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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CG3D::_internal::_BinaryFormat< T >
 CG3D::_internal::_GetComputeType< Storage >
 CAchievementMgrDeleterBase< T >
 CAchievementMgrDeleterBase< Guild >
 CAchievementMgrDeleterBase< Player >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::add_reference< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::add_reference< T & >
 Crapidjson::AllocatorConcept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block
 CG3D::AnyEasy loading and saving of human-readable configuration files
 Cfmt::internal::ArgArray< N, bool >
 Cfmt::internal::ArgArray< N, false >
 Cfmt::internal::ArgArray< N, true >
 Cfmt::internal::ArgMap< Char >
 Cfmt::internal::ArgVisitor< Impl, Result >
 Cfmt::internal::ArgVisitor< BasicArgFormatter< Char >, void >
 Cfmt::internal::ArgVisitor< Impl, void >
 CG3D::Array< T, MIN_ELEMENTS >Dynamic 1D array tuned for performance
 CWorldPackets::Array< T, N >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Array
 CG3D::Array< char >
 CG3D::Array< Color1 >
 CG3D::Array< Color3 >
 CG3D::Array< Color4 >
 CG3D::Array< const T * >
 CG3D::Array< const void * >
 CG3D::Array< Control >
 CG3D::Array< EdgeArray >
 CG3D::Array< float >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::AABox >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::Any >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::AreaMemoryManager::Buffer * >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::ConvexPolygon >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::FileSystem::Entry >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::Frustum::Face >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::KDTree::Handle * >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::KDTree::Node * >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::NetworkDevice::EthernetAdapter >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::PointKDTree::Handle >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::PointKDTree::Node * >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::TextInput::Settings >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::Vector2 >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::Vector3 >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::Vector4 >
 CG3D::Array< G3D::XML >
 CG3D::Array< int >
 CWorldPackets::Array< ObjectGuid, VOID_STORAGE_MAX_DEPOSIT >
 CWorldPackets::Array< ObjectGuid, VOID_STORAGE_MAX_WITHDRAW >
 CG3D::Array< PhysicsFrame >
 CG3D::Array< std::string >
 CWorldPackets::Array< std::string, MAX_PREFIXES >
 CG3D::Array< Storage >
 CG3D::Array< T >
 CG3D::Array< ThreadRef >
 CG3D::Array< uint32 >
 CG3D::Array< uint8 >
 CG3D::Array< unsigned char >
 CG3D::Array< unsigned short >
 CG3D::Array< UprightFrame >
 CWorldPackets::Array< WorldPackets::Calendar::CalendarAddEventInviteInfo, CALENDAR_MAX_INVITES >
 CWorldPackets::Array< WorldPackets::Character::ReorderCharacters::ReorderInfo >
 CWorldPackets::Array< WorldPackets::Item::TransmogrifyItem, MAX_TRANSMOGRIFY_ITEMS >
 CASCII< CharType >ASCII encoding
 CAutoUTF< CharType >Dynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type
 CAutoUTFInputStream< CharType, InputByteStream >Input stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CAutoUTFOutputStream< CharType, OutputByteStream >Output stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CG3D::PointKDTree< T, PositionFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::AxisComparator
 CBaseReaderHandler< Encoding, Derived >Default implementation of Handler
 Cfmt::internal::BasicCharTraits< Char >
 Cfmt::internal::BasicCharTraits< char >
 Cfmt::internal::BasicCharTraits< wchar_t >
 Cfmt::BasicCStringRef< Char >
 Cfmt::internal::BasicData< T >
 Cfmt::BasicStringRef< Char >
 Cfmt::BasicWriter< Char >
 CBIHWrap< T, BoundsFunc >
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::BoundsComparator
 CBoundsTrait< Value >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::AABox * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::AABox >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Box * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Box >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Sphere * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Sphere >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Triangle * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Triangle >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Vector2 * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Vector2 >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Vector3 * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Vector3 >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Vector4 * >
 CBoundsTrait< class G3D::Vector4 >
 CBoundsTrait< GameObjectModel >
 CBoundsTrait< VMAP::GroupModel >
 CBoundsTrait< VMAP::ModelSpawn * >
 CG3D::BoxAn arbitrary (oriented) 3D box, useful as a bounding box
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::BoxIntersectionIterator
 CG3D::PointKDTree< T, PositionFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::BoxIntersectionIterator
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::BoxIterator
 Cfmt::Buffer< T >
 Cfmt::Buffer< Char >
 CRegularGrid2D< T, Node, NodeCreatorFunc, PositionFunc >::Cell
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::CellIterator
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::CellIterator::CellObject
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::CenterComparator
 Cfmt::internal::CharTraits< Char >
 CMemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >::ChunkHeaderChunk header for perpending to each chunk
 CGenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ClearStackOnExit
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >::ClearStackOnExit
 CCliCommandHolderStorage class for commands issued for delayed execution
 CWorldPackets::CompactArray< T >
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Comparator
 CTaskScheduler::CompareContainer which provides Task order, insert and reschedule operations
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::CompileAssert< bool >
 Cfmt::internal::Conditional< B, T, F >
 Cfmt::internal::Conditional< false, T, F >
 CConjureRefreshmentDataUpdated 6.0.3
 CContainerMapList< OBJECT >
 CContainerMapList< GRID_OBJECT_TYPES >
 CContainerMapList< H >
 CContainerMapList< OBJECT_TYPES >
 CContainerMapList< T >
 CContainerMapList< TypeList< H, T > >
 CContainerMapList< TypeNull >
 CContainerMapList< WORLD_OBJECT_TYPES >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< OBJECT, KEY_TYPE >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< AllMapStoredObjectTypes, ObjectGuid >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< H, KEY_TYPE >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< OBJECT_TYPES, KEY_TYPE >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< T, KEY_TYPE >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< TypeList< H, T >, KEY_TYPE >
 CContainerUnorderedMap< TypeNull, KEY_TYPE >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::internal::ConvertHelper< From, To >
 Cfmt::internal::ConvertToInt< T >
 Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl< T, ENABLE_CONVERSION >
 Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl2< T, ENABLE_CONVERSION >
 Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl2< T, true >
 Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl< T, true >
 CG3D::CoordinateFrameA rigid body RT (rotation-translation) transformation
 CCoordPair< LIMIT >
 CMovement::counter< T, limit >
 CTrinity::CreatureLastSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::CreatureListSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::CreatureSearcher< Check >
 CCreatureTextLocalizer< Builder >
 CTrinity::CreatureWorker< Do >
 CCrtAllocatorC-runtime library allocator
 CCUFProfileRepresents a CompactUnitFrame profile
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Data
 CDatabaseWorkerPool< T >
 CDB2StorageBaseInterface class for common access
 CDBCStorage< T >
 CDBUpdater< T >
 CG3D::Array< T, MIN_ELEMENTS >::DefaultComparator
 Cgoogle::protobuf::SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex< Value >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex< const google::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto * >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex< pair< const void *, int > >
 CdtPolyDetailDefines the location of detail sub-mesh data within a dtMeshTile
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::ElementCopier< Element, HasTrivialCopy >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::ElementCopier< Element, true >
 Cfmt::internal::EnableIf< B, T >
 Cfmt::internal::EnableIf< true, T >
 CEncodedInputStream< Encoding, InputByteStream >Input byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding
 CEncodedOutputStream< Encoding, OutputByteStream >Output byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding
 Crapidjson::EncodingConcept for encoding of Unicode characters
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::Entry
 CG3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Entry
 CEnumName< E, T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::EnumTypeTraits< Type, IsValid >
 CEqualsTrait< Key >
 CEqualsTrait< G3D::_internal::VN >
 CEqualsTrait< G3D::_internal::VNTi >
 CG3D::NetworkDevice::EthernetAdapterDescription of an ethernet or wireless ethernet adapter
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::ExtensionIdentifier< ExtendeeType, TypeTraitsType, field_type, is_packed >
 CFactoryHolder< T, Key >
 CFactoryHolder< CreatureAI >
 CFactoryHolder< GameObjectAI >
 CFactoryHolder< MovementGenerator, MovementGeneratorType >
 CFieldClass used to access individual fields of database query result
 CG3D::FilePathParsing of file system paths
 CFileReadStreamFile byte stream for input using fread()
 CFileWriteStreamWrapper of C file stream for input using fread()
 CFinder< T, S >
 CFlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, InvisibilityType, TOTAL_INVISIBILITY_TYPES >
 CFlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, ServerSideVisibilityType, TOTAL_SERVERSIDE_VISIBILITY_TYPES >
 CFlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, StealthType, TOTAL_STEALTH_TYPES >
 CTrinity::GameObjectLastSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::GameObjectListSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::GameObjectSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::GameObjectWorker< Functor >
 CGameTable< T >
 CGenericInsituStringStream< Encoding >A read-write string stream
 CGenericMember< Encoding, Allocator >Name-value pair in a JSON object value
 CGenericMemoryBuffer< Allocator >Represents an in-memory output byte stream
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericReader< UTF8<>, UTF8<> >
 CGenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >Represents an in-memory output stream
 CGenericStringBuffer< UTF8<> >
 CGenericStringRef< CharType >Reference to a constant string (not taking a copy)
 CGenericStringStream< Encoding >Read-only string stream
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::GenericTypeHandler< GenericType >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::GenericTypeHandler< Element >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericValue< UTF8<> >
 CG3D::GMutexMutual exclusion lock used for synchronization
 CGridLoader< A, T, O >
 CGridObject< T >
 CGridObject< AreaTrigger >
 CGridObject< Corpse >
 CGridObject< Creature >
 CGridObject< DynamicObject >
 CGridObject< GameObject >
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Handle
 CG3D::PointKDTree< T, PositionFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Handle
 Crapidjson::HandlerConcept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing. The functions return true if no error occurs. If they return false, the event publisher should terminate the process
 Cgoogle::protobuf::hash< Key >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::hash< const char * >
 Cstd::hash< ObjectGuid >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::hash< pair< First, Second > >
 Cstd::hash< std::pair< K, V > >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::hash< string >
 CHashMapHolder< T >
 CHashTrait< T >
 CHashTrait< class G3D::GUniqueID >
 CHashTrait< const G3D::ImageFormat * >
 CHashTrait< G3D::_internal::VN >
 CHashTrait< G3D::_internal::VNTi >
 CHashTrait< G3D::_internal::Welder::List * >
 CHashTrait< G3D::AABox >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Color1 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Color3 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Color4 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::int16 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::int32 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::int64 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::NetAddress >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Sphere >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Triangle >
 CHashTrait< G3D::uint128 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::uint16 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::uint32 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::uint64 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector2 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector2int16 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector2int32 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector2unorm16 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector3 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector3int16 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector3int32 >
 CHashTrait< G3D::Vector4 >
 CHashTrait< GameObjectModel >
 CHashTrait< shared_ptr< T > >
 CHashTrait< std::string >
 CHashTrait< std::type_info *const >
 CHashTrait< T * >
 CHashTrait< typename G3D::_internal::Indirector< Handle > >
 CHmacHash< HashCreator, DigestLength >
 CHomeMovementGenerator< T >
 CHookList< T >
 CHookList< AuraScript::AuraDispelHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::AuraProcHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::CheckAreaTargetHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::CheckProcHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectAbsorbHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectApplyHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectCalcAmountHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectCalcPeriodicHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectCalcSpellModHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectManaShieldHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectPeriodicHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectProcHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectSplitHandler >
 CHookList< AuraScript::EffectUpdatePeriodicHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::CastHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::CheckCastHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::DestinationTargetSelectHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::EffectHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::HitHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::ObjectAreaTargetSelectHandler >
 CHookList< SpellScript::ObjectTargetSelectHandler >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::I
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::identity_< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::if_< cond, A, B >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::if_< false, A, B >
 CG3D::_internal::Indirector< Type >
 CG3D::Pointer< ValueType >::IndirectValue
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< T, v >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool, sizeof(internal::ConvertHelper< add_reference< T >::type, int >::Test(internal::ConvertHelper< add_reference< T >::type, int >::Create()))==sizeof(small_)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool, sizeof(internal::ConvertHelper< From, To >::Test(internal::ConvertHelper< From, To >::Create()))==sizeof(small_)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(A::value &&B::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(A::value||B::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(has_trivial_assign< T >::value &&has_trivial_assign< U >::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(has_trivial_constructor< T >::value &&has_trivial_constructor< U >::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(has_trivial_copy< T >::value &&has_trivial_copy< U >::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(has_trivial_destructor< T >::value &&has_trivial_destructor< U >::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(is_integral< A >::value||is_floating_point< A >::value||is_enum< A >::value||is_pointer< A >::value)>
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::integral_constant< bool,(is_integral< T >::value||is_floating_point< T >::value||is_enum< T >::value||is_pointer< T >::value)>
 CG3D::Pointer< ValueType >::Interface
 CVMAP::IntersectionCallBack< TValue >
 Cfmt::internal::IntTraits< T >
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::internal::is_class_or_union< T >
 CLinkedListHead::Iterator< _Ty >
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator
 CG3D::PointKDTree< T, PositionFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator
 CG3D::Set< T, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator
 CG3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator
 CLinkedListHead::Iterator< MapReference >
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >::LevelInformation for each nested level
 Clfg::LfgPlayerBootStores information of a current vote to kick someone from a group
 Clfg::LfgProposalStores group data related to proposal to join
 Clfg::LfgProposalPlayerStores player data related to proposal to join
 Clfg::LfgQueueDataStores player or group queue info
 Clfg::LfgRewardReward info
 Clfg::LfgRoleCheckStores all rolecheck info of a group that wants to join
 CLFGuildPlayerHolds all informations about a player's finder settings. NOT stored in database
 CTrinity::LocalizedPacketDo< Builder >
 CTrinity::LocalizedPacketListDo< Builder >
 CLockedQueue< T, StorageType >
 CLockedQueue< CliCommandHolder * >
 CLockedQueue< std::pair< std::weak_ptr< WorldSocket >, uint64 > >
 CLockedQueue< WorldPacket * >
 CLockedQueue< WorldSession * >
 Cfmt::internal::MakeUnsigned< T >
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 CBIHWrap< T, BoundsFunc >::MDLCallback< RayCallback >
 CMembershipRequestHolds all required informations about a membership request
 CMemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM
 CMemoryStreamRepresents an in-memory input byte stream
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::MessageTypeTraits< Type >
 CMPSCQueue< T >
 CMPSCQueue< EncryptablePacket >
 CG3D::NetworkDeviceAbstraction of network (socket) functionality
 CNetworkThread< SocketType >
 CNetworkThread< Session >
 CNetworkThread< WorldSocket >
 CMPSCQueue< T >::Node
 CG3D::KDTree< T, BoundsFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Node
 CG3D::PointKDTree< T, PositionFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Node
 CG3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Node
 CNodeCreator< Node >
 Cfmt::internal::Not< bool >
 Cfmt::internal::Not< false >
 Cfmt::internal::Null< T >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >::NumberStream< InputStream, backup >
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >::NumberStream< InputStream, false >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Object
 CObjectGuidTraits< high >
 CObjectRegistry< T, Key >
 CParseResultResult of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode)
 CPathMovementBase< T, P >
 CPathMovementBase< Creature, WaypointPath const * >
 CPathMovementBase< Player, TaxiPathNodeList >
 CPermissible< T >
 CPermissible< Creature >
 CPermissible< GameObject >
 CSpellHistory::PersistenceHelper< T >
 CSpellHistory::PersistenceHelper< Pet >
 CSpellHistory::PersistenceHelper< Player >
 CTrinity::PlayerDistWorker< Do >
 CTrinity::PlayerLastSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::PlayerListSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::PlayerSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::PlayerWorker< Do >
 CG3D::Pointer< ValueType >
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >A sparse 3D grid of point-based data
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< G3D::_internal::VNTi >
 CG3D::PointKDTree< T, PositionFunc, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CPoolGroup< T >
 CPoolGroup< Creature >
 CPoolGroup< GameObject >
 CPoolGroup< Pool >
 CPoolGroup< Quest >
 CPositionTrait< Value >
 CPositionTrait< class G3D::Vector2 >
 CPositionTrait< class G3D::Vector3 >
 CPositionTrait< class G3D::Vector4 >
 CPositionTrait< G3D::_internal::VN >
 CPositionTrait< G3D::_internal::VNTi >
 CPositionTrait< GameObjectModel >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::PrimitiveTypeTraits< Type >
 Cfmt::internal::PrintfArgFormatter< Char >
 CProducerConsumerQueue< T >
 CProducerConsumerQueue< MapUpdateRequest * >
 CProducerConsumerQueue< SQLOperation * >
 CProducerConsumerQueue< uint32 >
 CQueryCallback< Result, ParamType, chain >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, bool >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, bool, true >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, ObjectGuid >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, std::shared_ptr< WorldPackets::Character::CharacterCreateInfo >, true >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, std::shared_ptr< WorldPackets::Character::CharacterRenameInfo > >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, std::shared_ptr< WorldPackets::Character::CharacterUndeleteInfo >, true >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, std::shared_ptr< WorldPackets::Character::CharCustomizeInfo > >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, std::shared_ptr< WorldPackets::Character::CharRaceOrFactionChangeInfo > >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, std::string >
 CQueryCallback< PreparedQueryResult, uint32 >
 CQueryCallback_2< Result, ParamType1, ParamType2, chain >
 CG3D::Queue< T >
 CrcCompactCellProvides information on the content of a cell column in a compact heightfield
 CrcCompactSpanRepresents a span of unobstructed space within a compact heightfield
 CrcContourRepresents a simple, non-overlapping contour in field space
 CrcIntArrayA simple dynamic array of integers
 CrcScopedDelete< T >
 CRealmListStorage object for the list of realms on the server
 CRegularGrid2D< T, Node, NodeCreatorFunc, PositionFunc >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_const< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_const< T const >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_cv< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_pointer< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_pointer< T * >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_pointer< T *const >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_pointer< T *const volatile >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_pointer< T *volatile >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_reference< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_reference< T & >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_volatile< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::remove_volatile< T volatile >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::RemoveConst< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::RepeatedEnumTypeTraits< Type, IsValid >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< Element >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< ::google::protobuf::int32 >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< ::google::protobuf::uint32 >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< bool >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< double >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< float >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< int >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< int32 >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< int64 >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< T >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< uint32 >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedField< uint64 >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::RepeatedMessageTypeTraits< Type >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPrimitiveTypeTraits< Type >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::scoped_array< C >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::internal::scoped_ptr< C >
 CScriptRegistry< TScript >
 CSessionKeyGenerator< Hash >
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 CG3D::Set< T, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CG3D::Set< const T * >
 CG3D::Set< std::string >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ShortString
 Cfmt::internal::SignChecker< IsSigned >
 Cfmt::internal::SignChecker< false >
 CG3D::SmallArray< T, N >
 CG3D::SmallArray< G3D::Frustum::Face, 6 >
 CG3D::SmallArray< G3D::Vector4, 8 >
 CG3D::SmallArray< int, 2 >
 CG3D::SmallArray< int, 6 >
 CSocketMgr< SocketType >
 CSocketMgr< Session >
 CSocketMgr< WorldSocket >
 CG3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::SphereIterator
 CG3D::SpinlockA mutual exclusion lock that busy-waits when locking
 CSslSocket< SslContext >
 Cinternal::Stack< Allocator >A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data
 Cinternal::Stack< StackAllocator >
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >::StackStream< CharType >
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >::StackStream< char >
 Cgoogle::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream::StaticVarintSize32< Value >
 CG3D::StopwatchAccurately measure durations and framerates
 Crapidjson::StreamConcept for reading and writing characters
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, int >
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, 0 >Keep reference
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, 1 >Do copy optimization
 CStreamTraits< Stream >Provides additional information for stream
 CStreamTraits< GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > >
 CStreamTraits< GenericStringStream< Encoding > >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::String
 Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< Char >
 Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< char >
 Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< signed char >
 Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< unsigned char >
 Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< wchar_t >
 CG3D::SystemOS and processor abstraction
 CG3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CG3D::Table< const T *, bool, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CG3D::Table< const T *, Node * >
 CG3D::Table< const T *, uint32 >
 CG3D::Table< G3D::_internal::Indirector, G3D::KDTree::Node * >
 CG3D::Table< Key, ValueWeakRef >
 CG3D::Table< Member, Node * >
 CG3D::Table< Point3int32, Cell >
 CG3D::Table< std::string, bool, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CG3D::Table< std::string, G3D::FileSystem::Dir >
 CG3D::Table< std::string, unsigned int >
 CG3D::Table< std::string, XML >
 CG3D::Table< T, bool >
 CG3D::Table< T, bool, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CG3D::Table< T, Node *, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >
 CFlightPathMovementGenerator::TaxiNodeChangeInfoNode index where preloading starts
 CTempSummonDataStores data for temp summons
 CTempSummonGroupKeyKey for storing temp summon data in TempSummonDataContainer
 CG3D::TextInputA simple tokenizer for parsing text files
 Cboost::thread_specific_ptr< T >
 CTranscoder< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding >Encoding conversion
 CTranscoder< Encoding, Encoding >Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding
 CTypeContainerVisitor< VISITOR, TYPE_CONTAINER >
 CTypeList< HEAD, TAIL >
 CTypeMapContainer< OBJECT_TYPES >
 CTypeMapContainer< GRID_OBJECT_TYPES >
 CTypeMapContainer< WORLD_OBJECT_TYPES >
 Cfmt::internal::TypeSelector< FitsIn32Bits >
 Cfmt::internal::TypeSelector< false >
 CTypeUnorderedMapContainer< OBJECT_TYPES, KEY_TYPE >
 CTypeUnorderedMapContainer< AllMapStoredObjectTypes, ObjectGuid >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
 Cu_map_magicRepresents a map magic value of 4 bytes (used in versions)
 CTrinity::UnitLastSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::UnitListSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::UnitSearcher< Check >
 CUpdatableScript< TObject >
 CUpdatableScript< BattlegroundMap >
 CUpdatableScript< Creature >
 CUpdatableScript< DynamicObject >
 CUpdatableScript< GameObject >
 CUpdatableScript< InstanceMap >
 CUpdatableScript< Map >
 CUpdatableScript< TMap >
 CUpdatableScript< Transport >
 CUpdatableScript< Weather >
 CG3D::UprightFrameCoordinate frame expressed in Euler angles. Unlike a G3D::Quat, UprightFrame always keeps the reference frame from rolling about its own z axis. Particularly useful for cameras
 CUTF16< CharType >UTF-16 encoding
 CUTF32< CharType >UTF-32 encoding
 CUTF8< CharType >UTF-8 encoding
 CWaypointMovementGenerator< T >
 Cfmt::internal::WCharHelper< T, Char >
 Cfmt::internal::WCharHelper< T, wchar_t >
 CG3D::WeakCache< Key, ValueRef >
 CWeatherWeather for one zone
 CWorldThe World
 CTrinity::WorldObjectLastSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::WorldObjectListSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::WorldObjectSearcher< Check >
 CTrinity::WorldObjectWorker< Do >
 CWorldSessionPlayer session in the World
 CWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >JSON writer
 CG3D::XMLEasy loading and saving of XML and HTML files