

abc class
defined, Glossary of Terms
updating of, Update ABC Class
absolute calendars
adding periods to, Absolute Calendar Item
creating new, Calendar
defined, Glossary of Terms
account assignments
creating new for a/p, A/P Account Assignment, A/P Account Assignment
for a/p, A/P Account Assignments, A/P Account Assignments
account numbers
adding new subaccount, Subaccount Number
adding new to g/l, Account Number
assigning types to, Account Number
forward-updating and, Account Number
master list of, Chart of Accounts
posting options for, Account Number
subaccount types and, Account Number
subaccounts list and, Subaccount Numbers
account types
assignment of, Account Number
accounting periods
creating new, Accounting Period
creating new fiscal year, Fiscal Year
master list of, Accounting Periods
adding to financial reports, Financial Report Item
creating new, New CRM Account
crm master list of, List CRM Accounts
duplication of, Duplicate Account Numbers
forward-updating of, Forward Update Accounts
accounts payable
aging report for, A/P Aging
check formats for, Check Formats
check journal, Check Journal
defined, Glossary of Terms
information about, Payables Workbench
payables journal, Payables Journal
posting checks for, Post A/P Check, Post A/P Checks
preparing check runs for, Prepare Check Run
printing checks for, Print A/P Check, Print Check Run
time-phased open items for, A/P Aging
vendor history and, Vendor History
vendor open items, Open Items by Vendor
voiding check runs for, Void Check Run
accounts receivable
account assignments for, A/R Account Assignments, A/R Account Assignments
aging report for, A/R Aging
creating invoices for, New Invoice
creating new assignment for, A/R Account Assignment, A/R Account Assignment
customer history, Customer History
defined, Glossary of Terms
entering cash receipts for, New Cash Receipt
entering credit memos for, Enter Miscellaneous Credit Memo, New Misc. Credit Memo
entering debit memos for, Enter Miscellaneous Credit Memo, Enter Miscellaneous Debit Memo, New Misc. Credit Memo, New Misc. Debit Memo
open items by customer, Open Items by Customer
posting cash receipts for, Post Cash Receipts
time-phased open items for, A/R Aging
workbench for, Receivables Workbench
encryption for, Encryption
actual costs
automatic updating of at vouchering, Voucher Item Distribution, Voucher Item Distribution
defined, Glossary of Terms
entering for items, Maintain Item Costs
posting to standard, Maintain Item Costs
posting to standard by class code, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
posting to standard by item, Post Actual Costs by Item
rolling up of, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code
updating by class code, Update Actual Costs by Class Code
updating by item, Update Actual Costs by Item
updating material costs, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code
updating user costs, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code
ad hoc reports, Ad Hoc Report
creating new, New Address
crm master list of, List Addresses
adjustment types
creating new, Adjustment Type
master list of, Adjustment Types
entering for bank accounts, Reconcile Bank Account, Bank Adjustment
miscellaneous for inventory, Miscellaneous Adjustment
administrators (see xtuple administrators)
creating new, Create New Alarm, Create New Alarm, Create New Alarm
alignment pages
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
allowable items
in site locations, Site Location
allowable parts
defined, Glossary of Terms
ALT key, ALT Key
API (see application programming interfaces)
application fundamentals, Application Fundamentals
application programming interfaces
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
enforcing in sites, Site
creating new, Custom Command Argument, Custom Command Argument
ATP (see available to promise)
at log-in, Log In Options
defined, Glossary of Terms
enhanced, Log In Options
requiring SSL for, Log In Options
by item, Item Availability Workbench, Item Availability Workbench
defined, Glossary of Terms
workbench for, Item Availability Workbench, Item Availability Workbench
available to promise
defined, Glossary of Terms


as issue method, Bill of Materials Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
by customer, Backlog by Customer, Backlog by Customer
by customer group, Backlog by Customer Group
by customer type, Backlog by Customer Type
by item, Backlog by Item, Backlog by Item
by product category, Backlog by Product Category, Backlog by Product Category
by sales order, Backlog by Sales Order
defined, Glossary of Terms
summarized by site, Summarized Backlog by Site, Summarized Backlog by Site
accepted by customer, Enter New Customer
defined, Glossary of Terms
balance sheet reports, Balance Sheet Report
bank accounts
adjusting balances for, Reconcile Bank Account, Bank Adjustment, Adjustment Edit List
adjustment types for, Adjustment Type
creating new, Bank Account
for credit card transactions, Credit Cards
master list of, Bank Accounts
posting adjustment to, Bank Accounts
posting service charge to, Bank Accounts
reconciliation of, Reconcile Bank Account
specifying for payments, Select Bank Account
used for payables, Bank Account
used for receivables, Bank Account
bank adjustments
edit list for, Adjustment Edit List
entering new, Reconcile Bank Account, Bank Adjustment
bank reconciliations
detailed history of, Bank Reconciliation History
marking checks as cleared, Reconcile Bank Account
marking deposits as cleared, Reconcile Bank Account
posting dates for, Bank Reconciliation History
process for, Reconcile Bank Account
summarized history of, Summarized Bank Reconciliation History
bar codes
defined, Glossary of Terms
batch manager
defined, Glossary of Terms
batch mode
issuing w/o materials in, Issue W/O Material Batch
printing packing lists using, Packing List Batch, Print Packing List Batch by Ship Via, Packing List Batch
return w/o materials using, Return W/O Material Batch
bill-to names
defined, Glossary of Terms
sales history for, Sales History by Bill-To Name
at line item level, Select Order for Billing
controlling quantity for, Select Billing Quantity
edit list for, Billing Edit List
related charges for, Select Order for Billing
select all shipped orders for, Select All Shipped Orders for Billing
select order for, Select Order for Billing
billing edit list, Billing Edit List
billing selections
posting of, Post Billing Selections
bills of lading
defined, Glossary of Terms
numbering of, Site
printing of, Print Shipping Form
bills of materials
adding components in future, Enter New Bill of Materials
adding new components to, Bill of Materials Item
copying of, Copy Bill of Materials
costed indented view of, Costed Indented BOM
costed single level view of, Costed Single Level BOM
costed summarized view of, Costed Summarized BOM
creating new, Enter New Bill of Materials
defined, Glossary of Terms
expired components in, Enter New Bill of Materials
indented view of, Indented Bill of Materials
indented where used view of, Indented Where Used
invalid, Bills of Materials Without Component Item Sites
issue methods for, Bill of Materials Item
linking to BOOs, Bill of Materials Item
master list of, List Bills of Materials
material usage variances from, Material Usage Variance by BOM Item
pending changes in, Pending BOM Changes
revisions for, Enter New Bill of Materials
sequenced view of, Sequenced Bill of Materials
single level view of, Single Level Bill of Materials
single level where used view of, Single Level Where Used
summarized view of, Summarized Bill of Materials
without component item sites, Bills of Materials Without Component Item Sites
bills of operations
creating new operation in, Bill of Operations Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
expired operations in, Enter New Bill of Operations
future operations in, Enter New Bill of Operations
linking to BOMs, Bill of Materials Item
production lead times in, Enter New Bill of Operations
revisions for, Enter New Bill of Operations
wip locations and, Enter New Bill of Operations, Bill of Operations Item
BOM (see bills of materials)
bom-defined substitutions
creating new, Bill of Materials Item
by customer, Bookings by Customer
by customer group, Bookings by Customer Group
by item, Bookings by Item
by product category, Bookings by Product Category
by sales representative, Bookings by Sales Rep
by ship-to address, Bookings by Ship-To
defined, Glossary of Terms
time-phased by customer, Time-Phased Bookings by Customer
time-phased by item, Time-Phased Bookings by Item
time-phased by product category, Time-Phased Bookings by Product Category
breeder bills of materials
cost absorption in, Breeder Bill of Materials Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
breeder items
adding to bills in future, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
adding to breeder bill, Breeder Bill of Materials Item
as by-products, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
as co-products, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
cost absorption by, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
defined, Glossary of Terms
expiration in breeder bills, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
browse button, Browse Button
creating new, New Budget
master list of, List Budgets
capacity defined, Glossary of Terms
stock defined, Glossary of Terms
time defined, Glossary of Terms
buy cards
defined, Glossary of Terms
part numbers and, Buy Card
relation to vendors, Buy Card
defined, Glossary of Terms
in breeder bills, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials


absolute, Calendar
adding periods to, Absolute Calendar Item, Relative Calendar Item
creating new, Calendar
master list of, Calendars
printing for sales analysis, Print S/A Special Calendar Form
relative, Calendar
daily in work centers, Work Center, Work Center
capacity buffer
defined, Glossary of Terms
capacity planning
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
cash flow reports, Cash Flow Report
cash receipts
application of, A/R Applications
applying to balance due, Cash Receipt Application
edit list for, Cash Receipt Edit List
entering new, New Cash Receipt
history of, Cash Receipts by Customer
miscellaneous distribution for, Misc. Cash Receipt Distribution
posting of, New Cash Receipt, Post Cash Receipts
printing journal for, Post Cash Receipts
addresses having, New Address
contacts having, New Contact
creating new, Characteristic, Characteristic, Characteristic, Characteristic
creating new for addresses, New Address
creating new for contacts, New Contact
creating new for crm, New CRM Account
creating new for customer, Enter New Customer
creating new for employees, New Employee, New Employee
creating new for item, Enter New Item
crm accounts having, New CRM Account
customers having, Enter New Customer
defined, Glossary of Terms
for customers, Customers by Characteristic
items having, Items by Characteristic, Enter New Item
master list of, Characteristics, Characteristics, Characteristics, Characteristics
opportunities and, New Opportunity
registrations having, Lot/Serial Registration
charge types
creating new, Shipping Charge Type
master list for shipping, Shipping Charge Types
check boxes
setting for remembered, Check Box Memory
check formats
creating new, Check Format
master list of, Check Formats
check journal
printing of, Post A/P Checks, Check Journal
reprinting of, Check Journal
check runs
preparation of, Prepare Check Run
printing of, View Check Run, Payables Workbench, Print Check Run
problems when printing, Print Check Run
replacing checks in, View Check Run, Payables Workbench
viewing detailed list of, View Check Run
voiding of, Void Check Run
application of, A/P Applications
creating miscellaneous, Create Miscellaneous Check
formats for, Check Formats
marking as cleared, Reconcile Bank Account
posting individual, View Check Run, Post A/P Check, Payables Workbench
posting multiple, Post A/P Checks
preparing runs of, Prepare Check Run
printing individual, View Check Run, Payables Workbench, Print A/P Check
printing journal, Post A/P Checks
printing multiple, View Check Run, Payables Workbench, Print Check Run
register for, Check Register
replacing in check run, View Check Run, Payables Workbench
replacing voided, Void Check Run
voiding of, View Check Run, Payables Workbench
child items
defined, Glossary of Terms
class codes
assigning to planner codes, Assign Items to Planner Code by Class Code
capacity uom details for, Capacity UOMs by Class Code
count tags created by, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site
count tags for, Count Tags by Class Code
creating item sites for, Create Item Sites by Class Code
creating new, Class Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
inventory availability details for, Inventory Availability by Class Code
inventory history details for, Inventory History by Class Code, Inventory History by Class Code
item costs details for, Item Costs by Class Code
item details for, Items by Class Code
item site details for, Item Sites by Class Code
item usage statistics for, Item Usage Statistics by Class Code
master list of, Class Codes
posting actual costs to standard for, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
quantity on hand for, Quantities on Hand by Class Code, Quantities on Hand by Item Group
reassignment of, Reassign Class Code by Class Code
summarize transaction history for, Summarize Transaction History by Class Code
unbalanced qoh details for, Unbalanced QOH by Class Code
updating actual costs for, Update Actual Costs by Class Code
updating out levels using, Update Order Up To Levels by Class Code
updating reorder levels using, Update Reorder Levels by Class Code
updating standard costs for, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
work order history for, Work Order History by Class Code
work order schedule details for, Work Order Schedule by Class Code
costs absorbed by, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials, Breeder Bill of Materials Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
in breeder bills, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
size remembered for, Column Memory
comma separated value
delimiter options for edi, EDI Form
format for edi, EDI Form
adding custom, Custom Commands
comment types
creating new, Comment Type
master list of, Comment Types
system-defined, Comment Types
user-defined, Comment Types
source types for, Comment Sources
brief earned, Brief Earned Commissions
defined, Glossary of Terms
earned, Earned Commissions
common application buttons, Common Application Buttons
adding new, Company
master list of, Companies
companies, synchronizing of, Synchronize Companies
adding new to breeder bill, Breeder Bill of Materials Item
adding to BOMs, Bill of Materials Item
adding to BOMs in future, Enter New Bill of Materials
at w/o posting, Correct Operations Posting
defined, Glossary of Terms
expired from BOMs, Enter New Bill of Materials
expired from breeder bill, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials
mass expiration of, Mass Expire Component Item
mass replacement of, Mass Replace Component Item
for credit cards, Credit Cards
of accounting module, Configure Accounting
of crm module, Configure CRM
of inventory module, Configure Inventory
of manufacture module, Configure Manufacture
of products module, Configure Products
of purchase module, Configure Purchase
of sales module, Configure Sales
of schedule module, Configure Schedule
pricing for, Pricing Schedule Item
creating new, New Contact
crm master list of, List Contacts
searching for, Search for Contact
titles for, Titles
control methods
at item site level, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
cost categories
creating new, Cost Category, Cost Category
defined, Glossary of Terms
item site details for, Item Sites by Cost Category
master list of, Cost Categories, Cost Categories
as item type, Enter New Item
entering actual for items, Maintain Item Costs
for co-products, Enter New Breeder Bill of Materials, Breeder Bill of Materials Item
for indented BOMs, Costed Indented BOM
for items by class code, Item Costs by Class Code
for jobs, Job Costing
for single level BOMs, Costed Single Level BOM
for summarized BOMs, Costed Summarized BOM
history by item, Item Costs History
posting actual to standard, Maintain Item Costs, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
posting of material costs, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
posting of user costs, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
summary by item, Item Costs Summary
updating of material costs, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
updating of user costs, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
costing elements
associating with items, Maintain Item Costs
creating user-defined, User Costing Element
defined, Glossary of Terms
user-defined, User-Defined Costing Elements
count slips
auditing of, Configure Inventory
by site, Count Slips by Site
count tag discrepancies and, Configure Inventory
defined, Glossary of Terms
edit list for, Count Slip Edit List
entering of, Enter Count Slip
posting by site, Post Count Slips
purging posted, Purge Posted Count Slips
count tags
by class code, Count Tags by Class Code
by item, Count Tags by Item
by site, Count Tags by Site
count slip discrepancies and, Configure Inventory
creating by class code/site, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site
creating by item, Create Count Tag by Item
creating by planner code, Create Count Tags by Planner Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
edit list for, Count Tag Edit List
entering of, Enter Count Tag
numbering of, Site
posting by site, Post Count Tags
purging posted, Purge Posted Count Tags
thawing at posting, Post Count Tags
zeroing uncounted, Zero Uncounted Count Tags by Site
zeroing uncounted by site, Zero Uncounted Count Tags by Site
creating new, Country
defined in locales, Locale
master list of, Countries
credit cards
adding to customer master, Enter New Customer
bank accounts and, Credit Cards
configuration for, Credit Cards
encryption for, Encryption
external transactions and, External Credit Card Transaction
key files and, Credit Cards
pre-auth limits, Credit Cards
sales orders and, New Sales Order
selecting verification service, Credit Cards
credit memo journals
printing of, Credit Memo Journal
credit memos
adding line items to, New Credit Memo, Credit Memo Item
application of, A/P Applications, A/R Applications
applying unapplied, Apply A/P Credit Memo, Apply Credit Memo Amount, Apply A/R Credit Memo, Apply Credit Memo Amount
billing information for, New Credit Memo
charges related to, New Credit Memo
creating new, New Credit Memo
customers associated with, New Credit Memo
defined, Glossary of Terms
discount pricing for, Credit Memo Item
edit list for, Credit Memo Edit List
entering for receivables, Enter Miscellaneous Credit Memo, New Misc. Credit Memo
hold options for, New Credit Memo
list of unapplied, List Unapplied Credit Memos, List Unapplied Credit Memos
list of unposted, List Unposted Credit Memos
numbering of, Configure Sales
posting of, Post Credit Memos
pricing of, Credit Memo Item
printing of, Print Credit Memos
purging records for, Purge Credit Memos
re-printing of, Re-Print Credit Memos
ship-to details for, New Credit Memo
credit status
updating by customer, Update Credit Status by Customer
contact titles for, Titles
incident & to-do priorities and, Incident and To-Do Priorities
incident categories and, Incident Categories
incident resolutions and, Incident Resolutions
incident severities and, Incident Severities
crm accounts
documents associated with, New CRM Account
numbering of, Configure CRM
searching for, Search for CRM Account
CSV (see comma separated value)
CTRL key, CTRL Key
cumulative schedules
defined, Glossary of Terms
explained, New Production Plan
adding new, Currency
master list of, Currencies
custom commands
creating new, Custom Command, Custom Command
master list of, Custom Commands
customer forms
assignment of, Customer Form Assignments
creating new assignment for, Customer Form Assignment
customer groups
backlog for, Backlog by Customer Group
bookings for, Bookings by Customer Group
creating new, Customer Group
master list of, Customer Groups
sales history for, Sales History by Customer Group
time-phased sales history for, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer Group
customer information, Customer Information Workbench
customer relationship management
addresses and, List Addresses
contacts and, List Contacts
creating incidents for, New Incident
creating new accounts for, New CRM Account
creating new addresses for, New Address
creating new contacts for, New Contact
creating to-dos for, New To-Do List Item
crm accounts and, List CRM Accounts
incident workbench and, Incident Workbench
incidents and, Incident
maintaining to-do lists for, To-Do List
to-do lists and, To-Do
customer types
backlog for, Backlog by Customer Type
brief sales history for, Brief Sales History by Customer Type
creating new, Customer Type, Customer Type
finding sales orders for, Sales Order Lookup by Customer Type
freight pricing for, Freight Prices by Customer Type
item pricing for, Prices by Customer Type
master list of, Customer Types, Customer Types
reassignment of, Reassign Customer Types by Customer Type
sales history for, Sales History by Customer Type
sales history summarized by, Summarized Sales History by Customer Type, Summarized Sales History by Customer Type by Item
addresses for, Enter New Customer
assigning forms to, Customer Form Assignments
backlog for, Backlog by Customer, Backlog by Customer
backorders accepted by, Enter New Customer
bookings for, Bookings by Customer
brief sales history for, Brief Sales History by Customer
by customer type, Customers by Customer Type
cash received from, Cash Receipts by Customer
characteristics for, Customers by Characteristic, Enter New Customer
creating new, Enter New Customer
credit cards for, Enter New Customer
credit rating options for, Enter New Customer
default configuration for, Configure Sales
defined, Glossary of Terms
exclusive items for, Enter New Item
exporting information for, Customer Information Export
finding sales orders for, Sales Order Lookup by Customer
freight pricing for, Freight Prices by Customer
groupings of, Customer Groups
history for, Customer History
information about, Customer Information Workbench
item pricing for, Prices by Customer
looking up by quote, Quote Lookup by Customer
master list of, Customers, Customers
open items by, Open Items by Customer
order preferences for, Enter New Customer
partial shipments accepted by, Enter New Customer
return authorizations for, Return Authorization
sales history for, Sales History by Customer
sales history summarized by, Summarized Sales History by Customer
searching for, Search for Customer
tax information for, Enter New Customer
tax registration for, Enter New Customer
time-phased bookings for, Time-Phased Bookings by Customer
time-phased sales history for, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer
time-phased sales history for by item, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer by Item
updating credit status for, Update Credit Status by Customer
warning for lateness, Update Late Customer Credit Status
cycle count tags
creating by site, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site
defined, Glossary of Terms
cycle counters
creating instructions for, Create Count Tags by Planner Code, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site, Create Count Tag by Item, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site, Enter Count Tag
defined, Glossary of Terms
cycle counts
creating instructions for, Create Count Tags by Planner Code, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site, Create Count Tag by Item, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site, Enter Count Tag
creating tags for, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site
cycle count tags defined, Glossary of Terms
cycle counters defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
freezing inventory during, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site
updating frequency of, Update Cycle Count Frequency


data caches
defined, Glossary of Terms
data entry formats
defined, Glossary of Terms
data import, Import XML
defined, Glossary of Terms
description of, Database Information
identify at log in, Log In Options
information about, Database Information
formats for, Date Shortcuts
debit memos
applying unapplied, Apply Credit Memo Amount, Apply Credit Memo Amount
defined, Glossary of Terms
entering new, Enter Miscellaneous Credit Memo, Enter Miscellaneous Debit Memo, New Misc. Credit Memo, New Misc. Debit Memo
default FOB
in site master, Site
default locations, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
delivery date variances
item details for, Delivery Date Variances by Item
vendor details for, Delivery Date Variances by Vendor
adding new, Department
master list of, Departments
register of, Deposits Register
defined, Glossary of Terms
applying to open a/p items, Apply Discount
terms for, Billing Term, Billing Term, Billing Term
defined, Glossary of Terms
crm associated with, New CRM Account
items associated with, Enter New Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
xtupleapi, Configure Import and Export


ECN (see engineering change notices)
EDI (see electronic data interchange)
defined, Glossary of Terms
in BOMs, Bill of Materials Item
in BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
electronic data interchange
creating new forms for, EDI Form
creating new profile, EDI Profile
defined, Glossary of Terms
delivery methods for, EDI Profiles
file delimiter options for, EDI Form
invoice delivery using, Post Invoices, E-mail Invoice Form, Post Invoices, E-mail Invoice Form
supported formats, EDI Profiles
using for edi, EDI Profile
characteristics for, New Employee, New Employee
creating new, New Employee, New Employee
creating new groups for, New Employee Group
groups for, Employee Groups
master list of, List Employees
searching for, Search for Employee
for ach, Encryption
for credit cards, Encryption
engineering change notices
defined, Glossary of Terms
for mass expiration, Mass Expire Component Item
for mass replacement, Mass Replace Component Item
in BOMs, Bill of Materials Item
event fences
default for item sites, Configure Inventory
defined, Glossary of Terms
in item sites, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
event manager
defined, Glossary of Terms
user accessibility and, Event Manager
event notification
defined, Glossary of Terms
acknowledgement of, Event Manager
complete list of, System-Defined Events
defined, Glossary of Terms
management of, Event Manager
system-defined, System-Defined Events
user notification of, Preferences
exchange rates
adding new, Exchange Rate
master list of, Exchange Rates
as default configuration, Configure Products
item master control, Enter New Item
execution days
defined, Glossary of Terms
in BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
in work orders, Create W/O Operation
how to, Exit the Application, Exit the Application
expedite exceptions
defined, Glossary of Terms
expense categories
creating new, Expense Category, Expense Category, Expense Category
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Expense Categories, Expense Categories, Expense Categories
as inventory transaction, Expense Transaction
of component items, Mass Expire Component Item
of components in BOMs, Enter New Bill of Materials
of inventory, Expired Inventory
of journals in groups, Standard Journal Group
of operations in BOOs, Enter New Bill of Operations
automatic by planner code, Planner Code, Planner Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
of work orders, Explode Work Order
of customer information, Customer Information Export


defined, Glossary of Terms
file transfer protocol
using for edi, EDI Profile
financial reports
ad hoc type, Ad Hoc Report
adding accounts to, Financial Report Item
adding groups to, Financial Report Group
adding special items to, Financial Report Special
balance sheet type, Balance Sheet Report
cash flow type, Cash Flow Report
creating new, New Financial Report
income statement type, Income Statement Report
master list of, List Financial Reports
previewing of, Financial Statements
printing of, View Financial Report
trial balances, View Trial Balances
viewing of, View Financial Report
firmed orders
by planner code, Firm Planned Orders by Planner Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
deletion of, Run MRP by Planner Code, Run MRP by Item, Delete Planned Orders by Planner Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
fiscal years
creating new, Fiscal Year
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Fiscal Years
FOB (see free on board)
reporting for mps, New Production Plan
related to dates, Date Shortcuts
creating new, Form
creating new for edi, EDI Form
for labels, Label Forms
for purchase orders, Print P/O Form
for sales orders, Print Sales Order Form
for shipping, Forms, Shipping Forms
for vendors, Print Vendor Form
for work orders, Print Work Order Form
master list of, Forms
defined, Glossary of Terms
performed automatically, Account Number
free on board
at receiving site, Create New Vendor
defined, Glossary of Terms
vendor specified, Create New Vendor
defined, Glossary of Terms
of inventory, Create Count Tags by Planner Code, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site, Create Count Tag by Item, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site
of item sites, Frozen Item Sites
correcting for purchasing, Correct P/O Receipt, Correct P/O Receipt
defined, Glossary of Terms
on invoices, New Invoice
on purchase orders, Enter New Purchase Order, Enter New Purchase Order
on return authorizations, Return Authorization
on sales orders, Ship Order, New Quote, New Sales Order
on transfer orders, New Transfer Order
tax-related, Tax Code, Tax Code
freight classes
creating new, Freight Class
master list of, Freight Classes
freight pricing
by customer, Freight Prices by Customer
by customer type, Freight Prices by Customer Type
FTP (see file transfer protocol)
of components in BOMs, Enter New Bill of Materials
of journals in groups, Standard Journal Group
of operations in BOOs, Enter New Bill of Operations


G/L (see general ledger)
general ledger
account numbers in, Chart of Accounts
adding new accounts to, Account Number
adding to series in, Series Journal Entry Item
creating new series in, Series G/L Journal Entry
creating new simple entry, Simple G/L Journal Entry
defined, Glossary of Terms
entering in standard journal, Standard Journal Item
inventory transaction types and, Inventory Transaction Types
options for posting to, Account Number
posting series in, Series G/L Journal Entry
posting simple entry, Simple G/L Journal Entry
summarized transactions in, Summarized G/L Transactions
transaction types listed, G/L Document Types
trial balances and, Account Number
viewing transaction series in, G/L Series
viewing transactions in, G/L Transactions
supported formats, Images
creating names for, Group
creating new, Group
master list of, Maintain Groups


defined, Glossary of Terms
hold types
for sales orders, New Sales Order
hot keys
creating new, Hot Key, Hot Key
master list of, Preferences, Hot Keys


idle timeout, Preferences
adding new, Enter New Item, Bill of Operations Item, New Incident, Image
background, Preferences
items associated with, Item Images
master list of, Images
supported formats, Images
defined, Glossary of Terms
of work orders, Implode Work Order
importing data
XML, Import XML
incident images
master list of, New Incident
categories for, Incident Categories
creating new, New Incident
creating new categories for, Incident Category
creating new priorities for, Incident and To-Do Priority, Incident Severity, Incident Resolution
management of, Incident
resolutions for, Incident Resolutions
severities for, Incident Severities
workbench for, Incident Workbench
incidents & to-do
priorities for, Incident and To-Do Priorities
income statement reports, Income Statement Report
allocation defined, Glossary of Terms
availability by item, Inventory Availability by Item, Inventory Availability by Item
availability by sales order, Inventory Availability by Sales Order
availability defined, Glossary of Terms
correcting operations posting, Correct Operations Posting
defined, Glossary of Terms
expiration of, Expired Inventory
freezing at count tag creation, Create Count Tags by Planner Code, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site, Create Count Tag by Item
freezing during cycle counts, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site
miscellaneous adjustments to, Miscellaneous Adjustment
on order defined, Glossary of Terms
relief of defined, Glossary of Terms
reservation utility for, Allocate Reservations
shortage defined, Glossary of Terms
site locations and, Site Locations
slow moving, Slow Moving Inventory
transaction types listed, Inventory Transaction Types
transactions involving, Transactions
inventory availability
by class code, Inventory Availability by Class Code
by item group, Inventory Availability by Item Group
by planner code, Inventory Availability by Planner Code
by source vendor, Inventory Availability by Source Vendor
inventory counts
entering miscellaneous, Enter Miscellaneous Inventory Count
inventory history
by class code, Inventory History by Class Code, Inventory History by Class Code
by item, Inventory History by Item
by item group, Inventory History by Item Group
by order number, Inventory History by Order Number
detailed by location, Detailed Inventory History by Location
inventory transactions
expense, Expense Transaction
receiving materials, Material Receipt
resetting QOH balances, Reset QOH Balances
scrapping, Scrap
adding line items to, Invoice Item
as billing tool, Invoice
billing information for, New Invoice
commissions on, New Invoice
creating new, New Invoice
creating recurring, Create Recurring Invoices
defined, Glossary of Terms
email delivery of, Post Invoices, E-mail Invoice Form, Post Invoices, E-mail Invoice Form
freight charges on, New Invoice
information about, Invoice Information
line item pricing for, Invoice Item
numbering of, Configure Sales
posting of, Post Invoices, Post Invoices
printing by ship via, Print Invoices by Ship Via
printing of, Print Invoices, Print Invoices
printing shipping labels for, Print Shipping Labels by Invoice
purging records for, Purge Invoices, Purge Invoices
re-printing of, Re-Print Invoices, Re-Print Invoices
register of, Invoice Register
setting terms for, New Invoice
unposted list of, List Unposted Invoices, List Unposted Invoices
issue methods
backflush as, Bill of Materials Item
mixed as, Bill of Materials Item
pull as, Bill of Materials Item
push as, Bill of Materials Item
term defined, Glossary of Terms
within BOMs, Bill of Materials Item
item aliases
defined, Glossary of Terms
keyboard shortcut for, CTRL Key
related to billing, Enter New Item
related to shipping, Enter New Item
item controls
defined, Glossary of Terms
updating of, Update Item Controls
item costs
by class code, Item Costs by Class Code
creating new, Maintain Item Costs
entering actual cost, Maintain Item Costs
for manufactured items, Maintain Item Costs
for purchased items, Maintain Item Costs
history of, Item Costs History
maintenance of, Maintain Item Costs
summary of, Item Costs Summary
item documents
associate with items, Enter New Item
item groups
creating new, Item Groups
inventory availability for, Inventory Availability by Item Group
inventory history for, Inventory History by Item Group
item usage statistics for, Item Usage Statistics by Item Group
master list of, Item Groups
quantity on hand for, Quantities on Hand by Item
work order schedule details for, Work Order Schedule by Item Group
item images
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Enter New Item
viewing of, Item Images
item list price, Item List Price
item options
defined, Glossary of Terms
item pricing
by customer, Prices by Customer
by customer type, Prices by Customer Type
by item, Prices by Item
item relationships
for cross-referencing, Enter New Item
item sites
by class code, Item Sites by Class Code
by cost category, Item Sites by Cost Category
by item, Item Sites by Item
by planner code, Item Sites by Planner Code, Item Sites by Planner Code
control methods in, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
cost categories in, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
creating new, Enter Item Site
creating new by class code, Create Item Sites by Class Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
enforcing order parameters in, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
event fences in, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
freezing of, Frozen Item Sites
lead times in, Update Item Site Lead Times
master list of, Item Sites
restricted locations and, Enter Item Site
setting default locations in, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
sold ranking of, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
thawing by class code, Thaw Item Sites by Class Code/Site
thawing by site, Thaw Item Sites by Class Code/Site
update controls for, Update Item Controls
item source prices
creating new, Item Source Price
item sources
by item, Item Sources by Item
by vendor, Item Sources by Vendor
creating new, Enter New Item Source
defined, Glossary of Terms
inventory availability for, Inventory Availability by Source Vendor
item pricing for, Enter New Item Source
lead times for, Enter New Item Source
master list of, List Item Sources
pricing of items for, Enter New Item Source
ranking of, Enter New Item Source
vendors identified as, Enter New Item Source
item substitutes
defined, Glossary of Terms
ranking of, Enter New Item
item types
master list of, Enter New Item
item usage statistics
by class code, Item Usage Statistics by Class Code
by item, Item Usage Statistics by Item
by item group, Item Usage Statistics by Item Group
by site, Item Usage Statistics by Site
time-phased by item, Time-Phased Item Usage Statistics by Item
actual cost entered for, Maintain Item Costs
alternate uoms for, Enter New Item
assigning to planner codes, Assign Item to Planner Code
availability workbench for, Item Availability Workbench, Item Availability Workbench
backlog details for, Backlog by Item, Backlog by Item
bookings for, Bookings by Item
by class code, Items by Class Code
by product category, Items by Product Category
characteristics for, Enter New Item
configured defined, Glossary of Terms
copying of, Copy Item
costing maintenance for, Maintain Item Costs
costing of, Maintain Item Costs
count tags for, Count Tags by Item
creating new, Enter New Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
delivery date variances for, Delivery Date Variances by Item
documents associated with, Enter New Item
exclusive for customers, Enter New Item
finding sales orders for, Sales Order Lookup by Item
images associated with, Item Images
in purchase orders, P/O Items by Item
inventory availability for, Inventory Availability by Item, Inventory Availability by Item
inventory history, Inventory History by Item
item groups, Item Groups
item site details for, Item Sites by Item
item sources for, Item Sources by Item
list of types, Enter New Item
list prices for, Item List Price
locating undefined manufactured, Undefined Manufactured Items
locating unused purchased, Unused Purchased Items
looking up by quote, Quote Lookup by Item
make-to-order defined, Glossary of Terms
make-to-stock defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, List Items
material usage variances for, Material Usage Variance by Item, Material Usage Variance by Component Item
order up to levels for, Update Order Up To Levels by Item
posting actual costs to standard for, Post Actual Costs by Item
pricing for, Item Pricing
purchase requests for, Purchase Requests by Item, Purchase Requests by Item
receipts for, Receipts and Returns by Item
relationships for, Enter New Item
reorder levels for, Update Reorder Level by Item
returns of, Receipts and Returns by Item
sales history for, Sales History by Item
sales history summarized by, Summarized Sales History by Customer Type by Item, Summarized Sales History by Customer by Item, Summarized Sales History by Item
searching for, Search for Items
selling UOM for, Enter New Item
substitutes for, Enter New Item
time-phased bookings for, Time-Phased Bookings by Item
time-phased sales history by customer, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer by Item
time-phased sales history for, Time-Phased Sales History by Item
time-phased usage statistics for, Time-Phased Item Usage Statistics by Item
updating actual costs for, Update Actual Costs by Item
updating standard costs for, Update Standard Costs by Item
usage statistics for, Item Usage Statistics by Item
valid locations for, Valid Locations by Item
w/o material requirements and, W/O Material Requirements by Component Item
with characteristics, Items by Characteristic
work order history for, Work Order History by Item
work order schedule details for, Work Order Schedule by Item


job items
as item type, Enter New Item
creating demand for, Sales Order Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
posting production for, Issue to Shipping
work orders for, Create New Work Order
costing for, Job Costing
journal groups (see standard journal groups)
standard, Standard Journal
delivery of planned orders, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code


key files
defined, Glossary of Terms
keyboard shortcuts
ALT key, ALT Key
CTRL key, CTRL Key
defined, Glossary of Terms
drag-and-drop, Drag-and-Drop
for dates, Date Shortcuts
for toolbar buttons, Toolbar Buttons
TAB key, TAB Key
using instead of mouse, Keyboard Shortcuts
as item type, Enter New Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
issuing to shipping, Issue to Shipping


label forms
creating new, Label Form
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Label Forms
labor rates
creating new standard, Standard Labor Rate
defined, Glossary of Terms
for work centers, Work Center, Work Center
lead times
defined, Glossary of Terms
in BOOs, Enter New Bill of Operations
in planned orders, Create Planned Order
updating for item sites, Update Item Site Lead Times
client log in procedure, Log In Options
list prices
by item, Item List Price
defined, Glossary of Terms
updating of, Update List Prices by Product Category, Update List Prices by Product Category
country setting for, Locale
creating new, Locale
data formats for, Locale
defined, Glossary of Terms
language setting for, Locale
linguistic flexibility using, Locales
master list of, Locales
user specific, User
default, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
detailed inventory history of, Detailed Inventory History by Location
in sites, Site Locations
quantity on hand for, Quantities on Hand by Location
log in
linux, Log In Options
mac, Log In Options
windows, Log In Options
lookup (see browse button)
creating new, Lot/Serial
defined, Glossary of Terms
numbering of defined, Glossary of Terms
registrations and, Lot/Serial
return authorizations and, Return Authorization Item Lot/Serial
lower level
defined, Glossary of Terms


client log in procedure, Log In Options
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
man hours
defined, Glossary of Terms
as item type, Enter New Item
item type defined, Glossary of Terms
mass expiration
of component items, Mass Expire Component Item
mass replacement
of component items, Mass Replace Component Item
master information
for a/r module, Master Information
for i/m module, Master Information
for p/d module, Master Information
for p/o module, Master Information
for s/o module, Master Information
for system module, Master Information
master production scheduling
defined, Glossary of Terms
master scheduling
defined, Glossary of Terms
production plans in, Schedule Module
material costs
posting of, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
updating of, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
material receipts
as inventory transaction, Material Receipt
defined, Glossary of Terms
material requirements planning
defined, Glossary of Terms
just-in-time delivery and, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
material usage variances
BOM item details for, Material Usage Variance by BOM Item
component item details for, Material Usage Variance by Component Item
item details for, Material Usage Variance by Item
w/o details for, Material Usage Variance by Work Order
pending w/o availability, Pending W/O Material Availability
w/o availability and, Inventory Availability by Work Order
w/o requirement details for, W/O Material Requirements by Component Item
w/o requirements and, W/O Material Requirements by Work Order
for check boxes, Check Box Memory
for columns, Column Memory
for screen position, Screen Position/Size Memory
for screen sizes, Screen Position/Size Memory
customizing, Custom Commands
defined, Glossary of Terms
miscellaneous adjustments, Miscellaneous Adjustment
miscellaneous checks
creating new, Create Miscellaneous Check
miscellaneous production
posting of, Post Miscellaneous Production
miscellaneous vouchers
creating new, Enter New Miscellaneous Voucher, Enter New Miscellaneous Voucher
issue method defined, Bill of Materials Item, Glossary of Terms
user options involving, Preferences
mouse options, Right-Click Options
MPS (see master production scheduling)
cumulative schedules and, New Production Plan
forecast reporting and, New Production Plan
MRP (see material requirements planning)
currency definitions for, Currencies
exchange rates and, Exchange Rates
multiple location control
defined, Glossary of Terms
establishing in item sites, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
impact on receiving, Enter Receipt, Purchase Order Return
impact on shipping, Issue to Shipping


defined, Glossary of Terms
site location as, Site Location
defined, Glossary of Terms
site location as, Site Location


on order
defined, Glossary of Terms
open items
aging report for payables, A/P Aging
aging report for receivables, A/R Aging
applying cash receipts to, Cash Receipt Application
by vendor, Open Items by Vendor
complete range of, Open Items
customer details for, Open Items by Customer
time-phased for payables, A/P Aging
time-phased for receivables, A/R Aging
adding new to BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
adding to BOOs in future, Enter New Bill of Operations
defined, Glossary of Terms
expired from BOOs, Enter New Bill of Operations
characteristics and, New Opportunity
creating new, New Opportunity
creating new sources for, Opportunity Source
creating new stages for, Opportunity Stage
creating new types for, Opportunity Type
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, List Opportunities
sources for, Opportunity Sources
stages for, Opportunity Stages
to-do items and, New Opportunity
types for, Opportunity Types
order parameters
defined, Glossary of Terms
enforcement of, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
order up to levels
defined, Glossary of Terms
updating by class code, Update Order Up To Levels by Class Code
updating by item, Update Order Up To Levels by Item
updating by planner code, Update Order Up To Levels by Planner Code
OUT levels (see order up to levels)
outside processes
as item type, Enter New Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
in BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
in w/o costing, Create W/O Operation
in work centers, Work Center, Work Center
linking to wip assets, Cost Category, Cost Category


pack dates
for quotes, New Quote
for sales orders, New Sales Order
for transfer orders, New Transfer Order
creating new, Package
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Packages
packing lists
batch printing of, Packing List Batch, Print Packing List Batch by Ship Via, Packing List Batch
defined, Glossary of Terms
printing of, Print Packing List, Print Packing List
defined, Glossary of Terms
parent items
defined, Glossary of Terms
partial shipments
defined, Glossary of Terms
tracking of, Partially Shipped Orders
at log in, Log In Options
created by administrators, User
pattern matching
defined, Glossary of Terms
payables journal
printing of, Payables Journal
relation to vouchers, Post Vouchers, Post Vouchers
reprinting of, Payables Journal
payables workbench, Payables Workbench
list of selected, List Selected Payments
making to vendors, Payments
selection of, Select Payments, Select Payment
specifying bank account for, Select Bank Account
as item type, Enter New Item
item type defined, Glossary of Terms
physical inventory
creating count tags, Create Count Tags by Planner Code, Create Count Tags by Class Code/Site, Create Count Tag by Item
creating cycle count tags, Create Cycle Count Tags by Site
entering count slips, Enter Count Slip
entering count tags, Enter Count Tag
entering miscellaneous count, Enter Miscellaneous Inventory Count
management of, Physical Inventory
posting count slips, Post Count Slips
posting count tags, Post Count Tags
purging count slips, Purge Posted Count Slips
purging count tags, Purge Posted Count Tags
thawing item sites, Thaw Item Sites by Class Code/Site
zeroing uncounted count tags, Zero Uncounted Count Tags by Site
pick lists
defined, Glossary of Terms
printing of, Print Pick List
planned availability
defined, Glossary of Terms
planned expenses
defined, Glossary of Terms
planned orders
defined, Glossary of Terms
just-in-time delivery and, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
lead times for, Create Planned Order
numbering of, Configure Schedule
planned revenues
defined, Glossary of Terms
planner codes
assigning class codes to, Assign Items to Planner Code by Class Code
assigning items to, Assign Item to Planner Code
automatic explosion by, Planner Code, Planner Code
count tags created by, Create Count Tags by Planner Code
creating new, Planner Code, Planner Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
in master scheduling, Planner Codes, Planner Codes
inventory availability details for, Inventory Availability by Planner Code
item site details for, Item Sites by Planner Code, Item Sites by Planner Code
master list of, Planner Codes, Planner Codes
purchase requests for, Purchase Requests by Planner Code, Purchase Requests by Planner Code
releasing work orders by, Release Work Orders by Planner Code
updating out levels using, Update Order Up To Levels by Planner Code
updating reorder levels using, Update Reorder Levels by Planner Code
w/o schedule details for, Work Order Schedule by Planner Code
codes for, Planner Codes, Planner Codes
defined, Glossary of Terms
as item type, Enter New Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
for database access, Log In Options
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
for credit card transactions, Credit Cards
price variances
by item, Price Variances by Item
by vendor, Price Variances by Vendor
assigning schedules for, Pricing Schedule Assignments, Pricing Schedule Assignment
item list price, Enter New Item
updating by pricing schedule, Update Prices by Pricing Schedule
pricing schedules
by product category, Pricing Schedule Item
configured item pricing and, Pricing Schedule Item
creating new, Pricing Schedule, Pricing Schedule Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
discount percentage for, Pricing Schedule Item
master list of, Pricing Schedules
pricing detail for, Pricing Schedule Item
quantity breaks in, Pricing Schedule Item
updating prices for, Update Prices by Pricing Schedule
defined, Glossary of Terms
for administrators, System Module
for users, User
list of available, User, Group
list of granted, User, Group
rescanning of, Rescan Privileges
product categories
backlog details for, Backlog by Product Category, Backlog by Product Category
booking details for, Bookings by Product Category
capacity uom details for, Capacity UOMs by Product Category
creating new, Product Category
defined, Glossary of Terms
item details for, Items by Product Category
list prices updated by, Update List Prices by Product Category, Update List Prices by Product Category
master list of, Product Categories
pricing schedules for, Pricing Schedule Item
reassignment of, Reassign Product Category by Product Category
sales history details for, Sales History by Product Category
time-phased bookings for, Time-Phased Bookings by Product Category
correcting posting of, Correct Production Posting
defined, Glossary of Terms
posting miscellaneous, Post Miscellaneous Production
posting of, Post Production
production plans
creating new, New Production Plan
defined, Glossary of Terms
in master scheduling, Schedule Module
creating new, EDI Profile
master list of, EDI Profiles
profit centers
adding new numbers for, Profit Center Number
master list of numbers for, Profit Center Numbers
creating new, Create New Project
order activity for, Order Activity by Project
creating new, Enter New Prospect
defined, Glossary of Terms
as billing term, Billing Term, Billing Term, Billing Term
defined, Glossary of Terms
issue method defined, Bill of Materials Item, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
purchase orders
adding line items to, Enter New Purchase Order, Enter New Purchase Order
blanket defined, Glossary of Terms
change line item qty. for, Change Purchase Order Item Quantity
closing of, Close Purchase Order
copying of, Copy Purchase Order
creating items for, Purchase Order Item, Purchase Order Item
creating new, Enter New Purchase Order, Enter New Purchase Order
customers using blanket, Enter New Customer
defined, Glossary of Terms
freight charges on, Enter New Purchase Order, Enter New Purchase Order
handling repetitive, P/O History, Copy Purchase Order
history of, P/O History
line items by date, P/O Items by Date
line items by item, P/O Items by Item
line items by vendor, P/O Items by Vendor
linked to sales orders, Sales Order Lookup by Customer PO
list of unposted, List Unposted Purchase Orders, List Unposted Purchase Orders
numbering of, Configure Purchase
posting by agent, Post Purchase Orders by Agent
posting of, Post Purchase Order, Post Purchase Order
printing by agent, Print Purchase Orders by Agent
printing of, Print Purchase Order, Print Purchase Order
printing purchasing form, Print P/O Form
printing receiving labels for, Print Receiving Labels by Order
printing vendor form, Print Vendor Form
projects and, Order Activity by Project
statuses of, Purchase Order
summarized by date, P/Os by Vendor, P/Os by Date
templates for, P/O History, Copy Purchase Order
vendor relations and, Purchase Order
purchase requests
by item, Purchase Requests by Item, Purchase Requests by Item
by planner code, Purchase Requests by Planner Code, Purchase Requests by Planner Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
generated by sales orders, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
numbering of, Configure Purchase
as item type, Enter New Item
item type defined, Glossary of Terms
issue method defined, Bill of Materials Item, Glossary of Terms


QOH (see quantity on hand)
qt designer
designing new, Screen
quantity breaks
defined, Glossary of Terms
in pricing schedules, Pricing Schedule Item
quantity on hand
by class code, Quantities on Hand by Class Code, Quantities on Hand by Item Group
by item group, Quantities on Hand by Item
by location, Quantities on Hand by Location
defined, Glossary of Terms
resetting QOH balances, Reset QOH Balances
unbalanced, Unbalanced QOH by Class Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
billing information for, New Quote
commissions on, New Quote
creating line items for, New Quote, Quote Item
creating new, New Quote
defined, Glossary of Terms
looking up by customer, Quote Lookup by Customer
looking up by item, Quote Lookup by Item
master list of, List Quotes
numbering of, Configure Sales
pack dates for, New Quote
setting terms for, New Quote
ship-to details for, New Quote


of item sites, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
of item substitutes, Enter New Item
of vendors, Enter New Item Source
reason codes
creating new, Reason Code
master list of, Reason Codes
of class codes, Reassign Class Code by Class Code
of product categories, Reassign Product Category by Product Category
by date, Receipts and Returns by Date
by item, Receipts and Returns by Item
by vendor, Receipts and Returns by Vendor
correction of, Correct P/O Receipt, Correct P/O Receipt
splitting at vouchering, Split Receipt, Split Receipt
uninvoiced, Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns, Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns
as inventory transaction, Material Receipt
defined, Glossary of Terms
entering of receipts, Enter Receipt
from shipping, Receiving
list unposted receipts, List Unposted Receipts
MLC impact on, Enter Receipt, Purchase Order Return
receiving labels
printing by order, Print Receiving Labels by Order
as item type, Enter New Item
for a/p checks, Check Register
for deposits, Deposits Register
for invoices, Invoice Register
for vouchers, Voucher Register
creating new, Lot/Serial Registration
for lot/serial, Lot/Serial, Lot/Serial Registration
regular expressions
defined, Glossary of Terms
reject codes
creating new, Reject Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Reject Codes
rejected materials
by vendor, Rejected Material by Vendor
relationships (see item aliases)
relative calendars
adding periods to, Relative Calendar Item
creating new, Calendar
defined, Glossary of Terms
reorder exceptions
defined, Glossary of Terms
reorder levels
defined, Glossary of Terms
updating by class code, Update Reorder Levels by Class Code
updating by item, Update Reorder Level by Item
updating by planner code, Update Reorder Levels by Planner Code
of component items, Mass Replace Component Item
replenishment orders
defined, Glossary of Terms
report writer
creating reports using, Report
creating new, Report
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Reports
system-defined, Reports
rescan privileges, Rescan Privileges
defined, Glossary of Terms
site location as, Site Location
return authorizations
adding line items to, Return Authorization, Return Authorization Item
availability of items for, Return Authorization Item
billing information for, Return Authorization
commissions on, Return Authorization
configuration for, Configure Sales
creating new, Return Authorization
freight charges on, Return Authorization
lot/serial selection and, Return Authorization Item Lot/Serial
numbering of, Configure Sales
receiving sites for, Return Authorization Item
ship-to details for, Return Authorization
shipping sites for, Return Authorization Item
work orders generated by, Return Authorization Item
details by date, Receipts and Returns by Date
details by item, Receipts and Returns by Item
details by vendor, Receipts and Returns by Vendor
entering at shipping, Purchase Order Return
defined, Glossary of Terms
in boms, Enter New Bill of Materials
in boos, Enter New Bill of Operations
right-click, Right-Click Options
root items
defined, Glossary of Terms
substitute availability for, Substitute Availability by Root Item
rough-cut capacity plans
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
run time
defined, Glossary of Terms
for standard operations, Standard Operation
in BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
in work orders, Create W/O Operation


safety stock
defined, Glossary of Terms
creating new, Sale
master list of, Sales
taxable summarized, Summarized Taxable Sales
sales account assignments
creating new, Sales Category, Sales Account Assignment, Sales Category
master list of, Sales Account Assignments
sales categories
master list of, Sales Categories, Sales Categories
sales history
archiving of, Archive Sales History
brief by customer, Brief Sales History by Customer
brief by customer type, Brief Sales History by Customer Type
brief by sales rep, Brief Sales History by Sales Rep
by bill-to name, Sales History by Bill-To Name
by customer, Sales History by Customer
by customer group, Sales History by Customer Group
by customer type, Sales History by Customer Type
by item, Sales History by Item
by product category, Sales History by Product Category
by sales representative, Sales History by Sales Rep
by ship-to address, Sales History by Ship-To
restoring from archive, Restore Sales History
summarized by customer, Summarized Sales History by Customer
summarized by customer by item, Summarized Sales History by Customer by Item
summarized by customer type, Summarized Sales History by Customer Type
summarized by customer type by item, Summarized Sales History by Customer Type by Item
summarized by item, Summarized Sales History by Item
summarized by sales representative, Summarized Sales History by Sales Rep
summarized by shipping zone, Summarized Sales History by Shipping Zone by Item
time-phased by customer, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer
time-phased by customer by item, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer by Item
time-phased by customer group, Time-Phased Sales History by Customer Group
time-phased by item, Time-Phased Sales History by Item
time-phased by product category, Time-Phased Sales History by Product Category
sales journals
printing of, Sales Journal
sales orders
adding line items to, New Sales Order, Sales Order Item, New Invoice
availability of items for, Transfer Order Item, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
backlog for, Backlog by Sales Order
billing information for, New Sales Order
commissions on, New Sales Order
creating new, New Sales Order
credit cards and, New Sales Order
customer relations and, Sales Order
defined, Glossary of Terms
discount defaults for, Configure Sales
discount percentages for, Quote Item, Sales Order Item, Return Authorization Item
finding by customer, Sales Order Lookup by Customer Type, Sales Order Lookup by Customer
finding by item, Sales Order Lookup by Item
freight charges on, Ship Order, New Quote, New Sales Order
hold types for, New Sales Order
inventory availability for, Inventory Availability by Sales Order
job items and, Sales Order Item
line item pricing for, Quote Item, Sales Order Item, Price List, Return Authorization Item
linked to purchase orders, Sales Order Lookup by Customer PO
list open, List Open Sales Orders
numbering of, Configure Sales
pack dates for, New Sales Order
printing forms for, Print Sales Order Form
printing shipping labels for, Print Shipping Labels by S/O #
projects and, Order Activity by Project
purchase requests generated by, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
related to work orders, Open Work Orders with Closed Parent Sales Orders, Open Work Orders with Parent Sales Orders
rescheduling of line items, Reschedule all S/O Line Items
reservation utility for, Allocate Reservations
reservations for, Inventory Availability by Sales Order
selling sites for, Transfer Order Item, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
setting terms for, New Sales Order
ship-to details for, New Sales Order
shipments of, Shipments by Sales Order
shipping charges on, New Sales Order, New Invoice
shipping forms on, New Sales Order, New Invoice
status of, Sales Order Status
supplying sites and, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
work orders generated by, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
sales quotes (see quotes)
sales rep (see sales representatives)
sales representatives
booking details for, Bookings by Sales Rep
brief sales history for, Brief Sales History by Sales Rep
commission percentages for, Sales Representative
commissions for, New Quote, New Sales Order, Return Authorization, New Invoice
creating new, Sales Representative
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Sales Representatives
sales history details for, Sales History by Sales Rep
sales history summarized by, Summarized Sales History by Sales Rep
as inventory transaction, Scrap
defined, Glossary of Terms
from w/o materials, Scrap W/O Material from W/O
designing new, Screen
master list of, Screens
size remembered for, Screen Position/Size Memory
using qt designer with, Screen
creating new, Script Editor
master list of, Scripts
serial numbers
creating new, Lot/Serial
defined, Glossary of Terms
registrations and, Lot/Serial
adding transactions to, Series Journal Entry Item
creating new, Series G/L Journal Entry
posting of, Series G/L Journal Entry
viewing g/l transactions in, G/L Series
addresses for, Database Information
defined, Glossary of Terms
for credit card companies, Credit Cards
for credit card service, Credit Cards
ftp for edi profile, EDI Profile
identifying at log in, Log In Options
service Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
setup time
defined, Glossary of Terms
for operations, Standard Operation
in BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
in work orders, Create W/O Operation
adding new, Shift
ship vias
creating new, Ship Via
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Ship Vias
printing invoices by, Print Invoices by Ship Via
printing packing lists by, Print Packing List Batch by Ship Via
ship-to addresses
bookings details for, Bookings by Ship-To
contact information for, Enter New Customer
creating new, Enter New Customer
defined, Glossary of Terms
sales history for, Sales History by Ship-To
partial, Enter New Customer
charges on sales orders, New Sales Order, New Invoice
defined, Glossary of Terms
entering of returns, Purchase Order Return
forms used in, Forms
issue line item to, Issue Line to Shipping
issuing stock to, New Transfer Order, Issue to Shipping, New Sales Order
job items and, Issue to Shipping
kits and, Issue to Shipping
maintaining contents at, Maintain Shipping Contents
master list of charge types, Shipping Charge Types
MLC impact on, Issue to Shipping
new charge types for, Shipping Charge Type
partial defined, Glossary of Terms
partially shipped orders, Partially Shipped Orders
recalling orders to, Recall Orders to Shipping
receiving purchased items from, Receiving
sales orders shipped, Shipments by Sales Order
shipments by date, Shipments by Date
shipping sales orders, Ship Order
uninvoiced shipments, Uninvoiced Shipments
zones for, Shipping Zones
shipping contents
defined, Glossary of Terms
maintenance of, Maintain Shipping Contents
shipping forms
creating new, Shipping Form
master list of, Shipping Forms
printing of, Print Shipping Form, Print Shipping Forms
selecting on sales orders, New Sales Order, New Invoice
shipping labels
printing by invoice, Print Shipping Labels by Invoice
printing by sales order, Print Shipping Labels by S/O #
printing by transfer order, Print Shipping Labels by T/O #
shipping records
purging of, Purge Shipping Records
shipping sites
designation of, Site
shipping zones
creating new, Shipping Zone
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Shipping Zones
sales history summarized by, Summarized Sales History by Shipping Zone by Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
simple entries
creating new, Simple G/L Journal Entry
posting of, Simple G/L Journal Entry
site locations
allowable items in, Site Location
creating new, Site Location
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Site Locations
netable, Site Location
restricted, Site Location, Enter Item Site
See also locations[site locations, Site Locations
within zones, Site Location
site types
creating new, Site Type
master list of, Site Types
site zones
creating new, Site
defined, Glossary of Terms
locations within, Site Location
backlog summarized by, Summarized Backlog by Site, Summarized Backlog by Site
count slips in, Count Slips by Site
count tags in, Count Tags by Site
creating new, Site
creating zones in, Site
defined, Glossary of Terms
enforcing zones in, Site
for make-to-order, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
for receiving returns, Return Authorization Item
for shipping returns, Return Authorization Item
item usage statistics for, Item Usage Statistics by Site
locations in, Site Locations
master list of, Sites
posting count slips in, Post Count Slips
posting count tags in, Post Count Tags
sold from for sales orders, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
source for transfer orders, Transfer Order Item
transit defined, Glossary of Terms
zeroing uncounted count tags in, Zero Uncounted Count Tags by Site
zones for, Site
slow moving inventory, Slow Moving Inventory
sold ranking
defined, Glossary of Terms
for item sites, Enter Item Site, Create Item Sites by Class Code
source vendors (see item sources)
defined, Glossary of Terms
standard costs
defined, Glossary of Terms
material costs posted to, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
rolling up of, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
updating by class code, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
updating by item, Update Standard Costs by Item
updating material costs, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
updating user costs, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
user costs posted to, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
standard journal groups
adding journals to, Standard Journal Group Item
creating new, Standard Journal Group
defined, Glossary of Terms
expired components in, Standard Journal Group
future components in, Standard Journal Group
master list of, List Standard Journal Groups
posting of, Post Standard Journal Group
standard journals
adding new to group, Standard Journal Group Item
adding transactions to, Standard Journal Item
creating new, New Standard Journal
defined, Glossary of Terms
grouping of, List Standard Journal Groups
master list of, List Standard Journals
posting history of, Standard Journal History
posting of, Post Standard Journal
standard labor rates
defined, Glossary of Terms
standard operations
creating new, Standard Operation
defined, Glossary of Terms
stock buffer
defined, Glossary of Terms
subaccount types
assignment of, Account Number
creating new, Subaccount Type
master list of, Subaccount Types
adding new, Subaccount Number
master list of, Subaccount Numbers
types for, Subaccount Types
defined, Glossary of Terms
substitute availability
by root item, Substitute Availability by Root Item
creating new bom-defined, Bill of Materials Item
system administrators (see xtuple administrators)
system messages
options for, Schedule System Message


TAB key, TAB Key
creating new, Create New Task
tax authorities
creating new, Tax Authority
default for customers, Enter New Customer
default for vendors, Create New Vendor
defined, Glossary of Terms
for credit memos, New Credit Memo
for prospects, Enter New Prospect
for quotes, New Quote
for return authorizations, Return Authorization
for sales orders, Enter New Item, New Sales Order, Select Order for Billing
for sites, Site
for transfer orders, New Transfer Order
master list of, Tax Authorities
tax codes
creating new, Tax Code, Tax Code
cumulative, Tax Code, Tax Code
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Tax Codes, Tax Codes
rate structure for, Tax Code, Tax Code
tax registrations
creating new, Tax Registration
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Tax Registrations
tax selections
creating new, Tax Selection
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Tax Selections
tax types
creating new, Tax Type
defined, Glossary of Terms
master list of, Tax Types
for customers, Enter New Customer
for vendors, Create New Vendor
registration for customers, Enter New Customer
registration for vendors, Create New Vendor
creating new, Billing Term, Billing Term, Billing Term
defined, Glossary of Terms
discounting options for, Billing Term, Billing Term, Billing Term
master list of, Terms, Terms, Terms
proximo as, Billing Term, Billing Term, Billing Term
at count tag posting, Post Count Tags
defined, Glossary of Terms
of inventory, Post Count Tags
of item sites, Thaw Item Sites by Class Code/Site
this level
defined, Glossary of Terms
at operation level, Bill of Operations Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
time buffer
defined, Glossary of Terms
time fence
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
creating new, Title
introduced, Titles
to-do lists
creating new to-dos, New To-Do List Item
maintenance of, To-Do List
management of, To-Do
opportunities and, New Opportunity
toolbar buttons
master list of, Toolbar Buttons
buttons master list, Toolbar Buttons
defined, Glossary of Terms
user options for, Preferences
as item type, Enter New Item
item type defined, Glossary of Terms
adding to g/l series, Series Journal Entry Item
adding to standard journal, Standard Journal Item
creating g/l series, Series G/L Journal Entry
creating simple g/l entry, Simple G/L Journal Entry
defined, Glossary of Terms
listing of g/l types, G/L Document Types
listing of inventory types, Inventory Transaction Types
posting g/l series, Series G/L Journal Entry
See also inventory transactions[transactions, Transactions
summarized in general ledger, Summarized G/L Transactions
viewing in general ledger, G/L Transactions, G/L Series
transfer orders
adding line items to, New Transfer Order, Transfer Order Item
creating new, New Transfer Order
freight charges on, New Transfer Order
pack dates for, New Transfer Order
printing shipping labels for, Print Shipping Labels by T/O #
defined, Glossary of Terms
transit sites
defined, Glossary of Terms
defined, Glossary of Terms
printing of, Print Traveler
trial balances
forward-updating of, Account Number, Forward Update Accounts
periods included in, View Trial Balances
reporting on, View Trial Balances


defined, Glossary of Terms
uninvoiced shipments
identifying, Uninvoiced Shipments
units of measure
alternates for items, Enter New Item
associating with items, Enter New Item
at item level, Enter New Item
capacity by class code, Capacity UOMs by Class Code
capacity by product category, Capacity UOMs by Product Category
creating new, Unit of Measure
defined, Glossary of Terms
in BOOs, Bill of Operations Item
in operations, Standard Operation, Create W/O Operation
master list of, Units of Measure
selling specified, Enter New Item
update prices, Update Prices by Pricing Schedule
usage statistics
defined, Glossary of Terms
user costs
posting of, Post Actual Costs by Item, Post Actual Costs by Class Code
updating of, Update Actual Costs by Item, Update Actual Costs by Class Code, Update Standard Costs by Item, Update Standard Costs by Class Code
user preferences
defined, Glossary of Terms
creating for users, User
required at log in, Log In Options
creating new, User
creating usernames for, User
event notification for, Preferences
module options for, Preferences
passwords for, User
preferred sites for, Preferences
privileges for, User
setting idle timeout for, Preferences
toolbar options for, Preferences
viewing events for, Event Manager
defined, Glossary of Terms
in accounting module, Utilities
in i/m module, Utilities
in p/d module, Utilities
in p/o module, Utilities
in s/o module, Utilities


valid locations
by item, Valid Locations by Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
delivery date by item, Delivery Date Variances by Item
delivery date by vendor, Delivery Date Variances by Vendor
material usage by BOM item, Material Usage Variance by BOM Item
material usage by component item, Material Usage Variance by Component Item
material usage by item, Material Usage Variance by Item
material usage by w/o, Material Usage Variance by Work Order
price by item, Price Variances by Item
price by vendor, Price Variances by Vendor
relation to w/o, Close Work Order, Close Work Order
vendor addresses
creating new, Create New Vendor
vendor ranking
defined, Glossary of Terms
for item sources, Enter New Item Source
vendor types
creating new, Vendor Type, Vendor Type
master list of, Vendor Types, Vendor Types
vendor workbench, Vendor Workbench
as item sources, Item Sources by Vendor
contact information for, Create New Vendor
creating new, Create New Vendor
default settings for, Configure Purchase
defined, Glossary of Terms
delivery date variances for, Delivery Date Variances by Vendor
history for, Vendor History
information about, Vendor Workbench
making payments to, Payments
master list of, Vendors, Vendors
open items for, Open Items by Vendor
p/o forms for, Print Vendor Form
p/o line item details for, P/O Items by Vendor
ranking of, Enter New Item Source
receipt details for, Receipts and Returns by Vendor
rejected materials to, Rejected Material by Vendor
return details for, Receipts and Returns by Vendor
searching for, Search for Vendor
tax information for, Create New Vendor
tax registration for, Create New Vendor
types of, Vendor Types, Vendor Types
vouchering edit list, Vouchering Edit List
automatic updating of actual costs, Voucher Item Distribution, Voucher Item Distribution
costing elements associated with, Voucher Item Distribution, Voucher Item Distribution
creating new, Enter New Voucher, Enter New Voucher
creating new miscellaneous, Enter New Miscellaneous Voucher, Enter New Miscellaneous Voucher
defined, Glossary of Terms
distributing quantities to, Enter New Voucher, Voucher Item, Enter New Miscellaneous Voucher, Enter New Voucher, Voucher Item, Enter New Miscellaneous Voucher
edit list for, Vouchering Edit List
list of unposted, Unposted Vouchers, Unposted Vouchers, Unposted Vouchers, Unposted Vouchers
miscellaneous distributions for, Voucher Misc. Distribution, Voucher Misc. Distribution, Voucher Misc. Distribution, Voucher Misc. Distribution
numbering of, Configure Purchase
posting of, Post Vouchers, Post Vouchers
register for, Voucher Register
relation to payables journal, Post Vouchers, Post Vouchers
splitting receipts for, Split Receipt, Split Receipt
vendor relations and, Voucher


client log in procedure, Log In Options
WIP (see work in process)
work centers
creating new, Work Center, Work Center
daily capacity, Work Center, Work Center
defined, Glossary of Terms
labor rates for, Work Center, Work Center
master list of, Work Centers, Work Centers
overhead in, Work Center, Work Center
work in process
boo-defined locations for, Enter New Bill of Operations, Bill of Operations Item
defined, Glossary of Terms
work order control, Work Order
work order material requirements
creation and management of, Materials
defined, Glossary of Terms
issuing in batch mode, Issue W/O Material Batch
issuing individually, Issue W/O Material Item
maintenance involving, Maintain W/O Material Requirements
returning in batch mode, Return W/O Material Batch
returning individually, Return W/O Material Item
work order operations
defined, Glossary of Terms
work orders
adjusting lead times for, Create New Work Order
automatic explosion of, Configure Manufacture
changing quantities for, Change Work Order Quantity
closing of, Close Work Order, Close Work Order
controlling, Work Order
creating material requirements for, Create W/O Material Requirement
creating new, Create New Work Order
default explosion levels for, Configure Manufacture
default variance reporting for, Configure Manufacture
defined, Glossary of Terms
execution days in, Create W/O Operation
explosion levels for, Explode Work Order
explosion of, Explode Work Order
five states of, Manufacture Module
for job items, Create New Work Order
generated by return authorizations, Return Authorization Item
generated by sales orders, Quote Item, Sales Order Item
history by class code, Work Order History by Class Code
history by item, Work Order History by Item
history by order number, Work Order History by W/O Number
implosion of, Implode Work Order
issuing materials in batch mode, Issue W/O Material Batch
issuing materials individually, Issue W/O Material Item
job costing and, Job Costing
maintenance of materials in, Maintain W/O Material Requirements
material availability by, Inventory Availability by Work Order
material requirements by, W/O Material Requirements by Work Order
material requirements by component item in, W/O Material Requirements by Component Item
material requirements for, Materials
material usage variances for, Material Usage Variance by Work Order
numbering of, Configure Manufacture
pending material availability for, Pending W/O Material Availability
posting options, Post Operation
printing forms for, Print Work Order Form
projects and, Order Activity by Project
purging closed, Purge Closed Work Orders
related to sales orders, Open Work Orders with Closed Parent Sales Orders, Open Work Orders with Parent Sales Orders
relation to production, Work Order
releasing by planner code, Release Work Orders by Planner Code
rescheduling of, Reschedule Work Order
return material batch from, Return W/O Material Batch
return material item from, Return W/O Material Item
run time for operations, Create W/O Operation
scheduling by class code, Work Order Schedule by Class Code
scheduling by item, Work Order Schedule by Item
scheduling by item group, Work Order Schedule by Item Group
scheduling by planner code, Work Order Schedule by Planner Code
setup time for operations, Create W/O Operation
variances related to, Close Work Order, Close Work Order
w/o schedule details for, Work Order Schedule by Work Order
for accounts receivable, Receivables Workbench
for customer service, Customer Information Workbench
for item availability, Item Availability Workbench, Item Availability Workbench
for payables, Payables Workbench
for vendors, Vendor Workbench


importing data, Import XML
defined, Glossary of Terms
transforming XML documents for import, Configure Import and Export
xtuple administrators
defined, Glossary of Terms
new groups created by, Group
new users created by, User
passwords created by, User
privileges for, System Module
privileges maintained by, Maintain Users, Maintain Groups
system messages scheduled by, Schedule System Message
user locales established by, User
user privileges defined by, User


of uncounted count tags, Zero Uncounted Count Tags by Site
creating new in site, Site
defined, Glossary of Terms
enforcing in sites, Site
for shipping, Shipping Zones
for sites, Site