► actions | |
attack.cpp | Fighting |
attack.hpp | Various functions that implement attacks and attack calculations |
create.cpp | Recruiting, recalling |
create.hpp | Various functions related to the creation of units (recruits, recalls, and placed units) |
heal.cpp | Healing (at start of side turn) |
heal.hpp | Various functions that implement healing of units (when a side turn starts) |
move.cpp | Movement |
move.hpp | Various functions related to moving units |
shroud_clearing_action.cpp | |
shroud_clearing_action.hpp | |
undo.cpp | Undoing, redoing |
undo.hpp | Various functions that implement the undoing (and redoing) of in-game commands |
undo_action.cpp | |
undo_action.hpp | |
undo_dismiss_action.cpp | |
undo_dismiss_action.hpp | |
undo_move_action.cpp | |
undo_move_action.hpp | |
undo_recall_action.cpp | |
undo_recall_action.hpp | |
undo_recruit_action.cpp | |
undo_recruit_action.hpp | |
undo_update_shroud_action.cpp | |
undo_update_shroud_action.hpp | |
unit_creator.cpp | Recruiting, recalling |
unit_creator.hpp | Various functions related to the creation of units (recruits, recalls, and placed units) |
vision.cpp | Sighting |
vision.hpp | Various functions implementing vision (through fog of war and shroud) |
► addon | |
client.cpp | |
client.hpp | |
info.cpp | |
info.hpp | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.hpp | |
manager_ui.cpp | |
manager_ui.hpp | |
state.cpp | |
state.hpp | |
validation.cpp | |
validation.hpp | |
► ai | |
► composite | |
ai.cpp | Composite AI with turn sequence which is a vector of stages |
ai.hpp | Composite AI with turn sequence which is a vector of stages |
aspect.cpp | |
aspect.hpp | |
component.cpp | Composite AI component |
component.hpp | A component of the AI framework |
contexts.cpp | Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side This is part of AI interface |
contexts.hpp | Composite AI contexts |
engine.cpp | AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
engine.hpp | AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
goal.cpp | |
goal.hpp | |
property_handler.hpp | Composite AI component |
rca.cpp | Candidate actions framework |
rca.hpp | Candidate action framework |
stage.cpp | Stage of a composite AI |
stage.hpp | Composite AI stages |
value_translator.hpp | |
► default | |
aspect_attacks.cpp | Stage: fallback to other AI |
aspect_attacks.hpp | Aspect: attacks |
attack.cpp | Calculate & analyze attacks of the default ai |
ca.cpp | Default AI (Testing) |
ca.hpp | Default AI (Testing) |
ca_move_to_targets.cpp | Strategic movement routine, taken from default AI |
ca_move_to_targets.hpp | Strategic movement routine, for experimentation |
contexts.cpp | Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side This is part of AI interface |
contexts.hpp | Default AI contexts |
engine_cpp.cpp | CPP AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
engine_cpp.hpp | CPP AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
recruitment.cpp | Recruitment Engine by flix See http://wiki.wesnoth.org/AI_Recruitment |
recruitment.hpp | Recruitment Engine by flix See http://wiki.wesnoth.org/AI_Recruitment |
stage_rca.cpp | Candidate actions evaluator |
stage_rca.hpp | Candidate action evaluator |
► formula | |
ai.cpp | Defines formula ai candidate actions - headers |
ai.hpp | Defines formula ai |
callable_objects.cpp | |
callable_objects.hpp | |
candidates.cpp | Defines formula ai candidate actions |
candidates.hpp | Defines formula ai candidate actions - headers |
engine_fai.cpp | FAI AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
engine_fai.hpp | FAI AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
function_table.cpp | |
function_table.hpp | |
stage_side_formulas.cpp | Defines formula ai side formulas stage |
stage_side_formulas.hpp | Stage which executes side formulas |
stage_unit_formulas.cpp | Defines formula ai unit formulas stage |
stage_unit_formulas.hpp | Stage which executes unit formulas |
► lua | |
aspect_advancements.cpp | |
aspect_advancements.hpp | |
core.cpp | Provides core classes for the Lua AI |
core.hpp | |
engine_lua.cpp | LUA AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
engine_lua.hpp | LUA AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config |
lua_object.cpp | Lua object(code) wrapper implementation |
lua_object.hpp | Lua object(value) wrapper implementation |
actions.cpp | Managing the AI-Game interaction - AI actions and their results |
actions.hpp | Managing the AI-Game interaction - AI actions and their results |
configuration.cpp | Managing the AI configuration |
configuration.hpp | Managing the AIs configuration - headers |
contexts.cpp | Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side This is part of AI interface |
contexts.hpp | Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side this is part of AI interface |
game_info.cpp | Base class for the AI and AI-ai::manager contract |
game_info.hpp | Game information for the AI |
gamestate_observer.cpp | Base gamestate observer - useful to see if the gamestate has changed between two points of time |
gamestate_observer.hpp | A helper class to observe the game state |
manager.cpp | Managing the AI lifecycle and interface for the rest of Wesnoth |
manager.hpp | Managing the AIs lifecycle - headers |
registry.cpp | All known c++ AI parts |
registry.hpp | All known AI parts |
simulated_actions.cpp | Implement simulated actions |
simulated_actions.hpp | Implement simulated actions |
testing.cpp | Gather statistics important for AI testing and output them |
testing.hpp | Gather statistics important for AI testing and output them |
► campaign_server | |
addon_utils.cpp | |
addon_utils.hpp | |
blacklist.cpp | |
blacklist.hpp | |
campaign_server.cpp | Wesnoth addon server |
campaign_server.hpp | |
control.hpp | |
► desktop | |
apple_notification.hpp | |
apple_notification.mm | |
clipboard.cpp | |
clipboard.hpp | |
dbus_notification.cpp | |
dbus_notification.hpp | |
notifications.cpp | |
notifications.hpp | |
open.cpp | |
open.hpp | Desktop environment interaction functions |
version.cpp | |
version.hpp | Platform identification and version information functions |
windows_tray_notification.cpp | |
windows_tray_notification.hpp | |
► doc | |
► doxygen | |
doxygen.cpp | Text and HTML-code for the startpage of the doxygen-documentation |
► editor | |
► action | |
► mouse | |
mouse_action.cpp | |
mouse_action.hpp | |
mouse_action_item.cpp | |
mouse_action_item.hpp | |
mouse_action_map_label.cpp | |
mouse_action_map_label.hpp | |
mouse_action_select.cpp | |
mouse_action_select.hpp | |
mouse_action_unit.cpp | |
mouse_action_unit.hpp | |
mouse_action_village.cpp | |
mouse_action_village.hpp | |
action.cpp | Editor action classes |
action.hpp | Editor action classes |
action_base.hpp | Base class for editor actions |
action_item.cpp | Editor item action class |
action_item.hpp | Editor action classes |
action_label.cpp | Editor label action classes |
action_label.hpp | Editor action classes |
action_select.cpp | Editor label action classes |
action_select.hpp | Editor action classes |
action_unit.cpp | Editor unit action class |
action_unit.hpp | Editor action classes |
action_village.cpp | Editor label action classes |
action_village.hpp | Editor action classes |
► controller | |
editor_controller.cpp | |
editor_controller.hpp | |
► map | |
context_manager.cpp | |
context_manager.hpp | |
editor_map.cpp | |
editor_map.hpp | |
map_context.cpp | |
map_context.hpp | |
map_fragment.cpp | |
map_fragment.hpp | |
► palette | |
common_palette.hpp | |
editor_palettes.cpp | |
editor_palettes.hpp | |
empty_palette.hpp | |
item_palette.cpp | |
item_palette.hpp | |
location_palette.cpp | |
location_palette.hpp | |
palette_manager.cpp | |
palette_manager.hpp | |
terrain_palettes.cpp | |
terrain_palettes.hpp | |
tristate_button.cpp | |
tristate_button.hpp | |
unit_palette.cpp | |
unit_palette.hpp | |
► toolkit | |
brush.cpp | |
brush.hpp | |
editor_toolkit.cpp | |
editor_toolkit.hpp | |
editor_common.hpp | Main (common) editor header |
editor_display.cpp | |
editor_display.hpp | |
editor_main.cpp | |
editor_main.hpp | |
editor_preferences.cpp | |
editor_preferences.hpp | |
► formula | |
callable.hpp | |
callable_fwd.hpp | |
callable_objects.cpp | |
callable_objects.hpp | |
debugger.cpp | Formula debugger - implementation |
debugger.hpp | Formula AI debugger |
debugger_fwd.cpp | Formula debugger - forward declaration and add_debug_info static function |
debugger_fwd.hpp | Formula AI debugger, forward |
formula.cpp | |
formula.hpp | |
formula_fwd.hpp | |
function.cpp | |
function.hpp | |
string_utils.cpp | |
string_utils.hpp | |
tokenizer.cpp | |
tokenizer.hpp | |
variant.cpp | |
variant.hpp | |
► game_events | |
action_wml.cpp | Implementations of action WML tags, other than those implemented in Lua, and excluding conditional action WML |
action_wml.hpp | Define actions for the game's events mechanism |
conditional_wml.cpp | Implementations of conditional action WML tags |
conditional_wml.hpp | Define conditionals for the game's events mechanism, a.k.a |
entity_location.cpp | The structure that tracks WML event locations |
entity_location.hpp | Define locations as used by the game's events mechanism |
handlers.cpp | The structure that tracks WML event handlers |
handlers.hpp | Define the handlers for the game's events mechanism |
manager.cpp | |
manager.hpp | |
manager_impl.cpp | |
manager_impl.hpp | |
menu_item.cpp | Definitions for a class that implements WML-defined (right-click) menu items |
menu_item.hpp | Declarations for a class that implements WML-defined (right-click) menu items |
pump.cpp | Handles the current state of WML-events |
pump.hpp | Define the game's event mechanism |
wmi_container.cpp | Definitions for a container for wml_menu_item |
wmi_container.hpp | Declarations for a container for wml_menu_item |
► game_initialization | |
configure_engine.cpp | |
configure_engine.hpp | |
connect_engine.cpp | |
connect_engine.hpp | |
create_engine.cpp | |
create_engine.hpp | |
depcheck.cpp | |
depcheck.hpp | |
flg_manager.cpp | |
flg_manager.hpp | |
lobby_reload_request_exception.hpp | |
mp_game_utils.cpp | |
mp_game_utils.hpp | |
mp_options.cpp | |
mp_options.hpp | |
multiplayer.cpp | |
multiplayer.hpp | -file mapgen.hpp |
multiplayer_configure.cpp | |
multiplayer_configure.hpp | |
multiplayer_connect.cpp | Prepare to join a multiplayer-game |
multiplayer_connect.hpp | |
multiplayer_create.cpp | Create a multiplayer-game: select map, players, options etc |
multiplayer_create.hpp | |
multiplayer_lobby.cpp | A section on the server where players can chat, create and join games |
multiplayer_lobby.hpp | |
multiplayer_ui.cpp | |
multiplayer_ui.hpp | |
multiplayer_wait.cpp | |
multiplayer_wait.hpp | |
playcampaign.cpp | Controls setup, play, (auto)save and replay of campaigns |
playcampaign.hpp | |
singleplayer.cpp | |
singleplayer.hpp | |
► generators | |
cave_map_generator.cpp | Map-generator for caves |
cave_map_generator.hpp | |
default_map_generator.cpp | |
default_map_generator.hpp | |
default_map_generator_job.cpp | Map-generator, with standalone testprogram |
default_map_generator_job.hpp | |
lua_map_generator.cpp | |
lua_map_generator.hpp | |
map_create.cpp | |
map_create.hpp | |
map_generator.cpp | Map-generator, with standalone testprogram |
map_generator.hpp | |
► gui | |
► auxiliary | |
► iterator | |
exception.hpp | Contains the exceptions throw by the gui2::iterator::titerator classes |
iterator.cpp | |
iterator.hpp | Contains the base iterator class for the gui2 widgets |
policy_order.hpp | |
policy_visit.hpp | |
walker.hpp | |
walker_grid.cpp | |
walker_grid.hpp | |
walker_widget.cpp | |
walker_widget.hpp | |
field-fwd.hpp | Contains all forward declarations for field.hpp |
field.hpp | Implements some helper classes to ease adding fields to a dialog and hide the synchronization needed |
filter.hpp | Define the common filters for the gui2::tpane class |
find_widget.hpp | |
formula.hpp | |
old_markup.cpp | |
old_markup.hpp | |
► core | |
► event | |
dispatcher.cpp | |
dispatcher.hpp | |
dispatcher_private.hpp | |
distributor.cpp | |
distributor.hpp | Contains the event distributor |
handler.cpp | |
handler.hpp | |
message.hpp | This file contains the defintions for the gui2::event::tmessage class |
► placer | |
horizontal_list.cpp | |
horizontal_list.hpp | Placement helper for the horizontal list |
vertical_list.cpp | |
vertical_list.hpp | Placement helper for the vertical list |
► window_builder | |
helper.cpp | |
helper.hpp | |
instance.cpp | |
instance.hpp | |
canvas.cpp | Implementation of canvas.hpp |
canvas.hpp | This file contains the canvas object which is the part where the widgets draw (temporally) images on |
layout_exception.hpp | Defines the exception classes for the layout algorithm |
log.cpp | Define the loggers for the gui toolkit |
log.hpp | Define the common log macros for the gui toolkit |
notifiee.hpp | |
notifier.hpp | |
placer.cpp | |
placer.hpp | Base class for the placement helper |
point.cpp | |
point.hpp | |
register_widget.hpp | |
timer.cpp | |
timer.hpp | Contains the gui2 timer routines |
tips.cpp | |
tips.hpp | |
widget_definition.cpp | |
widget_definition.hpp | |
window_builder.cpp | |
window_builder.hpp | |
► dialogs | |
► addon | |
connect.cpp | |
connect.hpp | |
description.cpp | |
description.hpp | |
filter_options.cpp | |
filter_options.hpp | |
list.cpp | |
list.hpp | |
uninstall_list.cpp | |
uninstall_list.hpp | |
► editor | |
custom_tod.cpp | |
custom_tod.hpp | |
edit_label.cpp | |
edit_label.hpp | |
edit_scenario.cpp | |
edit_scenario.hpp | |
edit_side.cpp | |
edit_side.hpp | |
generate_map.cpp | |
generate_map.hpp | |
new_map.cpp | |
new_map.hpp | |
resize_map.cpp | |
resize_map.hpp | |
set_starting_position.cpp | |
set_starting_position.hpp | |
► lobby | |
data.cpp | |
data.hpp | |
info.cpp | |
info.hpp | |
lobby.cpp | |
lobby.hpp | |
player_info.cpp | |
player_info.hpp | |
► multiplayer | |
mp_alerts_options.cpp | |
mp_alerts_options.hpp | |
mp_change_control.cpp | |
mp_change_control.hpp | |
mp_cmd_wrapper.cpp | |
mp_cmd_wrapper.hpp | |
mp_connect.cpp | |
mp_connect.hpp | |
mp_create_game.cpp | |
mp_create_game.hpp | |
mp_create_game_set_password.cpp | |
mp_create_game_set_password.hpp | |
mp_host_game_prompt.cpp | |
mp_host_game_prompt.hpp | |
mp_join_game_password_prompt.cpp | |
mp_join_game_password_prompt.hpp | |
mp_login.cpp | |
mp_login.hpp | |
mp_method_selection.cpp | |
mp_method_selection.hpp | |
synced_choice_wait.cpp | |
synced_choice_wait.hpp | |
advanced_graphics_options.cpp | |
advanced_graphics_options.hpp | |
campaign_difficulty.cpp | |
campaign_difficulty.hpp | |
campaign_selection.cpp | |
campaign_selection.hpp | |
campaign_settings.cpp | |
campaign_settings.hpp | |
chat_log.cpp | |
chat_log.hpp | |
core_selection.cpp | |
core_selection.hpp | |
debug_clock.cpp | |
debug_clock.hpp | |
depcheck_confirm_change.cpp | |
depcheck_confirm_change.hpp | |
depcheck_select_new.cpp | |
depcheck_select_new.hpp | |
dialog.cpp | |
dialog.hpp | |
drop_down_list.cpp | |
drop_down_list.hpp | |
edit_label.cpp | |
edit_label.hpp | |
edit_text.cpp | |
edit_text.hpp | |
folder_create.cpp | |
folder_create.hpp | |
formula_debugger.cpp | |
formula_debugger.hpp | |
game_cache_options.cpp | |
game_cache_options.hpp | |
game_delete.cpp | |
game_delete.hpp | |
game_load.cpp | |
game_load.hpp | |
game_save.cpp | |
game_save.hpp | |
game_version.cpp | |
game_version.hpp | |
gamestate_inspector.cpp | |
gamestate_inspector.hpp | |
helper.hpp | |
label_settings.cpp | |
label_settings.hpp | |
language_selection.cpp | |
language_selection.hpp | |
loadscreen.cpp | Screen with logo and loading status info during program-startup |
loadscreen.hpp | |
logging.cpp | |
logging.hpp | |
lua_interpreter.cpp | |
lua_interpreter.hpp | |
message.cpp | |
message.hpp | |
network_transmission.cpp | |
network_transmission.hpp | |
popup.cpp | |
popup.hpp | |
preferences_dialog.cpp | |
preferences_dialog.hpp | |
screenshot_notification.cpp | |
screenshot_notification.hpp | |
select_orb_colors.cpp | |
select_orb_colors.hpp | |
simple_item_selector.cpp | |
simple_item_selector.hpp | |
theme_list.cpp | |
theme_list.hpp | |
tip.cpp | |
tip.hpp | |
title_screen.cpp | |
title_screen.hpp | |
transient_message.cpp | |
transient_message.hpp | |
unit_attack.cpp | |
unit_attack.hpp | |
unit_create.cpp | |
unit_create.hpp | |
unit_recruit.cpp | |
unit_recruit.hpp | |
wml_error.cpp | |
wml_error.hpp | |
wml_message.cpp | |
wml_message.hpp | |
► widgets | |
button.cpp | |
button.hpp | |
clickable.hpp | |
combobox.cpp | |
combobox.hpp | |
container.cpp | |
container.hpp | |
control.cpp | |
control.hpp | |
debug.cpp | |
debug.hpp | |
drawing.cpp | |
drawing.hpp | |
event_executor.hpp | |
generator.cpp | |
generator.hpp | |
generator_private.hpp | |
grid.cpp | |
grid.hpp | |
grid_private.hpp | Helper for header for the grid |
group.hpp | |
helper.cpp | |
helper.hpp | |
horizontal_scrollbar.cpp | |
horizontal_scrollbar.hpp | |
image.cpp | |
image.hpp | |
integer_selector.hpp | |
label.cpp | |
label.hpp | |
list.cpp | |
list.hpp | |
listbox.cpp | |
listbox.hpp | |
matrix.cpp | |
matrix.hpp | |
minimap.cpp | |
minimap.hpp | |
multi_page.cpp | |
multi_page.hpp | |
pane.cpp | |
pane.hpp | |
panel.cpp | |
panel.hpp | |
password_box.cpp | |
password_box.hpp | |
progress_bar.cpp | |
progress_bar.hpp | |
repeating_button.cpp | |
repeating_button.hpp | |
scroll_label.cpp | |
scroll_label.hpp | |
scrollbar.cpp | |
scrollbar.hpp | |
scrollbar_container.cpp | |
scrollbar_container.hpp | |
scrollbar_container_private.hpp | Helper for header for the scrollbar_container |
scrollbar_panel.cpp | |
scrollbar_panel.hpp | |
selectable.hpp | |
settings.cpp | Implementation of settings.hpp |
settings.hpp | This file contains the settings handling of the widget library |
slider.cpp | |
slider.hpp | |
spacer.cpp | |
spacer.hpp | |
stacked_widget.cpp | |
stacked_widget.hpp | |
text.cpp | |
text.hpp | |
text_box.cpp | |
text_box.hpp | |
toggle_button.cpp | |
toggle_button.hpp | |
toggle_panel.cpp | |
toggle_panel.hpp | |
tree_view.cpp | |
tree_view.hpp | |
tree_view_node.cpp | |
tree_view_node.hpp | |
unit_preview_pane.cpp | |
unit_preview_pane.hpp | |
vertical_scrollbar.cpp | |
vertical_scrollbar.hpp | |
viewport.cpp | |
viewport.hpp | |
widget.cpp | |
widget.hpp | |
window.cpp | Implementation of window.hpp |
window.hpp | This file contains the window object, this object is a top level container which has the event management as well |
window_private.hpp | Helper for header for the window |
► help | |
help.cpp | Routines for showing the help-dialog |
help.hpp | |
help_browser.cpp | |
help_browser.hpp | |
help_button.cpp | |
help_button.hpp | |
help_impl.cpp | |
help_impl.hpp | |
help_menu.cpp | |
help_menu.hpp | |
help_text_area.cpp | |
help_text_area.hpp | |
help_topic_generators.cpp | |
help_topic_generators.hpp | |
► hotkey | |
command_executor.cpp | |
command_executor.hpp | |
hotkey_command.cpp | |
hotkey_command.hpp | |
hotkey_handler.cpp | |
hotkey_handler.hpp | This file implements all the hotkey handling and menu details for play controller |
hotkey_handler_mp.cpp | |
hotkey_handler_mp.hpp | An extension of playsingle_controller::hotkey_handler, which has support for MP wesnoth features like network traffic |
hotkey_handler_sp.cpp | |
hotkey_handler_sp.hpp | An extension of play_controller::hotkey_handler, which has support for SP wesnoth features like whiteboard, end turn, etc |
hotkey_item.cpp | |
hotkey_item.hpp | |
hotkey_manager.cpp | |
hotkey_manager.hpp | |
hotkey_preferences_display.cpp | Manages the hotkey bindings |
► lua | |
lapi.cpp | |
lapi.h | |
lauxlib.cpp | |
lauxlib.h | |
lbaselib.cpp | |
lbitlib.cpp | |
lcode.cpp | |
lcode.h | |
lcorolib.cpp | |
lctype.cpp | |
lctype.h | |
ldblib.cpp | |
ldebug.cpp | |
ldebug.h | |
ldo.cpp | |
ldo.h | |
ldump.cpp | |
lfunc.cpp | |
lfunc.h | |
lgc.cpp | |
lgc.h | |
linit.cpp | |
liolib.cpp | |
llex.cpp | |
llex.h | |
llimits.h | |
lmathlib.cpp | |
lmem.cpp | |
lmem.h | |
loadlib.cpp | |
lobject.cpp | |
lobject.h | |
lopcodes.cpp | |
lopcodes.h | |
loslib.cpp | |
lparser.cpp | |
lparser.h | |
lstate.cpp | |
lstate.h | |
lstring.cpp | |
lstring.h | |
lstrlib.cpp | |
ltable.cpp | |
ltable.h | |
ltablib.cpp | |
ltm.cpp | |
ltm.h | |
lua.cpp | |
lua.h | |
lua.hpp | |
luac.cpp | |
luaconf.h | |
lualib.h | |
lundump.cpp | |
lundump.h | |
lvm.cpp | |
lvm.h | |
lzio.cpp | |
lzio.h | |
► map | |
exception.hpp | |
label.cpp | |
label.hpp | |
location.cpp | Routines related to game-maps, terrain, locations, directions |
location.hpp | |
map.cpp | Routines related to game-maps, terrain, locations, directions |
map.hpp | |
► nacl | |
dir_list.h | |
file_list.h | |
pack_list.h | |
plugin.cc | |
► pathfind | |
astarsearch.cpp | |
pathfind.cpp | Various pathfinding functions and utilities |
pathfind.hpp | This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities |
teleport.cpp | |
teleport.hpp | |
► scripting | |
► plugins | |
context.cpp | |
context.hpp | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.hpp | |
application_lua_kernel.cpp | Provides a Lua interpreter, to drive the game_controller |
application_lua_kernel.hpp | |
debug_lua.cpp | |
debug_lua.hpp | |
game_lua_kernel.cpp | Provides a Lua interpreter, to be embedded in WML |
game_lua_kernel.hpp | |
lua_api.cpp | |
lua_api.hpp | |
lua_common.cpp | Contains code common to the application and game lua kernels which cannot or should not go into the lua kernel base files |
lua_common.hpp | |
lua_cpp_function.cpp | |
lua_cpp_function.hpp | |
lua_fileops.cpp | |
lua_fileops.hpp | |
lua_formula_bridge.cpp | |
lua_formula_bridge.hpp | |
lua_gui2.cpp | |
lua_gui2.hpp | |
lua_kernel_base.cpp | |
lua_kernel_base.hpp | |
lua_map_location_ops.cpp | |
lua_map_location_ops.hpp | |
lua_pathfind_cost_calculator.hpp | |
lua_race.cpp | |
lua_race.hpp | |
lua_rng.cpp | |
lua_rng.hpp | |
lua_team.cpp | |
lua_team.hpp | |
lua_types.cpp | |
lua_types.hpp | |
lua_unit_type.cpp | |
lua_unit_type.hpp | |
mapgen_lua_kernel.cpp | |
mapgen_lua_kernel.hpp | |
push_check.hpp | |
► sdl | |
alpha.cpp | |
alpha.hpp | Compatibility layer for using SDL 1.2 and 2.0 |
compat.hpp | Compatibility layer for using SDL 1.2 and 2.0 |
exception.cpp | |
exception.hpp | Contains a basic exception class for SDL operations |
gpu.hpp | |
image.cpp | |
image.hpp | Contains a wrapper class for the GPU_Image class |
rect.cpp | |
rect.hpp | Contains the SDL_Rect helper code |
shader.cpp | |
shader.hpp | |
utils.cpp | Support-routines for the SDL-graphics-library |
utils.hpp | |
window.cpp | |
window.hpp | Contains a wrapper class for the SDL_Window class |
► SDL_gpu | |
► SDL_gpu | |
► externals | |
► glew | |
glew.c | |
glew.h | |
glxew.h | |
wglew.h | |
► stb_image | |
stb_image.c | |
stb_image.h | |
stb_image_write.c | |
stb_image_write.h | |
► GL_common | |
SDL_gpu_GL_common.inl | |
SDL_gpu_GL_matrix.c | |
SDL_gpu_GL_matrix.h | |
SDL_gpuShapes_GL_common.inl | |
► GLES_1 | |
SDL_gpu_GLES_1.c | |
SDL_gpu_GLES_1.h | |
► GLES_2 | |
SDL_gpu_GLES_2.c | |
SDL_gpu_GLES_2.h | |
► OpenGL_1 | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_1.c | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_1.h | |
► OpenGL_1_BASE | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_1_BASE.c | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_1_BASE.h | |
► OpenGL_2 | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_2.c | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_2.h | |
► OpenGL_3 | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_3.c | |
SDL_gpu_OpenGL_3.h | |
SDL_gpu.c | |
SDL_gpu.h | |
SDL_gpu_Renderer.c | |
SDL_gpuShapes.c | |
► SDL_SavePNG | |
savepng.cpp | |
savepng.h | |
► serialization | |
binary_or_text.cpp | Read/Write file in binary (compressed) or text-format (uncompressed) |
binary_or_text.hpp | |
compression.hpp | |
parser.cpp | Read/Write & analyze WML- and config-files |
parser.hpp | |
preprocessor.cpp | WML preprocessor |
preprocessor.hpp | |
schema_validator.cpp | |
schema_validator.hpp | One of the realizations of serialization/validator.hpp abstract validator |
string_utils.cpp | Various string-routines |
string_utils.hpp | |
tokenizer.cpp | |
tokenizer.hpp | |
ucs4_convert_impl.hpp | |
ucs4_iterator_base.hpp | |
unicode.cpp | Unicode support functions |
unicode.hpp | |
unicode_cast.hpp | |
unicode_types.hpp | |
validator.cpp | |
validator.hpp | This file contains information about validation abstract level interface |
► server | |
ban.cpp | |
ban.hpp | |
forum_user_handler.cpp | |
forum_user_handler.hpp | |
game.cpp | |
game.hpp | -file actions.hpp |
input_stream.cpp | |
input_stream.hpp | |
metrics.cpp | Various server-statistics |
metrics.hpp | |
player.cpp | |
player.hpp | |
player_connection.cpp | |
player_connection.hpp | |
player_network.cpp | |
player_network.hpp | |
room.cpp | |
room.hpp | |
room_manager.cpp | |
room_manager.hpp | |
sample_user_handler.cpp | |
sample_user_handler.hpp | |
server.cpp | Wesnoth-Server, for multiplayer-games |
server.hpp | |
simple_wml.cpp | |
simple_wml.hpp | |
user_handler.cpp | |
user_handler.hpp | |
► storyscreen | |
controller.cpp | Storyscreen controller (implementation) |
controller.hpp | Storyscreen controller (interface) |
interface.cpp | Storyscreen controller (wrapper interface) |
interface.hpp | Storyscreen controller (wrapper interface) |
part.cpp | Storyscreen parts and floating images representation |
part.hpp | Storyscreen parts and floating images representation |
render.cpp | Storyscreen parts renderer |
render.hpp | Storyscreen parts rendering interface |
► terrain | |
builder.cpp | Terrain builder |
builder.hpp | Definitions for the terrain builder |
filter.cpp | |
filter.hpp | |
terrain.cpp | |
terrain.hpp | |
translation.cpp | Routines for terrain-conversion |
translation.hpp | |
type_data.cpp | |
type_data.hpp | |
► tests | |
► gui | |
fire_event.cpp | |
iterator.cpp | |
test_drop_target.cpp | |
test_gui2.cpp | |
test_save_dialog.cpp | |
visitor.cpp | |
► utils | |
auto_parameterized.hpp | |
fake_display.cpp | |
fake_display.hpp | |
fake_event_source.cpp | |
fake_event_source.hpp | |
game_config_manager.cpp | |
game_config_manager.hpp | |
play_scenario.cpp | |
play_scenario.hpp | |
predicate.hpp | |
create_images.cpp | Tool to create the test images for the unit tests |
floating_point_emulation.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
test_addons.cpp | |
test_commandline_options.cpp | |
test_config.cpp | |
test_config_cache.cpp | |
test_filesystem.cpp | |
test_formula_ai.cpp | |
test_formula_core.cpp | |
test_formula_function.cpp | |
test_image_modifications.cpp | |
test_lexical_cast.cpp | |
test_lua.cpp | |
test_make_enum.cpp | |
test_map_location.cpp | |
test_mp_connect.cpp | |
test_network_worker.cpp | |
test_recall_list.cpp | |
test_rng.cpp | |
test_sdl_utils.cpp | |
test_sdl_utils.hpp | |
test_serialization.cpp | |
test_team.cpp | |
test_unit_map.cpp | |
test_util.cpp | |
test_version.cpp | |
test_whiteboard_side_actions.cpp | |
► tools | |
► schema | |
error_container.cpp | This file contains implementation of error_container.hpp |
error_container.hpp | This file contains object "error_container", which are used to store error messages while annotation parsing |
schema_generator.cpp | This file parses the input parameters, prepares a list of files to be parsed and calls parser for each of them |
sourceparser.cpp | This file contains implementation of sourceparser.cpp |
sourceparser.hpp | This file contains sourceparser object, collecting annotations and building a tag tree |
tag.cpp | Implementation of tag.hpp |
tag.hpp | This file contains objects "tag" and "key", which are used to store information about tags and keys while annotation parsing |
► sdl2 | |
sdl2.cpp | Tool to test SDL 2 functions |
sdl2.hpp | |
window.cpp | |
window.hpp | |
► validator | |
validator_tool.cpp | |
cutter.cpp | Standalone-Utility for images / tiles |
dummy_video.cpp | |
exploder.cpp | |
exploder_composer.cpp | |
exploder_composer.hpp | |
exploder_cutter.cpp | |
exploder_cutter.hpp | |
exploder_utils.cpp | |
exploder_utils.hpp | |
key_test.cpp | Keyboard-test - Standalone-Utility |
► units | |
abilities.cpp | Manage unit-abilities, like heal, cure, and weapon_specials |
abilities.hpp | |
animation.cpp | |
animation.hpp | |
animation_component.cpp | |
animation_component.hpp | |
attack_type.cpp | Handle unit-type specific attributes, animations, advancement |
attack_type.hpp | |
drawer.cpp | |
drawer.hpp | |
filter.cpp | |
filter.hpp | |
formula_manager.cpp | |
formula_manager.hpp | |
frame.cpp | |
frame.hpp | Frame for unit's animation sequence |
helper.cpp | Support functions for dealing with units |
helper.hpp | |
id.cpp | |
id.hpp | |
map.cpp | |
map.hpp | |
ptr.hpp | |
race.cpp | Generate race-specific unit-names |
race.hpp | |
types.cpp | Handle unit-type specific attributes, animations, advancement |
types.hpp | |
udisplay.cpp | |
udisplay.hpp | Display units performing various actions: moving, attacking, and dying |
unit.cpp | Routines to manage units |
unit.hpp | |
► utils | |
const_clone.hpp | |
context_free_grammar_generator.cpp | Algorithm to generate names using a context-free grammar, which allows more control than the usual Markov chain generator |
context_free_grammar_generator.hpp | |
functional.hpp | |
iterable_pair.hpp | |
iterator.hpp | |
make_enum.cpp | |
make_enum.hpp | Defines the MAKE_ENUM macro |
markov_generator.cpp | Generate race-specific unit-names |
markov_generator.hpp | |
name_generator.hpp | |
reference_counter.hpp | |
sha1.cpp | Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) |
sha1.hpp | |
shared_object.hpp | |
smart_list.hpp | |
► wesmage | |
exit.cpp | |
exit.hpp | Exit exception |
filter.cpp | |
filter.hpp | Filters for wesmage |
options.cpp | |
options.hpp | Command line parameters for wesmage |
wesmage.cpp | Tool to test the image conversion functions |
► whiteboard | |
action.cpp | |
action.hpp | |
attack.cpp | |
attack.hpp | |
highlighter.cpp | |
highlighter.hpp | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.hpp | |
mapbuilder.cpp | |
mapbuilder.hpp | |
move.cpp | |
move.hpp | |
recall.cpp | |
recall.hpp | |
recruit.cpp | |
recruit.hpp | |
side_actions.cpp | |
side_actions.hpp | |
suppose_dead.cpp | |
suppose_dead.hpp | |
typedefs.hpp | Contains typedefs for the whiteboard |
utility.cpp | |
utility.hpp | |
visitor.hpp | Visitor is an abstract interface : action.accept(visitor) calls visitor.visit(action) |
► widgets | |
button.cpp | |
button.hpp | |
combo.cpp | |
combo.hpp | |
combo_drag.cpp | |
combo_drag.hpp | |
drop_target.cpp | |
drop_target.hpp | |
file_menu.cpp | |
file_menu.hpp | |
label.cpp | |
label.hpp | |
menu.cpp | |
menu.hpp | |
menu_style.cpp | |
multimenu.cpp | |
multimenu.hpp | |
progressbar.cpp | |
progressbar.hpp | |
scrollarea.cpp | |
scrollarea.hpp | |
scrollbar.cpp | |
scrollbar.hpp | |
scrollpane.cpp | |
scrollpane.hpp | |
slider.cpp | |
slider.hpp | |
textbox.cpp | |
textbox.hpp | |
widget.cpp | |
widget.hpp | |
► xBRZ | |
config.hpp | |
xbrz.cpp | |
xbrz.hpp | |
about.cpp | Show screen with scrolling credits |
about.hpp | |
animated.hpp | Animate units |
animated.tpp | |
animated_game.cpp | Template instantiations for wesnoth-game |
arrow.cpp | Method bodies for the arrow class |
arrow.hpp | Arrows destined to be drawn on the map |
asserts.hpp | |
attack_prediction.cpp | Simulate combat to calculate attacks |
attack_prediction.hpp | |
attack_prediction_display.cpp | |
attack_prediction_display.hpp | |
boilerplate-header.cpp | Template for new cpp-files |
buffered_istream.hpp | Helper class for buffering a std::istream |
build_info.cpp | |
build_info.hpp | |
carryover.cpp | |
carryover.hpp | |
chat_command_handler.cpp | |
chat_command_handler.hpp | |
chat_events.cpp | |
chat_events.hpp | |
color_range.cpp | Generate ranges of colors, and color palettes |
color_range.hpp | |
commandline_options.cpp | |
commandline_options.hpp | |
config.cpp | Routines related to configuration-files / WML |
config.hpp | Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML) |
config_assign.hpp | |
config_cache.cpp | |
config_cache.hpp | |
configr_assign.hpp | |
construct_dialog.cpp | |
construct_dialog.hpp | |
controller_base.cpp | |
controller_base.hpp | Controller_base framework: controller_base is roughly analogous to a "dialog" class in a GUI toolkit which is appropriate for deriving wesnoth game modes, e.g |
countdown_clock.cpp | |
countdown_clock.hpp | |
cursor.cpp | Support for different cursors-shapes |
cursor.hpp | |
version.cpp | |
version.hpp | Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc |
dialogs.cpp | Various dialogs: advance_unit, show_objectives, save+load game |
dialogs.hpp | |
display.cpp | Routines to set up the display, scroll and zoom the map |
display.hpp | Map_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen |
display_chat_manager.cpp | |
display_chat_manager.hpp | |
display_context.cpp | |
display_context.hpp | |
events.cpp | |
events.hpp | |
exceptions.hpp | |
fake_unit_manager.cpp | |
fake_unit_manager.hpp | |
fake_unit_ptr.cpp | |
fake_unit_ptr.hpp | |
filechooser.cpp | |
filechooser.hpp | |
filesystem.hpp | Declarations for File-IO |
filesystem_boost.cpp | File-IO |
filesystem_common.cpp | |
filesystem_sdl.cpp | |
filter_context.hpp | |
floating_label.cpp | |
floating_label.hpp | |
floating_point_emulation.hpp | Contains code for a floating point emulation |
floating_textbox.cpp | |
floating_textbox.hpp | |
font.cpp | |
font.hpp | |
font_options.hpp | |
format_time_summary.cpp | |
format_time_summary.hpp | |
formatter.hpp | |
game_board.cpp | |
game_board.hpp | |
game_classification.cpp | |
game_classification.hpp | |
game_config.cpp | |
game_config.hpp | |
game_config_manager.cpp | |
game_config_manager.hpp | |
game_data.cpp | Maintain game variables + misc |
game_data.hpp | |
game_display.cpp | During a game, show map & info-panels at top+right |
game_display.hpp | |
game_end_exceptions.cpp | |
game_end_exceptions.hpp | Contains the exception interfaces used to signal completion of a scenario, campaign or turn |
game_errors.cpp | |
game_errors.hpp | |
game_launcher.cpp | |
game_launcher.hpp | |
game_preferences.cpp | |
game_preferences.hpp | |
game_state.cpp | |
game_state.hpp | |
generic_event.cpp | |
generic_event.hpp | |
gettext.cpp | |
gettext.hpp | |
gettext_boost.cpp | |
global.hpp | |
log.cpp | Standard logging facilities (implementation) |
log.hpp | Standard logging facilities (interface) |
image.cpp | Routines for images: load, scale, re-color, etc |
image.hpp | |
minimap.cpp | |
minimap.hpp | |
settings.cpp | General settings and defaults for scenarios |
settings.hpp | General settings and defaults for scenarios |
text.cpp | |
text.hpp | |
halo.cpp | Maintain halo-effects for units and items |
halo.hpp | |
hash.cpp | |
hash.hpp | |
image_modifications.cpp | |
image_modifications.hpp | |
intro.cpp | Introduction sequence at start of a scenario, End-screen after end of campaign |
intro.hpp | -file gamestatus.hpp |
joystick.cpp | |
joystick.hpp | |
key.cpp | |
key.hpp | |
language.cpp | |
language.hpp | |
language_win32.ii | |
lexical_cast.hpp | New lexcical_cast header |
libc_error.hpp | |
lobby_preferences.cpp | |
lobby_preferences.hpp | |
log_windows.cpp | |
log_windows.hpp | Log file control routines for Windows |
lua_jailbreak_exception.cpp | |
lua_jailbreak_exception.hpp | |
map_command_handler.hpp | |
marked-up_text.cpp | Support for simple markup in text (fonts, colors, images) |
marked-up_text.hpp | |
md5.cpp | |
md5.hpp | |
menu_events.cpp | Operations activated from menus/hotkeys while playing a game |
menu_events.hpp | |
mouse_events.cpp | |
mouse_events.hpp | |
mouse_handler_base.cpp | |
mouse_handler_base.hpp | |
movetype.cpp | Handle movement types |
movetype.hpp | |
mp_game_settings.cpp | Container for multiplayer game-creation parameters |
mp_game_settings.hpp | |
mp_ui_alerts.cpp | |
mp_ui_alerts.hpp | |
mt_rng.cpp | |
mt_rng.hpp | |
multiplayer_error_codes.hpp | Define the errors the server may send during the login procedure |
neon.hpp | Helper class for ARM NEON support |
network.cpp | Networking |
network.hpp | |
network_asio.cpp | |
network_asio.hpp | |
network_worker.cpp | |
network_worker.hpp | |
overlay.hpp | |
pathutils.cpp | Various pathfinding functions and utilities |
pathutils.hpp | |
persist_context.cpp | |
persist_context.hpp | |
persist_manager.cpp | |
persist_manager.hpp | |
persist_var.cpp | |
persist_var.hpp | |
play_controller.cpp | Handle input via mouse & keyboard, events, schedule commands |
play_controller.hpp | |
playmp_controller.cpp | |
playmp_controller.hpp | |
playsingle_controller.cpp | Logic for single-player game |
playsingle_controller.hpp | |
playturn.cpp | |
playturn.hpp | -file pathfind.hpp |
playturn_network_adapter.cpp | |
playturn_network_adapter.hpp | |
preferences.cpp | Get and set user-preferences |
preferences.hpp | |
preferences_display.cpp | Manage display-related preferences, e.g |
preferences_display.hpp | |
quit_confirmation.cpp | |
quit_confirmation.hpp | |
random_new.cpp | |
random_new.hpp | |
random_new_deterministic.cpp | |
random_new_deterministic.hpp | |
random_new_synced.cpp | |
random_new_synced.hpp | |
recall_list_manager.cpp | |
recall_list_manager.hpp | |
reference_counted_object.hpp | |
replay.cpp | Replay control code |
replay.hpp | Replay control code |
replay_controller.cpp | |
replay_controller.hpp | |
replay_helper.cpp | |
replay_helper.hpp | |
replay_recorder_base.cpp | |
replay_recorder_base.hpp | |
reports.cpp | |
reports.hpp | |
resources.cpp | |
resources.hpp | |
save_blocker.cpp | |
save_blocker.hpp | |
save_index.cpp | |
save_index.hpp | |
saved_game.cpp | |
saved_game.hpp | |
savegame.cpp | |
savegame.hpp | |
scoped_resource.hpp | Scoped_resource: class template, functions, helper policies etc. for resource management |
seed_rng.cpp | |
seed_rng.hpp | |
show_dialog.cpp | |
show_dialog.hpp | |
side_filter.cpp | |
side_filter.hpp | |
sound.cpp | |
sound.hpp | |
sound_music_track.cpp | |
sound_music_track.hpp | |
soundsource.cpp | |
soundsource.hpp | |
statistics.cpp | Manage statistics: recruitments, recalls, kills, losses, etc |
statistics.hpp | |
statistics_dialog.cpp | |
statistics_dialog.hpp | |
strftime.cpp | |
strftime.hpp | |
synced_checkup.cpp | |
synced_checkup.hpp | |
synced_commands.cpp | |
synced_commands.hpp | |
synced_context.cpp | |
synced_context.hpp | |
synced_user_choice.cpp | |
synced_user_choice.hpp | |
syncmp_handler.cpp | |
syncmp_handler.hpp | |
team.cpp | Team-management, allies, setup at start of scenario |
team.hpp | -file sdl_utils.hpp |
teambuilder.cpp | |
teambuilder.hpp | |
theme.cpp | |
theme.hpp | Definitions related to theme-support |
thread.cpp | |
thread.hpp | |
time_of_day.cpp | |
time_of_day.hpp | |
tod_manager.cpp | |
tod_manager.hpp | |
tooltips.cpp | |
tooltips.hpp | |
tracer.cpp | |
tracer.hpp | Contains code for tracing the code |
tstring.cpp | Routines for translatable strings |
tstring.hpp | |
util.cpp | String-routines - Templates for lexical_cast & lexical_cast_default |
util.hpp | Templates and utility-routines for strings and numbers |
variable.cpp | Manage WML-variables |
variable.hpp | |
variable_info.cpp | Manage WML-variables |
variable_info.hpp | |
variable_info_detail.hpp | |
video.cpp | Video-testprogram, standalone |
video.hpp | -file util.hpp |
wesconfig.h | Some defines: VERSION, PACKAGE, MIN_SAVEGAME_VERSION |
wesnoth.cpp | |
wesnothd_connection.cpp | |
wesnothd_connection.hpp | |
wesnothd_connection_error.hpp | |
wmi_pager.cpp | |
wmi_pager.hpp | |
wml_exception.cpp | Implementation for wml_exception.hpp |
wml_exception.hpp | Add a special kind of assert to validate whether the input from WML doesn't contain any problems that might crash the game |
wml_separators.hpp | |