a file to hold the object in its entirety.
  • TObexRFileBackedBuffer::TObexRFileBackedBuffer() - Build a variant of TObexBufferingDetails which instructs the CObexBufObject to use a file as the main data store, buffering writes to this in chunks.

  • TObexTransportInfo - This class is a combination of the TObexProtocolInfo and TObexProtocolPolicy classes.

  • TObexUsbProtocolInfo - Used to describe USB specific protocol information.

  • TObexUsbProtocolInfoV2 - Used to set options used by the extended USB client driver for improved performance.

  • TObexUsbTransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using the usb transport controller.

  • TObexUsbV2TransportInfo - Concrete transport info type when using the USB transport controller with client driver extensions.

  • TObjectId - Encapsulates the Id of a kernel object.
  • TObjectId::Id() - Return the ID as a 64 bit integer.
  • TObjectId::operator TUint() - Conversion operator invoked by the compiler when a TObjectId type is passed to a function that is prototyped to take a TUint type.
  • TObjectId::operator!=() - Tests whether this thread Id is unequal to the specified thread Id.
  • TObjectId::operator==() - Tests whether this thread Id is equal to the specified Id.
  • TObjectId::TObjectId()  Default constructor.
  • TObjectId::TObjectId()  Constructor taking an unsigned integer value.

  • TOpenFileScan - Scans open files to get a list of the entries for all files which are currently open in a particular file server session.
  • TOpenFileScan::NextL() - Gets a list of entries for the open files in the file server session.
  • TOpenFileScan::ThreadId() - Gets the ID of the thread that opened the files retrieved by NextL().
  • TOpenFileScan::TOpenFileScan() - Constructs the object with the specified file server session.

  • TOpenFontCharMetrics - Character metrics includes more information than TCharacterMetrics.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::GetHorizBounds() - Gets the bounds of the character relative to its origin when setting text horizontally.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::GetTCharacterMetrics() - Converts a TCharacterMetrics object to a TOpenFontCharacterMetrics.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::GetVertBounds() - Gets the bounds of the character relative to its origin when setting text vertically.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::Height() - Gets the height of the character's bitmap.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::HorizAdvance() - Gets the horizontal advance.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::HorizBearingX() - Gets the horizontal bearing X.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::HorizBearingY() - Gets horizontal bearing Y.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetHeight() - Sets the height of the character's bitmap.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetHorizAdvance() - Sets the horizontal advance.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetHorizBearingX() - Sets the horizontal bearing X.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetHorizBearingY() - Sets the horizontal bearing Y.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetVertAdvance() - Sets the vertical advance.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetVertBearingX() - Set vertical bearing X.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetVertBearingY() - Sets the vertical bearing Y.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::SetWidth() - Sets the width of the character's bitmap.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::TOpenFontCharMetrics()  Default constructor initializes all members to 0.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::TOpenFontCharMetrics()  Constructor that does not initialize any members.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::TOpenFontCharMetrics()  A constructor initialised with a TCharacterMetrics object.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::VertAdvance() - Gets the vertical advance.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::VertBearingX() - Gets the vertical bearing X.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::VertBearingY() - Gets the vertical bearing Y.
  • TOpenFontCharMetrics::Width() - Gets the width of the character's bitmap.

  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib - Typeface attributes.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::FamilyName() - Gets the family name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::FullName() - Gets the full name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::LocalFamilyName() - Gets the local family name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::LocalFullName() - Gets the local full name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::MinSizeInPixels() - Gets the minimum typeface size.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::SetFamilyName() - Sets the family name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::SetFullName() - Sets the full name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::SetLocalFamilyName() - Sets the local family name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::SetLocalFullName() - Sets the local full name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::SetMinSizeInPixels() - Set the minimum typeface size.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::ShortFamilyName() - Gets the short family name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::ShortFullName() - Gets the short full name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::ShortLocalFamilyName() - Gets the short local family name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::ShortLocalFullName() - Gets the short local full name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttrib::TOpenFontFaceAttrib() - Default C++ constructor.

  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase - Font attribute base class.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::Coverage() - Gets a pointer to the sets of flags that indicate the font's Unicode coverage.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::HasCJK() - Tests for support of Chinese ideographic characters.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::HasCyrillic() - Tests for support of Cyrillic characters.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::HasGreek() - Tests for support of Greek characters.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::HasHangul() - Tests for support of Korean Hangul characters.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::HasKana() - Tests for support of Japanese syllabic characters.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::HasLatin() - Tests for support of Latin characters.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::IsBold() - Tests if the typeface is inherently bold.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::IsItalic() - Tests if the typeface is inherently italic.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::IsMonoWidth() - Tests if all the characters have the same width.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::IsSerif() - Tests if the typeface has serifs.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::IsSymbol() - Tests if the typeface contains symbols only.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::Name() - Gets the typeface's name.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::SetBold() - Sets the bold attribute.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::SetCoverage() - Sets the coverage flags.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::SetItalic() - Sets the italic attribute.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::SetMonoWidth() - Sets the mono-width attribute.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::SetName() - Sets the name attribute.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::SetSerif() - Sets the serif attribute.
  • TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::TOpenFontFaceAttribBase() - Default C++ constructor.

  • TOpenFontGlyphData - Font glyph data.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::Bitmap() - Gets a constant pointer descriptor containing the bitmap this object represents.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::BitmapPointer() - Gets a pointer to the bitmap.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::BufferEnd() - Gets a pointer to the end of the bitmap buffer.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::BufferStart() - Gets a pointer to the start of the bitmap buffer.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::BytesNeeded() - Gets the number of bytes needed to store the glyph bitmap.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::GlyphIndex() - Gets the glyph index.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::Metrics() - Gets the character's metrics.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::New() - Static constructor for a TOpenFontGlyphData.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::Overflow() - Tests whether the bitmap buffer is large enough to hold the bitmap.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::SetBitmapPointer() - Sets the pointer to the bitmap buffer.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::SetBytesNeeded() - Sets the number of bytes needed to store the glyph bitmap.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::SetGlyphIndex() - Sets the glyph index.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::SetMetrics() - Sets the character's metrics, passing a reference to a TOpenFontCharMetrics object.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::SetMetricsPointer() - Sets the character's metrics, passing a pointer to a TOpenFontCharMetrics object.
  • TOpenFontGlyphData::SetPointersToInternalBuffers() - Sets the bitmap and metrics pointers to point to the internal buffers.

  • TOpenFontMetrics - Font metrics.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::Ascent() - Gets the font's ascent.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::Descent() - Gets the font's descent.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::MaxDepth() - Gets the font's maximum depth.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::MaxHeight() - Sets the font's maximum height.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::MaxWidth() - Gets the maximum character width, in pixels.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::SetAscent() - Sets the ascent.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::SetDescent() - Sets the descent.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::SetMaxDepth() - Sets the font's maximum depth.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::SetMaxHeight() - Sets the font's maximum height.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::SetMaxWidth() - Sets the maximum character width, in pixels.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::SetSize() - Sets the font's size.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::Size() - Gets the font's size.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::TOpenFontMetrics()  Default C++ constructor.
  • TOpenFontMetrics::TOpenFontMetrics()  C++ constructor with a CFont parameter.

  • TOpenFontSpec - Font specification allowing more attributes to be specified than TFontSpec.
  • TOpenFontSpec::BitmapType() - Gets the anti-aliasing setting for the font, as set by SetBitmapType().
  • TOpenFontSpec::CompensateForAspectRatio()  Adjust the width factor and slant factor to suit a pixel aspect ratio.
  • TOpenFontSpec::CompensateForAspectRatio()  Adjust the width factor and slant factor to suit a pixel aspect ratio stored in a MGraphicsDeviceMap derived object.
  • TOpenFontSpec::GetTFontSpec() - Gets the TFontSpec corresponding to this Open Font System font specification.
  • TOpenFontSpec::Height() - Gets the height of the font.
  • TOpenFontSpec::operator=() - Assignment operator.
  • TOpenFontSpec::operator==() - Compares this and another open font specification.
  • TOpenFontSpec::PrintPosition() - Gets the print position.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SetAttrib() - Sets the font attributes.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SetBitmapType() - Sets whether the font should be drawn using anti-aliasing.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SetHeight() - Sets the font's height.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SetScriptTypeForMetrics() - Specifies the script with which font metrics calculation will be based on.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SetSlantFactor() - Sets the algorithmic slant factor.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SetWidthFactor() - Sets the algorithmic width factor.
  • TOpenFontSpec::SlantFactor() - Gets the algorithmic slant factor.
  • TOpenFontSpec::TOpenFontSpec()  Default C++ constructor setting height to 16 pixels or twips, width factor to 1 (65536 in 16.16 format), slant factor to 0 (no slant), effects to ENone, symbol to 0 (assuming EScriptNone = 0), print position to EPrintPosNormal.
  • TOpenFontSpec::TOpenFontSpec()  C++ constructor taking a reference to a TFontSpec.
  • TOpenFontSpec::WidthFactor() - Gets the algorithmic width factor.

  • TOverlayArray - For building an array on top of TDes8.
  • TOverlayArray::IndexPtr() - Returns pointer to the given element location in the array.
  • TOverlayArray::Length() - Returns the current length of the array in the number of array elements.
  • TOverlayArray::MaxLength() - Returns the maximum length of the array in the number of array elements.
  • TOverlayArray::operator[]() - Return the given element of the array.
  • TOverlayArray::SetLength() - Set the length of the underlaying descriptor.
  • TOverlayArray::TOverlayArray().

  • TPINCodeV10 - Bluetooth PIN Code structure.

  • TPageMargins - Page margins.
  • TPageMargins::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TPageMargins object to a write stream.
  • TPageMargins::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TPageMargins object from a read stream.

  • TPageRef - Encapsulates a page reference.
  • TPageRef::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TPageRef object to a write stream.
  • TPageRef::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TPageRef object from a read stream.
  • TPageRef::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TPageRef::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TPageRef::TPageRef()  Default constructor.
  • TPageRef::TPageRef()  Constructor that initialises the object to a page reference value.
  • TPageRef::Value() - Gets the page reference value.

  • TPageSpec - Page specification for a print operation.
  • TPageSpec::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the page specification object to a write stream.
  • TPageSpec::InternalizeL() - Internalises a page specification object from a read stream.
  • TPageSpec::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TPageSpec::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TPageSpec::OrientedPageSize() - Gets the oriented page size.
  • TPageSpec::TPageSpec()  Default constructor.
  • TPageSpec::TPageSpec()  Constructor with page orientation and size.

  • TPagedMultiset.
  • TPagedMultiset::ContainsL().
  • TPagedMultiset::DeleteL().
  • TPagedMultiset::InsertL().
  • TPagedMultiset::TPagedMultiset().
  • TPagedMultiset::TPagedMultiset().

  • TPagedMultiset< TAny >.
  • TPagedMultiset< TAny >::TPagedMultiset().
  • TPagedMultiset< TAny >::TPagedMultiset().

  • TPagedMultisetBase.
  • TPagedMultisetBase::InsertL().
  • TPagedMultisetBase::TPagedMultisetBase().
  • TPagedMultisetBase::TPagedMultisetBase().

  • TPagedSet.
  • TPagedSet::ContainsL().
  • TPagedSet::DeleteL().
  • TPagedSet::InsertL().
  • TPagedSet::TPagedSet().
  • TPagedSet::TPagedSet().

  • TPagedSet< TAny >.
  • TPagedSet< TAny >::TPagedSet().
  • TPagedSet< TAny >::TPagedSet().

  • TPagedSetBase.
  • TPagedSetBase::ClearL().
  • TPagedSetBase::Connect().
  • TPagedSetBase::ContainsL().
  • TPagedSetBase::Count().
  • TPagedSetBase::DeleteL().
  • TPagedSetBase::InsertAllowDuplicatesL().
  • TPagedSetBase::InsertL().
  • TPagedSetBase::IsBroken().
  • TPagedSetBase::IsDirty().
  • TPagedSetBase::IsEmpty().
  • TPagedSetBase::IsIntact().
  • TPagedSetBase::MarkBroken().
  • TPagedSetBase::MarkCurrent().
  • TPagedSetBase::MarkDirty().
  • TPagedSetBase::RepairL().
  • TPagedSetBase::Set().
  • TPagedSetBase::Token().
  • TPagedSetBase::TPagedSetBase().
  • TPagedSetBase::TPagedSetBase().

  • TPagedSetBiIter.
  • TPagedSetBiIter::AtL().
  • TPagedSetBiIter::ExtractAtL().
  • TPagedSetBiIter::TPagedSetBiIter().
  • TPagedSetBiIter::TPagedSetBiIter().

  • TPagedSetBiIter< TAny >.
  • TPagedSetBiIter< TAny >::TPagedSetBiIter().

  • TPagedSetBiIterBase.
  • TPagedSetBiIterBase::ExtractAtL().
  • TPagedSetBiIterBase::FirstL().
  • TPagedSetBiIterBase::LastL().
  • TPagedSetBiIterBase::NextL().
  • TPagedSetBiIterBase::PreviousL().
  • TPagedSetBiIterBase::TPagedSetBiIterBase().

  • TPagedSetIter.
  • TPagedSetIter::AtL().
  • TPagedSetIter::ExtractAtL().
  • TPagedSetIter::TPagedSetIter().
  • TPagedSetIter::TPagedSetIter().

  • TPagedSetIter< TAny >.
  • TPagedSetIter< TAny >::TPagedSetIter().

  • TPagedSetIterBase.
  • TPagedSetIterBase::ExtractAtL().
  • TPagedSetIterBase::NextL().
  • TPagedSetIterBase::ResetL().
  • TPagedSetIterBase::TPagedSetIterBase().

  • TPagedSetRIter.
  • TPagedSetRIter::AtL().
  • TPagedSetRIter::ExtractAtL().
  • TPagedSetRIter::TPagedSetRIter().
  • TPagedSetRIter::TPagedSetRIter().

  • TPagedSetRIter< TAny >.
  • TPagedSetRIter< TAny >::TPagedSetRIter().

  • TPagedSetRIterBase.
  • TPagedSetRIterBase::ExtractAtL().
  • TPagedSetRIterBase::NextL().
  • TPagedSetRIterBase::ResetL().
  • TPagedSetRIterBase::TPagedSetRIterBase().

  • TPagedSetToken.
  • TPagedSetToken::Clear().
  • TPagedSetToken::Count().
  • TPagedSetToken::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TBtreeToken object to a stream.
  • TPagedSetToken::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TBtreeToken object from a stream.
  • TPagedSetToken::TPagedSetToken().
  • TPagedSetToken::TPagedSetToken().

  • TParaBorder - Defines the characteristics of one of the four sides of a paragraph border.
  • TParaBorder::operator!=() - Compares two paragraph border sides for inequality.
  • TParaBorder::operator==() - Compares two paragraph border sides for equality.
  • TParaBorder::TParaBorder() - The default C++ constructor constructs a TParaBorder, initializing its line style to ENullLineStyle, its line thickness to zero, its colour to KRgbBlack and iAutocolor to ETrue.

  • TParaBorderArray - Stores the four sides of a paragraph border.

  • TParaFormatMask - Masks the paragraph format attributes which are involved when setting and sensing paragraph formatting.
  • TParaFormatMask::AttribIsSet() - Tests whether an attribute flag is set.
  • TParaFormatMask::ClearAll() - Clears all attribute flags in the paragraph format mask.
  • TParaFormatMask::ClearAttrib() - Clears a single attribute flag in the paragraph format mask.
  • TParaFormatMask::IsNull() - Tests whether the mask is NULL, indicating that no flags have been set.
  • TParaFormatMask::operator!=() - Compares two paragraph format masks for inequality.
  • TParaFormatMask::operator==() - Compares two paragraph format masks for equality.
  • TParaFormatMask::SetAll() - Sets all attribute flags in the paragraph format mask.
  • TParaFormatMask::SetAttrib() - Sets a single attribute flag in the paragraph format mask.
  • TParaFormatMask::TParaFormatMask() - The default C++ constructor constructs a paragraph format mask, initialising all bits to zero.

  • TParse - Parses filenames.
  • TParse::NameBuf() - Gets a reference to the descriptor containing the file specification passed to the constructor of this object.
  • TParse::NameBufC() - Gets a const reference to the descriptor containing the file specification passed to the constructor of this object.
  • TParse::Set() - Parses a file specification, allowing wildcards in the filename and extension.
  • TParse::SetNoWild() - Parses a file specification; disallows wildcards in any part of the file name or extension.
  • TParse::TParse() - Default constructor.

  • TParseBase - Base class for file name parsing.
  • TParseBase::AddDir() - Adds a single directory onto the end of the path in the fully parsed specification.
  • TParseBase::Drive() - Gets the drive letter.
  • TParseBase::DriveAndPath() - Gets the drive letter and path.
  • TParseBase::DrivePresent() - Tests whether a drive is present.
  • TParseBase::Ext() - Gets the extension.
  • TParseBase::ExtPresent() - Tests whether an extension is present.
  • TParseBase::FullName() - Gets the complete file specification.
  • TParseBase::IsExtWild() - Tests whether the extension in the fully parsed specification contains one or more wildcard characters.
  • TParseBase::IsKMatchAny() - Tests whether the name or the extension contains asterisk wildcards.
  • TParseBase::IsKMatchOne() - Tests whether the name or the extension contains a question mark wildcard.
  • TParseBase::IsNameWild() - Tests whether the filename in the fully parsed specification contains one or more wildcard characters.
  • TParseBase::IsRoot() - Tests whether the path in the fully parsed specification is the root directory.
  • TParseBase::IsWild() - Tests whether the filename or the extension in the fully parsed specification contains one or more wildcard characters.
  • TParseBase::Name() - Gets the filename.
  • TParseBase::NameAndExt() - Gets the filename and extension.
  • TParseBase::NameBuf().
  • TParseBase::NameBufC().
  • TParseBase::NameOrExtPresent() - Tests whether a filename or an extension are present.
  • TParseBase::NamePresent() - Tests whether a file name is present.
  • TParseBase::Path() - Gets the path.
  • TParseBase::PathPresent() - Tests whether a path is present.
  • TParseBase::PopDir() - Removes the last directory from the path in the fully parsed specification.
  • TParseBase::TParseBase() - Default constructor.

  • TParsePtr - Parses filenames using less space on the stack than TParse.
  • TParsePtr::NameBuf() - Gets a reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to the constructor of this object.
  • TParsePtr::NameBufC() - Gets a const reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to the constructor of this object.
  • TParsePtr::TParsePtr() - Constructor taking a reference to a filename.

  • TParsePtrC - Parses, but cannot modify, filenames using less space on the stack than TParse.
  • TParsePtrC::NameBuf() - Gets a reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to the constructor of this object.
  • TParsePtrC::NameBufC() - Gets a const reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to the constructor of this object.
  • TParsePtrC::TParsePtrC() - Constructor taking a constant reference to a filename.

  • TPckg - Packages a modifiable pointer descriptor which represents an object of specific type.
  • TPckg::operator()() - Gets a reference to the object represented by this packaged modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPckg::TPckg() - Constructs a packaged modifiable pointer descriptor to represent the specified object whose type is defined by the template parameter.

  • TPckgBuf - Packages an object into a modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TPckgBuf::operator()()  Gets a reference to the object contained by this packaged modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TPckgBuf::operator()()  Gets a const reference to the object contained by this packaged modifiable buffer descriptor.
  • TPckgBuf::operator=()  Copies data from the specified packaged modifiable buffer descriptor into this packaged modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TPckgBuf::operator=()  Copies data from the specified object into this packaged modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any existing data.
  • TPckgBuf::TPckgBuf()  Constructs a packaged modifiable buffer descriptor for an object whose type is defined by the template parameter.
  • TPckgBuf::TPckgBuf()  Constructs a packaged modifiable buffer descriptor for an object whose type is defined by the template parameter and copies the supplied object into the descriptor.

  • TPckgC - Packages a non-modifiable pointer descriptor which represents an object of specific type.
  • TPckgC::operator()() - Gets a reference to the object represented by this packaged non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPckgC::TPckgC() - Constructs a packaged non-modifiable pointer descriptor to represent the specified object whose type is defined by the template parameter.

  • TPictureCapability - Picture capabilities.
  • TPictureCapability::TPictureCapability() - Constructs the object setting the scaling-type and croppability properties.

  • TPictureData - Uncompressed picture data for one video picture.

  • TPictureHeader - Picture header providing an interface to a stored picture.
  • TPictureHeader::DeletePicture() - Deletes the internalised picture.
  • TPictureHeader::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a picture header object to a write stream.
  • TPictureHeader::InternalizeL() - Internalises a picture header object from a read stream.
  • TPictureHeader::TPictureHeader() - Constructs a default picture header.

  • TPictureId - Identifies a video picture in feedback messages.

  • TPictureRateAndSize - Structure to combine a picture rate and size.

  • TPngEncodeData - PNG specific frame data variant which holds PNG encoding information.
  • TPngEncodeData::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TPngEncodeData::TPngEncodeData() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TPoint - Stores a two-dimensional point in Cartesian co-ordinates.
  • TPoint::AsSize() - Gets the size of the rectangle whose top left hand corner is the origin of the screen co-ordinates and whose bottom right hand corner is this point.
  • TPoint::operator!=() - Compares two points for inequality.
  • TPoint::operator+()  The operator adds the specified point to this point, and returns the resulting value.
  • TPoint::operator+()  TSize addition operator.
  • TPoint::operator+=()  TPoint addition assignment operator.
  • TPoint::operator+=()  TSize addition assignment operator.
  • TPoint::operator-()  TPoint subtraction operator.
  • TPoint::operator-()  TSize subtraction operator.
  • TPoint::operator-()  Unary minus operator.
  • TPoint::operator-=()  TPoint subtraction assignment operator.
  • TPoint::operator-=()  TSize subtraction assignment operator.
  • TPoint::operator==() - Compares two points for equality.
  • TPoint::SetXY() - Sets the x and y co-ordinates for this point.
  • TPoint::TPoint()  Constructs default point, initialising its iX and iY members to zero.
  • TPoint::TPoint()  Constructs default point, initialising its iX and iY members to zero.
  • TPoint::TPoint()  Constructs a point with the specified x and y co-ordinates.

  • TPop3Progress - Progress information for a POP3 operation.
  • TPop3Progress::ConnectionIAP() - Retrieves the internet access point that is used when connecting to the POP3 service.
  • TPop3Progress::ConnectionState() - Retrieves the stage of the connection process as defined in nifvar.h and csdprog.h while the service is connecting to the POP3 server.

  • TPopAccount - POP account ID.

  • TPosition - This class is the standard data structure for retrieving location information.
  • TPosition::SetCurrentTime() - Sets the time of this position data to the current universal time as indicated by the systems clock.
  • TPosition::SetTime() - Sets the time of this position data.
  • TPosition::Speed()  This method calculates the horizontal speed between the current position and the supplied instance aPosition.
  • TPosition::Speed()  This method calculates the horizontal speed between the current position and the supplied instance aPosition.
  • TPosition::Time() - Retrieves the time of this position data.
  • TPosition::TPosition()  Default constructor for TCoordinate.
  • TPosition::TPosition()  Constructor for TPosition.

  • TPositionCalc.
  • TPositionCalc::GetBearing()  Calculate distance between two TCoordinates.
  • TPositionCalc::GetBearing()  Calculate distance between two TLocality.
  • TPositionCalc::GetDistance()  Calculate distance between two TCoordinates.
  • TPositionCalc::GetDistance()  Calculate distance between two TLocality.
  • TPositionCalc::GetSpeed()  Calculate distance between two TPositions.
  • TPositionCalc::GetSpeed()  Calculate distance between two TPositions.
  • TPositionCalc::Translate() - Translate the stop coordinate by start point and given distance and bearing between two TCoordinates.

  • TPositionClassTypeBase - The base class for classes used to store position information.
  • TPositionClassTypeBase::PositionClassSize() - PositionClassSize.
  • TPositionClassTypeBase::PositionClassType() - PositionClassTypeType.

  • TPositionCourseInfo - Class for getting a TCourse from the location server.
  • TPositionCourseInfo::GetCourse() - Gets the TCourse stored in this class.
  • TPositionCourseInfo::SetCourse() - Sets the TCourse stored in this class.
  • TPositionCourseInfo::TPositionCourseInfo() - Default constructor.

  • TPositionCriteria - The standard class criteria class for selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionCriteria::TPositionCriteria()  Default constructor for TPositionCriteria.
  • TPositionCriteria::TPositionCriteria()  Constructor for TPositionCriteria that specifies mandatory additional capabilities of the positioning module used to provide the application with position information.

  • TPositionCriteriaBase - The base class for classes used to store position module selection criteria information.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::AddRequiredCapabilities() - Specifies mandatory additional capabilities of the positioning module used to provide the application with position information.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::ClearCriteria() - Removes all criteria including the default values.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::ClearRequiredCapabilities() - Clears the mandatory additional capabilities of the positioning module used to provide the application with position information.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::GetRequiredQuality() - Returns any currently specified quality limits.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::GetSelectionOrder() - Retrieves the current selection order that will be used by the positioning server in selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::RequiredCapabilities() - Returns the current set of required criteria including the default.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::ResetCriteria() - Used to restore the criteria to the default values.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::SetRequiredQuality() - Used to specify the mandatory upper bound for the quality of information that the application will accept.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::SetSelectionOrder() - Sets the selection order to be used by the positioning server in selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::TPositionCriteriaBase()  Constructor for the abstract base class TPositionCriteriaBase.
  • TPositionCriteriaBase::TPositionCriteriaBase()  Constructor for TPositionCriteriaBase that specifies mandatory additional capabilities of the positioning module used to provide the application with position information.

  • TPositionInfo - Standard class for getting a TPosition location fix from the location server.
  • TPositionInfo::GetPosition() - Gets the TPosition stored in this class.
  • TPositionInfo::SetPosition() - Sets the TPosition stored in this class.
  • TPositionInfo::TPositionInfo() - Default constructor.

  • TPositionInfoBase - This class provides the interface used by RPositioner to get a location fix, and as such all classes used to get location info from the location server should derive from this class.
  • TPositionInfoBase::ModuleId() - Returns the module Id of the module that gave the position fix.
  • TPositionInfoBase::PositionMode() - see TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType.
  • TPositionInfoBase::PositionModeReason() - see PositionMode see _TPositionModeReason.
  • TPositionInfoBase::SetModuleId() - Sets the Module Id stored in this class.
  • TPositionInfoBase::SetPositionMode() - see TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType.
  • TPositionInfoBase::SetPositionModeReason() - see TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType.
  • TPositionInfoBase::SetUpdateType() - Sets The update type of the position fix in this class.
  • TPositionInfoBase::TPositionInfoBase() - Default constructor.
  • TPositionInfoBase::UpdateType() - Returns the update type of the position fix.

  • TPositionModuleInfo - The standard class for storing information on position modules.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::Capabilities() - Capabilities.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::ClassesSupported() - Classes Supported.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::DeviceLocation() - Device Location.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::GetModuleName() - Gets Module Name.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::GetPositionQuality() - Gets Position Quality.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::IsAvailable() - Returns Availablity.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::ModuleId() - Module Id.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetCapabilities() - Sets capabilities.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetClassesSupported() - Sets supported classes.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetDeviceLocation() - Sets device location.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetIsAvailable() - Sets module availablity.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetModuleId() - Sets module Id.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetModuleName() - Sets module name.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetPositionQuality() - Sets position quality.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetTechnologyType() - Sets technology type.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::SetVersion() - Sets Version.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::TechnologyType() - Technology Type.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::TPositionModuleInfo() - Default constructor for TPositionModuleInfo.
  • TPositionModuleInfo::Version() - Module Version.

  • TPositionModuleInfoBase - The base class for classes storing information on position modules.
  • TPositionModuleInfoBase::TPositionModuleInfoBase() - Default constructor for TPositionModuleInfoBase.

  • TPositionModuleStatus - The normal class for storing a position module's status.
  • TPositionModuleStatus::DataQualityStatus() - Data quality status.
  • TPositionModuleStatus::DeviceStatus() - Device status.
  • TPositionModuleStatus::SetDataQualityStatus() - Sets data quality status.
  • TPositionModuleStatus::SetDeviceStatus() - Sets device status.
  • TPositionModuleStatus::TPositionModuleStatus() - Default constructor for TPositionModuleStatus.

  • TPositionModuleStatusBase - The base class for classes storing a position module's status.
  • TPositionModuleStatusBase::TPositionModuleStatusBase() - Default constructor for TPositionModuleStatusBase.

  • TPositionModuleStatusEvent - The normal class for storing position module status events.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEvent::DoReset() - Method to reset a TPositionModuleStatusEvent to the 'unknown' state.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEvent::GetModuleStatus() - Gets Where the module status will be written.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEvent::SetModuleStatus() - Sets the module status.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEvent::TPositionModuleStatusEvent()  Default constructor for TPositionModuleStatusEvent.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEvent::TPositionModuleStatusEvent()  Constructor for TPositionModuleStatusEvent (with events).

  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase - The base class for classes storing position module status events.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::DoReset() - Method to reset a TPositionModuleStatusEventBase to the 'unknown' state.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::ModuleId() - Returns the module ID.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::OccurredEvents() - Returns the events which have occurred.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::RequestedEvents() - Returns the requested events.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetModuleId() - The module ID to set.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetOccurredEvents() - The occurred events to set.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetRequestedEvents() - Sets the requested events.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetSystemModuleEvent() - Sets the system event.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SystemModuleEvent() - Returns The system event type.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TPositionModuleStatusEventBase()  Default constructor for TPositionModuleStatusEventBase.
  • TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TPositionModuleStatusEventBase()  Constructor for TPositionModuleStatusEventBase (with events).

  • TPositionQuality - The standard position quality class.
  • TPositionQuality::CostIndicator() - The cost indicator.
  • TPositionQuality::HorizontalAccuracy() - Horizontal Accuracy.
  • TPositionQuality::PowerConsumption() - The power consumption.
  • TPositionQuality::SetCostIndicator() - The cost indicator to set.
  • TPositionQuality::SetHorizontalAccuracy() - Sets horizontal accuracy.
  • TPositionQuality::SetPowerConsumption() - The power consumption to set.
  • TPositionQuality::SetTimeToFirstFix() - Sets time to first fix.
  • TPositionQuality::SetTimeToNextFix() - Sets time to next fix.
  • TPositionQuality::SetVerticalAccuracy() - Sets vertical accuracy.
  • TPositionQuality::TimeToFirstFix() - The time required to obtain an initial location fix.
  • TPositionQuality::TimeToNextFix() - The time required to obtain subsequent location fixes.
  • TPositionQuality::TPositionQuality() - Default constructor for TPositionQuality.
  • TPositionQuality::VerticalAccuracy() - The vertical accuracy.

  • TPositionQualityBase - The base class for classes used to store position quality information.
  • TPositionQualityBase::Compare() - Compares a specified element of another TPositionQualityBase object to this TPositionQualityBase.
  • TPositionQualityBase::GetElement() - Gets the data of an element from the array of elements.
  • TPositionQualityBase::HighWaterMark() - Returns The High Water Mark.
  • TPositionQualityBase::IsDefined() - Returns whether an element is defined.
  • TPositionQualityBase::ResetElement() - Resets element.
  • TPositionQualityBase::SetElement() - Sets the data of an element from the array of elements.
  • TPositionQualityBase::TPositionQualityBase() - Default constructor for TPositionQualityBase.

  • TPositionQualityItem - The class for classes used to store position quality.

  • TPositionSatelliteInfo - This class is used to store information about positions obtained by satellites.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::AppendSatelliteData() - Appends satellite data.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::ClearSatellitesInView() - Reset the number of satellites in view.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::GetSatelliteData() - Gets satellite data by index into TSatelliteData.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::HorizontalDoP() - Returns the horizontal dilution of precision.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::NumSatellitesInView() - The number of satellites in view.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::NumSatellitesUsed() - Returns the number of satellites used in the calculation.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::SatelliteTime() - Returns the time according to the satellite.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::SetHorizontalDoP() - Sets the horizontal dilution of precision.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::SetSatelliteTime() - Sets the satellite time.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::SetTimeDoP() - Sets the position dilution of precision.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::SetVerticalDoP() - Sets the vertical dilution of precision.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::TimeDoP() - Returns the position dilution of precision.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::TPositionSatelliteInfo() - TPositionSatelliteInfo constructor.
  • TPositionSatelliteInfo::VerticalDoP() - Returns the vertical dilution of precision.

  • TPositionSelectionOrder - This class is used as part of the TPositionCriteria class to chose a positioning module that will provide the desired quality of information.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::ClearSelectionOrder() - Clear all values including defaults.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::GetSelectionItem() - Not generally called by client applications.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::NumSelectionItems() - Not generally called by client applications.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::ResetSelectionOrder() - Used to restore the default selection ordering.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::SetOrderCostIndicator() - Assigns a priority to the cost of a positioning technology when selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::SetOrderHorizontalAccuracy() - Assigns a priority to the horizontal accuracy when selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::SetOrderPowerConsumption() - Assigns a priority to the power consumption of a positioning technology when selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::SetOrderTimeToFirstFix() - Assigns a priority to the time to first fix when selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::SetOrderTimeToNextFix() - Assigns a priority to the time to subsequent fixes when selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::SetOrderVerticalAccuracy() - Assigns a priority to the vertical accuracy when selecting a positioning module.
  • TPositionSelectionOrder::TPositionSelectionOrder() - Default constructor for TPositionSelectionOrder.

  • TPositionUpdateOptions - The normal class for storing position update options.
  • TPositionUpdateOptions::AcceptPartialUpdates() - Returns Whether partial updates will be accepted.
  • TPositionUpdateOptions::SetAcceptPartialUpdates() - Sets Whether partial updates will be accepted.
  • TPositionUpdateOptions::TPositionUpdateOptions()  Default constructor for TPositionUpdateOptions.
  • TPositionUpdateOptions::TPositionUpdateOptions()  Constructor for TPositionUpdateOptions.

  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase - The base class for classes storing position update options.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::MaxUpdateAge() - Returns the maximum update age.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::SetMaxUpdateAge() - sets the maximum update age.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::SetUpdateInterval() - Sets update interval.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::SetUpdateTimeOut() - Sets the update timeout.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::TPositionUpdateOptionsBase()  Default constructor for TPositionUpdateOptionsBase.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::TPositionUpdateOptionsBase()  Constructor for TPositionUpdateOptionsBase.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::UpdateInterval() - Returns the update interval.
  • TPositionUpdateOptionsBase::UpdateTimeOut() - Returns the update timeout.

  • TPriQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list in which the elements are added in descending priority order.
  • TPriQue::Add() - Inserts the specified list element in descending priority order.
  • TPriQue::First() - Gets a pointer to the first list element in the linked list.
  • TPriQue::IsFirst() - Tests whether the specified element is the first in the linked list.
  • TPriQue::IsHead() - Tests whether the end of a list has been reached.
  • TPriQue::IsLast() - Tests whether the specified element is the last in the linked list.
  • TPriQue::Last() - Gets a pointer to the last list element in the linked list.
  • TPriQue::TPriQue()  Default constructor.
  • TPriQue::TPriQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset of the link object to the specified value.

  • TPriQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of an ordered doubly linked list.

  • TPrintParameters - Print parameters.
  • TPrintParameters::TPrintParameters() - Trivial default C++ constructor.

  • TPrintPreviewFormat - Print preview format information.

  • TPrinterModelEntry - Detailed information about a printer model.
  • TPrinterModelEntry::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the printer model entry to a write stream.
  • TPrinterModelEntry::InternalizeL() - Internalises a printer model entry from a read stream.

  • TPrinterModelHeader - Information about a printer model.
  • TPrinterModelHeader::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the printer model header to a write stream.
  • TPrinterModelHeader::InternalizeL() - Internalises a printer model header from a read stream.

  • TProcessId - Encapsulates the Id of a process.
  • TProcessId::TProcessId()  Default constructor.
  • TProcessId::TProcessId()  Constructor taking an unsigned integer value.

  • TProcessMemoryInfo - Contains information about the code and data sections belonging to a process.

  • TPtr16 - 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtr16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TPtr16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TPtr16::operator=()  Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TPtr16::Set()  Sets the 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtr16::Set()  Sets the 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor from an existing 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtr16::TPtr16()  Constructs the 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtr16::TPtr16()  Constructs the 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.

  • TPtr8 - 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtr8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TPtr8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TPtr8::operator=()  Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any existing data.
  • TPtr8::Set()  Sets the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtr8::Set()  Sets the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor from an existing 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtr8::TPtr8()  Constructs the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtr8::TPtr8()  Constructs the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.

  • TPtrC16 - 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtrC16::Set()  Sets the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtrC16::Set()  Sets the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from the specified descriptor.
  • TPtrC16::Set().
  • TPtrC16::TPtrC16()  Constructs an empty 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtrC16::TPtrC16()  Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from any existing descriptor.
  • TPtrC16::TPtrC16()  Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to a zero terminated string, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtrC16::TPtrC16()  Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.

  • TPtrC8 - 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtrC8::Set()  Sets the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtrC8::Set()  Sets the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from the specified descriptor.
  • TPtrC8::Set()  Sets the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from the specified non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
  • TPtrC8::TPtrC8()  Default constructor.
  • TPtrC8::TPtrC8()  Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from any existing descriptor.
  • TPtrC8::TPtrC8()  Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to a zero terminated string, whether in RAM or ROM.
  • TPtrC8::TPtrC8()  Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.

  • TPtrHashMapIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap class.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::CurrentKey() - Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::CurrentValue() - Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::NextKey() - Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::NextValue() - Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::RemoveCurrent() - Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::Reset() - Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  • TPtrHashMapIter::TPtrHashMapIter() - Construct an iterator over the specified associative array.

  • TPtrHashSetIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashSet class.
  • TPtrHashSetIter::Current() - Return the current position of the iterator.
  • TPtrHashSetIter::Next() - Steps the iterator to the next position.
  • TPtrHashSetIter::RemoveCurrent() - Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  • TPtrHashSetIter::Reset() - Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  • TPtrHashSetIter::TPtrHashSetIter() - Construct an iterator over the specified set.

  • TRandom - The user interface to the system cryptographically secure random number generator.
  • TRandom::Random() - Fills the provided buffer with secure random data up to its current length, discarding any current content.
  • TRandom::RandomL() - Fills the provided buffer with secure random data up to its current length, discarding any current content.

  • TRangeRef - Identifies a range of cells by start and end cell references.
  • TRangeRef::Contains() - Tests whether the specified cell is contained within the range.
  • TRangeRef::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • TRangeRef::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • TRangeRef::NoCells() - Gets the number of cells represented by the range.
  • TRangeRef::NoCols() - Gets the number of columns represented by the range.
  • TRangeRef::NoRows() - Gets the number of rows represented by the range.
  • TRangeRef::operator!=() - Compares this cell range with the specified cell range for inequality.
  • TRangeRef::operator==() - Compares this cell range with the specified cell range for equality.
  • TRangeRef::SetRange()  Sets the cell range to the specified cells.
  • TRangeRef::SetRange()  Sets the cell range to the specified start row and column, and end row and column.
  • TRangeRef::TRangeRef()  Default constructor.
  • TRangeRef::TRangeRef()  Constructor taking a start and end cell.
  • TRangeRef::TRangeRef()  Constructor taking a start row and start column number, and an end row and end column number.

  • TRangeRef::TIter.
  • TRangeRef::TIter::InRange().
  • TRangeRef::TIter::operator++().
  • TRangeRef::TIter::TIter().

  • TRateControlOptions - Specifies the video encoder bit-rate control options.

  • TRawEvent - Represents a raw hardware event as generated by hardware drivers of a pointer device, a keyboard etc.
  • TRawEvent::DeviceNumber() - Gets the device number (eg.
  • TRawEvent::IsTip() - Gets the information on which end of the pointing device is closer to the screen.
  • TRawEvent::Modifiers() - Gets the modifiers.
  • TRawEvent::Pos() - Gets the mouse or digitiser X-Y position.
  • TRawEvent::Pos3D() - Gets the Cartesian coordinates of the 3D pointer end that is closer to the screen.
  • TRawEvent::Rotation() - Gets the rotation angle of 3D pointing device.
  • TRawEvent::ScanCode() - Gets the scancode.
  • TRawEvent::Set()  Sets the event up as a scancode event.
  • TRawEvent::Set()  Sets the event up as a mouse/pen event.
  • TRawEvent::Set()  Sets up an event without specific parameters.
  • TRawEvent::Set()  Sets the event up as a 3D pointer linear move event.
  • TRawEvent::Set()  Sets the event up as a 3D pointer linear move and tilt and rotation change event.
  • TRawEvent::SetDeviceNumber() - Sets the device number (eg.
  • TRawEvent::SetRotation() - Sets the event up as 3D pointer rotation event.
  • TRawEvent::SetTilt() - Sets the event up as 3D pointer tilt change event.
  • TRawEvent::SetTip() - Sets the information on which end of the pointing device is closer to the screen.
  • TRawEvent::Ticks() - Gets the tick count value associated with the event.
  • TRawEvent::Tilt() - Gets the angular spherical polar coordinates of the 3D pointer end that is closer to the screen.
  • TRawEvent::TRawEvent() - Default constructor.
  • TRawEvent::Type() - Gets the event type.

  • TRawEventBuf - Encapsulates a hardware event object as a descriptor (package buffer) for the purpose of data transfer.
  • TRawEventBuf::Event() - Gets the hardware event object from the package buffer.

  • TRdsCapabilities - The RDS Capabilities class defines the capabilities of the RDS tuner on the device, as retrieved using the function GetRdsCapabilities.

  • TRdsData - This class represents the basic RDS data associated with an RDS station.
  • TRdsData::TRdsData() - Default constuctor for the RDS data class.

  • TRdsProgrammeItemNumber - Programme Item Number - identifies the start time of the current programme, as published by the broadcaster.
  • TRdsProgrammeItemNumber::operator!=().
  • TRdsProgrammeItemNumber::operator==().

  • TRealFormat - Defines the character representation of a real number type such as a TReal or a TRealX.
  • TRealFormat::TRealFormat()  Default constructor.
  • TRealFormat::TRealFormat()  Constructs the object taking the width of the character representation.
  • TRealFormat::TRealFormat()  Constructs the object taking the width of the character representation and a value which is interpreted as the number of digits to follow the decimal point.

  • TRealX - A class encapsulating an extended precision real value.
  • TRealX::Add() - Adds an extended precision value to this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::AddEq() - Adds an extended precision value to this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::Compare().
  • TRealX::Div() - Divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::DivEq() - Divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::GetTReal()  Extracts the extended precision value as a single precision floating point value.
  • TRealX::GetTReal()  Extracts the extended precision value as a double precision floating point value.
  • TRealX::IsFinite() - Determines whether the extended precision value has a finite value.
  • TRealX::IsInfinite() - Determines whether the extended precision value has a finite value.
  • TRealX::IsNaN() - Determines whether the extended precision value is 'not a number'.
  • TRealX::IsZero() - Determines whether the extended precision value is zero.
  • TRealX::Mod() - Modulo-divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::ModEq() - Modulo-divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::Mult() - Multiplies this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::MultEq() - Multiplies this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator *() - Multiplies this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator *=() - Multiplies this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator TInt() - Gets the extended precision value as a signed integer value.
  • TRealX::operator TInt64() - Returns the extended precision value as a 64 bit integer value.
  • TRealX::operator TReal32() - Returns the extended precision value as a single precision floating point value.
  • TRealX::operator TReal64() - Returns the extended precision value as a double precision floating point value.
  • TRealX::operator TUint() - Returns the extended precision value as an unsigned signed integer value.
  • TRealX::operator!=() - Compares this extended precision number for in-equality with another.
  • TRealX::operator%() - Modulo-divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator%=() - Modulo-divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator>() - Compares this extended precision number for being greater than another.
  • TRealX::operator>=() - Compares this extended precision number for being greater than or equal to another.
  • TRealX::operator<() - Compares this extended precision number for being less than another.
  • TRealX::operator<=() - Compares this extended precision number for being less than or equal to another.
  • TRealX::operator+()  Returns this extended precision number unchanged.
  • TRealX::operator+()  Adds an extended precision value to this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::operator++()  Increments this extended precision number by one, and then returns a reference to it.
  • TRealX::operator++()  Returns this extended precision number before incrementing it by one.
  • TRealX::operator+=() - Adds an extended precision value to this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::operator-()  Negates this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::operator-()  Subtracts an extended precision value from this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::operator--()  Decrements this extended precision number by one, and then returns a reference to it.
  • TRealX::operator--()  Returns this extended precision number before decrementing it by one.
  • TRealX::operator-=() - Subtracts an extended precision value from this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::operator/() - Divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator/=() - Divides this extended precision number by an extended precision value.
  • TRealX::operator=()  Assigns the specified signed integer value to this extended precision object.
  • TRealX::operator=()  Assigns the specified unsigned integer value to this extended precision object.
  • TRealX::operator=()  Assigns the specified 64 bit integer value to this extended precision object.
  • TRealX::operator=()  Assigns the specified single precision floating point number to this extended precision object.
  • TRealX::operator=()  Assigns the specified double precision floating point number to this extended precision object.
  • TRealX::operator==() - Compares this extended precision number for equality with another.
  • TRealX::Set()  Gives this extended precision object a new value taken from a signed integer.
  • TRealX::Set()  Gives this extended precision object a new value taken from an unsigned integer.
  • TRealX::Set()  Gives this extended precision object a new value taken from a 64 bit integer.
  • TRealX::Set()  Gives this extended precision object a new value taken from a single precision floating point number.
  • TRealX::Set()  Gives this extended precision object a new value taken from a double precision floating point number.
  • TRealX::SetInfinite() - Sets the value of this extended precision object to infinity.
  • TRealX::SetNaN() - Sets the value of this extended precision object to 'not a number'.
  • TRealX::SetZero() - Sets the value of this extended precision object to zero.
  • TRealX::Sub() - Subtracts an extended precision value from this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::SubEq() - Subtracts an extended precision value from this extended precision number.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs a default extended precision object.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs an extended precision object from a signed integer value.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs an extended precision object from an unsigned integer value.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs an extended precision object from an explicit exponent and a 64 bit mantissa.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs an extended precision object from a 64 bit integer.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs an extended precision object from a single precision floating point number.
  • TRealX::TRealX()  Constructs an extended precision object from a double precision floating point number.

  • TRect - Geometric rectangle.
  • TRect::BoundingRect() - Gets the minimal rectangle which bounds both this rectangle and the specified rectangle, and assigns it to this rectangle.
  • TRect::Center() - Gets the point at the centre of the rectangle.
  • TRect::Contains() - Tests whether a point is located within the rectangle.
  • TRect::Grow()  Grows the rectangle using the specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
  • TRect::Grow()  Grows a rectangle using the specified TSize offset.
  • TRect::Height() - Gets the height of the rectangle.
  • TRect::Intersection() - Gets the area of intersection between this rectangle and the specified rectangle, and assigns it to this rectangle.
  • TRect::Intersects() - Tests whether this rectangle overlaps with the specified rectangle.
  • TRect::IsEmpty() - Tests whether the rectangle is empty.
  • TRect::IsNormalized() - Tests whether the rectangle is normalised.
  • TRect::Move()  Moves the rectangle by adding an x, y offset.
  • TRect::Move()  Moves the rectangle by adding a TPoint offset.
  • TRect::Normalize() - Ensures that the rectangle's width and height have positive values.
  • TRect::operator!=() - Compares two rectangles for inequality.
  • TRect::operator==() - Compares two rectangles for equality.
  • TRect::Resize()  Resizes a rectangle by adding a horizontal and vertical offset.
  • TRect::Resize()  Resizes a rectangle by adding a TSize offset.
  • TRect::SetHeight() - Sets the height of the rectangle.
  • TRect::SetRect()  Sets the rectangle's position using four TInts.
  • TRect::SetRect()  Sets the rectangle's position using two TPoints.
  • TRect::SetRect()  Sets the rectangle's position using a TPoint and a TSize.
  • TRect::SetSize() - Sets the size of the rectangle.
  • TRect::SetWidth() - Sets the width of the rectangle.
  • TRect::Shrink()  Shrinks a rectangle using specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
  • TRect::Shrink()  Shrinks a rectangle using a specified TSize offset.
  • TRect::Size() - Gets the size of the rectangle.
  • TRect::TRect()  Constructs a default rectangle.
  • TRect::TRect()  Constructs a default rectangle.
  • TRect::TRect()  Constructs the rectangle, initialising its top left and bottom right hand corners with four TInt values.
  • TRect::TRect()  Constructs the rectangle with two TPoints, corresponding to its top left and bottom right hand corners.
  • TRect::TRect()  Constructs the rectangle with a TPoint for its top left corner, and a TSize for its width and height.
  • TRect::TRect()  Constructs the rectangle with a TSize.
  • TRect::Width() - Gets the width of the rectangle.

  • TRefByValue - A templated class which encapsulates a reference to an object within a wrapper.
  • TRefByValue::operator T &() - Gets a reference to the object encapsulated inside this value reference.
  • TRefByValue::TRefByValue() - Constructs this value reference for the specified referenced object.

  • TRegion - Clipping region - abstract base class.
  • TRegion::AddRect() - Adds a rectangle to this region.
  • TRegion::BoundingRect() - Gets the minimal rectangle that bounds the entire region.
  • TRegion::CheckError() - Tests whether the region's error flag is set.
  • TRegion::Clear() - Clears this region.
  • TRegion::ClipRect() - Clips the region to the specified rectangle.
  • TRegion::Contains() - Tests whether a point is located within the region.
  • TRegion::Copy() - Copies another region to this region.
  • TRegion::Count() - Gets the number of rectangles in this region.
  • TRegion::ForceError() - Sets the error flag, and clears the region.
  • TRegion::Intersect() - Replaces this region with the area of intersection between it and the specified region.
  • TRegion::Intersection() - Replaces this region with the area of intersection between two specified regions.
  • TRegion::Intersects() - Tests whether where there is any intersection between this region and the specified rectangle.
  • TRegion::IsContainedBy() - Tests whether the region is fully enclosed within the specified rectangle.
  • TRegion::IsEmpty() - Tests whether the region is empty.
  • TRegion::Offset()  Moves the region by adding X and Y offsets to the co-ordinates of its corners.
  • TRegion::Offset()  Moves the region by adding a TPoint offset to the co-ordinates of its corners.
  • TRegion::operator[]() - Gets a rectangle from the region.
  • TRegion::RectangleList() - Gets a pointer to the array of rectangles defining this region.
  • TRegion::RectangleListW().
  • TRegion::Sort()  Sorts the region's array of rectangles according to their vertical position on the screen.
  • TRegion::Sort()  Sorts the region's array of rectangles according to a specified sort order.
  • TRegion::SubRect() - Removes a rectangle from this region.
  • TRegion::SubRegion() - Removes a region.
  • TRegion::Tidy() - Merges all rectangles within this region which share an adjacent edge of the same length.
  • TRegion::TRegion().
  • TRegion::TRegion().
  • TRegion::Union() - Replaces this region with the union of it and the specified region.

  • TRegionFix - A fixed size region.
  • TRegionFix::TRegionFix()  Constructs a default fixed size region.
  • TRegionFix::TRegionFix()  Constructs a fixed size region with a TRect.
  • TRegionFix::TRegionFix()  Copy constructor.

  • TRemConAddress - Represents a single remote device address in terms of the bearer used to connect to the device and some bearer-specific connection information.
  • TRemConAddress::Addr().
  • TRemConAddress::Addr().
  • TRemConAddress::BearerUid().
  • TRemConAddress::BearerUid().
  • TRemConAddress::IsNull() - The address is null if the bearer UID is the null UID.
  • TRemConAddress::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TRemConAddress::TRemConAddress() - Constructor.
  • TRemConAddress::~TRemConAddress() - Destructor.

  • TRequestStatus - Indicates the completion status of a request made to a service provider.
  • TRequestStatus::Int() - Gets this request status object's completion code value.
  • TRequestStatus::operator!=() - Tests whether the request status object's completion code is not equal to the specified value.
  • TRequestStatus::operator>() - Tests whether the request status object's completion code is greater than the specified value.
  • TRequestStatus::operator>=() - Tests whether the request status object's completion code is greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • TRequestStatus::operator<() - Tests whether the request status object's completion code is less than the specified value.
  • TRequestStatus::operator<=() - Tests whether the request status object's completion code is less than or equal to the specified value.
  • TRequestStatus::operator=() - Assigns the specified completion code to the request status object.
  • TRequestStatus::operator==() - Tests whether the request status object's completion code is the same as the specified value.
  • TRequestStatus::TRequestStatus()  Default constructor.
  • TRequestStatus::TRequestStatus()  Constructs an asynchronous request status object and assigns a completion value to it.

  • TResourceReader - Interprets resource data read from a resource file.
  • TResourceReader::Advance() - Moves the current buffer position forwards by the specified amount.
  • TResourceReader::Ptr() - Returns the current position within the resource buffer.
  • TResourceReader::Read() - Copies a specified length of data from the resource buffer, starting at the current position within the buffer, into the location pointed to by a specified pointer.
  • TResourceReader::ReadDesC16ArrayL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a flat array of 16 bit descriptors.
  • TResourceReader::ReadDesC8ArrayL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a flat array of 8 bit descriptors.
  • TResourceReader::ReadDesCArrayL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a build independent flat array of descriptors.
  • TResourceReader::ReadHBufC16L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a 16 bit heap descriptor containing a copy of this data.
  • TResourceReader::ReadHBufC8L() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs an 8 bit heap descriptor containing a copy of this data.
  • TResourceReader::ReadHBufCL() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a build independent heap descriptor containing a copy of this data.
  • TResourceReader::ReadInt16() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt16 type and returns the value as a TInt.
  • TResourceReader::ReadInt32() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt32 type and returns the value as a TInt.
  • TResourceReader::ReadInt8() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt8 type and returns the value as a TInt.
  • TResourceReader::ReadReal64() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TReal64 type and returns the value as a TReal64.
  • TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC()  Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent this data.
  • TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC()  Interprets the data within the specified resource buffer as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent an element within this array.
  • TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC16()  Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs a 16 bit non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent this data.
  • TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC16()  Interprets the data within the specified resource buffer as an array of leading byte count data and constructs a 16 bit non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent an element within this array.
  • TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC8()  Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data and constructs an 8 bit non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent this data.
  • TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC8()  Interprets the data within the specified resource buffer as an array of leading byte count data and constructs an 8 bit non modifiable pointer descriptor to represent an element within this array.
  • TResourceReader::ReadUint16() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint16 type and returns the value as a TUint.
  • TResourceReader::ReadUint32() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint32 type and returns the value as a TUint.
  • TResourceReader::ReadUint8() - Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint8 type and returns the value as a TUint.
  • TResourceReader::Rewind() - Moves the current buffer position backwards by the specified amount.
  • TResourceReader::SetBuffer() - Sets the buffer containing the resource data.

  • TRfcommRPNTransaction - RF COMM IO control structs.
  • TRfcommRPNTransaction::TRfcommRPNTransaction().

  • TRfcommRemotePortParams - RF COMM remote port parameters.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetBitRate().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetDataBits() - If Data Bits are valid, sets reference and returns True, otherwise, returns False.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetFlowCtrl() - If Flow Control is valid, sets reference and returns True, otherwise, returns False.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetParity() - If Parity is valid, sets reference and returns True, otherwise, returns False.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetStopBit() - If Stop Bit is valid, sets reference and returns True, otherwise, returns False.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetXOffChar() - If XOff Char is valid, sets reference and returns True, otherwise, returns False.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::GetXOnChar() - If XOn Char is valid, sets reference and returns True, otherwise, returns False.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::IsValid().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetBitRate().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetDataBits().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetFlowCtrl().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetParity().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetStopBit().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetXOffChar().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::SetXOnChar().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::TRfcommRemotePortParams().
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::UpdateFlowCtrlBit() - Constructor Set the flow control bit specified by aFCMask to the same value it has in aFlowCtrl.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::UpdateFromRPNTransaction() - Update using a TRfcommRPNTransaction class.
  • TRfcommRemotePortParams::UpdateWholeFlowCtrl() - Used to update flow control with relevant bits from aFlowCtrl (as specified by aParamsMask).

  • TRfcommSockAddr - Defines the format of an Rfcomm address.
  • TRfcommSockAddr::Cast() - Utility function to downcast a TSockAddr to a TBTSockAddr.
  • TRfcommSockAddr::TRfcommSockAddr()  Constructor.
  • TRfcommSockAddr::TRfcommSockAddr()  Constructor that takes a BT socket address.

  • TRgb - 24-bit RGB colour value with 8 bits each for red, green and blue.
  • TRgb::_Color16M()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Color16M()  Gets TRgb from 16M colour index.
  • TRgb::_Color16MA()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Color16MA()  Gets TRgb from 16MA colour index.
  • TRgb::_Color16MAP()  Converts the TRgb to EColor16MAP (with color channels pre-multiplied with the alpha channel.
  • TRgb::_Color16MAP()  Gets TRgb from 16MAP colour index.
  • TRgb::_Color16MU()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Color16MU()  Gets TRgb from 16MU colour index.
  • TRgb::_Color4K()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Color4K()  Gets TRgb from 4K colour index.
  • TRgb::_Color64K()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Color64K()  Gets TRgb from 64K colour index.
  • TRgb::_Gray16()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Gray16()  Gets TRgb from 16 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::_Gray2()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Gray2()  Gets TRgb from 2 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::_Gray256()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Gray256()  Gets TRgb from 256 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::_Gray4()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::_Gray4()  Gets TRgb from 4 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::Alpha() - Gets the alpha component.
  • TRgb::Blue() - Gets the blue component.
  • TRgb::Color16()  Gets TRgb from 4 bit colour index.
  • TRgb::Color16()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color16M()  Gets TRgb from 16M colour index.
  • TRgb::Color16M()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color16MA()  Gets TRgb from 16MA colour index.
  • TRgb::Color16MA()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color16MAP()  Gets TRgb from 16MAP colour index.
  • TRgb::Color16MAP()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color16MU()  Gets TRgb from 16MU colour index.
  • TRgb::Color16MU()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color256()  Gets TRgb from 8 bit colour index.
  • TRgb::Color256()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color4K()  Gets TRgb from 4K colour index.
  • TRgb::Color4K()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Color64K()  Gets TRgb from 64K colour index.
  • TRgb::Color64K()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Difference() - Gets the difference between two TRgbs.
  • TRgb::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TRgb object to a stream.
  • TRgb::Gray16()  Gets TRgb from 16 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::Gray16()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Gray2()  Gets TRgb from 2 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::Gray2()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Gray256()  Gets TRgb from 256 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::Gray256()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Gray4()  Gets TRgb from 4 level grayscale.
  • TRgb::Gray4()  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
  • TRgb::Green() - Gets the green component.
  • TRgb::Internal() - Gets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as an integer.
  • TRgb::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TRgb object from a stream.
  • TRgb::operator &() - Bitwise logical AND operator.
  • TRgb::operator &=() - Logical AND assignment operator.
  • TRgb::operator!=() - Compares this colour with the specified colour for inequality.
  • TRgb::operator==() - Compares this colour with the specified colour for equality.
  • TRgb::operator^() - Bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR operator.
  • TRgb::operator^=() - Logical EXCLUSIVE OR assignment operator.
  • TRgb::operator|() - Bitwise logical OR operator.
  • TRgb::operator|=() - Logical OR assignment operator.
  • TRgb::operator~() - Bitwise logical inversion operator.
  • TRgb::Red() - Gets the red component.
  • TRgb::SetAlpha() - Sets the alpha component.
  • TRgb::SetBlue() - Sets the blue component.
  • TRgb::SetGreen() - Sets the green component.
  • TRgb::SetInternal() - Sets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as a 32-bit integer.
  • TRgb::SetRed() - Sets the red component.
  • TRgb::TRgb()  Constructs a TRgb initialised to KRgbWhite.
  • TRgb::TRgb()  Constructs a TRgb directly from a single 32-bit integer.
  • TRgb::TRgb()  Constructs a TRgb from a 32-bit integer (which corresponds to a colour) and from an alpha value.
  • TRgb::TRgb()  Constructs a TRgb from its three component colours.
  • TRgb::TRgb()  Constructs a TRgb from its three colour components and alpha component.
  • TRgb::Value() - Gets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as an integer.

  • TRtpEvent - An RTP event.
  • TRtpEvent::IsReceiveSourceEvent() - Tests whether this event is associated with a receive stream.
  • TRtpEvent::IsSendSourceEvent() - Tests whether this event is associated with a send stream.
  • TRtpEvent::IsSessionEvent() - Tests whether this event is associated with an RTP session.
  • TRtpEvent::ReceiveSource() - Gets a handle to the receive stream associated with this event.
  • TRtpEvent::SendSource() - Gets a handle to the send stream associated with this event.
  • TRtpEvent::Session() - Gets a handle to the session associated with this event.
  • TRtpEvent::Status() - Gets the event status.
  • TRtpEvent::TRtpEvent() - Constructor.
  • TRtpEvent::Type() - Gets the type of this event.

  • TSAREntry - Provides generic information useful for the segmentation and reassembly of SMS messages and reassembly of WAP datagrams.
  • TSAREntry::Count() - Gets the Count field.
  • TSAREntry::Data3() - Gets the Data3 field.
  • TSAREntry::DataStreamId() - Gets the data stream ID.
  • TSAREntry::Description1() - Gets the Description1 field: a pointer to the first 32 characters from buffer.
  • TSAREntry::Description2() - Gets the Description2 field: a pointer to the original address.
  • TSAREntry::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • TSAREntry::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • TSAREntry::IsComplete() - Tests if the whole message is sent/received.
  • TSAREntry::LogServerId() - Gets the Log server ID field.
  • TSAREntry::Reference() - Gets the Reference field.
  • TSAREntry::SetCount() - Sets the Count field.
  • TSAREntry::SetData3() - Sets the Data3 field.
  • TSAREntry::SetDataStreamId() - Sets the data stream ID.
  • TSAREntry::SetDescription1() - Sets the Description1 field: the first 32 characters in buffer.
  • TSAREntry::SetDescription2() - Sets the Description2 field: the original address.
  • TSAREntry::SetLogServerId() - Sets the Log server ID field.
  • TSAREntry::SetReference() - Sets the Reference field.
  • TSAREntry::SetTime() - Sets the Time field: the time when this message was sent/received.
  • TSAREntry::SetTotal() - Sets the total number of PDUs in SMS message.
  • TSAREntry::Time() - Gets the Time field: the time when this message was sent/received.
  • TSAREntry::Total() - Gets the Total field.
  • TSAREntry::TSAREntry() - Constructor.

  • TSIPProfileTypeInfo - Container for the profile type information.

  • TSatelliteData - This class is used to transfer data about a satellite.
  • TSatelliteData::Azimuth() - Returns the satellite azimuth.
  • TSatelliteData::Elevation() - Returns the satellite elevation.
  • TSatelliteData::IsUsed() - Returns Whether this satellite is used.
  • TSatelliteData::SatelliteId() - The satellite ID.
  • TSatelliteData::SetAzimuth() - Sets the satellite azimuth.
  • TSatelliteData::SetElevation() - Sets the satellite elevation to be set.
  • TSatelliteData::SetIsUsed() - sets whether this satellite will be used.
  • TSatelliteData::SetSatelliteId() - The satellite ID to be set.
  • TSatelliteData::SetSignalStrength() - Sets the signal strength.
  • TSatelliteData::SignalStrength() - Returns the signal strength.
  • TSatelliteData::TSatelliteData() - Default constructor for a TSatelliteData.

  • TScaleFactor - Defines a supported scale factor for a scaling pre-processor or post-processor.

  • TScheduleEntryInfo - Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry.

  • TScheduleEntryInfo2 - Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::Interval() - Returns the interval between execution of tasks.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::IntervalType() - Returns the Interval Type.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::operator=() - Assignment operator for TScheduleEntryInfo2.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::SetInterval() - Sets the interval between execution of tasks.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::SetIntervalType() - Sets the type of interval used between due times for this schedule entry.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::SetStartTime() - Sets the first time the entry will cause execution of tasks.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::SetValidityPeriod() - Sets the period for which the entry is valid.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::StartTime() - Returns the first time at which the entry will cause execution of tasks.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::TScheduleEntryInfo2()  TScheduleEntryInfo2 Default constructor.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::TScheduleEntryInfo2()  Copy constructor for TScheduleEntryInfo2 Sets the parameter's data to this object.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::TScheduleEntryInfo2()  TScheduleEntryInfo2 constructor taking the specified parameters.
  • TScheduleEntryInfo2::ValidityPeriod() - Return the period for which the entry is valid.

  • TScheduleState - Defines the state of a schedule.
  • TScheduleState::TScheduleState().

  • TScheduleState2 - Defines the state of a schedule.
  • TScheduleState2::DueTime() - Returns the time when the schedule is next due.
  • TScheduleState2::Enabled() - Returns information on whether this schedule is enabled or not.
  • TScheduleState2::Name().
  • TScheduleState2::operator=() - Assigns a TScheduleState2 to this object.
  • TScheduleState2::Persists() - Returns a boolean whether this schedule perists or not.
  • TScheduleState2::SetDueTime() - Sets the time when the schedule is next due.
  • TScheduleState2::SetEnabled() - Sets information on whether this schedule is enabled or not.
  • TScheduleState2::SetName() - Sets the name of the schedule.
  • TScheduleState2::SetPersists() - Sets a boolean whether this schedule perists or not.
  • TScheduleState2::TScheduleState2()  Default Constructor for TScheduleState2.
  • TScheduleState2::TScheduleState2()  Copy constructor for TScheduleState2.
  • TScheduleState2::TScheduleState2()  Constructor taking the specified parameters.

  • TScheduledTaskFile - Class used by registered programs to access the scheduled task file store.
  • TScheduledTaskFile::FileHandleIndex() - Returns the index of the slot in the process environment data that contains the shared file (RFile) handle passed from the Task Scheduler.
  • TScheduledTaskFile::FsHandleIndex() - Returns the index of the slot in the process environment data that contains the shared file server session (RFs) handle passed from the Task Scheduler.

  • TSchedulerItemRef - Defines, and uniquely identifies a schedule.

  • TSdpIntBuf - Integer to Descriptor Convertor.
  • TSdpIntBuf::TSdpIntBuf().

  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint16 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint16s.
  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint16 >::TSdpIntBuf().

  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint32 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint32s.
  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint32 >::TSdpIntBuf().

  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint64 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint64s.
  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint64 >::TSdpIntBuf().

  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint8 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint8s.
  • TSdpIntBuf< TUint8 >::TSdpIntBuf().

  • TSdpRtpmapValue - Utility class for manipulating the value of an rtpmap-attribute.
  • TSdpRtpmapValue::DecodeL() - Tries to parse a string as an rtpmap attribute value up to the end of the string or CRLF, whichever comes first, and set pointers to the components found.
  • TSdpRtpmapValue::EncodeL() - Outputs the attribute value formatted according to SDP syntax.
  • TSdpRtpmapValue::TSdpRtpmapValue() - Initializes the instance to refer to the given rtpmap components.

  • TSdpTypedTime - This class implements the typed time element of the Session Description Protocol.
  • TSdpTypedTime::operator==() - Compares this instance to another for equality.
  • TSdpTypedTime::SetValue() - Sets the typed time value.
  • TSdpTypedTime::TSdpTypedTime()  Constructs a typed time equal to zero and with no time unit set.
  • TSdpTypedTime::TSdpTypedTime()  Constructs a typed time equal to specified value and time unit.

  • TSecureId - A class used to represent the Secure ID of a process or executable image.
  • TSecureId::operator TUid() - Convert 'this' into a TUid.
  • TSecureId::operator TUint32() - Convert 'this' into a TUint32.
  • TSecureId::TSecureId()  Default constructor.
  • TSecureId::TSecureId()  Construct 'this' using a TUint32.
  • TSecureId::TSecureId()  Construct 'this' using a TUid.

  • TSecurityInfo - Class representing all security attributes of a process or DLL.
  • TSecurityInfo::Set()  Constructs a TSecurityInfo using the security attributes of aProcess.
  • TSecurityInfo::Set()  Constructs a TSecurityInfo using the security attributes of the process owning aThread.
  • TSecurityInfo::Set()  Constructs a TSecurityInfo using the security attributes of the process which sent the message aMsgPtr.
  • TSecurityInfo::SetToCreatorInfo() - Sets this TSecurityInfo to the security attributes of this process' creator.
  • TSecurityInfo::SetToCurrentInfo() - Sets this TSecurityInfo to the security attributes of this process.
  • TSecurityInfo::TSecurityInfo()  Default constructor.
  • TSecurityInfo::TSecurityInfo()  Construct a TSecurityInfo setting it to the security attributes of aProcess.
  • TSecurityInfo::TSecurityInfo()  Construct a TSecurityInfo setting it to the security attributes to those of the process owning the specified thread.
  • TSecurityInfo::TSecurityInfo()  Construct a TSecurityInfo setting it to the security attributes of the process which sent the message aMsgPtr.

  • TSecurityPolicy - Class representing a generic security policy.
  • TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy()  Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of aProcess.
  • TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy()  Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of the process owning aThread.
  • TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy()  Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of the process which sent the given message.
  • TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicyCreator() - Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of this process' creator.
  • TSecurityPolicy::Package() - Constructs a TPtrC8 wrapping the platform security attributes of this TSecurityPolicy.
  • TSecurityPolicy::Set() - Sets this TSecurityPolicy to a copy of the policy described by the supplied descriptor.
  • TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()  Constructs a TSecurityPolicy that will always fail, irrespective of the checked object's attributes.
  • TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()  Constructs a TSecurityPolicy to either always pass or always fail checks made against it, depending on the value of aType.
  • TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()  Construct a TSecurityPolicy object to check up to 3 capabilties.
  • TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()  Construct a TSecurityPolicy object to check up to 7 capabilties.
  • TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()  Construct a TSecurityPolicy object to check a secure id and up to 3 capabilties.
  • TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()  Construct a TSecurityPolicy object to check a vendor id and up to 3 capabilties.

  • TSendAsMessageTypeFilter - This class encapsulates filter information for available message type modules (MTMs) held by the SendAs session.
  • TSendAsMessageTypeFilter::Reset().
  • TSendAsMessageTypeFilter::TSendAsMessageTypeFilter().
  • TSendAsMessageTypeFilter::TSendAsMessageTypeFilter().
  • TSendAsMessageTypeFilter::TSendAsMessageTypeFilter().

  • TSerialInfo - Describes a serial protocol's general capabilities.

  • TSessionPref - Hint to the Socket Server on what will be the principal usage of the connection.
  • TSessionPref::TSessionPref() - Default Constructor, makes sure that member data doesn't contain unnitialised values.

  • TSglQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::AddFirst() - Inserts the specified list element at the front of the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::AddLast()  Inserts the specified list element at the back of the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::AddLast().
  • TSglQue::Elements().
  • TSglQue::First() - Gets a pointer to the first list element in the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::IsFirst() - Tests whether the specified element is the first in the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::IsLast() - Tests whether the specified element is the last in the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::Last() - Gets a pointer to the last list element in the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::Remove()  Removes the specified element from the singly linked list.
  • TSglQue::Remove().
  • TSglQue::TSglQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset of the link object to the specified value.
  • TSglQue::TSglQue()  Constructs an empty list header and sets the offset value of the link object to zero.
  • TSglQue::TSglQue().

  • TSglQueBase - A base class that provides implementation for the singly linked list header.
  • TSglQueBase::DoAddFirst() - Implements the insertion of a list element at the front of the singly linked list.
  • TSglQueBase::DoAddLast().
  • TSglQueBase::DoRemove().
  • TSglQueBase::IsEmpty() - Tests whether the singly linked list is empty, i.e.
  • TSglQueBase::Reset() - Empties the singly linked list.
  • TSglQueBase::SetOffset() - Sets the offset of the link object from the start of a singly linked list element.
  • TSglQueBase::TSglQueBase()  Default constructor.
  • TSglQueBase::TSglQueBase().

  • TSglQueIter - A templated class that provides the behaviour for iterating through a set of singly linked list elements.
  • TSglQueIter::operator T *()  Gets a pointer to the iterator’s current element.
  • TSglQueIter::operator T *().
  • TSglQueIter::operator++()  Gets a pointer to the iterator's current element and then sets the iterator to point to the next element.
  • TSglQueIter::operator++().
  • TSglQueIter::Set() - Sets the iterator to point to a specific element in the list.
  • TSglQueIter::TSglQueIter()  Constructs the iterator for the specified singly linked list.
  • TSglQueIter::TSglQueIter().

  • TSglQueIterBase - A base class that provides implementation for the singly linked list iterator.
  • TSglQueIterBase::DoCurrent().
  • TSglQueIterBase::DoPostInc().
  • TSglQueIterBase::DoSet().
  • TSglQueIterBase::SetToFirst().
  • TSglQueIterBase::TSglQueIterBase().

  • TSglQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a singly linked list.

  • TShgCell - A spreadsheet engine cell.
  • TShgCell::Bool() - Gets the value of a boolean type cell.
  • TShgCell::CloseFormula().
  • TShgCell::Coord() - Gets the cell reference.
  • TShgCell::CoordBitsOfKey().
  • TShgCell::ErrorType() - Gets the value of an error type cell.
  • TShgCell::Formula() - Gets the value of a formula type cell.
  • TShgCell::Int() - Gets the value of an integer type cell.
  • TShgCell::IsShadow().
  • TShgCell::IsShadowOf().
  • TShgCell::IsTemporarilyReal().
  • TShgCell::Key().
  • TShgCell::MakeProperlyReal().
  • TShgCell::MakeShadow().
  • TShgCell::MakeTemporarilyReal().
  • TShgCell::MaximumKey().
  • TShgCell::MaximumKeyFromCoord().
  • TShgCell::MaximumKeyFromCoord().
  • TShgCell::MinimumKeyFromCoord().
  • TShgCell::MinimumKeyFromCoord().
  • TShgCell::Real() - Gets the value of a real number type cell.
  • TShgCell::ReturnCoord().
  • TShgCell::ReturnType().
  • TShgCell::Row().
  • TShgCell::SetBool() - Sets the cell contents to a boolean.
  • TShgCell::SetErrorType() - Sets the cell contents to an error.
  • TShgCell::SetFormulaL().
  • TShgCell::SetFormulaTakingOwnershipL().
  • TShgCell::SetInt() - Sets the cell contents to an integer.
  • TShgCell::SetReal() - Sets the cell contents to a real number.
  • TShgCell::SetTextTakingOwnership() - Sets the cell contents to a string.
  • TShgCell::Text() - Gets the value of a text type cell.
  • TShgCell::TShgCell()  Default constructor.
  • TShgCell::TShgCell()  Constructor, specifying a cell reference.
  • TShgCell::Type() - Gets the cell type.

  • TShgCellIter - An iterator over a range of cells.
  • TShgCellIter::Current() - Gets the iterator's current cell.
  • TShgCellIter::operator++() - Increments the iterator, and then returns the current cell.
  • TShgCellIter::operator--() - Decrements the iterator, and then returns the current cell.
  • TShgCellIter::SetToFirst() - Sets the iterator to the first cell.
  • TShgCellIter::SetToLast() - Sets the iterator to the last cell.
  • TShgCellIter::TShgCellIter() - Constructor.

  • TShgCellRef - A cell reference, specifying a cell's row and column, in either absolute or relative terms.
  • TShgCellRef::AsCellRef() - Gets the cell reference converted to a Grid API cell reference.
  • TShgCellRef::Col() - Gets the cell column.
  • TShgCellRef::Externalize()  Externalises the object to a dynamic buffer.
  • TShgCellRef::Externalize()  Externalises the object to a descriptor.
  • TShgCellRef::Internalize() - Internalises the object from raw memory.
  • TShgCellRef::IsAbs() - Tests if the reference is absolute.
  • TShgCellRef::IsColAbs() - Tests if the column setting is absolute.
  • TShgCellRef::IsRowAbs() - Tests if the row setting is absolute.
  • TShgCellRef::IsWorkSheetExplicit() - Tests if a worksheet has been set for the cell.
  • TShgCellRef::Row() - Gets the cell row.
  • TShgCellRef::SetCol() - Sets the cell column.
  • TShgCellRef::SetColAbs() - Sets the column setting to be absolute.
  • TShgCellRef::SetColRel() - Sets the column setting to be relative.
  • TShgCellRef::SetRow() - Sets the cell row.
  • TShgCellRef::SetRowAbs() - Sets the row setting to be absolute.
  • TShgCellRef::SetRowCol() - Sets the cell row and column.
  • TShgCellRef::SetRowRel() - Sets the row setting to be relative.
  • TShgCellRef::SetWorkSheetExplicit() - Sets a flag indicating that a worksheet has been set for the cell.
  • TShgCellRef::SetWorkSheetNo() - Sets the cell worksheet.
  • TShgCellRef::SetWorkSheetNotExplicit() - Sets a flag indicating that a worksheet has not been set for the cell.
  • TShgCellRef::TShgCellRef()  Default constructor.
  • TShgCellRef::TShgCellRef()  Constructor, specifying absolute cell position.
  • TShgCellRef::TShgCellRef()  Constructor, copying another cell reference.
  • TShgCellRef::WorkSheetNo() - Gets the cell worksheet.

  • TShgNameIter - An iterator over a name set (CShgNameSet).
  • TShgNameIter::Current() - Gets the index of the current name.
  • TShgNameIter::operator++() - Increments the iterator.
  • TShgNameIter::Reset() - Resets the iterator to the start of the set.
  • TShgNameIter::TShgNameIter() - Constructor.

  • TShgNumberFormat - Defines number formats for formatting numeric cells.
  • TShgNumberFormat::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • TShgNumberFormat::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • TShgNumberFormat::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TShgNumberFormat::TShgNumberFormat()  Default constructor.
  • TShgNumberFormat::TShgNumberFormat()  Copy constructor.

  • TShgRangeRef - A cell range reference, specifying a continuous range of cells.
  • TShgRangeRef::TShgRangeRef()  Default constructor.
  • TShgRangeRef::TShgRangeRef()  Constructor specifying two cell references.
  • TShgRangeRef::TShgRangeRef()  Copy constructor.

  • TShgWorkSheetIter - An iterator over the worksheets in a workbook.
  • TShgWorkSheetIter::Current() - Gets the iterator's current worksheet.
  • TShgWorkSheetIter::operator++() - Increments the iterator.
  • TShgWorkSheetIter::Reset() - Resets the iterator to the start of the workbook.
  • TShgWorkSheetIter::TShgWorkSheetIter() - Constructor.

  • TShortDateFormatSpec - Contains a format list that defines the short date format.
  • TShortDateFormatSpec::Set() - Sets the contents of the short date format specification from the system-wide settings.
  • TShortDateFormatSpec::TShortDateFormatSpec() - Default constructor.

  • TSipConnPref - This contains the information about the type of the connection preferences used by the SIP in the form of the profiles.
  • TSipConnPref::Cast() - cast to appropriate SIP connection provider type *.
  • TSipConnPref::GetProfileId() - Gets the default profile ID *.
  • TSipConnPref::PrefPtr().
  • TSipConnPref::SetProfileId() - Sets the profile ID same as the prameter *.
  • TSipConnPref::TSipConnPref() - Constructor.

  • TSize - Stores a two-dimensional size as a width and a height value.
  • TSize::AsPoint() - Gets a TPoint object whose co-ordinates are the width and height of this TSize.
  • TSize::operator!=() - Compares two TSize for inequality.
  • TSize::operator+()  TSize addition operator.
  • TSize::operator+()  TPoint addition operator.
  • TSize::operator+=()  TSize addition assignment operator.
  • TSize::operator+=()  TPoint addition assignment operator.
  • TSize::operator-()  TSize subtraction operator.
  • TSize::operator-()  TPoint subtraction operator.
  • TSize::operator-()  Unary minus operator.
  • TSize::operator-=()  TSize subtraction assignment operator.
  • TSize::operator-=()  TPoint subtraction assignment operator.
  • TSize::operator==() - Compares this TSize with the specified TSize for equality.
  • TSize::SetSize() - Sets the width and height.
  • TSize::TSize()  Constructs the size object with its iWidth and iHeight members set to zero.
  • TSize::TSize()  Constructs the size object with its iWidth and iHeight members set to zero.
  • TSize::TSize()  Constructs the size object with the specified width and height values.

  • TSmsAddr - SMS address for a socket.
  • TSmsAddr::IdentifierMatch() - Gets the identifier match.
  • TSmsAddr::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TSmsAddr::SetIdentifierMatch() - Sets the identifier match.
  • TSmsAddr::SetSmsAddrFamily() - Sets the SMS address family.
  • TSmsAddr::SetTextMatch() - Sets the match text.
  • TSmsAddr::SmsAddrFamily() - Gets the SMS address family.
  • TSmsAddr::TextMatch() - Gets the matched text.
  • TSmsAddr::TSmsAddr() - Constructor.

  • TSmsCommandType - Enumerations and operations for SMS commands.
  • TSmsCommandType::CommandType() - Gets command type.
  • TSmsCommandType::SetCommandType() - Sets command type.

  • TSmsDataCodingScheme - TP-DCS Data Coding Scheme defined in 3GPP TS 23.038.
  • TSmsDataCodingScheme::Bits7To4() - Gets bits 7 - 4 of the Data Coding Scheme.
  • TSmsDataCodingScheme::SetBits7To4() - Sets bits 7 - 4 of the Data Coding Scheme.

  • TSmsErrorExtractionCdma - This class provides helper methods to extract the status and error codes from the message status.
  • TSmsErrorExtractionCdma::Class() - Get the error class out of the error code.
  • TSmsErrorExtractionCdma::Code() - Get the status code out of the error code.

  • TSmsFailureCause - TP-FCS (Failure Cause) octet.
  • TSmsFailureCause::Error() - Gets the error code.
  • TSmsFailureCause::SetError() - Sets the error code.

  • TSmsFirstOctet - Bit masks for key first octet of an SMS PDU.

  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma - CDMA specific message settings.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::ActivateMessageSetting() - Sets (or unsets) the activation status of a particular subparameter.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::AlertOnDelivery() - Returns the alert priority (Alert on delivery).
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::CallBackNumber() - Returns the callback number.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::IsMessageSettingActive() - Returns a boolean indicating whether the passed in subparameter is set.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::Language() - Returns the language indicator.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::Priority() - Returns the priority indicator.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::Privacy() - Returns the privacy indicator.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::SetAlertOnDelivery() - Sets the alert priority (Alert on delivery).
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::SetCallBackNumberL() - Sets the defaule callback number used in new messages.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::SetLanguage() - Sets the language indicator.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::SetPriority() - Sets the priority indicator.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsCdma::SetPrivacy() - Sets the privacy indicator.

  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm - GSM specific message settings.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::CanConcatenate() - Gets the values of the UI concatenated-SMS-allowed flag.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::MessageConversion() - Gets the form in which the message should be delivered to the recipient by the service centre.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::RejectDuplicate() - Gets the value of the reject-duplicate setting.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::ReplyPath() - Gets if the reply path (service centre address) should be included in the delivered message (TP-RP in GSM spec 03.40).
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::SetCanConcatenate() - Sets the values of the UI concatenated-SMS-allowed flag.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::SetMessageConversion() - Sets the form in which the message should be delivered to the recipient by the service centre.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::SetRejectDuplicate() - Sets the value of the reject-duplicate setting.
  • TSmsMessageSettingsGsm::SetReplyPath() - Sets if the reply path (service centre address) should be included in the delivered message (TP-RP in GSM spec 03.40).

  • TSmsOctet - Base class for performing all operations on octets.
  • TSmsOctet::DecodeL() - Sets the octet value to the next byte in TGsmuLex8 PDU.
  • TSmsOctet::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • TSmsOctet::FillSemiOctets() - Converts an integer to semi-octet format and set the object's data to this value.
  • TSmsOctet::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • TSmsOctet::operator TInt().
  • TSmsOctet::SemiOctetsToNum() - Converts a semi-octet value to an integer.
  • TSmsOctet::TSmsOctet()  Constructor, initialising the octet value with a TInt.
  • TSmsOctet::TSmsOctet()  Constructor, initialising the octet value with a TInt8.

  • TSmsParameterIndicator - TP-PI octet.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::DataCodingSchemePresent() - Tests data coding scheme present flag.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::Extension() - Tests if the extension flag is set.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::ProtocolIdentifierPresent() - Tests protocol identifier present flag.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::SetDataCodingSchemePresent() - Sets data coding scheme present flag.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::SetExtension() - Sets extension flag.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::SetProtocolIdentifierPresent() - Sets protocol identifier present flag.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::SetUserDataPresent() - Sets user data present flag.
  • TSmsParameterIndicator::UserDataPresent() - Tests user data present flag.

  • TSmsProgress - Progress information for SMS MTM operations.
  • TSmsProgress::TSmsProgress()  Constructor.
  • TSmsProgress::TSmsProgress().

  • TSmsProtocolIdentifier - TP-PID PDU octet.
  • TSmsProtocolIdentifier::PIDType() - Gets the Protocol ID type.
  • TSmsProtocolIdentifier::SetPIDType() - Sets the Protocol ID type.

  • TSmsReassemblyEntry - Abstraction of an SMS reassembly store entry for incoming SMS messages.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::Bits7to4() - Gets bits 7 to 4 from Data1 field.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::Identifier1() - Gets Identifier1 from Data1 field.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::Identifier2() - Gets Identifier2 from Data1 field.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::PassedToClient() - Tests if Passed To Client flag is set.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::PduType() - Gets PDU type.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::SetBits7to4andIdentifiers() - Sets bits 7 to 4, Identifier1, and Identifier2, in Data1 field.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::SetPassedToClient() - Sets Passed To Client flag.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::SetPduType() - Sets PDU type.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::SetStorage() - Sets storage information.
  • TSmsReassemblyEntry::Storage() - Gets storage information.

  • TSmsReplyOptions - This class encapsulates the reply options (transport/delivery/user/read acknowledgements).
  • TSmsReplyOptions::DeliveryAck() - Get the delivery acknowledgement request setting.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::ReadAck() - Get the read acknowledgement request setting.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::SetDeliveryAck() - Set the delivery acknowledgement request.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::SetReadAck() - Set the read acknowledgement request.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::SetTransportAck() - Set the transportation acknowledgement request.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::SetUserAck() - Set the user acknowledgement request.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::TransportAck() - Get the transportation acknowledgement request setting.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::TSmsReplyOptions()  Default Constructor.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::TSmsReplyOptions()  Constructor.
  • TSmsReplyOptions::UserAck() - Get the user acknowledgement request setting.

  • TSmsSegmentationEntry - Abstraction of an SMS segmentation store entry for outgoing SMS messages.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::Delivered() - Gets number of delivered PDUs.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::ExpectStatusReport() - Tests if a status report is expected.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::Failed() - Gets number of permanently failed PDUs.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::PduType() - Gets the type of the PDU.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::Reference1() - Gets the message reference (low byte).
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::Reference2() - Gets the message reference (high byte).
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::SetDeliveredAndFailed() - Sets the number of delivered and failed PDUs.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::SetPduTypeAndRefs() - Sets status report flag, PDU type, and message references.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::SetValidityPeriod() - Sets the Validity Period.
  • TSmsSegmentationEntry::ValidityPeriod() - Gets the Validity Period.

  • TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp - TP-SCTS Service Center Time Stamp Found in Deliver, Submit Report, Status Report,.
  • TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp::SetTime() - Sets the Service Center Time Stamp in Universal Time.
  • TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp::Time() - Gets the Service Center Time in Universal Time.
  • TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp::TimeOffset() - Gets the time zone offset from GMT in +/- quarter hours.

  • TSmsSettings - SMS settings.
  • TSmsSettings::BootTimerTimeout() - Gets the Boot Timer Timeout value.
  • TSmsSettings::DeletePDUsFromCombinedStores() - Gets whether the PDU can be deleted from the combined store.
  • TSmsSettings::DeletePDUsFromPhoneStores() - Gets whether the PDU can be deleted from the phone store.
  • TSmsSettings::DeletePDUsFromSIM() - Gets whether the PDU can be deleted from the SIM.
  • TSmsSettings::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • TSmsSettings::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • TSmsSettings::KSegmentationLifetimeMultiplier() - Gets the value of the segmentation store multiplier.
  • TSmsSettings::ModemInitializationTimeout() - Gets the value of the modem initialisation timeout duration.
  • TSmsSettings::ReassemblyLifetime() - Gets the value of the Reassembly store life time.
  • TSmsSettings::SendTryLimit() - Gets the maximum number of attempts to send an SMS.
  • TSmsSettings::SendTryTimeout() - Gets the Send Try Timeout value.
  • TSmsSettings::SetBootTimerTimeout() - Sets the Boot Timer Timeout value.
  • TSmsSettings::SetDeletePDUsFromCombinedStores() - Sets whether the PDU can be deleted from the combined store.
  • TSmsSettings::SetDeletePDUsFromPhoneStores() - Sets whether the PDU can be deleted from the phone store.
  • TSmsSettings::SetDeletePDUsFromSIM() - Sets whether the PDU can be deleted from the SIM.
  • TSmsSettings::SetKSegmentationLifetimeMultiplier() - Sets the value of the segmentation store multiplier.
  • TSmsSettings::SetModemInitializationTimeout() - Sets the value of the modem initialisation timeout duration.
  • TSmsSettings::SetReassemblyLifetime() - Sets the value of the Reassembly store life time.
  • TSmsSettings::SetSendTryLimit() - Sets the maximum number of attempts to send an SMS.
  • TSmsSettings::SetSendTryTimeout() - Sets the Send Try Timeout value.
  • TSmsSettings::SetTimeout() - Sets the time-out value.
  • TSmsSettings::Timeout() - Gets the time-out value.
  • TSmsSettings::TSmsSettings() - Constructor.

  • TSmsStatus - TP-ST (Status Report) octet.
  • TSmsStatus::SetStatus() - Sets status value.
  • TSmsStatus::Status() - Gets status value.

  • TSmsUserDataSettings - Operations on TP-UD User Data.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::Alphabet() - Gets the Alphabet for the User Data.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::SetAlphabet() - Sets the Alphabet for the User Data.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::SetTextCompressed() - Sets if the message text is compressed.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::SetTextConcatenated() - Sets concatenation on/off.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::TextCompressed() - Tests if the message text is compressed.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::TextConcatenated() - Tests if User Data is concatenated using a 16 bit reference.
  • TSmsUserDataSettings::TSmsUserDataSettings() - Constructor - initialises iAlphabet and iFlags.

  • TSmsUtilities - SMS Messaging utility functions.
  • TSmsUtilities::Dummy_Export_1().
  • TSmsUtilities::Dummy_Export_2().
  • TSmsUtilities::GetDescription()  Get the SMS message description.
  • TSmsUtilities::GetDescription().
  • TSmsUtilities::GetDetails()  Get the SMS message recipient/sender details.
  • TSmsUtilities::GetDetails()  Get the SMS message recipient/sender details.
  • TSmsUtilities::GetDetails().
  • TSmsUtilities::GetDetails().
  • TSmsUtilities::OpenResourceFileL()  Opens and returns the SMS client MTM resource file.
  • TSmsUtilities::OpenResourceFileL().
  • TSmsUtilities::PopulateMsgEntry()  Populates a message index.
  • TSmsUtilities::PopulateMsgEntry()  Populates a message index.
  • TSmsUtilities::PopulateMsgEntry().
  • TSmsUtilities::PopulateMsgEntry().
  • TSmsUtilities::ReadResourceStringL()  Reads the resource specified by aResourceId from the supplied resource file.
  • TSmsUtilities::ReadResourceStringL().
  • TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL()  Finds and returns all the Service IDs for the specified MTM.
  • TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL()  Finds and returns all the Service IDs for the specified MTM.
  • TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL()  Finds and returns all the Service IDs for the specified MTM.
  • TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL().
  • TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL().
  • TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL().

  • TSmsValidityPeriod - TP-VP Validity Period Found in SUBMIT PDUs.
  • TSmsValidityPeriod::SetTimeIntervalMinutes() - Sets the message Validity Period in minutes.
  • TSmsValidityPeriod::SetValidityPeriodFormat() - Sets the message Validity Period Format.
  • TSmsValidityPeriod::TimeIntervalMinutes() - Gets the message Validity Period in minutes.
  • TSmsValidityPeriod::ValidityPeriodFormat() - Gets the message Validity Period Format.

  • TSmtpAccount - SMTP account ID.

  • TSoIfInfo6 - Extends the TSoIfInfo for the receive MTU.

  • TSoInet6IfConfig - IPv6 interface configuration.

  • TSoInet6InterfaceInfo - Extension for TSoInetInterfaceInfo.

  • TSoInetCachedRouteInfo - Access to route cache TPckgBuf , set iDstAddr for required address With a level of KSolInetRtCtrl.

  • TSoInetIfQuery - Interface query.

  • TSoInetInterfaceInfo - Used when listing interfaces with socket option.

  • TSoInetIpv4LinkLocalInfo - Used as a parameter in KSoIpv4LinkLocal.

  • TSoInetLastErr - Error information for TCP/IP protocols.

  • TSoInetRouteInfo - Route information structure.

  • TSoTcpLingerOpt - Parameter struct for KSoTcpLinger socket option.

  • TSockAddr - Represents an end point address.
  • TSockAddr::CmpPort() - Compare two ports.
  • TSockAddr::Family() - Gets the address family and thereby the type of address.
  • TSockAddr::GetUserLen() - Gets the number of bytes a derived class has set beyond the SSockAddr part of the address.
  • TSockAddr::Port() - Gets the port value.
  • TSockAddr::SetFamily() - Sets the address family of an address.
  • TSockAddr::SetPort() - Sets the address port of an address.
  • TSockAddr::SetUserLen() - Sets the length of data it appends after the base class' data.
  • TSockAddr::TSockAddr()  Default constructor initialises the address to be zero-filled.
  • TSockAddr::TSockAddr()  Constructs the address with the family member data specified.
  • TSockAddr::UserPtr() - Gets an offset to place data after the base class data.
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy().
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy().
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy().
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicyCreator().
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::operator &() - 'Address of' operator which generates a TSecurityPolicy*.
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::operator const TSecurityPolicy &() - 'Reference of' operator which generates a TSecurityPolicy&.
  • TStaticSecurityPolicy::operator()() - A method to explicity generate a TSecurityPolicy reference.

  • TStorePagePoolToken - Persistent settings to use for a RStorePagePool.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a TStorePagePoolToken object to a stream.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::HasAvailable() - Tests if there is a free page in the pool.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::InternalizeL() - Internalises a TStorePagePoolToken object from a stream.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::IsEmpty() - Tests if the page pool is empty.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::Touch() - Sets the available pages to 0.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::TStorePagePoolToken()  Default constructor.
  • TStorePagePoolToken::TStorePagePoolToken()  Constructor that intialises the TStorePagePoolToken for an empty page pool.

  • TStreamBuf - Adds buffering capabilities to a stream buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::Avail()  Gets the number of bytes available in the read or write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::Avail()  Gets the number of bytes available in the read area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::Avail()  Gets the number of bytes available in the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the intermediate buffer into the specified memory location.
  • TStreamBuf::DoReadL()  Reads data from the intermediate buffer and, if necessary, any remaining data from the stream to the specified target stream input object.
  • TStreamBuf::DoWriteL()  Writes data from the specified memory location into the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::DoWriteL().
  • TStreamBuf::End()  Gets the current end point of the read or write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::End()  Gets the current end point of the read area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::End()  Gets the current end point of the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::OverflowL() - Empties the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the write area.
  • TStreamBuf::Ptr()  Gets the current start point of the read or write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::Ptr()  Gets the current start point of the read area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::Ptr()  Gets the current start point of the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::SetBuf()  Sets the start and end points of the read and/or the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::SetBuf()  Sets the start and end points of the read area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::SetBuf()  Sets the start and end points of the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::SetEnd().
  • TStreamBuf::SetEnd().
  • TStreamBuf::SetEnd().
  • TStreamBuf::SetPtr()  Sets the start point of the read and/or the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::SetPtr()  Sets the start point of the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::SetPtr()  Sets the start point of the write area within the intermediate buffer.
  • TStreamBuf::TStreamBuf() - Sets the pointers that mark out the read and write areas within the intermediate buffer to null.
  • TStreamBuf::UnderflowL() - Re-fills the intermediate buffer and resets the start and end points of the read area.

  • TStreamExchange - Manages access to a shared host buffer for shared stream buffers.
  • TStreamExchange::Host() - Gets a pointer to the stream buffer that acts as the shared host.
  • TStreamExchange::HostL() - Gets a pointer to the stream buffer that acts as the shared host, and leaves if this object is not active.
  • TStreamExchange::IsActive() - Tests whether this object is using a stream buffer that is acting as shared host.
  • TStreamExchange::Release() - Releases the reference to the shared host, and drops any active read or write marks.
  • TStreamExchange::Share() - Tells the object to use the specified stream buffer that will act as the shared host.
  • TStreamExchange::SizeL() - Gets the size of the shared host buffer.
  • TStreamExchange::TStreamExchange()  Constructs an empty object.
  • TStreamExchange::TStreamExchange()  Constructs the object, specifying the stream buffer that will act as the shared host.

  • TStreamFilter - Interface to a stream filter.
  • TStreamFilter::Capacity() - Calculates the maximum size of unfiltered data necessary to give the specified amount of filtered data.
  • TStreamFilter::Committed() - Flags the streamed data as committed.
  • TStreamFilter::DoReadL() - Reads data from the host stream through the filter into the specified memory location.
  • TStreamFilter::DoRelease() - Frees the host stream's resources.
  • TStreamFilter::DoSynchL() - Synchronizes the host's intermediate buffer with its stream, leaving if any error occurs.
  • TStreamFilter::DoWriteL() - Writes data to the host stream through the filter from the specified memory location.
  • TStreamFilter::EmitL() - Writes data from the specified memory location directly to the host without filtering.
  • TStreamFilter::FilterL() - Performs the filtration process.
  • TStreamFilter::IsCommitted() - Tests whether the streamed data is committed.
  • TStreamFilter::Set() - Sets up the filter to use the specified host for streamed data.
  • TStreamFilter::TStreamFilter() - Constructs an empty stream filter object.

  • TStreamId - Provides unique identification for stream within a store.
  • TStreamId::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • TStreamId::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • TStreamId::operator!=() - Inequality comparison operator.
  • TStreamId::operator==() - Equality comparison operator.
  • TStreamId::TStreamId()  Constructs an uninitialised object.
  • TStreamId::TStreamId()  Constructs the object with the specified stream ID value.
  • TStreamId::Value() - Gets the stream ID value encapsulated by this object.

  • TStreamMark - Manages the position of a read mark or a write mark within a shared stream.
  • TStreamMark::Clear() - Resets the mark object to its default state.
  • TStreamMark::ExtractL() - Refreshes this mark from the mark in the host stream buffer and tells the shared streaming manager to drop any reference it has to to this mark object.
  • TStreamMark::IsEmpty() - Tests whether this mark object is uninitialised.
  • TStreamMark::IsWith() - Tests whether the specified shared streaming manager currently refers to this mark object.
  • TStreamMark::operator const TStreamMark *().
  • TStreamMark::operator TStreamMark *().
  • TStreamMark::operator!=()  Tests whether this object and the specified shared stream mark object are different objects.
  • TStreamMark::operator!=().
  • TStreamMark::operator=() - Assigns the specified stream position value to this shared stream mark object.
  • TStreamMark::operator==()  Tests whether this object and the specified referenced shared stream mark object are the same object.
  • TStreamMark::operator==().
  • TStreamMark::Position() - Gets the position of the mark.
  • TStreamMark::ReadL()  Reads data from the shared stream into the specified memory location.
  • TStreamMark::ReadL().
  • TStreamMark::ReadL()  Reads data, asynchronously, from the shared stream into the specified descriptor.
  • TStreamMark::ReadL()  Reads data from the shared stream into the specified data sink.
  • TStreamMark::ReadL()  Reads data from the shared stream into the specified data sink.
  • TStreamMark::ReadL()  Reads data from the shared stream into the specified data sink.
  • TStreamMark::RelatesTo() - Tests whether the specified shared streaming manager currently refers to this mark object OR whether this mark object is initialised.
  • TStreamMark::SeekL().
  • TStreamMark::SeekL()  Moves the position of the mark in the host stream.
  • TStreamMark::SeekL()  Moves the position of the mark in the host stream.
  • TStreamMark::TellL() - Gets the position of the mark within the host stream.
  • TStreamMark::TStreamMark()  Constructs a default shared stream mark object.
  • TStreamMark::TStreamMark()  Constructs the shared stream mark object, setting the mark to the specified stream position.
  • TStreamMark::Withdraw() - Instructs the shared streaming manager to remove any reference it has to this mark object.
  • TStreamMark::WriteL()  Writes data from the specified memory location into the shared stream.
  • TStreamMark::WriteL()  Writes data, asynchronously, from the specified descriptor into the shared stream.
  • TStreamMark::WriteL()  Writes data, asynchronously, from the specified descriptor into the shared stream.
  • TStreamMark::WriteL()  Writes data into the shared stream from the specified data source.
  • TStreamMark::WriteL()  Writes data into the shared stream from the specified data source.
  • TStreamMark::WriteL()  Writes data into the shared stream from the specified data source.

  • TStreamPos - Holds the position of the read or write mark within a seekable stream.
  • TStreamPos::Offset() - Gets the stream position value.
  • TStreamPos::operator!=() - Tests whether the stream position is not equal to the specified stream position.
  • TStreamPos::operator>() - Tests whether the stream position is greater than the specified stream position.
  • TStreamPos::operator>=() - Tests whether the stream position is greater than or equal to the specified stream position.
  • TStreamPos::operator<() - Tests whether the stream position is less than the specified stream position.
  • TStreamPos::operator<=() - Tests whether the stream position is less than or equal to the specified stream position.
  • TStreamPos::operator+() - Gets a stream position object that holds the result of adding the specified value to this object's stream position value.
  • TStreamPos::operator+=() - Adds the specified value to this stream position object.
  • TStreamPos::operator-()  Gets the result of subtracting the specified stream position value from this object's stream position value.
  • TStreamPos::operator-()  Gets a stream position object that holds the result of subtracting the specified value from this object's stream position value.
  • TStreamPos::operator-=() - Subtracts the specified value from this stream position object.
  • TStreamPos::operator==() - Tests whether the stream position is equal to the specified stream position.
  • TStreamPos::TStreamPos()  Constructs an empty stream position object.
  • TStreamPos::TStreamPos()  Constructs the stream position object from the specified value.

  • TStreamRef - A proxy for perfoming externalisation for classes that do not have an externalisation member.
  • TStreamRef::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object to the specified write stream.
  • TStreamRef::Function() - Gets a pointer to the externalisation function.
  • TStreamRef::Ptr() - Gets the pointer to the object to be externalised.
  • TStreamRef::TStreamRef() - Constructor.

  • TStreamTransfer - Stream transfer object.
  • TStreamTransfer::Left() - Gets the stream transfer value.
  • TStreamTransfer::operator>() - Tests whether the stream transfer value is greater than the specified value.
  • TStreamTransfer::operator-() - Subtracts the specified value from the stream transfer value.
  • TStreamTransfer::operator-=() - Subtracts the specified value from the stream transfer value, updating this stream transfer object.
  • TStreamTransfer::operator==() - Tests whether the stream transfer value is equal to the specified value.
  • TStreamTransfer::operator[]().
  • TStreamTransfer::TStreamTransfer()  Constructs a stream transfer object specifying that there is no explicit limit to the amount of data that can be transferred between streams.
  • TStreamTransfer::TStreamTransfer()  Constructs a stream transfer object specifying a length value.
  • TStreamTransfer::TStreamTransfer()  Constructs a stream transfer object specifying that there is no explicit limit to the amount of data that can be transferred between streams.

  • TSwap - Defines the basic behaviour for swapping two elements of an array.
  • TSwap::Swap() - Swaps two elements of an array.
  • TSwap::TSwap() - Default constructor.

  • TSwizzle - Maintains a dual representation for an object.
  • TSwizzle::AsPtr() - Returns a pointer to the object which this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzle::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the stream id of the stream associated with this swizzle.
  • TSwizzle::operator *() - Returns a reference to the type T object which this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzle::operator T *().
  • TSwizzle::operator->() - Gives access to members of the type T object which this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzle::operator=() - Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory type T object, pointed to by the specified T* pointer.
  • TSwizzle::TSwizzle()  Constructs an uninitialised swizzle.
  • TSwizzle::TSwizzle()  Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object, represented by a pointer.
  • TSwizzle::TSwizzle()  Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object, represented as a stream id.

  • TSwizzle< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TSwizzle classes that maintains the representation of an untyped object as a non-const pointer or as a stream id.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::AsPtr() - Returns a pointer to the untyped object that this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::operator TAny *().
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::operator=()  Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory object, pointed to by the specified pointer.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::operator=()  Sets the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the specified swizzle.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::TSwizzle()  Default constructor.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::TSwizzle()  Constructs the swizzle representing the specified untyped object as a pointer.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::TSwizzle()  Constructs the swizzle for an untyped object, represented as a stream id.
  • TSwizzle< TAny >::TSwizzle()  Constructs the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the specified swizzle.

  • TSwizzleBase - Implementation class for swizzles.
  • TSwizzleBase::Ptr().
  • TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase().
  • TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase().
  • TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase().

  • TSwizzleC - Maintains a dual representation for a constant object.
  • TSwizzleC::AsPtr() - Returns a constant pointer to the object which this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzleC::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the stream id of the stream associated with this swizzle.
  • TSwizzleC::operator *() - Returns a const reference to the type T object which this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzleC::operator const T *().
  • TSwizzleC::operator->() - Gives access to members of the type T object which this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzleC::operator=() - Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory type T object, pointed to by the specified T* pointer.
  • TSwizzleC::TSwizzleC()  Constructs an uninitialised swizzle.
  • TSwizzleC::TSwizzleC()  Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object and represents the object by pointer.
  • TSwizzleC::TSwizzleC()  Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object and represents the object as a stream id.
  • TSwizzleC::TSwizzleC()  Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object that is currently represented by another swizzle.

  • TSwizzleC< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TSwizzleC classes that maintains the representation of an untyped object as a const pointer or as a stream id.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::AsPtr() - Gets a constant pointer to the untyped object that this swizzle represents.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::operator const TAny *().
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::operator=()  Sets this swizzle to represent the specified in-memory untyped object.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::operator=()  Sets this swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the specific swizzle.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::TSwizzleC()  Default constructor.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::TSwizzleC()  Constructs the swizzle representing the specified untyped object as a pointer.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::TSwizzleC()  Constructs the swizzle for an untyped object, represented as a stream id.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::TSwizzleC()  Constructs the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the specified swizzle.
  • TSwizzleC< TAny >::TSwizzleC()  Constructs the swizzle from a stream reference.

  • TSwizzleCBase - Base class for swizzles.
  • TSwizzleCBase::AsId() - Gets the streamid of the represented object.
  • TSwizzleCBase::DoExternalizeL().
  • TSwizzleCBase::InternalizeL() - Internalises a stream id from the read stream, constructs a swizzle from this stream id and copies the swizzle to this swizzle.
  • TSwizzleCBase::IsId() - Tests whether this swizzle currently represents an object as a stream id.
  • TSwizzleCBase::IsPtr() - Tests whether this swizzle currently represents an object as a pointer.
  • TSwizzleCBase::operator!=()  Compares for inequality with another swizzle.
  • TSwizzleCBase::operator!=()  Compares for inequality with an in-memory object.
  • TSwizzleCBase::operator==()  Compares for equality with another swizzle.
  • TSwizzleCBase::operator==()  Compares for equality with an in-memory object.
  • TSwizzleCBase::Ptr().
  • TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase().
  • TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase().
  • TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase().
  • TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase().

  • TSyncMLTransportPropertyInfo - Information about a SyncML transport property.
  • TSyncMLTransportPropertyInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises the object to a stream.
  • TSyncMLTransportPropertyInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises the object from a stream.

  • TTabStop - A tab stop.
  • TTabStop::operator!=() - Compares two tab stops for inequality.
  • TTabStop::operator=() - Assigns the twips position and alignment of aTabStop to the current TTabStop.
  • TTabStop::operator==() - Compares two tab stops for equality.
  • TTabStop::TTabStop()  The default C++ constructor constructs a TTabStop.
  • TTabStop::TTabStop().

  • TTaskInfo - Contains detailed information for a single task.
  • TTaskInfo::ExternalizeL() - Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
  • TTaskInfo::InternalizeL() - Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
  • TTaskInfo::operator=().
  • TTaskInfo::TTaskInfo()  Constructor taking the specified parameters.
  • TTaskInfo::TTaskInfo()  Default constructor.

  • TTelnetConfig - Specifies telnet session configuration information.
  • TTelnetConfig::TTelnetConfig() - Constructor.
  • TTelnetConfig::~TTelnetConfig() - Destructor.

  • TThreadId - Encapsulates the Id of a thread.
  • TThreadId::TThreadId()  Default constructor.
  • TThreadId::TThreadId()  Constructor taking an unsigned integer value.

  • TThreadStackInfo - Stores information about a thread's stack.

  • TTickCountQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a doubly linked list sorted by tick count.

  • TTiffImageData - TIFF specific frame data variant.
  • TTiffImageData::DuplicateL() - Provides a copy of an object that manages a list of frame and image block data, but not a bitwise copy.
  • TTiffImageData::TTiffImageData() - Default constructor for this class.

  • TTime - Stores and manipulates the date and time.
  • TTime::DateTime() - Converts the TTime object into a TDateTime object.
  • TTime::DayNoInMonth() - Gets the day number in the month.
  • TTime::DayNoInWeek() - Gets the day number within the current week.
  • TTime::DayNoInYear()  Gets the day number in the year.
  • TTime::DayNoInYear()  Gets the day number in the year when the start of the year is aStartDate.
  • TTime::DaysFrom() - Calculates the number of days difference between the specified TTime and this TTime.
  • TTime::DaysInMonth() - Gets the number of days in the current month.
  • TTime::FormatL()  Puts this TTime into a descriptor and formats it according to the format string specified in the second argument.
  • TTime::FormatL()  Puts this TTime into a descriptor and formats it according to the format string specified in the second argument.
  • TTime::HomeTime() - Sets the date and time of this TTime to the home time.
  • TTime::HoursFrom() - Calculates the number of hours difference between the specified TTime and this TTime.
  • TTime::Int64() - Gets the 64 bit integer representation of this TTime obect.
  • TTime::MicroSecondsFrom() - Calculates the number of microseconds difference between the specified TTime and this TTime.
  • TTime::MinutesFrom() - Calculates the number of minutes difference between the specified TTime and this TTime.
  • TTime::MonthsFrom() - Calculates the number of months between the specified TTime and this TTime.
  • TTime::operator!=() - Tests whether two date/times are not equal.
  • TTime::operator>() - Tests whether this date/time is later than the specified date/time.
  • TTime::operator>=() - Tests whether this date/time is later than or the same as the specified date/time.
  • TTime::operator<() - Tests whether this date/time is earlier than the specified date/time.
  • TTime::operator<=() - Tests whether this date/time is earlier than or the same as the specified date/time.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator+=()  Adds a time interval to this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-()  Substracts a time interval from this TTime, returning the result as a TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator-=()  Subtracts a time interval from this TTime, returning a reference to this TTime.
  • TTime::operator=()  Assigns a value contained in a 64-bit integer to this TTime object.
  • TTime::operator=()  Assigns a TDateTime object to this TTime object.
  • TTime::operator==() - Tests whether two date/times are equal.
  • TTime::Parse() - Parses a descriptor containing either or both a date and time, and sets this TTime to the value of the parsed descriptor.
  • TTime::RoundUpToNextMinute() - Rounds this TTime up to the next minute.
  • TTime::SecondsFrom() - Calculates the number of seconds difference between the specified TTime and this TTime.
  • TTime::Set() - Assigns a date and time contained in a descriptor to this TTime object.
  • TTime::TTime()  Default constructor.
  • TTime::TTime()  Constructs the object from a 64-bit microsecond value.
  • TTime::TTime()  Constructs a TTime object with a text string.
  • TTime::TTime()  Constructs a TTime object with the seven fields which comprise a date and time.
  • TTime::UniversalTime() - Sets the date and time of this TTime to the universal time.
  • TTime::WeekNoInYear()  Gets the number of the current week in the year.
  • TTime::WeekNoInYear()  Gets the number of the current week in the year when the year starts on aStartDate.
  • TTime::WeekNoInYear()  Finds the number of the current week in the year using the first week rule specified in aRule.
  • TTime::WeekNoInYear()  Finds the number of the current week in the year when the year starts from aStartDate and when using the start week rule aRule.
  • TTime::YearsFrom() - Calculates the number of years between the specified TTime and this TTime.

  • TTimeFormatSpec - Contains a format list that defines the time string format.
  • TTimeFormatSpec::Set() - Sets the contents of the time string format specification from the system-wide settings.
  • TTimeFormatSpec::TTimeFormatSpec() - Default constructor.

  • TTimeIntervalBase - Provides a base class for all time interval classes using a 32-bit representation.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::Int() - Gets the time interval as a 32 bit integer.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::operator!=() - Tests whether this time interval is not the same as the specified time interval.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::operator>() - Tests whether this time interval is greater than the specified time interval.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::operator>=() - Tests whether this time interval is greater than or equal to the specified time interval.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::operator<() - Tests whether this time interval is less than the specified time interval.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::operator<=() - Tests whether this time interval is less than or equal to the specified time interval.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::operator==() - Tests whether this time interval is the same as the specified time interval.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::TTimeIntervalBase()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalBase::TTimeIntervalBase()  Constructor taking an interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalDays - Represents a time interval in days.
  • TTimeIntervalDays::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalDays::TTimeIntervalDays()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalDays::TTimeIntervalDays()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalHours - Represents a time interval in hours.
  • TTimeIntervalHours::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalHours::TTimeIntervalHours()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalHours::TTimeIntervalHours()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds - Represents a time interval of a millionth of a second stored as a 64-bit integer.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::Int64() - Gets the time interval as a 64-bit integer value.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator!=() - Tests whether this TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object is not equal to the specified TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator>() - Tests whether this TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object is greater than the specified TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator>=() - Tests whether this TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object is greater than or equal to the specified TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator<() - Tests whether this TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object is less than the specified TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator<=() - Tests whether this TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object is less than or equal to the specified TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator=() - Assigns a 64-bit integer value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::operator==() - Tests whether this TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object is equal to the specified TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds::TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds()  Constructs the object with the specified 64-bit interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 - Represents a microsecond time interval stored in 32 rather than 64 bits.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32::TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32::TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalMinutes - Represents a time interval in minutes.
  • TTimeIntervalMinutes::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalMinutes::TTimeIntervalMinutes()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalMinutes::TTimeIntervalMinutes()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalMonths - Represents a time interval in months.
  • TTimeIntervalMonths::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalMonths::TTimeIntervalMonths()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalMonths::TTimeIntervalMonths()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalSeconds - Represents a time interval in seconds.
  • TTimeIntervalSeconds::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalSeconds::TTimeIntervalSeconds()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalSeconds::TTimeIntervalSeconds()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTimeIntervalYears - Represents a time interval in years.
  • TTimeIntervalYears::operator=() - Assigns a value to this object.
  • TTimeIntervalYears::TTimeIntervalYears()  Default constructor.
  • TTimeIntervalYears::TTimeIntervalYears()  Constructs the object with the specified interval value.

  • TTmDocPos - A structure for holding a raw document position that can be converted to or from an x-y position and compared ordinally, which cannot be done with the more abstract TTmDocPosSpec class.
  • TTmDocPos::operator!=() - The not equal operator.
  • TTmDocPos::operator>() - Greater than operator.
  • TTmDocPos::operator>=() - Greater than or equal to operator.
  • TTmDocPos::operator<() - Smaller than operator.
  • TTmDocPos::operator<=() - Smaller than or equal to operator.
  • TTmDocPos::operator==() - The equality operator.
  • TTmDocPos::TTmDocPos()  Constructs a TTmDocPos object, setting iPos to 0 and iLeadingEdge to false.
  • TTmDocPos::TTmDocPos()  Constructs a TTmDocPos object, setting iPos to aPos and iLeadingEdge to aLeadingEdge.

  • TTmDocPosSpec - A structure to hold a logical document position that can be converted to a raw document position or an x-y position.
  • TTmDocPosSpec::TTmDocPosSpec()  Constructs a TTmDocPosSpec, setting the position to 0 and the type to trailing.
  • TTmDocPosSpec::TTmDocPosSpec()  Constructs a TTmDocPosSpec, setting the position to aPos and the type to aType.
  • TTmDocPosSpec::TTmDocPosSpec()  Constructs a TTmDocPosSpec from a TTmDocPos.

  • TTmLineInfo - A structure for returning information about a line.
  • TTmLineInfo::TTmLineInfo() - Constructs a TTmLineInfo object, setting all data members to 0.

  • TTmPosInfo2 - Holds information about a position in a document.

  • TTranpConfig - Encapsulates configuration parameters for a session.
  • TTranpConfig::PrimaryMachine() - Returns the primary machine Id.
  • TTranpConfig::SecondaryMachine() - Gets the secondary machine Id.
  • TTranpConfig::SetPrimaryMachine() - Sets the primary machine Id.
  • TTranpConfig::SetSecondaryMachine() - Sets the secondary machine Id.
  • TTranpConfig::TTranpConfig() - Constructor.
  • TTranpConfig::~TTranpConfig() - Destructor.

  • TTranpPicture - Represents a picture in Unified Picture Format (UPF), a standard for image data transmitted via infrared communication.
  • TTranpPicture::Filename() - Gets the DOS 8.3 format file name of the picture.
  • TTranpPicture::GetLatticeSize().
  • TTranpPicture::GetThumbNail() - Returns a pointer to a descriptor containing a thumbnail representation of the image.
  • TTranpPicture::LoadFromJpeg() - Loads JPEG format image data from the specified file on the host device.
  • TTranpPicture::LoadFromUPF() - Loads native UPF format image data from the specified file on the host device.
  • TTranpPicture::LongFilename() - Returns the file name of the picture in SJIS or as an ISO8859-1 character string.
  • TTranpPicture::Picture() - Gets a pointer to a non-modifiable descriptor containing the image data.
  • TTranpPicture::SaveAsJpeg() - Saves the image data in JPEG format to the specified file on the host device.
  • TTranpPicture::SaveAsUPF() - Saves the image data in native UPF format to the specified file on the host device.
  • TTranpPicture::SetDesiredLatticeSize().
  • TTranpPicture::SetFilename() - Sets the file name of the picture in DOS 8.3 format.
  • TTranpPicture::SetLongFilename() - Sets the file name of the picture in SJIS or as an ISO8859-1 character string.
  • TTranpPicture::SetTime() - Sets the time stamp attribute iTime to aTime for the picture.
  • TTranpPicture::Time() - Returns the time stamp attribute for the picture.
  • TTranpPicture::TTranpPicture() - Constructor.
  • TTranpPicture::~TTranpPicture() - Destructor.

  • TTrapHandler - Abstract class that defines a handler to work with the TRAP mechanism.
  • TTrapHandler::Leave() - Called when a function within a TRAP leaves.
  • TTrapHandler::Trap() - Called when a TRAP is invoked.
  • TTrapHandler::TTrapHandler() - Default constructor.
  • TTrapHandler::UnTrap() - Called when a function exits a TRAP without leaving.

  • TTsTime - In Task Scheduler TTsTime is used to represent time as either UTC or Local Time.
  • TTsTime::GetLocalTime()  This function returns a home time value.
  • TTsTime::GetLocalTime()  This function returns a home time value.
  • TTsTime::GetUtcTime()  This function returns a UTC value.
  • TTsTime::GetUtcTime()  This function returns a UTC value.
  • TTsTime::IsUtc().
  • TTsTime::operator=() - Overloaded assignment operator for TTsTime.
  • TTsTime::SetLocalTime() - Sets this object to a local time based value updating its parameters as appropriate.
  • TTsTime::SetUtcTime() - Sets this object to a UTC time based value updating its parameters as appropriate.
  • TTsTime::TTsTime()  Default constructor for TTsTime.
  • TTsTime::TTsTime()  Constructs a TTsTime with a TTime.
  • TTsTime::TTsTime()  Copy constructor for TTsTime.

  • TTunerCapabilities - The Tuner Capabilities structure defines the capabilities of the tuner on the device, as retrieved using the function GetCapabilities.
  • TTunerCapabilities::TTunerCapabilities()  Default constructor for TTunerCapabilities, initialised to represent no capabilites or additional functions.
  • TTunerCapabilities::TTunerCapabilities().

  • TTypeUid - Part of the object provider mechanism, this class encapsulates the Uid that identifies the type of object that an object provider is to get.
  • TTypeUid::MakePtr() - Constructs a Ptr which encapsulates the specified object pointer.
  • TTypeUid::Null() - Constructs a Ptr which encapsulates a NULL pointer.
  • TTypeUid::TTypeUid() - Constructor that takes a Uid value.

  • TTypeUid::Ptr - Encapsulates a pointer to an object fetched by an object provider.
  • TTypeUid::Ptr::Pointer() - Retrieves the pointer to an object which is encapsulated by the Ptr.

  • TTypeface - Typeface name and attributes.
  • TTypeface::Attributes() - Gets the combination of attributes of the typeface.
  • TTypeface::ExternalizeL() - Externalises a typeface to a write stream.
  • TTypeface::InternalizeL() - Internalises a typeface from a read stream.
  • TTypeface::IsProportional() - Gets the typeface's proportional attribute.
  • TTypeface::IsSerif() - Gets the typeface's serif attribute.
  • TTypeface::IsSymbol() - Gets the typeface's symbol attribute.
  • TTypeface::operator==() - Compares two typefaces for equality.
  • TTypeface::SetAttributes() - Set the combination of attributes for this typeface.
  • TTypeface::SetIsProportional() - Sets the typeface's proportional attribute.
  • TTypeface::SetIsSerif() - Sets the typeface's serif attribute.
  • TTypeface::SetIsSymbol() - Sets the typeface's symbol attribute.
  • TTypeface::TTypeface() - Default C++ constructor.

  • TTypefaceSupport - Typeface family support information.

  • TUUID - A Bluetooth Universally Unique Identifier.
  • TUUID::Des().
  • TUUID::FixedLengthL() - Return the UUID with a specified length.
  • TUUID::LongForm() - Returns the full 128 bit version of the UUID.
  • TUUID::MinimumSize() - Returns the minimum size of this UUID.
  • TUUID::operator!=() - Inequality operator.
  • TUUID::operator==() - Comparison operator.
  • TUUID::operator[]()  Access a single element of the UUID.
  • TUUID::operator[]()  Access a single element of the UUID.
  • TUUID::SetL() - Set the UUID from a binary descriptor.
  • TUUID::ShortestForm() - Get the smallest version the UUID will compress down to.
  • TUUID::TUUID()  Default constructor.
  • TUUID::TUUID()  Construct UUID from TUint32.
  • TUUID::TUUID()  128 bit UUID constructor.
  • TUUID::TUUID()  Set Bluetooth UUID from an EPOC UUID.

  • TUid - A globally unique 32-bit number.
  • TUid::Name() - Generates and returns the standard text form of the UID.
  • TUid::Null() - Constructs a Null-valued TUid object.
  • TUid::operator!=() - Compares two UIDs for inequality.
  • TUid::operator==() - Compares two UIDs for equality.
  • TUid::Uid() - Constructs the TUid object from a 32-bit integer.

  • TUidType - Encapsulates a set of three unique identifiers (UIDs) which, in combination, identify a system object such as a GUI application or a DLL.
  • TUidType::IsPresent() - Tests if any of the component UIDs are equal to the specified UID.
  • TUidType::IsValid() - Tests the object for a valid (non-KNullUid) UID type.
  • TUidType::MostDerived() - Gets the most derived UID.
  • TUidType::operator!=() - Compares this UID type for inequality with the specified UID type.
  • TUidType::operator==() - Compares this UID type for equality with the specified UID type.
  • TUidType::operator[]() - Gets the UID component as identified by the specified index.
  • TUidType::TUidType()  Default constructor.
  • TUidType::TUidType()  Constructor that creates a UID type and sets the UID1 component to the specified value.
  • TUidType::TUidType()  Constructor that creates a UID type and sets the UID1 and UID2 components to the specified values.
  • TUidType::TUidType()  Constructor that creates a UID type and sets all three UID components to the specified values.

  • TUncompressedVideoFormat - Defines an uncompressed video format.
  • TUncompressedVideoFormat::operator=() - Sets this object equal to aOther.
  • TUncompressedVideoFormat::operator==() - Tests whether this TUncompressedVideoFormat object is the same as aOther.

  • TUnicodeCompressionState.

  • TUnicodeCompressor - A class to hold functions to compress text using the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
  • TUnicodeCompressor::CompressedSizeL().
  • TUnicodeCompressor::CompressL().
  • TUnicodeCompressor::CompressL().
  • TUnicodeCompressor::FlushL().
  • TUnicodeCompressor::FlushL().
  • TUnicodeCompressor::TUnicodeCompressor().

  • TUnicodeExpander - A class to hold functions to expand text using the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
  • TUnicodeExpander::ExpandedSizeL().
  • TUnicodeExpander::ExpandedSizeL().
  • TUnicodeExpander::ExpandL().
  • TUnicodeExpander::ExpandL().
  • TUnicodeExpander::FlushL().
  • TUnicodeExpander::TUnicodeExpander().

  • TUnion - This class is internal and is not intended for use.
  • TUnion::operator const T &().
  • TUnion::operator()().
  • TUnion::operator()().
  • TUnion::Set().

  • TUriC16 - Dependencies : TUriComponent.
  • TUriC16::Compare() - Compares the specified component against the one in the uri passed in.
  • TUriC16::DisplayFormL() - Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI.
  • TUriC16::Equivalent() - Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI.
  • TUriC16::Extract() - Retrieves the specified component in the uri.
  • TUriC16::GetFileNameL()  Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
  • TUriC16::GetFileNameL()  This creates a file name from the URI, changing the network path separator (/) to the local file system path separator (\).
  • TUriC16::IsPresent() - Indicates whether the specified component is present in the uri.
  • TUriC16::IsSchemeValid() - Checks to see if the scheme is valid.
  • TUriC16::TUriC16() - Constructor.
  • TUriC16::UriDes() - Retrieves the descriptor for the entire uri.
  • TUriC16::UriWithoutFragment() - Retrieves the uri without the fragment component.
  • TUriC16::Validate() - Ensures that all components of the URI are valid.

  • TUriC8 - Dependencies : TUriComponent.
  • TUriC8::Compare() - Compares the specified component against the one in the uri passed in.
  • TUriC8::DisplayFormL() - Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI.
  • TUriC8::Extract() - Retrieves the specified component in the uri.
  • TUriC8::GetFileNameL()  Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
  • TUriC8::GetFileNameL()  This creates a file name from the URI, changing the network path separator (/) to the local file system path separator (\).
  • TUriC8::IsPresent() - Indicates whether the specified component is present in the uri.
  • TUriC8::IsSchemeValid() - Checks the scheme to be valid.
  • TUriC8::TUriC8() - Constructor.
  • TUriC8::UriDes() - Retrieves the descriptor for the entire uri.
  • TUriC8::UriWithoutFragment() - Retrieves the uri without the fragment component.

  • TUriParser16 - Dependencies : TUriC16 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of a uri as defined in RFC2396.
  • TUriParser16::Parse() - Parses the descriptor aUri into uri components.
  • TUriParser16::TUriParser16() - Constructor.

  • TUriParser8 - Dependencies : TUriC8 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of a uri as defined in RFC2396.
  • TUriParser8::Parse() - Parses the descriptor aUri into uri components.
  • TUriParser8::TUriParser8() - Constructor.

  • TValidationStatus - The validation status.
  • TValidationStatus::TValidationStatus() - Creates a validation status object.

  • TVendorId - A class used to represent the Vendor ID of a process or executable image.
  • TVendorId::operator TUid() - Convert 'this' into a TUid.
  • TVendorId::operator TUint32() - Convert 'this' into a TUint32.
  • TVendorId::TVendorId()  Default constructor which leaves the object in an undefined state.
  • TVendorId::TVendorId()  Construct 'this' using a TUint32.
  • TVendorId::TVendorId()  Construct 'this' using a TUid.

  • TVersion - Contains version information.
  • TVersion::Name() - Gets a descriptor buffer containing the formatted character representation of the version information.
  • TVersion::TVersion()  Default constructor.
  • TVersion::TVersion()  Constructs the object with the specified major version number, the minor version number and the build number.

  • TVersitDateTime - Defines a Versit date and time.
  • TVersitDateTime::ClearFlag().
  • TVersitDateTime::IsFlagSet().
  • TVersitDateTime::SetFlag().
  • TVersitDateTime::TVersitDateTime() - Constructs the Versit date/time object with a date/time value and a specification of whether this value is local to the machine which originated the vCard, local to the machine on which the code is running, or universal time.

  • TVideoInputBuffer - A buffer for compressed video data, contains one coded data unit.
  • TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoInputBuffer() - Default constructor.

  • TVideoOutputBuffer - A video output buffer for a single output coded data unit from the encoder.

  • TVideoPicture - One uncompressed video picture.

  • TVideoPictureHeader - Header information for one decoded picture.

  • TViewRectChanges - A structure used to return the results of a reformatting operation.
  • TViewRectChanges::TViewRectChanges() - Constructs a TViewRectChanges object, initializing its iScrollAtTop and iScrollAtBottom members to zero.

  • TViewYPosQualifier - Parameter used to control which part of a line (top, baseline or bottom) should be scrolled to a certain vertical position in a view rectangle.
  • TViewYPosQualifier::SetFillScreen() - Sets whether blank space should be allowed at the bottom of the view.
  • TViewYPosQualifier::SetHotSpot() - Sets the hotspot.
  • TViewYPosQualifier::SetMakeLineFullyVisible() - Forces the top line in the view to become fully visible if it is partially above the top of the view rectangle.
  • TViewYPosQualifier::TViewYPosQualifier() - Constructs a fully initialized TViewYPosQualifier object.

  • TVolumeIOParamInfo - Volume IO parameter information.

  • TVolumeInfo - Information about a volume mounted on drive.
  • TVolumeInfo::TVolumeInfo() - Default constructor.

  • TVwsViewId - Identifies an application view using two unique identifiers (UIDs): a view UID and an application UID.
  • TVwsViewId::operator!=() - Checks whether the TVwsViewId object being operated upon and the TVwsViewId object specified are different.
  • TVwsViewId::operator==() - Checks whether the TVwsViewId object being operated upon and the TVwsViewId object specified are the same.
  • TVwsViewId::TVwsViewId()  Constructs a TVwsViewId object, and initialises both the application UID and the view UID to NULL.
  • TVwsViewId::TVwsViewId()  Constructs a new TVwsViewId object from an existing one.
  • TVwsViewId::TVwsViewId()  Constructs a TVwsViewId object with the specified application UID and view UID.

  • TVwsViewIdAndMessage - The TVwsViewIdAndMessage class identifies a view and encapsulates a message to be read by the view when it is activated.
  • TVwsViewIdAndMessage::operator=() - Copies the contents of another TVwsViewIdAndMessage into this one.
  • TVwsViewIdAndMessage::TVwsViewIdAndMessage()  Constructs a TVwsViewIdAndMessage object, and initialises it to contain a NULL view UID and an empty message.
  • TVwsViewIdAndMessage::TVwsViewIdAndMessage()  Constructs a TVwsViewIdAndMessage object, and initialises it to contain the specified view UID and an empty message.
  • TVwsViewIdAndMessage::TVwsViewIdAndMessage()  Constructs a TVwsViewIdAndMessage object, and initialises it to contain the specified view UID and the specified message.

  • TWTLSKeyFactory.
  • TWTLSKeyFactory::DSAParametersL() - Gets the DSA parameters.
  • TWTLSKeyFactory::DSAPublicKeyL()  Gets the DSA public key.
  • TWTLSKeyFactory::DSAPublicKeyL().
  • TWTLSKeyFactory::DSASignatureL() - Gets the digital DSA signature given an encoding key.
  • TWTLSKeyFactory::RSAPublicKeyL() - Gets the RSA public key.
  • TWTLSKeyFactory::RSASignatureResultL() - Gets the RSA signature result.

  • TWTLSStructuredTextField.
  • TWTLSStructuredTextField::Type().
  • TWTLSStructuredTextField::Value().

  • TWTLSValidationStatus - The validation status.
  • TWTLSValidationStatus::TWTLSValidationStatus() - Creates a validation status object.

  • TWapAddr - Socket address type used with the WAP SMS Protocol Module.
  • TWapAddr::operator==() - Equality operator.
  • TWapAddr::SetWapAddress() - Sets the WAP address.
  • TWapAddr::SetWapPort() - Sets the WAP port number.
  • TWapAddr::WapAddress() - Gets the WAP address.
  • TWapAddr::WapPort() - Gets the WAP port number.

  • TWapReassemblyEntry - Abstraction of a WAP reassembly store entry.
  • TWapReassemblyEntry::SetToPort() - Sets the destination port number.
  • TWapReassemblyEntry::ToPort() - Gets the destination port number.

  • TWindowInfo - Animation window information.
  • TWindowInfo::GetRedrawRegionAndRedrawShadowRegion() - Returns the current redraw region and redraw shadow region.
  • TWindowInfo::TWindowInfo() - Constructs an animation window information object.

  • TWordModelHeaderFactoryV2 - Factory to construct CWordModelHeaderV2 application wrapper objects.
  • TWordModelHeaderFactoryV2::NewHeaderL() - Creates a new word processor engine application wrapper.
  • TWordModelHeaderFactoryV2::TWordModelHeaderFactoryV2() - Constructor, specifying printer driver path.

  • TWordModelHeaderFactoryV3 - Factory to construct CWordModelHeaderV3 application wrapper objects.
  • TWordModelHeaderFactoryV3::NewHeaderL() - Creates a new word processor engine application wrapper.
  • TWordModelHeaderFactoryV3::TWordModelHeaderFactoryV3() - Constructor.

  • TWorldId - World ID.
  • TWorldId::City() - Gets the city name in the current TWorldId.
  • TWorldId::Country() - Gets the country name in the current TWorldId.
  • TWorldId::Select() - Gets the current city search mode.
  • TWorldId::SetSelect() - Sets the city search mode.
  • TWorldId::TWorldId() - Constructs a city ID object, and initialises it with the search locale EWithinWorld.

  • TWsEvent - Window server event.
  • TWsEvent::ErrorMessage() - Gets an error event.
  • TWsEvent::EventData() - Gets information about the event.
  • TWsEvent::Handle() - Gets the window handle.
  • TWsEvent::Int() - Gets the event data as a TInt.
  • TWsEvent::Key() - Gets the key event.
  • TWsEvent::ModifiersChanged() - Gets information about the modifier changed event.
  • TWsEvent::Pointer() - Gets the pointer event.
  • TWsEvent::SetHandle() - Sets the event handle.
  • TWsEvent::SetTimeNow() - Sets the event time to the current time.
  • TWsEvent::SetType() - Sets the event type.
  • TWsEvent::Time() - Gets the time when the event occurred.
  • TWsEvent::Type() - Gets the type of event that occurred.
  • TWsEvent::VisibilityChanged()  Gets information about the visibility changed event.
  • TWsEvent::VisibilityChanged()  Gets information about the visibility changed event.

  • TWsGraphicAnimation - data attached to a CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic to allow the artwork to understand VCR-style play-stop-pause commands.
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::IsPaused().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::IsPlaying().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::IsStopped().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::IsStopping().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::Loops().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::Pause().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::Play().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::Stop().
  • TWsGraphicAnimation::TWsGraphicAnimation().

  • TWsGraphicId - Identifies an abstract artwork.
  • TWsGraphicId::Compare() - Compares another Id with this one.
  • TWsGraphicId::Id() - Returns the transient Id.
  • TWsGraphicId::IsId() - Identifies whether graphic artwork is transient.
  • TWsGraphicId::IsUid() - Identifies whether graphic artwork is non-transient.
  • TWsGraphicId::Set()  Set to be a UID.
  • TWsGraphicId::Set()  Set to be a transient Id.
  • TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId().
  • TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId()  Construct a UID.
  • TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId()  Construct a transient Id.
  • TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId()  Copy constructor.
  • TWsGraphicId::Uid() - Returns UID.

  • TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase - Base class for fixed-size messages to be attached to CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic commands.
  • TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::Pckg().
  • TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::Size().
  • TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase() - Protected constructor for subclasses to call Example:.
  • TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::TypeId().

  • TWsPriorityKeyEvent - Priority key events.
  • TWsPriorityKeyEvent::Handle() - Gets the handle for the window group which added the priority key.
  • TWsPriorityKeyEvent::Key() - Gets the priority key event.
  • TWsPriorityKeyEvent::SetHandle() - Sets the window group event handle.

  • TWsRedrawEvent - Window server redraw event.
  • TWsRedrawEvent::Handle() - Gets the handle of the window which is the target of the redraw event.
  • TWsRedrawEvent::Rect() - Gets the rectangle to redraw.

  • TWspField - TWspField class holds the pair This is a simple class that associates these values.
  • TWspField::TWspField().
  • TWspField::TWspField()  Constructor.

  • TWspHeaderSegmenter - TWspHeaderSegmenter segments a WSP buffer into WSP header/value pairs.
  • TWspHeaderSegmenter::NextL() - NextL iterates through the buffer.
  • TWspHeaderSegmenter::Offset() - Offset returns the current offset into the buffer being parsed.
  • TWspHeaderSegmenter::TWspHeaderSegmenter() - Constructor.

  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder - Decoder for WSP Primitves - WAP-WSP Section 8.4.1.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::Date() - Returns a TDateTime offset from January 1, 1970 - WAP WSP Section Panics if the time val is greater then the maximum allowable integer size (32 bits).
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::Integer() - Returns an Integer - could be short or long.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::LengthVal() - Returns length of the data following this byte.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::LongInt() - Returns a long int the buffer is currently pointing at.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::String() - Returns a TPtrC holding the string the buffer currently points at without the NULL termination.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::TWspPrimitiveDecoder() - Constructor.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::UintVar() - Returns a TUint32.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::Val7Bit() - Returns a token, a short int or an octet value with the top bit cleared.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::VarType() - Looks at the byte currently pointed at in this buffer and returns the type.
  • TWspPrimitiveDecoder::VersionL() - Returns a formatted version string.

  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder - Class encapsulating primitive encoding methods which are defined in the WSP standard.
  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder::DateL() - Takes a TDateTime parameter and encodes it using the WSP specified Date encoding method.
  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder::LongIntL() - Takes a TUint32 parameter and encodes it using the WSP specified LongInt method.
  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder::ShortInt() - Takes a TUint8 parameter, and sets the top bit.
  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder::TextStringL()  Takes a RString parameter and encodes it using the WSP specified TextString method.
  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder::TextStringL()  Takes a TDesC8 parameter and encodes it using the WSP specified TextString method.
  • TWspPrimitiveEncoder::UintVarL() - Takes a TUint32 parameter and encodes it using the WSP specified UintVar method.

  • TWspRedirectedAddress - The TWspRedirectedAddress type represents an alternate address to which Clients must use to establish a session with the same service that was initially contacted.

  • TWtlsCipherSuite - The class TWtlsCipherSuite encapsulates a WTLS cipher suite as defined in the WAP WTLS Specification, July 2001 This is a pair made up of a Bulk Encryption Algorithm and a Mac Algorithm.
  • TWtlsCipherSuite::TWtlsCipherSuite().

  • TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite - The class TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite contain the definitions of WTLS Key Exchange Suites as defined in the WAP WTLS Specification, July 2001.
  • TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite::TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite().

  • TX509KeyFactory - Constructs the public key objects used for signature verification, from their encoded binary form, for X.509 certificates.
  • TX509KeyFactory::DSAParametersL() - Gets the DSA parameters from the encoding key.
  • TX509KeyFactory::DSAPublicKeyL()  Gets the DSA public key from the encoding key.
  • TX509KeyFactory::DSAPublicKeyL()  Gets the DSA public key from the encoding key.
  • TX509KeyFactory::DSASignatureL() - Gets the digital DSA signature from the encoding key.
  • TX509KeyFactory::RSAPublicKeyL() - Gets the RSA public key from the encoding key.
  • TX509KeyFactory::RSASignatureResultL() - Gets the RSA signature result.

  • TX509PolicyConstraint - Defines whether a policy constraint applies.

  • TYuvConversionMatrix - A custom YUV/RGB conversion matrix.

  • TYuvFormat - YUV (YCbCr) uncompressed image data format.
  • TYuvFormat::operator==() - Tests whether this TYuvFormat object is the same as aOther.

  • TYuvToRgbCapabilities - Describes the YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities of a post-processor.

  • TYuvToRgbOptions - YUV to RGB post-processing options.

  • TYuvToYuvCapabilities - Specifies the YUV-to-YUV conversion capabilities for a plug-in.

  • TZoomFactor - The interface for mapping between twips and device-specific units enriched with facilities to allow zooming.
  • TZoomFactor::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • TZoomFactor::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() - Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
  • TZoomFactor::GraphicsDeviceMap() - Gets the graphics device map of this zoom factor object.
  • TZoomFactor::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a horizontal dimension from pixels to twips on the graphics device.
  • TZoomFactor::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a horizontal dimension from twips to pixels on the graphics device.
  • TZoomFactor::ReleaseFont() - Releases the specified font.
  • TZoomFactor::SetGraphicsDeviceMap() - Sets the graphics device map for this zoom factor object.
  • TZoomFactor::SetTwipToPixelMapping() - Sets the twips to pixels mapping for the graphics device with which the zoom factor is associated.
  • TZoomFactor::SetZoomFactor() - Sets the zoom factor.
  • TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor()  Constructs a default zoom factor object.
  • TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor()  Constructs a zoom factor object for a specific graphics device map.
  • TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor().
  • TZoomFactor::VerticalPixelsToTwips() - Converts a vertical dimension from pixels to twips on the graphics device.
  • TZoomFactor::VerticalTwipsToPixels() - Converts a vertical dimension from twips to pixels on the graphics device.
  • TZoomFactor::ZoomFactor() - Gets the zoom factor.
  • TZoomFactor::~TZoomFactor() - Destructor.

  • TelephoneNumber - A static class that provides functions to resolve telephone numbers.

  • TextUtils - Provides static functions for truncating and aligning text strings.
  • TextUtils::ClipToFit() - Clips text to fit into a maximum width.
  • TextUtils::ColumnText() - Gets a portion of text from a descriptor, corresponding to a requested column.
  • TextUtils::TruncateToNumChars() - Truncates text to a number of characters.

  • Time - A utility class whose functions may be used by the other date/time related classes.
  • Time::DaysInMonth() - Gets the number of days in a month.
  • Time::IsLeapYear() - Tests whether a year is a leap year.
  • Time::LeapYearsUpTo() - Gets the number of leap years between 0 AD nominal Gregorian and the specified year - inclusive.
  • Time::MaxTTime() - Gets the maximum time value which can be held in a TTime object.
  • Time::MinTTime() - Gets the minimum time value which can be held in a TTime object.
  • Time::NullTTime() - Gets a TTime with a null value.

  • Token - Formula token class and argument flag definitions.

  • UriUtils.
  • UriUtils::ConvertToDisplayFormL() - Converts an 8-bit format uri its into display form.
  • UriUtils::ConvertToInternetFormL() - Converts a 16-bit format uri into its internet form.
  • UriUtils::CreateAuthorityL() - Create a new CAuthority8 object from a Unicode descriptor.
  • UriUtils::CreateUriL() - Create a new CUri8 object from a Unicode descriptor.
  • UriUtils::HasInvalidChars()  Checks a descriptor for excluded (invalid) characters.
  • UriUtils::HasInvalidChars()  Checks a descriptor for excluded (invalid) characters.
  • UriUtils::HostType()  Checks the supplied host for an IPv4, IPv6 or text format host.
  • UriUtils::HostType()  Checks the supplied host for an IPv4, IPv6 or text format host.

  • User - Set of static user functions.
  • User::__DbgMarkCheck() - Checks the current number of allocated heap cells for the current thread's default heap, or the kernel heap.
  • User::__DbgMarkEnd() - Marks the end of heap cell checking at the current nested level for the current thread's default heap, or the kernel heap.
  • User::__DbgMarkStart() - Marks the start of heap cell checking for the current thread's default heap, or for the kernel heap.
  • User::__DbgSetAllocFail() - Simulates a heap allocation failure for the current thread's default heap, or the kernel heap.
  • User::After() - Suspends the current thread until a specified time interval has expired.
  • User::AfterHighRes() - Suspends the current thread until a specified time interval has expired to a resolution of 1ms.
  • User::Alloc() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the current thread's heap.
  • User::Allocator() - Gets the current thread's default current heap.
  • User::AllocL() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the current thread's heap, and leaves if there is insufficient memory in the heap.
  • User::AllocLC() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the current thread's default heap, and, if successful, places a pointer to the cell onto the cleanup stack.
  • User::AllocLen() - Gets the length of the specified allocated heap cell.
  • User::AllocSize() - Gets the total number of cells allocated on the current thread's default heap, and the total space allocated to them.
  • User::AllocZ() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the current thread's default heap, and clears it to binary zeroes.
  • User::AllocZL() - Allocates a cell of specified size from the current thread's default heap, clears it to binary zeroes, and leaves if there is insufficient memory in the heap.
  • User::At() - Suspends the current thread until the specified absolute time.
  • User::Available() - Gets the total free space currently available on the current thread's default heap, and the space available in the largest free block.
  • User::Beep() - Makes a beep tone with a specified frequency and duration.
  • User::BinarySearch() - Performs a binary search for an array element containing a specified key.
  • User::Check() - Checks the validity of the current thread's default heap.
  • User::Collate() - Converts the character to its collated form.
  • User::CommandLine() - Gets a copy of the data which is passed as an argument to the thread function of the current process's main thread when it is first scheduled to run.
  • User::CommandLineLength() - Gets the length of the data which is passed as an argument to the thread function of the current process's main thread when it is first scheduled to run.
  • User::CompressAllHeaps() - Compresses all the chunks containing heaps.
  • User::CountAllocCells()  Gets the total number of cells allocated on the current thread's default heap.
  • User::CountAllocCells()  Gets the the total number of cells allocated, and the number of free cells, on the current thread's default heap.
  • User::CreatorHasCapability()  Check if the process that created the current process has a given capability.
  • User::CreatorHasCapability()  Check if the process that created the current process has both of the given capabilities.
  • User::CreatorIdentity().
  • User::CreatorSecureId() - Return the Secure ID of the process that created the current process.
  • User::CreatorVendorId() - Return the Vendor ID of the process that created the current process.
  • User::Critical()  Gets the critical state associated with the current thread.
  • User::Critical()  Gets the critical state associated with the specified thread.
  • User::ExceptionHandler() - Gets a pointer to the exception handler for the current thread.
  • User::Exit() - Terminates the current thread, specifying a reason.
  • User::FastCounter() - Gets the fast counter.
  • User::Fold()  Folds the specified character.
  • User::Fold()  Folds the character according to a specified folding method.
  • User::Free() - Frees the specified cell and returns it to the current thread's default heap.
  • User::FreeLogicalDevice() - Frees the logical device driver DLL associated with a specified driver name.
  • User::FreePhysicalDevice() - Frees the physical device driver DLL associated with a specified driver name.
  • User::FreeZ() - Frees the specified cell, returns it to the current thread's default heap, and resets the pointer to NULL.
  • User::GetDesParameter()  Gets the specified environment data item belonging to the current process; this is assumed to be an 8-bit descriptor.
  • User::GetDesParameter()  Gets the specified environment data item belonging to the current process; this is assumed to be an 16-bit descriptor.
  • User::GetTIntParameter() - Gets the specified environment data item belonging to the current process; this is assumed to be a 32 bit value.
  • User::Heap() - Gets a reference to the handle to the current thread's heap.
  • User::Identity().
  • User::IMB_Range() - Does the necessary preparations to guarantee correct execution of code in the specified virtual address range.
  • User::InactivityTime() - Gets the time since the last user activity.
  • User::InfoPrint() - Invokes the notifier server to display a text message on the screen for a short time.
  • User::Invariant() - Panics the current thread with a USER 0 panic.
  • User::IsExceptionHandled() - Tests whether the specified exception type can be handled by the current thread.
  • User::IsRomAddress() - Tests whether the specified address is in the ROM.
  • User::JustInTime() - Tests whether just-in-time debugging is on or off.
  • User::Language() - Gets the language of the current locale.
  • User::Leave() - Leaves the currently executing function, unwinds the call stack, and returns from the most recently entered trap harness.
  • User::LeaveIfError() - Leaves or returns with a specified reason code.
  • User::LeaveIfNull() - Leaves with the reason code KErrNoMemory, if the specified pointer is NULL.
  • User::LeaveNoMemory() - Leaves with the specific reason code KErrNoMemory.
  • User::LoadLogicalDevice() - Loads the logical device driver (LDD) DLL with the specified filename.
  • User::LoadPhysicalDevice() - Loads the physical device driver (PDD) DLL with the specified filename.
  • User::LockedDec() - Decrements a TInt value by 1 when the current thread is locked to prevent re-entrancy.
  • User::LockedInc() - Increments a TInt value by 1 when the current thread is locked to prevent re-entrancy.
  • User::LockPeriod() - Returns which of the periods the clock is currently in.
  • User::LowerCase() - Converts the specified character to lower case.
  • User::MachineConfiguration() - Gets the machine configuration.
  • User::ModifyExceptionMask() - Changes the set of exceptions which the current thread's exception handler can deal with.
  • User::NTickCount() - Gets the nanokernel tick count.
  • User::Panic() - Panics the current thread, specifying a category name and panic number.
  • User::ParameterLength() - Gets the length of the specified item of environment data belonging to the current process.
  • User::PriorityControl() - Tests whether the current process allows other processes to switch its priority between 'foreground' and 'background'.
  • User::ProcessCritical()  Gets the critical state associated with the current process.
  • User::ProcessCritical()  Gets the critical state associated with the specified process.
  • User::QueryVersionSupported() - Compares two version objects and returns true if the test version is less than the current version.
  • User::QuickSort() - Quick sorts array elements.
  • User::RaiseException() - Raises an exception of a specified type on the current thread.
  • User::ReAlloc() - Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell in the current thread's heap.
  • User::ReAllocL() - Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell, and leaves if there is insufficient memory in the current thread's default heap.
  • User::RenameProcess() - Assigns a new name to the current process, replacing any existing name.
  • User::RenameThread() - Assigns a new name to the current thread, replacing any existing name that may have been set.
  • User::RequestComplete() - Signals the current thread that the asynchronous request associated with the specified request status object is complete.
  • User::ResetInactivityTime() - Resets all user inactivity timers.
  • User::SafeDec() - Atomically decrements the specified value by 1, if the value is > 0.
  • User::SafeInc() - Atomically increments the specified value by 1, if the value is > 0.
  • User::SetCritical() - Sets up or changes the effect that termination of the current thread has, either on its owning process, or on the whole system.
  • User::SetCurrencySymbol() - Sets the system wide currency symbol.
  • User::SetDebugMask()  Sets the debug mask.
  • User::SetDebugMask()  Sets the debug mask at the given index.
  • User::SetExceptionHandler() - Sets a new exception handler for the current thread.
  • User::SetFloatingPointMode() - Sets the hardware floating point mode for the current thread.
  • User::SetHomeTime() - Sets the home time to a specified time value.
  • User::SetJustInTime() - Sets just-in-time debugging for this process on or off.
  • User::SetMachineConfiguration() - Sets the machine configuration.
  • User::SetPriorityControl() - Allows the current process to choose to have its priority switched by another process between 'foreground' and 'background'.
  • User::SetProcessCritical() - Sets up or changes the effect that termination of subsequently created threads will have, either on the owning process, or on the whole system.
  • User::SetTrapHandler() - Sets the current thread's trap handler and returns a pointer to any pre-existing trap handler.
  • User::SetUTCOffset() - Sets the UTC offset to the given number of seconds.
  • User::SetUTCTime() - Sets the UTC time to a specified time value.
  • User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset() - Sets the UTC time and UTC offset to the specified values, atomically.
  • User::StringLength()  Gets the length of a C style, null terminated, string of single-byte valued characters.
  • User::StringLength()  Gets the length of a C style, null terminated, string of double-byte valued characters.
  • User::SwitchAllocator() - Changes the current thread's heap.
  • User::SwitchHeap() - Changes the current thread's heap.
  • User::TickCount() - Gets the current tick count.
  • User::TitleCase() - Converts a specified character to its title case version.
  • User::TrapHandler() - Gets a pointer to the current thread's trap handler.
  • User::UpperCase() - Converts a specified character to upper case.
  • User::UTCOffset() - Gets the UTC offset - the difference between UTC and the current local time due to any time zones and daylight savings time that may be in effect.
  • User::ValidateName() - Checks whether a specified name is a valid CObject name.
  • User::Version() - Retrieves the E32 component version number, which is the kernel architecture version number.
  • User::WaitForAnyRequest() - Waits for any asynchronous request to complete.
  • User::WaitForNRequest() - Waits for any one of specific asynchronous requests to complete.
  • User::WaitForRequest()  Waits for a specific asynchronous request to complete.
  • User::WaitForRequest()  Waits for either of two specific asynchronous requests to complete.

  • UserHeap - A set of static functions for constructing fixed length heaps and local or global heaps.
  • UserHeap::ChunkHeap()  Creates a heap in a local or global chunk.
  • UserHeap::ChunkHeap()  Creates a heap in an existing chunk.
  • UserHeap::FixedHeap() - Creates a fixed length heap at a specified location.
  • UserHeap::OffsetChunkHeap() - Creates a heap in an existing chunk, offset from the beginning of the chunk.

  • Versit - Provides Versit-specific encoding and character set identifiers.

  • Versit::TEncodingAndCharset - Specifies an encoding, a character set and a character set converter.
  • Versit::TEncodingAndCharset::TEncodingAndCharset() - The C++ constructor initialises the encoding and character set.

  • VersitUtils - A utility class which provides functions for handling character set conversions, and for the parsing of character strings.
  • VersitUtils::AddEscapedString()  Adds an escape character before the semi-colons in a given text string.
  • VersitUtils::AddEscapedString()  Adds an escape character before the semi-colons in a given text string.
  • VersitUtils::AdditionalPropertyValueFromStorageL() - Retrieves any additional storage property value associated with the specified property.
  • VersitUtils::AllocateAdditionalPropertyStorageL() - Allocates an additional property value object for certain CParserProperty objects.
  • VersitUtils::CharConvCharSetUid() - Returns the character converter UID associated with the specified Versit character set identifier.
  • VersitUtils::CheckAndIgnoreCustomErrorL() - Tests whether an error code is Versit-specific or not and leaves (with that error code) if it is not.
  • VersitUtils::ConArcEncodeL() - Encodes a buffer using the specified character set converter.
  • VersitUtils::ConArcEncodingUid() - Returns the UID of a character set converter suitable for the specified encoding.
  • VersitUtils::DescriptorContainsOnlySevenBitCharacters() - Tests whether all of the characters in the specified text can be represented in 7-bit ASCII.
  • VersitUtils::EightBitEncoding()  Tests whether the specified character set is encoded using 8 bits or not.
  • VersitUtils::EightBitEncoding()  Tests whether the character set identified by the specified ID is encoded using 8 bits or not.
  • VersitUtils::FreeAdditionalPropertyStorageL() - Frees any additional storage associated with the specified property.
  • VersitUtils::IANACharacterSetName() - Returns the IANA character set name corresponding to the specified character set identifier.
  • VersitUtils::IANAEncodingName() - Returns the MIME encoding type corresponding to the specified encoding.
  • VersitUtils::IsBeginOrEnd() - Tests whether the specified UID is the Versit Begin or End UID (KVersitTokenBeginUid or KVersitTokenEndUid).
  • VersitUtils::IsNoneWhiteSpaceChar() - Tests whether the specified 8 bit string contains no white spaces.
  • VersitUtils::IsNoneWhiteSpaceWideChar() - Tests whether the specified 16 bit string contains no white spaces.
  • VersitUtils::IsWhiteSpace() - Tests whether the specified character is white space (either a tab or a space character).
  • VersitUtils::ParseForArrayPropertiesL() - Parses a compound property value string.
  • VersitUtils::RemoveEscapeChars()  Removes escape characters (backslashes) from the specified 8-bit string.
  • VersitUtils::RemoveEscapeChars()  Removes escape characters (backslashes) from the specified 16-bit string.
  • VersitUtils::RemoveEscapeChars()  Removes escape characters (backslashes or for the Shift-JIS character set, Yen-symbols/backslashes, Shift-JIS behaviour is platform dependent) from the specified 16-bit string.
  • VersitUtils::RemoveEscapeChars()  Removes escape characters (backslashes or for the Shift-JIS character set, Yen-symbols/backslashes, Shift-JIS behaviour is platform dependent) from the specified 16-bit string.
  • VersitUtils::RequiresEncoding() - Tests whether the specified text requires encoding.
  • VersitUtils::StripWhiteSpace()  Strips white space from the beginning and end of the specified 8-bit string.
  • VersitUtils::StripWhiteSpace()  Strips white space from the beginning and end of the specified 16-bit string.
  • VersitUtils::UncodeToNarrowL() - Converts Unicode text to 8-bit, using the specified character set converter.
  • VersitUtils::WrapLinesL() - Ensures that a buffer doesn't contain any lines longer than the specified length.

  • Wap::TAddressInfo - Encapsulates an interface name and address.

  • XCoeTextDrawer - This class serves as a smart-pointer handle to a CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived object, used for drawing user interface text.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::Alignment() - Returns the text alignment that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::ClipRect() - Return the clip rect that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::DrawDisplayOrderedText() - Low level text drawing is always performed left-to-right on the screen.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::DrawText() - Call this method to draw text contained i a TBidiText object.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::LineGapInPixels() - Returns the gap (in pixels) between lines of text.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::Margins() - Returns the text margins that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::operator->() - Deprecated.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::operator=() - Assignment operator for CCoeTextDrawerBase objects.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::SetAlignment() - Set the text alignment that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::SetClipRect() - Set the clip rect that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::SetLineGapInPixels() - Set the gap (in pixels) between lines of text.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::SetMargins() - Set the text margins that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::SetTextColor() - This method sets the main color to use by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText() to draw text.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::TextColor() - This method returns the main color used by by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
  • XCoeTextDrawer::XCoeTextDrawer() - Use this constructor to create a XCoeTextDrawer object on the stack, inside your control's Draw() method.
  • XCoeTextDrawer::~XCoeTextDrawer() - Destructor.
  • Xml::ParseL().
  • Xml::ParseL().
  • Xml::ParseL().

  • Xml::CMatchData - CMatchData class provides detailed parser information for XML framework.
  • Xml::CMatchData::MimeType() - Returns a pointer to the mime type string.
  • Xml::CMatchData::NewL() - Creates CMatchData object with its default values.
  • Xml::CMatchData::NewLC() - Creates CMatchData object with its default values.
  • Xml::CMatchData::SetCaseSensitivity() - Sets the Case Sensitivity flag.
  • Xml::CMatchData::SetLeaveOnMany() - Sets the LeaveOnManyFlag flag.
  • Xml::CMatchData::SetMimeTypeL() - Sets up a mime type attribute to a string given as an aData descriptor.
  • Xml::CMatchData::SetRomOnly() - Sets the Rom Only flag.
  • Xml::CMatchData::SetVariantL() - Sets up a variant attribute to a string given as an aVariant descriptor.
  • Xml::CMatchData::Variant() - Returns a pointer to the variant string.

  • Xml::CParser - If you need to parse xml this is the class you need to use.
  • Xml::CParser::AddPreloadedDictionaryL() - This method preloads a string dictionary prior to parsing.
  • Xml::CParser::DisableFeature() - This method disables a specific feature of the parser.
  • Xml::CParser::EnableFeature() - This method enables a specific feature of the parser.
  • Xml::CParser::IsFeatureEnabled() - This method tell whether a specific feature of the parser is enabled.
  • Xml::CParser::NewL()  This method creates a parser that is ready to parse documents of the specified mime type.
  • Xml::CParser::NewL()  This method creates the particular parser specified in CMatchData parameter.
  • Xml::CParser::NewLC()  This method is similar to NewL, but leaves the created parser on the cleanup stack.
  • Xml::CParser::NewLC()  This method creates the particular parser specified in CMatchData parameter.
  • Xml::CParser::ParseBeginL()  This method tells the parser that we're going to start parsing a document using the default mime type specified on construction.
  • Xml::CParser::ParseBeginL()  This method tells the parser that we're going to start parsing a document using the parser associated with this mime type.
  • Xml::CParser::ParseBeginL()  This method tells the parser that we're going to start parsing a document using the parser associated with given CMatchData criteria.
  • Xml::CParser::ParseEndL() - This method tells the parser that we've finished parsing the current document and should be called after calling CParser::ParseL for the final time, as this will initiate error callbacks via MContentHandler, and clean up memory where appropriate, should an error have occured during the parsing process.
  • Xml::CParser::ParseL() - This method tells the parser to parse a fragment of a document.
  • Xml::CParser::SetProcessorChainL() - This method changes the client and plugin chain.
  • Xml::CParser::StringDictionaryCollection() - This method obtains a handle to the current StringDictionaryCollection.
  • Xml::CParser::StringPool() - This method obtains a handle to the current string pool.
  • Xml::CParser::~CParser() - This method is the destructor for the object.

  • Xml::MContentHandler - This class defines the interface required by a client of the xml framework.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::GetExtendedInterface() - This method obtains the interface matching the specified uid.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnContentL() - This method is a callback that sends the content of the element.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnEndDocumentL() - This method is a callback to indicate the end of the document.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnEndElementL() - This method is a callback to indicate the end of the element has been reached.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnEndPrefixMappingL() - This method is a notification of the end of the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnError() - This method indicates an error has occurred.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL() - This method is a notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnProcessingInstructionL() - This method is a receive notification of a processing instruction.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnSkippedEntityL() - This method is a notification of a skipped entity.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnStartDocumentL() - This method is a callback to indicate the start of the document.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnStartElementL() - This method is a callback to indicate an element has been parsed.
  • Xml::MContentHandler::OnStartPrefixMappingL() - This method is a notification of the beginning of the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.

  • Xml::MWbxmlExtensionHandler - The Wbxml api extension class.
  • Xml::MWbxmlExtensionHandler::OnExtensionL() - This method is a receive notification of an extension instruction.

  • Xml::RAttribute - The RAttribute class holds an attribute's description belonging to an element.
  • Xml::RAttribute::Attribute() - This method returns a handle to the attribute's name details.
  • Xml::RAttribute::Type() - This method returns the attribute's type.
  • Xml::RAttribute::Value() - This method returns a handle to the attribute value.

  • Xml::RDocumentParameters - The RDocumentParameters class contains information about the document to be passed to the client.
  • Xml::RDocumentParameters::CharacterSetName() - This method returns a handle to the character encoding name, which is the Internet-standard name of a character set, which is identified in Symbian OS by its UID.

  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection - The RStringDictionaryCollection class holds a collection of Dictionaries requested by the user.
  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection::Close() - This method cleans up the object before destruction.
  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection::CurrentDictionaryL() - This method obtains the current string dictionary in use.
  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection::OpenDictionaryL() - This method loads the Dictionary.
  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection::OpenL() - This method opens this resource incrementing the reference count.
  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection::RStringDictionaryCollection() - Default constructor.
  • Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection::StringPool() - This method obtains a handle to the RStringPool.

  • Xml::RTagInfo - The RTagInfo class holds information that describes an element or attribute.
  • Xml::RTagInfo::LocalName() - This method obtains the LocalName member of this object.
  • Xml::RTagInfo::Prefix() - This method obtains the Prefix member of this object.
  • Xml::RTagInfo::Uri() - This method obtains the uri member of this object.
  • conn::DeserialiseL()  Extracts data from the buffer into the address specified, using either BIG or SMALL endian ordering.
  • conn::DeserialiseL()  Extracts the string from the buffer.
  • conn::IsFreeSpaceAvailableL()  This method provides an example implementation of the IsFreeSpaceAvailable operation which is used by the connectivity subsystem to prevent connect operations filling the disk/flash below a certain safety threshold.
  • conn::IsFreeSpaceAvailableL()  This method provides an example implementation of the IsFreeSpaceAvailable operation which is used by the connectivity subsystem to prevent connect operations filling the disk/flash below a certain safety threshold.
  • conn::Pack() - Packs any type into the buffer, including strings.
  • conn::PackImpl()  Calls the serialise method for strings.
  • conn::PackImpl()  Calls the serialise method for generic types.
  • conn::Serialise()  Appends data to the buffer using either BIG or LITTLE endian ordering.
  • conn::Serialise()  Stores the string into the buffer using either BIG or SMALL endian ordering.
  • conn::UnpackImplL()  Calls the deserialise method for strings.
  • conn::UnpackImplL()  Calls the deserialise method for generic types.
  • conn::UnpackL() - Unpacks any type from a buffer, including strings.

  • conn::CActiveBackupClient - CActiveBackupSession provides a connection to the Secure Backup Server for a data owning process.
  • conn::CActiveBackupClient::BURModeInfoL() - This method returns the type(s) of backup / restore operation currently active.
  • conn::CActiveBackupClient::ConfirmReadyForBURL() - This method is called to indicate to the Secure Backup Server that the data owner is ready to participate in backup or restore.
  • conn::CActiveBackupClient::DoesPartialBURAffectMeL() - This method can be called when a partial backup or restore is active and will indicate whether the calling process is expected to take part.
  • conn::CActiveBackupClient::NewL()  This method creates a CActiveBackupSession, connects to the Secure Backup Server and does not wish to be called back so does not supply an implementation of MActiveBackupDataClient.
  • conn::CActiveBackupClient::NewL()  This method creates a CActiveBackupSession, connects to the Secure Backup Server and supplies a pointer to a MActiveBackupDataClient implementation.
  • conn::CActiveBackupClient::~CActiveBackupClient() - Standard destructor.

  • conn::CClientSocket - The client socket wrapper.
  • conn::CClientSocket::CommandArray()  Returns a const handle to the command array.
  • conn::CClientSocket::CommandArray()  Returns a handle to the command array.
  • conn::CClientSocket::ConstructL() - Creates an instance of CClientSocketImpl, the client socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::HandleSocketError() - Handles a socket error.
  • conn::CClientSocket::NewL() - Static factory method (two phase construction).
  • conn::CClientSocket::Receive() - Starts a receive operation.
  • conn::CClientSocket::ReceiveCompleteL() - Called when a message chunk has been received on the socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::RemoveCommand() - Removes a command from the socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::Send() - Sends a message to the socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::SendCompleteL() - Called when a message chunk has been sent to the socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::Socket()  Returns a const handle to the client socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::Socket()  Returns a handle to the client socket.
  • conn::CClientSocket::~CClientSocket() - Class destructor.

  • conn::CCommand - A client command.
  • conn::CCommand::CCommand() - The class constructor.
  • conn::CCommand::Message()  Returns a reference to the CMessage pointer.
  • conn::CCommand::Message()  Returns a const reference to the CMessage pointer.
  • conn::CCommand::NewMessageReceived() - Called by the client socket when a new message is received.
  • conn::CCommand::SendCompleteL() - The reply message has been sent, by default the command deletes itself in this method.
  • conn::CCommand::SendResponse() - Sends a response message to the client via the connected socket.
  • conn::CCommand::Socket() - Returns a pointer to the client socket.
  • conn::CCommand::SocketClosing() - Socket closing, need to delete self.
  • conn::CCommand::TakeOwnershipOfMessage() - Takes ownership of the message passed in.
  • conn::CCommand::~CCommand() - Class destructor.

  • conn::CMessage - The message class.
  • conn::CMessage::Append() - Appends aData to the data trailer.
  • conn::CMessage::CMessage() - Class constructor.
  • conn::CMessage::ConstructL() - Constructs the message.
  • conn::CMessage::Data() - Gives writable access to the data.
  • conn::CMessage::DataBuf()  Returns a pointer reference to the body data.
  • conn::CMessage::DataBuf()  Returns a const pointer reference to the body data.
  • conn::CMessage::DataPtr()  Returns the current pointer to the message body data.
  • conn::CMessage::DataPtr()  Returns the current pointer to the message body data.
  • conn::CMessage::Endian() - Returns the endianess as defined in serialise.h, by default this is big endian.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractDataL() - Extracts raw data from a message and returns a HBufC8 pointer to it.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractL()  Extracts aData from the data trailer.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractL()  Extracts a string from the data buffer, and returns it.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractLC() - Extracts a string from the data buffer, and returns it.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractRawDataBlockL() - Extracts a raw data block from a message and returns a HBufC8 pointer to it and is not left on the cleanup stack.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractRawDataBlockLC() - Extracts a raw data block from a message and returns a HBufC8 pointer to it.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractRawDataL() - Extracts raw data from the data buffer, it returns a pointer to the start of the data.
  • conn::CMessage::ExtractWithRawLenPrefixLC() - Extracts a unicode string which is prefixed by its size in bytes from the data buffer, and returns it.
  • conn::CMessage::Header()  Returns a reference to the message header pointer.
  • conn::CMessage::Header()  Returns a const referenct to the message header pointer.
  • conn::CMessage::IsReceiveComplete() - Returns true if the state is EReceiveComplete, false otherwise.
  • conn::CMessage::IsSendComplete() - Signals that data has been successfully sent.
  • conn::CMessage::Length() - Getter for the length of the messgae body.
  • conn::CMessage::NewL() - The factory method.
  • conn::CMessage::PeekL() - Peeks aData from the data trailer.
  • conn::CMessage::Receive() - Signals that we are in the receving phase, this is true until Reset() is called.
  • conn::CMessage::ReceiveCompleteL() - Data has been received by the socket.
  • conn::CMessage::Reset() - Set the state to null and reset the data buffer.
  • conn::CMessage::Send() - Signals that we are sending data, starting with the header.
  • conn::CMessage::SendCompleteL() - Data has been sent by the socket.
  • conn::CMessage::State()  Returns a reference to the state of the message.
  • conn::CMessage::State()  Returns a const reference to the state of the message.
  • conn::CMessage::~CMessage() - The class destructor, delete the data buffer.

  • conn::CServerSocket - The server socket wrapper.
  • conn::CServerSocket::Cancel() - Stops listening on the server socket.
  • conn::CServerSocket::IsActive() - Returns true if the server socket is listening, false otherwise.
  • conn::CServerSocket::NewL() - Static factory method (two phase construction).
  • conn::CServerSocket::StartL() - Starts listening on the server socket.
  • conn::CServerSocket::~CServerSocket() - Class destructor, deletes the implementation.

  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient - MActiveBackupDataClient is a Mixin to be implemented by an Active Backup client.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::AllSnapshotsSuppliedL() - This method informs the active backup data client that all snapshots have been supplied.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::GetBackupDataSectionL() - This method requests a section of backup data.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::GetDataChecksum() - Gets a 32-bit checksum for its private data.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::GetExpectedDataSize() - This method returns the expected size of backup data that will be supplied.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::GetExtendedInterface() - Gets an extended interface based on a supplied uid.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::GetSnapshotDataL() - This method returns a snapshot of data to accompany a backup.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseGetBackupDataL() - This method prepares the implementor to return backup data.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL() - This method prepares the implementor to return backup data on behalf of another data owner.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL() - This method prepares the implementor to receive base restore data for a drive.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL() - This method prepares the implementor to receive incremental restore data for a drive.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL() - This method prepares the implementor to receive base restore data for another data owner for a drive.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::ReceiveSnapshotDataL() - This method receives all or part of a snapshot of data to allow calculation of an incremental backup.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::RestoreBaseDataSectionL() - This method receives a section of base restore data.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::RestoreComplete() - This method is called when all data to be restored has been supplied.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::RestoreIncrementDataSectionL() - This method receives a section of increment restore data.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::TerminateMultiStageOperation() - This method is called if copying of data is terminated prematurely to allow the implementor to tidy up.
  • conn::MActiveBackupDataClient::~MActiveBackupDataClient() - Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks.

  • conn::MCommand - A client command.
  • conn::MCommand::ExecuteLD() - Executes the command, called by the client socket when the command has been created, or after an observer command has captured a message.
  • conn::MCommand::NewMessageReceived() - Called by the client socket when a receive operation has completed, it gives observers (i.e.
  • conn::MCommand::SendCompleteL() - Called when a send operation has completed.
  • conn::MCommand::SendErrorMessage() - Sends an error message to the remote client.
  • conn::MCommand::SocketClosing() - Called when the socket is closing.
  • conn::MCommand::TakeOwnershipOfMessage() - Pure virtual function to be implemented in order to take ownership of the message.
  • conn::MCommand::~MCommand() - Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks.

  • conn::MFactory - The command factory.
  • conn::MFactory::NewClientL() - Creates an instance of the client socket.
  • conn::MFactory::NewCommandL() - Creates and returns a new command.
  • conn::MFactory::NewMessageL() - Creates and returns a new message.
  • conn::MFactory::~MFactory() - Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks.

  • conn::MHeader - The message header.
  • conn::MHeader::BodyLength() - Returns the length of the message body.
  • conn::MHeader::MaxBodyLength() - Returns the maximum allowed length of the message body.
  • conn::MHeader::PrepareToWrite() - The header should get ready to send data, i.e.
  • conn::MHeader::ReadL() - The header is notified when the read operation completes, the number of bytes that have been received is passed as a parameter.
  • conn::MHeader::ReadPtr() - The pointer for reading data from the socket The buffer returned can be partially filled.
  • conn::MHeader::Reset() - The current send or read operation is aborted.
  • conn::MHeader::SetBodyLength() - Sets the length of the message body, called by CMessage immediately before calling PrepareToWrite().
  • conn::MHeader::WritePtr() - The pointer for writing data to the socket, data will be written up to the current length of this buffer.
  • conn::MHeader::~MHeader() - Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks.

  • conn::MMessage - The message class.
  • conn::MMessage::Data() - This returns a pointer to the next data to be sent.
  • conn::MMessage::IsReceiveComplete() - Returns true if the whole receive operation (header and body) has completed.
  • conn::MMessage::IsSendComplete() - Returns true if the whole send operation (header and body) has completed.
  • conn::MMessage::Receive() - Initiates or resumes a receive operation.
  • conn::MMessage::ReceiveCompleteL() - Called when a previous receive has completed.
  • conn::MMessage::Reset() - Resets an ongoing send or receive operation.
  • conn::MMessage::Send() - Initiates or resumes a send operation (header and body).
  • conn::MMessage::SendCompleteL() - A partial send has completed.
  • conn::MMessage::~MMessage() - Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks.

  • conn::MServerSocketObserver - The observer of the server socket, gets notified of events relative to the server socket.
  • conn::MServerSocketObserver::ServerSocketStoppedDueToErr() - Called when the server socket is stopping due to an error.

  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient - Client-side API for the Symbian Connect Service Broker.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::Connect() - Connects the handle to the service.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::Disconnect() - Detaches from the service.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::FailedToStart() - Communicates to the named service server that the specified service failed the startup procedure.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::RegisterPort() - Registers the port number corresponding to the specified service name.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::RServiceBrokerClient() - Class constructor.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::StopServer() - Works only in DEBUG builds, in RELEASE builds the server does not take action of this command, intended for debugging purposes.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::Version() - Getter method for the version of the Service Broker client API.
  • conn::RServiceBrokerClient::~RServiceBrokerClient() - Class default destructor.

  • conn::TFreeSpaceCache - This class is used to store a cache of the previous results of an IsFreeSpaceAvailable operation within a component which may call IsFreeSpaceAvailable again.

  • conn::TServerInfo - Stores information regarding the server socket.
  • conn::TServerInfo::TServerInfo() - Class constructor, initialises data members.